#fuck. fuck !!!!!!!!!!! dude I thought this chapter of my life was over
once again
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Hi!!! I love your Get Off My Screen series so much! I was wondering if I could do a request for that?
Basically the idea is that Vox and the reader are just texting at night maybe and he lets something slip about something he misses from his old life on earth and because of that the reader remembers that the person they’ve been talking to for like over a year by now probably used to be alive and just spends the whole night learning everything they can about vox when he was alive (I imagine this would happen whilst vox was asleep and we’re just googling him) and then maybe I feel like we’d also google Alastor as a joke to see what all the fuss is about and then we find out that the person vox is ~~crushing~~ hating on is a serial killer and then just telling everything we learned when he wakes up.
Sorry if that’s really long I just fell like this is 100% what I would do in this situation
Old Times Gone By
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: I'm so glad you guys are requesting scenarios within the series, heck- I'm glad y'all enjoy it this much already hahaha! This is somewhat of an aftermath to the "You Could Do Better(With Me)" which is why it's not as cheery as the other chapters- but it's definitely not straight up angst. Just vulnerability and late night chatting between friends. Haha "friends"- And as always, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and happy reading!
A/N: Again, I kind of deviated from the prompt a little to better fit the narrative but Reader does know about Alastor and who he is because of Vox's ranting. They're aware that her demonic crush has a weird obsession with a cannibalistic radio serial killer deer dude and it's still not the weirdest thing he's done so far HAHAHAHA
If there was one thing Vox had to say he hated about drinking-
It had to be dealing with the hellish hangovers come morning.
Especially when he'd been wasted the night before.
A sharp jab in his side caused him to wake up this time.
He grunted, nearly falling off his chair when he shifted ever so slightly.
Wait, why was he in here???
He could feel the migraine start to pound in his head.
Vox wasn't looking forward to today already.
When he tried to stand up, a clink of a bottle made him look down by his feet.
Picking it up to give the darn thing a once over, he scoffed.
He must have been absolutely hammered to have finished this yesterday.
It was a brand he despised the taste of too.
"Vox-? Oh, you're up."
His head whipped around so quickly once he heard your voice.
When had he even connected to your TV?
Not that he complained, he managed to see you sat up on the couch and stretching.
Your hair stuck up in odd positions and you even looked to be half-awake.
Why was that fucking cute???
"I- mhm. I guess I am. Was I... drinking yesterday?"
"I don't really know, I just knew you were drunk out of your mind last night. I can only see your face remember?"
"Ah... right."
Vox couldn't really bring himself to say much this time, not while he was still trying to grab the bits and pieces of his memory on yesterday's events.
Did he really wander into the monitor room just because he missed you?
That was low, even for him.
"Good morning anyhow, not that I think it would be if you're dealing with a hangover."
Vox just chuckled, watching you get up and disappear from the TV's view.
He wasn't in any mood to work at all, especially when he had a shitty headache to deal with too.
Eh, his empire could last a day without him.
He notified his secretary to just cancel all his duties and appointments for today, just ignoring their panic as you returned back into view.
"What are you holding?"
"I thought you said you hated coffee?"
"Not hate, I just don't prefer it. But I need the caffeine to function today and I'd rather drink this bean juice than those energy drinks."
Vox wouldn't admit it, but talking to you again was already starting to make him feel a little better.
Especially after your noticeable absence.
He'd rather die again that outright say he missed you, his pride wouldn't allow it.
Cracking his joints, he just watched you sleepily stare up at him from where you sat on the couch.
Granted, it was probably because your TV was probably perched higher or on a shelf.
But Vox still thought you were kind of short.
Not that he had the right to say anything-
He was a 7ft tall giant compared to you.
"Again with the bean juice thing, and what's wrong with energy drinks?"
"They taste like straight up chemicals."
Vox just gave you a weird look when you rolled your eyes at him.
Still you just kept talking to him inbetween taking sips of your hot beverage.
"I'm not surprised you enjoy them, but your palate is probably shit."
"Oh you do not wanna go there-"
"What if I do huh? Watcha gonna do about it?"
Vox just grinned, you getting up to move closer to the screen as you challenged him.
The wide mischievous grin on your face mirrored his own and you both quickly devolved into just either bragging about exotic foods you've eaten-
Or straight up going for the jugular about each other.
"You eat McDonald's daily? I can't believe you'd feed yourself garbage Vox-"
"It's not garbage, and don't act like you've never eaten fast food."
"You are what you eat, I guess!"
"Ohoho! You bitch!"
Vox didn't seem to mind the numbing headache he felt when you were back to being your animated rambunctious self.
He wondered if it was because of the caffeine that made you all hyped up but he couldn't really bring himself to give a shit.
Not when he was still pretty tired.
It seems you noticed his retorts weren't making their usual mark though, and you crossed your arms over your chest while leaning towards the TV screen.
Vox just narrowed his eyes at you in confusion, what were you doing?
"You my good sir, need a hot cup of coffee more than I do. And freshen up while you're at it, I need to go take a shower too anyways."
You did not just do what he think you did.
Were you actually mothering him??
Vox just rolled his eyes at your words, not really intending to go until he realized you weren't budging an inch either.
"Didn't you just say you needed to go clean up?"
"Not leaving till you are."
"Stubborn much?"
"Not that different from you, no."
The tech overlord laughed at your insistence, eventually relenting and disconnecting himself from your devices.
He stretched again when he got up from his chair, picking up the empty alcohol bottle near his feet not intending to clutter up or dirty his workspace.
Vox perked up when his phone buzzed though.
The darn thing catching his attention before he forgot it was there.
He checked on it with his free hand, chuckling when he realized it was just a message from you.
"Go and freshen yourself up, get a cup of coffee too while you're at it. I'll be back soon, kisses!"
You almost caused him to break his phone from the grip he had on it.
What the fuck was that supposed to mean?!
Vox seriously stood there staring at his phone for a good ten minutes just buffering and rebooting-
Dude is actually broken the second you do literally anything with vaguely romantic undertones.
Still he stomps all over his own hopes and feelings in fear of misinterpreting your friendliness.
Yeah, both of you were fucking clueless.
You stayed true to your word and did eventually come back after you'd cleaned yourself up.
Vox had just been waiting on your TV again and the screen brightened slightly upon noticing you.
It was a subconscious reaction, don't bring it up or he'll definitely throw a hissy fit.
So that's what you both did the whole day, talking and just catching up.
While Vox did mention you skipped classes for the day, you just shot back that he threw his work to the backburner as well.
Not that he bothered to refute it, instead just moving on with the conversation like normal.
Hours passed and time flew.
Before you knew it, the both of you were talking well into the evening.
"And that's kind of the reason why I think spaghetti is superior to penne."
"Doll, they're straight up just different kinds of pasta."
"The fact there's different kinds of pasta mean that people clearly can't decide on a superior noodle shape."
Yeaaah... your conversations kind of stopped making sense an hour ago.
Not that either of you minded, even laughing about some stupid thing way into the AM.
"So like- he thought he was really some hot shit taking on the leader of the exorcists but he got his ass absolutely handed to him!"
"Bro almost got turned into demonic venison HAHAHAHA!"
Though of course, late night conversations always went deeper than those normally held within the day.
"Say... Vox?"
"Do you miss being alive? With, ya know- talking to me and all."
Vox paused slightly, it's been a long time since he reminisced of his living days.
When was the last time he even did?
"Not necessarily, I miss some things but not a whole lot."
"Like what? When did you die???"
"Hm... I don't remember the exact date, but sometime in the fifties?"
Vox recoiled when you just gawked at his screen, why did you react like that?
"Holy shit! You're fucking ancient!"
"Haha... very funny doll, I'm not that old! I died in my thirties."
"Ehhhh? You're not much older than I am then. How??"
"Don't remember, it was a long long time ago."
You made a weird face at him, to which Vox just smiled and chuckled.
It was the same expression you wore when trying to figure things out.
As... weird and cute as it may be.
Then you suddenly yawned, causing the tech overlord to consequently do the same.
Something you poked fun at him for since when did TVs yawn apparently.
Rolling his eyes, Vox took a glance at his internal clock.
It was four in the morning?!
How long had you both been talking????
"Vox? You good?"
Apparently his bewilderment was evident on the screen, so he just switched his attention back to you.
Vox's screen glitched slightly when he was caught off guard by how close you got to the TV.
Almost all up in his face even.
"Y-Yeah, just zZst- fine. Say... Doll, do you know what time it is?"
"Uhhhh- no, not really- why?"
"It's four in the morning."
"You need to sleep?"
You rolled your eyes and turned your back to the TV, plopping down on the couch with a pout.
You ignored him.
Vox couldn't help but chortle from your antics, you really seemed like a grumpy child right now.
"Look dollface, I don't want the fun to end either but we've still got tomorrow."
"I don't wanna say goodnight. You're just going to disconnect when I do."
"What, you can't expect me to fall asleep hooked up to all your stuff again can you? My chair isn't the most comfortable place to fall asleep."
Vox rubbed his face with a sigh, he felt the inexplicable urge to just pinch your cheeks.
He would if he could but he didn't exactly have hands as a TV.
Why did you have to be so cute?
"How about this? I'll stick around until you pass out. You won't even notice I'm gone come morning."
It didn't take too long for you to fall asleep on the couch.
Similarly to yesterday, you were just haphazardly sprawled across the furniture with a thin blanket to cover you.
Despite his words, Vox still stuck around for a while to make sure you were asleep.
You looked so serene while you rested, like you didn't have any worries.
The overlord let out a tired sigh, he'll just stick around for another five minutes.
Just a little longer in this peaceful moment with you.
Vox totally fell asleep in his chair again, he woke up that morning in an awkward position feeling more sore than ever too.
"Oh for fuck's sake-"
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defectivevillain · 1 month
a heavenly, hellish housemate
pairing: Adam/Reader
The reader’s race and gender are ambiguous; no pronouns or physical descriptors are used.***
summary: “If you’re my guardian angel, then why are you so…?” you break off. “Devilishly handsome?” The angel winks. “I was going to say ‘sleazy,’” you frown. “Okay, that’s not the right way to say ‘Wow, thank you so much for saving my life. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Adam, you’re so sexy and badass.'” He scoffs.
After Adam acts up yet again, Sera decides to assign him guardian angel duty. Adam is pissed, but he goes along with it and starts to look out for you: the human he’s tasked with protecting. He has no intention of ever actually meeting you, but when he saves you from death, he finds himself stuck on Earth with you.
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warnings: near-death experiences, emotional manipulation, suggestive humor
author's notes: ***The reader is referred to as “dude,” and “bitch” (you can thank adam for that, lmao) but i typically use those terms with the intent of them being gender-neutral… The reader also uses cologne (but, again, smelling nice isn’t gender-specific, i don’t think…)
This fic won’t be canon compliant. Also, some of the story itself is going to be underdeveloped—in the sense that I still want this to be a “oneshot,” not a multi-chapter fic. Some big-scale things like how Adam gets to Earth and how he will return to Heaven are overlooked.
anyways, onto the fun stuff:
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It’s been a long day, you think to yourself as you walk down the sidewalk. Work wasn’t particularly eventful today, but you’re still rather exhausted. You’re contemplating what you’ll fix for dinner when you see a car approaching out of the corner of your eye. You blink and your heart races as you realize it’s veering off the road and heading right towards you. It’s going far too fast and suddenly you’re frozen, trapped as the car speeds towards the sidewalk and heads straight for you in painful slow-motion. At the last possible moment, you’re shoved to the side with unnatural momentum. You fall to the ground and the car crashes into the wall—right about where you had been walking mere moments ago. You stare at it in disbelief. 
You have scrapes on your knees and you get the feeling you’ll have bruises on your elbows and arms, but otherwise, you’re unharmed. It’s a miracle—there’s no other way to explain it. By all means, you should have died in that car crash. You weren’t able to move in time… until that weird sensation, as if someone unseen had just shoved you out of the way. 
“Don’t get paid enough for this shit,” someone nearby mutters. You’re about to get up when a large shadow overtakes your vision. You look up to find a figure cloaked in white staring down at you; after a second look, you realize that he’s wearing a mask over his face. He’s looking down at you with a strange combination of interest and scrutiny.
“…Hello?” You choke out, once you manage to accept just what you’re seeing. This guy—whoever he is—is ridiculously tall and looks entirely unfamiliar. In fact, he doesn’t look human at all—he has a bright halo over his head and wings extending from his shoulders.
He stares at you in disbelief when he notices that you’re looking back at him. “You can see me?” He asks, clearly surprised. “What the fuck?!” 
“Are you my guardian angel or something?” You ask, unable to hide your suspicion. You never thought guardian angels were even real; and, even if you were to think about it, you would expect a “guardian angel” to be clothed in blinding white. This guy has grey horns, golden wings, and a positively dangerous smirk. He does have that white halo, though… 
“Ugh, fucking fine,” the guy scoffs, clearly annoyed. You’re not quite sure how he’s sick of this conversation already, when it hasn’t been more than a few moments. “Yes, I am. You’re welcome, baby.” 
“Okay,” you remark, still a little unconvinced. Admittedly, the pet-name throws you for a loop—especially when you realize the guy is rather attractive, with shaggy, dusky brown hair and gleaming golden eyes. Averting your eyes, you take a look around you, only to find that everyone seems too preoccupied with the car crash to notice you talking to this strange “angel”—if that’s really what he is. Or, even more frightening… you may be the only one able to see him. You try to collect your thoughts and one question immediately comes to mind. “If you’re my guardian angel, then why are you so…?” You trail off. 
“Devilishly handsome?” He winks. 
“I was going to say ‘sleazy,’” you frown. 
The guy crosses his arms over his chest. “Okay, that’s not the right way to say ‘ wow, Adam, thank you so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you, you’re so sexy and badass.’” 
You stare at him in disbelief for a few moments, before deciding to push yourself to your feet. Even when you’re standing in front of him, the height difference between you both is stark. You squint at him for a second. “Are you sure you’re an angel?” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. The guy seems a little too profane to be from Heaven. But, who knows? 
“Damn right,” the guy asserts confidently, blowing your assumptions right out of the water. “I’m the angel. Adam’s the name, pulling bitches is the game.” 
While you want to focus on that horrid last part of his statement, your attention is captured by his name: Adam. Is he the first human—that Adam? “You’re the Adam?” You question. “Like, Adam and Eve?”
The smug grin on the angel’s face promptly vanishes. “Ugh, this was going so well,” Adam groans raspily. “Don’t fucking mention my ex-wife, dude. She’s a real piece of work.”
“If you say so,” you acquiesce. This entire conversation is giving you whiplash. You wonder just how you got yourself into this situation. And while you’re grateful that this guy saved you, you hadn’t expected to be stuck in an interaction with him. You really just want to go home—this day has been a nightmare, and you want nothing more than to jump into bed and sleep. 
“I do say so,” he preens. Wow, this guy’s ego is extremely inflated. You’re not sure you’ve ever met someone so cocky and arrogant before. 
“Well… Thanks for saving my life, I guess?” You remark uneasily, taking a casual half-step backwards and hoping he doesn’t notice. You’ve been patiently waiting for the conversation to end, but somehow it’s still going—and you’re nearly at the point of just walking away and ignoring him. 
“You’re fucking welcome, shrimp,” Adam responds. You ignore the dig. The guy is unnaturally tall—far surpassing the height of even the tallest humans. He must be eight or nine feet tall, at least. 
“Well, I have to get home, so…” You give an awkward wave and turn to walk away. You don’t make it for more than a few steps before you notice a presence behind you. Adam is following you, you realize with dread. “Um, what are you doing?” You ask. 
“Following you, dipshit,” he scoffs, as if the question is stupid. “This has never happened before. I don’t know how to get back up to Heaven yet.”
“Great.” You groan, resolving yourself to a chaotic day. 
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Why am I doing this again? You ask yourself as you stare at the angel walking around your apartment. You don’t realize that you utter that question aloud until you hear Adam speak. “Because you’re nice and hot and smart and totally my type?” 
“Nice try,” you huff, crossing your arms over your chest and resolutely pretending that his remark doesn’t make your heart race. He’s the type of person to flirt with anyone—hell, anything —that has a pulse. “Flattery won’t get you very far.” 
“It’s true, though” Adam insists confidently, “And you can take my word for it, ‘cause there are some real nasty bastards up in Heaven.” You watch as he continues to inspect your apartment, opening your cabinets and drawers and ultimately having zero respect for your privacy. You’re suddenly immensely grateful that you don’t have much to hide—your apartment is pretty ordinary-looking. 
“So… when do you go back?” You not-so-subtly ask, as he continues looking around without permission. 
“Trying to kick me out?” He grins, seeing through your rather pathetic attempt to hide your irritation. Adam shuts the drawer he was searching through and shrugs. “Not sure. I’ve never been to the human realm before; this shit blows.” He punctuates the statement with a heavy eye-roll. 
“That’s not helpful,” you frown concernedly. It may be no big deal for him—he has all the time in the world to return to Heaven, considering he’s already in the afterlife. But you have a life, a job, and things to do. You don’t have the time or energy (or patience) to stumble through reorganizing your entire life just to fit an angel in it. 
“I don’t fucking know!” He practically screeches, a sudden switch into extreme defensiveness. Adam must notice you watching him, because he turns around and meets your gaze. “For once. Maybe even the first time. But I know everything else, so don’t get used to it.” He’s quick to add. You’re starting to worry that your eyes will get stuck in the back of your head—from how much you’ve been rolling your eyes at his inane comments. 
“Has anyone ever told you you’re a pain in the ass?” You mutter darkly. 
“Without lubrication, yeah.” You don’t bother dignifying that comment with a response. You instead shake your head relentingly and tell him you have a pullout bed on the couch, to which he complains incessantly before you offer sleeping on the street as an alternative. 
Still processing everything that happened, you tell Adam you need to be alone and lock yourself in your room. Just a few hours ago, you were living your life as normal. Your guardian angel saved your life, but now he’s living here with you. You don’t remember signing up for any of this. You rub a hand over your face and try to fight off the exhaustion that has been setting in since you left work. 
