#i had to fucking fix the whole pos bc it got fucked up and the printer and drawer wouldn’t fucking connect
fuck today honestly im so overstimulated i want to throw a full tantrum on the fucking floor
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melancholysway · 2 years
Why 2012 Shredder is a pos: a thread
I really didn’t think he could stoop lower than he already has, but to literally sacrifice the entirety of the world over a vendetta he clearly has made up in his head??? I whole heartedly think that Splinter clearly knew (before the turtles went back and fixed time) that Shredder doesn’t come without a price- shredder was seriously looking for a way to low blow Splinter and catch him off guard bc he knew he couldn’t beat him if they were to fight face to face
Treats Baxter like a pos- Baxter Stockman is probably one of the best allies that Shredder has- but I feel like shredder only recognizes him when it benefits himself. I think they should’ve steered the series in a different direction to where Baxter injects him with a chemical that’s not mutagen- possibly retro-mutagen because he knew shredder would literally become too powerful for his own good. Baxter had all the resources he needed to stop Shredder- and I bet he could’ve gotten FishFace to help out in some way bc at the end of it all, F.F even said he had enough- it turned into more than a petty vendetta against Splinter.
The writers found every which way possible to bring Shredder back, even creating a whole fucking cult and making Tiger Claw a devoted Shredder stan (which I didn’t really like, T.C shouldve rebranded the Foot like Karai- I feel as though Shredder takes in those who are at their lowest and manipulates them to obey him
He clearly has some sort of mental disease or something wrong with him to where he lies to himself so much that he actually starts to believe his lies. He thinks jealously and envy is a personality trait yall
He never actually wanted to care for Karai and love her, he made her seem like some trophy he got from “beating splinter” and only wanted her to spite him, but then in the same breath says that splinter took everything away from him??? I don’t know yall
I honestly think the beef between T.C and his sister was much worse- T.C had all reasons to beat her ass & get revenge bc the girl took his tail and then his arm- so yeah…that’s the only justifiable beef in the whole series
***sidenote: a spin off of Tiger Claw and his sister and their beef is something I would pay to watch***
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nukleator · 11 months
Work is so stressful like i was actually freaking out this whole week. First sysco fucks me by giving me frozen chicken then the kitchen refuses to use the substituted chicken and blames me for its existence . Then its insanely busy and service goes poorly. I stay 2 hours late which gm sats he will put on a different day so its not ot. Next day i dont sleep and come in at 645am and realize im on my own doing food costing this time. Stress about that. Agm is freaking out bc gm is on vacation and everythings going wrong immediately. Cook calls in sick for the night, we cant find someone to cover it because all the lifers refuse to work fry and anyone who does work fry either quit or is on vacation. So im forced to do it and we end up busy as hell with multiple tables ordering after close . Also since i worked even more hours than the day before those extra hours had to be moved to my NEXT shift which also was shit and i had to stay late and then i worked on the kitchen schedule for free because i wanted to learn. Then today the prep cook tells me she did everything which was fucking LIE and i was in the back making 5 things on the fly. Im keeping an eye on the clock bc theres a new guy starting at 5 and i want/need to walk him through everything.
But then the fucking POS goes DOWN and ive got the agm on the phone and im on hold with the pos company and theyre not picking up and im losing my mind. and people keep coming into the office to gossip loudly and tell jokes and im like GTFO IF YOURE NOT HELPING and theyre like looool chill. This is a restaurant emergency! Leave me alone! Even worse is the people annoying me are occasional supervisors who should know better. After what feels like an eternity the pos unfucks itself and i hang up on the support.
Ok time to train new guy so we go to the shakes station and we get a ticket and send it out and then BOOM we get an instant clusterfuck of orders so i have to take over more than id like when training someone. Then of course dinner rush hits and thats when we run out of more prep that AM prep assured me was taken care of so im in the back doing that while more problems pile up. And then there i am, 2 hours after im supposed to be off, trying to fix everything and tidy things up so chef doesnt strangle me when he comes back from vacation tomorrow. Idk if i shall ever see those 2 hoirs as ot or even regular pay .
