#go sophie whoo whoo
imaramennoodle · 3 years
it’s almost one in the morning but I can’t sleep so WHOO hcs for after the series/ war is over:
Sandor stays in the lost cities with Sophie for years
The gang eventually grows up and gets their own houses, but not before they’re introduced to the concept of neighborhoods and decide to build their homes near each other
Amy and Bex get married and adopt a kid, and Sophie absolutely loves them despite hardly being able to see them
The wanderling woods are suddenly a lot more full of saplings :,)
Keefe showed up at Havenfield one day and Sophie basically yelled at him for half an hour before just crying because she was so glad he was home (he showed up at Everglen afterwards and Fitz and Biana did nearly the same thing)
sometimes there’s days where nobody in the squad can really fall asleep so they have a movie night and watch cheesy Netflix rom cons
elwin legally adopts keefe :) the council was like “yeah no” to both of his parents after the whole neverseen thing
della divorces alden! divorce alden 2k21
Alvar (if he’s not dead? im still not sure if he’s alive or what) and Ruy are eventually pardoned for their crimes (after a very long [and mentally painful for Emery] debate) and open a flower shop in Atlantis (yes I want ravioli leave me alone)
almost everyone who was in the black swan keeps panake (?) petals with them all of the time
stina becomes a doctor (what’s it called there I don’t remember 🏃‍♀️). no reasons for this I just think she’d be good at it
pyrokenisis is unbanned ! marella becomes a mentor for it at foxfire/ wherever her help is really needed
the elves ALSO get a better system of what they do with kids that would go to exillium
Jensi is talentless and joins the Council after someone retires
it is revealed that all along, fintan was the florida man (this is a joke but also 👀)
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
Sophie: "Mr. Maxwell wants his money so he can flee. Let us deprive him of escaping justice for turning patients into drug addicts."
Parker: "Then we go... Let's go..." [gestures encouragingly at Sophie] "Then we go s...." [mouths STEAL] "...steal..."
Sophie: "Let's go steal 20 million dollars!"
Parker: "Whoo!" [claps her hands together in delight and dances after Sophie; Eliot looks down and smiles]
Harry: "Somebody's gonna have to explain this whole phrasing terminology thing to me."
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theunmappedstar · 3 years
thoughts on fitz vacker?
i think fitz is actually a complex character. this might be me, but i’ve never seen a character in the position he’s in be given a struggle with controlling his anger and then be told, “actually, you need to work on this”. 
most of the time, male characters in this position in books are portrayed as “sexy” and “alluring” because of their anger, whereas women in those positions are portrayed as either cute and helpless by the man (which puts the idea in the reader’s head that she isn’t to be taken seriously when she’s upset) or that she’s unladylike and needs to control her temper (placing her underneath the man’s heel so that she shuts up and hides her emotions).
i think it’s good that fitz is shown with this flaw for multiple reasons. as i’m saying above, it’s good because it makes him a well-rounded character and not just the “perfect boy”. and it’s also good because it builds a facet of sophie’s character (in moderation) and doesn’t give in to the the stereotype of “this behaviour in men is okay and attractive”. 
now, i’m not saying people don’t have the right to be angry - in fact, i agree with fitz’s anger (but we’ll get to that later). however, i love the fact that his anger is not necessarily condoned. while it’s justified and characters/readers can empathize, it’s not condonable. i believe there’s a difference: we can understand that fitz uses this as a protection for himself because of the ways he’s been raised, but we also accept that it’s not healthy and fitz will need to grow and learn to cope in another way. 
and sophie is learning to understand this, too. at first sophie tries to ignore it. she very much seems to believe it will either a) go away if she ignores it or b) she can learn to cope with it in her own way, in sense. however, we see her drop this in Legacy. there is a moment between the two where fitz finally speaks his mind (whoo communication!) and sophie finally accepts, “this isn’t right, this isn’t for me”. sophie throughout this relationship actually grows one of her skills that are important for future connections - communication and the act of putting her foot down.
sophie seems very much like the character to get swept aside in her romance, as we see in the first few books. she’s taken by fitz. she loves just about everything he does and she almost refuses to see a flaw. but, as the books go on, sophie begins to note that fitz isn’t this golden boy. he’s a normal boy - and yes, that’s okay.
fitz and sophie’s relationship wasn’t just for the glamour: it allowed for more development surrounding the two characters and their mindsets. because not only does sophie learn to be assertive and speak up when something bothers her, but fitz is beginning to learn that his way of coping may be effective to keep him safe from the guilt, but in the process it endangers others. specifically those he loves.
fitz is a family-centered person who cares deeply for his friends. we see this in the ways he protects and constantly attempts to serve them. i don’t believe his anger exists with malicious intent: i believe he hasn’t understood until now - until he saw that flash in sophie’s eyes - that it’s destructive. he is destructive and his temper is becoming untamable. 
 fitz acts in this way during stressful periods in his life because he, as an elf and a prominent one at that, has not been taught the correct way to react under high-intensity situations. especially not as a child watching his world burn. he is putting himself at risk of death for the organization that is technically against the government fitz was essentially set to idolize since birth. everything he was taught about his world is being challenged.
upon bringing sophie to the lost cities in book one, fitz was excited. he thought it was amazing to get to bring her into a world that he saw as fancy and glittering and perfect, away from the dirty and rampant world that he had been told sophie lived in. and every day, every week, every month, and every year fitz spends with her, his image of this world and its people is flaking away. it’s being torn from him. fitz is finally being forced to confront and see the fact that it is not perfect - it’s far from it. everything he was told to believe was wrong.
and yes, he doesn’t know how to react. so he’s angry. he’s angry at the lies he was fed and he’s angry that it can’t be the truth and he’s angry that he led sophie into the fire and he’s angry that he’s in constant danger when he was promised peace.
....anyway, i should probably stop because i’m just rambling and there’s no exact way i am taking this, so! i hope some of this makes sense :)
IN SHORT: i love him.
bored? send me a “thoughts on” ask!
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histrionic-dragon · 4 years
The Real Fake Car Job and The Broken Wing Job
Note: May have lots of typos because my computer is suuuuuper laggy today for some reason and fixing them is extra-frustrating.
Real Fake Car Job
I like all the little bits in here about what they’d all do if they weren’t thieves/if they retired/if they would or could ever retire. Eliot just kind of assumes he’ll take over the brewpub (aww) and he makes sure that Parker and Hardison are on the same page, because he correctly guesses neither of them has thought of that (awww).
“We’re the Mackelroys,” they say, eerily synchronized. I love this. It’s part of the dynamic between Eliot and Sophie: they both get a kick out of kinda unsettling people. They’re both clearly having fun.
Also: “Acting strange? In Portland?” Heh.
Eliot’s fancy sports car appears again! Love it. --And then the world’s most ominous Home Depot run! “Are we being suspicious enough?” *Eliot hands her an axe* “Never mind.”  They are totally enjoying this.  “For future reference, you can chew right through that kind of rope.” Sophie mimes chewing.  And then--! “Any other handy tips from when  you used to *hwk*?” *throat cutting motion*  jfdkl;ajs Sophie! Don’t joke about that!  ...But also, I feel like she’s the one who he’d be least bothered by their bringing it up, for some reason. (The grammar in that last sentence is terrible, butyou know what I mean and I can’t easily come up with a more elegant way of phrasing it.)
And then she has the gall to say “Eliot, you’re what’s scaring me.”  I agree with Eliot, though, I think he could do normal better than Sophie. Sophie can play a million different kinds of normal, but they’re all roles, and she wants to have multiple roles, and ... I think Eliot could commit to a fairly normal life, albeit with some unusual hypervigilance and very distinctive skills that come out at odd times, better than Sophie could.
Crap! Cops! And they’re in the bright orange sports car that would be highly noticeable at the best of times!
Wait, she’s not really a Marshall? Or she’s planning to sell them out??  --What does Nate want with orange soda!?  --Now the real mob is here!??!?!?
*Nate dumps out the soda* “Wha-- That’s the good stuff imported from Mexico!”  Great Hardison line--which he then immediately improves by listing all the reasons Nate’s idea is crazy, then they get shot at and he’s like “yeah okay let’s go.” And they ride off into the sunset in the old car! Whoo!
The Broken Wing Job
The cuts to whatever’s happening in Japan are just great. I think this is another one for the favorite episode list.
It opens with banter! And then Parker’s hurt and going stir-crazy.... “Best meal I ever had was in a French prison”--oh DAMN, better not say that on coms or Eliot’s gonna be pissed it wasn’t his food. His food made you feel things!
I like Parker on pain meds talkign to the bear.
She’s gonna solve/prevent a crime while injured! Territorial Parker! No other thieves in her restaurant, no sir.
Now she’s on the phone with Eliot. What’s he do--  Oh. Samurai duel. ‘K.
VENTS? When you’re hurt like this? Parker.... (I admire her dedication. Really. but also...Parker...)
“You brought a gun? to my bar?” Ohhh yes territorial Parker.
I really like Amy.
Aww, Chicken Parm guy.  :( I hope she helps him somehow too.
“One of us. People who have to help.” YES! So happy and proud that Parker thinks of herself (and the rest of them) that way now.
C’mon, Parker! Mastermind her through it.
Oh no! They’re early! Ohhh crap, they were timing off her? --Oh no, she was the target all along! No!
--Pain pills in the coffee, I get it, nice.
Parker trying to do the comforting thing, even though she’s not quite sure she’s doing it right (look at her face)--very nice.
“Next time maybe mention the family business is multinational.”
And Romeo and Juliet’s dates are cops! Aha!  --She got shot! Nooo---but Chicken Parm Guy will help! Good for him.
This is a very exciting episode.
“You’re in over your head”--no, she’s over your heads. On a rig. Lurking. I betcha.
Aww, they’re giving him every dish to try. <3   And it ends on family movie night!
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Last Dam Job
the saga of eliot using normal everyday items in fights: on this week’s episode of leverage we have eliot repurposing two fire extinguishers as weapons
- - - - -
Eliot: Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
Hardison: Where's Parker? We can't --
Parker (landing on roof, putting her head in the window): You heard the man. Go!
Eliot: Man, just go!
