#game of thrones post season 8
jaimebrienne-art · 1 month
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A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms ~ Season 8 Episode 2
Episode Air date:  Sunday, April 21, 2019
Art by lennie.illustration
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rynnthefangirl · 27 days
I love how Fire and Blood shows time and time again how Targaryen women are passed over, usurped, abused, killed, raped, and slandered, all building to Daenerys, a Targaryen woman who rises to great power while seeking justice and salvation for all those crushed beneath the oppressive systems of her world... just to be usurped and killed so that we can place a man on the throne again.
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medusdeeznuts · 4 months
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They can never make me hate her 👑🐉 my little angel baby since 2013
Do not trace/repost my art
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letmespammylife · 1 year
Maybe a hot take, but Daenerys/Jon would have been a terrific lovers-to-enemies ship, with Dany going mad and Jon having to kill her, if D&D had not fucked up Jon's character and if other characters had recognised Dany's moral corruption before the very end (yes Tyrion, I'm looking at you)
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amidst salt and smoke
It has been seven years since Bran the Broken was named Lord of the Six Kingdoms, and Tyrion Lannister has rebuilt the realm, bringing forth peace and change. However, tensions with the independent Kingdom of the North and the Lords Paramount endanger the prosperity created by the Lannister lord’s Handship, as does the Hand’s own instability—for he dreams of those he has lost. What is real and what is not?
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astrid-beck · 1 year
Hey. Hey. Don't cry. Zero other people in the world, okay?
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Going ooc here...
I've been going through some shit.
It's that time of year again. I hate the beginning of the year because not only are we coming out of a very depressing season for my family, but it's also the season where it is cloudy five out of seven days of the week. It's either raining or it's cloudy... there is no in-between. It sucks, I curse the gods for this, but it's out of my hands.
Anyway, the lack of vitamin D hasn't helped any. I'm essentially a vampire because my sleep schedule is non-existent, and when I do sleep, it's during the day. At night, I'm up and hooting like an owl because I have nothing to do but come up with a nine novel series in my head about stupid shit.
Therefore, I'm a nutcase and I really don't know what to do with myself.
I'm pretty much the Joker from the Nolan Batman Trilogy, only without the explosions and dealy magic tricks.
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Unbound, energetic, chaos.
Only with antidepressants and a bad habit of letting my anxiety rule my life. So, yeah.
I'm gonna take a little break, get my shit together, and hopefully return to being a human instead of being a vampire.
BTW, Blue Eye Samurai is freaking amazing.
Oh, and I'm gonna binge watch the shit out of Netflix shows. Possibly Hulu and Prime as well.
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jtem · 2 years
“House of Dragons” is a massive disappointment
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jaimebrienne-art · 1 year
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Braime sketch By ilikeangstyships
"You make me stronger, you change me, you make me a weaker man. You make me feel a bit more human."
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glorious-sunset · 3 months
LBFAD is the most inspiring series I have ever watched and here is why…
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Although Love Between Fairy and Devil (LBFAD) only caught my eye on Netflix in December 2023, I’m so glad it did and that I didn’t miss out on this stunning and thought-provoking masterpiece. It is the most inspiring series I have ever watched for many reasons. Aesthetically, I found the beautiful 4K production quality as enjoyable as high-budget productions such as Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. I frequently felt the need to pause and admire the well-designed sets, and exquisitely detailed costumes of even minor characters. The acting is superb across the board, and the leads act and respond very naturally to each other. The long hair of male characters is especially well-done, falling naturally with subtle highlights and looks real. All these details breathe life into this fantasy world and make it very realistic.
Every line of each song from the phenomenal OST is brimming with hidden meanings related to the series, adding lots of additional context! The artwork created for the opening and ending sequences is also full of meaning (minor spoilers ahead). Take, for example, the last picture where the OTP are sitting on a boat in the Oblivion River, the junction between their two tribes, the male lead has removed his crown and hence his responsibilities at least for the moment, and they are watching the sunrise together for the rest of eternity after the close of the series (sigh!)
