#fandom: the codename conspiracy
my-otp-list · 2 years
Here I am, back to my eternal habit of getting obsessed over obscure stuff whose fandom is either tiny or virtually non-existent... 
This manga is probably what I would dub as ‘The spy camaraderie you never knew you needed’ (or that it even existed…)
But this was, in fact, a classic work and was really popular in Japan during its time. Just that for some reasons, the manga never made it to international attention - which is a real pity, because, seriously, this is good. Like really really really good.
And the bromance? 24k gold grade, I rest my case. 
From Eroica With Love (Manga) Review
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Genre: Shoujo, Adventure, Action, Historical, Comedy
Author: Aoike Yasuko
Running Years: 1976 - 2012
Synopsis (taken from BakaUpdates):
"What happens when a gay art thief and a conservative NATO officer cross paths? Disaster, of course. Dorian is an aristocrat, a thief, and a hedonist; Klaus is a duty-driven espionage agent with no patience for fools.
Follow them as they chase each other across the globe -- from Britain to Baghdad, from Alaska to Alexandria, from Moscow to Madrid. Spectacular locations and non-stop adventures await!"
Length: Completed with 39 volumes
Translation: Ongoing at about 25 volumes - as of 2022
Note: Some sources may list this manga’s genre as Shounen-ai. Well, yes, “ai” (or romantic interaction) between 2 male characters does get depicted in this manga, but it isn’t between the two male leads. And the amount of “ai” you’ll get to see in the whole series is like… 1%. But before you conclude that this will make you want to / not want to read this manga, hear me out first —
Personal review:
➕ The Characters: Meet Earl Dorian Red Gloria, codenamed “Eroica”, a gorgeous, flamboyant, charismatic British thief with blonde hair so perfectly curled it could rival Candy Candy (this is a classic shoujo, what else do you expect?), whose purpose in life is to steal whatever suits his fancy, and causes a lot of havoc while he’s at it.
Meet also Major Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach, nicknamed “Iron Klaus”, an equally gorgeous, uptight, formidable German officer with black hair so perfectly straight it probably comes from a L’Oreal ad (have I mentioned this is a classic shoujo?), whose goal is to hunt down Earl Dorian, but somehow never actually catches him(?) 
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(The 1970s — that period of manga art when guys are 10 times prettier than girls...)
They are both very likeable characters, each with quirks so special that’ll make you remember them in no time. Behind his facade as an art thief, Earl Dorian is an adorable, sympathetic man who values his teammates and has actual sensitivity for beautiful things. Major Klaus might first come off as an arrogant, vulgar man (but his vulgarity is really funny omg), but would you believe that he sings “Mary Has A Little Lamb” to himself in order to sleep? Awwwwww.
Surrounding these two men is a very diverse, colourful cast of supporting characters. With this being a comedy manga, almost every character in From Eroica With Love is funny as hell - so protect your stomach well, because the probability of you hurting it while reading this is transcendently high...
➕ The Story: Set during the Cold War period and against the backdrop of a vibrant Europe, the story tells the extravagant adventures of Earl Dorian and Major Klaus as they tail after top-secret intel, tear down evil conspiracies, take out wicked villains, tumble into life-threatening situations, all while trying to outwit and annoy the f*** out of each other. 
With the title clearly inspired by the James Bond novel “From Russia With Love”, this manga, for the most part, is an endearing parody of the spy fiction genre. Do not be fooled by its shoujo label and its relatively strange first volume. The manga started off rather ridiculous (a trio of college-age ultra-geniuses with ESP abilities given to them by a mysterious man in the forest? What again…), but very soon developed into action-packed espionage with, surprisingly enough, a great deal of real-life historical, cultural and political references. Twists and turns await as we tag along with Earl Durian and Major Klaus chasing after each other (for various hilarious reasons) and dealing with international-scale events across the globe.
➕ The Art: Bearing what I would call 'signature 1970s shoujo art', From Eroica With Love’s feminine, old-style art may take some time to get used to, but will certainly grow on you. Yasuko-sensei certainly deserves praise for her masterful control over both character designs, scenery as well as action sequences.
➕ The Bromance: And, of course, the most important part of this review, the bromance.
Though it’s established very early on that Dorian is gay and always ready to woo whichever man that piques his attention, and that the manga is debatably considered shounen-ai, there's no canon romance between the two male leads (or is there?). 
