#even when otto tries to help he gets knocked down
felsicveins · 1 month
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When you're talking to Patty, you only have male family members. REMEMBER THAT
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Break Your Fall
Poe Dameron X f!Reader
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Part 12 of 28 in the February Fluff and Fuck 2023 Challenge
Day 12 Prompt - Accidental Injury
Summary: When Commander Poe Dameron jumps you while you're on a ladder, you unfortunately fall backward and land on his gorgeous face. While you're grateful he broke your fall, you feel terrible that you may have ruined his Valentine's Day date and do your best to make it up to him.
Tags/Warnings: SFW, fluff, accidental injury, minor mentions of blood and injuries, fluffy, cute, sweet, valentine's day fic, Poe is a flirt, reader is more clumsy than she thinks she is, reader is a little oblivious.
Word Count: 3.8k
“Damn it.” You said, leaning into the cockpit of your X-wing.
You heard your BB unit chirping away underneath you.
“Yes, get in there and see if you can figure it out, Otto.” You said to him before reattaching a wire that had been disconnected during your most recent battle.
“Hey!” You heard behind you.
You jumped. Normally you were sturdy on your ladder. Loud noises happened all the time and you were never so clumsy as to fall, but not today. Today the Maker blessed you with the clumsiness of a toddler and immediately you felt yourself falling backward.
“Oh shit!” You yelled as the ladder tipped, and you lost your footing.
You tried to grab onto something on the way down, but there was nothing. You were up high, and expected to hit the ground and have the wind knocked out of you, but instead your fall was much softer. You smiled, realizing that you were ok. That was close, that would’ve really hurt, you thought, letting out a breath. Otto started rolling over to you and chattering wildly, and you noticed BB-8 rolling over with him. That’s when you realized who had called to you, and that’s when you felt his body rustling underneath you.
“C-Commander Dameron!” You jumped up quickly and saw him lying on the ground, groaning.
“I’m…I’m fine.” He grunted, trying to sit up, “nope, nevermind I’m not fine.”
There was blood trickling down his face from his nostrils, and you noticed that he was favoring his arm. You’d really done some damage to him. You held the communicator on your wrist up to your mouth quickly. Panic was spilling out in your tone.
“We need medical over to hangar 2-C, Commander Dameron is hurt!” You knelt down next to him. You had a clean shop towel in your pocket that you pulled out and used to pinch his nostrils. “Are you ok?”
His eyes remained closed, “I hurt…a lot.”
Your heart was racing, “ok, ok well, just wait here, the medical team is coming to get you.”
“Why did you…couldn’t you find something to hang on to?” He asked, keeping his eyes still closed.
“You jumped me! Maybe don’t sneak up on people while they’re on a ladder!” You defended, but you still felt really bad. “I’m really sorry I…I’m not usually that clumsy.”
He finally opened those brilliant eyes. Having a crush on your superior was hard. Knowing that you’d probably broken his nose and he was going to hate you forever now was even harder. Internally you were yelling at the medical team for not being there yet to break the awkwardness by now.
Finally, a team of officers charged in with a stretcher and some supplies ready to help Commander Dameron get to the med bay. You moved out of the way quickly. They took over and checked him over.
“Yep, I think my arm’s broken!” Poe whined from where they were hoisting him up.
You saw through their bodies the dark eyed glare he sent you. Even if it wasn’t entirely your fault, he was going to make you feel bad. Commander Dameron had a tendency to be tough as nails in the field, but when it came to the common cold or a minor injury, he acted like death was at his door. You were sure he did it sometimes to get out of boring and mundane tasks.
“What happened?” The woman you recognized as the head of the medical team, Avra, said as they loaded Poe onto the stretcher.
“He jumped me while I was on my ladder and I fell back and landed on him.” You said. “It was an accident.”
She rolled her eyes, “He should know better.” She was used to Poe’s shenanigans by now.
“Is he going to be ok?” You asked as she started to walk away.
“It’s Poe, nothing can keep that idiot down for long.” She smirked before turning away and heading toward the med bay.
You stood there with a pit in your stomach. You’d injured the Commander. He couldn’t even move when you stood up. What was he doing scaring me like that anyway? You thought. It’s his own fault, right? It didn’t matter, if it was the Maker’s fault, you felt guilty, and you wanted to make it up to him.
He’d always been so kind to you. He was always willing to work with you when you were slow to learn something new, he always made well, and poorly, timed jokes to cheer you up when you were feeling down, and most of all he was a great leader. Even when things felt hopeless, he was there to give everyone hope.
“Hey!” You turned and saw your friend Arla coming your way.
Her smile was infectious, inspiring your own. You waved to her as she approached before putting your hands in your pockets and exhaling a deep sigh.
“What’d you do to the Commander?” She asked, nodding in the direction of the med bay.
You looked over there, feeling a pang in your stomach, a heavy reminder that you would be feeling guilty about this for months. You turned back to look at her.
“I fell on him. From that ladder.” You pointed to the metal apparatus that sat toppled over beneath your ship. “Think I broke his nose, and maybe his arm.”
She giggled, “y-you broke his nose?” Her small giggle turned into an eruption of laughter. You nervously wrapped your arms around yourself, hoping no one was paying attention. “That is too good. Prettyboy Poe Dameron with a broken nose.” She wiped a stray tear.
“I mean, it was an accident.” You said, walking back over to your X-wing and picking up the ladder. Arla followed after you.
Otto chirped away, rolling over to the ship to join you.
“No, I think we’re done for the day.” You said to him.
You were grateful when she decided to change the subject. “So, got any plans for Valentine’s Day?” She leaned against the ladder.
Your blood went cold. It was Valentine’s Day… You’d completely forgotten that it was Valentine’s Day, which made the fact that you’d injured Poe even worse. What if he had a date? What if his date never forgave him for not showing up for their plans and it was all your fault? The thought that you may have single handedly ruined Commander Dameron’s night and potential love life rendered you frozen in place with your friend snapping her fingers in your face.