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Every single character of note in the series goes through profound character growth, the only exception being the abstract ultimate villain Taisui. Even the secondary villains and dictator of Shuiyuntian have grown and changed their perceptions by the end. It made me believe that anyone is capable of opening their minds and bettering themselves. Both lead and side characters are repeatedly faced with overwhelmingly bleak choices and heartbreaking challenges, especially in the last ten episodes. Yet every time, they show courage, sacrifice and selfless love that is amazing and very inspiring.
It is rare to find this kind of poignance in any production. I used to find Game of Thrones inspiring due to Daenerys freeing the world of slavery…until Season 8 happened. LBFAD tops Game of Thrones in this regard by freeing two distinct realms from conflict. The actions of the OTP break through a hundred millenia of mutual hatred and relentless conflict between their people with no end in sight, to create a new dawn of lasting peace. LBFAD reminds me of Lord of the Rings in terms of its cinematographic beauty and themes of never losing hope and prevailing over overwhelming odds. However, the stronger focus of LBFAD on the lead couple’s development and on creating multidimensional villains and side characters made it, for me, more engaging to watch.
The world-building and depth of characters has many layers in LBFAD, to the extent that much of the context was clear to me only in retrospect on rewatching the series and on deep reflection. The fast pace of the series also means that a lot of action occurs off-screen in between scenes. There are no filler scenes, there is no room for them. Every scene adds new plot twists and depth to characters, making the series highly addictive.
I am not a native mandarin speaker, and came to realise how beautiful the language is only on encountering LBFAD and its OST. It inspired me to learn mandarin, which makes rewatching the series highly enjoyable as I am able to pick up new nuances. I’m embarrassed to be late to watch LBFAD after its release in August 2022, but have thoroughly enjoyed the posts on Tumblr from fellow fans, including enthralling artwork, meta and links to fanfiction. It has encouraged me to post on Tumblr myself. I have started to post my interpretations of artwork, mandarin names, xianxia concepts, and story-format reflections on each episode. I am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful community!
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Links to some of my other LBFAD articles:
Character Names in LBFAD - Meaning and Significance
Location Names in LBFAD - Meaning and Significance
LBFAD Opening Artwork - Hidden Meanings
Here is a link to my episode 1 review (contains spoilers). All of my LBFAD articles and episode reviews can be viewed with the tag #lbfad reflections (hyperlinked) and the table of contents to these is here.
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thephantomcasebook · 7 months
They still haven't learned their lesson from the Game of Thrones Season 8 cataclysm ... and they probably never will
I'm old enough - probably an old man by Tumblr standards - to remember the premieres of the first five seasons of Game of Thrones in which the show eases the viewer back into the world and the setting. the first two episodes of an early Season of GOT was set up and characterization, reintroducing the characters and their status-quo to open the season.
This was the hallmark of good writing in a set up for a ten episode season structure.
However, GOT began to sink when they divorced themselves from that structure for the need of thrills and kills every five fucking seconds, hitting the gas peddle right off the fucking cliff.
Now, I see that they're doing it again. But this time it's "House of the Dragon".
Tell me, in what fucking universe is it a good idea to do "Blood & Cheese" in the premiere?
We don't know Team Green well enough. Fuck dude, we haven't even seen Team Green fully assembled with their best dude Daeron away from home. We don't know what their family dynamics are, we don't know the relationship between Aegon and his children are, we don't even know how anyone feels about Daeron yet. We don't even know if we're getting college boy Daeron studying in the Hightower or war veteran Daeron fresh from the Stepstones.
To do "Blood & Cheese" right away, without any set-up of characterization or status-quo, picking up right after 1x10 is the absolute worst kind of exploitive emotionally manipulating tripe that sank "Game of Thrones" in the end.
It's literally soulless shock jock armature hour shit to exploit a dead baby for a cheap pop from the audience.
I mean where's the fire?! Where are you rushing off too?! What is the big fucking hurry? The drama post Luke's death and the ambiguity waiting Aemond at the Red Keep should be enough to get an audience hooked without jamming in the murder of a baby for an astro turf boost in the ratings.
"Come, come, look at our show ... we kill babies!"