(Hardison drives away)
Parker: Whoo!
parker yelling at hardison upside down through the drivers side window is chaotic and I love her for it
plus her crazy laughing as they peel out of there
parker is crazy and hardison and eliot love her for it
- - - - -
eliot and quinn making a business deal while systematicallly taking out thugs
- - - - -
parker taking the girl’s LOLLIPOP LMAO
Daughter: Dad, who is this?
Archie: This... (looks at Parker) This is my daughter. (takes her arm
Parker: See you later, sis
- - - - -
Dubenich: Uh, Dubenich, but that's all -- that's all right. I just want to thank you for the early release.
Latimer: Hey, it's amazing what you can do with a couple of governors in your pocket
that’s so fucked up
- - - - -
Dubenich: I don't care how far underground he's gone. I'm gonna find him. Move!
(Hardison and Chaos enter the cavern, looking around)
Hardison: No. You got me a Batcave?! A Batcave?!
wow they took underground that literally huh
plus, good for hardison for getting a batcave. it’s what he deserves.
- - - - -
during the briefing everyone is sitting with their counterpart and I kinda love that
- - - - -
Quinn: How many fingers do you need to type? Round down.
quinn is done with chaos and it’s valid
- - - - -
Quinn: You can call it a back door. It's a good thing.
(Quinn tosses Chaos over the rail and jumps after him)
quinn, internally: payback is sweet
- - - - -
Latimer: A year?! You made it impossible for Hardison to hack us with a computer, so he hacks us with a clam?!
- - - - -
hardison calls archie sir because he loves his daughter
- - - - -
- - - - -
Hardison: Wow. This must be how Eliot feels. I just realized -- this is how he feels all the time. Just want to hit something.
getting on the same level as your bf
- - - - -
parker dropping down from the elevator shaft and flipping her hair made me gayer
- - - - -
I’d expect nothing less from archie than to steal the sword
- - - - -
Eliot: You know a lot of things, Nate. You don't know how this is gonna change you.
Nate: You handled it.
Eliot: Well, you have no idea who I was before all this... started. That guy -- kid -- he had God in his heart, and he had a flag on his shoulder... Clean hands. And I ain't seen him in the mirror in over 10 years. And believe me... I get up every morning looking for him. So you can trust me when I tell you, you pull that trigger, and two men die -- the guy you kill... and the guy you used to be
even though he doesn’t want to think about his past, he does, and he willingly reflected on it with nate because he cares about him and doesn’t want him to make the same mistakes
- - - - -
I fucking LOVE the meme where eliot runs from out of the frame and tackles someone
- - - - -
sophie and maggie being friends is something I didn’t know I needed
+ when they team up to roast him
- - - - -
I love it when the team is seen on tv (like when eliot was on tv with the puppies etc)
- - - - -
hardison and eliot’s secret handshake
- - - - -
Archie: No reason you should care, but I approve of your young man very much.
Parker: I do care.
Archie: How does that feel?
Parker: Weird. But I think I'm getting used to it
parker has grown so much and archie can see it!!! and he cares about her and her growth!!!
- - - - -
- - - - -
Eliot: You know, somebody locked Jimmy Ford in that warehouse. Wasn't you, was it?
he cares about nate getting retribution
Head Thug: You know I have a gun.
Eliot: Yeah. That's what makes it fair
I will N E V E R get tired of his quips to the guys he fights
- - - - -
why is nate always shot in the shoulder
- - - - -
Nate: My son would be ashamed of me if I was a murderer. (lowers gun)
Dubenich: Yeah.
Nate: My father, on the other hand -- he'd buy me an ice cream. (raises gun)
ain’t that real tho
- - - - -
Eliot: We can't get a car in there. Come on! You can't have a batcave without a Batmobile.
Hardison: You can have a Batcave, man, just --
Eliot: How are you gonna get a car in there?
Hardison: It's a car. It ain't a boat.
Parker: Just ask him!
Hardison: Nate! Can we keep the cave?!
Nate: We are not keeping the cave!
Eliot: I told you. I told you, didn't I?
Hardison: Hey, hold it. Don't be so hasty. Look, hear me out. Two words -- Eliot signal.
Eliot: Hey, Hardison, man, what are you talking about? Like a light you would shine up in the air, huh? How does that work? And how would you see it during the day, first of all? And what would you put on it? Like a wolf?
Parker: Ooh, yeah.
Eliot: Or a knife or a wolf? A wolf is cooler. See, I'm into that!
this is yet another chaotic ot3 moment and all I want for them is to have a batcave
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ericsonclan · 3 years
A Magically Sweet Competition
Summary: Everyone gathers together for a fun gingerbread house competition before winter break.
Word Count: 3922
Read on AO3:
“You excited?” Sophie's bright voice drew Violet’s attention away from Prisha and over to the redhead who sat at a table donned in yellow and black colors.
“Yeah, I guess,” Violet gave a shrug.
“I think it will be fun, all of us participating in a gingerbread competition.” Prisha’s thumb brushed over the top of Violet’s thumb. That made the blonde’s heart skip a beat as she smiled over towards her girlfriend.
“Better get ready, Soph. Ravenclaw is going to take it this year,” Renata smiled over at her best friend who was busy talking with Omar about a spell that could mimic the effects of the grand hallway so she could use it in the Hufflepuff dorms. Renata sat comfortably on Minnie’s lap who had turned into a blushing mess and was trying to count the candy that was on Gryffindor’s table.
“You got that right,” Louis strolled forward hand in hand with Clementine through the doorway that had appeared in the brick wall.
“I wouldn’t count Gryffindor out,” Clementine smiled up competitively at her boyfriend who was about to speak up when another voice appeared right outside the room of requirement.
“Fuck yeah! Gryffindor’s gonna kick ass!” Mitch leaned on the brick wall while Willy ran forward with Allison under the space his older brother had created.
“We’re here!” Willy declared proudly. “I brought Alllie too!” Allison gave a short nod before taking a seat along the wall with Willy.
“Please, Hufflepuff has this in the bag,” Mariana strode forward with a confident smile. Gabe and Nurgul were walking beside her, their fingers intertwined as they whispered towards each other. Mitch scoffed and opened his mouth when Marlon ran forward, a bead of sweat running down his face.
“Shit, sorry, sorry. The Quidditch team meeting ran late.” Marlon’s eyes brightened when he saw Sophie and immediately made his way over to spend some time with her before the competition began.
“They sure make you put in the work, especially considering its nearly Christmas break,” Aasim appeared through the doorway walking side by side with Tenn who he had run into on the way to the room of requirement.
“They want to make sure we’re in shape for when Quidditch starts up again,” Violet stated simply. Prisha’s expression looked more concerned. She always got that way whenever the sport was brought up.
“Who else are we waiting for?” Louis leaned back in his seat at the Ravenclaw table.
“A bunch of Hufflepuffs and Jesse. I think that's it.” Mitch moved over towards the Gryffindor table with his hands shoved in his robe pockets. Everyone moved around and began to sit round their house table besides a few of the couples who wanted to spend some more time together before having to go off to their separate tables. The wall had returned to normal, the bricks moving piece by piece until the entrance was covered.
After a few minutes the brick began to move again and revealed Brody and Ruby who were holding bags upon bags of candy they had secretly bought in Hogsmeade. Mitch ran over and instantly helped his girlfriend with her bag, stealing a quick kiss. His romantic gesture made Brody blush as she brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her eye. Ruby locked eyes with Aasim who blushed before waving at his girlfriend.
Sophie let out an impressed whistle as her friends placed the different bags of candy onto the table in the middle. “That’s quite the stash you snuck in.”
“It was nerve-wracking,” Brody let out a shaky breath before a small smile covered her face. “But also really fun, right, Ruby?”
Ruby looked over at her best friend and gave a warm smile. “That’s right. Usually I don’t condone sneaking off school property but seeing this is the last time all of us will be here during the winter time I thought I’d made an exception.” Ruby’s words dampened the mood in the room for a split second. Everyone knew she was right. Most of the students went home to their families during Christmas break. Only a few like Violet, Louis and Marlon would be staying at Hogwarts for the holidays besides Prisha who had also decided to stay behind this year. She seemed rather happy about the decision, almost as much as Violet although the blonde was more subtle about it than her girlfriend.
“Oh, there’s James and Jesse,” Louis pointed through the open brick wall and towards the couple that was casually walking hand in hand towards the room. They were completely lost in their conversation as they strolled without a care in the world besides each other. Slowly James lifted up Jesse’s hand and placed a gentle, loving kiss on it. It made the Gryffindor’s heart pitter patter as he smiled over warmly at his boyfriend. After a minute the pair entered the room, refusing to let go off each other’s hands until they needed to.
“Hello, hope we didn’t keep you waiting too long,” James gave a gentle smile at his friends.
“Not at all,” Clementine responded and snuck a piece of candy, tossing it in her mouth.
“In fact, your timing is perfect,” Louis got up from his spot and moseyed over to the center of the room with a dramatic turn, his Ravenclaw robes fluttering in the wind as he flashed an excited grin. “Welcome to what is sure to be the first in a long-lasting tradition of friendly gingerbread house-making competition!” He shot up his hands and was met with mixed reactions. Some like Willy and Renata clapped enthusiastically while others merely got up from their spots to join their respective tables. “Now before we start, we need to clear up who’s on some teams. Allie-”
“Allison,” The Syltherin corrected with a blank expression.
“As the lone Syltherin here, you will be joining the greatest house: Ravenclaw!”
“Whoo! We get Allie on our side!” Renata swung an arm around Allison who gave a faint smile at her friend’s enthusiasm before returning to her neutral expression.
“And as for the Hufflepuffs since you’re such a huge, lovable group of badgers we must, sadly, split you into two teams.” Louis wiped away a mock tear.
“That seems fair,” Sophie nodded along and leaned back in her chair. “We do have a lot.”
“The numbers are still skewed,” Prisha shook her head.
“Agreed,” Aasim had a small frown on his face. “Ravenclaw seems to have the least amount of participants.”
“Well, you’re the smartest house at Hogwarts, right?” Clementine had a smug expression on her lips. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“True,” Aasim nodded in agreement with a smirk.
