#fuckers are stuck with me
doomerdog · 7 months
not even death will get the privilege of doing us part
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rotten-vivs · 1 year
i love how (based on martyn's lore) joel has two canonical soulmates. his multidimensional wife who he will always recognize and love in any smp they are together...and etho
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magnolia-sunrise · 4 months
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Did he who made the Lamb make thee? - this is heavily referencing Jacques Fabien Gautier d'Agoty's "Anatomical Angel" illustration, it's also inspired by William Blake's art, specifically "The Great Red Dragon" and his poem "The Tyger"
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I always thought that handcuffs were kinda stupid. As a little kid I would watch movies where the bad guys were hauled away in cuffs and I'd always think "alright, I guess that's inconvenient for them?" but I never really understood why they didn't just... take them off and escape
This curiosity heightened when I saw that my aunt had real metal handcuffs that locked with a real key and I quickly, before any adult could see what I was doing, shackled both my wrists with the cuffs as tight as they could go.
And when I say tight, I mean tight. I had reaaaaal skinny wrists and I was a child wearing adult handcuffs, so you'd think the cuffs would be loose but nope. Those things weren't circular anymore, they'd folded in so much that they looked more like the shape a cat's pupils turn when they're mad.
And what they don't tell you about real handcuffs? Those suckers are sharp. The inside edges are almost bladed, I guess to discourage exactly what I was trying to do but that certainly didn't stop my curious lil neurodivergent brain, oh no no.
Anyway, after about five minutes of pulling, straining, huffing and puffing, I finally went to find the adult with the key.
I was so disappointed.
And so, so hopelessly confused.
Course, no one questioned why I had locked my aunt's handcuffs and why I needed them unlocked. And, of course, I didn't communicate my confusion in any way.
So it wasn't until way later in life, when I had quickly shimmied out of one of those indestructible water park wristbands and saw the horrified eyes of my friends watching me with morbid glee, that I discovered that, apparently, most people can't dislocate their thumbs at will.
The moral of the story here is that neurodivergent children have no concept of typical versus atypical and that I cannot be contained by your petty mortal means.
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feliformiaboy · 7 months
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needy streamer overload redraw w/ pebbles ..
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king-of-the-mouseboys · 11 months
offering my holes to any and all beasts and creatures that may want to breed me
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kuroo-hitsuji · 5 months
(Minor?) NB Spoilers (lesson 35 (normal))
I'm losing it over the fact that I spent literally the Entire beginning of the train dinner situation telling my partner that I was gonna throw Lucifer out the fuckin window
And then Mephisto shows up and Lucifer says something about fucking throwing him out the window--
Please this Keeps happening fjsjgdxj stop stealing my lines, asshole
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starleska · 2 years
"oh wow Star, you sure have been posting a lot about that new DHMIS show! i bet you've found a cool new character to fixate on 🥰💖 go on, show us what they look like-"
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savetheghost · 18 days
im gonna need more meat
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plutoprophecy · 6 months
Dude im gonna be twenty in like. Half a year
What the actual fuck
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riveluart · 3 months
I have so much magic council squad stuff scheduled to post this month so I hope no one's sick of seeing them
Also reminder for only $3 a month on patreon you can see my art early!
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momo-de-avis · 5 months
I'm sick and tired of clients who leave reviews and like I'm talking three star reviews complaining that I did not have everyone introduce themselves like we're all in pre K and then treat me like in not the guide but your new friend. I need people to understand once and for all that there's a difference between being friendly and being your friend. I'm paid to be friendly, not your friend. I might hate your guts, you don't know, because what matters is that I treat you with respect and provide you with a positive experience. It's sincerely exhausting having people treat tour guides like we're fun cool young people you get to befriend and not a professional doing their job. I don't expect anything else when I'M the client. It's a job like every other. Do yall have any idea how exhausting it is to smile and laugh and be a clown every day of the week for 8 months non stop without a break? To spend 4h with a group of people who ask you questions, want to take pictures with you, have some fun banter, and then wrap it up and move on to the next group and rinse and repeat? In the summer I am so overly stimulated I need to lock myself in a sensory deprivation chamber. I've grown to hate being touched it's so overwhelming. It's so disheartening and discouraging to see my performance affected by reviews from people who expect me to be their friend for the fifteenth time this week with no understanding that this is my goddamn job. Sorry for the rant but I just got so upset by this shit cause I didn't have that great of a year
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saintaviator · 2 years
24 and kai
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It's not true Tell me I've been lied to
24- i love you by billie eilish
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landwriter · 2 years
dear diary,
bad news: totaled my first car today
good news: can now theoretically write one of those unhinged ao3 author’s notes saying something like “sorry this update is late my car got wrecked and now here’s your two fave dudes also getting wrecked, by their emotions”
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snzyspencer · 8 months
I love my job—I really do— but the last thing on my mind this morning is spending the rest of the day interacting with the public. My morning has already consisted of a coughing fit and adding more tissues to my growing pile. We’re too short staffed for me to call out though so wish me luck.
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tyrianlynch · 8 months
Uh oh sisters! Turns out the body keeps the score
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