#everything keeps going shitty i’m annoyed and pissed and overstimulated as fuck
fuck today honestly im so overstimulated i want to throw a full tantrum on the fucking floor
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Back Chat.
Summary: While making 'Hot Space', Brian is frustrated while John is enjoying the album- they take their feelings out on you.
Warnings: Smut! Swearing, threesome, some dirty talk, lil bit of Dom!Brian. This is just al filth. Please do not read if you are under 18! Plus condoms are cool- please use one (one day someone will be fucking (ha) using one in one of my fics 😂😭)
A/N: For the lovely @deacytits who asked if I could write a threesome between the reader, a happy John and annoyed Brian during the 'Hot Space' era. Plus 'Hot Space' is one of the best albums ever made in my eyes and quite frankly anyone who doesn't like it can fight me in a parking lot at one in the morning while I defend its honour. Enjoy! 💖
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Your eyes kept peeking over the top of your book, more focused on John and Brian than the words in front of your face.
You weren't exclusively with either of them, per se, you had a rather fluent relationship with the two of them. They knew you slept with them both on separate occasions and neither John or Brian minded.
You flicked a page and crossed your legs, your knee hitting against the table as you did and you let out a sigh as you slid down in your chair slightly to avoid doing it again. You stopped reading and looked up noticing someone sitting across from you. "You look unbelievably busy for someone trying to make an album," you sarcastically uttered.
"This album has hardly any fucking guitar in it," Brian grumbled, clearly irritated.
You smirked and kept your gaze on him. "I can think of something that would keep your fingers busy..." you lowly spoke. Brian heard you loud and clear. You saw a flicker of lust and mischievous in his eye as his hand rested on your knee, pulling the hem of your dress slightly. He moved his hand up a little further, keeping an eye out incase any of the other three saw.
He began stroking your thigh, slowly creeping his fingers even further up your leg. "Come back to my house when we're finished here," his voice was rough and low.
You placed down your book and rested your chin on your hand, innocently smiling at him. "What are we going to do?" You asked.
Brian gripped onto your upper thigh, his fingers digging into your skin. "Each other."
You licked your bottom lip and swallowed hard, sitting back a little. Brian's hand fell when you moved. "You'll make John jealous." You folded your arms over your chest.
"Fuck John!" Brian snapped. He was irritated with how happy and content John was with 'Hot Space'. Not to mention that Brian had read the lyrics to 'Back Chat' and it didn't take a genius to figure out the song was about him. The whole album was pissing Brian off and all he wanted to do was fuck out his rage.
"Oh I plan to, love," you teasingly replied. "Fuck him all night. Maybe have him beg for it...for me." The corners of your mouth twitched upwards "And he's in such a great mood today- he loves making this album. You know, he can go for hours when he's in a good mood." You loved pushing your boundaries when Brian was angry or annoyed. You could almost feel the heat radiating from him as irritation bubbled inside him.
You looked over to Roger when you heard him groan and mention something about being late picking up Dominique while rushing out the studio then shouting out a bye before the door shut. "Oh I told Mary we'd get dinner together! I'm just as bloody late!" Freddie sighed "Are you three okay to deal with tidying up?"
"Sure, Fred. See you tomorrow." John smiled and put down his bass guitar gently. As soon as Freddie left Brian rose to his feet and pulled you off the chair. Before you could register what was happening, Brian had you bent over on the table with your face pressed against the wood. "What the hell are you doing?!" John shrieked.
"Oh bloody shut up you," Brian gritted out as he undid his trousers. He didn't even bother to take off your underwear- he just ripped them right off your body.
You gasped and tried to stand up but Brian pushed you back down "They were bloody new!" You snapped before letting out a shuddering moan when you felt him easily slip inside you. His hands on you earlier and seeing him get so annoyed at the persistent teasing and sarcastic remarks was enough to turn you on.
"Uh...what the fuck? If you wanted me to bloody leave you should have just said!" John's voice was pitchy. He didn't know where to look. His best friend was fucking you right in front of his eyes.