“Thank you, my darling,” Louis gave a playful wink over to Clementine who blushed slightly at the gesture. “Now back to who’s on which Hufflepuff team.” Louis cleared his throat. “I will choose at random. Hmmmmmm,” Louis’ fingers waved around wildly. “Sophie, Tenn, Mariana, Gabe and Nurgul.” Gabe and Mariana fist bumped before he and Nurgul shared a smile, clearly happy with that decision. Sophie and Tenn high fived and Louis’ smile grew as he continued to talk. “Which means James, Ruby, Brody, Violet, and Omar make up the other team of Hufflepuffs!” Everyone seemed happy with the teams and soon the groups were at their respective tables and ready to start the competition.
“The rules are simple,” Louis called out from the Ravenclaw table. “We all will have two hours to work on the gingerbread houses. Magic is allowed and candy is appreciated. Once the time in this fancy ass hourglass is empty,” Louis motioned over towards the device which Renata displayed dramatically, “We will choose which is the most radical gingerbread house of all!”
Everyone nodded and chattered in agreement.
“Alrighty then, my fellow Ravenclaw, start the timer!” Louis exclaimed loudly and Renata turned over the hourglass with her wand. As soon as the sand started to pour down the tube the different houses began their work. The first Hufflepuff table all started to discuss things while Tenn and Mariana worked to place the gingerbread pieces onto the cardboard house.
“Can we use these chocolates I got on the house?” Nurgul asked, holding up chocolates wrapped in bright blue and gold paper.
“I don’t see why not!” Sophie smiled brightly over at her friend.
“Oh! We could use it as the roofing,” Gabe bounced slightly in his seat then paused for a moment, deciding whether or not to speak up. “Can we, ummm, put sweet tarts on the gingerbread house too?”
“Sounds like a plan, boss!” Sophie gave a thumbs up over to her fellow Hufflepuff whose smile grew at those words. Within minutes Tenn and Mariana had gotten all the pieces of gingerbread up. The two best friends smiled and high fived in victory.
“Good job, you two,” Sophie ruffled Tenn’s hair and then proceeded to layer the gingerbread with icing for all the different types of candy. Every type of candy was valid and had a place on their gingerbread house. The team of Hufflepuffs laughed as they continued to focus first and foremost on getting as much candy as possible onto their house. But it was a double edged sword: while it made the gingerbread house extra tasty and colorful, the weight of the different candies was starting to affect the shape of the house.
“Oh, cheeseballs!” Sophie groaned as a wall slid down.
“That’s okay,” Mariana leaned forward and grabbed a gummy worm. “We can cover the gap with these.” “That sounds like it’ll work,” Gabe helped his sister as they covered mistake after mistake. Meanwhile Nurgul and Tenn were spreading powdered sugar over the tinfoil to make it look like freshly fallen snow.
“Oh,” Nurgul’s eyes brightened when a thought entered her mind. “I have an idea!”
Tenn glanced over and looked in awe as his friend used her fingers to make little indents in the snow, making it look like someone had walked towards the house.
“Whoa, that’s really cool!”
“Thanks,” Nurgul smiled and brushed off the powdered sugar on her hands.
“Keep it up, team,” Sophie continued to use the icing as glue to keep the house upright. “Hufflepuff’s gonna take it this year!” She sent a competitive smile over to the Gryffindor house. Minnie returned the smile while Marlon had a smug expression on his face as he opened another bag of candy.
“Alright, Jesse and Marlon, if you could get started on putting the pieces of the house up then Minnie and I can work out the other details.” Clementine directed.
“Meanwhile Willy and I are going to make this the most badass gingerbread in all of Hogwarts!” Mitch had a smirk on his face as he high-fived his younger brother. The two began to work with their magic to make a small bomb that would explode with a spell, covering the house in the colors of their Hogwarts house. While that was happening Clementine was instructing Jesse, Marlon and Minnie on the design based off their common room. Marlon and Minnie worked to make the smaller details with candy while Jesse and Clementine were making quick work of the bigger decorations.
“Oh, fuck!” Mitch’s voice drew his team’s attention just in time to see the candy paint bomb blow up in his and Willy’s faces.
Willy laughed and began to lick the sweet paint off his face. “Look guys, Mitch and I made an outhouse too!” Willy gave a drumroll as Mitch flicked open the outhouse door, revealing a gingerbread man squatting over the hole in the outhouse. With a quick swipe of his wand Mitch activated the spell on the gingerbread man who dropped a brown jelly bean into the hole. Mitch and Willy laughed and looked over at the other Gryffindors. Some seemed to enjoy the humour like Marlon while others like Jesse returned to their work right away.
“Heh, shit like this is gonna win us the competition!” Mitch huffed and leaned back in chair.
“Maybe,” Minnie reached forward to push some candy on the icing when a bag of Skittles fell off the table. “Shit!”
“Got it,” James caught the bag and handed it over to the Gryffindor with a gentle smile.
“This is why we’re gonna win: cause you Hufflepuffs are too soft.” Mitch smiled over at the table.
“It’s called having manners,” Ruby crossed her arms with a frown.
“Besides, you just blew up an icing bomb in your face,” Brody looked over at her boyfriend with a teasing smile.
Mitch seemed to shut up at that. “Well…. I,”
“Nice shithole,” Violet nodded over to the outhouse as she worked with Omar to secure some candy to function as lights on the roof while James put a spell on them.
“Thanks,” Mitch smiled proudly then turned back to his brother. “We should make a doghouse!” “Yes!” Marlon’s eyes practically sparkled at that idea. With that the Gryffindor table continued to work diligently, albeit a bit chaotically on their gingerbread.
“I would argue that using a base of three would make the most sense structurally for a gingerbread skyscraper,” Aasim gestured to the tinfoil base where the Ravenclaws had removed the house structure. If they were going to win this, they would do it by flaunting their brain power as much as they could.
“This is why I’m the highest ranking amongst the Ravenclaws,” Prisha leaned forward and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Using a structure of four would give more support for all the candy.”
“But it would be shorter,” Aasim huffed angrily.
“But it would be a more secure base,” Prisha rose to her feet.
“I highly doubt that,” Aasim rose up from his seat.
“Wow, it’s sure a good thing you made so much gingerbread,” Louis munched lazily on  a brick of it as he glanced over at Renata who seemed distracted, staring over in the direction of the Gryffindor table. “Renata?” “Hm?” She looked over at the dreadlocked boy. “Oh, yeah! I made plenty.”
“Sneaking a glimpse at Minnie?” Louis wagged his eyebrows playfully.
“Yep! Just like you’ve been doing with Clem!” Renata stated it simply; it seemed like nothing ever embarrassed her. But that sentence sure did make Louis a flustered mess.
“I… Clem… looking respectfully,” Louis scratched the back of his head and glanced down. Renata chuckled and elbowed her friend. “I’m just teasing ya. Anyway, you see what happened over at the Gryffindor table? I wonder if it’s true that Hufflepuffs will pick up any candy we “accidentally” drop.” Renata did the air quotations which made Louis’ eyes grow large when he saw where this was going.
“Only one way to find out,” Louis tossed a bag of M&Ms in his hands before dramatically dropping it by the closest Hufflepuff table. “Oops!”
“Here you go, Louis,” Brody paused in her decorating and handed over the bag of candy.
“Thanks, Bro.” Louis smiled and took the candy before turning towards Renata. “Seems legit so far.”
“Time for my participation in the testy test.” Renata took a bag of gummy bears and chucked it directly at Sophie. The redhead caught the candy with ease, leaning back deeply in her chair.
“A free snack, Ren?” Sophie shook the gummy bears.
“Take one and pass it back!” Renata instructed. Sophie gave a nod, tossing a gummy bear in her mouth then tossed it back, causing half of the contents to end up on the floor.
“Hey, don’t waste our candy!” Prisha snapped over at Louis and Renata who gave short nods and waited for the others to continue to argue before continuing.
“Care to be part of the test?” Renata wiggled a pack of assorted candy in front of Allison. The Slytherin glanced at the bag before taking it and tossing it over to Willy, hitting him square in the back. The Gryffindor jumped slightly at the sudden attack but after looking over to see it was Allison his smile grew and he mouthed a thanks then snatched up the candy.
“Eh, good enough,” Louis shrugged and the Ravenclaws continued on with their shenanigans.
“So, I was thinking we put the gumdrops here to line up the walkway,” Brody gestured towards the display. “Then we make them change colors at random.”
“Sounds fine by me,” Violet placed the powdered sugar around the tinfoil.
“Can we have the jellybeans on the roof glow too?” James looked a bit nervous at his own suggestion but the warm smile on Ruby’s lips put his mind at ease.
“I think that's a grand idea, James.”
The second team of Hufflepuffs worked together with ease. Each of them offered up reasonable ideas and wishes for the gingerbread house, only pausing here and there to pick up the candy that Renata and Louis would purposely drop their way.
“Seems like our other table is having fun,” Omar noted, drawing his friends’ attention over to the other Hufflepuff table. Sophie was waving her wand this way and that while Gabe and Nurgul were working on lining the pavement completely, getting too lost in their conversation to make it a straight path. Tenn and Mariana were busy using colored icing to make cool designs on the very limited parts of the gingerbread that was still showing.
“I don’t know if their house will be able to hold up all that candy,” Violet watched as Sophie held up a corner and urged her brother for help.
“Better than how Ravenclaw is doing,” Brody nodded over at the Ravenclaw table where pure chaos was ensuing. Aasim and Prisha were still in a heated debate. Prisha had taken the initiative and had set up a base of four gingerbread bricks but that didn’t stop Aasim from striking back with his idea of what the base should be. The next part of the tower only had three pieces of gingerbread to support it. Louis and Renata hopped this way and that, sticking different types of candy and icing on the beginnings of the gingerbread skyscraper. They had grown too impatient with their friends’ arguing to wait for it to be finished. Allison quietly added on whatever the hell she wanted to as well, the faintest hint of a smile on her face while doing so. The second Hufflepuff team watched in silent awe as slowly but surely the Ravenclaw’s creation was falling over. But before it could the Ravenclaws noticed and the pair that had been arguing this whole time held it in place while the other three worked to pile whatever candy they could to make sure it didn’t fall over.
“It looks so cool!” Willy’s excited voice made them glance over at the Gryffindor’s house. It looked nice albeit a bit sloppy in areas here and there. A level chaos ran throughout the whole thing, the handiwork of the Gryffindor brothers. Clementine, Jesse and Minnie continued to work on the main house while Mitch and Willy worked on the next version of the candy bomb that would cover the gingerbread with pop rocks. Marlon was humming happily to himself while he made a dog house that he was rather proud of.