That's what a "Blood and Cheese" in the premier is going to look like to a normie and it ain't going to go the way they think it will. No one is interested anymore in GRRM's Nihilistic world anymore. People are tired and have moved on from subversion in a narrative.
I swear to Christ the level of retard that goes on in the "House of the Dragon" writers room and among their producers is just top notch foolishness.
Look, Jaehaerys is going to die, "Blood & Cheese" is gonna happen, it has to, that's part of the story, yeah? But there's a difference between integrating it into the fabric of the story, weaving the tragedy deeply into the complex tangible human characters. And then there's what the writers are doing now, which is acting like some edge-lord middle schooler who thinks they're cool cause they're atheist, listen to "The Smiths" and have a dead baby joke book.
It must get cramped in that clown car of a writer's room.
Just shoot me, fucking shoot me!
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sansa286 · 1 year
On...Targaryen (Valyrian) Hair Colors!
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Season 1 wigs were superior imo.
Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon have a habit of making all Targaryen hair look rather one-note, and in the same bleached platinum-blonde color. However the books offer a wide variety of descriptions which I plan on covering today.
Disclaimer: The pictures used are to show color, not texture. In the books there are several different textures, and in the show the Velaryons have afro-textured hair and locs. Not every example (or most) is going to be texture-accurate, this post is is purely about the different shades of hair color found in the family.
The most common hair color Valyrians are said to have is "silver-gold". Aegon I, Rhaenys, Visenya, Rhaena Targaryen (Aenys's daughter), Daenerys, Viserys and many others of Valyrian descent (as well as Hightowers) have been described with this color. Interestingly in the portraits GRRM commissioned years ago, their hair looked something like this:
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The difference between the silver and the gold is stark (pun not intended.) However other depictions have been more blended to resemble something like this:
That is personally how I first imagined Daenerys's hair in A Game of Thrones looking.
2. Silver-White
The Dragon Twins Baela and Rhaena Targaryen (Prince Daemon and Lady Laena Velaryon's twins) are described as having "silver-white" hair. Which can be interpreted as a very bright silver color with no hints of gold or blonde.
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The wig department for HotD better take notes! This is what Rhaena's locs should've looked like.
3. White
King Aegon III Targaryen is described as having hair so pale it appeared white. White differs from silver due to silver having a gray base.
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4. White Gold
Prince Aemon (son of King Jaehaerys I & Queen Alyssane) was said to have white gold hair, which was considered rare. White-gold can be interpreted as just a very pale blonde/gold color. You may think that white gold is silver-looking in color, but that is only because much of modern-day white gold has been plated with rhodium to reduce the pale yellow color. White gold that hasn't been plated is a (very pretty) pale gold color, which is what I'm assuming GRRM meant because I am fairly certain rhodium plating wasn't a thing during the medieval period.
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5. Honey
Not all Targaryens are pale haired! [Best] Queen Alysanne's hair was said to be honey colored. It was believed that her hair came out this way due to her grandmother being Lady Alarra Massey, who was Andal not Valyrian.
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6. Dirty-Blonde
Princess Alyssa Targaryen (daughter of King Jaehaerys I and Queen Alysanne) was said to have dirty-blonde hair without a trace of silver.
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8. Brown
I'm including Prince Jacaerys Velaryon and his bros here, because while his parentage was disputed, and confirmed in the show, he's still a Targaryen on his mother's side and would have taken on the name Targaryen when he became king. Jace is said to have brown hair. No flowery language used to describe it by GRRM...just brown.
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7. Black
Yes, there are black-haired Targaryens! Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Prince Aemon and Jocelyn Baratheon) had black hair, as did the children of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia Martell (sweet Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon.) Aegor Rivers, also known as "Bittersteel" (the son of King Aegon the Unworthy and Barbra Bracken) also had black hair.
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destroyerofnations92 · 4 months
For early access to my fanfiction stories set in the World of Westeros and/or A Song of Ice and Fire, come take a look at my Patreon. For only $10/month+VAT you get access to every single one of stories months in advance to regular (free) members and those on other websites, like AO3.
Below a snippet from chapter two of amidst salt and smoke, which is set seven years after season eight of Game of Thrones.
