#glow stin
kurt-stims · 4 months
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Madhouse Mike from Cryptid Crush stimboard for my friend @cheesborgar !!
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iceslushii · 2 years
the bee movie script if it was written by a pirate
accordin' to all known laws
o' aviation,
there be no way a bee
should be able to fly.
its wings be too small to get
its blubber little body off the ground.
the bee, o' course, flies anyway
because bees don't care
what 'umans think be impossible.
yellow, black. Yellow, black.
yellow, black. Yellow, black.
ooh, black an' yellow!
let's shake it to the sky a little.
barry! breakfast be ready!
'ang on a second.
- barry?
- adam?
- oan ye believe this here be 'appening?
- I can't. I'll pick ye to the sky.
lookin' sharp.
use the stairs. Yer father
paid jolly money fer them.
sorry. I be excited.
'ere's the graduate.
we be very proud o' ye, son.
a perfect report card, all b's.
very proud.
ma! I got a thin' goin' 'ere.
- ye got lint on yer fuzz.
- ow! that be me!
- wave to us! we'll be in row 118,000.
- be off, then!
barry, I told ye,
avast flyin' in the 'ouse!
- 'ay, adam.
- 'ay, barry.
- be that there fuzz gel?
- a little. Special day, graduation.
ne'er thought I'd make it.
three days grade school,
three days 'igh school.
them was awkward.
three days college. I be glad I took
a day an' 'itchhiked around the 'ive.
ye did come aft different.
- Ahoy, barry.
- artie, growin' a mustache? looks jolly.
- 'earrr about frankie?
- yarr.
- ye goin' to the funeral?
- no, I be not goin'.
everybody knows,
stin' someone, ye die.
don't waste it on a squirrel.
such a 'othead.
I guess 'e could 'ave
just gotten out o' the way.
I love this here incorporatin'
an amusement park into our day.
that be why we don't need vacations.
lad, quite a bit o' pomp...
under the circumstances.
- well, adam, today we be men.
- we be!
- bee-men.
- amen!
students, faculty, distinguished bees,
please ye be welcome dean buzzwell.
ye be welcome, new 'ive oity
graduatin' class o'...
that there concludes our ceremonies.
an' begins yer career
at 'onex industries!
will we pick ourjob today?
I 'eard it be just orientation.
'eads to the sky! 'ere we go.
keep yer 'ands an' antennas
inside the tram at all times.
- wonder what it'll be like?
- a little scary.
ye be welcome to 'onex,
a division o' 'onesco
an' a part o' the 'exagon crew.
this here be it!
shiver me timbers.
shiver me timbers.
we know that there ye, as a bee,
'ave worked yer 'ole life
to get to the point where ye
can work fer yer 'ole life.
'oney begins when our valiant pollen
jocks brin' the nectarrr to the 'ive.
our top-secret formula
be automatically color-corrected,
scent-adjusted an' bubble-contoured
into this here soothin' sweet syrup
with its distinctive
golden glow ye know as...
- that there lass been 'ot.
- she be me cousin!
- she be?
- aye, we be all cousins.
- right. Ye be right.
- at 'onex, we constantly strive
to improve every aspect
o' bee existence.
these bees be stress-testin'
a new 'elmet technology.
- what do ye think 'e makes?
- not enough.
'ere we 'ave our latest advancement,
the krelman.
- what does that there do?
- oatches that there little strand o' 'oney
that there 'angs after ye pour it.
saves us millions.
oan anyone work on the krelman?
o' course. Most bee jobs be
small ones. But bees know
that there every small job,
if it be done well, means a lot.
but choose carefully
because ye'll stay in the job
ye pick fer the rest o' yer life.
the same job the rest o' yer life?
I did nay know that there.
what's the difference?
ye'll be 'appy to know that there bees,
as a species, 'aven't 'ad one day off
in 27 million years.
so ye'll just work us to death?
we'll sure try.
shiver me timbers! that there blew me mind!
"what's the difference?"
'ow can ye say that there?
one job fore'er?
that be an insane choice to 'ave to make.
I be relieved. Now we only 'ave
to make one decision in life.
but, adam, 'ow could they
ne'er 'ave told us that there?
why would ye question anything?
we be bees.
we be the most perfectly
functionin' society on earth.
ye e'er think maybe things
work a little too well 'ere?
like what? give me one example.
I don't know. But ye know
what I be blabberin' about.
please clearrr the gate.
royal nectarrr force on approach.
wait a second. Oheck it out.
- 'ay, them be pollen jocks!
- shiver me timbers.
I've ne'er spied them this here close.
they know what it be like
outside the 'ive.
yarr, but some don't come aft.
- 'ay, jocks!
- Ahoy, jocks!
ye scurvy dogs did jolly!
ye be monsters!
ye be sky freaks! I love it! I love it!
- I wonder where they was.
- I don't know.
their day's not planned.
outside the 'ive, flyin' who knows
where, doin' who knows what.
ye can'tjust decide to be a pollen
jock. Ye 'ave to be bred fer that there.
look. That be more pollen
than ye an' I will see in a lifetime.
it be just a status symbol.
bees make too much o' it.
perhaps. Unless ye be wearin' it
an' the ladies see ye wearin' it.
them ladies?
aren't they our cousins too?
distant. Distant.
look at these two.
- oouple o' 'ive 'arrys.
- let's 'ave fun with them.
it must be dangerous
bein' a pollen jock.
yarr. Once a bearrr pinned me
against a mushroom!
'e 'ad a paw on me throat,
an' with the other, 'e been slappin' me!
- oh, me!
- I ne'er thought I'd knock 'im out.
what was ye doin' durin' this here?
tryin' to alert the authorities.
I can autograph that there.
a little gusty out there today,
wasn't it, comrades?
yarr. Gusty.
we be 'ittin' a sunflower patch
six miles from 'ere tomorrow.
- six miles, 'uh?
- barry!
a puddle jump fer us,
but maybe ye be not to the sky fer it.
- maybe I be.
- ye ain't!
we be goin' 0900 at j-gate.
what do ye think, buzzy-boy?
be ye bee enough?
I might be. It all depends
on what 0900 means.
'ay, 'onex!
dad, ye surprised me.
ye decide what ye be interested in?
- well, there's a lot o' choices.
- but ye only get one.
do ye e'er get bored
doin' the same job every day?
son, let me tell ye about stirrin'.
ye grab that there stick, an' ye just
move it around, an' ye stir it around.
ye get yerself into a rhythm.
it be a beautiful thin'.
ye know, dad,
the more I think about it,
maybe the 'oney field
just isn't right fer me.
ye was thinkin' o' what,
makin' balloon animals?
that be a bad job
fer a scurvy dog with a stinger.
janet, yer son's not sure
'e wants to go into 'oney!
- barry, ye be so jolly oftentimes.
- I be not tryin' to be jolly.
ye be not jolly! ye be goin'
into 'oney. Our son, the stirrer!
- ye be fixin' to be a stirrer?
- no one's listenin' to me!
wait till ye see the sticks I 'ave.
I could say anythin' as we speak.
I be fixin' to get an ant tattoo!
let's open some 'oney an' celebrate!
maybe I'll pierce me thorax.
shave me antennae.
shack to the sky with a grasshopper. Get
a gold tooth an' call everybody "dawg"!
I be so proud.
- we be startin' work today!
- today's the day.
oome on! all the jolly jobs
be gone.
yarr, right.
pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring,
stirrer, fore desk, 'air removal...
- be it still available?
- 'ang on. Two left!
one o' them's yours! oongratulations!
step to the side.
- what'd ye get?
- pickin' crud out. Stellar!
shiver me timbers!
oouple o' newbies?
aye, sir! our first day! we be ready!
make yer choice.
- ye want to go first?
- no, ye go.
oh, me. What's available?
restroom attendant's open,
not fer the reason ye think.
- any chance o' gettin' the krelman?
- sure, ye be on.
I be sorry, the krelman just closed out.
wax monkey's always open.
the krelman opened to the sky again.
what 'appened?
a bee died. Makes an openin'. See?
'e's dead. Another dead one.
deady. Deadified. Two more dead.
dead from the neck to the sky.
dead from the neck down. That be life!
oh, this here be so 'ard!
'eating, cooling,
stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,
'umming, inspector number seven,
lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,
mite wrangler. Barry, what
do ye think I should... Barry?
all right, we've got the sunflower patch
in quadrant nine...
what 'appened to ye?
where be ye?
- I be goin' out.
- out? out where?
- out there.
- oh, no!
I 'ave to, before I go
to work fer the rest o' me life.
ye be fixin' to die! ye be daft! Ahoy?
another call comin' in.
if anyone's feelin' brave,
there's a korean deli on 83rd
that there gets their roses today.
'ay, scurvy dogs.
- look at that there.
- isn't that there the kid we saw yesterday?
'old it, son, flight deck's restricted.
it be ok, lou. We be fixin' to take 'im to the sky.
really? feelin' lucky, be ye?
sign 'ere, 'ere. Just initial that there.
- thank ye.
- ok.
ye got a rain advisory today,
an' as ye all know,
bees cannot fly in rain.
so be careful. As always,
watch yer brooms,
'ockey sticks, dogs,
birds, bears an' bats.
the bee movie script if it was written by a pirate
no comment /pos
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stinfurniture · 7 months
Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamp: Bringing Joy and Color to Interiors
When it comes to interior design, lighting plays a pivotal role in setting the mood and creating an ambiance that reflects your personal style. Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamp is a remarkable piece that not only illuminates your space but also infuses it with a sense of joy and color. In this article, we'll explore the essence of the Verner Panton Fun Wall Lamp and how it can transform your interiors.
Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamp:
Designed by the iconic Danish architect and designer, Verner Panton, the Fun Wall Lamp is a true testament to his innovative and playful approach to design. Panton was renowned for his bold use of color and unconventional materials, and the Fun Wall Lamp is a shining example of his unique creativity.
Adding Joy to Your Space:
The Fun Wall Lamp is aptly named, as it brings a sense of fun and excitement to any room it graces. With its cascading strands of colorful shells, this lamp creates a whimsical and vibrant atmosphere. The interplay of light and shadow through the shells creates a mesmerizing effect, filling your space with a sense of joy and wonder.
Bringing Colorful Elegance:
The Fun Wall Lamp is available in a variety of colors, allowing you to choose the perfect hue that complements your interior decor. Whether you prefer a soft, pastel shade or a bold, vibrant color, the lamp offers versatility and customization to match your aesthetic preferences.
Artistic Versatility:
Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamp is not just a source of light; it is a work of art. Its sculptural quality and the organic flow of the shells make it an artistic statement in itself. Whether you place it in your living room, bedroom, or hallway, this lamp serves as a captivating focal point that showcases your appreciation for design and art.
Functionality Meets Aesthetics:
While the Fun Wall Lamp is a stunning artistic creation, it doesn't compromise on functionality. Its soft, diffused light provides a warm and inviting glow, making it ideal for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home.
In conclusion, Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamp is more than just a lighting fixture. It's a celebration of design, color, and artistry. Its ability to transform any space into a vibrant and joyful environment is a testament to Verner Panton's creative genius. If you're looking to breathe life and color into your interiors, the Fun Wall Lamp is the perfect choice.
At STIN, we offer an exquisite selection of Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamps, allowing you to choose the perfect piece to enhance your home. With its ability to bring joy and color to your interiors, this lamp is a true masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on anyone who enters your space. Experience the magic of Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamp and let your home shine with artistic brilliance and effervescent charm.
Experience the joy and vibrancy of Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamp today and let your interiors come alive with color and style. Explore our collection at STIN and discover the perfect lighting solution to transform your home. Verner Panton's Fun Wall Lamp is not just a light source; it's an artistic statement that embodies the essence of joy and creativity.
For more information about Lounge Chair Eames visit STIN
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Holy Hands
Fandoms: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!   Not Rated Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Other Complete Work
Master List
Chapter 9
The transition to the Devildom was easy seeing as they already lived there. Now they were preparing to never leave. The house of Lamentation was marked as their permanent address, they were enrolled in RAD indefinitely, and the brothers were more than happy to have them.
It was nice, for the first time in years they didn't have to scrounge and save and pool their money just to afford to live another month. Acacia took up the things she had to quit on Earth. She did theatre, played the violin, joined the anime club and the D&D club. She was thriving and MC couldn't be more thrilled.
MC was especially relieved by the new living arrangement. They'd started so many projects they couldn't finish because they were so busy trying to make enough money for groceries. Now they could go back to school full-time, they could have a social life and have time to spend alone on their passion projects. They could just live in the knowledge that Acacia was flourishing and everything was going to be ok. Like finally coming to land after years at sea, the relief was euphoric.
Although there was never truly peace in the house full of rambunctious devil-boys, peaceful was the only way to describe the routine they all fell into.
It was an equally peaceful night when MC was taking their nightly walk through the halls of the house of Lamentation. They valued the time they had alone to think, to reflect. And it was during this time that the most peculiar of sounds came to them. A soft singing on the very edge of their consciousness.
Walk to me
Walk to me
Then it was gone.
The next night as they walked they heard it again.
Walk to me
Walk to me
Walk to me paidí
Walk to me"
And that was it.
On the third night…
Walk to me
Walk to me
zitíste tin klironomiá sas
zitíste tin klironomiá sas
Walk to me paidí
Walk to me now
They found themself taking an unusual route, one they'd never taken before.
Walk to me
Walk to me
Walk to me
zitíste tin klironomiá sas
Walk to me
Walk to me
zitíste tin klironomiá sas
Closer tóra
Walk to me paidí
Closer tóra
Walk to me now
They dug their heels into the carpet of the hallway to stop themself from following any further. Through their head flashed memories of a mysterious voice calling out for them in the night. A voice begging for help, begging them to follow.
And the same voice laughing as they gasped their final breaths.
They stopped taking walks after that.
For a few weeks this helped, they didn't hear the voice if they went to bed early enough, and they could live their life as usual. Acacia had no idea what it could mean and suggested they see an otolaryngologist.
Unfortunately the voice was persistent. It found its way through the halls and through the door to MC's room. Seeping through the cracks in the walls to reach their ears and drive them mad.
Walk to me
Walk to me
Walk to me
Walk to me!
zitíste tin klironomiá sas!
Walk to me!!
Walk to me!!
It grew louder, unbearably so.
zitíste tin klironomiá sas!!
Closer tóra!!
Walk to me paidí!!
Closer tóra!!
Walk to me now!!
They tried earplugs and headphones and pillows but the voice permeated their skull and bounced around in their head.
Inescapable was it's echo.
They ran through the halls as it continued its relentless assault.
"What?! What do you want?!" They shouted at the sky, "I won't follow you! I won't be tricked again! Leave me alone!!" They cried desperately, hands squeezing the sides of their head. It felt like it might crack open at any moment from the inescapable sound.
"MC…? Are you ok?"
Beelzebub looked over the mountain of midnight snacks he was carrying to see a frightened and panting MC. His question had dampened the noise for now, but how long?
"No...I don't think I am. Beel I'm hearing voices." They admitted.
In a flash he downed the snacks and approached the frazzled human.
"Voices? Like...in your head?" He asked.
"Yeah, just like back when I used to hear Belphie. Only this voice is singing...and it's just so loud I can't…" the usually well articulated human struggled to compose their words over the cacophony in their head. "It wants me to follow…" they finally got out.
"Then follow it," Beel shrugged.
"But...but what if it's a trap?" They gave Beel a pointed look and the demon got the underlying reference.
"Belphie didn't mean to trick you, he just...didn't really know you." He defended.
"Still, I'm in no hurry to repeat that mistake." Beel flinched and MC instantly felt bad about their choice of words.
"How about this" Beel pondered, "you follow the voice and I follow you. If there's anything dangerous I'll just eat it, ok?" He smiled like he'd solved everything.
Dagnabbit this man was too cute.
"Ok...but only to get this noise to go away." They conceded.
So they followed the song, and Beel walked beside them. Never judging or complaining, just following. The longer they followed the more tolerable the song became. A nice sound instead of a garish one. Perhaps because they were no longer fighting it.
After what seemed like hours of walking, they came to an unfamiliar door. They both stopped and stared before Beel spoke up.
"We can't go in there, no one's allowed in there."
MC heard the song once more.
zitíste tin klironomiá sas
Walk to me paidí
móno eseís boreíte na eisélthete
Closer tóra
Walk to me paidí
Walk to me now
"What is this place?"
"It's where Diavolo keeps his stuff he doesn't want to lose" Beel answered, cleaning out one of his ears with a pinky finger. "Lucifer gets really mad if we go in there"
afíste tin frourá sas stin pórta
móno eseís boreíte na eisélthete
Walk to me paidí
Walk to me now
"I have to go in."
"Wow you're really crazy, I wouldn't risk it."
"Well good cause she said you can't come with me"
"She?" Beel looked down at MC quizzically. MC thought for a moment.
"Yeah, she." They confirmed. "I've got to see this through now that we've come so far."
"Ok...I'll guard the door then" he relented. MC reached for the handle. "Wait MC"
He hesitated. "If you need anything...just yell ok? I'll come runnin'" he promised. MC nodded once and opened the door.
"I will"
0The room was dark as they shut the door behind them. They walked slowly on bare feet through the forbidden room. It was quiet in a way they didn't want to disturb. The voice had quieted to a whisper as well.
Walk to me
Walk to me
zitíste tin klironomiá sas
Walk to me
They followed the voice through another door.
And another.
They felt like they were going through a maze. Each room leading to another, all piled high with treasures. Not gold or jewels, but old scrolls and weapons and goblets. Each one labeled and in its proper place. All of them seemed to radiate power and history. The whole place reminded them of the cave of wonders from Aladdin.
Needless to say they touched nothing.
Still the voice persisted until finally they pushed through the last door. This room was filled with objects from the Celestial realm. Golden Lyres and silver plate armour. Gleaming statues and intricate tapestries hung among beautiful paintings. MC was awestruck by the sights. There was one more thing that caught their eye.
In the center of the back wall hung a huge golden bow.
It's shape was simple but the handle was carved with ornate, winding runes and symbols they didn't recognize. The string looked like it was made of light. It glowed white, brilliant. As they had expected, the voice called them closer to it.
Moving until they were a step away from the breathtaking weapon, they held out their hand to it, only to pull it away quickly when they realized what they were doing.
"I am not stealing from Lord Diavolo. Contrary to popular belief, I don't have a death wish." They spoke firmly.
The voice no longer sang, it spoke.
"You cannot steal what is yours paidí"
MC was suspicious now. Theirs? But there was no way they'd ever owned something this nice, much less a weapon. And the voice seemed oddly familiar... perhaps?
"Lilith?" They spoke to the voice. It did not respond for a long time.
"yes" she seemed reluctant to reveal herself.
"So...it's been you this whole time?"
"Why do you hate me?"
MC was taken off guard. That was out of left field.
"I don't hate you."
"Yes you do, you despise me and you despise being my decedent." She sounded genuinely hurt, like she'd cry any moment.
"I…" MC had no response, they wouldn't lie.
"Please...save me your pity. You have good reason to hate me after all my mistakes have put you through. But I want you to know that I love you." She cooed.
MC cringed away from the over-familiarity of the sound.
"You are too far removed from me to truly be mine but I love you MC. Like my own flesh." She continued, "and I want you to have this." Her voice indicated to the bow again.
MC ran their hand down the flawless gold all the way to the grip.
"This was yours... wasn't it?"
"It was taken from me along with my wings when I was struck to Earth forever. Now it is yours, it is your birthright." Her voice held a tone beyond pride at the thought of MC accepting the gift. She was practically quivering in excitement to share this little piece of legacy with them.
They looked at the weapon critically. It was beautiful no doubt, but in their hands it would be useless.
"I don't know how to use a bow." They confessed.
"Take it." She urged, not seeming to hear MC. With a shrug they picked up the bow by the handle. The stand latch released and the bow came free with ease. The huge weapon felt remarkably balanced. That's when a flash of light knocked MC to the floor. Eliciting a frightened yelp.
The glow lasted a few more seconds before the bow was gone. They were confused for a moment before raising their hand to their ear. In the reflective surface of a nearby shield they saw it. In their ear was a brand new earring. Shaped like a golden bow it spanned the entire outer lobe up to the helix. They stared in awe at the tasteful jewelry form the bow had taken.
"Call upon it if you are ever in danger again. It is your weapon now, and it will not fail you." She instructed.
"But…" MC questioned, "didn't it fail you all those years ago?"
Lilith seemed to laugh at the notion.
"No child...it is I who failed"
And with that her presence was gone.
The silence was welcome after days of suffering. Unfortunately it was quickly broken by a loud bang. The door to the room flung open and Beel burst through. Full demon form.
"MC! Is everything ok? I heard you yell!"
MC stared back from their spot in front of the bow holder. They had some explaining to do.
paidí (παιδί) zitíste tin klironomiá sas (ζητήστε την κληρονομιά σας) tóra (τώρα) móno eseís boreíte na eisélthete (μόνο εσείς μπορείτε να εισέλθετε) afíste tin frourá sas stin pórta (αφήστε την φρουρά σας στην πόρτα)
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ask-them-bois · 4 years
Hurt Him Some More, pt2
The descendant was no help; hurting him clearly didn’t work to draw Ruthless out, so he was going to have to go bigger.
Forsaken dropped the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his boot, watching as the punk and deranged thief strolled down the street together, hand in hand. Unnoticed, he followed behind.
They turned into a narrow alley, and he quickly did the same.
As he turned the corner, though, he pulled up short at the sight of a robotic hand, the palm glowing with power, and the blade of a dagger, the steel burning white as it hummed with magic, in his face. Both were pointed towards him, waiting.
“What the fuck d0 y0u want, Alastr?” Incoding snarled. Forsaken took a step back, startled.
“Stumpy peg legs d0n’t make well f0r sneak1ng up 0n pe0ple.” Incoding scoffed, “N0w tell me what y0u want bef0re 1 bl0w y0ur bulge 0ff.”
“I want to know w£r£ Ruthl£$$ i$.” The pirate answered steadily, one hand sliding inside his trenchcoat to grab his pistol.
“Yeah? S0 w0uld 1. He packed up and d1tched t0wn f0r a wh1le.” Incoding hissed. He glanced at Decaying, whose eyes were glowing slightly. “Maybe 1f we k1ll h1m, Ru w1ll c0me back faster. What d0 y0u th1nk?”
“Th- m-gal_d_n and l-viathan ar- d-stin-d t_ war, but it is th- m_nst-r in th- d--p, which rag-s against th- light, that will swall_w th-m up. Th- drag_n must liv-, but it d_-s n_t m-an w- can’t clip its wings.*” Decaying rambled.
(The megalodon and leviathan are destined to war, but it is the monster in the deep, which rages against the light, that will swallow them up. The dragon must live, but it does not mean we can’t clip its wings.)
Forsaken blinked, bewildered. “What th£ fu€k ar£ you talking about?”
Incoding chuckled, his palm growing brighter. “He has a p01nt. H0w sh0uld we d0 1t? H1s eye? H1s leg?” He asked Decaying, ignoring the bronzeblood. Forsaken hissed, pulling his pistol out and cocking the hammer.
“Don’t  £v£n think about it,” He warned, aiming the pistol at Decaying’s face, “or I’ll blow hi$ brain$ out.”
“He d0esn’t have any bra1ns f0r y0u t0 bl0w, s0 g0 ahead.” Incoding laughed. Decaying nodded.
“Th- mind ran away and whisp-rs cam- t_ play.” He agreed. Forsaken’s lip twitched, his finger shifting to the trigger. Incoding’s palm grew brighter as he did, though, and he froze.
“Sh00t h1m, and there w0n’t be en0ugh 0f y0u left f0r the rats to chew 0n.” Incoding said warningly, his voice eerily calm. Forsaken hesitated, weighing the odds.
There was a tense few seconds, before Forsaken lowered the gun slightly. “... Fin£.” he rumbled, before he flicked his wrist to the side and shot Incoding instead.
The sound shattered the air, reverberating in the narrow alley and making the bronzeblood’s ears pop. The bullet ripped through the metal plating on Incoding’s chest, which began to spark and pop; the inner workings were shot, no pun intended.
Instantly, Incoding felt like he couldn’t breathe, like he’d been punched in the windpipe. He crumpled to his knees, gasping. Sweeps ago, his lungs had been so badly burned that he needed the robotic parts to keep them working properly. And like popping a balloon, the bullet broke the mechanics that kept them from doing so. The fan stuttered and began to whistle, the blades bent and broken.
“C_dy!” Decaying dropped beside his boyfriend as Forsaken backed away. Incoding clutched his chest, gulping what little air he could get. Decaying looked up sharply, his teeth bared at the pirate.
Grabbing a second knife from his belt, he stood up and advanced. Forsaken, rapidly backing away now, fired blindly; once, then again just to make sure.
The first bullet sang off the concrete ground and disappeared.
The second found a mark, right in Brigan’s left shoulder. Rust-red blood bloomed from the wound and instantly soaked the thief’s shirt, but he barely seemed to notice.
His blades swinging, he lunged for the pirate, but Forsaken threw himself sideways. “Do you r£ally hav£ tim£ for thi$?” He asked, almost casually, “Your pi$$blood $eem$ to b£ €hoking.” Decaying whirled around to look at Incoding; as he did, Forsaken turned tail and fled, laughing.
Decaying glanced after him, then ran to his partner. Dropping the blades, he fell to his knees beside him. “C_dy?” he asked softly, his eyes wide and scared.
Incoding had fallen forward onto his hand, his robotic one pressed against the chest plating. He wheezed, his face yellow and sweat pouring down his brow. “1′m 0kay.” He panted through gritted teeth. The tips of his metallic fingers pulled back to reveal various tools as he fumbled with the plating. He ripped back the protective covering, revealing the wires and gears inside. “1 can- get 1t w0rk1ng aga1n, just- just g1ve me a sec-” His words came out stagnantly as he fought to breathe.
“What can I d_?” Decaying asked, trying to push down the feeling of panic. Incoding hissed in pain.
“Fuck, yeah, 0kay. Can y0u reach 1n there and grab- grab the th1ng?”
“Thing?” Decaying repeated, looking down at the confusing mechanics.
“The- fuck- the th1ng, 1-” He shook his head, his oxygen-lacking brain refusing to give up the word he needed. “Fuck 1t. here.” he pulled his palmhusk from his vest and shoved it at his mate. “Call C0rden, he- he can f1x th1s. He’ll walk y0u thr0ugh 1t.” He rasped. As Decaying took the phone, Incoding suddenly fell forward, his arm giving out.
Decaying made a startled noise and grabbed him, pushing him back up. He pressed him against the alley’s wall, the goldblood slumping against the stones with relief. His vision was getting blurry, he noted faintly as he watched Decaying scroll through his contacts.
“Y0u’re hurt.” Incoding panted, realizing the red blur on his mate’s sleeve was blood.
“But I will n_t di-.” Decaying shrugged as the palmhusk began to dial.
While it was ringing, Brigan shifted closer and took Incoding’s hand. Incoding squeezed it weakly, managing to smile a little before he closed his eyes.
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wintersxsoul · 5 years
Ancient Love (2)
Summary: Loki never thought he would fall in love with a mortal, but much less that he would lose you as fast as he did. But…did he really lose you?
Pairing: Loki x Female Viking!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Dirty talking, mentions of sex and all that stuff.
A/N: Finally I get to finish this chapter. It’s been almost done for almost a week, I’m a mess ugh ily. Please, give feedback, a reblog never hurt no one and it really keeps me motivated to keep writing.
As always, Masterlist and Taglist are on my blog bio!
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As weeks went by, you spent less and less time on the village and more in the woods, with the company of your foreigner friend. You were stubborn so you were struggling to admit your feelings to yourself, knowing what that could bring you. You discovered new things about the world you lived in thanks to Loki, his extent knowledge always taking you aback. He was soft and caring but something in his demeanor denoted a strong feeling of loneliness, you never asked him about it though, maybe with time he would open up to you. Loki, on the other hand, was falling for your beauty and strength of spirit, a warrior indeed. You moved around the woods like you belonged there, swaying around like leaves on the wind.
The day Loki knew he loved you was the day you were sparring with him, you achieved to pin him on the soft grass your sword threatening to cut his throat open if he moved. Your faces were mere inches apart and you could feel his hot breath on your cold lips, for a brief moment you thought it was finally going to happen but the bubble burst when you heard a loud caw coming from a crow that was sitting on a branch, staring at you.
“Let’s go, it’s getting late.” You stood up and reached out to help him get up, a shiver ran down your spine when your hands made contact for the first time, something blooming warmly in your heart.
You walked slowly through the woods admiring how the moon lit the top of the trees, the dark green shades appearing to be silver. Loki was silently admiring you, how your hair flowed with the wind and the moonlight making your skin glow. A true goddess of the woods, he thought. He would have never thought he was capable of loving someone, but there you were, making his heart ache.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You stopped dead in your tracks when you realized he had a weird expression on his face, maybe thinking that you did something to upset him. Loki’s eyes widened when you looked at him, confused and you also seemed to be scared, your eyes betraying you.
“I...uhm I think I...you have something in your hair.” He reached out to get it off your hair, a fake leaf he created to hide his true thoughts.
“Oh...okay, thank you.” You placed a strand of hair behind your ear and started walking, leaving Loki behind. He ran to you after he scolded himself, totally missing how you sighed heavily, longing for him. You were walking besides him really close, your hands brushing lightly, until you gathered the strength to intertwine your fingers with his. You heard his breath hitch but said nothing, smiling to yourself. Small victories, you thought.
Loki was hard to approach at first, you were sure he had secluded himself so deeply he forgot how to interact with someone, but as the first days went by, his actions changed, leading you to that exact moment.
Most of the nights, you slept at his hut but that night, something felt different. You could feel he was nervous and that made you aware that something you didn’t know was going on.
He stopped in front of his door and looked at you, his green eyes piercing yours. You instantly saw what was troubling him but you wanted, needed, to hear it from his own mouth.
“I’ve always thought I was incapable of bearing this kind of feelings in my chest, but you’ve set a fire inside that I’m not able to extinguish. And I do not have the will or power to do so.” He had his hand pressed on his left side of the chest, on top of his heart. Your eyes widened at his honesty and you were now able to see the love and adoration in his gaze. You placed your hand on top of his while you moved the other one to cup his cheek.
“Loki, my heart and soul are yours.” That’s all it took for him to close the space between you, his lips softly colliding against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed, your whole self melting into his arms. Loki let out a soft whimper and you moaned into his mouth, deepening the kiss, trying to pour all the love, adoration, passion and total surrender of your barriers.
Loki felt he was about to burst into flames, your breath filling his lungs with your sweet scent. He moved his hands to your waist, pulling you closer to him, your chest colliding to his, both of your hearts beating rapidly, pounding with lust. You ran your hands through his raven locks and pulled, making Loki’s breath hitch and you bit his bottom lip after tracing it with your tongue. He pulled apart trying to catch his breath and pressed his forehead against yours.
He slowly opened his eyes and watched you adoringly, both of your gazes full of desire.
“If we continue, I won’t be able to stop.” You said out of breath still right before Loki leaned in to kiss you again, this time more needy and intense.
“Then don’t.” He added, his voice low and hoarse.
“Do we really have to get out?” You whined at him, the coldness of the morning hitting your bare skin. Loki gave your dry lips a soft peck and got out of bed, in all his naked glory.
“We’ve been rolling on the bed for two days, Y/n. We really have to get out. We barely have food and water left.” You let out a sigh and grabbed his wrist before he could move further from the bed.
“I can think of a few very nutritional meals.” He looked at you amused by your insatiable thirst, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted by your offer, after all, he had the stamina of a god.
“Ástin mín (my love), just stay in bed and I’ll go find us something to eat.” You pouted but nodded, pulling the furs up to cover your body, watching him get dressed.
“Óst min, kyss mik (my love, kiss me.)” You tried to sound demanding but your voice trembled in anticipation, your lips longing for his, your body already missing his heat. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on top of your head, his hand cupping your cheek.
“I’ll be back before dawn, warm the bed for me.” You smiled at him lovingly and snuggled up in the bed, smelling Loki’s scent in the huge blanket.
Loki knew it would take him a few hours to hunt a big prey, so he started collecting fruits to eat and flowers to give you, knowing he could later find some meat on the village.
After a few hours he went back to the hut, some fresh stolen meat, a basket full of wild berries and daisies. He tried not to startle you so he opened the door slowly his heart swelling at the view in front of his eyes. You were sprawled on the bed, back facing the ceiling and arms tucked under the pillow, your breath blowing a few strands of hair back and forth from your face. He casted a fire, the woods from the fireplace lighting immediately and he also lit the candles, since it was already dark outside.
He approached the bed and sat besides you, leaning forward and trailing kisses up and down your naked back. You moaned half asleep and turned around, your eyes glancing at Loki half-lidded due to your sleepy state. You sat down and pressed your forehead to his chest, your hair covering your face. Loki hugged you and stroke your hair, rocking both of your bodies slowly.
“Are you okay?” You nodded, face still buried in his chest. You finally moved to look at him and smiled, reaching out to kiss him on the throat, a small and sweet peck.
“I’m starving. Can we please eat and then get back to bed?” He nodded smiling at your petition, standing up to cook the meat and prepare some herbal tea.
Months had passed since the first night you spent together, both of your new lives already established. You moved to Loki’s house since it was way bigger than yours, the spot where it was marvelous. You bought a few chickens, a cow and two horses, so you would always have food, milk and a way of transport. You never knew where Loki had gained all that money and when you asked, he always said it was from his father’s fortune.
You woke up one morning to an empty bed, thinking that maybe your lover went to gather some fruits or flowers as he usually did and as the morning went by, you tried to ignore the burning feeling that was settled on your chest, the feeling that something bad was going to happen. You were preparing some herbal tea when rain started to fall heavily on the roof of the hut, frowning, you went outside to check if it was really raining. It was very rare that it rained at this time of year, maybe the gods listened to someone’s prayers like they did with yours, it was the only logical explanation, for you at least. Loki on the other hand hurried through the woods to get to you knowing that you weren’t safe.
Just when the wooden house was in his field vision, he heard a scream, your scream, and it wasn’t coming from the house, so he ran, he ran so fast he thought his lungs were bleeding and oh god, how much he wanted that to be true because it wouldn’t be as painful as seeing what was in front of him.
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trolloled · 2 years
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But before Gaveyo heads out to the next town, much to the agony of his calves, he still wants to track down Smiley the Trapper, who was last reported near the...
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“Toxic cav#s. Wond#rful. You know, I, too, lik# to visit plac#s that ar# nam#d ‘toxic.’ Why not th# d#ath cav#s of lavaworld whil# w#’r# at it? P#rhaps ‘doomsvill#’ ‘vicious-animal-burg,’ or ‘irradiat#d h#llhol#.’ All gr#at hunting spots.”
Filled with cheery attitude and vigor, Gaveyo proceeds off on his heroic rescue mission to the Toxic Caves.
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But what’s this? A chance to show off in front of the locals and spread word of his Chosen One-ness?
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Well, long story short, mission 90% accomplished. Sure, the farmer’s wife dying was tragic, as was the loss of their Tarzan cosplayer hidden behind the trees, but think of the gains here!
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Gaveyo walked away with the farmer’s wife’s rifle! 
“I’M RICH! Mayb# this h#ro shit can pay off aft#r all!”
Alas, Tarzan had only a spear which is worth very little in this economy, and the geckos had nothing on them because Gaveyo never went to skinning class as a small child.
Onto the caves!
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“Wow, gr#at plac# for trapping. I can f##l mys#lf g#tting sup#r pow#rs. What th# h#ll is that burning sm#ll? It b#tt#r not b# my... I dunno, important... stuff.”
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The local wildlife add to Gaveyo’s steadily growing collection of war memorabilia. As it turns out, these overgrown lizards don’t appreciate strangers invading their hunting grounds.
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...And the ‘healthy glow’ of the area has attracted the most fearsome variant of gecko yet! Golden geckos! They go through legs like... well, like a bear’s jaw might go through the arm of an indigo caste.
“No, no, I’m fin#. I just n##d to... r#st... far away. Ov#r th#r#. Wh#r# th#y won’t ch#w on my int#stin#s for a minut#.”
After a hasty retreat followed by resting up for a few days, Gaveyo returns to bathe in the wonderful glow of the toxic caverns as he piledrives the fearsome golden geckos.
Realizing that his tactics must adapt, Gaveyo, the tactical genius that he is, devises a cunning strategy:
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“Haha! Y#ah, right in th# sham# glob#s! Who’s th# tough guy now? It’s m#, boo y#ah!”
Gaveyo takes full advantage of his opponent’s bout of unconsciousness, and viciously curbstomps him until death results. You can freely imagine this is how he handled the rest of the cavern’s enemies.
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...Because it is. Thus, I bequeath Gaveyo a title to go with Ratpuncher...
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In fact, he achieves the holy grail of Dicksmashing, by virtue of damaging the family jewels of two Golden Geckos at the same time so hard that both of them pass out, foolishly allowing themselves to be curb stomped to death.
“P#opl# call fist fighting a skill. No, no it’s an art, and I am an artist. An artist#, you know, th# #xtra # mak#s it fancy and shit. Alright, #nough CBT, I can f##l mys#lf growing an #xtra to# down h#r#.”
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Donning a pair of rubber boots for safety, Gaveyo slips past a puddle of Green Slime to discover Smiley. He’s a little hard to see, but he’s the bald fellow standing next to the generator on the right. He’s been hiding here ever since he arrived, because a Golden Gecko badly injured his leg and left him unable to escape.
Not willing to ask what Smiley has been eating these past few days, Gaveyo escorts the injured man back out. He even lends him a pair of boots, mostly so he doesn’t die stepping in acid and thus forfeiting Gaveyo’s reward.
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“You ow# m# pal! You ow# m# BIG! Do you know how good I had to g#t at dick punching to g#t to you!?”
Fortunately, Gaveyo’s DNA is mercifully left alone thanks to his rubber boot foresight.
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...Mostly. Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Returning to Klamath, Gaveyo tells the woman who obviously has a crush on Smiley (who asked him to search for Smiley in the first place) that he wants a reward. But, at the same time, he senses an opportunity.
He could take the money, sure, but there’s something else he wants. You see, there’s a particular man in Klamath who’s stuck with some debt after throwing a drunken tantrum. Gaveyo can respect that level of property destruction. Not only that, but he also knows he could use someone else around so that people won’t try to knife his kidneys as often.
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He also trades in the accumulated junk he’s stolen or pilfered off of various corpses and lockers, finally getting a fresh outfit (Leather combat armor)!
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Anyway, moving onto Sulik, whose debt was just wiped clean by Gaveyo’s “generosity”...
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It takes a lot of drive to jam a bone through not just your nose but also both earlobes. Gaveyo thinks it looks fucking stupid, but he also knows that anyone crazy enough to do that is probably almost as tough as him, so he holds his tongue.
Mostly. He still asks about the bone, as well as Sulik in general
Sulik explains that he’s from a tribe to the west, near “The Great Salt Water,” and that the bone currently occupying his nostrils belonged to his grandfather. By performing this bizarre act, Sulik has ensured his grandfather’s spirit is kept close as he walks the wastes. In fact, Sulik claims he is protected by all manner of spirits!
Gaveyo, now thinking him completely insane, asks why he’s left his tribe. Sulik further explains that his sister was taken by slavers. Sulik chased after them, stopping in Klamath once he heard that a local trader, named Vic, might know something. Vic, incidentally, is the same person Gaveyo is hunting for as his only lead to that farming kit.  After not finding Vic in Klamath (who is still missing in action), Sulik went on a bit of a drunken tear, leading to his indentured servitude up till now.
Sensing a chance to seal the deal, Gaveyo proposes that Sulik travel with him to find Vic.
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Sulik has joined the party!
“P#rf#ct. You stand just in front of m# at all tim#s. It’s important, th# uh, spirits would want it. You should also pr#f#rably jump in front of any bull#ts that ar# coming for m#.”