Brian loudly grunted as his hips roughly buckled forward, pushing you into the table even more as he blantanly ignored John. "N-no!" You moaned out and tried reaching it for him. "Ah fuck! Stay, John! Please!" You pleaded and slapped harshly on the table, the legs were scraping back and fourth on the floor. "Jesus! Fuck! Brian!" You cried out, his thrusts becoming even harder.
John stood there awkwardly and Brian rolled his eyes, pulling you up off the table but still holding you. You were pressed against him and he was still fucking you while you were both standing. "Well don't just bloody stand there...fuck," he growled and you moaned as he kept thrusting "Touch her then or something!"
John timidly stepped forward and you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck to support yourself a little. Your moans were driving him insane and he reached his hand down and gently began stroking your clit. You softly whimpered and looked at him with half hooded eyes, letting out a yelp and resting your forehead against his when Brian spanked you. Brian's thrusting was making John rhythmically rock "Is he fucking you good, baby?" As well as surprising you, he surprised himself by talking like that. But you nodded regardless. "You're taking him really good, fuck!" He hotly kissed you and delicately caressed your cheek while his other hand was still massaging your clit and fingering your wet folds. You moaned against John's lips and he smirked.
"Fuck! Y/N!" Brian grunted, tightly holding your hips. "On the floor." Brian pulled out and you let out a cry, crashing into John. Brian clearly didn't have any issues about baring all and letting John watch. So John thought the same. "Are you going to stand there or are you going to do something?" Brian snapped, catching his breath and lying on the floor.
"Make him angry for me," you whispered into John's ear and pulled back, peeling off your dress and then slowly sliding down on Brian's cock with a long, whining moan. Your back was faced to Brian and you mouthed a 'please' to John.
He sinfully smirked "I have been doing something all day- I've been playing bass." You could feel Brian's fingers sinking in to your hips a little tighter. "Just because you've been standing around all day because there's barely any guitar on this track-" John cut himself off when he heard Brian let out an animalistic growl, furiously bucking his hips. John could see your whole body shaking and the sound of skin slapping against skin was enough for him to start stripping off. He got on his knees in front of you and sunk his teeth into his bottom lip seeing your face contorted with pleasure. John held onto your face and stared right into your eyes as he pissed off Brian more. He wanted to see you become more and more ruined right in front of his face. "The album has no space for guitar-"
"Fuck you!" Brian's growl was strained. "Shit Y/N, you're getting even tighter...you going to cum on my cock?" You whimpered and nodded your head.
"Your guitar bits on this album are shit, Bri. I was going to make sure they were cut out all together." You groaned and pressed your lips to John, silently thanking him for annoying Brian even more. "I mean- your shitty guitar has no place on the album so what makes you can fuck an orgasm out of Y/N? Hmm? She wants someone that's been busy playing all day..." John purred with a smirk and took your hand in his, guiding it to his solid length. "Play with me," you moaned and kissed him while gripping onto his cock and gently began to pump him, gradually increasing your pace before losing your rhythm all together when you came. You tightly gripped onto John's shoulders and screamed while Brian let out a rough growl feeling you tighten around him as an orgasm washed over you.
"I'm not done yet, princess..." you could tell he was close. "I don't pull out until I cum." His thrusts were hard and rough, he kept his hands on your hips "Oh fuck, I'm almost there," your whole body was shaking from sheer overstimulation, you were crashing into John. He thought you looked drunk but on lust. "SHIT!" Brian's voice transformed from gritty and rough to almost as high as Roger's falsetto when he came inside you. You all remained in the same position for a few minutes until you and Brian caught your breaths.
You looked up to John with a smirk on your face. "Your turn."
