#first sentence patterns
lunapwrites · 3 months
First Sentence Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Finally catching up on these. Thank you to @girl-with-goats for the tag! (And apologies for the long delay, I am s l o w.) Let's see what we're working with here...
Third row, fifteen down. - coffee black and egg white
If Ginny thought about it — really thought about it — she could admit that she hadn’t actually thought that Harry would die. - hold the hand of the god-child
He made dinner, because it seemed like the least he could do. - open my heart (let it bleed onto yours)
The Marches of Drakescall were known as the jewel of the west, and it was said the view alone was priceless. - Where the Wild Thyme Grows
"Hello, you've reached the Floo of Sirius Black, I'm not here right now on account of being out sullying the family name -- no, shut up Moony, this is fine -- anyway, don't leave a message, I'll get back to you never. Mwah!" - the number you have reached
It had been twenty-five years since Remus had last spoken to Lyall, and at some point — probably when the time he’d spent away had exceeded the time spent under that roof — he’d stopped getting angry every time he thought about him. - Ouroboros
It started, as many of their best stories did, with an offhand remark. - Watch (Ophelia VII)
[…] Through much trial and error it was determined that a simple inversion of the spell matrix could allow a shield charm to absorb incoming spellfire, rather than simply block or reflect it. - Applied Theory
On August tenth, Lucius Malfoy woke up in his hand-carved ebony bed with silver inlay and French silk sheets. - three knocks upon the door
Somewhere along the way, something in his head had gone wrong. - hollow hands hold the other
I'm... not really sure what to call that. I think I tend towards either short, snappy sentences, or very in-voice rambling narration.
Tagging @mkaugust, @allalrightagain @femme--de--lettres @inmyownlittlecorner5 and an open tag for anyone else who would like to join in <3
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 3 months
Thank you @middleearthpixie. I was hoping a new tag game would pop up.
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
The world was white, and it was cold.
When Nestor’s job revolved around being near his employer almost twenty-four hours a day, he had to make certain ground rules for himself early in his career.
Bilbo Baggins was many things in the eyes of his nephew both before and after the incident with the ring.
Tintin really wished he wasn’t getting old.
It was shaping up to be a beautiful day for a ride through the slowly greening hills.
Thorin limped along, hand pressed against his bleeding wound, his vision blurring at times.
Covered in mucus as he was, Bilbo was not likely to forget his experience with trolls for as long as he lived.
Bilbo loved his little tea shop.
Once, all mortals knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that their world was ruled by immortal beings with supernatural powers.
Kili stood there stunned as he watched Thorin packing a bag for his delegation in the Iron Hills.
Oh cool! I wasn't sure there was actually going to be a pattern, but it really seems like I establish a lot of world building/setting in that first sentence.
Tagging: @fantasyinallforms @conkers-thecosy @lucigoo @lordoftherazzles and @ahufflepuffhobbit to see if you guys can find any patterns in your own work!
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
yeah yeah opening a fic and "he would not fucking say that" but what about you open the fic and "he would fucking say that". what about that pure feeling of euphoria when it's exactly right the way you like it
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herearedragons · 25 days
15 Lines Of Dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Was tagged in this a while back by @ndostairlyrium! I'll try to do this for two characters.
Kyana Amell (Dragon Age)
“We’re already too late. Therefore, we keep moving, and I swear I will burn alive the next person who mentions looting. Am I clear?”
"Blast it."
“Shall I remind you where your armor came from?”
"I may need another bandage."
“I also cleaned it! Who do you think I am?”
“Well, I don’t use them. Do you not want them?”
“I. Am. Fine.”
“There’s nothing here. We should move on.”
"Pride tried to trick me, and failed. Sloth tried to cage me, and I tore its domain apart. Do you wish to be next?”
“Don’t be a fool. You worry too much, that’s all.”
“...See, that is where the illusion breaks: he would never say that.”
“I suppose you could say it gave me a riddle. Nothing special, really.”
