#free adblocker browser for android
axolotlsauce · 9 months
Hey Hey! If you want to get into One Piece and have a decent enough adblocker, you can read the entire series so far on this completely legal website! (website is not even remotely legal. and im not kidding about needing adblock)
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emptysekai · 1 year
guide to ad-free youtube for mobile via. youtube revanced
since youtube vance is no longer maintained and youtube is cracking down on adblockers here is how to download youtube revanced which has the best options for customising youtube features; including removing youtube shorts popups, sponsorship segments in videos, hiding unused buttons, bringing back dislikes, and more! [official revanced github]
this guide is for android only. sorry apple users idk how to help you. your device doesn't have to be rooted. even if it is, you should still be able to follow this guide. if you have youtube vanced installed, revanced shouldn't clash, so you don't have to uninstall it if you don't want to.
installation guide:
1. download all 3:
i. microg (this will let you log into your youtube account) [apk mirror] (scroll past description, download the latest one)
ii. revanced manager apk [github] (select the latest release, scroll to the bottom in assets, install the .apk file)
iii. latest youtube apk [apk mirror]
2. open revanced manager
3. select in this order: "patcher" -> "select an application" -> "storage" (note: if your phone asks you to let the app have storage access, say yes)
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[id. two screenshots of the revanced manager app. there are red markings drawn overtop, indicating areas to select mentioned in step 3. the three spots are circled by a red square, an arrow pointing towards it, and a circle with a marked number to indicate the order at the end of each arrow. id end.]
4. select the youtube apk you downloaded
5. select patches. you can tap "recommended" or "default" or turn on/off patches you want
6. once you have selected, select: "done" -> "patch"
7. wait as it intialises youtube revanced. when it's done select "install" (note: if your phone gives you a warning that the app is blocked, select: "more details" -> "install anyway")
8. if this worked, you should have youtube revanced installed, and you can log in like normal. if this didn't work, read the next part.
(under the read more are troubleshooting solutions + other alternative apps)
issue a) if the botom right now says "open"
1. select: 3 dots on the top right -> "export apk"
2. save it
3. open whatever file browsing app you use (most phones should have a default one that comes pre-installed called something like "files" or "my files". if you don't have one, you can go to the play store and search "files" and pick one. if you aren't sure, i use "files by google")
4. find the exported file and install it (it will be called something like "youtube-revanced-versionnumber.apk")
5. if this worked, you should have youtube revanced installed, and you can log in like normal. if this didn't work, you can read the next part.
issue b) can't build or install youtube revanced with no option to export
1. something may have gone wrong with the file installation at some point, so try a clean start. to do this, uninstall:
i. revanced manager
ii. youtube revanced
iii. microg
iv. (optional) disable/uninstall the default youtube app
2. follow guide from step 1 again, hopefully it works. if it's still not working, you can try other alternatives. i've listed some in the next part of this post
libretube, newpipe, songtube, vuetube, astron, puretuber
i haven't used any of these personally, but i haven't seen any problems with them. let me know if there are and i'll remove it from the list.
you can also use youtube through your web browser with adblock add-ons. i'm not sure whether youtube has affected their mobile site though. with the firefox app you can use ublock origins (for ads) + youtube high definition (for general quality fixes)
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keyboardandquill · 2 years
On creating a wiki for your worldbuilding
Do you have a lot of lore to keep track of? Whether you're an author, a Game Master, or simply someone who really really likes worldbuilding, this post is for you.
Here's a quick overview of what I'll be talking about:
Platforms people use to create personal wikis
Formats and organization systems you may find useful when creating your own wiki
A brief look at the actual content you might put in your wiki (I'm planning a more in-depth post on that later with more images and demos)
And because this is gonna be a long'un, I'm putting a read-more here! I'll also make downloadable epub and PDF versions of this post available for free on my Ko-Fi at some point in the future.
(I'm also planning to reblog with a list of links later on, but I want this initial post shows up in search)
Also now that you're here, I'm going to say this isn't, like, super comprehensive or anything. I'm just talking about stuff I know a little about or have experience with. Please feel free to reblog with additions and/or corrections as needed!
What is a wiki?
According to Wikipedia, "a wiki is a hypertext publication collaboratively edited and managed by its own audience, using a web browser."
In this case, you'll likely be the sole person making updates to your wiki. The web browser part is optional these days as well, as you'll soon see.
Platforms for creating wikis
Websites for creating worldbuilding wikis
This one is actually designed for people who want to create big worldbuilding wikis.
Pros: Worldbuilding prompts! Those are great. It's got a pretty comprehensive set of article types too.
