#february '24 book
bellasbookclub · 4 months
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Happy Year of the Dragon, book club! 🧨🐉
That's right, we're bringing back Dragon February, this time with Dragonflight, the epic first installment in the Dragonriders of Pern series! Join a heroine Stephenie Meyer cites as one of her "inspirations" as she battles evil usurpers, apocalyptic events, and, of course, misogyny. Can a massive dragon shatter a glass ceiling? It's time to find out! 💫☄️
Discord discussion: Monday 02/19 8 PM EST | Tuesday 19/02 11 AM AEST
See you there!
Bella’s Book Club is an interactive virtual book club created by the Three Books One Plot podcast. Our monthly Discord discussions are open to all! More info here.
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bey-life · 3 months
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peregrination-studies · 3 months
24 books in 2024
It is 2024, and I am here yet again with my bookish hopes and dreams!
I did this challenge last year (available here), and in 2022 (available here), and I'm STOKED to do it again this year! As is my way, I have been planning and revising this list for some time. My Goodreads overfloweth with ideas.
As always, if you have book recs, please send them my way! And, if you're participating in the challenge this year, I'd love to see your lists!
Without further ado, I gladly present to you my 24 in '24 book list:
Sci-Fi and Just for Fun :)
1) Randomize by Andy Weir (read April 2024)
2) Next by Michael Crichton (read May 2024)
3) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (read April 2024)
4) With a Little Luck by Marissa Meyer (read February 2024)
Environmental Science/Ecology/Books Relevant to my Studies
5) Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth by Buckminster Fuller (read April 2024)
6) Must Love Trees: An Unconventional Guide by Tobin Mitnick
7) Scientifically Historica: How the World’s Great Science Books Chart the History of Knowledge by Brian Clegg
8) Letters to a Young Scientist by Edward O. Wilson
Reading Around the World
9) The Eighth Continent: Life, Death and Discovery in the Lost World of Madagascar by Peter Tyson (Madagascar)
10) Everything is Wonderful: Memories of a Collective Farm in Estonia by Sigrid Rausing (Estonia)
11) Willoughbyland: England’s Lost Colony by Matthew Parker (Suriname)
12) A General Theory of Oblivion by José Eduardo Agualusa and Daniel Hahn (Translator) (Angola)
Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge/Classics
13) The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (read April 2024)
14) The Second Sex by Simone De Beauvoir, H.M. Parables (Translator and Editor), and Deirdre Bair (Introduction)
15) Gidget by Frederick Kohner
16) Bel Canto by Ann Patchett
Recommended by Friends
17) Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (recommended by @hedonism-tattoo and many, many others)
18) Howl’s Moving Castle by Diane Wynne Jones (also recommended by many people now. @permanentreverie posted about it recently tho, and that was what really made me decide to include it on this list!) (read April 2024)
19) Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson (recommended by @daydreaming-optimist ) (read April 2024)
20) The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux (recommended by @kaillakit) (read May 2024)
21) Ecopsychology by Lester R. Brown
22) Against Purity: Living Ethically in Compromised Times by Alexis Shotwell (read April 2024)
23) Radical Ecopsychology: Psychology in the Service of Life by Andy Fisher and David Abram (foreword)
24) Sight and Sensibility: the Ecopsychology of Perception by Laura Sewall
25) Bride by Ali Hazelwood (read February 2024)
26) Open Heart Surgery by Johanna Leo (read March 2024)
27) A Short History of the World in 50 Books by Daniel Smith
28) Candy Hearts by Tommy Siegel (read February 2024)
No pressure tagging: @daydreaming-optimist @kaillakit @permanentreverie @noa-the-physicist @silhouette-of-sarah @captaindelilahbard @senatorhotcheeto @the-bibliophiles-bookshelf @skyekg @of-the-elves @obesecamels @courageisneverforgotten @willowstea @its-me-satine @deirdrerose @notetaeker @theskittlemuffin and anyone else who wants to do this!
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mdoesitmatter · 11 days
You love books? Good thing you aren’t Ukrainian.
A try not post anything on the topic of w@r on this account but this situation ruined on another level. My hands are shaking as I write this.