Eventually, it’s late enough for you to go to bed—and you fall asleep hoping that you’ll wake tomorrow morning to an empty apartment, blissfully free of a certain angel. 
But the universe is not so merciful, and you see Adam sleeping on the couch when you walk out of your room and towards the kitchen. You try to move quietly—so as to not disturb him—but he must be a light sleeper, because suddenly he’s up on his feet and chastising you for being too loud. You head to work already feeling tired, which doesn’t bode well for the rest of your day. 
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The longer Adam stays at your apartment, the more you learn about him. For example, you learn that Adam is an incessant flirt (although that was clear from the first few moments you met). You also learn that he enjoys scaring the absolute shit out of you. Sometimes, you’ll get home from work and find yourself in an empty apartment. You’ll forget that you’re housing a goliath of a “guardian angel,” until said angel seeps out of the shadows and screams at you, cackling maniacally as you regain your breath. 
Adam isn’t a great roommate, either—he’s messy, doesn’t have very many boundaries, and has no qualms about invading your personal space. He has a ton of annoying habits.  Even so, you suppose it’s not the worst situation you could find yourself in. Plus, as much as you hate to admit it, it’s kind of nice to have company when you get home from a particularly long day at work. You can vent to him about some dumbass you work with and he won’t hesitate to insult them with you. 
Although… Adam doesn’t pay you. He doesn’t have any human money. You’re not even sure if Heaven has currency, and you keep forgetting to ask. All you know is that he’s living here for free—practically mooching off of you. And, for the first few weeks, it really does feel like he’s taking advantage of your kindness—as he eats all of your groceries, never cleans up after himself, constantly plays your Nintendo Switch without asking you for permission… The list goes on. 
After more than three weeks of that rather grating behavior, you sit him down at the table in the dining room and try to establish some ground rules. If he is going to continue staying with you, he has to: (1) clean up after himself, which includes everything from washing the clothes you bought for him at the thrift store to doing his dishes; (2) write what he wants on the grocery list, so you won’t come home to an empty fridge and pantry; (3) use his own separate account for your Switch, which you so graciously made for him; and (4) limit how many times he scares you to a few times per week. 
You think these demands are perfectly reasonable, but judging from the way he stares at you for a moment before laughing in your face, Adam has never respected someone else’s rules. You don’t break eye contact with him, despite wanting nothing more than to look away from his increasingly intimidating gaze. Eventually, Adam must sense that you’re not budging on these points, because he mutters something about bossy landlords—to which you snarkily remind him that landlords have paying tenants, and that he is living under your roof for free. He shuts up after that. 
After that conversation, things get better. Slowly but surely, Adam begins to adjust his behavior to be moderately less annoying. You get the feeling that being annoying is one of his core personality traits, but at the very least you’ve prevented that from affecting your lifestyle. Unsurprisingly, the angel doesn’t follow all of the rules perfectly. Ironically, it seems that Rule No. 4—limiting how often he scares the life out of you—is the most difficult one for him to follow. The fucker is constantly appearing behind you and ripping the breath from your chest. But, you respect that Adam is trying, and the two of you gradually learn to live with one another. 
But things come to an unfortunate boiling point one evening as you’re getting ready to go out for dinner. You’ve attempted to tame your hair into something slightly more styled than normal and you’ve used your rather pricey cologne [a miniscule amount of it, admittedly]. You have your keys, your pepper spray in case your date goes awry, and your phone. You’re inspecting your closet in an attempt to decide on an outfit when you hear Adam enter the room. 
You turn around to face him, realizing that he looks skeptical as his gaze inspects your form. “Where the hell are you going?” He asks, evidently noticing that you’re preparing to leave. You suppose it is rather unusual for you to be leaving home in the evening like this—typically, once you leave work, you stay home for the rest of the night. 
“I’m going on a date,” you respond, picking out a shirt and pants and folding them over your arm. 
“A date?” Adam scoffs. “Your ugly ass? Please.”
You don’t bother acknowledging that remark, instead moving to the bathroom. You change and brush your teeth, before walking back out to your room. You’ll just pretend that your giant angelic roommate—the one who still doesn’t pay rent, by the way—isn’t here. Unfortunately, you don’t get very far, because Adam continues speaking the moment you exit the bathroom. 
“Hey, there isn’t-” Adam begins, turning around to face you. Whatever he means to say fades to obscurity as he stares at you. For a painful moment, the two of you are trapped in a tense silence. Just as it grows to be unbearable, Adam scoffs. “This is for him? Fucking Tom?” Wait… How does he know your date’s name? You squint at him suspiciously, before realizing that he’s holding your phone and evidently looking through your messages. 
“Hey, give me that-” You say with wide eyes, reaching for your phone. 
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?’”Adam recites, scrolling through the messages from the guy you’re going on a date with. There’s a cruel amusement gleaming in his eyes. “There’s no fucking way.” He cackles. 
You stare at him in shocked silence, forced to listen as he rips apart this guy you haven’t even met yet. “Are you done yet?” You eventually ask, when it seems like he’s losing steam. “I have to go, give me that-” You hiss, annoyed and frustrated. His grip is inhumanly tight as he clutches your phone; you have no idea how he hasn’t broken it yet. 
“No way, sweetheart,” he grins, a malicious and cruel smile. “This is the most fun I’ve had in years ,” he says, continuing to scroll through your conversation, “Besides, why are you meeting with this guy if you don’t even know him in the first place?”
That’s the whole point of the date: to get to know Tom. You try to take a deep breath and remain calm. “You’re my ‘guardian angel,’ not my mother,” you feel the need to say, when his eye contact is growing a bit too intense and prolonged. 
“Wow, strange, that doesn’t sound like gratitude,” Adam frowns, tapping a finger against his chin. 
You grit your teeth. Unless you’re able to sneak around this nine-foot fucking demon looming in the doorway—because really, he’s not acting like much of an angel right now—you’re going to miss your date. You try to make a grab for your phone one more time, but Adam’s grip remains steady. There’s no way you’re getting it back, judging from both his immensely strong grasp and the determined smirk on his face. 
Defeat sets in, followed by prickling embarrassment and fury. “You know what?” You say, your voice cracking in your frustration. “Fine. Fine. You win. Okay?” You leave your room and head out to the living room, desperate for some privacy. Adam either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care, because he follows behind you. You feel tears falling down your face before you can stop them. You feel so helpless. This guy swooped into your life and fucked everything up, just for his own amusement. 
“Are you crying because of that loser?” Adam asks, surprise coloring his voice. 
“I’m crying because of you!” You seethe, glaring at him. You wipe your eyes with the back of your sleeve. “You ruined my night. And I genuinely wanted to get to know Tom, but you’ve fucked that up too!” This is like an emotionally manipulative relationship, you think to yourself, but without the relationship. So really, it’s just emotionally manipulative. You don’t give Adam a chance to defend himself, instead pushing past him and going back into your room, slamming the door shut behind you.
You flop onto your bed and curl onto your side, unable to stop the tears sliding down your cheeks. You know it’s a somewhat insignificant thing to be upset about, but you can’t help it. The way Adam just completely decimated your plans, with all the confidence of someone who has never once been questioned, someone who has always been looked up to and venerated and-
You huff and push yourself back up to a sitting position, grabbing the nearby tissue box and blowing your nose. You’re still furious with Adam, of course, but you’d rather just not acknowledge him right now. Even the mere thought of him now is enough to send new tears slipping down your cheeks. 
You lie awake a bit longer than usual that night, feeling unspeakably restless. Frustrated, you stare up at the ceiling and try to think about something other than the horrible evening you just had. Eventually, you drift off into sleep—albeit with dry eyes and anger still prickling at your core. 
Against all odds, you manage to have a relatively restful sleep, and you wake to the smell of pancakes wafting through your apartment. That immediately concerns you, and you get out of bed with fear drumming in your chest. Did you leave the stove on? Is  something burning? You stumble out to the kitchen, only to find Adam standing with his back to you, looking down at a griddle that you don’t remember purchasing. 
“Adam?” You ask, blinking traces of sleep from your eyes. Adam stiffens and turns around, an uncharacteristically weak smile flickering on his face before it’s replaced with his trademark wide grin. 
“Hey,” he remarks, turning around to flip a few pancakes. When Adam turns back around to look at you, you realize that the apron he’s wearing says Kiss the Cook. You feel a disbelieving laugh crawl out of your throat before you can stop it. 
“Where’d you get that apron?” You ask, knowing damn well you don’t own an apron like that. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he grins, which naturally just worries you more. You take a deep breath and go back to your room to change. When you return to the kitchen, there’s a stack of pancakes on the counter—evidently for you. You grab a few pancakes, a plate, and utensils, before settling at the table and beginning to eat. You keep yourself occupied throughout the meal with Youtube videos, but you’re still unable to avoid the tension settling in the air. 
When you finish eating, you do your dishes before thanking Adam for the meal. Before you can retreat back to the solitude of your room, Adam takes a deep breath as if preparing himself to speak. 
“So…” He starts, “This is hard for me to say………” His voice is almost entirely devoid of emotion. Before you can think about that any longer, he continues speaking. Is he about to apologize? Somehow, you doubt it. “I’m not sorry for what I did.” And there it is. You’re not surprised; you’re just disappointed. You immediately move to leave and his eyes widen. “Wait. No, that’s- Hey, I’m trying to apologize here!”
“Apologizing typically starts with ‘I’m sorry,’” you say, glaring at him. 
“Fine,” Adam says with an eye-roll, “I didn’t want you going on that date. Okay?”
“Why?” You ask. You deserve to know the rationality behind his actions—if there even was any. The angel’s eyes are gleaming (with what emotion, you’re not quite sure).
“I’m your guardian angel,” Adam reminds you, “I’m supposed to protect you from harm.” That’s a load of bullshit. You turn around again, fully intent on barricading yourself in your room and never coming out. “Hey, hey, hey-!” He sputters. Adam takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Damn it! Fine. I didn’t want you to go on that date because you’re out of his league.”
That statement only confuses you further. Tom was an attractive guy, and he seemed nice. Why would you be out of his league? “Then who’s in my league?” You sputter, feeling extremely lost. “You?” You scoff. 
“Yes!” He exclaims with so much vehemence that it startles you. “I mean, no! Fuck, why is this so difficult? Okay. Listen… I rescheduled your date with Tom. You’re gonna meet with him today, and wear that sexy ass outfit you had on yesterday.”
“Really?” You ask, still skeptical. You want to believe the angel, but you can’t help but think of his actions last night—the unflappable determination on his face as he wrecked your plans for the night. Adam got some sort of thrill out of ruining your night, and that still concerns you. 
“Really,” the angel assures you, tossing you your phone. You completely forgot he had it. You remember trying to wrench it out of his grip; when you stormed off to your room, he must’ve still had it. “Check your messages.” You obey and open the text conversation. 
Yesterday, 2:45 p.m. Tom: Looking forward to it.  Yesterday, 4:42 p.m. You: Hey, I hate to do this, but do you mind if we reschedule for tomorrow? My roommate got sick and I need to look after him. Tom: Sure thing. Same time? You: Sounds good. 
“Oh,” you remark aloud, lost for words. 
“So go on your date and have fun,” Adam continues. “With- with Tom.” The latter statement is spoken with a decent amount of venom, and Adam averts his eyes with a surprisingly irritated expression on his face. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, you busy yourself with preparing for the date, equal parts anticipation and something frighteningly similar to appreciation warring in your chest. You shouldn’t be holding any sort of appreciation for Adam’s actions—he was just righting his own mistake. Even so… You sigh and push aside any thoughts of Adam, instead busying yourself with preparing. When you’re finally ready, you walk out of your room and head for the side table—where your pepper spray, phone, and keys still remain from the night before. 
You glance around the space, finding Adam sitting in front of the television and playing video games. “I’m heading out,” you decide to tell him. 
“Have fun,” the angel says, not bothering to look away from his game. You take a deep breath and leave your apartment, locking your door behind you. Your date is waiting outside, supposedly.
The night passes by frighteningly fast; two hours later, you’re unlocking your front door, shutting it behind you, and trudging into your apartment with severely dampened spirits. You’re unsurprised to find Adam still playing games on your Nintendo Switch. His back is turned and you feel your throat burning. “Hey,” he says, focused on the game. “How’d it go?”
“You called it,” you murmur frustratedly. “You were right. I should’ve listened.” Your eyes are burning now too. Your voice sounds foreign to your ears. 
It evidently takes Adam a moment to process what you just said, but you immediately notice the moment he comprehends it. The room falls eerily silent and you watch the television screen for a moment. (Meanwhile, Adam is staring ahead in complete shock, surprised as to how someone could have fumbled the bag so badly.) Adam then turns around, his game entirely abandoned. “What did that bastard do?” He hisses. “God damn it, I’m going to murder him. He’s going straight to Hell!”
“It’s- I don’t know,” you choke out, placing your hands on the back of the couch. Tears are falling down your face now, despite your best attempts to keep them in. “Maybe it’s my fault.” You murmur.
“Abso-fuckin-lutely not,” Adam declares with an unreasonable amount of confidence. “You’re the closest fuckin’ thing to perfection; there’s no way in Heaven or Hell that it was your fault.” You want to believe him, but you don’t. You can’t—not after how badly the night went. 
You’re still reeling, so you decide to sit down next to Adam on the couch. For a long moment, the two of you stare ahead silently as the Animal Crossing: New Horizons music plays in the background. Eventually, Adam continues playing and you watch as he controls a purple-skinned avatar with golden eyes, black wings, and a white halo. 
Sharing the silence with Adam is nice, but you soon find it more and more difficult to stay awake through it. You’re growing tired—your exhaustion from earlier catching up to you—and your eyelids are starting to sting from fatigue. You’re leaning back against the couch cushions, dangerously close to leaning on Adam’s shoulder. Your limbs feel as heavy as bricks and within moments, you’re surrendering to the urge to succumb to the darkness and the magnetic sensation pulling you to rest your head on the angel’s shoulder. 
The next morning you wake up in your bed, despite having no recollection of walking back to your room. That particular mystery quickly fades to the back of your mind once you arrive at work, however. The day seems to drag, but finally, after a seemingly infinite amount of time, you finish your work and can go home to relax. 
“Hey,” you say as you enter your apartment after work, surprised to find the living room empty. Typically, you’d see Adam watching television at this time. “Adam?” You ask. There’s no response. You shrug off your jacket and hang it on your coat rack, before walking through the living room and into the dining room. 
To your surprise, you find your table candlelit, with boxes of takeout from your favorite restaurant scattered around its surface. “Hey, you’re back.” Adam says. Despite the fact that he probably didn’t mean to scare you, the sudden reveal of his presence is enough to send your heart racing—if only for a brief moment. You still can’t quite believe what you’re seeing; noticing your confusion, Adam continues—sounding almost apprehensive. “I thought… you deserve a nice dinner, since your date didn’t go well.” He breaks off for a moment, a truly murderous expression on his face. Adam shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts, before motioning to the takeout boxes and looking at you expectantly. “Did I get your order right?” You squint at the boxes and nod; he grins. “Hell yeah! Am I the fucking best or what?”
You smile and shake your head in disbelief. You move to sit down, but Adam tugs you back. “Hey, hey, not so fast,” he admonishes you, before placing a hand on the chair and pulling it out for you. You roll your eyes fondly and sit down at the proffered seat. Moments later, Adam takes a seat across from you. The two of you quickly dig into your food and you fall into idle conversation about your day. 
When you’re both finished eating, Adam clears his throat purposefully. “So,” he starts, “I know I was kind of a dick, but you should go on an actual date with me.” He sounds forceful, but you’re pretty sure he’s just uncertain. 
“Sure,” you agree rather easily. Despite all you’ve been through—all the missteps Adam has made, especially when you were trying to date other people—you like the thought of being in a relationship with him. Adam is frighteningly easy to be around, and underneath that prickly, jerkish exterior is a person who genuinely cares about you. At least, that’s what you hope.  
“Oh hell yeah!” He fist-pumps, making you chuckle. “You’re about to get wined and dined, bitch. Get ready for a four-course meal—I’ll be the perfect fucking gentleman. Chivalry and all that shit.”
“You do realize chivalry has been dead for, like, centuries,” you say before you can stop yourself. 
Adam groans dramatically. “You know what I fucking mean,” he chastises you. And, surprisingly, you think you actually do know what he means. He wasn’t referring to chivalry in the antiquated sense, but more in the sense that every person deserves to be treated nicely. That’s a surprisingly decent perspective, coming from him of all people. “I’m going to be so fucking nice, you’re going to be falling at my feet.” You both know that is definitely not going to happen. You don’t let Adam always have his way—you don’t let him step all over you. And, maybe, that’s one of the reasons he likes you. Maybe, just maybe, he needs someone who is just as independent and stubborn as he is. 
You find yourself looking forward to learning more about this mysterious guardian angel of yours.
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endnotes: oh my god, they were roommates.
y'all, i can't believe i wrote 5k words for this bastard.
thanks for reading! <3
check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
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general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat
friendly reminder that i don't give permission for my writing to be shared to other sites, stolen, copied, translated, or used in any way. thanks!
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hazelvrr · 3 months
Chapter 1: The fair
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S/n: As promised here's chapter 1, let me know if I should continue with this fic as I've never written a full fic before so I might be rubbish, also it's not proofread but any mistakes should only be minor. No use of y/n. I tried to capture their personalities to the best of my ability but they are so funny that they're also extremely difficult to write. I tried to not repeat any scenes from the movie, they still happen unless I mention them differently but I didn't want to sound like a broken record.
Summary: you get ready with pj and josie for the fair and they question your friendship with hazel and then you see her at the fair.
Warnings: none
Word count: 2.1k
The fair was the one thing you looked forward to at the end of summer. Pretty much everything else about summer ending absolutely sucked but at least there was the fair.
Every year as soon as August rolled around, you were counting down the days until you could ride the ferris wheel, get cotton candy and most importantly, see hazel for the first time in 3 months.
