#extreme skydiving
aballadforbarbatos · 1 year
mc falls hard and fast
specifically, out of the sky.
you were looking for a gift for mammon, originally. something sparkly and shiny- he seemed down in the dumps, last time you saw him
and since you’re back in the human world for an undisclosed amount of time, this is the best time to go searching for a surprise gift!!
thinking back on it now, this whole set up was a bit suspicious… maybe you should be a little less one track minded next time?
i mean, saying the item’s worth is well over ten thousand dollars and then selling it for only $200? what were you thinking?
and it only got worse! they apparently had it hidden in a secret place where you needed to take a helicopter, and they needed your driver’s license and passport? MC, what is WRONG with you?
well, they told you they were going to steal your identity, taken your documents, and pushed you out of the helicopter. they’ll probably be back later to collect your body.
so here you are. falling out of the sky.
you screamed when you first got shoved, sure, but you can’t keep doing that or else you’ll go splat on the ground and the entirety of devildom might break down and also some shady guys will steal your identity.
and you’ve done a lot to have this identity, so that definitely can’t happen
pacts! you can get a demon to come rescue you!
as soon as the idea pops into your head, you know exactly which demon you want, even before you see his pact mark on the back of your hand, the same hand that you always, always use to pull out your wallet.
but, uh… you’ve never actually used the pact from so far away. will it even work if you order him from here, now?
you reach into your pocket for your D.D.D.
with the needy demon boys you’ve collected, you can barely go anywhere without it
you tap his name…
and wait while the phone rings??
meanwhile, in devildom, the demons are having a student council meeting, completely unaware that you are currently hurtling towards the ground, and your death, at an incredibly fast pace.
mammon’s phone rings.
he tries to ignore it and play it cool, but it’s so obvious it’s him
“mammon. what have i told you about keeping your D.D.D. on silent.” mammon does not look at lucifer and instead decides to investigate the table until he remembers-
“no, wait! i did put it on silent, which means-”
which means that the caller has to be you, because he fiddled with his settings so that you were the only one that could reach him while his D.D.D. was off.
he digs his hand into his pocket and pulls it out, eagerly answering your call and putting it close to his ear
…and then immediately holding it at arm’s length as you shout into the receiver, trying to be louder than the wind
he genuinely has no idea what to say. what’s going on in the background? why’s it so loud? and it’s nice hearing you say his name, don’t get it wrong, but you sound panicky and he’s not sure why you’re saying it so often.
“mammon, it’s time for you to take responsibility for your words, okay?!”
“aha, words? MC, what words are you talking about? i haven’t done anything super bad or anything!”
“mammon…” your voice gets quieter and shaky so he gingerly puts his ear against the receiver. “mammon, i don’t want to die, okay?”
his eyes widen. if lucifer’s saying anything to him now, it doesn’t matter. mammon has totally drowned it out, listening to what you have to say.
“what do you want me to do?”
“mammon, come here.”
poof! he appears next to you
except you’re falling through air
so he’s only next to you for a split second
and he’s in his student uniform too so he’s falling as well
just a human and their demon, falling to their certain doom
“mc, what the fuck?!”
that’s what you think he says. you’re not sure. the wind has carried his words away
you look up, away from the ground, and at the scenery beyond. at the very least, if mammon doesn’t get it together soon, this is a pretty place to die.
mammon gets it together.
your life didn't flash before your eyes- did that mean that your brain knew that mammon would catch you?
well, of course it would think so. it’s not like he’s ever let you down before.
he could’ve saved you a little NICER, though?
seriously, slamming into your body from the side? what if he broke a rib?!
plus he accidentally crashed into a haystack, so now you’re sitting there pulling straw out of your hair, adrenaline still pulsing through your veins
okokok hold on, you’re gonna hurl
mammon’s head pops up just as you finish, “okay, gross.”
you laugh. and laugh. it feels so good to be alive! a shame about your stolen documents, but you can do something about that later
“um, why did you call me? lucifer probably would’ve been faster…”
you look at mammon with a warm smile
“mammon, aren’t you my first? didn’t you say that if you couldn’t rescue me, then i should just die? why would i want to be saved by anyone other than you?”
your D.D.D. buzzes
it’s a text
no wait, it’s two
they’re also all asking you if you know what happened to mammon and if you could get him to come back to the student council
you glance at your saviour, covered in hay, now sporting a light blush
“lol” is all you send back
the devildom lives another day
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aigaysizedif · 6 months
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From a series of marginally successful experiments: Skydiving guys! This one was very tricky! The AI had the guys in all sorts of wild positions and unfortunately not as many turned out. I think this is also a case of it struggling to reference photos of men skydiving while also building in the fat modifier - I've noticed that some active activities return slimmer guys by default and adding the same fat descriptors doesn't have as "large" of an impact. ;) But we have a few winners in here imo!
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tanadrin · 9 months
here’s hoping the 21st century is comparatively boring!
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usstrekart · 4 months
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"Extreme Risk" (S05E03, Stardate UNKNOWN) is a decent character exploration for B'Elanna as she deals with the loss of one family. But it does a disservice to her character growth and pretends she has not already adopted Voyager as her new family along the way. Her pain is real, but there are issues.
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tazskylardaily · 9 months
New pictures and videos of Taz and Cole Beck skydiving.