Today, on 23th of May ru$$ians made a massive missile attack on Kharkiv and one of those missiles destroyed one of the biggest Printing Enterprises in Ukraine. 7 people was found dead (for this moment), more 40 was seriously injured and thousands of books completely destroyed. My favourite publisher manufactured their books there as well as 17 others. Years of work are gone in a blink of an eye. And it was just 1 out of 15 missiles.
Many books on my shelves was made there. But because we are neighbours with terr0ristic state my passion to literature costed people their lives.
Because that is what Ru$$ians do. They destroy every single aspect of our lives. They k!ll our people. They bring destruction and de@th. They don’t want to win to win the w@r, they want to erase Ukraine from the face of this Earth.
I understand that my home country isn’t the only one to struggle right now, but I am not going to apologies for wanting to help my people. War is still going. They b0mb us every day. People d!e every day. Every day I call my loved ones, fully aware that they might not pick up and that last time I talked with them was the last. I fear that I will never return home.
If Russia stop fighting — there is gonna be no war.
If Ukraine stop fighting — there is gonna be no Ukraine.
Save Ukraine.
Save Ukrainian people.
Arm Ukraine.
Слава Україні!
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stardustandrockets · 11 months
How's your February going reading wise?
I've read three traditional books this month and 11 volumes of manga. I'm on the verge of finishing an ebook tonight and then I may take a break from reading the rest of the month. My challenges are going well. I don't know that I'll complete the #ShopYourShelvesBingo for this first quarter, but I'm proud of my progress so far.
I recently received Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo from @readingdelinquent. It was perfect timing because I had completely forgotten that the January Rainbow Crate box had it for the magnet theme.
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boneless-mika · 7 months
Might be the last person on earth making a Fourth Wing review 👀
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sisa98225 · 1 year
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“Come, let us sing to the Lord; let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation.” —Psalm 95:1
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“The cracking and booming of the ice indicate a change of temperature. One pleasant morning after a cold night, February 24th, 1850, having gone to Flint’s Pond to spend the day, I noticed with surprise, that when I struck the ice with the head of my axe, it resounded like a gong for many rods around, or as if I had struck on a tight drum-head. The pond began to boom about an hour after sunrise, when it felt the influence of the sun’s rays slanted upon it from over the hills; it stretched itself and yawned like a waking man with a gradually increasing tumult, which was kept up three or four hours. It took a short siesta at noon, and boomed once more toward night, as the sun was withdrawing his influence.”
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
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duothelingo · 8 days
Horoscopes by a very tired murder bird.
♈ Aries: March 21–April 19.
The rest of your year will be 'eh' like not great but you're probably not going to suck that badly also dont fuck your ex its not worth it.
♉ Taurus: April 20–May 20.
For the love of all things holy clean your room you might find money in it (probably will be under your bed) also you will see a frog. :)
♊ Gemini : May 21–June 21.
♋ Cancer: June 22–July 22.
You will pet a cat but it will prefer your sibling/best friend and glare at you across the room. The dog like you though.
♌ Leo: July 23–August 22.
The promotion you wanted or the class you wanted to pass? Failed. You yearn for the mines.
♍ Virgo: August 23–September 22.
Oh you fucked sorry. You may seek safety in my basement. You may not leave though.
♎ Libra: September 23–October 23.
Libra is in the microwave or whatever read more books and go outside at least once. Live laugh lobotomy.
♏ Scorpio: October 24–November 21.
You will find a single money of your currency but when you turn it over its just got a picture of me on it. Cant use it. Sucks to be you.
♐ Sagittarius: November 22–December 21
Stop being a cheap bitch buy that skincare you need it.
♑ Capricorn: December 22–January 19
Stop. Taking. On. Peoples. Problems. You are already a problem.
♒ Aquarius: January 20–February 18
The rest of your year will be kinda lucky. But like annoying luck. You'll find the password to your old email but its just spam.
♓ Pisces: February 19–March 20
You know what you did.
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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Here's an underrated cognitive virtue: "object permanence" – that is, remembering how you perceived something previously. As Riley Quinn often reminds us, the left is the ideology of object permanence – to be a leftist is to hate and mistrust the CIA even when they're tormenting Trump for a brief instant, or to remember that it was once possible for a working person to support their family with their wages:
The thing is, object permanence is hard. Life comes at you quickly. It's very hard to remember facts, and the order in which those facts arrived – it's even harder to remember how you felt about those facts in the moment.
