#five seconds of summer  fanfic
valentiyne · 8 months
𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 716 ❀ 𝗅𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗆𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
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Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader Summary: Paper-thin walls and numerous noise complaints.
FULL BOOK: MIDNIGHT | L.R.H Warnings: None! Slight swearing if you squint hard enough Word Count: 2.8k Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻
Game Night was hosted every third Friday of the month. Cramped in the new tiny apartment, 7 friends and their significant others wound up on my shitty couch shouting nonsense at each other.
The living room consisted of the old couch, my TV on top of a cardboard box I hadn't quite unpacked yet, and numerous card games.
Holding the slip in my hand, I eye the timer in front of me on the makeshift coffee table My eyes scanned the paper quickly before jumping up and snapping my fingers, "Okay okay, it's born in the water but moves onto land when older."
My friends stare at me dumbfounded, their minds elsewhere as I furrow my brows and tap my feet numerous times. "Come on guys, it's what a tadpole turns into when it's older!" I'm practically yelling now, eyes darting between my friends sitting down and the tiny timer on the table.
"A baby turtle?"
"Andddd time"
I groan in annoyance, dropping the slip of paper while walking back to the spot on the couch, and plopping down with a huff.
"A baby turtle? Seriously?' I scoff, rolling my eyes at my friends who couldn't contain their laughter at my obvious annoyance.
"Okay I'll go nex-", My friend Abby was cut short by a knock on the door. It wasn't necessarily a pound, but it definitely made all of us go silent.
We all look at each other quickly, almost mentally counting everyone to make sure it wasn't an expected visitor.
I slide off the couch, my eyebrows raised for a moment before I walk towards the door. Standing on my tiptoes, I look through the peephole to see my next-door neighbor, Lucas, standing there with an annoyed expression painted on his face. I sigh and unlock the door, poking my head out with a smile.
"Are we too loud?", I ask with innocent eyes, my bottom lip tugged into my teeth as I speak quietly. Lucas gave a friendly smile, his eyebags hidden behind his eyeglasses as he turned to point at his door, "I know it's a Friday night but I'm really busy in the studio tonight... kind of hard to concentrate when there's a bunch of girls next door squealing over....?"
I finish the sentence for him, "If tadpoles are baby turtles." I rub the back of my neck shyly, laughing almost to myself.
"Right yeah, is there any way to keep it down just a tad?"
I give him a thumbs up before we part ways- him rubbing his eyes and kicking his door shut with his bare foot and me turning around and closing it softly. My friends all huddled up behind the door, eavesdropping on our conversation, and as soon as the door shut, they all squealed quietly.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n!", My friend Abby gushing, nudging me with her shoulder harshly. "You never told me you have huge chemistry with your neighbor?"
My eyes grow wide and my hands shoot up in defense, "Oh no- Lucas? He's just a neighbor"
All of my friends' eyes were on me now, and an awkward silence fell upon us. I give a mere shrug before walking back over to the coffee table to scoop up all the cards spawled across it.
"Game night at mine next time?", Abby asks from beside me, picking up the numerous cups with mysterious liquids in them with a disgusted look on her face.
I just nod in response, shoving the cards in their rightful places before sighing softly. We said our goodbyes with platonic kisses on the cheeks and dramatic waves before I was left alone in my apartment again.
It was cold, empty, and dead silent in here- completely opposite of the neighbor beside me I'd assume. My bedroom was similar to the living room- a tiny mattress rested on the floor and my toiletries were packed away in numerous boxes I was too lazy to unbox. My head hits the stiff pillow below me and I could hear Lucas in his bedroom strumming his guitar, humming to himself lowly.
It was a little after one o'clock in the morning, but he seemed to be wide awake singing.
"some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard"
It had officially been two weeks since the game night and two weeks since he came to my door. Lucas and I would occasionally make eye contact on the way to the mailboxes or even hold the elevator for one another- but not a single word was shared between us. He was always in his own world, his head bobbing to an imaginary beat inside his head.
Every night I could hear him singing to himself softly, the wall dividing our bedrooms was as thin as paper. The occasional groan and the sound of notebooks hitting the wall distracted me on nights I needed to sleep, but I never once said anything to him. He was a musician- and a very good one to say the least. I didn't want to be the annoying next-door neighbor.
I swing my door open, looking out into the hallway and scanning each door before finally averting my eyes to his own. The wrench in one hand was held on with a tight grip while the other hand carried the TV mount at my side. I could hear the sounds of various instruments being played from behind his door, his voice clearing every few moments to restart a lyric if it didn't sound right the first time.
The hand that held the wrench swung up, knocking on his door a few times before I took a step back and awkwardly looked around the hallway once again. The sounds from behind his door abruptly stopped and I could hear his heavy footsteps making their way towards the door now. Taking one more step back, I watched as Lucas opened the door and looked down at me,
"I'm sorry, am I being too loud?", He cheekily asked, a smile painted on his lips.
"No no, you're fine.", I laugh at his innocent teasing, quoting our most recent encounter. "I was actually coming over to see if you knew how to mount a TV", I poke my head around his figure and motion towards his apartment, "but seeing as you're busy-"
"I'm not busy." He corrects me, leaning inside his door to grab his keys before turning back towards me and grabbing the box from my hand. "Let me help you out, it'll take 10 minutes tops."
It didn't take 10 minutes. Hell, It didn't even take 30 minutes.
There Lucas and I both were, tools of various shapes and sizes sprawled out across my apartment floor and a cheap bottle of wine I found at the back of my fridge.
"Lucas are you sure you know how to-"
"It's Luke and yes, I know how to do this", he grumbles nonsense to himself as he flips through the instruction manual for the third time tonight. I sighed to myself slightly, trying to keep myself from laughing by taking a swig of the wine.
"Could always just use thumbtacks"
This makes Luke laugh, his eyebrows relaxing on his face and cheeks going bright red. He tosses the manual at me, and I put my hands up to defend myself.
"I'm pretty sure some thumbtacks couldnt hold a 35 pound Tv," He holds his stomach as he rolls around my floor, laughing loudly. I roll my eyes at this, groaning and tossing the screwdriver on the floor.
"Look, it's getting late. I'll just have you come over and do it another time.", I point towards the clock, which was held up with thumbtacks, that read two o'clock in the morning.
"Oh shit, sorry I totally spaced it," Luke stands up now, gathering up his tools quickly and giving me a crooked smile. "I'll swing by sometime this week to help you, I promise." I'm smiling now, shooing him out the door quickly.
"Yeah yeah see you later, rockstar", I tease and close the door abruptly, only to be stopped by a foot in the way.
"What are you doing tomorrow?", The way his eyes glimmered in the hallway light, his hair slicked back from sweat and cheeky dimples appeared as he smiled at me.
"I have finals tomorrow morning, and I'll probably be dead by the time its over- anytime after that I'm free.", I groan dramatically and push my palm into my forehead.
Luke just nods, freeing his foot from the doorway, and gives me a thumbs up, "I'll be sure to be quiet tonight so you can get your rest." I thank him kindly and give him a soft wave before closing the door behind him.
Luke was anything but quiet. I tossed and turned throughout the night, pushing the pillow closer to my ears as I heard him attempting to sing a lyric he wasn't even finished with. if there's one thing I've learned about him in the month and a half I've known him- he was a perfectionist. He sang the same things over and over countless times making sure it was absolutely perfect.
"Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted-"
I swing my arm up, smacking on the wall a couple times before groaning and letting it fall to my side once again. His side of the wall went silent immediately, the shuffling of papers and a small mumbled "sorry" was heard.
Luke had avoided me from that point forward: he didn't hold the elevator for me nor did he come and check his overflowing mailbox.
I found myself at his door once again, knocking in one swift movement before clearing my throat. I could hear him shuffling around his apartment, a loud thud followed by a "shit, one second!".
The door opens and a dripping-wet Luke is before me, a towel tightly wrapped around his waist. I blink a few times, holding my gaze above his shoulders out of respect.
"Why are you avoiding me", I ask in a monotone voice, cutting straight to the point. He raises his eyebrows at this now, one hand sassily on his hip.
"Who said I was avoiding you?", He chuckles lightly and opens the door wider, motioning for me to enter. My nose is filled with the smell of the oven baking something sweet mixed with his charcoal body wash. I step inside with a smile, closing the door behind me.
Luke wipes the water from his face and turns away from me, entering his bathroom for a split second, leaving me standing in his kitchen.
I glance around his living room: Pictures of his friends and family are hung up neatly on the wall, his instruments are laid out on the floor around his couch, and his bookshelf is overflowing with numerous copies of musical books.
He emerges from the bathroom once again, now clothed in a sweatshirt and basketball shorts and the towel that was once wrapped around his waist was now encased in his curls.
"I was just going to invite you over actually," He laughs again, flashing me his million-dollar smile before pointing at his dining table. It was decorated with a lace tablecloth, a small bouquet of flowers sitting in a glass-decorated vase, and a plate of steaming hot pasta was laid out. I smile to myself slightly, looking back up at him before taking my seat at the table, he rushes forward, scooting my chair in for me before taking his own seat across from me.
"What's the occasion?" I ask while picking up my fork, poking at the seafood pasta that was professionally plated. If you would've told me he hired a chef to make dinner- I would've believed you.
"I was loud on the night of your finals and I felt horrible knowing I kept you up all night", He picks up his napkin and places it neatly on his lap, "I wanted to make it up to you after I mounted your TV buttt you showed up a little early", He teases.
I take a bite of my food, groaning into the fork with a muffled giggle as my eyes look up at his. The food was amazing, and the flavor was intricately picked out to perfection.
Going back, this perfectly proved my point that Luke was a perfectionist.
We found small talk, conversing over what I was majoring in and what he was busy working on.
"So the album is almost done, I just need to finish this last song," He shrugs his shoulders and scrapes at the remains off his plate. I smile to myself, looking up now with innocent eyes, "Maybe I can help?"
He stands up abruptly, turning around and opening the oven to reveal the freshly baked brownies he had made- from scratch may I add. I groan in anticipation and rub my hands together dramatically. He grabs the brownies with oven mitts, turning around and facing me.
"If you want to help me, I'll allow it", he laughs and places the pan down gently and walks towards his living room, picking up a notebook that was previously thrown across the room.
"Here", he places it in front of me, removing my empty plate and walking
The notebook was written in barely eligible handwriting, with numerous words crossed out and mental notes scribbled on the sides.
Some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard so if I tell you, just keep it and don't say a word. when the doors are all closing.....It's bound to get ?? all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to
The rest of the page was scribbled out, lyrics that never made the cut. I snatch the pen from the metal spiral holding the pages together and click it once.
"it's bound to get.... loud?" I scribble it down next to the question marks and look up at him, scratching his chin with a nod. His cheeks were red now, the wine flushing through his body.
"What rhymes with loud?"
I look up at him now, as he scoots his chair right up next to me to the point our legs are touching.
"Cloud, hmmm,"
"Sound," we both say in unison.
Luke claps his hands together and grabs the pen from my hands, opening the notebook to a new page and scribbling down the new and improved lyrics. I watch him closely, the way his eyes twinkled and dimples poked through when he was concentrating.
I was so screwed. I was falling for my next door neighbor.
I didn't see him for another two weeks, his side of the wall seemed eerily vacant and completely silent. I even knocked a few times in hopes he'd knock back in some sort of rhythm, but there was no response.
Hearing the knock on my door shot my body out of bed, sweat dripping down my neck and sides. I groan and tap on my phone to check the time, blinding myself in the process. The pounding never stopped, not until I stumbled out of bed and opened my door. My heart skipped a beat, praying that the blonde would be on the other side with that cheeky smile I adored.
"Hello?", I ask in a groggy voice whilst rubbing my eyes and squinting up at the person who disturbed my slumber- at 2 a.m. may I add.
Instead of a person, I was met with an empty cold hallway. I avert my gaze down and towards my door mat. There, set up neatly was a bouquet of flowers with a note tied to the front with white lace.
I smile at myself and crouch down, picking up the thoughtful gift and looking down the hallway one last time before kicking my door shut.