Your 'best friend' hazel, if you could even call her that, volunteered at some charity or association of some sort all summer every single year without fail, so you couldn't see her for 3 months straight, which always drove you crazy.
You weren't quite sure why, after all, it was the same with pj and josie because they were away at some abstinence camp for the youth or as pj called it 'an anti sex cult run by a bunch of jealous old nuns who dont get any and are trying to ruin her life because shes hot as fuck' (her words, not yours) so you didn't see them either but you couldn't care less, so why were you so bothered about not seeing hazel?
Either way, you were super exited about this year's fair and had decided to get a ride from josie (only because you were embarrassed to tell anyone cool that you had failed your drivers test 5 times over the summer and had acctually managed to get yourself banned from the local dmv from 'assaulting your driving instructor' which you only did because he totally had it in for you) so naturally you thought it was a good idea to get ready at her house with her and pj.
You should have known that pj and Josie, being the horny pervs that they are, spent the whole evening scheming about getting the cheerleaders attention, and how they were planning on getting possibly the straightest teenage girls you had ever seen in your whole life to fall head over heels for them.
Absolute losers.
You were so used to their antics that your brain had completely tuned them out as you applied your eyeliner, sitting beside pj, faces pushing eachother out of the way to fight to look in the tiniest mirror on josies desk.
You had stopped listening after josie had started ranting about the size of Jeff's penis, you were planning on stuffing your face with corndogs in less than an hour, and that was really putting you off the idea, that was until you heard josie say your name.
"Soo, have you spoken to hazel since school ended?"
Pj looks over at you with a shit eating grin on her face, "what she means to say is, have the two of you fucked yet?"
You roll your eyes at pj, not even dignifying her with an answer and turn your head to face josie, who was now stacking snapbacks on her head whilst looking in the mirror.
"To answer your question, yeah we've facetimed a few times and texted a lot."
"Oooo phone sex," pj giggles, "kinky."
You just flick pj in the head and begin applying your lipgloss.
Josie picks up one of the snapbacks from the floor and launches it at pjs head and instead misses and knocks over the mirror.
"Dude what the fuck." Pj hisses, standing up to go over to josies closet door to look at her outfit in the full length mirror, posing and checking herself out.
"Seriously though, when are you going to make a move?" Josie asks, backing away from pj and going to sit on the bed.
You look at her with a confused expression, "what do you mean, we're just friends."
Josie cocks her eyebrow and smirks, "please, you've been in love with her since 5th grade, you know it, I know it, pj knows it, pretty much everyone in a 10 mile radius can see it, except for hazel herself since she's an oblivious dork, but that's besides the point."
You go to answer but pj comes back over and sits back down next to you and you take the opportunity to escape and use the bathroom.
You take your time in there staring into the glass, turning your body around, checking that your hair is straight, your makeup looks good in natural lighting, oh and that your cleavage is poking through your tank top just enough, for no particular reason other than looking hot for yourself (well, that's what you told yourself anyways).
As you open the bathroom door to return to josies bedroom you hear pj and josie whispering, and being as nosy as you are, you press your ear up against the door to listen to what they're saying.
"Shhh she's gonna hear you" josie hushes.
"Shut up no she's not, that bitch couldn't hear a rocket land if it landed on the roof."
"How much did you say you wanna bet again?"
"50 bucks. If by the end of the school year they haven't fucked, I owe you 50 bucks, but if they have, you owe me 100."
"How the fuck does that work, why do I owe you double?"
"Because I'm fucking awesome... okay because I'm broke as hell and am gonna need the contribution for my homecoming dress so I can look sexy for brittany, duh."
"Yeah yeah whatever, its a deal, I think she's coming."
You once again roll your eyes at how pathetic they are. You swear to god that if you spent any more time with them than you already do, your eyes would permanently be fixed in the back of your head.
"Hey guys, you ready to go it's almost 8," you suggest as you open the door, "josie, what the hell do you think you're wearing?!"
"What do you mean?" She looks down confused at her spiritual playboy shirt, 5 carabiners hooked onto her pants' belt loops and her arm sling on her right arm.
"You look like dyke throw-up," pj cackles, standing up from the desk and following you both out of the bedroom door.
Josie looks back at pj as you're all walking down the stairs, "pj you can't say anything, look at you, you've got suspenders over your nipples like a goddamn freak."
Pj flips her off from behind her head and you can't help but giggle as you follow them out to the car and hop in the backseat.
"How'd you break your arm again josie?" You lean forward and ask as josie turns the keys and reverses out of her driveway.
"She flunked out of anti horny camp and fell out of her bunk rubbing one out," pj replies casually, looking down at her phone that displays brittanys Instagram posts from the summer, "fuck, she got even hotter over summer, how's that even possible?"
"Is isabel in any of the photos?" Josie questioned desperately, sneaking a peak down at pjs phone as she pulls up to a red light.
"God you're both pathetic."
You finally arrive to the fair, granted you're 20 minutes late because josie circled the parking lot at least 10 times as pj yelled at her to just fucking park, but josie wanted to make sure she could find a big enough spot.
You hand over your tickets and walk in, they're both muttering about something or other but you're not really listening, you're just scanning for hazel until you feel a tap on your shoulder and nearly jump out of your skin.
"Hey guys," hazel smiles, bringing you in for a hug, "long time no see, wait.. pj, josie, you never come to the fair?"
You point over at isabel and brittany standing a few feet away, where they had been gawking at them for the past 5 minutes.
"Ah, I see," She nods, I haven't seen you In ages I've missed you."
"Yeah.. me too," you blush, looking down at your shoes.
"Oh shit what happened to josies arm?"
"What, is her vagina made out of concrete or something?"
"No what? Hazel, she fell out of her bunk," pj scoffs.
"Can everyone please stop talking about my vagina?" Josie interjects.
"Soo hazel, what's this I hear about you volunteering at a slop farm?" Pj questions.
"The national meat association? Yeah it was good," hazel replies, "so did you guys get up to anything crazy over summer?"
"Yeah we killed this girl at camp for snitching on josie, got arrested, taken to Juvie and spent the rest of summer there, nearly died but they let us go when we told them that we're dykes and called them homophobic," pj explains sarcastically.
"What?! Are you guys okay?"
Josie facepalms.
You were about to explain that pj was being sarcastic when you hear cheering and you all look over to see Jeff appearing with the rest of the football team.
You all exchange disgusted looks and then pj notices that isabel and brittany are walking in your direction.
She snatches your corndog out of your hand and hands it to josie and then takes hazels cotton candy and hands her a wad full of tickets. Her and josie anxiously keep swapping the corndog and cotton candy mumbling to eachother until isabel and brittany are standing right infront of you all.
Josie drops her corndog, well actually YOUR corndog and kicks it away in hopes of isabel not noticing but both isabel and brittany look down and watch her do it, then look back up at her and raise their eyebrows.
"Hey can I uh, get my cotton candy back?" Hazel asks as she reaches forwards towards pj to grab it, but instead is hit in the head with it by pj who just ignores her and takes a bite out of it.
You look at hazel and shrug your shoulders, jerking your head to turn her attention back to the disaster of a conversation going on between the four of them.
"Oh hey, didn't see you there," brittany says to you poking her head round to look at you, "how's your summer been?"
"Yeah it's been good," you reply, "looking forward to cheering again though I've really missed it, what about you guys?"
"Yeah, I've been practicing all summer I'm really looking forward to getting back into it!" Isabel smiles, stepping forward.
The conversation goes on for a painful amount of time, every second making you want to gouge your eyeball out with a fork as you just make ridiculous faces at hazel, who just looks back at you the same way before giggling.
You went to follow pj and josie out to josies car when hazel quickly follows, "I can drive you home if you want, your on the way and I doubt you want to listen to another second of them babbling on about isabel and brittany."
"Yeah that would actually be great, thank you."
"No trouble at all," She says, "plus, it's an excuse to speak to you, we haven't had much of a chance to talk tonight."
She pulls out her car keys and unlocks her car, of course its a range rover. Her mom gave it to her as a pity gift when her dad left which obviously didn't fix the issue but hazel didn't complain and just accepted the car, even though she wasn't old enough to drive at the time, which her mom forgot because she barely pays any attention to her own daughter.
The drive is only 5 minutes long, since you live so close, so you don't get long to chat, but she tells you all about the meat association and the cool tshirt she got to wear, even showing you a photo when she pulls up on your driveway.
You lean over and give her a hug, "see you at school tomorrow?"
"Wouldn't miss it," She grins, "meet me outside to walk in together?"
"Wouldn't miss it."
Once you had kicked off your shoes and lazily removed your makeup, you got changed and plopped onto your bed.
Tonight was so chaotic yet for some reason you weren't thinking about pj and josies funny attempt at flirting or how they had made complete asses out of themselves, only about the drive home with hazel, how her hair blew in the wind, framing her face perfectly, how her hand gripped the steering wheel as she reversed out of the parking lot and how her eyes practically lit up when she was talking to you about her voluntary work over the summer.
You try to sleep but instead you lay awake for hours staring at your ceiling thinking about it. You simply cannot get her out of your head.
Huh. Maybe, just maybe, you did like hazel callahan? No. Surely not. Unless...
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cielelyse · 4 months
Favourite 5 Saezuru Scenes
I recently reread Saezuru for the umpteenth time and just needed to gush about it like a crazed person who constantly hallucinates about Yashiro being happy and soOooOOooo.................
1. Why now? (Chapter 25)
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These 3 panels kill me always... although it's the entire chapter 25 actually, and not just these panels. This broke me when I first read it nearly a decade ago, and it breaks me every time I reread it. I recently just listened to the drama CD for the first time and wanted to hear how this scene played out (a.k.a. wanted to hear Yashiro moan wkegh;ghwle) and I did not expect to start bawling and sobbing uncontrollably when his flashback appeared. WITH THE MUSIC AND EVERYTHING. THEY DID NOT SPARE ME. FUCK. What was supposed to be a tender and gentle and loving and intimate scene between them turned into Yashiro facing the effects of his childhood trauma -- that will never cease to hurt me. Doumeki saying "kashira, kashira, kirei" right before that broke me in a way reading that scene in English couldn't. I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS and if I keep writing about it I'm gonna cry again so:
2. Car ride back from Kageyama's clinic (Chapter 4)
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This is mostly for nostalgic reasons, really. I first read Saezuru in 2013, and I wasn't used to Yashiro at first. I didn't know what to make of him.
So what happened was that I read "Don't Stay Gold" first and was like... there's a manga about this mildly threatening and unreadable yakuza dude who's Kage's friend…? Who played cupid for him in a weird way? HMMMMM dubious, dubious. Would I even like him? It took me a while, but I finally gave Saezuru a shot anyway, and I remember feeling uncertain about Yashiro up until those panels. I remember it so starkly, because this was the instant I fell in love with him. I think it was because this was the first time I understood the depth of his loneliness (since I hadn't read his high school oneshot yet at this point).
There's just something about how Yoneda Kou-sensei draws these kinds of pages that just resonates with me so well. I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT. It just connects with me the way Yashiro connects with me, and that was pretty much it for me. Obsession sealed. Life signed away. For the next 10 years I would follow the story closely and routinely check every few months for updates. Yashiro became one of my only 3 comfort characters, and rereading Saezuru always gives me a catharsis and sense of peace that I didn't know how to find elsewhere.
3. "To go on living this strained existence... no longer holds any meaning to me." (Chapter 34)
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This scene is one that I come back to every time I'm down. AM I A MASOCHIST? I really like the June translation too: "To go on living this strained existence no longer holds any meaning to me." I think the way the panels divided up those thoughts were brilliant!
This especially hurt me because for the entire manga up to this point, Yashiro has stated that he completely accepts himself and he's happy with who he is. It wasn't until his realization during the sex scene with Doumeki and how much he's said/done hurtful things to Doumeki afterwards -- who he considers pure and sweet and good -- that he thinks this.
4. "Falling in love feels like this" (Chapter 33)
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The first time I read this, I had to set my PC down, go out to my apartment balcony, and just silently stare out into the night and resist the urge to smoke (that was half a joke) (I did feel a pang in my chest though) (and I did have to fight very hard not to smoke lwkehg;hge). I love the dialogue right after these panels too, when Yashiro said, "Your sister was lucky that you were there." That, along with Doumeki's reaction, hurt.
This was such an intimate scene between them. Yashiro was so vulnerable. So was Doumeki. I hadn't realized this until I reread Saezuru this year, but these two have always had such intimate scenes right from the start. It was a slow burn, yes, but they had always been instantly drawn to each other: Doumeki thinking Yashiro was beautiful and captivating, and Yashiro doing something he doesn't normally do with his subordinates the first time he met Doumeki. And it didn't clue in for me back in 2013, but their conversations with each other were much more intimate than the conversations they'd have with anyone else, right from chapter 1. I find that so precious.
5. Dream (Chapter 40)
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I couldn't not include a scene from post-timeskip, BECAUSE I LOVE POST-TIMESKIP. I love Darkmeki and I love Yashiro and I love that the theme of post-timeskip centers around "change". Wish I could include that conversation Yashiro had with Tsunakawa about it, because I thought that drive-home was brilliant. I really appreciate that Yoneda Kou didn't have Yashiro and Doumeki get together right away after they have sex, and I really appreciate that the question was raised of: Do people change? Can people change on their own, or would you have to force them? Or are we always the same at our core? And I think the answer is of course a mixture of all of it, and that it's very much circumstantial and subjective, but I love how we're able to see the shifts in both Yashiro and Doumeki. How both men aren't quite the same people we knew pre-timeskip. Ten years ago I didn't think I would meet a version of Yashiro that wouldn't talk about sex 24/7, but here we are.
(Not to say that they're completely different now. They're still our Yashiro and Doumeki of course; I just wanted to gush about how well Yoneda Kou were able to flesh out her characters in such a complex, multidimensional way.)
ANYWAYS, I went on a rant without even mentioning these panels of Yashiro's dream. I love everything about it: Doumeki's face not showing, Yashiro running away and turning back to see Doumeki not there anymore, and that last panel of him standing in the middle of nowhere, lost and empty and lonely -- all of that was so incredibly told in pages of no words. UGH YONEDA KOU IS A GENIUS. It reminds me of that page of Yashiro looking at a mother and child in the rain; it's one of my favourite scenes too.
Honourary Mention (Chapter 4):
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I should end with a more light-hearted one. THIS WAS CUTEEEE. I remember reading this for the first time and thinking Yashiro was just salty that his roleplay got ruined. But upon second reread (and maybe I'm delusional here), I thought he might've been happy to hear Doumeki say that.
We know Yashiro gets angry and irritated whenever he's happy to hear something sweet from Doumeki (like that extra when they ate together LOL), and that he had the same reaction of kicking the chair when Doumeki said he can't touch Yashiro's hair anymore. Which was cute to say. So I thought Yashiro might've lashed out in annoyance because he was glad that Doumeki doesn't mind. (I tried putting myself in Yashiro's shoes so many times trying to imagine how I would feel if Doumeki had said this............. and somehow came up with "happy" xD)
...........or maybe this was obvious to everyone and I've just been clueless. AAAAAAAA THIS IS WHY I LOVE ABOUT SAEZURU SO MUCH. It never spoon-feeds you information and lets its readers interpret :")
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thekrakenlolz · 3 months
Start up Fic - Ellie Williams x Reader
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part 2
Summary: You switch dorms at your boarding school after you and your girlfriend go through a messy break up and you no longer can handle being roommates with her. Only your new one is a different kind of problem
a/n: I wrote the first chapter only to realize I have no idea what comes next. So here's my plan: if y'all like the set up, you can give me suggestions for what you want to happen next. I basically just laid down the base. So you can read it if you want and see if you have any ideas. But just as a warning, I'm not gonna write smut without a plot, I'm not about that life. I have a vague idea of what I can put next but it's very cliche and overdone sooooo yeah, thanx in advance<3
Also, English is my third language so expect bad grammar
Your eyes wandered over the walls as you walked along them. The paint was starting to flake off, revealing the concrete underneath. Your school was old. Like old, old. Like Victorian ages old. Something most of your friends scoffed over, but you personally liked. You thought it gave it character. Of course a little bit of a touch up wouldn't hurt, but bathroom doors that are actually still attached to the stall hinges were overrated anyways.
You were following Miss Jenkins, your housemother, hunched over as you were balancing three of your bags on your back. Uncomfortable, yes, but you were trying to minimize the amount of trips you had to make to move all your shit over to your new dorm. Anything to avoid seeing Samira more than absolutely fucking necessary.
"Here we are" Miss Jenkins sighed, stopping in front of one of the gray doors. It took everything in you not to roll your eyes. You were still pissed that you had to put in 4 requests over the duration of 2 months before they finally assigned you a new room, but now she was acting like she was doing you a huge favor. Like taking 15 minutes out of her day was so much to ask for. But you kept it down, thanking her again before opening the door and stepping in.
The lengthy process of actually getting a new room gave you plenty of time to stress over who your new roommate would be. This girl, however, didn't even come to mind. You weren't even sure what her name was, your social circle and her's didn't interact much. E-something? Or was it L?
Mystery girl was sitting at her desk, headphones in, and carefully shading out something in her notebook. You noticed she had tucked her left leg under her, a bad habit you also possessed. She didn't register your presence, her eyes still fixed on the paper. You threw your bags next to your bed, which finally caught her attention. "Oh fuck" she jumped up from the desk and hurried over to your bed, picking up the stuff she dumped on it. "Hello to you too" you mused.
Sweatshirts, textbooks and pencils started flying over onto her bed. "I'm sorry, I thought I had until Sunday to get my shit off your side" She explained, tossing a hairbrush across the small room. You watched it hit the wall and fall down onto her Zelda themed sheets. Cute, you noted. "No worries, take your time, I still have stuff to move over"
So you were back in the hallway, slowly but surely making your way back to your old dorm and with that, to Samira. Now that you were by yourself, you took the time to think about your new roommate. You still didn't know her name but one thing was for certain: she was incredible looking.
Her thick straight auburn hair cut off above the shoulders and her cheeks were densely dotted with freckles. She was very toned, especially in the arms. She was probably in the lacrosse team.
