#full list of characters in Wish credits
juniorcaptain · 7 months
Full list of the Disney characters appearing during the credits of Wish:
1. Snow White
2. Pinocchio
3. Mickey Mouse (as Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
4. Dumbo
5. Bambi
6. Ichabod Crane
7. Cinderella
8. Cheshire Cat
9. Peter Pan
10. Lady and the Tramp
11. Maleficent
12. Pongo
13. Merlin
14. Baloo
15. Marie
16. Robin Hood
17. Winnie the Pooh
18. Tod and Copper
19. Basil of Baker Street
20. Oliver
21. Ariel
22. Belle and Beast
23. Aladdin
24. Simba and Rafiki
25. Pocahontas
26. Quasimodo
27. Hercules
28. Mulan
29. Tarzan
30. Flamingo (from Fantasia 2000)
31. Aladar (from Dinosaur)
32. Yzma
33. Milo Thatch
34. Stitch
35. Jim Hawkins
36. Koda
37. Maggie (from Home on the Range)
38. Chicken Little
39. Bolt
40. Tiana
41. Rapunzel
42. Wreck-It Ralph
43. Elsa
44. Yokai aka Robert Callahan (from Big Hero 6)
45. Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps
46. Moana
47. Raya
48. Mirabel
49. Splat (from Strange World)
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physalian · 3 months
You don’t have to pay for that fancy worldbuilding program
As mentioned in this post about writing with executive dysfunction, if one of your reasons to keep procrastinating on starting your book is not being able to afford something like World Anvil or Campfire, I’m here to tell you those programs are a luxury, not a necessity: Enter Google Suite (not sponsored but gosh I wish).
MS Office offers more processing power and more fine-tuning, but Office is expensive and only autosaves to OneDrive, and I have a perfectly healthy grudge against OneDrive for failing to sync and losing 19k words of a WIP that I never got back.
Google’s sync has never failed me, and the Google apps (at least for iPhone) aren’t nearly as buggy and clunky as Microsoft’s. So today I’m outlining the system I used for my upcoming fantasy novel with all the helpful pictures and diagrams. Maybe this won’t work for you, maybe you have something else, and that’s okay! I refuse to pay for what I can get legally for free and sometimes Google’s simplicity is to its benefit.
The biggest downside is that you have to manually input and update your data, but as someone who loves organizing and made all these willingly and for fun, I don’t mind.
So. Let’s start with Google Sheets.
The Character Cheat Sheet:
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I organized it this way for several reasons:
I can easily see which characters belong to which factions and how many I have named and have to keep up with for each faction
All names are in alphabetical order so when I have to come up with a new name, I can look at my list and pick a letter or a string of sounds I haven’t used as often (and then ignore it and start 8 names with A).
The strikethrough feature lets me keep track of which characters I kill off (yes, I changed it, so this remains spoiler-free)
It’s an easy place to go instead of scrolling up and down an entire manuscript for names I’ve forgotten, with every named character, however minor their role, all in one spot
Also on this page are spare names I’ll see randomly in other media (commercials, movie end credits, etc) and can add easily from my phone before I forget
Also on this page are my summary, my elevator pitch, and important character beats I could otherwise easily mess up, it helps stay consistent
*I also have on here not pictured an age timeline for all my vampires so I keep track of who’s older than who and how well I’ve staggered their ages relative to important events, but it’s made in Photoshop and too much of a pain to censor and add here
On other tabs, I keep track of location names, deities, made-up vocabulary and definitions, and my chapter word count.
The Word Count Guide:
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*3/30 Edit to update this chart to its full glory. Column 3 is a cumulative count. Most of what I write breaks 100k and it's fun watching the word count rise until it boils over.
This is the most frustrating to update manually, especially if you don’t have separate docs for each chapter, but it really helps me stay consistent with chapter lengths and the formula for calculating the average and rising totals is super basic.
Not that all your chapters have to be uniform, but if you care about that, this little chart is a fantastic visualizer.
If you have multiple narrators, and this book does, you can also keep track of how many POVs each narrator has, and how spread out they are. I didn’t do that for this book since it’s not an ensemble team and matters less, but I did for my sci-fi WIP, pictured below.
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As I was writing that one, I had “scripted” the chapters before going back and writing out all the glorious narrative, and updated the symbols from “scripted” to “finished” accordingly.
I also have a pie chart that I had to make manually on a convoluted iPhone app to color coordinate specifically the way I wanted to easily tell who narrates the most out of the cast, and who needs more representation.
Google Docs
Can’t show you much here unfortunately but I’d like to take an aside to talk about my “scene bits” docs.
It’s what it says on the tin, an entire doc all labeled with different heading styles with blurbs for each scene I want to include at some point in the book so I can hop around easily. Whether they make it into the manuscript or not, all practice is good practice and I like to keep old ideas because they might be useful in unsuspecting ways later.
Separate from that, I keep most of my deleted scenes and scene chunks for, again, possible use later in a “deleted scenes” doc, all labeled accordingly.
When I designed my alien language for the sci-fi series, I created a Word doc dictionary and my own "translation" matrix, for easy look-up or word generation whenever I needed it (do y'all want a breakdown for creating foreign languages? It's so fun).
Normally, as with my sci-fi series, I have an entire doc filled with character sheets and important details, I just… didn’t do that for this book. But the point is—you can still make those for free on any word processing software, you don’t need fancy gadgets.
I hope this helps anyone struggling! It doesn’t have to be fancy. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Everything I made here, minus the aforementioned timeline and pie chart, was done with basic excel skills and the paint bucket tool. I imagine this can be applicable to games, comics, what have you, it knows no bounds!
Now you have one less excuse to sit down and start writing.
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piixelpaint · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @naffeclipse​!!! Happy Birthday to you, one of our very favourite writers in this wholesome fandom!! ☀️🌙
You have gathered hundreds of people around your exciting stories, making us hold our breath each time we read a new chapter you post. You inspire each of us to create our own stories, drawings, animations, to bring something of our own to this fandom. And you helped us find new mutual friends within it, with whom we may sometimes chat for hours on end. You yourself have become one of said mutual friends and it is always such a pleasure to write to you!
You are simply fantastic and we all sincerely wish you the best Birthday that one could have, knowing that you bring so much joy and inspiration to others!
// All credits and more under the cut! Please, do take a look! :) //
Unfortunately, we could not invite all the people who appreciate your writings to participate in this collaboration, as much as we wanted to. This was our first time organizing something like this, and we needed to limit the number of people. But, Naff, I think you yourself know very well that there are hundreds of people in this fandom who sincerely love you and your work and that this art piece would be much bigger if all of them took part in it :)  And on that note, a huge thank you to everyone who agreed to participate! Regardless of busyness and time zone differences, we all worked together and were able to finish this wonderful art piece!
Full List of Credits: Characters In Deep Dreams Between the Waves Mer-Eclipse - @themeeplord  Fisher Y/N - @pure-plum
Sleuth Jesters & AUs Detective Sun - @zelda7999 Detective Moon - @kibbits  Mafia Boss Eclipse - @miwachan2 Vigilante Y/N - @pure-plum Police Chief Eclipse - @lavenoon  Detective Y/N - @cero-sleep
Cryptid Sightings Cryptid Sun/Moon - @sillysaysnonsense Hunter Y/N - @lavenoon 
Double Toil and Trouble Demon Familiar Sun - @solitary-star Demon Familiar Moon - @chaotikanvas  Witch Y/N - @sanchensky Demon Familiar Eclipse - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
The Writer Naff - @piixelpaint
Layout @themeeplord, @sanchensky, @piixelpaint & everyone for their great ideas and feedback!
BG & Comp @pure-plum
Organizers @piixelpaint & @sanchensky​
Special Thanks To Plum, who gave me (Piixel) the confidence to start this whole thing after I pitched it to her x)
___ Quick note from Piixel: This was honestly such a fun project to work on and to all my fellow collaborators, I have to give a massive thanks!!✨ You really made this project and this seriously couldn’t have come to fruition without your willingness, patience and seamless cooperation. So from the bottom of my heart, Thank you guys so so much!!