I'm sorry I didn't see you before I left. Our album releases at 2:30am today and I was supposed to leave at 2... I just knew I had to leave you something on my way out. I hope you like the flowers I picked out my mom helped me.
I'd have probably sent you the link to the album by the time you finish reading this note.
I'm going to be all over the world, touring and doing what I love. I can't wait to be back home and see you again, i'll make sure to facetime every change I get.
your rockstar
I could hear the familiar ringtone from my bedroom, alerting me that Luke was a man of his word. I wipe a few stray tears and make my way to the bedroom, snatching my phone up with my free hand and clicking the link he had sent me.
This is the song I spent the last 3 months working on, keeping you tossing and turning until finally you perfected it.
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Been a While | L.H
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Luke + f!reader
Warnings : not much. Luke is initially depressed but it’s not very graphic so it’s not really angst. Fluffy. A bit over 4k words.(i think. I have no idea). Pls excuse my horrible writing lmao (also I’m rusty)
Summary : Whilst trying to get away from his life for a couple hours Luke Hemmings has an encounter with someone who would soon become very important in his life. Aka I’m bad at summaries
+masterlist| reblogs are highly appreciated!
Luke had been feeling down lately. He had been struggling with his mental health, and he didn't know how to deal with it. He had been going through the motions, doing what he needed to do, but he didn't really feel alive. He felt like he was just…existing. Without a purpose. Like his mere presence didn’t matter.
One day, Luke decided to go to a coffee shop to get away from everything for a while. He needed to be alone. Away from everyone. He ordered his usual, a plain black coffee, and sat down at a table in the corner. He was scrolling through his phone when he heard a small voice say, "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
"No, it's not," he said, gesturing to the chair across from him.
The girl sat down and introduced herself as Y/N Y/L/N. She was kind and friendly, and Luke found himself opening up to her in a way he hadn't with anyone else.
The girl sat down and introduced herself as Y/N Y/L/N. She was kind and friendly, and Luke found himself opening up to her in a way he hadn't with anyone else.
They talked for hours, about everything and anything. Y/N was a ray of sunshine in Luke's grey world. She made him laugh and smile, and for the first time in a long time, he felt happy.
As they were leaving the coffee shop, Y/N said, "Hey, would you like to go out with me sometime? Maybe we could grab dinner or something?"
Luke felt his heart race at the thought of spending more time with her. "Yeah, I'd like that," he said, smiling. They exchanged numbers, and Luke couldn't wait to see her again.
Over the next few weeks, Luke and Y/N went on several dates. They went to restaurants, parks, and museums. They talked about their hopes and dreams, their fears and insecurities. Luke found himself opening up to her more and more, and he felt like she understood him in a way that no one else did.
Y/N was patient with him when he wasn't feeling well, and she always knew how to make him feel better. She brought him small gifts, like his favorite candy or a new book to read. She was always there for him, no matter what.
And Luke was never one to read. Especially not books like these. Sometimes he read science articles on his phone but never books about vampires and werewolves made most likely for teens! But if you were to walk by his house on a Saturday evening you would be met with the sight of the lanky man sitting by the window, book in hand. And boy did he look invested.
One day, when they were out on a walk, Luke said, "Y/N, I need to tell you something. I've been struggling with depression for a while now. It's been really hard, but you've been the one bright spot in my life. You make me feel happy, even when everything else seems bleak."
Y/N took his hand and squeezed it. "Luke, I'm so sorry you've been going through this. But I'm here for you, okay? Whenever you need someone to talk to or just to sit with, I'll be here."
Luke felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He had been holding this secret in for so long, and he was afraid to talk to anybody about it, but it felt good to finally tell someone.
As they continued their walk, Luke felt lighter and happier than he had in a long time. He knew that he still had a lot of work to do to get better, but he also knew that he had Y/N by his side, and that made all the difference.
Over the next few months, Luke started to feel like himself again. He was still struggling with depression, but he had Y/N to help him through it. She was his rock, his light in the darkness.
One day, Luke decided to do something special for Y/N. He knew how much she loved flowers, so he went to a florist and picked out a bouquet of her favorite flowers. He wrote a note that said, "Thank you for being my sunshine” with his signature smiley face on it. Luke had a spare key to Y/N’s apartment.
As he was finishing putting the flowers in a vase, Y/N walked inside, finding the giraffe of a man towering over a table. “Lukey, what are you doing here?”
He smiled, nodding his head towards the flowers. With a confused look she turned to look at her favorite flowers staring back up at her from the table. She couldn’t help the dopey grin that adorned her face as she squealed in joy. “Thank you! They’re my favorite” she said whilst reading his note. “Aww Lu, this is so nice!”
Luke walked towards the table, towering over her. “I have something to say” he looks down at her. She nodded looking up at him.
“I uh well, I umm. I’ve realized that it’s been a while since I’ve been happy. And I’ve healed a lot since that day I met you at that coffee shop. That day, that day was the day my life completely changed. And that’s because of you. You are the reason I’m happy. You’re the reason why I wanted to try again. And these few months have been better, so much better than the last couple of years and I’ve been thinking. I umm, first of all thank you for always being here for me and second of all, Would you like to be my girlfriend and make it official? It’s ok if you say no-” “-Yes!” She exclaimed pulling him down to her face.
“Didn’t even let me finish” he teased, raking his arms around her waist. “You were gonna start to ramble” she fired back, diving into give him a quick kiss on the corner of his lips. “True” he grinned, eyes closed as her thumb ran across his stubble covered jaw.
A/N: Thank you for reading<3 also pls gimme feedback.
Reblogs are highly appreciated!^.^
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coleaep · 3 months
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WARNINGS: None. All fluff;)
I chuckle to myself, watching my boyfriend dance around to some random song playing in a different place down the hallway of our apartment.
Luke huffs as he stops and takes a sip of his Coca Cola.
"I'm a dancer", he smirks.
"Oh, totally. I'll be sure to come to every dance performance"
We both chuckle.
"Why are we up?" I whine a little "it's like 12 in the morning.."
"Because... I don't know. C'mon, let's just go to bed then", he shrugs before helping me up off the living room couch.
Earlier on, Luke and I had gone out on a little date. Of course, now we just wanted to chill.
We lay down in our bed and Luke turns on the TV.
"Whatcha wanna watch?" He asks, glancing to me.
"Uhmmm... SpongeBob?", a smile a little.
"Still a kid", he smirks, tho he turns on the cartoon.
"At heart", I correct him. He lays on top of me and nuzzles his head into my neck. My eyes focus on the TV whilst his seem to be closed already.
"You asleep?"
"Totally.." I could feel his smug smile against my neck.
He finally lifts his head and kisses my lips to which, I smile and let my fingers disappear into his messy hair from the back of his head
"Imma marry you someday.. I promise, baby girl"
A/N: I apologise for how short this is. I'm just brainless. Tryna get into the writing again. Also, just wanted to let y'all know I'm open to Luke, Colby or Evan requests! Please do request bc it'll help with ideas. I have none 💀
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anotheryoutubefanpage · 9 months
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Its giving ‘ you got games on your phone?’
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nhsflickerx · 1 year
little update <3
hello people! i know, it’s been a long time since i posted anything. i’ve always been here tho! just reading one shots and fanfics and liking lots of pics and gifs that i have to tag and organize, it’s gonna take me a while lmao. 
i do have some plans on what to do here now. i’m experimenting with my writing and such, i found out i feel more comfortable writing here than on wattpad for some reason (which is the place i started off on). my only real problem is that i procrastinate a lot and get bored fast of what i’m doing 😩 hopefully this won’t happen, but i’ll just take my time anyway. 
i’d also like to say that i still love gmw, i’ll never stop enjoying it and there’s no way i’d ever get rid of all those papers with the analyses i put together in 2020, took me too much time for me to do so 💀 
i just got back into one direction, which has always been a band i really loved even though i never properly got into and engaged with the fandom before last year (ngl you guys scare me sometimes). but as directioners say “it’s never a phase, it’s a lifestyle”, yep, that’s me. they never really left, their music was always there for me whenever i needed it. 
i also recently got into 5sos more, trying to get into the fandom so hi! nice to meet you all, i first learned about the boys in 2017 through a cover of “she looks so perfect”. since then i haven’t really listened to their music much but like i said, i’m currently getting into it more and more. my favorite songs at the moment are disconnected, older, youngblood, ghost of you and lover of mine :) OH and i also got into miss taylor swift!! we stan a queen. i’m slowly listening to all her discography and damn, she’s written so many songs (all very lovely tho).
in the meantime i’ve read a ridiculous amount of books and mangas. i’m not sure wether i want to make reviews and such since i genuinely don’t think i’m that good at it, but we’ll see. 
so this is it for now! hopefully you’ll be able to see me a bit more and i’ll be more than happy if you stick around <3 
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b0ngwatertearz · 1 year
A little lashton hurt no comfort for the soul. Working on part two to the series rn!!! Please go check it out I'd rlly appreciate it!!!
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
Five Seconds of Summer
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Luke Hemmings
Run Summary: The boys and Y/N have a near death experience with a bear.
Michael Clifford
Run Summary: The boys and Y/N have a near death experience with a bear.
Calum Hood
Run Summary: The boys and Y/N have a near death experience with a bear.
Ashton Irwin
Run (xsister!reader) Summary: The boys and Y/N have a near death experience with a bear.
0 notes
chrisevansonly · 6 months
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𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲’𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 (𝐫𝐮𝐞’𝐬 𝐣𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐜 1)
𝐃𝐚𝐝!𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: it’s your little girls first time experiencing snow and charles couldn’t be more excited to share that with her and with you
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: non super fluffy!!
𝐀/𝐍: HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON!!!! omg i’m so excited for this christmas celebratory little fanfic party time!! i love christmas and what better way to start it off than dad! charles 🥰🥰
Lyla Marie Pascale Leclerc was quite honestly the cutest little five month, almost six month old in the whole world, and of course as her mother and father you both weren’t being biased at all.
She was a late summer baby so when the holiday season began to come around Charles couldn’t help but become more excited at the fact that his little angel would be experiencing her first snow. Not to mention her first Christmas and you’ll admit you’d been getting in the spirit and looking forward to it, but Charles, well he took it to another level
“Lyla, regarde maman mon ange…” (lyla, look at mommy my angel)
You stood in front of Lyla, your phone out as she sat in the snow, her hands hitting the ground as she squealed happily
“Are you enjoying the snow baby girl?”
Honestly her squeals could cure anyone’s sadness, especially as she looked up at her father, Charles melting as she reached up at him
“Is it cold? You ready for papa to carry you around again?”
“She noticed you weren’t busy enough, you’re back to carrying duties my love”
Charles smiled, picking her up off the ground before coming over to you so he could place a kiss to your lips, Lyla whining as you got the attention she wanted
“Oh was maman stealing papa’s kisses? I’m sorry little love” you cooed softly kissing her forehead, effectively returning the smile to her face, that only amplified as Charles pressed kisses around her face
“Maman is all left out now..”
At the sound of the slight drop in your voice, your little girl looked at you her lips forming into a pout before she reached for you, your eyes softening as you took her and kissed her cheek
“Aw je t’aime tellement mon petit amour, merci bébé” (aw i love you so much my little love, thank you baby )
Charles was more than happy to watch the two of you cuddle up together, there was nothing more he loved than spending time with his girls, and now having the winter break, he had all the time in the world to spend with you two before heading back to pre season testing in February.
While you continued walking throughout the park, Charles picked up some snow and molded it into a snowball, bringing it over and holding it out to Lyla, causing more happy squeals to come from her
“This is a snowball princess…you throw it anywhere you want, here try it”
The little girl looked at her father as she took the snowball, obvious confusion in her eyes before she threw it, the best a five month old can, landing straight on Charles’s chest, his mouth dropping in faux shock
“Well done my love!! You got papa!” you laughed, causing Lyla to follow through, her laughs only getting louder when Charles dramatically fell to ground, snow continuing to fall around him
After a few seconds of squirming you put Lyla down and let her crawl over to her dad, letting her climb onto him and hit his chest, babbling softly until he grabbed her gently and lifted her into the air, more laughter spilling around him as you joined them in the snow.
