#fucking hell this is genuinely my least favorite trope
teamironmanforever · 2 years
Character in a book who has only seen the love interest a handful of times and has never even held a proper conversation with their love interest: I am SO IN LOVE I will DIE if I'm not with them
Me: You're not in love, you're just in lust! Go take a walk, touch some grass and maybe you'll calm down.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
i think you're onto something with the romance novels world and plot points needing to mirror the kind of outlandishness of the love story. bc the main characters are already inherently acting absurd just by falling madly in love in a month or whatever and then if you add in the contrivances of romance tropes, it starts to feel like whiplash trying to pretend the characters live in any sort of grounded "normal" world. Like when the author adds in a family conflict subplot where the MC is like in absolute shambles because her mom said something slightly passive aggressive at lunch. that reads as more jarring to me than like conflict being something ridiculous that her mom doesn't want her being a marine biologist bc they come from a long line of fishmongers. Give me absurd drama to match the over the top dialogue and character emotions, I knew it would be unrealistic it's a romance novel! I guess this applies more to romcoms, but the same would apply I think to an analogous serious scenario. Or at least that's my take on it
okay so having just finished genuinely the most boring romance novel I have ever read in my LIFE I'm going to expand on this a little so thank you for sending an ask that gives me such a great platform to do that
I personally generally prefer a romance that just gets fucking silly with it, like really outlandish. A Lady for the Duke (Alexis Hall) is obviously the dream, being a whole swoony historical trans-affirming fantasy, but contemporary fake relationship stories can also be fun in their sheer ridiculousness, like Love, Hate, and Clickbait (Liz Bowery), which I actually liked, and Unfortunately Yours (Tessa Bailey), which I did not like but was very funny. and let's not forget queen Helen Hoang's Bride Test, which has a premise that dances perilously close to human trafficking but all works out in the end!!!
BUT HAVING SAID THAT. I don't think that something needs to be totally implausible to be a good romance. two of my very favorites romance novels anywhere ever are Helen Hoang's Heart Principle (no one should be surprised Hoang is on her twice I adore her) and Akwaeke Emezi's You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty. both of these books are very grounded in reality but with very uncommon situations to heighten emotions and add urgency; in Hoang's case it's a character's adult autism diagnosis + death of a parent and in Emezi's case it's a very sudden and #problematic attraction coming out of absolutely nowhere. the stakes are very real, mostly centering around being true to yourself v disappointing your family, but the circumstances are still wild enough to make you say "god DAMN" and keep turning pages. hell, I'll even be extremely generous and include Mistakes Were Made (Meryl Wilsner) which is kind of a flop but does have the intriguing premise of "what if you were fucking a milf but her kid was YOUR BEST FRIEND and it was a secret?"
those are like the two sweet spots TO ME, and this book I just read (which was Thank You for Sharing by Rachel Runya Katz, I feel so bad putting it on blast but I know people are going to ask) really solidified it for me because TYFS didn't fall into either of those categories. I'm going to say something absolutely insane, which is that multiple times while I was reading it I found myself wishing that the book was fanfic, because on its own it just... didn't bring a lot to the table? it falls into the grounded category but doesn't really bring any of those heightened stakes to the story, it's just 330 pages of people in their late twenties complaining about dating and their office jobs. if I wanted that I could just ask my group chat! there's nothing particularly particularly gripping about watching made up strangers do it!
but then I was like oh hang on... if this was two fictional characters who are usually fighting with swords or throwing cars at each other or something this would be so gripping. it's literally the coffee shop AU principle, right? like seeing people in a very mundane setting having an office job and going to a bar is very shrimpteresting when they're normally defusing space bombs. I was explaining this to my housemates and I couldn't think of a straight couple to apply it to (the book is m/f) so I said Naruto and Sasuke, which is crazy because I've never seen a single episode of Naruto, but like. idk Naruto being a museum curator who has to work with Sasuke, a marketing specialist who he had beef with a summer camp 14 years ago, sounds kind of compelling, right? definitely more than just two people I don't know.
there's a post on here that I think about a lot that talks about why advertising a story with tropes doesn't work for original fiction as well as it does for fan fic because knowing the tropes is more helpful when you already have a sense of investment in the characters and their personalities, and I think this is related to that! I think sometimes you NEED to have a wider sense of scope for the characters for them to be interesting in a very mundane setting!
ANYWAY. much to consider, etc.
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conquerthenight · 18 days
Ranking the Rebecca ships because I’m bored as hell. This is just my personal opinion, so feel free to agree or disagree as you please :)
1. Beatrich - My absolute beloved. Two sapphics in straight passing marriages and one is the sister of the other’s husband? Older woman/Younger woman? Bea canonically kissing “I” on the cheek in greeting? The pining potential? Chef’s kiss I tell you. Bea acting as I’s confidante is one of my favorite headcanons and it would be so cute if they were together. I wish there were more fics of them.
2. Franxim - This ship only flew into my radar when I read a review of Rebecca where the reviewer joked that Frank simped for Maxim and I regret nothing. I used to only acknowledge it as a crackship, but then I read a fic or two where they were unironically shipped and never looked back. They’re childhood friends in my headcanon which is another favorite trope of mine. Try to tell me they didn’t have something going on when they were younger and wanted to rekindle things after Rebecca died 😂.
3. de Winters (I/Maxim) - Say what you want about these two, but I love them. They need to learn to communicate, he has to control his anger issues, she needs to stop getting into her own head, and they’re a fucked up ship, but they’re my fucked up ship. I think they do genuinely love each other, but have to work through their issues in order to get to that point of being able to show it. Plus they’re the reason I like the age gap trope so that’s gotta count for something.
4. I/Frank - It’s a pretty conventional pairing all things considered, basically what could’ve happened if “I” ended up with someone closer to her in social standing like Mrs. Van Hopper insisted she should’ve, but I love it anyway. They’d be so soft together, and as much of a de Winter shipper as I am, Frank would be an objectively better husband. If you don’t like the de Winters together but still want an Older man/Younger woman pairing, or if you just want Rebecca to be less angsty, you’d probably like this one.
5. Danbecca - The only reason I didn’t put them above the other two is because I’m not a fan of this ship being written as soft or requited as most of us Rebecca fans are. I like it to be as toxic as possible. Danny being treated as whatever the romantic equivalent of the golden child is and pining for, worshipping, someone who doesn’t really love her back my beloved. Basically I love this ship because it’s what makes Danny as a character so interesting. Again, another fucked up ship, but my fucked up ship.
6. de Winters (Rebecca/Maxim) - I honestly had no idea whether to put this above or below Danbecca, but ended up putting it here. Obviously we all know they hate each other, we all know they should’ve gotten over themselves and divorced, but I love me some toxic ships, especially ships that delve into how an abuser can impact the abused person’s psyche, and these two definitely deliver.
7. Clarich - I don’t have much to say about this one only because there’s little to no content for them as a ship. I think it’s a really cute premise and I adore the idea, but it would be higher if there was more to go off of.
8. Danvich - I tried. I really did. I want to like this ship. I wrote YCYSC specifically to try and understand what the hype is about, and people have written so many incredible fics that have also made me understand the hype, but it’s just not my cup of tea, at least not romantically. I think it works better as a platonic pairing. Danny’s true love is Rebecca after all 😂.
9. Beavers/Danbea - This is a ship I don’t understand and probably never will. See number 8, but also imo their personalities clash way too much for them to work as a romantic pairing. Bea would be annoyed with Danny’s meticulousness and strict personality while Bea’s bluntness and lack of tact would get on Danny’s nerves. Like with Danvich, it works better for me platonically, but in this instance they’d be the pair of friends who are always fighting but if someone else messes with them they’re ready to go to bat for the other.
10. Rebecca/Beatrice - Another ship I just don’t really get. I’ve read a few fics of them, but I personally prefer the dynamic of them disliking/hating each other. I don’t really have much more to say about these two.
