#give them the water!!!
kokocharm · 2 years
spoinky couldnt water:(
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nocek · 10 months
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Is it a stupid idea? Yes. Did I have to go overboard and animate it? No.
But I had to and I'm not sorry ;P
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denim-wizard · 4 months
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Sanji vs homerotic relationships with big cat coded men
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hualianschild · 3 months
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absolutely love it when they put details like this
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ichigomaniac · 7 months
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Sharing interests
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quillpokebiology · 7 months
Thinking about that one Blaziken on that cooking show who refused to eat food shaped like Torchic
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chrisrin · 11 months
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after reading @sixteenth-days's very lovely new fic chapter (go read here!) i just HAD to do a take on a flower husbands fusion design!
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sid-sn · 2 months
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omaano · 26 days
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The Art Nouveau inspired space cowboy pinup set for @ribbonkandy is finally complete 🌟
Thank you so much for working with me on these, and for the perseverence to get all three of them done!
Other posts with Din and Boba (and Din)
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dirtytransmasc · 3 months
thinking about the sully siblings and how Spider was smaller than them physically, but he was still their big brother, and the pure shenanigans it must cause.
like. they're so much bigger than him, but they no doubt still act like they're little compared to their brother at times.
like you want to tell me they don't hide behind him or lean over so they can rest their head on his shoulder or tuck under his arm. tell me they don't lay on top of him like he's their personal pillow.
its not odd to see all his siblings gathering around him, Kiri resting her head on Spi, while Lo'ak holds his arm, Tuk tucked against his waist, while 'tey rests his chin on Spi's head (he loves all the attention, even if he huffs and puffs like any good big brother). they look silly cause the kids have to crouch and twist and bend to use their brother as a leaning post, and he practically disappears under all their blue.
and that includes rough housing, even if it's unintentional. the kids jumping up for a piggyback ride even when they're nearly double if not triple Spider's size.
Tuk wanting to be carried around by her big brother all the time. Kiri accidentally tugging her brother too hard when excited to show him something. the boys teaming up against their brother when playing, forgetting he can hardly handle one of them, let alone both at once.
his siblings getting the rare chance for a sleepover and cuddling around him like a bunch of big cats. they're tucked around him, under him, on top of him, with just enough care to make sure he doesn't suffocate in his sleep.
when they need some loving, Spider has to beckon them down to give their foreheads a kiss or to wrap them up in a proper hug. Spider likes to tuck his siblings head to his chest with both his arms and squeeze them tight.
when he's got to give them a big brother chat, the kids have to be kneeled down so Spider doesn't have to stare up at them (he tends to kneel too, so they're eye to eye, cause when he looks down on them, they tuck their little ears and he feels bad).
like. they're just big babies that need their big brother to take care of them and love them, even if they're giants compared to him.
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dismas-n-dismay · 24 days
Suki - Chimera Falin amv
I present before you: The Chimera Falin Edit.
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blancherries-art · 2 months
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It feels good to be back.
(A more risque version under the cut)
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oneluckydragon · 9 months
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BREAKING NEWS!!! Local idiot ghost absolutely blown away when boyfriend gives him a nickname for the first time, more info after this broadcast.
Bonus pet-name edition:
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(Yeah I know it's ooc for grovyle to EVER use the term "babe" but lets go ahead and assume he's done it accidentally a few times rather than intentionally. He's deeply in love with the dumb ghostman, ok. Sometimes it just slips out.)
Dusknoir is still recovering from hearing it. And when he finally calls grovyle "love" himself on accident a few days later, he falls deathly ill for two weeks cause his body couldn't handle the aftermath and started rapidly shutting down on a molecular level.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 240
You know what I think could be a really interesting premise?
Liminal-as-fuck Batfamily (and maybe all of Gotham itself) who aren't part of the Justice League. Like I am saying full on cryptid batfam who terrorize the criminals of Gotham and aren't well known outside of the city besides rumours.
And now throw in the Phantom team, either via Sam or Ellie or otherwise bringing the anti-ecto acts to their attention. I'm saying feral ghostly children barely being held back by Alfred from destroying the GIW buildings with their bare hands. Yes, that includes Bruce and Kate.
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pearlsinmyhair · 9 months
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lo’ak feels less than. neglected. misunderstood and unloved. he does not feel seen, which is the most important thing, the deepest form of connection, to the na’vi. he tries so hard to be what his father wants, what he sees neteyam get praised for being.
a warrior. a protector. a fighter.
and who’s the mightiest warrior around?
Toruk Makto. His dad.
so he goes around to the seasoned warriors and the elders of his clan, asking for stories of Toruk Makto, specifically how he dressed. and the morning before the raid, away from his family’s eyes, he paints on pigment.
he wears his fathers image with pride, flying straight into a battle like a warrior.
and he stands in front of his father, upset but understanding in some way. he’s apologetic, but he doesn’t regret his decoration.
that is, until Jake says
get that crap off your face.
because when jake looks his son in the face after the explosion, eyes unfocused and body trembling, he doesn’t see a warrior.
he sees a soldier of war, battered and bloody.
and his fourteen year old son should not be celebrating that.
he sees himself in the worst way possible. no elder tells the story of those that died in the War.
Trudy. Grace. Tsu’tey. Eytukan.
they sing the songs of their lives, sure. but their deaths are never the focus.
when jake sees his son, decorated as he was, he sees heroic ignorance. he sees a child playing war.
he sees crap.
and jake is so tired of war, so tired of fighting. but he misses the point of lo’ak’s efforts.
look at me, father. do you see me?
and jake, terrified and fraying at the edges after seeing his sons in the middle of an aerial attack, says
get that crap off your face.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
i want trafalgar law to get my organs out and wash them and then put them back because i think it'd change the trajectory of my life for the better and make me not want to die
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