“Well, let’s not spit away all our time,” Ruby’s words made her friends focus back on their own gingerbread house. The rest of the time flew by in a blurred chaotic mess for everyone besides the second Hufflepuff team. When the sand had run out, a happy chiming noise signalled that time was up and the teams all lifted up their hands and stepped away from their creations.
“Alright, now it’s time to judge the different houses.” Louis declared. “Let us start with the masterpiece that is the Ravenclaw skyscraper!” His announcement made Renata do a wild spin and hold out her hands to display the work. It was a sloppy, ill-conceived building that was barely standing up. Icing was slathered around the base and all around as different candy and words covered the sides. With a wave of her wand, Renata made a few cracked corners sparkle while Louis’ wand magic made some lights flutter for a few seconds. Half of the team looked proud of their work while the other hid their faces in embarrassment. After some chattering the group of friends moved onto the first Hufflepuff’s team’s gingerbread house.
“Get ready for the sweetest gingerbread house you’ll see at Hogwarts,” Sophie gazed at their creation with pride, the other team members looking happy as well at their creation which was completely covered roof to ground in different types of candy. Not a single inch of gingerbread was showing on the house. It was a sort of impressive feat that the structure was still standing at all. It seemed like they had been so focused on making sure every voice was heard regarding candy that they had forgotten to put any magic spells on it. After a few minutes of examining it the groups moved onto the Gryffindor house.
“We decided to base it off our common room,” Clementine explained with her hands on her hips. Each of the Gryffindors looked at it, clearly proud of their accomplishments when Mitch and WIlly jumped forward.
“Get ready for the most kickass magic of all!” Mitch nodded towards his younger brother who exclaimed some incoherent spell that made the bomb explode. It covered the plain house with bright red and gold but that icing paint job was sloppy at best.
“We can also make this guy take a shit,” Mitch opened the outhouse door which made the gingerbread man drop a brown jellybean. The magic tricks were met with mixed applause. Renata, Sophie and Louis seemed especially in awe at the magic tricks. After some talking, the groups moved towards the final house.
“So, it's a bit simple,” James warned with an apologetic smile.
“But we put out hearts in souls into it,” Brody added and gave James a reassuring smile. Each of the members took turns activating the different spells. The first spell made the gumdrops along the walkway glow before they bounced around and switched spots. The second spell made the powdered snow swirl around and float in the air for a few seconds, making the third spell come to life as the gingerbread man spun around in the snow. The final two spells made the jelly beans glow different warm colors of green, reds, yellows and whites. All of the friends stared in disbelief at the magical gingerbread house the second Hufflepuff team had made.
“Well, I don’t think anyone will argue who the true winners are of the first annual gingerbread house-making competition. It’s... drumroll please,” Louis’ request was met by a sea of different drumrolls including his own. “The James, Brody, Ruby, Violet and Omar Hufflepuff team!” The announcement was met with loud cheering. Everyone gathered around the winning team and congratulated them before Renata asked the important question.
“So now can we feast on the gingerbread houses?”
Sophie let out an excited gasp and looked around with heightened anticipation.
“I don’t see why not,” Clementine strode forward and took a gumdrop from the Gryffindor’s creation. That seemed to signal the others that it was okay. Soon everyone was digging into all the gingerbread houses except the winner’s one. Many of them thought it was too cute to destroy, at least for right now. Everyone laughed and filled their bellies with sugary goodness, enjoying the final day together before they had to go their separate ways for Christmas break.
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Let’s talk Pennymoore! do you think Julia is using Sophie? Also, what about that kiss?
I am always down to talk about Pennymoore, because why the hell not?! Sophie and Nulia look so aesthetically pleasing (no shade to Ruby) and the chemistry is on point. I still think it’s a little weird to be dating your ex’s ex, but it’s such a lesbian thing to do. I had a feeling when Julia saved Sophie from the bullet, that something was going to pop off between the two of them. WHOO BOY! Was I not wrong lol
I really hope that Julia is not using Sophie that would break my heart. Sophie deserves the world and them some. I am hoping that’s not how it goes.
And THAT kiss was everything! So tender, and soft, and just swoon worthy. Sophie said ‘fuck it’ and went with it twice. It kinda sucked that Kate had to witness their kiss, but I am over the moon that it happened.
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darklingichor · 4 years
Howel's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
I love the Howel's Moving Castle movie! I love the characters, I love the story, the animation is amazing, it's one of my favorites.
I'd been meaning to read the book for years but just now got around to it.
I listened to this one (you can multitask much easier while listening to an audiobook, plus pollen is trying to kill me and my eyes hurt so audios are being consumed much faster than words on the page books)
The narrator Jenny Sterlin is brilliant!
The book is very different compared to the movie. Several things, I knew about before reading. That magic is far more commonplace, that Sophie has some hidden talents, that she has two sisters, and The Witch of the Waste is a serious villan.
What I didn't know was that Howel and Sophie are both little shits in their own right! And I mean that in the best way possible!
There was a hint in the movie of how vain Howell is, and it is implied that Sophie is stubborn, but in the book? Whoo boy!
Sophie is meek and scared when the plot really starts, but it becomes very clear very quickly that she knows good and well how things should be done and she's not afraid to do it, yes, most of her confidence comes from being under the spell making her an old woman, but there are hints throughout the book that she was a girl to be reckoned with, able to deal with her sisters' tantrums, able to help with the business.
She was able to fully come into her own while under the spell but the potential was always there, which is fantastic because it makes her a likeable character with an annoying trait
Howel is clearly vain, to the extreme, but I sort of got that it was a combo of insecurity, and his disire to fall in love. He becomes infatuated easily. He thinks he has to make himself pretty to get the girl interested. Like Sophie he is a loveable character with an eye-rolling trait.
Anyway I adored this book and although the bones of the plot are in the movie, I don't want to go into it too much because some of the best parts were the parts I thought I knew, but turned out to be very different
Give this a shot if you love the movie!
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jq37 · 5 years
so...... thoughts on the first ep?
**spoilers for start spreading the news**
What is UP you guys? The new season of Dimension 20 is out and your girl is back (implies I left, which is false) with only the hottest of takes.
Usually I vomit up my opinions with little rhyme or reason and, don't worry, I'm not changing that format any time soon. But, because of the structure of the episode, I think it'll be easier to use headings and go through each character/element of this. So let's do this y'all!
The Setting
I think the best thing you can do as a writer or a creative person in general is the make something that only you could make, you know? Like, make the thing that only someone with your specific life experiences and weird brain could have come up with. And I really think that this is that for Brennan. I already talked about this in other posts, but the version of NYC that Brennan created for this game is that to me. Like, magical NY has been done, but the specific details? Who else could have written, "The annual SantaCon is actually Santa dumping all of his defective clones into NYC where the magic barrier that keeps normals from seeing magic will disguise them and the protectors of the city will be able to deal with them"? That's so specific and so wild and so New York and so Brennan.
And I haven't lived in NY for so long but I've had one winter here and the way he describes what it's like to walk down the street during winter in the city is so real. Like smelling garbage then laundry detergent then sugared nuts from those corner stands and you're freezing and then baking in the subway in your coat. That was so so real. (I will be saying this phrase a lot so get used to it now)
And I like that he didn't make the obvious choices, you know? Like we've had three, like, magical figureheads across D20 and those are usually classic old, white, possibly British roles, you know? Like a Gandalf or a Dumbledore. But he had Aguefort in FH and now Esther and Alejandro in TUS. I just think it's cool that we're getting some different archetypes to fill these roles instead of the same dude c.p'd in again, you know?
Also, the fantasy NYC map is so dope. I wanna go back and try to read everything on it when I have the chance. 
Ally is a DRUG DEALER. I thought Pete was gonna be a stripper but he's a DRUG DEALER. Honestly, I could have figured this out sooner if I'd just checked Urban Dictionary like I did just now and found out that "plug" means "someone who is a resource for obtaining something valuable that would otherwise be difficult to obtain" or, more simply, "drug dealer". But I'm glad I didn't because it was much more fun to find out in real time.
Ally makes some character choices sometimes that are too specific to not be rooted in life experience and that whole microwave cheese monologue was one of them.
Pete's official diagnosis is that he has "a lot going on."
Ally almost won MVP line of the episode with, "Shot my tits off." Murph losing it in the background killed me almost more than the actual line.
I really, really want Pete's doctor to be a recurring character because he is wild in how wild he isn't. He has so much wild stuff happening around him and he is in a wild line of work but he seems like a relatively stable guy. I love him. Also, the completely wrong cadence he used to say, "lgbt ally" was gold.
Is Ally ever gonna have a character with a good relationship with their parents? One time? Ever?
I literally don't even know how to begin to address the wild magic trip Pete went on. Like, I don't think Ally knew what they were doing when they decided to be a wild magic sorcerer. I don't think they knew what kind of challenge they were issuing to Brennan. And after seeing the wild nonsense Brennan consistently came up with for Jer'ih'meh in Bloodkeep, I can't want to see the insanity he spits out for Pete.
"You're the one who they they wanted to play a wild magic sorcerer."
Also, Brennan just using lyrics from "New York, New York" for whatever dream demon or whatever was going on in that trip was, like, equal parts clever and hilarious. Sidenote, do you think all the ep titles are gonna be from songs about NY? I mean, there are enough songs I bet.
Pete has this thing where he constantly lands on the exact wrong part of the situation to focus on. Like later when he gets stuffed in the magic closet at the hospital and he's like, "Hospitals are so advanced, also go much is this gonna cost?" Ally's comic timing on that is always perfect.
WILD that that was the first intro. Like, way to kick off the new season with a bang.  I really wonder what this episode would have felt like if this was the last intro or if the intro for the two normal people hadn’t been right at the top. Actually now that I’m editing, I feel like we almost got the intros from least experienced w/ this stuff to most experienced. Because Pete is a total noob. Sophia is also a noob but she has met Kugrash at least once. Then you have Ricky who’s only been in this for about a year. Then Kingston who probably has more experience than Kug by years but Kug has been a rat man his whole life (presumably). Finally Misty who is probably like a BS amount of years old and steeped in this stuff. Honestly,  if I was DM’ing, I might have fudged the die rolls to look exactly like how it turned out. 