11. Rebecca/Jack Favell - Ew. No. Just no. They’re cousins. I will say that the one good thing about the 2020 film is that it gave Jack some depth in terms of his love for Rebecca though.
Now for the poly ships. I made this a separate category because I’d lose track of my ranking if I included them in the other list.
1. I/Maxim/Frank - It’s no secret that this one is my favorite. Frank has the brain cell between the three of them and probably forces the other two to communicate 99% of the time. They’re all bi disasters and I love them for it. I like to think Maxim and Frank were together first and brought “I” into the fold because they were both like “Aww she’s so cute can we keep her 🥰?”
2. Rebecca/Maxim/I - This obviously would only work if Rebecca wasn’t a downright awful person, but I read this great fic called “The Devil Does Not Ride Us Anymore” that had this exact premise in mind and have been hooked ever since. Again, Maxim and Rebecca probably met “I” and went “That one, I want”. Plus if you’re like me and can’t decide which you prefer, you get the best of both worlds: Older woman/Younger woman and Older man/Younger woman.
3. Rebecca/Danny/Beatrice - Another ship I don’t really have much to say about. I don’t love it, I don’t hate it. Maybe someday there will be a fic that changes my mind, but unfortunately today is not that day.
Honorable mention to Frank/Jack aka the funniest crackship to ever come out of this fandom, and Clarice/Alice aka Danvich lite. Thank you @alicesbread for putting them on my radar.
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dogvomitkiddiepool · 3 months
Finished Dawn of the Clans, here are my thoughts; (minor spoilers ahead)
ITS FANTASTIC! They took the environment and general concepts of Warriors but without the regular strictness of Clan life and all the tropes that comes with. Since there’s no huge goal or societal expectation, it allows the plot to be really free and character driven. I actually felt like I was following characters and being updated on them and their own stories instead of wondering what the hell was happening in WindClan or what Firestar’s 55th great great grandchild is up to. When cats are allowed to be whatever they want and go wherever they want it feels so much more realistic. All the xenophobia between Clans is nearly nonexistent in the back half and it was such a relief that when a character needed help or wanted to talk to someone they just WENT THERE. I know the modern Clans are becoming more peaceful but the borderless nature of DOTC is SO GOOD and I don’t know how I’m gonna read in the modern day going forward. This is the first series I was actually able to imagine precise voiceclaims for, despite listening to it via audiobook. I would hear Gray Wing as a much more serious version of Abe Lincoln from Clone High. It got to the point where instead of imagining the cat Gray Wing, I would just see Abe in all his scenes. It didn’t help that I imagine Clear Sky having powdered wig curls in his hair, I can’t unsee any of it. Clear Sky was kind of terrifying at times, it was fascinating. Though I do wish that One Eye had lived longer, or a lot of the female characters. Not gonna spoil anything but they have some VERY creative deaths and plotlines in this arc. The way they describe early StarClan is haunting, more of that please. Also, some extremely good quotes are sprinkled in.
For all the predictions I could have had for this series, I never thought I’d have genuine contempt for a fictional cat, fuck you Tom. He is officially my least favorite cat in the series.
Honestly, new favorite arc. I would very much recommend if you like the idea of warriors but aren’t interested in the current story or rules. If you want to read about some sentient feral cats roaming the earth and living life, read Dawn of the Clans.
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 months
Ranking my favorite animated dad characters because I can’t sleep
I realized that a lot of my favorite animated characters are dads, so fuck it. Let’s rank them both on their dad-ness and on their character overall.
7. Ansel Beauregard (Arlo the Alligator Boy/I heart Arlo): okay so, as much as I’m kinda hyperfocusing on this guy rn, he kinda HAS to get the lowest rank ‘cause like… he literally abandoned his gator baby in the sewer. Honestly the fact that he’s able to be likable at all is a damn miracle, but the movie and show pull it off surprisingly well.
Basically from the moment he finally accepts Arlo into his life, he’s trying his best to make amends - though admittedly he still doesn’t always go about it the best way, lol. Growing up bullied then isolated and then becoming crazy rich at a young age has definitely made him more than a little oblivious, out of touch and self-centered (though these parts of his personality are still funny/endearing instead of being annoying imo) but he still genuinely cares (even when he was unwilling to face his truth, he still gave Arlo advice that he at least thought was in Arlo’s best interest based on what worked for him) and I really do love the interactions he has with Arlo. I also love the whole bird-man aspect of him both as a character design and fun quirk, and his VA work and singing is also phenomenal. (Seriously, I’ve been listening to “Better Life” multiple times per day, someone pls I need help asdfghjkl)
6. Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb): So, back when I was a kid, Doof was definitely my favorite character, and while I’ve kiiiiiinda grown out of him in some aspects (his over-exposure in things like MML didn’t exactly help), I can still enjoy him for being a really funny and really enjoyable character.
Can he sometimes be annoying, slightly obnoxious and take up too much screentime in the latter seasons? Sure, totally. But like- I’m never gonna NOT love the ‘evil villain who has a huge soft spot for their child’ trope, it’s a classic for a reason. Doof is a dork and can be overbearing, but he’s also really sweet and will do anything for his daughter, including get himself stung by dozens of bees. It also can’t be denied just how many of his lines and moments can still get laughs out of me even after all these years. We Stan a petty ADHD-king and (not-so-)evil scientist dad.
5. Hamato Yoshi/Lou Jitsu/Splinter (ROTTMNT): oh hey, another dad with trauma - only instead of being bullied and forced to hide himself or having a nonsensical tragic backstory, he had to deal with generational trauma, being forced into fighting/killing for sport, and finally getting mutated which led to years of on/off depression. …yeahhhhh.
This is another character I really admire for just how well they’re written, even if he wasn’t always the best dad (though for the record, he wasn’t nearly as neglectful as some fans want to claim…) I think most Rise fans would agree that Splinter absolutely has the best arc in the series, going from a strictly comedy relief couch potato to a loving father/tragic figure who manages to rise above everything for the sake of his kids. He’s willing to let the world burn for the sake of his sons and I respect the hell out of him for it regardless of whether or not it’s the ‘moral’ choice. But he’s also still really funny and really cool when he wants to be, and for as much as I’ve drifted away from Rise, Splinter and his story is still one of the few aspects I adore and appreciate about this show.
4. Pete McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee): Pete is just a super endearing character to me even if he arguably has the least going on of all the TGAMM characters. He’s a very typical goofy sitcom dad both in terms of design (which, ngl… Pete is kinda really cute? Am I the only one who sees it?) and attitude, usually only being used for comedy while Sharon is the one who gets to be the slightly more serious one and have the heart-to-hearts with/give advice to Molly.
But that’s fine because even if he’s not the deepest dad on this list, he’s still incredibly endearing imo. He’s a 100% Wife Guy, he struggles to stand up for himself but still always tries to stand up for his family, he inspired Molly to be heavily interested in community service, and he’s a dancer! Which is just a really fun quirk, hence why I really love both the Ice Princess episode and the Dance Dad episode (asdfghjkl I remember when Tess and I were watching the latter, she was cringing at all the TikTok dances while I was sitting next to her enjoying the song and just being like yeahhhhh get it Pete! Lol). While I do wish we could have gotten a bit of deeper character stuff with Pete, he’s still pretty solid and very enjoyable to watch.
3. Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers): we love our autistic Burger King babeyyyyy! Seriously though, while I’ve grown to love all the Belchers, there’s definitely a reason why I gravitated towards Bob first. He’s a mess of a guy who’s just trying his best to deal with all the chaos that life and his family throw at him, and we love him for it.