Cons: Kind of expensive to upgrade for features like making your wiki private, and it does NOT work well with adblock turned on, so if you don't want to pay for a membership you'll get inundated with ads. I'm not a huge fan of the interface in general and a lot of it isn't intuitive, but I like what they're doing so I support them anyway.
In addition to having a cat as its icon and also a silly name, each 'article' you create with this is called a 'tiddler' which makes me think of Chuck Tingle. I haven't used it much myself yet, but I did make an account and it seems pretty neat.
A community-hosted wiki platform that runs on MediaWiki (which is what Wikipedia runs off of).
Pros: It's not Fandom.com.
Cons: You have to request a wiki and can't just make it yourself, as far as I can tell. I haven't actually looked into this one as much.
An option for if you want to go super oldschool and create a website using only basic html and hyperlinks (without the handy shortcuts of bbcode or Markdown). Monthly cost is $5 usd if you want to have more space and your own domain.
Pros: 100% control over your content.
Cons: Doesn't support PHP databases for wiki software, and can be fairly labour-intensive to update if you break a link or something.
Unfortunately, this one is the top result you'll get when you look up how to make your own wiki. I'm only including it here to tell you to stay as far away from it as possible!!
Its staff are known to ban wiki creators from their own wikis and a bunch of other nonsense that I'm not getting into here.
Programs and apps/web apps for creating worldbuilding wikis
My personal favourite. I'm planning to make a whole post about how I use it in the near future as part of this article series.
It's a markdown-based application that you can get on just about any platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, etc) which is great. Obsidian is really easy to pick up and use and also has great themes and community plugins!
Best thing is, it's FREE and you only have to pay if you use their publishing service, which... I don't, so.
I've heard this one is pretty good too. Idk if it costs anything. It's another "second brain" style app (might be markdown also?) and I think it might do more than Obsidian, but I haven't checked it out much myself.
Microsoft Word/Google Docs etc.
...Or just about any word processor that lets you create internal hyperlinks. Word may work best due to the collapsible headings so it doesn't get too unwieldy, but *shrug* whatever floats your boat.
Excel/Google Sheets etc.
Or, again, any spreadsheet creator that lets you create internal hyperlinks.
I'd recommend having some basic spreadsheet knowledge before doing this. It could get complicated. Before I started using Obsidian, I was using Sheets to keep track of my glossary, notes about characters, and plot ideas.
Types of formatting & organization systems
There are as many organization systems as there are people who want to organize their stuff. Everybody needs something a little different! I find the ones that work best for me are systems that have a lot of customization options.
Here are a couple I know of.
Johnny Decimal
This system is absurdly simple in its concept and yet so versatile. From their website (it's just johnnydecimal dot com but I'll link it in a reblog later):
Take everything you need to organise and sort it in to, at most, ten large buckets.
Make sure the buckets are unambiguously different.
Put a label on each bucket.
Their website has a better explanation than I can give in this post, but I'll sum up the appeal of this system as quoted from their site: "There's only one place anything can ever be."
Usefully, part of this method is creating a directory for the rest of the system.
So if you're like me and tend to shove things wherever only to lose track of it later, this is a great system—especially when used in conjunction with the Zettelkasten Method (see below).
Zettelkasten Method
Originally devised as an extensive paper-based knowledge management system, Zettelkasten is meant to easily add new entries to a knowledge base while giving each one a unique ID for easy 'linking.'
The creator of this method said 'it is not important where you place the note, as long as you can link to it.'
As with the Johnny Decimal system, I can't explain it super succinctly (nor can the website, if I'm being honest), so I'll include a link in a future reblog for a video that gave me an excellent run-down of the basics.
Setting up your own system
An organization system is only useful if you can actually, y'know, use it.
It can be fun to set up a super-detailed organization system with predetermined categories for everything, but is it easy for you to use? How will you navigate it?
Making decisions
There will be a lot of decisions to make as you set up your system. The only set-in-stone rule I follow is... don't set anything in stone. It's okay if you decide something that doesn't work later on.
Figuring out your categories
My advice: go fairly broad. You can always sub-categorize. I'm going to go over my own wikis for Athenaeum and Rocket Boosters in detail in a later post, but here are the starting top-level categories I'd recommend for worldbuilders:
A meta category for notes about your database, templates, and any relevant research you've done.
Characters, including main characters, minor characters, and important figures
In the last category, which is the main reason for the existence of my wiki, I might have:
Lore (if relevant)
I'll go over the nuances of these 'main' subcategories in that future post I mentioned. In other words, the stuff that actually goes in those categories!
