#georgie is a stud!!!!
comphyjost · 1 year
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they’re so real for this
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
George Weasley as a Boyfriend 🧨🦁
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this mischief-maker yet kinder and handsome twin could include:
He's very affectionate but in the most caring way, unlike Fred who's more playful he learns how to style your hair for you (like braids and ponytails) by asking Ginny to teach him, instead of holding hands like most couples do, he offers you a piggyback ride everywhere so you don't have to walk. He gives you a playful noogie when you tease him, tucks your hair behind your ear so he can see your face better, randomly making out of nowhere because he really needs it, and of course some light pranks here and there to make you laugh.
He and you aren't allowed to sit together in any classes that the two of you share together, not because of PDA since he's usually more lowkey rubbing your thigh under the table, but because the both of you just cannot stop laughing around each other for no reason which distracts the whole class.
The both of you wear a matching bracelet that George made himself, you wear his initial in yours and he wears your initial in his, and the two of you made a promise to each other not to take it off ever or not lose it, all to show that the two of you belong together.
He's a really patient boyfriend, no matter how angry you are and taking it all out on him or how annoyed and upset he gets he's never once raised his voice at you or dumped all his frustration at you in any way. He's even the first one to apologize after every fight, even if he didn't start it.
He calls you cute nicknames like Babe, Gorgeous, Dream Girl, or Precious.
Likes when you call him Georgie, Darling, Stud, Freckles, or Dreamboat (you used to call him that teasingly before you guys started dating not knowing he was into you, and still uses it to this day).
His love language is probably quality time, just like Fred he values his memories with you and loves making new ones all the time because those are truly precious over other things.
Anytime he needed a password he always uses your name and last name, your birth date, your favorite color, or the date when he asked you out to be his.
He can sing quite well and would sing a song when you're sad or aren't feeling the best, then he would offer his hand which you always take and he would spin you around before slow dancing with you to his singing as the music.
He would sneak into your room at night when you're asleep and kiss your forehead then leave something on your nightstand beside your bed so you'll always wake up to something new every day, whether it's a fresh bouquet of flowers in a vase, a book he issued for you that he thought you may like, a box of treats like chocolate and sweets or one of his sweaters/hoodies that smells like him.
He's shyer then Fred and still have that occasional blush, stammer and avoid eye contact with you when you change your appearance a little bit or did something that he found really attractive like twirling your hair or biting on your pen while focusing on something.
He tells funny stories about you any chance he gets to all his friends and Fred who finds it adorable that he's so excited to talk about you all the time.
He owns a polaroid camera that was made in the muggle world that he got from his dad as a "don't tell your mother I broke her favorite tea cup" present and takes it every time the both of you are out on a date, and he would ask to take pictures of just the two of you, let it print out and kept it in a bundle inside his sock drawer.
Holidays at the burrow Molly and Arthur love you and make you feel like a part of their family, but you happened to be closer to Ginny because it's like having a little sister. You'd talk about boys, quidditch, fashion, and more.
Instead of focusing on making joke products and trying them on you, he keeps trying to find ways how to make cool things that you can keep and that would impress you because, to be honest, he's just a little boy trying to impress his girl.
Sometimes out of nowhere he just goes "Will you marry me precious?" and get down on his knees or put your hand on his heart because he can't believe you're real and that never fails to make you blush so you just answered "Of course I will, but not now" with a giant smile on your face.
Hornier than Fred, but instead of being rough/playful and degrading during sex he seems to be more of a praiser and more gentle in the best way.
When you lay down on the Gryffindor common room couch he would sit on the opposite side, put your feet on his lap and message it asking about your day and what he can do for you today as well.
When he isn't with you during the holidays (Summer, Winter, and more) he would send you a cute little postcard every single day and a little gift through his family owl Errol.
As soon as he graduated and got the joke shop open he surprises you by saving up his money and getting his own place close to the shop so you can move in with him which you obviously accepted when he asks. The next thing on the list is a ring to marry you.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl
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27-bones · 6 months
Jon definitely had his ears pierced while in college but rarely wore earrings/only wore non obvious black studs to work and the only one who knew for years (even while he worked at the institute) was Georgie, for obvious reasons
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leiandroid · 2 years
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otayuri week | day five - workplace au
otabek works the nightshift of a movie store, and yuri is a film and photography student that comes to rent&buy movies.
canons and scenes of this verse discussed at length under the cut >>
as usual, i can't write for shit and bridge ideas to anything cohesive or create dialogue that isn't cringe and unnatural so have this list instead (i need y'all to get the full picture ya know) >>
yuri is a film & photography student (more interested in photography over film, which ended up meaning he has a lacking knowledge of movies and the programme requires him to know and watch a lot of them)
otabek is the night shift worker of the movie store. georgi works the day shifts.
yuri started going there to rent/buy movies. at first he went during the day and had initially asked georgi for suggestions but after his third time coming back with georgi's recommendations, which was another over dramatic and terrible romance, he stopped asking. one day, he was late going home from university so he stopped by the movie place at night and that's when he first met otabek on his night shift.
otabek is a semi-pretentions "film not movies" kind of guy, when he saw the stack of films yuri intended to leave with he didn't say anything, only had a look on his face which yuri straight up asked "what's that look for asshole?" to which otabek said nothing and just rang up the tapes and asked "you buying or renting?"
when he returned the movies the next time it was during the day, and yuri went back to rent movies some nights later after evening classes. this time, when he entered the shop otabek was digging through a box of new arrivals and was stacking them on the shelves. yuri browsed whatever movies were on display til curiosity brought him to the box and he asked otabek if there was anything interesting to watch in there.
otabek, finally puts his largely useless (but in this case, useful to yuri) movie knowledge to action. he rifles through the tapes and hands him a film. yuri looks at it with with pursed lips but takes it anyway "this better be good" he warns. otabek just shrugs. yuri adds 2 other movies to take with him from the new arrivals.