“Hello…are you listening to me?” She sounded annoyed.
“I ruined his whole life.” You said vacantly.
“You wha-oh, Maker, that’s enough, you’re being foolish.” She patted you on the shoulder. “Just go check on him in a bit. I’m sure the guy is fine, it’s not the first time he’s been beat up.”
That’s just what you did. You waited until you were sure no one else was around and the medical tent had settled before you stepped in timidly to check on the banged up pilot. His arm was in a sling, but you were sure he would forgive you for that, it was his face you were worried about. Commander Dameron was attractive, everyone liked him. He had charisma, good looks, and charm that could kill.
You’d worked under him for a long time. In fact, he was the one who taught you how to fly. When you first joined you were a terrible pilot, able to get from point A to point B, but never much further. He’d seen to it that you were skilled enough to assist him in nearly any scenario, and you were proud to fight by his side. He probably hated you now, he probably wouldn’t want to see your face, but you had to apologize.
“Are you gonna come in or just stand there like a weirdo?” He asked, lips curling up at the sides in a smirk.
You jumped, not realizing he’d seen you, “I’m sorry!” You rushed into the room quickly so you didn’t continue to seem odd. “How are you feeling?”
He groaned, using his good arm to sit up further on the bed.
“Well, nose is busted, clearly, and I have a sprain in my arm, but nothing serious. Should be all fixed up in no time!” He didn’t seem upset at all which took you by surprise.
“I am so so sorry.” You shook your head. “I really didn’t mean to.”
“Yeah, you should be. I'll never emotionally recover from that violent attack.” He said, chuckling. “It probably didn’t help that I jumped one of my pilots while she was several feet in the air on a rickety ladder, but…”
“Is there anything I can do for you, Commander Dameron?” You asked, hoping there was some magic task he could give you that would make everything better.
“I’ve told you a hundred times to call me Poe. And actually, yeah, if you could go talk to Alex in inventory and grab a card for Valentine’s Day, I need one.” He said.
“Oh! For your Valentine.” You saw him struggling to reach for some water. “Let me help.” You rushed over and grabbed the cup. “Here.”
When you brought the cup to his soft lips you felt your heart stop when his hand reached up and touched yours gently. He just needs to stabilize himself, don’t read into it, you said to yourself. He just told you that he needed you to grab a Valentine’s Day card for him, remember? He already has someone he’s interested in, and it’s not you. Calm down.
No matter what you said to yourself, it didn’t stop you from feeling a bit jealous when you left the medical tent that you were running a romantic errand for Poe’s date. He didn’t owe you any loyalty, it’s not like he was your boyfriend, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the smallest bit heartbroken over the reckless Resistance pilot. He was gorgeous, yes, but he was also funny, kind, and loyal, everything someone could ask for in a partner.
You shook the thoughts from your mind while you approached the inventory counter. You had to stop thinking like that, he was never going to be your boyfriend, he clearly already had someone in mind. Alex, the bubbly man that kept track of everything coming into and going out of the Resistance base lit up when he saw you.
He said your name, “...how are you darling?”
“I’m good.” You smiled, unable to keep your sour face with Alex’s cheerful personality in your vicinity. “Um, I actually need a Valentine’s Day card.” You leaned on the counter.
“Oh?” He pulled out a box from below the counter, opening it to reveal an array of paper cards for any occasion. “You have a special person in mind?” He looked at you with a sly smirk.
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, “no, it’s not for me. Commander Dameron asked for it.”
He pulled out the Valentine’s Day cards from the box and put them on the table.
“Why didn’t he come get it himself?” He asked you.
You shrugged, “um, I think he was busy.” You lied, you didn’t feel like explaining to everyone in the Resistance that you’d broken his nose and sprained his arm. “What card would you get for a date? I don’t know what he wants, he didn’t specify.”
“Why don’t you pick one that you might like?” He suggested.
You shuffled through them at least three times before choosing the one that you felt would’ve best suited you if you were the recipient. Whoever got the card was going to be so happy. Imagining the smile on their face at first made you smirk, but then you felt that stab in your gut when you remembered that you didn’t have anyone getting you a card like this for Valentine’s Day and your smile subsided.
“Whoever he’s giving that to, I’m sure she’ll love it.” Alex said, putting the unchosen cards back in the box.
“Yeah…I think so too,” you said, “thanks Alex.”
“No problem darling,” he winked as you departed, heading back for the tent.
When you went back into the medical tent, Poe was shirtless while a nurse looked him over. You felt a lump in your throat and thought for a second that maybe you should turn away, but he beckoned you over as soon as he saw you.
“They were just finishing up.” He said, nodding at the nurse.
She gave you a kind smile as she left the private area of the tent the two of you were in.
“Oh, here you go.” You walked over and handed him the card.
“Thank you.” He set it down on the table at his bedside. “Would you be able to do me one more big favor?
You were glad that he was asking you for help. The truth was that it helped ease the guilt you had for falling over and hurting him. If you had been paying more attention, or at least not so clumsy, then he wouldn’t be in this situation. The least you could do was help him make his Valentine happy, since you likely ruined her evening too.
“Sure, anything.” You said all too eagerly.
“Could you go out into the woods and see what you can find for flowers? She likes the purple ones that turn more blue toward the center. Know what I mean?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh yeah!” You chuckled, “funny, those are my favorite! I know exactly which ones you’re talking about.” You left the tent all smiles, ready to help him in any way you could once more.
One of the best things about D’qar was its beautiful landscape. The forest was filled with lush greenery and trees taller than any you’d seen on any other planet. It also had those beautiful pale purple flowers that you loved so much. It wasn’t their smell that captivated you. While the scent was lovely, it was the mauve hue that shifted into a deep blue that really made you smile. They were just so beautiful.