This is where blogging comes in – for me, at least. Back in 1997, Scott Edelman – editor of Science Fiction Age – asked me to take over the back page of the magazine by writing up ten links of interest for the nascent web. I wrote that column until the spring of 2000, then, in early 2001, Mark Frauenfelder asked me to guest-edit Boing Boing, whereupon the tempo of my web-logging went daily. I kept that up on Boing Boing for more than 19 years, writing about 54,000 posts. In February, 2020, I started Pluralistic.net, my solo project, a kind of blog/newsletter, and in the four-plus years since, I've written about 1,200 editions containing between one and twelve posts each.
This gigantic corpus of everything I ever considered to be noteworthy is immensely valuable to me. The act of taking notes in public is a powerful discipline: rather than jotting cryptic notes to myself in a commonplace book, I publish those notes for strangers. This imposes a rigor on the note-taking that makes those notes far more useful to me in years to come.
Better still: public note-taking is powerfully mnemonic. The things I've taken notes on form a kind of supersaturated solution of story ideas, essay ideas, speech ideas, and more, and periodically two or more of these fragments will glom together, nucleate, and a fully-formed work will crystallize out of the solution.
Then, the fact that all these fragments are also database entries – contained in the back-end of a WordPress installation that I can run complex queries on – comes into play, letting me swiftly and reliably confirm my memories of these long-gone phenomena. Inevitably, these queries turn up material that I've totally forgotten, and these make the result even richer, like adding homemade stock to a stew to bring out a rich and complicated flavor. Better still, many of these posts have been annotated by readers with supplemental materials or vigorous objections.
I call this all "The Memex Method" and it lets me write a lot (I wrote nine books during lockdown, as I used work to distract me from anxiety – something I stumbled into through a lifetime of chronic pain management):
Back in 2013, I started a new daily Boing Boing feature: "This Day In Blogging History," wherein I would look at the archive of posts for that day one, five and ten years previously:
With Pluralistic, I turned this into a daily newsletter feature, now stretching back to twenty, fifteen, ten, five and one year ago. Here's today's:
This is a tremendous adjunct to the Memex Method. It's a structured way to review everything I've ever thought about, in five-year increments, every single day. I liken this to working dough, where there's stuff at the edges getting dried out and crumbly, and so your fold it all back into the middle. All these old fragments naturally slip out of your thoughts and understanding, but you can revive their centrality by briefly paying attention to them for a few minutes every day.
This structured daily review is a wonderful way to maintain object permanence, reviewing your attitudes and beliefs over time. It's also a way to understand the long-forgotten origins of issues that are central to you today. Yesterday, I was reminded that I started thinking about automotive Right to Repair 15 years ago:
Given that we're still fighting over this, that's some important perspective, a reminder of the likely timescales involved in more recent issues where I feel like little progress is being made.
Remember when we all got pissed off because the mustache-twirling evil CEO of Warners, David Zaslav, was shredding highly anticipated TV shows and movies prior to their release to get a tax-credit? Turns out that we started getting angry about this stuff twenty years ago, when Michael Eisner did it to Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911":
It's not just object permanence: this daily spelunk through my old records is also a way to continuously and methodically sound the web for linkrot: when old links go bad. Over the past five years, I've noticed a very sharp increase in linkrot, and even worse, in the odious practice of spammers taking over my dead friends' former blogs and turning them into AI spam-farms:
The good people at the Pew Research Center have just released a careful, quantitative study of linkrot that confirms – and exceeds – my worst suspicions about the decay of the web:
The headline finding from "When Online Content Disappears" is that 38% of the web of 2013 is gone today. Wikipedia references are especially hard-hit, with 23% of news links missing and 21% of government websites gone. The majority of Wikipedia entries have at least one broken link in their reference sections. Twitter is another industrial-scale oubliette: a fifth of English tweets disappear within a matter of months; for Turkish and Arabic tweets, it's 40%.
Thankfully, someone has plugged the web's memory-hole. Since 2001, the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine has allowed web users to see captures of web-pages, tracking their changes over time. I was at the Wayback Machine's launch party, and right away, I could see its value. Today, I make extensive use of Wayback Machine captures for my "This Day In History" posts, and when I find dead links on the web.