And for you, dearest Naff, I think this really shows how wonderful a community you’ve built around you! Not only with your masterful writing and charming stories, but also by being such a sweet, kind and giving person.
So here’s to you, Naff! Happy Birthday, babe! 🥳🎉❤️❤️❤️
(Closeups below ;)
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otherswap · 11 months
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An alternate take on the Underswap AU premise featuring different character pairings & the Holidays from DELTARUNE.
AU details below:
Characters shown here: Asgore Dreemurr → Rudolph Holiday Toriel → Dess Asriel → Noelle Flowey (Asriel) → Flowey (Chara) *NOTE: Chara is still the first human to fall down. They switch story roles with Noelle. Papyrus ↔ Undyne Sans ↔ Alphys Mettaton ↔ Mad Mew Mew Napstablook ↔ Ruins Dummy Annoying Dog ↔ Temmie
Characters not shown here: Monster Kid ↔ Snowdrake Muffet ↔ Burgerpants Grillby ↔ Nice Cream Guy Gerson Boom ↔ Snowdin Inn Keeper (QC) Bratty & Catty ↔ Royal Guard 01 & 02 *NOTE: Any character not mentioned thus far is either unchanged or has not been thought about yet.
The Underground: The Ruins → The Depths
The deepest part of the Underground. The Depths are composed of dark, volcanic caverns and serve as the entrance to the rest of the Underground.
Snowdin → Clearwater
A tropical paradise with a resort at its heart, run by Gerson Boom. It's considered the nicest part of the Underground and many monsters wish to live here.
Waterfall → Forestgrove
Forestgrove has a temperate climate, lush vegetation, and fields of Golden Flowers. The vast tangle of forest makes it easy to get lost in, unless you know your way around.
Hotland → Highpeaks
A vast and densely populated city built into craggy cliffsides of the Underground. The city features many apartments, restaurants, shady back alleys, and the Royal Science center.
Located within Highpeaks is the large cold-fusion reactor facility that supplies the Underground with electricity. It was created by the former Royal Scientist.
New Home/The Capital
The highest point of the Underground. Just beyond it is the Barrier, but seldom few live here anyways. The frosted-over castle is always decorated like it's Christmas Eve.
Important info: OTHERSWAP is not being developed as a fangame, mod, comic, or anything of that nature. This is just an AU setting created for funsies. It is not trying to replace or "improve" the original Underswap AU.
This AU was first conceptualized shortly after the release of DELTARUNE Chapter 2. At the time of posting, there is no official design for Dess or Mayor Holiday. Dess' design may be changed in the future if she ever appears in official UTDR content and Mayor Holiday has not been included in OTHERSWAP at all. Although she takes the role of Toriel in this AU, Dess is still the eldest daughter of Rudolph Holiday and is treated accordingly. This AU has decided to replace the Dreemurrs with the Holidays as they also exist within UNDERTALE canon (UNDERTALE 5th Anniversary Alarm Clock Winter Dialogue - Asgore, UNDERTALE Xbox port exclusive dialogue).
Artwork posted by this account (@otherswap) is created by @dvdexe. A full list of credits can be found here.
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omaano · 25 days
SW Hades AU Status Update
I wanted to make a dedicated post about what I’m currently working on for the Star Wars meets Hades AU that looks more consistent than just sharing bits and pieces whenever I’m tagged in a Last Line Challenge. Because what else do I have but the poly sketch requests and this AU for my weekends? (If nothing else I know that the Hades AU has got me XD)
For now Obi-Wan and Maul are stuck at the same stage: they are both lined, have their base colours down as well as the two adjustment layers of coloured lighting.
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I suspect if I were ever to get through the agonozing few hours of shading Obi-wan’s face it would be mostly smooth sailing from there. The problem is that there are at least 2 - if not 3 - separate stages where the shaded face looks like I have no idea what I’m doing, and you need to get through the whole thing before it really comes together 😅 on the other hand Hades 2 has a lot of the directional shading I might need for his character art so that might help to get me there.
It also needs to be said that Obi-Wan comes with the extra disadvantage that is the entire background behind him. I’m really hyped to line it finally, it is quite a challenge, but at the same time I’m slowly coming to the realization that I have no idea how I will colour it. Hades backgrounds are so so pretty and full of details and gorgeous colours, and while I’m not delusional enough to think I could match that on first try… I still wish I could, you know? At the same time I will have to erase or recolour a lot of my lines, which will hurt quite a bit, I imagine. I’m so bad at killing my darlings 😅 also I hate laying down flat colours. I just find it very difficult to immerse myself in that process, while lining and shading can have their flow.
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I had covered up so many lines and details in Maul’s spider parts it’s a miracle I didn’t cry XD However, tips on grouping my shadows and allowing the shape to speak for itself and the details in them are very helpful and on point.
Worrying over writing dialogue for them is also not as far down my to-do list as I wish it were. I have a good enough idea for a quip for Obi-wan, but Maul? He’d need a whole melodramatic rant of his own XD
Aphra has gotten some new lines and I had fixed the satchel I had forgotten the last time I shared the rough sketch for her, thanks to the new character art for Hades 2! Seeing Odysseus and Hermès’s updated looks were great helps here, so I might as well move on to lining her, and finally adding another female character to the roster on top of Ahsoka!
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And then there is the biggest update on these little guys below! I will need to clean up the ones I had drawn for Cobb and Boba (and Din) well over a year ago, but with these my version of chtonic companions are done, and thanks to @lesquatrechevrons I have a full list of keepsakes for each character as well. I’m not very good at drawing these little tchotchkes (I say with Rex’s blaster right there LOL) but I hadn’t been very good at lineart or cell shading when I started this project either, so through forced practice I’m determined to change that :D
(It’s not a screwdriver under Boga, it’s one of Cody’s antennas. “It will grow back, don’t worry,” he says as he snaps it off his pauldron and hands it over to Din. Rex backs him up on that one without question. They can't lie for shit but trolling the shiny is their thing.)
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Additional fun fact: the reason why I’d picked up the chtonic companions concepts was because I’d been poking at minor details in the background behind Maul (aside from the Chaos doors), and I started adding credits and recoloured nectar to the corner (before I realized that they wouldn’t be visible once the character interaction comes up oops), and I tried to figure out to whose keepsakes Maul would react favorably. I also mixed up companion dolls and keepsakes, so that’s why the Ahsoka doll came to being (I also forgot that that one belongs to Rex, and not Ahsoka herself but uh… they are close enough that they should count by proxy anyway. It’s not Obi-wan’s cup of tea and that should be enough!). Also bless @mapleowl18 for suggesting Lil Soka as companion for Rex ❤️
So this is the current state of this AU project right now. I have my lists and notes, a few scribbled pose ideas in my sketchbook for Sabine (she might be next, unless Bo and her Nite Owls make a comeback), Satine and Omega (with Batcher), as well as some angry scribbles and question marks for Quinlan (who has apparently made his way back into this AU even though he didn’t get a little icon of his own originally orz), and Obi-wan The Second that would stand with Cody post reunion, but I cannot make that one work for now 😅
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comradekatara · 7 months
so i read azula in the spirit temple. i actually quite liked it! it helps that she looks absolutely gorgeous in wartman's art style. it's so much easier to digest this new batch of hicks comics, not only because they're actually being written by someone who understands the themes and characters of atla, but because they're so much more aesthetically pleasing than the former art style, which didn't do any characters any favors.
now, i'm gonna venture into spoiler territory as i discuss specific panels, so if that's something to wish to avoid for now, i've put the rest of this post under a readmore. also, send me an ask if you want the link for the full comic, and thank you to @samtamdan for providing me with it!
i. thesis.
first of all, the idea that azula could have found "redemption" in the temple was teleologically illusory, due to the fundamental premise of how such "redemption" was being facilitated. that said, i don't think it was her "crossroads of destiny" moment (a potential for change wherein zuko chose wrong), but rather the leadup to "crossroads of destiny," which is to say, his metamorphic fever dream. like zuko, she's seeing visions of her loved ones manifested from her subconscious giving her conflicting accounts as to who she is and what she should do. so while the seeds are being planted, her growth is still to come.