Emily describing her character and slipping into her character voice gradually as she went on was so pro.
"Like if Fran Dresher went on an Amy Winehouse bender." I love her.
"Did you not want baby bangs?"
"She's a WHOO-OAR."
I'm gonna die if Brennan make than woman an actual succubus because of an offhanded comment.
My favorite thing is when Emily is saying some nonsense and she can barely even get through it without breaking. Also, Murph is so visibly amused by Emily's entire intro. It's great.
I love that both of the "normal" characters spent most of this episode intoxicated in one way or another.
So Emily absolutely won the episode in my eyes for coming up with one of the sickest burns I've heard and in real time. A dude tells her to read his dick and she, after only a momentary pause, says, "No I'm not gonna read your dick (beat) because I don't read short stories!" Brennan doesn't even make her roll. He just narrates her success. The table goes wild. The bar she's at goes wild. Zac specifically is cracking up. Like, I feel like this is gonna be a little bit of a deep cut reference but did any of you ever play the Monkey Island games and do the insult swordfighting? That's what that scene was. Amazing.
Murph's, like, entire posture and expression (@ 1:24ish) when Emily is saying Sophia thinks she saw a giant rat man who gave her an egg sandwich and Gatorade is total gold.
"Gotta kill some brain cells to kill the ones with the memory of Dale in them."
OK so funny story (funny to me at least) at the Fantasy High live show, I was talking to some other girls who were there and we ended up talking about how the small of a woman's back is basically the worst place you can casually touch them outside of the really bad places and how viscerally terrible it is so when Brennan said one of the trolls touched one of the girls there and Sophie/Emily was like BIG NOPE, I had a That's So Raven flashback to that conversation immediately.
Emily leaps into action...and rolls a nat 1 to fight a bunch of trolls. She actually does really well in the rest of the fight though so that's good.  
Oh, also Siobhan made everyone dope themed dice boxes!
I hope Dimension 20 runs for the next 10 years and I hope Zac plays a good, big, doofus in every single season.
"He's basically like Superman if Superman were Japanese." Love.
Also, I love the distinction that he's 5' 8" but buff.
Ricky surrounded by a raging fire: First of all, that's a cool bear.
I like the way that Brennan skinned the cleric and paladin powers for this game so they're more about values than deities. I was wondering how it was gonna work in this setting and I think this was such a cool way to handle it.  
I really think Brennan has a great handle of presenting certain things in such a way that it's interesting for the players as well as the audience. Like, when Ricky is trying to escape the burning apartment, he puts an obstacle in his way that forces him to use his Paladin powers (to create water specifically). It's not really a hard "puzzle" or something he has to roll for, but it introduces to the audiences that he's not just a firefighter. I just think it's really cool that he's able to pull off narrative things like that without actually controlling the characters. (And, props to the players too, of course, for being so consistently entertaining).
"Mr. March."
Ricky in the middle of the winter: I'm not as tan as I used to be.
Ricky rooftop runs like a freaking superhero.
OK, this is barely related to what I'm talking about right now but it's important to me that you all know this. I commented in an earlier post that Ricky clearly had circus music playing in his head at all times and then I was like, "Hmm, I wonder what that one circus song is called." You know, the song that you think about immediately when you hear the phrase "circus music" so I looked it up and APPARENTLY it is a CZECH MILITARY MARCH known alternately as (brace yourselves) ENTRY OF THE GLADIATORS and THUNDER AND BLAZES. I kid you not. That's actually what that song is called. I called my brother and told him immediately. OK, back on topic.
Is a questing blade a thing? I feel like it's a Thing from legend or fairy tales or something but, when I Google it, I come up with basically nothing.
Does Ricky have a thing for Esther or is he just a super awkward texter and nice guy who does not want to be set up by his sister for a different reason?
I need Brennan to explain how the Santa Question works in this world. The question being, "Why don't parents freak about the gifts they're not buying?" and, side question, "Why don't poor kids get presents?" My go-to answers are always, "He Jedi Mind Tricks into thinking they bought them," and, "He has to work within each family's socio-economic means in order to not be obvious." So there are def plausible answers. But, like, this is something I like to see addressed when we're doing the "Santa is real," thing.  
"I grew up with twins and one of them was worse than the others so that makes sense."
"Is Santa good?"/"The ethics of it are alarming, I won't lie."
So, my paranoid thought for this episode is I'm a little Concerned that someone down the line (maybe Esther, but hopefully not) is going to take advantage of Ricky's Big Dumb energy and his "It's the right thing to do," mentality and manipulate him into doing something Not Great. Like, it's not based on anything besides mainlining a ton of media over the past 24 years but I'm just gonna keep an eye out.
Re the Santa/Peppermint Zombification: Hey Brennan, turn your location on. I just wanna talk.
I have to say, from the bottom of my heart, what the hell?
That creeped me out in the same way that episode of Adventure time where Princess Bubblegum (infused with the primal elemental candy energy or whatever) turned everyone into Candy people and everyone started singing Let Me Call You Sweetheart. What a weirdly specific body horror thing for me to encounter more than once. That one peppermint tooth thing is gonna haunt me. 
I gotta say, props to Lou for pulling a complete 180 on the kind of character he picked this time around. He went from playing this super extra rich pretty boy to this salt of the Earth quasi patriarch and he's just as comfortable with it. Kingston is so real. I went to church with like 50 guys like him back home.
Why are you fighting so hard about free food Kingston? Take the free homecooked food Kingston!
The intensity of his, "I will be here until I die," was hysterical.
Mentioned this before but I love the flavoring of the cleric class where instead of being attuned to a deity Kingston is basically attuned to the entire city. Also, the perks are excellent. Bus service anywhere for free. Sign me up.
I like that Ricky's sister works at the hospital. It's a really cool potential connection for later.
"We're gonna take the thing outchyo butt. We're not gonna deny you medical services."
"Aint nothing wrong with being a freak." --Kingston Brown
Fantasy creatures having to deal with updated tech (like the Toll bridge trolls talking about EZ-passes) is one of my fave urban fantasy tropes.
"I've got a really sweet smelling man here!"
"Yeah, my tooth fell out and now it's a candy. Hey, how much is this gonna cost?" This is what I’m talking about. Priorities my dude.
I love that Kingston knows Pete's weird mob doctor. It seems like part of his deal is that he just knows everything about everyone in the city (within whatever parameters).
Pete says, in quick succession about Ricky, "I feel like he would bully me," and, "He seems like a golden retriever," which I feel are almost mutually exclusive statements.
Well, I asked what kind of druid nonsense was happening in Central Park and the answer is Murph apparently.
I really wish I could have been there when Murph announced he wanted to play a literal rat.
"I am the shit that feeds the flies. A dumpster druid."
"Wherever you are rat Jesus, I love you." You're killing me Brennan.
Aww Kugrash goes around feeding the homeless and stuff. He's like this grumpy ass rat man who really cares about the community.
"Santa you fucking bum." --Kugrash
"I'm sorry are you a rat?"
The idea of a roach with a hobo sack pisses me off because it's adorable but roaches are the worst.
"Is Santa dead?"/"I don't know. I'm not religious."
"Santa Claus is real and he's DEAD."
Brennan loves to use the modifiers "full" and "fully" and I have picked it up irl and in my writing.
"Let's get a little fucked up and go see if Santa's dead!"
Just that whole squirrel interaction.
The sixth borough huh? Interesting. I see you Brennan.
Also, the detail that Kug's clothes are made from old MTA vests is great.
Siobahn is playing basically exactly the character I thought she'd be playing but she's doing it so much better and more extra than I could have imagined.
"A lady would never say her age, so I won't."
Is her pianist magic or something too? I have my suspicions.
So Misty gets some kind of bard and/or fairy high from praise and adoration which is interesting.
What kind of weird, morally dubious and/or unpleasant fae thing is Misty gonna have to do soonish? It's not gonna be good. Fae stuff never is.
"I don't study magic. I just *am* magic."
So many of these intro vignettes end with, "You don't know that...but you do know who does." Like I said before, I really love the weaving together of all the story threads to get everyone in the same place at the same time in an organic feeling way.
Also he makes all these transitions sound cinematic, like he's writing the description parts of a movie script and not narrating in person.
Public Library! I knew we'd end up here eventually but I didn't know it'd be pretty much immediately. Like, if you're going w/ the "NY is magic" premise, the library has to figure in, you know?
Emily immediately having Sophia recognize Ricky as Mr. March was such a funny and on point character decision. I love how one-off, spur of the moment lines end up being running jokes because other players pick on them and drop them an hour later.
"Are you a rat?"/"Yeah, I'm a rat man!"/"I'm sorry if that was rude."
Brennan: The lions are alive and they're boyfriends.
Misty and Siobhan both are genre savvy enough to want to nip a knights/knave door puzzle situation in the bud.
Ricky on escape rooms: I'm not very good at them but I can definitely try my hardest. (Guys, I love him so much.)
Love me some MC Escher steps.
Underrated Misty line: It's all infernal to me.
Misty's little, "Ugh" at learning they have to go to Times Square is the real NY experience.
Is this Alejandro dude gonna die? What's the over under on this dude eating it very soon?
Misty encouraging Pete to shoot Alejandro is so needlessly chaotic which is a common fae trait and I really hope this escalates.
I dunno what Murph rolled for initiative but he looks like he just shamed his entire family line.
And we’re fighting an army of crazed Santa clones next week! We have literally just started and we are already fully off the rails.  I cannot *wait* to see where we go from here if this is the *starting point*. 
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hugsandhufflepuffs · 4 years
Thank you! @starraws for tagging me
rules: Answer 20 questions +5, then tag whoever you want
name: Sophie
nickname: B, Big, Bradshaw 
zodiac: Cancer
height: 5″5
languages: English
nationality: British
favourite season: Autumn/Spring (basically whenever the temperature is balanced)
favourite flower: The purple ones
favourite scent: Cinnamon, gingerbread, swimming pools, fruit salads, tbf most candles and shampoos
favourite colour: Purple!!
favourite animal: Niffler (ik they’re fictional but they’re so cute!!!!)
favourite fictional character: Peter Parker! Merlin! Dirk Gently! 11th Doctor!