The same spot where Charles once made you fall in a snowstorm 5 years ago on this same day, the day that changed your lives forever and brought two perfect people together, and now you had a daughter to share the love with.
The same spot that love once flourished is the same spot that love still grows…even in the snow…
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genshinluvr · 1 year
The Unexpected
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!reader
Summary: You never really think much about how long you'll be on Teyvat. You're not from the men's universe and everyone knows that. It's not possible for you to be gifted a vision from Celestia, or at least that's what you and the men assumed. Who knew that getting kidnapped overnight and disappearing without a trace ends up with you having a vision.
Notes: Honestly, I have no idea what to call the fanfic, so I just called it what it is. This fic focuses more on the what-if the reader gets a vision despite not being from the Genshin men's universe. I will not be posting a 5k+ fic next week since I'm starting something else next week. I will be posting a mini fic for the Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!reader series next week. Hopefully, once the school year is done and it's summer, I will have more ideas and not deal with writer's block. I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, but it's nothing major or traumatic
Word Count: 7.9k
How did it turn out like this? A few weeks ago, you and the twenty-five men were laughing and joking around with each other. Now here you are, trapped in a dungeon beneath the tunnel somewhere you’re not sure of. Your head is hurting, and your limbs feel numb. You’re tired, and you want to go home. You want to get out of this place, but you can’t because there’s no easy way for you to escape. You press your back against the concrete walls before sliding down, sitting on the ground, and tilting your head back.
You close your eyes and gulp. “Please, let me out. I’m begging,” you whisper.
A few weeks ago…
You watch the men spar on the second island in the abode. In the first round, they weren’t allowed to use their visions. It was hand-to-hand combat for the first round. Then in the second round, they were able to use their weapons because it was more focused on weapons. 
Now, it’s the third round, and everyone is using their vision. While it’s everyone that is sparring with each other, you’re sitting off to the side because, well, you don’t possess a weapon or vision to join them in their little sparring competition. But you weren’t the only person that’s sitting on the sidelines.
You turn to look at Baizhu. “Are you sure you wanted to keep me company? You usually join the sparring competition with the others,” you said, hugging your legs to your chest.
Baizhu smiles and nods. “Of course, I wanted to keep you company. It’s not fair for you to sit on the sidelines while everyone is competing with each other,” says Baizhu.
“It’s also because Doctor Baizhu’s health has been depleting,” Changsheng interjects, rising from Baizhu’s shoulders. “His patient the day before took a toll on him, and now he’s… recuperating.” 
Your eyes widen, and you look at Baizhu worriedly. “Baizhu, you told me you weren’t going to do that anymore,” you whisper, frowning at the green-haired man beside you. “I understand you’re trying to get a better understanding of your patient’s illness, but you’re putting your health and life at risk.” You frowned. 
“Hey!” Aether hollers from afar.
You and Baizhu turn to look at the field where the others are standing. They’re all lined up beside each other, their weapons at their sides while staring at you and Baizhu. Oh, shit. Did you miss out on something while talking to Baizhu and Changsheng? You and Baizhu get up from your seats and walk over to where the men are standing.
You stop in front of the large group with Baizhu by your side. “Did something happen?” You ask, looking at Aether worriedly.
Itto nods with a pout on his face. “Yeah! You weren’t paying attention to us while we were sparring with each other!” Itto whines, stomping his foot on the ground while faking a sniffle. 
Itto walks toward you and tackles you into a hug, smushing your face against his sweaty chest while he continues to lament over the lack of your attention. You groan with disgust when you feel your cheeks pressed up against Itto’s sweaty chest. You gently push him away and wipe your cheek with the collar of your shirt.
Diluc looks at you curiously while he crosses his arms over his bare chest. “[Y/N], the men and I were having a discussion, and we wanted to ask you something,” says Diluc, brushing his bangs away from his sweaty forehead.
You look at Diluc quizzically. “Wait, you guys were having a group discussion? I didn’t see you guys huddle in a circle and have a chat with each other,” you say, propping your hands on your hip.
Kaeya chuckles, shaking his head. “That is because you were distracted by talking with Baizhu over to the side,” Kaeya replies, giving you a look while smirking at you.
You clear your throat before diverting the conversation. “Anyway! What is the question you wanted to ask me?” 
“What elements do you like the most? Hydro? Pyro? Geo? Electro? Dendro? Anemo? Or Cryo?” asks Heizou, pointing at each little group.
You look at the men in front of you, finally realizing they’re lined up by elements, and each element has a respective “leader” of the group. Then there’s Kaeya and Cyno, standing there by themselves with no one behind them. Then there’s Dainsleif and the four Harbingers, standing off to the side.
“Do you guys not have…” you trail off. “You know what? Never mind! I think that will be the conversation for next time, right?”
Pantalone smiles at you and nods. “That is correct, little butterfly. We won’t be revealing anything yet until the future,” Pantalone says cryptically. 
Your gaze slowly wanders over to Dottore, who’s staring at you contently. When the two of you make eye contact (it’s a little bit hard to tell because of his mask), the corners of Dottore’s lips curve up while he tilts his head to the side. You pucker your lips and point at Dottore, opening your mouth to say something before closing your mouth.
Dottore raises his eyebrows at you beneath his mask. “Oh? Did you want to say something?” Dottore asks, crossing his hands behind his back.
“I could’ve sworn you had a vision. Either it’s Cryo, or it’s Hydro….” you trial off, tapping your chin with your index finger.
Capitano chuckles and mutters something under his breath. “That’s something for you to interpret. Later, we will reveal our visions, or what we possess,” Capitano interjects.
You sigh before turning to look at the others, who have been patiently waiting for you to answer Heizou’s pressing question. What was the question again? Ah! Right. Which element do you prefer out of the seven? Or would it be eight since Dainsleif doesn’t have a vision, and his powers look really pretty but also intimidating at the same time? 
“Elements that I prefer, huh?” You murmur, gradually spacing off.
Xiao sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Are we really going to make [Y/N] choose between the seven elements?” Xiao asks.
Venti giggles. “Well, they don’t have to answer the question! Most of us are curious to see what they would choose,” Venti says, shrugging his shoulders with a smile.
Truth be told, you don’t really have a favorite element out of the seven (eight?) elements. You find the elements useful in their own ways, even if they’re paired with another element. That, and you don’t want the men to start bickering with each other the minute you choose a specific element that isn’t theirs. 
You tuck your hands into your shorts pockets and shrug. “I don’t have a favorite element,” you reply. “They’re all useful in many ways, and I don’t want to choose between the seven.”
“I have a better question! If you were to be blessed with a vision, what would it be and why?” Childe asks, looking at you curiously and eagerly.
You press your lips into a thin line. If you were to receive a vision, what would it be and why? That’s a good question. What vision would you get? Even if you were to choose what vision you wanted, you know it’s not up to you to choose. It’s up to Celesita to choose. You remembered how Noelle wanted an anemo vision, but instead, she was given a geo vision and was incredibly disappointed about it. 
You shrug for the umpteenth time today. “I don’t know! Even if I have a specific vision in mind, it’s not up to me to make that decision, is it not?” You ask.
Zhongli nods. “That is correct. The Archons aren’t the ones that give out visions. It is Celestia that gives out visions to those who are deemed worthy in their eyes,” Zhongli replies. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, nodding. So, it is confirmed. Even though you know this information already, you’re curious to see how many people there are that got the type of visions they didn’t want. Noelle didn’t want the kind of vision she was gifted by Celestia, Ningguang tried to sell hers, and Keqing tried to destroy her vision. 
“Hypothetically, if you could choose your vision, what would it be?” Albedo asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You shake your head. “I have no preference in what vision I want to receive from Celestia. I believe all elements are useful and a gift regardless. But the issue is I’m not from Teyvat. Therefore, it’s not possible for me to receive a vision.” 
Thoma points at Aether with his thumb. “Neither are Aether and Lumine, but they’re able to wield the seven elements,” Thoma comments.
You make a so-so gesture. “While Lumine and Aether are able to wield the seven elements, they do not possess a vision like all of you. Plus, they’re from your universe. I’m not remotely from your universe. I’m an outsider that sees everything that went down in Teyvat,” you reply, visibly cringing. 
Dear, Archons. When you said that out loud, it sort of made you think twice about saying it. You have been in Teyvat for over a year now. Yet, you haven’t run into anyone that is associated with Celestia. Well, unless you count the Archons, but most of them have severed their ties with Celestia. 
Wouldn’t your presence alone and knowledge about the entirety of Teyvat make you a suspicious person? You’re surprised to see that no one closely associated with Celestia has tried to reach out to you yet. Should you be on edge? 
Dainsleif raises his eyebrows at you. “What’s with that look on your face?” asks Dainsleif.
You give Dainsleif a fake smile. “Oh, nothing! I’m just wondering if I would even be worthy of a vision if I were to be from Teyvat,” you mutter, rubbing the back of your neck with a sheepish smile.
“You’re worthy of everything. Vision or not, you will always be worthy in our eyes,” Ayato says, giving you a closed-eye smile.
Scaramouche snorts. “That sounds like something a parent would say to their child—” Scaramouche lets out a grunt when Aether nudges him in the stomach with a small glare.
Kazuha sighs and walks toward you, brushing the stray hair away from your face and tucking them behind your ears. “You never really answered our question about what vision you think you would get if you were to be from our world,” says Kazuha, slowly pulling his hand away from your face and crossing his arms over his chest.
“I think any element is fine with me, really. I don’t have a specific vision I want to get. I think it’d be cool if I could wield all of the elements like Aether and Lumine despite being from another universe,” you shrug.
Cyno chuckles and shakes his head. “I don’t think [Y/N] is going to be picking what kind of vision they want if we continue to ask them about it. Either they don’t have a preference, or they do have an element in mind but are dodging the question to save our feelings,” Cyno comments.
You open your mouth to reply, but Tighnari pats your head and gives you a smile. “That’s enough questioning [Y/N] for today. Besides, what does it mean if [Y/N] were to get a vision?” Tighnari asks, turning to look at the men around you.
Kaveh raises his eyebrows. “Uh, care to rephrase that?” asks Kaveh, propping his hands on his hips.
Al Haitham rolls his eyes. “I’m pretty sure Tighnari is wondering if [Y/N], someone who doesn’t belong in our universe, were to get a vision, would it mean that [Y/N] is now part of our universe? If so, what would happen to their existence in their world?” Al Haitham interjects. 
Yeah, what would happen if you were to get a vision or become part of the men’s world? Would your existence in your universe be erased, or would you turn into a fictional character in your world? Many questions are running through your mind, and it’s starting to make you feel dizzy and get a headache. 
Pierro sighs. “We can’t question something we don’t have the answers to. Now, we either finish the sparring session, or we finish it here for today,” says Pierro.
Gorou runs his hands through his hair and wipes the sweat off his forehead. “Let’s finish it here for today.” 
Since that day, you can’t help but feel strange. It’s almost like something or someone is constantly looming over your shoulders, watching your every move. Everything was normal, but at the same time, it didn’t feel as normal as it should be. If that makes sense. You’re sprawled out on the grass in Mondstadt, lying in the tree’s shade. The cool breeze almost lulls you to sleep when a twig snapping from a distance wakes you up.
You sit up and rub your eye, looking at your surroundings. You didn’t see anyone or anything that stepped on a twig. Maybe it was an animal that stepped on the twig, causing it to snap while you were falling asleep under the tree’s shade in Mondstadt. You did notice that there weren’t any signs of life around you— animals, you mean. No signs of birds, squirrels, and boars.
You get up from the ground and dust the dirt and grass off your clothes. The teapot is a few feet from where you’re sitting, and you don’t want to walk toward it. Not when you feel like there are eyes staring at the back of your head, burning holes into your skull if it could. You grab an apple, gripping it hard. There’s no weapon you can use, so you might as well use an apple as self-defense if anything happens.
You clear your throat. “Xiao?” You call out.