Determining the importance and relevance of worldbuilding elements
You'll need to figure out whether a topic is complex enough to deserve its own entry, or if it should be a sub-heading under another entry. It's okay if you decide on both! I have short subheadings under some entries that amount to "see [link to main entry on that topic]."
I've also decided to expand subheadings into their own topics, and I've removed topics as their own entry and shoved them under subheadings. I do this a lot, in fact! So it's okay if you don't know.
Will you be creating several of one type of entry?
Individual character profiles
Towns and cities
(to name a few)
It might be handy to figure out the basic types of information you'll need about each of those things and create a template for them.
A character template might have spaces for the basics, such as name, role, age, and so on.
Some characters will have a lot more information, and some might have even less than what your template dictates! And that's fine.
A word of warning about using system-creation as procrastination
Creating a wiki can be a daunting task. You might decide it's not for you, and that's okay. But you might also decide to go headlong into the process and work on every minute detail, and that is also okay, but.
Beware of using your wiki as an excuse to procrastinate your actual writing/session preparation. Yes, use it to keep track of all the lore you've injected into your manuscript/campaign/whatever, just make sure it stays in its place as a companion to your main project rather than becoming your main project.
How formal should your entries be?
Honestly this one's entirely up to you. I have a mix. Some entries are written like Wikipedia entries with a thorough explanation of the topic with proper punctuation and formatting, while others are simply bullet-point lists of thoughts and ideas that I can return to at a later date.
What methods do you use to keep track of your lore and worldbuilding? Let me know in a reblog or comment!
And please make sure to check the notes. I'll be reblogging with links, and then reblogging that reblog to make sure they're, y'know, actually visible in the notes.
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rekishi-aka · 5 months
XKit on mobile and ad free tumblr experience
So with Google making adblocking basically impossible soon and Youtube also being a pita with the adblocking on Chrome and also me seeing so much griping around the tumblr app, I wanted to show everyone how to get an XKit enhanced, ad-free experience on mobile.
This works as of December 2023.
Please note that this tutorial is for Android, as I don't use iOS, I'm not sure how it would work there. Although I'm sure some trial and error will help. 
This will only work with Firefox Nightly or Firefox Beta. I'm personally using Firefox Nightly, but it really doesn't matter that much. 
Go to "Settings" and scroll down to "About Firefox Nightly". Tap on the logo 5 times in order to enable debug mode. A popup will tell you that debug mode is enabled.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
When you go back to "Settings", a new item will have appeared, "Custom Add-Ons Collection". You want to open that. Then you type in 18195107 for the collection and name is "tumblr" or something similar.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Note: This is my collection. You can make your own collection very easily! I've just done this for my own convenience regarding wanting to have all the add ons I'm usually using in one place for mobile. Go wild with whatever you want to add here.
This collection contains:
µBlock Origin
XKit Rewritten
The app will be restarted automatically.
Now you can go to the add ons section of Firefox and enable the apps that you want.
Under the cut I'm showing what I filter for µBlock Origin, how to export XKit Settings from desktop to mobile. I'll talk about Tampermonkey in another post.
XKit Settings export
If you don't want to enable all your XKit stuff again on mobile, it's very easy to export from desktop. Go to your XKit Settings, then Backup and either download it or copy it all and paste it into a draft email or whatever:
Tumblr media
Then pick the Import function on your mobile browser and paste it there. Done! So easy! No more ads, quick reblog enabled, and all your other settings there!
µBlock Origin Filters
For mobile, I don't usually use the dashboard unfucker, because the new tumblr layout doesn't annoy me that much....except for tumblr Mart etc. (tumblr Live gets taken care of by XKit, thankfully) So to get rid of those go to your µBlock Origin Dashboard -> My Filters
! 2023-12-14 tumblr.com - Navigation ! Hide "Explore" menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="Explore") ! Hide Live menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="Live") ! Hide TumblrMart menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="TumblrMart") ! Hide "Get a domain" menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="Get a domain") ! Hide "Go Ad-Free" menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="Go Ad-Free")
If you want to hide blocked posts (XKit does this as well, so it's unnecessary, but just in case):
!hide blocked posts tumblr.com##article:has(.W0ros)
I mostly use the built in filter lists:
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As well as the Bypass Paywall Filters list (you import this at the bottom of this tab): https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-clean-filters
And yeah, that's it! Much better experience than the mobile app. I only use that to track notifications, really, but for browsing I use the browser only. This is partially to avoid triggers, because this way I don't even have to see the ominous "This post was filtered because it contains X trigger, we just re-traumatized you, you're welcome!" message tumblr is so fond of when filtering posts.
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the-sleepy-archivist · 7 months
Favorite Firefox Extensions
Firefox is a very extensible browser - through a combinations of addons and userscripts you can make it behave just about any way you want. The best part is, they're all free. Here are some of my favorites.