Starting out as enemies, and arguably still ending as enemies, these two’s dynamics are a real delight to watch. While they couldn’t stop blocking each other’s business and even occasionally get into physical fights, they also pull each other out of trouble plenty of times. There’s just some sort of undeniable camaraderie that hovers above their constant bickering and throwing curses at each other. 
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(Why be normal bros when you can point guns and knives at each other?)
But beyond the bromance front, some may sense that Dorian develops feelings for Klaus along the course of the story, and one can’t help but notice that Klaus’ behaviour towards Dorian is, at times, significantly more tender compared to how he treats others. And then there are those yearning intense stares…
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(Dorian & Klaus: A tale of unresolved sexual tension that spans almost 40 years…)
The manga never dwells into fan service or has them go lovey-dovey, and even after its supremely long run of almost 4 decades, we never get an answer to the burning question "Will they or won't they fall in love?".
But that certainly doesn't stop the fans from zealously shipping them two together. Because, enemies-to-comrades-to-lovers? We simply devour that trope.
➖ The Negative: To some, the art may look slightly funny in later volumes, but I wouldn’t fault the author much for that. After all, by that time, Yasuko-sensei is already in her 50s-60s.
➖ And what was that first volume really - to deter people from loving this manga too much? ( ̄▽ ̄) An entertaining bunch of characters with pretty detailed characterisation (to the point that I almost thought they were the mains!) got introduced, only for them to never appear again after volume 1. Albeit, this may not exactly be a negative thing, since I can tell that most of us would prefer the screentime to be spared for our two lovely male leads. 
All in all, I highly recommend this amusing series. So sad that the translation is only about ⅔ completed at the moment (╥_╥), and the English volumes are essentially out of print (I've checked, it costs minimum 400 bucks to obtain 15 volumes, yep, no joke). Talk about falling in love with a niche manga…
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spy-battle · 1 year
trying to figure out if I submitted to this and forgot about its entire existence and for some reason never followed the account (unlikely) or if SOMEONE ELSE NOMINATED SOMEONE FROM THE CODENAME CONSPIRACY??? WHO THE FUCK ELSE IS IN THIS FANDOM?? and also what character got nominated? was it carson or someone else?
Carson Fender got nominated! I couldn't find a picture of him so I'm using the book cover for him instead
He'll go up against Jackson Lamb from Slow Horses in round 1
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spies-bingo · 8 months
Prompt Filled: Cult
Fandom(s): The Codename Conspiracy
Relationship(s): None
Format: Writing
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Heavy Talk of Cults
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Recovery, Trauma, School Assignment
0 notes
greyias · 4 years
FIC: Smoke and Mirrors - Chapter 3
Title: Smoke and Mirrors Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight Rating: T Genre: Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn Synopsis: Something’s rotten on Carrick Station, and Theron won’t rest until he finds out what. But picking at the frayed threads of suspicion quickly unravels a conspiracy much larger than even the Republic’s top spy can handle on his own. (A mostly canon-compliant retelling of the Forged Alliances storyline, as seen through the eyes of Theron Shan.) Author’s Notes and Spoilers: See Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Crossposted to AO3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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He’d gone with Shield, because of course he had. His reservations about that gap in the file were mostly just suspicions, and it was hard to ignore the fact that the woman described in the file seemed ridiculously capable. Now, if only he could wipe that knowing grin off of Jace’s face.
“Thought you might go with her,” the older man rumbled, tone entirely too smug.
“It was a numbers game,” Theron muttered, “one Cross of Glory recipient versus an entire ship full."
“Of course.” His father sounded anything but convinced, and then sobered some as a large man decked out in SpecOps armor entered the office. “Ah, just in time. Theron Shan, meet Rian Darok.”
Darok shook Theron’s hand with an almost bone breaking grip. The colonel practically towered over the SIS Agent, and actually even had a few centimeters over Jace which seemed like an accomplishment in itself. Dark brows narrowed in contemplation, and Theron got the distinct impression that he was being sized up in some way. He returned the scrutiny with a tight-lipped smile.
“Always a pleasure to work with the SIS,” Darok said, “Agent Shan.”
The emphasis placed on his surname made Theron abort the handshake and take a step back to reclaim his personal space. “Yes, well, we all try to do our part, Colonel.”
“Interesting last name.”