You did notice she was more on the masculine side, so might maybe even be gay. You full stopped, forcing yourself to remember, that's exactly the type of shit that got you in your current situation in the first place. No fucking your roommate, dude, we talked about this.
You took a moment to collect yourself before entering your old room. You drew a breath in, scanning the ugly grey door that separated you and her. 12B the lettering read, touched up with some sharpie. You reached for the knob.
She was sitting at her desk, scrolling on her phone and demonstratively ignoring your presence. You bit down on the inside of your cheek. This wasn't what you expected. Somehow you preferred another stupid fight over this new silence.
You stacked two backpacks on one arm and three bags on the other. The weight made your walk out rather inelegant. You stopped in the doorway. "Goodbye Sami."
You could practically feel her hesitate.
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sunray-222 · 5 months
Angel Baby. | M.S
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pairing: matt sturniolo and y/n
summary: in which matt and his brothers are a pretty big deal in a small town. y/n, who is the daughter of a school teacher and a fireman has never understood the hype around those sturniolo boys anyways. however, when matt takes her home to save her from pouring rain, she decides to give him a chance.
warnings: cursing, short chapter, lmk if i missed anything
“so, tonight?” matt asked, standing beside you against the lockers. “if you don’t stop asking me, the answer is going to change i promise you.” you laughed, pulling the bag over your shoulder.
“i’m just excited, y/n.” he laughed, gently pushing your side. “i know, i know.” and it was true. matt was excited, and as bad as you tried to fight the thought, you wondered if he was excited for the wrong reasons.
he had a history. of talking girls up, just to never show. he was tough, rude, loud, but with you he was soft. was he like this with every girl he lets down?
the thoughts didn’t have long to linger, as he pressed on with another question. “so we can go to the drive in, and watch a movie…or watch a movie.” he teased, and that’s when a whole new string of fears crossed your mind.
“is that what you think this is gonna be?”
his face completely dropped. “what? no-no y/n i was just joking, i promise i’m not like what you think- i- it was just a stupid joke i shouldn’t have said it. i’m sorry.”
“it’s um, it’s alright matt.. i’ve gotta catch my science class i’ll see you later.” you smiled, quickly walking away from the boy.
you fucking idiot matt thought to himself. in all honesty, he was kidding. and up until this point he’d never been serious about a girl, never talking to one for longer than 48 hours. you were a whole new territory for him. and that scared him.
“oh, hey y/n!” nick beamed, he’d never spoken to you before this. “hey,” you said breathlessly, not realizing how quick you’d walked to avoid matt. “are you excited for tonight?” his eyes danced across your face, looking hopeful for his brother. “oh, yeah i’m over the moon.” you laughed, opening your notebook to a fresh page.
“well, good. because i’ve never seen matt look so excited for something.”
and that’s when all your anxieties came back. you’ll never understand why the reassurance makes you second guess, maybe it’s because you’re letting your guard down, maybe it’s because you’re reading too far into matt’s past. whatever it was, you were beyond sick and tired of the feeling.
the day dragged on, you listened to madi gush to nadia about her phone calls with chris, but the one thing on your mind was matt.
what he was doing, what was he wearing tonight? even worse, what were you going to wear? most little girls dream of their first dates, how beautiful they’ll be, everything. you were different, while those were the goals they had, you had envisioned life away from your town. you had no idea what to do here.
what you didn’t know, was matt didn’t either. even going as far as to forge a letter from his parents, saying he and his brothers had a doctors appointment just so they could leave early and go find an outfit for him.
“this is ridiculous,” chris laughed. “would you shut the fuck up.” matt huffed from inside the dressing room, fixing the collar of the shirt before walking out. “how do i look?”
“like ice cube. pop a few buttons tough guy,” chris laughed, however nick seen how serious his brother was. “maybe try a different one, one that’s more you and not what you think y/n will like.” nick explained, fighting the smile and the urge to laugh at chris’ joke.
“would you quit being a dick!” nick hissed, popping chris on the arm as matt disappeared into the dressing room. “nick, dude looked like he was gonna bust out rapping straight outta compton at any second. i’m trying to help him.”
“well thank you for being honest about his outfit choices dickhead, but if he’s too far into his head he’ll fuck the whole date up with y/n. please just be gentle when you don’t like something, for the love of fucking christ.” nick explained, lightly hitting his forehead for emphasis. chris only rolled his eyes, waiting to see what his brother walked out in next.
“so you have a date tonight?” your mom asked, a wide grin on her face as you stepped into the house. you gave a simple ‘mhm’ as a response, making your way to your room. “where is madi, i figured she’d love to help you get ready,” she asked, resting her hand on the railing to the stairs.
“she’s waiting for her guy to call her. i gotta get ready mom,” you called back, shutting your door just before she could answer.
you laid back flat against your bed, your hands covering your face immediately. “what did i get myself into?!” you groaned, sitting up and connecting your phone to the speaker.
in some way the music calmed you as you made your way to the closet. you landed on a simple plain black top, and baggy jeans. for hair, you kept it simple, same with makeup. by any standards, you looked like you were just hanging out, not a date.
but the truth was, that was the real you. the you that you wanted matt to see you as. if this was going to work at all, matt had to see you for you.
the next two hours flew by, and finally there was a knock at your door.
“hi,” you smiled, only to cut yourself off
it was nick at your door.
“hey, y/n i’m sorry to do this, matt’s not feeling the best. i think tonight’s a no go. he’ll call later, i gotta head out. i’m sorry.”
and then he was gone.
maybe you were right about matt.
i’m sorry to do this to yalll and i’m sorry it took this long annnd i’m sorry this is short. part 3 soon swea 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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seniaasaysstuff · 10 months
𝐁𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲💓 || 𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (reupload)
a/n- reader gets isekaied and plops right onto sukuna’s lap. it’s heian era! And sukuna is at the height of his power. Hilarious interaction between them. How is sukuna going to deal with a genz reader? read and find out for yourself🤭
pure crack?? I don't know what I was smoking while writing this Imao. Do we need a part two?? orrrr
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"Oi wake up," the man ordered as he lightly pulled your cheek. "What the fuck dude? Let me sleep," you mumbled and snuggled into the pillow. It felt pretty comfortable and you didn't want to wake up.
"Who are you calling dude? You dumb woman get up right now," The man demanded in a rude voice.
"Bro shut up you're annoying," you rasped as you hid your face in the 'pillow.
"This-this girl! So impudent! Do you know am? Do you want to die?" The person yelled loudly.
You whined and opened your eyes. You rubbed your eyes and stretched your body. Your bleary eyes gazed at the figure looming over you.
"Is the sleeping beast finally up?" The man sneered.
"Isn't that supposed to be sleeping beauty?" you let out a yawn as you spoke.
He snorted, "By any chance did you mean you're a beauty? Delusional beast."
The person oddly sounded like one of your favorite anime characters. You squinted your eyes and noticed that he had the same markings and the wooden half of his face as Ryomen Sukuna from the Jujutsu kaisen.
Sukuna pushed you off his lap and looked at you with disgust. You took it as an opportunity to admire him. He was sitting on a fancy throne. One pair of his arms were crossed over his chest.
"Yo, am I trippin' or what?" You blurted out.
"Damn! You look hotter in real life," You whistled as you eyed the man.
"Where else have you seen me?" Sukuna glared at you.
"In my dreams Daddy," You shot him a flirty wink. "Do you know how to speak woman?" Sukuna scoffed with a look of disdain in his eyes.
"Yo! Are you really Sukuna?" you asked in excitement. "So what if I am?" he narrowed his eyes at you. "Well, I've been curious bout something. Do you really have two dicks?" You looked at him curiously.
Sukuna pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a hysterical laugh.
“This is the first time I've been asked this. What the fuck is wrong with this lady?" Sukuna muttered under his breath.
"Hey! I can hear you asshole," you cried out. "It was meant to be heard, dumb woman," Sukuna grunted. "Okay, motherfucker. Stop calling me dumb or else I'm going to throw hands," you exclaimed in anger. "Huh? You want to cut off your hands and throw them?" Sukuna looked dumbfounded.
You burst out laughing. "Pfft, you old old wrinkly pruney old man," you wheezed.
"I have killed people for less you idiot girl. Who are you calling a wrinkly pruney old man? It seems like you love the idea of courting death." Sukuna was enraged. How dare a filthy woman call him old? He was literally in his prime.
“C-court-ing death pffft you old man.” You had tears in your eyes and your stomach hurt after laughing so much.
“What's wrong with what I said?” Sukuna grumbled.
“I think I should call you grandpa instead of daddy,” you wheezed again. It seems as if you were on crack cocaine just like gege in his recent chapters.
“What a fucking menace.” Sukuna crudely thought. After you sobered up you walked towards sukuna and hugged his leg, sukuna tried to kick you off but you stuck to him like glue. “I'm sorry for what I said sukuna. You were my favorite in the anime and manga though at times your fraudulent behavior made me rage.” (fraudkuna; the king of frauds)
you took a breath and continued to rant. “I mean like did you really have to possess Megumi? My poor baby. And what the fuck was up with the fight with Gojo? You weren't slick at all. Everyone hates you so much now. Like everyone’s calling you fraudkuna and shit. It was such a bitch move to use my emo gumi.” you squinted your eyes at him angrily. “I still like you so you should compensate me hmph.” you huffed.
“Your dicks would be enough for compensation? Noo wait! Your tongue on your stomach needs to be used as well.” you rambled. Sukuna patted your head, he looked very confused but understood some of what you were rambling. "So what l'm hearing is that my future self is a dumbass and you wanna get fucked by me?" Sukuna asked.
You shrugged, "Yeah that sums it up."
Sukuna burst out laughing. "Damn brat didn't know you were a kinky one." "Oh you're in for a treat," You winked at Sukuna.
"Kuna bro I forgot to ask but where are we?" You asked with a look of curiosity. "In my throne room." Sukuna curtly replied. You whistled.
"Give me a house tour? Pretty please" You batted your lashes at him. Sukuna tried to ignore you but you kept staring at him. It took him five minutes to give in. "Fine. Get up brat I”lI show you around." He grumbled and took you around the entire estate.
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eeunoia · 14 days
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sinag | psh.
chapter ten
pairings: park sunghoon x reader
synopsis: waiting for a great plot twist in your life, the ruthless and powerful mafia boss park sunghoon forced his way in to it.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: contains harrassment, violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other stuff. if you can't take this stuff, feel free to scroll away. let me know if i missed some.
note: there’s a slight change from the original one shot. anyway, please send me asks and reblogs are highly recommended! thank you so much, ily.
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“We found these inside her suite room, Boss.”
Sunghoon rests his liqour over the small table near him then pressed his lit cigarette at the ash tray. His toned muscle flex at his every move. He reaches over the small card Icarus was handing him.
With brows furrowing downward, he silently read the printed name of the company you seem to work at. He didn’t utter a word and just plays with it, falling deep into his own thoughts. The name of the place you’re currently employed in rings a bell. A bit familiar. Like he heard it before.
“We also managed to gather some of her personal belongings.” his eyes darts lazily at the things he laid over the table.
Some identifaction cards and also your passport. He licked his lower lip and stretches his arm to grab your passport. He opens it, revealing your information to him. Your name, birthday, nationality... everything.
“You may take your leave. Make sure there are men guarding her floor.” he instructed without sparing a glance to him. He saw him bowing from his peripheral before he take his leave.
The cold breeze blew towards Sunghoon, making his slightly long hair sways beautifully along with it. His eyes are fixed at your picture and his thumb gently caress it, a ghost of smile spreading across his face.
“Aelia...” he mumbled your name for the very first time. “My Aelia.” he added afterwards.
He tilts his head and clenches his jaw hard before fishing his phone from his pocket.
“Brother! I figured you’ll give me a ring sooner or later.” Jake’s voice hints teasing from it.
“You...” he starts, but halts his words.
Sunghoon couldn’t make out his emotions properly. He’s feeling so pissed for his friend keeping something very important to him, but at the same time still overwhelmingly happy after finding you.
“Well,” he can almost hear his smirk from the other line. “did you like my gift for you?”
He threw his head back then heaved a sigh.
“Since when?” he shortly replied, wanting to know more about this sneaky move his friend just pulled. He should’ve known something’s up from how his friend’s been so weird.
“Ever since I tried to sell the company to you.”
Another big and heavy sigh emits from Sunghoon after he realized how long was that. He almost lose his mind searching for you and all this time, his friend knew where you are. He felt betrayed, but a part of him are relieved to know that you are safe.
He flutters his eyes open, brows furrowing hardly at the realization.
“You sold it to me for 10 million? Do you fucking think she’s worth just that?” he seemed insulted like as if he was the one being priced and sold at a lower price. Not that he really sell you, its practically the company but Sunghoon’s being very dramatic.
Jake chuckles finding it hilarious how he didn’t even got mad at him for selling it at a very expensive price. He got offended for taking the interpretation that you only worth that price.
“Dude, I asked for that so I can take care of your girl while you’re busy taking care of some other things.” he finally explains. It made him more calmer, his jaw’s still hardly clenched but at least the idea of beating the shit out of his friend starts to subside.
“Meaning all these time, its you and your money whose taking good care of her. She’s living comfortably thanks to your resources.” he sounded like he’s trying to convince a kid and tricked him into believing that Santa is real.
Sunghoon fell silent, trying to sink Jake’s words inside his mind. He did a good job on revisioning the company and even made it perform well. He’s been updating him about the status of it even though he doesn’t really give much care of it as he was pretty focused on putting the Kwon’s down.
All this time, its not just the company. It was his way of letting him know that his girl is okay and living pretty well.
He draws in a big sigh, totally calmer than before.
“Thank you.”
Jake’s the one silent this time. He was expecting him to appreciate his effort, but not to this extent. He was expecting an earful of curses and death threats from him, but instead this is what he got.
He was amused. Beyond amused how you’ve already started to affect him. He lets out a scoff, couldn’t believe that you have this effect on him. It was just a hunch that you indeed have the potential to soften and tame the monster, but you are powerful. You have this power over him.
“The fuck? Not even a day of meeting her and you’re already under her spell? Who are you? Where’s the real Sunghoon? The real one would’ve cursed me out and will be super pissed at me.”
Sunghoon smirks and rests over the railings of the balcony. His eyes settles beneath the quiet road, it was almost empty as its already three in the morning.
“I am pissed at you.” his stern tone makes it obvious how he means.
“But since you kept her safe 'til this day, I’ll let you go.”
Jake smirks, “Even if your meet up is a little set up?”
“What’s important now is she’s here. She’s really here.” relieve was not the only thing you can hear from his tone. Some are curiosity on what’s about to happen next.
He can think nonstop about the things he wanted to do with you, but first he has to think of how he would explain everything to you. Because from now on, you will live your life with him.
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You let out a heavy sigh before grabbing your phone and dialed your boyfriend’s number. Your jaw clenched when you've been directed over to his voice mail. It’s been three days ever since you two talked and you even argued. This is your last night here and so far its so good. Surprisingly nothing bad happened to you, and you don’t want to jinx it at all.
“Hey, Luke.” you said after the beep to leave him yet another voice mail. You didn't know how many you left already but still, you decided to do it again.
“I know you're upset baby. Please let’s talk once I get back there, hm? I love you.” you mumbled and ended it.
You grabbed your coat and key card of your hotel room. It was stressing you out so you wanted to get some fresh air to relieve some stress. It was already late which makes it a bit scary, especially that you're in another city. But you knew you needed some for tonight.
You breath in the fresh air you thought you’ve been needing for a while. You tried smiling as you watch the stars above you shines brightly. You were enjoying your time without even realizing what’s about to unfold.
After finally calming down and clearing your mind out, you decided to head back to your hotel.
On your way, you had this weird feeling that you're being followed. Your heart started thumping fast, specially that there are less people around this area. Terrified that someone really is stalking you, you hurried your steps.
But even before your can reach back to your hotel, you felt a strong grip over your arm. Your heart sank as you open your mouth to shout only to be covered by your captor. He held you firmly then covered your nose with a handkerchief making your eyes grew big and you tried to get away from their grip but it was too late.
The last thing you remember is how you slowly lose your strength, knees falling weakly. The person held you close to him and even whispered things you couldn’t understand as you lost consciousness. In the end, you felt them carrying you.
Sunghoon smiles as he stared down at your unconscious body over his arms. His men opened his car door for him and he puts you inside carefully.
“Have you prepared the hotel room I asked you?” he asks Icarus as he checks if your position inside his vehicle is okay.
“Yes, boss.”
He nods and Sunghoon walks around towards the driver’s seat. He glanced at your side before smiling again, reaching over your face to gently brush away the hairs covering it.
At the arrival to the hotel, Sunghoon parked his sports car right in front while his men's vehicle surrounds his for protection. The staffs of the hotel hurries themselves to stand right in front of it to welcome him. They've been informed about the vip that will stay at the top floor of the hotel, and after knowing its Park Sunghoon they couldn't help but to feel nervous.
After-all, he’s known for his bad temper.
“Welcome Mr. P-Park.” the head of the hotel stutters as he bows along with his staffs.
Sunghoon didn’t pay much attention to them as he asks for his room card. Some of the staff noticed him carrying your unconscious body, tears on the sides of your eyes. Just by the looks of it, they knew you didn’t come here voluntarily.
None of them asked anything about you, nobody even dared to look at your direction longer than fiver seconds.
The moment he managed to get the keys to your room, Sunghoon struts towards the elevator along with Icarus and some of his men.
“Should we tie her hands?” Icarus asks.
Sunghoon’s eyes darted at your wrist. His assistant is already getting ready to tie her when he stopped him.
“No. I don’t want it hurting her wrists.” he says too softly and then sat at the side of the bed to look at your sleeping state.
He wiped off the tears at the corner of your eyes and using his thumb, he caress your cheeks.
“My love, you are finally here with me.” he whispers.
He sighs, “You are so beautiful.” and he roams his eyes over your pretty face. He’s still in trance. Despite being able to hold you and touch you like this, sometimes he still can’t help but to think that he is dreaming.