You got up off of Brian who let out a tried whine feeling the heat of you suddenly disappear. You crashed your lips to John's and wrapped your hands behind his neck, playfully tugging on the tight curls on the back of his neck- making him faintly moan into your mouth. He skilfully guided you to the sofa that was pressed against the wall of the room. He tossed you down on it and you let out a giggle, Brian sat up a little on his elbows and watched John climb on top of you. Brian swallowed hard and chewed on his lip- he had never imagined you with John despite fully knowing that you had been with him. But there was something about seeing the pair of you together with his own two eyes that ignited something new inside him.
You hummed feeling John's lips leave your own and travel down your neck, sucking and biting down on your sweet spot when he found it- leaving a mark and reminding Brian just who's body you were under at the moment. You tilted your head a little and faintly smirked at the guitarist. "I think 'Back Chat' is a wonderful song," you felt John grin against your skin while Brian glared at you, his cheeks turning red with annoyance. "You're so good at everything you do, John."
"I'm especially good at doing my favourite thing- you." He buried his cock deep inside you and you let out a moan, your whole body jolting with pleasure and shock- it was still sensitive from when Brian had his way with you. John's face pressed against your neck and one hand was gripping your hip while the other was holding the back of your raised thigh. His thrusts were much gentler than Brian's and his grip was much softer- he was in a good mood and it showed through his movements.
"Mhmm...'Back chat back chat, you burn all my energy...'" you hummed with a wide smile on your face. Brian stood up and sauntered over to you, John hardy noticed as his head was still pressed into the space between your neck and shoulder.
"Instead of singing that stupid fucking song, I could think of a better use for your mouth." Brian gritted out and you knew exactly what he was hinting at. You grinned and parted your lips just a little, teasing him. But he wasn't in the mood for that and didn't waste any more time, he gripped your jaw to steady your head as he drove his cock into your mouth and you groaned and gagged slightly as you tried to take all of him- both of them.
John glanced up and loudly groaned, subconsciously bucking his hips a little harder and faster. Pleasure was flowing freely through your veins- you almost felt as if you were flying and seeing stars as John began taking you to your high. Brian lowly growled, his movements becoming a little sloppy as he felt himself reaching another orgasm. He eventually came in your mouth with a loud, melodic moan. Streams of cum ran down your throat and you gently sucked the rest of it off his cock before he pulled out. When Brian pulled back, John tightly clamped his hand over your mouth making your eyes widen a little at the unexpected action. "Swallow it all." The bassist demanded in a gruff tone and you kept your eyes locked with him as you did as he asked.
When John pulled back his hand you breathed in a desperate gulp of air. "I'm going to...fuck," you whined and shut your eyes, digging your fingernails into John's biceps as your back arched "I'm going to cum!" You whined and your mouth opened but a scream couldn't leave your mouth. Your vocal chords seized with sheer bliss as you came undone with a wide smile.
That was enough to tip John completely over the edge and he came inside you with a broken, gratified cry. He turned his head a little and tiredly pressed a kiss to your lips before getting off you. You slowly sat up and Brian noticed how soaked you were. "Here, love," he had to make do with what was lying around the recording studio. He placed a hand on your shoulder and pressed a soft, sweet kiss on your slightly sweaty forehead and tried to help you out by wiping your thighs with a sheet of paper to clean you up a little. You were grateful that he was trying to give you a hand with what he could find.
John narrowed his eyes as he took a drag from his just lit cigarette. "What's that you've used?" He chuckled, standing against the wall wearing nothing but his boxers.
Brian looked at the sheet and raised a brow, awkwardly grimacing slightly but with a small smile trying to break through. He showed it to you first and you burst into a fit of laughter. Brian turned around and showed John the soaked sheet of paper.
It had the lyrics to 'Back Chat' on it.
Tags- (Tag list is open! Just let me know if you want to be tagged or not or if I've forgotten to tag you!)