And my stupid ass didnt order enough ofor one of our specials because i think i misunderstood the GMs words and i thought the special was ending tomorrow but its actually in a few days so i know chef is gonna kick my ass abou that
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whitmore · 4 years
2 questions/discussions (that arent related but I think its ok lol). 1. Sorta devils advocate/but also sincere question re: the “neither henry nor cindy faced actual consequences”. Exactly what kind of consequences are we talking about. IRL ones like jail/probation/etc? Bc otherwise it feels like, at least with Henry (and like you said it was kinda cheated by being cut short), we did get a semi redemptive “did fucked up shit, but am now attempting to rectify and do better moving forward” arc.1/2
Like what else can we ask for (that’s not a legal consequence kind of thing)? Isn’t the whole point that the sum total of your being isn’t defined by one moment or period of time. That we can and should be allowed room to do better? On the other hand I get it like oh here we go redeeming another misogynistic pos. But idk... 
(i put that part in here bc it’s relevant to this specific question) i’m not the poster of the textpost ur talking abt but. i’m willing to answer anyway bc it gives me a nice base to the discussion i want to have abt him
i’ll go into the implications of writing a character like henry another time so for now i’ll try to keep this as in-universe contained as possible for the sake of not over-meta-ing myself
the school didn’t do anything, that we know of, about henry/cindy releasing yolanda’s pictures. literally everybody blamed yolanda. she was stripped of all social standing and her class presidency. henry had been bullying her at that table for god knows how long and there’s no sign of any teacher or authority figure sticking up for yolanda. i know a lot of this is implication rather than fact, but i find it a lot easier to believe that small town nebraska high school took a stand against yolanda, rather than with her. yolanda mentions being entirely alone, not having anyone in her corner; this, assumedly, includes the school. whether over the releasing the pictures incident alone or not, the school should have stepped in and intervened in henry’s bullying of yolanda. again, all introspection, but it’s a lot more believable than a teacher standing up for her, given her personality & things she’s said abt her situation. the only one who i could even vaguely make an argument for is principal bowin, who took the mic and tried to shut everyone up i guess, but we never see bowin & yolanda truly interact again, assuming that she also abandoned yolanda after discovering the whole situation. henry never got proper reprimandation for the bullying / sharing the pictures not even in a legal sense but just in any sense at all (rereading this i realize i keep saying henry bc my rant is more centered around him & his portrayal but cindy too, given they both visibly bully her in the series & in no way is cindy off the hook in this; i just see people excuse henry for his behaviour WAY more than i see ppl excuse cindy for what she did to yolanda. actually i haven’t seen anyone at all excuse her for what she did. funny how that works)
the key thing here is that henry dying doesn’t make up for the bad shit he did to yolanda. they’re two different moral scales. i know he had the whole “i am sorry” thing and yeah i truly do believe that he’s sorry, but saying that doesn’t make up for it. yolanda was ostracized from her school, her family, her entire community. henry saying sorry was like placing a bandaid on a broken window. it doesn’t fix the entire window. “but it’s sticky!! it helps!!!” does it ‘help’? sure. does it absolve him of, idk, throwing the brick through the window? no. 
henry died bc he didn’t stand w his father. because he wanted to try & be better. which was a start, sure. his death redeemed his character, not his situation w yolanda. the fact of the matter is, his death, imo, doesn’t affect his morality over the yolanda situation at all. two different moral issues.
to get into it in a bit more of a meta-writer sense, the writing of that whole situation just irks me, if i’m being honest. there’s a hispanic girl whose clearly immigrant family is highly religious and therefore they shun her for something that isn’t her fault? it feels very. stereotypical. as i’m not hispanic i won’t speak on that part (good article here that does! i don’t entirely agree w everything it says but it’s notes on the writing of yolanda as character of colour r top notch) but on the immigrant note i’m just ! so sick of immigrants being villainized in dc media but also this idea that immigrant families are obsessed w/ the image of their family and first generations having to hold themselves to the impossible standard that their immigrant parents set up is just,, tired? give me loving immigrant families lmao anyway rant over
the funny thing is, the way i see it, is that henry was defined by precisely two things for the first like 7 episodes; being an asshole to yolanda, and being brainwave’s kid. the whole point IS that ur entire being isn’t defined by one period, except the writers literally wrote henry that way (which i don’t approve of, but that’s what they did). unfortunately henry isn’t real and his actions are not real and he’s written by a bunch of writers in a writers room and THEY reduced him to that. he was only really given that ample space to breathe and grow during his last two episodes alive, which just wasn’t enough to atone for what the writers/henry did to yolanda, especially for me.