I love that even while being the most grounded character in the show, he’s not afraid of being a little unhinged and just fucking going off on someone or something. He’s also often the one who’s always trying to help others, even when it’s usually by accident given how much of an introvert he is. He loves his wife, his kids and his burgers with all his heart, and even when he’s at his worst (which is a rarity), you still are rooting for the best for him and want everything to work out. His heart-to-hearts with his kids (and with other characters) really are some of my favorite moments from the show. Furthermore, much like literally all the other characters on this list, his VA’s delivery just adds SO much to his character as well. I really do just love H. Jon Benjamin, he’s so hilarious and needs to voice more characters.
2. Rodolfo Rivera/White Pantera (El Tigre): Ah yes, my first favorite animated dad character, even before Doof. As such, I’m always gonna have a soft spot for this guy. Like I’ve said before, I love how he’s able to be both a goofy and super soft-hearted character but can also be a total badass at times, sometimes without even trying.
He just wants to protect his city and help his son grow up right, and I love him for it! He’s easily one of the funniest characters in the show, but I appreciate that he’s allowed to still be cool and still have a win occasionally. He also manages to be stern without ever becoming unlikable or unreasonable, given that he’ll still always be there for his son and father even when they’re doing things he doesn’t approve of, and I think it’s that overall balance that really endeared me to him, plus his great design+voice (if I had a nickel for every time I gravitated to an Eric Bauza-voiced dad, I’d have two-). His little catchphrase quirks like “okay be good!” and saying Manny’s full name live in my head rent-free, ngl.
1. Bill Green (Big City Greens) let me make this clear… I! LOVE! BILL! GREEN! He’s just… SO great. He’s wholesome, he’s funny and goofy, he’s sweet, he’s a loving father, he’s stern but still reasonable, he’s a hard worker, he’s super relatable, he’s a secret badass, he’s a huge dork, he sings about his truck and is super attached to his wood carvings - he really is just everything and I mean that in the best possible way.
While Cricket and Tilly are obviously the stars of the show, I really do love how much energy the show puts into making Bill this incredibly well-rounded and likable character who you just can’t help but sympathize with and root for when it comes to his farm stuff. I can’t say that he’s perfect, he’s definitely made a couple pretty poor decisions here and there, but overall I think he’s everything I want out of a great animated dad character (probably because he honestly reminds me a lot of my own dad - or at least, the positive parts of my dad). He’s not the only thing I love about BCG, far from it, but he’s definitely one of my biggest favorite things about it.
- Vasquez (BCG): bodyguards/surrogate dads absolutely count. So happy that Vasquez has become much more prominent and fleshed-out as the show’s gone on, he’s just so great. Thank you Danny Trejo for voicing him, can’t wait for that s4 ep where Vasquez apparently goes to therapy
- Lego Batman (Lego Batman Movie): ah yes, the kick-starter to the Batman/Bat-fam phase I had in college. Fits right alongside characters like Ansel and Splinter for being obviously flawed dads (bro literally called his new son ‘expendable’ wtf Bruce) who still care a lot/grow to become better people over time through the influence of their kid. Will Arnett is still absolutely hilarious as this character, I love how he immediately goes into dad-mode when Robin gets slammed into the windshield, and that bit at the end where he finally tells Robin the truth about his ‘dads’ still gets me a bit teary-eyed
- Wild Knuckles (The Rise of Gru): technically a grand-dad but whatever. Like I said, I love my villains with a soft-side for their kid, and it makes me sad that the Rise of Gru fandom essentially ignored this guy in favor of hot young Dr. Nefario. Like- I don’t care if the arc between him and baby Gru was somewhat rushed, dude literally got himself burned alive by a huge dragon for his surrogate grandkid, he deserves better
If you’ve made it this far, let me know if you like any of these dad characters + what your favorites are ^v^
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zmediaoutlet · 18 days
Astarion/take your pick
oooooo how exciting -- let's take two options here -- and rip, this will be spoiler central --
Astarion/redeemed!Dark Urge
this shit feels like how the game was meant to be played. I mean first of all just on pure amount of content, the Astarion romance blows everyone else out of the water, and the integration with a durge who's trying to get his shit together is suPREMEly good. It's fine I guess when you're just doing murdelation blood blah status, but the additional effort caused by just trying to get control of yourself is fascinating, especially when Astarion is clearly watching and going, hmm.
You can play a redemption however you want -- really trying to push into Good alignment, just trying to be neutrally in control of yourself, still flat-out a shithead but you don't want to be a shithead for daddy anymore, whatever -- but my favorite is a guy who's just trying to put one foot in front of the other, and looks at his worst blood-black impulses and goes okay, well not THAT obviously, so let's try to do the opposite. Contrary to some players' belief, it is SO easy to get Astarion to 100% loveydove romance while still being A Good Guy; you just have to not be an idiot, lol. Durge choosing to listen and having the wis/cha/int score to see through Astarion's bluster and see what he's actually saying is such a gift; Astarion carefully watching Durge not be as untrustworthy as he assumed literally everyone was, and thinking maybe I could... -- girl, that shit is catnip. Yum.
I also have a boner for the way that Astarion comes from this terrifying torture background and Durge is a terrifying torturer and could probably detail everything that Cazador did to him and make it worse -- but he's choosing not to, and it is an active and daily choice. Fits so nicely with Astarion being, yeah, a moderately amoral vampire, but he can watch that and go 'well, maybe I don't need to... be the worst version of myself...' Not that he turns into a paladin or some shit like that, but by the time you get to him in the ritual and you have to explain to him in baby steps that 'yo idiot, if you turn into supervamp you'll be Cazador but worse' -- seriously, it's like he never pays attention to literary tropes -- it's sOOO satisfying when he believes you, and backs off, and then when it's your turn to defy Bhaal it's like -- hell yes, not echoing the mistakes of our fathers! Freedom! And then they have like lots of sex about it or whatever. (I like the 'go to the Underdark with the spawn' ending; presumably we have a little vamp castle where boinking occurs.)
but to take it a different direction, a quick jaunt into:
Ascended!Astarion/Dark Justiciar!Shadowheart
and the reason I like this is that playing as the Origin characters fucking suuuuucks because they get ripped down blandly into the version of themselves who could react like a boring blank-slate Tav, because "player freedom is so important" [rolls eyes, jerking off motion]. More than that, though, they aren't allowed to really go through their own journeys, because no one listens to them. The job of the PC is to fix everyone else's personal sidequests -- none of the friends give a shit about your own. (Tav doesn't even have a problem, it's hysterical. At least Durge has something going on people pay attention to.)
so with that said, Astarion has no one to genuinely dissuade him against Ascending. I mean, Gale and Lae'zel aren't exactly for it, but none of them actually listen and talk him through the thought process the way a real PC can. So what's to stop him from Ascending? It's the obvious best option.
and then, relatedly, if you have a scared almost-feral Astarion who's desperate to get power however he can -- if he discovers that his hot cleric friend is a cleric of Shar, and she can do some hella dangerous shit and become an even stronger bodyguard? Uh, yes please. What does he care if the world rolls to darkness? He's got darkness plans of his own. And poor Shart then has no one actually giving a shit about her own problems -- why would a still-evil-track Astarion coach her into not sucking? They can be cunty wine drinkers together, never actually learning lessons and spiraling down into shitholery together. Does Astarion actually want to fuck her? What does it matter. They'll rule Baldur's Gate above and below. The fight can come later.
anyway, origin characters making each other worse is fascinating and also hysterical. shithead4shithead, amen.
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babsvibes · 1 year
for the rivals / enemies prompts…and ONLY if you want to….louigan, #3?? 👀 again NO pressure…..🫡
#3: taking care of the other while one is unconscious
How about established relationship domestic fluff for a Neighbors AU piece? Technically, this only works for the prompt because Louise falls asleep at the end, but let’s pretend yeah? I also tried to cover @sailoreuterpe’s suggestion of insults as a love language (because even if it’s not her favorite trope, Nikki knows her audience lmao)
At first, she thought the knocking emanated from a terribly annoying dream, but with every second of blooming consciousness Louise realized it was no figment of her imagination.