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate 100%!!
average sleep: straight 8-9 hours baby! Whoo
dog or cat person: Usually dogs, but some cats can be super friendly
number of blankets: Either 1 duvet or numerous throwsss
dream trip: Assuming I can’t go anywhere fictional, I’d love to visit Rome, and I’d be very happy on another trip to Greece
blog established: Haha no idea
followers: Probs like 4
random fact about me: Errr, I dunno... I’m double jointed? That’ll do
following: 63
favourite film: Probs the Princess Bride
what bought me to tumblr: I was running out of Pintrest content
something i do every day: Hug my baby brothers they’re so cuttteeee
anyway i tag @ineedahearo
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littlejeanniebean · 4 years
Ep. 4 | Amy's Progress Vlog #4: Plumfield vs Laurence Labs
A/N: Previously in Amy’s world... (Should I have a separate masterlist for this??) Read on Wattpad! ~800 words of Amy x Laurie fluff + quarantine begins (dun dun dun...) Stay safe everyone! 
This amazing AU edit of one of my favourite ships is by @romkole​ :))
- J xx
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Amy: So… Aunt Sophie isn't happy. And when Aunt Sophie isn't happy, no one is. Allow me to illustrate.
Cut to "Draw My Life" style.
Amy (V.O.): Theodore Laurence I, the first in his family to go to college only to drop out and develop a highly successful anti-dating app called Code Red. Let's be real, it was bound to happen eventually. Basically, you're on a date, it's not going well, you call someone on the app who meets a criteria you've previously set in order to feel safe with them, and they come pick you up and take you home. Theo sold the app for a cool 2 million to Aunt Sophie's firm, Plumfield, but he didn't stop there. His next venture was a virtual support group app - another huge hit - and again, Plumfield bought it, this time for 4.5 million. 
Amy (V.O.): Next, Theo developed an A.I. therapist. It helps you by generating possible suggestions for how to live a better life, then it recommends you to actual therapists who you get to make appointments with at a reduced sale price. In honour of its release, Theo gave his first public interview and he was asked if he dropped out because he knew Code Red would be big. The answer was a solemn 'no.' He dropped out because his older brother and his brother's wife died in a plane crash and their son - Theodore II, whom you all know as Laurie - needed someone to take custody of him. Their own parents were still in South Africa so Theo I got a job at Best Buy and worked on Code Red by night.
Amy (V.O.): After that interview, he and his latest app were worth almost 10 million and this time, he wouldn't sell. He went so far as to buy back his other apps and since it was all so public, Aunt Sophie's team at Plumfield received a lot of backlash and lost a lot of clients for holding out on the underdog as long as they did. Theo then opened his own start-up accelerator to rival Aunt's and she's been on his ass ever since. 
Amy (back to medium frame, dramatic): And now to present day, Theodore Laurence II and Amanda Marena go head-to-head in the state programming contest individual category -
Laurie (leaps into frame): And tie for first place!
Amy (exuberant): In your face generational family feud!
Laurie: We're going to nationals, baby! Whoo!
Amy (picks up her phone which just pinged with an alert): Or… not.
Laurie (checks his phone, which also pinged): Oh, crap.
Amy: I have to call my mama.
Laurie: I have to call Jo.
Amy: Beth! Come here! Have you seen this? You have no school today!
Beth (stands quietly at the door): I know, I was going to the senior's home to -
Amy: Beth, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm calling Mama to tell her to come home right now -
Meg (comes in): I already did. John got the alert from the university. Everyone's closing down because of COVID-19. And Amy's right, Beth, we don't want to contribute to the spread, even by volunteering.
Amy (concerned): Does John still… have a job?
Meg: Yes, classes are all online.
Amy (groans): Public school sucks! What am I supposed to do now?
Meg: Khan Academy. You too, Bethie, Laurie.
Laurie: Well, I technically already know everything from last year -
Amy: If you did, you would've passed your SATs the first time.
Laurie: Well, you technically can't "fail" the SATs -
Amy: I'm commencing social distancing from you right now.
Laurie pouts.
Beth gives him a warm hug on his way out.
Amy is alone in her room again.
Amy: O-kay. It's begun. Oh! I never actually told you all why Aunt Sophie's been upset, she lost so much in stock options and whatever she was able to earn back she now has to put into slower earning GICs - "the turtle that wins the race" in John-Brooke-speak - and on top of that, all the companies in Plumfield's portfolio tanked. Laurence Labs isn't doing much better. Mr. Laurence is just an easier-going person overall no matter how much money he has.
Amy (sighs): I wanna be rich, you know. I wanna have means. That doesn't mean I'll be the next Aunt Sophie, does it? She kept going on and on when she was over for dinner last night about how she'd have to declare bankruptcy if this kept up or got worse, even though tech is literally the rare, unicorn field where you can work from home indefinitely if you wanted it bad enough. 
Amy (shakes her head at herself): It makes me think that if I want to be content, maybe I could in fact be an artist instead.
Mama (O.C., we hear her shut the front door): I'm home!
Amy (leaps up excitedly): On an indisputably happy note, we'll see a lot more of Mama now! Amy, out!
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dwtspd · 5 years
SYTYCD s16: Top 4 perform
Well here we are, fellas. The end is nigh.
That wasn’t the most well-rehearsed opening number was it? Saw lots of out of sync moments and unpolished details.
Gino and Sophie Jazz: Okay. Nice dance. Concept showed through - I can totally see this happening in a club. I feel Gino is uncomfortable with the showmance-ish route the show is kinda going with them. It’s by no means a full-out showmance as they’ve done before but the show is being suggestive and Gino is like leaning away from it a little (which is his right if he wants to.) He also didn’t have as much to do in this dance as Sophie. 7/10
Bailey and Mariah Smooth Jazz: So were the flowers a surprise? I love this style. Mariah got all the nuances. Bailey was really close too - he could have been lighter on his feet. But seriously, he has the best classical technique of all the b-boys that I can remember. When Dom said in the auditions that Bailey was the definition of dance, I thought it was a bit hyperbolic, but it’s not. 8.5/10
Really profound solo from Gino.
Sophie and Marko Contemporary: Ouch, coming out of the first spin it looked like Sophie landed on her face. I felt a tad disconnected emotionally from the dance, but there was good technique. 8/10
Bailey and Comfort hip-hop: BAM! That’s what you get with two rad hip-hop dancers. Great first half, then some details started to be slightly different between both of them. That applause!! 9/10
That solo from Sophie felt like she improv’ed it and started running out of ideas after the first few bars. Didn’t seem to feel like ‘her’.
Gino and Mariah Quickstep: Sharna and Artem got slighted by DWTS and immediately came to SYTYCD. Whoo! Props to them, quickstep is NOT easy. Frame was decent enough considering how long they had to rehearse. Footwork not bad too. They broke hold (HA) but Len Goodman isn’t here to harp on that. Lots of fun. 9/10
Bailey and Sophie Bollywood: Bailey’s b-boy background would have helped him with the movement style. He had a bit more bounce in the squat-based steps. What Laurieann said - lacking a bit of detail. For Bailey I think it was in his hands specifically. For Sophie I think it was in general trying to keep up. Lol that ending haha. 8.5/10
Finally started to feel Mariah’s solo in that one. It started out flat but she grew into it quickly and ended strong.
Gino and Melanie Contemporary: Ohhh my god. What a dance. Gino came through with the emotions, even when he confessed to being guarded in the video. I think everyone just kept expecting him to do well that it got to him a bit. Good that he’s had this personal growth, even if it’s not necessarily something translatable on stage all the time. This dance comes at a good time for him 10/10
Awwwww, the production was busy making Gino awkward by hinting at a showmance when Bailey was out here actually having a small crush hahaha. All the little moments they showed of them backstage were so cute though. This boy really knows how to work a crowd. The musicality in that solo was off the charts.
Mariah and Robert Contemporary: Okay. Robert and Mandy. I knew this dance had at least a 50% chance of being very blah to me. Emotionally, I was in and out of this. Sometimes Mariah’s expressions looked overdone (as was Mary’s tears after), but I believe she truly felt this dance. Visually, it was a very beautiful dance. Breathtaking moments. Lovely lighting. Blend of technique and transitory steps. I like this type of contemporary. 9/10
Wait, we’re already sourcing auditions for next year???
Gino and Bailey Broadway: I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DANCE. Now this is the couple to beat. Haha. Sorry girls. These two were so good together. There were some moves that were more up Gino’s alley and some up Bailey’s, but they both held up next to the other and danced TOGETHER. Fantastic storytelling. 11/10
Mariah and Sophie Hip-hop: so they’re mean girls. We’ve all heard of those people. So my one gripe with this dance was the handbags. They felt kinda extra, but also added to the character. I guess I wish they were incorporated better. Both girls really sold their character. 7/10
Alright, those were the last of the dances before the finale next week, and the crowning of a new SYTYCD champion.
My rankings are 1. Bailey 2. Gino 3. Mariah 4. Sophie
Although I won’t be too mad if the ladies switched. But I’ve been on Team Bailey since the beginning and his process has only cemented my support for him.
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Sunday 19th
Sophie: *quietly* “Okay, girl, concentrate. Con-cen-trate. Fuel all your energy into this.” 
Amelia: “Sophie, who are you talking to?”
Sophie: “Myself, don’t worry.” *quietly* “Concentrate. If you pull this off, maybe that’ll fill the void.”
Amelia: “What?”
Sophie: “Here-I-go!!” *kicks the ball up high as she backflips*
Eplis: “Whoa!!”
Sophie: *landing in the on-back-keeping-it-up-with-legs position near-seamlessly* “Whoo!! Oh- oh my god, I did it! Oh my god. Mama, Bibi, look, I–”
Laurel: “Yes, I can see, but not so close to the bed next time! You nearly broke your foot doing that!”
Eplis: “Wait, feet can break?”
Amelia: “Oh yes, and that’s not fun for anybody. Just ask your mother.”
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histrionic-dragon · 4 years
Thoughts on The Carnival Job
This gets long, so more under the randomly-placed cut.
“He’s translating his grief into controlling his world”--I really appreciate all Sophie’s observations about the marks-slash-Nate across this whole series.
“Spires! Greatness!” This is awesome.
“Did he just take my dirt?”  Yes, he just took your dirt, and you’re offended that he stole your dirt.  (Well played, Nate.)
We are six minutes into this episode and I don’t see any hint of a carnival. I expected Parker to be cleaning up on one of those twisty-rope-ladder scam things by now. Hmm.
