#final fantasy x au
startheskelaton · 2 months
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Fun facts 3: Godzilla family
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slackertherubycat · 10 months
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Lady Warrick and Lord Rosfield
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mightier · 8 months
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summons Let this Saber fulfill your wish, Master.
Life is short and we should all be allowed to draw a Fate!AU Master/Servant version of our pairings. I finished Fate Samurai Remnant lately and it was so good!!!
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vasiliquemort · 5 months
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Ophelia, mortal sense of illusion You've scattered your lilies around places where I've prayed So I shall fall into sleep, and shall fall out of it, and then drop myself into love again Shall drown down into venomous dome once back then. My soul shall split into you, And so - it, me and you, - shall fault then once more.
So, now, give it back, my will give away Begged be, be adjured: Give spirit his way back to me, So pray then I will, round and again.
My ribs are but my mortal tethers, that do gasp and hone adore and love towards most graciously formed, toned ode - that is a @mindimoon's one!<ззз
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rei-is-hiding · 9 months
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@aerti-week: modern AU
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kyasarinkishinuma · 4 months
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Summary: Cloud comes home from a mission to find you pulling an all-nighter, and he agrees to stay up with you.
Pairing: Cloud Strife x Reader
Themes: Roommates AU, Fluff
AO3 link
Your apartment had long been plunged into darkness when the front door creaked open, admitting a late-night visitor. Or rather, a late-night homecomer, as this apartment was not yours alone.
Cloud placed his sword by the door, propping it up against the wall once he had shut the door behind him. He let his eyes drift to you, curled up on the couch beneath a blanket. You hadn’t greeted him as you were completely indulged in your study of the weighty book resting in your hands. It didn’t bother him.
“Hey,” he spoke offhandedly, not expecting a response as he stepped further into the humble apartment. You gave off a hum in response, brows knitted together as you committed your whole attention to the words swimming in front of your tired eyes. Cloud hesitated then at the hallway leading to your separate rooms then, glancing back at you briefly.
“Whatcha reading?” He asked casually, choosing to commit a moment longer to you, his roommate. It just so happened that Midgar was short on apartments for broke people, and it just so happened that you were one of the few people that he could put up with. You were quiet, calm and minded your own business. You asked nothing of him, only that he paid his half of the rent. He was fine with that. But over the weeks, living within the same apartment had inevitably led you to become more acquainted with one another. Talking became more natural, all while holding that nonchalance that had always been there. Conversations that didn’t mean anything. The easy kind.
Grateful for an excuse to get away from your reading if only for a moment, you let your gaze wander to Cloud, lazily stretching out over the couch. He was filthy. Cloud always came back like that. In the early hours of the morning, looking like he had just tumbled in the Midgar dirt. You never really asked him why, just like you never asked him about the massive sword he carried around. This was Midgar, after all. Nothing’s too weird to be true. The blonde had opened up to you about a couple things in time, though, as you had with him. “Oh, you know, the usual.” You gave a quiet groan, rubbing your hand over your eyes. They were burning from the strain of pulling an all-nighter. “University stuff.”
“Yeah.” Cloud nodded then, somewhat awkwardly. Like he didn’t know how to respond to that. He wasn’t big on talking. “You want a coffee?” But he was still very thoughtful, in his own way. You smiled at the proposition, nodding as you suppressed a yawn.
“Yeah. That’d be great, actually.”
“Give me a minute.” 
“Thanks, Cloud.” You called after him, but you got no response. Sighing through your nose, you curled back onto the couch, casting a wary look down at your book. You had been at it for hours, slaving away at your university assignments. It may seem silly to those like Cloud who were out there doing actual jobs. But to you, it was important. It was your chance at a better future than one in the slums.
You hadn’t realized you were falling asleep right then, nodding off as you fell deeper and deeper into your thoughts until Cloud came back with two mugs in his hands. “You okay?” He asked you, mako eyes burning into your face as you were startled awake with a quiet snort. You flushed in embarrassment but the mercenary didn’t even seem to notice it, handing you your cup of coffee.
“Thanks.” You brought the drink to your lips, feeling Cloud’s weight plop down on the couch next to you. He casually slung his arm over the side of the couch opposite of yours, making himself comfortable in his filthy state. You didn’t complain. “Did you get in a fight with Barret again?” 
Cloud’s gaze followed yours, focusing on a bruise on his arm, one too large to have been caused by a mere trip-up. He didn’t show a reaction, leaning back against the couch as he shrugged.