Scared that this are just his illusions, he somewhat wished not to wake up from this. If it means he will be with you, he don’t want to leave. He wants to be where you are and where he can have you like this.
“Sir, Mr. Sim called saying he needs to discuss something with you.” he sighs and nods his head before standing up.
“Leave some of our men inside the room incase she tries to escape or do something that can hurt her.” he reminds his men before leaving the room.
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With a low grunt, you slowly opened your eyes only to be greeted by an unfamiliar room. Your head aches in attempt to recover memories from last night. It was just then you remembered that you were abducted.
Fear spread across your chest as you roamed your eyes around, sitting up from the bed. There are men wearing familiar suits. You’ve seen it before, you just don’t have any idea where.
“W-Where am I? Who are you?!” you asked frantically and tears spreads across your face.
Even when you are crying, they seem to don't mind. They are just standing at the corners of the room, two by the door.
You don’t know how many hours that you’re passed out, but you knew its been a while. Your throat felt dry from crying and screaming. One of them did offered water, but you refused. You’re afraid that they put something in it.
The fact that this is happening on your last day of the trip makes you go crazy. Nothing good really happens whenever you go out of the country. Everything seems to be find until you got abducted by these people. This time, you think this will really be the end of your life.
Dark thoughts starts to occupy your mind. Will they kill you and sell your organs to the black market? Probably. Or put you into slavery. That’s just so awful. A lot of bad scenarious flashes through your mind and it was making you feel much terrible.
The door then burst open, making you jolt a bit. Soon, a man walks inside. His eyes looked at your way and he bows politely which caught you off-guard. The other guys around seems to look up on him so you assumed he have more power than them, so why is he bowing at you?
“The boss will see you in a bit.” Icarus said, informing you about Sunghoon’s plan to visit you.
The boss? Your brows furrows hardly at his statement, but kept your mouth shut. Tears still pool your eyes, cries a little more silent than before. If he isn’t the boss, you can still try to convince him to let you go. You can beg him. Tell him that your you have terrible health so your organs won’t sell good.
“Please let me go.” you begged him softly, eyes glistening with so much emotion.
Icarus stared at you with blank look over his eyes. He sighs and glanced away, trying to talk to some of the men reminding them of what to do next once the boss arrives.
Your heart fell. He didn’t even say anything or even talked to you.
Not long after, you heard the door opening and it revealed some ethereal looking guy. His hair was brushed up and it looked so soft, his face blank and seems like he’s the one in-charge. So much power he holds just by walking inside the room.
You can’t properly describe it. He just have this aura. He’s wearing a suit that perfectly fits him, showing off his model like proportions. It feels so illegal to see him walking here and not on runways.
Both of your eyes met and you are a bit taken aback because he’s very good-looking! His skin was fairly white and his features were beautiful altogether. He’s very intimidating too.
“Did you hurt her?” his voice ringed inside your head. He was asking the guys around but his eyes never left yours.
You gulped and even if you’re feeling very scared and intimidated, you raised your chin up and stared back at him. You glared and clenched your jaw to keep them from shaking.
“No, boss.” one of them answered. As expected, he is the one in-charge.
He nodded and slowly walked closer to you. If he’s good-looking from afar, he’s breath-taking up close. He looked so handsome and intimidating at the same time. Those moles all over his face sure add some charms in him.
“I’ve been searching the whole world for you, love.” He softly mumbled before he raised his hand to caress your cheeks carefully like as if you’re something so fragile.
Something about his caress lit something inside your stomach go crazy. It was definitely wrong because he was the one who abducted you and he’s probably a bad guy. Not to mention that you have a boyfriend but for some reasons, you cannot help it. There’s something about his gentle touch and his staring expressive eyes.
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permanent tag-list: (not yet updated)
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @love13tter @candewlsy @simpforniki @classicroyalty @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @hime98 @moonsclassyslore @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamjerky @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @axartia @all4haru @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @ayayiiie @aeyeree @heeseung-min @in-somnias-world @psh-pjh @hongshuaknow @rae-blogging
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justash02 · 1 year
Womanizer; 07
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A/n; lemme know if you have feedback! It’s always welcome! So are Requests! Text me! I’m nice:> THIS IS BEN, CLAIR AND ADAM BTW^^
Plot; Everyone who knew who Tom Kaulitz was knew that he was girl crazy, he's very well known for having girls around him all the time.
Pairing; Tom Kaulitz x fem reader.
Previous chapter -> next chapter.
Master list
Ps; I was so high while writing this hope it’s good at least lol
The night went on pretty smoothly, Bill stuck by Clair and my side for the night as did the rest of the boys.
Tom on the other hand was nowhere to be found, at one point I asked if he even came along and Bill thinks he might have just gone home.
Adam and Ben were also nowhere to be found but I really couldn't care less.
"Yeah do you remember when Tom was asked to be in the shot with Y/n and Adam just complete lost his shit?" Clair said laughing drunkenly hitting Gustavs arm.
"Babe he wasn't there." I laughed as she corrected herself by turned to the black haired boy.
"Yup, 'Can't believe that little shits gonna be with my Y/n!'." Bill mimicked, "Can't believe he gets to hit it before I do!" Clair said in the same tone.
I couldn't help but feel the alcohol hit as I started laughing uncontrollably, "No way he said that." I blurred out before throwing another shot back.
"Very close to it tho, homie wants to hit it." I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "If he has feelings for me he can come to me and stop being such a bitch about it." I said.
"Who has feelings for you?" I heard a familiar voice say, my head shot to the side to see the boy that I was kissing so nicely a few weeks ago. Fuck he was looking so good.
"Hey Tom, we thought you left." Georg said as Tom plopped down on the couch. He put his hand over his crotch and leaned back into the couch. I couldn't help but let my eyes flicker over to the placement as I felt my thighs heat up.
"Nah, was getting sucked by some girl." He said carelessly, "Bitch kept biting my dick though." He said chuckling. Georg shook his head but still gave him a fist bump to feed Toms ego.
"Probably deserved it." I said boldly, Clair looked over at me with slightly widened eyes as she let out a giggle.
Tom looked over at me, he leaned closer and placed his hand on my thigh, he gently rubbed the skin before leaning closer to my ear, whispered; "I was imagining it was you"
Current state?; deceased.
Before I could say anything someone familiar approached the table, "Yo!" Ben yelled loudly over the music as he sat on the couch next to Georg.
"Where's Adam?" Clair asked taking a slip from her drink, I didn't fail to notice that Tom's hand was still on my thigh but now it didn't feel... sexual.
It feel more as a comfort.
"He said he was gonna go home with some girl." Ben said taking a slip from Clair's drink without even asking making Clair roll her eyes before snatching it back.
"Oh? Dry dick getting some pussy?" Tom said surprised making me hit his arm with my free hand, "What?" He asking with a smirk.
I just shook my head, laughing a bit. “Can we dip? I’m so tired.” Clair complained leaning against Bens shoulder. I nodded went to stand up, “Wait we can’t go.” Ben said quickly stopping us in our tracks.
“Adam has the car.” Tom groaned loudly behind us, “Such a dumbass that dude.”
“Can’t we call him?” Clair asked blurring out from the alcohol she has consumed till this point. “Nah we’ll be traumatized for life. I don’t wanna see our leader fucking some girl.” Ben said shaken his head violently.
“We can bring you guys home.” Tom suggested standing next to his twin now, “Yeah but Y/n and Adam share a room.” Clair pointed out.
“Why don’t you guys come to our house?” I looked over my two band members looking for their input, “I’m fine with it.” Ben said smiling at the others.
“Never would I have thought I would have a sleepover with Tokio Hotel.” I said chuckling grabbing my bag from the couch, “Lucky you.” Tom said winking at me.
I laughed waiting for the rest to grab their stuff and walked over to the cars Tokio Hotel bought with them.
And indeed Adam did take our car, “Why did you even give him your keys, Ben?” Ben shrugged his shoulders, “Like Tom said, his dry dick needs some pussy.” Tom give him a “bro” hug.
“I like this dude, he gets me.” I couldn’t help but grab onto Clair for support, “I think you drank too much babe.” She softly spoke, gently pushing some hair out of my face.
“You two look cute together.” I heard Bill say, “Do you go both ways Y/n?” I heard Georg ask me curiously as he opened the car door for us, “As long I fall in love with them, gender doesn’t matter anymore to.”
He nodded and went over to grab me from Clair but Tom quickly pushed him away from me, Tom’s hand quickly went over to my waist and slowly guided me in the car.
“Do you have some blankets in here tommy?” I asked wrapping my arms around myself trying to keep myself warm. He shook his head, he seemed to think for a second before throwing his jacket off and laid it over my shoulders.
“Is that better?” He asked grabbing the seatbelt in his hand, I nodded before grabbing the seatbelt from him, “I luckily can still do that.” He nodded, waiting for me to be done. As soon as I was he nodded his head once again before smiling at me. He walked over to the drivers side.
“We’ll be there in a few minutes.” Georg said as Tom and bill started driving in the other car.
And Georg wasn’t joking when he said we would be there soon, blame it on my drunken state but I definitely didn’t notice sitting in that car for more then a minute.
Bill and Tom both parked in their garage and helped us out, I stopped in my track making Tom look at me confused.
“Feels like we should at least tell him where we are…” Tom tilted his head before holding out his hand for my phone.
“Lemme text him.” Too tired to disagree with the boy, I handed my phone over to him and boldly put my arms around his waist making him smirk a bit, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders before tapping around on my phone.
After a few seconds the boy handed me my phone back to let me read what he said;
“Adam, we are at Tom’s if you need us.” I send send not really caring and looked up at Tom making him grin back a bit.
“Want to sleep in my bed?”
“Are you going to be in it?”
Taglist; @oh-kurva @ajaxisbae @mycherry-melody @erensslut @ladyofladies @just-a-gay-loser420 @woodandwaxwings @hazashiovo @jay14344
(If I didn’t tag you I couldn’t find you’re tag!)
396 notes · View notes
clockwayswrites · 1 year
Like Betta Fish Do - Part 11
Masterpost of ao3 link and all parts. wc 2942 (Chapter 8 when on ao3)
“So who’s Jason?” Sam asked without preamble after the rest of the topics had wrapped up.
“Jason?” Tucker echoed.
Danny winced.
He had been hoping Jason wouldn’t come back up. He’d know that was complete foolishness, this was Sam, but he’d still been hoping. Because… he didn’t know how to explain Jason.
Being a halfa was Jason’s secret, one that Danny could tell the other was still struggling with. As much as Danny trusted his friends, it wasn’t up to him if Jason should. It wasn’t his secret to tell (no matter how much it affected him too).
There was also the fact that a little part of Danny didn’t want to tell. Being a halfa might have been Jason’s secret, but Jason was his secret too; his bit of his new life in this new place. Sam and Val and Tucker already had whole piles of little things like that from leaving Amity, but Danny didn’t. Nothing for Danny had been new for so long.
And now there was Jason who was new and amazing and completely different—
“Danny?” Tucker prompted.
Danny was regretting giving them a call on the way back from his first lab class.
“Someone I met when I was just out exploring Gotham some,” Danny lied. There was a little bit of truth there. “We’ve eaten together a few times now.” Donuts and take out while Jason was ill but still. “And he’s been showing me some of Gotham.” Or at least telling him about the city for safety reasons.
There was silence on the other end of the call. Shit, did he not sell it well enough? He had thought without being on video he’d be able to get away with the lie.
Finally, suspiciously, Sam asked, “Is he cute?”
“Ancients Sam!”
“It’s a valid question, you’re weak for the cute ones.”
“This is true,” Val spoke from experience.
“It sorta is, dude,” Tucker agreed. His tone completely (and sympathetically) resigned.
“It’s— I don’t— okay, yes. Fine. He’s built like a brick house, okay? He could kill me with his thighs.”
“TMI, my dude,” Tucker teased.
“No, go on,” Val interjected.
“Oh fuck you all.”
Sam gave an amused scoff. “I don’t think it’s us you want to—”
“Okay!” Danny said loudly, talking over Sam which just made the others dissolve into laughter. “He’s just a friend, okay? He’s a Gotham native who’s been nice. He’s fun to hang out with.”
“Sure Danny,” Val said in a tone that made it clear none of them believed him. “Sam and I have to get going for dinner. Give us an update later on the not boyfriend—”
“And a picture.” Sam chimed in.
“And a last name!”
“I’m not letting you stalk him Tucker.”
“Not stalking, background check.” Danny could practically hear the finger guns Tucker must be doing.
“Bye,” Danny said, firmly, though he knew that they knew he was close to laughing, and ended the call before he fished out his keys to get his door open.
“You know,” Danny said as he started at the scene that greeted him. Jason sat on his couch, looking comically large on the small piece of furniture, messing with some wires. “I don’t remember giving you a key to my apartment.”
“You didn’t,” Jason said, words a little muffled by the screwdriver that he held in his mouth.
“Right.” Danny closed his door. He fumbled blindly with the locks, not taking his eyes off Jason. “So you, what, decided Tuesday was a great day for breaking and entering?”
“Yep. Which is why you need better security,” Jason grabbed the screwdriver and pointed it at Danny who’s eyes flicked between it and Jason’s mouth. “Which is what I’m doing. Setting up better security.”
“You remember the whole I’m half dead thing, right?” Danny drawled, but couldn’t help but smile at the absurdity of it all. The faint feeling he got off Jason’s forming core was a pleased rumble. Like the purring cat that got the canary. How could he be annoyed in the face of that?
“Don’t need you to end up all the way dead, kingya.”
“Okay…” Danny dropped his backpack (his new, tear free backpack) on the tiny island counter. He had adulted up and gotten a new one right before classes started that week and was glad for it. (It was nice to not have to worry about losing things out of the bottom.) He moved to perch on the clutter free edge of the coffee table. He tucked his knees up to his chest to stay out of the way. “What does kingya mean?”
“Pet goldfish in Japanese.”
Danny just started at him, knowing Jason would explain if he just gave it time. He was getting used to these stupid fish names. They were still weird, but he was getting used to them. (Maybe he liked them, a little.)
Jason glanced up from where he was tightening the screw on a plate and grinned. “’Cause you’re my sensei in all things ghost.”
“Ancients,” Danny groaned. “That is the—” No, he would not laugh. “—worst one yet. How am I both a sensei—” Okay so he was laughing, sue him. “—and a pet. That makes no sense! You are fucking ridiculous.”
Jason just smirked and focused on the electronics in his hand.
Once Danny’s laughter had finally calmed, he leaned in to get a look at everything that was covering his coffee table, part of the couch, and even some of Jason. He’d spent enough years with Tucker to know that it was all very custom and very high end; that meant expensive.
“You really didn’t have to do all this,” Danny said. He didn’t know if that was true though. What if Jason’s developing core made it feel like he did?
“Nah. You’re my teacher in ghost, I’m your teacher in Gotham. And rule one of Gotham is if you take precautions you do it. Have you gotten that gas mask yet?” Jason asked, snapping the back back on a camera.
“Again. Half dead. I don’t have breathe if I don’t want to.”
Jason blinked at Danny. “What.”
“What what? Like, sure, I have to in human form but I can still hold it for, like, upwards of twenty minutes? I figure that’s long enough to get out of most situations. You could too with practice.”
“Human form,” Jason echoed.
Danny froze. “Oh, shit. I, um, sorta thought that the two forms thing was given.”
Jason rubbed, wearily, at his face. “Fish.”
“I’m sorry!” Danny said, throwing his hands up. “I mean half ghost, half human! What did you think?”
“A mule is half horse half donkey but it doesn’t stop being a mule!”
“Did you know when the horse is the dad it’s called hinney instead?”
“I’m going to stab you with a screwdriver,” Jason grumbled wearily. “Explain, now.”
“Okay. Right. I really thought you knew? I mean I was forced to change when I died. But, right, so,” Danny placed his hands together and tried to gather his thoughts on how explain this. “Ghosts are just, fundamentally different beings than humans. As humans, we take in parts of the word around us— air, water, food— and those things keep us alive as they’re processed by our organs. Ghosts, on the other hand, are the world around them.
“The Infinite Realms—” Danny still struggled sometimes not to call it the Ghost Zone after years of doing so, but he wasn’t going to use a name made up by people who hated ghosts for their home. “—are made up of ectoplasm. Everything there�� the structures, the land, the sky, the people— is ectoplasm. Ghosts are too. The closest thing to an organ that ghosts have is their core.”
“You’ve used that word before. When you said you had an ice core,” Jason said. He’d put down the parts he had been messing with and was giving Danny his full attention.
“Probably. Cores are everything for a ghost. If you’re being poetic, you could call it the heart but it’s a bit more like a brain? You have one, but it’s strangled by the corruption. I didn’t want to go too much into it yet when you couldn’t get. Most of it of it would mean nothing to you right now. It would like, I don’t know, trying to explain what a rose smelled like to someone who’s had a stuffed up nose all their life.”
“Right, so, something to come back to,” Jason grumbled.
“Basically. But the core is sort of the only… I guess tangible part of a ghost? But humans have their whole bodies so those two things really aren’t compatible. That’s what makes halfa’s so rare. Somehow the ectoplasm was able to bond with our DNA enough so that our human bodies can handle what our ghost bodies are. But it also made a ghost body for us. It’s a balance.”
Jason leaned back into the couch, arms crossed as he frowned at Danny. “And I’ll get one?”
“Every other halfa has one,” Danny said with a little shrug. “You just don’t have access to it yet I bet if you’ve never changed before. Like, there are some powers or effects that I have access to in this form, but they’re more powerful in my ghost form. So if the corruption are blocking the flow of your ectoplasm and your ability to generate it, you probably just don’t have enough power to change yet.”
Jason’s fingers tapped a restless staccato against his arms as he glare at the other side of the room. Danny tried hard not to fidget as he let Jason absorb the information. He really hadn’t meant to keep something like this from Jason. There were other things he was waiting to talk to Jason about, once they saw how he was developing, but Danny just really hadn’t thought about Jason might have never changed into his ghost form. May it was because he had been buried? Jason was the only half with an actual grave.