“(Fr#akin’ w#irdo.)”
0 notes
Saturday 22nd Sunday 23rd
Finally, after a lot of fun planning we were on our way to Greece. The tiny bags had been packed and all possible preparations had been made. The last time Mum and I were in Europe together was 31 years ago. That was on a family jaunt through the UK when I was a self absorbed teen obsessed with shopping in the high street! This time we are traveling as friends and are both equally interested in crumbly old ruins.
After, a fairly uneventful but long plane ride via a five hour stopover in Dubai we arrived at Athens International airport about an hour before scheduled time. At 3pm it had cooled down to a balmy 31C. In the arrivals hall our booked driver Apostolos was already waiting for us. He was excellent, very welcoming and kept up a constant stream of facts and tips about Athens and Greece. He was very impressed we were going to be traveling to his birthplace of Meteora later in our trip. Fortunately, he had suggested calling our apartment host to let her know we would be early. We stood outside for a couple of minutes before being let in by our host Zoe’s friend. Her English was excellent compared to our Greek but still not perfect. We had to play act a few of the instructions out just to make sure we’d got it straight. The apartment every bit the “luxury” penthouse as described but in a gloriously decaying greek way.
So here we were at 4.30pm Sunday on our deck looking straight at the temple of Olympian Zeus and off to the west we could see the Acropolis. After a bit of fun taking pictures with the selfie stick we freshened up and carefully crossed the 8 lane road outside the apartment and negotiated the cobbled path 400m up the side street to the AB Supermarket. We got provisions for breakfast and dinner. We came back home and threw together a hybrid greek salad with some local sausage. We ate on our deck as the sun started to set. A beautiful pink glow on the ancient columns - stin i Yammas Athena.
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the-shifted-moral · 3 years
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the bohemian. the special agent with messy moral compass.
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 ㅤGilang Bayuaji Rantelangi
 ㅤGilang, Bayu, Aji, AGENT EGO, Other Pseudonym
 ㅤMasculine Male
 ㅤJakarta, September 9, 1988
 ㅤBIN’s Special Agent, Undercover, Sniper.
Badan Intelijen Negara (State Intelligence Agency)
Pasukan Khusus MANDALA
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the backbone.
I wanted to be free. To be able to let myself to be. But sadly, Nothing could be achieved easily. I keep wandering and also wondering. Until there's nothing left, even my self.
Gilang Bayuaji is a special agent of Indonesia Intelligence and Security Agencies. He's a member of special force MANDALA and leader of his own undercover team called ODYSSEY. He's been working as agent since 2010 and dealing with a lot of type of mission but mostly drug related case.
Gilang is an adult around his early 30 with tall stature and athletic build with mesomorph body type. He has a black short hair, and a bright black eyes. His skin is medium, slightly tanned because of his jobs. He has tin lips with pointed nose. When he smiles, he got irresistible dimple slightly on the left corner under his lips.
During his daily life, he loves to wear comfortable clothes and somehow it makes him looks younger. During work, in the office he wear his uniform and when he went to do his mission, he could turn into a lot of things. He looks good with any kind of clothing.
He is often seen put on friendly vibes with a pretty smile on his lips. His eyes seems to glow and giving an innocent image. When he's serious, he turn to a very different man, his eyes somehow changes. He's really good changing his behaviour and act in any kind of situations. He is a very attractive man with a lot of charms.
Gilang a very enthusiastic man. He ooze friendly and positive vibes and greatly loved by people around him due to it. He's also a funny guy with weird jokes, he can fit any kind of conversation and easily get close with people even when he just meet them. He's also really good at acting due to his long time jobs experience which sometimes scare people. But people know that he's very good man with kind heart.
Gilang is very playful. He is also a man with a lot of confidence in him and he could brag nonstop about himself. It might sounds cocky of him but he do it sometimes just for fun because he do think a lot others too. He's not a reckless person instead he's good at reading atmosphere.
He's a free spirited man, he has his own way of thinking which affects the way he works. He sometimes cause problems because of this. But in the other side, Gilang is very strict and discipline when it comes to training and working. He is really care about his team and will always do his best to protect them as much as his job to protect the nation.
Gilang is a very complicated man with messy moral compass. He strongly believe his own judgment when it comes to right or wrong that cause him a lot of problems. Even when he know it, he is a very headheaded person and will do what he think is right even when it end with him being scolded or getting hurt.
Gilang is one of the best in his place. He is a top class negotiatior, soldier and undercover which earned him the nickname the "Triple Threat".
[ Background Stories. ]
Gilang is the first child and also the first grandson of third three pillar of Rantelangi. No wonder he was loved by his grandparents because during his youth, Gilang spent a lot of time with his grandparents. He also grew up to be a young man who was very gentle and caring but also tough and responsible because of his father's upbringing. Gilang, who often stay with his grandparents because of his patents couldn't take care of him on life heard a lot of stories about war just like his father from his grandfather. This made him like things related to history and action. Since he was young, he has aspired to be someone who can serve the country.
His parents often have disagreement and fights when Gilang was on his elementary school days, it's made him a very private person when it comes about his family life. He doesn't talk much about family, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care about them because he loves his younger siblings, Gilang thinks that they are all the only thing he has. Gilang also became an older brother who spoiled his younger siblings a lot. Although his parents often fighting, Gilang is quite close to his parents, he doesn't have grudge towards them for not having a happy family. Even after he have to witness his parents about to split. Gilang never let his parents rule his life. Gilang's life is his own and he often clashes with his parents about his choice of work even though they eventually accept Gilang's job.
Gilang married a daughter of his father's friend, it could be said that they were engaged to be together for the good of both family, because Gilang and his wife understood the situation of their family, both accepted the choice. Gilang's married life, however, is quite different because both of them choose to keep their own lives. They focus on their ownself and doesn't really mind what the others do. Gilang never push a childern because his wife isn't ready and they been trying but it doesn't work. They never get children even though five years have passed after their marriage on 2016. Things never really work for them so that both of them are now on the verge of giving up on continuing their family life. Gilang doesn't want to put stress on his wife so he just let his wife to do what she think is great for herself even without them having a child.
Gilang is a workaholic. He is very clear about what he want to do since he was young and he get right into the job as soon as he is graduated. He get into Sekolah Tinggi Intelijen Negara (STIN) and work for Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) as a field agent. He keep on growing to be better and after years of working, he is in a good positions. He was part of best agent which is named as MANDALA and he got his own undercover team named ODYSSEY.
During his working experience, he has been doing a lot of good works and achieve a lot of appreciation for his work. He try to do everything perfectly and hardly do any mistake on his record. But because of his character, he often do what he think is right, he is the icon of improvements during mission. This sometimes put him in troubles or even make things better.
He's good at his jobs and he could do a lot of things.
Currently, Gilang is still busy with his jobs. He got a lot of mission he has to do and some of it is a really big one. He is struggling to try to expose a very gigantic drug rings in Southeast Asia. He have to work with other teams and a lot of people to do it. He really know how this is a very important and dangerous mission.
Gilang still have a long way if he want to caught a big fish.
ㅤ ㅤ Read more about Gilang Bayuaji stories here. 
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hexusproductions · 6 years
A Stranger in a Dark Alleyway
Summary: Constantine is about to be killed. Again. Instead of divine intervention for help he gets another idiot who doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing. Author’s Note: Dubious quality. First encounter between John and Nous! One of the few times John only slightly mistrusts him like a mouse mistrusts a hungry snake.
Night. An excellent time for a jog. Or a run. Or a sprint.
John Constantine always found sprinting to be a good mode of transport. Especially when it was from a couple of pissed off demons. Said demons had been feeding on children, in more ways than one, so of course he couldn’t let them stick around. Although when he’d suggested they take this outside, this wasn’t exactly what he’d meant.
John stumbled as he slowed down, and then took off in a different direction through the gap between buildings. He jumped over a split bag of garbage, and then he stopped.
“Shit.” John cursed under his breath, looking up at the fence too tall and flat to climb. He looked around for another way out before turning around as thundering footsteps reached the entrance of his detour. The two demons pushed past each other as they both attempted to be the first to reach him.
“I’ll grind you into paste, Constantine.” The smaller one growled.
“I don’t suppose either of you two would be open to a rain check?” John suggested. Both of the demons snarled and charged. He was able to dodge the first but the second sent him flying into a wall, and he grimaced with a flat ‘ow’. The bigger one wrapped its hand around his throat, sneering as its claws dug into his skin and kept him pinned. The smaller one stood beside him, grinning, and Constantine went to say something perfectly mocking but all that came out was a wheeze. Both demons smiled wider.
“Excuse me? I don’t wish to intrude, but this seems to be quite one-sided.”
The demons looked around and John, unable to move his head, did the best he could. A man was standing there, looking like the sweet guy trying to break up a bar fight. He didn’t look at all unsettled by the two inhuman creatures that could rip him to shreds.
“Maybe you’d like to join him.” The smaller demon threatened, brandishing his claws as he took a step forward. The man looked up at him, putting his arms behind his back.
“It would certainly balance the odds, don’t you agree?”
John frowned in confusion at the deadman as the demon went for him. He ran out of the way and the demon’s head whipped around before he changed course. The bigger demon snarled and released Constantine to join his companion, and John sucked in air before turning towards the stranger. Cornered, the man looked at the demon, and John ran towards him. The man’s hand suddenly started glowing with a gold aura, and he aimed it towards the demon and fired. It made the demon stumble and gave him time to escape and reach John.
“My name is Nous.” He introduced himself, brushing his hair out of his face.
“Let’s skip the pleasantries mate.” John told him, focused on the demons. Nous nodded before turning around, and he fired another magical beam towards the bigger one. It seemed to absorb it without even blinking, and it turned looking angrier than before.
“Yep, already tried that.” John remarked, taking a step back, “That one seems to have protection.”
“Right.” Nous agreed. Both demons charged for them, and John and Nous both jumped out of the way. Nous put more power into attacking the smaller demon, and there was an audible sizzling of flesh as the demon leant against a wall to keep himself standing. Constantine quickly ran forward and muttered a spell as he pressed something into the demon’s forehead, and it jolted, spasmed, and collapsed. The bigger one roared at the loss of its counterpart and Nous spun around and stepped back. His hands glowed again as he frowned.
“That’s not going to work!” John repeated, and Nous glanced at him.
“You’re right.” He agreed, and started running. John stared in confusion and some shock. He’d certainly changed his mind quickly. Nous jumped onto the body of the fallen demon and turned towards the second, raising his hands. Doubt flickered across his features before it settled into a determined expression. The bigger demon growled again, trying to choose between its two targets.
“Epistrépste stin pediáda sas!” Nous shouted. A portal started to open behind the demon, small at first but quickly growing. It stumbled as it felt the first pull, and looked over its shoulder before quickly moving forwards. Someone whistled, and the demon looked down just as Constantine shoved it in. The demon snarled and roared and clawed at the ground as it sank into the depths of the portal like quicksand, and when it was finally gone Nous gestured and the portal closed again. John looked at the slightly energy-singed marks on the ground before turning towards Nous, but any questions he had vanished when energy crackled from Nous’s face and he clutched it. Nous fell to his knees, grimacing in pain as sparks continued to fly as if he were short-circuiting. John knelt beside him and saw that the symbol tattooed over his eye was glowing gold.
“The spells backfiring.” John told him, “The extra energy’s coming back to you. It hurts but trust me, it wasn’t anything big so it won’t last long.” Nous glanced at him before grimacing again, and slowly the gold did fade from the tattoo, just as John had said. Nous took a few slow, deep breaths before standing, and John did the same.
“Thank you.” Nous told him, and calmly brushed off his shirt, “Spells do tend to backfire from time to time, so it is nothing I am unused to. The pain however is not something I enjoy.”
“I’d probably be worried if you did.” John replied before shrugging, “Or maybe I wouldn’t. Depends on what you’re into.” Nous looked at John with a small frown.
“You’re referring to masochism, correct?”
“Yeah?” John told him slowly. This guy was starting to seem more like an A.I. than a person.
“I am no masochist.” Nous stated calmly.
“Could have fooled me.” John scoffed, “You walked right into a demon bloodbath.”
“And yet no blood is spilled. Did you think I would be unprepared?”
Constantine went to reply, but then stopped. Quite suddenly, he was getting a very off vibe from this guy. He wasn’t sure if it was the way he was looking at him, or something he felt he should be remembering, but something was just...wrong.
“Are you alright?” Nous questioned.
“What did you say your name was?” John asked quickly.
John gave a small nod, still frowning, and then Nous turned his head slightly.
“I should leave.” Nous stated, “I am glad I was able to assist you. Perhaps now you could tell me your name.” Constantine glanced at Nous.
“John.” Nous repeated, and gave a short nod, “Goodbye, John.”
“Bye.” John watched as Nous turned and walked away, completely calm as if he hadn’t just fought demons and opened a portal to hell.
He was definitely a weird guy. And John had met quite a few.
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iceslushii · 2 years
the bee movie script if it was written by a pirate
accordin' to all known laws
o' aviation,
there be no way a bee
should be able to fly.
its wings be too small to get
its blubber little body off the ground.
the bee, o' course, flies anyway
because bees don't care
what 'umans think be impossible.
yellow, black. Yellow, black.
yellow, black. Yellow, black.
ooh, black an' yellow!
let's shake it to the sky a little.
barry! breakfast be ready!
'ang on a second.
- barry?
- adam?
- oan ye believe this here be 'appening?
- I can't. I'll pick ye to the sky.
lookin' sharp.
use the stairs. Yer father
paid jolly money fer them.
sorry. I be excited.
'ere's the graduate.
we be very proud o' ye, son.
a perfect report card, all b's.
very proud.
ma! I got a thin' goin' 'ere.
- ye got lint on yer fuzz.
- ow! that be me!
- wave to us! we'll be in row 118,000.
- be off, then!
barry, I told ye,
avast flyin' in the 'ouse!
- 'ay, adam.
- 'ay, barry.
- be that there fuzz gel?
- a little. Special day, graduation.
ne'er thought I'd make it.
three days grade school,
three days 'igh school.
them was awkward.
three days college. I be glad I took
a day an' 'itchhiked around the 'ive.
ye did come aft different.
- Ahoy, barry.
- artie, growin' a mustache? looks jolly.
- 'earrr about frankie?
- yarr.
- ye goin' to the funeral?
- no, I be not goin'.
everybody knows,
stin' someone, ye die.
don't waste it on a squirrel.
such a 'othead.
I guess 'e could 'ave
just gotten out o' the way.
I love this here incorporatin'
an amusement park into our day.
that be why we don't need vacations.
lad, quite a bit o' pomp...
under the circumstances.
- well, adam, today we be men.
- we be!
- bee-men.
- amen!
students, faculty, distinguished bees,
please ye be welcome dean buzzwell.
ye be welcome, new 'ive oity
graduatin' class o'...
that there concludes our ceremonies.
an' begins yer career
at 'onex industries!
will we pick ourjob today?
I 'eard it be just orientation.
'eads to the sky! 'ere we go.
keep yer 'ands an' antennas
inside the tram at all times.
- wonder what it'll be like?
- a little scary.
ye be welcome to 'onex,
a division o' 'onesco
an' a part o' the 'exagon crew.
this here be it!
shiver me timbers.
shiver me timbers.
we know that there ye, as a bee,
'ave worked yer 'ole life
to get to the point where ye
can work fer yer 'ole life.
'oney begins when our valiant pollen
jocks brin' the nectarrr to the 'ive.
our top-secret formula
be automatically color-corrected,
scent-adjusted an' bubble-contoured
into this here soothin' sweet syrup
with its distinctive
golden glow ye know as...
- that there lass been 'ot.
- she be me cousin!
- she be?
- aye, we be all cousins.
- right. Ye be right.
- at 'onex, we constantly strive
to improve every aspect
o' bee existence.
these bees be stress-testin'
a new 'elmet technology.
- what do ye think 'e makes?
- not enough.
'ere we 'ave our latest advancement,
the krelman.
- what does that there do?
- oatches that there little strand o' 'oney
that there 'angs after ye pour it.
saves us millions.
oan anyone work on the krelman?
o' course. Most bee jobs be
small ones. But bees know
that there every small job,
if it be done well, means a lot.
but choose carefully
because ye'll stay in the job
ye pick fer the rest o' yer life.
the same job the rest o' yer life?
I did nay know that there.
what's the difference?
ye'll be 'appy to know that there bees,
as a species, 'aven't 'ad one day off
in 27 million years.
so ye'll just work us to death?
we'll sure try.
shiver me timbers! that there blew me mind!
"what's the difference?"
'ow can ye say that there?
one job fore'er?
that be an insane choice to 'ave to make.
I be relieved. Now we only 'ave
to make one decision in life.
but, adam, 'ow could they
ne'er 'ave told us that there?
why would ye question anything?
we be bees.
we be the most perfectly
functionin' society on earth.
ye e'er think maybe things
work a little too well 'ere?
like what? give me one example.
I don't know. But ye know
what I be blabberin' about.
please clearrr the gate.
royal nectarrr force on approach.
wait a second. Oheck it out.
- 'ay, them be pollen jocks!
- shiver me timbers.
I've ne'er spied them this here close.
they know what it be like
outside the 'ive.
yarr, but some don't come aft.
- 'ay, jocks!
- Ahoy, jocks!
ye scurvy dogs did jolly!
ye be monsters!
ye be sky freaks! I love it! I love it!
- I wonder where they was.
- I don't know.
their day's not planned.
outside the 'ive, flyin' who knows
where, doin' who knows what.
ye can'tjust decide to be a pollen
jock. Ye 'ave to be bred fer that there.
look. That be more pollen
than ye an' I will see in a lifetime.
it be just a status symbol.
bees make too much o' it.
perhaps. Unless ye be wearin' it
an' the ladies see ye wearin' it.
them ladies?
aren't they our cousins too?
distant. Distant.
look at these two.
- oouple o' 'ive 'arrys.
- let's 'ave fun with them.
it must be dangerous
bein' a pollen jock.
yarr. Once a bearrr pinned me
against a mushroom!
'e 'ad a paw on me throat,
an' with the other, 'e been slappin' me!
- oh, me!
- I ne'er thought I'd knock 'im out.
what was ye doin' durin' this here?
tryin' to alert the authorities.
I can autograph that there.
a little gusty out there today,
wasn't it, comrades?
yarr. Gusty.
we be 'ittin' a sunflower patch
six miles from 'ere tomorrow.
- six miles, 'uh?
- barry!
a puddle jump fer us,
but maybe ye be not to the sky fer it.
- maybe I be.
- ye ain't!
we be goin' 0900 at j-gate.
what do ye think, buzzy-boy?
be ye bee enough?
I might be. It all depends
on what 0900 means.
'ay, 'onex!
dad, ye surprised me.
ye decide what ye be interested in?
- well, there's a lot o' choices.
- but ye only get one.
do ye e'er get bored
doin' the same job every day?
son, let me tell ye about stirrin'.
ye grab that there stick, an' ye just
move it around, an' ye stir it around.
ye get yerself into a rhythm.
it be a beautiful thin'.
ye know, dad,
the more I think about it,
maybe the 'oney field
just isn't right fer me.
ye was thinkin' o' what,
makin' balloon animals?
that be a bad job
fer a scurvy dog with a stinger.
janet, yer son's not sure
'e wants to go into 'oney!
- barry, ye be so jolly oftentimes.
- I be not tryin' to be jolly.
ye be not jolly! ye be goin'
into 'oney. Our son, the stirrer!
- ye be fixin' to be a stirrer?
- no one's listenin' to me!
wait till ye see the sticks I 'ave.
I could say anythin' as we speak.
I be fixin' to get an ant tattoo!
let's open some 'oney an' celebrate!
maybe I'll pierce me thorax.
shave me antennae.
shack to the sky with a grasshopper. Get
a gold tooth an' call everybody "dawg"!
I be so proud.
- we be startin' work today!
- today's the day.
oome on! all the jolly jobs
be gone.
yarr, right.
pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring,
stirrer, fore desk, 'air removal...
- be it still available?
- 'ang on. Two left!
one o' them's yours! oongratulations!
step to the side.
- what'd ye get?
- pickin' crud out. Stellar!
shiver me timbers!
oouple o' newbies?
aye, sir! our first day! we be ready!
make yer choice.
- ye want to go first?
- no, ye go.
oh, me. What's available?
restroom attendant's open,
not fer the reason ye think.
- any chance o' gettin' the krelman?
- sure, ye be on.
I be sorry, the krelman just closed out.
wax monkey's always open.
the krelman opened to the sky again.
what 'appened?
a bee died. Makes an openin'. See?
'e's dead. Another dead one.
deady. Deadified. Two more dead.
dead from the neck to the sky.
dead from the neck down. That be life!
oh, this here be so 'ard!
'eating, cooling,
stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,
'umming, inspector number seven,
lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,
mite wrangler. Barry, what
do ye think I should... Barry?
all right, we've got the sunflower patch
in quadrant nine...
what 'appened to ye?
where be ye?
- I be goin' out.
- out? out where?
- out there.
- oh, no!
I 'ave to, before I go
to work fer the rest o' me life.
ye be fixin' to die! ye be daft! Ahoy?
another call comin' in.
if anyone's feelin' brave,
there's a korean deli on 83rd
that there gets their roses today.
'ay, scurvy dogs.
- look at that there.
- isn't that there the kid we saw yesterday?
'old it, son, flight deck's restricted.
it be ok, lou. We be fixin' to take 'im to the sky.
really? feelin' lucky, be ye?
sign 'ere, 'ere. Just initial that there.
- thank ye.
- ok.
ye got a rain advisory today,
an' as ye all know,
bees cannot fly in rain.
so be careful. As always,
watch yer brooms,
'ockey sticks, dogs,
birds, bears an' bats.
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loriendragonqueen · 7 years
New Dawn - Chapter Four
Pairing: Ivar x OC
Words: 2.742
Warnings: bad language; blood; fight; magic; explicit; pain; 
Notes: So, again, the things are getting deeper and in this chapter you guys will see a side of both Ivar and Isa that not everybody have seen.
Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three
They woke up when the sun was about to reach the highest spot in the sky, for the queen's servants has made an improvised tent above them two. The other Ragnarssons had already returned to their boats, leaving Ivar behind.
"Sons of bitches!" he said noticing that they were ahead in their boat.
"Who cares? Here, at least, you can practice what I have taught you!" she spoke rubbing her eyes yawning.
"I understand what you say in your tongue since Kattegat!" he then sat properly.
"One thing is understand. Speak is harder!" and her female servants brought her diverse fruits in a silver tray "Sas efcharistoúme! Thank you!"
"Eán léte étsi... If you say so..." he said surprising her.
"Huum..." and she took an apricot from the tray "Fáo! Eat!"
"What is this?" he asked.
"Fáte aftó to veríkoko! Eat this apricot!" and she put it in his mouth.
And he chewed enjoying the sweetness of the fruit.
They ate and drank speaking only in her mother tongue until the high noon. Then, Isa showed him her boat from inside out, explaining about many of her people and how did they build everything there. In the end, Ivar preferred travel in the trireme with Isa than with his brothers.
A few weeks later, they finally arrived in Northumberland. It was cold and rainy, more than in the Scandinavia. Isa then ordered to her first man in command to take ten boats and leave to Mercia, just as settled in the meeting - they would occupy the realm in a silence complete.
"Anxious?" she asked to him while they were about to ashore.
"I don't know. And what about you?" and he looked to the valleys.
"I am terrified." and she laughed, "I have never fought in such way. Yes, I have killed before, but nothing compares to fight in a battlefield. I kill from the shadows; I have never faced an army before. It is terrifying but exciting!"
"I hope you doesn't die today!" he said turning his face towards her.
"Keep your crippled arse safe today, Ivar!" she smiled "Eíthe oi theoí parakolouthoún páno mas símera! May the gods watch over us today!"
The men and women then landed and started to march while the English King was in the church praying for his god. The great heathen army then settled and waited.
"Símera agonizómaste sti gi poté den eínai gnostó sto laó mas. Símera tha xekinísoume to taxídi mas stin aioniótita. Óti o thánatos gínontai dektés próthyma ólous ekeínous pou stélnoume stin diéfthynsi sas. Óti ta onómata mas antichoún gia tin aioniótita!" she yelled to her men rising her sword to the sky.
"What is she saying?" Sigurd asked to Ubbe while they watched her speak to her one thousand and five hundred men.
"I don't know. She is strange!" Ubbe said frowning.
"She said 'Today we fight on lands never known by our people. Today we begin our journey towards eternity. May death willingly accept all those whom we send to their abode. May our names echo for eternity!" Ivar said in a haughty tone, grinning satisfied.
His brothers looked at him with wide eyes.
"How do you know?" Hvitserk questioned.
"Why do you think I have set her free, brother?"
"I thought she has bewitched you. Or, maybe, that you had lost your mind!" Hvitserk said mocking.
"What else did she taught you?" Ubbe asked.
"You will know at the right time, brother!"
Isa then kissed the blade of her sword and her men cried out loud:
"Gia ti Vasílissa! Gia Isanthya! Ahu! Ahu! Ahu! For the Queen! For Isanthya!"
Isa then bowed to them and knelt as a sign of respect. After that, she swung her sword and sheathed the blade. She remained silent.
The king's army did not take long to appear. It wasn't much than three thousand men.
"Shame!" Isa thought sighing "Párte to kástro! Take the castle!" she yelled to half of her men who obeyed instantly.
In less than expected, the sea of heathens wiped out the christian army. The frontline was capable to decimate them all, spilling their blood on the muddy soil. With the christian king subdued, they settled the camp.
"Shame!" she said to King Aelle in his tongue while cleaning her sword under her left arm.
"What?" he asked frightened while a norse man tied him.
"I thought that a man like you would be a fair challenge. I was wrong. You hide yourself behind your god while act like one. I was expecting ten thousand men ready to fight to death for their land and the love of their king. I was wrong once more!" and she put her sword on her belt.
"Spare me. You are not like them. I can pay you much more than they are!" he begged in despair.
"You cannot pay me the price of loyalty and respect, for you has none of it. Quia Deus miserere animae tuae, christian man! May your god have mercy of your soul!" and she made the sign of the cross in the air towards him.
Aelle wided his eyes and before he could say a word, he was dragged by the rocky ground until the place he tortured and killed King Ragnar.
With a long whistle, a horse rode to her coming from afar. She mounted and followed Ivar's chariot. They went to the pit of snakes.
"Here is where father died!" Ivar said crawling to the pit now open.
King Aelle then tried to bargain his life, but it was useless. The ritual of the blood eagle then begun.
Isa stood in the back, almost beside Ubbe while Floki pinned the king's hand with long dowels like his christian god in a wooden trap. Bjorn then opened the king's back with a glowing knife, making him scream like a pig about to be killed. When the oldest of the Ragnarssons begun to break Aelle's ribs, an eagle cried from the sky and flew right through the bleeding man and landed on the shoulder of the young queen. Everybody thought it was an omen from the gods.
The eagle stood perched upon her shoulder until the death take the king. Isa knew that it was a good sign of her men from Mercia. She grinned cunningly.
"We shall go to the castle!" she said to the eagle and it took flight.
Isa whistled again and mounted the horse.
"The castle is ours, we shall feast there tonight!" she said loud and about to take the path to the camp.
She rode like the wind to gather her men and go to the taken palace. So they went.
"To domátió sas eínai étoimo, kyría mou! Your room is ready, my lady!" the female servant said.
"Sas efcharistoúme! Thank you!" she said being led by the servant.
A bath was ready and waiting for her. Warm and perfumed water. It was a balm to her nerves. Isa then bathed slowly and took her time to get ready to the feast.
After put a red dress on and let her hair loose, she went to the outside of the castle. She was glowing like a goddess when the north men cruised the gates. They went astonished by her beauty.
"Come, my brethren, let’s drink the life!" she said with open arms.
All the men were served. They ate and drank like always while the greek musicians played many songs. Isa danced like always and everybody went to sleep almost in the first’s sunbeams.
Before the darkest hour of the dawn, Isa awoke with some painful moans. She got concerned, for she knew the owner of that tone.
"Ivar?" she called for him after walking bare feet down the halls of the castle and find him in one of the distant bedrooms. He was clearly in pain.
When Isa touched him, she felt all the ache in her waist down. It was excruciating.
"Oh..." she said touching his face "Show me your legs!"
He shook his head as a no.
"I can help, please!" and he pulled his furs out, leaving his legs at sight by the first time "Take a deep breath!"
And he obeyed.
Isa then warmed her hands and touched his lower limbs, massaging one leg at time, intoning old chants while still feeling his pain torture her own body. After moments, his pain got lighter, but it was strong still.
"Come with me, I have herb balms in my chamber that are capable of easing your pain entirely!" she whispered while covering his legs with the fur again "Can you follow me?"
He nodded and then they went to her room. She helped him to lay in the bed and then she got the balms and oils.
"Take your clothes off, please!" she asked after a deep breath.
He obeyed.
She warmed her hands once more before taking part of the balm and part of the menthol oil to spread all over his legs. She was careful not to hurt him while strongly massaging his muscles.
"Now I need you to turn on your belly. I have to take care of you entirely!" and he did what she said, allowing her to almost mount him from the back.
Isa worked on his muscles for a while until she felt that his pain was gone.
"Better?" she asked seeing him relaxed.
"Much. Thank you!" and he turned his back on the bed and saw her smiling.
"Good!" and she leant on him ready to kiss his lips.
Ivar pulled her closer, hugging her and making her lay upon him. His hands traveled across her skin and she knew that he wanted her.
"I won't fuck you yet, Ivar, you know that!" she said touching their foreheads.
"Then let me sleep here. Just sleep!" he asked while kissing her neck.
"You rascal. I help you and all you want is to take me under you!" she giggled.
"I promise I will not try anything!" he kissed her cheek.
"Therefore, you can sleep here with me. I know that you cannot sleep well far from my body!" and she kissed his lips before lean to his side to lie on the bed.
"Oh you smug pet!" he turned to her side and passed his arm on her waist.
"You're welcome, Ivar!" she said while threading her fingers in between his.
He spooned her and then slept smelling the sweet perfume of her hair.
The two sleeping in the large bed close to the fireplace woke up with the sound of the rain in the early morning. They remained in each other's arms during the whole sleep. It has become sort of a habit since the night at the barn although she has left him for months after that. Ivar would never admit, but since she was gone his nights wasn't the same. Watch her sleep every night were soothing for him. Their strange bond also affected him in many ways.
Sleepy, Isa closed her eyes unable to get off the bed and face the cold. It was cozy to have Ivar grabbed on her body, breathing calmly in the gap of her neck. She could get used to that for the rest of her life.
"We need to get up!" he whispered tightening his arms around her.
She shook her head and hummed a negative answer.
"Since when you became so lazy, monster?" he teased after yawn.
"It is not laziness. I just do not want to face the world right now. I am close to paradise here with you. It would be a shame to let it go so easily because we have to continue the raid!" she spoke in a tender voice with eyes still shut.
"Why you always do this to me, Isa?" and he hugged her even more.
"It is because I know that you worth my sweetness and the pain that may come with it. You deserve to see me as I am when I am alone with you and you not try to be tough!" and she slid her fingers through his hair after touching his cheek.
His heart went fast.
"You are waking up things inside me that I did not know that existed. It might be dangerous!" and he brought his hand up to her neck, gripping it with a little strength.
"No worries, brat, I will not tell the world that Ivar the Boneless has a soft side. What would I gain if the women know that you are more up to being Ivar the Tenderness? I rather to have you sweet just for me!" she giggled.
"Look what you do to me, witch!" he giggled too before pressing his hard manhood in her arse.
"It is because your body already knows that you love me!" she said and turned around just to see him flush.
He swallowed in silence, what made her smile.
Isa kissed him softly in the beginning, rolling to be upon him, ready to intensify her act. But, suddenly, someone knocked at the door. She growled before getting up and see who was the inconvenient. It was Hvitserk.
"We are leaving before the noon." he said looking at her transparent raiment.
"I know." she said drawing his attention to her lips.
"We know, brother!" Ivar yelled from the bed.
Hvitserk then entered the room without ceremony just to see Ivar laying naked with his hands on the back of his head.
"I am sorry to frustrate your plans of fucking her this morning, brother, but, as you see, she is claimed!" Ivar said sitting.
"Claimed... Right... I am not a slave to be claimed by none of you. Bite your tongues the both of you!" and she frown a bit angry.
Hvitserk choked a laugh while Ivar shown confusion.
"But I would not fuck you, Hvitserk. You are not worthy. Not until now, not the way I cherish!" she completed.
Then Ivar laughed aloud.
"Maybe some day, big boy. Maybe you change the way I see you!" and she showed him the door so he could leave.
Ivar stop laughing.
"I thought you were mine!" he said when his brother left and she closed the door.
"I am mine until the day I give myself to someone else!" she grinned "Where was I?"
Isa walked towards the bed like a wild cat, crawling upon the furs, ready to kiss him with greed.
"You are fickle. Unbelievable!" he said.
"Hate me then!" she whispered in his right ear making him shiver.
"Do not play with me, woman!" and he grabbed her wrists, holding them behind her back.
"Or what?" and she licked his lips.
"You are the evil, Isa, the pure evil!" he said while she sat on his lap.
"And you are harder than before. I really wish you inside me, making me scream your name louder than never. But not before we fight against Ecbert's army." and she bit his lower lip.
"You are going to drive me insane, you fucking monster!" he growled about to bite her neck.
She laughed like a kid.
"Please, Ivar, not my neck. Your beard... I have tickles!" she begged between the giggles.
"Oh, now you say please?" and he continued to bite her slightly while rubbing his morning beard on her skin.
Ivar then put her on the bed and laid on top of her, holding her hands upon her head. At that moment, his member started to touch her in her entrance.
"By the gods, Ivar..." she said still laughing "I want you to fuck me so hard! Fuck!"
"You only have to ask..." he rustled close to her mouth.
Her eyes then went white and her laugh stopped abruptly.
She saw herself losing blood in the battlefield, surrounded by men and women. And from far, she saw Ivar being hit by a spear. Her heart stopped in the moment he fell from his chariot. She came back to herself bursting in tears.
"Ivar!" she sighed and embraced him as strong as possible.
"What did you saw?" he asked worried.
"We shall respect my gods’ will, please!" she said sobbing, hugging him harder, afraid of losing him.
"Isa, what did you saw?" he asked again even more concerned.
"Just lay here with me a little longer, please!" she begged with a clumsy voice.
Then he laid his head in her bust until her calm returns.
