#gg fanfic of all time
mira0000000-blog · 4 months
I was playing Guilty Gear Rev 2 with @awayiis and they created the best SolKy fanfic ever with homophobic Johnny vs supportive Slayer
Ky and Sol are pretending to be in relationships with Dizzy and Jack-O to pretend to be hetero to escape Johnnys homophobia but then Slayer convinces them otherwise
Then Ky confesses his love to Sol but he refuses saying that sounds gay but then KY says it's in a bro way and they kiss. Dizzy and Jack-O are happy for them and they were pretending to be hetero too all along
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solradguy · 1 year
Busy today. Here's some updates:
Got the JP manuscript for Ky's Overture short story compiled and ready for translating. The last 3 stories (Ky, Raven, That Man) look pretty easy so fingers crossed they don't take me like 2 months to do like how they have been lmfao
Started cleaning up the Dengeki PS mag scans. Man, was that cover filthy. Took an hour just to clean up that single scan. It sparkles now.
NEOCITIES UPDATE. Crossposted Paradigm's and Valentine's Overture stories over there.
I've also been messing around with some Japanese learning apps as alternatives to Duolingo since Duolingo's last update was, frankly, absolutely shit-tier. The JP study materials page on my Neocities is gonna get an overhaul soon. Would also like to make a sitemap eventually since my little slice of internet's getting a bit labyrinthine.
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rainbowsky · 4 months
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@accio-victuuri has a post about some of the CPN from the GQ feature on GG. There are a couple more CPNs that I wanted to talk about because - with the exception of a couple of tidbits - I haven't seen turtles talking about some things that really stood out to me.
Both of the tidbits being discussed by BXG are based on fake rumors from the past.
Godly Back
Turtles feel that the backless jacket might be what was referred to in the recent LRLG rumor (Apparently wangwang senbei can be a homophone sounding like 'godly back').
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In this context, "You saw what I wore, can you please choose something normal" becomes hilarious. 😅
If he really was talking about GG's back, well... DD, the rest of the internet agrees with you given the hotsearch that was trending on both the main and entertainment hotsearches. 😅
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Xiao Zhan's back ditch is so deep
This one I wanted to dig more deeply into because it's connected to a few different CPN from a long time ago, and a lot of turtles might not be aware of all these connections.
In the GQ interview GG mentioned he was really nervous for the first performance of ADLAD.
At the time a LRLG rumor came out with some exchanges between GG and DD in the days leading up to that first show. GG talks about being nervous, DD and his staff video call him to wish him Jiayou, and at one point - presumably the last time they talk before that first show - DD video calls with GG and closes off by giving him a high 5.
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The day after the first show, GG posted on Weibo.
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At the time there was a lot of speculation about what that second photo was. One of the theories was that GG had screen capped DD's hand high-5-ing his phone. Some fans even tried doing that themselves (screencapping their hands up against their phone cameras to see what would happen) with somewhat similar results - photos that were an ombre of pale pink to red.
Some additional CPN
When I saw GG talking in GQ about the first ADLAD show and how nervous he was and I saw turtles looking back over the LRLG rumors from that time, I decided to look over those rumors myself. I found a couple things there that really hit me in the gut, but which I haven't seen other turtles discussing.
Magician DD
One thing that stood out to me from the ADLAD LRLG rumor was when DD told GG he could do magic, and told his staff that only GG believed him.
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Back in 2021 a series of pages called the 300G were released, which claimed to be transcripts of some of the best unseen moments from The Untamed BTS (300GB of BTS footage was reportedly sold to BXG fansites). They were translated by an all-star team of some of the best BXG translators and overall fandom MVP on Twitter back in the day (god I miss those days of Twitter 😢).
Disclaimer: We must remember that these are unconfirmed transcripts. As far as I know, none of the footage that could substantiate these transcripts has ever been released, so it could just be someone's fanfic.
Anyway, my absolute favorite moment in those transcripts was an exchange between GG and DD, when GG had been struggling with nailing a scene. My synopsis from a post I made about GG and DD's personalities a while back:
GG is having a hard time getting a take right for a scene, and the director tells him to take a break. DD scoots over to where GG is resting and holds out his two fists facing downward in front of GG and asks him to pick one for a surprise. GG agonizes a bit over which one to choose, but finally picks a hand. DD gives GG a mysterious smile and asks GG to hold out his hand. GG does, and DD opens his fingers over GG’s palm. There’s nothing there. DD says, “I’ve just given you some luck, so that on your next take, you will succeed.” GG asks what is in the other hand and DD turns it over and opens it and says, “See, there’s nothing there! Zhan-ge is so good, you guessed right on the first try!” GG rolls his eyes at DD and says, “WYB, in your heart, do you think I’m more than 10 years old?” On the next take, GG nails the scene.
So it's just possible that DD and GG have a long history of this type of exchange, of DD giving GG his 'magical' support. GG is just superstitious enough that it might genuinely help him, and anyway, who could fail to be soothed by such sweet magic? 🥹
GG and Sleep
Another thing that stood out to me is when GG talked about being unable to sleep. Honestly this part of the interview really got me because I have always struggled with extreme insomnia and I could totally feel his pain. I've tried so many of the things that he's tried, and have had similarly mixed/poor results.
Anyway, aside from the aromatherapy candle CPN that's been heavily discussed in the fandom, what stood out to me CPN-wise was the fact that LRLG rumors have (I think this has happened at least a few times, but I can't recall specifics), featured moments where it seemed like GG and DD left their phone/video calls active to keep each other company when the other one was sleeping.
In the ADLAD LRLG rumor there's a moment when it seems like GG might be having difficulty sleeping and DD keeps him company.
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Find someone who will keep you company over the phone while you try to take a nap. 🥹
Just another quick thing from that same rumor, DD talks about wanting to set off some firecrackers for GG, which... ugh, so sweet. My god.
His staff encourages him to do it, and he says he will be 'taken away' if he does (maybe get into trouble, likely exaggerated a bit), and his staff says he'll cover for DD.
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In Chinese culture (and in fact, in many cultures), firecrackers are considered very lucky because they are believed to drive away evil spirits and bad luck (which is why they're such a feature of Spring Festival celebrations).
GG and DD always look out for each other, and this CPN around ADLAD and around GG's sleep struggles really hit me hard. I love them both so damn much!
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floweryrkive · 6 months
with you ? always.
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a huh yunjin drabble !
genre : fluff, a tad bit of angst.
pairing : idol!yunjin x non!idol! bodyguard!gn!reader, established (secret from everyone) relationship.
warnings : none that I can think of but lmk if I missed anything !
author's note : ah this was going thru my brain so bad that I ended up making another whole blog to upload gg fanfics 😭 the lack of yunjin fics at times is so sad :") anyways enjoy and lmk what you think !
word count : 2.2k
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The arena was filled with loud cheering, bright lights and very, very many people yet the one who you wanted to see seemed to not be visible at all.
It was the end of another successful concert, the girls' final greetings having been done and the arena going dark to let them come backstage.
You'd been at the back as well, staring in awe at the way they performed more specifically at the way she did. You don't think you once even looked at anyone else, though you knew and appreciated how hard they all worked but she was, well for you at least, different.
You were head over heels in love with the woman, you'd literally go and pluck the stars from the night sky or go in the deepest of oceans to find the shiniest pearl if she even simply asked you for it.
Huh Yunjin.
And by some miracle you think, she loves you too. Not that you weren't someone who didn't deserve her. You had your own accomplishments which ultimately led you to working as her personal bodyguard.
Though you were pretty sure if someone told you ,a few months ago, that you'd be in a relationship with said woman, you'd probably have punched them for making such an awful joke.
You didn't get on the right foot. Her being stubborn and not wanting a bodyguard to follow her around even if she wants to go to a simple trip to the store while you were just trying to do your job.
She acted like a menace that time but that's a another story for another time.
For now, you just wanted to check up on her. And as though the universe favoured you for the first time in a while, but you do think it did favour you when you somehow ended up with her, you spot her making her way after all the other girls walked in.
Her hair was slightly tousled, sweat covering her forehead and her face all red from performing but you still find her the most beautiful woman you'd ever laid your eyes on.
She seemed to look around for someone, and a small grin made its way on your face, realising she might be looking for you.
Her stylists and the crew were already helping the girls out by giving them water bottles and towels, she seemed to promptly ignore them as she still searched around.
You shook your head when she declined a water bottle and moved your hand to grab one from the person passing them around.
Once you looked up, before you could even call her, she spotted you and maybe it was the lights in the room but her eyes seemed to brighten up even more than they usually were.
You gulped as you realised just how much you loved to see her look at you like that, thinking about what you'd do if it ever disappeared.
She sprinted across the room and stood in front of you. You had to tilt your head slightly down as she was shorter than you. You bit your lower lip to prevent a grin from forming on your face as you saw the same excitement glow on her face each time she seemed around you.
"Hi." She breathed out as a smile formed on her face and you couldn't control your own chuckle as you shook your head.
"Hello." You said with your hands behind your back still holding the water bottle. You looked around briefly, noticing how the busy crew was tending to other matters, leaving Yunjin to her since she didn't seem like she needed anything at the moment.
Well not anything they would be able to provide because what she really wanted was who stood in front of her.
"So what did you think of the performance?!" Her cheery voice brought your attention back to her as she put her hands to her side, clenching her fists as though she was nervous and excited. But also to control herself from throwing herself at you like she sometimes would.
Being the observer you were, you knew she was out of breath seeing her chest rise and fall in quick breaths so you put your hand in front, prompting her to take the water bottle.
"Drink some water first bab— Miss." You coughed out before the nickname slipped, her eyes blinking when she recalled where she was.
"R-right! Water! Yes, uhm thank you." She grabbed the bottle, trying to open it but her hands were sweaty and the condensation on the bottle seemed to have made it slippery too.
"Here." You grabbed her hand and took the bottle back, opening the cap, and handing it back to her.
"Thank you!" She smiled at you as she gulped down a sip, almost moaning in relief as the coolness calmed her throat and mind.
Checking your surroundings, you made sure no one was paying attention before you, leaned in closer to her, just a little forward to not seem suspicious but also only say something she could hear.
"Anything for you, baby." You whispered sweetly as though it was the most normal thing, and it was but not at that time.
You stood straight in time to see her choke, and your eyes widened reaching for her water bottle as you briefly went beside her to pat her on the back.