Coming out of the portal as Phantom had been everything for Danny. It had been the end of everything. It had also been the beginning of everything. His ghost form had been part of that from the start.
Jason looked back to Danny, who froze under the glacial gaze. “Will you show me?”
Danny’s heart stuttered in his chest.
He’d be revealing Phantom. For the first time, by his own choice, he would be showing someone.
“Hey, fish,” Jason said. He leaned forward and rested a hand on Danny’s knee. “You don’t have to.”
Danny made himself take a breath. He’d stopped breathing.
“Sorry, no, it’s fine.” What would someone in Gotham, home of the Batman, know about a small town hero like Phantom? “I’ve just… I’ve never shown anyone who didn’t already know? I guess it just got to me a for a moment. But, I mean, you do know, you just haven’t see it yet.”
Danny stood up, ‘going ghost’ running his head, as the familiar white rings appeared.
Jason dropped the arm he had raised to block the blinding white light and just stared. He hadn’t known what to expect from Danny changing to his ghost form, but the color change was not part of it. Or the clothing change.
Gone was the black and orange NASA sweater, well worn jeans, and collection of space themed earrings that Danny seemed to love. Instead, Danny wore a tight, long sleeve top that showed off that he was more than just a stick, something that looked a bit like black cargo pants, white combat boots, and white fingerless gloves. There was a white DP was emblazoned on his chest.
He glowed faintly of a blue green that didn’t hold a candle to his bright, bright eyes.
(Jason’s breath caught at the sight of those green eyes.)
“I didn’t know a costume change came as part of the package,” Jason’s mouth said without his permission while he was still trying to process the rest of the details. Like the way that Danny’s now white hair seemed to drift as if gravity had effect on it. It was almost mesmerizing. That was easier to focus on than the green eyes.
Danny rubbed nervously at the back of his neck. What Jason thought must have been a blush crawled up Danny’s cheeks, but it was oddly purple tinted, like this form had a different undertone than blood red.
“Um, yeah. Ghost things for the ghost form? I was stuck in the hazmat suit I had died in for years until I learned to control the ectoplasm that makes up the clothing in this form. It takes some effort to change it but… I didn’t want to be stuck in that any longer.”
Jason resisted the urge to shudder. He couldn’t imagine even being his old Robin outfit for even a moment.
He stood and cross the single step it took to be standing in front of Danny. Smirking, he reached out and flicked Danny’s right ear. “You look naked without your earrings.”
“Yeah, well,” Danny mumbled.
Yep, that purple, magentaish tint was definitely a blush. He felt a little bad for teasing Danny when the other was obviously nervous about this.
“The hair suits yo. It’s a good look,” Jason said. Without really thinking about it, he reached up to run his hands through Danny’s swoop of bangs. The soft strands shifted between his fingers as if they were under water. But his attention went back to the green eyes. “When you’re like this, there’s no…?”
“No what?”
Jason tapped next to his own eye. “Pit Rage. Anger.”
“Oh, no,” Danny said with a thoughtful little frown as he… drifted up?
Holy shit, Danny really was floating. His feet were drifting apart as if they were made of smoke as he rose a few inches up into the air.
“I guess now that I know about ghosts liking to brawl, I can see that a little? Like, I’m more willing to meet a fight if they start it, just like with you, but they also don’t mean any actual harm. Well, most of them don’t,” Danny explained. “The green really is just part of the color change. Some ghosts have red eyes or cyan or something else.”
“Is the white hair a constant?” Jason asked, thinking of his own white streak.
“For halfas it seems to be about being inverted? Like, frootloop has white hair as a human, but it’s black in his ghost form. And Danni matches me. But for full ghosts, lots of them have flaming hair in all sorts of colors. We think that maybe it’s our human half influencing the ghost half. Also maybe why I don’t have blue skin or something.”
“Blue skin?”
“Ghost coloring is weird and very bold,” Danny said with a little shrug. He reached down to grab the not all there foot he had lifted up and just folded his legs under him— sitting cross legged in the air like it was nothing.
“You’re really comfortable like this, aren’t you?”
Danny gave a little shrug. “I mean, yeah. This has been a part of me for eight years. I was a ghost before I was through puberty. But it was a learning curve for sure.”
Jason eyed Danny wearily. “So what haven’t you told me about now?”
“Well, so I mean part of that is that I was a teenager when I changed? So I was a mess in so many ways and we’re— Frostbite and I, I haven’t told anyone else but him about you, not you being a halfa I mean—but we don’t know if you’ll have have the same side effects since Danni didn’t really. But sometimes I would just suddenly go invisible or intangible. The intangibility was the worst because a few times I just… go stuck part way something?”
Jason gave him the flattest stare at that and Danny just grinned bashfully back.
“You don’t have to worry about that yet! You’re no where strong enough, even if those are things that every ghost can do. Frostbite doesn’t think that you’ll really start having any noticeable effects until your core snaps into place anyways. You just might be extra sneaky for a little bit?”
“So it’s just a big mystery?” Jason asked.
“Welcome to being a halfa. I’m sorry.”
He wanted to be mad. It would be so easy to be mad. Danny was keeping things from him. But… a lot of that seemed to be accidental or things they didn’t have a clear answer for or that maybe, actually, didn’t matter yet.
There was enough for him to deal as it was.
And Danny was just so very… Danny. Jason was learning that Danny was earnest, but pretty fucking awful at explaining things. Unless Jason asked specifically, or it came up in conversation, Danny just outright forgot to mention things. There were some problems with that: 1) there was so much to learn about 2) he didn’t know what he didn’t know 3) ghosts were fucking weird 
“I promise,” Danny said, a nervous sort of pleading in his words. “I’ll be around for all of it. I’m not saying parts won’t be hard or confusing, but at least you’ll have me here to help?”
Danny was maybe horrible at explaining things and keep missing out details, but he was still trying. Danny was floating right there, offering something that he never had for himself— understanding.
Jason heaved a sigh, leaning into the dramatics of the sound a little. “Fine. Since you can float make yourself useful and help me mount some of the tech in the corners.”
“Sure thing, dead boy.”
Snorting, Jason gathered up one of the cameras. He paused, just briefly, before he turned back to Danny with smirk. “So, does this make you a flying fish?”
The groan he got was worth it.
AN: Danny, raised in a small city in rural Illinois: “Hey I have a fun fact!” I love Danny being so bad at explaining things. He’s trying, he really is, he’s just not great at it. Jason not really mad, he’s just struggling with things a little and coping by making sure that ‘his’ people are safe. Luckily Danny has the friends he does and is used to the odd protectiveness like breaking and entering.
Fun (?) fact: Danny’s black and orange NASA sweater is from the mars rover line the Smithsonian did a few years back. It is very warm and comfy. Anyways, stay delightful darlings!
So, this should be the whole tag list. I’m sure there’s a limit. I’m not sure if I’m over it? So sorry if you’re at the end of the list and not getting pinged! (I removed anyone unabled to be tagged.)
@fisticuffsatapplebees​ | @thegatorsgoose​ | @wolfeyedwitch​ | @lazy-bouqet​ | @confusedandghostly​ | @glomsk​ | @kailithiel​ | @bahfev​ | @d4ydr34min9 | @claudiashq​ | @someonebored0100​ | @pastalavistamf​ | @samgirl98​ | @angelheartgamer​ | @lehana37​ | @spiteismymiddlename​ | @rosecinnamonbun​ | @demon-cat-goes-woof​ | @violet-catsarelife​ | @avelnfear​ | @undead-essence​ | @basilf1res​ | @amillionandonefandoms​ | @stealingyourbones​ | @sarcastic-yami​ | @bun-fish​ | @aconitewolfsbane​ | @dontfightmecauseillcry​ | @omgnectarina​ | @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff​ | @the-blind-one-speaks​ | @mimilikey​ | @wolfe-marvin​ | @learning-to-fly-on-my-own​ | @multplelifes​ | @yurijay​ | @bae-graphomaniac​ | @fan4rt1st​ | @weirdestarrow​ | @wolfjackle​ | @onyxlightdragon​ | @zotinha456​ | @wwwwyamd​ | @river9noble​ | @starscreamlover​ | @michealawithana​ | @robinmedea​ | @spideypoolalways​ | @jesus-camp-the-sequel​ | @persephoneblackrose​ | @f4nd0m-fun​ | @mady-is-ace-trash​ | @ascetic-orange​ | @renwilson​ | @ace-aro-as-shit​ | @rangerhorsetug​ | @thatrandomsarahchick​ | @holygoldfish​ | @mlpizza​ | @chrysanthemum9484​ | @justwannaseesomebrozawa​ | @newgraywolf​ | @crazylittlemunchkin​ | @fire-glass​ | @eonic​ | @autumnrosnor​ | @the-nerdy-fangirl​ | @faithblob-says-things​ | @aisec-phantom​ | @a-star-with-a-human-name​ | @winged-scaly-attic-dweller​ | @mistermetalmaker​ | @apersond​ | @mustachebatschaos​ | @joaniejustwokeup​ | @that-dumbass-on-a-horse​ | @plainly-colorful​ | @blackcatsandhaunteddolls​ | @booklover223​ | @alice-hazelwood​ | @answrs​ | @enbydemirainbowbigfoot​ | @felicityroth​ | @wanderingrutabaga​ | @seraphinedemort​ | @write-it-right-2​ | @my-mom-calls-me-rat​ | @01101010-01100001-01111001​ | @arc-777​ | @crystalice067​ | @phoenixdemonqueen​ | @icedbluesoul​ | @itsparadoxlacuna​ | @wisp-wishes​ | @spikedlynx​ | @redhoneysugarorange​ | @russetfur1128​ | @mutable-manifestation​ | @stargirl1331​ | @chaoticchange​ | @living-on-borrowed-time​ | @orshie​ | @britcision​ | @littlefeather345​ | @sunflowershine03​ | @aro-acedumbass​ | @thefanficcup​ | @shibanoh​ | @racoonmcg​ | @icefirecrystal​ | @thatonejumbledmess​ | @cy-ella​ | @dolfay​ | @kobol1​ | @metal-sporks​ | @tired-yet-awaken​ | @currant-owo​ | @firegirl108​ | @stupidlovepurplepeace​ | @drowningroane​ | @imagineshazamlokimight​ | @immakittybear​ | @justalittletotheleftofnormal​ | @akikoyuii​ | @chrysanthemum9484​ | @kawaiikenna​ | @imaginationmademanifest​ | @a-salty-sal​ | @mentalcarebear​ | @mj-arts-n-stuff​ | @xysidhe​ | @cottonscrambles​ | @manapeer​ | @yjfk​ | @ryisc​ | @666deaddash999​ | @nutcase8691 | @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit | @dr-syko-pharm-4 | @i-have-opinion | @ballzfrog | @mysoulspiralbound | @istillhavenosociallife-blog | @gin2212 | @annabethchase0 | @eiderdown-eider | @basementloser | @plotwholls | @minnowmarsh | @neverlandingbird | @rootsmudge | @fandom-reblog-central | @serasvictoria02 | @mnemovoid | @taniaundertaleau | @kirineo-kiki | @ironicvixen | @violetfox2 | @redhoneysugarorange | @allulily | @jaxinkh | @naluforever3 | @horribly-lost-and-gay | @babblingbat | @frostedthroughghost | @kyrianclawraith | @caspertheloudassghost | @the-forgotten-dragon-anankos | @lyra689
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kookiesnerotica · 10 months
Harley quinn And Joker Syndrome.
Chapter 1 - It's all in the Chemistry.
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Series Materlist
Series taglist: @kaydsr3venge
Chapter WARNINGS: Fingering, dirty talk, Underage drug use, Intoxication, foul langauge.
You were sat at the bar of the country club, sarah sat next to you, sipping her fruity mocktail, and blabbering on about something you couldn't quite recall, truth be told you weren't paying any attention to her, you were off in your head. "Hello!" She brings you back to reality with the waving of her hand in front of your face. "Dude are you even listening?" She says, visibly annoyed. "No..I am. I'm Listening" You lied. She pauses for a moment looking at you, before she signs. "This is about ryan, isn't it?". Just by the replying look on your face, she knew that it was. Ryan was your boyfriend...now ex, He was the captin of the football team, he was your vice president, he was the love of your life, or atleast that's what you thought before walking in on him and Leah benson in his bedroom.
"Sweetie, you have to move on. Ryan's like an idiot, leah's a slut, and your hot." she says, you know she's trying to cheer you out, but it wasn't working.
"Besides there is plenty of fish in the sea." She shrugs, guestering to the busy country club, " You are kidding right?" You chuckled, causing the blonde girl to giggle. "No i am serious, the worlds like your fucking oyster." You looked around the country club then back to your best friend. "Everyone here is either a ugly, or old enough to father my older brother!" You reported, she also takes a look around. "Right!" she says in a hushed tone. She ponders for a moment. The next moment, topper is walking up to you guys, "Hey babe!" he says wraping his arms around the seated girl, embracing her into a side hug, and planting kisses on her forehead. "Hi" she smiles.
"Y/n, how are you." he finally notices you. "Fine." you half smiled. Watching sarah and topper was like pouring salt on a fresh wound, memories of you and ryan flash rapidly across your mind. "What are your plans for today?" He asked his girlfriend. "Eat a tub of ice cream while watching netflix with y/n" she replies. "Sounds awesome, however if you ladies wanna swing by my house, i am having a little get together."
"So....a party?" Sarah corrects. "Same thing."
Sarah looks at you waiting for you to answer. "We'll be there!" She answers, you shoot her a questioning look, to which she smiles and winks. "Anways, i am gonna go finish setting up." Topper says, pecking his girlfriend on the lips, "Bye baby!" she says.
"See you y/n" he waves off.
"Hell no! i am not going to a party." You it clear. "Why not?" she scoffs. "Cause...keluce is going to be there." You make up a lame excuse, your older brother had nothing to do with why you didn't want to attend tonight's party. "Lame excuse. Try again!" she shuts you down.
"You are so going to the party!" she chuckles.
You were on the coach, a tub of ice cream on your lap, 'Too Hot To Handle' playing on your tv, you were enjoying. Sarah had been calling you non stop, to which you resorted to swtiching your phone to silent. Suddenly the door bell rang, you ignored it, but then it rung again, followed by a banging on the door, "Y/n i know you are in there!" You heard sarah's voice on the other side of the door. You scoffed, getting up and heading to the door.
"Ew, you look gross." she says barging in. "Thanks, love you too." you said closing the door behind you. "Alright, hit the showers, while i pick out something from your closet." she sasses, her hands placed on her hips. "Sarah i already said i am not going." you said meekly. "Oh no! no. no." she scoffs. "Lemme me tell you something babes, ryan isn't becoming a coach potato, and drowning his sorrows over a tub of ice cream, he is living it up!" she pulls out her phone, to show you his instagram feed, which showcased him partying, clubbing, and having fun.
Seeing this made you furious, furious enough to say. "Fuck it! Let me take a shower!".
"Yay! Babes i am so proud of you!" She squeeled.
It took an hour, but you were dressed, you looked in the mirror and you couldn't help but admire yourself. Sarah had picked out a short, red flowy sun dress, which suited you, it hung loose and short on your body. "You look hot!" she complimented you, the smile on her face so huge and childlike. "Let's go." You smiled at her.
You arrived at The Thorton mansion, crowds of teenage kooks swarmed the place, the music vibrated through you as you entered. Almost immediatley topper spoted you, he grabed two signiture solo cups and head staright towards you and sarah. He handed both of you a cup, As soon as you held the cup up to your face, the stench of alchol hit your nose, catching you off guard. You watched as your bestfriend chugged the liquid in her cup. "Y/n, i am gonna steal sarah for a moment." You'd been around sarah and topper to know what that meant. "Honey, will you be fine on your own?" She says with a look of concern. "Yeah..no you can go, i'll be fine." You nod. "Okay, have fun." she kisses your cheek, before grabbing her boyfriends hand, together they disapered into the crowd. You, and your solo cup walked around the house, looking at the many faces, some you knew, some you were just seeing for the first time.
You adventuring around the thorton house, led you upstairs, which seemed quiter, than downstairs. You found a quite room, and without thinking much, you opened the door. "What the fuck!" Called out a familar voice, which came from a familar boy. Rafe.
"Y/n?" He calls, as you tried to walk away. "Come in." he clears his throat. You debated on wheather you should go in or not, but in the end you decided to go in. Upon entry you noticed not only the people that were seated on the coach but heavy smell of weed, white powder arranged in neat little lines on the clear coffee table in front of the older cameron. "Have a seat!" he said, The only seat left was one directly opposite rafe, and next to some lightskin guy with dreads, whoose eyes wondered onto yours. You took the seat. "Guy's this is y/n lawerence, Keluces younger sister." Rafe introduces you.
"Hi i am lauren." The cute red head sat next to rafe says. "Nate." a raven haired boy sat next to lauren says. "Christina." A blonde haired girl introduces. Finally the guy sat next to you "What's up, I'm jack."
"We were playing truth or drink before you interputed us." Rafe says, as he exhaled smoke from his mouth. "Since its nate's turn, why doesn't he ask y/n." Christina suggests. "Alright!" Nate sighs. "So y/n, have you ever shoplifted?"
"Nope." You answered as you fiddled with your hands on your lap. "What the fuck are these lame ass questions?" Lauren laughs, It was at this point that you noticed Rafe's icey blue eyes were staring at you, his eyes scanned you. As soon as you realized this, you turned away, looking anywhere but in his direction. "Here" Jack passes you a lit joint. "Oh i don't smoke.", immdiately earning a laugh from everyone in the room, excluding rafe, who only chuckled. "Do it pussy!"Lauren says, you felt the pressure of people, how heavy their eyes felt. "It'll make you feel good!" Rafe says in a low, but alluring tone, you looked up to meet his eyes. You accpected the joint, placing it inbetween your lips, while not breaking eye contact with rafe, you exhale, feeling the hot smoke rush into your chest, you exhaled, feeling the smoke slightly burn the back of your throat. "One more hit!" Christina says amused. So you did the process again, Rafe's eyes still fixated into yours. This time when you exhaled, you felt your brain get fuzzy, the sound of the music downstairs seemed like the only sound in the world, warmth and comfort surrounded your body, your eyes felt heavy, you felt fucking euphoric, you passed the joint back to jack. "Good girl." Rafe says smiling at you, his eyes still burning into you.