this time yuri intentionally returns at night to catch otabek, he puts the tapes on the counter and says "i liked it" then turns away to go peruse the movies. he comes back with 3, and otabek rings them up as yuri watches with mild interest. then asks if he has another recommendation to which otabek stops what he's doing, bites into the lollipop (cherry) he was sucking on, and chews on it as he goes around the counter and walks towards a specific shelf and grabs a tape off of it and rings it up without consulting or showing it to yuri. yuri rolls his eyes before leaving.
yuri takes notice of several things: otabek has a barbell piercing on his left eyebrow, an eagle tattoo on his neck with the wings wrapping around the sides (the lattice of the kazakhstan flag is a band tattooed around his left upper thigh, but yuri doesn't know of it), and a small hoop earring on his right ear. (the gay ear). (also this is set in the 90s). yuri momentarily wonders if he's gay but immediately dismisses it because otabek seems painfully straight and concludes he probably just didn't know about it. it's more ironic than a rule anyway.
yuri has both ears pierced with black studs. he likes to wear rings on both hands and carries his camera with him everywhere. he develops his own photos, has developed them for a long time. he had a bugdet redroom he made in his wardrobe at home in moscow (with blackout curtains, drilling a hole into the back to put in a bulb he painted red, and lined the floor of it with a basin and enlarger). now he uses the university's lofty development studio and practically lives in it. (they are in st petersburg).
otabek smokes and when he isn't smoking he sucks on lollipops and hard candies, his preferred flavour is cherry but he fucks with cola flavour too. he bites lollipop sticks to shreds through the course of his shifts. he tries to keep it to 2 smoke breaks maximum during his shift. the nights are slow so if he doesn't have that self imposed restriction he could spend the entire night on the curb outside the shop smoking till someone came in.
there are bins of candy and snacks on the counter of the movie store, otabek helps himself to the hard candies and lollipops regularly. he drops in a weekly tenner in the register to cover the cost of what he takes (it doesn't, but he deems it close enough).
weeks pass by in similar fashion, otabek's movie recommendations keep making their way into yuri's purchases, they talk about the movies every time yuri comes back to exchange tapes for new ones. yuri rants about the arthouse movies, deciding he hates the genre. he cites that photography is for telling fragmented stories, movies are for telling complete ones. those pretentious films that tell nothing but drone on and on with useless imagery and jarring soundtracks make him furious with hate. otabek drops in an especially awful film of that genre just to piss yuri off and hear the epic rant that yuri will no doubt have prepared for the next visit.
up until that point, all of their interactions have been in the movie store. one day whilst otabek was driving through the streets on his motorbike, he spots yuri and pulls up to him to say hello. yuri had just finished class and was going to grab a bite to eat and asked otabek if he wanted to come with. they become friends. they hang out frequently.
otabek is a hacker by trade. he learns code and hacking shit and does odd jobs for companies to test their security networks by breaking into them and giving them a rundown on their weaknesses and what they need to lock their shit down better. he lives on energy drinks and cigarettes and thinks working out offsets his unhealthy lifestyle.
a handful of times otabek and yuri go into the backroom to watch a movie together from the pile yuri intends to rent. otabek keeps the door slightly ajar, plus there's a small cctv set up of the store in case a customer walks in whilst they're in there.
otabek discovers two things: one, yuri does not shut the fuck up during a movie, and two, his commentary is hilarious. yuri also discovers two things: one, otabek tastes like candy sweet ashes, and two, the earring was definitely a signal.
some details about the shop itself since they wouldn't leave my head and it's hard to represent it in 1 drawing. the shop in the art looks way more clean and official than it does in my head. in reality it's a more dilapidated back alley shop with shitty lighting, old movie posters and sellotape marks littering the walls. the walls have some stains from previous water damage. it smells of air freshner, dust, and a hint of cigarette smoke.
i'm operating on 0 knowledge of a russia in the mid 90s and just borrowing details from unofficial/pirating dvd stores from my home country, but the place makes copies of movies to sell. original vhs tapes are for rent, whereas copies are sold. the backroom is a work station for downloading movies on shitty dial up and copying vhs tapes. the backroom smells of stale smoke since otabek sometimes smokes in there whilst running the recording machines and downloads, etc. he was hired because he knows how to rip files and find movies and hack his way into movie databases to get new/old/obscure releases.
if they don't carry a movie that a customer wants then they can request it and otabek will click around the internet to find and download it and put it on a tape. in the picture, otabek is holding empty vhs tapes that he plans to record movies on to. the shelves have the legit movie copies, but if you want to buy them, a copy is made and you're given a regular tape with its factory sleeve and the movie title written on the label.
they sell and rent originals of russian movies bc they're not hard to obtain and are in demand, especially ones that star russia's heart throb viktor nikiforov (he is especially popular amongst mothers). christophe and the crispino siblings are actors in this verse.
yuri primarily rents the original movies and comes back to buy copies of ones he really really likes after returning them.
the shop is owned by yakov, georgi works the dayshift, and otabek works the nightshift. yakov mostly leaves them to their own devices bc they do a good job. georgi and otabek think he really should hire one more person so they can have some liberty to switch around their shifts when needed but yakov is a stingy old fuck that does his best to not have money leave his pockets. they are open from 8AM to 12AM. they're one of the more popular movie stores in the area since they carry a lot of western movies that aren't easy to find elsewhere and for so cheap.
10pm to 12am are pretty dead hours which otabek uses for pirating shit. similarly the early hours of the dayshift have light traffic so that's when georgi finishes otabek's work from the night prior.
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moonsanoverthinker · 5 months
Any tma jewelry headcanons? I love reading all of these, they are so fun
Funny you should ask because I was thinking about this earlier and also head cannons are so fun to make! (Feel free to ask for more!)
Most of these are purely off vibes alone with very little thought behind them x
Jon - Earrings type of guy for the most part, nothing too like ‘flashy’ but occasionally nice little dangle earring. Also kind of a rings guy, like just a couple but they’re pretty, and occasionally a necklace like those slightly longer ones but it’s usually tucked away. He’s got one bead bracelet that he refuses to take off and it happens to be a green one with a little M bead.
Martin - Bracelets type of guy but those beaded kind of friendship looking ones. He’s got a few with different colours and people in the office (Sasha and Tim) have now noticed that different colours mean different things. Green-Loved up (he also refuses to take it off and it has a little J bead) Orange-Feeling a little (a lot) bitchy // Pink-Pining (that was worn a lot) // Multicoloured-Crimes might be committed.