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but genuine growth cannot be facilitated in this manner. how can azula embrace "growth" she knows to be an illusion? she's definitely not being overly paranoid here by refusing to "just accept what is offered," especially considering she has experienced psychosis in the past. while i think that this spirit does accurately acknowledge the root of azula's core issue, which is that she was raised in an environment where she was denied unconditional love in such a way that she convinced herself she was fundamentally unlovable and undeserving of care (thus motivating her to overcompensate through avenues she could excel in), the visions the spirit offers don't actually provide azula with unconditional love. they list her accomplishments and state how she is a credit to her nation, but that won't allow for azula to recognize that what she truly craves is a love that transcends stipulations and is not facilitated through fear. she can't have any sort of emotional breakthrough when she is being praised for aspects of herself that were valued and fostered by her abuser who indoctrinated her into an imperialist ideology, and so the promise of "redemption" (in this particular instance) was hollow from the start, and i think that she was right to ultimately reject it.
however, her moments of genuine vulnerability wherein she voices her repressed subconscious fears may lead to her eventually arriving at a greater self-awareness and emotional clarity on her own somewhere down the line.
ii. manifestations.
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a small detail i loved was when ty lee appeared to her, i could immediately tell that she was an illusion, because she was acting how azula sees her. the beginning of the comic even foreshadows this "reveal" (i mean, i think it would have been more shocking had she actually been real, but you get what i mean) by showing us a glimpse of ty lee acting more authentically now that she's no longer under azula's thumb. and it's particularly amusing to me that in azula's mind, ty lee is a perky airhead and mai is a massive cunt.
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not gonna lie, the fact that this is how azula sees mai made me laugh.
of course, ty lee does always feign oblivious cheer around azula, and mai is blunt and honest to the point that she can sometimes seem mean, but it also speaks to the fact that as much as azula clearly cares so much about them, she's never truly understood them. that said, azula's last clear memory of mai is her choosing to say the exact words that she knew would hurt azula most ("you miscalculated, i love zuko more than i fear you") so it makes sense that her subconscious would now manifest a version of mai who voices azula's innermost fears.
furthermore, the fact that mai would manifest to azula as an extension/double of ty lee instead of as her own person, wearing the kyoshi uniform even though mai herself is not a kyoshi warrior, is such an interesting choice to me. i think it signifies how azula views mai and ty lee as a cohesive unit; they are inextricably linked in her mind due to the fact that they chose each other over her. while zuko does appear later as a manifestation out of the same figure, he is wearing his firelord robes, indicating that azula's memory of mai in kyoshi warrior garb back in book 2 is significant to her. i think it can be read as a clever allusion to that very subtle moment of foreshadowing in book 2, but it primarily indicates how azula sees mai and ty lee as two faces of the same body, donning the garb they once wore as a disguise – only now it indicates that their dual loyalties were also in opposition to azula.
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ty lee, on the other hand, can only be a bitch to azula obliviously, when she appears ignorant of how much her words have the capacity to hurt her. considering this is a continuation of the yang established canon, the fact that (azula's vision of) ty lee would so casually suggest azula seek help from a psychiatric institution would read as condescending mockery and is clearly incredibly triggering for her, but her phrasing allows for an ambiguity of intention that azula has come to associate with ty lee's discursive affect.
of course, we as the audience know that ty lee was always perfectly conscious of how to veil her insults towards azula with enough plausible deniability that azula didn't even register them as deliberate insults at all. however, i wonder whether time away from ty lee with the hindsight of her betrayal allowed azula to reframe the nature of their relationship. and while she does still see ty lee as enduringly cheerful, that also makes sense considering she never truly witnessed ty lee drop her mask.
these nuances are the kinds of subtle distinctions only someone who truly understands their characters could write, which is why i'm so grateful they ditched yang and hired hicks.
iii. love and friendship.
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i also love these panels in particular as they speak to azula's feelings for mai and ty lee. despite her... less than stellar treatment of them, it's always been clear that azula does love her friends. the reason their betrayal hit her so hard is because she wanted them to care about her as much as she cared about them, and she rationalized that hurt after the fact by claiming that she was actually upset because they betrayed "their nation." this rationalization is a pattern for her, psychologically. azula uses her status as a means of elevate herself, while simultaneously debasing her personhood/humanity (not only viewing herself as a vessel/weapon, but fearing that she is in fact a "monster") as she fears that she is uniquely unworthy of love. the irony there is that her status as the prodigious fire nation princess was what led to her dehumanization, and (like zuko and iroh before her) deconstructing her imperialist ideology would be a necessary step in her ability to uninternalize the way she sees herself stemming from ozai's abuse.
i also found it interesting that azula calls zuko a "stupid boy who didn't even want her." there are so many layers to that claim. first of all, zuko isn't just a random boy (although he might be stupid). he's her brother, and as much as she may deny it, she cares about him deeply. but here, the fact that zuko is a boy takes precedent over the fact that he's her brother, which screams teenage lesbian logic to me. azula cannot understand why her friends would choose a boy over the close female friendship that meant so much to her because her attempt to inhabit mai's perspective, as a girl who has romantic feelings for a boy, is genuinely impossible to her. i know this interpretation may seem like a stretch, but i really don't think that azula would say "she broke up our team for a stupid boy" and not "for my stupid brother" otherwise, considering that azula does have an established precedent of feeling specifically hurt by her loved ones choosing zuko over her. her wording is distinctly gay here.
furthermore, azula claims that zuko "didn't even want her." i've talked before about how azula is hoisted by her own petard regarding mai's betrayal, since she initially set zuko and mai up (there is a comic that establishes this, but since i don't consider the comics canon, i will also say that this reading is heavily implied in "the awakening"), whether to control both of them through each other, or as an incentive to keep zuko on her side, or out of a genuine altruistic desire to matchmake, or a combination of the above, or otherwise, and that choice to bring them together ended up backfiring spectacularly. but i think the fact that azula had to pull the strings to get them together also led her to assume that any care they might have had for each other wasn't genuine, and while i think that to a degree she is correct, because their relationship was largely a hollow facade, she could not have expected that their relationship would lead to their breakup which led to their conversation in the boiling rock that motivated mai to take a stand. (and of course there's also the fact that the wording of the latter clause, azula claiming that zuko didn't want mai, is equally as gay as the former. she may as well have called zuko a slur here.)
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sidenote: while i could definitely spend ample time dissecting this entire panel, for now i'm just going to address the fact that the boy azula sees in her initial dream sequence isn't even chan (the guy she kissed) but ruon-jian. obviously azula in this moment knows that her hair looks like shit (although i think the overgrown uneven bangs are a really cute look on her tbh) and she's stinky from running around in the woods for however long she has, but the fact that the voice presenting that compliment to her isn't even coming from the boy she ostensibly "liked" makes it even more evident that she cares about validation from boys insofar as she believes that she is supposed to, but doesn't actually care enough about them as individuals to distinguish between them. chan and ruon-jian are interchangeable symbols to her that function to affirm her (heterosexual) femininity, but she still cannot fathom why anyone would forsake their cherished female friends out of genuine feeling for "a stupid boy." azula is such a baby lesbian.
and finally, the fact that this entire plot is incited by her replacement girl group choosing one of their own over her command illustrates how much mai and ty lee's betrayal still resonates. she is attempting to cling to an idealized past via recreating their friend group, but she still hasn't learned her lesson that she cannot make genuine friends by being controlling and ruling through fear, and so history repeats itself, and they, too, leave her. hopefully her next endeavor to find a friend group of likeminded girls will be tempered by newfound knowledge that love and mutual support creates stronger bonds than fear, but since she has yet to be shown genuine care from anyone in her life, that has yet to be seen.
iv. parents.
one quibble i do have is that because hicks has to adhere to the precedent set by the yang comics, despite navigating and adapting to those precedents deftly, some choices simply fall flat. for the most prominent example, the retcon that ursa is still alive necessitates that azula's understanding of her mother's absence is slightly muddied, but that's always gonna be a choice i disagree with, so i can't exactly single out this particular comic when it nonetheless does such a great job of attempting to mitigate prior issues, mostly by focusing entirely on its role as a psychological character study rather than attempting to deal with the mess of a plot that yang established.