Note: if you have an Android device, check out my post about Firefox for Android's new extended support for addons!
Note: if you have an Apple device, check out my favorite Safari extensions here!
Last updated March 2024 (added Filtering+ for Tumblr).
uBlock Origin
Tab Session Manager
Bypass Paywalls Clean
Auto Tab Discard
Video DownloadHelper
Highlight or Hide Search Engine Results
TWP - Translate Web Pages
UnTrap - YouTube Customizer
Indie Wiki Buddy
Cookie Auto Delete
ShopSuey - Get Rid of Ads on Amazon and Ebay
uBlock Origin
(compatible with Firefox for Android)
This is the first addon I install on any new Firefox browser. It's an adblocker, but at its core it can remove pretty much any HTML element from a website, and it comes with pre-configured lists for removing everything from ads to cookie banners to those annoying popups that ask you to sign up for email newsletters.
Tab Session Manager
Have you ever accidentally lost all your open browser tabs due to a computer update, or even just accidentally closing Firefox? With this addon you no longer have to worry about that - it automatically saves your open tabs and windows every time the browser closes, and autosaves a restore point of tabs every few minutes in case the browser crashes unexpectedly. Opening all your previous tabs and windows is a one-click deal.
Ever wished your favorite website had a dark mode? With Sauron, now it can! Sauron attempts to intelligently figure out how to edit the color scheme of the web page (including text) to make it dark-mode friendly. It preserves the original color of images, but dims them so that they don't blind you. You can disable image dimming or dark mode on a site by site basis too. It's not perfect since it is making guesses about which colors to change, but it goes a long way toward making the internet an enjoyable place for me.
Bypass Paywalls Clean
This addon removes paywalls from hundreds of news websites around the world or adds links to open the article in a wrapper that provides the article text (like the Internet Archive etc.)
Auto Tab Discard
Ever wanted to keep a tab open for later use, but you notice the browser getting slower and slower the more tabs you have open? Auto Tab Discard will automatically "hibernate" tabs that you haven't used in a while so that they use less resources on your computer. It's smart enough not to hibernate pages that are playing media (like YouTube) or that have forms you haven't submitted yet (like job applications). You can customize how fast it puts tabs to sleep too and exclude certain websites from hibernating at all.
Video DownloadHelper
This addon can download streaming videos from most modern (HTML5) websites, and even finds soft subtitles that accompany the stream and downloads those too. Just browse to the webpage that has the video on it, click the icon in the Firefox toolbar, and select the video you want to download and click "Quick Download". For YouTube I would recommend using a YT downloader website (like KeepVid) to download the video directly, but Video DownloadHelper really shines for websites that aren't popular enough to have dedicated downloader websites like that. I've used it download videos from a Japanese film festival streaming portal, news websites, etc.
Highlight or Hide Search Engine Results
This addon allows you to blacklist websites and completely remove them from Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo search results. Don't want to see image search results from AI websites? Blacklist them. Searching for tech support advice and getting frustrated by all the auto-generated junk websites that stuff themselves full of SEO terms to jump to the top of the search results without actually providing any information at all? Blacklist them so they don't come up in your next search. Conversely, you can also whitelist websites that you know and trust so that if they ever come up in future search results, they'll be highlighted with a color of your choosing for visibility.
TWP - Translate Web Pages
(compatible with Firefox for Android)
Does what it says on the tin: auto-detects a website's language and provides a button that can translate it to a language of your choosing. You can also just select individual text on the page and translate just that. Note that this sends whatever text you translate to the servers of your selected translation service (Google, Bing, Yandex, or DeepL), so keep in mind the privacy implications if you don't want your IP address associated with having read that text.
Edit: As of version 118, Firefox now has the ability to translate text locally on your computer, without needing to send it to a cloud service. You can enable this in Settings -> Translation -> Install languages for offline translation. Note that at this time (Oct 2023), only 8 Western European languages + English are supported. More info here.
UnTrap for YouTube
(compatible with Firefox for Android and they have a Safari for iOS extension too)
This addon lets you tweak the YouTube interface and hide anything you don't want to see. For instance, I hide all the "recommended" videos that come up when you search YT now. They have nothing to do with your search, so they're essentially just ads YT puts in your search results. I also hide Explore, Trending, More from YouTube, and Shorts sections, but you can customize it to fit your preferences.
Note: depending on the particular set of tweaks you want to make to YouTube, you may prefer to use YouTube Search Fixer instead. User preference.