When you found one, you walked over to it and knelt to the ground. You touched one of the soft petals in your hand. It was a breathtaking plant. It sort of hurt to cut it from the ground the way you did, but you did it anyway, pulling your knife from your pocket and slicing the stem.
You found several others like that, and by the time you were done you’d collected at least eight. You found some other small white flowers to arrange with the bouquet that you’d made. Whoever this woman was would be so happy when she finally got to see what Poe had planned for her. Jealousy tore through you once again as you got closer to the medical tent with your floral collection.
You and Poe had been friends for some time. After spending a while teaching you how to fly, he also spent a significant amount of time teaching you about basic ship repairs and techniques with a blaster. He had been on dates since you’d known him, but none seemed to stick. While you felt a little envious of the Valentine’s Day mystery woman, you hoped that this one made him happier than the others.
Even with a broken nose, his appearance took your breath away. He was so handsome. Dark curls in disarray from the fall, smooth skin that begged to be touched, and eyebrows that always seemed to sit perfectly without need for plucking. You were squeezing the bouquet in your hand and Poe was looking out through an opening in the tent from his bed. You were sure being in the darkness on such a beautiful day was frustrating for him. Something else to feel guilty about.
“Do you want me to open a curtain for you?” You asked, placing the flowers on his bedside table.
He reached out and grabbed your hand, caressing your fingertips with his thumbs and flashing you a brilliant smile. Be still your beating heart.
“Thanks for grabbing those. That would be awesome. Dark as hell in here.” He said in his deep, sultry voice.
You felt your stomach drop. You wished he wouldn’t touch you like that. It only added to the sickly feeling that came with running Valentine’s Day errands for him and his mystery date. You gulped harshly and pulled your hand away, walking over to the tent flap and pulling it aside. You secured it with a string.
“How’s that?” You asked, turning back to look at him.
He was staring right at you with a soft, hooded gaze, “beautiful.”
You sucked in a breath, “ok, well if that’s everything…” You started to walk away.
“Wait!” He called to you, you turned back around. “One more thing, can you run to the kitchens and see if they have any wine? The pink kind, please?”
This woman had good taste, whoever she was. She liked the same kind of flowers as you and the same kind of wine. You nodded before leaving the tent once more. You wished he’d had you get everything all at once. You felt like that would’ve been so much easier, but instead you were running around back and forth, and your eagerness to help him was waning with every task you completed. Your jealousy was rising slowly, and you felt bad for that in addition to breaking his face.
When you got to the kitchen, it was easy to find anything. You had a friend in almost every part of the Resistance. It made it easy to get what you needed when you asked for something like pink moscato on Valentine’s Day.
“There’s only one bottle left, and it’s for Commander Dameron.” Koline said, shrugging. “Sorry.”
“That’s who I’m grabbing it for. He…he’s busy and said he needed it for his date tonight.” You were still trying to avoid admitting that you’d broken his nose and busted up his shoulder.
Your eyes were begging for her to trust you. Koline groaned and opened the fridge before turning and handing you the pink glass bottle.
“If that goes to the wrong place, he’s gonna have a fit. You know how he can get, so I’m trusting you with this.”
You nodded, “I’ll make sure it gets to him.”
You had every intention to bring him the wine. Walking was something you could safely say you were good at. One step in front of the other. How hard could it be? Apparently it was very, very difficult on this day. You found yourself tripping over quite possibly nothing, the ground coming closer to your face. You managed to stop yourself from getting hurt, save for a scrape on your arm, but the bottle of wine was a different story.
Liquid soaked into the soil of D’qar, and glass glittered everywhere. You immediately wished you could be like the wine, soaking into the dirt where no one could see you and witness your shame. You lay there on the ground for a minute, looking up at the sky, wishing you were anyone else. Not only had you totally ruined Poe’s day by destroying him physically, you now couldn’t even properly deliver his Valentine’s Day items he’d so kindly requested from you.
Before anyone had seen you, you got up and brushed yourself off. You sulked into the medical tent where Poe was laying right as you’d left him. You crossed your arms over your chest and wished you could disappear inside of yourself when his beautiful brown eyes locked on to yours. You noticed the flowers in a vase of water now at his bedside. The nurse must’ve taken care of them.
“Did you drink all the wine on your way here?” He asked, smirking at you.
“Commander I-”
“Poe.” He corrected you.
“Poe…I dropped it and it shattered.” You groaned, “it was an accident. I'm so, so sorry. I’m just so clumsy and stupid…” You let out a heavy sigh. “I just feel so bad. Like, I should’ve been more careful on that ladder, and now you have a date and I’ve completely ruined it twice!” You ran your hands down over your face, still thinking of how you wanted to disappear.
“Well, I wouldn’t say you’re especially clumsy. But dumb…?” He went to shrug but then winced.
Now he was just being hurtful.
“Ok, you don’t have to be rude-”
“Who else do you know in the Resistance who is as obsessed with these flowers and that wine?” He stared at you, waiting for an answer.
You gulped, “it’s one of the most common flowers on D’qar, and I’m sure the reason there was only one bottle left wasn’t due to lack of popularity.”
Poe pursed his lips in defeat, “Ok, fair…but…” he let out a heavy sigh. “Can you actually come here and help me?”
You stepped closer, “help you with what?” You asked.
“No, come here.” He beckoned you over with his good arm. “Stand next to me.” You walked over and stood at his side, and he grabbed your wrist. “I have to tell you something private, come down.”
You leaned over and then he grabbed your shirt collar and pulled your lips to his. You sucked in a breath of surprise before melting into it. It would seem that maybe you were, as he’d so kindly put it, an idiot. He’d been sending you around gathering all of those supplies for…you. You were Commander Poe Dameron’s Valentine. When the kiss broke, you felt like a pile of mush.
“It was all for me?” You asked, still unable to believe it.