“My lord, it has been six days and nights and the brigands are yet to return. They must have heard of our approach and have fled. Mayhaps we should return to Highgarden?”
Ser Normund Peake was the second son of Lord Titus Peake of Starpike, one of the Reach’s foremost bannermen, though a tad impoverished in recent decades. Ser Normund’s mother was Lady Margot Lannister, a distant cousin to the Hand of the King through one of the Lannister cadet branches, and her lord husband had used that connection to get his son a position at Highgarden.
The young lad was incompetent though. Not particularly bright nor greatly skilled with a sword. Not to mention his spoiled and self-indulgent nature which popped up during the most inopportune times. If it would not bring forth more questions than he was willing to answer, Bronn would have dismissed Ser Normund from his service and have him sent back to Starpike with his tail between his legs.
Alas, he was a great lord and as such he had to politick. No matter how distasteful he found the practice of it all.
Lord Titus was a lord who had kneeled and professed his fealty to his new Lord Paramount, and despite his open distaste of Bronn, he had never rebelled, nor showed any signs of disloyalty. As Talla had told him, that was more than many other lords of the realm could boast of.
“You are welcome to return to Highgarden, Ser Normund,” Ser Bertram Oakheart snapped at the cowardly young man, “Mayhaps you wish to take a warm bath and sample the fine foods of the Highgarden kitchens?”
The man of three and twenty flushed red, humiliated in front of two dozen fine knights, some of whom were more lowborn than most lords allowed in their employ.
“A knight must do uncomfortable things at times, young man,” the Oakheart knight was stern in his rebuke, “And to be honest, this is one of the least uncomfortable things I have had to do in the name of lordly justice.”
If Ser Normund could have grown any redder, Bronn is certain he would have.
“I apologize, captain,” the knight stuttered, “My lord.”
Bronn waves away the apology, wishing for all to just be quiet. Their seventh day laying wait for these brigands had commenced and the sun was blaring down upon their faces, even through the thick of the trees, where they had set up covert camp.
In the distance, Bronn could hear the approach of a caravan and gave a swift signal to their scout, who did as he was bid.
It did not take long for the young man to return, “Half a dozen carts, my lord. I believe they are grain couriers.”
“Good,” Ser Bertram replied, “We have found that grain caravans are disproportionally targeted by these brigands. I am certain this time will be no different, so ready yourselves for attack.”
The men around them nodded, most of them giddy at doing something worthwhile after days of waiting for any sign of their foes. Bronn did notice the worry upon Ser Normund’s visage but said nought. The boy was useless, and if the Lord of Highgarden had any luck whatsoever, he would run into a brigand’s sword that day.
Ser Bertram Oakheart had been right for just as the caravan had moved past them, from the Northwest the heavy sounds of hooves bashing the ground rang their way. With a quick look, their suspicions were confirmed. About a dozen brigands with face coverings were readying themselves for an attack by swiftly approaching the caravan guarded by only a few armed men.
It was far too expensive for many minor lords to hire great companies of armed knights to protect their caravans of trade wares—the Reach was suffering from the tithes demanded of them, both monetary and in-kind contributions.
Upon clambering on his horse, Bronn raised his hand high, waiting for the signal from their scout before giving the command to advance. It took only a few counts before the young man who was peeking through the greenery alerted his liege lord and Bronn lowered his hand swiftly.
As one, the two dozen knights, either on horseback or on foot, descended upon the group of brigands, who were shocked at the attack. From atop his mighty steed, the Lord of Highgarden was the first to engage, swinging his sword and taking off the arm of one of the brigands, who fell upon the ground, screaming in agony.
The other men followed his example, with Ser Bertram at the front.
“Keep a few alive!” Bronn shouted as he swiftly rode after one of the fleeing men. It seemed as if his Dornish sand steed was swifter than the one used by the cowardly thief for the former sellsword quickly caught the man. Bashing his horse into his, the man flew from his saddle onto the hard ground.
Before the brigand could do anything, Bronn had jumped from the back of his horse and put the tip of his sword at the man’s throat, “Who are you? Where is the remainder of the wares you stole?”
The man merely grinned before he pulled a dagger from his sleeve and stabbed himself in the throat.