Indie Wiki Buddy
I loathe Fandom.com wiki sites - they are cluttered and filled with ads and autoplaying videos that follow you down the page as you scroll. The organization is also hostile - if a community tries to leave their platform and bring their content to a new wiki hoster, Fandom bans them from the platform and reverts all their deletions/changes. Indie Wiki Buddy attempts to find an independent alternative for the wiki you're trying to browse and automatically redirects you to it, and if one doesn't exist, it will redirect you to a proxy site like antifandom or breezewiki that shows the Fandom content but removes all ads/videos/background images so you can actually, you know. READ it.
Cookie Auto Delete
(compatible with Firefox for Android)
Websites store "cookies" - little text files with info about you - on your computer as you browse so they can track you as you browse the internet. This addon automatically deletes cookies from a website a short while after you close the last tab you had open for that site. You can customize how long it waits before clearing cookies too. Note that this can sign you out of many websites, so you can whitelist any site you don't want cookies cleared for.
ShopSuey - Get Rid of Ads on Amazon and Ebay
Removes the ads/recommended products that clutter up Amazon and Ebay search results and product pages.
This fantastic addon recognizes when you are viewing a book on many popular websites and can automatically check whether that book is available in any of the library systems or subscription services you have access to, including how many copies your library(ies) have and how many are currently checked out. The best part is it shows the availability for physical books, ebooks, AND audiobooks at supported libraries. The extension currently supports libraries in Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, but it also supports some global repositories like the Internet Archive and subscription services like NLS Bard for the blind and print disabled, Kobo Plus, Libro.fm, Anyplay.fm, Bookmate, and Everand. Great extension for people trying to support their local library and also save money.
Filtering+ for Tumblr
This addon lets you add tags or phrases to your tumblr tag filters with two clicks, without leaving the dashboard. I've been asking Tumblr for this tag filtering behavior on their mobile apps (i.e. press and hold a tag to get a filter option) for at least a year now in asks and surveys, without ever stopping to see if someone had already implemented this on desktop. More fool me. This addon is from the author of XKit Rewritten. Note that the right-click tag filtering only works on the dashboard; it will not appear if you are on someone's blog. Right-clicking selected text to filter the phrase works everywhere based on my testing.
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specialability · 5 months
Since I've seen some bad "convert to firefox" posts here is the setup I use to only rarely see ads on desktop or android:
Firefox (or Firefox Beta, or Firefox Nightly if you're feeling spicy)
ublock origin
That's it.
Firefox blocks third party cookies and trackers automatically by default, you don't need any additional add-ons for that & they will just slow down firefox. ublock origin (not the plain ublock, not adblock plus) has many filters you can select from the settings and you should go through and add whichever seem to make sense for you. for example, if you're in Germany or visit German-language sites often, there is a filter for that specifically. if you ever do happen to see something you don't want to see on a site (it doesn't have to be an ad) you can remove it with ublock origin. ublock origin will block ads in spotify and on youtube in the web browser. if you use add-ons to make youtube better in other ways, disable their adblocking features or they may interfere with ublock origin.
blockada is a mobile app that blocks ads in apps before they even reach your phone. you will only find the subscription option app on the app store, but if you search their website and click download there is an option to download Blockada 5 which is free and works fine. if you have iOS you have to buy the subscription version, I don't use iOS so I can't offer you alternatives. some of your apps may break when blockada is turned on. you can whitelist those specific apps in blockada or try to figure out which specific url needs to be whitelisted. However, it can't block ads in the youtube app. So...
NewPipe is a youtube replacement app. It does all the things you can do in youtube but faster and better and doesn't show ads.
aside from that, if you want to keep your stuff secure the number 1 thing you should be doing is using randomized unique passwords with a password manager. there's one built in to firefox. it even syncs across devices.
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sassymajesty · 10 months
hello nina, I'm a different anon and I bring more adblocking knowledge. you mentioned your phone; do you have an Android? if so, I have GREAT news for you: you can just go to your private DNS mode settings and type in "dns. adguard-dns. com" (remove the spaces) and it'll block most ads on your phone, including apps (not just browsers)! it doesn't work for everything - YouTube for example is notoriously difficult - but it works for most things in my experience. you can actually set this up on most devices, including tablets and computers, and even your router if you have access to the settings (username and password are usually either on it or just admin and admin). if you want more info on this, google Adguard private DNS and they themselves have deeper explanations and tutorials. Furthermore, for YouTube specifically, there are a few options, and i recommend looking it up on reddit if you want to read about all of them. however, I personally use and recommend revanced, which you can find instructions for on r/revancedapp; with it, you'll end up with YouTube but better, because you'll get more options for settings, as well as adblocking and even sponsor blocking (as in, it'll automatically skip sponsor sections in videos), while still being able to log in to your account and get your regular sub box and playlists and stuff. lastly, please use Firefox as your mobile browser, bc it's just better and also you can install ublock origin on it. have a nice, ad-free day!