The Wayback Machine went public in 2001, but Archive founder Brewster Kahle started scraping the web in 1996. Today's post graphic – a modified Yahoo homepage from October 17, 1996 – is the oldest Yahoo capture on the Wayback Machine:
Remember that the next time someone tells you that we must stamp out web-scraping for one reason or another. There are plenty of ugly ways to use scraping (looking at you, Clearview AI) that we should ban, but scraping itself is very good:
And so is the Internet Archive, which makes the legal threats it faces today all the more frightening. Lawsuits brought by the Big Five publishers and Big Three labels will, if successful, snuff out the Internet Archive altogether, and with it, the Wayback Machine – the only record we have of our ephemeral internet:
Libraries burn. The Internet Archive may seem like a sturdy and eternal repository for our collective object permanence about the internet, but it is very fragile, and could disappear like that.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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bellasbookclub · 4 months
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February book club events 🐉💘🏮
Welcome back to Dragon February, BBC! We’ve got several events planned, some dragon-y, some literary, some both!
We heard you guys love when a bitter, lonely girl discovers her love of life through the beauty of nature, so we’re watching The Secret Garden (1993) on Discord on February 10th at 9 PM EST!
Next up, our Dragonflight live read-along will be Tuesday the 13th (chapters TBD) at 8 PM EST! Because what’s Valentine’s Day Eve for if not celebrating weird dragon sex? Come hang out and read or just listen to your fellow BBC-ers do silly voices.
And finally, our usual monthly discussion (also on Dragonflight) will take place on Monday the 19th at 8 PM EST (Tuesday the 20th at 11 AEST for Aussies). Bring your hottest Pern takes! In the meantime, track your progress by joining the official BBC read-along on Storygraph here (and feel free to add Bella's Book Club on SG for future updates!)
Bella's Book Club is an interactive virtual book club created by the Three Books One Plot podcast. Our monthly discord discussions are open to all! More info here.
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bey-life · 3 months
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anastasiareyreed · 3 months
two years have already passed...
today, two years ago, all of Ukraine woke up to explosions, sounds of flying fighter jets, gunshots and screams of terror. today, February 24, is the anniversary of russia's invasion of Ukraine. full-scale invasion, escalation of ten-year genocide. I can't explain the feeling when I first saw wounded people, when I first heard a rocket flying overhead aimed at a residential building.
it is emotionally difficult to comprehend all the terrible events that happened during this time. everything I'm trying to cover here as soon as I get my thoughts together. and everything that I don't have enough strength for...
Bucha massacre
Mass burials in Izium
Mass execution of Ukrainian prisoners in Olenivka
The tragedy of Mariupol
Defense of Azovstal
Bakhmut Fortress
Ecological disaster in Kakhovka
The tragedy of Hroza
Tens of thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly deported to russia
Torture of civilians
The battle for Donetsk Airport
The Ilovaisk Tragedy
russian manipulation and propaganda
burning Ukrainian books, destroying Ukrainian museums and entire cities, torturing people for tattoos connected to Ukraine. forced re-education of children and adults who are forced to learn the russian national anthem, worship portraits of putin every day and receive russian documents in order to receive water and food in the occupied territories. daily shelling and casualties, daily struggle for survival and freedom, which russians want to take away from us.
all the terrible cases of execution of Ukrainian soldiers: beheadings, castration, amputation of limbs, execution of prisoners. burning civilians alive, raping women, men and children, torturing even animals, even little mice. tons of photos and videos that I don't want to add here because even the slightest glimpse of all those images breaks my heart and causes me to have a panic attack. however, you can find it all freely available on the Internet by simply typing in keywords.
instead, I would like to show photos of rallies in support of Ukraine, which took place today all over the world. to find out where each photo is from, see the alt text for them.
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despite the fact that in russia they celebrate the war, Ukrainians, who were forced to flee from the war, gathered at rallies around the world, together with residents of the countries that gave them shelter. the civilized world expresses sympathy and grief, with calls to provide arms to Ukraine so that we can defeat russia as soon as possible and return peace to our lives.
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it's sad that more photos can't be added to show as many cities as possible that came out to support us today. but I've been looking at all the photos and videos of the rallies all day today and I have tears of gratitude in my eyes. thank you all for continuing to stand with Ukraine!