Tim - Again I’m getting earring vibes, at least one lobe piercing that’s either a little fun shape or is just a plain one (depending on which series) and there’s always this one necklace he wears and he will never take it off (Danny gave it to him for his birthday years ago, ouch) and then there’s this one beaded bracelet he wears which happens to be complimentary colours to one Sasha owns but he claims coincidence.
Sasha - A nose piercing of some kind, but I’m going with septum and she’s also got at least four ear piercings, probably both lobes and then two cartilage. She’s a layered necklace person, sometimes they match perfectly and sometimes they are a little all over the place but they always look nice. She also wears this one beaded bracelet she’s had for years which someone gave her for secret Santa (It was Jon, I’ve got no reason for it but I like the thought)
Melanie - Rings central, it’s a real mix and match type of thing but they seem to all pair well with each other. Also a necklace that she always wears, it’s just a simple silver one that doesn’t seem to match her rings and seems a little older, maybe a little dull compared to the silver rings (her dad gave it to her when she was younger, again ouch)
Georgie- Is either wearing a lot of jewellery or not a lot, depends on the day. Also she’s a gold jewellery person, always wears the same necklace just because she likes it and sees it as a little bit of a good luck charm (she doesn’t really believe it but she likes the thought)
Basira- Has a nose stud but it’s a little one, that she only really started wearing once she was working at the institute. Occasionally wears a couple rings, usually those slightly thicker banded gold ones, and one that looks like it should match someone else’s
Daisy- Piercings mainly, like three upper helix’s on one ear, both lobes stacked (I think that’s the term, those like three going up is what I mean). Also a couple of rings, one that looks kind of like it should match someone else’s (Basira also has one, they pretend they don’t notice each others)
Elias - Two rings, one that comes and goes (his wedding ring) and also just a thumb ring with an eye because he doesn’t understand subtle hints.
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octuscle · 1 year
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The camera always adds 20 kilograms to your weight, Martin thought, as he looked at the new pictures on his employer's homepage. He had been proud to finally become a senior partner for business law at the firm at the age of 46. But it would make him even prouder if everyone who searched his name on Google didn't see pictures of a fat pig. Well, maybe that was the motivation he needed to finally do something for his health….
Currently, Martin was working four days a week on a project in Paris. His French was moderately good. Just like the English of the other employees in the project was moderate. Maybe it was quite a good idea to go to a gym where he was very likely to have to speak French. Not the gym at the hotel, not a big chain, he was looking for something smaller. And in the evening on the way to the hotel, a neon "Gym" sign caught his eye. Next to it, it went down a few steps. Why not, Martin thought. At least I'm unlikely to run into a customer or a colleague here.
When Martin opened the door, a gush of humid air hit him. It reeked of sweat. The air was filled with the groans of men lifting tons of iron, the slaps of gloves on sandbags, and a murmur of voices that was probably French but could have been anything else. He was appropriately nervous when he approached the young man at the bar, which Martin assumed was the reception desk. It was a difficult communication with hands and feet, but after a few minutes Martin had signed a contract. The young man, who obviously spent a lot of time on the training floor, asked if Martin wanted to start trial training right away. As best he could, Martin was about to counter that he didn't have any clothes to change into, when a training bag was held out to him. From a customer who had stopped paying his fees and whose locker we had to break open, said the young man, who introduced himself as Georgi. Well then, said Martin, and followed Georgi into the locker rooms.
Changing clothes was a challenge. Around him were only naked men whose bodies varied between wiry, sinewy and muscular. And each one was hung like a stud. With his head red, Martin undressed and put on shorts and tank top from his gym bag. He looked ridiculous. Everything clearly too tight. Only the shoes and the socks, whose stench almost took his breath away, fit to some extent. Georgi grinned cheekily and said that Martin would already grow into the clothes. The two went to the training area, where Georgi had Martin do a few burpees first. It only took five minutes before Martin was completely drenched in sweat. The sweat-soaked, tight-to-the-body clothes looked ridiculous, but in fact none of the other gym-goers showed any disdain or anything like that. Probably everyone is too focused on training, Martin thought, and without thinking, took a sip from the water bottle in his training bag. The drink tasted bitter but was refreshing. And immediately began to take its effect on Martin's body. With every minute he trained, he became a month younger and at the same time had one more month behind him of training eight hours a day. And the effect was evident after just a few minutes: The fat melted away, his endurance got better and better. And when Georgi went to the punching bag with Martin after half an hour of fitness training, his punches were powerful and precise. Only when sparring with Georgi, Martin clearly drew the short straw and had to concede a few blows. Georgi was not free of hits either.
When Martin went into the shower drenched in sweat after 90 minutes of hard training, the most he had to be ashamed of was his relatively puny dick. He had the body of a 38-year-old who had already been training hard for almost eight years. The effects were more than obvious: Martin looked like a heavyweight boxer. Surprisingly, this did not surprise Martin, not Georgi, and apparently no one else. Most of the men Martin met knew him and he knew them. And the language barrier had also disappeared. Like most visitors to the gym, Martin spoke fluent French, using slang dyed by the gutter. There was no longer a suit hanging in Martin's locker… After he had started boxing, Martin had quit after a short time and had set up shop as a lawyer in the neighborhood of the gym. And thanks to his contacts in the boxing environment, he had won some lucrative mandates from the demimonde. And this work didn't require a suit. He put on his track pants, T-shirt and leather jacket, picked up his bag, exchanged a ghetto fist with some of the guys and went to the bistro around the corner for dinner and a few rounds of billiards.