"Wh-what did you—" Once her coughing stopped, she looked at you while glaring but you could see her cheeks turn pink.
"What? I said nothing." You shrugged innocently, as you put your hands to your side now standing beside her.
"Unnie?" Eunchae came up in front of you, calling Yunjin who was flustered and glaring at you.
"We're going back to the hotel and probably planning to eat out, joining?" She eyes you two, in suspicion but you just looked blankly, looking away from them.
Yunjing thought about it for a second though, because what she really wanted was to spend her time with you now. She was exhausted and didn't feel like going out, just wanted you to hold her until her world was just the scent of your cologne and warm arms around her.
Sighing, she just nodded, trying not to look too disappointed by how her plans seemed to go differently.
"Yeah, yeah, fine." Her tone sounded off but Eunchae figured it was likely exhaustion.
"Alright we'll be in the van!" She happily smiled at you both to which you returned a small grin and Yunjin waved her hand.
"Come on, let's go, they're waiting." You told her as you looked towards the exit door.
"But I wanted to just…nevermind yes let's go!" She shook her head, not finishing her train of thoughts as she moved forward, you trailing behind her in slight confusion as to what her sentence was going to be.
And with that you followed her out to where the van was and greeted the others as you pulled open the door for her.
The night went smoothly after that, having been told you could go on your own after you dropped off the girls at the restaurant, being reassured you weren't needed because it was just below the hotel and there were the other bodyguards there too.
But it took everything in you to not go and hug her when you were saying your farewell for the day, the disappointment and sadness that glimmered before appearing again.
Why was it so hard to just spend time with you?
She was quick to cover it, her smile, the one that was definitely not genuine, on her face as she waved her goodbye to you. She didn't even mouth anything to you, like she usually would when you'd leave and you knew there was something up.
Being the best partner you thrived to be, you got back to the hotel, to your room, changed into comfy grey sweatpants and a sweatshirt while putting on another layer of a black jacket, put on your cap and went about.
It was difficult though. To find a flower shop open at this hour but lucky for you, there was one downtown that sat in a quiet corner. You made your way there and scanned the variety of flowers, the middle aged woman greeting you while you politely greeted her.
Finally settling for a combo of red and white tulips, you got a bouquet made and quickly made your way back to the hotel so as to not seem like some sort of creep. You'd hidden the flowers in a paper bag that the lady gave you and it was better to hide them that way.
Going back to your room, you made sure you looked decent enough, threw the paper bag on your bedside table and got out of your room.
Lucky for you, both yours and her room were near each other. The privilege of a personal bodyguard you suppose. She messaged you a few minutes ago that they were back and she was headed towards her room.
Her last message to you read,
'goodnight :( miss u <3'
It was only two minutes ago, so you doubt she'd be asleep as you stood in front of her door.
You looked down to prevent your face from being visible, scanning the hallway to make sure no else was there before you knocked on the door.
You could hear some shuffling and then it was quiet for a moment before you saw the doorknob turn.
Yunjin was very confused when she saw someone hiding behind a bouquet of flowers, her brain being a little slow in processing due to her exhaustion but also distraction.
You moved the flowers beside your face, her coming into view now before you grinned at her,
"Hi." She had to blink once, she blinked twice and her mouth fell agape.
"Firstly, these are for you. I don't think I told you about your performance, like you were incredible as always and I just felt like bringing you these to show you since I'm not really good with words and—oomph!" You yelped when she leaped forward and into your somewhat open arms. You quickly put one hand around her waist to stabilise her and yourself while holding the bouquet in the other.
Her head buried itself in the crook of your shoulders as her arms wrapped around your neck. She felt a low vibration from your chest indicating you laughing,
"Seems like my surprise is appreciated."
"Come on love, let's head inside yeah?" She just mumbled in agreement as you slowly walked inside. She moved backwards as you guided her by her waist, careful to not bump into the door.
Placing the bouquet near a table by the entrance, you kicked the door closed as you wrapped your moved your hand to close the lock.
Finally you wrapped your arm fully around her as you continued to stay standing, just in each other's embrace. "Honey, is everything fine? Tell me, is there something bothering you?"
"Just…just you. Missed you. Wanted you." She whispered to you so softly, it made you feel the kind of warmth you do when the sun touches your skin on a cold day. It wasn't too far off anyways considering she was your sun, the brightest star in the sky.
"Well you have me now, want to get more comfy love?" Your hand automatically reached for her head and gently caressed her soft hair. She hummed in both agreement and relief as her previous thoughts of not being able to see you went away.
All she knew in that moment was the smell of your homely cologne, the familiar musky sandalwood and the way you engulfed her form in your arms.
She didn't even realise you were both lying down on the bed until she looked up to see you staring back at her. "Good?" Your voice was low making it sound slightly deeper than usual. Just the tone she secretly loved.
There you both laid, your arms around her body and hers around your shoulders, legs somewhat tangled as she looked up at you and gently grinned.
She nodded as you moved your hand up to her cheek, thumb caressing it as you leaned down.
You kissed her forehead as she shut her eyes, you then moved to her right eye, softly pressing your lips and the same to the other. You pecked her nose before finally settling on a longer peck on the lips.
When you pulled back, she made a noise of protest, which had you giggling at her, "What?" You teasingly asked, "More." and before you could tease her more she moved her hand and grabbed you by your jacket collar, promptly pressing your lips against her soft ones.
It was slow and nothing more, allowing you to taste the strawberry lip gloss she'd put on, the one she knew was your favourite, just happy to be with each other after rarely being able to see each other. You smiled into the kiss as she pushed herself more into you.
With the need of oxygen, you both pulled away from each other, her eyes hazy while yours were similar, her cheeks being pinker than usual and you certainly felt your own burning up.
"Feeling better?" She bit her lip before leaning in to brush her nose against yours before whispering three words that made you grin in delight,
"With you? Always."
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
feedback is always appreciated 💌
floweryrkive © 2023
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iphone18pham · 6 months
Time With You
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Disclaimers! Bad grammar, Not Proofread
Paring: Prince!Hyunjin x Prince!reader Ft Yeji as hyunjin sister
Masterlist: GG,   BG
Genre: fluff, tiniest bit of angst and suggestive
Synopsis:You are supposed to marry Princess Yeji but you end up likeing her brother more.
An: OMG I have 2 other fanfic’s that are finished and i need to post and i have 1 that is almost done. Also this is my first time making something like so if you like this please requests.
 Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a prince (male reader) who was supposed to have an arranged marriage with the beautiful and kind-hearted Princess Yeji. He had known about this for a long time, but the thought of marrying someone he barely knew left him feeling uneasy.
One day, at the palace's grand ballroom, where the arranged marriage was celebrated. (male reader) was nervous, but entered the ballroom anyway. After a little chatter with other higher-ups (male reader) caught a glimpse of a tall, handsome man with piercing eyes and a sharp jawline. It was none other than Prince Hyunjin, Yeji's older brother and the kingdom's most eligible bachelor. As the night wore on, (male reader) found himself drawn to Hyunjin's magnetic presence. He was funny, smart, and had a way of making (male reader) feel seen and heard in a way that no one else had ever done before.
As the night drew to a close, (male reader) found himself alone with Hyunjin in the palace gardens. The moon cast a soft glow over his sculpted features as he turned to (male reader), a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"I couldn't help but notice the way you were looking at me tonight," Hyunjin said, his voice low and smooth with a smirk plastered on his face. "Do you have something on your mind?"
(male reader) felt his cheeks flush as he struggled to find the right words. "I...I don't know what you mean, Your Highness," he stammered. "I'm just...nervous about my upcoming marriage to Princess Yeji."
Hyunjin's smile faded slightly as he leaned in closer, his gaze intense. "You don't have to marry her, you know," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You could choose someone else. Someone like me, for instance."
(male reader) felt his heart skip a beat as he realized what Hyunjin was saying. Could it be possible that he felt the same way (male reader) did? That he was willing to risk everything for a chance at something real?
As (male reader) gazed into Hyunjin's eyes, he knew there was only one answer. "Yes," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I want you, Prince Hyunjin."
Hyunjin's face split into a megawatt grin as he pulled (male reader) into a tight embrace,his arms wrapping around him protectively. "I'm so glad," he murmured, his lips brushing against (male reader)'s ear. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long." Suddenly, Hyunjin leaned in and pressed his lips against (male reader)'s, the wetness of their tongues mixed with all the tension, creating a sensation that was both electrifying and intoxicating. Their kiss deepened, and they lost themselves in the moment, oblivious to the world around them. It was okay for them to finally express their true feelings for each other. When they finally pulled away, they were breathless and giddy, their hearts racing with excitement. Although with everything going on inside, all they could focus on was each other.
From that moment on, Hyunjin and (male reader) were inseparable. They went on secret dates, held hands in the palace gardens, and stole kisses whenever they could. They knew that what they were doing was risky, but they couldn't help themselves. They were in love, and nothing else mattered.
However, their happiness was short-lived. One day, while they were strolling in the palace gardens, they were caught in a compromising position by one of Yeji's attendants. The attendant immediately reported what she had seen to Yeji, who was devastated by the news.
Yeji confronted her brother and (male reader), demanding to know why they had kept their relationship a secret. Hyunjin was unapologetic, insisting that he loved (male reader) and that he didn't care who knew about it. (male reader) felt guilty for hurting Yeji, but he knew that he couldn't deny his feelings for Hyunjin any longer.
In the end, Yeji agreed to cancel the arranged marriage and let (male reader) be with Hyunjin. The couple was relieved and grateful, but they knew that they would have to face the disapproval of many members of the kingdom. They were willing to risk everything for their love, but they also knew that it wouldn't be easy.
Despite the challenges they faced, Hyunjin and (male reader) stood together, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes with unwavering love and devotion. They knew that they were meant to be together, and they were willing to fight for their happiness, no matter what.It was supposed to be a joyous occasion, the announcement of my arranged marriage to Princess Yeji. But as I walked into the grand ballroom of the palace, my heart sank. I couldn't help but feel like something was off. 