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that said, i do think that this panel is really poignant, and the fact that azula is even able to speak to her fear of ozai is a really big step for her. i think that azula acknowledging that she legitimately didn't have a choice is actually a really important milestone on her path to healing. her cognitive dissonance regarding her denial that ozai's abuse dictated her actions through fear is a matter she needs to address and articulate fully if she is ever to find peace. it's understandably difficult for her to reconcile her lack of agency and how terrifying the circumstances of her childhood were, and she even oscillates here between acknowledging that she was terrified of ozai and claiming that ozai is the only family she has left who hasn't betrayed her. i think that azula almost wants to be a monster who drives everyone away because that means that she nonetheless has enough control to be responsible for her fate, and actually facing the extent to which ozai's abuse shaped her is really scary. moreover, it's still difficult for azula to recognize how much harm ozai has caused her because she has no other form of material support, and without the hollow approval of her abuser, she is truly and utterly alone. which, incidentally, is exactly why he isolated her in the first place.
v. conclusion.
while, i know that some people may be disappointed that the telos seemed like a net zero, i think that the push towards isolated character studies that don't affect the plot since hicks was hired actually works really really well considering she understands each character well enough to write these compelling little character studies that largely serve to reinforce the themes of the show via placing a single character under a microscope. and while i think the toph and katara standalone comics were cute but unmemorable, the suki and azula comics were really good because they are both characters who can benefit from having their perspectives foregrounded, whereas we already get plenty of foregrounded pov from toph and (especially) katara in the show itself. azula is a character whose inner life is largely relegated to subtext, so seeing her literal subconscious battle itself upon her spiritually-manifested psychological landscape was a really cool way of communicating her latent internal struggle that has compelled me for so long. despite it being a relatively short comic, there was so much to unpack here that i could really only choose so many key panels to discuss, but that depth and richness to the text is something i appreciate greatly. azula is one of my favorite characters to analyze, so this comic was really like a field day for me.
and here are just some panels i found particularly amusing:
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gotta find a way to take potshots at zuzu even when she's completely alone. she's such a little sister sometimes.
tl;dr: overall, i really enjoyed this aesthetically pleasing character study of azula's shattered psyche, and although i only unpack a handful of my favorite panels in this post, i am happy to discuss any further thoughts you guys may have regarding other facets of this comic in my inbox!
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You find a letter addressed to you...
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The envelope is a pale, moonstone white with gold filligree. It is sealed with a wax seal, the engravings from the stamp showing an intricate magical spell used to ensure the letter was delivered to you.
If you are with a friend who also recieves a letter, you notice that each seal was customized to specifically reach you and you alone.
The paper inside a fine parchment with an invitation written in deep blue ink....
Hello Magical Friend~☆
You are cordially invited to the Blue Moon Ball, the first of its kind hosted on Wizard Island (Island).
It will be a week-long celebration of the magical and arcane with old and new friends; if you happen to receive this letter, you are one of many esteemed guests we would like to host at our establishment.
Should you decide to attend, please sign the RSVP card added within this envelope and send it back using your preferred method of mailing.
The ball will be held in the fourth week of May, the Nineteenth through the Twenty-Fifth (May 19-25). We hope to see you there!
Welcome everyone to the official announcement post of the Blue Moon Ball! Wizardblr's (maybe?) first community-wide event. Hosted by yours truly @the-necrobotanist! I'm happy to see you here!
The event will take place over the course of seven days, where participants will make posts relating to a series of themes throughout the entire week.
The event will take place on the week of the 19-25, mark your calendars!
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Please be polite and kind to other participants
No AI generation in any and all submissions
Do not reveal any personal info
(This is everything for now. Please do not make me extend this rule list)
There are four categories for people to partake in for the prompts: Art, Writing, Roleplay, and Photography. I'll explain a bit more in detail about them below.. .
ART [#Blue Moon Ball Art]
Draw your character according to the prompts, and perhaps other people's characters!
Use of picrews/heroforge is allowed as long as you credit where you made the image from
Use of AI to make art is strictly prohibited and will not be included in the event.
WRITING [#Blue Moon Ball Writing]
Write a story, drabble, or fic of your character!
There is no base word count or word limit, do whatever you wish!
Poems and the like are totally welcome and allowed!
No AI generated writing is allowed.
ROLEPLAY [#Blue Moon Ball Roleplay]
Roleplay at the event! I'll make a few starters for people to post and add to :)
Keep everything SFW, and if a RP situation makes you uncomfortable please remember that it is okay to back out
PHOTOGRAPHY [#Blue Moon Ball Photogtaphy]
Take a photo! Whether it be an outfit, food, or a pet!
No revealing personal information. This includes your face, address, full name, etc. Please practice internet safety.
The official prompt list will not be revealed until 3 days before the event! There will however be a prologue prompt!
Prologue Prompt
Your prompt for before the event is.....
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Gather your fabric and get your sewing kits ready, your first prompt is to design and create your character’s outfit for the ball!
Create an outfit and post it to tumblr, whether through art, writing, or whatever you wish! Make sure to use the tag #BMB Outfit so people can see your work, and feel free to mention me so I can reblog!
All outfits submitted (unless noted otherwise in the post) will be added to a poll for a "Best Dressed" poll that will he hosted after the main event is over, consider it an afterparty of sorts.
All rules above apply to this post, I hope you all enjoy!!
That's everything for now! I'm so excited to be hosting this, and I'm so, so happy and grateful for the huge amount of people interested. I cannot wait to see what you make!!
Enjoy the ball, Magical Friends~☆ !!
Pinglist Set A
@scuttling-comfuddlement @the-gnomest-bastard @kobold-sanctuary-buss-island @satyrs-apothecary @irving-the-pirate-wizard @morbingtime @justagingerwithredhair @chaos-familiar @these-detestable-hands @regina-the-sorceress @combustion-witch @yourlocalbreadenthusiast @selldemapplez @agentldiddy @fractalkitty @wizard-island-trading-co @good-wizard @the-illegal-wizard-council @ash-the-tiefling @mysticminion @blobbiedaykeeppcaway @life-is-okay-rn2 @skyethebisexualwolfwizard @thequeerwizardcouncil @dread-the-eldritch-wizard @profeshinul-wizurd @a-squirrel-wizard @the-mighty-dalob @amateur-wizard @chaos-wizard-nyehehe @bertskullhaver @transgender-wizard @flowers-the-sun-witch @the-silliest-sorcerer @wizard-ghost @a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat @flirtyambiguouswizard @paltering-peculiarity @parkyrtheelvishbard @ceeceelemons
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dead-dove-yandere · 4 months
Introduction Post!!
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Hello! My name is Dove and this is a yandere themed sideblog. I post imagines and drabbles here. It is mostly OC oriented, with both human and monster OCs, but I may do characters from certain fandoms in the future. I also take requests so please check my bio to see if requests are open!
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This is an 15+ blog that is horror themed. There will be mention of stalking, harassment, yanderes, gore, manipulation, abuse, death, murder and other themes of a similar/related nature. Under 15s and ageless blogs do not interact. All posts will be labelled and tagged with the necessary triggers I can think of but if you think I have missed any please let me know in DMs! Do not glorify abusive relationships/stalkers irl - this is not what a healthy relationship looks like in reality and what I write is purely fictional and should remain that way.
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Rules, Tagging System and Masterlists below the cut.
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Request Rules
♡ - Ageless blogs or under 15s DNI
♡ - Please be polite and respectful
♡ - Please send requests through the askbox only and please do not request when requests are closed
♡ - You can send non-request asks even when requests are closed, or you can DM me :]
♡ - Please make sure that your request is clear and makes sense - asks that don’t make any sense or are incomprehensible will unfortunately be deleted
♡ - Asks sometimes take a while to be answered, so please be patient! I usually only post one story a day and I usually have a few requests in my inbox at any given time.