Bronn watched with wide eyes as the madman bled out before his eyes.
The Lord of Highgarden could not grasp what was happening. One second he was chasing the brigand and the next he was lying dead on the ground with a gaping wound in his throat. What started as a heavy flow of blood spreading around the man, eventually turned into a steady trickle.
Bronn just kept watching with wide eyes. He had seen a great deal of bloodshed in his life. Had inflicted quite a bit of it himself but this? The utter glee with which the man took his own life was baffling to him. Why would he do such a thing and smile about it?
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jonsaslove · 4 months
I have posted the first chapter of a new little fic I've been working on. It's a post season 8 AU in which Jon remains King in the North and Sansa travels to the Iron Islands with Theon and Yara.
I won't give away much more but I am very excited for this one and I hope you give it a shot :)
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lostkitty420 · 9 months
I don't share Game of Thrones stuff often, but this pov fan art is pretty dope. Didn't have artist credit on the page I found it, so feel free to comment with the artist if you know them so I can add the credits.
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Update, we found the artist thanks to, Rockpaperimpala.
Thanks hero!
That's her post. Thanks, tumblr, for helping me out and always doing our best at getting artists their proper due. Claps snaps and jazz hands to us. .......also winter is comming.
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ulquichaan · 2 months
Miraculous Ladybug - my thoughts.
It's been a while, I know. But I come back to rant yet again! I'm sorry for any mistakes in advance - its 2am and the thoughts won't let me sleep so I have to get them out there somewhere. If you don't want to waste your time - skip it. If you actually want to read it, I'll have a cookie waiting for you at the end of this. :3
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My journey with MLB.
Miraculous was that one show that I got to know about through a parody of it on polish yt channel called Surreactor. I didn't know what it was about but it looked interesting and that was a point in time when season 3 was just starting to come out. Sooo, as the curious child I was - I gave it a go. And it captured me very easily.
At first all I wanted is for Adrien and Mari to finally get together. I never had big thoughts about it. Then I got bored between new episodes and just... forgot about it.
After some time however I came back to it. It was somewhere around 4th season airing. I returned to it, watched it all over again and it captured me yet again. I completely fell in love with Adrien as character and started to read loads of fanfiction about the two main heroes. I got invested, started to draw the characters in different settings and what not. I started even posting here on tumblr the rants that blew out about Adrien and about Black Cat holders as a whole just because I was frustrated on how little love he got or that I couldn't find any theories that would make sense.
I made new friend, started to plan stories more than I did before, returned to RP with my old friend through messenger and more.
It was a blow of creativity of mine at that time. You maybe you know of "Sky Is The Limit"? That was the point for me where I had so many ideas that I had to do something with at least one of them. Talking about an overload, right?
Season 4 finale - the best finale in this show in my honest opinion. Though I am based so who cares.
The point is - I deeply fell in love with this fandom for the most part.
And then... season 5 happened.
At first I was hooked. Really. I felt that it was going in the right direction and I even wanted to watch it later so I could see it in order.
Oh boy, did I get disappointed. Very disappointed.
I was never a Senti-Adrien fan, let's be real. But the execution? Even worse.
The finale? The fight yea, fun. But why cut out Adrien out of it???
Chloe as mayor? ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL? It's losing braincells more and more.
And I know the plot armor was always evident in this show and all.... but i feel like it was knocked up 10 times or more in season 5 to the point it could beat Game of Thrones seasons 7 and 8. (Yeah, I know what should compare two shows where one is fenomenal and the other has always been trash, but you can't argue with me that seasons 7 and 8 weren't rushed and had very poor execution)
To say that I was angry is an understatement. I HATED season 5 with every fiber of my existence. I still do, but I'm far more calm about it than I was originally. Believe it or not.
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I saw all the drama in the fandom. When people complained about the show and other people came in to defend it. And I have to say - I can see where both sides are coming from.
To the people who enjoy it, all of it - I'm glad you do! I really am!
I can clearly see where the hate is coming from and anytime I saw a valid critique I couldn't help but agree with it. There were some awesome responses to that critique even from people who do enjoy the show still, but there were always people who I'll call "white knights".
