eternallysantanassass · 5 months
Hello Tumblr World!
I know it's been 84 years since I've been on here. I have come back for a minute because my email notifications were completely off the rails. New followers, lots of messages, and tons of questions. So, I decided to do a general life update. Where to begin...
*I graduated last year with my master's in psychology with a concentration in Forensic Psychology
*I recently started my Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology (I want to be a college professor).
*My not so tiny human got married, and I will be an abuelita next month. If my little nieta does not make an appearance before then.
*I moved to another state. I started working as a reunification specialist and a person who evaluates the family and if a child/adult should go back or if they should be placed elsewhere (so much fun, but also stressful, and very emotionally charged).
*I still have Arya, she just turned 4
*I've been taking care of my mom...she has moderate memory decline. It's not quite dementia yet, but we know the diagnosis will be coming soon.
New followers: There is a new influx of Quinntana shippers that found their way here. I don't know how you found me, but welcome. Feel free to check out my Quinntana tag, also the Nayanna Rivergron tag. You will not be disappointed. We are the classiest and most flawless ship in the Glee fandom. Please keep it that way. We have a reputation to uphold.
Fic writing: I am no longer writing fic of any kind. I have officially retired from writing as real life has taken precedence.
So, yeah. That is pretty much it. My life in a nutshell. I hope you enjoyed this little update.
Until next time, my lovelies-xoxo Nayanna Rivergron ;-)
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2 years. 2 freaking years. I saw what today was and tried not to think about it. Yet, here we are. You would think in time it gets better. It stops hurting, and you can only smile. Newsflash: it’s not better, it still hurts, and a smile is just a smile.
I remember my phone blowing up with texts, and Twitter notifications talking about Naya. I did not want to believe it. I held on to faith and prayed to the universe that everything would be okay. Nope, shit went left real quick.
Naya made an impact on my life by playing Santana Lopez on Glee. I knew her from previous shows she was on, but it was Glee that she captured my attention. I saw a person that looked like me play an openly Afro-Latina lesbian in mainstream media. Yes, she was a minor background character in the beginning, but Naya/Santana drew my attention no matter where she was on screen. She was that charismatic and memorable.
I embraced my inner bitch and kept it moving. It’s a shame that her life was cut short. There was no telling where her star would have taken her. It breaks my heart to know that her precious baby, Josey will go through life without his mother.
Naya served her purpose whatever it was. The world is a lot darker because she is not in it.
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I did a thing. Got these beauties yesterday. I have the digital copy, but wanted to get the physical for reasons. The nice, beautiful, and charismatic woman put them in plastic sleeves for me. They are going in a case.
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I dare you to write fanfic for all of your favorite ships using Mariah Carey as your guide. Are you up for the challenge?
Dude…do you not realize how many ships I have across multiple fandoms? That is next to impossible. Besides, I can’t do that right now. I am revising and editing my master thesis that I have to present to my chair in May before I graduate. This sounds like a project for me to undertake this summer if time permits. I have big plans 😁
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batwoman (TV 2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sophie Moore/Ryan Wilder Characters: Sophie Moore, Ryan Wilder Additional Tags: Romance, Tenderness, Feelings, Wildmoore Week March 2022, Wildmoore Week, References to Mariah Carey's Music Series: Part 1 of Wildmoore Week 2022 Summary:
Sophie had promised Ryan dinner but instead of a fancy restaurant, Sophie decided to get a little more personal. Enter Sophie and ryan dining al fresco underneath the stars.
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Hey, let's play a game!
Reblog if you watch Batwoman.
That's it, that's the game.
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SuperLane- Love Takes Time (Mariah Carey)
SwanQueen-We Belong Together (The Emancipation of Mimi)
You got jokes. You are about to catch these hands anon 👊
Fuffy- Without You (Music Box)
Buffy/Cordelia- Emotions (Emotions)
MC songs for SuperLane, SwanQueen, and SuperCorp! J/k, but for real Fuffy & Buffy/Cordelia😁
Give me a minute and I will get back to you. I gotta dive back into my MC bag of tricks lol 😝
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MC songs for SuperLane, SwanQueen, and SuperCorp! J/k, but for real Fuffy & Buffy/Cordelia😁
Give me a minute and I will get back to you. I gotta dive back into my MC bag of tricks lol 😝
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“I’d give my all to just more night with you// I’d risk my life to feel your body next to mine” QUINNTANA UGH
Yes, anon! That song fits Quinntana to a T after their V-day hook up. *nods* mmm hmm. Imagine after the hook up, Quinn and Santana are thinking about the night and possibly morning, doing their thing. And at the end they go their separate ways. But neither one of them could forget their night together. Fingertips gliding along soft warm skin, mapping out every inch of each other’s bodies.