“Not really. It’s pretty common according to the last Republic census.” Theron let his gaze briefly slip over to Jace, but the older man had already drifted over to the large holo-table across the room with a projection of a dogfight over a large planet and wasn’t paying attention to their conversation.
“Common among Jedi too.”
“Wouldn’t know much about that, seeing as I carry a blaster and not a lightsaber,” Theron bit back, letting his irritation bleed into his tone.
“Sure,” Darok said, seeming to let the subject drop.
They joined Jace over at the holo-table, and upon closer inspection Theron could see that it was a representation of Korriban and a simulation of the patrol schedule. A frown played across the Supreme Commander’s face as he watched the simulation. The Harrower-class dreadnought passed through the planetary orbit, before heading out to continue its patrol of the system. Displayed on the map, the opening was now glaringly obvious. Theron watched as holograms of an entire squadron, including a Hammerhead, some Thranta-class corvettes, and several of BT-7 Thunderclap ships come out of hyperspace and then immediately start the bombardment. As soon as they entered the atmosphere a second wave of ships jumped in, following the path they carved to the surface. It was a risky maneuver, and one that required perfect timing to pull off.
Theron was starting to feel lucky that he only had to recruit one individual rather than pick out the pilots for this operation. Darok stalked by, glaring at the holo-table as if it had personally insulted him as the simulation switched from the orbital view to the planetary view. The gaps in their intelligence were more glaring here, as several crude representations of the Academy’s layout filled the holo.
Apparently Jace picked up on the tension between his two leads on the operation, because Theron felt a nudge to his shoulder. “Is there a problem?”
His father had intentionally pitched his voice low, so only Theron could hear. If he thought about it for more than two galactic seconds, the prodding on his genealogy wasn’t that big of a deal. And it shouldn’t have rankled so much that the first thing people thought of when hearing the name ��Shan” was “Jedi”. 
“I want a codename,” he muttered petulantly. “Can you work on that?”
“How about ‘Theron Malcom’?”
“No,” he said flatly. “Never mind. You don’t get to make codenames.”
“Why not?”
“Because it needs to be covert.” And not lame. “Like Zerosum.”
“Must be in the genes. I’m rescinding your permission to name things as well.” Theron wrinkled his nose, but Jace turned his attention back to the other man in the room before another snarky response could be made. “Colonel, is there an issue with the holo-table?”
“No sir,” Darok said curtly, “just reviewing every angle to make sure we haven’t missed anything.”
“Have we?”
“A name to attach to our second wave. Seems like an important part of the operation.”
Jace motioned to Theron, who crossed his arms as he met Darok’s even stare. “Jedi Master Greyias Highwind.”
He used the actual name on the file, partially for name recognition, but also because it was unclear if the colonel had clearance to know the identities of the Coruscant Aegis. Darok’s stony expression faltered for a moment, a brief look of curiosity stealing across it before the frown fixed itself back into place. “The Hero of Tython? That seems a little high-profile for a covert operation.”
“She can do the job,” Theron shot back, “and none of this is exactly groundbreaking territory for her from her file.”
“Her file? She hasn’t been read in yet?”
“I was waiting for final authorization before spilling the beans on our little party.”
“You have it,” Jace cut in. “Do what you need to pull her in. We need our best on this, gentlemen, understood?”
From his tone, it was clear the Supreme Commander was talking about more than the Jedi in question, an unstated order for both of them to work out whatever issues they had for the good of the mission. Darok gave his commanding officer a curt nod, and Theron acknowledged it as well with a tight bob of his head. He didn’t have to like Darok to work with him.
“I suggest we move this operation to Carrick Station. It will be easier to coordinate and gather my forces for the assault.” Darok spared a glance across the table. “Hopefully Master Highwind will decide to join us there.”
“She’ll be there,” Theron promised, “don’t worry about that.”
“That’s good to hear.” Jace crossed his arms. “Just remember that our window of opportunity to pull this off will close if we wait too long.”
“Don’t worry, sir, my team will be ready.”
“So will mine,” Theron tossed back.
“Then I’ll leave this in your capable hands, gentlemen. If all goes well, the next time we meet we’ll be toasting to the end of the Empire.”
As Jace turned away, both Theron and Darok shifted their positions, sizing each other up. The colonel resting his sizable fists on his hips, Theron crossing his arms as he glared up at the taller man. 