i have an iphone and this message was eye opening regarding how much i cannot do in it. i really don't think i can even access the whole dns shebang (i'm not even sure what that means to be honest. can you tell i'm not tech savy at all?) and the revanced app isn't available here either. and dude, i'd kill for that sponsor blocking. i have it on my laptop, that and no ads are the sole reasons why i spend so much time on youtube
i did just download firefox for my phone though. i've been using safari mostly because it's fine for me, and the icon is pretty (dumbest reason, i know). now i'm off to do a LOT of googling because i don't even know how to install extensions there
update after a quick google search: firefox extensions are not available on ios i see how it is!!!
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app-wise · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Ad Blocker App: Adblock Browser, Adblock Plus, and More
Tumblr media
In a world where online ads have become an integral part of our browsing experience, dealing with intrusive and irrelevant advertisements has become a nuisance for many users. However, with the rise of ad blocker apps, you can take control of your browsing experience and enjoy an uninterrupted online journey. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top ad blocker apps, including Adblock Browser, Ad block Plus, and other noteworthy options. Let's dive in and find the best ad blocker app that suits your needs.
Understanding the Importance of Ad Blocker Apps
Online ads can be disruptive, slow down website loading times, and compromise user privacy. This is where ad blocker apps come into play. They work by preventing ads from displaying on websites, resulting in faster page loading, improved user experience, and enhanced privacy protection.
Adblock Browser
The Leading Ad Blocker for Browsing
1. Ad Blocker, developed by a renowned app development company, is a powerful tool designed to enhance your browsing experience. It's available for blocking various ad forms, including safari ads. This app effectively blocks intrusive ads, pop-ups, and even certain types of malware, ensuring a smooth and ad-free browsing experience.
2. Adblock Plus: Feature-Packed Ad Blocker: Adblock Plus is another highly popular ad blocker app known for its extensive range of features. It provides users with customizable options to block different types of ads, including banners, video ads, and social media ads. Ad block Plus also offers additional functionalities like malware protection and tracking prevention, making it a comprehensive ad blocking solution.
3. Adblock for Android: Seamless Mobile Browsing: As mobile browsing continues to dominate the digital landscape, having an effective ad blocker app for Android devices is crucial. Several ad blockers are specifically designed for Android, such as Adblock Browser and Adblock Plus. These apps ensure ad-free browsing on your Android device, protecting your privacy and optimizing your browsing speed.
Best Practices for Choosing the Right Ad Blocker App
When selecting an ad blocker app, it's essential to consider several factors. Look for an app that offers regular updates to keep up with new ad formats, strong community support, and positive user reviews. Additionally, prioritize apps that provide customizable options, allowing you to fine-tune the ad-blocking settings according to your preferences.
Other Noteworthy Ad Blocker Apps
Apart from Adblocker and Adblock Plus, there are several other ad blocker apps worth mentioning. uBlock Origin, Ghostery, and AdGuard are some of the popular alternatives that offer unique features and customization options. Each app has its strengths, so it's crucial to explore their functionalities to find the one that aligns with your requirements. One of the best among these is Ad Blocker.
In a world filled with intrusive online advertisements, utilizing an ad blocker app is a smart choice for a seamless and ad-free browsing experience. Ad Blocker, Adblock Plus, and other noteworthy options provide a range of features to block ads, protect your privacy, and optimize your browsing speed. Take the time to research and choose the best ad blocker app that meets your needs, ensuring an uninterrupted online journey free from annoying ads. One of the best among these is Ad Blocker.
Also, stay updated with latest trends and news into app market with App Wise. ☺️
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vanitygames · 11 months
NordVPN : Best VPN for IPTV in Canada 2023
NordVPN is a Panama-based VPN solution that is understood for its personal privacy and safety and security features.
The service has a visibility in 60+ countries using 5500+ web servers worldwide. Most importantly, it offers a detailed collection of protection functions that offer the very best personal privacy securities, such as NordVPN kill button & Obfuscated servers, that make the solution a suitable selection for IPTV clients.
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Obtain NordVPN for IPTV in SG
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adollchild · 1 year
I've been looking at body neutrality/positivity posts and suddenly i keep getting weight loss ads now :( it really triggers me.. do you know any ideas how to get rid of them?