“Of course it was.” He smiled at you.
You noticed blood trickling down his nose again through the bandage.
“Shit.” You scrambled to find a towel. When you did, you pressed it to his nose delicately. “I can’t even kiss right.”
“Oh, baby, that might be the thing you’re the best at, been waiting a long time for it.” His eyes looked like they were twinkling, and you were wondering if maybe when you used him as a cushion, you hit him a little too hard.
TAGLIST (please let me know if you would like to be added or removed): @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @my-secret-shame, @thatmomwitchfriend, @alexxavicry, @welcometostayingawake, @jake-g-lockley, @campingwiththecharmings, @steven-grants-world, @lia275, @minigirl87, @ahookedheroespureheart
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leedamandy · 2 years
Aemond Targaryen x fem!OC (blonde strong) / Aegon II Targaryen x fem!OC (blonde strong)
°• Hēnkirī •°
Part 8
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                                         •*• Aemond accompanied Mhaenyra like a shadow to the corridor leading to Aegon's door. Ser Arryk was watching over it. With unsteady steps the princess stopped in front of him. "I would like to visit my future husband before the wedding and his coronation.... If he is still available to speak." She formulated politely. The knight wordlessly knocked on the door and stepped aside, as if sure that the prospective king was still awake. No fire was burning inside, only some candles and torches gave sparse warmth and light. The coldness of the room was clearly noticeable to the petite woman, who shivered slightly. "Aegon?" She asked as she let her gaze roam searchingly around the room. "What are you doing here now too, niece? I seem to be in hot demand today." She could finally make him out at the table where he appeared to be eating. The closer she got, the more pitiful he seemed to her. He was thin, dressed, in middle-class clothes. She could make out a slight scrape on his face.  All in all, he seemed drained and tired to her. The one who was to sit on the throne instead of her mother. He did not appear to be drunk. She had only remembered him that way. Mhaenyra knew instinctively that he could use someone, someone in the family, to comfort him. Certainly both Alicent and Otto Hightower were courting the young man's attention, trying to steer him in a certain direction. She had heard that he seemed to be a real creep. Still, she would have to marry him. The young woman had to at least try to be able to act together with him on a foundation of trust. Aegon did not seem to like the princess's muster. There was disapproval in his gaze.
The two had never had much to do with each other, let alone care for each other. Aegon would describe her as attractive, both then and now. He liked her. Her long white-blond hair, her youthful face, and her feminine body. Mhaenyra found Aegon's behavior unattractive when she observed it, even if he was visually attractive to her.
However, she would approach Aegon with all the patience and gentleness she could currently muster. "May I sit down, my prince?" "If I answer with a 'no', will you leave?" He replied unresponsively, and followed it up with a strange laugh that seemed out of place. He seemed defiant to her. The prince rose after a few seconds of silence and slowly distanced himself in the direction of the window. In the moonlight, she recognized the dark shadows under his eyes even better, and she noticed that he had goose bumps. "Your chamber is cool, uncle. When you stand at the window so thinly clad..." She hastily strode toward his bed and pulled off the bedspread. Coming to a stop in front of Aegon, she checked his reaction before placing the blanket around his body. "... you will catch a cold. Tomorrow is an important day. You should not feel bad." Briefly, his gaze became gentle before once again any emotion in his eyes disappeared.
"What do you care, Mhaenyra? You don't have to pretend to like me just to soften me up." He hissed, exasperated. "The only thing you'll really have to do is bear my children." Toward the end of the sentence, the taller one had leaned down slightly toward her ear. A shiver ran down her spine, she term she couldn't gauge him, and feared for the consequences. She tried not to let on the distaste she felt. "Right. I would nonetheless be interested in supporting you. If you want it. "
Aegon marveled at how calm she remained. She didn't get angry, nor did she panic. These were usually some reactions he elicited. "I was prepared all my life to rule. You were not given this. However, you must do it now." Mhaenyra turned her back on him, and walked through his premises. "I would like to help you. Help, not manipulate." She added afterward, before waiting for a response. "And how do you intend to do that? How can you help me?" He asked with a sneer. She walked back toward Aegon, her hands clasped behind her back. She wrestled a smile from herself. "We will be married tomorrow. We can use the time we spend together teaching you how to govern. What to consider regarding our past." She suggested. The prince crossed his arms and playfully looked into her eyes. "We will spend our time differently, dear princess." His tongue wet his lower lip as he eyed the young woman impressively, visualizing various thoughts. The princess sighed, she would not get close to this young man as long as he only desired her body. "Probably, I suppose." Was her terse answer. Mhaenyra turned to leave. "My offer to you stands. I mean this as a friend and ally, not as a forced consort, my King." She smiled at him one last time and strode purposefully to the door.
"Wait." His tone was less commanding, more pleading. The prince was not uncomfortable with her. She didn't get mad at him when he intentionally went overboard. She didn't try to tell him what to do. He wanted to open up to his niece. Astonished, the blonde girl stopped and turned her questioning gaze on Aegon. "I don't want to be king." He confessed softly. "I know." She nodded back. "We'll make it work." Added herself hesitantly as she strode toward the prince again. He looked crestfallen, and that pained the princess. Carefully, she put her arms around his neck, which was still wrapped in a blanket by the window, and pulled him into an embrace. "Are you going to stay here tonight? I have a hard time falling asleep without-" "Wine? A whore?" She chastised the blond man with a skeptical look. "Tomorrow will be a terrible day." He muttered discouragedly. He had not even verbally defended himself against her impertinent accusations. Mindful of the upcoming wedding, of the protection it would afford her family, she decided to agree to his proposal. She let go of him, walked wordlessly to one side of his bed, and pulled back the covers. Aegon seemed to realize only then that she was actually staying with him and smiled slightly. He too walked toward the bed and prepared to rest. Mhaenyra got rid of her stockings and dress. Her undergarment remained as she lay down on the soft pillows. Aegon preferred to sleep without clothing and this is exactly what he did. Embarrassed, the princess did not look as he bared his body before likewise lying down in bed. The thought of sharing a bed with the Targaryen didn't particularly appeal to the young woman, however it didn't bother her too much either. "I look forward to tomorrow night, then you won't need that scrap of cloth you're wearing on you." Whispered the prince into the darkness of the night. "Thank you for your reminder." She murmured, as she was suddenly overcome by a strong tiredness. The last thing she thought of was the smell of the pillow, tart and flowery. The smell of Aegon.