“I guess we’ll see if you can get our guest of honor to show up on such short notice.”
“You worry about the logistics of your own men, Colonel,” Theron said coolly. “I can handle wrangling one little Jedi Knight.”
Next Chapter
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hettiesworld · 5 years
Number 7!
full name: emily alice lucas
nickname: em
codename: red widow
date of birth: january 26th (forty-one)
star sign: aquarius
sexuality: heterosexual
species: human
special skills:
- observation skills
- master of disguise
- seduction
original universe: mission: impossible
love interest(s): William Brandt
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faceclaim: Natalie Portman
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location: Moscow, Russia
status: alive
first appearance: N/A
final appearance: N/A
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory, @sweetness47, @daphne-fandom-writing, @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123, @averyrogers83, @pegasusdragontiger, @pennyroyalorange
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rubychan228 · 6 years
Random thought
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If the internet/internet fandom had been a thing in 1991-1992, when Codename wa Sailor V and Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon were coming out, I bet there would have been so much drama and debates and theories about whether the reincarnation of the Moon Princess was Minako or Usagi.
More large pics and 20 year old spoilers behind the cut.
Plus there were probably more out-there theories, like there is no Princess, or it's one of the other Senshi, or it’s an un-introduced character, or, like, Naru or Luna or something.
(And, I'm sure there were such debates and theories and such in real life, but there's no record of them because they weren't online.)
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So, when Sailor V showed up in Sailor Moon and Artemis identified her as Princess Serenity, I'm sure there was a lot of I-told-you-so’s and disappointment.
Which would be nothing compared to the epic level of joy, anger, disappointment, even more emphatic I-told-you-so's, and weird conspiracy theories when the big reveal happened:
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If there was internet fandom back then like there is today…we'd probably still be hearing about it to this day from salty “Princess V” fans.
Bonus look behind this scenes of me working on this (and really) any post:
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(You can't see it, but my keyboard is under him.)
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totopopopo · 7 years
Ned Leeds aka the ... whatever his codename was that he wanted
I wanna be his friend so bad.. so bad
their blog url
spidermansBFF tbh
the kind of posts they reblog
fucking nerd ass fandom shit im talkin star wars star trek lord of the rings… so many science posts…. n of course all the superhero info he can find… makes a post a DAY about being friends with spider-man
the first person they followed
what kind of theme they’d have
so fucking nerdy.. like a kinda fake hacker aesthetic that he thinks is super cool but is actually just fuckin dumb 
what kind of text posts they make at 2am
conspiracy theories that he doesn’t take seriously but still #TheTruthIsOutThere
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 years
Letters to Alfie
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39kc07G
by Hollow_Whisperings
Bruce travels the world, training for a purpose as yet unknown to the fledgling adult, and, between identities and countries, attempts to reassure the only one The Last Wayne has never had to lie to: Alfred Pennyworth, lone custodian of Wayne Manor, and Bruce's greatest mentor.
A series of one-sided letters to "A" from a globe-trotting teen desperately seeking purpose... but finding conspiracies, aliens, and an inexplicable amount of non-Japanese ninja instead.
Words: 437, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of The fem!Bruce Verse
Fandoms: Batman (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Relationships: Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Epistolary, Letters, Writing Exercise, Young Bruce Wayne, Codenames, Travelogue, Awkwardness, Secret Identity, Survival Training, Codes & Ciphers, Noodle Incidents, World Travel, Pre-Batman Bruce Wayne, Awkward Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Secret Messages
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39kc07G
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Chasing Providence
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2v3qZTR
by battleshidge (Amiria_Raven)
In which Keith texts the wrong number and unknowingly breaches national security.