Xiao appears before you, his arms over his chest. “You called?” Xiao raises his eyebrows at you.
A wave of relief washes over you. You wrap your arms around his and lean against him while he wraps his arms around your waist. “Can you escort me back to the abode? I feel like someone’s watching me, and I don’t feel safe,” you whisper into his ears.
Xiao tightens his grip around your waist and nods. “Of course,” Xiao murmurs.
You and Xiao walk to the Serenitea Pot, watching your surroundings while trying not to make it obvious. You tighten your grip around Xiao’s arm the closer you two are approaching the floating teapot. The feeling of someone staring holes into the back of your head remains as you and Xiao enter the teapot.
Once your and Xiao step into the teapot, you sigh in relief and relax in his arms. Xiao continues to have an iron grip around your waist while walking to the estate. You feel safe in the abode, knowing there are twenty-five men that are ready to protect you no matter what. No one can get to you, no matter who or what they are. Xiao closes the door to the estate and locks the door, one arm remaining around your waist.
“Oh! So that’s where you went, Xiao!” Itto’s voice booms throughout the estate, startling you and Xiao.
Xiao reluctantly releases you from his grip, ignoring Itto’s comment. You give Xiao a smile and give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. Xiao looks away, his eyes focusing on the wooden floor while his cheeks slowly turn pink. 
“You disappeared so suddenly! I was starting to worry that Itto did something to offend you,” Heizou comments, getting off the couch.
Aether smiles at you and bounces over to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders while resting his chin on your head. “How was Mondstadt? You said you were going to relax under the tree in Mondstadt, and you were gone for about half an hour,” says Aether, twirling your hair around his index finger.
Venti’s eyes light up. “Oh! Were you relaxing in Windrise? The weather is nice today! I heard through the grapevines that the breeze is nice today,” Venti says, smiling widely while rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.
You nod in agreement. “The weather and breeze felt nice in Mondstadt today! Although my time in Mondstadt was cut short, unfortunately,” you say, leaning against Aether.
“Oh? And how was your time in Mondstadt cut short?” asks Kaeya, sitting on the armrest while gazing at you curiously.
That’s your cue to tell the men what happened in Mondstadt. You were having a lovely day in Mondstadt, relaxing in the shade underneath a tree. You nearly dozed off to sleep when the peaceful, quiet air was rudely interrupted by the sound of twigs snapping. At first, you wanted to assume that it was probably a boar or a squirrel that stepped on the twig.
To your dismay, there weren’t any animals around you to confirm that the twig snapping was from an animal stepping on it while scurrying around. You went on about how you wanted to walk to the Serenitea pot after your alone time was interrupted. Still, the feeling of something or someone staring holes into the back of your head made you rethink your decision. You didn’t want to risk anything, so you called for Xiao to help you, and thus the Adeptus shows up almost immediately when you call out his name.
“Oh, so that’s why Xiao disappeared so suddenly!” Thoma murmurs, stroking his chin.
Zhongli places his hand on your shoulder and gives them a squeeze. “You did the right thing of calling out to Xiao when you knew something felt off. We’re glad that both you and Xiao were able to return to the abode without any issues,” says Zhongli.
“Yeah, I am too. The only thing that bothers me is that I’m not sure if it’s something or someone that’s watching my every move. It’s unsettling not knowing who or what it is,” you shudder.
Dainsleif approaches you and tucks your hair behind your ears. “You should get some rest in your room,” Dainsleif murmurs.
You nod and give them a small smile before walking upstairs to your room. “Wake me up when dinner’s ready! I’m not sure how long I’ll be asleep,” you announce from over your shoulders.
“Don’t worry, we will!” Gorou replies as you slowly make your way up the stairs.
The minute you walk into your room, you shut the door behind you, plop on your bed, and close your eyes. Whatever was watching your every move, you really hoped that it was a curious hilichurl or a mitachurl because you were not ready to face the person or thing that was watching you. You soon fall into a dreamless sleep, tossing and turning in your bed.
Meanwhile, downstairs, the men are gathered in the living room, trying to figure out the strange feeling you had while you were in Mondstadt before calling out for Xiao. This was the first time you mentioned feeling eyes staring at the back of your head while you were alone in Mondstadt.
Diluc looks at the Adeptus, his arms over his chest. “When you arrived at Mondstadt after [Y/N] called your name, did you see anything out of the ordinary?” Diluc asks, raising his eyebrows at the Yaksha.
Xiao shakes his head in response. Xiao was focused on you and only you. He didn’t have time to closely survey his and your surrounding. The minute you told Xiao that you wanted him to escort you back to the abode, Xiao was set on taking you back to the estate without a second thought. 
Childe hums and taps on his chin. “Xiao wasn’t gone for a long time. It was, perhaps, less than five minutes.” Childe interjects.
“That means he most likely didn’t see the person or thing that was staring at [Y/N],” Tighnari sighs, his ears flattening on his head with dismay.
Al Haitham closes his book and gets up from his seat. “We’ll need to keep track of [Y/N]’s whereabouts when they leave the abode alone. We can’t risk anything happening to them if they were to leave by themselves,” Al Haitham says.
Kaveh rolls his eyes and shoots a glare in Al Haitham’s direction. “Wow, Al Haitham! Where did you get that idea from!? Oh, yeah! Me!” Kaveh hisses, propping his hands on his hips with a huff of breath.
Al Haitham’s about to interject when the sound of your bedroom door opening interrupts him. You walk down the stairs, eyes bleary from your short nap. Your nap lasted less than an hour, and you feel like you were run over by a sumpter beast after getting smacked in the face by a mitachurl.
“Why are you awake so early? We thought you were going to take a nap,” Ayato murmurs, watching you collapse on the small sofa while rubbing your eyes.
You grumble before resting the back of your head on the armrest. “I was, but I kept tossing and turning in my sleep,” you reply.
Gorou perks up and looks at you shyly. “Do you want someone to cuddle with? If so, I volunteer to snuggle with you while you take a nap!” Gorou offers, raising his hand.
You hum and reach forward, gesturing for Gorou to come closer. Gorou smiles widely and sprints over in your direction. You pull Gorou down on the sofa next to you and latch yourself onto his body, snaking your arms around his waist and snuggling up against the Inazuman man. Gorou wraps both his arms around you, kissing the side of your head while ignoring the muttering from the men.
You peek at the men, your right cheek smushed against Gorou’s chest. “Anyway, what were you guys talking about before I came downstairs?” You ask.
“In Mondstadt, did you happen to see the person or thing that was making you feel uncomfortable?” Cyno asks, sitting on the ottoman before you and Gorou.
You press your lips into a thin line and shake your head. “Sadly, I didn’t see the person or thing that was staring at the back of my head. I was tempted to search for the person or creature that was staring at me, but in all honesty, I was scared to do it. Hence, why I called out to Xiao,” you reply, gesturing toward Xiao’s direction. 
Albedo hums, tossing his sketchpad on the coffee table. “That’s unfortunate but understandable. You had a bad feeling, and the first thing you did was call Xiao because out of all of us, Xiao will be by your side in a heartbeat when you call his name,” Albedo murmurs.
Kazuha looks at the clock on the wall. It’s about two hours before dinner, and yet you’re still awake, cuddling Gorou on the sofa. Kazuha crosses his arms over his chest and smiles at you. “Since you’re awake, do you want to have dinner now?” Kazuha asks.
You hum to yourself before sitting up, trying to see if you’re hungry or not. Your stomach doesn’t feel full, nor does it feel empty. It’s a feeling you can’t describe— how does one explain the feeling of hunger? 
You purse your lips. “I’m not hungry, but I’m not full either…” you trail off, stroking your chin. “But I can eat! Let’s have dinner now!” You nod.
Baizhu approaches you and stands before you, helping you get up from the couch while smiling. “Sweetheart, if you don’t mind me asking, are you still having problems with sleeping? If so, I can get you melatonin, and you can take it before going to bed,” Baizhu offers.
You nod and let out an exasperated sigh. “Yes, please! I haven’t been able to sleep as much as I needed, and it’s so frustrating. I kept tossing and turning in my bed, and before I knew it, it was almost five in the morning, and Thoma was already awake!” You say, pressing your forehead against Baizhu’s chest. 
Scaramouche pops up beside you and props his arm on your shoulders. “Make sure the melatonin is strong because look at the bags under their eyes,” Scaramouche snorts, poking your undereye.
You wince and smack Scaramouche’s hand away from your face with a scowl. Baizhu chuckles and shakes his head before walking off. You turn to look at Scaramouche, who’s smirking down at you. You stick your tongue out at him before walking off, leaving a cackling Scaramouche behind. 
Not long later, you and the men are gathered around the dining table, eating and chatting with each other. Dinner is lively, and everyone is cracking jokes, telling stories, and enjoying each other’s company. Who knew that dinner was going to be the last time the men saw you before your sudden disappearance overnight. 
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear the gated door open. The cloaked being steps into the room— would it even be stepping when they’re hovering above the ground? You stumble up from the ground and press yourself against the wall, staring at the cloaked figure warily. 
“[Y/N], we have heard so much about you since your appearance in Teyvat,” says the cloaked figure.
You gulp. “We? Who is we exactly?” You demand, clenching your hands into fists. “Where am I, and why did you bring me here?”
The cloaked figure continues to hover a few feet away from you, not responding to your question. The last thing you remembered after having dinner with the men was taking your melatonin before going to bed. Everyone afterward was a blur, and now here you are, somewhere you’re not familiar with and in the presence of the cloaked figure. 
“You may not know who you are, but we know who you are,” says the cloaked figure.
You stare at the cloaked being blankly, blinking at it. “I don’t think you need to say that since it’s blatantly obvious, and you’re kind of repeating yourself….” you trail off, squinting at the cloaked figure. 
You’re just glad that you’re not dealing with the Abyss Order, or else it would’ve been a completely different story. The cloaked figure hums before hovering in your direction, causing you to press your back against the wall and stick your leg out in front of you to keep the distance. 
“Have you ever wondered what it's like for your kind to be blessed by the Celestial Gods?” it asks, leaning down to your height while remaining hovered before you.
You weren’t sure how to respond. Yes, you’re curious, but at the same time, you don’t want to give the cloaked being the answer it wants to hear. You’re a little terrified to respond because of the short distance between the two of you.
You cross your arms over your chest and look away. “Even if I was curious, why do you want to know? I don’t even know who you are or what you are,” you reply, squeezing your eyes shut.
The cloaked being moves away from you and chuckles. Now that you think about it, the way it sounds when it laughs and speaks reminds you of when you were a child. You would talk and scream into an electric fan, making you sound robotic. That’s what it sounds like. It sounds robotic, but you know the being beneath the cloak isn’t an android because you don’t think there are any robotic beings in Teyvat. Unless there is one, you and everyone else are unaware of its existence. 
“Answer the question,” the cloaked being hisses, grabbing your face and forcing you to look at it.
You yank your head out from the being’s grasp and duck your head, eyes remaining shut. You hear something fall to the ground, which you assume is the cloak that the being was once wearing. You crack your eyes open out of curiosity, and when you look up, you nearly do a double-take.
The being standing in front of you continues to hover. Its body is pure white. It did not look human due to the eight eyes on one face and the lack of a mouth. It doesn’t even have hair on its head, but it does have long nails that resemble the talons of a hawk. The creature before you blink at you, tilting its head to the side. Seeing eight eyes focusing on you and blinking at you makes you feel disturbed and creeped out.
“You remind me of those biblically accurate angels, but only fewer eyes, and there aren’t any feathers,” you mutter to yourself. “What are you? Clearly, you’re not an angel.”
The being cackles, its mouth open, and its abnormally long tongue slithers out of its mouth. You stare at it, horrified yet morbidly intrigued. The tongue and the way the mouth opens remind you of Venmon.
“I, and many others, are what you mortals call us the Celestial Gods,” it says.
“You? Celestial Gods? I’m sorry, but I imagined beings that look…. Human,” you trailed off, swallowing the lump in your throat.