A muffled sob jerked the Velaryon from her sleep a second time that night. She remembered that she had to be in the prince's bed, and her senses were slowly shewing as she got her bearings. That's when she heard the soft whimpering again. With her eyebrows drawn together, she looked around for Aegon. His plaintive sounds nearly tore her heart apart. They sounded incredibly sad, and she wished he wasn't plagued anymore. It reminded her of a situation with her younger brother, Lucerys. When the children shared a cabin on a cruise, she woke up one night to the sounds Lucerys made that sounded similar to Aegon's. In sleep, one was vulnerable and honest. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she now clearly saw the huddled prince, restless and heated, she acted on her gut instinct. Without thinking much further, she slid over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She buried her hands in his wild blond hair and pressed him gently against her. Aegon flinched, but after a moment wrapped his arms around Mhaenyra's waist as well. "I am with you." Purred the young woman as she ran her fingers through his curls. The prince's body relaxed a bit and Mhaenyra was inwardly pleased that she made him feel better. Aegon was not a disgusting man. He was a broken child. On his way to becoming that man. •*•
Part 9 Part 1
Tagslist :3 : @nctma15
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primordial-shade · 1 year
How Polyamory would save the House of the dragon Laenor/Harwin/Rhaenyra version
Hear me out.
I have read a lot of very good fanfiction ok, its given me ideas ok!!
So there are two versions of this so I’m gonna do two different versions.
So the wedding occurs, its bad. Poor Joffrey is cut down (RIP my good sir, you should have gotten to slice Criston Coles head off.)
Rhaenyra rushes to Laenor, trying to pull Cole off Joffrey and in his rage he tries to cut them both down, Rhaenyra for her ‘rejection’ and Laenor for ‘stealing’ Rhaenyra.
Mr Breakbones himself is not about to allow that to happen. He bum rushes the idiot so fast his head cracks onto the floor and he gets knocked the fuck out. He’s not even awake before Visery deamnds his head.
He doesn;t die that easy. Laenor takes him down to the black cells and makes him suffer.
Cole is fed to Seasmoke, or whats left of him is does anyway.
It does a lot for his mourning, but he still mourns.
Despite Visery’s push to rush the marriage, both Rhaenys and Corly’s tell him no. He listens.
They also make sure that all of Alicents green dresses are burned. No green material can be found in Kingslanding for the next year.
A month later Laenor and Rhaenyra get married, and in that time they both take the gloves off. Joffrey was killed and Rhaenyra betrayed.
They annouce widely they will not only marry in the eyes of the Seven, but also in the eyes of their gods.
And little do people know that Harwin has slowly earnt their love. When the time comes it is him that helps them produce their first heir. Their Jacaerys, born with rich white curls, his mother eyes and his father smile and darker skin.
No one would ever doubt his heritage.
Laenor mourns and comes to love both Harwin and Rhaenrya, true romantic love. He will never be sexually attracted to Rhaenyra but he adores her and she him.
But they also love Harwin, and both are determined that he will be married to them.
It is actually Daemon and Laena, both married with their twin and their young son Baelon, that help them using the doctrine of exceptionalism as well as casting rumours about and blackmailing the high septon.
It takes 2 years, in which time Luecerys is born, with black Baratheon curls and Laenors eyes. but by this time the High Septon claims that the gods have said Harwin must be repaid for saving Rhaenyra’s and Laenors lives, and it must be done in marriage.
Rhaenyra of course respectfully accepts this, it is a message from the seven afterall.
And so, much to Alicent and otto’s fury Harwin is married into the couple and they all head to Dragonstone to marry Harwin in their ways and then to Harrenhall to marry alll together in front of the Old gods.
9 months later Joffrey Strong is born, named for the man who died to give Harwin his greatest happiness.
Rhaenys is very proud of her boy and loves all her grandchildren, including any beget by Harwin because they are Laenors as well.
Corlys is very confused by the whole thing, he just lets his wife and children do what they want at this point.
Larys fucks about and finds out at this point, people assume that he had accidentally gotten into the pit whilst drunk and had been too slow to escape Syrax, no one knows he had tried to kill his brother and had been killed by Syrax and Seasmoke in revenge.
Harwin does not mourn him, not when he had been holding Joffrey when his brother had tried to burn him.
All three become more vicious, scheming to protect their precious hatchlings. 
Once all the heir spots are filled and they no longer need to be careful the children come hard and fast. After Joffrey comes:
Visenya(H) Aemon(L) Baelor(L) Rhaenys(H) Viserys(H) Daenys(H) Jahaerys(H) Aemma(L) Naerys (H) Aerion (H) Alysanne(L)
A fair few are twins and triplets but after 10 years and 14 kids Rhaenyra decides she is done. Luckily Laenor and Rhaeny’s have found something to render her infertile much to her delight. No risks, no need ofr moontea. Harwin and Laenor even take it as well to be doubly sure.
Laena and Daemon have Rhaena, Baela, Baelon, Gaemon, Alyssa, Lucena, Corlae, Aethys, Daenaera, Vaelaena and Monterys.
They also choose infertility after Vaelaena and Monterys.
In total between the two families there are 25 kids. Why do I do this? Because its hilarious and also I think its cute.