With great aplomb, Martin got up at 06:00 the next morning, put on his workout clothes, still drenched in sweat from the day before, and before getting ready for the office, ran around the park for an hour in the drizzle. Georgi would have hated it if Martin had come today without the obligatory conditioning workout. The day at the office dragged on, some of his clients had tax problems, and the tax office was an opponent that others had cut their teeth on. But he didn't get 500 euros an hour, because he himself would go down on his knees in front of such an opponent… But so it was already almost 10:00 p.m. when Martin arrived at the gym. Georgi was not available for sparring, so Martin concentrated on weight training and pressed weights today. When he was one of the last visitors to take a shower at 11:00 p.m., he was 33 years old and had been a professional boxer since he was 21. He had dropped out of law school after a visit to Paris, where he had met Georgi by chance, and had immersed himself in a world he had never known before. Since then, he had won a number of fights, even bigger ones, invested the money well, and also trained a few younger up-and-coming talents from his club. And occasionally, like tonight, he was a bouncer at a gay club, which usually brought quite good tips and usually some ass to fuck.
The next morning, Martin woke up in an apartment that was far too elegant for his liking. Next to him lay a well-built man in his mid-fifties. Martin knew Igor well. One of the most sought-after stallions in town. Stone-rich exiled Russian, boxing promoter and a grenade in bed. Martin's watch already showed 07:00, but he always had time for a quick fuck. For that, even the morning run was allowed to be skipped once in a while. While walking, Igor slipped Martin a few 200-euro notes, slapped him on the ass and said goodbye to the bathroom. Was Martin a hooker? He didn't care, he would even pay for a night with Igor. It was 09:00 when Martin arrived at the gym. Georgi greeted him at the counter and announced two customers for boxing training starting at 11:00 and 14:00. In between, Martin had plenty of time to do paperwork in the back of his small office and check on the teenage punks who were here skipping school in the morning to train for the next street fight. If that happened too often, Martin threw the guys out and demanded proof of a successfully passed exam before the next training session. But from the guys who trained today, he knew they were reasonably stable in school, so he gave a few tips and corrected mistakes in punching technique. It was 5:00 p.m. when he called it a day and worked out himself. Good time, it didn't get crowded for another hour, so he had the evening free to go around the houses himself. After an hour of sparring with Georgi, Martin was done too. He was 28, in the shape of his life. At the age of eleven, his father had taken him first to judo and then to boxing. And today he was technically perfect as a boxer. After being extremely disciplined in the last few days, he now allowed himself some time off. Alcohol and cigarettes were of course taboo for him as an athlete, but fucking his way through Paris' darkrooms was no problem. And it passed for cardio training.
It was Thursday morning and Martin had slept in his clothes. His tank top reeked of sweat, beer, piss and cum. He took a deep breath and his hard-on was already standing out clearly in his leather jeans. Martin opened his pants, freed his cock from the soiled and encrusted jockstrap and began to knead his tits with one hand and his boner with the other. And it wasn't long before he was spurting an impressive load onto his chest. Now it was 06:30. At 09:00 he had a client for a personal training session. And he knew there would be an extra tip if he didn't change. So for the run, Martin just swapped his leather pants for workout pants and his boots for his running shoes and headed out for his run. Just before he reached the gym at 08:30, he got caught in a downpour. Soaking wet, he walked past a grinning Georgi and grabbed a towel. Martin tossed his tank top over the ropes of the nearest boxing ring to dry, rubbed off rain, sweat and bodily fluids from the previous night with the towel and took a swig from his water bottle, which Georgi refilled for him fresh each morning. He rounded out his morning workout with fifteen minutes of jumping rope. When his client came into the gym, Martin took a quick look in the mirror before putting on his shirt, which still was wet and smelled like an beast. He liked what he saw: a nearly 6-foot-3 Teutonic man of just over 26 who had spent almost all of his free time in gyms shortly after starting school.
The mixture of fresh sweat and the stench of the previous night had exactly the desired effect on his customer. Even during the warm-up, he had a massive boner that he could barely control during the sit-ups. There was nothing going on in the gym at this time of night, so Martin unabashedly took his cock out of his pants and started jerking off while his customer completed burpees. Martin liked the combination of pain and desire on his client's face. He made him stop, pulled him to him and pressed his face into the sultriness of his own armpit. With his other hand, he made himself cum, then his client. As if collecting trophies in it, Martin rubbed his own and his client's juices into his shirt and, as if nothing had happened, began sparring. His drink was still working. Combined with the training, he was losing minute after minute of his life time. And moved the moment of his birth closer and closer to the moment when his new life was forked from his old biography. And then came the moment when his lifetime was cut exactly in half.
For a brief moment, he felt as if he had been struck by a blow. And with the blow, everything changed. Born in Sofia to a truck driver and a hairdresser. At the age of four, he moved to Birmingham, where his father had built up a small freight forwarding business and his mother had her own salon. During the financial crisis, his father went bankrupt, became an alcoholic and died in a car accident. At ten, Wanja thus became his mother's protector and worked off his aggression in the boxing ring. When he was 16, his mother married his boxing instructor. Unlike his mother, however, Wanja never took British citizenship and left England after Brexit. His stepfather put him in touch with Georgi, who took Wanja under his wing and groomed him to become a hopeful boxing pro… Bang! His client took advantage of the second of confusion and hit Wanja right in the face. Professional that he was, Wanja gathered himself in a split second and parried the blow. Well dosed, so as not to hurt a paying customer. But strong enough to make clear who was the champion in the ring.
Big thanks to @hotfighter! Without you this story would not have been written!
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In honour of my gift-to-self graduation present eyeba nyc ring, here's what I think TMA characters would go for (in a world where these are not the price they are lol) I tried not to base it on my hc eye colours. Feel free to request any characters you'd like to see!!
Part 2 here
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Jon: Brown mini gold stud — complements his skin/hair/eye colour as well as a lot of the colours he regularly wears e.g. the green jumper that we're all guilty of picturing him in, a smart white shirt with navy stripes, a brown tweed blazer. Also small and easy to hide behind his hair given how concerned he is with professionalism and academic appearance.
Martin: Thick silver band blue mini — I think he'd pick the thick band because the thin would disappear on his big hands, also he'd think it looked more masc. Goes for cool tones to fit with his wardrobe which he wears because he thinks it makes him look less flushed and flustered. Friendly, romantic look to the eye as well.
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Tim: Gold twist mini brown eye - complements his skin tone and his warm toned wardrobe. Enjoys the whimsical twist and would find bigger sizes a distraction.