Several rounds of Truth of drink were played, you continued to smoke, getting higher as the night passes. "We should play Seven Mintues in heaven!" Lauren called out, you could tell there was something between her and rafe, as his hands were wrapped around her waist, and they got touchy with each other as time passes. Everyone agreed, at some point your slurred you agreement." "Y/n should spin first!" Rafe says, smurking when your eyes meet, you spun the empty 'jack daniels' bottle, and it landed in between lauren and rafe. Lauren's facial expressions seemed to change when Jack shouts "Rafe!" and the rest of the group agrees that it landed on rafe. You felt your heart beat increasing.
You watched as Rafe got up, coming over to you. You crained your neck up just to contact his eyes. "Shall we?" he hold out his hand, you hesitate, but give in. You felt unsteady as soon as you stood up, rafe's hand rushing to your waist, to keep you balanced. "Thanks." You cleared your throat. Rafe led you to a seprate room. You sat down on the edge of the bed, whilst the dirty blonde boy sat next to you.
"We don't have to anything you don't want." he sniffled wiping his thumb across his nose. "Okay." You squeeked out, your throat feeling dryer than the saharah. You sat in complete silence feeling your high. "Lemme ask you something?" He licks his lips, "Sure."
"Out of all the parties thrown, why'd you attened today?"
"I am turning over a new leaf, learning how to live again." Words seemed to just flow out of you, it wasn't what you wanted to say, but it was the truth. "I understand, You've been just existing, not living." Rafe added, it's like he stole the words from your mouth. "Yeah, exactly like that." You smiled. You watched as rafe pulled out a small baggie of white powder, which you concluded to be coke, from his pocket. He scooped some out with his key, held it up to his nose, and snorted. He looked staright into you, "Want some?"
"I've never done coke before." you admit, your tone and the fact that you seemed inexperinced, sounded so lame to you. You took the bag and key from rafe, scooping some white powder onto the edge of your key, bringing it up to your nose, and without thinking you snorted it. It burned upon its first contact with you nose, but as it went further down your anatomy, the burning stopped, replaced by a slight bitter taste at the back of your throat. But all that aside, as you felt a wave of what could only be defined as beautiful energy. You felt powerful, devine, euhophric, like you hand the world on your plam. "Woah!" You whisphered out. For the first time in your whole life, you felt it. You felt alive. You felt fuzzy, and blurry, like the whole room was swaying at a constant beat, you looked at rafe. Who seemed so handsome, his sharp jawline, his blue eyes darkened by his sins, the way a peice of hair fell onto his forhead. "Are you okay?"
"I feel good." You noted, "Yeah?"
"Mmmhmm." You noded. You hadn't noticed that there was no space left between you and rafe, you felt his hand touching your thigh, pushing your dresser higher up. His touch ignited your body, several butterflies swarming not just your stomach, but the entire surface of your body. He used his other hand to cup your cheek, leaning in closer to you, forheads touching, eyes interlocked into each other. "Let me make you feel alive." He whispered against you, you noded.
You felt rafe's soft lips, smash onto yours. Tounges playing against one and other, His salivia introducing the taste of beer, weed, and mint into your mouth. His hands going further up your updress. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his fingers ghost over your clit. "Fuck! You are wet. All this for me.' He breathed out. The kiss went from your lips, to your jaw, down to your neck. "Open you legs for me." He whispered into your neck. You did as he asked, granting him more access to the wet mess, that was in between your legs.
you felt as he moved your panties to the side, his fingers warm, as they play with your clit, a moan fell from your lips. Rafe's finger slowly make their way into your entrance, you felt your pussy stretch around his hands, gasping as they entered. "Look at me baby!" He demanded, you opened your eyes, to meet rafe's lustful blue eyes. "Don't take your eyes off me."
"Fuck!" You moaned as you felt his fingers pumping at a slow and steady pace. "Mhmmm, you like that.?" "Mhmmhmm."You moan as you feel you core tighten, you felt your hips lifting and lighlty thrusting into rafe's fingers, which provided more pleasure. "Rafe." You called out, biting into your lip, your eyes still locked into his.
Suddenly the door burst open, lauren stood on the other side of the door. "What the fuck!" she shrieks. "Get the fuck out!" Rafe screamed, breaking eye contact with you.
Lauren's interpution brought you back down to reality. What the fuck were you doing, getting fingered by Rafe fucking cameron. Your best friend's older brother, Your brother's best friend, unagruably the worst guy on the whole damn island, he was bad, you knew that. You had got caught up, you were acting unlike you. You push his hands out from under your dress, "What are you doing?" he asks.
"I have to go." you clear your throat, rushing out of the room and past lauren who was still stood there. You needed air, you felt like you couldn't breathe, the air in the house was too stuffy, you couldn't think clearly. You had to get out.
The cool outerbanks air hit your face as soon as you managed to get outside, your thoughts raced, your head spinning, you felt dizzy, sick to your stomach. Waves of nausea suddenly crashed over you, you hunched over, vomiting everything onto the grass, the acidic taste of bile fill your mouth. You felt disgusting.
"Y/n?" You heard your brother's voice, you felt over sitmulated in the momen. "Keluce, I'm sorry." You slurred, you swayed at the lack of balance you had, you felt your brother hold you up. "Are you high?". You felt so digusting, like the most terrible person on the planet. "I'm sorry." you hugged him, tears spilling out of your eyes. "Okay y/n, please tell me what's going on." You opened your eyes to see rafe standing by the door way, he smirked looking at you. You brust into a sob as you watched rafe cameron lick his two fingers that had perviously just been inside you, a sick, twisted smirk painted on his face as he watched you. He winked at you before going back inside the party house. "Take me home." You sniffled on your older brothers shoulder.
"Get some sleep, y/n." Keluce says as he tucks you. "Good night." you walked out, he shot you a warm, caring smile, and turned off the light, closin the door as he left. As soon as the complete lonesome darkness sit in, you began to cry, hot tears streamed down your face as you come to the hard realization.
You didn't feel digusting because it was rafe cameron, you felt disgusted because you liked it, further more, that you liked Rafe.
Chapter 2.
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not-5-rats · 20 days
how do you think Sugarboo would go about asking Seth to be their bf? If they ever did. Obvi they would talk to Al first but after that
No cause I've thought about this, like alot...all the fucking time, it plagues my little mind.
(I like to think this is sort of in a time like Chapter 2, all three of them living peacefully in Sugarboos home)
They would have spoke to Alphonse atleast a week earlier, it came up one night when the three were having a film night. Seth had fallen asleep, like deep DEEP sleep and Al noticed the way SB was looking down at the sleeping boy. He asked how they felt about Seth and the conversation ended with SB admitting that they had romantic feelings for Seth but they wanted him to know that this doesn't effect their love for him (this made him laugh). They agreed that SB should speak to him about it because it was pretty clear (to Al) that Seth had some sort of feelings towards them.
SB had a couple meetings with a few potential clients so hadn't been in all day, it was just Seth and Al. They just kind of hung about for most of the day, they cleaned the living room and sorted a couple things in the kitchen. Al seemed to be both happy and rather nervous all day, one moment he couldn't stop smiling at Seth the next he was silently sweeping the floor a bit lost in thought. At around 5pm SB got home, Seth and SB went into the kitchen to make dinner during which SB asked him if he would maybe on a walk with them later, just up beside the local park. He said sure and that night at around 7:30pm they left the house waving to Al as they went.
They had made their way to the park, talking about their days and how the clients were, finally they got to the park and sat down at a bench just outside of it. The park was rather empty apart from a few kids sat on the swings. They hadn't spoken for a bit, they had both just sat admiring the nature around them but then SB spoke, their voice hushed to avoid drawing the teenagers' attention
"Hey Seth? There was something I wanted to talk to you about"
He seemed a bit panicked by this but he made an attempt to suppress these feelings and responded
"Hm? Is everything alright Sugar?"
"Well it's been great having you here, both me and Al think that. You're a great dude to live with and you do alot more round the house than Al ever has"
They both laughed, Seth noticeably quieter than SB but they quickly kept talking
"But thats not the point, I wanted to tell you...well its more asking something. Seth, what I want to say is-"
"If you want me to go I get it, I've been round for quite a while and I don't mean to take up all your space"
Seth cut them off and leaned back against the back of the bench, SB was very confused and went to comfort him but he spoke again before they got the chance
"I've overstayed my welcome and I totally understand that, I didn't mean to get in the way of your life Sugar. I didn't even intend on coming back to begin with-"
There was a nudge to Seths head which made him look over at SB, surprised by their 'attack'
"Seth, you're a sweetheart but shut up and let me speak"
He did as he was told, he nodded remaining quiet as SB explained
"No, I don't want you to leave. If anything what I'm about to say...will hopefully prove that I want you to stay"
They paused, took a deep breath and finally said what they had been aching to say for so long
"I, well I love you Seth. I've loved you for a while, and before you ask yes I've spoken to Al, yes it's all okay. That's if you feel the same! I understand if you don't though"
He seemed kind of stunned, sat there like a deer in headlights. When he finally came round he smiled at them and gently held their shoulders
"Oh Sugar, my darling Sugar"
With that he kissed them, his hand sliding from their shoulder to the back of their neck. SBs own hands wrapped around his waist and they smiled into the kiss, joy building up in their chest. When they finally split SB giggled
"I'm taking that as you feel the same way?"
He laughed
"Of course I do! Sugar I've wanted to tell you for so long but...the whole things with Al, our first meeting, all those things made it feel like you'd never feel that way for me. But God, Sugar I'm so glad, so so glad you feel the same"
They sat there gently holding each other...which caught the attention of the teens, who began to ooo and make kissy sounds, so they went home. Upon seeing the smile on their face Al instantly knew what had went down, so they all sat on the couch and cuddles. It was beautiful and I love them all
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daisyrb-gvf · 3 months
Cruising Into Love
d.r.w. x f!reader
My first post on tumblr, but definitely not my first fic. Danny's cruise picture had this story pouring out of me, so I hope you all like it! I thought this first chapter would be longer than it is, but the next part of the story deserves its' own chapter.
Words: 3.2k
Summary: After 3 mundane months of working on a cruise ship, you're met with the most gorgeous man you've ever seen.
Warnings: plenty of swooning, language and brief mentions of f masturbation.
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You sigh as you zip up the back of your fitted black dress. Another night, another performance. You love being an entertainer, and sitting behind the keys is as close to home as you can get on this ship, but after 3 months of your 8 month stretch, it is starting to feel so redundant, and there are only so many songs that are approved to perform at the piano bar. The boss wasn’t too pleased with your medley of LL Cool J songs with an audience consisting of mainly 50-80 year olds. Tight ass. 
“Just three more nights and you get a break,” you reassure yourself as you touch up your makeup in the pathetically tiny mirror that looks huge in this shoebox of a bathroom. 
“Alright girl, I’m off,” you say to your slightly-less-than-pleasant bunk mate. It could be worse, but it would have been nice to bunk with someone who actually seemed to give even half a fuck about you. At least she wasn’t mean. Just…distant. 
“Kay,” she replied with enthusiasm akin to a corpse, not bothering to look up from the sketch she was working on. You sighed again, feeling like you’ll never be able to chip away at that wall. You didn’t come here to make friends, but damn, a little human connection would be nice sometimes. 
– – –
Your body shuddered as you threw back a shot of tequila at the bar. “Thanks, Chris,” you said to the bartender-one of the few people who will have an actual conversation with you. He winked before flicking his eyes over to a young, classically hot dude. Boyish features, blue eyes, sandy blonde hair…you get it, but definitely not your type. 
“Down boy,” you say with a chuckle as you wink back at him. 
Settling down at the keys, the audience gives you a small applause as the chatting dies down. 
“How’s everyone feeling tonight?” you ask the small crowd, mustering up as much enthusiasm as you can. You get a small cheer, and a few whoops from the more inebriated folks. “You mind if I play a few songs for you?” A louder cheer encourages you as your hands start to dance across the ivory keys. 
Ooh you can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen
The crowd sings along with you-definitely one of the more tone-deaf groups you’ve played for, but at least they seem to be having fun. Dancing Queen is always a good opener, and one of your favorites, so you prefer to start the shows this way. 
The crowd cheers as you segue into your next number. People are getting tipsier with each song, and you have to admit, it is pretty entertaining. Drunk crowds are typically great audiences unless they get belligerent. 
“Alright, it’s been a blast playing for you all tonight,” you say as you start the intro to your final song.
I needed the shelter of someone’s arms
And there you were
I needed someone to understand my ups and downs
And there you were
WIth sweet love and devotion–
Holy shit. Who is that guy? A tall, dark, and handsome man emerged into your view after an elderly couple left the table in front of his. You miss a note and snap back into focus through the chorus. What the hell? Why is some random-admittedly gorgeous-dude throwing you off? That’s new. You make it through the second verse, but after that it’s impossible to not steal another glance. Your knees get a little shaky as you drink him in, thankfully keeping your shit together in your performance. You watch him sing along as he drums his fingers on the little bistro table. You realize you glanced a little too long once he smirks at you, locking eyes. You blush red and avoid the entire corner of the room where he is sitting for the rest of the song. Oh God, how embarrassing.  
The crowd cheers as the song ends and you take a bow before immediately walking back over to the bar…which, unfortunately, is far too near the gorgeous man in the corner. 
“One more tequila, please, Chris,” you say anxiously as he chuckles. 
“Little flustered there, aren’t you? Wouldn’t have anything to do with that yummy Greek statue of a man there in the corner would it?”
“Shut up, Chris,” you whisper, your face turning redder by the second. 
“Mmhmm, okay. Whatever you say,” he says with a smirk before walking to the other end of the bar serving the influx of post-performance guests. 
Walking out of the room, you make it maybe ten feet before realizing you left your phone behind the bar. 
“Shit,” you mutter to yourself, debating on walking back now or waiting until the crowd clears in hopes of avoiding the gorgeous creature who made you pathetically weak in the knees. 
“Oh, come on, he is just a man. Get the fuck over it,” you mutter again, rolling your eyes at yourself. You turn around and make it one step before slamming straight into someone. 
“I’m so sorry!” you both say in unison as large, warm hands wrap around your shoulders, steadying you. Of-fucking-course. 
“Oh, no worries!” the insanely beautiful man replies, dropping his hands from your shoulders. The summer breeze feels colder than it had before as your whole body flushes. 
“Oh-um-yeah, okay,” you sputter out with a nervous smile. Good God, get your shit together. 
He chuckles, “Your performance was great. We loved it,” he says warmly as a beautiful, tall, brunette woman walks up next to him. Of course. There’s no way this man could be single. It only makes sense that he would have one of the most staggeringly gorgeous women on his arm. 
“Yes, it was lovely!” she chimes in, hooking her arm through his as she reaches out a hand to shake yours. 
“Oh, thank you!” trying to stay as cool as possible and not show your disappointment, you shake her hand and flash a smile. 
“I’m Josie, and this is my brother, Danny,” she introduces. 
Oh. Brother. He’s her brother. The relief you feel is embarrassing and you hope it doesn’t show on your face. You sense it does, based on the tiny smirk Josie is clearly trying to hold back. 
“Nice to run into you,” Danny says with a chuckle, reaching his hand out to shake yours as well. He holds your gaze for just a moment longer than you expected. Just long enough for your breath to catch as you get lost in his dark hazel eyes…flecks of gold, brown, and green-the warmest eyes you’ve ever seen. He flashes a bright white smile that makes your chest tighten. 
“Yeah, uh, you too,” you reply with a nervous giggle, your voice barely shaky. Oh my God, you are so fucking embarrassing. 
“Come on, Dan. We’re late meeting mom and dad,” Josie says, leading Danny down the hallway. “Nice meeting you!” 
“Yeah, you too!” You stay glued in place for a moment, watching them walk away. Damn, the back looks just as good as the front. Danny turns around at that moment, catching you staring. He smirks and winks before turning back around, disappearing as they turn a corner. 
“Real smooth, you idiot,” you sigh, tossing your head back before walking back into the bar. 
– – –
You got almost no sleep that night, and it infuriated you. Losing sleep over a man you barely met. Get a grip…but, those eyes-such a warm hue, long lashes, smooth, tan skin, he had a little dusting of freckles on his cheeks and angular, almost avian, nose. His features were masculine and sharp, with a jaw that could probably cut glass, but his kind eyes and heart-melting smile made him seem so…soft. You could tell he was a man who wasn’t afraid to do some grooming and pampering. With skin like that and shiny, dark brown, perfect ringlets of hair long enough to barely brush his shoulders…yeah, he put some effort into his appearance. His demeanor didn’t seem cocky or vain, though. Confident, sure, but not full of himself. Ugh, and then that body. 
“Oh, come on,” you say exasperatedly to yourself as you roll over for what was probably the 20th time, trying to relax. “You’re not 13 years old. For God’s sake, you are 25. Act like it.” 
You take a deep breath and relax one muscle at a time, feeling the gentle rocking of the ship lulling you to sleep. You start to drift off and the image of Danny turning around to wink at you jolts you awake again. 
“What the hell? May as well just stop fighting it,” you say defeatedly, letting your mind drift off to Danny with no resistance. You close your eyes again as you try to remember every detail. His sun-kissed skin, broad shoulders, slender hips and legs, but you could definitely see the muscle definition under those tight black jeans. You let out a little giggle as you remember the cheesy little shark tooth necklace dangling on his collarbone, just above a small patch of black hair dusted on his sternum. His short-sleeved top was unbuttoned just below his pecs, leaving the rest of his torso up to your imagination. You find yourself imagining how it would feel to run your hands over his warm, undoubtedly hard, stomach before smoothing them around to his back, running up to his sturdy, broad shoulders. You know what would help you sleep, but even alone in your bunk, you’re embarrassed that seeing this man for a few moments would cause you to slip your hand into your shorts. You wonder if you had met him earlier in the day it would have given you time to shake it off. Maybe take a run around the 7th floor track that wraps around the ship on the deck. But for now, you need sleep, so you do what needs to be done. Thank God your bunkmate is working the overnight shift. It only takes a few minutes before you finish with a soft sigh, drifting off to sleep seconds later. 