You laughed quietly then, shaking your headd. Sounds about right. It did kind of surprise you, though, that a guy as quiet as Cloud always seemed to be getting into fights. A silence fell over you both as you held your mugs in your hands, simply enjoying the cover of peace that only existed at night in this city. You could still hear the distant ruckus of breaking glass and drunken shouting from further down the street, sure, but it was nothing to how rowdy it would get during the daytime.
“You should really go sleep if you’re tired.”
Cloud’s voice broke into your thoughts as you looked over to him, finding him looking back. His expression was its usual. Neutral, unreadable. Except in time you had learned to pick up one small but crucial detail. His brows were furrowed in the slightest, eyes set on you intently. Like he meant it. He had shifted out of his lazy slouch, sitting up in the slightest. Attentive.
You showed him a tired smile then. Cloud was right. Some shut-eye wouldn’t hurt you. But you absolutely had to get this reading done by tomorrow. “I know. But these books won’t read themselves.”
“Can I help?” 
You had to admit you were surprised by the prompt reply, feeling his eyes burn into yours. It didn’t seem like he was letting up. Truth be told, this kind of attention was not something you saw everyday from your roommate. It was a side of him you got to see slowly, bit by bit as talking became easier. In a way, perhaps he was seeing that side of you too, ever since you had first offered to stitch up his wounds for him.
You shook your head. After that it was like Cloud hadn’t said anything at all, his posture relaxing as he laid back against the couch and turned to focus on the empty TV screen. But you did reconsider his offer after a moment. “Well… There might be something.” You heard him hum absently. “Maybe you can stay up with me until I’m done?”
Cloud didn’t respond right away. You figured he was giving it some thought as he leaned back further against the couch and crossed his arms. His answer came shortly after. “Sure. I wasn’t planning on going to sleep yet, anyway.”
“Great.” You showed him a grateful smile, making yourself comfortable on the couch. “Thanks.” 
And so you read, and so did Cloud, picking up some book he found laying around. ‘LOVELESS’. Ha. You hadn’t taken him for the type. Or perhaps he wasn’t. Peeking at him from over the top of your book, watching his focused eyes and tireless demeanor, you had to wonder if he really had meant to stay up or if he was doing it because you had asked him to. Regardless, his company was… nice. It made it easier to study this late into the night, knowing someone else was there with you.
About an hour in, just as you were nearing the end of your chapter Cloud slid off the couch, stretched his hands over his head and straightened out. “Going to shower. I’ll be back in a bit.” He told you from over his shoulder, blue eyes briefly meeting yours as you nodded. He left, the sound of the shower soon letting itself be known as you dove back into your reading.
By the time Cloud came back you were fast asleep, book held limply in your hands as your body was slumped against the back of the couch. He frowned a bit, examining the scene as he wondered what to do. In the end he chose not to wake you. Instead he moved the book out of your hands, marking the page before he placed a blanket over you. The nights were cold in the slums. He let himself observe you for a moment, shaking his head. He wished you had taken his words more seriously. At this rate you were working more than he was. However, it seemed sleep had gotten the better of you. In any case, it seemed that reading that was so important to you would have to wait until tomorrow.
And with that he shut the lights, dousing the apartment in the early morning darkness.
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itsmeishmi · 2 months
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Love the new XVI crossover, but my son does not he suffering from tiny titty disease, pls be respectful u3u heehee
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vforvielka · 21 days
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it girls 📸
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abyssalmermaiden · 6 months
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Not that he could (unless she let him)
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andi-tiucs · 2 months
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crisiscutie · 4 months
Wait for me...
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I'm coming.
The yandere version of this fic/scenario.
Pairing: "Fluffy" Sephiroth/Pregnant Darling
Content Warning: NSFW. Noncon. Milk Kink.
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You gazed at the well-stocked cabinet, the moonlight beaming on your face. You didn't know why you were doing this, considering that everything had already been put away for the night and the triplet boys were in bed. Maybe you weren't used to so many of the chores being done so quickly ever since your husband, Sephiroth, came back into your lives. You wanted to be glad about this "reunion". You really did. You couldn't, though. The horrific atrocities he committed in your family's name, his insistence on his right to rule the planet, his indoctrination of your sweet, innocent boys... It made you sick.
That fateful day he left your old home to find a cure for your degradation ended up changing him for the worst. He never told you the exact details of what happened, only mentioning an "epiphany" he had that day when he injected you with some sort of cells. Maybe, if you had gone with him, you could have stopped him from transforming into the monster he became now. It's all your fault.