Sasha: Classic dark brown eye silver pendant - goes with all her usual silver jewellery and dark blue cardigan/skirt. I picked this one because of how little character development she got, leaving her a mostly blank slate to be projected onto and the expression in this eye could be interpreted any way. Is it serious? Is it friendly? Does it know what lies in wait for it?
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Basira: Thick band mini dark brown eye - I think she'd get this in gold so it was more subtle and complementary to her skin tone. It's not there to make a statement like the bigger flashier ones that would get in her way. No nonsense, straight ahead stare.
Daisy: Blue classic silver - I don't think she's much of a jewellery person, but rather than go for something subtle, she'd go for one that would make a punch sting more. I picked this one because the details in the eye look like she's been using it like this - the iris bleeding into the pupil, "scratches" on the glass and blood in the corners.
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Melanie: Dark blue classic silver - can't explain this one much beyond vibes lads. Something to do with the iris filling so much, you'd have to be close to make out the eye much as you have to be close to Melanie before you see the real her I think.
Georgie: Hazel king - think she'd prefer gold. Catlike quality to it and gazing past the wearer into the unseen, the paranormal.
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Gerry: Grey silver Dali - very close to his own eyes, holding the same kindness and weariness.
Gertrude: Blue mini silver - thin band. I think it would secretly please her that people think it's just a delicate quirky ring worn by a frail old woman with startlingly similar eyes but she Knows what it represents. She knows.
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morning-softness · 1 year
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It was a lot of fun participating in the @bunnies-in-the-archives event! Here's the art for my fic, "A Conversation Off Tape," which is an episode 149 coda.
Summary: After his argument with Georgie, the last thing Martin expects is a text from Melanie inviting him out to drinks with the two of them. Against his better judgement, he accepts.
[Image description: Melanie, Martin, and Georgie sit around a small table.  Melanie is sipping a blue drink with a flat expression.  Martin’s gaze is cast downward, with one finger touching his cheek in a thoughtful or nervous manner.  Georgie rests her elbow on the table and holds her head in her hand with an exasperated expression.  Melanie is portrayed as a thin British Chinese person with blue eye-shadow and grey painted fingernails.  Melanie’s hair is an undercut, with the top portion dyed blue.  Melanie is wearing a grey blouse with butterfly sleeves, dark corduroy pants, and a necklace in the shape of a butterfly or a moth.  Melanie has a nose stud, a ring piercing in eir eyebrow, and a silver stud and three cartilage piercings in eir ear.  Martin is a fat Polish Vietnamese man with freckled skin and dark brown hair streaked with grey.  He is wearing a grey t-shirt and grey square-framed glasses.  Georgie is portrayed as a fat Black woman with dark brown skin and shoulder-length locs.  She is wearing a pale blue long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans.  Her nails are painted silver and she has silver eye-shadow.  She has a nose stud, a ring piercing in her eyebrow, and a silver stud piercing in her ear. End Description.]
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dreamskug · 1 year
48, 53, 50, 62, and 68? 😘💕
Still gonna answer all the asks I got back then, don't get mad at me y'all, I'm slow 🤣
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Spicy asks for @therealnightcity - CP2077 OC ask game
🖤 Thank you!
Share three songs you associate with your character and their partner(s).
This one for your boy Hiro:
1. Deftones - Change
2. Georgi Kai - Scary People
3. JVZEL & Neon Haze - Circus Minimus
Name three of your characters biggest kinks.
Dominance and everything related, Breath play, Impact play. 
Would your character ever make an explicit braindance?
Yes he would, as a home video. He actually has a bunch, with consent of his partner/s, of course - their spiciest and the most intimate moments they like to tease each other with. 
Has your character ever participated in group sex?
He did. In general, if it’s about more than one sexual partner, then two partners is probably his fav "number" lmao - another Dom and a sub, or both submissive - both are perfect. In general, it depends if he’s committed and what kind of relationship he’s actually in - Ivarr is very, very possessive, and if he participates in this kind of fun, he’s most likely 1) isn’t committed, 2) it’s a poly AU (🖤🖤), 3) it’s a slow burn and he’s a fuckin' clown trying to fuck someone out of his brain, then he obviously fails and wants them to be exclusive anyway 🤡 
In what outfit do they feel sexiest? How do they dress to impress?
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Studded, worn leather and spikes is like his second skin - he feels super confident wearing something like that - often shirtless under his spiked Maelstrom jacket. He likes heavy biker rings - silver or steel - such motifs as skulls, demons, raven, wolves. Speaking of color, he prefers it either total black or a combo of black and brown/gray/metal. In general, he isn’t a fan of latex.
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Thank you! It was fun!
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discoverjoana · 1 year
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Vintage Crop Tee by @backtrack-cc Georgie Pants by @ikari-sims Cora Hair by @feralpoodles Gloves by @trillyke Eyebrow Piercing by @pralinesims Studded Bracelets by @SM Sims
CAS Challenge by @msmiki1218
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A Heart full of love Chapter Six
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Title: A heart Full of love
Taglist: @henrycavillfanfics @evansabove1981 @littlefreya @dedicated-to-mr-cavill @elizabetharegina @resowrites etc:)
Note: Sorry if I missed anyone 😘
In that moment Georgina just knew her that her heart was not likely to be touched the way Henry had just touched it. Yet as confident as she felt with him here now she still could not tell him about her ex boyfriend the one who cheated on her and left her with mountains of his debt.
" What your management go mad if you cancel"? Georgie worriedly asked him.
At that moment Henry reached out his hand and grabbed her hand. " Georgina! Your hands are freezing cold! Come on let's get you inside"! Immediately her thoughts turned to the dogs she looked at him then at the dogs, Henry caught her point.
" How silly of me"! Henry chuckled.
" No I will break my word I've said I'll take you ... and I meant it now drink that coffee before it gets cold"! Henry lightly instructed.
Georgie did as he told her.
" Would you like me to walk you home? It would afford us a longer time to spend together"! He leaned foward on the bench and whispered to her.
Georgina could not think why the Henry Cavill would want to spend time with her she was just an ordinary woman who loved books and lived in London nothing exciting not like him an movie star.