“Do you want to hear I lied to your Guardian, saying I had done all I could for him? Is that it?”
“Stop taunting me!”
“Thanks, but I already have a friend. I don’t need a replacement.”
Selene (Pillars of Eternity)
"I was always good at that - finding the ones who need to let go of something. They just have this look - it's like their eyes are screaming."
“I do what I must to survive.”
“I know that there are very few people I can get along with, and there’s no one else like you, I don’t know why, but I - I can’t lose that.”
"...Can I see the cat again?"
“This doesn’t change anything... But it matters. To me. That you said that.”
"It did help, kind of. I think I stopped hearing voices for a while, but… it felt like I could see everything. Everything. And hear it. And smell it. My head still hurts."
"…Actually, I have a question. Can I ask you a question?"
"I was armed. And I wanted to live more than they did."
“…I’m glad I could help.”
“It’s not what happened, but it’s a way to remember it.”
“Thoughts are getting noisy back there, but other than that, it’s fun.”
"Did you know your hair is five different kinds of yellow? Because it is."
"Actually, you know what? Fuck it. I'm not an Ondrite anymore. I can say their names now."
"But what you said yesterday - what you said now - I don't know if it's right, but... I think knowing that you want this, and still not doing it, scares me even more."
"It broke something in me. Here was someone who suffered, but they - they didn't want to give it away."
tagging: @solas-backpack-mug @heniareth @curiouslavellan if any of you feel like doing this!
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cricketnationrise · 3 months
writing patterns baybee
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern
thanks for the tags @kiwiana-writes, @cha-melodius, @doggernaut, and @montrealmadison! since i've been posting mostly ficlet fest fills you're getting some bonus fun: 6 most recent ficlets and 6 most recent non-ficlet fest fics. lets see whats up with my writing below the cut y'all 💜🦗
8:30pm, the brownstone: “…then the donor said something about riding ‘requiring the right equipment,’” Henry giggles, warm from the bottle of wine they’re splitting.
8:00pm, red room: Alex might legitimately be going insane — it’s the most likely explanation for how fucking good it feels to be making out with Henry.
9:42pm, nyu apartment: If you’d told Alex ten years ago that he’d love being pinned to his own couch and kissed to within an inch of his life by Henry fucking Fox, he’d have laughed in your face.
2:19am, alex's apartment: HRH Prince Dickhead 💩: Are you awake?
1:30pm, nyc panadería: Don Paco López, Panadería, established 1991, in the heart of Brooklyn, New York, smells absolutely fucking amazing.
3:47pm, lake lbj: It’s a special kind of surreal seeing both his kids in love.
~~~ Set in Platinum: DrWhomst: *Rafiki voice* IT IS TIME
NFWMB: “Yes, I understand that, but unfortunately it was your less-than-well-moderated website that locked Henry out from submitting his roommate request until after the deadline in the first place.”
the super sick(s): Bea will take the knowledge that she was the one that brought the cold to the Super Six to her bloody grave.
so, kiss me: “Dude, you’re on the Kiss Cam.”
burning brightly through the night: Jon fervently wishes he had any words to offer Alanna as they approach the Great Throne Room.
Downburst: “Alex! Alex, over here!”
~~~ SO. Some patterns: 4/12 are dialogue 2/12 are texts/chat log 4/12 have italics (honestly lower than i thought) 6/12 feature some introspection 7/12 you can tell who's POV it is immediately
idk it's interesting that they aren't more uniform--apparently i like to mix things up!
tagging: @the-lincyclopedia, @missanniewhimsy, @xthelastknownsurvivorx, @firenati0n, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @dumbpeachjuice, @smc-27, and @leaves-of-laurelin, as well as anyone who hasn't done this yet and wants to play! 💜🦗
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triskhellion · 3 months
First & Last Lines / Writing Patterns
tagged by @dear-massacre 🖤 & @renmackree 💙!