The ‘Celestial God’ gazes at you and crosses its arms over its chest. “Perhaps you need a refresher? Your dear Archons have many forms, do they not? If they can have many forms of themselves, then are Celestial Gods not allowed to have more than one form as well?” If it had eyebrows, it would be raising its eyebrows at you. 
Crap. How could you let that slip from your mind so easily? It has a point. “Well, you’re not wrong about that,” you mutter. 
“Now, answer my question, [Y/N]. Have you ever wondered if you, someone not of this universe, could be blessed by the Celestial Gods?” asks the Celestial God.
You shake your head rapidly. “No, no! I have not, actually! Being blessed by the Celestial God as someone that’s not from this universe doesn’t seem to be fair for those who are from your universe,” you say, clearing your throat. 
Meanwhile, the men are scrambling around Teyvat, searching for you. It has been days since your disappearance, and the men hit countless dead ends. You weren’t in Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru, or Inazuma. Heck, they even tried Dragonspine and the Chasm, but there weren’t any traces of your presence. 
“How did they disappear overnight without a trace?” Dottore growls, grabbing his hair at the roots, and yanks at it.
The men are going crazy, searching every part of Teyvat they can think of, only to come out empty-handed. You’re nowhere to be found, and citizens from all over Teyvat have never seen you step into the regions. Ningguang, Jean, the Raiden Shogun, and Nahida have never seen you in their respective regions. No one has seen you, nor have they got a clue about where you could possibly be. Countless sleepless nights and dead ends are catching up to everyone, and it’s driving them up the walls.
Pantalone lets out an exasperated sigh, running his fingers through his hair. “This is getting us nowhere. We have searched every nook and cranny for them, and there’s no trace of their presence in these regions,” Pantalone grumbles, clenching his jaws.
“It’s not possible that they could’ve gotten up in the middle of the night and left the abode without us knowing, is it?” Gorou asks nervously, his ears twitching at every little sound around him and the men.
Pierro shakes his head. “It’s not possible because the doors and windows are all locked. If they were to leave the abode alone, we would’ve known. Their shoes are still at the abode as well,” Pierro replies, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“What if they were, I don’t know, imprisoned somewhere? We’ve checked every place on Teyvayt besides other citizens’ homes and prisons,” Aether says, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Capitano lets out an amused huff, almost sounding like laughter. “It’s a possibility, but I wouldn’t guarantee it because many citizens in Teyvat we have come across said they didn’t see [Y/N]. Even those who work at night have not seen [Y/N]. That includes the authorities,” Capitano interjects.
Where are you exactly, and are you safe? That’s all they want to know is whether you’re safe or not. Their first priority is finding you and making sure you’re safe. But since there are almost zero traces of your presence (and maybe existence), there’s no way for them to know your situation.
Your body is aching, you’re tired, and you can barely stand for yourself. You collapse to the ground before the Celestial God, sweat dripping down your face while your body shakes with every breath you take. Your head is hurting, and your ears are ringing. You can taste blood in your mouth as you gulp for air, swallowing your saliva.
The Celestial God laughs, hovering toward your pitiful form, stopping before you. “Do you think you can take on a Celestial God unprepared and untrained in combat?” asks the Celestial God.
“I never said I could. You came charging at me out of nowhere,” you hissed, spitting at the ground and wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
You grab the sword nearby and stab it into the cement ground, using the sword as leverage to help you off the ground. Dear Archons, your legs feel so weak. They’re trembling the longer you stand up. You just want to go home and be in the arms of your boyfriends, but instead, you’re fighting a Celestial God for your freedom. 
You can’t help but find it amusing. You didn’t expect to be put on some trial against a Celestial God for your freedom until you were thrust into it. You went to bed, safe and sound one night after dinner with the men, and then you woke up to being in the arms of a cloaked being, taken somewhere you don’t even know. It was weird, and it was sudden.
Before you could scream, thrash around in the being’s arms, and look at your surroundings to see where it was taking you, the cloaked being covers your face with its hands and knocks you out. And that is how you end up in some strange dungeon imprisonment of some sort. You’re not sure where exactly, but you know it’ll be impossible for people to find you.
“Now, are you going to release me from imprisonment, or do we have to do this that hard way?” You ask, gripping the handle of the sword so tightly that your nails are digging into the palm of your hands.
The Celestial God tilts its head to the side. “Imprisonment? You see this as imprisonment; we Celestial Gods see it as a test of worthiness,” says the Celestial God.
You scoff. “Well, that’s a stupid name. I’m not saying this to tick you off, but it really is a stupid name. You might want to reconsider the name of the test,” you say. 
The Celestial God crosses its arm over its chest. “Well, what do you think we should rename it then?” 
You let out a ‘pfft’ in response and shrug your shoulders. This is getting you nowhere, and you want to get out of this dungeon of a room and return to the abode and be in the arms of your boyfriends, not help rename some stupid trial name for Celestial Gods. Quite frankly, the thing in front of you doesn’t even look like a Celestial God. 
“Are you really a Celestial God, or are you lying to intimidate me?” You ask, raising your eyebrows at the being before you. “The way you act and the way you speak doesn’t seem like something a Celestial God would do.”
“Oh? And have you met a Celestial God to make that kind of judgment?” asks the once-cloaked being.
You purse your lips and shake your head. “I have not, but I know a Celestial God wouldn’t have a stupid name for a trial to see if I’m worthy of a vision. Listen, I’m going to cut to the chase because I want to get out of here, but I’m not worthy of a vision because I’m not from this universe. And even if I were to be from Teyvat, I wouldn’t get a vision because people with certain visions have similar backgrounds, struggles, stories, whatever you call it.” You sigh, tossing the sword to the concrete.
The Celestial God cocks its head to the side, almost reminding you of an owl. It was almost disturbing, especially with the eight eyes staring into your soul. It’s like the Celestial God is telling you to continue what you were saying before throwing the sword to the ground out of exhaustion and frustration.
“You know what? Here,” you crawl over to the sword and grab it from the ground before handing the Celestial God the sword, “why don’t you finish me off, and then we can go our separate ways!” You clap your hands.
The being before you stare at the sword in its hands and then looks at you wordlessly. You plop on the ground and point at your neck, signaling for the Celestial God to end you right then and there. You can fight back, yes, but against a Celestial God? Someone who doesn’t have a vision, who has never picked up a weapon in their entire life— well, that’s a lie, you have picked up a weapon, and the men have trained you to use various weapons. Still, either way, you can’t go up against a higher being. 
What’s the point of fighting the Celestial God? The being continues to stare at you before its body starts shaking with laughter. You stare at the being before rolling off the ground with a sigh. Fine, if it’s not willing to finish you off, you might as well do it yourself, right? You’re not actually going to do it. You’re bluffing. You just want to get out and go home. 
You squat and stare at the thing in front of you. It was still distracted. You would think the Celestial God can focus on many things at once with those eight eyes of theirs, but it’s too busy cackling at you. You count to three in your head, and once you reach the number three, you sprint toward the Celestial God and tackle it to the ground, catching it off guard. You grab the nearest rock on the ground and begin using it as a weapon instead of the one the Celestial God dropped on the floor after you (somehow) successfully tackled it to the ground. 
Before you can smash a rock over the Celestial being’s head, it blasts you off of it, sending you flying across the room. You slide on your back and quickly roll over to get on your feet. You run toward the sword on the ground, grab it and try slashing at the God. The Celestial God grabs the blade and snaps it in half, leaving you dumbfounded. 
You bring the broken sword up to your face. “Huh. Well, shit,” you mutter. You look at the Celestial God and purse your lips, watching it crush the blade into little pieces and sprinkle the pieces on the ground like sprinkles on a cupcake. 
The Celestial God looks at you, the eight eyes blinking one at a time. Dear Archons, it’s so disturbing. Without thinking, you chuck the broken sword at the Celestial God’s face before dashing out of the dungeon. You curse to yourself and smack your forehead. The damn door to the dungeon was open the entire time, and you didn’t think once to run out of that? The Celestial God is at your tail, reaching forward to grab you.
You burst through another door, looking back to see how far the being is close to getting you. That was the first mistake you made because the minute you saw how close that thing was, you didn’t check to see where you were going, and now you’re free-falling from the sky. It turns out you were in Celestia the entire time— if it weren��t so obvious since you were in the presence of the Celestial God. It technically kidnapped you, but it doesn’t matter now that you’re plunging to Teyvat. 
On Teyvat, Venti stands up and squints at the sky, shielding his eyes from the sun. “What’s that falling from the sky?” Venti asks.
Scaramouche yawns and stretches his arms. “I hope it’s a stupid Celestial God,” Scaramouche comments, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk stretching across his face.
Heizou stares at the dot in the sky that is getting seemingly bigger. “That’s not actually a Celestial God falling, is it?” asks Heizou, refusing to take his eyes off it.
Dainsleif’s eyes widened once the falling dot got bigger and bigger. Dainsleif sprints toward the dot, opening a portal before him and jumping through it. 
“I don’t think now is the time to be showing off his powers,” Childe mutters, crossing his arms over his chest. 
The portal opens in the air, and Dainsleif jumps out from the celestial portal. He tackles the dot in the air and opens another portal before disappearing with the dot.
Kaeya props his hands on his hips. “I don’t think it’s a Celestial God that’s falling from the sky. If it were to be a Celestial God, I think Dainsleif would be sitting and watching with a bowl of popcorn in his hands,” says Kaeya.
“Why am I getting the feeling of deja vu?” Thoma mutters, stroking his chin.
A large portal opens up before the twenty-four men, and Dainsleif steps out from the portal with you in his arms. Your head is resting against Dainsleif’s chest, and you’re clutching something against your chest. Dainsleif helps you stand, keeping his arms around your waist while you slump forward.
“I hate Celestial Gods,” you whisper.
Scaramouche lets out a burst of boisterous laughter. “Welcome to the club,” Scaramouche comments.
Diluc tries to peek at your hands. “What do you have there?” asks Diluc, walking up to you and Dainsleif.
Dainslief sighs and tilts his head forward. “I believe the questions that should be asked is whether [Y/N] is okay or not and how they end up in this situation,” Dainsleif comments, frowning at the redhead. 
You wave one hand around while clutching the object with the other. “I’m fine, but after coming face-to-face with the Celestial God, I don’t think I’ll ever recover,” you mutter, shuddering. “Anyway, to answer the other part of Dainsleif’s curiosity, I was in a dungeon on Celestia! Crazy, right? I was put through some trial to see if I was worthy of a vision, and yeah.” You nod, tapping your fingers on the object in your hand.
The twenty-five men’s eyes fall on your hand. You clear your throat and hold up the object for everyone to see.
“I didn’t think it was possible, but apparently, it is because I now officially have a vision!” You squeak, giving them an uncertain smile. 
“How is that possible?” Al Haitham mutters, grabbing your vision from your hands and inspecting it closely.
Kaveh scoffs and narrows his eyes at Al Haitham. “What? Did you think [Y/N] wasn’t worthy of having a vision, Al Haitham?” Kaveh demands.
Al Haitham slowly looks up from the vision and stares at Kaveh blankly. Kaveh props his hands on his hips, waiting for the Scribe to answer him. Al Haitham rolls his eyes and hands the vision back to you. You stare at the vision in your hands, unsure of what else to say. What were you supposed to do, really? Thank Celestia for granting you a vision? You’re not from any of the seven regions in Teyvat, and yet here you are with your very own vision that is in the shape of something you have never seen before. It’s evident that people from different parts of Teyvat have a specific shape of vision for the respective regions they’re from (or from the area when and where they received it), but yours is different.
“What even is that shape?” Itto asks, grabbing the vision from your hands to inspect it.
You shrug and lean against Dainsleif, closing your eyes. “Don’t ask me. I don’t know the answers, unfortunately. But I’m surprised that none of you have said anything about the element of the vision,” you reply, cracking one eye open.
“I think they could’ve given you the same element as mine. Mine is cooler than whatever they gave you,” you hear one man huff.
You hear a strained cough. “Excuse me? What do you mean your element is cooler than mine?”
“Let’s be honest here. That element is useless, and I don’t think it’ll be useful to [Y/N].” 