@rrrogah-tayluhh @rogerofmylife @phantom-fangirl-stuff @pyrotechnic789 @deacytits @mercurys-bike @happy-at-home @mhftrs @dannydelay @queenismylifenow @whitequeen-blackqueen @stateofloveandvedder @blondyfel @mespetitestortues @trickster-may @xtrashmammalstefx @the-garnet-rain @makapaka11 @killerqueenbucky @hodgepodge-of-rog @fredthelegend @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine
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kainablue · 5 years
LECTURE ME - Don’t Ask (part 1)
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[Chain Reaction]  [Distracted]  [A Quick Smoke]  [Into the Wild]  [Heavy Rain (part 1)]  [Heavy Rain (part 2)] [Moonstruck (part 1)] [Moonstruck (part 2)] [On the House]
Okay, wow, I have a small collection here! Yay! 
Here’s the next chapter (finally!) In case you’ve forgotten - this is a dirty little bundle of stories about a professor and his student (and some other peeps). You can read them in any order that you like (except for the ones with ‘part 1′ and ‘part 2′ on them - these chapters were too long and that’s why I separated them like this)
The first part is pretty safe. Only some profanities and a bit of thirst! Enjoy! 🍷
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Don’t Ask (part 1)
What a shitty day. And not just because of rain.
As if getting scolded by the department's secretary for losing the keys to my office - again! - wasn’t bad enough, a couple of students at my last lecture were particularly annoying. Two wiseasses trying to convince me that morality is completely unnecessary in modern times. I wanted to crack their shit-filled skulls with an iron bar. But I kept my cool, I did. Barely, though. And I wonder was it really worth it because now I have a fucking headache as if someone smacked me with an iron bar.
A familiar smell of petrol tickles my nose. My eyes dart to my dashboard - I’m almost out of juice. Fuck. I rub my throbbing forehead and wonder what the helI did I do for karma to punish me like this. 
Well - I can feel a smirk tugging my mouth - I haven’t been an innocent lamb jumping around the meadow, have I?
As I turn around the corner, two streets away from my home, a slight silhouette darkens my peripheral view. I would have missed Filipa if she wasn’t always on my mind. I do believe my brain is overstimulated and now I am hypersensitive to anything related to her.
I memorized the sound of her shoes walking over different types of floors. From the way utensils are positioned on a plate, I can recognize her leftovers in the dining hall. And I can sense her arousal by breathing in her sweat enriched with musk and floral perfume. Aaah, just the memory of that sex aroma, that perfect combination of refined and vulgar, is making me dizzy.
I pull over next to a willow tree bending over the gates like Juliet over her balcony. A shower started recently, a light drizzle, but strong enough to be annoying. Filipa is pacing, her head bowed down, carrying a box in her hands. Several rectangular stamps are one it. Oh, so she’s been to the post office. But why aren’t her packages delivered to the Academy's department office, like everyone else's?
I open the window. “Need a ride, pretty lady?”
Filipa lifts her head and stops, swaying a bit. There’s something odd. Was she— A tight knot of pain stabs me in the throat. Was she… crying? There are no telltale signs on her face, just… the feeling. Like when you see a famous actor on the street for the first time. They look the same but it’s not the character you know. Like another person. Like someone without a mask.
Filipa doesn’t avert her eyes (she’s never the first to buckle - never!) and approaches my car. A lovely, almost innocent smile curves her lips and the whole costume is back on - the mask, the robe, the hood – the girl I saw just a second ago has vanished.
She places one her elbow on the window edge and the other hand holding the mysterious box on the car roof, bending her back. There isn’t much happening at the front of her clothes: her flat chest covered by her school uniform with buttoned up shirt. But her skirt… I imagine it is now way up. As she lowers her upper body, adjusting herself to my height, the skirt is going up and up, slowly sliding above her knees and her thighs. Maybe even her ass. 
A passer-by checks her out from behind, looking under her skirt like a fucking pervert! 
That ass is mine! 
“We are going in opposite directions, professor.”
Her voice is creamy like always, with some light notes of mirth attached to the word professor. 
“How about a detour?” Really, why not? “Hop on. I have something to show you.”
Her eyebrow jumps in surprise and then joins the other one in vexation. A very different sounding words shoot me.  