Also yes Laena will survive because I said so, fuck you. 
So Whats going on with Viserys and the Greens. 
Well since the families are more cohesive and with encouragement from her partners and In-Laws, Rhaenyra begins ruling as her father gets sicker. By the time Daemon and Laena bring over proper healers he’s already contracted Leprosy and its been badly exacerbated by the Maesters, and Otto and Alicents treatments. Its deep to the point where the healers say that trying the usualy treatments will only kill him. With no Dragon he can;t fight it off and basically it becomes comfort measures to keep him happy and pain free. They help slow it somewhat but once he reaches a certain stage its more cruel to try and slow it and so the decision is made to basically do a Hospice care treatment. Keeping him happy and comfortable. I don;t like Viserys and he needs to be dead but I understand Rhaenyra would try and help him.
Otto was basically kicked out and once Rhaenyra has her family move into Kingslanding they all basically do everything they can to make sure he cannot re-enter. Fuck at one point Harwin, much to Laenor and Rhaenyra’s delight, manages to arrange for the old fool to get fucking syphallis. They still have no idea how he managed that but he did and thats when the Qudrapulets were conceived.
Hightower also begins to suffer politically. After Otto was kicked out and it was proven that the Maesters and Alicent had only made the king sicker they lost control of the education of the Maesters. All education was seperated out to every ruling family in Westeros with a central education centre moved to Kingslanding.
Gwain Hightower and son also suffer, drowning at sea when their bost sunk unexpectedly during a storm. No one ever saw Seasmoke, so well was he camoflaged.
The trio also begin working heavily to help the smallfolk. Healing centres, food banks, better education and a sewer system. It is understanding that people began moving from the Faith to the worship of the 14 gods of Valryria or the Old Gods. The Dragon pit is torn down as well and near the site a temple to the Valryian gods it build and a new Godswood planted in Kingslanding. Soon the other cities of Westeros follow. The Seven are still worshipped, but people are more free to worship who they want.
It is during this time all the Targs find out they are immune to fire. It was Laena and Laenor who found this out. they got into a playfight and accidentally fell into a firepit.Everyone hurried to oull them out but only Corlys and Harwin get burnt.
It is what allows Daemon and Rhaenys to explore Valyria eventually, where they manage to discover lost pieces of their heritage including what they realise is a hatchery containing nearly 100 eggs.
Daemon is feral.
The Dragon keepers are delighted when over half begin to hatch on Dragonstone, they have to quickly train up dozens of new recruits to keep up.
This is also when Rhaena encounters the Cannibal and claims him much to Daemons horror and Laena’s delight. It turns out, from what Rhaena learns from the bond, is that the Cannibal had been a dragon whose rider died in its infancy and the broken bond so young had a egative impact on its psyche, fixed by Rhaena.
All the kids get dragons, I’ll think more on which one later but they all get dragons.
Now on to the key people and Controversially I don’t really like Alicent as a person. I think she is a great character but she does remind me of an estranged family member and gives me the ick. I don’t like Aegon either, little rapey cunt.
So there are two ways I can see this go for these two. Firstly is the good way where Alicent realises that Rhaenyra will be a good queen and chills out. Honestly what I imagine she’ll be happiest doing is either taking on work to help people or joining the faith maybe? Aegon would also have to be raised really well for this good ending, make sure he gets proper rearing and also stays away from drink and child fighting rings. I imagine he would become a traveller, maybe a diplomat of sorts. He would probably never marry but his sister would legitimise the children he has.
Bad version is unfortunately more likely in the timeline of the story. Considering the distrust brewing Alicent would probably always believe Rhaenyra would kill her and her children. But the positive outcomes for Rhaenyra would probably make her move more quickly. She would probably be involved in getting Larys to try and kill Harwin and whne found out she would flee back to Oldtown with Aegon, leaving behind her other children for the sake of the Heir. I imagine they would be hidden for safety and Aegon raise to belive he is king.
The other three I honestly see as more redeemable, Aemond is on thin fucking ice but with the abandonment off his mother at a much younger age and being basically adopted by Rhaenyra he can turn out better. He basically becomes the New Daemon. Fiercely protective of his sister-mother and his siblings and of the fathers who raised him with love and care he becomes a fierce knight and advisor for Jacaerys when he eventually becomes king. 
Helaena is also given a better life. Daemon quickly realises she is a dreamer and whilst there is no training they have available they do everything they can to help her. Journals, soft things, all the bugs she wants. Helaena is a treasure burdened with a terrible gift and they will help her all they can. This eventially involves letting Aemond and her marry. It is obvious she loves her brother and he her, and Rhaenyra wants all her children to marry for love if they can. Also letting Helaena marry outside of the family would just be insane.
Daeron knows that technically he isn’t his sisters child, but she raised him from a baby after retrieving him from Oldtown so as far as he is concerned Rhaeneyra is his Muna and Laenor and Harwin are his Kepa’s. He becomes one of the new people who gather education and teachers for Rhaenyra’s new education centres. he himself eventually marries the next princess of Dorne. 
Now to the drama. In the timeline I picture Oldtown takes Aegon and tries to raise him to be the new King. Rhaenrya does try to find him but she is not successful and soon the Triarchy rise delcaring Aegon the true king. It does not end well at all. Aegon is probably killed during a battle and house Hightower is removed. Soon Oldtown itself is abandonned and nothing is left of Hightower or Oldtown except a few broken ruins. Rhaenyra rules peacefully with her family as the first, but not the last queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
Centuries later King Rhaegar, named for his holy Ancestor Rhaenyra, Ascends the throne when his father deems him ready and Aerys retires for a peaceful life with his beloved wife Rhaella, with his wife the new Queen Lyanna of house Stark. By their sides the King’s dragon Syrax and Queen Lyanna’s direwolf Frost. 