She groaned, eyes peeling open slowly then blinking at the new morning. The sheets rustled to the left of her. Glancing at Logan, whose furrowed eyebrows nearly took over his face, she snickered.
“People pretending to sleep don’t usually look that angry.”
“‘S not my fault,” he grumbled. “It’s been going for like… a million minutes.”
“So what time does that make it?” Louise asked, figuring he had been on his phone already.
Her eyes snapped out of their half-lidded state. “In the morning?! Who the hell is knocking on our door at seven in the morning?”
“It’s the first Saturday in December. Who do you think?” Logan, still refusing to open his eyes, shuffled closer and pulled at her waist. She sunk into him, enjoying being spooned as he kissed her neck in that perfectly lazy way reserved only for weekend mornings.
And another fucking knock rang out.
Louise balled up her fist and punched her pillow.
“Go make it stop,” she demanded.
She felt his “Nmn” rumble from his chest and down her back.
“Mmhmm,” she replied.
“Nn” “Mm” “nnNNn” “mMmMm”
When they both hummed the same note over each other to see who would last longer, Louise cracked first, unable to resist snorting at the absurdity. Logan followed suit.
“I think that means you lost, shortstack. Go tell off Annie.” She didn’t move, so he continued. “You’re just so much scarier than I am.”
“Keep talking.”
“And so brave and cutthroat and beautiful-”
“Alright alright, enough of that,” Louise sighed. “I’ll go. Just move back. I can’t get out of bed if you’re wrapped around me like this.”
Logan didn’t budge. Shuffling, scooting, and otherwise wiggling to freedom proved fruitless.
“Seems like… maybe you don’t want me to get out of bed?”
Before he could respond, the knocking resumed. He sighed against her neck, giving in and loosening his grip.
“Every day I am in awe of your strength and sacrifice,” she said, sarcasm dripping from every word.
Logan replied by poking her one ticklish spot. With an involuntary laugh, she moved away and pointed at him menacingly. The warning was wasted as he still hadn’t opened his eyes.
Gathering up all of her courage and the edge of the covers, Louise heaved herself up only to meet Jack Frost’s frozen testicles slapping her in the face. She yelled and buried herself back under the blankets. “Nope, no, absolutely not. Too cold.”
Annie, or at least who they assumed was their apartment manager here to drag them into holiday shenanigans, continued to relentlessly knock.
Logan sniffed. “Is that… is she knocking Carol of the Bells?”
“Carol of the Nine Hells more like,” Louise grumbled, hiding under her pillow.
“She’s just going to keep at it. Remember that time she needed Victor to sign a release form?”
“She camped outside for four days.” With a sigh, she emerged partially from her cocoon. “Okay, tell you what. How about we go together? That way we can suffer as one.”
It was Logan’s turn to sigh, but he finally cracked his eyes open. Morning had a way of making an honest man out of liars, and she watched him melt at the sight of her, genuine and soft. They stared at each other in silence for a moment, then he leaned in. She met him halfway for a quick kiss. When they broke apart, he sighed again.
“Fiiiine. On the count of three?”
“Works for me.”
“One.” “Two.” “Three.”
Logan all but fell out of bed, joints popping as though arthritis would be killing him in the next couple of hours. He stretched to the sound of more popping, blinked the sleep from his eyes, and looked back at her.
Louise had failed to move and, if possible, snuggled even deeper into the mattress.
“You witch,” he accused, grabbing a pillow and hitting at the general area of her butt. “You tricked me.”
“This isn’t the first or last time; you knew what you were getting into, idiot. Now go get rid of Annie.”
“Ugh, fine. But when I get back I want to be the little spoon.”
Louise hummed in acquiesce, shuffling the blankets so there was a spot for him to slip back into. When she finished and settled in, the only visible parts of her were a mess of black hair and the tiniest hint of a pout.
As he left their bedroom, Logan wondered how he was supposed to scare away anyone with the dopey smile he couldn’t drop.
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hollytanaka · 11 months
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
4, 16 and 22
thanks Brittany! ♡ i have a lot of thoughts, as you know lol
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I've blocked so many people, but two stand out to me. One was a blog dedicated to sharing other people's COD headcanons, but all of the headcanons were so unhinged and made no sense. It was genuinely pissing me off seeing them on my "for you" tab (that tab is hell btw), so I blocked them even if I had no personal beef with them. Another was someone who was just posting endless, multiple smut fics of König every day. I just could not. König fics in general are excessively dark and strangely animalistic and I just hate seeing so much of it.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Ok I could write a book answering this question. First, I don't get the trope of Price f*cking his subordinate(s) (and usually very violently/grotesquely) out of nowhere or like "in his office"?? Not an accurate characterization of him and also like... what the fuck, that's very strange. On that note, also any fic that's like "they were in the middle of hiding from an army in the middle of nowhere and [character] and reader started fucking." Like, bffr. No one's gonna do that shit. A trope I also don't understand is the professor x student trope. It makes me want to rip my face off. I'm actually a postgraduate student and sexual harassment is rampant in academia, especially with professors preying on vulnerable master's and doctoral students. And I see a lot of people place Price as the professor and a reader or an OC as a student and I am so nauseous just thinking about it. That imbalance of power in both scenarios is just something I will never be okay with. Also I ranted about this before, but I don't understand the Shepherd/Adler being Graves's biological father headcanon. Doesn't make any sense. The timelines don't add up and there's nothing connecting these characters in that way. And as a bonus, I don't understand any of the characterizations for König that this fandom comes up with because who even is he.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Especially from playing "All Ghillied Up" in the original series, I really wish more people thought about Price's younger days with Captain MacMillan. I wish more people explored that relationship, and Price's earlier history and how came to be who he is as a captain. But I also hope they don't because fans on tumblr will probably end up sexualizing their relationship somehow. Similar to how everyone ignores Roach in the original series, it kind of makes me sad how all the Army Rangers from the original series got completely forgotten by (some) fans and by Activision. The gameplay with Ramirez in MW2 was some of the best and most emotionally tense, at least for me, and I always enjoyed his interactions with Corporal Dunn and even Sgt. Foley screaming his name every 4 seconds. I also wish more people talked about Farah and Price's relationship more (!!). She hardly appears in fics/art (at least not the ones I've seen) even though she was in most of MW19—with two missions dedicated to her past—and appeared in MWII. I'm pretty sure it's because most people are only interested in the men they're physically attracted to in this fandom, smh.
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iguessitsjustme · 11 months
Be My Favorite - Episode 7 Thoughts
This is probably the earliest I’ve watched any of these episodes after it aired. But I purposefully scheduled nothing this weekend so I could catch up on shows and maybe write a little bit about them. So we’re starting with BMF. I got my snacks, I got my drink, I’m ready to goooooo
-I would like the thank the previously on for reminding me that Kawi and Pisaeng kissed because I genuinely forgot about that. Whoops
-The further we get into this show, the more fitting I find this opening. I still love it. GMMTV either has openings I love or openings I hate. There is no in between. And it doesn’t necessarily correlate to whether or not I like a show.
-I don’t blame Pisaeng for telling Kawi it was a just a drunken kiss and cutting him off to tell him not to worry. Kawi has been very clear that he cannot have feelings for him because he’s straight.
-Max is a good friend. So is Pisaeng.
-I say it at least once an episode but I love Pear. I adore her. I know some people might not like that she decided to finish with her class after learning that Kawi’s dad is getting surgery but she knows Pisaeng is there and also she has spent the better part of 7 episodes giving herself and her kindness away to everyone else. She’s allowed to focus on something she wants and needs. She knows that Kawi currently has someone there to offer support so she doesn’t put her life on hold. Max is also waiting until he finishes work because sometimes we can’t just drop everything and run to be with someone. It’s great when we can but life is still happening and Pear will be there when she’s done. The important thing is this time, Kawi is not alone. That’s the best gift we gave himself from this time travel. 