“Seriously? Of all the cheesy lines you have, you are offering me 'I have something to show you' one? I know how your dick looks, Oliver.”
“But it’s a very fine dick, wouldn't you agree?”  The rolling of her eyes was expected but always entertaining. “No, something else, but not as big, I’m afraid. Come.”
“Where to?”
“My apartment.”
She tilts her head, amused. “Wouldn’t it be suspicious, professor: a young naive student and her mentor heading to his unholy den?”
“To earn her some extra credit.” 
I crack myself up sometimes. The absurdity of my statement even draws a low chuckle from Filipa.
“All right,” she sighs and pushes herself away from my car. I forgot about the box. Such a dull looking thing, wrapped in a brown paper, and yet she holds it like a treasure… The familiar static fills my brain clouding my every thought. Oliver, don’t do it. Don’t do it. Don’t do —
“What’s in there?”
You. Fucking. Did. It.
If eyes could make a sound, hers would be hissing at me.
“I should head back, professor.” And with that statement, heavy as a concrete block, she proceeds to march towards the Academy.
I fucked up.
I put my Ford in reverse and start to follow her.
“Fine. I’m sorry. Don’t tell me what’s in your damn box. Let’s go.”
She doesn’t stop. There is no other person who can blank you like Filipa can. I turn off the engine and take a deep breath. She won’t like this. Not at all.
I get out, leaving the car door open. In several big steps I catch up with her and immediately block her way. Because she was walking with her head down, probably protecting her eyes from the rain, Filipa headbutts my chest. I touch her upper arms but she springs backwards. She clenches her package and snarls like a monkey holding stolen goods. The ire in her eyes is so forceful I freeze. 
We stand like that for a few moments. Rain is dripping down my face and dampening my shirt. It's cold. I swallow a lump. Filipa is all wet and beyond pissed now. Why do I get horny when she looks like she wants to massacre me.
“Come on, doll. I’m sorry. I made a mistake.”
She hardly blinks. Rain is getting heavier by the minute and she… isn’t bothered even the slightest? Blinking is for the weak, and Filipa is everything but weak, I laugh inwardly.
A much lighter expression takes over Filipa’s features. Not necessarily a good thing. She shifts into a more relaxed pose. 
Not what I expected. “Okay, please.”
“No. I mean… beg.”
Someone could fucking see us! I turn around: luckily, the street is empty, but that can change in a second. And far more importantly - my clothes! Crap! I stare down at her. I could literally scoop her up and carry her to my car, but… She wouldn’t just kill me then, though; she would literally crush me into a lump the size of a marshmallow and eat me.
The resting bitch face in front of me is unforgiving. I know she doesn’t care. She will just leave if I refuse. And… I don’t want that. Just like I wouldn't want any of my nails pulled out with rusty pincers. 
I take a deep breath in… and kneel. A humiliating wet cold enters my clothes and spreads over my knees and calves. Fuck! 
“Please.” I stare at Filipa’s ugly, dirty shoes, gritting my teeth. Someone will see us! And then I’m screwed! “Please, please, please.”
Filipa is silent. She is enjoying this so much, I just know it. Murky water around my knees is restless from the raindrops hitting it. But I can somehow make out two faces: one pathetic, with eyes wide open in apprehension; the other, upside-down – and victorious.
Her foot moves up, water dripping from the shoe sole. The dirty, worn-out tip has a shallow scratch - just above her big toe. 
I swallow. I was expecting this.
Let's get this over with.
I close my eyes and press my lips on a dry patch, just above the scuff. The smell of mud and old leather tickles my nostrils.  
“Are you satisfied?” I croak. My head is flying from one side to the other, checking if someone’s approaching. This is so dumb and risky and… exciting. I suck on my lower lip. Fuck me and my sick, twisted brain! I want to bend even more, shove my elbows in this disgusting sewage water and lick her legs. I want her to place her hand in my hair and pull while —
A finger brushes along my jaw and lifts my head up. Filipa’s lips are curved into a poisonous smirk. Her smile is like a drug – a deadly line that boils my blood and ruins my life. And I need it all the time. 