Combining these since I'll be using the same posted fics for both because I tend to bounce around on my unpublished fics/chapters and am not sure of the order including those.
Post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you worked on. WIPs are allowed! / List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Gingerly: 2k, Sterek, teen (complete)
First: Stiles began working on his magic over the summer, but didn’t tell anyone because he wanted to have something impressive, or at least reliable, to show when he was inevitably asked to demonstrate. Last: It seemed like he was going to show off his tattoos after all.
Anticipation (Chosen 5): drabble, Sterek, mature
First: He lifted a hand to his throbbing mark, unsteady from the new and intense sensations coursing through him. Last: Daunting.
Mine (Chosen 4): drabble, Sterek, teen
First: Derek stilled as his senses expanded and were overwhelmed all at once. Last: Mine.
Mouth Stuff: 1.7k, Sterek/pre-Steraac, teen (complete)
First: The scent of intense irritation wafted over to where Derek was reading in his favorite chair.  Last: And if he had an interesting dream about both of them that night, well, it was no one’s business but his. 
Acceptance (Chosen 3): drabble, Sterek, teen
First: “…Mieczysław.” Last: A hungry mouth trailed kisses over his marked skin before fangs clamped down.
Answer (Chosen 2): drabble, Sterek, teen
First: Derek listened to the rabbiting heart of his intended over the white noise of the heater. Last: "Yes." 
Chosen: (Chosen 1): drabble, Sterek, teen
First: Stiles could tell from the size of the bite on his neck that he was in trouble.  Last: “I think you know.”
15 Shades of Red: 20.8k, Sterek, explicit (WIP)
First: His cool, calm, and collected demeanor was at odds with the anxiety and anticipation roiling inside him.  Last: M — Stilinski — had just entered the room, his room, and he was incensed.
Legs: 4.3k, Sterek, explicit (complete)
First: “Thank fucking God,” Stiles muttered to himself as the key finally turned in the lock after jiggling the damn door until everything lined up just right.  Last: And no matter who came in first, he was going to win either way.
Hunter, Dragon, Wolf: 1k, Sterek, mature (complete)
First: Every decision — theirs and yours — has led to this.  Last: Entwined.
Consider yourself tagged if you want to join in!
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tracingpatternswrites · 3 months
Writing patterns
Thanks for the tags @puuvillaa and @blitheringmcgonagall - this was fun!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Married at first sight - Wolfstar
I’m out of my mind. 
Rekindle - Wolfstar
Sirius wakes with a jolt, which is weird because he barely sleeps these days.
Unbound by you - Wolfstar
“Padfoot! Padfoot! PADFOOT!!!”
dream a little dream of me - Wolfstar
He doesn’t know how he gets back to Grimmauld Place.
The Patchwork of Us - Wolfstar
Remus turned his collar up against the wind as he stepped out of the station and onto Church Road. 
A very merry Christmas - Jegulus
Ropes - Wolfstar
Ropes - sometimes black like the ink on Sirius’ skin, sometimes a bright red, like the blood that collects in the wake of sharp blades and sharper teeth.
over blackened water - Jegulus
He’s floating, soaring, flying.
Yes sir - Wolfstar
There’s a knock at the door to his office and Remus sets his pen down with a frown. 
The Malfoy Gambit - Narcissa character study
Narcissa had always loved the Manor.
What's the pattern? For one who doesn't mind wordy and long sentences, my first sentences seem to be quite short.
No pressure tags for @heartofspells, @impishtubist, @artemisia-black, @mundrakan if you want, and anyone else who might want to play.
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Writing Patterns (Tag Game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Thank you for the tag @underacalicosky this is could be fun.
I already know one pattern in my fics, as many of them start with a quote, so I'll skip that and find the first sentence.
He was floating, drifting in the emptiness.
From The eternal tide is an endless rhythm that becomes the song of the heart
Obi-Wan breathed a sigh of relief when their ship finally landed in the Jedi temple’s western hangar.
From Compersion
"I know you."