All the “smart house” stuff that Hardison is talking about was pretty conceptual at the time, but a lot closer to reality now, ten years later! Heh.   Ooh, and Eliot is here. We have the whole team in the field in the same place!
“Guy can’t watch his own daughter?” --Correction, Eliot is here and Grumpy Big Brother Mode has been activated.  *puts chin in hands with a big anticipatory smile*
Oh! Oh!! He’s all “these are my lines, kid, I’m supposed to pretend I don’t like fun--are you--do you actually not like fun? You are way too cynical for a kid and I’m not sure if I’m annoyed or concerned. Grr.”
“Talking to her is like talking to...well, an Eastern European housekeeper” is a GREAT line.
Aww, Hardison looking at Parker through the spy-video-glasses. <3 Have I mentioned they’re a cute couple? Or they’re cute about each other, I guess; we haven’t seen them acting super couple-y.
Ohhh dear, the cute little green frog-bot-thing offended Parker....
I think this is the first time someone has ever accused Eliot of being motivational (in the optimistic sense, not the “do it or I’ll break your arms” sense, anyway), and watching him deal with that is fantastic.
Eliot likes teaching people, doesn’t he? He taught Sophie how to punch, he’s done lots of other little things I don’t remember right now... he was even kind of coaching the guy trying to kill him in The Rashoman Job whose phone he answered (”Why are you sending second-rate thugs after me?  *aside, to the guy with a knife sticking out of his shoulder*-- If I’m not honest with you, you can’t get better”).
“Go. Have fun.” Eliot’s also not quite sure what to make of that!
OK, I have to stop pausing to write reactions every 30 seconds, this is getting ridiculous.
--OK but I have to say this!! (1) The giraffe? Amazing. Thought she was going to make Eliot carry it too, but clearly they needed that to show her disappearing. (2) Team goes into full protective mode!! RAR! I love you, Leverage Consulting and Associates! (3) With a special side of vindictive/proud squee for “Nate, if I’m engaged...” “Do your worst.” YEAH, you don’t involve KIDS in your messed-up schemes. Eliot will kill you if you make him and Nate will back him up. (4) She’s going to remember and use the earpiece at a convenient time,  of course.
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Really cool shot, really cool music.
Oh no!!! Eliot!!!
I suspected she was involved. Didn’t think she was the boss, though.
Aw yeah, Parker!!
Oh man....this jerk wouldn’t stand a chance if Eliot hadn’t been punched by a carnival ride ten minutes ago.   .....He’s closing his eyes. He’s getting rid of the confusing mirror crap and--  Damn. Eliot Spencer is a scary sonofabitch.  And he’s gonna save this kid.  Whoo.
(Also? Bucky feels intensify.)
YEAH I knew Hardison was going to do that. :D
“I made her for you.”  “....I love it!” *hugs the bot*  And she’s naming it after you, Hardison. Awww. :)
OK, this is now one of my top favorites. And I have GOT to liveblog in less detail because it shouldn’t take me 90 minutes to watch a 42-minute show.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Radio Job
leverage 4.17
Nate: “We’re” not going anywhere -- I am. It’s personal. (leaves)
*later, hardison has information pulled up on the monitors. the screen literally reads: “where nate is going”*
Hardison: I’ll tell you where he’s going. He’s headed to the United States Patent Office in Alexandria, Virginia. Nate even cleared out his browser so we wouldn’t know. It’s adorable
- - - - -
Hardison: Uh, what doesn’t he want? A cure for the common cold, warp drive, a water engine. People, everybody knows the government is sitting on futuristic technology at the patent office.
Parker: They are?
Hardison: Oh, damn straight, girl. Under the invention secrecy act of 1951, the US government has sealed away over 5,000 patents that they say is a threat to national security. It’s all just sitting right there chillin’, locked away in a super-secret vault.
woah that’s fucked
Parker: Is there a time machine?
Eliot: There is. Yeah. Yeah, not so much a machine as probably a portal, though. You don’t really sit down as much as --
Parker: I’m gonna go get that portal, and I will go --
Sophie: Okay, okay, Guys!
okay I LOVE how enthusiastic the ot3 gets over this
- - - - -
Sophie: Fine. Off to the U.S. patent office, then. Let’s go steal a –
Parker: Let’s go steal a time machine.
Eliot: No, you don’t steal –
Parker: I’m gonna steal the time machine.
Eliot: Messing with this damn time machine, man!
Hardison: That’s just on TV. There’s no real time machine, is what I’m trying to say.
this is such a chaotic ot3 moment I love it
- - - - -
the ENTIRE rappelling scene
Hardison: This is the plan?
Parker: Uh-huh.
Eliot: Mnh-mnh. (heads back up the stairs)
Parker: Get ba—
Eliot: Hey, hey. Eliot: Get back down here!
Parker: Go get him.
Eliot: Damn it, Hardison!
we love ⅔ of the ot3 being exasperated by the other ⅓
(A few minutes later, Hardison is strapped into a climbing rig and attached to a rope with Parker and Eliot checking his harness)
Hardison: Why y’all always pushing me off of stuff? Don’t I get a say? I vote no!
Parker: We don’t have a lot of room for error.
Eliot: You can do it if you stop squirming, man. Just stand still.
Hardison: Hey, hey, hey. Where’s Nate, okay? Frank Petrino, arson investigator, was a rock-solid alias.
Parker (to Eliot): It might be easier if he’s asleep.
Eliot (to Parker): Want me to put him to sleep?
Hardison: Hey! I’m standing right here, okay? It’s not my fault y’all can’t spoof a CCTV.
Parker: Relax! (grabs his shoulders) We’re gonna lower you really slowly, but if you bump into anything, the walls, the windows, anything, you will set off the alarms.
Hardison: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. It’s like the game “Operation,” except I’m the tweezers. Look... Whatever you do, do not drop me. Come on. I’m tired -- I’ve had it. Being pushed off of damn buildings and stuff and windows.
(Eliot and Parker share a look and push Hardison off the ledge)
poor hardison
Hardison: Wh-o-o-oa! (comes to a stop inches from the floor) Really? It’s not funny. It’s not funny. I see you laughing. I see you laughing. I’m a person... Human being! I got feelings, and I don’t feel none of this. I’m tired of being pushed off of stuff. We all having a serious conversation when this is over with. (takes a step forward) This is... s-squishy. Oh, peed my pants. All right
my sweet summer child hardison
- - - - -
Jimmy (referring to radio): Do you believe this guy? Blames all our problems on immigrants. (turns off radio)
bruh that’s america for you
- - - - -
are you fucking KIDDING ME eliot beat people up with a role of duct tape ???
- - - - -
Eliot: Hang on. I want to tell you something. If you wouldn’t have been so selfish, you could have had another pro here just like yourself, and I’d be fighting two guys instead of just you. This may have turned out differently for you. I’m just saying.
Thug 3: Aaah!
(Thug 3 swings again and misses, Eliot blocks and hits him several times, knocking him back to the ground)
Eliot: You got to learn to share. Where do they get these guys?
I LIVE for the conversations eliot has with the goons he fights
- - - - -
parker working with nate and his father being a mastermind in training
- - - - -
[Patent Office Warehouse]
Hardison (going through items on a shelf): “Run a radio play.” A radio play takes a week to set up.
Parker (riding something down the aisle behind him): Incoming!
Hardison: Hey! Trying to make a radio play using... whatever.
Parker (backs the item behind him): Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Hardison: Woman!
Parker: What? (rides the item back down the aisle) I’m trying to help you?
Hardison: You know what? Then you want to help? Get me something that I can actually use...
Parker (holds up a Mr. Butler): Oh, hello. I’m Mr. Butler. You like a sandwich?
Hardison: Yes. Thank you
parker is a child and I love her for it
- - - - -
sophie with the fake pregnant belly (and how it freaked her out earlier in the episode)
Paramedic (listening to the Belly): Okay, well, heartbeat sounds... normal. Absolutely, perfectly, almost mechanically normal.
Sophie: 👀😬
- - - - -
Eliot (walking away from window): Welcome to the party, pal.
Eliot (tosses radio to the floor): Yippee-ki-yay, mother--
eliot is a nerd who quotes action movies
- - - - -
eliot, hardison, and parker army crawling behind nate like little ducklings
- - - - -
Sophie: Where do you think he’s going?
Nate: I don’t know, I-I—
Parker: Where? Don’t you mean when?
(Jimmy walks out of the building holding some sort of device. He dials 1962 on the display and disappears)
[Exterior Street]
Hardison: Now, why would he go back to 1962?
Nate: Don’t encourage her
never, ever change parker
- - - - -
Parker: What is that?
Hardison: It’s a bow tie. Bow ties are cool
hardison is ALSO a nerd and we love to see it
- - - - -
Jimmy: Tell them -- tell them…how much Jimmy Ford loves his son
- - - - -
how eliot screams nate’s name and the panic on his face
how the team rushes to get nate after the explosion
- - - - -
this episode in summary:
wHaT tHe FuCK
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silviasutton1989 · 6 years
THE TRUE KINGS *Ch. 1 “The 1st Victim”
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Face Claim: OC Count Isaac Bartus by Alexis Popas, Duchess Olivia  Nervarkis by Sophie Turner (but will sometimes change to Lily Cole) and King Liam by Daniel Henny other Characters will have face claims as well in the future
Author’s Note: Y’all I am so nervous right now! This is the most I have ever worked on a fanfic so I really hope you all enjoy it. It has taken me a month to get enough written up where I feel I am ready post it. Drake and Riley’s story will be in the future chapters as well. HERE IS THE TRUE KING!
Summary: With the unsuccessful end of Cordonia’s new King’s social season comes new challenges. Olivia is finally over her un-reciprocated feelings for Liam, she questions should she give her old friend Isaac another chance, Liam has to prove to his people he can rule his country without a queen. And everyone has to watch their backs as a new threat descends upon Cordonia. The True Kings are here and the only thing they want more than the crown is blood.
Word Count: 2000 +
Rating: NSFW (I’m going to rate every chapter Mature and NSFW because there is a great deal of violence sex mature subject matter course language and probably a lot of other bad things I cant think about right now.)
Mick was patting himself on the back for how well he could mask his thoughts. As he served each privileged unworthy noble their fancy champain at their fancy ball with their fancy clothes, through his smile he could only think--
“In a few hours I will kill you. All of you."