" I'd love that"! She giggled a whisp of her long red russet hair hung loose from behind her ear without word Henry reached across and tucked back behind her ear again.
Georgie felt as if she could hold his hand that on her cheek to feel the warmth of it against her cheek, instead she gotten something a little better than that .... she felt his warm breath waft toward her.
The jacket that she was wearing earlier had slid from her pale shoulders Henry had to bite his lip not to think of evidently more racy things not yet ... not with her.
Georgie grabbed his hand and leant it on her cheek, leaning her head into it. Henry did not feel awkward he felt alive as if an angel had just touched him.
Watching her snuggle into the palm his hand made him think of what she'd be like if he were to ask her out.
But wait a minute .....
He already had.
" Don't move it"! She murmured as she closed her eyes on the palm of his large left hand.
Henry couldn't help but smile at the sensation and the feel of her soft skin and so thus he did not remove for another 30 minutes.
The soft sensation of her hand, made him erotically aware of her hes own heart yearned just to be stood next to her ... behind her. " no Cavill absolutely not you've only just met her reign in  your desire man reign it in before you lose control"! A little insistent voice was telling him, visibly disturbed by the image that conjured out of nowhere he returned to the present and having this girls head in the palm of his hand literally.
After a while Georgina raised her head and opened her blue eyes to see Henry again.
" Hey was that nice"? Henry beamed as he asked the question.
All Georgina could do was literally commit the feeling of hot huge hand on her face to memory (for now).
" yep it was hmm"! She chuckled.
" It was nice feeling for me too"! He confessed to her.
Again her heart studded in her chest.
Henry got up from the opposite side of the picnic bench and walked to Georgie's side.
" Come! Let's you and Frodo off home safe .. you need rest and I for one are not going to risk lovely young woman's safety walking home alone it would be my honour to escort you home my Lady"! Henry smiled offering his arm to her once more as they headed for home.
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muskokafarm · 2 months
Muskoka Farm Pre Training
Muskoka Farm is a world class pre-training facility near Wisemans Ferry in NSW. This 280-acre equine establishment offers breaking, spelling and agistment. It is surrounded by national parks and natural bushland.
The farm employs a world-class horse breaker, Toby Pracey, who uses violence-free methods. He has worked with a number of Golden Slipper winners and is known for preparing race horses quickly. To know more about Pre Training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
Horse Training NSW offers a range of services, including riding and horse management courses. Their instructors are trained and certified and their facilities are top-notch. They also offer equine veterinary care and other essential services. The best part is that their services are affordable and convenient.
Georgie moved to Australia on a working holiday visa and has since developed her Australian stock riding skills and Natural Horsemanship techniques. Her background includes riding classically, managing a polocrosse training and breeding stud, mustering cattle on horses and working in the local veterinary industry.
TAFE NSW Richmond College offers a number of horse course qualifications, including a farriery apprenticeship and an Advanced Certificate in Horse Training. These courses give students the skills and knowledge to work across a variety of sectors within the equine industry, and are nationally standardised so that you can move between states without having to upgrade your qualification. The program provides a unique blend of theoretical and practical learning, from horse-breaking clinics to polo grooming.
Located near Gunderman in NSW, Muskoka Farm is a world class horse spelling facility. It offers breaking, pre-training and agistment services. The 280-acre property features 58 stables, 27 day yards, and 10 large fully fenced paddocks. It also includes a two-bedroom guest house, four-bedroom homestead and facilities manager’s cottage. Its specialized care program ensures that horses are fit for racing. Its 2.4-kilometer crusher dust track and two-kilometre grass track are ideal for pace work. The property also has a 16-horse walker and lap pool.
Many local restaurants have embraced the farm-to-table movement in Muskoka. They offer delicious, locally-sourced food to visitors and residents alike. These establishments are a welcome addition to the community, and their cozy ambiance and commitment to sustainability adds to the overall appeal of this picturesque region. Living close to these restaurants makes it easy for you to enjoy fresh, locally-sourced meals.
Mars Australia produces pet care products, chocolate, gum and frozen foods. It is a family-owned business with a 100 year history in Australia. Mars also operates a global network of retail stores and wholesale distributors. Its brands include Pedigree and Whiskas. Mars has a presence in more than 50 countries around the world.
Muskoka Farm is a world class horse breeding and training facility located on the Hawkesbury River in Gunderman, New South Wales. The 280 acre property is surrounded by natural bushland and includes five stable barns and 58 stables. It also has a two-bedroom guest house and a large outdoor pool.
The facility offers a variety of services, including breaking, pre-training and spelling. It is staffed by experienced trainers and has a strong client base that includes international and Sydney-based clients. It is an ideal place to fine-tune the conditioning of a race horse. It also boasts a 2.4-kilometre crusher dust track and a specialized training program.
Located near Gunderman in NSW, Muskoka Farm is one of the world’s most advanced pre-training facilities. The 280-acre property offers breaking, spelling, and agistment services, and is constantly refining its methods to best suit the physiology of race horses. The farm is surrounded by national parks and natural bushland, which allows it to fine-tune its care approach with the science of horse racing in mind.
Tony Newing is a world-class trainer who uses violence-free methods to break and prepare racehorses for the track. He has many clients, including Golden Slipper winners. Recently, his gallopers such as Social Pirate and Charging Clear have been successful at the Grafton Carnival. To know more about Pre Training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
The farm can accommodate up to 200 horses, and includes five stable barns with 58 stables, 27 day yards for training, 10 large spelling yards, and a four-bedroom homestead with helipad, private jetty/pontoon, and swimming pool. The facility is currently for sale, and anyone interested can contact Inglis Rural Property.
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perfectisgeorgette · 3 months
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Georgette Midler :: Character Sheet
Will you still love me when I’m no longer young a beautiful…
Nicknames: Georgie (only by her dad)
Magic status: Mundus
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Accent: A very posh well spoken America accent
Height: 5′7”
Build: Tall and slim
Complexion: fair with freckles across her nose - always spray tanned
Eye color: blue
Hair color/length/style: blonde just below her shoulders. She gets a blow out done two times a week. She is trying to go without extensions but she prefers her look with long hair. Feather bangs with long layers framing the face.