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lucid-ivory · 9 months
COD men & equestrian reader
characters: ghost, soap, gaz, price & alejandro X female reader
genre: fluff, platonic, slight crack?
format: bullet headcanons/ bullet fanfic idk
summary: one of the operators of the task force seems to be *too* good at horse riding and it's the last thing they expected
notes: reader is young, this is for all the equestrians if there are any in this fandom😭 and characters may be a bit ooc + this is very long and VERY specific
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has never ridden horses, wasn't planning on it
saw you as somebody interesting when he first saw you on a big horse
you seemed really confident so he just went along with it
little did he know
he was gangsta until you started cantering
like okay, maybe you just wanted to impress your teammates since everyone was watching
he knows shit about position, leg aids and all that so you could be doing anything wrong and he wouldn't realize
he slightly raises his eyebrows when he sees you approaching a big ass jump
like where u goin?????
it's one of those 1.30m oxers
he thinks you're taking it too far
he was already impressed by your skills, why would you jump that high
he's prepared to see you on the ground
obviously a horse goes faster the higher the jump is
the fact that you keep up with the animal is already making him feel like "huh?"
when he sees the horsey getting on his two legs and ready to jump he feels humbled
you're perfectly fine, you can keep up with the horse's speed and you seem proud of yourself
by this point it's already obvious that it wasn't your first time
now that he sees your confidence and level, he would like to see you jumping higher
he doesn't really know how high a horse can jump anyway
(for general knowledge, the record is 2,47meters)
after a few more small and bigger jumps, you go for one that's 1.50m
(which is usually the height of competitions)
you do it casually, enjoying the moment. the horse jumps well and looks sick as fuck, which equestrians call "scope"
so you yell out
smiling all wide and happy
he mishears it and thinks you're talking about somebody scoping with a sniper or something
everything is going smooth, the horse listens to you and you are humiliating many olympic riders because you are "y/n" and y/n is perfect
the horse is fast, very fast and you're going for the next jump again
but who is y/n without a bit of trouble
the horse refuses to jump, stopping abruptly right in front of the obstacle
but you stayed on because you're cool like that
it did "shake" you a little, you were preparing yourself for a jump after all
but your seat is great and you managed to control the horse
ghost was scared, not expecting the animal to stop at that speed
you knocked a few poles and he offered to put them back for you
you're a crazy bitch so you decided to ride a young horse
and young horses are sometimes spicy
bucking, rearing or getting scared for everything
he's surprised at how calm you look when the horse is like a bull around the arena
when you finally lose your balance and fall off, you manage to fall smoothly on your feet
he's scared, thought you were going to be hurt
how were you so calm?
you just fell off
the horse is still bucking around the arena and you're laughing
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i have 0 idea of scottish dialect
in fact i cannot understand it if a scottish person speaks to me so this will be hard
soap is next to ghost, he sees you jumping
you know the position riders do in order to jump? almost standing up and bending over the horse's neck
he checks you out for a milisecond when you do that
apart from that, he's impressed
why are you flying
how are you keeping yourself on the animal with only two irons on your feet and holding some leather in your hands
get down from there
you're just smiling while casually jumping 1.50m
when the horse stopped in front of the jump, he almost screamed
he just murmured
smirked when he saw how you stayed on
gg well played
ghost put the poles up for you again after you knocked them down and smiles slightly as you struggle to convince the horse to jump
great horsemanship, or horsewomanship
you let the horse approach the jump and smell it so they calm down
he has no idea what's going on but he thinks you're very gentle for that
eventually you make it over that jump and he feels very happy for you!
then you fall off and he thinks it's badass how you fell on your feet
so you get on again
when you're done jumping and you're trotting around, you want to show off
"did you see that, Lt?" he asks Ghost, and he simply nods.
while trotting, you play a little bit with the horse's controls
WASD to move shift to crouch ctrl to run ,,, jk
you start doing little dressage tricks
those ones that look so elegant and the horse is almost dancing
passage, piaffe, etc (look that up, it's BEAUTIFUL).
the horse is so cutely and smoothly bouncing and you're embracing the elegance
this is all probably happening while you're in your spec ops gear but it's okay
soap is surprised, ghost next to him simply admires
"why is the horse doin' that?"
he thinks it's pretty, but why and how would a horse move like that
"oh, you're telling him to do that?"
then he realizes you're the one using your legs and amazing skills to make the horse do all that
would like to see you in the classic equestrian competition look
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okay what the fuck
he now understands where all of your leg & core strength is coming from
mans is flabbergasted but secretly wants to keep looking at you
i headcanon that he did ride horses in one of those school trips maybe or something of sorts
and i don’t think he would want to do it again
when you’re about to fall at that speed in front of the jump he’s a bit scared for you, immediately feeling the relief when you’re still on and not on the ground
when you actually do fall but it’s obvious you didn’t get hurt he simply smiles
he knew it was going to happen
but then you got on the horse again and he was like ???
he appreciates your enthusiasm but visibly relaxes when you stop jumping and you stick to a more slow pace
“are you trying to impress us?”
girl you were in full uniform geared up & everything and you casually made the horse do the most complex and supreme movements that literally any other rider would kill for
you DID NOT do that for your own pleasure
gaz did appreciate a little bit more the horse’s posture
y’know ‘collection’ and all that, when the horse walks all pretty with their head down
he was not as clueless as soap and that’s why he teased you
you simply giggled and he smiled in response
why was the horse drifting how did you do that
the horse was casually trotting but you did a few subtle changes (that he didn’t see) and now the horse trots in diagonal
almost crossing his feet while trotting
he raises his eyebrows
he thinks that this is a useless trait for a soldier cuz i’m telling you no police horse does cute little steps like wth
but even if it’s a useless trait for a soldier, it’s a great ability for who he considers almost a sister
he’s very happy for you and constantly cheers you up and then may ask a question or two about how did you do that
the moment you start explaining technically with all the “WELL YOU PUT YOUR OUTSIDE LEG AND THEN THE HEAD HAS TO LOOK SLIGHTLY INTO THE INSIDE WITHOUT BENDING THE NECK—“ he gets scared
he thought it was easier
+10 appreciation because it really is hard
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let me tell you this man is almost shaking
he trusts your skills but he knows you're also young and you may not act responsible in order to just feel adrenaline or to impress somebody
while you jump, he holds his breath and then he releases it when you actually land perfectly
just like gaz, he relaxes a lot when you stick to the slower pace
he loves to see your reflexes in other contexts, such as riding
very proud of how you fell on your feet when the horse was bucking but appreciated it even more when you actually wanted to get on again
since this man is older i think he would have ridden horses in his golden era but not as in equitation, more like simply going for trail rides
he considers everyone in the team his little siblings, and since you appeared he may have this father instinct
he helps you with the stirrups and to tighten the girth
loves seeing you happy while riding, he thinks you deserve it knowing how young you are and how easier it is for you to get stressed with all the work
he tells everybody not to approach the horse's back because they may kick
"the horse has a green ribbon on his tail. he's young" he explains proudly to the rest of the team
(he didn't know shit about this, you told him about the ribbon meanings a while ago)
this man would probably ride with you
"i don't need a saddle, i'm used to riding bareback"
he does need a saddle.
i feel like if he rides with you and he trots or something he would slightly hurt his back because his position wouldn't really be great
(there was a time where my back hurt like hell too because i didn't know how to canter properly LMAO)
would count strides with you between each jump
i feel like he would like english thoroughbreds
man worships secretariat probably (he'd be so real for that)
jockey potential
don't talk to him about technique
he genuinely thinks it's stressing
the whole "outside rein inside leg, shoulders back, chin up, heels down" shit is very much complex to him
he actually thinks that he would be able to race a horse
can't lie, i think so too (i almost fall while walking)
would pat the horse when you stand next to him
when you dismount, if you are the kind of person that kinda just throws themselves off the horse (i have no idea how to gently and normally dismount) he'll be behind you to slightly grab your waist or back to keep you in place in case you lose balance
when you're done riding he offers to keep you company while you go to the horses stall
he thinks the horse is following you because you're not holding the reins or anything and he's surprised at the bond between you and the animal
he doesn't know that YOU are actually following the horse because he just wants to go to his stall and eat
when the horsey starts eating, price would approach him and look at him
would be startled when the horse has his ears laying flat on his skull
horsey doesn't want anybody near his food
would help you carry the saddle
if he's brave enough he will try and give a carrot to the horse
if you start picking the hooves after riding, he would be slightly concerned
"does this hurt the horse"
he is like a man proud of his daughter
100% would go to see you in competitions
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"vamos, vaquera!"
he would constantly try to cheer you up and would smile widely while you do your "little" jumps
would probably prefer western riding because y'know... los vaqueros
he would probably crush on you a little
i feel like he saw showjumping many times but he is still surprised to see a horse jumping that high in person
i think he's almost the only one that isn't scared when he sees you jumping. if you approach the big jumps so confidently then you know what you're doing
he would actually want to ride with you too, he's so excited
wants to feel like a true vaquero and the first step is riding a horse
i'm sure he focuses on your legs and sees the aids and cues you give to the horse to make different tricks or play with his speed
he looks at your posture and everything like he knows about it or something
he's the kind of person that would surprise you
horses tend to follow each other so whatever you do with your horse, his horse does it with him.
you look back at him when you are both cantering and you smile AT HOW GOOD HE IS
his hips sway back and forth smoothly following the horse's back
his lower leg moves a little but nothing too serious
you felt like he was really close to jumping the 1.50 and reveal he was a showjumper too or something
and the rest of the team didn't expect alejandro to be so good either
you lower the jumps to like 0.50m and you both try to jump
he doesn't jump it perfectly, but he doesn't fall either
impressive for a beginner
trust me he did try to ride your horse and do the same dressage tricks as you but it didn't really work
quickly dismounted after that, he saw the horse bucking and doesn't wanna fall off
after that, i feel like he would get more interested in barrel racing and other western disciplines
he wants to take off the helmet and ride with those cowboy hats.
you don't let him do that
dangerous D:
he appreciates it, thinks you care a lot for him
he thinks riding together is a new form of bonding for you two.
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that was long, i warned all of you
please remember that my requests are open and i'd love to see and write what anyone says!
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ddarker-dreams · 9 months
Hi! I have a question, you can ignore this if you want to but I’ve found myself really loving the way you write and the range of writing you can articulate as well. Speaking from someone who is nowhere close to that level of skill you possess, would you mind being able to explain your journey of writing, if you practiced any particular methods or anything else to get to this stage you are at right now? Unless you have been gifted the talent of writing from birth and didn’t need to try for much long or long enough to call it a journey. Could you also spare some tips and advice for someone who wants to start writing stories and what to look into/practice?