This job had been the best one yet finding a gig through the dark web wasn’t easy. Many people who would inquire any type of kill would eventually chicken out before he could even get his hands dirty. But not this one. No, this one came with a round trip ticket –several tickets for his crew- a fancy hotel and best of all money. Yes, this job paid in folds. And if all Mick had to do was find a willing crew to help, fly to some foreign place called Cordonia and kill some cocky basted who thinks he is literally a king that money would be easy takings.
He tried his best to keep the pleasantries but he was getting antsy, and the damn bow tie Boss made him and his crew wear was starting to throttle him.
“Excuse me young man.” Mick turns around to see a gruffly old geezer staring at him. He assumed the man would probably look a lot younger if it weren’t for that permanent scowl on his face.
“What—I mean ...Yes Sir?”
“Well as I told one of the other waiter’s the toast will be starting soon. I'm sure the King paid a great deal of money for you and your serving crew to be here it would be such a shame if I have to come to him with this mater...Hmm” He coughs and tries to straighten his chest the bastard didn’t even know how close he was to death. “As I explained to your other server, Beaumont’s must toast with Merlot. I have been asking for a bottle of Cheval Blanc for the past 20 minutes! I can’t stress enough how important this—“
“Sir let me get right on that!” Mick tried his best to look hospitable but he clearly looked agitated, his smile showing all front teeth made him looked pained like someone was sticking him with safety pins. He brushes past the old man deciding it would be best to let the geezer have his last drink than to wring his neck right there.
Mick walks over to one of the double door, waiting is a tall lanky waiter leaning on the wall, holding up an empty serving tray in his hand.
"Geez  Fuller! Boss said we're supposed to look like the staff. Put some drinks on your tray at least Geez!" His exasperated sigh is loud and makes Fuller straighten up.
"Sorry Mick but this party is boring. Hell they can't even get drunk right.  These pompous windbags need another glass of wine like they need  a hole in their heads. Heh heh."
The two chuckle to themselves. "That may be true but we have to look the part Boss is paying us good money to hit our targets and we wont get the chance if they fire us before the toast." Mick looks around the ballroom the crowd filled with wide eyes and laughter. Putting a few drinks on his tray Fuller leans toward Mick, "So which ones you plan to pop first. I was thinking that short haired blonde over there. She has that whole tragic "die while your young and beautiful" thing going for her. I figure I'd do her the favor."
"Let me guess you tried to flirt with her?"
"Heh Yeah the stuck up bitch just laughed in my face....all I said was "hi" and she cackled and walked away like I was a joke... we will see whose laughing tonight." Fuller chuckles as he watches the girl in the crowd, it wasn't hard to spot that emerald dress.
"Focus Fuller, we have two targets the king and his mistress. I need as many bullets in them as possible. After we kill them then you can get whoever else  you want. Speaking of which have you seen the King?"
"Oh yeah he stepped out of here bout 5 minutes ago with some red hot little number. Heh, by the way he looked at her they weren't going to do much talking." Fuller laughs is uncontrollable as a noble reaches for a glass. The noble gives him a questioning look before walking away. "If you ask me that's the best way to die, a fancy party, tasty food, the finest woman on her knees.. wooo! That's a lucky man!"
"That lucky man is going to die tonight, you fool." Mick looks into the crowd seeing the old geezer from a moment ago, they lock eyes as the man raises his wrist in the air and starts tapping on his shiny watch in frustration.
"Look I gotta go...give everyone the signal to be ready. It's time to lock the doors. Keep your's open so I can get back in. Boss all ready left so it's go time I need you all to focus.
"Chill Mick, this party is all ready dead!...Get it dead Ha!"
As he walks out the door he can still hear Fuller's laugh. Even through the music, he can hear the sounds of the doors locking on the other ends of the ball room. Fuller gave the signal, everyone is ready, now the show is only missing it's leading players: The king, and his mistress.
Mick tried to find the damn uppity crap drink that geezer asked for but he didn't want to go too far from the ballroom. It was almost showtime.
"Do you know how you looked out there? With his hands all over you like that? You have to think about your reputation " "My reputation? You dragged me out here to tell me to think about my reputation?! Liam I don't think I need your help in that department. In fact I think you are the last one since you're the reason my reputation is what it is." "I have no idea what you are talking about. I have done nothing but protect and defend you. When you were being blackmailed who got the Intel to help find out who did it? I'm just trying to be your friend here and tell you you are doing yourself  great disservice the way you are acting out there." "Liam I could go out there bare naked and what everyone says about me wouldn't be any different, it would just add to it. That the only reason I am still around your court is that I foolishly think you will marry me. Yeah now they may think I'm a whore too but....what's the difference between a dumb fool waiting for love that never comes and a whore? So thank you for the pep talk Liam but I don't need your help not now not ever. So don't drag me out here and act like you're giving friendly advice when really you're just jealous some has the balls to openly show they want to be with me, Liam."
Mick was about to past the bickering couple when he heard that name.
That's the King's name right? He quickly ducks to a nearby door, peeking over the corner to see if the two noticed him. They didn't, both were too busy trying to get the last word. He had them! Both the king and more than likely the mistress together and alone. This was fate; he could do the job right now and have time to grab some of those cream puffs before anyone even found their bodies. As he reaches for his gun he hears footsteps approaching he ducks further into the door trying his best to blend into the shadows.
"You know what? Do what you want I'm trying to be a friend and look out for you. I have to go give this speech. Maybe you should wait before coming in behind me."
The king walks right past him before he could get a shot.
He leaves the shadows of the door into the light of the hallway as he watches the King walk into the ballroom.
"Who are you?"
He quickly turns to see the mistress. He forgot about her. Fuller wasn't lying, she is a beauty, but her eyes are staring daggers at him.
"I asked you a question, sir, and don't try to to say your a waiter those combat boots are a dead giveaway."
Before he could react she sees the gun in his hand and her eyes grow wide. As if on cue, she kicks the gun out of his hand.
"Guards!" She screams but only once. The lights go out. His hands are over her mouth in a second but her screams wouldn't have mattered anyway since the ballroom was clearly in its own chaos.
Damn they started without me!
He needed to get in there this was his mission how stupid would he look if it was his men who took out the King and not him. But this fiery mistress was going crazy in his arms, flinging from left and right trying to spring free. He swings his body fast and hard to the wall. He hears the dull thumb sound her head makes on contact, then she stops moving.
The lights come on and he sees the people running from the ballroom.
On another side of the castle it is quiet and serine, nothing at all like the madness just a few yards away. There's a young woman in the driver seat of a large black van. She isn't startled by the sounds of  the van's back doors opening. In fact she's been waiting for the ten men to come back for hours. The van shakes slightly as they pile in. She can clearly hear that Fuller is still wired from adrenaline. Maybe it all worked out they killed that King guy now they will get paid and she can leave these psycho guys alone for good.
"I got one of them I just know it! Whoo! Shit this is better than sex I tell ya! Who you guys get?"
"I think I stabbed some girl. We should have practiced. Shoot everyone was running like crazy. Who'd you get Stunner?"
"It seems like you losers forgot the mission and I didn't see Mick so me and Marty went for the King."
"Whoo....No Shit?"
"Yeah No shit. The bastard clothes lined me, couldn't even draw my damn gun on him. So I moved on to the other target. What the fuck happened to you Marty?"
“Dude! He punch me!  He cracked my effin’ mask I didn't want my cover to be blown so I shot some random dude and I bolted. I think we really should have been informed on his defensive skills."
The men all agree in their own ways, as the young girl in the driver's seat turns to them.
"Where's Mick guys?"
They all shrug, scratching their heads trying to think of the last time they saw him.
"You idiots probably didn't even kill the targets AND you lost the guy that has our money?"
Her question never got a chance to be answered as the van’s back doors swing open once more. A body dressed in a long gown is thrown Into the van's floor right at the men's feet. There's a bag over her head and her hands are tide behind her back. Her screams are muffled as she squirms on the floor.
"So you started without me huh?" Everyone's attention moves from the body to Mack as he closes the van's door and sits next to Fuller. “Did anyone get the King?” No one answers him, too confused and embarrassed to speak.
"Mick you never came back and...well when the King started his speech...that's what we practiced. We couldn't miss our chance.” Fuller trails off. “What's with the dress?" He points to the squirming body below them.
"Oh, her? Well with you all fucking up the plan I had to make some adjustments to make sure we get paid....boys bow to the King's mistress." Mick's chin perked up as he watches all the men stare in awe, everyone but Stunner.
"Um... Mick you sure you got the mistress? I could have sworn I shot her."
"As sure as my name is Mick. Heard the two having a little lover's spat during the party. This is definitely our girl. I figure we hold her for ransom get a couple extra bucks. We can always kill the king later."
He lifts the body placing her in his lap.
"Be fore we kill her I have got's to see what make's her so special."
Mick's hand slides up her thigh. He bunches up her dress in his hand, and as if on cue her head leans forward before rearing back slamming into Mick's nose.
"Shit!" he howls before throwing her back on the van's floor.
The group chuckles until Mick looks up.
"Well why are we not moving? Let's Go!"
The young woman turns over the engine and begins to drive through the deep trees just as she was instructed. But she can't help but watch the body on the floor through her review mirror. She bet the girl behind that mask was a spoiled brat who didn't appreciate how good her life was. She also bet, being a King's mistress, she had to be beautiful. The young woman laughed at herself, she was jealous of a kidnapped soon to be dead mistress. But despite how senseless her feelings were she couldn't look away from the body and those beautiful deep red ringlets of curls that spilled out of the bag covering her head.
Tagging: Many of you requested to be tagged but I have terrible memory so I’m going to do a random list with each post. If you do or do not want to be tagged let me know. @boneandfur  @darley1101  @choiceswreckedme  @tmarie82 @tonyamariestark @gingerjane15 @sephkleio @zeniamiii  @july30th2013 @blackcatkita @alesana45 @choiceswhodunnit @livingfreetothefullist @pixelberry @pixelberryy @drakewalkerwhipped @drakesfiance  @endlessly-searching-for-you @american-duchess @snyggflicka @mrsdrakewalkerblog @jlouise88 @andy-loves-corgis @butindeed @josieschoices @speedyoperarascalparty @drakelover78 
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