♡ - Rules are subject to change when necessary so please check here before sending a request!
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Tagging System
I’m still in the process of updating older posts with the correct tags, so if you notice a particular post is missing any tags, feel free to let me know! I will get to them all eventually but it’s difficult to go through old posts on mobile lol.
Ask - Self explanatory, any asks or requests are tagged under this.
Dove Speaks - This is used for announcements and housekeeping posts - most commonly this tag is used when I’m opening/closing requests.
Masterlist - All Masterlists I make will be under this tag. A full list of masterlist posts will be added below soon.
Meet Cute - This tag is specifically for OC introductions.
Names - Posts that are about specific OCs will be tagged with their name - a full list of extant OCs are below in the Masterlist section and will be updated regularly.
Plushies - Asks about @thegvlaxyrvanger ‘s Plushie AU are tagged under here.
Story - Anything I myself write - short stories, drabbles, imagines, ETC - will be under this tag.
Anon Story - Stories or drabbles written by other people using my OCs and shared with this blog will be tagged under this to distinguish them clearly from stories I’ve written.
X Anon - Regular anons will be tagged under the emoji/nickname they go by - So far there is 💌 anon, 👾 anon (the aforementioned person who made the plushie AU) and Howdy anon (the Noah fan who spoke to me about the film Creep).
The tagging system is proving difficult to set up because of issues scrolling on mobile lol, so not all posts might be tagged properly yet and these also may be subject to change.
If you want a tag, let me know!! :]
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All my OCs are bi/pan/omni and I try to keep mentions of darlings gender neutral unless a request specifies otherwise. I also try not to describe my OCs physical appearance so that you can imagine them looking as attractive - or creepy - as you wish. :]
「Noah 【Voyeur Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Laura 【Fangirl Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「╹◡╹/“Smiley” 【Secret Admirer Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Dr. Hart 【“Doctor” Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Chase 【Actor/Killer Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「Cayce 【Mean Girl Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「The Cult Masterlist」 {♡}
「Professor Moore 【Tutor Yandere】 OC Intro」 {♡}
「Marie 【Housewife Yandere】 Masterlist」 {♡}
「HRH Princess Theophania 【Royal Yandere】 OC Intro」 {♡}
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Dividers Credit: Tumblr user saradika
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93 notes · View notes
A part 2 for Never Yours in the works? 🙏🏼😂
AN- And Yes! I am alive. Sorry for going on a hold but I had some existential crisis over my writing skills. And even now, I feel that this piece is not good enough.
Also, I have added a few more characters. So, have a look and if anyone wants to request something then go ahead. Also all the requests I already have in my inbox will be posted soon.
So now, here it goes...
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
The Dragon of North
Daemon Targaryen x Niece!Reader;
Cregan Stark x Wife!Reader
Part 1
Summary- And all begins to fallout as the Dance begins to start...
Tag List- @minaxcarter, @eliseline, @blackhoodlea, @little-moonbeam-666, @neenieweenie, @omgsuperstarg, @avalyaaa, @shopping, @bbgmonsay, @michelle-26, @krokietinio, @hc-geralt-23, @chevelledahuman, @thekayarlene, @narcy, @helloitsshitzulover, @muushwrites, @daringboba, @bi2simps, @issybee0611, @yariany02, @agathe, @5moremin, @candypurplebutterfly, @saraelizabeth26, @moon-light1415, @targaryenmoony, @stargaryenx, @instabul, @shine101, @hyacinthus007, @mcam623, @eudximoniakr, @carissa_griffin7777, @marvelescvpe, @severewobblerlightdragon, @deltamoon666, @thatgirlthatreadswattpad, @ultrav0lence, @savagemickey03, @sunmoon-01, @literishdegree99, @watercolorskyy, @Lady-Juliettes, @cherryaemond, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @nats-whore
Warnings- Westeros politics and Daemon being himself
GIF Credits to @thequeenwechoose
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Staying in the King's Landing never felt more discomforting than now for (Y/N). It had been near to two full weeks that she, along with her family, resided in the Maegor's Keep and to avoid both her sister and her former lover was becoming next to impossible.
Cregan had noticed, and queried time and again, every passing night as to what ails her; what makes her disappear in thin air when either of her sister or uncle appears in the sight.
(Y/N) wanted to tell him all as it is. The truth. But she knew what would happen if the truth came out. Her family will break as the poison of doubt will creep gradually; sinking its teeth deep into Cregan's mind.
The princess turned when she heard the sound of her name, Alicent held a soft smile as she sipped on her tea, the sun casting a bright glow on her face, accentuating her features a bit; but Alicent was a pretty lady from the beginning, sometimes making the princess envious of her, but their beauties were also different.
"Yes, my queen?" She replied in a light voice, her eyes drifting of to where Aemma conversed with Aemond while Daemon and Viserys played with the eldest son of Alicent; the firstborn son her father and the king.
"I was wishing to speak to you about a proposal," the Queen says calmly, twisting to face the Lady of the North, who does the same once she realizes that whatever is about to come is important, if not urgent.
"Aemond and Aemma makes a good pair."
(Y/N) turned to glance at her child; her eldest daughter. Her dark hair where braided back in a loose Northern braid, keeping the tresses away from her grey eyes which resembled her father's. Aemma was the representation of her paternal house; the Northern beauty residing in each single feature of her.
"I understand what you speak of, my queen. But this decision is not only mine to make," the mother of six said gently, her violet eyes genuine just as her smile as she gave the Queen's hand a comforting squeeze.
"Of course, my princess. Lord Cregan has every right to own about the matters of his daughter's betrothal," Alicent said with a soft, polite smile, returning her gaze back to the place where their children played in harmony.
Bran and Allaric were in the nursery which belonged to (Y/N) when she was a baby. The entire decor had been based on the colours of her house; red and black with dragon motifs here and there.
"My queen, if you don't mind, can I leave? I should go and find my lord husband," (Y/N) said, leaving the comforts of the cushioned chair to see where her husband is. "Of course, I have no issues, my lady."
With a polite bow of her head, the Dragon of the North strided confidently in the direction of the Small Council's chamber. She had a vague idea that Cregan would be discussing the upcoming winter and trades with her father and the Hand.
Taking a turn, a hand clasped over her mouth, dragging her to a dark corner while she withered violently, trying to escape from the death grip on her waist.
"Easy, zaldrīzes." (dragon)
The hand from her mouth was removed and (Y/N) turned to meet the identical violet eyes of her uncle. His hand still held her waist while the empty one cupped the side of her neck, caressing like lulling her to a sweet sleep.
"Skoriot naejot, ñuha zaldrītsos?" (Where to, my little dragon) He whispered, his breath caressing the skin stretching over her cheeks, warming it delightfully. His hand from her waist traveled up to her cheek, soft yet firm in its place, just as she remembered.
"Cregan might be in the Small Council's chamber," she whispered back, her eyes taking him in slowly, biting her lips as the moments spent in intimacy fogged her mind; outweighing her better judgment of just pulling away.
"Kostagon ao daor emagon iā moment syt aōha kepus?" (Can you not have a moment for your uncle?) He asked, his blonde hair caressing her ears delicately. He had always took pride in his long hair, always caring for it just as he did for Caraxes.
Before (Y/N) could speak of anything, the distant voice of her husband made her step away; her breath heavy and deep as she tried to compose herself.
Daemon ran his hand through his long hair, eyes darkening with frustration as a scowl appeared on his face; definitely not at all happy with the spell of the moment being broken.
"My love," the dragon princess found herself greeting her husband with a small smile, her hand slipping into his larger one as he leaned down for a kiss on her cheek, a silent whisper caressing the skin: "my dragon".
"Young love."
The scoff from Daemon was hardly concealed by the fake cough of his, but his act was only rewarded by his weak brother before the king turned to his daughter and good son; the Lord and Lady of Winterfell.
"I hope your discussions were pleasant," the lady said with a small smile; doing her best to make a short conversation before departing for her chambers in the considerably quiet wing of the Maegor's Keep.