Aka people who will ride-or-die for the show and always say there is nothing wrong with it!
Oh how I hate this way of thinking....
Little message to those white knights - yes there are pure haters that hate just to hate, but in the spectrum of people who are critiquing the show are also people who loved it and got disappointed. When people are angry/dissapointed they usually feel the need to express themselves and forums like Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, are just perfect for ranting. I have spent fair share in the horse gaming community to know that every flop will have a retaliation and shutting up people will make them only more angry. :|
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I stopped liking the show. Why am I coming back to it?
That's a question that started to bother me just as I was going to sleep.
I have watched Hazbin Hotel (Lucifer my beloved) and fell deeply in love with it. I always liked Vivzie's Hellaverse being it Helluva Boss and now Hazbin, but there is something that just came back to me.
I started yet again imagining Adrien and Marinette but in the helllaverse. Or what if I merged hellaverse and Miraculous together in some way. Or other crazy ideas that will never see the light of day.
It's always those two characters for the most part. But the moment those two show up, the rest of Miraculous cast does too.
I fell put of the show. I don't like it. Why do I keep coming back?
My thought is - the fandom and the work it did for the characters.
I have always loved to read fanfiction even it came to miraculous. And it's always SO MANY! With many different variants of the world or entirely different settings. Ofc there are some bad fics, but the good ones are those that captured my heart and made me love the characters even more.
Let's put in some examples (and recommendations if you want to check them out):
Happiness by Somewhere_Out_Here
Once a Thief, always a Thief by @saijspellhart
Bakery Enemies by @buggachat
Heaven in hiding by @livinglittlelie
I'll guess your heart, if you guess mine by PurpleHeartsOne
Chat Blanc's Moon Waltz by @rileyclaw
The comic dubs by PhantomSavage
The little comics like "Passionate Kiss" by @edendaphne
All of these are just very few examples from multitude of content I devoured when I was in the love stage for MLB. And those things are STILL SO GOOD. (You have to check it out if you haven't already)
The point is - the fandom fell in love with the concept and if not that, then the characters. Yes, they aren't perfect. Some would say they are very much Mary Sue-ish. Some would say they are badly written. While the fact is - the characters themselves aren't badly written, the plot is just badly handled.
I can see why people love Marinette, she is quirky, funny and her ideas, while absurd most of the time, they work. And that's fine! She is supposed to be creative and what not. A great friend to have in corner, that for sure :3
Adrien on the other hand is supposed to be a bundle of issues that come with living a sheltered life and the want to be free.
(The movie handled Marinette much better than the show, let's be real here)
Sad fact - the writers of the show couldn't handle all of the potential they set up. But the fandom could and that's what's beautiful in my opinion.
The show may not be a masterpiece but they made some aspects of it so enjoyable and investing (love-square) that other people decided to execute those good things in their own stories and create something else.
The characters are just so easy to put into other stories too. Because they are written in the way they are (even if poorly handled at times) the aspects of them are very flexible, which in turn makes them easy to incorporate into other AUs.
For me it proves that you don't need a very complicated and deep character to make your story memorable. Even tho that certainly helps depending on your story. Miraculous was really lucky it got that creative fandom in the first place.
And this is what is beautiful.
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Ending, some plans of mine that who knows if they will see the light of day. :]
This is only for those who are interested what I have been up to and what do i plan with this blog:
I am not quitting tumblr, oh no. I'll be probably reposting some stuff that I like from time to time.
I am returning to write "Sky Is The Limit", however I am completely rewriting it for the.... 7th time? Something like that. I doubt I'll finish it anytime soon at this rate and if I get the need to draw I might draw few characters from there or designs I have planned.
I have a very big project in mind that I might probably make a new blog for. It's still just an idea but I getting closer to actually being made so stay tuned.
I will start posting stuff from Hazbin Hotel. I fell deeply in love with Lucifer's character and you can't unglue me from that duck man!!
Other than that I went to university and I'm enjoying my time here so yeah.
And here is your cookie for reading all that! You're a legend!
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(I'm open for any discussions as long as they stay respectful. Feel free to DM me :>)
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