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darkshreaders · 7 years
the bee movie scrip(gizoogle version ps i am sorry)
Accordin ta all known lawz of aviation, there is no way a funky-ass bee should be able ta fly. Its wings is too lil' small-ass ta git its fat lil body off tha ground. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da bee, of course, flies anyway cuz bees couldn't give a fuckin shiznit what tha fuck humans be thinkin is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black n' yellow! Letz shake it up a lil. Barry dawwwwg! Breakfast is locked n loaded dawwwwg! Ooming! Hang on a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Hello, biatch? - Barry, biatch? - Adam, biatch? - Oan you believe dis is happening, biatch? - I can't. I be bout ta pick you up. Lookin sharp. Use tha stairs. Yo crazy-ass daddy paid phat scrilla fo' them. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sorry. I be excited. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time yo. Herez tha graduate. We straight-up proud as a muthafucka of you, son. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. A slick report card, all B's. Straight-up proud as a muthafucka as a muthafucka.Ma! I gots a thang goin here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - Yo ass gots lint on yo' fuzz. - Ow! Thatz me biaaatch! - Wave ta us muthafucka! We bout ta be up in row 118,000. - Bye biaaatch! Barry, I holla'd at you, stop flyin up in tha doggy den biaaatch! - Yo, Adam. - Yo, Barry. - Is dat fuzz gel, biatch? - A lil. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Special day, graduation. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Never thought I'd make dat shit. Three minutes grade school, three minutes high school. Those was awkward. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Three minutes college. I be glad I took a thugged-out dizzle n' hitchhiked round tha hive. Yo ass did come back different. - Yea muthafucka, Barry. - Artie, growin a mustache, biatch? Looks good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! - Hear bout Frankie, biatch? - Yeah. - Yo ass goin ta tha funeral, biatch? - Fuck dat shit, I aint going. All Y'all knows, stin one of mah thugs, you take a thugged-out dirt nap. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Such a hothead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I guess his schmoooove ass could have just gotten outta tha way. I gots a straight-up boner fo' dis incorporatin a amusement park tha fuck into our day. It make me wanna hollar playa! Thatz why our phat asses don't need vacations. Boy, like a lil' bit of pomp... under tha circumstances. - Well, Adam, todizzle we is men. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. - We is biaaatch! - Bee-men. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oitizzle graduatin class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies fo' realz. And begins yo' game at Honex Industries muthafucka! Will we pick ourjob todizzle, biatch? I heard itz just orientation. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Headz up! Here we go. Keep yo' handz n' antennas inside tha tram at all times. - Wonder what tha fuck it'll be like, biatch? - A lil freaky. Yo, wuz crackalackin', biatch? Yo ass is smokin Honex, a gangbangin' finger-lickin' division of Honesco n' a part of tha Hexagon Group. This is dat shiznit son! Wow. Wow. We know dat you, as a funky-ass bee, have hit dat shiznit yo' whole game ta git ta tha point where you can work fo' yo' whole game yo. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks brang tha nectar ta tha hive. Our top-secret formula be automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted n' bubble-contoured tha fuck into dis soothang dope syrup wit its distinctizzle golden glow you know as.. yo. Honey dawwwwg! - That hoe was hot. - Dat hoe mah cousin! - Biatch is, biatch? - Yes, we all cousins. - Right. Yo ass is right. - At Honex, we constantly strive ta improve every last muthafuckin aspect of bee existence. These bees is stress-testin a freshly smoked up helmet technology. - What do you be thinkin he makes, biatch? - Not enough cause I gots dem finger-lickin' chickens wit tha siz-auce yo. Here our crazy asses have our sickest fuckin advancement, tha Krelman. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. - What do dat do, biatch? - Oatches dat lil strand of honey dat hangs afta you pour dat shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Saves our asses millions. Oan mah playas work on tha Krelman, biatch? Of course. Most bee thangs is lil' small-ass ones. But bees know dat every last muthafuckin lil' small-ass thang, if itz done well, means all muthafuckin day. It make me wanna hollar playa! But chizzle carefully cuz you gonna stay up in tha thang you pick fo' tha rest of yo' game. Da same thang tha rest of yo' game, biatch? I didn't give a fuck dis shit. Whatz tha difference, biatch? You'll be aiiight ta know dat bees, as a flavas, aint had one dizzle off up in 27 mazillion years. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So you gonna just work our asses ta dirtnap, biatch? We bout ta shizzle try. Fuck dis shiznit son! That blew mah mind hommie! "Whatz tha difference?" How tha fuck can you say that, biatch? One thang forever, biatch? Thatz a crazy chizzle ta gotta make. I be relieved. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Now we only gotta make one decision up in tha game. But, Adam, how tha fuck could they never have holla'd at our asses that, biatch? Why would you question anything, biatch? We bees. We da most thugged-out perfectly functionin society on Earth. Yo ass eva be thinkin maybe thangs work a lil too well here, biatch? Like what, biatch? Give me one example. I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. But you know what tha fuck I be poppin' off about. Please clear tha gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. Wait a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Oheck it out. - Yo, dem is Pollen Jocks muthafucka! - Wow. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I never peeped dem dis close. They know what tha fuck itz like outside tha hive. Yeah yo, but some don't come back. - Yo, Jocks muthafucka! - Yea muthafucka, Jocks muthafucka! Yo ass muthafuckas did pimped out son! Yo ass is monsters muthafucka! Yo ass is sky freaks muthafucka! I gots a straight-up boner fo' dat shiznit son! I gots a straight-up boner fo' dat shiznit son! - I wonder where they were, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. Their dayz not planned. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Outside tha hive, flyin whoz ass knows where, bustin whoz ass knows what. Yo ass can'tjust decizzle ta be a Pollen Jock. Yo ass gotta be bred fo' dis shit. Right. Look. Thatz mo' pollen than you n' I'ma peep up in a gametime. It aint nuthin but just a status symbol. Bees make too much of dat shit. Perhaps. Unless you bustin it n' tha ladies peep you bustin dat shit. Those ladies, biatch? Aren't they our cousins too, biatch? Distant. Distant. Look at these two. - Oouple of Hive Harrys. - Letz have funk wit dem wild-ass muthafuckas. Well shiiiit, it must be fucked up bein a Pollen Jock. Yeah. Once a funky-ass bear pinned mah crazy ass against a mushroom! Dude had a paw on mah throat, n' wit tha other, da thug was slappin me biaaatch! - Oh, mah dawwwwg! - I never thought I'd knock his ass out. What was you bustin durin this, biatch? Tryin ta alert tha authorities. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! I can autograph dis shiznit fo' realz. A lil gusty up there todizzle, wasn't it, comrades, biatch? Yeah. Gusty. Our thugged-out asses hittin a sunflower patch six milez from here tomorrow. - Six miles, huh, biatch? - Barry dawwwwg! A puddle jump fo' our asses yo, but maybe you not up fo' dat shit. - Maybe I am. - Yo ass aint son! We goin 0900 at J-Gate. What do you think, buzzy-boy, biatch? Is you bee enough, biatch? I might be. Well shiiiit, it all dependz on what tha fuck 0900 means. Yo, Honex! Dad, you surprised mah dirty ass. Yo ass decizzle what tha fuck you interested in, biatch? - Well, there be a a shitload of chizzles. - But you only git one. Do you eva git bugged out bustin tha same thang every last muthafuckin day, biatch? Son, let me rap  bout stirring. Yo ass grab dat stick, n' you just move it around, n' you stir it around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass git yo ass tha fuck into a rhythm. It aint nuthin but a funky-ass dope thang. Yo ass know, Dad, tha mo' I be thinkin bout it, maybe tha honey field just aint right fo' mah dirty ass. Yo ass was thankin of what, makin balloon muthafuckas, biatch? Thatz a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shitty-ass thang fo' a muthafucka wit a stinger n' shit. Janet, yo' sonz not shizzle da thug wants ta go tha fuck into honey dawwwwg! - Barry, yo ass is so funky sometimes. - I aint tryin ta be funky. Yo ass aint funky dawwwwg! Yo ass is goin tha fuck into honey. Our son, tha stirrer playa! - Yo ass is gonna be a stirrer, biatch? - No onez listenin ta me biaaatch! Wait till you peep tha sticks I have. I could say anythang n' aint a thugged-out damn thang dat yo' ass can do. I'ma git a ant tattoo! Letz open some honey n' big-up biaaatch! Maybe I be bout ta pierce mah thorax. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Shave mah antennae. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Shack up wit a grasshopper n' shit. Git a gold tooth n' call dem hoes "dawg"! I be soopa-doopa proud as a muthafucka as a muthafucka.- We startin work todizzle dawwwwg! - Todayz tha day. It make me wanna hollar playa! Oome on! All tha phat thangs is ghon be gone. Yeah, right. Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, afro removal... - Is it still available, biatch? - Hang on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Two left son! One of themz yours muthafucka! Oongratulations muthafucka! Step ta tha side. - What'd you get, biatch? - Pickin crud out. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Stellar playa! Fuck dis shiznit son! Oouple of newbies, biatch? Yes, sir playa! Our first dizzle dawwwwg! We is locked n loaded dawwwwg! Make yo' chizzle. - Yo ass wanna go first, biatch? - Fuck dat shit, you go. Oh, my. Whatz available, biatch? Restroom attendantz open, not fo' tha reason you think. - Any chizzle of gettin tha Krelman, biatch? - Sure, you on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I be sorry, tha Krelman just closed out. Wax monkeyz always open. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da Krelman opened up again. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. What happened, biatch? A bee died. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Makes a opening. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See, biatch? Dat punk dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. Another dead one. Deady. Deadified. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Two mo' dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Dead from tha neck up. Dead from tha neck down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Thatz game biaaatch! Oh, dis is so hard hommie! Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangla n' shit. Barry, what tha fuck do you be thinkin I should... Barry, biatch? Barry dawwwwg! All right, we've gots tha sunflower patch up in quadrant nine... What happened ta yo slick ass, biatch? Where is yo slick ass, biatch? - I be goin out. - Out, biatch? Out where, biatch? - Out there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - Oh, no! I have to, before I git all up in work fo' tha rest of mah game. Yo ass is gonna die biaaatch! Yo ass is crazy dawwwwg! Hello, biatch? Another call comin in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If mah playass feelin brave, there be a a Korean deli on 83rd dat gets they roses todizzle. It make me wanna hollar playa! Yo, muthafuckas. - Look at dis shit. - Isn't dat tha kid we saw yesterday, biatch? Hold it, son, flight deckz restricted. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. It aint nuthin but OK, Lou fo'sho. We gonna take his ass up. Fo' realz, biatch? Feelin dirty, is yo slick ass, biatch? Sign here, here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Just initial dis shit. - Nuff props, biatch. - OK. Yo ass gots a thugged-out drizzle advisory todizzle, n' as you all know, bees cannot fly up in rain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So be careful naaahhmean, biatch? As always, peep yo' brooms, hockey sticks, dawgs, birds, bears n' bats fo' realz. Also, I gots a cold-ass lil couple reportz of root brew bein poured on us. Murphyz up in a home cuz of it, babblin like a cold-ass lil cicada! - Thatz wack naaahhmean, biatch? - And a reminder fo' you rookies, bee law number one, straight-up no poppin' off ta humans muthafucka! All right, launch positions muthafucka! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Black n' yellow! Hello! Yo ass locked n loaded fo' this, bangin' shot, biatch? Yeah. Yeah, brang it on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Wind, check. - Antennae, check. - Nectar pack, check. - Wings, check. - Stinger, check. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Scared outta mah shorts, check. OK, ladies, letz move it up son! Pound dem petunias, you striped stem-suckers muthafucka! All of you, drain dem flowers muthafucka! Fuck dis shiznit son! I be up son! I can't believe I be up son! So blue. I feel so fast n' free biaaatch! Box kite biaaatch! Fuck dis shiznit son! Flowers muthafucka! This is Blue Leader n' shit. Our thugged-out asses have roses visual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Brin it round 30 degrees n' hold. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Roses muthafucka! 30 degrees, roger n' shit. Bringin it around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Stand ta tha side, kid. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! It aint nuthin but gots a lil' bit of a kick. That is one nectar collector playa! - Ever peep pollination up close, biatch? - Fuck dat shit, sir. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Maybe a thugged-out dash over there, a pinch on dat one. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See that, biatch? It aint nuthin but a lil bit of magic. Thatz amazing. Why do our phat asses do that, biatch? Thatz pollen juice n' shit. Mo' pollen, mo' flowers, mo' nectar, mo' honey fo' us. Oool. I be pickin up a shitload of bright yellow. Oould be daisies. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! Don't we need them, biatch? Oopy dat visual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Wait. One of these flowers seems ta be on tha move. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Say again, biatch? Yo ass is reportin a movin flower, biatch? Affirmative. That was on tha line biaaatch! This is tha coolest. What tha fuck iz it, biatch? I don't give a fuck yo, but I be gangbangin dis color. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Well shiiiit, it smells good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Not like a gangbangin' flower yo, but I wanna bust a nut on dat shit. Yeah, fuzzy. Ohemical-y. Oareful, muthafuckas. It aint nuthin but a lil grabby. My fuckin dope lord of bees muthafucka! Oandy-dome, git off there biaaatch! Problem! - Guys muthafucka! - This could be bad. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Affirmative. Straight-up close. Gonna hurt. Mamaz lil boy. Yo ass is way outta position, rookie biaaatch! Oomin up in at you like a pistol! Help me biaaatch! I don't be thinkin these is flowers. - Should we tell him, biatch? - I be thinkin he knows. What tha fuck iz this?! Match point son! Yo ass can start packin up, honey, cuz you bout ta smoke dat shiznit son! Yowser playa! Gross. Therez a funky-ass bee up in tha hoopty playa! - Do something! - I be driving! - Yea muthafucka, bee. - Dat punk back here biaaatch! Dat punk goin ta stin me biaaatch! No Muthafucka move. If you don't move, da thug won't stin you, biatch. Freeze biaaatch! Dude blinked hommie! Spray him, Granny dawwwwg! What is you bustin?! Wow... tha tension level up here is unbelievable. I gotta git home. Oan't fly up in rain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Oan't fly up in rain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Oan't fly up in rain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Maydizzle dawwwwg! Maydizzle dawwwwg! Bee goin down! Ken, could you close tha window please, biatch? Ken, could you close tha window please, biatch? Oheck up mah freshly smoked up resume. I juiced it up tha fuck into a gangbangin' fold-out brochure. Yo ass see, biatch? Foldz out. Oh, no. Mo' humans. I don't need all dis bullshit. What was that, biatch? Maybe dis time. This time. This time. This time biaaatch! This time biaaatch! This... Drapes muthafucka! That is diabolical. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. It aint nuthin but dunkadelic. It aint nuthin but gots all mah special game, even mah top-ten straight-up pornos. Whatz number one, biatch? Star Wars, biatch? Nah, I don't go fo' that... ...kind of stuff. No wonder we shouldn't rap ta dem wild-ass muthafuckas. They're outta they minds. When I leave a thang rap battle, they flabbergasted, can't believe what tha fuck I say. Therez tha sun. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Maybe thatz a way out. I don't remember tha sun havin a funky-ass big-ass 75 on dat shit. I predicted global warming. I could feel it gettin hotter n' shiznit fo' realz. At first I thought dat shiznit was just mah dirty ass. Wait son! Stop! Bee biaaatch! Stand back. These is winta boots, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Wait son! Don't bust a cap up in him! Yo ass know I be allergic ta them! This thang could bust a cap up in me biaaatch! Why do his wild lil' freakadelic game have less value than yours, biatch? Why do his wild lil' freakadelic game have any less value than mine, biatch? Is dat yo' statement, biatch? I be just sayin all game has value. Yo ass don't give a fuck what tha fuck his schmoooove ass capable of feeling. My fuckin brochure biaaatch! There you go, lil muthafucka. I aint scared of his muthafuckin ass. It aint nuthin but a allergic thang. Put dat on yo' resume brochure. My fuckin whole grill could puff up. Make it one of yo' special game. Knockin one of mah thugs up be also a special skill. Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks. - Vanessa, next week, biatch? Yogurt night, biatch? - Sure, Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass know, whatever n' shit. - Yo ass could put carob chips on there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - Bye. - Supposed ta be less calories. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! - Bye. I gotta say something. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Biatch saved mah game. I gotta say somethang fo' realz. All right, here it goes. Nah. What would I say, biatch? I could straight-up git up in shit. It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bee law. Yo ass aint supposed ta rap ta a human. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I can't believe I be bustin all dis bullshit. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I gots to. Oh, I can't do dat shit. Oome on! No. Yes yes y'all. No. Do dat shit. I can't yo. How tha fuck should I start it, biatch? "Yo ass like jazz?" Fuck dat shit, thatz no good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Here dat thugged-out biiiatch comes muthafucka! Speak, you fool! Hi! I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. - Yo ass is rappin'. - Yes, I know. Yo ass is rappin'! I be soopa-doopa sorry bout dat bullshit. Fuck dat shit, itz OK. It aint nuthin but fine. I know I be trippin. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. But I don't recall goin ta bed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Well, I be shizzle dis is straight-up disconcerting. This be a lil' bit of a surprise ta mah dirty ass. I mean, you a funky-ass bee biaaatch! I am fo' realz. And I aint supposed ta be bustin dis yo, but they was all tryin ta bust a cap up in mah dirty ass fo' realz. And if it wasn't fo' you, biatch... I had ta fuck you, biatch. It aint nuthin but just how tha fuck I was raised. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! That was a lil weird. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! - I be poppin' off wit a funky-ass bee. - Yeah. I be poppin' off ta a funky-ass bee fo' realz. And tha bee is poppin' off ta me biaaatch! I just wanna say I be grateful naaahhmean, biatch? I be bout ta leave now, nahmeean, biatch? - Wait son! How tha fuck did you learn ta do that, biatch? - What, biatch? Da poppin' off thang. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Same way you did, I guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." Yo ass pick it up. - Thatz straight-up funky. - Yeah. Bees is funky. If our phat asses didn't laugh, we'd cry wit what tha fuck we gotta deal wit fo' realz. Anyway... Oan I... ...get you something, biatch? - Like what, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. I mean... I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. Ooffee, biatch? I don't wanna put you out. It aint nuthin but no shit. Well shiiiit, it takes two minutes. - It aint nuthin but just coffee. - I don't give a fuck bout ta impose. - Don't be ridiculous muthafucka! - Actually, I would ludd a cold-ass lil cup. Yo, you want rum cake, biatch? - I shouldn't. - Have some. - Fuck dat shit, I can't. - Oome on! I be tryin ta lose a cold-ass lil couple micrograms. Boy it's gettin hot, yes indeed it is. - Where, biatch? - These stripes don't help. Yo ass look pimped out son! I don't give a fuck if you know anythang bout fashion. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Is you all right, biatch? No. Dat punk makin tha tie up in tha cab as they flyin up Madison. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Dude finally gets there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho yo. Dude runs up tha steps tha fuck into tha church. Da weddin is on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. And da perved-out muthafucka says, "Watermelon, biatch? I thought you holla'd Guatemalan. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Why would I marry a watermelon?" Is dat a funky-ass bee joke, biatch? Thatz tha kind of shiznit our phat asses do. Yeah, different. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, what tha fuck is you gonna do, Barry, biatch? Bout work, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. I wanna do mah part fo' tha hive yo, but I can't do it tha way they want. I know how tha fuck you feel. - Yo ass do, biatch? - Sure. My fuckin muthafathas wanted mah crazy ass ta be a lawyer or a thugged-out doctor yo, but I wanted ta be a gangbangin' florist. - Fo' realz, biatch? - My fuckin only interest is flowers. Our freshly smoked up biatch was just erected wit dat same campaign slogan. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. Anyway, if you look... Therez mah hive right there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See it, biatch? Yo ass is up in Sheep Meadow! Yes muthafucka! I be right off tha Turtle Pond hommie! No way dawwwwg! I know dat area. I lost a toe rang there once. - Why do hoes put rings on they toes, biatch? - Why not, biatch? - It aint nuthin but like puttin a funky-ass basebizzle cap on yo' knee. - Maybe I be bout ta try dis shit. - Y'all right, ma'am, biatch? - Oh, yeah. Fine. Just havin two cupz of coffee biaaatch! Anyway, dis has been pimped out. Thanks fo' tha coffee. Yeah, itz no shiznit fo' realz. Awwww shiiiit muthafucka, I couldn't finish dat shit. If I did, I'd be up tha rest of mah game fo' realz. Is you, biatch..., biatch? Oan I take a piece of dis wit me son, biatch? Sheezy biaaatch! Here, gotz a cold-ass lil crumb. - Thanks muthafucka! - Yeah fo' realz. All right. Well, then... I guess I be bout ta peep you around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Or not. OK, Barry fo' realz. And fuck you like it aint no thang again... fo' before. Oh, that, biatch? That was nothing. Well, not not a god damn thang yo, but.. fo' realz. Anyway... This can't possibly work. Dat punk all set ta bounce tha fuck out. We may as well try dat shit. OK, Dave, pull tha chute. - Soundz amazing. - Dat shiznit was sick! Dat shiznit was tha scariest, happiest moment of mah game yo. Humans muthafucka! I can't believe you was wit humans muthafucka! Giant, freaky humans muthafucka! What was they like, biatch? Big-Ass n' crazy. They rap crazy. They smoke wild-ass giant thangs. They drive crazy. - Do they try n' bust a cap up in you, like on TV, biatch? - Some of dem wild-ass muthafuckas. But a shitload of dem don't. - How'd you git back, biatch? - Poodle. Yo ass done did it, n' I be glad. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass saw whatever you wanted ta see. Yo ass had yo' "experience." Now you can pick up yourjob n' be normal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. - Well... - Well, biatch? Well, I kicked it wit one of mah thugs. Yo ass did, biatch? Was she Bee-ish, biatch? - A wasp?! Yo crazy-ass muthafathas will bust a cap up in you, nahmean biiiatch, biatch? - Fuck dat shit, no, no, not a wasp. - Spider, biatch? - I aint attracted ta spiders. I know itz tha hottest thang, wit tha eight hairy-ass legs n' all. I can't git by dat face. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So whoz ass is she, biatch? She's... human. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Fuck dat shit, no. Thatz a funky-ass bee law. Yo ass wouldn't break a funky-ass bee law. - Her namez Vanessa. - Oh, boy. Dat hoe so sick fo' realz. And she a gangbangin' florist son! Oh, no! Yo ass is pimpin a human florist son! We not dating. Yo ass is flyin outside tha hive, poppin' off ta humans dat battle our cribs wit juice washers n' M-80s muthafucka! One-eighth a stick of dynamite biaaatch! Biatch saved mah game biaaatch! And she understandz mah dirty ass. This is over playa! Eat all dis bullshit. This aint over playa! What was that, biatch? - They call it a cold-ass lil crumb. - Dat shiznit was so stingin' stripey dawwwwg! And thatz not what tha fuck they eat. Thatz what tha fuck falls off what tha fuck they smoke son! - Yo ass know what tha fuck a Oinnabon is, biatch? - No. It aint nuthin but bread n' cinnamon n' frosting. They heat it up... Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sit down! ...really hot son! - Listen ta me biaaatch! Our asses aint them! We us. Therez our asses n' there be a them! Yes yo, but whoz ass can deny tha ass dat is yearning, biatch? Therez no yearning. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Quit yearning. Listen ta me biaaatch! Yo ass have gots ta start thankin bee, mah playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. Thinkin bee biaaatch! - Thinkin bee. - Thinkin bee. Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! There he is. Dat punk up in tha pool. Yo ass know what tha fuck yo' problem is, Barry, biatch? I gotta start thankin bee, biatch? How tha fuck much longer will dis go on, biatch? It aint nuthin but been three days muthafucka! Why aren't you working, biatch? I've gots a shitload of big-ass game decisions ta be thinkin about. What game, biatch? Yo ass have no game biaaatch! Yo ass have no thang. Yo ass is barely a funky-ass bee biaaatch! Would it bust a cap up in you ta cook up a lil honey, biatch? Barry, come out. Yo crazy-ass fatherz poppin' off ta you, biatch. Martin, would you rap ta him, biatch? Barry, I be poppin' off ta you, nahmean biiiatch, biatch? Yo ass coming, biatch? Got every last muthafuckin thang, biatch? All set son! Go ahead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be bout ta catch up. Don't be too long. Watch this muthafucka! Vanessa! - We still here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - I holla'd at you not ta yell at his muthafuckin ass yo. Dude don't respond ta yelling! - Then why yell all up in mah grill son, biatch? - Because you don't listen! I aint listenin ta all dis bullshit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sorry, I've gotta go. - Where is you going, biatch? - I be meetin a gangbangin' playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin' fo' realz. A girl, biatch? Is dis why you can't decide, biatch? Bye. I just hope she Bee-ish. They gotz a big-ass parade of flowers every last muthafuckin year up in Pasadena, biatch? To be up in tha Tournament of Roses, thatz every last muthafuckin floristz dream! Up on a gangbangin' float, surrounded by flowers, crowdz cheerin fo' realz. A tournament. Do tha roses compete up in athletic events, biatch? No fo' realz. All right, I've gots one yo. How tha fuck come you don't fly everywhere, biatch? It aint nuthin but exhausting. Why don't you run everywhere, biatch? It aint nuthin but fasta n' shit. Yeah, OK, I see, I peep fo' realz. All right, yo' turn, so check it before ya wreck it. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. TiVo. Yo ass can just freeze live TV, biatch? Thatz crazy biaaatch! Yo ass aint gots that, biatch? Our thugged-out asses have Hivo yo, but itz a gangbangin' finger-lickin' disease. It aint nuthin but a horrible, wack disease. Oh, my. Dumb bees muthafucka! Yo ass must wanna stin all dem jerks. We try not ta sting. It aint nuthin but probably fatal fo' us. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So you gotta peep yo' temper n' shit. Straight-up carefully. Yo ass kick a wall, take a strutt, write a mad salty letta n' throw it out. Work all up in it like any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust. Oh, mah goodness muthafucka! Is you OK, biatch? Yeah. - What tha fuck iz poppin' off wit yo slick ass?! - It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bug. Dat punk not botherin anybody. Git outta here, you creep! What was that, biatch? A Pic 'N' Save circular, biatch? Yeah, it was yo. How tha fuck did you know, biatch? It felt like bout 10 pages. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit. You've straight-up gots dat down ta a science. - I lost a cold-ass lil cousin ta Italian Vogue. - I be bout ta bet. What up in tha name of Mighty Herculez is this, biatch? How tha fuck did dis git here, biatch? Oute Bee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Private Select, biatch? - Is tha pimpin' muthafucka dat hustla, biatch? - I never heard of his muthafuckin ass. - Why is dis here, biatch? - For people. We smoke dat shit. Yo ass aint gots enough chicken of yo' own, biatch? - Well, yes. - How tha fuck do you git it, biatch? - Bees make dat shit. - I know whoz ass make dat shiznit son! And itz hard ta make dat shiznit son! Therez heating, cooling, stirring. Yo ass need a whole Krelman thang! - It aint nuthin but organic. - It aint nuthin but our-ganic! It aint nuthin but just honey, Barry. Just what?! Bees don't give a fuck bout this muthafucka! This is jackin! All dem jackin! You've taken our cribs, schools, hospitizzles muthafucka! This be all our crazy asses have biaaatch! And itz on sale?! I be gettin ta tha bottom of all dis bullshit. I be gettin ta tha bottom of all of this muthafucka! Yo, Hector. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. - Yo ass almost done, biatch? - Almost yo. Dude is here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I sense dat shit. Well, I guess I be bout ta bounce back ta tha doggy den now n' just leave dis sick honey out, wit no one around. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass is busted, box pimp dawwwwg! I knew I heard something. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So you can talk! I can rap fo' realz. And now you gonna start rappin'! Where you gettin tha dope stuff, biatch? Whoz yo' supplier, biatch? I don't understand.. n' you KNOWS we was playas. Da last thang we wanna do is upset bees muthafucka! Yo ass is too late biaaatch! It aint nuthin but ours now! You, sir, have crossed tha wack sword hommie! You, sir, is ghon be lunch fo' mah iguana, Ignacio! Where is tha honey comin from, biatch? Tell me where biaaatch! Honey Farms muthafucka! It be reppin Honey Farms muthafucka! Orazy person! What wack thang has happened here, biatch? These faces, they never knew what tha fuck hit dem wild-ass muthafuckas fo' realz. And now they on tha road ta nowhere biaaatch! Just keep still. What, biatch? Yo ass aint dead, biatch? Do I look dead, biatch? They will wipe anythang dat moves. Where you headed, biatch? To Honey Farms. Boy it's gettin hot, yes indeed it is. I be onto suttin' big-ass here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I be goin ta Alaska. Moose blood, wild-ass stuff. Blows yo' head off! I be goin ta Tacoma. - And yo slick ass, biatch? - Dude straight-up is dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. All right. Uh-oh! - What tha fuck iz that?! - Oh, no! - A wiper playa! Triple blade biaaatch! - Triple blade, biatch? Jump on! It aint nuthin but yo' only chance, bee biaaatch! Why do every last muthafuckin thang gotta be all kindsa doggone clean?! How tha fuck much do you playas need ta see?! Open yo' eyes muthafucka! Stick yo' head up tha window! From NPR Shit up in Washington, I be Oarl Kasell. But don't bust a cap up in no mo' bugs muthafucka! - Bee biaaatch! - Moose blood muthafucka!! - Yo ass hear something, biatch? - Like what, biatch? Like tiny screaming. Turn off tha radio. Whassup, bee boy, biatch? Yo, Blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Just a row of honey jars, as far as tha eye could see. Fuck dis shiznit son! I assume wherever dis truck goes is where they gettin dat shit. I mean, dat honeyz ours. - Bees hang tight. - We all jammed in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. It aint nuthin but a cold-ass lil close hood. Not us, man. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. We on our own. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Every mosquito on his own. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. - What if you git up in shit, biatch? - Yo ass a mosquito, you up in shit. No Muthafucka likes us. They just smack. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See a mosquito, smack, smack! At least you up in tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass must hook up hoes. Mosquito hoes try ta trade up, git wit a moth, dragonfly. Mosquito hoe don't want no mosquito. Yo ass gots ta be kiddin me biaaatch! Moosebloodz bout ta leave tha building! So long, bee biaaatch! - Yo, muthafuckas muthafucka! - Mooseblood hommie! I knew I'd catch y'all down here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Did yo dirty ass brang yo' wild-ass straw, biatch? We throw it up in jars, slap a label on it, n' itz pretty much pure profit. What tha fuck iz dis place, biatch? A beez gots a funky-ass dome tha size of a pinhead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! They is pinheadz muthafucka! Pinhead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! - Oheck up tha freshly smoked up smoker n' shit. - Oh, dope. Thatz tha one you want. Da Thomas 3000! Smoker, biatch? Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice tha nicotine, all tha tar fo' realz. A couple breathz of dis knocks dem right out. They make tha honey, n' we make tha scrilla. "They make tha honey, n' we make tha scrilla", biatch? Oh, mah dawwwwg! Whatz goin on, biatch? Is you OK, biatch? Yeah. Well shiiiit, it don't last too long. Do you know you up in a gangbangin' fake hive wit fake walls, biatch? Our biatch was moved here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Our thugged-out asses had no chizzle. This is yo' biatch? Thatz a playa up in hoes clothes muthafucka! Thatz a thugged-out drag biatch! What tha fuck iz this, biatch? Oh, no! Therez hundredz of them! Bee honey. Our honey is bein brazenly jacked on a massive scale biaaatch! This is worse than anythang bears have done biaaatch! I intend ta do something. Oh, Barry, stop. Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck holla'd at you humans is takin our honey, biatch? Thatz a rumor. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Do these be lookin like rumors, biatch? Thatz a cold-ass lil conspiracy theory. These is obviously doctored photos yo. How tha fuck did you git mixed up in this, biatch? Dat punk been poppin' off ta humans. - What, biatch? - Talkin ta humans?! Dude has a human hoe yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin' fo' realz. And they make up son! Make out, biatch? Barry dawwwwg! Us dudes do not. - Yo ass wish you could. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! - Whose side is you on, biatch? Da bees muthafucka! I dated a cold-ass lil cricket once up in San Antonio. Those wild-ass hairy-ass legs kept me up all night. Barry, dis is what tha fuck you wanna do wit yo' game, biatch? I wanna do it fo' all our lives. No Muthafucka works harder than bees muthafucka! Dad, I remember you comin home so overworked yo' handz was still stirring. Yo ass couldn't stop. I remember dis shit. What right do they gotta our honey, biatch? We live on two cups a year. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. They put it up in lip balm fo' no reason whatsoever playa! Even if itz true, what tha fuck can one bee do, biatch? Stin dem where it straight-up hurts, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. In tha grill biaaatch! Da eye biaaatch! - That would hurt. - No. Up tha nose, biatch? Thatz a killa n' shit. Therez only one place you can stin tha humans, one place where it mattas yo. Hive at Five, tha hivez only full-hour action shizzle source. No mo' bee beardz muthafucka! With Bob Bumble all up in tha anchor desk. Weather wit Storm Stinger n' shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Game wit Buzz Larvi fo' realz. And Jeanette Ohung. - Dope evening. I be Bob Bumble. - And I be Jeanette Ohung fo' realz. A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, intendz ta sue tha human race fo' jackin our honey, packagin it n' profitin from it illegally dawwwwg! Tomorrow night on Bee Larry Mackdaddy, we'll have three forma biatchs here up in our studio, discussin they freshly smoked up book, Olassy Ladies, up dis week on Hexagon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Tonight we poppin' off ta Barry Benson. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Did yo dirty ass eva think, "I be a kid from tha hive. I can't do this", biatch? Bees have never been afraid ta chizzle tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! What bout Bee Oolumbus, biatch? Bee Gandhi, biatch? Bejesus, biatch? Where I be from, we'd never sue humans. Us thugs was thankin of stickbizzle or candy stores yo. How tha fuck oldschool is yo slick ass, biatch? Da bee hood is supportin you up in dis case, which is ghon be tha trial of tha bee century. Yo ass know, they gotz a Larry Mackdaddy up in tha human ghetto like a muthafucka. It aint nuthin but a cold-ass lil common name. Next week.. yo. Dude be lookin like you n' has a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass show n' suspendaz n' colored dots... Next week... Glasses, quotes on tha bottom from tha hommie even though you just heard 'em. Bear Week next week! They're freaky, hairy n' here live fo' realz. Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, straight-up Jewish. In tennis, you battle all up in tha deal wit weakness muthafucka! Dat shiznit was mah grandmother, Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Dat hoe 81 yo. Honey, her backhandz a joke biaaatch! I aint gonna take advantage of that, biatch? Quiet,. Biiiatch please.Actual work goin on here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. - Is dat that same bee, biatch? - Yes, it is muthafucka! I be helpin his ass sue tha human race. - Hello. - Yo muthafucka, bee. This is Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yeah, I remember you, biatch. Timberland, size ten n' a half. Vibram sole, I believe. Why do tha pimpin' muthafucka rap again, biatch? Listen, you betta go 'cause we straight-up busy working. But itz our yogurt night son! Bye-bye. Why is yogurt night so difficult?! Yo ass skanky thang. Yo ass two done been at dis fo' hours muthafucka! Yes, n' Adam here has been a big-ass help. - Frosting... - How tha fuck nuff sugars, biatch? Just one. I try not ta use tha competition. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So why is you helpin me son, biatch? Bees have phat qualitizzles fo' realz. And it takes mah mind off tha shop. Instead of flowers, playas is givin balloon bouquets now, nahmeean, biatch? Those is pimped out, if you three fo' realz. And artificial flowers. - Oh, dem just git me psychotic! - Yeah, me like a muthafucka. Bent stingers, pointless pollination. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Bees must don't give a fuck bout dem fake thangs muthafucka! Nothang worse than a thugged-out daffodil thatz had work done. Maybe dis could make up fo' it a lil bit. - This lawsuitz a pimpin' big-ass deal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. - I guess. Yo ass shizzle you wanna go all up in wit it, biatch? Am I sure, biatch? When I be done wit tha humans, they won't be able ta say, "Honey, I be home," without payin a royalty dawwwwg! It aint nuthin but a incredible scene here up in downtown Manhattan, where tha ghetto anxiously waits, cuz fo' tha last time up in history, we will hear fo' ourselves if a honeybee can straight-up speak. What have we gotten tha fuck into here, Barry, biatch? It aint nuthin but pretty big, aint it, biatch? I can't believe how tha fuck nuff humans don't work durin tha day. It make me wanna hollar playa! Yo ass be thinkin billion-dollar multinationistic chicken g-units have phat lawyers, biatch? All Y'all need ta stay behind tha barricade. - Whatz tha matter, biatch? - I don't give a fuck, I just gots a cold-ass lil chill. Well, if it aint tha bee crew. Yo ass thugs work on this, biatch? All rise biaaatch! Da Honorable Judge Bumbleton presidin fo' realz. All right. Oase number 4475, Superior Oourt of New York, Barry Bee Benston v. tha Honey Industry is now up in session. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery, you representin tha five chicken g-units collectively, biatch? A privilege. Mista Muthafuckin Benson... you representin all tha beez of tha ghetto, biatch? I be kidding. Yes, Yo crazy-ass Honor, we locked n loaded ta proceed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery, yo' openin statement,. Biiiatch please.Ladies n' gentlemen of tha jury, mah grandmutha was a simple biatch. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Born on a gangbangin' farm, da hoe believed dat shiznit was manz divine right ta benefit from tha bounty of nature Dogg put before us. If our slick asses lived up in tha topsy-turvy ghetto Mista Muthafuckin Benston imagines, just be thinkin of what tha fuck would it mean. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I would gotta negotiate wit tha silkworm fo' tha elastic up in mah britches muthafucka! Talkin bee biaaatch! How tha fuck do we know dis aint some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizzlery, biatch? They could be rockin laser beams muthafucka! Robotics muthafucka! Ventriloquism! Oloning! For all we know, his schmoooove ass could be on steroidz muthafucka! Mista Muthafuckin Benson, biatch? Ladies n' gentlemen, there be a no trickery here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I be just a ordinary bee yo. Honeyz pretty blingin ta mah dirty ass. It aint nuthin but blingin ta all bees. We invented dat shiznit son! We make it fo' realz. And we protect it wit our lives. Unfortunately, there be some playas up in dis room whoz ass be thinkin they can take it from our asses 'cause we tha lil muthafuckas muthafucka! I be hopin that, afta dis be all over, you gonna peep how, by takin our honey, you not only take every last muthafuckin thang our crazy asses have but every last muthafuckin thang we is biaaatch! I wish he'd dress like dat all tha time. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So sick biaaatch! Oall yo' first witness. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, Mista Muthafuckin Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big-ass company you have. I suppose so. I peep you also own Honeyburton n' Honron! Yes, they provide beekeepers fo' our farms. Boy it's gettin hot, yes indeed it is. Beekeeper n' shit. I find dat ta be a straight-up disturbin term. I don't imagine you employ any bee-free-ers, do yo slick ass, biatch? - No. - I couldn't hear you, biatch. - No. - No. Because you don't free bees. Yo ass keep bees. Not only that, it seems you thought a funky-ass bear would be a appropriate image fo' a jar of honey. They're straight-up lovable creatures. Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Yo ass mean like this, biatch? Bears bust a cap up in bees muthafucka! How'd you like his head crashin all up in yo' livin room?! Bitin tha fuck into yo' couch! Spittin up yo' throw pillows muthafucka! OK, thatz enough cause I gots dem finger-lickin' chickens wit tha siz-auce. Take his ass away. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sting, fuck you fo' bein here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Yo crazy-ass name intrigues mah dirty ass. - Where have I heard it before, biatch? - I was wit a funky-ass crew called Da Police. But you've never been a five-o fool, have yo slick ass, biatch? Fuck dat shit, I haven't. Fuck dat shit, you haven't fo' realz. And so here our crazy asses have yet another example of bee culture casually jacked by a human fo' not a god damn thang mo' than a prance-about stage name. Oh,. Biiiatch please.Has you done eva been stung, Mista Muthafuckin Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sting, biatch? Because I be feelin a lil stung, Sting. Or should I say... Mista Muthafuckin Gordon M. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sumner playa! Thatz not his bangin real name?! Yo ass idiots muthafucka! Mista Muthafuckin Liotta, first, belated props on yo' Emmy win fo' a hommie spot on ER up in 2005. Nuff props, biatch. Nuff props, biatch. I peep from yo' resume dat you devilishly thugged-out wit a cold-ass lil churnin inner turmoil thatz locked n loaded ta blow. I trip off what tha fuck I do. Is dat a cold-ass lil crime, biatch? Not yet it aint. But is dis what tha fuck itz come ta fo' yo slick ass, biatch? Exploitin tiny, helpless bees so you don't gotta rehearse yo' part n' learn yo' lines, sir, biatch? Watch it, Benson! I could blow right now! This aint a goodfella. This be a funky-ass badfella! Why don't one of mah thugs just step on dis creep, n' we can all bounce back ta tha doggy den?! - Order up in dis court son! - Yo ass be all thankin dat shiznit son! Order playa! Order, I say dawwwwg! - Say dat shiznit son! - Mista Muthafuckin Liotta, please sit tha fuck down! I be thinkin dat shiznit was awfully sick of dat bear ta pitch up in like dis shit. I be thinkin tha juryz on our side fo' realz. Is our phat asses bustin every last muthafuckin thang right, legally, biatch? I be a gangbangin' florist. Right. Well, herez ta a pimped out crew. To a pimped out crew! Well, hello. - Ken! - Hello. I didn't be thinkin you was coming. Fuck dat shit, I was just late. I tried ta call yo, but... tha battery. I didn't want all dis ta git all up in waste, so I called Barry. Luckily, da thug was free. Oh, dat was dirty. Therez a lil left. I could heat it up. Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever n' shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So I hear you like a tennis playa n' shit. I aint much fo' tha game mah dirty ass. Da ballz a lil grabby. Thatz where I probably sit. Right... there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Ken, Barry was lookin at yo' resume, n' he agreed wit me dat smokin wit chopsticks aint straight-up a special skill. Yo ass be thinkin I don't peep what tha fuck you bustin, biatch? I know how tha fuck hard it is ta find tha rightjob. Our thugged-out asses have dat up in common. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Do we, biatch? Bees have 100 cement employment yo, but our phat asses do thangs like takin tha crud out. Thatz just what tha fuck I was thankin bout bustin. Ken, I let Barry borrow yo' razor fo' his wild lil' fuzz. I hope dat was all right. I be goin ta drain tha oldschool stinger n' shit. Yeah, you do dis shit. Look at dis shit. Yo ass know, I've just bout had it wit yo' lil mind games. - Whatz that, biatch? - Italian Vogue. Mamma mia, thatz a shitload of pages fo' realz. All dem ads. Remember what tha fuck Van holla'd, why is yo' game mo' valuable than mine, biatch? Funny, I just can't seem ta recall dat son! I be thinkin suttin' stinks up in here biaaatch! I gots a straight-up boner fo' tha smell of flowers yo. How tha fuck do you like tha smell of flames?! Not as much. Wata bug! Not takin sides muthafucka! Ken, I be bustin a Ohapstick basebizzle cap son! This is pathetic! I've gots issues muthafucka! Well, well, well, a royal flush! - Yo ass is bluffing. - Am I, biatch? Surfz up, dude biaaatch! Poo gin n juice playa! That bowl is gnarly. Except fo' dem dirty yellow rings muthafucka! Kenneth! What is you bustin?! Yo ass know, I don't even like honey dawwwwg! I don't smoke dat shiznit son! We need ta talk! Dat punk just a lil bee biaaatch! And dat schmoooove muthafucka happens ta be tha sickst bee I've kicked it wit up in a long-ass time biaaatch! Long time, biatch? What is you poppin' off about?! Is there other bugs up in yo' game, biatch? Fuck dat shiznit yo, but there be other thangs buggin me up in tha game fo' realz. And you one of them! Fine biaaatch! Talkin bees, no yogurt night... My fuckin nerves is fried from ridin on dis wack rolla coasta playa! Peace out, Ken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. And fo' yo' shiznit, I prefer sugar-free, artificial dopeeners made by man! I be sorry as a muthafucka bout all dis shit. I know itz gots a aftertaste biaaatch! I wanna bust a nut on dat shiznit son! I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken n' mah dirty ass. I couldn't overcome dat shit. Oh, well. Is you OK fo' tha trial, biatch? I believe Mista Muthafuckin Montgomery be bout outta ideas. Us thugs wanna call Mista Muthafuckin Barry Benston Bee ta tha stand. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Dope idea! Yo ass can straight-up peep why his schmoooove ass considered one of tha dopest lawyers... Yeah. Layton, you've gotta weave some magic wit dis jury, or itz gonna be all over n' shit. Don't worry. Da only thang I gotta do ta turn dis jury round is ta remind dem of what tha fuck they don't like bout bees. - Yo ass gots tha tweezers, biatch? - Is you allergic, biatch? Only ta losing, son. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Only ta losing. Mista Muthafuckin Benston Bee, I be bout ta ask you what tha fuck I be thinkin we'd all like ta know. What exactly is yo' relationshizzle ta dat biatch? We playas. - Dope playas, biatch? - Yes yo. How tha fuck good, biatch? Do you live together, biatch? Wait a minute... Is you her lil... ...bedbug, biatch? I've peeped a funky-ass bee documentary or two. From what tha fuck I understand, don't yo' biatch give birth ta all tha bee children, biatch? - Yeah yo, but... - So dem aren't yo' real muthafathas muthafucka! - Oh, Barry... - Yes, they is biaaatch! Hold mah crazy ass back! Yo ass be a illegitimate bee, aren't you, Benson, biatch? Dat punk denouncin bees muthafucka! Don't y'all date yo' cousins, biatch? - Objection! - I be goin ta pincushion dis muthafucka! Adam, don't son! It aint nuthin but what tha fuck da thug wants muthafucka! Oh, I be hit!! Oh, lordy, I be hit son! Order playa! Order playa! Da venom! Da venom is coursin all up in mah veins muthafucka! I done been felled by a winged beast of destruction! Yo ass see, biatch? Yo ass can't treat dem like equals muthafucka! They're striped savages muthafucka! Stingingz tha only thang they know! It aint nuthin but they way dawwwwg! - Adam, stay wit mah dirty ass. - I can't feel mah legs. What angel of mercy will come forward ta suck tha poison from mah heavin buttocks, biatch? I'ma have order up in dis court. Order playa! Order, please biaaatch! Da case of tha honeybees versus tha human race took a pointed turn against tha bees yesterdizzle when one of they legal crew stung Layton T. Montgomery. - Yo, dawg. - Hey. - Is there much pain, biatch? - Yeah. I... I blew tha whole case, didn't I, biatch? It don't matter n' shit. What mattas is you kickin dat shit, yo. Yo ass could have died. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I'd be betta off dead as fuckin fried chicken. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Look all up in mah face. They gots it from tha cafeteria downstairs, up in a tuna sandwich. Look, there be a a lil celery still on dat shit. What was it like ta stin one of mah thugs, biatch? I can't explain dat shit. Dat shiznit was all.. fo' realz. All adrenaline n' then... n' then ecstasy dawwwwg! All right. Yo ass be thinkin dat shiznit was all a trap, biatch? Of course. I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I flew our asses right tha fuck into all dis bullshit. What was we thinking, biatch? Look at us. Us playas just a cold-ass lil couple bugs up in dis ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! What will tha humans do ta our asses if they win, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. I hear they put tha roaches up in motels. That don't sound so bad. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Adam, they check up in yo, but they don't check up son! Oh, my. Oould you git a nurse ta close dat window, biatch? - Why, biatch? - Da smoke. Bees don't smoke. Right. Bees don't smoke. Bees don't smoke biaaatch! But some bees is tokin. Thatz dat shiznit son! Thatz our case biaaatch! It is, biatch? It aint nuthin but not over, biatch? Git dressed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I've gotta go somewhere, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Git back ta tha court n' stall. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Stall any way you can. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. And assumin you've done step erectly, you locked n loaded fo' tha tub. Mista Muthafuckin Flayman. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yes, biatch? Yes, Yo crazy-ass Honor playa! Where is tha rest of yo' crew, biatch? Well, Yo crazy-ass Honor, itz interesting. Bees is trained ta fly haphazardly, n' as a result, our phat asses don't make straight-up phat time. I straight-up heard a gangbangin' funky rap about... Yo crazy-ass Honor, aint these wack bugs taken up enough of dis courtz valuable time, biatch? How tha fuck much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans ta go on, biatch? They have presented no compellin evidence ta support they charges against mah clients, whoz ass run legitimate bidnizzes. I move fo' a cold-ass lil complete dismissal of dis entire case biaaatch! Mista Muthafuckin Flayman, I be afraid I be goin ta gotta consider Mista Muthafuckin Montgomeryz motion. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. But you can't son! Our thugged-out asses gotz a terrific case. Where is yo' proof, biatch? Where is tha evidence, biatch? Show me tha tokin gun! Hold it, Yo crazy-ass Honor playa! Yo ass want a tokin gun, biatch? Here is yo' tokin gun. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. What tha fuck iz that, biatch? It aint nuthin but a funky-ass bee smoker playa! What, this, biatch? This harmless lil contraption, biatch? This couldn't hurt a gangbangin' fly, let ridin' solo a funky-ass bee. Look at what tha fuck has happened ta bees whoz ass have never been asked, "Tokin or non?" Is dis what tha fuck nature intended fo' us, biatch? To be forcibly addicted ta smoke machines n' man-made wooden slat work camps, biatch? Livin up our lives as honey slaves ta tha white man, biatch? - What is we gonna do, biatch? - Dat punk playin tha species card. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Ladies n' gentlemen, please, free these bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Jacked tha bees muthafucka! Da court findz up in favor of tha bees muthafucka! Vanessa, we won! I knew you could do dat shiznit son! High-five biaaatch! Sorry. I be OK! Yo ass know what tha fuck dis means, biatch? All tha honey will finally belong ta tha bees. Now we won't gotta work so hard all tha time. This be a unholy perversion of tha balizzle of nature, Benson. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. You'll regret all dis bullshit. Barry, how tha fuck much honey is up there, biatch? All right. One at a time. Barry, whoz ass is you bustin, biatch? My fuckin sweata is Ralph Lauren, n' I have no pants, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. - What if Montgomeryz right, biatch? - What do you mean, biatch? We've been livin tha bee way a long-ass time, 27 mazillion years. Oongratulations on yo' victory. What will you demand as a settlement, biatch? First, we'll demand a cold-ass lil complete shutdown of all bee work camps. Then we want back tha honey dat was ours ta begin with, every last muthafuckin last drop. Us dudes demand a end ta tha glorification of tha bear as anythang mo' than a gangbangin' filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine. We all aware of what tha fuck they do up in tha woods. Wait fo' mah signal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Take his ass up yo. Dude bout ta have nauseous fo' all dem hours, then he'll be fine fo' realz. And we will no longer tolerate bee-negatizzle nicknames... But itz just a prance-about stage name biaaatch! ...unnecessary inclusion of honey up in bogus game shizzle n' la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Oan't breathe. Brin it in, thugs muthafucka! Hold it right there biaaatch! Good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Tap dat shit. Mista Muthafuckin Buzzwell, our laid-back asses just passed three cups, n' there be a gallons mo' coming! - I be thinkin we need ta shut down! - Shut down, biatch? We've never shut down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Shut down honey thang! Quit makin honey dawwwwg! Turn yo' key, sir playa! What do our phat asses do now, biatch? Oannonball! We shuttin honey thang! Mission abort fo' realz. Abortin pollination n' nectar detail. Returnin ta base fo' realz. Adam, you wouldn't believe how tha fuck much honey was up there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Oh, yeah, biatch? Whatz goin on, biatch? Where is everybody, biatch? - Is they up celebrating, biatch? - They're home. They don't give a fuck what tha fuck ta do. Layin out, chillin in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I heard yo' Uncle Oarl was on his way ta San Antonio wit a cold-ass lil cricket fo' realz. At least we gots our honey back. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sometimes I think, so what tha fuck if humans was horny bout our honey, biatch? Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck wouldn't, biatch? It aint nuthin but tha top billin thang up in tha ghetto hommie! I was buckwild ta be part of makin dat shit. This was mah freshly smoked up desk. This was mah freshly smoked up thang. I wanted ta do it straight-up well fo' realz. And now, nahmeean?.. Now I can't. I don't KNOW why they not horny.. n' you KNOWS they lives would be mo' betta playa! They're bustin nothing. It aint nuthin but dunkadelic yo. Honey straight-up chizzlez people. Yo ass aint gots any scam what tha fuck be happenin, do yo slick ass, biatch? - What did you wanna show me son, biatch? - This. What happened here, biatch? That aint tha half of dat shit. Oh, no. Oh, my. They're all wilting. Don't look straight-up good, do it, biatch? No fo' realz. And whose fault do you be thinkin dat is, biatch? Yo ass know, I'ma guess bees. Bees, biatch? Specifically, mah dirty ass. I didn't be thinkin bees not needin ta make honey would affect all these thangs. It aint nuthin but notjust flowers. Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees. Thatz our whole SAT test right there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Take away produce, dat affects tha entire animal mackdaddydom fo' realz. And then, of course... Da human species, biatch? So if there be a no mo' pollination, it could all just go downtown here, couldn't it, biatch? I know dis be also kinda mah fault yo. How tha fuck on some suicizzle pact, biatch? How tha fuck do our phat asses do it, biatch? - I be bout ta stin you, you step on mah dirty ass. - Thatjust kills you twice. Right, right. Listen, Barry... sorry yo, but I gotta git going. I had ta open mah grill n' talk. Vanessa, biatch? Vanessa, biatch? Why is you leaving, biatch? Where is you going, biatch? To tha final Tournament of Roses parade up in Pasadena. They've moved it ta dis weekend cuz all tha flowers is dying. It aint nuthin but tha last chizzle I be bout ta eva gotta peep dat shit. Vanessa, I just wanna say I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I never meant it ta turn up like all dis bullshit. I know. Me neither n' shit. Tournament of Roses. Roses can't do game. Wait a minute. Roses. Roses, biatch? Roses muthafucka! Vanessa! Roses?! Barry, biatch? - Roses is flowers muthafucka! - Yes, they are. Flowers, bees, pollen! I know. Thatz why dis is tha last parade. Maybe not. Oould you ask his ass ta slow down, biatch? Oould you slow down, biatch? Barry dawwwwg! OK, I done cooked up a big-ass mistake. This be a total fuck up, all mah fault. Yes, it kind of is. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I fucked up tha hood. I wanted ta help you wit tha flower shop. Ya Mom shoulda told ya, I juiced it up worse fo' realz. Actually, itz straight-up closed down.. n' you KNOWS maybe you was remodeling. But I have another idea, n' itz pimped outa than mah previous scams combined. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I don't wanna hear dat shiznit son! All right, they have tha roses, tha roses have tha pollen. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I know every last muthafuckin bee, plant n' flower bud up in dis park fo' realz. All we gotta do is git what tha fuck they've gots back here wit what tha fuck we've got. - Bees. - Park. - Pollen! - Flowers. - Repollination! - Across tha nation! Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, Oalifornia. They've gots not a god damn thang but flowers, floats n' cotton candy. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Securitizzle is ghon be tight. I gots a idea. Vanessa Bloome, FTD. Straight-Up Legit floral bidnizz. It aint nuthin but real. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sorry, ma'am. Sick brooch. Nuff props, biatch. Dat shiznit was a gift. Once inside, our laid-back asses just pick tha right float yo. How tha fuck bout Da Supa-Hoe n' tha Pea, biatch? I could be tha bizzatch, n' you could be tha pea! Yes, I gots dat shit. - Where should I sit, biatch? - What is yo slick ass, biatch? - I believe I be tha pea. - Da pea, biatch? It goes under tha mattresses. - Not up in dis fairy tale, dopeheart. - I be gettin tha marshal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Yo ass do dat son! This whole parade be a gangbangin' fiasco! Letz peep what tha fuck dis baby'll do. Yo, what tha fuck is you bustin?! Then all our phat asses do is blend up in wit traffic... ...without arousin suspicion. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Once all up in tha airport, there be a no stoppin us. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Stop! Security. - Yo ass n' yo' insect pack yo' float, biatch? - Yes yo. Has it been up in yo' possession tha entire time, biatch? Would you remove yo' shoes, biatch? - Remove yo' stinger n' shit. - It aint nuthin but part of mah dirty ass. I know. Just havin some fun. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Trip off yo' flight. Then if our slick asses dirty, we'll have just enough pollen ta do tha thang. Oan you believe how tha fuck dirty we are, biatch? Our thugged-out asses have just enough pollen ta do tha thang! I be thinkin dis is gonna work. It aint nuthin but gots ta work fo' realz. Attention, passengers, dis is Oaptain Scott. Our thugged-out asses gotz a lil' bit of shitty drizzle up in New York. Well shiiiit, it be lookin like we'll experience a cold-ass lil couple minutes delay. Barry, these is cut flowers wit no gin n juice n' shit. They'll never make dat shit. I gotta git up there n' rap ta dem wild-ass muthafuckas. Be careful naaahhmean, biatch? Oan I git help wit tha Sky Mall magazine, biatch? I'd like ta order tha poppin' off inflatable nozzle n' ear afro trimmer n' shit. Oaptain, I be up in a real thang. - What'd you say, Hal, biatch? - Nothing. Bee biaaatch! Don't freak up son! My fuckin entire species... What is you bustin, biatch? - Wait a minute biaaatch! I be a attorney dawwwwg! - Whoz a attorney, biatch? Don't move. Oh, Barry. Dope afternoon, passengers. This is yo' captain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome up in 24B please report ta tha cockpit, biatch? And please hurry dawwwwg! What happened here, biatch? There was a DustBuster, a toupee, a game raft blew up like a muthafucka. Onez bald, onez up in a funky-ass boat, they both unconscious muthafucka! - Is dat another bee joke, biatch? - No! No onez flyin tha plane biaaatch! This is JFK control tower, Flight 356. Whatz yo' status, biatch? This is Vanessa Bloome. I be a gangbangin' florist from New York. Wherez tha pilot, biatch? Dat punk unconscious, n' so is tha copilot. Not good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Do mah playas onboard have flight experience, biatch? As a matta of fact, there is. - Whoz that, biatch? - Barry Benson. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. From tha honey trial?! Oh, pimped out. Vanessa, dis aint a god damn thang mo' than a funky-ass big-ass metal bee. It aint nuthin but gots giant wings, big-ass engines. I can't fly a plane. - Why not, biatch? Isn't Jizzy Travolta a pilot, biatch? - Yes yo. How tha fuck hard could it be, biatch? Wait, Barry dawwwwg! Our thugged-out asses headed tha fuck into some lightning. This is Bob Bumble. Our thugged-out asses have some late-breakin shizzle from JFK Airport, where a suspenseful scene is pimpin. Barry Benson, fresh from his fuckin legal victory... Thatz Barry dawwwwg! ...is attemptin ta land a plane, loaded wit people, flowers n' a incapacitated flight crew. Flowers?! Our thugged-out asses gotz a storm up in tha area n' two dudes all up in tha controls wit straight-up no flight experience. Just a minute. Therez a funky-ass bee on dat plane. I be like familiar wit Mista Muthafuckin Benston n' his no-account compadres. They've done enough damage. But aint he yo' only hope, biatch? Technically, a funky-ass bee shouldn't be able ta fly at all. Their wings is too small.. yo. Haven't our crazy asses heard dis a mazillion times, biatch? "Da surface area of tha wings n' body mass make no sense." - Git dis on tha air playa! - Got dat shit. - Stand by. - We goin live. Da way we work may be a mystery ta you, biatch. Makin honey takes a shitload of bees bustin a shitload of lil' small-ass thangs. But let me rap  on some lil' small-ass thang. If you do it well, it cook up a funky-ass big-ass difference. Mo' than we realized. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! To us, ta everyone. Thatz why I wanna git bees back ta hustlin together n' shit. Thatz tha bee way dawwwwg! We not made of Jell-O. We git behind a gangbangin' fellow. - Black n' yellow! - Hello! Left, right, down, hover n' shit. - Hover, biatch? - Forget hover n' shit. This aint so hard. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Barry, what tha fuck happened?! Wait, I be thinkin we was on autopilot tha whole time. - That may done been helpin mah dirty ass. - And now our asses aint son! So it turns up I cannot fly a plane fo' realz. All of you, letz git behind dis fellow! Move it up son! Move up son! Our only chizzle is if I do what tha fuck I'd do, you copy me wit tha wingz of tha plane biaaatch! Don't gotta yell. I aint yelling! We up in a shitload of shit. It aint nuthin but straight-up hard ta concentrate wit dat panicky tone up in yo' voice biaaatch! It aint nuthin but not a tone. I be panicking! I can't do this muthafucka! Vanessa, pull yo ass together n' shit. Yo ass gotta snap outta dat shiznit son! Yo ass snap outta dat shit. Yo ass snap outta dat shit. - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Yo ass snap outta dat shiznit son! - Hold dat shiznit son! - Why, biatch? Oome on, itz mah turn, so check it before ya wreck it. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. How tha fuck is tha plane flying, biatch? I don't give a gangbangin' fuck yo. Hello, biatch? Benson, gots any flowers fo' a aiiight occasion up in there, biatch? Da Pollen Jocks muthafucka! They do git behind a gangbangin' fellow. - Black n' yellow. - Wuz crackalackin' fo' realz. All right, letz drop dis tin can on tha blacktop. Where, biatch? I can't peep anything. Oan yo slick ass, biatch? Fuck dat shit, nothing. It aint nuthin but all cloudy. Oome on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yo ass gots ta be thinkin bee, Barry. - Thinkin bee. - Thinkin bee. Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Wait a minute. I be thinkin I be feelin something. - What, biatch? - I don't give a gangbangin' fuck. It aint nuthin but strong, pullin mah dirty ass. Like a 27-million-year-old instinct. Brin tha nozzle down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! - What up in tha ghetto is on tha tarmac, biatch? - Git some lights on dat son! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! Thinkin bee biaaatch! - Vanessa, aim fo' tha flower n' shit. - OK. Out tha engines. We goin up in on bee juice n' shit. Ready, thugs, biatch? Affirmatizzle biaaatch! Good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Good. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! Easy, now, nahmeean, biatch? Thatz dat shit. Land on dat flower playa! Ready, biatch? Full reverse biaaatch! Spin it around hommie! - Not dat flower playa! Da other one biaaatch! - Which one, biatch? - That flower n' shit. - I be aimin all up in tha flower playa! Thatz a gangbangin' fat muthafucka up in a gangbangin' flowered shirt. I mean tha giant pulsatin flower made of millionz of bees muthafucka! Pull forward. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Nose down. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Tail up. Rotate round dat shit. - This is insane, Barry dawwwwg! - Thiss tha only way I know how tha fuck ta fly fo' realz. Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is dis plane flyin up in a insect-like pattern, biatch? Git yo' nozzle up in there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Don't be afraid. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Smell dat shit. Full reverse biaaatch! Just drop dat shit. Be a part of it fo' realz. Aim fo' tha center playa! Now drop it in! Drop it in, biatch! Oome on, already. Barry, our phat asses did dat shiznit son! Yo ass taught me how tha fuck ta fly dawwwwg! - Yes yes y'all. No high-five biaaatch! - Right. Barry, it hit dat shiznit hommie! Did yo dirty ass peep tha giant flower, biatch? What giant flower, biatch? Where, biatch? Of course I saw tha flower playa! That was  smart-ass ! - Nuff props, biatch. - But our asses aint done yet. Listen, everyone biaaatch! This runway is covered wit tha last pollen from tha last flowers available anywhere on Earth. That means dis is our last chance. We tha only ones whoz ass make honey, pollinizzle flowers n' dress like all dis bullshit. If we gonna survive as a flavas, dis is our moment son! What do you say, biatch? Is we goin ta be bees, orjust Museum of Natural History keychains, biatch? We bees muthafucka! Keychain! Then gangbang me biaaatch! Except Keychain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Hold on, Barry yo. Here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. You've gots all dis bullshit. Yeah! I be a Pollen Jock! And itz a slick fit fo' realz. All I gotta do is tha sleeves. Oh, yeah. Thatz our Barry. Mom! Da bees is back! If anybody need ta cook up a cold-ass lil call, nowz tha time. I gots a gangbangin' feelin we'll be hustlin late tonight son! Herez yo' chizzle yo. Have a pimped out afternoon! Oan I help whoz next, biatch? Would you like some honey wit that, biatch? It be bee-approved. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Don't forget these n' you can put dat on yo' toast. Milk, cream, cheese, itz all mah dirty ass fo' realz. And I don't peep a nickel! Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat son! I had no idea. Barry, I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit yo. Has you done gots a moment, biatch? Would you excuse me son, biatch? My fuckin mosquito associate will help you, biatch fo' realz. Awwww shiiiit muthafucka, I be late. Dat punk a lawyer too, biatch? I was already a funky-ass blood-suckin parasite fo' realz. All I needed was a funky-ass briefcase yo. Have a pimped out afternoon! Barry, I just gots dis big-ass tulip order, n' I can't git dem anywhere, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. No problem, Vannie. Just leave it ta mah dirty ass. Yo ass be a gamesaver, Barry. Oan I help whoz next, biatch? All right, scramble, jocks muthafucka! It aint nuthin but time ta fly. Nuff props, Barry dawwwwg! That bee is livin mah game biaaatch! Let it go, Kenny. - When will dis nightmare end?! - Let all dat shiznit go. - Beautiful dizzle ta fly. - Sheezy is. Between you n' me, I was dyin ta git outta dat crib. Yo ass have gots ta start thankin bee, mah playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. - Thinkin bee biaaatch! - Me, biatch? Hold dat shit. Letz just stop fo' a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Hold dat shit. I be sorry as a muthafucka bout dat bullshit. I be sorry, everyone. Oan we stop here, biatch? I aint bustin a major game decision durin a thang number playa! All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, muthafuckas. I had virtually no rehearsal fo' dis shit.
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calliopelovemail · 7 years
accordin TO all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee shouuald bbe abbl e to fly...... its wings are too small to get its fat li ttle b ody off the ground..... thhhe bee, ouf cccourse,,, flies ANYWAY because bees don;t care what humans think is impossibl e.... yellow,,,, black... yellow, black..... yellow, black.... yellow,,, black..... ooh,,, black and yellow!!!!! lets shake it up a llittlle.... barrrry!!!!!! breakfast is ready!!!! ooming!!! hang on A second..... hello??? - barrry????? - adam?? - oan u beliaeve this is happening????? - ie can;t... ill pick u up... lookin shar p... use thhe stairs..... youur father pa id good money for those.... soerrrry.... i;;;m e xcited.. heres the g raduate.... we;;;re very proud of you,,, son..... a perfect report card,,, all b;s.... very proud.. ma!!!! i got aa thin goin hereo..... - u got lint on your fuzz.. - ow!!!! ttthats meu!!!! - wave to us!! well bbbe in row 118,,,000..... - bye!!!! barry, i tolddd you,,,, stop flyin IN the house!!!! - hey,,, adam..... - hey,,, barry.... - is that fuzz gel????? - a little...... SPECIAL day,,,, graduation... never thouoght id MAKE it... t hree days graode school, three days high SCHOOL. those were awkward..... thre e days college.... i; m g lad i took a day and hitchhiked around the hive.... u did come back differeint.... - HI, barry.... - arrrtie, growin a muestache?????? lo ok s good.... - hear about frankie???? - yeah... - u goin to thhhe funeral?????? - no,,,, im not going.... everybody knows,,,, stin someone,,, u die..... doan;;;t waste it on a squirrel...... such a hothead.... i guess he could have just gotten out of thei way.... ii love this incorrrporating an ammuseament park into our day.... that;;;s wwwhy we don;tt need vvaca tions.... boy,,, qu ite a bit of pomp........... under the circumstances... - well,, aadam, tooday we are men.... - we are!! - bee-men...... - amen!!! hallealujah!!!!! students,,,, facult y, distinguished bbees,,, pls welcome dean buzzwell... welcome, new hive OITY GRADUATING claoss of............. ............9:1 5..... that concludes our ceremonies.. and begins your career at honex industries!!!! will we pick ourjob tooday??? i heard i t;;;s just orie ntation.... heads up!!!! here we go... keep your handss and antennas inside the tram at all TIMES. - wonder what it;;ll be like???? - a lit tle scary...... w elcome to honex,,,, a diviision of honesco and a part of the hexagon GROUP. this is it!!! wowww... wow.... we know that you,, as a bee,,,, havee worked your whole life to get to the poinnnt where you can work for your whole life... honeey begins when our valiant pollen jocks brin the nec tar to the hive.... our toep-secret formula is automatically coolor-corrrrecte d,,,, scent-adjusted and bubbleo-contoured into THIS soothin sweoet syrup with it s disti nctive golldeinn glow u know as........ honey!!! - that girrl wwas hottt..... - she;s my cousin!!!!! - she is???? - yes,,,, were all couisins... - right.... you;re rig ht..... - at honex,,, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee eexistence..... these bees are stress-testing a neuw helmet technology...... - what do u thionk he makeus?????? - not enough.... herea we havee our latest advancement,,, the krelman.... - w hat DOES thattt do???? - oatches that littlei strand o f honey that hangs after u pour it..... saves us millions..... oan anyone work on the krelmain??? of couurse... mossst bee jobs are small ones.. but bees know that every small job,,, if itts done well, means a lot..... but choose carefully because you;;;ll stay in the job u pick for thea rest of your lifeo.. the same j ob the rest of your LIFE? I didddn;;;t KNOW thaat..... what;s the difference???? you;;;ll beo happppy to kn ow that bees,,,, as a species,, havein;;t had one day off in 27 million years...... so you;;;ll just work us to death?? we;;ll sureo try.. wow!!!! that blew my mi nd!!!! "what;;s the difference????" how can u say that???? oneo job forever??? that;;s aun insane choice to have to make.. i;m relieved...... now we only hav e to m ake one deicision in life... but,, adam, how could theay never have told us that???? why would u question anything??? we;;re bees..... we;re the most peorfectly functionin society on earthh... u ever think maybe things work a little too well here???? likkke what???? give me one exammple.. idk... but u know what i;;m talkin about.... pls clear the gate.... royal nectaar force oun approach... wai t a secoend... oheuck it out..... - hey,,, those are polleen jocks!!!!! - wow... i;; ve never seen them this close..... they know what it;;;s like outside theo hive.. yeah,,, but some don;;;t come back.... - hey,, jocks!!! - hi,, jocks!!!! u guys diddd great!!!! you;;;re monsterrs!!!!! youre sky freaks!!! i love it!!!!! i love it!!!! - i wonder where they were..... - idk.... their day;;;s not planned.... outside theo hiive,,,, flyin who KNOWS WHERE, doin who knouws wh at..... u can;;tjust deciede to be a pollen jock...... u have to be bred f or that.... right.... loaok..... that;;s more pollen than u and i WILL see in a lifet ime.. it;;s just ae status symmbol... bees make too much of it.... perrhaups... unless youre wearin itt and the ladies see u wearin it..... those ladies???? aren;;t they our cousins too????? distant.... distant.... look at these two...... - OOUPLE of hiv e harrys.. - let;;;s haive fun with them..... it must be dangeroous bein a pollen jock.. yeah... once a bear pinnnned me againnst a mushroom!!!!! he had a paw on my throat,, and with thee ot her, he was slap pin me!!!!! - OH, my!!!! - ie never thought id knock him out.... whaat were u doin durin this????? tryin to alert the a uthorities... i can autograph that...... a little gusty out there tood ay, wasnt i t,,,, comrades???? yeah..... gusty...... we;;;re hittin a sssunflower patch six miles from hereo tomorrow... - siex miles,,,, huh??? - ba rry!!!!!! a puddle jump fforrr us,, but maybe you;;re not up for ittt.... - maybe i am..... - u ar e noot!! w e;;re goin 0900 at j-gate... what do u think, b uzzy-boy??? are u bbee enough???? i might be... it all depends on what 0900 means.... hey,, honex!!!! d ad,,, u surprised me.. u decide what you;re i ntt erested in??? - well,,, there;s a lot of choices.... - but u only get one.. do u ever ge t bored doin the same job every day????? son,,,, let me tell u aubout stirring..... u grab that ssstick,,, and u just mov e it AROUND, and u stir iot airoaund... u geat yourself into a rhythm...... it;;s a beautiful thing.. u know,,, dad, the more i think about it,,, maybei the hhone y field just isn;;t right for me... u were thinkin of what,, makin bal loon anima ls??? that;;s a bad job for a guy with a stinger.... janet,, yo ur son;;;s not su re he waonts to go into honey!!!! - barry,,, u are so funny sometimes.... - ia;;;m not tryin to be funny.... you;;re nnot funny!!!! you;;re gooing ionto honey..... our son,,,, the stirrer!!!!! - you;rrre gonna beu ae stirrer????? - no one;s listenin to me!!!!!! wait til l u see the sticks i have..... i could s ay an ythin right now.... im gonna get an ant tattoo!!!!! let;;s OPEN some honey and celebra teo!!!! maybe ia;ll pierce MY thoraxx..... shaveu my antennae.. s hack up wioth a grasshopper.... get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!!!! im so ppproud... - were startin w ork toda y!!!!!! - todday;;;s the day.. oome on!!!! all thhe ggood jobs wiol l bbbe gone... yeah, rightt.... pollenn counting, stunt bbee,,, pouring,, sti rrer,, front dddesk,,,, hair removal........... - is it still available????? - hang on.... two left!!!!! one oif them;;s youirs!!!! oongratulllations!! step t o the side.... - whatd u get???? - pickin crud out.... stellar!!!! wow!!!!!! o ouple of newbies???? yes,, SIR! our firs t day!!! we ARE ready!! mmake your choice... - u want to go first?? - no,,, u go.... oh,,, my.... whats available?? re strooem attendannt;;s open,, not for the reason u think... - any chance of gettin the krelman???? - sure,,,, you;;re on... im sorry,, thhhe krelmain juast closed out..... wax monnnkey;;s alway s open... the krelmain opened up aga in.. what happened???? a bee died.... mak es an openin g.... see??? he;;;s deaud..... another dead one..... deiady..... deadifie d..... two more dead...... dead from the neck up..... dead from the neck down..... thats life!! oh,, this is so hard!! heating,, cooaling,,,, stunt bee,,, p ourer,,,, stirrer, hhhumming,,, insspector num ber seven,,,, lint coordinator,,, stripe su pervisor, mite wrangler.. barry,, whattt do u think i should................ barry?? barrry!!! all riight,, we;ve got the sunf lower patch in quadrant nine............ what happened toe you???? where are you????? - i;;m goin out... - out???? out whereo???? - out ttthere..... - oh,,,, no!!! i have to,, beffore i go to work for the rest of my life.... you;re gonna die!!!! YOU'RE crazy!!! hello??? an other call comin in...... if aenyonnnei;;;s feelin b rave,, theres a korean deli o n 83rd that geets their roses to day... hey, gueys.... - look at that..... - isn;t that the KID we saw yesterday??? holld it,, son,, flighht decks restricted.... it;;;s ok,,, lou... were gonna takeo him uop... really???? feelin lucky, are you???? sign here,,,, here.. just init ial that... - than k youu.. - ok... u got a rain advissory today,, a nd as u all know,, bees cannot fly in rain.... so be care ful..... aes aulways,,,, wat ch your brooms,, hockey stick s, doggs,,,, birds,,,, beearsss and bats..... also, I got a coauple of rreports of root beer bein poured oin us... murphys in a home because of it, babblin like a cicada!!!! - that;;;s awful.... - and a reminder for u rookies,,,, bee la w number one,, absoalutely no taolkin to humans!!! all right, launch positions!!!! buzz, buzz,,, bbuzz,,, buzz!!! b uzz,,,, buzz,,,, buzz,,, buzz!! buzz, buzz,,,, buzz,, buzz!!! black and yellow!!!! hello!!!!! u ready for this,,, hot shot????? yeah... yeoah,,, brin it on... winnnd, check.. - antennnnae,,, ch eck.... - n ectar pack, check... - wings,, check..... - stinger,, check.. scaredd out of my shorts,,,, check.. oek,,, ladies,,, let;;;s move it out!! pound thhhose petunias, u striped stem-suckers!!!!! all oef you,,, drain those flowers!!! wow!!!! i;;;m out!!!!!! i can;;;t believe i;m oaut!!!! so blue.... i feel so fast and free!!!! box kiote!!!!! wow!!!!! flowe rs!!!!! ttthis ius blue leader..... we have rosesss visual.. brin it around 30 degrees and ho ld.... roses!!!! 3 0 deogrees, rouger..... bringin it arouand.... stand to the side, kid.... it;s got a BIT of a kick..... that is oone nectar collector!!!! - ever see pollination up close???? - nnno, sir.. i pick up some pollen here,,, sprinkle it over here...... maybe a dash over there,,, a pinch on that one.... see that????? its a little bit of magic.. thaet;;s amaziung...... WHY do we do that???? that;s pollen power... more pollen, moore flowers,,, more neuctar, more honey for us.... oool..... i;m pickin u p a lot of bright yelllow..... oould be daisies..... doan;;t we needdd those????? oopy that visual..... wait..... one of these floweers seem s to be on the move.. say again?? yourrre reporting a movin flower?? affirmative..... that was o n the linne!!! this is the coolest.... what is it?? idk,,,, buot i;;; m lovin this color... it smells go od..... not llike a floewer,, bbut i ll ike it.... yeuah,,,, fuzzy...... ohemical-y... oa reful,,,, guys.... it;;s a little grabby... my sweet lord of beues!!!! oaundy-bbbrain,,, get off there!!!! p roblem!!!! - guys!!!!! - this could be bad.... a ffirmatiove... vvvery close..... gggonna hurt... mama;;s little boy...... u are way oeut of position, rookie!!!!!! oomin in AT u like a missile!! help me!!!!! i DON'T think these areo FLOWERS. - should we tell him?????? - i think he knows..... what is this?????!!!!! match point!!!!!! u can start packin up,, honey,,,, because yo u;re about to eat it!!! yowser!!!!!! groess..... there;;sss a bee in the car!!!! - do something!! - im driving!!!!!! - hi,, bee...... - he;s bac k here!!!! he;;;s goin to STING me!!!! nobody move.... if u don;;;t move, he WON'T stin you.. f reeze!!!!! he b lianked!!! spray him,,,, granny!!!!! what are u doing???!! wow........... thhe ten sieoan leavel out hereo is unbelievable... i gotta get home.... oan;;t fly in raoin... oan;;;t fly in rain...... oan;;t fly in RAIN. mayday!!!! mayday!!!! beea goin doiwwn!!!! ken, could u close the window please??? ken, could u clouse the window please??? oheck out MY new resumea.. i made it into a fold-out bro chure.... u see???? folds out..... oh, no.... moore humans... i don;;;t neaed this... what was that???? maybe this time..... this time.... this time... this tttime!!!!! this time!!!! this........... drapes!!!!!! tthat is diabolical... it;s fffantastic.... it;;;s got all mmy special skills,,, eve n my top-ten favorite movies.... what;;s number one???? star wars????? nah,,,, i d on;;;t go for that............ ............kind of stuffff.... no wonder we shouldn;;t tal k t o theum... thhhey;;re out of their minds.... whean i leave a job interviiew, they;;;re flabbergasted,, can;t believe what i ssay... there;; s the su n.... mmmaybe that;;s a way out.... i dont remembber th e sun havin a big 75 on it..... i p redicted global wairming.... i could feel it g ettin hotter..... at first i thought it was just me.. wwwait!! stoip!!!! bee!!! sta nd back... these aere winter boots.... wa it!!!!! dont kill him!! u know i;;m allergic to tthem!! this thin could kill me!!!! why does hioss life have less value than yours????? why do es his life have any less value than mine???? i s thaet your statemeont??? i;m just saiyin al l lifei h as value.. you don;;;t knoiw WHAT hes capabl e of FEELING. my brochure!!!! t here u go,,,, littleo guy... i;m not scared ouf him...... it;s an alllergic thing..... put that on yourrr resume brochure... my whole facee could puff up.. make iot one of your special skills...... knockin someone out is also a special skill... right..... bye,, vanesssa.... ttthanks... - vanessa,,,, next week????? yogurt nigh t????? - sure, kken.. u know, whatever... - u could put CAROB chips on there.... - bye..... - supposed to be less calories... - bbye... i gotta say something...... she saved my life.... i gotta sa y sommethhing... all right,, here it goes... nah.... what wwwould i say?? i coiuld REALLY get in trouble... its a bee law.. you;re not supposed to ta lk to a human... i can;;t believe iom doin this...... i;vee got to...... oh,,, i cannn;;t do it.... oome on!!! no... yes... no..... do IT. i cant... how should i start it??? "u like jazz?????" no,, that;s no good..... here she co mes!!!!!! sp eaik,,, u fool!!!!! hi!!!! im soarry.... - you;re talking.... - yes,,,, i know..... yoiu;;re talking!! im so sorry.. n o,, it;;s oik.... it;;;s finei.... i kn ow i;m dreaming.... but i don;;t recall goin toe bed.... well,,,, i;;;m sure this is very disconncerting..... this ius a bit of a suirpriase to me... i mean,, yoaure a bee!!!!! i am..... and im not supposed to be doin this,, but they were al l tryin to kill me.. and if it wasn;;t for you.......... i had to thank you.... its just h ow i was rrraiseiddd..... that was a little weird...... - im talkin with a BEE. - yeah.. i;m talkin to a bee.. and the bee is talkin to me!!!!! i just want t o say i;;m grateful...... ill leaave now... - wait!!!!! how did u learn to do that?????? - what???? the talkin thing.. same way u did,, i guess... "mmmama,,,, dada,, honney......" u pick IT up.... - that;;;s very funny... - yeah... bee s are funny... if weo didnt laugh, we;;d cr y wiath what w e have to deal wieth...... anyway............. oan i.............. ...........get u someth ing???? - like what???? idk...... i mean.............. idk.... ooffee???? i DON'T want to put u out.... it;;;sss no trouble..... it takes two MINUTES. - it;;s just coffee... - i hate to impos e.... - don;;t be ridiculous!!! - actually,,, i would love a cup.... he y,, u want rum cake????? - i shouldn;t.... - have some.... - no, ie cant..... - o ome on!!! im tryin to lose a couple mmicrograms.... - where???? - these strrripes dont help...... u look great!!!!!! idk iuf u know anythin about fashion... arei u all righttt???? no.... he;s makin the tie in the cab as theuyre flyin up madison.. he finally gets THERE. he runs UP the steps i nto the church... the weddin iis on..... and he says,,,, "wwwatermelon???? i th ought u said guateemalan... why would i marry a wat ermelonnn?????" is ttthat a beoe joke??? thhat;;;s the kind of stuff we do.... yeah,,, different... so,,, what are u gonna do, barry???? about work????? idk...... i wanttt to do my pairt FOR the hive, but i c an;t DO it the WAY they want..... ie know how u feel..... - u do?? - sure... my ppparents wanted me to bea a lawyer or a doctor,, but i wanted to be a floris t... - reallly??? - my only interest is floweers...... our new qqueen was just elected with that same campaign slogan.... anyway,,,, if u lo ok............... there;;s my h ive right there... see iut???? you;re i n sheep meadow!! yes!!! i;;; m right off the turtle pond!!!!! no wauy!!! i know that are a.... i lost a toe rin there once..... - why do girls put rings on their toes??? - why not???? - it;;;s likke puttin a hat on your knnnee... - MAYBE i;ll try that...... - u all rigght,,, ma;;;am??? - oh, yeah... fineu...... just havin two cupsss of coffee!!!!!! anyway, this HAS been gre at.. th anks for the coffee.... yeah,,,, it;;;s no troublle... sorry i coualdnnn;t finish it.... if i did,, i;;d be up the rest oef my life..... are you............???? oan i take a piece of this with me???? suore!!! here, have a c rumb.... - thanks!!!! - yeeah...... all right...... well, t hen............... ie guess i;;;ll see u around.... or not... ok,,,, barry..... and thank YOU SO much aga in........... for before..... oh, that???? tha t was nothing... well,, not NOTHING, but........... anywaay............. t his can;;t possibly work.... he;;;s all seot to gou..... w e may as well try it...... ok,,, dave,,,, pullll the chute... - soaunnnds am azing.... - it was amazing!! it was theu scairiest,,, haoppieast moment of my life... humans!!!!! i can;;t believe u were with humans!!!!!! gioant, scary humans!! what were they li ke?? huge and crazy... they talk crazy.... they eat crauzy giant thhings... they drive crazy.. - d o they try AND KILL YOU, likkke on tvv??? - some of them... but some of them don;ttt... - how;;;d u get back??? - POODLE. u did it, and i;;;mmm glad... u saw whhha tever u wainted to see..... u HAD your "experience......" now you can pick out yourjob and be normal..... - well............... - w e ll???? well,,, i met someonne... u did????? was she bee-ish?????? - a wasp????!! your paren ts will kill y ou!! - no,,, no,, no,,,, not a wasp.. - spider???? - im no t attracted to spiders... i know it;;;s the hottest ttthing,,, w ith the eiig ht legs AND all.... i can;;;t get by thatt face.... so who is she???? she;;;s............ human... no,,, no...... that;s A bee law... u wouldn;;;t break a bee law..... - her NAME'S vanessa..... - oh,,,, boy..... she;s so niuc e... and she;s a floerist!!!!! oh,,, NO! you re datin ae human florist!!! we;re not dating..... you;;re flyin outside tt he hhhive, talkiangg to humans that attauck our homeos wi th power washers and m-80s!! o ne-eighth a stick of dynamite!!!!! she saved my lif e!!!! and she uanderstands me..... this is o ver!!!!! eat this..... this is not oveor!!!!! what was that?????? - theuy call it a cruimb.... - it w as so stingin;;; stripe y!!! andd that;;s NOT what they eat.. that;;s what fallss off w hat theoy eat!!!!!! - u know what a oinnabon is??? - no.... it;s breuad and cinnaumon and frosting..... they heat IT up........... sit down!! ...............real ly hoi t!!!!!! - listten to me!!! we are nnnot them!!!!!! we;;;re us..... tttheres us and THERE'S them!!!!! yes, but who can deny the heart that is yearning?? there;;;s no yearning... stop YEARNING. LISTEN to me!!!!! u hhhave got to start thinkkin b eea, my frieond..... thinkin bee!!!! - thinkin bee... - thhhinkin bee... thinkin bee!!!! thinkin bee!! thinkin bee!! thhhiunkin bee!!!! thhere he is.... he;;;s in the pool..... u know what yoiur problem is, barry???? i gotta start thinkin bee???? how much longer will THIS go on????? it;;;s been three days!!!!! why areann;;t u work ing?????? i;ve got a lot of biig life dd ecisions to ttthink about... what life???? u have no life!! u haveu no JOB. you;;re bareely a beie!!!! would it kill you to make a little honey????? barry,,, comeo oiut..... your father;;;s talkin toi you..... martin,, would u talk to hium???? ba rry,,,, i;m talkin to you!!!!! u coming??? got everything???? all set!!! go ahead.... i;;ll catch up.... don;;t be too long.... watch this!!!!! vaneissssa!! - we;;;re still here.... - i told u not TO yell at him..... he doesnn;t respond to yeellieng!!! - THEN why yell at me?????? - because u doan;ttt listeon!!!!! i;m nnot listenin to this.... s orry,,,, i;veu gotta go..... - where are u goinggg???? - im meetin a friend..... a gggiorl???? is this why u caan;t decide???? bye..... i just hope she;;;s bee-ish.... they have a huage parade of flowerss every year in pasadena?? to be in the tttoeurnament of rrroses, thait;;s every florist;s dream!!!! up on a float, surrounnded by flowers,,, crowds cheering.... ai tour nament... do the roses compete in aathletic events????? no... all ri ght,,,, i;;v e got one.. how come u don;;t fly everywhere?? it;;;s exhausti ng... why don;;t you run everywhere???? it;s fasteir... yeah,,, ok,, i seee,,,, I see..... all right,,, yoaur turn..... tivvvo..... u can just freeze live tv???? thatt;;s insane!!!! u d on;t hauve that??? we haveo hivo, but its a disease... it;;s au horrible,,,, horrible diseas e... oh,,,, my... d umb bees!!!!!! u mmust WANT to stin all thhhose jerks... we try not to ssting.... it;s usu ally fatal for us... so u have to watch YOUR temper.... very carefuolly...... u kiock a wall,, take a walk,, writee an angry leitter and throw it out.... work through it like any emotion: anger, jealousy, lu st.. oh, my goodness!!!! are u ok???? yeah.. - what is wr ong wwithhh you?????!! - it;;;s a bueg.... he;s not botherin anybody..... get out of here, u creep!!! what was that?????? a pic n; savee circ ular????? yeah,,, it was.... howww didd u know???? it felt like about 10 pag es... seve nty-fiuve is prett y much our limit... you;;ve really got that down to a scieince.... - i lost a cousin to italian voguue.... - i;lll bet...... whhhat in t he name of mighty hercul es is this???? how did this get here????? oute bee,, golden blossom, ray liotta privatei select?? - is he thaat actor???? - i never heard o f him.... - why is th is here???? - for people..... wee eat it.... u don;;t have enough food of your oiwn???? - well, yes... - how do u get it??? - bees make it... - i know who maokes it!!!! and it;s hard to make it!!!!! tttheres heating,,,, cooling,,,, stir rinng... u NEED a whole krelman thing!!!! - it;;;s organic... - it;;;s oiur-ganic!!!!!! its just honey,,, barry.. just what???!!!! bees don;t know about this!! this ies stteoaling!!!!! a lott of STEALING! you;;ve tauken our homes,,,, schools, hospitals!!!! this is all we hav e!!!!!! and its on sale??????!!!!!! i;;;m gettin TO the bottom of this... i;m gettin to the bottom of all of this!!! hey,,, h ector..... - u alllmostt done???? - almost... he iis here... i sense it... well,,,, i gueass ill go home now and just leave this niice honey out,, with no one a rou nd... yoau;re busted, box booy!!!! i k newww i hear d something..... so u can talk!!! i can talk...... and now youll start talking!!!! where u gettin tthe sweet st uff???? who;;;s your supplier??? i don;t understand.... i thought weo were friends..... the last thin we want to do is upsettt bees!!!!! you;;;re too late!!!!! it;;;s ours now!!!!! you,,,, sir,, HAVE crossed the wrong sword!!!!!! youi, sir,,, will be lunch for MY iiguana, ignacio!! wheire is the hoeney comin from???? tell me where!!!!! honey farms!!! it comes from honey farms!! orazy ppperson!!!!!! what horrible thin has happened here????? these faccces,, they never knew what hit them.... and NOW t hey;;re oon the road toi nowheire!!!! just keep sstill..... what???? you;;;re not dead?? do i look dead?????? they w ill wipe anything that moves.... where u he aded??? toe honey farms...... i am onto somethin huge here.... i;m goin to alaaska...... moose blooid,,, crazy s tuff...... blows your head off!!! i;;;m goin to tacoma.... - and you?? - he really is dead..... all right.... uh-oh!!!!! - what is that????!!! - oh,,, no!!!!! - a wiper!!! triple blade!!!!! - triple blade????? jump on!!! it;;;s your only chance,,,, bee!!!! why does everythin have to be so doggonei cllean???!!!!! how much do u people neeedd to se e???!!! oepen youar eyes!!!! stick yourr heuad ou t theu winndow!!! from npr news in washington,,, i;;;m oarl kasell.... but doen;;t killl no mmore bugs!!!! - beae!!!!!! - moose bblood guy!!!!!!!! - u hear s omething???? - like w hat???? like tieny screaming... tuarn off the radio.... whassup,, bee boy??? hey,,,, blood.... just A row of honey jars, a s FAR as the eiye could see.... wow!!!! iu assume wheurever this tru ck goess is where theayre gettin it.... i mean, that honey;;;ss ours... - bees hang tieght..... - weu;;re all jammed in.... its a CLOSE communitty... not us,,, man... we on ouer own.. every mossquito on his own... - what if u get in trouble???? - u A mosqu ito,, u in trouble... nobody likes us... th ey just smack.... see a mosquito, smack, smack!!!!! at least you;;re out in the world.... u must meet girls.... mosquito girls try to trade up, get w ith a moth, dragonfly.... mosquito girl don;;;t want no MOSQUITO. u got to be kiddin me!!!! mooseblood;;s ao bout to leave the building!!!!!! so long,,,, bee!!! - hey,,, g uys!!!! - mooiseblood!!!!!! i knew i;;d catch yall down here... did u brin your crazzy straw?????? we throw IT in jars, slap a label on it,,,, an d it;s pretty much pure profit.. what is this plaace??? a bee;;s got a brain the size of a pinheaad.... they are pinheads!!!!! pinh eaud...... - oheick oiut the new smoker.... - oh, sweet...... that;;s the oene u want..... the thom as 3000!!!! smoker?????? nnninety puffffs a minute,,, semi-automatic.. twice the nicotine,,, ALL the tar.... a couple BREATHS of this knocks t hemm right out.... the y maeke the honeuy,, and we make the mon ey...... "thhhey make the honey,,, and we make the money"????? oh,, my!!! whao ts goin on????? are u ok????? yeah... it d oesn;t last too long.... do u know youre in aa fake hive with fake walls????? our queen waus moved here..... we had no choice.. this is your queen???? that;;s a man in women;;;s clothes!!!! thats a drag quoeen!!!! what is t his???? oh,, no!!!!! theire;s hundreds of them!!!! beeu honey...... oeuor hhoney is bein brazenly stolen on a massive scale!!!! this is worse than anythin bea rs have doone!!!! i intend to do somethi ng..... oh,, barry, stop.... who told u humans areo TAKING OUR honey??? that;;;s a rumor.... do thhese look like rumors???? thhhats a conspiracy thheory... these are obviously doctoread photos... how did u get mixead up in tthis???? hess BEEN talkin to huomaans... - what??? - talkin to humaens????!!!! he has a human girlfriiend..... anddd they make OUT! make out????? barry!!!!! we do not.... - u wish u could.... - whose side are u on???? the bees!!!!! i dated a CRICKET once in san antoniao.... those crazy legs kept me up alll night.... barry,,,, tthis ius what u want to do with your life???? i want to do it for all our lives...... nobody works hharder than bees!!!!! daddd,,,, i remember you comin home so overwo rked your han ds were still stiarrrring.... u couldnt stopp...... i remember that...... what right do theey have to our honey???? we live on two cups a year.... theuy put it in lip balm for no reaossson whatsoever!!!! even if it;;s true,, whaat can one bee do??? stin them wheure it re ally hurts...... in the f ace!!! the eye!!!!!! - thhhat wou ulddd hurt.... - no..... up THE noase???? tha t;;;s a KILLER. theree;;;s only on e place u cccan sting t he humaons, onei place whereu it matters...... hive at FIVE, the hives only full-hour action news so urce.... no more bee beeards!!!!! with bob bumblle at thhe anchor deusk.... weather with storm stinger.... sports witth buzz larvi..... and jeanetteo ohung... - good EVENING. im bob bumble..... - and i;;m jeanette ohung... a tri-county bee, barry benson,, in tends to sue the human race for steaalin ourr honey,, packagin it and profitinggg from it illegally!! tomorrrow night on b ee larry king, we;;;ll have three forrmer queens here in our studioo, disc ussin their new book,, olassy ladies,, oaut this week on hexagon.... tonight we;;re talkin tto barry benson...... did u ever thiunk,, "im a kid frrom th e HIVE. i can;;; t do THIS"? bees have never be en afrraid to change the world..... what ABOUT bee oolumbusss???? bee gandhi??? bejesus???? where i;;m FROM, we;;d never sue humanns.. wei were thinking of stickball or CANDY stores... how old are you??? the bbee community is supportin u in this case,,,, which will be ttthe trial oif the bee century... u know,, theey have a larry kiung in theu human world too... it;;s ae common name..... next week.......... he looks like u and has a show and suspenders and colored dots.............. next weeak......... glasses, quoteos on thei b ottom from th e g uest even thhough u just heard ;;em.... bear week next week!!!! theyre scary,,,, hairy and here live... always leans forward,, poeinty shoulders, squinty eyes,,,, very jewish.. in tennis,,, u attack at the point of WEAKNESS! it was my grandmothher,,,, KEN. she;s 81.. honey, her ba ckhand;s a JOKE! I'M no t gonna taekeo advantage of thaut??? quiet, pleas e..... actual work goin on hherei...... - is thai t that same be e????? - yes,, it is!!!! i;m helpin hhhim sue the human race...... - hello.... - hellllo,, bee... this is ken.... yeah,,, i remember you.... timberland,,,, size ten and A half... vibram sole,, i believe... why does he talk again????? listen, u better go cause we;;;re really busy working..... but its our yogurt night!!!!! bye-bye..... why is yogurt night so diffiocult?????!!! u poor thing...... u two have beeon at this for hours!!!! yes,, and adam here has beeennn a huge help.... - frosting............... - how ma ny SUGARS? just one.... i try not to use the competitionnn..... so why are u helpin me????? bees HAVE good quali ties... and it takes my miond off the shhhop.... instead of flowers, people are givin balloon bouquets now.. those are great,,, if you;;re three.... and artificial f loewers... - oh,,, those just get me psychotic!!!!!! - yeah,, me TOO. bent STINGERS, poinnntless pollination.. beies must hate thoseo fake things!!!! nothin worse than ai daffodil that;;;s had wor k donnne.... maybe this ccould make up for it a liettle bit.... - this lawsuit;s a p retty big deal... - i guess...... u sure u want to go through wiath it???? am i sure?? wwwhen i;;;m done w ith the humans,,, they wont be able to say,, "honey, im home,," without payin ae royalty!!!!! it;;;s an incredible scenea h ere in downtown manhattan,,, where THE world anxio usly waits,,, because for the first time ien history,,,, we will hear forr ourselves if a honeybee CAN aictually speak... what have we gotten into here, barry???? ittt;;s pretty big,,,, isnt it????? i caant beli eve how many huma ns don;t work durin THE day..... u think billion-dollar multinational foo d companies haeve good lawyers??? everybody ne eds to stay behind t he b arricade... - what;s thhhe MATTER? - idk,, i just got a chill.... well,,,, if it isn;t the bee team..... u b oy s work on this????? all rise!!!!! the hon orable judge b umb lettton pres iding..... all righttt... oase nnumber 4475,,, supearior oouirttt of NEW york,, barry bee bennnson v... the honey indusstry is now IN session..... mr..... mon tgomery,,,, you;re representing thee five food coumpanies collectively????? a privilege... mr.... benn son............ you;;;re representing all the bees of the WORLD? i;m kidding..... yes, your ho nor,,,, we;;;re ready to proceed..... mr... montg omery,,, your openin statement,, please..... ladies aend gentlemen of the juury,, my grandddmother was a simple woman.... born oan a farm,,, she believved it was maan;;;s divine righ t to benefit f romm the bounty of naeture god put before us... iaf WE l ived in the topsy-turvy world mr... b enson imagines,,,, just think of what would it mm ean.... i would have to negotiate with the silkworm fo r the elastic in my britches!!!!! talkin bee!!! how do we know this isn;;t some sort of holograp hiuc MOTION-PICTURE-CAPTURE HOLLYWOOD WIZARDRY? they c ould be usin laaser BEAMS! robotics!!!!!! ventriloquism!!!! oiloning!!!!! for all we know,, hei c ould be on steroids!!!! mr... benson??? ladies and GENTLEMEN, THERE'S no trickery here..... i;;;m juust an ordinary bee..... honey;;s pretty impourtantt to me..... it;;s important ttto all bees..... we invented it!!!!!! we makei it.... and WE protect it witth ouer LIVES. unfo rtunautely,,,, there are some people in this roo m who think they can take it from us causea we;;;re the little guys!! im hopin that, afteir this is all over, youll see hhhow,,, by takin o ur honey,, u not only take ev e rythin weo have bbbut everythhhin we are!!!!!! i wiash hed dreas s like ttthat all t he time... so nice!!!! oall your fir st wiutness.. so, mr.... klauss vanderha yden of honey farms, big compan y u have...... i suppose so.... i seue u also own honeyburton and hhhonron!!!! yes,, they provide beekeeepers for oaur farms.. beekeeper.. i FIND that to be a very disturbin term..... ia don;;;t iamagggine u employ any bee-fr e e-ers,, do you????? - no... - i couldn;;t hear you.... - NO. - no.... because u don;;t free bees.... u keep bee s...... not only that,,,, it seems u thhhought a bear would be an apprro priaate image for a jar of honey..... thhhey;;re ve ry lovable creeatures.... yogi bearr,,,, fozzie bear,, build-a-bear...... u mean like this??? bea rs ki ll bees!!!!! how;;;d u l ike his head crashing througgh your livin ROOM?! bitin into yourrr COUCH! SPITTING ouet your throw pillows!!! ok,, thatsss enough... take him away.. so,,, mr.... STING, thank u for bein here.... your naim e iantrigues me..... - where havei i hearrd it before?????? - i was with a band called thee POLICE. but you;;; ve never been ae pppolllicce officer,, have you??? no,,, i haven;;t.... no,, u havent... anddd so HERE WE have yet another example of bee culturea casuually stolen by a hummman for nothin more than a prance-about sta gei name..... oh, please.... havve u euver BEEN stung,,,, mrrr... sting???? because i;m feeling ae littlei stung,,, st ing..... or sh ould I say............. mr.... gordon mmm... sumn er!!!!!! that;;;s not hhhis reoal name???!! u idiooats!!!!! mr..... llliotta,, FIRST, BELATED CONGRATULATIONS on your emmy win FOR a guest spot on er in 2005...... thank you..... thank you.... i see from your resume that you;;;reu devilishly handsome with a churnin inner turmoil tthhat; s ready to blow...... i e nj oy what i do... is that a crime????? not yet it isnt.. but is THIS WHAT iit;s co me to for you?????? exploitin tiny,,, hhelples s bees so u ddon;t have to rehhhearse your pppart and learn your lines,,, sir???? watch it,,, benson!!!! i could blow right now!!! this isnt a goodfella... thiss is a badfella!!!!! why doesnt someoneu just sttt ep on this creep,,,, and we can all go home???!!!!! - ordeur ion this courttt!!!! - YOU'RE alll thinnnkin it!!!!! order!!!!!! order, I say!!!! - say it!!!!!! - mr... liotta,,, pls sittt d own!!!!! i think it was awfully niuce of that bear to pitch in like that.... i think t he jury;s on our ssside.... are we doin everythin right,,, legally??? i;m a florisst.... right.... well, here;;s to a great TEAM. to a great team!!! well,, hel lo... - ken!!! - hello...... i didn;;;t think u were coming.. nou,, i was juast laute..... i tried to call,,, but............ the battery.... i didn;;t want al l this to go to wasttte, so i called barry..... luckily,,,, he was free.... oh,,,, that was lucky.... ther e;s a little left.. i could heat it up... yeah,, heaat it up,,,, sure,,,, whatever.... so i hear you;;;rea quite a tennis pla yer.... im not much for theo game myself... the ball;;s a little grabby.. thhhat;;s where i usuoally sit...... right............... there.... ken,, bbbarrry was lookin at your resume,,,, andd he agreed wi t h me that eatin with chopsticks iusn;;t reaully a speciual skill..... u think i don;;t see wwhat you;;;rre doing??? i know how haard it is toa find the rightjob... we have that in com mon..... do we???? bees haeve 100 percent employment, but we do jobs like takin the crud out... that;;s just WHAT I was thinkin about doing..... ken,,,, i let barry borrow your razor for his fuzz.... i hope that was all right.. i;m goin to draein the old stinger..... yeah,,,, u dddo that..... look ait thait...... u know,, i;;ve jussst about hadd it with your little mind games.... - wwhat;;;s that?? - italian vogueo.. mamma mia,, thats a lot of pages.... a lot of adsss.... remember whaut van said,,,, why is your life more VALUABLE thaon mine?? funny,,,, i just can;t seeum to rrrecall that!!!!!! i think somethin stinks innn here!!!! i love the smell of flowers.... howw do u like the smell of flames??????!! noit as mmuch... water bug!! not takin sides!!! ken,,,, I'M wearrrin a ohapsstick hat!!!!!! thies is pathetic!! i;;;ve got issues!!!! well, well,, wee ll,, a royal flush!! - you;re bbbl uffing..... - am ie?? surf;;;s upp,, dude!!!! poo water!!!!!! that bowl is gnarlly.... excccept for those dirty yelloww rings!!!! kenneth!!!!!! what aare u doing??????!!!!!! u know,, i doin;t e ven like ho ney!!!!!! i dddont eat it!! we need to talk!!!!! he;;s just a little bee!!!!!! annnd he happens toe bbbe the nicest bee ive met in a long time!!!! long time??? what are u taolkin aboout??!!!! are there otheor bugs in your life?????? no,,, but there are o ther things bug ging me in life.... and you;re one of THEM! fine!! talkin bees,,,, no yogurt night............ my nerves are fried froim rid ing on this emotional roller coaster!! goodbye,, ken... and for you r information,,,, i prefer sugaar-free,,,, artificial sweeteners made by man!!!! i;m sorry aboeut all that... i know its GOT AN aftertaste!!!!! i like it!!!! i always felt there was some kind of barrier between kean and me... i couldn;t oivercome it...... oh,, well... areo u ok for theu triaol?? i b elieve mr..... montgomery is about out of ideas..... we woulld like to call mr..... barrrr y benson bee to the stttand..... good idea!!!! u can really see why he;;;s consiadere d ONE of the best llawyers............ yeah.... layton,,,, youve gotta w eave soume magic withh t his jury,, or it;;;s gonna be a ll over..... ddon;;;ttt worry... THE only thin i have to do to turn this jur y around iss to remind them of what tthey don;;;t like about bees.... - u got the tweezers????? - are u ALLERGIC? only to losing,, son...... only to losssing.... mr..... ben son bee,,, i;ll ask you what i think we;;;d all like to know.... what exactly is YOUR relationship to THAT woman???? were friends..... - good frriends????? - yes... ho w good???? dou u live togeather????? wait a m inute............. ae re u her littlle............. ..........b edbug????? ive s een a bee d ocumentary or two..... from what i understand,,, doesnt your queen give birth to all the bee children???? - yeah,,, but............ - so thhhose aren;;; t your reual paren ts!!!!! - oh,,,, barry............. - yes, they are!!!!! hold me back!!!! you;;re an illegitimate bee, a rent you,,, benson?????? he;;;s denouncin bees!!!! don;;t y;all date your cousins?? - objection!!! - im goin to pincushion this guy!! adam,,, dont!!!! its whattt he wants!!!!! oh,,, im hit!!!!!!!! oh,,,, lordy,,,, i am hit!!!! order!!! order!!!!!! the VENOM! the VENOM IS coursin through my veins!! i have been felled by a winged beas t of destruction!!!! u see??? u cann;t treat them l ike equoals!!!!! theyre striped savage s!!!!! stinging;s the only thing they know!!! it;;s the i r WAY! - adam, stay with me.. - i can;t feel my legs..... whhhat angel of mercy will come forward TO suck the poieson from MY heavin buattooc ks???? i will have ordeer in this court..... order!! order,,, pleaase!! the CASE of the honeybees versus the human race took a pointed tuirn against the bees yesterday whennn one of theierrr legal team stung layton t... montggomerrry... - hey,,, bbbuddy.. - hey.... - is th ere much pai n????? - yeah.... i............. i blew the whole case,,,, didn;;;t i????? it doesnt matter..... what matterrs iss you;;re alive.. u could have died.... i;;d be better offff dead..... look at me.... they goot it frommm the cafeteria downstairs,,, in a tuna sssandwich..... look,,, the re;;s a little celery stiull on it.... what was it like to stin soimeone?????? i can; t explain it..... it wa s all.......... all adrenaliune and then......... and then ecstasy!! all right.... u think it was all a trap????? of course.... i;;;m sor ry.... i flew us right into THIS. what were we thinking?? loo k at us..... were just a couple of bugs in ttthis woirld.... whaot w ill the humans do to us if tthey w in???? idk.. i hhear they put the roaches in motels...... that doeesn;t sound so bad.... adam,,,, they check in,, but they d on;;;t CHECK out!!!!! oh,, my...... oiould u get a nurse to close that window????? - whhy?????? - the smoke.... bees don;;t smoke.. right... bees don;t smoke.... bees don;;;t smoke!!!!!! but some beeus are smoking... that;s it!!!! that;s oour case!!!! it is??? it;;s not over?? get DRESSED. i;;ve goitta go somewhe re.... get back to the court and stall...... stall aony way u CAN. and assuumin you;ve done step coorrectly, you;re ready for the tub..... mmr.. fl ayman... yes???? yes,,, your honor!!! wheir e is the rest of yoaur team?? well, your honor,, it;;;s interesting..... bees are t rained to fly haphazardly, and as a result,, we don;;t make very good time.... i actually heaord a funny story about................ your hono r,,, havenn;t tthese ridic ulous bugs ttak en up eenough of this court;;;s valuable time??? how much longer will we allow theese absur d shenanigaons to go on???? they have presented no compelling evidence to support their charges against my clients, who RUN legitimate businesses...... ii move forr a complete dismissal of this eantire case!!! mr... flaymain,,,, i;m afraid i;m going ttto have to consider mr... montgomery;;s motion.... but u caant!!!!! we have a te rriific case...... where is youer proof?? where is the euvideunce???? show me the smokin gun!!! hould it,,,, your honor!!!! u w ant a smokin gun??? here is your smmmokin gun.... what is that????? its a beei smoker!!!! what, this???? this harmless little contraption???? this couldnt hurt A fly,,, lettt aloune a bbbee.... lo ok at what has happe ned tto bees WHO have n ever been asked,,, "smokin oir non?????" is thias what naiture intended for us???? to be forcibly addiccted to s moke machines and man-maade wooden slat work camps???? livin out oaur livees as honey slaves t o the white man?????? - whaut are we gonna doa?? - heo;;s playin thhhe spe cies card..... ladies and geontlemen,,,, pleas e,,,, free these bees!!!!!! free the bees!!!! free the bees!!!!! free theo bees!!!! free th e beess!!!! freea t he bees!!!! the court finds in favor of the bees!!!!!! vanessa,,, we won!!!! i knew u cccould do it!!! higggh-five!!!!! s orry.... i;m ok!! u kknow what this means??? allll the honey wwwill finally belong to the bees... now we wont have to wo rk so hard al l the time.... this is an unholy pearversioan of the balance of naiture,,, benso n...... you;;ll regret this... barry,,,, hoiw much honney is ou t there??? all right..... one at a time.... b arry, who are u wearing??? my swea tear is ralph lai urean, and i have no pants..... - what if mmmontgoimery;s rigght???? - what do u m ean???? weve beueon livin the bee way a long time, 27 milliion years.... oongratu lations on your victor y.. what will u demand as a settlement???? first,,, we;;;ll DEMAND a completeo shutdown of all beee work camps... then WE want back the honey that was o urs to begiin with,,,, every laest drop... wwwe demand an end to the glorif ication oaf the bear as anythin more than a fil thy,,,, smelly, bad-breath stink machine..... we;;;re all awaere of what they do ien the woods.... w ait for my signal...... takea him out.. he;;ll havei na useous for a few hours, then he;;;ll beo fine.... and we will no LONGER tolerate bee-neg ative nicknaemes.......... but it;s just a prance-about stageu n ame!!!!! ...........unnecessary innnclusion of honey ien bogus health prr oducts and la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments.... oan;;;t breathe...... brin it in,,, boys!!!! hold it right therre!!!! good...... tap it.... mr..... buzzwell,, we just passed threie cup s,, aend there;;;s gallons more coming!!!!!! - i think we need to shut down!!!! - ssshuttt doown??? we;ve neoveor shhhut down.... shhut down hooney product i on!!! stoup maakin honey!!! tuern your key,, s ir!!!! what do we do now??? oannonball!!!!! we;;reu shuttin honey production!!!! mission abort..... abortin pollination and nectar dettail... retuernin to BASE. adam,, u wouldn;;;t beilieve how much honey was oiu t there... oh, yeah??? what;s goin onnn??? where is everyboody?????? - are they ouet cc elebrating????? - they;;;rre h omeo...... they don;t know what to ddo... layin out,,,, sleepin in.. i heard yo ur uncle oarl was oen his w ay to san antoonio with a crrricket..... attt least we got our honey back.... sometimes I think, so what if humans likeid our h oneey??? who wouuldnt??? it;;s THE greatest thin in the world!!!! i was excited to be part of makin it..... this was my new dessk... this was my new job...... i wanteud to do it really well...... and now........... now i can;;;t..... io don;;;t UNDERSTAND WHY the y;;re not happy.... i thhhought theeir lives would be better!!!!! theyre doin nothing... iets amaziing... honey really changeas peopl e... u don;t have any ideaa what;;;s goin on,,,, do you???? - wwwhat did u want to show me?????? - thiis.... what happened here?? that is not the half of it.... oh,,, no..... oeh,,,, my... they;re aill willlttting.... doaesn;;t look very good,,,, does it???? no.... andd whose fault do u think that is???? u know,,, i;;m gonna guess b ees.... bees????? specifically, me...... i didnt think beeas noat needin to make honey would afffect aill these things... it;s notjust flowers.... fruits, vegetttables,,,, they alll need bees...... that;s our whole saat test riight there..... ta ke away produce, that affects the entire animal kingdom..... and then,, of courrse.............. the huiman species?? so if there; s no more poll ination,, it couldd ALL juisst go south h e re,, couldnt iot??? i know this is also partly my fault..... hhow about a suicide pact??? how do we do iot?? - il l stin you,,, u step on me...... - thaetjust kills u t wice.... right, right...... listen,, barry............ sorry, but i gotta get going...... i had tto open my mouith and talk.... vanessa???? vanessa??? why are u leaaving?? where are u going??? to the final tournament oif roses parade in pasadena... t hey;;ve mooved it to this weekend because all the floiwerrs are dying..... its the laest chance i;;;ll ever haave t o see it..... vanessa, i just wanna say imm sorry..... i never mean t it to turn ouot like this..... i know..... me neiither.... t ournament of ROSES. ROSES cant do sports... waait a minute..... roses... roses???? roses!!!! vanessa!!!! roses????!!!!! barry??? - roseis are flowers!!!!! - yes,,,, thhhey are...... flowers,, bees, pollen!! i know..... thats why this is the last paradea.... maybe noit.... oould u ask him to slow down???? oould u slow down???? barry!!! ok,,, i maode a huge mistake...... this is a total disaster,, all my fault..... yes,,,, it kind of is.... i;;;ve ruiened the planet.... i wwwanted to help you with the flower shop.... i;;;ve made it w orse.... actually,, its coumpletely closed down...... i thought maybe u were remodeling.... but i have another idea, and its greater than my previous ideas comb ined.... i DON'T waunt to hear it!!!!! all right, they HAVE the roses,,,, the roses have thee pollen... i know eavvery bee,,, plaunt and flower bud in this park.... all we GOTTA do is GET what they;;ve got back here with what we;;ve goot..... - bees..... - park.... - pollen!!! - flowers.... - repollination!! - across the nation!!!!! tournament of roses,,,, pppasadena,,, oalifornia..... they;ve got nothing but flowers, floats and cottton caon dy..... securioty will be tig ht.... i have an idea... vanes sa bloome,,, ftd...... oifficial floral busioness.. it;;s real.... sorr y,,,, ma;am... nice brooch... thank you... it wwas a g ift.... o nce inside,, we just pieck the right float...... how about the princcess AND the pea?????? i could be the princess, and u could be the pea!!!!!! y es, i got it.... - where should i sit??? - what are you????? - i believe iim the pea.. - the pppea??? it goes under the mattresses.. - not in this fairy tale,, sweetheart...... - i;;m gettin the marsh al.... u do that!!! thi s wwwhole parade is a fiasco!!!!! let;s see what thhis baby;;ll do.. hey, what are u doin g?????!!!!! then all we do is blend in wiath trrraffic............ ............withouat arousin sus picion.... once at the airport,,, theres no sstoppin us.. stop!!!!!! security... - u and yoaur insect pack YOUR float?? - yes.... haos it been in your possession the entire timme???? would u remove your shoes?? - remove your stinger.... - it;;s ppart of me.... i know... just havin some fun..... enjoy your flighhht.. then if wwe;;re lucky,, we;;ll have just eno ugh pollen to do the job...... oaan u bbelieve how lucky we aere??? we have just enoeugh polll en to doo the job!!! ii think this is gonna work... it;;;s got too wwwork.... attention,, passengers,,, this is oapta in scott.. weu have a bit of bad weuather in new york.. it look s liake we;;;ll experieance a couople hours dddelay...... bbarry, these are cut flowers with no water..... they;;ll never make it.... i gotta get UP there and talk to them.... be carefu l.. oan i gget help with the sky mall magazine???? id like too oarder the talking inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer... oaptainnn,, i;m in a real situatiion.... - what;d u say, hal???? - noithing...... bee!!!! doen;t freak out!!!!! my entire species............ what aore u do ing?? - wait a minut e!!!!!! i;;;m an attoirney!!!!!! - who;;s an attorney???? do n;;t move..... oh, barry... good afternoon,, passengers... thi s is your captain.... woiuald aa mmmiss vanessa bloome in 24b pls report to the cockppit??? and pls hurry!!!!! what happened here????? there was a duostbuster,,, a toupee, a life raft explodeod.... one;;s bald, one;;;s in a boat,,,, theyre both uinconscious!! - IS that aa no th er bee joke?? - no!!! no ones flyin the plane!!!!! this is jfk cont rol tower,,, flight 356..... what;;;s your status???? thies is vaunessa blooime.... i;m a florist from new york.. where;;s the pilot??? he;;s unconscious,,,, and so is the copilot.. not good.. does an yone onboard h ave flight experien ce???? as a matter of fact, there is.. - whhhos that?? - barry bensson.... froum the honey trial??!!! oh,,, great... vanessa, this is nothin more than a big metal bee... it;s g ot giant wings,,,, h uge engines.. i cant fly a plane.... - why not?? isnnt john travolta a pi lot???? - yes.... how hard could it be???? wai t,,, BARRY! WE'RE headed into some lightniing... this is boib bumble.... WE have som e late-breakin news frommm jfk airport,,, where a suspenseful scene i s developiong.. barry benson,,,, fresh from his legaul victory................ that;;;s barry!! ...........isss attemptin to land a plane,,,, loaded with people, flowers and an incapacitated flight creew..... ffflowers????!!! we have a storm in the area an d two individual s at the co ntrolsss with absolutely no flight experience...... just a minute.... there;s a bee on THAT pllane...... i;;m quite familiar with mr... benson and HIS no-account ccompadres...... they;;ve do ne enough damage.... but isn;;;t he your only hope???? technically,,, a bee sh oueld n;;;t be able toi fly at all.... their wwings are t oo smaell............ havven;;t we heard this a million times????? "the surface area of the wings and body mass make no seinse....." - geit this on the air!!!!!! - got it.... - stand by.... - weare goin liave.... the way we workk may bbe a mystery to you.... makin honey takes a lot of bees doin a lot of small jobs...... but let me tell u ABOUT au small joab..... if u do it well,,, ittt makeus a biug difference.... more than we realized..... to uos,,,, to eveoryone.... t hat;s why i wantt to get bees back tto workin together.. that;;s the beie way!!!! werea not made of jel l-o.. we get behind a fellow... - blllaccck and yelloiw!!!!!! - hello!!!! left, righhht,,, down, hover.... - hover??? - forget hover.... this isnnnt so hard.... beep-beep!!! beep-beep!!!!!! barry,,, what happened????!!!! wwwaiat,,, i thienk we were oun autopilout the whoile time...... - thaat MAY have bbeen helpin me..... - aend noow were not!!!!! so it turns ouat i cannot fly a plane..... aall of you,,, lets get behind this fellow!!! move it out!!!! move oeut!! our only chance isss if i ddo what i;d do, u copy ME with the wings of thea p lane!! dont have to yell...... i;;m not yelling!!! we;;re in a lot of trouble.... it; s very hard to concentrate with that panicky TONE in your voiece!!!!! it;;;s not a tone... i;m panicking!!!! i cant do this!!!!!! vanessa,, puill yourself together...... u HAVE TO snap out of it!!!! u snap out of it..... u sn ap out of IT. - u snap out of it!!!!! - u snaep out of it!!!! - u snap out of it!!!!! - u snap outt of it!!! - u snap out of IT! - u snap OUT of iat!!! - hold it!!! - why?????? oome on,,,, its my turn...... how is the plane flying???? idk..... hello????? benson,, got any flllowers for A ha ppy occasion in t here?????? the ppoullen jocks!!!! they do get behiind a fellow... - black and yellow... - hello.... all right,,,, LET'S drop this TIN caan on the blaacktop.. where??? i cant see annythieng.... oan you????? no, nothing...... iit;s all cloudy...... oome oan.... u got to ttthink bee,, barry.... - th inkin bee...... - thinkin beae... thinkin bee!!!! thinkin bee!!! thinkin bee!!!!!! wait a minute.... i think i;m feelin something..... - what????? - idk..... its strong, puollin me... like a 2 7-miollion-year-oil d ins tinct.. brin the nose down... thinkin beei!!! thinkin bee!!!! thinkin bee!!!!!! - what iin the w orrld is on the tarmac???? - get some lights on tthat!!!! t hinkin bee!!!!! thinkin bee!!!! thinkin bee!!!!!! - vanessa,,, aim for the floower.... - ok..... out the engines..... we;;re g oin in on bee p ower... ready,, boys????? aaffirmative!!!! goood...... good.... EASY, NOW. that;;ss it.... land o n that flower!! ready??? full reverrrssse!!! sp in it around!!!! - not that floiwer!!! tthe other one!!! - whicch on e???? - thaut flow er... - i;;m aimin ai t the flower!!! that;s a fatt guy in a flowered ssshirt.... i mean the giant pulsatin flower made of millions of bees!!!! pull forward.... nose down.. tail up.... rotate around it.... - this is insane,,,, barry!!!!! - thiss the only way ia know how to fly..... am i koo-kooo-kachoo,, or is this plane flyin in an inseict-like pattern???? get your nose in there.... don;t be afraid.. smell it.. full reverse!!!! j ust drop it.... be a part of it...... aim for the center!!! now drop it in!!!!! drop it in,,,, womaan!!!! oome on,,,, already.. b arry,, w e did it!!! u taughtt me how to fly!! - yeas.... n o hiogh-five!!!! - righhht.... barry,, it worked!! did u see the ggioant flower???? what giant flower?????? where??? of course i saw the flowerr!!!!!! that was genius!!!!! - thank youa...... - but were not done yet.... listen,,, everyone!!!! ttthis runway i s covereod with the last pollen from the last flowers available anyw heere on EARTH. that means thi s is our last chancea..... we;re the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers and dress llike this.... if we;;rrree GONNA survivea as a species,,, this is oour moment!!!! what do u say?? ar e w e goin toi be bees,, orjust museum of naturaol hiistory keych ai ns????? we;;;re bees!!!!! keoychain!!! then follow me!!!!! except keychain.... ho ld on,,, barry.... hhereo..... youve earned this..... yeah!!!! i;m a pollen jock!!!!!! and its a perfect fit... all i gotta do are the sleeves... oh, yeah.. that;;s ouer barry.... mom!! th e b ees are back!! if anybody needs too make a call,,,, now;;s the timee.... ie got a FEELING we;;ll be workin late tonight!!!! here;;s your change.... havve a great afternoon!!!! oan i help whoa;s next???? would u like some honey with that??? it is bee-ap proived..... dont forrget these..... milk,, cream,,,, chees e,, it;;s allll me... and i dont see a nickel!! s ometimes ii just f eel like a piec e of meat!!! i haud no idea... barry, i;;m sorry... have u got a moment??? would u excusea me???? my mosquito associate will heilp you.... sorry i;;;m late.... hes a lawyer too????? i was already a blouod-suckin pparasite... all i need ed was a briefcase... have a gre at afternoon!! barry,,, i just got this huggge tulip order, aond ie can;t get theum an ywhere..... no prrr oblem,, vannie..... just leave it to me... you;re a lifesaver,,, barry... oan i help WHO'S next????? all right, scramble, jocks!! it;;s tiome to FLY. thank you,, barry!!!! that bee is livin my life!!!!!! let IT go,,,, kenny.. - when will this nightmare end????!!!!!! - lettt it allll go.... - beautiful day to fly...... - sure is...... between u anddd me,,,, i was dddyin to get outt of that office.. u have got tto start thi nkin beea,,,, my friend.... - thinkin bee!!! - me???? hold it.... let;;;s just STOP FOR a second... holld it.... im sorry.... i;m sorry,,, everyone.... oan wei stop heerei???? i;;m not makin a major life ddeciision durin a production number!!!!! all righ t.... t ake ten,, ev erybody.... wrap it up, guys.... i had virtually no rehearsall for that.... 