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deanbrainrotwritings · 4 months
month of love 2024 | MASTERLIST
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most of these will be 18+ stories that include sexual or dark themes, individual warnings will be added for each one
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 3 FEBRUARY
dream boy [smut, 2.9k]
description — bathrooms can be interesting sometimes.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 5 FEBRUARY
my you [smut, 1.9k]
description — part v of gimme half. the first valentine’s day with dean winchester and he is just absolutely adorable… for like the first half of this fic, the other half is filthy.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 9 FEBRUARY
hero of the half-truth [smut, 3.7k]
description — you can’t decide whether it’s a punishment or not when you go to see soldier boy knowing that he’s trying to keep you safe from everything in his life
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 12 FEBRUARY
hand of blood [fluff, 1.0k]
description — after being forced to be something you didn’t know you were, Dean comforts you as you start learning to live with your new abilities.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 14 FEBRUARY
keep the lights on [smut, 2.9k]
description — I think we should all understand and accept the fact that dean loves women of all shapes, colours, and sizes. because he is a king. my beloved.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 21 FEBRUARY
demonology and heartache [smut, 4.9k]
description — dean is a devout catholic and has never known a life outside the church, all his resolve is broken by the temptation of a hellish seductress.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 24 FEBRUARY
same book but never the same page [fluff, 5.6k]
description — part III of the love letter collection. still dreamwalking. chasing after someone who can destroy worlds. and dean is jealous of his variants. what could go wrong?
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main masterlist
dean winchester masterlist
soldier boy masterlist
jensen ackles masterlist
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do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or republish my work on another platform
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revengeghoulette · 1 month
Matcha Latte w/ Rose
Part 1: The Meet Cute, Barista Swiss x Professor Mountain
Part 2 3
Playlist: The Rosy Crown
I’ve had this idea written down since February, because a friend made me a matcha latte with oat milk and a splash of rose and I was like yup this is definitely Them. I also definitely did not describe my dream of owning a book & coffee shop.  No mentions of matcha this part, but definitely next part. Divider by @ghuleh-recs
@divine-misfortune bc i really enjoyed your tags :) @obsidianghoul, @gottagho-st @foxybouquet @rainsbasspick @hypnoneghoul bc Swissalps
Slightly edited, might go back in and edit some more
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Swiss works at a quiet little bookstore and coffee shop owned by an elderly couple. They’ve been training him to take over the business since they're too old to be doing this sort of thing, and want to leave it to a local who will take care of their business. He’s always wanted to be a businessman and run a little local shop. A safe space for all the so-called weirdos in the community, especially the college kids trying to figure out who they are. Fresh baked goodies round the clock, fresh coffee, a bookstore with an upstairs quiet area for studying with sleeping pods in case anyone needs a place for the night, or just needs a nap. 
Once he officially became the owner, he changed its name to Rosy Crown Bookshop and Cafe. He hired a few teens, a handful of part-time college kids, and his friends Mist and Sunny, who help run the bookshop side of things and do other management stuff. 
Swiss enjoys working as a barista and running the cafe. He enjoys seeing all the new faces at the start of the semester, but mostly, he enjoys the fact that his coffee shop is the go-to study place. He also hosts study sessions, trivia nights, and other little destressors for students. During midterms and finals, the cafe would be open 24/7 for those procrastinators and extreme studiers. Mist, Sunny and Swiss don’t mind staying open for them and working long hours. 
The start of a new semester was around the corner. New faces were slowly starting to roll in, exploring the bookshop, trying the seasonal drinks, and a few asking for employment. Many nervous freshmen calm down after chatting with Swiss, knowing they have a safe space to come to for studying.
Swiss was finishing opening the coffee shop when he walked in. He’s tall, slender, wears glasses, tousled reddish brown hair that matches the autumnal leaves outside. Swiss was taken aback by this beautiful man… wait no. Ghoul? There’s a certain scent to him. He was too distracted to notice that he was ringing the bell for assistance. Snapping out of it, Swiss walks behind the counter to take his order. 
“Hi, welco-” Swiss starts, but never finished.
The man looks up the menu, only to say “12 oz drip coffee.” 
Swiss is shocked at the man’s abruptness, “oh sure, name?” 
“Mmmm…ark. Mark,” the hottie answers with some hesitation. 
Swiss smiles because it reminds him of those customers that like to make up names for their orders like Obi Wan or Rapunzel, “Mark?”