-Oh no. Please no singing. Don’t do this to me. You are not on my list of people allowed to sing in BLs. I’m cry. Oh thank god. It wasn’t actually singing. Praise bless. 
-Oh Pisaeng has now seen the time travel. I think???
-Oh that opening song was slowed waaaay the hell down at the beginning of part 2. What’s gonna happen here? Something sad I bet. 
-Max. That style suits him well. 
-Is Kawi going to know this song? Does this mean that he gets his memory of those 12 years when he time travels? What’s happening here? This is one of my problems with Jittirain stories. There’s a lack of consistency in her world building. Let’s say for the sake of argument, this was a song that Kawi wrote as a teenage me so he knows it, but if he didn’t have memories and knowledge of those 12 years, he wouldn’t have known how it changed during production or what arrangement to use. And based on his reactions to his trips back to the future in previous episodes, he doesn’t have memories of those 12 years. At least not right away like that so I’m having trouble following how he knew to sing that song in that way. That’s why Jittirain shows can’t hold up to shows like 1000 Stars or Bad Buddy. The little details don’t matter in Jittirain shows but those details are what make a difference between shows that stick with you and the mediocre ones that you forget about once they’re done airing. 
-Max is tired. Always tired. And me too. 
-Also Kawi knew the song but didn’t know that place was his???? Also unsurprised that he seems to have turned into an alcoholic. 
-exCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME. Pear is marrying Not??? Someone rescue her. 
-So he has snippets of memory? Then how did he know that song right away?
-Oh so Not is an asshole. I’m shocked. 
-I’m fully onboard the Max and Pisaeng ship. Leave Kawi and just love each other. 
-Pisaeng is adorable. Honestly him, Max, and Pear all deserve better. 
-Ew. Sing your feelings trope. Gross. But he’s actually playing the guitar. That pleases me. 
-Now go back to the past and save Pear from Not. Dear gif someone save her from that bastard. 
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juneviews · 1 year
how would you personally rank Off's characters?
also Gawin's and Mond's characters
I have a full post of me ranking off's characters already! but here it is for mond & gawin :)
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sun (midnight motel): ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS PERFORMANCE!!! carried the show!!! slayed beyond all expectations!!! truly incredible as the villain, one of my fave acting performance EVER I loved it so much. also sun in himself is the most interesting villain I've seen!
namnhao/namnuea (the judgement): shit show with problematic tropes but mond ATE!!! him as namnhao is not only unrecognizable & absolutely adorable, but really had some fucking top tier acting!
badz (boy for rent): the role that started it all. made me fall in love with this cutie & unable to ever go back. badz is hot af, the only character that didn't annoy me at some point during the show & the acting is very good.
kluay (water boyy): the first role I saw mond in!!! kluay honestly carried the show, he's so fun & flirty & cute and we love him in this house!!!
gram (not me): I love gram, but not the storyline he was stuck in for the whole show. I love how political gram is, how much he can be a debate-lord at times lol, and even that he's a scaredy cat. I LOVE the way he spits on dan when he betrays the gang & how he hugs sean after he gets shot. I LOVE his banter with nuch & will forever be a gramnuch stan. however, I didn't like how withdrawn from the rest of the gang they made him in order for him to pursue eugene, who looked uncomfortable the whole time & was his best friend's ex. gram had so much potential, but sadly he ended up being my least favorite character from not me bc he got the short end of the stick. mond did a great job though!
tee (the underclass): kinda forgettable show tbh but tee was a very cute love interest & I watched the whole show just for mond so slay!
matt (kiss me again): even though kiss me again is legit the worst gmmtv show ever made with ugly duckling: pity girl & turn left turn right, and matt's love interest is THE FUCKING WORST, he was kinda sorta okay I guess. to be frank I forgot everything from this storyline bc the way his love interest wanna prove he's gay is YIKES.
dodo (saneha stories: bar host): a hot, struggling stripper who becomes a literal dad??? if the show wasn't so short & rushed this would be way higher, mond ATE!
term (ps: I hate you): a hot dummie who forgives lies for love, which... couldn't be me lol so he's there.
por (fabulous 30): I really liked fabulous 30, and it wasn't because of the main character played by mond. por is bland AS ALL HELL, pushy & disregards his best friend's feelings, and he just... gave us nothing. at least he's cute thanks to mond's good looks though :')
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pisaeng (be my favorite): so it's very hard for me to decide which is my favorite gawin role, simply bc imo pisaeng, dan & mork are all my faves for very different reasons. but I will put pisaeng here bc I literally don't see how anyone could dislike him? like he's perfect but not boring & does have struggle, which we LOVE around here! also the depiction of him finding his sexuality in bmg ep.5 was INCREDIBLE I loved it so much!!! so pisaeng will be number one (for now!)
dan (not me): now, dan is on another plane of existence for me. I literally adore him & am a dan apologist THROUGH & THROUGH bestie. I genuinely think he's one of he most interesting characters I've EVER seen, and that makes it so he shouldn't be in this ranking. he EXCEEDS this ranking! I absolutely adore imperfect characters & I think the depiction gawin gave dan was perfect. BUT dan also gave me THE MOST PAINFUL betrayal scene in existence that literally has changed my dna TO THIS VERY DAY, so just for that I'll give him the number 2 spot :')
mork (dark blue kiss/kiss me again): girllllllllll, my heart aches having to put mork in number 3 bc I LITERALLY ADORE HIM!!! I was a huge dbk stan but since then I've legit rewatched the show only for mork lol, I absolutely love him & he's an amazing character! so as I said previously, mork is number one in my heart on a equal playing field as pisaeng & dan, I can't choose!
saifa (enchanté): literally the tiniest role but he was hot af AND played a guitar rendition of offgun's too cute to handle on the show???????? AN ABSOLUTE BLESSING THANK U! also he legit played cupid for akktheo so slayyyyyyyy!!!
mile (girl next room: motorbike baby): honestly better than the actual love interest cpodiuygsuichdisucodihb, hot & ALSO plays guitar (duh), too bad that he's a cheater lmao!
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I would like to know your opinions on these in the fruit emoji thing you reposted ☺️
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
I love writing siblings relationships! You know, that kind of relationship that is simultaneously "my siblings//cousins are the most annoying people I have ever known" and "I'd go to war for them".
...Yeah, specifically the Hook siblings.
They are very chaotic and I like that.
And for romantic relationships, my favourite is Harry Hook and Uma. I mean, look at them.
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
...I don't know? I genuinely don't know. I'm not sure how funny my works are.
Sure, I write them by going „Oh, you know what would be hilarious -“ but an actual joke? That does not involve at least 400 words of setting the situation?
No idea.
Either way, I'm gonna find some sentences//quotes to post here, because why not:
[CJ, spotting a snake in her hair:]
Unfortunately, it has no original ideas, nor anything interesting to say.
It only hisses. Ssshame.
CJ hisses back at it.
...Yeah, generally anything CJ does. Like these instances she got lost while trying to narrate:
The princess and Carlos are in this Selfies class, alright? The teacher's Mother Gothel, apparently, and joke's on them, she's a terrible teacher.
On the other hand, she doesn't care for anything other than herself happening in the classroom, and me and Freddie always take full advantage of it. Sometimes, we ask Ginny to hold a separate lesson while her mother is teaching: Ginny stands right beside her, actually telling us stuff, like chemistry and so, and have you guys known that if you add potassium into water, it will catch on fire? It's really cool, really, she showed us, too! The curtains caught on fire, but it was alright. The anti-fire-anti-fun system went off and the water poured down and it made even bigger flames until there was no more potassium and it absolutely doused Mother Gothel's curls in water and smoke and that's when she noticed that we haven't been paying attention to her at all.
Isn't that hilarious?
She is a disaster. And I better shut up about her.
The whole idea of the Hook siblings trying to (and failing to) narrate the plot of Descendants sounds utterly hysterical to me though.
But, yeah, I have no idea how funny are my ideas to other people.
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Rise timeline!