From At the end, I will always be with you. 
He stared at the baby in his arms, the tiny innocent luminous being who would one day be his and so many others' demise.
From For the greater good
With a last, May the Force be with you, Obi-Wan clicked off his comm releasing a long suffering sigh.
From Rain
Obi-Wan found his Padawan in the long, soft grass near the great waterfall in the Room of a Thousand Fountains.
From Nightmares
The lone figure stood motionless on the edge of the cliff watching as the last sun was swallowed up by the horizon, turning the sky into a glowing sea of flames.
From Across time
Looking down at the mangled and crippled form that was all that there was left of his best friend and brother, seeing the hate, pain and fear blend together in the sulfur yellow eyes that had replaced beloved blue, Obi-Wan choose to be selfish, he simply could not let him die in agony.
From As one
Ahsoka was unusually quiet next to Anakin in the co-pilot seat of the Twilight when they finally emerged from hyperspace over Coruscant.
From ‘Com’Passion 
Ahsoka clenched the hydrospanner between her strong white teeth, growling a curse borrowed from her former master's extensive arsenal.
From One passionate night
I don't really see a pattern, but that's probably because these ten are very different fic with different setups… but it was fun to see, because it's not something I've thought about before. The first sentence usually comes to me from my muse, so it's something instinctive for me.
I won't be tagging anyone this time, but invite anyone who is interested to participate.
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girl-with-goats · 3 months
first sentence patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks for tagging me @gloivy <3
Hollow City, Teddy Lupin x Victoire Weasley | WIP - 6,485 words | M
The forget-me-nots are burning.
fruits of your labour, Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy | WIP - 98,193 words | E
“Have you ever seen the devil?”
burning angel feathers, Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy | WIP - 2,467 words | M
"I heard you the first time, Ginny."
nocturnal sunshine, Gellert Grindelwald x Albus Dumbledore | WIP - 2,957 words | T
“Are you sure about going there?”
the lady beckons (and he follows), Lucius Malfoy x Narcissa Black Malfoy | 677 words | M
She beckons with her right hand. She beckons and smiles, her eyes shining though cold. 
Hollow Hearts, Teddy Lupin x Victoire Weasley | 7,000 words | T
The forget-me-nots Teddy is holding in his hands are electric blue, somehow matching the pinkness of his hair. 
souls and marks, gen | 1,138 words | T
It looks inconspicuous at first glance—just a small house with a wooden door, yellow pots with oxeye daisies lined up by the wall, and a balcony completely overgrown by roses.
parti pris, Percy Weasley x Oliver Wood | 17,528 words | E
Percy lit a cigarette and looked down at the city at his feet.
building up the pages (over the Atlantic), Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy | 1,595 words | T
Dear Hermione, how’s Spain treating you? 
in sickness and in health, Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy | 789 words | T
When she was sick, nobody noticed.
No pattern I think 😂
tagging @lunapwrites @nanneramma @bluestringpudding sorry if you've been tagged on this already 🫶
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j8kethewizz · 1 year
I started writing this in the replies of a different post but quickly reached the word limit so I'm putting it here instead. These are my thoughts on across the spiderverse and they contain heavy spoilers. Please only read if you have seen the movie because it's the kind of movie that gets absolutely ruined by being spoiled.
So the antagonists in both ITSV and ATSV have a lot in common.
Miguel and kingpin have the same motivation in each of their respective films. They both wanted to live a life that didn't fuck them over and they crossed through dimensions to try and make it happen.
They both fail to achieve their goal: kingpin's attempts to bring his family back are thwarted by the spiders, and the world Miguel enters literally falls apart around him.
Their actions have ramifications that further the conflict of the series. By creating his collider, kingpin gave the spot his powers, allowing the spot to wreck havoc through dimensions. Miguel's new dimension unraveling led him to believe in specific canon events that must happen to every spider person, and that any anomalies to his formula would cause the multiverse to unravel.