“Hey! Don’t be mean! Every element is useful! There are no useless elements out there!” You see one of the men nudge the other with a glare.
You press your lips into a thin line before grabbing the vision from Itto’s hands. “Let’s go back to the abode and discuss this. We shouldn’t be doing this out in the open when that creepy Celestial God can snatch me up at any moment,” you say, pocketing your vision.
“It snatched you up overnight at the abode while everyone was sleeping.” Pierro comments, raising his eyebrows at you.
You grab Dainsleif’s wrist and pull him toward the floating teapot while the men follow along. “Right, I forgot about that.” You laugh sheepishly. “While we talk about my newly obtained vision, let’s talk about installing surveillance in the abode, just in case it happens again.” 
You can’t help but feel the glass vision in your pocket. Why did you get a vision, and what’s the point of you getting a vision when you’re not of this universe? Everyone in Teyvat didn’t need to fight a Celestial God to obtain their vision. They obtained it in many ways, or it didn’t have a master, and the person somehow activated it. Why did you have to come face-to-face with a Celestial being to obtain one?
Many questions are swirling in your head, and before you know it, you’re sitting on the couch in the abode with your vision on the coffee table in front of you. Seeing the vision itself almost feels like a mockery. You can’t throw it away, or else you’ll lose your ambition and possible critical memories despite having it for less than an hour.
“Looks like I’m stuck with you forever,” you mutter.
The door to the abode closes. You look up to see the others walking over to where you’re sitting, all eyes glued to your vision on the table. 
“Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?” Tighnari asks, sitting across from you, grabbing the vision and holding it in the air to see if it is real. 
You puff your cheeks and exhale through your nostrils. “Start from the beginning?” You tap on your chin.
Cyno nods. “Yes, start from the beginning. After you tell us what went down while you were in the presence of the Celestial God, we’ll try to figure out what led to you getting a vision,” Cyno explains.
You sit back, press your back against the couch and close your eyes. Nothing special happened to you while you were in Celestia other than being forcibly taken from your bedroom and put in a dungeon. This turn of events was not only sudden, but it was unexpected. Now that you have a vision, what exactly does that mean for you? What will happen to your existence in your universe? Will it be erased, or will you become part of the fictional world you loved?
Note: I was going to title this story "Prisoner of Celestia," but it didn't feel right, and the overall story isn't focused on that. So I went with the current title instead. Also, I didn't specify which vision the reader got because I want you all to choose what element it is! Next week, there will be a new series, but it's for Honkai Star Rail instead of Genshin. Not sure how that's going to turn out, but I've had this idea in my head for a few days now, and I want to get it out of my head and post it soon. Therefore, there will be maybe two updates (the new series and mini-fic for the isekai'd!reader series) next week. We'll see how that goes. To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for my Isekai'd!reader one-shot series and my overall taglist: @xyji, @chirikoheina, @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @toobytub, @ins4nebish, @bokuto-kinnie, @exhaustedcommunist, @jadedist, @mompt2, @chalksdreams, @thelost-in-time, @ventisweetheart, @hispasian-otaku, @juuuuuj101010, @samarill, @testsubject0012, @irisxiel, @kazuhaprnt, @lunarapple, @emilymikado, @mabie, @vinnie-w, @n8mareee, @heyimkay, @eliciana, @blesstosuisen, @goldeneclipsedragon, @jjvr4yxc, @sovermike-21-blog, @vox34, @skyyyyackerman, @undecidingfate, @nightlysunn, @faeryminnyx, @simpcreator, @lucifarts-boxers, @thelovebuggs, @urlocalheizousimp, @sunlightstarr (Accounts that I was unable to tag have been removed. Those who don't want to be tagged in certain stories are not tagged in this particular post. Remember to check your settings if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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doubleddenden · 2 years
A quick look at the timeline since we last checked in
Sonic Frontiers has a song by ONE OK GO and one version says "Fuck the pain away"
Disney proves it truly listens to what fans do not want by making live action Pinocchio, Little Mermaid, and Mufasa, which is a prequel to the much behated live action Lion King
HBO Max nuked a bunch of its animated shows for tax write offs
Uncle Grandpa almost survived with one episode called "Fleas Help Us" before being deleted
Summer Camp Island literally had a whole season ready
WB canned a completed Batgirl movie after spending $98 million. For tax write offs.
FBI raided Trump's Florida home and found hundreds of stolen top secret files, and one includes nuclear defense details on a foreign nation. Yeah he's in very hot shit
Biden administration opens the path for forgiveness for $10k-$20k of student loans, MS decides to tax anyone that gets it
When the Republicans got offended the White House Official Twitter Account revealed the MILLIONS of PPP loans the nay sayers had forgiven individually
NASA Is trying to GET US BACK ON THE MOON BABEY WOOOOOOOOO but unfortunately they had to scrub 2 launches because of engine troubles and a leak
But it's cool! It's cool! They gotta get it right because the end goal is to try and establish a MOTHERFUCKING MOON BASE!!! SOMEBODY HIGH FIVE ME
A machine on Mars the size of a lunch box made about as much oxygen as a small tree, prompting some to think we could have oxygen mines for future manned Marsian missions
Leonardo DiCaprio breaks up with another woman who just turned 25
JK Rowling wrote a book about totally not her being harassed by the very people she demonizes every day as a racist antisemitic ableist TERF and embarrassed herself in front of God and the internet again
After years of failing to sell on the market, Sony makes the decision to INCREASE the price of the PS5 despite only 5 people other than Crypto Dorks having them
Nintendo follows up by revealing they have no plans to change prices, which we all been knew because they still sell years old ports for $60
Gendy Tartokovsky's Primal aired a Dinosaur literally laying eggs up close and personal from its cloaca (side note do dinosaurs have those?)
Gendy is also apparently at the helm of a second PPG reboot in the works
She-Hulk Twerked
Looney Tunes officially ships Bugs X Daffy
3 Avatar Movies in the works. No not the blue people- well yes those too but I meant the one about the bald kid, the second one about Zuko, and the third about Korra
Blue people avatar has a movie coming in December
Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 wins Twitter poll for Twink Supreme
Reigen does absolutely nothing and wins Ultimate DILF
In an ultimate final clash, Reigen just barely loses to Sans Undertale for Tumblr Sexyman
Tobyfox wrote fanfic about it and posted it to Twitter
On the same exact fucking day Sans defeats Reigen, the Queen of England DIED. Tv stations in mourning across the globe. Meanwhile Irish people and other people directly negatively impacted by colonization by the crown cheered and partied and tumblr and twitter released the crabs 🦀
This is as of September 10th, 2022, not told in any particular chronological order
This has been the look at the timeline, and no, the year is not over yet
See yall in December
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grimalkinmessor · 10 months
Fic Rec time because why not: Death Note Edition ✨
These are some of my favorite DN fanfics and I figured I'd share them with you :3 Even if you've probably already seen some of them.
I am also a multishipper so this going to LONG. Buckle in 🚀
Five Days by Shadow_of_Quill
Rated M. Noncon Warning. Several instances throughout the week where people don't keep their hands to themselves around Light.
Despite the serious subject matter Light deals with it in a very Light™ way. This is the origin of a few of my angstier Light headcanons.
This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella
Rated T. MCD Warning. After an international tribunal condemns nineteen-year-old Light Yagami to death, the Kira Task Force must come to terms with the fallout of the case–and with Light’s surprising last request.
I'm pretty sure everyone's read this one at some point. It's a classic. Everybody's GOTTA read this one at least once. Angsty but it's hhhhhhHHHHHH 🙏 So good.
And This Is All There Ever Was by Min Daae
Rated T. MCD Warning. In which Light has confessed, in order to win.
This one is technically lawlight, but it feels very gen to me so I put it NEAR the lawlight list. I love Light being a spiteful shit and this is him being spiteful to the very end. This man will do anything to win.
Polarity by Writeous
Rated T. Some people are born with soulmarks: small, colorful images tattooed onto your skin that represent the people who would prove most important in your life. By all accounts, soulbonds are supposed to be beautiful, something to be cherished and revered over the course of your life. Light Yagami grows up with a bold, typeface L on his hand and a soulmate that hates him.
I'm obsessed with this fic. OB. SESSED. It only has one chapter so far but I love the dynamic on this one. I love soulmate aus but specifically the grittier ones. It has a MCD warning but as of now it's not applicable yet. Highly recommend.
Time Speaks by aSmallMoon333
Rated E. In his first life, L died in the arms of his greatest enemy.
In his brief second one, he died alone.
And in his third, too-long life, L died anticipating finally getting even with the man who'd won their game one too many times.
And Light Yagami? If he'd known this is what picking up the Death Note would bring....well, he'd probably still have done it anyway.
This fic? Superb. Spectacular. I reread it at LEAST once a month. It has lodged in my brain and rots everything else around it I am so obsessed. L and Light are so unhinged and in love and petty and I love them. MCD warning, obviously, but it doesn't stick. This was my first fic back into the DN fandom and honestly I think it should be everyone else's too 🙏 My friends tell me they're getting back into DN and I immediately recc them this fic.
louder then bells by relic_crown
Rated M. No one has ever seen Light’s soul, but it haunts his dreams as a monster: eyes bloody as sunrise, feathers tasting of citrus and sharpie fumes, breath hot as summer and twice as brutal. At first, he thinks the notebook itself is his soulmate. Then he tells himself Misa can be enough.
L ruins everything. For the first time, someone sees Light’s soul, and through his eyes Light knows it must look monstrous – why else would L be hunting him over it?
A soulmate/His Dark Materials AU—can you tell I have a thing for soulmate AUs? I adore the vibes of this fic, from the mystery of Light's soul, to L's distinct creepiness, to how Light views Kira :) I cannot explain that last bit to you, you're just gonna have to read it.
Slow to Boil by TrashKing
Rated E. L has loved Kira since he knew there was a Kira to love. Unfortunately for him Light Yagami doesn’t quite understand the whole process of being seduced so L will have to take the frog in the pot approach to taming this beast.
I have a kink for L having a Kira kink, and this is one of my favorites to read when I have my 'I Need L To Be Obsessed With Kira' cravings. Very fun read, highly recommend ✨
The Many Forms of Blessings by TrashKing
Rated E. Light was taken in by Wammy House after he lost his family in the accident. Now eighteen he finds it’s a tradition at the house that the best of every generation meet the mysterious creature who lives in the catacombs under the estate; L. Light is reluctant and that unease proves well placed when it’s revealed the graduates L likes never leave the underground.
And THIS fic is the one I circle back to when I get my 'I Need L To Be Obsessed With Light' cravings :3 Dark and beautiful in that Beauty & The Beast/Leda & The Swan way. I really love Light's characterization in this fic, as well as the darker take on the Light Grows Up In Wammy's trope.
Rabbit Holes by TrashKing
Rated M. L Lawliet, head programmer and engineer for W&W Cybernetics, arrives at Tokyo-3 to fix a malfunction that killed eight people. The problem is that 'malfunction' turns out to be a newly sentient super computer called Kira. L disconnects him from the rest of the installation to begin a historic interrogation, but Kira might not be as defanged as L believes.
If you can't tell by now I am trash for TrashKing's fics—I can't help it I'm straight up in love with their Light. I would recc literally all of their fics but we don't got time for that, there's over fifty. This fic is fluffy and funny and really interesting, and it was a super fun read! I liked the inclusion of Ryuk and Light's very wholesome and yet still very Light™ reactions to human experiences :)
Into The Grey by Kratos_Aurion
Rated E. Light is a young, hot, reclusive Omega who follows all the rules and does it all right. Except when he's sneaking out to capture criminals as the vigilante only known as Kira. L will always and forever be the world's greatest detective, but the Alpha might have a little competition in the Kanto region of Japan.
In a world just barely free of Omega oppression, these two geniuses find themselves in a race against the clock and each other.
VIGILANTE 👏 LIGHT 👏 I love this little scheming bastard. I love the twists and turns this fic takes and the persistent aura of dread and danger. I also just like it when L and Light bicker and fight and they do that a lot in this fic. A lot. It's great. I can't explain what else I particularly like about this fic without spoiling it, so you're just gonna have to read it.