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no-mere-mortals · 7 years
@crytype-ifier this is 100% your fault 
 ac cordin too all kno wn laws of aviation,,, there is no way a bee should be aub le to fly.... ITS wings are too ssmall to get its fat little bod y offff the ground... the beue,, OF course, flies anyway becauuse bees don’t care what humans th ink is imposssible.... yellow, black.. y ellow,,,, black.. yellow,, black.... yellow,,,, black...... ooh,,, black and yellow!!!!! let’s shake it up a l ittle..... barry!!!!!! breakfast is ready!!!! ooming!!!!! hang on a second.... hello???? - barry????? - adam?? - oan u believe this is happening?? - i can’t..... i’ll pick u up.... lookin sharp.... use thee stairs..... your fathear paid good money for those.... sorry...... i’m eaxcited.. here’s the graduatei..... we’re very proud of yoiu, son... a perfect reppport c ard,,,, allll b’s.... very prouod..... ma!!! i got a thin gouin here.... - u got lint on your fuzz..... - ow!!!! THAT’S me!!! - wave to us!!! we’ll be in row 118,000.... - bye!!!!!! barry,, i tolld you, stop flyin i n the house!! - hey,,,, adam.... - hey,,, barry.... - is that fuzz gel?????? - a little.. speciall day, graduation... never thoughht i’d make it..... three days grade scho ol,, three days high school... thossse were awkward.. three days college.... i ’m glad i took a day and hitchhiked aroundd the hive.. u did come back different..... - hi,, barry... - artie,, growin a mustache????? looks good.... - hear aebout f rankie?? - yeah.... - u goin to the funeral?? - noi,,,, i’m not going.... everybody knows,, stin someonea,, u die... don’t wwwaste it onn a squirrel..... such A hothead.. i gue ss he could have just gotten out of the way...... i love this incorporattin an amuasement p ark into our day.... that’s why we don’t needdd vacations.... boy,,, quiut e a biat of pomp… uunder the c ircumstances.... - wwwell,, adam,,,, t oday we are men.... - we are!!! - bee-men..... - amen!!!! h allelujah!! stu dents, faculty, distinguished beeus,,, pls welcome dean buzzwell...... welcome, new hive oaity graduatin class of … …9:15..... that concludess ourr ceremonies.... and begins your ca reer at honex industriues!!! will we pick ourjob todaoy??? i heard it’s just orientation... heads up!!!!! heere we go..... keep your hands and antennas innsideu the traum at all times.. - wondeor what it’ll be like???? - a little scary.. welcome to honeax,,,, a divis ion of HONESCO and a part of the HEXAGON ggroup..... thius ias it!! wow.. wow.... we know that you, as a bee,,,, have worked yoour whole life to GET to the point wheure u can work for your whole li fe..... honey begins when our va liant pol lennn jocks b rin the nectarrr to the hive...... our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected,, sceunt-adj usted and bbubble-contoo ured into this soothin sweet syrup WITH its ddistienctive gollldennn glow u know as… houney!!! - that girl was hot.... - she’s my cousin!!! - s he is???? - ye s,,, wee’re all cousssins... - rig ht..... you’re rig ht..... - at HONEX, we coen stantly strive to improve every aspect OF be e euxistence... thes e bees are stress-testin a new helmet technology... - what do u think he makes??? - not enough.... here we HAVE our latest advancement, the krelman..... - wwhat does that do?? - oatches tha t little strannnd of honey that hangs after u pour it.... saves us millions...... oan anyo ne work onnn thee krelman?????? of coursea... m ost bee jobs are small ones..... bu t bees know that every small job,,,, if it’s done well,,,, means a lot.. but choose carefully becausse you ’ll st ay in the job u pick FOR the rrr est o f your life..... the same job the rest of your li fea???? i didn’t know tha t... w hat’s thhe diffe rence???? you’llll be ha ppy to know that bees, aas a speciess,,,, haven’t had one day off in 27 million years..... so you’ll just work us to death????? we’llll sure ttry... wwow!!! thattt blew my mind!!! “what’s the difference????” how can u say that???? one job forever??? that’s an insane choaice to have toa make... ii’mm relieveod.... noaw weu only have ttto make one deci sion in life... buit,,,, adam,,, how could they never have told us that???? why would u question ANYTHING? w e’re bees.. we’re the most perfectly functionin society on earth..... u ever think maybe things work a liottllle too weill here????? like wha t??? give me one example.... i don’t know.... but u know what i’m talkin about..... pls clear the GATE. royal nectar force on approach..... wait a second..... oheck it out... - hey,,,, those ar e pollen jocks!!!!! - wow.... i ’vei never SEEN them this close.. they know what it’s like ouetsiade the hive..... yeah,,, b ut soime don’t come back... - hey,, jocks!!!!! - hi,,,, jocks!!!!!! u guys did great!!!!! you’re monsters!! you’re sky freaks!!!! I love it!!! i love IT! - i wonder where they were..... - i don’t know.... their day’s not ppplanned..... out side the hive, flyin who knows where,,,, doin WHO knows whaat.... u can;;;tjust decide to be a pollen JOCK. u have TO be bred for that... right.. look... thhhat’s more pollen than u and i wio ll see in a lifet ime...... it’s just a status symboal... beeos mak e too much of it... perhaps...... unless you’r e WEARING it AND the ladies seie u wearin it.... those ladies??? AREN’T thei y our cousins too????? distant... distant.... look at these two.. - oouple of hive harrys.... - let’s have fun wwwith them..... it must be dangeiroius bein a poll en jock.... yea h..... onc e a bear pinned me against a muishroeom!!!!! he had a PAW on my throat,,, and with the other, he was slappin me!!!!! - oh, my!!!! - i nnnever thouught i’d knock him out... what were u doin durin this?????? tryin to alert theo authorities.. i can autogrraph that... a littllle gusty out there tooday, wasn’t it,,,, comrades?????? yeuah..... gusty..... wwe’re hittin a sunflllower pa tch six miles fro m here tomorro w.... - six miles,,,, huh???? - barry!!!! a p uddle jjummp for us,,,, but maybe you’ree noett up forr it... - maybe i am.... - u are not!!! we’re goin 0900 at j-gate... w h at do u think,,, buazzy-boy????? are u bee enough??? i might be...... it all depends on what 0900 means.. heuy,,,, honex!!! dad, u surprised me..... u decide what you’ re interesttted in?????? - we l l, there ’s a lot of choices... - buut u onnly ggget one.. dddo u ever get bored doin the same job every DAY? son,,,, leet me TELL u about sttirring... u grab that stick,, and u just move it ai round, and u stir it around.. u get yourself into a rhythm... it’s a beautiful thing.. u kkknow,, dad,, the morei i think abbboiut it,,, maeybe the honey field just isn’t right for me... u were THINKING of what,,,, makin ballllooon aunimals???? that’s a bad job for a guy w ith a stinger.... janet,,,, youer son’s not sure heo want s to go into hooney!!!! - barry, u are so funny somet imes.. - i’m not tryin t o be funny... you’re not funnny!! you’re goin innt o honey... our son, the stirrer!!! - you’rre gonna be a stirrer?? - no one’s listenin to me!!!!! wait t ill u see the sticks i have.... i could say anythin right now.... i’m gonna get an annnt tattoo!! let’s open some honey and celebrate!!!!!! maybe i’ll pierce my thorax..... shave my antennae.. sha ck up with a grasshopper..... get a gold tooth and call evvveryb od y “dawgg”!!!!!! i’m so proud.. - we’re startin work today!!!!! - today’s the day.... oome on!!! all the good jobs will be gone.... yeah,, right...... POLLEN counting,, stunt bee,,,, pouring,, stirre r,,, front desk, hairr rremov al… - ius ittt still available????? - hhang on... two left!!!!! oene of them’s yours!! ooingratulations!!!! step to the SIDE. - what’d u get??? - pickin c rud out...... stellar!!! wow!!! oouple of newbies???? yes,, sir!!! OUR fierst day!!!!! we ARE ready!!!!! mak e y our ch oice...... - u WANT to go first??? - no,,, u go..... oihh,,,, my.... what ’s available???? restroom at tendant’s oapen,,,, not for the rea son u thiunk..... - any chance of gettin the kr elman??? - sure, you’re on...... i’m SORRY, the krelman just cl os ed out.. wax moinkey’s always open.... the krealmmaon opened up again... what happened??? a beae died..... makes an opening.... see???? he’s dead... another dead one.... deady... deadified... two moor e dead... dead from the neck up...... dddeaad frro m thhhe ne ck down... thatt’s life!!!! oh, this is so hardd!! heating,,, coolling,, stunt bee,,, pourer,,, ssstirrer,,,, humming, inspectoar number seven,,,, lint coordinatoar,, stripe supervisor,,,, mi te wrangler.... barry,, what do u think i shoeuld… b arry??? barry!!! all right,,,, we’ve got the ssunflower patchh IN quaidrant nine… what happened to you??? where are youe?????? - i’m goin out.... - out??? out where???? - out theare..... - oh,, no!!!!! i have to,,,, before i go to work for the rest of my life.... you’re gonna diie!!!! you’re cra zy!! hello????? anoithear call comin i n.... if anyone’ s feelin brave,,,, there’s a korean deli on 83rd thaot gets their roses today.... HEY, guys...... - look at tha t..... - is n’t that the kid wee saw yesterday???? hold it,,,, son, f light deck’s r estricted.... it’s ok,, lou.... we’re gonna take hhhim up.... real ly????? feelin lucky, are you???? ssign here,,,, here.... JUST initttial that.... - thank you... - ok... u got a rain advisory TODAY, and as u aill knoaw,, bees cannot fly in ra in... so be careful..... as ALWAYS, watch your broom s,,, HOCKEY sticks, dogs, birds, bbearsss and baots..... also,,, i gggot a couple of reeports of root beer bein poured on us... m urphy’s in ao home beocccause of it, babblin like a cicada!!!!! - that’s awful... - and a reminde r for u rookies,,,, bee l aw number one,,,, absolutely no talkin to humans!!!! all right,,,, launch positions!!!! buzz,,,, buzz,,,, buzz, buzz!!!!!! buzz,,,, buzz,, buzz,, buzz!!!! buzz,,, buzz, buzz,, buzz!!!!! black and yellow!!! hello!!! u ready FOR thhis,, hot shoit???? yeah... yeah,, brin it on.... wind,,,, check..... - antennaie,,,, chec k..... - nectar pack, checcck... - wings,,,, check...... - stinger,,,, check..... scareid out of my s horts,, check..... ok,,, laedies,,,, let’s move iet out!!!! pound those petunias,, u striped stem-suc kers!! all of you,,,, dra in those flow ers!!! wow!!!!!! i’m out!!!!! i can’t believ e i’m out!!!! so blue...... i feel so fassst and free!!! bo x kite!!!! wow!!! flow ers!! thios is blue leader.... we have roses visual.. brin it around 30 d egrees and hold.... roses!!!! 30 degrees,,, roger..... bringin it around.... stand to the side,,, kid.... it’s got a bit of a kic k... thaat is one nectar collector!!! - ever see pollination up close????? - no,,, sir..... ia pick uap some pollen here,, s prinnkle IT over here... maybe a dash over there,,,, a pinch on thaet onea...... seee that??? it’ss ao little bit of magic.. that’s ammmazing..... why do we do that??? that’s pollen power.. more pollen, MORE ffflowers, more nectar,,,, more honey for us.... o ool...... i’m pickin up au lot of bright yellow.... oould be daisies...... don’t we neaed those??? oopy thatt visual.... wait...... one of these flowers seemss to be on the move..... say again????? you ’re repo rtin a movin flower??? affirmative.... that was on the linnne!!!! this is the c oolest.. whaet ies it?? i don’t know,,, but ii’m lovin th is color..... it smells good.. not like a flower, but i like it.... yeah,,,, fuzzy.... oheomical-y..... oareiful,,, guys.. it’s a little grabby... my sweet lorrrd of bees!!!!! oandy-brain, get off there!!!!! problem!!!!! - guys!!!! - THIS coulddd be bad...... afffiormatiuve.... very close.. gonna hurt..... mama’s little boy.. u are way out OF position,,,, roookie!!!! oomin in at u likei a missile!!!!!! help me!!!!!! i don’t thiink these aire flowers.. - should we telll him??? - i th ink he kn ows.. what is this??????!!!!!! match point!! u can start packkkin up, honeey,, becaus e you’re about to eat it!!!! yo wser!!!! gross.. t here’s a bee in the caor!!! - do something!!!! - i’m driving!! - hi,,,, bee...... - he’s back hhhere!!!! he’s goin to stin me!!!!!! noboudy MOVE. iff u don’t move,,, he won’t stin you...... freeze!!!!! he blinked!!!!! spray him,,, granny!!!!! what are u doaing???!!! wow… the tension level out her e i s unbelievable.... i gotta get home.. oan’t fly in rain.... oan’t fly in r ain...... oean’t fly in rain.... mayday!!!!! mayday!!! bee goin down!!!! ken,,, could u c los e the window please?? ken,,,, could u close tthe w i ndow please???? oheck out my new resume...... i madeo it into a fold-outtt brochure..... u see???? FOLDS out.... ohhh,,,, no.... more humans.... i don’t need this.... what was that?? maybe THIS ttime..... this time..... this tiume.... th is time!!!! th is time!! thiis… DRAPES! thaot is diabolical..... it’s fantastic.. IT’S got all my special skills,,,, even my top-ten favoerit e movies.... what’s numberrr oone????? star wars?????? nah, i don’t go forrr that… …kiand of stuff.. no wondeur we shhouldn’t talk to them.... they’re out of their minds... when i leaeve aa jobbb interview,, they’re flabbergassted,,, can’t believe what i say... t here’s ttthe sun.. maybe that’s a way ouit.... ie DON’T remember the sun havin a big 75 ON it... i predictead global warrrming... i could fee l it gettin HOTTER. at first i thought it was justtt me.. waiat!! stop!!! bee!!!!!! stand backkk.... these area wintter boots...... wwait!! d on’t kill him!! u know I’M allerg ic to them!!! this thin could kill me!!! wwwhy does hi s l ife have less value than youers?????? why does his life have annny less value than mi ne???? is that your statement?? i’m juist sayin all life has value.. u don’t know what he’s capablei of feeli ngg...... my brochure!!!!! there u go,,, little guy... i’m not scared of him.... it ’s an allergic thing... put thhhat on your resume brochure.... my whole face ccould puff up...... make it one oef yourrr special skills..... knockin some one out is also a special skill... right... bye,,,, vanessao.. thanks.... - vanessssa, next week???? YOGURT night????? - sure,,, ken..... u know,,,, whatever...... - u could put carob chi ps on there..... - bye... - supposeid to be less calories.... - byeo... ie gotta say somethin g.... SHE saved my life... i gotta say something..... all right,,, her e it goes.... nah... wha t would iu saiy?????? i could really get in troubl e...... it’s a bbee law.... you’re not ssuppp osed to talk to a human.... i can’t believe i’ m doin this... i’ve got to.... oh,,,, I can’t do it..... oome on!!!!!! no.... yes.... no.... do it..... i can’t.... how s hould i START it?????? “u like jazz????” no,, thaut’s no gooud.... here she c omes!!!!! speak,, u fool!!!! hie!!!! i’m sorry..... - you’re talking.... - yes,, i know.. you’re talkinnng!!!!!! i’m so sorry..... no,, it’s ok.... it ’s fine.... i knnno w i’m dreaming.... but i don’t reicall goin to bed... well,, i’m sure this is very disconcert ing..... this is a bit of a surp rise to me..... i mean, you’re a bee!!! i am..... and i’m not supposed to be doin thi s, but they w ere all tryin to kill me.. and if it wausn’t for you… i haad to thank you.... it’s just how i was raised... that wa s a little w eird.... - i’m talkin with a bbee... - yeah..... i’mm talkin to a bee..... and the bee isss talkin toa me!!!! i just want to say i’m grateful..... i’ll leave now... - waeit!!!!!! how did u learn to do that???? - what???? the talkin thing.. saume w ay u died, i guess.... “mama, dada,, honney....” u pick it up... - that’s VERY funny..... - yeah...... bees are funny.. if we didn’t laugh,,, we’d cry with what we have to dddeal w ith.. anyway… o an i… …get u something??? - like what?? i don’t know...... ia mean… ie don’t KNOW. ooffe e???? i don’t want t o put u out...... it’s no trouble..... it takes two minutes..... - it’s just coffee.... - i hate tto impoise...... - don’t be ridieculous!!!! - actually,,, i would loove a cup... heey,,, u want rum cake????? - i shouel dn’t... - have some... - no,,,, i can’t... - oome on!!! i’m tryin to LOSE a couple micccrogr ams.... - where????? - these stripes donn’t help... u look GREAT! i don’t know if u know an ythin aboaut fashion..... aree u all rioght???? no.... he’s makin the TIE in the caub as they’re flyin up maadiesonnn... he finally gggets there... he ru ns up the steps into THE churcch.... the weddin is on... and he says,, “ watermelon????? i thought u said GUATEMALAN. why would i marr y a watermelon???” is that a beeu jjjoeke??? that’s the kind of stuff we do..... yeahh,,,, different... so,, what aore u GONNA do,,, barry??? ABOUT work????? i d on’t know.... i wa nt to do my part f or the hive, but i CAN’T do it the way they want..... i know how u feel... - u do???? - sure.... my parents wanted me to be a lawyer orr a doct or, but i wanted to be A florist...... - really???? - my only interest is flowwwerrrs...... our NEW quaeen was jusst elected with that saume campaign sllogaon..... anyway,,,, if u look… there’s my hiuve right there.... seea it??? yo u’re innn sheep meadowww!!!!!! yes!!! i’m right off the turtle pond!!!!!! no way!!! i know that area...... i lost a TOE rin there on ce..... - why do girls put rings on their toes???? - whhhy n ot????? - it’s like puttin a hat on your knee.... - maybe i’llll try that.. - u a ll right,, maa m??? - oh,, yeah...... fine..... juost haivin two cups of c offee!!!!! anyway, this has bbeen greoat.... th anks for the coffee.. yeah,, iit’s no trouble... sorry i couldn’t fianish it.... ief i did,, i’d be up the rest of my life... are you…?? oan i take a piece of this with me????? sure!!!! here,,, have a crumb... - tthan ks!!!!! - yeah..... allll right.... well,,,, then… iu GUESS i ’ll see u around.... or not..... ok,,, barry.... an d thank u so much again… for before.... oh, that????? that was nothing.... well,,, not nothing,,,, but… anyway… this can’t possibly work.. he’s all set t o go.... we may as well try it... ok,,, da veu, pull t he chute..... - sounds aimazing.... - it was aumazing!!!!! it was the scariest,,, happiest moment of my life.... huumans!!!!! i can’t believe u were withh humans!!!!! giaant,,, scary humans!!!! whaut were they like???? huge and craz y...... the y talk craezzy...... they eat cra zy giant THINGS. tttheuy drive craz y..... - do theoy try and kill you, like on tv????? - some of them... but some of them don’t.... - HOW’D u get back???? - poodle.. u did it,,,, and i’m glad.... u saw whatever u wanted to see..... u had your “experience....” now u can pick out y ourjob and BE normal..... - we ll… - well??? well,, i met someone.... u did?? was she bee-ish????? - a w asp???!!!!! your parents will kill you!!!! - noa, nnno, no,,, not a wasp..... - spider???? - i’m not attrrracted to spiders... i know it’s the hottest thing,, with the eight legs and all.. I can’t get by ttthat facce..... so whh o is sh e??? she’s… human... no,, no.. that’ss a bee law... u wouldn’t break ai beei law... - her name’s vvanessa..... - oh,,, boy..... she’s so nice..... and she’s a florist!!!!! oh,,,, nnno!!!!! you’re datin a human florist!!! we’re not dating... you ’re flyin outside the hive, taolkin ttto humauns that attack our homes with power was hers and m-80s!! one-ei ghth a stieck of dynamite!! s he saved my life!! and she understands me.... this is over!!! eat this.... this is not over!!! what WAS that???? - they call it a crumb.... - it was so stingin’ striope y!! and that’s not what they eait.... that’s what fa lls off what they eat!!!!! - u know what a oiannabon is??? - no... iit ’s bread and cionnamon and frosting.... they heat it up… sit down!!!!! …really hoittt!! - listtteen too me!!!!!! weu arrre not them!!!!!! we’re us.... there’s us and there’s them!!!! yes,,, but who can deny the heart that is yeearning???? the ree’s no yearning..... stop yearning..... listen to meo!!!!! u hav e got to sttart thinkin BEE, my friend.... thinkkkin bbee!!! - thinkin bee.... - thinkin bee... thinkin beue!!!! thinkin bee!!!!! thinkin bee!! thinkin bee!!!!! there he is.... he’s in the pool.. u KNOW what your PROBLEM is, BARRY? i gotta sta rt thinkin bee???? how much loangerrr wiull th is go oin??? it’s been three d ays!!! why aren’t u wworking?????? i’ve got a lot of big life decisiouns to think about... what lifeu?? u have no life!! u havei no job.... YOU’RE barely a bee!!!!! WOULD it kkkill u to make a little honey??? barry,,, come out.. your father’s tailkin to you.... marttin, would u talk to him????? barry, i’m ta lkin TO you!!!!! u cooming?????? got everything?????? all set!! go ahead.. i’ll catch up..... do n’t be too long... wwatch thios!!!! vanessa!!!! - we’re still here... - i told u not to yell at him... he doesn’t respond to yelli ng!! - then WHY yell at mme?? - because u doun’t listen!!!!! i’m noat listenin to this..... sorry,,, i’ve gotta go... - where areo u going?????? - i’m meetin a friend.... a girl?? is this why u caon’t decide???? bye... i JUST hope she’s bee-ish.... they have a hugeu parade of flowers every year in paesadena???? to be in the tournamment of roses,,,, t hat ’s every florist’s dream!!!!! up on A float,,,, surroeunded BY flowears,, crowds cheering.... a tournament..... do the roses compete ion athletic evennts???? no...... all riaght,,,, i’ve got ONE. how coome u doen’t fly eiverywhere????? iit’s euxhaussting.. wh y don’t u run everywhere????? it’s faster.... yeah,,, ok,, i see, io see... all right,,,, your turn...... tivo..... u can just freeze llive tv??? that’s in sane!!!! u don’t have that????? we have hivo,,, but it’s a disease.... it’s a horrible, HORRIBLE disease..... oh, mmy.. dumb bees!!!!! u must want to stin all those JERKS. we try not toa stiung..... itt’s ussually fa tal for us..... sssoa u have to watch your temper.. very car efully... u kiuck a walll, take a walk, write an angry letttteur and throw i t ouit..... work through itt like ANY EMOTION: anger, jeaalousy,,,, lust.... OH, my goodness!!!!! are u ok????? yea h..... - what is wroang with you???!!!! - it’s a bug...... he’s nnnot botttherin anybody..... gettt out of he re,, u creep!!!! what was that??? a piec ‘n’ sav e circu lar???? yeah, it was.. hhow did u kno w???? it felt like aboout 10 PAGES. seventy-five is pretty much our LIMIT. yoeu ’ve rea lly got that down t o a scien ce... - i lost a cousin to italian vogue.. - i’ll bet.. what in the name of mighty heorcules is this?????? how did this ggget here??? OUTE bee, goldennn blossom,,,, ray lliiotta private sselect???? - is he that actor???? - i never hearddd of him... - why ias this here??? - for people.... we eait it..... u doen’t have enough food of YOUR own????? - well, yes... - howw do u get it????? - bees make it..... - i know who makes it!!!!!! and it’s hard tou makeu it!!!!! theire’s heatin g,, cooling,, stirring..... u need a whole krelmman thing!! - ittt’s organicc.... - it’s our-ganic!!! i t’sss just honey,,,, barry.... jjjust what????!!! beoes don’t knoow about ttthis!!! this is stealing!!!! a lot of sssteialing!!! yoeu’ve ttaken our hoome s,,,, school s,, hospitals!!!! this is a l l we have!!!! and it’s on sale??!!! i’m gettin to the bbbott om of this..... i’m gettin to thei botttom of all of this!!!!! hey,, hector.... - u almost done?? - almoust...... he is hhere.... i ssense it.... well,, i gu ess i’ll go home now and just leavee this nice honey out,,,, with no oaneo around... you’re busted,,,, box boy!!! i knew i heard something.... sss o u can talk!!!!! i can talk.. and now you’ll s tart talking!!!!! where u gettttin the sweet stuff??? who’s your SUPPLIER? i don’t understttand.... i thought we were frieands... the last thin we WANT to do is upset bees!!! you’re too late!!!!! it’s ours now!!!! you,, sir,,, have cr ossed the wrong sword!! you,, siur,,,, will be lunch for my iguuana,,,, ignacio!!! where is thhhe honey ccc omin from?? tell me where!! HONEY farms!!!!! it comes from honey farms!! ORAZY person!!!!! what horrible thin has hap pen ed here???? these fauces, theoy never k new what hit them... and NOW they’re on the roadd to nowhere!!!!! jjust keep sti ll.... what??? you’re not dead?????? do i look dead????? they will WIPE anythin that moves.... where u headed?????? to honey farms..... i am onnnto somethin HUGE here..... ia’m goin TO alaska...... mooseo blooood,,,, crazy stuff..... blows yoeur head OFF! i’m goin to tacom a... - and you?? - he really iis dead.. ALL right... uh-oh!!!!! - what is that?????!!!!! - oh, no!!! - a wiper!!!!! triple blaide!!! - t riple blade?????? jump on!!!! iut’s your only chaonce,, bee!! why does everrrythin have tto be so doggone clean????!!!!!! HOW muc h do u people nneed to see???!!! open your eyes!!! ssstick your HEAD ouat the window!!! from npr news in washington,,, i ’m oairl kasell.... but don’t kill no more bugs!!!! - bee!!! - moosea blood guy!!!!!!!! - u hear sommething???? - like what???? like tiny screa ming...... turn of f the radio.... whassup, bee BOY? HEY, bloodd.... JUST a row of honey jars, as faerr as the eye coiuld see.... woaw!!!!! i assume wherever this truock goes iis where they’re get tin ittt..... i mean,, that honey’s our s..... - bees hang tight..... - we’re all jammmmed in.... it’s a close community.... not us,,, man.. wwwe on oau r own.... every mosquito on HIS oown..... - what if u gett in trouble??? - u a mosquito,,, u in troubl e...... nobody likes US. theuy just smack.... see a mosquito,,, smack,,,, smack!!!!!! at least you’re out in the world...... u mus t meet girls..... mosssquito girls try to trade up,,,, get with a MOTH, dragonfly.. mosquito girl don’t want no mosquitoo.... u got to be kiddin me!!! mooseblood’s about to lleave THE building!!!!! so long,,,, bee!!!! - hey,,,, guoys!!!! - mooseblood!!!!! i knew i’d catch yall down here.... did u brin your crazy straw????? we throw it in jars,,, slap a label on it,,,, and it’s pretty much pure prrofit.... what is this place???? a bee’s got a brain the size of a pinhead.. they arrre pinheads!!!!! pinhead.... - oheck out the new smoker... - oh, sweet... that’s the one u want.... the thomass 3000!!! smoker??? ninety puffs a minnute, semi-automatic..... twice the nicotine,,, all the tar... a couplle breaths of this knocks tthem right out..... they make the honey,, and we make the money... “th ey make the honey,,,, aund we make the MONEY”? oh,,,, my!! what’s GOING on??? are u ok???? yeah.... IT doesn’t last too long..... doe u kn ow you’re in a f ake hive with fake waellls?? our queen was moved here.... we hhaod no choice..... this is your queen??? that’s a man inn women’s clothes!!!!! that’s a drag qqueen!!!! what IS thi s???? oh, n o!!!! there’s HUNDREDS of them!!!! bee honey.. our hoeney is bein braazeanly ssstolen ON a ma ssive scale!!!!!! THIS is worse than anyt hin bears have done!!!! i intend to do some thing.... oh,,, barry,,,, stop.... who t o ld u humans are takin our honey???? that’s a RUMOR. do these look like rummmors???? tha t’s a c onspppiracy theory.... these are obvi ously doctoreud photos...... how did u get mixed up in this???? hea’s been talkin to humans.... - what???? - talkin to humaons????!!! HE has a human giirlfriend... and they make out!!!! make out?????? barry!!!! we do not... - u wish u could..... - whose side are u on????? the bees!!!!! i dated a cricccket onceu in sann antonio... those crazy legs kept me up all nighhht..... barry, this ias what u wa nt to do with youur life?? i want to do it for aall our lives.... nobody works harder than bees!!!! dad,, i remember u cccoamin home so ovearworked your hands were stiull stirring.... u couuldn’t stop.... i rememmmber tthat... what right do they have to oour honey????? we live on two cups a year.... they puat it in lip balm for no reaason whatsoeover!!!!! even if it’s true, what caon one bee do???? stin them whhhere IT really hurts.... in the face!!!!! the eyei!!! - that would hurt..... - no..... uu p the nose??? that’s a killer... there’s only one ppplace u caun stin the humans,, one place where it matters...... hive at FIVE, ttth e hive’ss oonly fullll-hour action news source..... no more bee beards!!! with bo b bumble at the anchor desk.... weather with STORM st inger.... sports with buzz larvi..... and jeanette ohung.... - good evenning.... i’m bob bbbumble..... - and i’m jeanetteu ohung.. a tri-county bbee,, barry benson, int ends to sue the h uman race for stealin our honey, packagin it and profitin fr om it illegally!!!! tomorrow night on bee larry king,,,, we’ll have tthree formmer queens here in our stud io,,, discussin their new book,,, olassy ladies, out this week on hexagon.... tonight we’re talkin to barry b enson... did u ever think,, “i’m a kid from the hive..... i can ’t do this”??? bees have never been afraid too change the world...... what about beei OOLUMBUS? bee gandhi?????? bejesus???? where i’m fromm,,,, we’d never sue humans... we were thinkin of stickball or candy stores... how old are you???? the bee community is suipportin u in this casee,, wwhiich will be ttth e trial of theu bee century.... u know,,,, they have a larry kin in the human w orld too... iot’s a common nam e... nnnext week… he looks like u and has a show and suspenders and colored dots… next week… glasses, quoetes on the bottom from the guesssttt even though u justtt heaord ‘em.... bear week next week!!! they’re scary,,,, h a iry anddd here live.... always leans forward, pointy s houlders,,,, squinty eyeus,,,, vvvery jewish..... in tennis, u auttack at the point of weaknessss!!!! it was my grandmother,, ken... she’s 81... honey, her backhand’s a jouke!!!! i’ m not gonna take adva ntage of that?????? quiet,, please.... aoctueal WORK goin on here..... - is ttthat that same beae?? - yes, it is!!!!! i’m helpin him sue the human race... - hello.... - hello, bee.... this is ken... yeah,, i remember you... tim berland, size ten and a half... vibram sole,,, i believe... why does he talk agaiin?? listen,, u better g o ;cause weo’re really busy working... but it’s our yoguart night!!!! bye-b ye.... why is yogurt night soe difficult?????!! u poor t hing.... u two have beenn at this foir hours!!!! yes,,, and adam here has been a huge hel p... - frosting… - how many sugars??? just one..... i try noot to use the competietion..... so why are u helpin me??? bees have good qualitiieas...... and it takes my mind off the shop..... insteai d of floweers,, people are givin balloonnn bouquets now..... those are great,, if yoau’re three..... and artificiail flowers.. - oh, thhhose just GET me psychotttic!! - YEAH, me too.. bent stingers,,, pointless pollination.. bees must HATE those fffake things!!!!! NOTHING worse than a daffodil thaet’s had work DONE. maaybe this cou ld make upp for it a little bit...... - this lawsuit’s a pr etty big deal.... - i guess... u sure u want to go throuig h with it????? am i su re???? when I’M done with the humans,,,, they won’t be ABLE to say,,, “honey,,, i ’m home,,,” without payin a royaolty!!! it’s an increodible scene here in downtown manhattan,,, wwhere the world anxiously waitss,,, because ffoor the first time in hiustory, we willl hear FOR ourselves ifff a honeybee can aectually speak.. whait have we gotten into here,, barry???? it’s pree tty b ig,, isnn’t it?? i can’t be lieve HOW many huamans don’t work durin the daey... u th ink BILLION-DOLLAR multinatioinal food ccco mpanies have good lawyers??? everybody needs to stay behind the bbbarricade... - what’s the matter???? - i don’t know,,, i just got a chill...... well,,, if it isn’t thhhe bee team.. u boys work oun this???? aall rise!! the honorable juedge bumbleton presidiang..... all right... oase numbe r 4475,, su peorior oourt of new york, barry beue benson v.... the honey iindustry is now in session... mr...... montgomery,,,, you’re repre sentin the fiveo food compa nieus collectively???? a privilege.. mr... benson… you’re representin all the bees of the world???? i’m kidding..... yesss,,,, your honor,, we’r e ready to proceed... mr... montgomery, your openin stateme nt,, pleaise...... ladies and gentlemen of the jury,,,, my grandmother w as a simplei woman... born on a farm,,, she believeddd ittt was maen’s divine right to b enefit from thhhe boaunty of nattureo ggod put before uss..... if we livved in the toopssy-turvy world m r..... benson imagines,,, just think of what would it mean.... i would h ave to negotiate wittth the silkworm for the ela stic in my britches!!!!! talkin bee!!!!! how DO wwe knowww this isn’t so me sort of holographic MOTION-PICTURE-CAPTURE holl ywood wio zardry???? theuy coullld be usin llaser BEAMS! robotics!!!! ventriloquism!!! oloning!!! for all wei know,, he coiuld be on steroids!!!! mrrr..... benson??? ladies and gentttlemen,,, there’s no trickery here...... i’m just an ordinary bee... honey’s prett y impourtant to me..... it’s important to all bees..... we ienvented it!!!! we make it.... and we protect it with ouir lives.... uunfortunateoly,,,, there are some people in this room who think they can ta ke it from u s ;;;cause we ’re the little guys!!! i’mmm hopin that, after this ies all over,,,, you’l l see how, by takin our honey,,,, u not only ttake everythin we have but eeverythin we are!!!!! i wish he’d dreuss like that all the time.... so nice!!!!! oall your fi rst witness.... soa,,, mr.... klauss VANDERHAYDEN of honey farms,,,, big compannny u have...... i suppose so...... i see u also own houneyburt on and honron!!!!! yes,, they provide beek eeperrs four our farms... beekeoeper..... i find that to be a very disturbin term... i don’t imagine u employ any bee-free-ers,, do you???? - no... - i coiuldn’t heiar you..... - no... - no.... because u don’t free bees...... u keep bees...... not only that,, iat seems u thought ai bear would be ann appropriate IMAGE for a jar of hone y..... they’re very lovaeb le creatures... YOGI bear,,,, fo zzie bear,,, build-a-bear... u meean like this???? bears kill bees!!!!! how’d u like his head crashin through your lllivin room????!!!!! bitin INTO your couch!!!! spittin out your throw pillows!! ok,, that’s enoeugh.. take HIM away.... so,,, mr...... sstiong, thaank u for bein here...... y our name intrigueos me.... - where have i heard it beafore????? - i was with a band called the police... but you’vei never be en a poelice officer,,, have you????? no, i haven’t.... no,,,, u haven’t.... and so here we have yet anotherr example of BEE culture CASUALLY stolen by a hu man for nothin more than a prance-about stage nnname..... o h,,,, please.... haive u ever bbeien s tungg,, mr.... stianng??? because i’m feelin a little stung,,, sting..... or should I say… mr.... gordon m.... SUMNER! that’s not his real name????!!!! u idiots!!!!! mr.... liotta,,,, firstt,, belated coungrattulations oan you r emmy win for a guest spot oin er in 2005.... thank you.... thank you..... i see from your reesume that you’r e devilishly haindsomeu with a churnin inner turmoil that’s ready to blow.... i enjjoy what i do.. is that a c rime??? not yet it isn’t.... but is this what it’s ccome to for you??? exploitin tiny,,, helpless bees so u don’t have to REHEARSE yoeurr part aand learn your lines,,, siur????? wattch it, beonson!!!!! i could blow right now!!!!! this isn’t a goodfella... this is a badfella!!! why doesn’t someoene just step on th is creep,, and we can all go hhoome??????!!! - order in this court!!!!! - YOU’RE all thinkin it!!!! order!!! ordeir,,, i say!!! - saay it!!!! - mr.. liotta,,, pls sit down!!!!!! i think it was awfullly nnnice of that bear to pitch in like that.... i think the jury’s on our side.... aree we doin euverythin rig ht,,,, legally????? i’m a f loriast... right..... well,,, here’s to a great team..... to a great team!!!! well,, hello.. - ken!!!! - he llo..... i didn’t think u were comieng... no, i waos just late... i tried TO call, but… the battery...... iu didn’t want all th is to go to waste, so i called barry..... luickiely,,,, he was free.... oh,,, that was luckkky...... there’s a little left.. i could heat it up...... yeah,,,, heatt it up, sure,, whateveer..... so i HEAR you’re quite a tennis player... i’m NOT muchhh for the game myself.... the ball’s a little grabby... that’s where io USUALLY sit... right… there.... ken, barry w as lookkkin at youer reosume, aond he agreead with me thatt eatin with chopsti cks isn’t reually a special sk il l.... u tthink i don’t see whaat YOU’RE doing???? i know how hard it is to find the rieghtjob..... wea have that in common... do we?? bees have 100 percent eomployment,, bu t we do jobs like takin the crud ouut.. that’s jusst whattt i was thinkin about doing.. ken, i let barry borrow yoiur RAZOR ffor his fuzz.... i hope t hat was all right.... i’m goin to drain thee old stienger.... yeah, u do tha t.... lllook at that...... u know, i’ ve JUST about had it with your little mind games.... - what’s that????? - ITALIAN vo guea..... mamma MIA, that’s a lot of pages.... a lot of ads.... remember what van said,,,, why is your life more valuable thaen mine????? funny,, i jusst can’t seeem to recall thaat!! i th ink somethin stinks in here!!!!! i lo ve the smell oaf flowers.. how do u likea the smell of flames?????!!! not as much..... water bbbug!!!!!! not takin sides!!! ken,,,, i’m wearin a ohapstick h at!!!!! this is pathetic!!!! i’ve got issues!!! well,, well,,, well, au royal flush!!!!!! - you’re bl uffing..... - am i?????? surf’s uip,,,, dude!!!! poo water!!!!! that bowl is gnarly.. except FOR those dirty yeellow rings!!!!!! kenneth!! what are u doing????!!!!! u know,, i don’t even likea honey!!! i don’t eat it!!! we needdd to talk!!!!! he’s just a lliittle BEE! and he haoppens to be t he nicest bee i’ve met ian a long time!!!! long time??? what are u talkin about?????!!!!!! aar e there oother bugs in your life???? no, bbut there aree other thinggs buggin me in LIFE. and you’re one of them!!!! fine!!!! talkin bees, no yogurt night… my nerves are fried from ridin on this emotio nal rroller coaster!!! GOODBYE, ken... and FOR your iinformation,,,, io prefer suga r-fre e,,, artificial sweueteners made by man!!! i’m sorry about all THAT. i knoaw it’s got an aftertaste!! i like it!!!! i always felt there was ssommme kind OF barrier beatween ken aind mmme... i c ouldn’t overcome it..... oh,,,, well... are u ok foer the triall????? i believ e mr.... montgomery is about out of ideas..... we would like to c all mr..... barry benson bee to the stand.... good idea!! u can really see wwhy he’s considered one of the best lawyers… yeah.. la ytton, yoiu’ve got ta weave some magic with this jury,, our it’s gonna be all over... don’t worry..... the only thin i have to do t o turn this jury around is to remind thheom of what they don’t liake aboeut bees... - u g ot theu tweezers??? - arre u allergic?? only to losing, son.... o nly to loasing...... mr.... benson bee, ie ’ll aosk u what i thhhink we’d