It's wrong!!
I mean, yeah, the plot with the trident can have rights I suppose (if only because Arabella deserves a corruption arc), but the race for Lost Revenge?
Yeah, no. No way in hell Uma got that kind of loyalty in just a few months.
I'm moving that back to when she was like twelve or so, which has the added bonus of maling Uma's and Mal's rivalry both more petty and more dangerous. You know, fun things.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Not exactly a ship, but generally CJ dynamic with Mal.
Imagine the chaos, pretty please, especially when we take into consideration:
Their combined lack of survival instinct
The bloody mess it creates with Harry any time they cooperate (which is why they cooperate in the first place. CJ wants to irritate her brother and Mal wants to piss of Uma, even in this really round about way.)
Then generally siblings relationships. Hooks, Faciliers, Jay and Jade, de Vil cousins. Mal amd Hadie, which is very optional. Just saying.
Also Ben, Audrey, or Lonnie spending time with the pirates. Lonnie in particular deserves to meet the Lost Revenge crew and Harriet's crew too.
Also. The sheer chaos it would throw into Auradon high society scene and media :)
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anaisanais-stuff · 1 year
Ok so you're an experienced fic writer (and reader, I assume) So I have a question for you-What are your least favourite tropes when it comes to Evak? Maybe not even tropes but things that irk you and make you stop reading? Personally, I hate when people portray Isak as some damsel in distress while Even is this tall strong masculine dude Like hello? Have people seen Isak literally lifting Even on his shoulders while doing squats? haha Thankfully, there are not many fics like that written now :)
Hi anon,
Thanks for the ask!
It’s an interesting one, because these things are so subjective, so what irks me as a reader is totally random and won’t irk the next person.
As a fanfic writer, I write completely self-indulgently, and I’m very aware of the fact that my characterization, writing style or fave tropes don’t appeal to all, either. That’s the beauty of fanfic, it’s a glimpse into a plethora of different people’s experiences, interests, style and kinks, so there’s something for everyone. Very cool.
As for your question, what I’d like to do is tell you about my favorite tropes and dynamics in evak fics.
First off is slow burn/pining. I watched Isak’s season in real time back in 2016, and waiting for the next clip to drop/for Even to show his intentions, was the sweetest hell. I think in both reading and writing, that’s, at least to some extent, the feeling I’m always trying to recreate: that longing, the will they won’t they? (But c’mon, it’s Evak so of course they will 😏) Top tier fic material for me.
Next is banter and friends-to-lovers. These two are closely related in my opinion, since, to me, besides the insane, magnetic attraction between them, there was always a genuine simpatico and friendship there. Like, these are the kinda guys that’ll discuss their similar taste in music and go off about their art boy/science boy interests, and banter back and forth about memes and random shit until the tension snaps and they’ll finally realize hey I’m in love with you, and dayummmm you’re so hot we should be fucking… Lesgo, I’m settling in for that 80k fic at 11 pm.
Strangers-to-lovers is another big fave of mine; basically I love to explore the dynamics of their attraction, how they complement and challenge each other and how, in every universe etc etc, they’re attracted to each other ❤️ Good stuff, 10/10.
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lesbiansanemi · 1 year
A, F, L, X, Z :3
A. Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don't have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed
Hehe, so obviously there is Renkaza. They are who most of my fanfiction is about these days. Something about them just scratches all the right pieces of my brain, I love them, and there is just so much to work with regarding them. They are my little meow meows
Also in demon slayer, my poly hell ship of Mitsuri/Shinobu/Obanai/Sanemi. I am definitely the only person on the face of the earth that ships the four of them, but there is just something so perfect and amusing about Mitsuri having her three partners, who are all only dating her and merely putting up with the other ones, and something about Mitsuri being so cute and sweet and kind with her three bastard partners standing behind her being goddamn assholes to everyone around them lmao
But I have also been think a lot about Denji and Power's friendship recently too. It's just... so perfect. They are perfect for each other in every way, and every time I see them interact it makes me smile
I am also very ALSDJFOANFEWO about Yuuji and Sukuna's relationship recently too (any variation of it) just because of how wonderfully fucked it is and all the different ways to explore it. There's just a lot of potential there, and I really love Yuuji and Sukuna
F. What's the longest you've ever been in a fandom?
Hmmm... I think the fandom I've consistently remained at least semi-active in for the longest would be Doctor Who? I tend to go in phases with it but I always circle back around to it. But I've loved the series ever since I was 12 so eight going on almost nine years for that one!
L. Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn't one of your faves.
Aki serves a wonderful place in the narrative and is interesting in regards to how he develops other characters! I might not really care much about him specifically, but his role in the story is irreplaceable and I can appreciate him for that
X. A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Corruption arcs, hands down. There's just something so... lovely about watching the slow moral decay of a character, seeing them become the very thing they swore to destroy, etc etc, it's... satisfying? But also cathartic in a way.
Also (somewhat) found family. I say somewhat because I tend to be picky with how it's handled, but if it's done right in the way I enjoy, I'll go feral for it every time
Z. Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
I have been working a lot on my complete role reversal AU for demon slayer, and I genuinely think it's one of my all time favorite fics I've worked on. There's just something so fun and interesting about taking all the characters and switching sides with them, and figuring out not only how to make that make sense for them and keep the backstories similar, but also keeping them in character! Based on feedback I've gotten from readers, I think I'm doing a good job with that, and it's just a super fun and interesting thing to work on, especially the demon versions of the Hashira! I've got five out of nine of their backstories completely written out (Shinobu's, Mitsuri's, Obanai's, Tengen's, and Sanemi's) with Kyojuro's halfway finished and I am so excited to finally work on Gyomei's, Muichiro's, and Giyuu's, especially because the three of them are the Hashira I work with the least in fics, so I'm excited to play around with them
<3 <3 <3
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alt0stratuscloud · 2 years
there are just. so many emotions about all of this just bashing around in my brain right now.
on one hand it's like. I've tried so many times to leave the dream smp behind but I couldn't because its' the only story where I actually feel like I know enough to truly, comfortably write it so I can't leave it if I want to keep like. writing stuff. and so I've stayed and I've stayed past all the points I thought I'd go and I've drifted and listened and prepared my script for how I'd talk about its ending, to me, if I ever got to infodump about it all at once. Talk about how I left it because I'd come to the conclusion there would never be a resolution to any of the things I cared for about it, about how it petered out.
and then there's the tommy and tubbo stream where they play detective and everyone's saying it feels like the old days and I give the server another chance and it does and it's amazing and I decide to come back
and then everyone starts saying their stories are ending soon. and yesterday I hear about the book to eret and that wilbur's last stream is about to happen and I sit down to watch
and I'm just. I've never been someone who likes stories with plot twists like this. I've never liked it was all a dreams, or simulations, or whatever else, as a plot twist rather than inciting incident. I don't like spending hours every day for months or in this case YEARS caring about a story only for it to turn out in the last chapter that to one or more of the characters it wasn't the real world and that's kind of what this felt like. I dared to give the thing another chance and it hits me in the face with my least favorite trope.
and it's exactly dsmp. it's so much like the server is. It's disjointed and broken and heartbreaking and hilarious and while it doesn't make me regret watching the dsmp as a first place, I know too well how much I've grown as a person here for that, it does make me regret coming back to it. I genuinely wish I had just walked away. which is fucking? I love this story I love this story and I hate that I hate it too. They're the only ones I understand enough to write they're the world I care for most and it was all a fucking isekai.