Extrajudicial by Boo_Yeah
Rated M. L knows that Light Yagami is guilty. And he is forced to accept that he will never be able to prove it.
So, just this once, he decides to break his principles and go above the law. He kidnaps Light and takes him to Wammy's house.
He's sure that having the kids interact with a real-life mass murderer will be a very educational experience indeed.
Or: Light is Kira, L is sick of how easily manipulated the police are, and he secretly wants to see what will happen if he forces Light into a domestic situation with children just as intelligent as he is.
I am a person who really enjoys L Wins AU, so L yoinking Light from Japan just to hide him away in Wammy's to try and redeem (?) him all while Light kicks and screams is something that just speaks to me personally 🙏 L just wants to not kill his friend and Light just wants to continue to commit crimes, top tier story on God.
Animal Games by tsukinoyagi
Rated T. Gone Girl AU. L has moved his lovely, vile, entirely batshit husband out of their beautiful Brooklyn brownstone into a Missouri suburb, then left him to his own devices. He is under the impression that this is going to end well.
This fic is beautifully written and it scratches that itch I have for malicious antagonism between established lawlight. These bitches are SO toxic and I love them. I really enjoyed the different perspectives just so you can see that both of them are unreliable narrators.
The Gods of The Godless by foreskinsmoothie
Rated E. Noncon Warning. Light was perfect. And now that he’s not, there’s just nothing left for him here, in this life.
After a night that ruined his life, left him crippled and spurred forth multiple failed suicide attempts, Light decides his best course of action is putting himself in the most dangerous situation he can think of and making grotesque gangsters do his dirty work. He slips into the sight of Ryuk, infamous for fucking male escorts, then killing them in a brutal blur. Or so those dark web message boards say.
Light’s fate is in Gods hands… or maybe a creature far crueler has plans for him.
I LOVE THIS FIC. I ADORE IT. It's dark and gritty, but as someone deranged about human (?) Ryuk and his and Light's dynamic, this fic is wonderful. The noncon is not between Ryuk and Light, but the descriptions are explicit so be aware of that. Both Light and Ryuk have my entire heart here no lie.
Toes, Knuckles, Teeth by TrashKing
Rated E. Ryuk's always been good at bending rules. Shinigami aren't supposed to have sex with humans but, well, by his estimation Light is also a Shinigami.
This fic revolves in my brain at 3x microwave speeds, okay? I am studying this fic like it is the scrolls of old, alright? I hold unhinged amounts of feralness for this fic. It's a smutty little character study, and it has imprinted itself onto the back of my eyelids forever. This fic addresses every reason that I'm so obsessed with Ryuk and Light's relationship. SO GOOD 🔥
what doesn't kill me makes me want you more by neallo
Rated M. “Poor Near,” Mello says, stepping closer and pulling Near’s head back further, tilting her face up as Mello cages her against the wall. “How long have you liked me?”
Near’s heart is kicking against her ribcage so hard it almost hurts, and her ears are burning with embarrassment. She squeezes her eyes shut, unable to hold the blonde’s gaze. “Mello, I...” she tries to speak, hoarse.
“Has it been months?” Mello asks, her voice getting closer as Near feels her lean down. She braves a glimpse through her lashes and watches as Mello bends her head to brush her cheek against Near’s, putting her lips next to Near’s ear. “Years, maybe?” The older girl teases.
Near finds it in herself to squeak out a “yes,” and almost jumps at Mello’s sharp intake of breath.
“Years,” Mello marvels.
A Fem Meronia fic set in Wammy's era where Mello finds out that Near enjoys getting bullied by her—because Near has a MASSIVE crush on her. What more could you possibly want out of life? Amazing fic.
The Archer Ensnared by jabbernatty
Rated E. Near has two goals: the first, to celebrate Mello’s birthday. The second- a secret. His methods for achieving these? Questionable.
THIS. FIC. THIS ONE. Near is my favorite levels of unhinged and this is so in character for me. I enjoy it a lot. If you haven't figured it out by now I enjoy romantic antagonism and problematic relationships and this fic has both 😍
we will be better than i was by sahwen
Rated M. AU in which Mello swallows their pride and works alongside Near. Things aren't as different as one might expect.
Nonbinary Mello, domestic-edging meronia, and tragedy mixed in with funny shenanigans. The way this written is just,,,so pretty?? I'm in love with it. 10/10 it has everything.
metempsychosis by palant1r
Rated M. MCD Warning. After the warehouse — it will always be "the warehouse" to him, a vague noun as a substitute for years of betrayal — Matsuda wakes up the next morning faced with a second chance. One day to fix everything, one day to build the January 28 he wants. And that day will repeat for as long as it takes to get things right.
He knows that he can't save everyone. But it would be nice if he could just save someone.
Matsuda gets stuck in a time loop and the situation quickly gets worse.
This fic is a TRIP I tell you, but a very good one. Matsuda's characterization in this is so much fun. This fic is about the journey of grief and all the madness and moral contemplation that comes along with shooting the greatest mass murderer of all time who was also your best friend that you're in love with. Very good read.
Alive by still_lycoris
Rated M. Light Yagami is a Shinigami. And Matsuda has found the Notebook ...
This is such an interesting idea, I really enjoyed it. Matsuda's moral struggle seems to be a persistent theme in matsulight fics but honestly that's half the fun. Good fic 👌
A Secret Note by KeehlingOver
Rated E. What Mello left out of his writings on the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases.
Or, these edibles ain't shi--
This fic is so fucking funny holy shit. Whenever I need a pick-me-up I reread this fic. It's T4T bdaymassacre, what more could you want?
Aggressive Top by ThePunkRanger
Rated E. Naomi Misora isn’t about to admit that the mysterious detective Ryuzaki sparked something in her, but when he insists that he’s an “aggressive top” she just can’t let it slide. So she does something entirely unprecedented, and invites him over to prove it.
What has she gotten herself into?
Naomi is sick of Ryuzaki's shit, and Beyond has reverse-psychology-ed his head between Naomi's legs 🙏 This one is unfinished but it left off on a cliffhanger that drives me FUCKIN' NUTS BRO. FIRE.
Playing The Part by ThePunkRanger
Rated E. Someone is kidnapping members of Southern California’s BDSM community, and the world’s greatest detective is in the market for a reliable team to go undercover on his behalf.
It’s been two years since the arrest of Rue Ryuzaki, the serial killer behind the Los Angeles BB murder case, and Naomi Misora has been happy to live her life under the assumption that she’ll never have to see him again. Unfortunately, L has other ideas; ones that involve her pretending to be in a Pup/Handler relationship with the murderer she put behind bars.
I'll be real and say that I wasn't sure about this fic at first, but it's actually very wholesome?? And respectful of the kink community! There's some extra angst in the background with L's controlling tendencies (there are cameras in that hotel room. I feel it in my bones.) and his and B's rough history, but honestly I think that makes it even more interesting. Top tier fic. 👌
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valentiyne · 8 months
𝗅𝖺𝖽𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗆𝗉 ꕥ 𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗍𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗋𝗐𝗂𝗇
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Boxer!Ashton Irwin x Fem!Reader @bartxnhood Summary: Wrong place right time or right place wrong time? A/n: This is a work of fiction: I am aware Ashton is a sweetheart Warnings: A-hole Ashton, Major swearing Word Count: 2k Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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Irwin vs. Hemmings
Tonight 6pm @ The Lola
My ears were ringing from the loud shrill of the bell above me. There were numerous people in the makeshift ring in front of me, but two of them caught my camera's attention: One guy with shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes, and the other being blonde with piercing blue orbs staring into the crowd. My camera hung around my neck, gripped into my hands to ensure It wouldn't fall in any way.
"In this corner, we have Dr. Flukeeeee", The crowd goes wild once the blue-eyed boy walks into the middle of the ring, beating his chest. I raise my camera quickly to snap a few photos, making sure I have every perfect angle.
The people around me towered over me, my hair pulled back into two tight braids with bows at the ends, and the minimal clothing I wore to try and fit in. There was no way anyone would believe I belonged here- I was a college student who had an assignment to capture an "adrenaline high" photograph with an unexpected muse.
"And in this corner, we have Smashtonnnn Irwinnnn!", The referee shouts into the microphone, the crowd jumping up and down as the shaggy-haired boy walks forward with a mere smirk on his face. He seemed modest about the situation, his body relaxed and his eyes filled with confidence and determination. I end up sandwiched between two older men, my camera squished up against my chest and I try and get a good look at the two.
The two boys set themselves in position, their mouthguards tucked away in their mouths before the bell goes off once again.
The blonde is the first to move, stepping forward and throwing a right jab at the brunette. In return, He jumps back and begins circling around his opponent with locked eyes. They're both breathing quickly, sweat dripping down their foreheads and backs.
The brunette throws a left hook, his bare fist colliding with the blonde's jaw, sending him flat on his back. The crowd collectively let out gasps and I inch my way through the crowd, squeezing my way to the front. I reached the front of the wave of people, my camera raised up high and taking as many shots as I possibly could get being this close. The blonde stands back up, staggering slightly as he regains his balance and spits out a mouthful of blonde.
"Oh my god", I whisper to myself, looking around at the sea of people shouting nonsense and threats to one another. A few threw money at the judges, betting on the two and who'd knock each other out first. I couldn't tear my eyes away, no matter how much I wanted to. The sight before me was gorey- blood combined with sweat or spit laid out on the floor.
I took as many pictures as my storage card allowed before lowering the camera right as the brunette walked toward his corner and sat down. His face was mangled, blood dripping from his mouth and nose and all over his white uniform. I stood directly behind him now, his back shining from the bright LED standing light. His crew sprayed water in his mouth and patted him down with cold towels, screaming insults at him to get his adrenaline flowing. I look up at him, his eyes averting from the ring and to his coach who crouched next to him and spoke in his ear. His head immediately swung back and his hazel eyes locked with mine for a moment, a puzzled look on his face as he looked between me and the crowd.
The bell rings one last time, signaling the last match is beginning and he tears his eyes from mine quickly and stands up while shoving his bloodied mouth guard back into his mouth. He stumbles his way back into the middle of the ring, his body begging to drop but he continues forward. The blonde throws a jab, missing the brunette by mere inches. He takes this as an opportunity and swings quickly, his bare fist colliding with the other's jaw with a loud crack.
The bell dings multiple times indicating that the brunette has won the match.
The crowd erupts around me, pushing my body forward harshly and I have to huddle myself around the camera to protect it. Everyone shouted nonsense towards the ring, the blonde laying face down as blood poured out of his lips and nose- he was alive thankfully but was unconscious.
The bodies swarmed around me, chanting the last name of the winner and I could feel myself get pulled further down and towards the cold concrete beneath me. I attempted to balance myself, putting one hand on my camera and the other in front of me incase I did go down.
I suddenly feel a pair of calloused hands wrap around my underarms, pulling me harshly upwards back onto my feet, and through the crowd. My camera dangles around my neck and my body gets pulled forward, leading me towards an unmarked hallway. It was too dark to see, my head spinning as I try and collect my thoughts and make out what was going on.
Am I seriously being kidnapped right now?
I look down at the hand that was tightly wrapped around my wrist, blood seeping through the gauze wound around it and down my wrist. I look up now, my eyes meeting with the familiar hazel ones from before.
"What are you doing?", I finally ask, tugging my hand from his reach. He winces slightly as my hand drags across his own, retracting his quickly and furrowing his eyebrows at me.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?" His voice is hoarse, slipping out from his lips like sandpaper.
I look at him taken back, eyes wide as I cross my arms over my chest and try my hardest not to breathe in the overwhelming smell of metal that was coming from his figure.
"Excuse me?", I scoff, holding up my camera at him with a smug expression coming from my face. "I'm taking pictures"
"Well sweetheart, I didn't pay for a fucking personal photographer," He snatches the camera from my grip and examines it for a moment before slipping the storage card from its rightful place and dropping it to the floor.
"And I sure as hell didn't pay for a fucking cheerleader." He raises his foot slightly and stomps it down on the ground, destroying the card right in front of me.