"Indeed, my lady. This winter would be easier with the aids our king promises to provide," Cregan admitted, squeezing their intertwined hands in a soft way of reassurance. His grey gaze caressed her face softly; like the most expensive silk on a skin.
"I am glad we could help, my lord," Viserys said with a smile before a fit of coughs embraced him. Leaning heavily on the wall, the king tried to suppress the heavy coughing but to no avail would it go.
"Call the maester," Daemon ordered, rushing to his brother's side as he softly helped his brother upward while (Y/N) rubbed her father's back in an attempt to comfort him, but it seemed that nothing worked.
"(Y/N), you go, I shall see to it that he is well."
"But kepus-"
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"Queen Alicent proposed something to me today."
The Wolf Lord looks up from the book he acquired from the Royal Library. The extensive collection of rare and precious books enabled him to find some which one could never find in the North; and being the husband of the Dragon Princess, nobody would deny him the books.
"And what did she propose?"
His features softened as he watched her dear wife with a keen eye. Her platinum blonde hair cascaded down her back in perfect soft curls; her violet eyes soft and unwavering as she glanced at him through mirror while combing the last of her tresses.
"She wishes for Aemma to be betrothed to Aemond. A way to unite our houses," (Y/N) said, standing up from the vanity as she softly made her way to their shared bed.
"Unite the North to the Crown or unite you with her family?" Cregan queried, placing the book down on his side as his lady wife crawled to him. "I am not sure," she hummed, situating her face on his chest while his hands came in contact with her soft locks of snow.
"Then let us not dwell on it yet."
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 3 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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My first rant, and the reason I snapped and made this blog, is not about Jiang Cheng. It's actually about the characters around him.
See, I was reading this fic and, without naming any specifics, I was enjoying it. Nothing especially groundbreaking, but it was good enough that I was immersed. In fact, the thing that probably got me about this is that what I liked most about the fic, what was really sucked me in, was the characterisations. Wei Wuxian was the definite standout. Fic premise meant that he was injured, but he was being portrayed with his canonical resilience, which is rare enough that prior to this, I would have likely celebrated the fic for it's accuracy. It's a difficult thing to pull off, and I always give extra credit to authors who can walk the line of, essentially, whumping a character while still keeping them themselves.
Then it happened. Jiang Cheng showed up. I've sometimes clicked out of a fic just for that (the timing of his appearance is, occasionally, enough of an indicator of his role in the story that I know I'm not going to be able to jive with it), but I was immersed! And the author had gained my trust with the aforementioned character accuracy until that point! I was caught up, and ready to roll with whatever version of Jiang Cheng came out.
And, well, his behaviour seemed somewhat accurate to canon. Angry, accusatory, sort of irrational, in an overly suspicious way. Seemed pretty good. Again, the timing made me think that the fic was probably going to go the reconciliation path, but you know, I can get through that. I don't care enough about Jiang Cheng that his presence or absence alone is enough to ruin a fic I'm otherwise enjoying.
But then, imagine my shock. Jiang Cheng, post first siege (where, as far as everyone knows, he killed Wei Wuxian, and has spent the years since his death hunting down and torturing anyone who might be/reminds him of him. You can dispute Jiang Cheng's actions, if you wish, but not that this is how he is widely perceived), demands to see Wei Wuxian. And Lan Wangji, who loves Wei Wuxian, who spent stars knows how much time desperately trying to protect Wei Wuxian, who would stand between Wei Wuxian and the world if he had been allowed, just... agrees.
Lan Wangji. Agreed. To let a Jiang Cheng, who shows no, I don't know, remorse, or concern, or anything, toward a person he is credited with murdering, that Lan Wangji believes he murdered. And Lan Wangji just... yep. I'll just take you to see Wei Wuxian. Sure, he's injured, and vulnerable, and you show no sign of wanting to do anything other than a violence. Yep, right this way.
And THIS. THIS is why Jiang Cheng infuriates me. This is why I had to make this blog. Because I don't care about Jiang Cheng, love him, hate him, think he's the most evil scum imaginable, think he's the true victim of mdzs, I literally don't care. I don't have enough investment in the character to give a fuck about how accurate he is.
But I love Lan Wangji. I really do (and Wei Wuxian, and Wen Ning, and Wen Qing, and Jin Ling, and every other character even peripherally related to Jiang Cheng). So to see the characters I do care about being warped and twisted, just to try and force a particular narrative to play out about this one character? I've spent the past idk two hours as I set this up frothing with rage.
It's not like he's the main character of this fic. He's one of the last ones listed (after characters that are actually deceased throughout the entirety of the fic), and there's no, idk, Yunmeng siblings or reconciliation tag or anything. Full confession, I haven't finished the fic, but I'm well over halfway through, so I can somewhat confidently say that his presence, while maybe playing into something in the endgame, is not super critical.
And yet. The author, who until that point had been pretty good with their characterisations, felt the need to overlook one of the main characters primary personality traits (Lan Wangji's desire to protect people and keep safe that which he loves) in order to... make it slightly easier for Jiang Cheng to be shoehorned into the plot? Why? Just... why?
I'm frustrated. Frustrated, and confused. Is it lack of imagination? Could the author not think of a single other way Jiang Cheng might come into contact with Wei Wuxian after the first siege (assuming, of course, that he is alive)? I don't believe that, the author did well enough with thinking up some left field plot points at other stages of the fic. Did they overlook the fact that, Jiang Cheng having demanded Lan Wangji take him to Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji could have just... not done that? Lan Wangji, Mr. You Are Not Qualified To Talk To Me, had no choice but to acquiesce to Jiang Cheng's will. He couldn't have just. refused. Or walked away from the conversation. Knocked him out and left. Or called out the inherent contradiction of Jiang Cheng wanting to visit someone he killed (again, regardless of your opinion on Jiang Cheng's culpability, it is made clear in canon that that is the version of events Lan Wangji knows/believes). Or at the very least placed conditions on Jiang Cheng that he's not allowed to do anything to harm Wei Wuxian.
But nope! In the space of a single scene, just by his very presence, apparently, Jiang Cheng is able to turn a fully fledged, well characterised version of Lan Wangji into a robot that cannot disobey a human's will due to it's programming.
And it may seem like I'm ragging on this poor author, or that I'm getting too worked up over one scene, and, and, yeah, that would... that would be correct (hence I'm trying to avoid saying anything identifying about the fic, though I realise that might lessen the impact of my arguments). But the thing is, it's not just this fic. Or just this author.
It's everywhere.
I cannot count the number of fics that have characters that otherwise align pretty well with their canonical selves, only for all that to go out the window the second Jiang Cheng shows up. It's like people can't help themselves. Jiang Cheng appears, and every other character must suddenly become whatever version of themselves makes Jiang Cheng appear most sympathetic/reasonable/well-intentioned. Whatever helps the author make Jiang Cheng be what they want him to be.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji definitely get this the worst. Wei Wuxian goes from an intelligent, calculating individual, who excels at reading the situations he's in and figuring out what's going to get him the outcome he wants*, to a reckless idiot who charges in without thinking because he wants to "be a hero". And Lan Wangji goes from someone who has repeatedly failed to save the ones he loves, and so is appropriately determined to protect them as much as he can (without becoming his father), to someone who thinks he always knows best**, and will happily put someone he loves into a potentially deadly situation because... I don't know. His thinking is pretty much never clearly explained, but I've seen different half-reasons. Sometimes Lan Wangji just thinks that Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng are such good, good brothers, and that Jiang Cheng is so important to Wei Wuxian that the chance to hold a conversation with him is worth Wei Wuxian... best case scenario, being verbally abused, worst case, being tortured to death. Sometimes he thinks he wouldn't be able to stop Jiang Cheng which... haha. Even Jin Ling, who reflexively defends Jiang Cheng over everything, thinks that Jiang Cheng doesn't stand a chance against Lan Wangji. Sometimes he thinks he shouldn't interfere with someone else's family... even though they aren't related, and Jiang Cheng cannot, under any circumstances, acknowledge Wei Wuxian as anything other than a disciple/servant. Also, Lan Wangji gets involved in everything. That's kind of his thing. You know... going where the chaos is? There's certainly a lot of chaos whenever Jiang Cheng is around...