Words: 3718, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Allura (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge (Voltron), Matt Holt, Samuel Holt
Relationships: Allura/Keith (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Everyone's here really, Slight violence in later chapters, Wrong Number AU, blade of marmora, Semi Slow Burn, Codenames, codenames for the blades that is, Alternate Universe, kallura, Government Conspiracy, Queen-to-be Allura, it all begins with underwear
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2v3qZTR
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spies-bingo · 9 months
Prompt Filled: Rogue Agent
Fandom(s): The Codename Conspiracy
Relationship(s): Danielle & Director Isadoris
Format: Writing
Rating: T
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: Manipulation, Trust Issues
0 notes
greyias · 4 years
FIC: Smoke and Mirrors - Chapter 2
Title: Smoke and Mirrors Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight Rating: T Genre: Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn Synopsis: Something’s rotten on Carrick Station, and Theron won’t rest until he finds out what. But picking at the frayed threads of suspicion quickly unravels a conspiracy much larger than even the Republic’s top spy can handle on his own. (A mostly canon-compliant retelling of the Forged Alliances storyline, as seen through the eyes of Theron Shan.) Author’s Notes and Spoilers: See Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 | Crossposted to AO3 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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Rather than head back to the Heorem Complex, Theron decided to review his notes and the personnel files back at his apartment. While he didn’t really care all that much if he attracted a few looks for his unkempt appearance from the all-nighter he just pulled, the thought of perusing the data in the comfort of his own bed was too tempting to pass up. If he needed to do any research that required heavier security protocols than what he already had in place, he could always head in at that point.
As he sunk into the mattress, he pulled up the file on the first member of the Coruscant Aegis, codename “Guardian”. Known in wider circles as Barsen’thor, the newest member of the Jedi High Council. He managed to make it about a third of the way through the file before his chin dropped as he started to nod off. Unable to let Marcus Trant be right about anything, Theron woke himself up with a quick shower in the refresher before powering through the rest of the file.  From what he could tell “Guardian” was more than capable, but a quick search of the HoloNet showed that the Jedi Master was in Temesher on a diplomatic mission. If the underground chatter was to be believed, “Ace”, the Voidhound, was similarly occupied. Although probably for less legitimate business then the Jedi Master. He filed both of them away as potential assets for future operations, but moved on to the next file.
He paged through the dossier on “Meteor”, liking what he was seeing. Leader of Havoc Squad, a fellow recipient of the Cross of Glory, and had a whole squad of heavy hitters that could be tapped into. The major had been a key player in taking out the Gauntlet — one of the weapons designed by Darth Mekhis. The dossier was long, and by the time he got to the end, he was tempted to just call it there for Havoc Squad so he could feel justified in giving into the temptation to close his eyes for a few minutes. (Not to mention it’d drive Jonas Balkar nuts if Theron sniped his favorite operative.)
However, he’d had left the most intriguing one for last. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t dying of curiosity to be able to review more details of the Sith Emperor’s demise. Even so, he massaged his temples, the tension mounting behind his implants letting him know he was going to need a break here soon if he had any hope of continuing to focus. This dossier was just as long as the rest, and his eyes almost crossed looking at the text.
“Okay,” he admitted quietly, “may need a break.”
He was loathe to take one, though, considering the narrow window of opportunity they were having to work with. He compromised by making a large pot of stimcaf, nowhere near the quality of Jace’s stash, but still decent enough to get the job done. While it brewed, he closed his eyes and focused his mind, acknowledging the fatigue and need for sleep, before releasing it out. By the time the caf maker chimed that it was ready, the tension headache had faded to the far corner of his consciousness. He would still need to sleep later, but this would help him focus for a few more hours.
With a mug of caf in hand as well as a sandwich to stave off hunger, Theron pulled up a chair far from the bed, and whipped out the dossier on the last candidate, codename “Shield”. 
While not exactly a household name, the Hero of Tython was definitely not an unknown player on the galactic scale, especially in the intelligence community. For some reason, she kept getting recruited into SIS operations, and her notoriety had started to spread beyond that after she had halted Darth Malgus’s attempted coup.
The dossier began with her apprenticeship on Tython to Orgus Din, one of the living legends of the first Galactic War. As he pored over the details, he couldn’t help but frown, his earlier statement to Jace coming to mind. It was a little hard to believe that one person had wound up doing so much in such a short time. Capturing a dark Jedi while an apprentice, exposing and defeating a Sith infiltrator on Coruscant, saving several planets from Darth Angral’s campaign of destruction. 
When he started seeing familiar names crop up in the report, Theron grabbed a spare datapad with a secure connection and pulled up the relevant SIS reports. He was familiar enough with several of the agents involved, and was curious if there were any extra details to be gleaned outside of the official dossier. He mostly just found more operations that weren’t in the main dossier, including one from Agent Fauler on his takedown of a Czerka coverup on Tatooine.
At least an hour had passed, and he was only a third finished with the main dossier. He was about halfway through the pot of caf, and was starting to get irritated with the glowing reviews from his fellow agents, when the main dossier got… interesting.