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strangesugar-blog1 · 6 years
Pot update: Snow
I kinda just put the hard sell on Snow. It could totally backfire but honestly whatever, better than being in limbo.
Our date yesterday was only ok. It wasn't the most awful thing in the world, but I feel like maybe we could have a better connection? Part of this is definitely on me, I know I need to up my game. Part of me is actually like, maybe I should step back from the bowl and get my shit in better order, then come back rearing to go. Like actually learn some more about more topics, current events, get all my grooming stuff in order, my house in order, create systems, a few more basic nice things to wear on dates, catch up on everything in my personal life, etc etc. But also like, a lot of that takes money - which I need these men for 😂 And realistically I'll probably never reach that magical point of having my shit properly in order haha. But it just seems too overwhelming to tackle it all as I go. I don't know.
Anyway, there were a few awkward silences, but he's kind of a weird conversationalist. He sort of doesn't ease in to topics, he will suddenly just ask really vague kind of questions and I get caught off guard. The restaurant we were at also had a glass wall by where we were sitting that looked through to a place with stuff going on next door that was enthralling him, so he'd keep looking at that and the conversation was kind of bitsy and weird. He was asking about turn ons, fantasies etc too, but considering it's our second date and I haven't seen a dime I'm kinda thinking that was a bit much, but also like, I really do need to make a list of interesting enough but not too weird things to say when they ask, lol. I felt like a boring human when I just clammed up and didn't know what to say. My turn-ons/kinks change depending on who I'm with, the situation, etc, and honestly not that many apply with him. Like I know we all joke about it on here, but for real, money actually does make me so wet. I can't exactly say fuck me in a pile of your cash then give it all to me. Or talk dirty about how rich/important you are and all the things you're going to buy me 😂 My two other main Things are a really specific body type that doesn't apply to him, or "cheating" (he knows, but still) on my husband with lots of verbal stuff about it, which is a) weird and b) incriminates, for lack of a better word, my husband, which I don't want to do in case anything goes wrong the last thing we need is anyone coming out with bad/embarrassing stuff about him as well as me. Or maybe like, me being all dom (fin-dom even better) on him and making him fucking worship me while I deny him orgasm 😂 Which once again makes me look money-hungry and conceited, and like, I'm not under any illusions, I'm really not worshippable, I'm not really that hot or put together or interesting or fun, and probably not that good in bed tbh due to the whole long-term sexless marriage thing. So I'll have to make a list of some less weird things to pull out I think haha, just some basic subby stuff I guess, teasing, maybe fun/cute orgasm denial on both our ends instead of it being mean, cutesy names, blah blah. Maybe ask to call him Daddy? A bit of exhibitionist stuff to tie in with him? Lmao.
Anyway. I talked to him a bit about the privacy stuff and he actually bought up first getting stuff sent somewhere else or whatever, then i expanded on that with the po box idea, so that's good at least. He seemed quite open to me continuing to be vague on identifiable details in general, which I appreciate.
Anyway, I kinda thought I might have blown it with my awkwardness tbh, but he said as we were leaving that he really wanted to see me again and then texted later "Was super to see you babe and am excited to know you better and explore if we are going to live out your fantasies". I figured I should take a bit and think about what to reply, because I don't just want him to think I'm going to keep going on dates for free, and try and figure out how to word it, but life got in the way and I never replied like an asshole. I just replied not long ago with an apology and a bit of small talk, but then put the hard-sell on him. I'm not gonna copy/paste bc it's long, but basically like yeah i wanna see you again, but I need to know where this is going (he keeps saying that he's not sure about the whole allowance thing bc he's never done it before, blah blah, but that he's not necessarily saying no, just that it feels weird to him) and whether or not the allowance will work out for him etc before we go too much further. I said I wanted him to want to do it and not to feel resentful, and he could take some time to think it over of course, but that each meet takes time/money for getting ready, transport, other things I don't do with that time, etc etc and I need to know it's going somewhere before investing more time blah blah. I said if he'd like to meet one more time (and casually used the word "platonically" to hopefully make it clear that means I'm not ok with a bunch of dirty talk for free lol) before deciding that I totally understand, but that I would have to ask for a "small gift" to cover my time, transport, etc, and that hopefully he understood from my perspective. Because to be fair, he knows I'm not wanting just a spoiled side-hoe gig, and we've already met twice, so I think it's fair that anything beyond that has some kind of compensation.