There's a pattern to be seen here, and while the next movie is likely going to focus somewhat on the conflict against the spider society, I think it would be cool if the conflict between miles 1610 and miles 42 followed a similar pattern.
Miles 42 lost his father, and 1610 showing up has proven to him there are other dimensions out there, including one where his dad is still alive, which would provide a motivation in line with the previous ones. Miles 42 is framed pretty clearly as an antagonist, meaning Miles 1610 as the protagonist will likely find a way to stop 42 somehow, meaning all that's left to see is the ramifications. I honestly don't know how it all will play out. Beyond the spiderverse could take this story in so many different directions and most of them would be satisfying enough for me.
The ultimate coolest move in my book would be to create a meta narrative of sorts where each movie has the same key elements that make up the story, but handle the conflict in three different ways; what if each spiderverse movie was an alternate version of the same movie? ITSV would be a man vs man conflict (kingpin pulled the spiders out of their own universes and miles has to defeat him to repair the damage done). ATSV would be a man vs society conflict, as miles is up against a society of other spider people who believe he's an anomaly who needs to be contained, destroyed, or forced into conforming to the spiderman formula. I predict that BTSV (at least miles' main arc) will be a man vs self conflict, showing miles a version of himself who behaves the same way as the villains he's faced so far, and having him reconcile with that.
The villains this series has given us have all been victims of circumstance, people who are trying to do what they can to get themselves out of a difficult or painful situation. What makes them villains is the choices they make in trying to get out. Kingpin, Miguel, and the Spot (and presumably Miles 42 but it's a bit too early to say) will stop at nothing to get what they want, and they don't care about the people they hurt along the way.
Destiny and canon want to put Miles through the ringer like every other spiderman, but Miles rejects these very concepts in the climax of ATSV. Miles chooses to reject these ideas, trying to find an alternate path much like the antagonists. But Miles has a different motivation: in addition to making a better world for himself, he's fighting to make a better multiverse for all of the spider people.
I'm not a super active writer, but a writing adage I've picked up over the years is that protagonists ask questions and antagonists give answers to those questions. Its up to the protagonist whether to believe if those answers are true. In BTSV Miles' question would be "Am I a villain too?" Miles 42 answers yes by showing our Miles that at the very least, he is capable of becoming a villain. If Miles rejects that answer, he will no doubt do so by remembering that unlike the villains he's faced, he's fighting for something greater than himself.
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thornshadowwolf · 9 months
I know I've made this post before but: y'all have really got to stop using "it's ugly"/"it sounds bad" as your main (and sometimes only) argument as to why you shouldn't support/watch/listen to/play a show/music/game/whatever made by bigots or abusers. Art is very subjective and the people who are following an artist are doing it because they like that artist's style. When they ask "wait what's wrong with <person>?" answering "their style looks dumb"/"their music sucks" is just gonna make the person asking the question think you're just a hater and they'll keep supporting them. It won't inform them that the person whose art/music they're looking at/listening to is racist or transphobic or a pedophile. (And at worst will make them think that people are lying to discredit the artist when they do finally hear legitimate criticism of them (especially if you are also making things up or digging up years-old dirt that the artist no longer agrees with))
(Because reading comprehension sucks here: this is not saying you can't think ppl's art sucks, nor that you can't say that it sucks. This is specifically about using that as your main or only argument as to why consuming their art is morally wrong.)
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butraura · 3 months
Writing Patterns!
tagged by @aspecbuddie
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
fate is when the stars align, but if they don't, you'll still be mine What is a soulmate?
Deliverance The last few months have been a complete whirlwind.
the trouble with family It's been a rough day, to say the least.
deck the halls Eddie is... hungover?