Hi there anon ♡
The absolute best solution if you're using the browser version of tumblr would be to get an ad blocker. I personally use adblock plus, and I highly recommend it since it's a free opensource tool, it works for most browsers, and it doesn't collect your data/info. You can get it for your browser here. On android, you can aslo get the adblock plus browser app via Google Play. Link to that here. I don't know if it works in the tumblr app, but it's worth a shot.
If it isn't possible for you to get an ad blocker, I'd recommend turning off targeted advertisement. Here's how to do so:
Open a browser and log into tumblr (it's sadly not possible to do this in the app as far as I know.)
Go to https://www.tumblr.com/settings/privacy
Click on "Update Privacy Consent"
Untick "Advertising" (I'd also recommend unticking "Analytics" for privacy reasons)
Click on "Agree to selected"
You're far from the only one who has this problem. In many cases, the websites/apps we use have algorithms programmed to collect our data and (private) information, and then selling it to third parties and using it to show users ads based on what the algorithm has learned about them. In your case, tumblr has most likely learned that you are possibly struggling with body issues, and therefore you might be a vulnerable target for those ads. It's really disgusting, but sadly also very common.
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silkysong · 2 years
Hey I know that it doesn't like, take responsibility away from tumblr or anything and they really should get that ad fixed, but in the meantime have you considered getting an adblock? I'm really sorry if you already have but can't for any specific reason I don't wanna like talk down to you or anything, but if you use firefox I'd recommend adblock plus it's free and I haven't ever gotten any ads on tumblr with it. Again sorry if my advice is unneeded
youre good no worries, it is a solid piece of advice for browser users, however it doesnt help me cuz im exclusively a mobile user and i havent come across any reliable/secure adblocks for android without too many steps involved.
though if anyone has any recommendations for one ill check it out!
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dzskarlet · 1 year
i wanted to put together a post listing a handful of adblocking and general free and open source resources i use, so here's that (android specific but also compatible with pc for the most part)
blokada: device-wide ad blocker. if you take away anything from this post let it be this
- doesn't work alongside vpns since it itself acts like one
- some apps have built in, unblockable apps and/or generally don't play well with it and will require manual tinkering, one of which being tumblr
ublock origin: adblocker specifically for web browsing. fills in a lot of non-ad related gaps left by blokada and is easily installable on both the main and nightly builds of firefox browser app
newpipe: lightweight foss alternative to youtube
+ no ads
+ background play
+ inbuilt video, audio and thumbnail downloading
+ remembers resolution between videos
- no support for native google accounts, you'll have to either import or manually add all of your subscriptions yourself
? highly configurable, but also not exactly plug-and-play as a result
nitter: lightweight foss frontend for twitter (not as much of an adblocking tool, more just for anyone that wants to disconnect from twitter, i thought i'd include it anyway In Light Of Recent Events™)
+ no view counter or paid checkmarks
+ rss support
- once again no account support, so no tweeting or following etc, essentially read-only twitter
edit november 2023: many nitter instances are either getting less support or have stopped being hosted entirely due to changes to the api by twitter among other things, because of this i now recommend using the squawker app instead. it has effectively the same functionality as nitter but communicates directly with twitter instead of through a proxy (this also means accounts marked as adult aren't visible as you're considered a logged out user, if this affects you considerably i still recommend using nitter.privacydev.net as it's the only instance i know of that is still fully functional) (i also wasn't able to get notifications working but i think that might be because of android 13's notification permission policy more than a fault of the app itself)
aggregator (or any other rss client): among other things, can be used to get notifications from twitter feeds you want to continue to keep in touch with once again, if you use rss exclusively for more than a handful of nitter feeds, and unless you follow adult accounts, this recommendation is moot. however, rss is still useful for getting notified for certain things such as podcasts and any cohost feeds you may follow
libredirect: firefox addon that automatically redirects links from a handful of websites to private frontends, includes ping tool to quickly find the fastest host for each one
firefox nightly: necessary to use libredirect on android, guide can be found here
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sitenesia · 2 months
AdGuard Premium v4.1.82 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
AdGuard Content Blocker Adblocker Only for Yandex.Browser and Samsung Internet with customizable filters. AdGuard Content Blocker is a free Android app that blocks ads in the Yandex browser and Samsung Internet mobile browser without root permissions. This AdGuard’s ad-blocking app works specifically in these two web browsers. Save battery and dataIntrusive ads distract your attention and steal…
View On WordPress
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oqulis · 3 months
Hi! Are you, understandably, fucking enraged at this website and its management due to recent events? do you want to never give them a single fucking cent of your money or ad views - even on mobile? here’s a quick guide!
delete the tumblr app. cancel any subscriptions you have on your account. they do not deserve your money.