"What the fuck", I gasp and reach down quickly, his foot gently pushing on my hand to stop me from reaching any further. I groan and stand up again, leaning down to grab his hand tightly in my own.
"What the hell", He hisses and attempts to pull his hand back, earning my other hand to grab ahold of it.
"Why did you curb-stomp my SD card, asshole." He laughs now, his shoulder raises into a mere shrug before he tears his hand from mine. He takes the small towel from around his neck and wipes beads of sweat from his forehead, his eyes locked on mine for a few moments before speaking,
"A girl like you shouldn't be at an illegal match like this- and certainly not taking fucking photographs while she does it."
I blink in response, watching his every move before he sighs and takes a step back to run his bruised hands through his hair,
"Look, I'm sorry I broke your shit. I just don't need you involved in this and being a witness to the brutal shit that goes on in here," He motions to the crowd of people that were chanting his name just a few doors over. I cross my arms over my chest again, narrowing my eyes at him,
"You just ruined my final for my photography class, hope it makes you feel any better", I bend down, scooping up the remains of my once full storage card and placing the remnants into my back pocket. He stares at me dumbfounded, looking between me and my camera before his lip is pulled in by his teeth,
"I'll make it up to you, just not tonight."
I scoff once more, raising a hand to flip him off before turning on my heel and making my way back the way we came. The crowd seemed to be growing louder by the second, with numerous people screaming that the cops were coming and I stopped dead in my tracks. The brunette's hand stops me once more, this time a gentle grip loosely encasing my own.
Pop Pop Pop
We both flinch now, his eyes darting behind me as the crowd begins screaming louder. From what I could gather, someone had shot the gun in the air.
"Don't go out that way," He pleads, his eyebrows relaxed on his face and the smell of blood only growing stronger with every step closer he takes.
"Just get me the hell out of here," I plead.
The brunette led me down the maze of a hallway, his hand hovering over my lower back as we sped walked together. My heart was beating out of my chest, ears still ringing loudly, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see him turning around every few moments to make sure no one was following us both.
He pushes through the heavy metal doors with a hard shoulder shove, motioning me to exit first. The air was cold, and I could hear the police sirens growing closer and closer. The man in front of me remained calm, almost as if he's gone through this every night now- which he probably does.
"Did you drive here?", He asks quickly, scanning the parking lot for any sign of a car that could've been mine.
I sigh softly, looking back at him with a deadpanned gaze. He groans in annoyance and grabs my upper arm quickly, jogging through the alleyway and towards his truck.
"You must be stupid if you think I'm getting in a car with a stranger," I halt in place, looking up at him with an emotionless expression.
"My name is Ashton, now get in the fucking truck before the cops arrest us both," He opens the passenger door of his truck harshly, letting go of my arm and jogging to his side. I slide into this passenger seat quickly, my feet clambering over the mountain of beer cans on the floor. If I had any time to spare, I'd bitch about the uncleanliness of the truck but Ashton climbing in after me and reversing out of the alleyway tore me from my thoughts.
"Holy shit, Ashton", I gasp and fumble with my seatbelt, clicking it in place and giving it a good tug as he swerves onto the main road. The sirens were only growing louder and I could see his bruised knuckles tightly gripped against the steering wheel, blood trickling down his arms and staining the cloth seats. His eyes focused on the road, not worrying about the flashing lights of blue and red that were now behind us.
"Ash-" I begin, my hands holding onto the handlebar above me with one hand while my other grabbed his forearm to steady myself as he weaved in and out of lanes.
"Stop", He said firmly, looking over at me in his passenger seat with a frightened look on my face.
And for the first time tonight- He smiles at me.
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lip-rings-and-quiffs · 8 months
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I didn’t expect it to work out this good tho
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yanyanboi · 5 months
Yandere jock x fem reader pt2
Pt1: https://www.tumblr.com/yanyanboi/737849436843261952/yandere-jock-x-fem-reader
Ok, the day finally came, it’s the first day of yandere jocks senior year, the year where he will talk to you, his first stage in his ultimate plan of “getting together with the angle herself reader”, and yandere jock had stayed up all night reviewing all his notes and findings about you so he can be the perfect s/o for you, like all those fanfics and romance movies that you reader and watch, well guess what? Yandere jock has gotten all that information from his father’s connections and money, and he now knows what you like in a man, he knows that makes your stomach flip and what makes your adorable face scrunch up in disguise, and when it was 3am yandere jock had gotten up just to get ready for reader and he made sure that he prayed at the shrine for reader, this shine was a huge collection of anything and everything that reader touched or used in the passed 4 years that yandere jock “met” reader, examples of this are things like used plastic utensils or used underwear that went “missing” in the dryer, oh and when yandere jock stoped praying at the shrine for reader, he had one of the most intense and long morning routine all to look his best for reader, first yandere jock had took off his silk bonnet and undid his curlers in his hair revealing a beautiful curl pattern, but yandere still spend at least two hours perfecting his already perfect hair, and after that he took one hour to put on his clothes that he laid out five weeks prior, then brushed and flossed his teeth for another hour because the last thing he wanted was to have bad breath the day he was going to talk to reader, and finally he gotten into his black expensive car and drove off to school. When yandere jock finally arrived at the school he went straight to his locker ignoring all of his so called “friends” that he hadn’t talk to over the summer, he made sure that he was blocking readers locker “accidentally“ and that was when he finally heard his angles voice, um excuse me your blocking my locker could you please move, ohhhh my reader do you even know what your doing to him?? Oh I am sorry dear, you know I’ve see you around a lot last year but we never spoke, can I please get you name beautiful? Yandere jock said this as if he doesn’t know everything about you already,
Um my name is reader…and you must be the infamous yandere jock right? Omg omg OMG you know his name, Nono you SAID his name, the most beautiful being that has ever stepped foot onto this planet not only knows him and his name but she said his name, oh god reader you just know how to get him all wild up don’t you, and you doing this on purpose right? Ok yandere jock this is your time to kick your plan into motion, flirt with reader, Oh so the beauty knows me, well I feel honored, dare I ask this beauty her first class? Yandere jock could already see reader blushing, oh what a heavenly sight to see, yandere jock could die happy at this very moment
My first class is English what about yours? Yandere jock smirked because he already knew that reader had all her classes with him, oh what a coincidence I have that class to, why don’t we walk together, I would love to be accompanied by a beautiful lady like yourself, yandere jock could see how he was affecting reader, he could see her blushing and sweating a little bit, oh how he wondered what she would look like underneath him, what faces and sounds she would make as he pounds into her.
Y-yeah that would be great I guess, reader tried to clam herself down, she didn’t what to show how much yandere jock was effecting her, but it was useless because the second that she agreed to walk with him yandere jock quickly moved his arm to rest on her waist, pulling her into his side as if she was his s/o, and once yandere jock and reader arrived to class yandere jock made damn sure that they sat next to each other, but even that wasn’t close enough so yandere jock pulled her chair even closer so that they legs where touching.
When the teacher was talking attendance they said readers name, yandere jock was furious, his rage barely being contained and the only reason why he didn’t out right attack the teacher was because readers was there and she might be scared of him if he did, one might ask why was he so angry? Simple, that ugly pathetic, and weak teacher had the audacity to say readers name without his permission, no one but him should have that right, everyone else is dirty and pathetic, and saying an angels name that is to pure for the world should be illegal and the punishment should be death, but after the teacher took the attendance yandere jock cooled down a little, enough to look and talk like his normal self which was perfect timing because the next thing they did in class where ice breaks, you know the “talk to five people and tell them your hobbies” type of stuff, and yandere jock had only talked to you, he listened to every hobby, favorite color and activity like he didn’t know already, and once the teacher started to go over the syllabus yandere jocks hand just so happened to be resting on readers knew the whole time, and when the class ended he asked her what her second class was, and look at that they are also in the same class, sex ed, this should be fun right.
Sorry if it seems a little rushed at the end I really wanted to finish this today but if you guys can please comment on what you liked or what I need to improve on.
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simpleskull200 · 2 months
I don't do reviews normally, but I recently stumbled upon a wonderfully written gem of darkness. A fanfic that captivated me and kept me hooked, drawing me deeper and deeper in with each passing chapter.
The story in question is Three Steps to Obsession by Kassykins over on Ao3. A Five Nights at Freddy's fanfic focusing primarily on a very obsessive, Yandere Sun and Moon. It's a rollercoaster of emotions and plot twists that serve to tell quite a compelling story. I'm not normally a fan of long fanfics, typically keeping to shorter works but this was an unexpected treat. I can't go too deep into the plot without spoiling it as things really take quite a dark turn in the second act of the story.
In basics, the story is told through three different phases. The first act of the fic opens with the reader getting a summer job at the Pizzaplex and building a friendship with Sun and Moon. Building a bond over the summer, keeping in contact with the two via text.
The second act opens on a return to the Pizzaplex the following summer and things take a turn for the darker. The events leaving the reader running and putting the whole thing behind them after a series of events that leave them thoroughly traumatized.
The third act is set years later, the reader trying to put everything that happened behind them only for the past to come crashing back into their life in the worst of ways. Shattering any sense of calm, peace that the reader had found in their life.
The ending chapters of the fic felt so satisfying to read. I was excited to see the reader/protagonist get a somewhat happy ending.
Please be aware to read at your own risk. This story does get really dark and graphically violent in some places, but I 100% recommend giving it a read if you're a fan of dark fan works.
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sailor-aviator · 8 months
Do you know what? I've been thinking again, and I would love to read about Jake's previous frenzies. What were they like? How did he feel? How does it all happen? I don't mean to force you to do this, though, especially if you are already planning on including them or more about the frenzy in the series, so no pressure, only if you want to.
Ooooooooo there you go thinking again! (I love it)
So, at the risk of revealing too much, I will give a few snippets into what the frenzy is/what it's like.
So the concept of the frenzy is actually based around a lot of aspects of A/B/O fanfic (I know, I know lol Please don't judge). The frenzy happens once every five years. Individuals "present" as mermaids/sirens/sea people when their first frenzy hits. This is usually in their mid to late teens (So anywhere from 14-19), but the most common age of presentation is about 16.
The frenzy is what I would call a combination of rut and heat in A/B/O. If you aren't familiar with the concept, essentially what that means is there are specific times when the need to mate/breed/whatever becomes SUPER intense, and this can drive an individual kind of crazy with need. I know I mentioned in the fic that there's a "mating season" every year during the summer, but a person's frenzy year is when they're most likely to take a mate.
Now, while it's not....unheard of to take a mate during your first frenzy, it's definitely NOT encouraged for obvious reasons. However, most people take a mate before or during their second frenzy. The frenzy becomes more intense with each one a person has without a mate. But, the frenzy also takes on a component of how heats work in A/B/O. It's dangerous to go too long without a mate.
Now, there are two different kinds of bites. One, is obvious - the claiming bite. This is to bond your chosen mate to you for life. It cannot be undone once it's given. The second, is what Jake has given Skipper. It's an intention bite, meaning that Jake has essentially called "dibs" on Skipper in Chapter Two. This bite isn't permanent, and it can be replaced by a claiming bite from anyone. In fact, if Jake doesn't choose Skipper after a couple of months, then it will fade as if it was never there. You don't have to have an intention bite in order to claim. The intention bite is to let other mermaids/sirens/sea people know that the person with the bite is being courted.
The intention bite changes someone smell as well, which helps let other sea people know to back off (back in the day it was often ignored and fights would break out over it).
Now, we've already seen a little bit of the courting already. Can you guess what it was?
Now, I'm going to write a blurb, but there are a couple of reasons why the squad is upset with Jake right now. 1. They don't know that Jake and Skipper are true mates yet. 2. With the expectations surrounding him, Jake is (for all intents and purposes) "engaged" to two different people at the moment. There's also a secret third thing that we'll get into at a later time in the fic itself.
There's also a whole ritual that goes into the claiming bite, but we'll also be getting more into that during the story. But for now, just think of how sirens got their bad reputations. There's always some truth to myth...
Hope that explained some things!!
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