I love your work a lot and I am constantly waiting for the notification of your new posts, despite not being a writer myself I do love breaking down and analysing writing and your stories are always such good options for me to look into. Thank you so much for writing and sparing your time to produce such well done pieces of work — I felt extremely corny writing this, excuse me for this language, I promise I’m not a pimp!
i'm deeply grateful for all your kind words, thank you so so much 😭
i don't mean this in a self-deprecating way, but i've never considered myself a gifted or super incredible writer, i just get hype about story ideas and try to make them as good as i can. due to that, i start sweating when people ask for advice because i don't consider myself qualified... i do have a writing advice tag, but take everything i say with a grain of salt!! if it's fanfic literally all that matters is that you enjoy whatever you're writing.
i'm more than happy to share my writing journey though!! it's kinda fun to reminiscence.
i've loved reading and writing ever since i was a little lock. while thinking about this ask, it occurred to me that what i've always been the most invested in are the characters. i'd think about 275894275 different storylines with them. i didn't start writing fanfic until i was around 11 though, everything was handwritten. or in flipnote hatena.
i did a lot of fanfic writing from 11-14 buuuut then my interest in it kinda fizzled out. it wasn't until i watched hxh for the first time that i took it up again bc chrollo is that powerful. that's when i started conceptualizing HWR. i looked at my early writing folder, the first HWR fanfic i wrote was in 2016 when i was 15 ?? here's a cursed excerpt:
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anyway, once i started making googly eyes at chrollo, it was gg. i've been writing often ever since.
what's helped me the most is to focus on the elements i find interesting. for example, i like fleshing out my MCs, focusing on dialogue, and developing a universe around the main pairing. because i enjoy this so much it's (mostly) always easy to devote time and effort toward it.
so i think it comes down to finding out what niches you like and working with those. some writers prefer to write with heavy prose, others are more succinct, some writers like dialogue, others prefer to be more action based... etc etc. this does require a little time if you're completely new to writing, but you know yourself best. you'll eventually pick up on what part of the story you're most excited to write.
this isn't particularly mind-blowing or anything but i hope it helps some 😭 what completely Altered my mindset was when i realized i can be as self-indulgent as humanly possible. cringe is not in my vocabulary. write a MC where every single character is in love with them if you want. write a 100k word fic about your OC being isekaid into x world. post about your f/os, draw art of you with your fav, go ham.
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k-martins · 10 months
My top 10 favorite JJK ships
10 - Hanami X Jogo
That's kind of dumb, but I think that Juju Stroll is really cute where the curses are schoolgirls and Hanami is sad about her destroyed garden so Jogo appears to apologize. That was really funny and cute. Hanami is my favorite curse.
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9 - Mai X Takada
That's also thanks to that Juju Strol. I don't have much fog on it. I just like it and if you don't like it, fight me (but be kind, because I'm very emotional).
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8 - Geto X Me
Sorry Satoru, but that man is mine.
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7 - Yuki X Choso
I don't even remember them in the manga, but the arts are really good. I like Yuki and I like Choso. Why not make them make out? I make the rules.
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6 - Hakari X Kirara
What can I say? They are so cute together! And no matter what you think, it's somehow always going to be gay. GG made sure to make this as fruity as possible. I love Kirara and I love Hakari and their relationship is so cute. They have to teach these other couples how to have a relationship that doesn't end with one of them dying/sacrificing.
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5 - Miwa X Kokichi
These two are so sad and cute at the same time. (spoiler) As strange as it may seem, Kokichi's death was the one that moved me the most and took me by surprise. I had already gone to the manga knowing what would happen with Nobara and Nanami, but I didn't expect all that Kokichi stuff. It made me really sad. And his passion for Miwa moved me.
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4 - Yuta X Maki
Honestly, as much as I ship more Nobamaki, I'm not opposed to this ship. Yuta and Maki have a good dynamic in the manga and they kind of match each other a lot. Yuta is a sweetheart and Maki is a queen. They deserve each other and I will be very happy if they finish the manga together.
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TOP 3!!!!
3 - Nobara X Maki
They are perfect queens and deserve each other!!!! Simply this. I love their interactions in the anime, how Nobara looks like a happy puppy when she sees Maki, and how Maki really enjoys her company. Both are powerful, beautiful and evil. They really deserve each other!!!!!!
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2 - Satoru X Suguru
Ah, Satosugu. I was swept into this tide of pain, regret and sadness before I even read the manga (I already had images saved of the two of them without even understanding what's going on, impressive). They became the most tragic couple and equally fun to follow. Their relationship was so well built that it's almost impossible not to feel sad. Besides, I completely understand Satoru. Suguru is too hot for this world :,(
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1 - Yuji X Megumi
Nobody is surprised. It was these bitches that dragged me to JJK so they have to be in my top 1. I like grumpyxsunshine relationships with a good dash of angst so they were perfect for me. Everything about them is perfect and so good to go with it. The amount of fanfic I've read and fanart I've saved is obscene. GG needs to give them both a happy ending, otherwise I'm going to rip that eye out of his stupid cat face.
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Honorable mentions:
_ Toji X Mamagumi _ Yuta X Inumaki _ Sukuna X Uraume _ Sukuna X Megumi (One-sided) _ Satoru X Nanami _ Shoko X Utahime _ Nanami X Haibara
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nhularin · 2 years
Some Enhypen headcanons because I'm bored
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warnings: crack, nonsensical stuff😭😭 dont take this seriously please, me being delulu, dts in heeseungs, its 4 am my mind isnt minding, not proofread
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I feel like since he has his own room and yk, is a certified gamer™
He rage quits a lot and throws shit around
" User Goku_outdoer_forever stop playing around and get ur shit together or ill kill u!!!!" he's 13 please calm down Mr. Lee
his poor members will be startled awake by his outbursts
talking abt gamer boy hee
his room REEKS of sweat, energy drinks and pent up rage
its okay boo i still love u xx
facebook mom
"niki why are u making that face, SMILE"
takes 10k food pics from 9229 different angles
its ok tho the house smells amazing bc of him
fashion influencaaaa
Nope its not sunghoon sorry guys
forces jungwon or jake to rate his outfits of the week (in exchange for food of course)
Gets pissed when they rate it a score lower than 9 ( how dare u insult my ability to put clothes together)
How do i say this in the nicest way
This man gives me massive Kevin Nguyen vibes
Especially with his black hair and glasses
the way je flirts with engenes is criminal
dude i thought we had something serious why are u cheating on me
the type to drive up to ur house in a red maserati and baseball cap
ykw the whole oitfit of jake in subway surfers 😭
its okay babe ill ignore ur red flags
he sleeps with his eyes WIDE open
so damn still too😭 is he dead or just having a peaceful slumber??? No one knows
he reminds me of a lululemon girl (no i will not explain myself)
no thoughts behind those eyes
MC Sunghoon will forever be in my heart
tried to google funny gen z jokes but ended up on the wrong side of reddit
Now he's stuck with bad dad jokes :/ he thinks theyre funny too (they are babe ill always find them funny"
Wonyo and him gossip about the whole industry
might even be worse than sunoo...
i can see him being a (fanfic) writer
runs a red velvet (irene) account
Im scared
Dude is probably friend's with like half of the kpop industry
probably has a burn book (kidding!)
owns a fan account and causes fanwars
"Enha flops!" Watch as chaos unfolds
since its confirmed that idols have finstas
he owns a tea account abt hybe especially abt enhypen
" sunghoon smells like shit and doesnt wipe after pissing - s.jy" we all know its u sunoo
biggest blackmailer
probably has shit on everyone and their mother
"Whattttt no he's innocent and would never do that" oh he would.
remember how he danced / popped in his sleep during i-land? now its worse
LMAOOOO imagine him bolting up fromhis bed like hes being electrocuted
poor sunoo sees his life flashing by
Okay i know this might sound crazy and so not jungwon but hear me out
He owns a tiktok stan account for jungkook
and makes those "would ____ survive a jungkook killer smile???" Videos and proceeds to add John Cena and JYP
Sunoo and him are the unbeatable duo when it comes to defending their faves
but when it comes to their own group.... crickets!!!!
not the good kind either he looks like he smells
or am i
probably spends hours in the bathroom trying to work on his thirst trap face
"riki stop hogging the bathroom" " im shitting!"
learns gg dances in his free time
yall definitely saw his pre debut videos man was EATING IT UPPPPP
imagine him dancing to poppy with his overgrown fetus body
#1 isa fan and swith im sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mayybearii · 5 months
Thoughts On The Final Noragami Chapter
⚠️Will Contain Spoilers!⚠️
Now that it’s been a few days, I wanted to share my thoughts about the ending. Overall, I liked it. I honestly assumed the ending would be sad or bitter sweet at best, and while the latter can be argued, I’m glad everyone got their happy ending.
I heard someone say this felt like an epilogue rather than an ending and I have to agree. It was rushed, and there’s many plot points that hadn’t had proper concussions or will ever get answered. Some examples being are Yukine and Kazuma’s names still cracked, the vents that were still opened, all the shinkis exposed/died to ggs, heaven as a whole, how Hiyori got un-shinkied and probably a LOT more. I would have liked to see more loose ends tied up, but I guess it’s up to us to assume what happened. (Fanfic writers this is your time!)
What I did enjoy most is that this chapter was all about healing and new beginnings! Many characters got closure to their arcs that wrapped up sweetly.
I’m gonna go through some of my favorite panels and express my thoughts or things I liked.
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First and foremost, Doctor Hiyori! She continues to help people with a smile. Glad to see many people’s prediction were right 😄
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It was nice to see Yuka get the closure she needed and finally be able to grieve. She caught a glimpse of her brother through the Sakura trees just like Yato hoped she would. All Yukine wanted was his sister to be happy and it finally came true.
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Take and Kiun being dads, and Take letting them know that their is nothing to be ashamed of with reincarnation because he is like them. He is helping to end heaven’s stigma. Not shown but, older Ebisu! He is growing up 🥹
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Glad to see Bishamon back in action. It looks like her shinki can now take the form of the limbs that she badly damaged during the heaven arc. A bonus is Kazumas new glasses! They look cute ☺️ Not sure why Yato didn’t decide to release him but I thought the comment where Yato tells yukine that Kazuma was his little brother was funny. Yato and bishamon truly are divorced parents.