open tumblr.com on your mobile browser of choice (Firefox is recommended but this should work in any browser! I use safari because it’s what im used to lol)
hit the share button (square with arrow) on iOS or the menu button (three dots) on Android
tap “Add to Home Screen”
download your Adblocker of choice. I use Adblock Pro on iOS but just about any semi-reputable adblocker should work.
delete the tumblr app. be sure to leave a review on your App Store of choice if you haven’t already!
anyway free Palestine and protect trans women
P.S. - the browser version is a little different from the app. You can access everything about the same, it’s just in the left-hand menu instead of at the bottom. There’s no one-touch reblog but you can reblog in two taps with no scrolling, it’s super simple. I’ve also noticed the webpage loads much faster than the app does if you don’t have ad-free - you don’t realize just how much lag and horseshit the ads bring to the table until you have ad-free for a bit and then cancel it. It’s egregious. Be free of it.
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apkville1 · 6 months
AdGuard Content Blocker Adblocker Only for Yandex.Browser and Samsung Internet with customizable filters. AdGuard Content Blocker is a free Android app that blocks ads in the Yandex browser and Samsung Internet mobile browser without root permissions. This AdGuard’s ad-blocking app works specifically in these two web browsers. Save battery and data Intrusive ads distract your attention and steal your time, and heavy-media ads, especially video ads, also drain your battery and data on your device. With AdGuard Content Blocker, you'll finally be able to leave the house without a charger and treat yourself to an extra coffee thanks to the data you saved. 20+ adblock lists Choose from the most complete of all the existing filter lists, designed both by our highly skilled specialists and by prominent community members. Enable general lists that cover most common ads, and combine them with language-specific lists to ensure the best protection in your country: France, Spain, Germany, Korea, and other countries and language regions. Whitelist Support your favorite websites and content creators by adding their websites to the list of exceptions. You can whitelist entire domains or specific pages. There’s no need to turn AdGuard off every time you're about to visit a known, trustworthy website that doesn't have any intrusive ads. Custom filters Our app gives you control over the filtering process. Add your own custom rules to block ads or hide any elements on the page, and allow them back at any point in the future. Secure your privacy AdGuard Team considers users' privacy as a main priority. We have years of experience in developing award-winning ad-blocking and privacy protection tools. Also, we’ve made a name for ourselves as a vigilant guardian of online safety by publishing multiple research papers in which we expose hazardous apps and unveil shady schemes used to steal your personal data. Open Source AdGuard Content Blocker is an open-source ad blocker with the full project code available on GitHub: https://github.com/adguardteam/contentblocker. We want to be as transparent as possible to our users.
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the-sleepy-archivist · 2 months
Blocking Ads on Mobile Devices
Blocking ads on our phones is way harder than it should be so I figured I'd make some recommendations. These are not the only options out there, just the ones that I know and use.
Please note that browser-level and system-level adblocking are complementary; you'll have the best experience if you use both of them together as they each block different things in different places. If you want a basic idea of how effective your combined adblocking setup is, you can visit this website in your mobile browser.
Lastly, there is some additional advice/info under the readmore if you're curious.
uBlock Origin (for Firefox)
System-Level (works in all apps, not just browsers)
Blokada 5 (completely free version) OR Blokada 6 (has some newer features but they require a subscription)
AdGuard (Safari extension; free for basic browser-level blocking, requires a subscription for custom filters)
System-Level (works in all apps, not just browsers)
AdGuard (requires subscription for system-level blocking)
AdGuard DNS only (this is free and does not require the AdGuard app, BUT I would only recommend it for advanced users, as you can't easily turn it off like you can with the app)
Some additional info: browser-level blocking is a browser addon or extension, like you might be used to from a desktop computer. This inspects the HTML code returned by websites and searches for patterns that identify the presence of an ad or other annoyance (popup videos, cookie agreements, etc.). System-level blocking is almost always DNS-based. Basically whenever an app asks your phone's OS to make a connection to a website that is known for serving ads, the system-level blocker replies "sorry, I don't know her 🤷‍♂️💅" and the ad doesn't get downloaded. This works in most places, not just a browser, but be warned that it might make your battery drain a little faster depending on the app/setup.
Lastly, note that some apps may behave unpredictably when they can't download ads. For example, the Tumblr app has big black spaces where the ads are, and sometimes those spaces collapse as you scroll past them and it messes up scrolling for a few seconds (UPDATE: looks like the scrolling issue may have actually been a Tumblr bug that they have now fixed, at least on iOS). Still way less annoying than getting ads for Draco Malfoy seduction roleplay AI chatbots imo though. And honestly *most* apps handle this fairly gracefully, like a mobile game I play just throws error messages like "ad is not ready" and then continues like normal.
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