But really, it's everyone. Wen Ning goes from being so defensive of Wei Wuxian that he breaks a promise and reveals a secret he kept for nearly twenty years just to get Jiang Cheng to stop talking shit, to usually being passively pushed into the back seat, his bond with Wei Wuxian glossed over in favour of the "brothers"***. Wen Qing, a person so devoted to Wei Wuxian that she sacrificed herself and her beloved brother on the off chance that it would mean he wouldn't have to face consequences for Jin Zixuan's death, is suddenly chastising Wei Wuxian for not doing more to smooth over their relationship. Jin Ling goes from creating a diversion so that he can help Wei Wuxian escape Jiang Cheng, despite knowing he would get in trouble for it, to trying to trick them into being in the same room. It's everyone.
Every. Single. Character. Must be changed, must behave in ways antithetical to their personalities and relationships, because it seems that's the only way many people can reconcile with their affection for a character that behaves the way Jiang Cheng does. In order to keep Jiang Cheng even slightly resembling his canonical self (angry. violent. verbally abusive at every possible opportunity), and yet still have him be welcomed and beloved by the other characters, every other character must lose integral parts of themselves. Mo Dao Zu Shi is, in many ways, a surprisingly tightly woven story when you start pulling threads, and if you want that jumper to work like pants, you need to get the scissors and start cutting.
Or at least, I can only assume that's what's happening. I can't fathom any other reason as to why so many fics, that are otherwise fairly true to character, veer so wildly OOC as soon as he appears. And it is so, so many fics. Note: I've read, ballpark, around two thousand mo dao zu shi fics (yes, I have no life. no, why do you ask?), and this happens in a staggering amount of them.
And basically, this is the root of my issue with Jiang Cheng. I don't care how you write him, he can be the most loving, soft, compassionate individual in the world in your fic, it's your fic, you write what you like****, I'm just going to engage less with those parts, because I don't care as much. You can make him greet each sunrise by weeping, and coo over every baby he encounters on the street, and weave blankets for the homeless in his free time. I literally don't care.
What I care about is the changes made to the other characters. That in order to raise Jiang Cheng, other characters must be dragged down. That he must be there, and he must be the secretly misunderstood caring brother, so every character that could challenge that in any way must be changed, by any means necessary, to prevent that.
(But really, do they? It's fanfiction. Can you really think of no way to make Jiang Cheng be the character you want him to be without mutilating everyone else? If you truly feel for him, truly think his actions make sense, truly wish to show how his relationships can be fixed without him altering his own attitude... then shouldn't it be easy enough, to persuade others of this, without turning the cohesive characters around him into a farce?)
* - since I know this is going to get disputed, even if only internally, by someone; the literal second scene involving Jiang Cheng (immediately post dancing-statue attack, Jiang Cheng suspects and wants to test with Zidian) has Wei Wuxian realise he's not going to be able to escape without some proof of innocence (i.e. reading the room, despite the stress of the moment). He then deliberately steps out of cover so Jiang Cheng can hit him, proving he's not possessing Mo Xuanyu, and then, when that's not enough to guarantee his freedom, he recognises that, and plays on Jiang Cheng's ego (and ymmv homophobia) by saying he's not his type, so Jiang Cheng can't take him without losing too much face, which Wei Wuxian knows he won't do, since Jiang Cheng is very concerned with reputation and appearances (after all, that's why he refused to help Wen Qing and Wen Ning, in spite of the debt he owed them). If that doesn't indicate Wei Wuxian is a clever person who thinks things through, I don't know what does.
** - not as worried about this being disputed, but I can see people thinking this so; no, Lan Wangji doesn't think he knows best. He did when he was young (or, at least, thought the rules he lived by were definitive morals), and that's what led to his rigid black-and-white thinking regarding rules and such. Then he got older, and got more experience, and made some mistakes, and realised that different people approach the world differently, and that he needed to be more flexible and meet people halfway if he wanted to be able to help them. See his change in attitude toward mo dao/gui dao.
*** - fic challenge; see how many fics that portray Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng as close, loving brothers, and also contain the close, caring, trustful friendship between Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning. It's very, very few. On some level, I think everyone who wants to show Jiang Cheng as #bestbrother knows that, from his actions to his attitude, Wen Ning is what a beloved, caring, bad-reputation-but-is-actually-just-misunderstood baby-brother-figure should be.
**** - at the end of the day, everyone has the right the write whatever they like in their fic. I'm a full supporter and encourager of that. But if you don't make it clear that you are going to write OOC, I reserve the right to feel frustrated when I stumble across it. I would never comment it in the fic itself, Ican't imagine anything more poorly mannered, but I am, apparently, not above vague blogging about it (hopefully vague enough that no one can identify any specific fics).
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soft5ku11 · 24 days
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My commissions are open again, now with more pricing info!
I will be taking a maximum of 3 SLOTS! (PayPal only, non negotiable) They will be first come first serve, so If you want me to draw for you, lock it in now rather than later on.
Evaluations are free. don’t be afraid to ask if I will or won’t do something but please read the entire post first.
I will only start work after payment. This is to avoid being scammed. Payment will be through PayPal only.
For payment, I will ask you for your email, to which I will send an invoice for the final payment. (I will not accept a second payment during working on your commission to add extras. This will have to be done after completion as an addition. Payment for such will be negotiated separately.)
I will provide you with updates via discord or Tumblr DM.
Once completed, I’ll send you a low-res version for you to OK, and after that I will send the final .PNG file. You may ask for it via Tumblr DM, Email (if file size allows), a Google Drive link, Discord (if file size allows) or you can just have me post it on Tumblr which you can save from the post.
After this point, you cannot ask for any more changes.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS (subject to change if necessary)
I have the right to post any commissioned work on any of my social media, portfolio sites, etc. - I may do as I wish with it.
The commissioner does not own the rights to the art I make. They only own the rights to any original character designs within the work.
The commissioner cannot repost the commission on other sites & claim it as their own work. They can, however freely use it as long as I have been clearly & sufficiently credited.
Any reposts must credit me by username “soft5ku11” on tumblr.
I have the right to sell any commissioned work as prints, stickers, posters, shirt designs, etc. The commissioner does not. This also applies to uploading the work to sites like Redbubble to buy items from the site using the commissioned artwork. The commissioner may, however, ask me to put the work on the site for them.
I have the right to deny a commission for any reason and I do not have to disclose that reason.
I will send invoices via PayPal which must be paid in full before I start working. Commissions are non-refundable unless I, for any reason, feel I cannot fulfil the brief given, In which case I will refund the money I received. (It won’t be a full refund since PayPal takes a small cut which they do not return upon refunding an invoice. It will be a refund of the remaining money after it's been deducted by PayPal, unfortunately.)
The commissioner does not have the right to withdraw or request reimbursement through PayPal at any stage unless for reasons listed prior in points 6 and 7.
My art is not to be modified into something else (eg: a character base) without my explicit permission. [If you want a base, commission a base.] 9.5. My art is not to be altered or used or fed into or replicated or to be used to train any or by any AI/program or dataset at all with absolutely no exception.
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Ideas/wish list for Sonic Movie 3
Wachowski bros fluffy scenes!!!! I want something kinda like the Sonic being home alone scene at the beginning of second movie but with all the bros being silly!!