Travelin' Soldier Buck is familiar with most of the customers at the cafe.
drowning on dry land "Can you tell me a bit about what happened that day, Christopher?"
all's fair in love and war It's a quiet day at the firehouse - which, if we're being honest, should have been an indication that something would go awry - and the team is hovered around a pool table.
over the edge Honest to God, Buck never meant for the lawsuit to go as far as it did.
the silent treatment Three weeks and two days after the lawsuit was filed and the firehouse was served, Buck is left with radio silence from the 118 and all the people that matter to him (other than Maddie).
shelter in place It should have been a normal day, a normal shift.
tagging: @steadfastsaturnsrings @watchyourbuck @fortheloveofbuddie <3
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outer-edges · 5 months
just discovered cockney rhyming slang and i am SO obsessed with this i wish it didn't sound absolutely ridiculous in american english because it is right up my alley i LOVE doings that make my speech borderline incomprehensible
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cosmicrhetoric · 10 months
this is not a bad book by any means. but i am beginning to see the issues others had with it
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ineloquent-creature · 6 months
man sometimes i write the rawest ass shit but i literally cannot share it with anyone because i have not put it in a book yet & i have learned my lesson
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pikechris · 1 year
people are sometimes surprised when I say that I actually like my job in a service station deli. well first of all this is ireland, 98% of customer interactions are polite and pleasant and the worst thing that can happen to me personally is when we get a bus full of teenagers who want chicken fillet rolls. or even worse, two in one day. happened this tuesday. but also i've found that it's actually perfect for my autism/adhd brain because:
I do the same things every day. there are tasks that have to be done every day and tasks that have to be done every week on a specific day. perfect. it's the thing others complain about the most, but me? just how I prefer it
constantly moving and doing something is what keeps me stimulated and staves off boredom aka the worst feeling ever. it gets pretty busy sometimes, which, ideal! I haven't had to touch a stim toy for MONTHS because I put all that excess energy to violently scrubbing dishes
I'm honestly the perfect employee because when I happen to have nothing to do I look for things to clean and tidy and shit and if that doesn't help I ask the manager for extra tasks to keep those hands occupied lol
re: previous point. I'm Fast so I always do everything that needs to be done, too. mostly because my brain takes the rules seriously and when the paperwork says I have to do something. well then I'll bloody well do it won't I. it says it right there. they like me because they know I'm reliable unlike the students who do weekends and even exceed expectations sometimes hah
clear instructions, love em. here I always know what to do and how to do it
the customer interactions follow a similar pattern and are almost always the same so I know what to say and ask and it's not stressful
sometimes people ask me where to find things and such and I Iove a) knowing things and being somebody who knows them and b) telling people about something I know, so it doesn't bother me
there's a whole bunch of safety compliance paperwork tasks like taking temperatures of food every hour that everyone finds annoying. but I love numbers and measuring things and statistics!! it's like ooh I wonder what's the temperature of this soup?? and then I stick a probe in there and find out and write it down! neat. tracking how quickly things cool down in the hot counter is entertaining
there's always 50 things to do at once. I will start 10 at a time. it works out fine. I can check the task list to see if I did it and tick it off. adhd kept in check ✓
others repeat the customers' orders to them to make sure they're getting it right so when I do it because echolalia & needing it to process the information, it goes unnoticed!!
I hate silence so the constant noise of the ovens and the radio and such are a good background noise. plus no one minds when I sing along to the radio as a stim because everyone does it, which is also why I feel safe enough to do so in the first place
no seriously doing stuff gives me energy, so I'm not tired after an 8.5 hour shift (this is even an observation others have made) and still can do the shopping, cook dinner, cook lunch for next day and be busy until midnight. something I couldn't do when studying, which was an energy drainer. huh
(I haven't had this much energy and motivation to do things since I was a CHILD. I'm not joking. I also haven't had a shutdown or anxiety attack or even a bad day in ages since I moved and started working. lying in bed depressed and feeling like I can't breathe? don't know her. also I can actually fall asleep immediately. my brain just shuts down. a feeling I haven't known for years. what is this magic)
I get to put things in the oven and make pizzas and bread and scones from scratch and generally do things I like and am good at and get paid for it! fuck yeah baking!!