Tattoos/piercings/daily jewelry: double piercings in each ear. Only wears a gold huggie hoop and a studded pearl. No tattoos. Will always switch up jewelry to make her daily aesthetic.
What would you find if you Googled them? You would see multiple articles starting from 2005 when she started winning pageant. Winning every pageant she entered until she was Miss New York. Her family’s history is quite famous starting from her grandparents when they made millions in the 30s and 40s. Her father was the prosecuter for a high profile Magik Vs. State of NY case that made the Midlers a household name. The most recent news and her scandal exposed will of course be circulating the internet for months. Will be her narrative for quite some time.
What natives would know about them: unless they follow American socialite or are up to speed with influencers they would not know much about her except for the obvious. Rich young woman who things highly of herself.
Other: Looking to open her own business in Swynlake. Thinks the Mayor Hades is foul. updated: 7Apr24
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sheltonayers40 · 1 year
正骨 整復 整骨 整復
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你必須移動和拉伸縮短的、痙攣的肌肉,你不能指望這些是妥協 如果引起不適的組織發炎,非常“固定”,那麼治療 治療後可能會有1-3天的暫時不適,因為 但同樣的統計數據引用的數據表明,關節炎在我們這個年齡段要年輕得多,甚至可以達到三十歲的年齡段。 只要損傷程度不超過軟骨細胞產生新細胞的能力,軟骨就會保持健康,即基質不會因扭傷、韌帶撕裂、複雜損傷、超負荷、炎症或一般情況而受到過多損傷身體代謝紊亂。 Jet Acclaim 和 Speedtest 是比賽中的兩個熱門,紙質表格也預測他們將排在前兩名。 Jet Acclaim、Gipsy Dream 和 Miserend 開局最好,而 Dvorníky Dream 開局不佳。 Gipsy Dream 緊隨其後的是 Speedtest,Jet Acclaim 繼續遠遠落後於他們。 美國醫生 William H. Fitzgerald 博士重新發現了它。 可以在腳底(腳底反射療法)、手上(手部反射療法)、耳朵上找到 (耳針)、眼睛(虹膜診斷)、面部(面部診斷)、舌頭 (語言診斷)等由於約會和生活方式不當 Frog House 領先到三分之一的距離,然後 Toyana 接替了他。 Puck Fair漂亮地到了,Alfkona也到了,最後200米已經領先了。 當阿爾夫科納以四分之三的距離獲勝時,所有觀眾齊聲歡呼。 Stanislav Georgiev 騎術精湛,在 1200 米衝刺結束時點燃了 Alfkona 的火箭。 在 Studs' Award 中第二次成功起步。 是時候說再見了,Tornado Cole 和 Topáz Lady 緊隨其後的是 Salihamidzic 和 Simfónia。 在看台的正前方,他的馬夫緊挨著領頭的馬走上前��,他們身後的場地呈���頸狀移動,從後面轉身的人也加入了其他人。 Tornado Cole跟在Time To Say Goodbye和Speedy Boy身後,三人在最後500米完全反超。 終點,Speedy Boy連續進攻三歲,他們以平局衝線,Tornado Cole獲得第三。 賽后,競爭管理機構下令展開調查,並對 5 號 Speedy Boy(Veljko Mazsity)的車手發出依職權警告,稱其過度使用鞭子獲取非法優勢。 警告協商後,他們行使退位權,這樣就形成了Time To Say Goodbye-Speedy Boy-Tornado Cole的命令。 威爾克斯大學有著悠久的教育學生成為不同社區環境中的衛生專業人員的傳統。 我們在自然科學和人文學科方面的優勢可以使我們成為專業學校的有競爭力的候選人。 直接在Árukereső.hu 網站上購買沒有任何問題! 我們的購買保證服務適用於通過 Árukereső.hu 頁面按下“購買”按鈕直接下達的所有訂單。 我們相信在我們這裡購物是沒有問題的,所以我們不怕保證。 起跑後,Roman Flame 擔任領頭馬,Rénium 跟在他後面,然後其他人跟在他後面。 反過來,Bárányfelhő 也越滑越遠。 Viktor Stelczer 的學生 Luca Sólyom Bori 與只有 6 歲的 Georgie 的 Georgie 並列第三。 Encs 案是在鑑定這匹馬所需的血液測試期間曝光的。 在鑑定過程中發現,這匹馬身上已經有了一塊帶有羅馬尼亞序列號的芯片。 在 Kisasszony 和 Rubino TIM 的對決中,前者取得了勝利,這要歸功於 Rubino TIM 的開局並不完美。 Kairo Sun和Olajfás都率先進入決賽,但Olajfás在決賽中出現失誤。 Lardon和Number One的後者馳騁,讓Lardon成為入圍者,而Overnight在Rózsakert和Overnight的戰鬥中被證明更勝一籌。 關節磨損通常是一個緩慢惡化、常起伏不定的過程,持續數年或數十年,是一個不可逆轉的過程。 在課程中,您將學習基於顱骶療法、整骨療法和關節運動機能學的抓握方法,以及如何移動椎骨,除其他外,您將學習如何治療小關節,例如第一背椎和脊椎之間的關節。 最上面的肋骨,其功能障礙會導致肩痛。 內臟器官療法,也稱為內臟整骨療法,通過結締組織影響器官系統的運動和器官的功能。
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klienpua · 1 year
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The Upside of Unrequited
Major Characters
Molly Peskin-Suso: Molly is a shy, chubby, brown-eyed, brown-haired, 17-year-old girl with 26 crushes. She has never had a boyfriend but she desperately wants one. Molly has a twin sister, named Cassie, and a baby brother named Xavier. She works a part-time job at a vintage store called Bissell.
Cassie Peskin-Suso: Cassie is Molly’s twin sister. She is a thin-framed extrovert with blonde hair and green eyes and is protective of Molly. Cassie likes girls and has had a few relationships.
Mina: Mina is a kind, talkative, and an adventurous girl who wears thick-framed glasses. She is friends with Molly and Cassie and is also the same age. She likes a local DC band, Georgie James, and would be considered Cassie’s type. Her two best friends are Will and Max.