“Yes, I’m sorry, ca-can we rush this? I’m late for my first day,” the ghoul man stammers out
“You got it!” 
Swiss turns around to fill a cup with drip coffee. Before handing the cup over, he scribbled out a little message on the sleeve, “Good luck” 
“Here you go, on the house,” Swiss slides the coffee across the counter. 
“No, I have to pay,” he insists, fishing for his wallet in his messenger bag. 
“Mark, I’m serious. It’s on the house. Now go before you're even more late,” Swiss shoos him away playfully. 
The day goes on smoothly, but Swiss couldn’t get Mark’s smile out of his mind. 
“Whatcha doin’ there Swissypoo,” Mist pokes Swiss while he’s staring off into the distance as she wraps her apron around her waist. 
“Huh? Oh, nothing,” Swiss tries to play it off. Mist chuckles because she doesn’t believe him, but won’t push it. 
The entrance bells ring announcing the arrival of a customer.  Swiss stands up a little taller, and dusts off his apron. Mist looks between the customer and Swiss. There’s something there, so she hangs back, refilling the caramel sauce squeeze bottle, watching them interact. 
“Hi, welcome back,” Swiss smiles at the man. 
The man in front of him looks almost embarrassed, apologetic, “Hi, I’m- uh, sorry about um earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it, I understand,” he brushes him off. 
“I’ve felt bad all day so I thought I’d come and buy a little celebratory pastry,” the stranger flashes him a smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling a little bit. 
“How did today go?”
“It was actually pretty good, thank you. Can I get a slice of the carrot cake please. Can you make it to go?” 
“Absolutely,” Swiss grabs the slice and places it on a box, scribbling ‘For surviving the day’ on the lid before handing to him, “Here you are.”
“Thank you! I’m Mark, by the way. I know I told you earlier, but I wanted to properly introduce myself.”
“Nice to meet you, Mark. My friends call me Swiss.” Swiss extends his hand for a hand shake and Mark meets his hand, static shocking both of them. 
Mist was right, there was something there. She was definitely going to question Swiss once this guy leaves. 
“What the fuck was that?” Mist pushes Swiss to the back of the house, slapping his arm. 
Laughing, Swiss pushes Mist away by pushing her forehead, “What do you mean?”
“Dude, sparks were literally flying. C’mon spill.” 
“Nope! My shift is over, BYE!”
With that, Swiss takes off his apron, and leaves the shop. Mist is flabbergasted by what just happened. 
Mark came in every morning that week to get coffee before jetting off to work. Everyday Swiss would write a little something on the sleeve of the coffee cup, or on the napkin with his pastry. Mark has never mentioned them, but Swiss is hopeful he saw them. 
It’s Saturday, and he’s not expecting to see Mark, but it’s a nice surprise to see him walk in and take a seat at one of the corner tables. After setting his bag down, he walks up to the counter. 
“Hi,” he whispers.
“Well, hello stranger. Can I get you your usual?” Swiss asks as he’s about to turn around. 
“No, actually. I was wondering if you could make me your favorite drink. I don't usually drink like those fancy coffee drinks, but my TA was giving me shit for always drinking the same thing, so I wanted to explore different caffeinated drinks, I guess, and I didn’t know where to go, so I figured since we kind of have a rapport I could ask you. Oh my goodness, I'm rambling, I'm sorry!” 
Swiss smiles kindly at him, chuckles a bit. “TA? Are you a teacher?” 
“I’m a professor at the local university,” Mark explains. 
“Emeritus Tech? I graduated from there! But yes, why don’t you go sit down, and I'll make you something” 
Mark takes a seat and pulls out his laptop and a book. Swiss returns with a latte. 
“This here is a vanilla latte. Everyone says ‘it's basic,’ but it’s a good beginner coffee drink if you’re just starting to explore the coffee world. You can change the flavoring and the type of milks used. It’s vanilla flavoring, a shot of espresso, and milk with some foam on top,” Mountain lifts an eyebrow at the design on top, “It’s a swan,” Swiss answers his unspoken question, flashing him a smile, “I used oat milk because I find that it gives it a creamier, slightly thicker consistency. Enjoy. I’ll make my rounds.” 