If they aren't bringing Robotnik back immediately, what if Stone is the one to wake up Shadow? He could be looking to use his powers to bring Robotnik back or get revenge for Robotnik's demise
Full-blown live action Maria death scene. Or at least some really good and intense flashbacks. If this movie doesn't rip out my heart and stomp it into tiny little pieces and leave me bawling on the floor I will not have gotten my money's worth
Along with Shadow I NEED Rouge and Amy to show up as well. Omega would be cool too
I want Olive Garden Guy to be the kid who was on the ARK and saw Shadow being made (Commander Towers I think?). OR WHAT IF he was the soldier who shot Maria that would be absolutely insane
Okay I know this is different than the games but I really really really want Sonic to catch Shadow this time before he falls to the Earth. Have it be super dramatic and angsty, and Shadow be all, "Maria, this is what you wanted, right? This is my promise I made to you..." but just as he's losing his Super form and falling Sonic reaches out and is just barely able to grab on and pull him back I WOULD DIE
SHADOW GETS ADOPTED I don't care by who please someone anyone it could be Wade or Rachel and Jojo or someone new just let the boi get a family
Mid/Post credit scene!!!!!!! Introduce another character and set up a fourth movie!!!! I would LOVE for Silver and Blaze to show up! That would make a super cool ending and the fourth movie could be a fixed version of 06. Imagine the mid-credits scene being this super dark and dramatic wasteland and then we get the voiceover, "This world was devastated before I was born..." and goes into the opening scene of Silver's story in 06. As he says "but they always point to the FLAMES" we get one quick shot of Silver and a burst of fire and then it cuts to black
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luvtonique · 5 months
Last night, a fuckin miracle happened
Tonight, at midnight, a payment is going into my credit debt that will completely eliminate it, and last night, $2000 was sent from my account to my friend Nemo to finalize paying him back for his loan that got me out of debt 4 years ago.
Tonight, at midnight, I will be debt free.
This is thanks to two donors, who donated a total of $8000 within 14 minutes of one another, wishing me a debt-free escape from California.
I have been attempting to contact them. I got in contact with one of the two, who donated $1000, and he's a complete bro and I fucking love the guy, gonna make him some pixel art as a thank you.
The other, she seems to have no means of being contacted that she left with the payment, and I can only hope she sees this.
I want to let her know how life-changing her $7000 donation is, and reward her as well with a pixel art piece.
I will also be asking both of these donors, assuming I can get in contact with the second one there, if they'd like to design characters for Melodi to be permanently immortalized in the game, even if just to give me names to give characters I design myself.
Not only am I debt free, but I now have enough surplus of cash to print and ship Full Service Playing Cards Series 4.
It's been 2 years, and the guest artists have changed slightly due to some falling-outs I've had and opinions of me having changed. I also already raffled off the refunded guest-character slot from someone who didn't want to be in the deck anymore and wanted a refund.
I am redoing 100% of my art for the deck, and will be ordering the decks and personally mailing them out to the list of crowdfunders that I've been holding onto for the past 2 years.
I will be, before shipping, e-mailing every single backer of the original crowdfund and asking them if their shipping addresses have changed.
That's all!
Thank you so much, you two, this is literally life changing.
It's time to make good on this and never let this shit happen again.
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aptericia · 17 days
Commissions are open!
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I'm currently opening 5 commission slots! All prices are in USD
You can DM me here, or through my payment platforms:
ko-fi: https://href.li/?https://ko-fi.com/aptericia19601 artistree: https://artistree.io/aptericia
***15% OFF COMMISSIONS FOR FANDOMS IN MY PINNED POST (Revolutionary Girl Utena, Fire Emblem 9/10 & 16/16W, Thunderbolt Fantasy, and Octopath Traveler)***
I will draw:
original characters
characters without visual reference (i.e. from a written description)
complex designs
mild blood/gore & body horror
I will not draw:
heavy gore
romantic or sexual acts
anything else that makes me uncomfortable
lineart-only style:
1/2 body: $20 full body: $30
flat color style:
1/2 body: $25 full body: $40
cel-shaded style:
bust: $30 1/2 body: $40 3/4 body: $50 full body: $60
fully-rendered style:
bust: $35 1/2 body: $50 3/4 body: $65 full body: $90
transparent / flat color / simple graphic: $0 simple background: $5-$20 complex background: $20+
extra characters: +70% of listed price
What to expect:
Message me on tumblr, ko-fi, or Artistree for inquiry! Let me know what you’re looking for and I will confirm if I can draw it. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the details figured out—I’m happy to discuss with you! You do not need to provide references for characters who can easily found on the internet, however for OCs and characters from non-visual media, please provide me with descriptions or examples. Same goes for any specific poses, clothes, backgrounds, etc. you’d like me to include. Once we’ve settled on an idea, I’ll send a rough sketch and confirm the price. After I receive the payment, I’ll continue working and send you updates at various stages of the development (lineart, flat colors, etc). You may request changes at each of the stages (minor ones are free, however large or many changes will require an extra fee). When the last update is approved, I’ll send you the final version in high resolution. The amount of time a commission takes is highly dependent on the specifics, but most take under a week. If I expect your piece to take longer than that, I will let you know. By default, I will post the finished commission to all my socials and may use it to promote my services. If you would NOT like your commission to be used this way, please let me know.
Things you ARE allowed to do with your commissioned artwork:
post the artwork to social media
use the artwork for social media icons, banners, etc.
edit the artwork as you wish; however, if the edits obscure my signature then you must credit me
Things you are NOT allowed to do with your commissioned artwork:
claim the artwork as your own
sell or otherwise make profit off the artwork
input the artwork into generative AI programs
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yinza · 1 year
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Updated commission info! All prices listed in USD.
Flat Color: $65 for half-body, $85 for full-body
Full Color: $95 for half-body, $130 for full-body
Lineless Painting: $125 for half-body, $170 for full-body
A discount of 20% or more may apply to additional characters. Complex designs may increase the price.
Please contact me via email at [email protected]!
Additional details under the cut. You can send me an ask if you have any general questions, but please submit serious inquiries by email!
When you contact me, please provide the following:
For fan art: the full names of characters and their fandoms
For OCs: a simple description, e.g., “a human woman in plate armor”
A brief description of the interaction (kissing, riding a bike, etc) and any background elements
Your desired style (e.g., full-body flat color, etc). If there are specific pictures in my gallery that you like, please tell me! This is especially helpful, and I’m happy to give price quotes for styles that don’t quite fit my commission examples.
Any deadlines you may have; I will let you know whether or not I can meet them.
If you need specific dimensions, let me know! By default I work at 2550x3300px (8.5x11″).
If you would prefer your commission to remain private, please let me know up-front.
Once I accept the commission, you should be ready to provide reference images and details about character expressions and poses, etc.
I WILL draw:
Fandom characters, including those from fandoms I am unfamiliar with.
OCs and fandom OCs, including OC x canon character pairings. If you have no art/reference sheets, I can work from descriptions. Just please don’t give me their life story, only what’s visually relevant!
Anthro, armor, mecha, animals - these are all fine, but more complicated designs may increase the price.
Real people that you personally know, e.g., you and your friend hanging out or a portrait of your mom.
I will NOT draw:
Crisis Core fanart.
Anything of a sexual nature, including fetish art of fully-clothed characters. I will consider waist-up nudity provided it is not sexualized.
Excessive violence or gore.
Anything bigoted or mean-spirited towards real people.
I reserve the right to decline a commission for any reason.
I use Square invoices to request payment. Accepted payment methods include: credit/debit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or ACH. No Square account is required.
I accept payment up-front. I will not begin work until I have received payment. I may accept partial payment up-front for commissions of $200 or more, but you will not receive the completed piece until it has been paid in full.
Copyright & Sharing
By commissioning me, you are purchasing my services. You may share the completed commission with attribution, but you may NOT use it to sell prints or otherwise turn a profit. If you would like to purchase the rights to use my artwork commercially, I will require a written contract and it will affect the price.
Otherwise, I retain copyright over the work, and may choose to post it on my portfolio and social media. I will not post artwork of real people without permission from the subject(s).
How It Works
You email me with a commission request.
I will confirm whether or not I can take on the project, and may ask clarifying questions about your request. (I typically respond within a few days, so if you don’t hear back, check your spam filter!)
Once I have a clear understanding of what you want, I will provide you with a price quote and an estimated completion date.
If you agree to the price, I will then send you an invoice.
You pay the invoice.
Depending on the complexity of the piece, I will send you at least one WIP so that you can confirm the work is progressing according to your wishes.
Once I have completed your commission, I will send you the finished artwork.
At this point, you may request minor tweaks to the artwork, but I will not make any major changes.
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