Ahem…yeah! So it’s their song 😁
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Not stalking or anything, but on The bird app you listed MC songs. What song do you think fits Wildmoore? Quinntana? And Dansen?
Well, fuck anon! I am gonna have to go through the entire MC discography to answer this question 😂
Wildmoore- Your Girl from (The Emancipation of Mimi)/ Melt Away (Daydream)
Quinntana- My All (Butterfly)
Dansen- Thank God I Found You (Rainbow)
There are sooo many more. Like you have no idea! I can probably listen to a Mariah song and literally imagine certain ships to her songs. Don’t judge me!
And yes, I am a Lamb been one since Mimi popped up on the scene (1990). Young Tashia was experiencing all the feels at a young age lol
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what are your plans after you graduate? are you doing anything special?
I am going to Costa Rica for a week at the end of July. I am super excited!
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hiii just curious is ananya in your new quinntana the same girl they adopt called kendall?
Hi there! Anaya is the little girl that Santana and Quinn were helping in Office Romance. The little girl did not have a name. So in the newest story I named the kid Anaya.
Kendall was the name of the child I came up with when an anon asked me about my head canon for Quinntana in the future.
I hope that clears up any confusion, anon 😁
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Oh goodie goodie, bribery anon here. I am very pleased w that. Great deal indeed, hehehehe.
😁 enjoy!!!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez Characters: Santana Lopez, Quinn Fabray Additional Tags: Adoption, Fluff, Love, Family Feels Summary:
Eight years after Santana's Crush, Quinn and Santana decide to add to their family.
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Hey bribery anon! Your wish is about to be granted again 😁. I not only get your first born named after me, but I get to be god mother too!! 😏
I don’t make the rules!
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Hi Tashia (is it alright if I call you that?) what is your inspiration for writing? Santana's Crush was genius! Your Jaz+ Dansen stories are cute and funny. I love Jaz she is a sassy cinnamon roll. She is the star of your Dansen stories lbh. Didn't you have a SwanQueen story too? iirc it was Don't Forget about Us. Honestly, you bring so many nuances. How are you not popular?
Hi anon!
Yes, you can call me Tashia. My inspiration comes from different places. Whether it’s a song, a movie, a sunny day, a book, Arya, or when I need to work through something, and people watching in the park or wherever I am. Santana’s Crush was inspired by actual events, believe it or not. I wouldn’t call it genius, but it was a labor of love. Someone actually made a playlist for it for Quinntana Week 2012 or 2013. I have it downloaded somewhere lol
Lol! I love the way you said Jaz+Dansen 😂 . You are right, she is the star, and Dansen et al., was her supporting cast. I loved writing for Jaz, she is one of my favorite original kid characters I’ve written.
I did have a SwanQueen story. I took it down to do some re-writes and to complete it (which it is complete), but I lost a dear friend of mine and I couldn’t post it because she is not here to read it (miss you Dani). I also turned it into an original story as well. I am surprised you remember. You and anon before you are bringing up obscure fics.
I try to write from a place of realness, and find a unique way to bring characters to life 🤷🏽‍♀️
And honestly, I don’t care about popularity. If you asked me oh say, years ago (I started writing back in 2003/2004 I believe. Don’t quote me on that lol). It would have mattered. Now, I honestly give no fucks. I am not everyone’s cup of tea, tequila, sparkling water, or whatever their beverage of choice is.
Writing is something I do in my spare time…like baking (which I have improved so much. My red velvet cheesecake cookies are a lot of people’s faves, along with my white chocolate macadamia nut cookies with white chocolate Lyndor truffles) Being popular is too much pressure, so leave me in my corner, by myself, with the few readers I do have.
Thank you for such a thoughtful ask. It’s much appreciated. Have a good night/morning wherever you are!
xoxo (you know the rest).
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Haha thx for replying. Quinntana endgame ftw! Though pezberry and brittana are fun for the added drama effect. Glad I got you thinking about that story hehe. Hope you have a wonderful weekend xoxo
Thank you for such a delightful ask. It’s very rare for me to receive these, again, thank you. I low key shipped Pezberry ngl, but my heart lies with Quinntana. I have left the Glee fandom years ago. I still have wounds 🤣 *sips whiskey* dark times my friend. But I still rep Quinntana when I can. I have to find my flash drive. iirc I think I may have two other chapters written. Feel free to drop in my inbox at anytime. I am not on tumblr like that, but I do get notifications if I have messages. You have a great weekend as well!!! xoxo~ Nayanna Rivergron aka Tashia
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