You shook your head and closed the cabinet door, passing Sephiroth on your way upstairs. While you didn't dare to look at him, you saw him in your peripheral vision. He was sitting at his desk with his legs crossed, absorbed in a maternity book under the dim glow of the desk lamp. But as you closed the bedroom door, you practically felt his slit eyes piercing into you.
You laid sideways on the bed, careful enough to not cause discomfort to you or your unborn child, JENOVA. Her movements had become increasingly scarce and feeble in your womb lately. It's worrisome and odd, as you're forty-one weeks into this pregnancy. And to think a few months ago, you were worried about her coming out too early, as she was hyperactive, especially after Sephiroth reentered your lives. But now, it's almost nothing. Your hand gently cradled your swollen belly. Did those cells cause this? You received them not long after she was conceived. But alas, help was out of reach. Your husband had already gone to each and every neighbor of yours for his "visits". And even then, you and the boys are only allowed out of the house on occasion, always under his watchful eye.
Sephiroth entered the bedroom, his eyes scanning you from head to toe. You're not surprised. Wherever you go, you knew the serpent in your mind will follow. Like an invisible tsunami, his anger seeped through the room as he quietly closed the door and placed his maternity book on the dresser. He then gathered the scattered pillows around the bed, positioning one underneath your head, two for your belly, and one for your knees. He carefully adjusted your position before lying down behind you, spooning your body.
"You're overdue," he whispered, his lips now dangerously close to yours. Your breathing hitched and your heart rate increased as those words resonated in your mind. Of course, you are! You knew that. With one hand, he massaged your back while sliding his other hand beneath your maternity lingerie, toying with one of your nipples. He rolled the engorged nipple between his fingertips while studying your reaction; your lips parted, yet you struggled to suppress your moan. This obviously wasn't the greatest time for lovemaking, so why is he doing this? He forced that sweet moan out of you when he gave the nipple a gentle tug.
"Shh… We wouldn't want to wake the boys, would we?" He cooed at you, though his sweet, smooth voice didn't match his expression. His slit eyes shone at you with fury and the slightest hint of despair. It's clear that he's worried about her, just as you are. His luscious lips curved into his trademark devilish grin as his gentle tug on your nipple became rough, finally secreting that sweet milk that was contained for so long. He hadn't been suckling your tits for a while since he was too busy researching (and killing).
Fuck, he made it so hard for you to be quiet. His rough but pleasurable treatment of your tits is already pushing you to the breaking point; You didn't even notice him briefly freeing his long, hard cock from his pants. As he positioned himself at your entrance, his other hand began toying with your other nipple in tandem. You let out a gasp as he forcefully entered you, gripping your waist tightly to keep you in position.
"Don't," his breath hitched, his cock twitched from your walls massaging it. "...worry. I will guide you, as I always-" He couldn't finish his words as his vast wing sprouted from his back, enveloping you in its dark embrace. He let out a primal growl, flipping you on your back to start rutting you like the madman he is.
"T-too rough! The baby!" You huffed out just as his lips captured yours in a searing kiss. His tongue swirled yours forcefully, his hands opening your legs. It was as if something had taken over him. You only see him become vicious a few other times. He's being just cautious enough to not put any pressure on your baby bump. The urge to pull away from this kiss grew within you, but your resistance and muffled pleas only encouraged him to ravish you further. With each passing second, your supply of air dwindled, and his hand roamed your curves, finally coming to rest at your clit, teasing it relentlessly.
Just as you both came, you couldn't ignore his slit eyes dilating as he groaned. He withdrew his cock, his warm seed splattering across your legs and lower belly. Finally, he allowed you a moment to catch your breath. Resting his head on your belly, he softly traced the stretch marks with his fingertips.
"The reunion...is nothing to fear."
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I think "Serpents" is a perfect theme for the alternate Domestic AU. It capture's Darling feelings about Sephy very well. I recommend giving it a listen sometime.
Yandere Domestic AU chronology: Christmas Kids | The Reunion is Nothing to Fear | Wait for me | Homecoming | The Crowning Moment
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startheskelaton · 29 days
When the girl you wanna date has a grandpa that’s an ex pro boxer, and even though your dad is a mob boss, he really don’t give a fuck about you
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chrollc · 5 months
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mightier · 10 months
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thesis (Modern AU) During finals week, things keep on going missing from Raih'a's closet...
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ramyeonguksu · 6 months
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What if Edelgard was a FFXIV race
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junie-junette · 6 months
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Here's my Christmas gift for Shadowstar on firestorm's discord ! Here's Cid and Clive dancing together as Archduke and Lord Commander because it's my idea of the perfect ending. Them, ruling together and being in love. I'm bad with cloths so I did my best here ! Merry Christmas !
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