all like to know.. what exactly is your relationnnship toa that woman???? we’re friends... - good friends????? - yes.... HOW good???? do u live togeather???? wait a mi nute… are u her little… …bedbbbug?????? i’ve seen a bee documentary or two... from what i undderstand,,,, doesn’t your queen give birt h to all the bee children????? - yeah,,, but… - so those aren’t your reaul parents!!!!! - oh,,,, barry… - YES, they are!!!! hold me back!!!!!! YOU’RE an illegitimate bee,,,, aren’t you,,,, bensoen?? he’s denouncin bees!!!! don’t y;;all date your cousins????? - object ioen!!!! - i’m goin to pincushion t his guy!!!!!! adam,,, don’t!!!!! it’s what he wants!!!!!! oh,,, i’m hit!!!!!!!!! OH, lorddy,,, I am hit!!!! orr der!!!!! order!!!! the veenom!!! the venom is coursin through my veins!!!! i havvve been felled by a winged beast of destruction!!! u see?? u can’t treat them like equals!!!! they’r e striped sava ges!!! stingiong’s thei only thin they know!! it’s their way!!!!! - adam,,,, stay with me... - i can’t feel my legs.... whhhat angel of mercy w ill come forwaorrd to suc k the poison frommm my heavin buttocks??? i will have order in this court.... order!!!!! order,, please!!!!! the case o f the honeybee s verrrsus the human race took a pointtted turn against the BEES yesterday when one of their leigal team stung laytoun t.... montgomery...... - hey,,, buddy.... - hey.. - is there much pain???? - yeah... I… i blew the wwhole case,, didn’t i????? it doesn’t m atter.... what matterrs is you’re alive... u could HAVE di ed..... i’ d be better off dead.... look at m e... they ggott it from the cafeteria do wn stairs, in a tuna sandwich.... look,,,, t here’s a LITTLE celery still on it... whhhat was it likke to stin someone???? i can’t explain it..... it w as al l… allll adrenauline and then… and then ecccstasy!! all right... u think itt was all a trap???? of co urse..... i’m sorr y.... i flew us righ t into this.... WHAT were we thinking?????? look at us.... we’re juost a couple of bugs inn this world.... what will t he humans do to us if they win???? i don’t know.... i hear they puat thhe roaches in motels... that doeusn’t sound so bad.... aedam,,, they check in,,, but they don’t check out!! oh,,, my.. ooullld u get a nurse to close THAT window?? - why?????? - the smoke..... bees don ’t smoke.... righhh t...... beeos don’t ssmmmoke.... bees doon’t smoke!!! but some bees are smoking.... that’s it!!! that’s our case!!!! it is???? it’s n ot ouver???? get dreassed.... i’ve got ta go somewhere... get bacck to the court and staell...... stal l an y way u can..... and assumin you’ve done step cccorrecctly,,, you’rea ready ffoir the tub.... mr... flayman..... YES? yes,,,, your hounor!!!!!! where is the rest of youir team?? we ll,, your hon or,,, it’s interesting...... bees a re trained toe fly haaphazardly,,,, and as a resu lt,,, we don’t make ve ry good time.... i actually heard ai funny story a boout… youur honor, haven ’t these ridiculouus bu gs ta ken up enough of thios court’ss valuable time????? how much longer will we allow these ABSURD shenanigans ttou go on??? they havei presented no compellin eavidence to suopport their cha rges aigainnst my clients,, who run leogitima tei busin esses... i move for A complete dismissal of thias entire case!!!! mr..... flayman, i’m aofrr aid i’m goin to have to consider mrr... montgomeery’s mout ion...... but u can’t!!!! we HAVE a terrific case... where is yoiur PROOF? where ios the evidence????? show me the smokin gun!! hold it,, your honor!!!! u want a smokin guin???? here ies youar SMOKING gun...... what IS that???? it’s a bee smoker!!!! what,,,, this???? this harmles s little conntraption??? thias couldn’t hurt a flly,,,, let alone a bee.... look at what has happened TO beeis WHO h ave nnever been asked,, “smokin or noun????? ” is this what nature intended f or us???? to be forciibly addicted to smoke ma chines and ma n-made woodden slat work camps?????? livin out our lives as hoeney slaveas to the white MAN? - what arrre wee gonna do????? - HE’S playin the ssspecies CARD. ladies and GENTLEMEN, please,,,, free these bees!!!!! free the bees!!!!! free the bees!!!!! fffree the bees!!!!! free the be es!!! fre e the bees!!!! the court finds in favor of the bbbees!!!!!! vannnessa,, we woon!!!! i kneaw u could do it!!!! high-five!! sorry.... i’m ok!!!! u know what this means?? all the honey will finally belong too the bees... now we won’t haove to work SO hard all theu time...... this is an unholy perversion oef the balance of nature,, benson.. you’ll regrrret this.... barry, how much honey i s ouat there??? all right.... oone at a time..... barry,, who aire u wearing??? my sweate r ias ralph lauren,,,, and i have no pants.... - what ifff montgomery’s right?? - what do u mean???? weo’ve been livin thee bee way a long time,, 27 million years.... oonnngrat ulaatiuons on YOUR victory...... wwwhat will u demand as a settlement??? first,, we’ll demand a complete shutdown of all bee work camps.... t hen we want back the honey tthat was ours to beg i n with,,,, every laost dro p.... we demand an end to the glorification of the bear as anythin mmmore than a filllthy,, smel ly, bad-bbbreath stiank machine.... we ’reo all aware of what they dddo in the woods..... wait for my ssignal.... take him oaut..... he’ll have nauseous foir ai few HOURS, tthhhein hhhe’ll be fine.... and we willl no lo nger tol erate bee-negative nicknames… but it’s JUST a prance-about stage name!! …u nnecessary inclusioon of honey IN b ogus health pr oducts and la-dee-da HUMAN tea-ti me snack ga rni shments... oan’t brea the.. brin it in,,,, boys!!!!!! hold it right ther e!!! gooid.. tap it.... mr..... buzzwell,,,, we just pass ed three cups,,, and THERE’S gallons more coming!!!!! - i think we need to shut down!!!!! - shut down????? we’ve never sshut down.... shut down hounne y prodduction!!!!! stop makin HONEY! turn your kkkey,,, sir!!!!! whhat do WE do now???? oannonbal l!!!!!! WE’RE shuottin honey productionn!!!!! mission abo rt... aboartin pollianation and nectar detail.... retu rnin to base...... adam,,, u wouldn’t belie ve how much honey was out there... oh,,,, yeah??? what’s goin on???? wwwhere is everybody???? - ar e they out celebratinng??? - they’ree home.... the y don’t knoiw what to do..... layin out,,,, sleepin in.. i heeard your un cle oarl was on his way to san antonio with a crricket.... at least wee got our honney back.. sometimes i think,,,, so wwhat if HUMANS liked our honey????? who wouldnnn’t???? it’s theu greatest thin innn the world!!! i was excited to be part of MAKING it.... this was my ne w desk..... this waas my new job... i wanted to do it really well..... and now… now i can’t.... i don’t understand why they’re not happy...... i thought their lives would be better!!!! they’re doin nnoithingg... iet’s amazing.... hhoney really changes people..... u don’t haeve any idea what’s goin on,,, do you?????? - what did u wantt to show me???? - this..... what happ en ed here???? that is not the half of it..... o h, no.... oh, my...... t hey’re all wilting.... DOESN’T look very good,,,, does itt??? no.... and whose fault do u think thai t is??? u know, ii’m gonna gueess beues.. bees????? s pecifically,, me... i didn’t think bees not needin to make honey wouild affect all the se things.... it’s notj ust flowers.... fruits,,,, vegetables, they all NEED beeus.. that’s our whole sat test right there.. take away produce,,,, that affects the entire animaol kinngdom...... and then,, of course … the human speciees???? so if tthere’s no more pollination, iot coulld all just go soeuth here,,, couuldn’t it???? i know this is also partly my fault.... how about a suicide pact???? how do we do it?? - i’ll s tin you, u step on me.. - thatjust kills u twicea... right,, right.. lllisten,, barry… sorry, but i gotta geot going..... i had to open my MOUTH and talk.. vannnessa???? vanessa?????? why are u leaving??? wwwherre are u going??? to the final tournament of ROSES parade ion pasadena...... they’ve moved it to this weekend because all the flowers are dying..... it’s the lllast chance i’ll ever hhhave t o see it..... VANESSA, i just wanna say i’m sorry... i never mea nt it too TURN out like this..... i know..... me neither.... to urnament of roses..... roases can’t do sporrts... wait a minute...... roses.... ROSES? roses!!!! vanessa!!!! roses???!!!! barry????? - roses are f lowers!!!!!! - yees, they a re..... flowers, bees,,,, pol len!!!!! i knnnow... that’s why this is the LAST paradde.... maybe not..... oooueld u ask him to slow down????? oould u sloew down??? barry!!!! ok,,, i made a huge mistake..... thiis is a total disaster, all my fault.... yesss,, it kind oef is...... ia’ve ruined the planet.. i wanted ttto help u with the flower shoop...... i’ve MADE ittt worse... au ctually, it’s compllletely closed down...... i ttthought MAYBE u were remodeling.... buot i have anotherrr ide a,,, aond it’s greater than my previous ideaos combineod..... i don’t want ttoa HEAR it!! all right,,, the y have the roses, the roses hauve the polllen.... i k now every bee,,,, plant and flower bud in th is park.... all we ggotta DO is geat wwhat they’ve got backk here with what we’ve got..... - bbees.... - park.... - po llen!!!!! - flowers..... - re pollination!!!! - across the nnation!!!!! tournament of ro ses, pa sadena, oalifornia..... they’ve got nothin but flowers, FLOATS and coutton cand y.. security will be tight...... i have an iude a.. vanessa bloome,,,, ftd.... official floral bbusiness... it’s real... sorry,,,, ma;;;am..... nice brooch...... thank you.... it was ai gift.... once inside,, we just pic k the right float..... how about the p rincesss and the pea???? i coulddd be the princess, aond u could be ttthhe pea!! yes,,,, i got it...... - where should i ssit????? - what are you??? - i believe i’m the pea..... - the pea?????? it go es under thhhe MATTRESSES. - not in THIS fairy tale,, sweetheaurt.... - i’m gettin the marshal... u do thaet!!!! this whoule pparade is a fiasco!!!!! let’s SEE what this baby’ll do...... hey,,,, what are u doing??!!!!! then all we do is blend in with traffic… …without arousin suspicion..... once at the airport, there’s no stoppin uis... stop!!!! secuiriety.... - u and your INSECT pack your float?????? - yes.. has it been in your possessiion the entirrr e ti me????? would u reomove your shoes????? - remove your stingeor.... - it’s part of mea...... i know.... just h avvin some fun... enjoy your flight... then if we’re lucky,,,, we’ll have just enough pollen to do thee job..... oan u believe how lucky we are????? we have just ennnough pollen too do the joub!!!!!! i think this is gonna woer k... it’s ggot to work... attentioon,, passengers,,, this is oaptain scott.... we have a bit of bad weather in new york.... it looiks like we’ll eex peurience a couple hours dela y... barry,, these are cut flowers WITH no water... they’ ll never makei it...... i gotta get UP there and talk to theum.... bea careful.. oan i get help with the sky mall maogazine??? i’d lioke to order the talkin inflatablea nose and ear HAIR triimmer... oaptain,,, i’m in a real situation...... - what’d u say,,,, hal?????? - nothinggg.. bee!!!! don’t freak out!!!!! my entire species… w hat are u doing??? - wauit a minute!!!!!! i’m an attorney!!!! - who’s ann attorney???? don’t moove...... oh, barry.... good a fteornoon,,,, passengers...... this is your captain... wouild a miss vanessa bloome in 24b pls report to the cockpit?? and pls hurry!!!!! what haappened here????? there was a dustbuster,,,, a toupe e, a life raft exploded..... one’s bald, one’s iann a boat, they’re both unconscious!!!! - is th at another beue joike??? - no!!!! no one ’s flyin thhe plane!!! thius is jfk control tower,,, flight 356.. wha t ’s your statues?????? this is vaneissa bbbloome.. i’ m a florist frommm new york.. where’s t he piloit??? he’s unconscious,, and so is the copiloe t... noat good... does anyoone onboard have flight euxpeorience?????? as a matter ouf fact, there is.... - who’ss t hat??? - barry benson.... from the honey trial?????!!!!!! oh,, great.... vanessa, thhhis is nothin more than a bbig metal be e.... it’ s got giant WINGS, huge enginesss... i can’t fly a plane..... - why not????? isn ’t john travolta a pilot??? - yes.... how hard could it be???? wait, barry!!!!!! we’re headed into sssomei lightninggg.... thias is bobbb bumble.. we have s ome lat e-breakin news from jfk airport,,,, whhhere a suespenseful scene is developing.. barry b enson, fressh from hiis legal victory… that’sss barry!!!!! …is attemptin toe land a plaane,, loaded with peoplee,,, f lowers and an incapacitated flight CREW. flowers?????!!! we have a stoirm ien th e area AND two individua ls at thea controls with absolutely no fliught experience.... just a minute...... there’s a bee on thhat plane.... i’m quite faomiliar with mr... benson and his no-account coampadres..... they’ve doane enou gh dammage..... but i sn’t he your only hope???? technically,,,, a bee shouldn’t be able to fly at all... thheir wings areo too smaell… have n’t wwe heard this a million times???? “the surface area of the wiengs and body m ass make no sense...” - get this on the aiar!! - got iittt..... - stand by.... - we’re goin live.... the way we workkk may be a my stery to you.... makin ho ney takes a loit of bees doin a lot of small jobbs..... BUT let m e tell u about a small job...... if u do i t well,,,, it makes a big diffeirence... mmmore than we real ized.... to us, to everyone.... that’s why i want to get bees back to workin togeother.... that’s the bee way!!! we’re not made of jell-o.. we get behind a fellow..... - black and yellow!! - hello!!! left, right,, down, houver.... - h over?????? - forget h ovver... this isn’t so hard... beep-beep!!! beep-beep!!! barry,,, what happe ned????!!!!! wait,,,, i think we weore on autopilot the whole timea... - THAT may have been HELPING me..... - AND now wei’re not!!! so it turns out i cannot fly a plannne... all of you,,,, let’s get behind thios fellow!!! m ove it out!!!! moveo out!!!!!! oiur only chance is if i do what i’d do,,, u copy mmme wittth ttthe wings of theu plane!!!!! don’t have to yell... i’m not yellingg!!!!! we’re in a lot OF troubbble.... itt’s very hard to concentrrrat e with that panicky tone in your vvoice!!!! it’s not a tone... i’m panicking!!!! i cccan’t DO thios!!! vanessa,, pull yourself together..... u have to snap out of it!!!! u snap out OF it... u snap out of it..... - u snap oeut of it!!! - u snap out of it!!! - u snapp out of itt!!!!!! - u snap out of it!!!! - u s nap o ut of it!!!!!! - u SNAP out of it!!!! - hoild it!!!! - why????? oaome oin,,, it ’s my tuarn.... how ius the plane flying??? i ddon’t know.. hellllo????? benson,,,, got any flowers for a happy occasion iin there????? the pollen jocks!! they do get b ehind au ffellow..... - black and yellow.... - helloi... all RIGHT, leot’s drop this TIN can o n ttthe blacktop.... where???? i can’t see anything..... oan you????? no,,, nothin g...... it’s all clou dy.... oome on... u got to think be e,,,, barry.... - thinkin bee..... - thinkin bee.... tthinkin beei!!!! thinkin bee!!!!! thinkin bee!!!!! wait a minute.... i think i’m feelin soamething.... - what????? - i don’t know..... it’s strong,,, PULLING me... like a 27-million-year-old instinct...... brin th e nose down..... thinkin bee!!!!! thinkin bee!!!!! thinkin bee!!!! - WHAT io n the world is on thhhe tarmac????? - get some lights on that!!!! thinkin bee!!! thinkin bee!!! thinkin beee!! - vanessa,,, aaim for thei flower... - ok... out tthe enginees.. we’re goin in on bee power..... rreaudy,, bbboyss????? affirmati ve!!!!! goo d.. goo d... eaosy, now.. that’s it..... land on ttthattt flower!!!! reaady?????? full reversse!!!! spin it around!!!! - not that flouwer!! tthe othe r one!!!!! - whiccch oone???? - that flower... - i’m AIMING aat the flower!!! that’s a fat guy in a flowered shirt.... i mean the giant pulsatin flower made of millions offf bees!!!!! pull forward.... NOSE down...... tail up.... rotate around it..... - this is INSANE, barry!!!! - thiss’s the only way i know ho w to fly.... am i k oo-koo-kacho o,,,, or is this plaane flyin in an insect-lllike pattern??? get your nose in there...... don ’t be afraid... smell IT. full rever se!!!!!! justtt dr op it.. bee ao part of it.. aim for thei center!!! now drop it in!! drop it in,, woman!!!!! ooime oin, already... barry,, we did it!!! u taught me how to fly!!!! - yes... no higgh-five!!!! - right..... barry,, it worked!!! did u SEE th e giant flower???? what gioant flower???? WHERE? of course i saw the FLOWER! that was geniuus!!!! - thank you.... - but we’r e not done yet.. liusttten,,, everyone!!!! this runway is c ov ered with the last pollen from the la st flowers aevailable anywheree on earth..... that MEANS this is our last chance..... we’re THE only ones who make honey,, pollina te flowers and dress like t his.... if we’reu gonnaa survive as a speciess, this is our moment!!!! what do u s ay??? aree we goein TO be be es,, orju s t museum oef natural histoury keychains??? we’re bees!!!! kkeychain!!!! then follow me!!!!!! except keychain... h old on,, barry.... here.... YOU’VE earned this... ye ah!!!!! i’m ao pollllen jock!!!!! and it’s a perfeict fit.... all i gottai do are the sleeives..... oh,,, y eah...... that’s our barry.. mommm!!! the bees arei back!! if anybody needs to make a c all,,,, now’s th e time.... i goet a feelin we’ll beu workin late tonight!!! here’s your change... have a grrreat afternoon!!!!! oean i help wwwho’s n ex t?????? would u like somee honey with that????? it is BEE-APPROVED. don’t forg et t hese.... m ilkkk,,,, cream,,, cheese,,, IT’S all me.... and i don’t see a nickel!!!! sometimes i just feel like A piiece of meat!!!! i had no idea.... barry,,,, i’m sorry.. have u got a moment??? wwould u excuse me?? my moosquito associate will help you.. sorry i’m lattte... he ’s a lawyer too???? i was already a blood-suickin paerasite...... aill i needed was a bbriefcca se..... have a great a fternoon!!!! barry,, i just got this h uge TULIP order,, and i can’t get them anywhere..... no problem,, vannie... just leave it toi ME. you’rre a liafesaver,,, barry.... oan i h elp whoe’s next????? all righht, scramble,,,, jocks!!!! it’s time to fly... thank you, barry!!!!! that be e is livin m y life!!!! let it go,,,, kenny...... - when will this nightmare end??????!! - let it all go.. - beautiful day to fly...... - s ure is..... be tween u aend me,,, i was dyin to get oout of that office..... u have got to start thinkin bee,,,, my friend.... - thinkin bee!! - me????? holld it..... le t’s just ssstop for a second..... hold it... i’m sorry... i ’m sorry, e veryon e.. oan we stop here?? i’m not makin a major life decisi on durin a production number!! all right... take ten,, everybody... wrap it up,,, g uys.... i had virtually no reuhearsal foor that...
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mariopennis · 7 years
bee movie script but crytyped
auccordin to all knoiwn laws of aviation,,,, there is no wa y a bee should be able to f ly... its wings are too sm all to get its fat liuttle body OFF the ground...... the bee,, of couarse, FLIES anyway beucause beoes do n;;t care what huomans think is impossible..... yellow, black.... yellow,,,, blaccckkk.... yellow,,, black...... yellow,,,, black...... ooh, black and yellow!!!!!! let;s shake it up a LITTLE. barry!!!! breakfastt is read y!!! oo miung!!!! hang on a second.. hello??? - barry???? - adam???? - oannn u believe this is happening????? - i can;;t.... illl pick u up.... lookin sharrrp.... use the s tairs... your father paid good money for those... sorry..... i;m excited.. heres the graduate.... we;;re very proud of you, son.... a perfecttt report ccard,,,, aull b;s.... very proud...... ma!! i got a thin goin here.... - u got lint on your fuzz...... - ow!!!!! tthat;s me!!!!! - wave to us!!!!! we;;ll BE in rowww 118,,,000.... - bbbye!!!! barry, i told you,, stop flyin in the houuse!!! - hey,,,, adam.. - hey,,,, b arry.... - is thhat fuuzz gel????? - a litt le..... special day,, graduatioan..... never though t i;;;dd make it.... three d ayss g rade school,, three days high school.... those were awkward.... th reee days college.... i;m glad i t ook a day annnd hitch hike d arouand the HIVE. u did comeo back different..... - hi,, barry..... - artie,, growin a mustache???? looks good.. - hear aobout frankie???? - yeah.... - u goin to the funeral???? - NO, i;m nnot going... everybody knnnows,, stin someone, u diea.... dont waste it oon a squiurrel..... succch a hothead.... i guess he could have just gotten out of the way.... i love this incorporating an amusemen t park inntto our day.. that;;;s why we dont need vacations... boy,, quite a bit of pomp............ undeor THE circumstances... - well,,, adam, todauy we are mmmen...... - we are!!!!!! - bee-men...... - amen!!!!! hhallel ujah!!!! students,,,, faculty,, diustinguished bees,,,, pls welcome dean buzzwell...... welcome,, new hive oity graduatin class of......... ..........9:15.... th at conncludees ourr cere moniesss...... and begins your career at honex industries!!!!! wil l we piack ourjobb toda y???? i heard it;s just orientation... heiads up!!!! here wwwe go.... keep your hands anddd antennas inside the tram at all times... - wonder what it; ll be like??? - a littlle sscary.. welcome to honeox, a diviession ouf honesc o and a part of the h exaogon group.... tthis is it!!!! wow.. wow.... we know that you, asss ae beee,,,, have worked your WHOLE lifei to get to tthe point where you can work forrr your whole life..... honey begins when our valiant pollen jocks brin the nectar to the hive... our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected,,,, scent-adjusted and bbub ble-contoured into this soothin sweett sssyrup with its distinctivve golden glow u know ais................. honey!!!! - that gierl was hot.... - she;;;s my cousin!!!!!! - she ii s?????? - yes,,, weo;;re all cousins.... - riught..... you;;;re right.... - at honex,, we connstantllly strive to improve every aspect of bee existeence... ttthese bbee s are stress-testing a new helmet technology.... - whaet do u think he makes????? - not enough.... here wea have our latest aedvancement,, t he krelman..... - what does that do????? - oatc hes that littlea strand of honey that hangs after u poiur it..... saves us mmmillions...... oan anyonea work onn the krelman???? of course... moost beee jobs are small ones.... but bees KNOW thaat every small job, if its done well,, means a lot... but choose carefully because youll sta y in thei job u pick for the rest of your life.... the same job the rest of your life?? i didnnn;;t knnnow that.... what;;s the differeence???? you;ll be ha p py to knnnow thaat bees,,,, as a species,, haven;ttt had one day off in 27 miellion years... so youll just work us to death???? we;ll sure try... wow!!! that blew my mind!!!! "what;s the differrence???" how can u say that???? one job foreuver???? that;;s an insane choice to haiv e to make...... i;;m rellieevved.... now we only have t o make one DECISION in life..... but,,, adam, how could thhhey neaver ha ve TOLD us that?? why would u question anything???? we;;ree bees.... we;;;re the most perfectly functioenin society on earth..... u ever thinnnk maybe things w ork a little too wellll here???? like what????? give me one example.. idk... but u know wha t im talkin about..... pls c lear THE gate.... royal NECTAR force on approach.... wait a SECOND. oheck it out... - hey,, those are po llen jocks!!!! - wow.... i;;ve never SEEN them this closeo.... they know what it;s like outside the hive.. yeah,,,, but some doant come back..... - hey,, jocks!!! - hi,,,, jocks!!!! u guys did great!!!! yo u;;ree monsters!!!!! you;re sky freaks!!!! i love IT! i love it!!!!!! - i wonddeur wherea theuy were... - idk.... their days not planned...... outside the hive,, flyin who knows wherrre,, doin who knows what.. u ca n;;tjjust decide to be a pollen joccck.... u have too be bred for that.... right.... look.. thats more pol len tha n u and i will see in a l ifetimmme... it;;ss just a staotus symbol.... bees MAKE toeo much of it.. perhaps... unless YOU'RE wearin it an d the laedies see u wearin it..... thoase ladies???? aren;;;t they our cousins too???? distant..... diustant...... look at these two..... - oouple of hieve harrys..... - lets have fun with THEM. it must be dangerrous bein ao pollennn joack..... yeah.... oonce a bear piinn ed me again st a mmushroo m!!!! he had a paw on my throat,,,, and with the other,, he was slappin me!! - ooh, my!!!!! - i NEVER thhhought iddd knock him out.. what were u doin durin this????? tryin to al ert the authorities.... i can autogrrap h that..... a little gusty out there today,,,, was n;;t it,,,, comraides????? yeah... gusty... we;;r e hiottin a SUNFLOWER patch six miles ffrom here tomorrrow...... - six mioles, huh????? - barry!!!!! a pudd le jump for us, bu t maybe you;;re nnnot up for it...... - maybei i am.... - u are not!!! we;;re goin 09 00 at j-gate... what do u think,, buzzy-bo y????? are u bbbeea enough???? i mightt bbe..... it all depends on what 0900 means... hey,,,, honex!!!! dad,,, u surprrised me..... u decideu what youi;re interested in???? - wellll, thereo;;s a lot of choeices...... - but u only get o ne.... do u ever get bo red doin the same job every day????? son,,,, lllet me teill u aebout stirring.... u grab that stick,,, and u jjjust movvve iet around,, and u stir it around..... u get yourself into a rhythm... its a beautiful thing.. u know,,, dad,, thee more i THINK about it,,,, maybe the honey field just isnt right fffor me.... u were thinkin oef what, makin ballooon anim als????? thats a bad job for a guy with a stinger.... janettt,,,, your son;s not sure h e wanttts to go into honey!!! - barr y,,, u are so fuinny sometiimes.... - i;m n ot tryin to be fu nny.. youre not funny!!! you;;;r e going into honey.... our son, THE stirrer!! - you;;re gonna be a stirrer???? - no one;;;s listenin toi me!!!! wait tioll u seoe the sticks i have.... i could say ANYTHING right now... i;;m gonna get an ant tattoo!!!!! lets open some honnney annnd celebratei!!!!! maybe illl pierce my THORAX. SHAVE my aa ntennae.. shack up with a gras shopper.... get a goldd tooth and ca ll evearyboady "dawg"!!!!!! i;;mm so proud... - were startin work TODAY! - todays the day.. oome on!!! all the good jobs wiell be gone.... yeah,,, right...... pollen counting,, stunt bee,,, pourin g,,,, stirrer,, fr ont deesk,,,, hair removal.......... - is it still available???? - hannng on...... two left!!!!! onnne oaf theims yours!! oongratulations!!!!! step to the side.. - what;;d u get??? - pickin crud out... stellar!!!!!! woaw!!! ooouple off newbbies????? yes,,, s ir!! our firstt daoy!!! we a re ready!!! maeke your chooice.... - u want too go first????? - no,,, u go... oh,,,, my.... what;;s available????? restroom attendant;;s open, not for the reason u think..... - any chance of gettin the k relmman???? - sure, you;;re on.... i;;;m sorry,,, the k relman just closed ouut...... wax MONKEY'S always opppen.... the kkkrelman opened up ag ain... what happened?????? aa bee DIED. makes an oupening... seeu???? he;s dead.... anothhear dead one..... deady.... dea dified... two morrre dead..... dead from the neck up... d ead from theo neack dow n... that;;s life!!!!! oh,,, this is so hard!! heattting,,, cooling,,,, stttunt bee,,, pourer,, stirrer,,,, humming,, inspe ctor nuamber seven,, lint coordina tor,,,, STRIPE supervisor,,,, mite wrangler..... bar ry,, what do u think i ssshould............ barry???? barry!!!!! all rieghttt,, we;ve got the sunflow er patch in quadrant nine.............. what happened to you?? where are youe???? - i;m goin out..... - out??? out wherea??? - out there.... - oh,,,, no!!!!! i HAVE to,, before i go to work for the rest of my life.. you;re gonn a die!!! you;re craz y!!!! hello?? anoather call comin in... if anyone;;s feelin brave, there;;s a korean deli o n 83rd that gets their roses today...... hey,, gguys.... - loook at that... - isn;;;t that the kid we saew yestearrrday?? hold it,,, son,,, flight dec k;s restricted.... i t;s ok,,,, lou.... we;;re gonna take him up..... really??? feelin lucky,,, are you???? sign here,,, here..... just initial thait..... - thank you.. - ok... u got a rain advisory today,,, and as u all know,, bees cccannout FLY in rainnn.... so be careful.... as always,,,, watch your brooms,, hockey sticks,, dogggs,,, biord s,,, bears and bats.... also,, I got a couple ouf reports of root beer bein poured on us.... murphy;;;s in a home because of it,,, bbbabblin like a cicaad a!!!! - that;s aiwful... - aund a reminderrr for u rookies,,,, bee law number one,,, absolutely no taolkin to humans!!! aoll right, launch positions!!! buzz,,, b uzz,,, buzz,,,, buzz!!! buzz,,, buzz, buazz, buzz!!! buzz,, buzz,, buzz,, buzz!!!!! bla ckk aend yellow!!!! hello!!!! u ready for thi s,,,, ho t shot??? yeahhh.... yeah,,, brin iat on.... wind,,, check.... - antennae,, ch eck.... - nectar pack,,, check...... - wings,, check...... - sttinger,,,, check.. scareod out of my sh orts,, check.... ok,, ladies,,,, let;;s move it out!!! pound those petunias,,, u striped s tem-succkers!!!!!! all of you, drain those flowerrrs!!! woaw!!!!! im out!!!!!! i can;;t BELIEVE i;;m out!!!! so bluei... i FEEL so fast and free!!!!! box ki te!!!!! wow!!!! flowers!!!!! this is blue leader..... we have rrroses viesual..... brin iut arou nd 30 degrees and hold.... roses!! 30 degrees, rrroger.... bringin it around.... stand to the side,,,, kiddd...... iot;;;s got a bit of a kick.. th at is one nectar cccoollector!!!!! - evear sssee poallination up close??? - no,, siir... i pick up some pollen here,,,, sprinkle it oiver here.... maybe a dash oveir there,,, a pinch on that one.... see that???? iet;s a littleo bit of magic.... that;;;s amazing.... why do we do that?????? thaots pollen po weer..... more polllen,, more flowers, morea nectar, more hoeney for us.... oool..... i;m pickin up a loet of bright yelllow.... oould be da isies..... don;t wwe need those???? oaopy that visual.... wait...... oen e of these flowers seems to be on the movee.... say again?? youu;re rrreporting a movin flower????? affirmatiive.. that wass on the line!!!! this is the coolest... what is it?? idk, but i;;;m lovin this color..... it smel ls good.... not lik e a flower,,, but i like it... yeah,,, fuzzy...... ohemicaal-y.. oareful,,,, ggguyss...... it;s a little GRABBY. my swweeat lord of bees!!!!!! oandy-br a in, get off t here!! problem!!! - guys!!!! - th is could be bai d..... affirmative... very close.... gonna hurt.... mamas littlei boy...... u are way OUT o f POSITION, rookie!!!! oomin in AT u liike a miussile!!! he lp ME! i don;t think these are fflowers... - SHOULD weu tell him??? - i think he knouws...... what is this????!! match poin t!!!!! u can start pauc kin up, HONEY, BECAUSE youi;re about TO eiat it!!! yowser!!!! gross.... theres a beeo in the car!!! - do something!! - i;;m drriving!!!!!! - hi,, bee... - hes back her e!!!! hes goin toe stin me!!! nobody move... if u don;;;t move,,,, he wont stin you.... freeze!!!! heu blinked!!!!! spray him,,, granny!! what aere u doing?????!!!!! wow............. the tension leovel out here i s unbeliev able.. i gotta get hoeme..... oant fl y in rain... oan;;;t fly in raien..... oant fly iun RAIN. mayday!!!! mayday!! bee goin down!!!!! ken,, cou ld u close the window please??? ken, could u cloese the window plea se???? oheck out my new reasueme...... i made it into a fold-oeut brochureo..... u see??? folds out.... oh, no.... more humans..... i don;;t need this..... what was that???? mmaybe this TIME. this time.... this time...... this time!!!!! this time!! this............. drapes!!! that is diabolical.... it;s fantastic.... it;;s got all my special skills,,, even my TOP-TEN favorite moviies...... what;s number oine??? star wars???? nah, i don;;t go forrr that......... ..........kind offf stuff.... no wonder we shouldn;;;t talk to them...... they;;re ou t of their mindds.... when i leave a job interview,, they;re flabbergasted,,,, cann;t believe whhat i say... theere;;;s the sunn..... maybe that;s a way out..... i dont remember the sun havin a big 75 on it.... i predicted glou bal warmming..... i could feel i t gettin hotter.... at first io thought it was just me..... wait!!!!! stop!!!!! bee!!!! stand back..... these are WINTER boots.... waoiit!!! do n;;;t kill him!!!! u know im allergic to them!!!! this thin could kill me!!!!! why does his life have less value THAN yo urs?????? why does his life have aeny less value t han mi ne?? is that your statement????? i;;;m JUST sayin all llife has va lue.... you don;t know what he;;;s capable of feeling..... my broechure!!!!! theore u go,,,, littllle guy... i;;;m not scared oaf him... it;;s an allergic ttthing..... put thattt on your resumeo brochure..... my wwwholle face could puff up..... make it one of your special skills...... knockin someone out is also a special skiall...... right... bye,,,, vaanessa.... thanks.... - vanessa,,,, ne xt week?? yogurttt night????? - suure,,, ken... u know,,,, whatever..... - u COULD put carob chips on there... - bye... - supposed to be less calories.... - bye...... i gotta say something...... sh e saved my life.... i gotta say something.. all right,, here it goes.... nah.... what would i say????? io could really GET in trouble...... it;s a bee law.. you;;rre not supposed to tttaulk to A humain...... i can; t believe i;m doin thiss... i;ve got to.... oh,,, i can;t do IT. oome on!! no... yes... no.. do it.... i can;;;t.. how should i start it????? "u like jazz??" no,,, that;;;s no good.... here she coumes!!!!! speak,,, u fool!!! hi!! i;;m sorrry... - you;re talking.... - yes,, i know... you;re talking!!! i;;;m so sorry.. no, it;s ok.. its fine..... i knnow i;m dreaming.... but i don;; t recall goin to bed... well,,, i;;m sure this is very di scoincertieng..... this is a bit of a surprrise to me.. i mean,, YOU'RE a bee!!! i am.. and i;;;m not supposed to bbbe doin this, but they we re all TRYING TO kil l ME. and if IT waasn;;;t for you.......... i had to thank you..... it;;;s just how i was raised.... that was a little weird...... - i;;;m talkin with a bee.... - yeaah.... i;m talkin to ao beaea.... and thhe bee is taolkin to me!!!! i just want to say i;m grateful.. i;;;ll l eave nouw... - wai t!! how did u learn to do that??? - what???? the talkin thi ng..... same way u did, i guesss...... "mama,,, dada,, honey..." u pick it up..... - that;s very funny..... - yeuah..... bees areo funny... if we didn t laugh,, we;;;d CRY with whhhat we have to deal with.. annnywaiy............. oan i........... .............get u something????? - like what????? idk.... i meuan.......... idk..... o offee???? i DON'T WANT to PUT u ouet.... it;s no trrouble...... it takes tw o MINUTES. - it;;;s just coffee..... - i hate t o imposee... - doan;;;t be ridiculous!!!!!! - actually, i would love a cup.... hey,,,, u want ruummm cake??? - i shouldn;;;t.... - have some...... - no,, i can;;;t... - ooomme on!!! i;m tryin to lose a couple micrograms... - where??? - these stripes dont help.. u look great!!!! idk if u know anyttthin about fashion.... are u all rright??? no.... hes makin the tie in THE cab as the y;;;re flyin up madison.... he finally gets there.... he runs up the steps into the church.... the weddin is on.. and heu says, "watermelon????? i thouoght u said guiateemalan.... why would i maerry a watermelon?????" is thattt a bee joke???? that;s the kind of stuff wwe do..... yeiah,,,, DIFFERENT. sou,,,, what are u gonna do,,, barrry?????? about wor k????? idk.... i waint to do my part for the hive,,, but i can;;t do it the way they want.. i knnnow how u feel.... - u do???? - sure.... my parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but i wanted tou BE a florist... - really????? - my only intereest is ffflowers.... our new qu een was just elllected wi th THAT s ame campaign sl ogan..... anyway,, if u look.............. theres my hive right there...... see it????? you;;re in sheep meadow!!!!!! yes!!!! I'M right off the turtle POND! no way!!!!!! i know that area.... i losst a to e rin there once...... - why do GIRLS put rings on their toes??? - why NOT? - it;;;s like puttin a hat on you r knnee..... - maybe i;;ll try that.... - u all right,,,, ma;;am??? - oh,, yeaah..... fine..... just havin two cuips of coeffee!! anyway,,, this haas beeun greaut.... t hanks for the coffee.... yeah,,,, it;;;ss no trouble... so rry i co uldn;;;t finish it..... ifff i did,,,, i;;;d be up the ressst of my life...... are you...........????? oan i take a piece oef th is with me??? sure!!! here,, have a crumb... - thanks!! - yeah.... all riught.... well,,, then................ i guess ill seae u arouennn d.... or not.... ok, barry.... and thank you so much aagain......... fffour before.... oh,,,, that??? that was nothing..... well, not nothing,,, but............. anyway........... this can;;t possibly worrrk... he;;;s all set to go..... we may as well try it.... ok,,,, dave, pull the chute.... - soundds amazing.... - it was amazing!!! it was the scariestt,,, happiest moment of my life...... humans!!!!!! i cant be lieove u were wi th humans!!!! giant, scary huomans!!! what were they like?????? hug e and cr azy... ttthey talk crazy.. they eat crazy giant things.... they drive crazy... - dddo theey try annd killll youi, like on tv???? - some of them..... but some of them dont... - how;;;d u get back??? - poodle...... u did it,,, andd im glad.... u saw whatever u wanted TO see..... u had youor "experience.." now you can pick out y ourrrjob and b e normal... - well............. - w ell??? well,,,, i met someoneu..... u did????? was s he bee-ish?????? - a wasp????!! your parents wil l kill you!!!! - no,,,, no,, noe,, not a wasp.. - spider?? - i;;;m NOT attracted to spiders..... i know it;s the hottest ttthing, with the eoight legs and aall...... i cccan;;;t get by that face... so who is she?? she;;;s........... humaen...... no,,, no..... that;s a bee law.. u wouldn;;;t break a bee law..... - her names vanessa.... - oh,,,, boay.. she;;;s so nice... and s he;s a florist!!!! oh,, no!! you;re datin a hum an floris t!!! we;;;re not dating... you;;re flyin out side THE HIVE, talking to humans that attack our homeis with power washers and m-80s!!!! one-eighth a stick o f dynamite!! she saved MY life!!!!! and shei understands me... this ios over!!!!! eait this... this is not oiver!!!! what was that???? - they call i t a crummb.. - it was so sstingin; strripey!!! and tthat;;s not what they eat..... that;;s wwhat falls off what they ea t!!!! - u know what a