Their first son, their first child of six, Jahaerys Targaryean, affectionately known as Jae by his numerous Targaryean aunts, uncles, siblings and cousins, and Jon by his Stark relatives, is claimed by the Dragon Vermithor at birth and was found with the direwolf pup Ghost after his first night in the cradle. He is born with his father’s dark skin and bright indigo eyes, but with thick black curls streaked with silver and a stern and very Stark face.
When the night King came he found himself against the Prince and his beloved wife and Princess Daenaerys and her dragon SIlverwing along with over a hundred dragons and direwolves, a united kingdom of Westeros, Wildings and children of the forest, and users of magics both ancient and strong.
He never stood a chance.
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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warnings: panic attack, post-panic attack (based off my reaction)
AN: so this is based off a dream I had after I had a panic attack….it’s not quite octogoblin but I’m counting as it is. See this how you want to see this one.
I desperately wiped my eyes as I continued to scour the floor for the little clear plastic pieces that had gone flying. My breathing refused to even out and I sat back on my knees in order to work through this attack. Tilting my head back, I didn’t hear the door open or the person walking in.
“(Y/N)?” My breath hitched as Norman walked over and got on my level. “It’s ok.” He gently took my hand and put it on his chest. I tried to match my breathing with the rise and fall of his. I leaned forward and put my head on his shoulder while he reached up to run his fingers through my hair. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” I let out a long breath before taking a shaky one. Norman stayed with me on the floor until I could finally breath normally.
“Sorry.” I muttered. I rubbed my eyes and blinked away some of the remaining tears. “I…”
“Don’t.” Norman shook his head and took my hands in his. “You have nothing to apologize for.” He smiled gently at me before kissing my cheek. “Wanna tell me why you’re down here?” He gestured to the floor we hadn’t moved from.
“These stupid little clear plastic things. I need to find them and pick them up so I can return something.” I rubbed my eye again so I wouldn’t start crying and gestured to the packaging on the couch with my other hand. Norman nodded as he got up to take at look at what I was trying to find. “I’m sure you can get why…” I trailed off as I started searching again. Norman grunted and gently put a hand on my back.
“Take a break. Let me look.” I looked up at him and shook my head. “(Y/N). Let me look. Call Otto if you get a chance. Tell him we’ll be late.” I got up and made my way to the kitchen. Picking up my phone, I sent Otto a text instead.
Me: Norman and me will be late. I’ll explain when we get there.
I put my phone in my pocket and reached into the fridge for a bottle of water. I could still feel the panicky adrenaline moving through me and I shook my head, knowing I’d had to be somewhere else for the inevitable crash. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out.
Otto 🧪: Sounds good. Still on for a movie night?
Me: I think so. See you soon.
As I put my phone back in my pocket, Norman walked in with the package all put back together.
“All done.” He put it on the counter and stood in front of me. “Ready to go?” I nodded and accepted the arm he put over my shoulder. I leaned against him as we walked to the door. “Hey, I know you don’t usually hear someone say it who means it but I love you. You know that right?” I nodded as I put my head on his shoulder.
“I know. I love you too.” Norman kissed my head as he helped me put my coat on. We drove to Otto’s apartment in silence, Norman holding my hand the whole way. When we finally got to Otto’s door, he opened on the first knock and pulled me into a hug.
“How you doing sweetheart?” He asked, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I shrugged and let him pull me over to his couch. We sat down and Norman leaned over the back of the couch. Otto looked questioningly at him and Norman leaned over to whisper something in his ear. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I leaned into Otto. “That bad huh?” I hummed as I turned my head into his neck.
“I’m going to go out to get food. How does pizza sound?” Norman moved and I nodded in approval.
“Sounds good.” Otto rubbed my back before smiling over at Norman who closed the door on his way out. “What would you like to watch my dear?” I shrugged as I yawned and curled up against him.
“Whatever you decide. Maybe it’ll be finished by the time Norman comes back and he can pick something that’s actually good.” I laid my head down again and closed my eyes.
“Funny.” Otto tightened his arm around me. I hummed before smiling at him. “I love you (Y/N). I hope you know that.” I nodded against his shoulder.
“What’s with you and Norman telling me that today?” I murmured. Otto leaned over and kissed my forehead.
“Because you should hear it more often from people who mean it.” I looked up at him, fighting another round of tears. “Norman and I mean it. We always have and always will.” Otto gently cupped my cheek and kissed me. I smiled as he pulled away.
“I need this today.” I put my head back on his shoulder. Otto hummed and we settled in to watch whatever it was that he put on. After a while, I started to fall asleep.
“Want to move into the bedroom?” Otto asked quietly after a while. I nodded against him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Chuckling, he picked me up and carried me in. Joining me on the bed, I noticed him put his phone on the nightstand before I finally let myself fall asleep. The sound of a door closing, brought be back but not enough to fully wake me up. I shivered and felt someone pull another blanket up over me. “They’re coming off the adrenaline rush from earlier. I was waiting for it to happen.” Norman grunted in agreement. “How’d it go?” Otto asked quietly as he tucked me in.
“How you would expect. It’s (Y/N)’s fault. They should have listened. They talked back. The regular shit.” Norman was trying to keep his voice down but I could tell it was getting to him.
“What did you do about it?” Norman sat down on my other side and in my semi conscience state I rolled over to cuddle with him. He eagerly accepted it and wrapped his arms around me. I could tell he was smiling at Otto, a little smug that I had now chosen him upon his return.
“What do you think?” Norman chuckled. “We argued. I said they’d never come home if he did that shit again. He threatened to tell them what I was like. I laughed and said go ahead they know.” Otto chuckled and I felt him put his hand on my leg. “Next time you can go. I think he’s more afraid of you than me.” Norman touched one of the arms and Otto snorted.
“I bet he is.” Otto curled up against my back and I felt him a kiss the back of my head. “All that matters is they are safe here and we love them.” I could feel Norman nod above me. They grew quiet and I drifted back off to sleep.