Oh also I was thinking of calling in after our meet to the salon to get my nasty growing-out hair cut. He asked where and I told him. They had one same day appt but i said I'd call back to confirm bc it was gonna be a rush to get there after the date. I ended up deciding to take it and tried to call back twice in the Lyft on the way and once after the date but couldn't get in touch with them which was a shame since i was over that way. Anyway he was asking what I was getting done, and asked if it was my roots (he wasn't being rude lol I'd already talked about fixing them) and I said nah I do that at home to keep costs down, just a cut. And he was saying how he wished he didn't have to leave so he could take me and pay. Like, he's so obsessed with being involved with everything, like, I don't want you there while I'm getting a haircut lol? I'm gonna look like a weird drowned rat? It will be awkward as fuck. But of course he didn't offer to give me something towards it to do myself. Oh and he pointed out that there was a salon two doors down like... ok? I go to my other one because it's cheap lol, are you going to take me before you have to leave and give your card details to them or something? No? Well i don't understand your point. It's like he's super willing to spoil but only if he has a ton of input, and like, I get that for fun stuff like clothes/lingerie or fun makeup or whatever, but for my boring daily "things I always get and know what i like" essentials kinda stuff it's like... that's gonna get annoying pretty quick.
Anyway, we'll see how he responds to that i guess, I'm not too worried either way. I'm torn. Like I hope he's down for it but also I actually did kinda lowball myself tbh like he's worth a LOT of money, but I fell into the trap of trying not to look money hungry since he's not used to allowances, and since he was going to be spoiling me a lot on dates and go shopping etc I went with a pretty low allowance figure. I figure since it's my first time etc it was ok but honestly now I'm kinda regretting it like I should have asked for more considering his worth and how often he wants to see me. Plus I feel like he's not going to stop bugging me about traveling which i really can't do. He so badly wants at least a Vegas weekend with me. I genuinely wish I could but I can't. So part of me actually kinda wants him to say no, I don't even know haha. Either way is a win I guess, bag my first SD and maybe try and find another one on the side, maybe be able to work my number up with time or really take advantage of the "extras", and at least have something coming in, ooor not and free up more time for me to find someone else, work on myself and my confidence and be ready to ask for what i really deserve next time.
I'll let you know what happens.
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ohwickedsoul · 7 years
so i went on this date w this cellist and he was a pretentious, arrogant, fastidious prick
obviously i’m in love
lmao i ended up having a stupid good time, i really liked the way he asked me out like right away, and we had two drinks and got thai food which is j chilling in my fridge helllll yeahhhhhh
but this is more shit i want to remember but that’s an overview
i ended up with hickeys bc OF COURSE I DID FUCK MY LIFE and i think i have another date tomorrow like...fuck...he wasn’t even going that hard i’m really hoping they’re gonna fade
he is a stupid good cellist. 
like he was sort of humble bragging but h o l y s h i t i was literally shook 
my own private concert it was hot
like a lot taller maybe 6, 6′1.
thank god
he told me i was super cute when he had the cello and i went pink it was cute w/e
he did pick me up at one point and i wanted to die i hate/love it when guys do that like i always feel way too big to be carried like too heavy but when they do it i’m always like ahhhhh!!! no!!!!
he’s such a fastidious little prick, he told me he loved the way my pants were cut and that my whole look was very in vogue and then told me he had glue if i wanted to fix my shoe FUCK OFF JOE
he told me i came off as very condescending and i lost my shit i really do sometimes
told me i had really gorgeous skin- but not in a weird way, but just in like an admiring tone
told me, wow you smell good here what are you wearing? which was also super funny to me
i loved his compliments to me they were so specific to choices i made which i l o v e 
told me i had a fantastic body and i preened bc i’m a jackass and i love! compliments!
he did tell me he wasn’t looking for a relationship, just like to meet people and hook up and everything and i said okay. he then asked what i was looking for. i said i didn’t know. he then revisited the question later he was v confused lmao.
i did say i was trying to be better and not fuck on the first date and u could see the light die in his eyes it was hysterical
he was fun to make out with, has no roommates and a wonderfully designed studio apartment. would bang.
we’ll see if he texts me, i’m not totally sure if he would or not. 
i’m gonna text him tomorrow w a picture of these fucking hickeys and a scarf just like YOU DID THIS U POS. U OWE ME MORE DRINKS AND MORE HICKEYS. 
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