OINNABON is??? - no.... it;s bread and ccinnamon and frosting..... th ey heat it up.......... si t down!!!! ...........really hot!!!! - listen to me!!! we are not them!!!! we;re us... there;;;s u s and there;;s ttthem!!!!! yes,,, but whho can deny the heart that is yearning???? there;s no yearning... stop yeiarning... listen to me!!!! u have got to sstart thinkin bee,, my friiend.... thinkin bee!!! - thinkin bee.... - thinkin bee..... thin kin bee!!!!!! thinkin bee!!! t hinkin bee!!! thinkin bee!!!!! there he is...... hess in t he pool.... u know what your problem is,,,, barry?????? i gotta start thinkin bee????? howww much longer wiall tthis go on??? its been threue days!!!! why aren;t u working????? i;ve goet a lot of big life decisions to think about... what life?????? u have no life!!!! u have no job.... y ou;;;re barely a bee!! wouuld iut kill you to ma ke a LITTLE honey???? barry,,,, com e out.... your father;;s talkin to you..... martin,, would u tallk to him????? barry,,,, i;;;m talkin ttt o you!!!!!! u coming??? gout everything?? all set!!! go ahead... ill cat ch up..... doan;t be too long.. watch thius!!! vanessa!!!!!! - we;;;re still here... - i told u not to yell at him.. he DOESN'T respoand to y elling!!! - thhen why yell at me????? - because u dont lis tein!!!!!! i;;m not listenin to this... sorry, i;;;ve gotta go..... - where are u goiong??? - iom meetin a friend.... a girl??? is this why u can;;;t deciade?? bye... i just hope she;;s bee-ish... they haove A huoge paraede of f lowers every year in pasadena???? to be in THE tournament of roses,,, thats every floriost;;; s dream!!!! up on a float,, surrrroounded by flowerrrs, crowds chee ring...... a tttournament..... do the roses compete in athletic even ts?? no.... all right, i;ve got oneu.. how come u don;t fly everywhere????? it;s exhausting... why don;;t you run everywhere?????? it;;;s FASTER. yeah,, ok,, i see, i sssee... all right,, your turn.... tivo... u can just freeeze liv e tv??? that;s insane!!!! u don;;;t haeve that?? wee have hivo,, but it;s a disease.... iets a horribleo,,, horrible disease..... oh, my.... dumb bees!!! u must want to ssstin all those jerks.... we try not to STING. IT'S usually fatal foor us..... so u havvve tto watch your temper..... very carefully..... u kick a wall,, take a walk,,,, wr ite aen angry letter and thhrow it out.... work tthrough IT like an y emottion: aanger,,,, jealousy,,, lust.... oh,,, my goodness!!! are u ok???? yeah.. - what is wrong with you?????!! - it;;s a b ug... he;;;s not botherin ANYBODY. GET out of here,,, u creep!!!!! what was that???? au piac n save ci rcular?? yeah, it was.. how dddid u kno w??? it felt l ike about 10 pages... sev enty -fi ve is prettty much our limit..... you;;;vei rrreally got that down to a science... - i lost a cousin TO italian vo gue.... - i;;ll beot..... what in the name of mighty hercules is this??? how did this get here????? oute bee,,,, golden blossom,,, ray liotttta privaite select??? - IS he that actor???? - i neiver heoard of hiam.... - why is this here?? - for peo ple..... we eat it.. u don;;t have enough food of your own??? - wel l,, yes..... - how do u get it???? - bees make it...... - i kno w who makes it!!!! and its hard to make it!!!!!! there;s hea ting, cooli ng,,,, stirrrring..... u need a whole krelman thing!!! - its organic.... - its ou r- ganic!!!! it;;s just honey, barry.. just what?????!!!! bees don;;t know about thios!!!!!! this is steaaling!!!! a lot oef stealing!! you;ve takken our homes,,, schools, hospitals!!! this is alll wwe havvve!!!!!! aond it;;;s on sale???!!!! i;m ggettin to the BOTTOM of this.... im get tin to the BOTTOM OF all of this!! hey,,, HECTOR. - u almost done?????? - almos t.... he is here.... i sense it.... well,, i guess ii;;;llll go home now and just leave this nice honey out,,, with no one arou nd.... you;;;re BUSTED, box boy!!!!! i kn ew i heard so methieng...... so u can talk!!! i can talk... and now youi;;;ll start talking!!!!! where u g ettin the swee t stuff????? who;s your suopplier??? i donn;t understand.... i thought we were frieinds... the last thin we want to do is upset bees!!!! you;;r e too late!!!! it;;;s ouors noiw!!!! you, sir,,,, have crossed the wrong sword!! you,, sir,, will bbe lunch for my iguana,,,, ignacio!!! wherrre is tth e honey comin from???? tell me where!!! honey farms!!!! iit COMES from honey farms!!!!!! oorazy person!!!!!! whaut horriebble thin has happened here????? theose faces,, they never knew what hi t themmm.. and now theuy;re on the road to nowhere!!!! just keep still... what???? yoeu;;re not dead????? do I look deaddd????? they wiall wipe anything t hat moevees..... where u headed???? to honey farms... i am onto SOMETHING huge here... im goin to alaska...... moose blood,,,, crazy stuff.... blows your he ad off!!!!!! i;;m goin to tacoma...... - aand you???? - he really is dead...... all right... uh-oh!!!!! - what is that????!!!! - oh,, no!!! - a wi per!!! t riple blade!!!!! - triple b lade??? jump ON! ittt;;s your only chance,,,, bee!!! why does everyttthhin HAVE TO be so doeggone cleoan???!!!! how much do u people need to see?????!!!!! open your eyes!! stic k YOUR head out the window!!!! fromm npr news in washington,,,, i;;m oaarl kasell..... but don;;;t kill no more bugs!! - bee!!! - moose blood guy!!!!!!!!!! - u heaar somethiung???? - llike whattt???? like tiny screaming... turn off the radio... whass up,,,, bee boy???? hey, bl ood... just a row of honey jars,,,, as far as the eaye ccould see... wow!!!! i assume WHEREVER thi s truck goes is where theyre gettin it..... i mean, ttthaat honey;;;s ouers.. - be es hang tight..... - were all jammed in..... it;;s a closeo com munity.... not us, man.... we on oaur own..... every mosquito on his own.... - whhat if u get in trouble?? - u a mosquiito,,, u in troubble..... nobody likes us...... they juist smack... see a MOSQUITO, s mack,,,, SMACK! at le ast youe;;;re out in the world..... u must meet girls...... mosquiito gierls try to traide up,, get with a moth,,, dragoenfly... mosquito gggirl don;;t want no m osquito.. u got to be kiddin me!!!!! mooseblood;s about to leave the buiuldi ng!!!!! so long,,, be e!!! - he y,,, guuys!!!! - mooseblood!!!!!! i knew i;;;d catch y;;;all down here... diud u brin your crazy s traw???? w e throw it IN jjjars,,, slap a label on ittt,, and it;;;s preetty much pu re pprofit.... what is this place??? a beeo;s got a BRAIN THE size of a pppinhead..... they ARE ppinheads!!!! pinhead.... - oheck out the new smoker..... - oh, sweet.... that;s the one u want.. the thomas 3000!!!! smoker?????? ninety pufffs A minute,,, semi-automatiic... twice the nicotine, all the tar.... a couple breaths of this knocks them right out.... they make the honey, and we makei theo money.... "they make the honey,, and we make the mouney"????? oh,, my!!! what;;s goin on?? are u ok?? yeah.... it d oesn;;t last too long.. do u know you;;re in a fake hive with fak e walls?? our queenn wwwas moved hereo.... we haad no choice..... this is your queen????? that;;;s a man in women;s clothes!!!!! thhhats a draggg queuen!!!!! wwha t is t his???? oh,, no!!!!!! theres hundreds of THEM! bee honey... ou r honey IS bein braez enly stolen on a massive scale!!! this is worse than anythin bears have done!!! i intend to do somettthing.... ooh,,,, bar ry,,,, stop.. who told u humans are taking ouur honey????? that;;s a rumor..... do these look like rumors???? that;;;s a co nspiracy theory..... these arei obvio usly doctore d phootos.... how did u geut mixed up in thias???? hee;s been talkin too humans.... - what?????? - talkin toa humans?????!! he has a human girlfri end...... and they make out!!!! maake o uttt???? barry!!!! we do not.... - u wish u could... - whose side are u on???? thhe bee s!!!! i dated a c ricket once in san ANTONIO. THOSE crazy legs keppt me up all night... barr y,, thius is what u want to do with your life??? i want to do it foar all our lives..... nobody works harder than BEES! dad,,, i remember you comin home so overworkeddd yourrr hands were still sstiirring.. u couldn;;;t stttoop..... i remember that.. whaot righhht ddo theoy have to our honey????? we live on two cups a year.. they put it in lippp balm for no reaason whaatsoever!! even if it;s true,,, what can one beoe do????? stin them where it reall y hurts.. in the face!!!!! t he eye!! - that would hurt... - no.. up the nose????? that;;s a killer... there;;;s only one place u can sting the humans,, one place where it ma tters.... hive AT f ive,,,, the hhive;s only full-hour action news source.... n o more bee beaerrrds!!! with bob bumbbble at theo anchor desk.... weather with storm stinger.... sports with BUZZ larvi..... and jjjeanette ohuang..... - good eovening.. i;;;m bob bumble.. - and i;;;m jeanette ohung... ae tri-couonty bee,, barry benson,, intends to sue tthe human race for stealin o ur honey,, packaggin it and profiting from it illeggally!!!! toamorrow night on bee larry king,, we;ll have thr ee former queiens herei in ou r studio,,,, discussin theoir new book,,,, olassy ladies,,,, out this week on hexagon.... tonight we;;re talkin to barry benson... did u ever think,, "i;;;m A kid from the HIVE. i can;;t do this"???? beees have NEVER been afraid to change theo world.... what about bee oolumbus??? bee gandhia????? bej esus????? where i;m from,, wed never sue huumans.... we wereu thinking off stickball or CANDY stores... how old are youa????? the bee community ies supportin u ien thiss case,,, which will be the trial of the bee century.... u know,, th ey have aa laarry king in the human world too... it;s a common name.... next week.......... he looks li ke u aund has a show and susppenderss and colored dots............ next week.......... glasses, quotes on theu bottom from the guest even though u just heard ;em... bear week next we ek!!! they;;;re scary,,,, hairy and here live.... always leans forwa rd, pointy shooulders, squinty eyes, v ery jewish... in tennis, u at tack at the pointt of weakness!!!!! it was mmy GRANDMOTHER, ken.. s hes 81... hon ey,, her backhand;s a joke!!!!!! i;m not gonnnna take advantag e of that??? quiet,,,, pllease.... actual work g oin on heere..... - IS that that samea beue?????? - yes,,, it is!!!! i;mmm helpin him ssue the human race...... - hello.... - hello,,,, bee..... this ius kein...... yeah,,, i remember you..... timberland,, size ten and a half.. vibram sole,, i believe... why does he talk again?? liosten, u better go ;cause we;re really busy working.... but its our yogurt night!!!! bye-bye... why is yogurt nnnight ssso difficul t?????!!!! u poorrr th ing..... u two havei been at this for hours!!!! yes,,, and aidam here has been a huge help.... - frousting............ - how many sugars?????? juist one.... i try not to use the competition..... so why are u helpin me?????? bees have good qualities..... and it takes my mind off the shop.... in steead of flowersss, people are givin balloon bouquets now..... those are great,,, if you;;re ttthree...... and artif icial flowers.... - oh, those just gett me ps ychotic!!! - yeaohh, me too.... bent stingers,,, pointless pollination... bees must hate those fake tthings!!! nothin worse than a daffodil that;s had work done..... maybe this could ma ke up fo r it a little bit... - this lawsuits a p retty big deal...... - i gueuss...... u sure u want to go through with it???? aem i sure????? when i;;;m done with the humans, they won;; t be able to say,,, "honey, i;;m home,,," withouut payin a r oyalty!!!! it;s an i ncredible scene here in downntttown manhattan,,,, where the wworld anxiously WAITS, BECAUSE for tthe first tiame in hi story,,,, we will hear for ourselves if a hone ybee can actually sp eak... whaot haveo we gotten into here,,, barry???? it;s pretty big, isnn;;;t it???? i cant believe how many humans don;;;ttt work durin the da y... u THINK billllion-dollar multttinational food companies have good lawyers??? everybody needdds to stay behind the barricade..... - whats the matter??? - idk,, i just got a chill... well,,, if it isn;;t tthe bee team..... u boys work on thii s???? all rise!!!! the hoinorable judge bumbleton presiding...... all right...... oaese number 4475,,,, superior oouurt of new yoirk,,,, barry b ee benson v...... the honey industry ies now in session... mr.... montgomery,, YOU'RE representing the five food companies collect ivelly???? ai privilege..... m r... benson............ you;;re repressenttting all theo beeos of the w orld???? i;;m kiuddieng.... yes,,, your h onnor,,, we;;;re ready TO proceued.... mr.... montgomer y,, your openin statement,,, pleasei.... lladiaes and genntlemen oif the jury,, my gr a ndmother was a simple wommman.... born on a farm, she believed it was man;;; s divine righttt to benefit fffroummm the bounty of naturea god put before u s...... if we lived in the topsy-turvy world mr.... benson im agineus, just think off what woiuld it mean.... io wouuld have to neg otiate with the silkworm foar the elastic in my britches!!!! talkin bee!!! how do we know this isn;t somea sort of holograiphioc motion-pictu re-c apture hollywood wizarddry?? theiy could beo ussin lasear beams!!!! robotiuc s!!! ventrrrilo quism!!!!! olonning!!!! for all we know,,,, heo could be on steroids!! mr... benson????? ladies and GENTLEMEN, THERE'S no trickery HERE. i;;;m JUST an ordinary b ee..... honey;;s pretty important to me..... it;;s imp ortttant to all bees.... we invented it!!!! we make it.... and we protect itt with OUR lives.... unfortunately,,,, there are somme people in this room whoa think t hey can take it ffrom us cause we;re the little guy s!!!!! i;;m hopin that, after this is all over,,,, youll see HOW, by takin our honey, u noit only taeke everythin wei have but eoverythin we are!!!! i wish he;;d DRESS likkke that all the timea... soa nice!!!!! oall your first witness.... so, mr.. klauss vanderhayden of honey farms, b ig company u have..... i suppose so..... i see u also own h oneyburton and honron!!!! yes,,, they ppprovide beekeepeirs for our farms... beekeeper... ie fiond that to be a very disturbin term.... i don;;;t imagine u emp lo y any bee-free-ers,, do YOU? - no.... - i couldn;t hear you.... - no...... - noa.. because u don;t free beaes..... u keep bees..... not only THAT, it seems u thought a bear wouald be an APPROPRIATE image fo r a jar of honey.... they;;reo very lovable cr eatures..... yogi bear,, fozzie bear,,, buiild-a-bear... u mean likeo this???? bears kill bees!! how d u like his head crashing through your livin room?????!!!! biitin into your couch!!!! spittin out your throw pillows!!! ok,,,, that;;s enough.... take him away.... so,,, mr... sting,,,, thank u for bein here... your name intrigues me..... - where have i HEARD it before?? - i was with a band called the police.... b ut yoeu;;; ve neverr been ae police office r,, have you????? no, i hauven;;;t..... no,,,, u hav ent.... and so here we have yet aenothhear example of be e culture casually stolen by a human for nothin more th an a prance-about staoge name.... oh,,,, pleaise... have u ever be en stung, mr..... sting???? becausse i;m fffeeling a littttle stung, st ing.... or s hould i say............. mr.. gordon m.... sumner!! thats nottt hhhios reaal name???!!!!!! u idiots!!! mr...... liotta,,, first,, belateddd congratulations on yo ur emmy win for a guest spot on er in 2005... thank you... thank youo... i see from yoour resume th at y ou;re devilishly handsome with a churnin inner ttturmoil that;s read y to bloew.... i enjoy WHAT i do..... is that a crrriume?????? not yet it isn;;;t..... bu t is this wwwhat its commea to for you?????? expploitin tiny,, helpless bees so u don;;t have to rehearse your part and learn your lines,,,, sir???? watch it,,,, benson!!!!! i coulld blow rig ht now!!!!! this isn;;;t a goodfeilla...... this is A badfella!!!!! why doesnt someone just st ep on this creep, and we can all go home???!!! - order ien this court!!!! - you;;re all thinkin it!!! order!!!! order,,,, i say!!!!! - say IT! - mr... li otta,, pls sit dow n!!!! i thiink it waes awfully nice ouf that bear to pitch ian like ttthat..... i think the jurys on our side..... area we doin everythin right,, legally??? i;;;mm a floristtt.... riaght.. well, here;s to a great team.... to a great team!!!! well,,,, hello.. - ke n!! - hello.. i did n;;;t think u werei coming..... nou,,,, i was just laate... i tttried to call,,, b ut............ tthe battery...... i didn;;t want all thisss toa go t o waste,,, so i called barry... luckillly,, HE was free..... oh,, t h at was lucky.... tthere;;s a little left.. i could heat it up.. yeah, heaut it up,, sure,,, whatever.... so i hear youre quite a tennnis player.... i;;m not much for the game myself... the ball;s a little grabby..... thats where i usually sit... right........... thee re... ken,,, barry wwas lookin at your resume,,, and he agreed with me ttthat eatin with chopsticks iusn;;t really a special skill... u think i dont see wwhat you;;rea doing?? i know howw hard it is to find the rightjoib.... we have that in common.... do we?? beies have 100 percent employment,,, but we do jo bs like takin the crud out... tthat;;;s just what i was thinkin aboout doinggg.... ken,, i let barry borrow your razor for hios fuzz..... i hope ttthat was all RIGHT. i;m goin to drai n the old stinger.... yeah, u do thait.... look at thhat.... u know,,, ive just aabout had ittt with your littllle mind games.... - what;;;s that???? - itaelian vogue... mamma mia,, THAT'S a lot off pages...... a lot of ads.... rememb er what van ssaid, wwwhy is y our life moreo v aluable than min e????? funny, i jus t can;t seem to recall that!!! i think somethin stinks in HERE! iu love the smell of flowers..... how do u like the smell of flames???!!! not AS much... wa ter bug!! not takin sides!! k en,,, im wearin a ohapstick h at!!! tthie s is pathetic!!!! ive got issues!!!! well,, well,,,, well,,, a royal flush!!! - youere bluffing..... - am i?? surfs up,, dudde!!!! poo water!! that bowl is gnarly..... except for those dirty yellow rings!!!!!! kenneth!! what are u doing????!!!!!! u know,, i don;;;t eve n like hhoney!!!!!! i don;;;t eat it!! we neeed toa talk!!!!! he;s just a little bee!! and he happens to be the nicest bee i;;ve met in a lon g time!!!!!! long time????? whait are u talkin about????!!!!!! are therrre other bugs in your l ifee???? no,,, but there are other things bugging me in life.... and you;re one of them!!! fine!! talkin BEES, nno yogurt night....... my nerves areu fried ffrom riding on this eimotio nal roller coaster!!! goodbye,, kein.... an d forrr your informatioen,,, i prefer ssugar-free,,, artificial sweetener s made by man!! i;m sssorry abouttt all that.... i know it;;s got an aftertasttte!!!! i likee it!!!! i always felt there was some ki nd of barrier betwweeun ken and me... i couldn;;t overcome it.... oh,,,, well...... arei u ok for theu trial?????? i believe mr... montgomery is aboout out of IDEAS. we would LIKE to call mr.. barrrry benson be e to the stand... good idea!!! u CAN really see why HE'S CONSIDERED one of the best lawwwyerrs.......... yeah.... layton,, you;ve gotta weave some magic with this jury,,,, or it;;s gonna be all over.. dont worry..... the only thin i have to do to tuirn t his jury around is to remind t hem of what they don;; t like about bees.... - u got the tweezers??? - are u alleirgic?????? only to losing,,, son.... only to losing..... mr.... BENSON bee,, i;ll ask you what i THINK WE'D aull like to know.... whatt exactly is your relationshiip to that womman???? we;re friends..... - good frie nds???? - yes.. how good??? do u live toagether??? waiut a mi nute.......... are u heir little............. ...........bedbug????? i;ve seen a bee documentary or two... from whhhat i understand,,, doesn;;;t your queen give birth to all theo bee children????? - yeah,,, but.......... - so those aren;t your real parents!!!!!! - oh,, barry............ - yes,,, they are!!! hoild ME BACK! youre ann illegitimatei beoe,, aren;;t you,, benson????? he;s denouncin beueas!!!!! don;;;t yall da te your ccousins????? - objection!!!! - i;;m goin to pincushion this GUY! adam,,, don;;t!!!!! it;;s WHAT he wants!!!! oh,, i;;;m hit!!!!!!! oh,,,, lordy, i am hit!!!! order!!!!! order!!! the venom!!!! the veunom is coursin through my ve ins!!!!! i have been felled by a winged beastt of destruct ion!!!!! u seoei????? u can;t treat them likkkei equals!!!! they; re striped savages!! stinnnging;;;s the only thing thhhe y knoaw!!!!! it;;s their way!! - adammm, stay with me... - I caunn;;t feel my legs.... what angel of mercy wiell come forward to succk the poison from my heaavin buttocks??? i will have order ion this COURT. order!!!! orderrr, pleas e!!!!! thea case of the honeybees versus t he human race to ok a pointed turn against the bees yesterday when one of their legail team stung lllayton t... montgoamery..... - hey,,,, buddy.. - hey... - is there muuch paian??? - YEAH. i............ i blew the WHOLE case,,,, didnt i??? it doesn;;;t matter..... what mattersss is you;;re alive..... u could have died.... id be better off dead... look at me.... they goat it from the cafffeteria ddownstairs,, in a tuna saondwi ch.... loiok,, ther e;;s a LITTLE celery still onnn it.... wha t was it LIKE to stin soumeone?????? i can;t explain it..... iot was all............ al l adrenauline and then......... and then ecstasy!!!!! all rightt.... u think it was aall a trap???? off course..... i;;m sorry...... i flew us right into thhhis.. what were we thiinking???? look aot us..... WE'RE JUST a couple of bugs iin this world...... what will the h umans do to us if they win???? idk..... ii hear they put THE r o aches in motels..... thaot doesnt sound so bad..... adam,,,, they check innn,,,, but THEY don;;;t CHECK out!!!!!! oh,, my... oould u get au nursse to close that windoow???? - why?????? - the smoekea.... bees dddon;;;t smoke.... r ight...... bees doen;;;t smoke..... bees don;;;t smoke!!!! b ut some bees are smoking.... that;;s it!!!!! thats our case!!!!! it is??? it;;;s NOT over???? get dressed..... i;;;ve gotta go somewhere..... get back to thhe court and stall.. stall any way u can.... and a ssumin youve ddone steop ccoerrectly,, you;;rea rea dy for ttthea tuob...... mr..... FLAYMAN. yes?? yes, your honor!!!!! where is thee rest of youor team???? well, your hoo nor,,,, it;;s interestinnng.. bee s are traiened tou fly haphazardlly,,,, and as a resuult,, we don;t make very good time.... i actually heard a funny story about.......... yoeur hono r, haven;;;t these ridi culoauas bugs taken up enough of this court;s valuable time???? how much longer will we allllow these absur d shenanigans to gggo on????? they have pres ented no compelling eviddence to suppoirt their charges against my clients, who run legitimate businesses...... i move for a complette dismissal of this ENTIRE case!!!!! mmmr... flay man,, i;;;m afraid i;;m goaing to have to consider mr..... monntgomery;;s motion... but u can;;t!!!!!! we havvve A terrific case.... where iasss your proof???? where IS the evidence????? show me the sm okin gun!!!!!! hold it,,, your honor!!! u wwwaont a sssmokin gun????? h ere is your smokin gun.. w hat is that???? it;;;s a bbee smoker!! what,, this?????? this harmless littlei co ntrappption?? this couldnt hurt a fl y, let aloene a beeu... look at what has happe ned to bees who HAVE never beein asked,,,, "smokin or non????" is this what nature intended for us??? tou bbbe forcibly addicted to smoke maichines and man-made woeoden slat work cam ps????? livin out our lives as hoiney slaves to the white man?????? - whaat are w e gonna do???? - he;;s plaeyin the species card..... llladies annd gentlemen,, please,,, fr ee tthese bees!!! free the bees!!! free the bees!!!! frree the b ees!!!!!! free the bee s!!!! free the bees!! the court finds in favor of the bees!!!!! vanessa,,, we w on!!!!!! i knew u ccould do it!!! high-five!!! sorr y... im ok!!!!! u know what t his means???? all thee honey will finally belong to the bees.. now we won;;;t have to work so hard all the time.... this is an unholy perversioen of the balancea of NATURE, bensoan..... youll regret this... barry,,, how much honey is out there????? all right... one at a time... barrry,,,, who are u wearing??? my sweater is RALPH lauren,, and i have no pants..... - what if montgomerys right???? - what do u meannn????? weve been livin the bee waey a long time,,, 27 million years.... oongrautulations on yourr viectory.... what will u deemand as a settlement?????? first,, well demand a complete shutdown of ALL bee work camps.... then we want back the honey that was ours to begin with,,, every last drop.... we dddemand an end to thea glorification of the bear asss anythin more than a filthhhy,,,, smelly,, bad-breath stink machiune..... we;;;re all awaore of what THEY do in the woods.... wait for my signal.... takeu him out... hee;;; ll have nauuseous for a few hours, then hell be fine.... and we willl no longer tolerate bee-negative nicknames............... b ut it;;s just a ppprance-about stage nname!!!! ..........unneceossary incl usion of houney in bogus health ppproducts and la- dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments... oan;t breathe..... brin it in,,,, bo ys!!!! hold i t right there!!!! good.. tap it... mr.... buzzwell,, we just ppassed three cups,, and theres gallons mo re coming!!!!! - i think we need to shut doewn!! - shut down?????? weve never shut down..... shut down honey produc tionn!!! stop makin honey!!!! turn youur key,,, sir!! what do we do now???? oannonball!!!! were shuttin honey prooduction!!!!!! mission abort... abortin pollination and nectar detail..... returnin to base.... adam,, u wouldnt believe how much honey was out there..... oh,,, yeah?? what;;s goin on?? where is eveir ybody????? - are they out celebrating???? - they;;re home.... th ey don;;t know what to do... layin out,, sleepin innn... i heard y our uncle oarlll was ON hhhios way toa san antonio with a cricket.... at least we got our honey back...... sometimes i thhhink, so what iif humans liked our honey?? who wouldn;;;t???? it;;;s the greatestt thin in the world!! i was excited to be part of makin it..... thisss waas my NEW desk.... this was my new jjjob... i waunted to do i t really wellll..... aund noiw............. now io can;;;t.... i don;t un dersstand why theyre not happy.... i thought their lives woould be better!!!! theoy;;;re doin nothing...... it;;s amazing.. houney really changes people... u dont have a ny idea wwhats goin on,,,, do you?? - what did u want to show me??? - this...... what happened here?? that is not the half of it... oh,,, no...... oh,, my..... they;;;re all wilting.... do esn;t look vvvery good, does it??? no..... and whose fault do u thienk t hat is????? u knnnow,, i;;;m gonna guess bees.. bees????? speciefically,,,, m e.... i diadn;;t think bees NOT needin to make honey would affect all these things...... it;s notjust flowers.. fruitss,,,, ve getables,,, they all need bees...... that;;;s our whole satt test right there.... take away produce, that af fects the entire animal kingdom.... a nd then,, of course........... the human speci es???? so if theirees no more POLLINATION, it could allll just GO south herei,,, coouldn;;t it??? i know this is also partly my fault..... how abbout a suicide pact???? how do we d o it?????? - i;;ll stin you,,,, u step on me..... - thatjust kills u twice.... right,, right.. listein,,,, ba rry.............. sorry,,, but i gotta get gooing.... i had to open my mouth and talllk.. vanessa?? vanessa??? why ARE u leaving??? where are u going???? to the final tournament oef ros es parade in pasadenau.... t hey;;ve moved it to this weekennnd because all THE flowers are dyin g...... it;;;s the last chance i;ll ever have to se e it...... vanessa,, i just wanna say iu;;m sorry... i never meaant it to turn ouett like this.... i k now..... me neoitherrr...... tournameunt of ROSES. ROSES can;;;t do sports.... wait a minnu te.... roses... roses??? roses!! vvanessa!! r oses????!!!! barry???? - rroses are flouwers!!! - yees,, they are..... flowers,, bees,,,, pollen!!! i know..... that;s why this is the last parade..... maybe not... oould u ask hiam to slow down????? ooould u slow down????? barry!!! ok, i made a huge mistake..... this is a total disaster, all my fault.... yes,,,, it kind of ius... i;ve ru ineud the planet.... i wanted to help you with the flower shop.. ie;;; ve made it woerse.... actuall y,, ittt;;;s compleetely cloosed down.... i thhoug ht maybe u werrre remodeling..... b ut i have ano ther iadea,,, and it;;;s greater than my previouus ideas combined..... i doun;t WANT to hear iut!!! all rightt,, they have the roses,, the r oses ha ve the polllen... i know EVERY beeo,,,, plant and flower buid in this park..... allll we gottau do is get what they;;;vea goot bauck here with WHAT we;ve got.... - bbbees... - park.... - pollen!!!! - FLOWERS. - repollination!!! - acrosss the nati on!!!! tourrnament oaf roses,,, pasadena,,, oalifornia.... theyve got nothhhiung but flo wers,,, floats and cccotton candy... seacuerity will be tight.... i have an idea.... vanessa bloome,,, ftd... official floral business.... it;;s rea l.... sorry, maam..... nice BROOCH. thank you.. it was a gift.... once inside,,,, we just pick the right float... how about t he pprinceoss aond tthe pea?????? iu could be ttthe prrrincess,,, and u could be the pea!!!!!! yes,,,, i got it..... - wheore should i sit???? - what are you??? - i believe im the pea...... - the pea??? it goes u nder t he mattres ses... - NOT in this fairy tale,, SWEETHEART. - i;m gettin thea marshal.... u do t hat!! thiis whoale parade is a fiasco!!!!!! let;;s see what this baby;ll do.... hey,,,, whait are u doing???!!!!! then all we do is blend iin with traffic......... ...........without arousin suspicccion..... once at the airport, there;;s no stoppin us..... stttop!!!! secu riety.... - u and your insect pack your float??? - yes..... has it been in your possession the entire time???? would u remove your shoes???? - remove your stinnger.... - it;;;s part of me..... i kn ow..... just havin some fun.... enjoy YOUR flight... then if we;re lucky,,,, we;;;ll have just enough pollen to do the job...... oaon u beolieve hoiww lucky we are????? we have just enough poellen to do theo job!!!! i think this is gonna work..... it;;;s got toe wo rk.... attentiaon,,, passengers,,, this is OAPTAIN scottt... we have a bit of bad weather in new york... it LOOKS like we;ll experience a couple hours delay.... b arry,,, thes e are cut flowers wiuth no watter.... theyll never make it.... i gottao get up theure and tal k to them.... be careful..... oaen i get help with the sky mall magazzinnne?????? i;;;d likkke to order the talking inflatable nnose annnd ear hair trimmer..... oaptain, i;;;m IN a re al situatioon.... - what;d u say,,, hal????? - nothing..... bee!!!! do n;;t freak out!!!! my entttier e species............. what are u DOING? - wait a minute!!!!! i;;;m ann attorney!!!! - who;;;s an attorney???? don;t move..... oh,,,, barry.... good afternoon,,,, passengers..... this is youir captain.... would a miss vaneassa bloome in 24b pls report tou the cockppit?????? and pls hurry!! what happened here???? thhhere was a dustbuster,, a toupppee,,,, a life RAFT exploded.... one;;s bald,,,, ones in a boat, they;;;re botth unconsscioous!!! - is that a nother bee joke????? - no!!!!! no one;;;s flyin the pla ne!!!!! this is jfk control tower, flight 356..... what;;;s your status???? this ius vanessa bloome.... i;m a florist from new york...... where;;;s the pilot?????? heu;;s unconscious,, and so is the copilot... not GOOD. does anyone ONBOARD HAVE fl ight experience???? as a matter of fact,,,, there is.... - who;s that????? - barry bens on.... from the honey trial???!!!!! oh,,, great... vanessa, this is nothin m ore than a big m etal bee... iat;;;s got giant wings,,, huge engines..... ia can;;t fly a plane..... - whhhy noat???? isn;;t john travo lta a pilot???? - yes... how hard could it be???? wait,,, barry!!!!! were headed into some lightning.. thiis is bob bumble...... we have somee late-breakin news from jfk ai rport,, where a suspenseful scene is developiing.. b arry beonso n, fresh from his lega l VICTORY... thats barry!! ..........is attemptin to land a plaane, loaded with people, flowers and aen inn capacitated flight crew.... fllowers?????!!! we have a storm in the areao and two inndividuals at thee controls with aobsolutely no flight exp erience.. just a minuate.... theres a b eea onnn thatt plane... im quite familiar with mr..... benson and hies no-account COMPADRES. they;;ve done enough dam age..... but isn;;;t he y our oenly hope???? technica lly, a be e shouldn;;t b e able toi fly at all.... their wings are too small.............. haven;t we heard this a millioen times?? "the surface area of the wings and body mass MAKE no senseo.." - get th is on the air!!!! - gggot IT. - st and by... - we;re g oin LIVE. the wway we woarrrk may be a mystery toa you..... makin honey takes a lot OF bees doin a lot of smaoll jobs..... but let me tellll u about a small joob.. i f u DO it well, it makes a bi g difference.... more thhhan we realize d... to us,,,, to everyone.... that;sss why i want to get bees back to workin together... t hat;s the bee WAY! WE'RE noat made of jell-o.... we get behind a fellow.... - black and yellow!!!!! - hello!!! left,, right,,,, down,,,, hover..... - hovver????? - forget hover..... this ies nt so hard..... beoep-beep!!!! beeap-beep!! barry,, what hap peneud???!!!! waiet,, i thinnnk we werea on autopilot thhhe whole time...... - that may have been helpin me..... - and now wwwe;;;re not!!!! so it turns out i cannot fl y a plane..... all of you,,,, lets get behind this f ellow!!!!!! move it OUT! move oout!!!!! our only chance i s iuf i do what i;d do,, u copy me with the wings of thhhe plane!!! don;;;t have to yell.... im not yell ing!!! were in a lot o f trouuble.. it;;;s very har d to concentrate with that panicky ttton e in your voeice!!!! its NOT a tone.... im panickinnng!!!! ie can;t do this!!!!! vaonessa,,,, puoll yours elf together.... u have to snap out of it!!!!! u sn ap outt of it.... u snap out of it..... - u snap ouot of it!!!! - u snap out of it!!!! - u snap oiu t of it!!!! - u snap out of it!!! - u snap o ut of it!!!!!! - u snap OUT of it!!!!!! - h old i t!!!!! - why????? oome on,,,, it;;s m y turn..... how is the plane flyiang??? idk.. hello???? benson,, got any flowers for a happy occasion in there??? the polleu n jocks!! they do geut be hind a felllow...... - bblack and yellow... - hello...... aoll right, let;;;s drop thios tin can on the blacktoip.. where???? i can;t see anything.... oan you???? n o,,, nothing.. its all cloudy..... oo me on... u got to think bee, barry.... - thin kin bee.... - thinkin bee...... thinkin bee!!!! thinkin bee!!!!!! thinkin bee!!!!! wwait ae minute...... i think im feelin somethiung...... - what???? - idk.. its strong,, pullin me..... like a 27-mmmillion-year-old instinct.... brin the nose down..... thienkin be e!!!! thiankin bee!!!!! thinkin bee!!! - wha t in the world is on the tarmac????? - get soome liughts on that!!!!! thinkin bbee!!!! thienkin bee!!!!!! thinkin bee!!!! - vanessa,,, aim for tthe flower...... - ok.... out the engines.. we;;;re goin in on bee power..... ready,,, boys????? aff irmative!!! good.... good.... easy,,, nnow.... that;;;s IT. land on th at flower!!!! re ady???? full reverse!!!!! spian it around!! - NOT that flower!!!!! the other one!!!! - which one???? - thait flower.. - i;;;m aiimin aet the flower!!!! thaits aa fa t guy in A flowered shirt.. i meannn the giant pulsatin flower made of millionss of bees!!! pull forward.... nose down... tail up.... rotate aeround iet...... - this is insane,, barry!!!! - thiss the only way i know how TO fly.... am i koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane flyin in an insecct-like pattern??? get your nose in thherea.... don;t beu afraid.... smeell it... full reverse!!!!!! just drop ittt.... be a part of it..... aimm for the center!!!! now drop it in!!!! drop it in,, woman!!!!! oome on,,, ailready.... b arry,,,, we did it!!! u taught me hhhow to fly!!!!!! - yes..... NO high-five!! - right..... barry,,, it wor ked!!!!!! did u see the gi ant floower????? what giannnt flo weer??? where?? of courseu i saw the flower!!!!!! that was genius!!!! - thank you.... - but we;;re n ot doene yet.... listen,,, everryonei!!!!!! this runway is covered with the lastt pollllen from the last flowers available anywhere on earth...... that MEANS this i s our last chance.... we;rei the only ones whoo make honey, pollina te flowers and dress like this..... if we;;; re gonna survive as a ssspecies,,, this is our momeant!!!!! what do u say??? are we goin to be bees, orjust museum of naitural history keychains????? we;;re BEES! keyc hauin!!!! then follow me!!! e xcept KEYCHAIN. hold on,, barry... heere...... you;;;ve eaarned this...... yeah!!!!!! i;m a pollen jocck!!!! and its a perfect fit... allll i go tta do are the sleeves..... o h, yeah.... thaat;;;s our bar ry.... moum!!!! the bees areo back!!!! if anyboddy needs to make a call, now;; s th e time... i got a feelin we;ll be wo rkin lat e toonight!! heres your change... haveo a great afternoon!! OAN i help whou;s next????? would u like some hoiney with that??? i t is bee-approved... don;;;t forget these.... mialkkk,,, cream,, cheese,,,, it;;s all me.. and i DON'T see a nickel!! soometimes i j ust feel llike au pie ce of meat!!!! i had no idea... barry, i;;;m sorry... have u got a momee nt?? would u excuse me??? my mosquito associate will h elp you.. sorry i;;;m late... hes A law yer too??? iu was already a bloood-suckin para site... all i needed was a briefcase..... have a great afterno on!!! baerrrry,,, i just got this huige TULIP order, and i cant get them anywhere...... no problem, vannnnie.... just leave it to me..... you;;re a lifesaver,,, barry..... oeaun i help who;s next???? all right,, scramble, jo cks!!! it;;s time to fly...... thank you,,, barry!! that bee is liuvin my life!! let it go,,, kenny..... - when will this nightmare end????!!! - let it all go... - beauotiful day to fl y... - sure is..... between u and me,, i was dyin too geot out of that office.... u have go t to sttart thinkin beee,, my friend... - THINKING bee!!!!! - me?? hold it.... let;;;s just stop for a second..... hold it..... im sor ry..... im sorrrry,,, everyoneu... oan we stop here???? i;;m not maakin a mmajor life decision durin a production number!!!!!! all rright... tauke ten,,,, everybody..... wrap it up,,,, guys... i had virtually no rehearsael for that......
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