Swiss leaves Mark to his own devices, but he watches him from behind the bar. Mark takes a cautious sip from the mug, closing his eyes and savoring the taste. He didn’t know coffee could taste so good. He just stuck to drip, because he was too scared to order or make different drinks. 
As the afternoon crowd slowly started to leave, Swiss began cleaning around, organizing shelves and restocking books and coffee supplies. Mark’s eyes would often wander to Swiss. He’d catch him dancing, humming to himself, reading the summaries of books before shelving them. Mark was entranced by Swiss’ silly little shenanigans.  
Mark stayed late to finish his lesson plans. Swiss occasionally brings him water, or a sweet treat against Mark’s wishes, but he still eats them. Mark wraps up his plans, grabs his things and leaves, waving goodbye to Swiss. 
Swiss switches off the open sign after staying open an extra hour just for him. He grabs a rag and a bin to clean off the table Mark was sitting at when he finds something scribbled out on a napkin. 
“Thank you for all the notes on my coffee and pastries. Call me -M” with his number written below. 
A giant smile forms on his face, he looks at the note again because he doesn’t believe it real. He’s so happy and excited that his tail unglamours and wags with happiness. 
From across the street, Mark watches as Swiss’ tail wags, admiring the dimples on his face. He’s so beautiful, Mark thinks. 
Swiss finishes closing duties and gives Mark a call after locking the door, to keep him company while he walks home. 
“Hello?” a groggy voice answers 
“It’s Swiss, sorry is this too late? I can call at a different time.” Swiss starts to panic, scared he woke him up. 
“No, no. It’s okay. I was just dozing off on the couch. I- I, thanks for calling, I-” Mark breaks out into a quiet giggle, “Oh this is dumb, but I wanted to hear your voice,” Swiss blushes hearing Mark say that, “Oh, also, you have a cute tail.”
“Wait. You saw that?!” Swiss is shocked. He thought he was alone, or at least, didn't think anyone would be paying attention to him. 
“Sure did, and my name's Mountain, not Mark, and I also have a tail.”
Swiss is relieved by the confirmation that he’s also a ghoul. 
“Mountain… I like it. It suits you.”
They talk as Swiss makes his way home, and late into the night, way beyond their bedtimes, and fall asleep on the call. 
After that phone call, Mountain went to the coffee shop every day before and after work. He’d sit in his usual spot and do some grading, or read a book while waiting for Swiss to get off work. 
Mountain’s become a regular, and the employees start to recognize him and his order, as well as some of his students. The coffee shop has become a secondary office where students stop by just to ask him clarifying questions, or sometimes they’ll set up a meeting to discuss larger topics. 
He’s met Sunny and Mist during the shift overlap, and they sometimes sit with him to keep him company when work is slow. They all know they’re ghouls living amongst humans. 
Sunny loves to discuss books. Keeps him updated on the latest book releases and also customer drama. Mountain is a big time consumer of customer drama. In return, he gossips about his students.
They’ve also discussed hosting some sort of reading or book program in collaboration with the bookshop. Talks about hosting Q&A’s with a variety of subjects have come up. 
On a quiet Friday night, when Swiss’ shift ends, Mountain walks him to his apartment as per the routine now. Once at the entrance, Swiss turns to him and meets his eyes. 
“I want to ask you something,” Swiss starts. Mountain waits for him to continue
“Would you, maybe, want to go out with me?” 
Mount eagerly smiles and nods, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask, and if you didn’t do it this weekend, I was going to ask. Yes, Swiss, I’d love to go out with you.” 
“Would you wanna come in? Stay the night perhaps? We can watch a movie, and have some frozen pizza? Neither of us have work tomorrow, and we can sleep in?”
“I-” Mountain starts, but is met with Swiss’ puppy eyes, “I can stay, yes.”
Swiss sighs in relief, grabbing hold of Mountain's hand, guiding him inside the building while rambling on about tonight's plans. Mountain laughs, squeezing Swiss hand a little tighter, sending a little thank you to whatever god made this happen.
Part 2: The Date... coming soon.
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mochipanko · 7 months
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First time posting something about my tattoo work here! 👻🖤✨
I now take bookings for December, January and February 🫶
Booking form here (will close the form in 24 hours or so)
Booking info/FAQ here
All available flashes here
That hopefully goes without saying, but please do not use any of these designs elsewhere. Thank you! 🫶
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