All the fucking time.
“Very,” she whispers, a slight tremble in her voice. She really is. “Let’s go.”
I expected Oliver’s room to be a bit more… chaotic. More bachelor like. More I’m-overwhelmingly-anxious-to-keep-my-job-but-also-uncontrollably-hedonistic-like. But it isn’t. 
His shoes are neatly aligned next to a hallway wall. The wooden floor is old but clean, not even a pebble stuck between the boards. No weird stains, no underwear on the kettle, no porn hastily hidden bellow a carpet. He has a separate bedroom, but I bet he even made the bed before leaving his apartment this morning. Smell of cigarettes is glued to every piece of furniture and I soon spot a full ashtray. But aside from that dirty metal container and a bunch of papers and books scattered all over the floor and any horizontal surface, this apartment is… quite neat.
“I don’t think you came here before?” Oliver moves the curtains and more grey light colours the room. 
“I haven’t.”
There are no pictures on the walls. I think they used to be white,long time ago when this house was built; but they are more creamy brown now. Years of tobacco using tenants did that, I guess. Except for one spot where colour is still unsoiled and almost completely clean. In the perfect center, opposite from the windows, there used to be a cross. Not a large one, nor particularly prominent judging by the shape. But it bothered Oliver enough to remove it.
“Have a seat,” he points to an armchair in childish excitement, “and get ready to be amazed.”
I humor him and take a seat. Right in front of me, taking up quite a large portion of the living room, is a… table? A desk? Huge tablecloth covering it falls down some unexpected curves. Not to mention the tabletop is set too low for any standard chair. And yet it’s also too high for a coffee table.
Oliver removes piles of books that were covering the top and, with a wiggle of his eyebrows, he asks: “Are you ready?”
This can only be something incredibly stupid when he’s so excited. I brace myself expecting to see a rocking horse or an overly complicated sex toy. I nod.
He takes the tabletop and lifts the whole thing in one swift move. Table cloth flies with it and for a moment Oliver resembles a magician uncovering a rabbit underneath a mystery box.
But there is no rabbit. Only a - bathtub.
Although,  I have to admit, a beautiful one. It is wooden and shaped as those old baths that you can see in period dramas. But this one is brand new and shining like a freshly licked candy. I stand up to get a closer look. It really is gorgeous. 
“You made it?”
“Yup.” This big man’s ego just got a bit bigger. “Touch it.”
I glide tips of my fingers along the rim. It’s like ice.
"I used seven layers of finish so it could be as smooth as glass," he trails off and zones out. For a few seconds I was almost able to observe his tiny thought monkey with cymbals taking a break from wanking himself and actually using his brain for a change. And then he spoke in enlightenment: "...for your lovely, precious, little ass."
I don't know what I expected.
"Lord Byron, step aside, you've been outshined."
Oliver chuckles. “I would be honored if your ass would be the first one to sit in it.”
I look at the bathtub again. Is there a trick? Will something happen? I hardly believe Oliver would do something to openly anger me, but to simply push my buttons for shits and giggles – yes. And I’m not in the mood for it.
“Come on, sweetie. You know you want to soak that wet and cold flesh of yours in a hot bath.” He shifts behind me, a towering presence of muscles and heat. Oliver kisses the top of my head. “I will wash you, my mistress.”
A purr escapes my lips in response to this deep, rich and velvety voice whispering in my hair. It would be quite nice to replace the moldy odor of this sad room to a floral scent of soap. Bliss overcomes me as I imagine warm water clinging to my body and the brisk air biting my flesh when I expose myself. Oliver moves closer to me. A slow shiver shoots up along the back of my thighs, where his legs are touching mine. And, of course, the idea of his hands gliding up and down my skin, feeling me, caressing me, teasing me in all the right ways - does sound divine.
“Fine, my beast. You can have your wish.”
[to be continued…]
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