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Though I do wish this was handled differently, I find it hilarious that Yato was saved through the power of Twitter and then Noragami immediately started trending. A true full circle moment 🙏
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I liked that this panel showed that Trauma doesn’t go away, but instead you learn to heal and live with it. Sometimes the best way to help someone is just being there for them and showing that they’re not alone ❤️ Also PAPAGAMI
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This page was everything to me. I am so happy that Hiiro got her happy ending and that she is learning to heal. She was loved! She doesn’t need to be a tool and pretend anymore. She can be herself and mend the relationships with those around her.
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God Yato watching her all these years. Hiyori went through a lot the final arc. She may not have been in the center of the battle, but she was the one behind the scenes responsible for telling Yuka the truth, and helping Hiiro realize she is more than Father’s tool. She gave her life trying to help everyone, and though she miraculously came back, it cost her memory. After everything that happened Yato never wanted to put her in that position again. She died in his arms and he was forced to name her. I can understand wanting to give her space until she can heal physically and mentally. Their ties were never severed, and years later in the spring, when the Sakuras bloomed, she smelled him and remembered.
It reminds me of the saying, “If you love something, set it free but if it comes back to you, it’s yours.”
Whether you see them as platonic or romantic, they are meant to be by each other’s side❤️
I am so glad I got to experience Noragami the final 3 years of its run. It was the first manga I had ever read, and will forever hold a special place in my heart. It inspired me to write, create art, and join many fun experiences like bigbangs and zines.
Thank you Adachitoka for creating such an amazing series!!!
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
Miscellany and Such
I'm just a clown with things to say. You shouldn't believe me.
Intro post for this series
Okay, so that addresses the bulk of my need to splurge. I do want to get into some of the ancillary questions/mysteries though.
- The Timeline
Like most turtles, I have given thought to the question of "the timeline". This question is complicated because there are so many different stages a relationship can go through and they aren't always linear or one-way.
Like, when I think about when GG and DD "got together", do I mean sex? Being exclusive? Romantic commitment? An actual date? Promise of being together for the long-haul? These are all different questions and there's no real set pattern for them.
I guess I'll run through the common theories I've seen and just give an overview of my thoughts.
1. The Consensus Timelines
I feel like this is what I see pop up in fanfic a lot. Basically, DD and GG don't make a long-term commitment till after filming, sometimes way after filming. (Some fanfic opens years down the line with them only getting together in the fic) This often includes casual sex during the filming, but it doesn't have to.
I definitely feel that if DD had his druthers, he and GG would have been married one week into filming. GG's feelings are kinda the deciding factor in pacing for the relationship. Still, it is very difficult to believe that they were not physically intimate during filming.
DD was fucking bold and thirsty, and GG was clearly likewise smitten. I know what guys are like in their 20s. I know this sounds like I'm spouting stereotypes, but genuinely, all of my actual experience tells me that guys who are that outwardly flirty are not the type to faff around before diving into bed.
I doubt it was "just sex" given the romantic undertones of their flirtiness. At the same time, it might have been some feeling each other out and they may not even have decided to be exclusive at the beginning.
Even if they had decided to be exclusive, they were clearly insecure about how the other one felt about them. I think a lot about their (hilarious) English conversation about DD chatting with men and GG chatting with a girl. DD also spent a lot of time reading through GG's messages on his phone, so DD clearly felt some insecurity as to whether GG might be seeing other people.
(It's not really a great thing to anxiously read through your crush/partner/boo's phone messages like that. But DD was hella young, and I know the anxiety and insecurity of love at that age. I think the fact that they quickly built up enough trust to commit to what's essentially a long-distance relationship shows that they both matured past some of that early behavior)
(Also, I can see that if DD was GG's first male partner, DD might have felt especially insecure. Even if he wasn't GG's first, there's often times a special anxiety that non-bisexual gay folk feel when dating bisexual folk. The fear that their partner will leave them for the opposite gender is intense. Just speaking from my experience as a bisexual lady)
It's interesting to me that GG was open to letting DD read his messages. I doubt he'd do that if he were seeing anybody else, so that suggests they'd decided to be exclusive early on. That doesn't necessarily mean they're committed to the long-haul, but it's a serious step given how relationships between actors on set tend to go.
The consensus seems to be that the long-haul decision wasn't made until after GG's Japan trip. That makes sense to me, but I'm not completely attached to it. I don't think we know enough either which way to tell when the commitment happened. There is something romantic about the Japan trip story, and GG's later quote about waiting fits nicely.
I've heard various rumors that GG turned DD down the first time he confessed. This is interesting to me and especially ambiguous. I guess by "confess" we mean "confess to being in love". That confession can come with a desire to commit long-term. This makes me think of DD's Weibo post about things he decided at 21, he hopes to still feel at 81.
In my head, I have a little story that that's a response to GG having turned DD down due to the age gap (and maybe because of the possibility of character bleed muddying feelings). DD is especially sensitive about the age gap being mentioned, and we know he also had complicated feelings about LWJ.
My story continues with another attempt to make them a thing at the end of filming, prompting the Japan trip (and DD's "I miss you" hat). I also think about GG's interview response about having received a confession from someone he liked, and I wonder if he was thinking about DD. About liking DD but also not being sure they could really maintain a relationship outside the relative safety of the film set.
Basically, I have a million stories in my head about how this could have happened, and I'm not incredibly attached to any one of them.
2. DDU Variation
This Timeline isn't mutually exclusive with the consensus. The gist is that DD developed a crush on GG during GG's DDU visit about a year before filming. The rumors attached to this theory posit that DD got GG's WeChat info from DLS but then never did anything with it.
GG and DD have said in interviews that when they tried to connect on WeChat at the start of TU production, they'd found they'd already connected but had never talked to each other.
The evidence for this is heavily linked to a post DDU made in response to GG wishing them a happy birthday where they implied someone in their production was a fan of theirs. This post included a minions emoji, and DD was into minions at the time. Course, a lot of people were into minions, so this could be nothing.
If we take GG and DD at face-value, then there's 2 options:
1. DD had a crush on GG, got his WeChat info, then never did anything with it. 2. DD did not have a crush on GG but got his WeChat info some other way, then never did anything with it.
#1 is frankly hard for me to buy. It is absolutely inconceivable to me that DD would have a crush on someone, have that person's WeChat, and NOT DO ANYTHING WITH IT.
This is DD. He doesn't faff around. When he wants something, he goes for it.
#2 is plausible. I don't know the c-ent industry conventions, but I know in industries I've worked in, social media accounts are traded like business cards to network. Maybe that was commonplace at DDU with their guests, and they just added each other in one of those business card swap networking things.
But what if GG and DD are lying in interviews? They've lied before, after all. This leads to two alternate possibilities:
1a. They didn't have each other's WeChat until they started production on The Untamed. 2a. They did have each other's WeChat and they'd been chatting before The Untamed.
#1a is weird. I can't think of any reason to lie about that. But #2? Plausible. Maybe they did connect and start up a flirtation. Maybe even a relationship. Could be anywhere along the spectrum from early friendship -> light flirtation -> heavy flirtation -> online relationship -> secret in person relationship. Or maybe they just hooked up without a strong relationship attached to it.
It would add a different angle to the fact that they both tried out for The Untamed cast. They weren't necessarily going for the lead roles, as GG tried out for Xue Yang, but maybe they wanted to work on the same production together, and TU was their opportunity to do so.
This does mean they were pretending not to know each other at the script reading and the booting ceremony. This secretiveness implies that whatever relationship they might have had on WeChat already went beyond the bounds of friendship, or else why pretend not to know each other? It shouldn't be a hard thing to explain. "Oh, he guested on DDU last year, and we connected then." That's it. It's not even a suspicious explanation.
But it they'd hooked up or were even just being super flirtatious, then they wouldn't want to divulge that to those around them. (Counterpoint: They were pretty open about the relationship they did have eventually on set, even thing so far as to flirt, fight, argue, and have lewd conversations while getting their makeup touched up)
I can buy the DDU variation. The evidence is thin, and trying to "read" their behavior in the bts is always a little ambiguous and limited. But I'd say, if DD did get GG's WeChat because he had a crush, then it's highly likely they already had some relationship before filming. If DD just acquired GG's number in some routine industry business card swap, then this timeline variation is unlikely.
I love the name of this one. Basically, the speculation is that DD and GG might have been together even before the DDU episode. I think I've seen some Uniq fanmeet highlighted as a potential meeting point, given that GG was into K-pop at that time.
The evidence is even thinner for this than for the DDU variation. There's a picture DD drew of a person with a mole like GG's (I have no clue the context of his drawing that picture) and they have some Weibo posts that are kinda similar.
The Weibo post evidence is always confusing for me. I can see couples having some back and forth in their posts. Like, if your partner starts posting photos of ridiculous desserts, you might post similar photos. Or your crush develops an interest in foosball, so you do too. But some of the evidence is apparently photo sets that bear some resemblance to each other and I just...is this like a known thing for couples do to this? I've never come across this outside of this fandom. I don't know why you would. If my wife started subtly mirroring my photo posts, I don't think I'd even notice. (Hell, maybe she already does)
So I guess I don't find those incredibly convincing. After a point, if you look at any two people's posts long enough, you'll probably be able to find some similarities if you keep the criteria broad enough. If this is a known thing in Chinese social media for couples to do this, though, I might find that more compelling.
Other than that, the main evidence is kinda subjective in that its based on their behavior towards each other. This is real hard for me to gauge, so I'm not placing bets on it.
I don't think the Devil's Timeline is impossible. But I just don't see anything to indicate it as a thing. But who knows?
In sum, overall, I think DD and GG were physically (and romantically) intimate pretty early on in filming, earlier than many in the consensus seem to think. I'm undecided on when the big, serious commitment happened. And I'm open to the idea that they had a flirtation or an early online relationship via WeChat after that DDU episode. I'm not sold on the Devil's Timeline though.
Do I want to know? I mean, yeah? I find their whole romance interesting and compelling. It's like a romance novel, and I like romance novels. If they were non-famous and I met them at a party, I'd be totally into asking the "So how did you two meet?" question and learning that story.
But I'm just a rando in a different country who doesn't even speak their language. I don't get to know everything I want to know, much to my consternation. So I just have to shrug and move on with life (and read fanfic).
If in the unlikely event they come out with their story, though, I'd buy the shit out of that book.