I get to clean and put things in order and organise stock and the cold room and freezers and implement Systems and make things Full and GET PAID FOR IT
regular shifts 10-18, perfect, I don't have to get up too early either. allows for going to sleep at midnight and still getting the sweet eight hours
everybody is kind of doing their own thing most of the time and we're all busy so I'm not required to talk to my coworkers if I don't want to. but I can if I do. we all get along well. also good
sometimes I have an issue remembering how many fillings I put in that person's wrap if I wasn't paying that much attention but it's fine, if I charge them 40c less no one will know. there is no failing and no points deducted for a wrong answer. it's chill, no anxiety induced
I'm mostly on my own from 11:30ish until the end, the deli is my kingdom, I make the decisions, no one is in the way, I like it. I like it less when it's busy but I'm capable of handling it either way so eh *shrug*
i have a very good memory (when I do pay attention) so when there are regulars who order the same one or two things I remember them fast and now it's like. white wrap, peppers and plain chicken? and they're like. yeah!! :) I get to make someone happy with something so simple :)
sometimes people eat truly bizarre sandwiches and stuff and I get to internally laugh and/or wonder what the fuck is that. sometimes we actually do laugh about it after. it's fun
I'm also apparently the best new person they've ever had in this shop because I learn extremely fast so that's nice to hear lmao
i easily follow safety regulations such as wearing gloves at all times because dirty dishes and wet bits of food in the sink and raw meat and greasy utensils and sticky bread dough and the inside of the oven mitts are yucky to touch so that's another win-win for them and me
if not the company owner then at least the shop and deli managers are amazing. they will tell you to take any wastage you want without paying for it (because that is a stupid rule that exists that everyone thinks is nonsense and ignores. what's the difference if an out of date bag of crisps goes in the bin or is eaten?) just don't tell the boss, and will go out for drinks with you, and act like normal human beings who are a delight to work with
as a christmas bonus we all got a €50 one4all gift card which everyone thought was sort of shite and useless but are you kidding me? that means a free coffee machine. I got a free coffee machine with it. and a big discount on noise-cancelling wireless earbuds that are actually good and have a long battery life. amazing I'm telling you
yes we get the minimum wage but as someone who never worked or had much money I can live so well off of it? i can comfortably pay for rent and electricity and two grocery shoppings a week that aren't cheap, put a bunch aside, buy some treats online when I feel like it, go places every other week, and still have enough left. I flew to london in december just because. spent £130 on a concert ticket to the o2. I visit places that are a bit further away and stay a night or two once a month. I feel like I eat like a king when I have stuff like homemade bread with avocado spread, homemade cake, fresh strawberries and stuff for breakfast all the time. and that's just for cleaning and making sandwiches?? it sometimes feels unreal to me that I do it for money at all. it's like. housework. things I do anyway all the time at home. I have no reason to complain lol
anyway this is just how I personally feel :') but yeah I like working? who'd have thought. not me. I also feel like I'm the only one there who does. or anywhere really. because I'm so used to retail and service jobs being connected with annoyance and hate and doing them out of necessity etc etc... so I wanted to share that little bit of positive experience I guess. and needed to rant about it somewhere.
is it weird that working 42 hours a week in a shop improved my mental health? probably. but I also get it and can't believe I didn't figure it out earlier because. it's the moving lads. I'm in a constant state of busy. once I stop doing things and start lying in bed all day it goes downhill and the energy and motivation don't come back. but now? that's impossible. even on weekends. I can't put off the ironing because I need the uniform. I have to cook because I can't live on cheese toasties and the veg in the fridge is gonna go off if I don't use it. I have to travel because there's nothing to do in town except lying in bed all day. and once I make a Plan, not even the rain or having to get up at 6:30 to catch the morning bus stops me from following it. and I don't mean that in a stressful grind culture way, I mean it in a helpful actually-it's-pretty-slow-and-quiet way! I found a way of hacking the executive dysfunction completely by accident here and. it's a job
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