As in, Shan family lineage interesting. He’d only been lightly skimming the portion of her work with Oteg, the Jedi commander of the Telos, until he saw the mention of the Maelstrom Prison, and namely, it’s sole prisoner: Revan.
He thought that the fate of the famous off-and-on-again Jedi Knight and Sith Lord had been lost to history. Apparently after passing on the family genes, he’d gone after the Sith Emperor himself and failed. Only to be rescued from his three-hundred year imprisonment by the woman who ultimately finished the job.
Theron frowned, finger tapping the side of the datapad absently. He was never a big fan of coincidences and he wasn’t a believer in fate or destiny. The connection between Revan and this woman was pretty glaringly obvious, and if Master Zho was still around, he probably would have said it was the will of the Force. An angry bitterness rose up in the back of his throat, but Theron managed to push it down just below the surface.
After his failed apprenticeship under Nagani Zho, Theron had tried to put his whole ancestry behind him. If the Force didn’t want anything to do with him, he wanted to return the favor. He’d managed to do just that for almost a decade, when apparently it decided to pull him back into the fold with his mission with Master Zho and Teff’ith to the Vesla system, and then later with Gnost-Dural and the Ascendant Spear. 
He shoved the stupid coincidence and happenstance to the back of his mind, but there was still the lingering question of Revan’s fate. The official records were sparse, just that he had been rescued from the prison built for him in the Maelstrom Nebula, and had fallen in battle with Imperials in the Nanth’ri system before he could ever see the end of the Emperor who held him prisoner for so long. It seemed like such ignoble end for the legendary Knight, but then again life wasn’t fair.
The bitterness still burned in his throat, but Theron forced himself to focus back on his original task rather than this side-trek down the family album, and pulled back up the excessively long dossier. 
Except as he stared at the text, his brain had latched onto something. He blew out a breath, took another sip of the bitter brew in attempt to convince himself that was what he was tasting rather than his own feelings. He looked back over the section on Revan again, eyes falling on the location of the prison he’d been rescued from.
The Maelstrom Nebula… why was that familiar?
He pulled up a galactic map, and the Maelstrom Nebula was located on the borders of the Albarrio and Relgim sectors. And Oteg commanded the Telos. He blinked at the map, watching the pixelated swirls of green space dust whirl in the air. The Jedi that had discovered the key piece of intel for the upcoming operation had served during that campaign. Of course, the crew manifest for the Telos was large. It was a warship. A lot of people had served on it. The holo flickered, and Theron stared at it, that same funny feeling settling over him, raising the hairs on the back of his neck. He continued to glare at the map, as if he could connect the two dots by sheer force and willpower.
Whatever it was, it wasn’t coming to him. With a sigh, he pulled back up the dossier, and continued reading. The sooner he finished this file, the sooner he could make his decision and call it a night.
Next up was the mission on Balmorra, which on the surface appeared to be aiding the resistance and helping fight off the Empire. However, Theron had read enough redacted files to tell when details were being conveniently left out. He recalled his brief partnership with Master Gnost-Dural, and the revelation that the Jedi did their own intelligence gathering. It made sense that they would also have their own version of black ops.
Theron continued down the rabbit hole, from the side-trip to Quesh, through the adventures on Hoth. There were a lot of flashy rescues, a few high profile military operations, and some side missions for the Grand Master herself, before “Shield” showed up again on Belsavis.
About halfway through the section on Belsavis, he frowned, remembering the riots fairly clearly. Partially because he’d been there for part of it. He retraced back to the last few missions on Hoth, searching for the detail that he missed. It wasn’t there, but as he started reviewing the dates, it struck him what <i>was</i> missing.
About six plus months.
No mention of any duties or activities, just a sudden jump in time. Theron quickly started a search on his other datapad, but as he delved further and further into the details of Shield’s personal life, he still couldn’t find anything regarding what she’d been up to during the time in question. No record of a leave of absence, no MIA report, no purchase history, or travel dossiers, just a giant hole that had been carefully written around. Not even a whisper or mention of her in any Republic records, almost like she hadn’t been there at all during the time.
Someone had wiped this woman’s record clean of something they didn’t want getting out. 