Reid: Reid is a tall, nice, 17-yr-old boy with a husky build who is weird in a good way. He will soon be a senior, just like Molly. He works at Bissel, the same store where Molly works.
Will: Will is a super cute boy who is best friends with Mina. He likes photography and is flirtatious, so, of course Molly is starting to fall for him.
Olivia: Olivia is a tall, pretty, 17-yr-old girl with a nose stud and blue-streaked hair. She is Molly and Cassie’s best friend, and has been dating the same boy for about 4 years.
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Book summary and review
The Upside of Unrequited, written by Becky Albertalli in 2017, follows Molly Peskin-Suso, a teenage girl, as she tries to deal with the difficulties of growing up. Molly is seventeen years old. Like most girls her age, Molly is adjusting to a lot of change, including a new job, a changing family dynamic, and the possibility of discovering her first love. And to top it all off, Molly feels like the only single person on the globe now that gay marriage has been made legal and her parents are engaged. Although Molly is aware that change might be difficult, she is confident that she will manage it just like other teenagers before her have.
Although Molly has had crushes on 26 boys, she hasn't found a boyfriend of her own. She considers herself an authority on unrequited love. She fantasizes of one day meeting a boy who will share her thoughts, and she wonders what her first love might have been like. She looks up to Cassie, her twin sister, who is considerably more assertive in her own romantic life, doesn't hesitate to go after what she wants, and typically succeeds in getting it. Everything changes when Cassie sees Mina because she falls in love right away. Soon after getting Mina's phone number, Molly realizes that her sister is completely smitten.
Cassie urges her sister to woman up and establish herself so she may have the lover she's always wanted while she chases Mina. Will, the best friend of Mina, is seen by Cassie and Mina to make a perfect Molly suitor. Cassie appreciates that she won't have to give up time with her new girlfriend in order for them to hang out together.
Because she was bullied as a child, Molly experiences anxiety about her weight. She thus worries constantly about what other people think of her. In order to calm her anxiety and avoid panic attacks, she takes medication. She becomes more reserved than Cassie as a result, and she takes extra care to avoid making a mistake that could be seen as embarrassing.
A local arts and crafts store offers Molly a summer job as a store clerk, which is ideal for her because she is incredibly creative. Reid, the shopowners' son, is there when she first meets him. Molly initially believes she has nothing in common with him. He is noted as being somewhat of a social outcast and being geeky. Molly thinks they may have more in common than she initially believed and that she might be interested in him after working with him and getting to know him better. Her sister and Mina are persistently urging her to think about Will, though. Will is what Molly refers to as a "hipster lad," and she doesn't mind if he flirts and makes jokes with her.
Between her affections for Will and her love for Reid, Molly is conflicted. On the one hand, she thinks Will would be the more well-liked option, but she can't seem to shake the image of nerdy Reid from her head. She feels even more unsure as Cassie and Mina make fun of him for his penchant for everything uncool. She wants a boyfriend, but she also wants a relationship that will increase rather than decrease her social acceptance.
The book gives the reader a glimpse into Molly's life as a young woman attempting to find her place in the world and the challenges she faces as she grows from a kid into an adult. Molly has to make difficult choices while also dealing with her own poor self-esteem and self-consciousness, which makes it difficult for her to think rationally. Young adults face a lot of social pressure, and Molly finds it difficult to make choices that could have a significant impact on her social standing. The choice for Molly is whether her personal pleasure or how she is seen by others comes first.
Reid, Molly's first committed relationship, is by her side as she attends her mother's wedding. She is aware that waiting for what is important is acceptable and that the extra time spent waiting might really improve the ultimate result. Molly understands that she has the capacity to choose the course of her life and that her happiness comes before other people's opinions of her. Will's sense of humor draws Molly to him, and she hopes that he will be the catalyst for both her first kiss and her sister and sister's reconciliation
Approaches Used
Feminism promotes the agency, voice, and empowerment of women and girls in all of their diversity as well as other people who experience marginalization or prejudice.
Gender Criticism is an extension of feminist literary criticism that focuses on the formation of gender and sexuality, particularly LGBTQ concerns, which gives rise to queer theory, rather than only women.
Psychological is an approach that can also be considered in the story because the story showed that Molly is conscious or has anxiety about how others think of her.
Formalism analyzes the structure of the entire work as well as the structure of each individual textual component (such as individual scenes and chapters), as well as the characters, settings, tone, point of view, diction, and other components that come together to form a single text.
Washington, D.C
sadness, romantic, anxious and happiness
body image, rejection, first love, and the evolution of familial relationships
Point of view:
First Person
A Georgie James Shirt
This Georgie James shirt symbolizes the twin telepathy between Molly and Cassie. When Molly sees Mina wearing this shirt she knows immediately that Mina would be the perfect girl for Cassie. When Cassie and Mina meet, Cassie is as enthralled with Mina as Molly had thought she would be.
A Card Featuring Queen Elizabeth I
This card featuring Queen Elizabeth I is a symbol of Reid and Molly’s quirky senses of humor. Reid shows Molly the card when she asks him to point out his favorite item in the store. He later leaves this card in her mailbox, a sign of his affection for her.
A Brazilian Bikini Wax
Ethan’s suggestion that Olivia get a Brazilian bikini wax is a symbol his desire to have control over her body.
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sel-jpg · 2 years
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They are both sooo bi and transgender<3
[ID: A digital drawing of Jon and Georgie from TMA in their university days. They are shown from the thighs up. Jon has one arm around Georgie and is giving her a kiss on the cheek. Georgie is smiling brightly with her eyes closed. Jon is a thin British-Indian person with medium brown skin and short wavy black hair. He has some acne and a bit of stubble and he's wearing a grey t-shirt and black pants. He's also wearing a studded bracelet and his nails are painted black. Georgie is a thin black woman with light brown skin and she's wearing her dark hair in an afro puff on the top of her head. She's wearing a black t-shirt with the writing "Cool Band" in grey on the front over a bright purple long sleeved turtleneck shirt. She's also wearing dark grey trousers with a black studded belt. She is wearing cat eye eyeliner and her nails are also painted black. The background is a desaturated light purple. End ID]
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