Source: @colebeck3 on Instagram on September 15th, 2023
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danni-gurrl · 1 month
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I do all my own stunts. 😉
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defensenow · 2 days
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tumblasha · 1 year
sports review: skydiving (boston skydive center)
if your friends jumped off a plane, would you do that too? yeah :D
overall rating: ★★★★★/5
it was so fun!!! i really think that everyone should go skydiving at least once in their lifetime if they're able to
but i'd be lying if i said that i wasn't about to shit my pants starting the week before the event up until i got off the bus that Took us to the skydiving field in general. once i finished signing all of the waivers [1] and got geared up, i simply accepted any fate that would follow me
let's dedicate a section of this review to eric, the skydiving instructor that i was tied to and led the diving. he's an interesting 30-ish y/o white man from north carolina with a lot of energy. he kept doing that thing where he just said a lot of jokes (dark humor, not a big surprise) about how jumping off a plane will be fine, cool, chill. at one point while we were in this small sus plane, he made a clicking noise with some of the gear and said these lovely words
if you hear this click as we're falling down the sky, that's just me quitting my job
this man was overall funny and transformed all of my nervous energy into Calmness [2]. i'm glad that he and juan (the pilot of the plane) were able to make my day so fun :)) what was less fun was eric sorta jumping off the plane without telling me he was gonna do that, re-enactment by haku from spirited away below
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once i made it back to the ground i took a bunch of polaroid pics with my pals (asantoss and K) and laid on the grass while the rest of the seniors finished skydiving. 10/10 would do it again
here's a link to me being all silly as i skydive
[1] the things we signed off on were So Interesting. "i can confirm that my private parts will be touched ... i will have a higher exposure to covid ... i will not sue if the equipment malfunctions" AND MORE
[2] a nervous laugh a day keeps the nervousness away!
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beccacantdraw · 7 months
Jump for Joy
Jump for Joy is a fictional nonprofit inspired by Taz Skylar. They do fundraisers via skydiving. I think Taz would be into it. (Please DM my main @beccaconda if you happen to see this Taz!!)
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
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Easily the best thing I’ve ever done, I’m still riding the high!!! 💫
I wanna keep doing it foreverrr!!!
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mycornerblog · 8 months
"skydiving I could try for the first time "
Daily writing promptWhat could you try for the first time?View all responses The adrenaline rush of skydiving is a truly exhilarating experience. The feeling of soaring through the sky, the wind rushing past you, and the breathtaking scenery below are enough to make anyone’s heart race with excitement. It’s one of those bucket list activities that many dream about but may hesitate to…
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lamorevaeviene · 1 year
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Può la magia del volo essere descritta con parole? Penso di no. Skydive Siracusa 🪂😍
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s7ieben · 2 years
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Perfect Landing
Sport of fall :)
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jjwphotography1990 · 23 hours
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Smoke on! The British Army Red Devils coming in hot!
Hyundai Air & Sea Show
Miami, Florida 2021
#smoke #red #britain #british #army #armyreddevils #reddevils #parachute #parachuteteam #skydiving #skydiver #aviationphotography #airshow #airshowphotography #aviation #aviationgeek #military #miamiairshow #shotoncanon #canon #canoneosr #eosr #canonphotography #photography #aviationphoto #pictureoftheday #sigma150600 #sigmalens #sigma #mylensrental
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shadooonemusic · 27 days
Would you do it 🤔😜?! @shadooonemusic
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tandembaseus · 6 months
Prepare for Your BASE Jump Adventure with Tandem Base
Are you a thrill-seeker looking to take your adrenaline rush to new heights? Look no further than Tandem Base, the ultimate destination for BASE jumping enthusiasts. With years of experience and a passion for extreme sports, we are here to provide you with the most exhilarating BASE jumping experience possible.
Located in the heart of Idaho, Tandem Base offers the perfect backdrop for your BASE Jumping in Idaho. Idaho is known for its stunning landscapes and natural wonders, making it an ideal location for adrenaline junkies. Our team of experienced BASE jumpers will guide you through the process of learning BASE jumping, ensuring your safety every step of the way.
At Tandem Base, we believe that learning BASE jumping should be an exciting and memorable experience. Our expert instructors understand the unique challenges that come with BASE jumping, and they are dedicated to providing you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a confident and competent BASE jumper. If you want to know How To Learn BASE Jumping, Tandem Base can help you.
One of our most popular experiences is Twin Falls Bridge BASE Jumping. This iconic bridge offers the perfect platform for your first BASE jump. Imagine standing on the edge of the bridge, taking in the breathtaking view before taking the leap of faith. Our experienced instructors will be by your side, guiding you through every moment of the jump. This tandem experience allows you to enjoy the thrill of BASE jumping while feeling secure and confident in the hands of our experts.
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Learning BASE jumping can be a daunting task, but with Tandem Base, you'll be in good hands. Our team understands the importance of safety and will provide you with the necessary equipment and training to ensure a successful jump. We prioritize your safety above all else, giving you peace of mind as you embark on this incredible adventure. So, what are you waiting for? If you're ready to learn BASE jumping and experience the thrill of a lifetime, look no further than Tandem Base. Contact us today at 2085469873 and let us help you make your BASE jumping dreams a reality. Get ready to soar through the skies and feel the rush like never before. Visit our official website at:- http://tandembase.com/
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