- Fanfic/Shipping
I read a lot of fanfic (and have done for most of my life), but I felt some discomfort with the first bjyx fic I started reading. Not cause of the fic, itself, but because it felt weird to read fiction about real people. It's a side of fandom I'd never gotten into.
Fiction is a way to take stuff from the real world and make sense of it. This is something I've always appreciated about reading and books. Fanfic and bjyx fanfic fills the same need. I know I'll never get the full story on the truth behind bjyx but I can share ideas with others. I can engage in what-ifs and work through moments that are emotional.
I think sometimes people take a single fanfic to mean that the writer is making a Statement of how they think things are. With real people, they think the writer is seriously ascribing actions/thoughts/whatever to the celebrity.
Writers really aren't doing this, usually. Most writers have multiple fics with different situations, premises, character dynamics, universes. Writers are playing around with ideas, with dynamics they enjoy. Sometimes, they may feel they're hitting close to reality, but they know there's no way to be sure. Sometimes, they just want to write something with a silly premise to make their friends laugh.
Fanfic can be beautiful and compelling and amazing, but it's not real. It's words on a screen, and every fanfic reader moves on to the next fic with a completely different premise afterwards. It's not useful to read so much into any particular fic.
Can some fics and fans cross a line? Sure. But they're rare. And I honestly think people who write fic are less likely to be the crazy stalker fans just cause, well, they're spending their time writing, not stalking their celeb.
I do find the division of fandom into top/bottom weird and offensive. I don't have a preference on the mechanics of sex bc...whatever. But since fic writers tend to base their characterization on those mechanics, sometimes I'll be in the mood for one dynamic vs another. It's not about the sex though. There's just lots of aspects of Yizhan that I like, and I like to read a lot of different takes on them.
Again, it's fiction. Just like everything turtles believe.
- Fanservice
During my development as a turtle, I had a moment where I read a rumor that DD had played up the fanservice intentionally. It threw me back because I'd gotten pretty fond of DD and that sort of behavior was not in line with how I saw him.
I mean, I know actors are actors. They act. Part of that acting involves promos for their roles. But I've always appreciated DDs no-nonsense straightforwardness, so thinking of him playing a role in the bts was hard to stomach.
So I thought about it and did some reading around, as I do, and finally concluded that this whole "fanservice" thing wasn't very believable.
1) Fanservice doesn't look like the bts.
Honestly, there was a point while watching the bts when I felt DD was just kinda bullying GG and GG was putting up with him (I think this is a common takeaway). Even when I cottoned onto the fact that GG was just as flirtatious, I recognize that DD was just as obnoxious as shit.
He wasn't doing the actual romantic fanservice stuff that you see, say, Thai BL actors do. He was acting like a young boy with a crush. And I say this as someone who was a young girl DD's age once who had a similar (unreciprocated, in my case) crush on a coworker and who was as obnoxious as DD was. None of it resembled normal, stereotypical romance, because especially at that age, that's not how you do romance. No offense to DD. I know he hates to be recognized as young, but he was quite young and often acted like it in his clear affection for GG.
2) The experts say so.
By "the experts" I mean BL fans. I lurked around some BL spaces to see what that crowd's impression was. The overall consensus was that ggdd had great chemistry but never actually did fanservice.
True, being a Chinese show, maybe Chinese fanservice is just especially toned down. But that takes us to the next few points.
3) My understand of the release of the bts is that a lot of the bts is "unofficial" and was not planned to be released ahead of time. It was only with the popularity of the series that more came out.
Why fabricate a backstage, weirdly chaotic but low-physical affection relationship on a show that you're not even sure will get aired?
4) Fanservice ends.
Especially for a BL pairing, once the promo is over, the actors have to be separated from teh gay to make room for future het pairings. But there is every indication that GG and DD were still together after this point, and they're still dropping candies to this day.
So in sum, I know gg and dd are gay. The odds are much more likely that they are in a relationship than that they're doing long-term fanservice. They are gay. They fell in love. They're together. That's not so hard to buy.
Also, I went ahead and explained my turtledom to my wife. She easily bought that the two were together during filming. She wasn't sure about them still being together, so I explained about the necklaces. She asked me, "Could it just be fanservice even now?"
I started trying to explain my reasons I listed above and then I also mentioned they were signed with different agencies. As soon as she heard that, she said, "Ah, yeah, that wouldn't make any sense then."
Not saying that my wife knows everything, but she's really smart, y'all.
She is also a clown, though, like me. Absolutely raving mad.
One more post in this series! Some closing thoughts, and I'm also working on a little prezzie for turtles before I retreat to lurking.
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aspenonpawzzz · 8 days
AU lore dump!
In this AU, grim walkers are kinda like a Alterhuman/wolfwalker/werewolf mix. After Hollow Mind ,Hunter runs off into the woods,(goes on all fours!) (edit: he trips like the idiot he is, and shifts then.) and shifts into his wolf form, (which I have dubbed Phantom, hence the name of the AU) and instead of going to hexside, he finds a cave  where he hides out for a while (4/5 weeks), stealing food and blankets, and transforming the cave into his den
While this is happening luz is freaking out,due to no one having glimpsed hunter in weeks.And on top of that, there is a strange wolf( in this AU, Wild Canines are from the demon realm,so not that weird) haunting (see what I did there?) the streets, stealing food and other things. She things it looks familiar,but she cannot place her finger on in. Phantom becomes a celebrity, and befriends luz (I sort of call Phantom and Hunter to separate entities, even tho they’re the same person, System style) then Hunter builds up confidence to reappear, and starts making small appearances, like a ghost (Hahah. maybe one of them should be a bus disappearance thingy) and luz is less scared that he got caught. Finally, hunter appears on the owl houses door step, and gets melded with the owl fam. The time frame for this part of it is 1-2 months. To make it less suspicious that right when he vanished that phantom appeared, and vice versa, he sneaks out at night and makes appearances, and sometimes during the day. He lies that he “is just a fan” of phantom (kinda selfish bro)( to be extra sneaky, he draws phantom [he’s good at drawing] and fakes being a bad lier.) and keeps tabs on his image. Luz starts to get suspicious(“he says he is a fan of phantom, and phantom is a friendly boy, but Hunter never is to bet found when phantom is around and vice versa. Also, phantom appeared right after he went missing, and Hunter never talks about were he was/is during is absence. Also. Fangs, he is crepuscular, he is very defensive of his stuff/friends,his eyes glow, he has strange abilities , he is mostly carnivorous, his hair grows fast, also, they two look smiliar.they have to be the same person!”) and tries to prove her suspicions. This doesn’t go well.
Orrrrrrrr they (hexsquad- hunter) get kidnapped and Hunter saves them using his wolfie powers, but then has to explain why he has them. Only Luz knows till human realm. They are stuck there for a year.
Canon deviations
day of bs is in 10-11 months 
Hexsquad is in HR for a year 
Labyrinth runners is changed and later 
Hunter has enhanced abilities after the first shift 
Edge of the world is FAR later than canon
Wild Canines(coyotes, wolves, foxes,hyenas,exc) are from the BI
My HC of him being coy-wolf coping link is changed (wolf therian, both psychologically and spiritually)
Hunter lives with the owl fam after the first part.
Luz is otter-link
Amity is cat-hearted
Lumity is a4a (alterhuman 4 alterhuman)
Belos  is not actively after the owl fam. Also he does not quite learn Hunter has unlocked his wolf form until abt a month or two before the day of unity 
Luz still knows that hunter is a grimwalker, but doesn’t know what it is, and there isn’t anything really on them.(she also forgets Abt it cause she’s bad at remembering stuff){as we see in canon}
Hunter goes to hexside, but besides the EEs, no one knows that he was the gg. (IT RHYMES)(He takes the potion track[most fanfics],Beast-keeping[wolfyness] and bard[vocal mess of wolves]bump allows him to use flapjack as an aid.)
Hunters style is alterhuman grunge .
Flapjack knew most of the previous Golden Guards. HE DOES NOT CUT HIS HAIR IT LOOKS DUMB. Luz and the hex squad are suffering from adrien agrest syndrome( means they are oblivious) hunter uses he/it/they pronouns.( “hunter here with he/it pronouns and a wish to he/it [hit] Belos”) when hunter has been in his witch form for too long,his chest starts to ache/hurt, and he can be annoyed easier. he has three different forms, witch( canon, but with fluffy hair that looks like a mix of his hair and the hair eda had when she first meet king, sharper and longer teeth, what could be classified as claws, a stronger that the “normal” of smell; sight; bite force, can jump higher, is supernaturally fast and agile ,at least by non-magically enhanced standards, especially high stamina and a alter human grudge style), semi witch ( wolf form teeth, kinda claws, harpy eda hair, wolf form ears and tail, extra sharp smell; eye-site; strong bite force and can jump really freaking high, and is fast,agile, and durable ) and wolf (literally a wolf hunter with enhanced wolf abilities) Hunter has more self-esteem than canon.He’s still kinda a bad boy.
possible AU Of this AU where Hunter unlocked his wolf form at about 4-5 ish. Belos has used in as an Attack/guard dog. hunters wolf form has a cream collar with a gold emperors coven sigil as the tag, gold cuff thingys on his paws, sharpening his claws. Belos  told him it was a curse, and gives him a tonic to “keep the wolf under control” (this is obviously a lie, this is a domestication potion which is used in feral animals, basically making hunter way more submissive, laid back[when applicable, it sometimes makes him far more aggressive] and more dog like than canon)two variations are possible : Luz knows, changing the plot drastically, and Luz is oblivious, having little to no effect on plot.
great huh!?
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teddypickerry · 2 months
Hiiiii! What are your least favorite ships?
hi angel baby :) not sure if you mean of all time but gonna assume you mean gg since that’s literally what my account has become (slutting out for jess).
+ 1. rogan. this is definitely a controversial take, which is what i’ve done for just about my whole life so i’m ready! logan and rory are probably the best and worst relationship in the show. it doesn’t make any fucking sense, i know. they seemed the healthiest at times but in general i’ve never been able to get behind them. even when wee 13 year old me watched it for the first time. logan brings out the worst in rory. he doesn’t challenge her, he makes her feel like she needs to settle, and encourages her departure from yale. he just never understood her in my eyes. he never got the driven girl or respected her. they were turning into what rory never wanted to be. and oh yeah, logan’s a dick.
+ 2. paris/francie. who the fuck wrote that fan fiction? this is why i fear AO3. okay but the tension was there, the competitiveness was there. i digress, PARISANDFRANCIE4LIFE.