– – –
Hard as you tried, you can’t help but feel a slight pang of disappointment when Danny doesn’t show up at the next night’s performance, and you feel pathetic for that. This is a huge ship. It’s impossible to do even half of the activities offered, so why would he come to the same show twice? To see you? Come on, girl. Get real. The self-loathing is bubbling up inside you as you attempt to exhaust yourself by running seven miles. Does it work? Absolutely not. You’ve never felt so electric and energized. Any other time you would have been grateful, but not now. Not when, despite your exhaustive efforts, you still find yourself relieving that ache in your core before drifting off to sleep. 
Rolling out of bed the next morning, you feel a bit better. The exhaustion from your run the day before caught up to you, and your legs feel like they are on fire. Thank God. Despite the pain, you brush your teeth, throw your hair in a bun, and slip on a tank top, shorts and running shoes, making your way to the 7th floor. Maybe after today’s run you won’t even think about him when you fall into bed tonight. 
A small smile forms on your face as you close your eyes, feeling the sea breeze enveloping you as you step through the double glass doors onto the deck. Most people you know prefer to run out on forest trails, feeling the crunch of leaves and soft dirt under their feet, seeing the sun filter through quaking aspens, hearing songs from morning birds harmonizing together. You love it too, but the power and energy that the ocean offers can’t be beat. You start off with a slow jog, warming up your aching muscles, before finding your stride. You feel as if the ocean is running alongside you, the waves matching your pace. You finally start to feel like you’ve found your footing again-literally and figuratively. After your first lap you see a few more people making their way onto the deck. Most come out for a nice walk, just enjoying the view they don’t get to see often. You see a sweet old couple, moseying along hand-in-hand. Just walking silently. Comfortably together. This is a common sight around here, but you feel a bittersweet sort of heartache for just a moment before someone whizzes right past you. 
Long legs, narrow hips, mess of dark chocolate curls tickling those broad, tanned shoulders with each step, the navy blue muscle tee giving you a much better view of those shoulders as they flex and move in tandem with his strong, lean legs. Legs that he clearly enjoys showing off based on the yellow shortie-shorts he’s sporting. You increase your pace with a surge of adrenaline, but also so you can get as close as you can to the view. As he reaches the curve of the track at the front of the ship, he looks over his shoulder at you, grinning before picking up his pace. Is he…challenging you? Oh, it is so on. You weren’t an all-state track star for nothing. You grin and take a deep breath, pushing yourself faster, the excitement dulling the burning pain in your thighs. Danny hears you round the corner as you catch up to him, chuckling through his steady, heavy breaths. You’re not letting those long, sculpted legs have an advantage over you. Ignoring the burn in your chest, you surge forward faster, eventually passing him. Looking over your shoulder you catch him staring at your ass. He quickly looks away and out at the ocean. If you weren’t puffing and panting so hard, you’d probably giggle, but it’s all you can do to stay focused and not let him catch up to you. You both run another lap, taking turns being in the lead before you both give up and just run at a steady pace next to one another. 
“Okay, I give up,” he says, holding his hands up in surrender. “You’re good! How long were you running before I came out?” You couldn’t help but shiver slightly hearing the deep timbre of his voice between his panting breaths. 
“Oh, just barely over a lap,” you reply, doing your best to not sound like you’re dying, and failing miserably. 
“Safe to say this is something you do often?” He runs the back of his hand down his neck, wiping off a bead of sweat that rolled from his chin down over his prominent Adam’s apple. 
Taking a big gulp of air that had nothing to do with your exhaustive run, you wipe sweat from your brow and try not to stare at his neck and shoulders glistening in the sunlight. “No, this is my first time,” you say as seriously as you can manage. 
“Are you joking?!” he asks incredulously. 
A laugh bubbles up at the sight of his adorably confused and surprised expression. “Absolutely. I’ve been running basically my whole life.” Your breathing is finally starting to slow along with his, the rise and fall of his chest and shoulders still exaggerated, but not as fast. 
“Oh, thank God,” he replied, flashing that bright smile, your breathing picking up again ever so slightly. 
“Bit competitive, huh?” You walk over and grab a couple of towels and water bottles from the recently restocked shelf. 
He chuckles, “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” You hand him a towel and bottle and he immediately chugs half of the water, a tiny bit of it running down his chin, the small stream of cool liquid mixing with the sweat on his neck, traveling down his protruding Adam’s apple again. “Thank you,” he says, wiping his brow with the slightly scratchy fabric of the generic beach towel. 
“Oh, yeah..uh, you’re welcome,” you awkwardly sputter, yet again embarrassed by the reaction this man is getting from you for basically just existing. 
He drops his head, clearly trying to be a gentleman and hide his knowing smirk. After a brief awkward moment he looks out at the water. “Bet this never gets old, does it-getting to run with the waves every day?” 
“Never,” you reply, with a contented sigh. “The ocean is the best running buddy I’ve ever had, no offense,” you giggle. 
He chuckles back at you, “None taken. I totally understand. I wish I could do this every day.”
You both saunter over to the railing and lazily lean over the smooth, wooden bar. 
“Well, they’re basically always hiring here. Want a job?” you ask with a chuckle. 
“Don’t tempt me,” he replies, his large hands gripping the rail as he leans back slightly, enjoying the breeze. His damp curls already drying from the salty air. 
“This sea breeze is really the only thing that could do any tempting. Cruise life behind the scenes isn’t very glamorous. I’m sure whatever you’re doing now is better than this.” 
“Maybe so. Depends on the day.” 
“So, what do you do?” you ask, turning around to lean your back against the railing as you take another sip of water. 
“Danny! I thought you said you were going to wait for me?” Josie bursts through the glass doors, looking irritated. “Oh hi!” she says, flashing a bright smile-very similar to her brother’s-at you. “It’s good to see you again. You want to join us on our jog?” 
Josie is so bubbly and bright. She has that magnetic energy that people are just naturally drawn to. Matched with her staggering beauty (that clearly runs in the family), you imagine that there are plenty of unsuspecting people out there who have been left in a haze by her presence. You find yourself just a bit jealous of whatever genes run in that family.
“Oh, thank you for asking, but I actually just finished up here. I don’t think I have another lap left in me,” you chuckle, finishing off what’s left of your water. “Not after kicking this guy’s butt,” you giggle nodding your head in Danny’s direction. 
“Excuse me?” he retorts, “I do believe that it was a tie,” he laughs. My God, he has the most adorable laugh you’ve ever heard-kinda dorky, actually, and you are so glad this Greecian god has been humanized a bit, even if it did make your heart ache more for him. 
“I believe you,” Josie loudly whispered to you with a wink, “and thank you for tiring him out a bit. Now I can outrun him,” she laughed before bolting down the track. 
“Oh come on, sis! That’s not fair!” he called out, running after her. After a few strides he slowed down and turned around, running backward, “It was good to see you again!” 
You watched him run down the track, frozen in place again, until he turned the corner. 
“Guess I’ll be losing more sleep tonight,” you mutter with a sigh before walking inside to take an ice cold shower.
LOTS more Danny in the next chapter, I promise. I'm a slow-burner.
Go to Chapter 2
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bugboysgf · 1 year
Hate + Love
Chapter 2
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Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate but what if it's way thinner than you thought?
“Hi, im suppose to be tutoring somebody.” you told the lady at the front desk. The last 2 weeks had been stressful but out of extreme luck you managed to get all A’s but that also meant you had to tutor the people that were not doing so well in school.
“Oh yes, you must be Y/n.”
“I am.” you confirmed.
“Min Ho.” The lady calls his name and he jumps out of his seat.
“You gotta be kidding me.” you look at Min ho and he seems just as surprised as you are. “There has to be some sort of mistake, I can't tutor him.” the lady looks at her computer for a second and looks back at you.
“Sorry but there is a specific note from the teacher saying you can't switch.”
“What? Who wrote that.” you asked.
“It was your math teacher. Take a seat and get started.”
“I can't believe this.” you said sitting down.
“Do you think I want to do this? I have no choice.” Min ho rolled his eyes.
“Whatever can we just get started.”
After two hours tutoring you were done but to you i feel like 5 hours because every 10 minutes you and Min ho were arguing about something different.
“Thank you.” Min Ho says. You look at him in shock, you were never expecting those words to come out of his mouth.
“You have manners, I see. Can I get an apology too?” you asked hopefully.
“It happened almost 3 weeks ago, get over it.”
“God you're such a bitch.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“We have Alex next.” Kitty said. “Oh my god we still have to walk up the stairs.” you said, you were tired already and it was only your 2 period.
“Do you want to go to a ramen place after the 5th period?” Kitty asked.
“Im Pretty sure I don't have to tutor today, so yes.”
“How is it? By the way, you are still not getting along.”
“Nope now i have to sit with him in alex class, because he wont let me change seats.” you rolled your eyes.
“Dude you have 4 months left until winter break, at least try to stop hating each other.”
“He's the problem, not me, he won't apologize. He said thank you yesterday when i tutored him but that's it.” you explained to Kitty. You honestly don't think that you and Minho would get along every chance he gets to make fun of you. He's gonna take it and you're tired of it.
“The problem is that you are both stubborn.” Kitty grabs the handle of the door and lets you into the class, she gives you a ‘be nice look’ and takes a seat.
You walked over to your seat and to your surprise Min Ho was already sitting down, he was always late. You take a seat and don't say a word to him.
“No greeting?” he asked
“What do you want?” you say in a cold tone.
“Woah, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” he smirks.
“I just don't have time for your bullshit today.”
Lucky Alex didn't have you guys do anything with your partner work today you didnt think you could handle it anyways.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them into your backpack.
“y/n?” you stopped in your tracks and looked at the guy that called your name. Minho also stopped and looks at him.
“Yes?” you look at him confused. You've never seen this guy in your life and you had no idea why he was talking to you.
“I'm Derek, I was just trying to see if i can get your number.” you look around to see if anybody was watching and behind him were his friends waiting to see your next move. You didn't want to seem stuck up or anything, so you just smiled and typed your number into his phone.
“Great, I'll text you.”
“Cool” you watch him walk away and turn to Min ho. “And why did you stay?”
“What does he want with you?” “What do you mean?”you asked, confused.
“His dad is literally a millionaire.”
“I honestly dont give two fuck about that.” you said.
“It had to be a dare.” Min ho shook his head.
“Oh really? Just because an attractive guy asked for my number that means it has to be a dare?” you said offended. Min ho knew he messed up, he always jokes around but he knew that what he said really affected you.
“That's not-”
“Save it.” you walked away.
For the next few weeks you continue talking to Derek, you thought he would be a jerk but turns out he wasn't. He was really nice and listened.
“Where are you going?” Min ho asked Q. “Oh the nature club is having a hike today.” Q said, putting on his shoes.
“Great i'll come” Min ho got up from the couch. “You can't.” Q said.
“Why?” “Club members only.” “Dude i went last time.” Q stayed silent and didn't say anything. “Unless you don't want me to go for some reason?” “It's not that I don't want you to go, it's just that y/n and Derek are going to be there and I don't want you messing it up for her. She told me what you said when he asked for her number.” Q confessed.
“That's not what I meant, I tried to tell her that.”
“You should have said it in the first place, are you jealous or something?” Q asked.
“What no… no”
“Yup that sounds so convincing.”
“I don't like her, I hate her.”
“You know, you can hate and love somebody at the same time.” Q said shutting the door.
Min ho stood there thinking there's no way that he loves y/n? He hates her too much.
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chansbabygirlsstuff · 3 months
Just a bet | Chapter 4
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Your POV
As I get out of the car, I can see the flashing colored lights that blind my sight as I wait for Chan to get out of the car I nervously stare at the people outside and inside the house, the sliding glass doors that let the visibility of everyone outside see what's going on inside.
"Are you ready?" he tells me next to some excited to get the party going "Yeah" I try to sound as excited as him.
We go inside the house, the atmosphere is hot, with bodies pressing along each other, dirty dancing on the floor, sloppy kisses in a corner, and alcohol by the door.
trying to squeeze through the crowd was a challenge as Chan took me to meet his friends, yeah, his friends, we'll see how that goes.
"what's up," Chan shouted trying to make a conversation with the boys over the loud music 
"This is y/n everyone!" he presented me to his group of friends 
everyone greeted you in a friendly way 
"hey I'm Felix" he made his way to your hand in a friendly way  "Hi Felix I'm Y/n"
"yeah we've heard of you," a boy with a cute smile said "Oh my name is I.N btw" 
you bowed a little to greet him. 
As everyone greeted you, you looked everywhere trying to get used to the ambiance around you
"Well, I'm going to get myself something to drink. do you want something?" he asked me shouting near my ear because of the loud music "Yeah sure," I said shyly as I felt him close to me he left me with his friends to enter the kitchen I felt the music get louder and people started jumping and dancing to the song, but I felt a grip my hip and sway me to the music and his hand guided lower to my leg centering in my lower body more and more so I turn around but encounter a random guy, the guy that was trying to dance with me!! my eyes widen and I slapped him in the face and left as I heard him scream "What the Fuck you bitch?" and run to the kitchen as I was passing by someone blew a cloud of smoke on my face, I coughed violently "What the fuck dude?!" I look back as he looks high as hell and smirks at me, I roll my eyes and look for Chan all over the big kitchen and see him leaning against a counter talking to a girl who is all over him touching his chest and almost putting her leg on top of him. 
I stare at him but his eyes find mine and he straightens his pose trying to get to me, but I leave and try to find the door, I find Changbin grinding with a girl and getting in my way, Felix sees me and stops me "what happened where are you going?" he tells me with a concerned face "nothing I just need some air" I said trying to pass me but he stopped me again. "ok you can come to me and tell me if anything happens" he smiles to me reassuringly. I swear he is too nice to be with these shitholes.
As I get out of the place I call my sister but I don't get enough signal as I walk further away from the house, I kick a rock out of frustration and try to call my sister again but nothing, I hate my fucking life, as I'm walking downhill to get to the city and call cab I feel chill as is very cold outside and I didn't bring warm clothes. 
I fucking hate that he lied to me, he said he was going to stay all night with me but no, he went with another chick to flirt or make out!, but why am I even bothered considering that I know his reputation from people who told me all around school? 
I seriously need help and stop reading those fake ass books that only get me to illusion myself to think he was being nice to me for a reason... or two... but that's not the case, I need to learn that what goes through my mind is not real, only the books can have that delusion written all over it.
I also feel scared as that weird man touched me like that, it was so inappropriate and I feel disgusting because of it, doesn't he know what respect is? I feel so uncomfortable for letting myself go into an ambiance that I know is not my safe zone, I feel guilty as I felt someone touch my body that way even if I didn't want to, While in my thoughts my tears escape my eyes as I'm sobbing, how stupid am I? 
I huff as the night gets colder and scarier as there is no source of light in this street, it gets creepier and alone but see a car turn and start following me behind, but the blinding lights of it don't let me see who it is, so I start walking faster, the creeps running through my spine and the hairs of my skin rise against my leather jacket. but the car reaches my steps and stands next to me as I see it roll down the window 
"Why did you go?" oh... it's Christopher  
"Nothing I'm fine, you can go back if you want" I do not look at him as I know my eyes must be red from crying and continue walking.
"no I promised you I would be with you" he continued the car at my pace
"well I didn't see anything of that happening" I walked faster as I didn't want to see him but his car followed next to me "I'm sorry okay?" he stopped the car and got out of it and ran to me 
He grabs my shoulders as he stands right in front of me "Let's just get inside the car and talk about it yeah?" he tries to persuade me to get in the car, and I do.
"why'd you leave" he says as I try to put my seatbelt on 
"well I didn't see you so I thought you left" I lie
"but you saw in the kitchen tho," he says the truth like an idiot 
"yeah but I saw you were busy so I thought you wouldn't spend time with me at the party," I said looking down feeling like a child who is about to get scolded 
"no love I promised you I would be there and yes I apologized because I left and talked to someone else, but my intention never was to leave you alone," he says looking at me but my head held low "But you did" I mumbled, he sighed "I'm sorry ok?" he expresses himself by putting his hand on my thigh and then on his chest "I promise to never do that again, that was very low of me" I looked at him while he looked at me, fucking butterflies why now, I feel the heat hit my ears and cheeks, I need to get a hold of myself
"but even when you saw you should've talked to me," he said starting the car once dating and driving, "yeah but either way I was uncomfortable," I said as I checked if my makeup was ruined on the car's mirror.
"why love did someone do something to you?" he said caringly
"Yeah, a guy... you know" I stopped as I felt my eyes get watery "he touched me inappropriately"
"He touched you" he exclaimed as he was surprised by my answer
"Yeah I was very scared," I said cleaning my tears   
"Did you do something about it? you should have called me or one of the guys" he raises his voice in anger 
"I'm sorry" I apologize and he changes his mood
"I'm not mad at you love, I'm mad at that bastard, he can't be treating ladies like you like that," he said looking at the road a bit mad "And don't cry ok? You're at least safe, you with me now" he smiles and caresses my shoulder, fucking butterflies again, am I that touched deprived or is he just too touchy to have talked a week ago?
"how about  if we go do something you like?" he says and I nod 
"what do you like to do at night" his sweet and caring smile looks at me as I look out the window of shyness
"I like to walk at night and eat some ice cream, I like quiet places" I express my liking to him as he pays attention to me 
"ok so let us go to the park and eat some ice cream," he says enthusiastically 
Hi my lovelies
Here is the 4th chapter sorry for being late I promise to post another one soon!
taglist: @stayceebs97 @foivestarrsketchez @salfetkablog
the tag list is open lovelies so plz comment if you want to be added
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