It's not even that type of story where you can go back and see the foreshadowing! Where it all takes on a new, more interesting depth! It was just bullshitted in. if Wilbur's american then L'manburg's europeans only thing that led to the whole election arc was bullshit and built on lies. Is Philza also from utah because he sure doesn't seem to be, the philza here is hundreds of years old and a bird dude that doesn't make any sense. How does ghostbur have childhood memories of things that are very much of the world of the dream smp. How the hell is fundy going to feel about finding out all this? How did that even happen I know Fundy's age was wacky enough but he was born in L'manburg canonically. wilbur raised a whole son there. I'm glad he's like? home or whatever the fuck I guess but that being his home doesn't make any sense with the story that had been built. It's just shoehorned in to make the ending feel lighter.
and it's exactly what the dream smp always has been, that being a lovable, heartwrenching pile of bullshit. I wish I hadn't come back to it. I would have rathered it peter off into nothing. this feels like a mockery which I can tell is part of the point of it. a purposeful divergence from the serious. it's exactly what the ending needed to be and it's horrible because of course it is it's wilbur's dream smp writing what else did I expect.
just. really bitter about it, I think.
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
*Sees your primarily write for Billy and Stu*
*Requests Randy multiple times*
N E Ways, can I get some Randy comfort where the reading is super stressed and *done* with life, I wish we could just watch horror movies and cuddle together 😔
A/N: HAHSJDJ honestly don’t worry at all about what you request, I genuinely love writing it all sm and I absolutely adore Randy so I’m more than happy to :DD hope this makes ya feel a bit better if you’re feelin down <3 kinda went for a lil best friends to lovers trope with this one!
✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧
Randy Meeks x Stressed Reader
You were on the verge of ripping your hair straight from your head as you shifted uncomfortably within your spot shoved into the corner of your couch, your eyes glued forward onto your television in a last-ditch attempt to draw your mind from the endless thoughts troubling it. With your teeth beginning to sink into your lip, it was easy to say that this was entirely hopeless. There was too much going on, how were you meant to relax..?
You felt everything within your life was crumbling from your grasp, the control you once held now stripped from your and leaving you to wallow in your own ache. You didn’t like how it was starting to affect you physically, leaving a constant nauseous pit lying in your stomach while your body struggled to settle in the constant tensity it held.
God, you were so fucking sick of this. You didn’t know how this would eventually sort itself out, or if it even would. All you wanted to do was curl into yourself and let the days wash away.
Until, your self-loathing was disrupted.
Your head jolted up to find your front door with the dull sound of knocking against it, causing you to stiffen as you took a moment to internally question who could be at your door. Only one way to find out, you suppose.
Pushing off the blanket coating you, you stood to your feet to approach the door and crack it open.
Meeting Randy’s bright expression, he grinned happily with the sight of you. “Y/N! Is it cool that I came by? You weren’t at work today, I got worried.”
Taking a moment to register his sudden presence, you nodded as you failed to muster up a real reply just yet and flashed a soft smile as you pulled the door open fully. And with that, you noticed the stack of VHS tapes in his hands. “What’d you bring?” You questioned him with a slight tilt of your head.
“All your favorites. I had to fight a couple costumers off to make sure I could grab them all for you.” He replied with a snort, heading inside as you finally allowed him out of the storm that had Woodsboro on the verge of being a waterpark with it’s heavy downpour. Fitting.
“You didn’t have to do that..” You managed to get out a soft chuckle as you shut the door and followed him onto the couch, dropping yourself back down as he stripped himself of his jacket and got himself comfortable beside you.
“Uh, if you’re not feeling well, of course I had to. It’s my job to cheer you up, isn’t it?” He chimed with that same proud grin you adored to see. For a moment, you had completely forgotten your troubles as you instead took up the thought of appreciation that he had been thinking about you. Though you couldn’t let yourself be surprised, you guys were best friends and co-workers, right? He.. had to think of you at least from time to time, didn’t he?
“I suppose so..” You hummed back, keeping your smile intact as you fought the exhaustion riddling your body from your previous sleepless night. Hell, you hated being like this towards him but you couldn’t help it. You had no energy to take part in the typical playful banter you two constantly shared, and it was clear Randy had picked up on this with his face now in an expression of worry.
“What’s wrong? Do you need to talk about it?” He pouted as he moved in a bit closer to you to gingerly place a hand on your shoulder, and with this, you crumbled.
Your days’ worth of tears all poured out within a split second, forcing a shaky whine from your throat as you practically threw yourself into his arms and clung to him as if your entire life depended on it. “God, Randy, everything’s been a fucking disaster! Everyone’s been such an ass to me lately, and I’m so fucking done with our boss, and-”
You failed to get any more words out as you quickly got choked up with your sobbing, instead resorting to burying your face into the soft fabric covering his chest while he gently shushed you and brought you closer.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.. You’re okay.” He muttered against you, his face gently nuzzling into the crook of your neck while his hand rubbed over your back in soothing, slow movements. Randy felt slightly awkward with how unfamiliar the situation of having to comfort somebody was to him, sure, but seeing you in this much distress had him kicking into every caring instinct he had. What else could he do to help you?
Taking a few minutes to get yourself mostly sensible once more, you were now left with that pit in your gut as you stayed hidden in his chest. “I just can’t relax. What am I supposed to do?” You whimpered.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Y/N.. you’re the strongest person I’ve met, I don’t doubt that you could get through anything. But, hey, we’ve still got plenty of time left in the day, so how about we just focus on what’s happening right now?” He pulled back from you to take your face into his hands, wiping off your tears as he continued to speak, “We can watch those movies, and we’ll hang out just like we usually do, okay? Hell, you know how amazing I am at distracting you when we’re at work, I’m sure I can do just as well here.”
Genuine laughter escaped you in that moment, as you sunk into his hands cusping your cheeks while your own gently took his wrists. Nuzzling into his hold, you felt that heaviness sitting within you alleviate as you got caught up with your thoughts of him once more. He was so kind to you, how were you meant to be upset like this?
“That’d be amazing. Thank you..” You got out in a whisper, meeting his gaze as your thumbs stroked over his skin. Randy’s eyes were fond as they ran over each of your features, absorbing each moment he had close to you as he felt pride within himself that he had managed to cheer you up a little bit. Even though he was struggling to hold himself together in that moment with how much he had dreamt of having such an intimate moment with you, he kept himself calm in fear of disturbing you.
“Of course. You know I’d do anything for you.”
Randy quirked an eyebrow to your reply, taking up a subtle smirk as he cocked his head to the side. “What’s going on in your head?”
“Nothing dirty like I know you’re thinking,” You snorted, “I just.. wanted to know if maybe we could cuddle? Being close to you makes me feel a lot better.” You requested as warmth filling your face, avoiding his eyes as you felt a slight stinging sensation in your cheeks. You never denied you had grown a crush on him after all this time working together, but you hadn’t realized it affected you this much. This dork really won over your heart like it was nothing, didn’t he?
“Oh! Yeah, of course. Here, one sec.”
He smiled to you as he stood himself up to insert one of the movies into the VHS player, and you gazed at the man ahead of you with a fluttery feeling having replaced all of the worry that had been eating you up. How had you gone from wanting to be swallowed up by the earth itself from marveling over the man you once met by accidentally knocking nearly every VHS tape from his hands? What an awful first day of your job, but you only looked back on that memory fondly now.
Happily inviting him back onto the counter with you a minute later, you pressed into his side without a moment of hesitation as you laid an arm over his torso and adjusted to get settled back against him. He was still a bit cold from the rain, but you didn’t mind it for a second. He was there at your side, comforting you exactly as you needed. Everyone else that had been bothering you had slipped from your mind when you realized that he was the only person who mattered to you, and you felt you were finally about to relax.
Sitting up to bring him down to your level and place a loving kiss to his cheek, you were endlessly thankful to have a man like him in your life.
“What was that for?” He grinned through his initial surprise with your sudden act of affection.
“I thought you deserved it. For being so sweet to me today.” You chimed in response.
“Well, I think you deserve this.”
Your eyes widened as he leaned forward to lock your lips in a sudden motion, causing your heart to skip a beat in your chest until you could eventually relax your body enough to press closer in towards him.