+ 3. balcony buddies. JUST BECAUSE YOU PROCREATE WITH SOMEONE DOES NOT MEAN YOU NEED TO BE WITH THEM. lorelai’s age regressed ass needed to stop going back to her first fuck. and that’s the truth. side note: christopher only playing daddy when he wanted to go back to lorelai??? how did they never comprehend that???
+ 4. rory/dean. do rory and dean not have a ship name? why could i not think of anything? anyways, the only reason i didn’t rant about my amish haircuted boy first is because as BAD as it was, it was kind of sweet in the beginning. as the number one dean hater, i hate saying this. dean was the WORST. and anyone who supports a man who cheats on his wife and gets mad at her, can unkindly leave my class. the door is open bitch! butttt before the donna reed, before the **madness**, they were kind of sweet. for like maybe two episodes. he was a cute first crush that brought out something other than academics for her. but if they wouldn’t have gotten back together the first time (or the second time) i might genuinely enjoy their innocent first relationship.
+ 5. max/lorelai. um. the man proposed mid argument a couple months into their relationship. not sure what else to say except he and lorelai just didn’t fit. you knew they weren’t going to last. there wasn’t one scene they had where i was sure of it my first time watching. maybe they could’ve much later on if lorelai had matured (which obviously she didn’t, thanks ASP).
~ honorable mentions! ~
+ jess & shane - i doubt she even knew his last name. there’s literally nothing to say except why?
+ paris & prof. fleming - yuck.
+ luke & nicole - WHY. THE. FUCK.
+ luke & rachel - the lack of chemistry is astounding. jess had more chemistry with that apple in his magic trick. rachel and lorelai however? ;)
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rainbowsky · 2 months
Hey, I'm new here and i love your blog! I was wondering if the boys see couple\sexual edits of them together and if it makes them nervous but then it hit me that they probably aren't seeing what i see on western social media. Do you have any idea if those types of homosexual posts get censored in China?
Hi Yingyangorly! Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog!☺️
I have a huge long, like, ridiculously long post in my drafts related to this topic, hopefully coming soon.
But to answer your question, I think it's impossible that GG and DD would fail to see at least some of what's posted about them as a couple, whether sent to them by friends, family or staff, or whether stumbled upon or intentionally sought out/browsed by them. It's inevitable they'll see some of it, particularly things that get a lot of attention.
I talked about this a bit a while back. GG and DD have said in interviews that they have fake social media accounts (and of course they would - how could you go anywhere or do anything on social media without one if you were famous?), and this kind of discussion has happened somewhat in relation to fan comments, etc.
You can check out my previous post for more on that stuff.
As for sexual edits, etc., like any other content I've no doubt they've seen some of it - it's inevitable they would - but I doubt it worries them all that much. It's highly unlikely to ever impact them directly, because ultimately it's not really about them, is it? It's about the creators who make it. Any backlash is more likely to fall upon creators, not GG and DD.
And just as a reminder - it's not illegal to be gay in China, it's not illegal to post homosexual content, etc. Such content is censored on TV and other broadcast media, but not online.
Porn is very illegal in China, but that's mostly only selectively enforced. In fact, China produces a lot of porn and a lot of smutty fiction and all of it is illegal, but it still manages to thrive fairly well.
Explicit content of any kind is technically not allowed on Weibo but it's still out there - although most of it is pretty toned down and tame. Actual porn of sexual activity isn't ubiquitous there, but lewd fan art, fan fic, edits and memes can often be found.
All platforms globally have rules against explicit content, and they're just as poorly enforced everywhere. I suspect a lot of that is because social media engagement makes money, and sex sells. It's not really in the interest of platforms to completely shut down all such content - even if it was possible to do so.
The supertopic rules likely have more impact on fan behavior in this regard than the Weibo TOS does. Those rules forbid mentioning GG and DD by name or tagging their accounts, and forbid sexualization, pornography, feminization and fixating on body parts. However, that's only within the supertopics. Ultimately people are free to post whatever they want on their own accounts, and they do.
Given how many antis and solos are out there trying to take down the turtle fandom, the fact that these things manage to stay up for as long as they do speaks to how weak the enforcement is. There are definitely people out there who will report things that offend them.
This is, in fact, how the whole 227 thing got started. A bunch of solos decided to report an explicit fanfic to the government, and things spiralled out of control from there.
Could lightning strike a second time and another 227 be sparked from some of this explicit content? For a lot of complicated reasons I'm not going to get into here (it would be a very long post), I don't think that's likely.
227 was a special, very complicated situation that I don't think is likely to happen the same way again. Timing and a lot of the other factors that played into its blowing up the way it did - all of that is unlikely to align in such a way. Especially since everyone in C-ent is a lot more cautious and vigilant after 227.
GG and DD are both in good standing with the government (as is evidenced by their inclusion in government and nationalistic projects), and that's a factor that will have some influence. And no doubt they and their teams have learned a lot from past experience, and have already planned for how to protect them in various scenarios that could arise.
They also have the power to have content relating to them removed, to sue content creators, to shut down the supertopics if they want to, etc.. If they feel at risk, they have a lot of recourse. The fact that we aren't seeing this happening should reassure us that it's probably fine.
We have to realize that GG and DD are surrounded by highly skilled, highly paid professionals whose entire job is to protect them and their interests. They're both in a much safer place than they were 4 years ago.
I trust them to know what's best for them and handle their affairs accordingly. We as fans shouldn't waste time hand-wringing over things that are completely outside our control.
As for what's within our control - it's up to every individual to make our own choices about how we'll represent GG and DD online.
More on that angle if/when I ever finish that other post.
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randomnameless · 2 months
Rewatching the 2003 FMA anime -
It sure brings back nostalgia, 2003!FMA was the thing that made me hook up on anime/mangas since middle school, looking for OSTs, opening/ending songs, I even went to my first anime convention thanks to FMA (and brought a trinket for 20 euros but i couldn't care at that time, it was merch!) - hell, FMA was the phenomenon that made me discover the world of fanfics and, by extension, "learn" english to browse more fanfics (i know).
20ish years later though...
(i still read fanfics)
Sure, Arakawa told Sony (Dybex?) to make their own stuff and that they did, so judging on the "faithfulness" of the adaptation itself is a moot point - but the story and the characters in themselves?
Sorry -20ish years me, but damn if that anime is full of inconsistencies, i-hope-it-was-non-intentional meanings, retcons and, tbh, the protagonists are, quite frankly? Not likeable at all ?
One of the major plot lines that completely was created from scratch regarding the canon manga, and is the trademark of the 2003!anime, is how human transmutation, aka trying to resurrect the dead, well, doesn't resurrect dead people, but creates a new living being - those beings later are revealed to be homonculi.
FMA, even the 2003 anime, had that part with the living armors battle, where the protagonists wondered what it meant to be called a human, or even what is a human. Alphonse is only a soul tied to an armor, a "living" armor if you want, but Edwards refuses to consider other "livign armors" as less than humans and kill them, because if he does so, he will have to see his own brother as "not human anymore".
And we saw Tucker - a scientists so hellbent on passing his exam that he lit sacrifices his 4 years old daughter and doggo - who has a human body, human soul and human mind : what makes Tucker more "human" than a living armor, or even Alphonse?
Comes the homonculi reveal and one of the main issues of this anime : 2003!Wrath.
When we are introduced to him, he's just a weird kid with mismatched members, who lost his memories, doesn't understand empathy but bar that, he eats, hugs people, bathes just fine.
And yet, the second he is revealed to be a homonculi, a being born from alchemy, he is considered as a monster and something that should be killed, because he should never have existed in the first place.
And who says that?
Not the antagonists of this arc, no, our protagonists, Edward and Alfonse themselves! To sum up, Wrath has been behaving perfectly fine despite his background being a mystery, but when he is revealed to be a non-human being, our protags want to kill him - because he is a homonculi.
Yeah. GG protags.
Earlier we had the confirmation 2003!Wrath's weird mismatched limbs are actually Edward's missing ones, they accuse him of having "stolen" them - which is true ! - but Armstrong (who is more of a joke character in this continuity than in the manga!) asks them the ultimate question, even if his limbs are Edward's, what are they going to do? Sever them to re-attach them to Ed? Of course not, Ed says...
But in the following episode, we have Al fight against 2003!Wrath, asking him to "give back" his arm and leg to Edward...
What is the viewer even supposed to understand here?
Then we have the entire Greed arc - which also ends on a dud, I mean, Edward screams to whoever wants to hear it that's he's going to kill Greed, and then he truly kills him but screams in horror because he killed someone? Dude? - which, thanks to his chimeras and the bond they created, was enough to tell the viewer that those beings, homonculus, aren't monstruous by nature, sure Envy and Lust are asses, but Greed was shown to care about his newfound friends, and could even live with humans?
No, they're still monsters created through Alchemy, they're not human, thus need to die.
2003!Wrath's character background basically oozes of pathos/tragedy : sure, he was not the "baby" Izumi lost when she "created" him, and yet, he was still in a baby-like state who was abandoned - and we later learn his wish was to have a mother - and he is furious at the circumstances of his creation, and abandonment.
And then, enters 2003!Sloth, who is a result of the Elrics' human transmutation. For sure they couldn't "look after" her immediately post transmutation - but they, uh, never wondered where the "thing" they created went? What it did? If it died?
(in the manga Pinako says she buried it as she found it dead when she came to their house)
Sure sure, the main villain Dante (Hell hath no Fury like a Woman Scorned : the Villain) conveniently passed by and snagged the "thing" that would later become Sloth, and yet, we're left to wonder, is the sin the alchemists refering to when they're talking about homonculi is the sin of creating them, or the sin of abandoning them?
It's basically the entire thing with Frankestein's creature, what was the biggest sin, to have created him, or treated him like trash?
To Izumi, who tried - but too late - to reach for baby Wrath, his righteous anger and Izumi's mothering tendencies when she immediatly knew "what/who" he was seems to indicate the second option - she feels like dirt for abandoning Wrath.
But when Edward fights 2003!Sloth - there is no introspection, especially as we see her own flashbacks as a thing that was recovered by Dante - and groomed by her - he will merely kill her because she is his "sin" and because she is a homonculus.
Not because of what she did, but because of what she is.
Our hero, everyone.