He glared at the datapad, as if it was directly responsible for the deed. It was enough of a red flag for him that he almost closed the file right there, regardless of the glowing recommendations of his fellow agents and the obvious admiration and confidence of both the Jedi Grand Master and the Supreme Commander.
But damn it, he hadn’t even gotten to the part about the Emperor yet. He didn’t set his reservation aside, though, even as he resumed his review of the dossier. The contents had definitely taken a turn for the darker, as he read about death cults, insanity rituals, the capture of several dark Jedi, and the liberation of Corellia.
Somewhere, buried within all of the heroics (did this woman ever sleep?), he found the reason for the urgency, and the sudden dark turn. It was a small line, possibly hastily tacked on to the end of the report regarding a fallen Jedi Master, Tol Braga, that discussed a dark side ritual to…
Theron felt his stomach drop, and re-read the line again just to be sure.
No, he’d read it right the first time. The Sith, or at least the Emperor’s inner circle, had been trying to complete a dark side ritual that would annihilate all life in the galaxy.
He tried to ignore the cold feeling of dread as he moved on in the dossier. He was finally to the part about Dromund Kaas and the raid on the Dark Temple. What he found curious, and if he were being honest with himself, more than a little impressive, was the account that Shield had taken on the Emperor by herself, with only a T7 unit as backup. The mission was what had earned her a Cross of Glory, as well as the rest of her crew (even the droid and Sith on her crew).
The rest of her exploits after that were a little wider known, things he had heard of, if he hadn’t exactly connected the name with the deed until now. Taking down Darth Malgus, saving the people of Makeb, even that whole mess with Czerka on CZ-198.
Damn it.
He kneaded his forehead as his tension headache started to creep through, his frustration mounting. Any of the Coruscant Aegis would be equipped to handle the Korriban job, but only one of them had already stormed an Imperial world in a similar manner. The fact that the little Jedi overachiever just kept saving the galaxy at every turn made it harder for him to ignore.
Except that someone had scrubbed her records to hide something. Considering her notoriety, it was probably something dirty. As far as assets went, dirt was great when he knew what it was and could use it to leverage things his way. It was more of a liability in this case, as the lack of information meant things could spiral out of hand very quickly. 
Theron glanced at the chrono, seeing that it had started to edge into evening. His long ignored fatigue dragged at him, and his bed called to him. Even if he still didn’t have his recommendation, he’d at least finished his review of the files. If he slept now, at least he could feel justified in the fact that Marcus couldn’t be right. And Jace did say that Theron could sleep on the decision, so he did just that. 
And if his sleep was just a little haunted by a dark spectre attempting to devour the galaxy, he wasn’t going to mention it to anyone.
Next Chapter
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hettiesworld · 5 years
My Other OCs (other than Marvel)
So, I made 9 OCs that don’t fit into the MCU. I hope you like them! Here’s number 1!
Number 1:
Full name: Cassandra Ezri Greenwood
Nickname: Cassie
Codename: White Kodak
Date of Birth: July 22nd (Twenty-Seven)
Star sign: Cancer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Abilities: Seductress, hacker and weapons specialist
Original universe: Mission: Impossible
Affilicated organisations: British Intelligence
Love interest(s): Benji Dunn and Ilsa Faust
Faceclaim: Hayley Atwell (I know she’s already part of the cast for MI:7 & 8 but I didn’t know before I made this OC)
Tumblr media
Location: London, England
Status: Alive
First appearance (in a oneshot/series): N/A
Final appearance: N/A
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​, @yavanna80​, @daphne-fandom-writing​, @averyrogers83​, @pegasusdragontiger​, @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​, @sweetness47​
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hettiesworld · 5 years
My Other OCs (other than Marvel)
Here is number 2!
Full name: Jessica Loralyn Harris
Nickname: Jess
Codename: Outcome No. 10
Date of Birth: May 3rd (thirty-nine)
Star sign: Taurus
Sexuality: Heterosxual (straight)
Traits: Dutiful, encouraging, sweet, creative, modern, shy
Original universe: The Bourne series
Affilicated organisations: N/A
Love interest(s): Aaron Cross
Faceclaim: Gal Gadot
Tumblr media
Location: Manila, The Philippines
Status: Alive
First appearance: N/A
Final appearance: N/A
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​, @yavanna80​, @daphne-fandom-writing​, @averyrogers83​, @pegasusdragontiger​, @sweetness47​, @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​
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