You couldn’t count how many different daydreams you had about what your first kiss with Randy would be like, but it was more satisfying than anything you could’ve imagined. His lips were soft and inviting, and nothing short of completely addicting as you fought the urge to huff out once he cut the kiss short with his face smeared in amusement once more.
You narrowed your eyes up to him as you took up a slight pout. “Why’d you stop?”
“You’ll miss the movie.” He cooed.
“Fuck the movie, you’re better.” You went to lean in to meet his lips once more, deepening your pout as he dodges you through laughter.
“Better than Psycho?! Man, you must be really obsessed with me!”
“Just shut the fuck up and kiss me! You talk way too much sometimes, y’know.” You huffed within a slight scowl up to him.
“Ah, so the Y/N I know and love has returned after all, huh?”
You gave a roll of your eyes when the man bursted into yet another fit of snickering, a slight smile threatening the corner of your lips as you watched the joy on his face. Fuck, he was adorable.
“Yeah, yeah.. Fine, we’ll watch your movie. But you owe me some more time with those lips right after.” You hummed.
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rodr1cks · 3 years
Heather Hills | 1.3k
part one
neighbor trope where you’re in love with Rodrick but he can’t stop pining after Heather Hills, takes place during Dog Days
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“Rodrick, she ran over your fucking foot for christ’s sake!” He rolled his eyes at you from his position on his bed. “She’s into me, I know it. How could she resist?” Rodrick wasn’t wrong, he was pretty irresistible, to you at least.
The way his dark hair fell messily over his forehead, the adorable moles on his face, and oh god, his hands. Everything about him captivated you but he could never know. Rodrick liked girls like Heather Hills.
“Y/n? You there?” He said, waving a hand in your face. “Yeah- uh- sorry.” You had zoned out thinking about everything you wish you could do with Rodrick. “I uhm- gotta go. Keep your foot elevated, I mean it.” You gave him your most serious glare and got up from his bed. Rodrick winced at the movement.
You made the trek down the two flights of stairs to the main level where Mrs. Heffley was making dinner. “Hey, dear, is Rodrick doing alright? Did he tell you what happened?” You smiled faintly at her. “Oh he’s just fine. He said he tripped over a rock chasing Greg around.” Mrs. Heffley sighed, “Sounds about right. Well, would you like to stay for supper? We’re having your favorite!”
Mrs. Heffley was always so kind to you, she probably realized you’re the only girl who is actually nice to her oldest son. “Thank you for the offer but I have some work to catch up on.” Truthfully, you just wanted to go home and cry in your bed.
You immediately crawled into your bed as soon as you got home and started going down the list of things Heather Hills had that you didn’t. Blonde hair, tits, friends, popularity, the list continues. You fell asleep mulling over all of your shortcomings.
“Good morning, Y/n,” Rodrick smiled at you slyly. Oh god he has a plan. It always turned out bad when he gave you that look. “So, do you wanna hit the country club with me today?” Your brow furrowed in confusion, “You, Rodrick Heffley, are asking me to go to a country club?” “Yeah, Greg’s chubby friend can get us in.”
He was referring to Rowley Jefferson and he was completely serious. You shrugged in agreement. A smile broke out on his face and he smirked, “Wear something… skimpy.”
You walked back to your house to put on a skimpy bathing suit, per Rodrick's Instructions . What did that mean? Did he want to see you in something revealing? Thoughts aside, you rummaged through your drawers until you found it.
The smallest bikini you owned. It was black and the bottoms were nearly a thong. You put on the top, the minuscule triangles only covering the bare minimum. You threw on a Löded Diper t-shirt that was two sizes too big, courtesy of Rodrick.
You ran outside to meet Rodrick at his van, “Ready?” You nod at him. You had never felt so anxious before in your life. Rodrick reached over to turn the music up and you flinched. “Woah, woah, you okay over there, y/n?” Your face flushed, “Oh yeah, I-I’m fine,” you stammered.
After a short but bumpy ride, you guys arrived. “Follow me,” Rodrick said in a hushed voice. Apprehensively, you did as he asked.
“Rodrick, it reeks back here, when did you say Greg will get here?” Rodrick was obviously just as frustrated as you were but he assured you it would be any moment. Just then, the locked gate rattled. “Finally! Greg, my man!” Rodrick gave his younger brother a couple slaps on his back and you giggled. It was rare to witness them getting along, it was sweet.
The country club was nice. Rodrick led you over to a couple of chairs, “Make yourself at home, señorita.” Rodrick plopped down and stretched his arms behind his head. God, his muscles. You removed your shirt before you sat, and hovered for a moment. You were holding your arms around your stomach and looking around, discomfort evident on your face. So many beautiful girls there made you feel lesser. “Hey, y/n, you look great. Relax.” You instantly felt more at ease. For a while, you and Rodrick just sat and enjoyed the day.
Then you saw her. It was her. Heather Hills in a lifeguard suit strutting past both of you. You sat up and so did Rodrick.
“H-hey Heather!” Rodrick called after her. She made a noise of disgust, “As if, loser!” Rodrick huffed, “Damn it, you weren’t enough? I need to get to her somehow.”
Your heart dropped, you were there to make Heather Hills… jealous? “Rodrick? Did you bring me here just to-“ He cut you off, “Yeah yeah, one minute y/n.” He completely dismissed you and ran off.
You were livid. Absolutely enraged. You could be sad later but right now you needed Rodrick to know how furious he’d made you. The splash he made when he jumped into the pool caught your attention.
What the fuck was he trying to do?
Rodrick began flailing his arms around, splashing and gasping, “Help! Help me I’m drowning!” He cried out similar exclamations for the next minute or so. You’d seen enough. You grabbed your things and left, you’d walk home. Greg stopped you on your way out, “I’m sorry y/n, maybe he’ll realize soon.” You sighed, ruffing up Greg’s hair. How was Greg already smarter than Rodrick?
Jesus your house was further than you thought, did you even know where you were? Whatever, you’d figure it out. You were kicking pebbles along the sidewalk when you heard his van pull up beside you. “Y/n, get in the van,” he called out. You ignored him. “C’mon,” he yelled, “let me make sure you get home safely, please.” You gave in, you were tired of walking anyways. “Thank you,” he said when you plopped down in the passenger seat.
The van stopped abruptly in front of your houses. You broke the awkward silence and started going off on him. “You’re an asshole, you know that?. You used me to try and get to Heather Hills? Y’know how shitty that made me feel? For a second I thought- I really thought-” You paused, “Forget it.” You flung open your door and stormed into your front door. Rodrick was still absolutely oblivious.
He decided to give you some space and go to his own home. Greg was sitting on the floor playing twisted wizard when Rodrick walked in. “You still don’t get it do you?” Greg asked. Rodrick, visibly annoyed, quipped back, “Nothing to get, little bro,” and bounded up the stairs.
You woke up, groggy. You had fallen asleep at some point after getting home. What time is it? It was only 4pm. You heard knocking on your back door, Great. Dramatically, you flung the door open, already knowing who it was. You gestured, reluctantly inviting him in. Remembering what you were wearing, you blushed. You were still in a large t-shirt and bikini bottoms.
“Y/n, I’m sorry. I talked to Greg about it and I understand how stupid I am.” He seemed genuinely embarrassed. You took pity on him, how could you not? “It’s okay, Rodrick. I overreacted.” He smiled, “Great! Because I have great news!” You returned the smile, half-heartedly. “What’s your news?” “Okay, so after you left, Greg scored me a gig at Heather Hills’ sweet 16! Can you believe it?”
There was that feeling again, your heart shriveling and dropping to the depths of hell. Greg didn’t get through to him, after all. “Oh that’s- that’s great, Rodrick.” You really tried to seem enthused. “When is it?” you asked. “It’s in a week and you’re totally coming with, I need my favorite roadie there!” Rodrick was sweet sometimes, just not in the way you wanted. At least he wanted you there.
+hi hi this was my first fic in a long long time!! hope you enjoyed:) stick around for part 2
read part two here
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