Yeah... and it's not helped at all by the fact that Mustang, maybe one or two episodes later, tells 2003!Pride that he cannot give a fuck about Pride being a human or a homonculus, but he will kill him to avenge Hugues' death and because of his war-mongering actions as the Furher.
Mustang, Armstrong and Pinako (who tells Ed to shut the fuck up when he goes in his spoiled brat mode wanting to beat Mustang for not telling him about Hughes' death and rushing to his own) were really the heroes of this story lol.
Or... not, concerning Mustang himself, and that's where we enter in the disturbing implications stuff from this anime.
2003!Mustang has PTSD from the Ishval war, in the Marco flashback we see him execute orders and basically nearly have a manga!armstrong level of breakdown - but when we see him roasting Ishvalan children, randoms and all, what really pushes him to the edge, and what the showrunners put emphasis on, is the killing of Winry's parents, aka two amestrians.
Who, in this show, accuses him of having killed her parents and bring the tense moments and accusations of war criminal and murderers? Winry, not the two Ishvalan kids whose mom was toasted during the war.
Make no mistake, the death of a civilian, regardless of their nationality, is always a tragedy.
And yet, between the thousands "brown" Ishvalan people and the couple of "white" Amestrians doctors, which death seems to have affected Mustang more? Which one is often brought to the forefront whenever Mustang, Ishval and civilian casualties are mentionned?
Oh I can't tell if it was 2003, but the, uh, depiction of the Ishvals is just...
Like, people really religious, dark skinned, living in a desert, shunning Alchemy (depicted as science and scientific approach here more than in the manga) and being hellbent on doing "God's" work?
They stone someone who's a "great sinner", if it wasn't clear, and the one who initiates the massacre of 7k randoms is, well, an Ishvalan claiming to do this in the name of justice.
2003, right.
Oh, and about this incident, Scar justifies it as "the military" having occupied Liore and, well, Rose's ordeal. And yet, the 7k people he sacrifices weren't the ones who were in Liore (they're part of the randoms who were brought by Archer and Mustang!) and assaulted Rose, no, they were just randoms.
And when you compare this anime to Brotherhood, it gives more spoltight to Mustang's cast of randoms, or even has random loldiers in the background (either being annoyed at Armstrong's antics or, when he was alive, at Hughes') so we have some "randoms in the background" depicted with sympathy. And yet they're all killed to make Alphonse in a philosopher's stone, and Al's first reactions is to run around and swim??
7k lives sacrificed for... Al learning how to swim???
In general 2003!Ed'n'Al are my least favourite protagonists, both because they're too impulsive (Ed effing injures Havoc and Fuery!!), rude and, well, act like brats (I mentionned it earlier, but damn if Al asking Wrath to give back his members is just... wtf).
Alfonse himself becomes a prop and doesn't see much fight - doesn't fight at all - when Ed apparently knows how to create automails (what's Winry good for then?) from scraps of metal and their relationship ultimately ends up as Ed always going "I have to save my brother!" which seriously sucked, especially since earlier in the series (during the lab 5 attack!) Ed had faith in Alphonse knowing how to defend himself.
On that topic, the relationship between the brothers seems... really strained. Where was the Ed who finally managed to apologise to Alfonse and Alfonse vowing to tell him everything we had after the Lab 5 incident?
Now Ed physically restrains Al to talk to their father, doesn't tell him (and straight out lies) about excavating Trisha's remains (who is also Al's mom!) when Al keeps secret about Tucker's phone call. Are they even close anymore? IDK.
The brothers don't trust (never did tbh) Pinako and Winry, Mustang and Armstrong, and eventually, don't trust each other anymore - which can even give that ending some sense : they are now separated but why does this even matter anymore?
Remember when they promised not to die for the other, because they refused the pain of living all alone after the first meeting with Scar where Ed was ready to offer his life to have Al be spared?
Well, the ending of this anime basically pisses on this - Ed is "nearly" dead? Alfonse doesn't want that, so he sacrifices his life to make Ed return, even if it means he will die in the process and leave Ed alone. Ed doesnt' want that? So he will sacrifice himself to make Al return, effectively leaving him alone (but he works on irl missiles to return home?).
I remember FMA!2003 being lauded for its mature themes, but what themes are we talking about?
The long monologues some characters deliver to explain their vision of the world, and are never challenged about it? (or it's Ed calling BS to Dante's argument that equivalent exchange sucks)
What it means to be a human? Sure, at the end before dying, Ed seems to realise 2003!Wrath has to be taken care of (like not killing him but providing him real care) because he earlier noticed that he cried real tears with 2003!Sloth died so it's a progression from his "he's a homonculi he needs to die"... and yet, he already had this realisation when he talked to Wrath after another round of "give me back my arm'n'leg" on the top of a roof in Dublith!
It's kind of hard to say whether FMA!2003 is a good anime or not with all the things I've read/watched in the last 20ish years - because Arakawa ended her manga which is imo the best out of the three "tellings" of her story - and while I still love the "Brother" songs to death, part of me is just, very disappointed after revisiting this anime that I used to love.
Like, man, I didn't remember Ed to the POS he is in this anime, aka a character without any growth (he legits insults Armstrong over Ishval in iirc episode 7, only to apologise at the end of the episode because he acted like an ass, to give a "they must have had fun using those weapons in Ishval" at him again in the last episodes...) and Alfonse targetting Wrath to "recover" Ed's limbs - before his "awakening" as a homonculi - will always leave me with a weird feeling.
The OST is good and the animation not that shabby for something over 20 years old, and maybe the younger!me already perceived something was wrong/unlikable with Ed'n'Al, that's why I was looking at fics centered on Mustang's group -
But is it an anime I'd recommand now? Or even call a good anime?
No, not anymore. I'm hopefully not in middle school anymore fwiw and to its credit, in 2003 there wasn't a lot of new stuff or even fantasy anime that was released, and FMA!2003 was something really important and interesting at that time.
If it were to be released today? I'd say it'd maybe warrant a netflix exclusive release.
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calmedgoose-blog · 3 months
Played Frantic Fanfic for the first time with @bookwermthings and @prettiest-ghoul-at-the-party recently, here’s how the fics I started turned out!!
TITLE: GG Gets Jealous
FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: gg the giraffe, the spine's pet roomba
WRITERS: goose!, bookwerm, summer
The Spine had come home with something new today. GG was immensely curious as to what this might be.. and then she saw it. A small robotic creature gliding gracefully across the floor, a small pink bow sat atop it's head.
'oh my god.' GG thought, 'its adorable.' GG could not stand for this. Another creature in the house? To steal her thunder? No way, this meant war. GG immediately marched over to the Roomba and snatched the bow from it's head. affixing it to her own ear before smugly strutting right past the group of automatons talking in the hallway. The Roomba following closely behind. As GG slowed down to show off her bow, the Roomba ran right over her
"Aaaaah," GG screamed, her high pitched robot voice grating to human ears. "Guys, this stupid ugly thing just attacked me! For no reason!"
Zer0 looked at her and then looked at the Roomba.
"REalLy?" he said. He hid behind The Spine.
The Spine glared at her.
"I can see one obvious reason why Roomba here might not like you. You stole their bow!"
Rabbit laughed. "C'mon, guys, I've heard of Roombas! For St. Nicholas' sake, they don't have brains! How could it be offended by anything?"
With that, the Roomba sped up and ran over Rabbit's toes.
"WaAAAAAAAA WHAT's WROng WIth thE ROOMBA" Rabbit exclaimed, jumping in place and holding her foot as if her pain receptors hadn't been damaged there.
The Spine shook his head before walking over to the Roomba. "Now, Roomba, we don't run over people. That being said..." he removed his bowtie and fixed it to Roomba, patting it's head and sending it along it's merry way. "shine bright, Roomba."
GG glared at the Roomba, before angrily taking off her bow and throwing it over to the Roomba, who greedily attempted to eat it.
"N00000000 R00MBA D0N'T D0 THAAT" Zer0 exclaimed, chasing after Roomba with a box of nuts (as in nuts and screws, not the food). He sprinkled some in his hand, attempting to get Roomba to go over to him. This naturally didn't work very well, until he accidentally dropped one on the floor.
However, Roomba didn't get it's little metal treat. Spine picked them up with a huff, beginning to walk to the Hall of Wires.
"You guys can play with Roomba too once you stop being so dangerous. First GG steals their clothes, then Rabbit insults them, and now GG and Zer0 are feeding them poisons... someone has to care for the newest member of the family. So, farewell, if you need me I'll be in my room." He said as he walked, sparing a distressed look over his shoulder.
It was a good thing he did, because then GG was there, tackling him to the floor to get to the Roomba. Or at least, trying to. It was more like she threw herself at his head and hit him square in the face. It wasn't very effective.
She tried to grab the Roomba, who robotically hissed at her. Spine yelled at GG, shaking her off of his arm while holding Roomba away from her.
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
TITLE: there is no such thing as goldfishing
WRITERS: goose!, bookwerm, summer
Hatchworth strutted casually into the workshop of Walter Manor. It wasn't long before he was greeted by a certain blue A.I. on a nearby screen.
"Welcome back, Hatchworth." Beebop called as the robot walked into the room.
"Hello Beebop! was a successful day of Goldfishing." Hatchworth sighed
Bebop tutted.
"Did you catch any Gold fish, then?"
"Of course not. But, you know how it goes."
Bebop did not know how it went, and Hatchworth was sure of this fact. Because he had not gone Goldfishing today. He had never gone Goldfishing. Day after day he went out, night after night he came back. He never had any Goldfish, but no one questioned him. Stranger things had happened.
No, Hatchworth had been, you guessed it... time travelling!
It took a lot of effort
for him to jump, but the blue portals he created made it easier. After the first time he had realized he could transcend time, he had picked up the hobby, trying to avoid that terrible future he had seen.
He thought about it and shuddered, remembering the way Kazooland had seemed in shambles after the Beciles had overtaken everything for that stupid green rock candy.
"Bebop, I think I'm gonna go."
"Go where?" Bebop asked as inquisitively as they could.
"I... I don't know. But I need to go somewhere. There, uh, there's no good goldfishing spots here." Hatchworth replied tentatively. He knew that once he left, there was no coming back. The Jon and Upgrade had made that clear enough by not visiting. But if he was going to save Kazooland, someone needed to be there who could see what made things go wrong.
"Just tell the others I'm going on a trip. See ya, Bebop". He said as he opened that final portal.
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
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