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kingcunny · 9 months
1) Rhaenyra moves into her mother's chambers either because she asked to or Viserys wanted her to be closer. The absolute horror of sleeping in the bed her mother died in and being dressed by her mother's ladies every morning. It's ritualistic death and resurrection every single day, and Rhaenyra starts to think her face doesn't even really look like herself anymore. But! The best way to convince your father not to take a new wife is to make him believe the first one isn't really dead. And at least they are talking now, so she's not going to stop.
2) Rhaenyra comes back from retrieving Baelon's egg on Dragonstone knocked up by Daemon. But Viserys won't let anybody say shit because obviously that is Baelon come again in her womb. The gods put her brother in her belly via immaculate conception to bless her for defending her brother's honor. Or something.
its a mix of it right. rhaenyra was the one to grab viserys by the scruff and haul him out of his depression and force him to be a king again. if rhaenyra is going to act like the queen and dress like the queen she might as well save herself some time in the mornings and move into her mothers chambers as well. and viserys develops a fucked up seperation anxiety with her. if you thought she was always by his side before, now theyre practically joined at the hip.
so every night rhaenyra sleeps in the bed her mother died in and every morning her mothers ladies dress her in her mothers clothes and she puts on her mothers jewerly. she looses a little peice of rhaenyra everytime even as she gains a peice of aemma. but every time otto or the small council or anyone else brings up the idea of viserys remarrying he quickly and angrily shuts it down. and he keeps her by his side always, shes his only true confidant. so she cant stop. because this is what she wanted. right? right?
some time after the dragonstone incident, viserys stumbles drunk into aemma/rhaenyras chambers one night. hes wasted and forgotten who she is. rhaenyra has to Stop him and Remind him before he takes it too far. viserys is horrified and sick and breaks down. rhaenyra tries to comfort him and lets him sleep in her bed that night cause thats what he always did when she was a girl and had a nightmare. and thats all this was. a nightmare. for both of them.
its that morning while aemmas handmaids are helping rhaenyra get dressed, (while trying to pointedly ignore her father in her bed), that viserys realizes shes pregnant.
(and rumors go flyyying. larys has to work overtime in the cutting out tongues factory)
viserys either doesnt/refuses to put two and two together, that Something happened while rhaenyra was at dragonstone with daemon. and confidently claims that the gods have blessed them. that theyre giving him a second chance with his son. that theyve given rhaenyra the ‘honor’ of carrying her brother since she was the one that saved the other half of his soul that was in the dragons egg.
(rhaenyra sleeping with daemon to try and reclaim a part of herself?? only for it to backfire in the worst possible way?)
so rhaenyra has to go her entire pregnancy listening to her father claim thats his son in her belly. she cant tell him the truth cause 1. it would crush him and 2. he might actually kill daemon this time.
then she has to lay down in the bed that her brother was conceived in, that her mother died in bringing him into the world. and she has to scream and cry and bleed just like aemma did, bringing her own son into the world. only for viserys to walk in and take him from her. to give her son her dead brothers name and her dead brothers egg. to claim him as his own son, reborn. and maybe rhaenyra even starts to think hes right.
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b1ueoff1ine · 1 year
Captured - Part 2
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Otto Octavius x Reader
Dark!Villain!Otto x Avenger!Reader
Summary: You get captured by the evil Doctor Octavius- but he captures your heart as well.
Warnings: Age Gap. Descriptions of Y/N's wounds. Mutual pining. Enemies to Lovers. (Let me know if I missed any!)
A/N: even if the first was not what yall wanted, i am really proud of how it came out and wrote the second.
WC: 1.1k
By the time you woke, you were in one of the hospital beds in the Avengers tower.
You were healing fine, and when the rest of the crew asked who had done this to you, you replied that you couldn't remember.
You told them that you had received quite the hit on the head in the crash, and that you couldn't remember no matter how hard you tried.
You did this because you couldn't forget the kiss. The kiss that Doctor Octavius had given you after almost killing you.
You longed to feel his lips on yours again. To feel the pain of his nail on your flesh. To be so close to him that you could taste his scent.
You knew it seemed unreasonable, but that's what you felt deep inside of you.
Once you had healed most of the way, the others let you train. But your mind wasn't on training.
It was on your deep desire to see Doctor Octavius again.
You knew it would seem embarrassing to anyone else, but it didn't to you. You wanted him with your whole heart.
So when you had the chance, you went on every mission you could, hoping to find Doctor Octavius.
But every mission was a bummer. He was never there. You came home from every mission down and upset, and no one could figure out why.
You considered telling Natasha about it. She was your best friend, and you knew she would support you no matter what, but... just not this time. She would shame you for loving your captor- especially if he almost killed you- and keeping his identity a secret.
So you decided against telling her. She most definitely would shame you and not want to be your friend anymore.
And you couldn't stand if that happened. You needed her support in other things. Like if a family member died. Or if you liked someone you couldn't have.
Damn. How that last one hits home. You thought.
You truely couldn't have him. Not unless you were willing to give up everything you had ever known. And you couldn't, you needed the family you had at the Avengers tower.
Your life was empty without them. You would be sad and lonely without them.
But you desired more. You wanted to be with him. You wanted to feel the pain of his strong grip. You wanted to feel him kissing you again.
You snapped out of your daze just as Natasha knocked on your door.
"Come in." You said to her.
"Hey." She replied, opening your door and stepping inside. "You okay? You haven't been yourself lately."
"Nat- I'm sorry. I just- I'm not feeling myself after I was captured. I..." You closed your eyes, looking away from her sympathetic gaze. "I cant tell you whats bothering me- you'd hate me for it."
"I think I deserve to know why my best friend isnt herself lately." Nat sat on the bed next to you. "You cant even come home from a successful mission without slamming your door and crying the rest of the day. Please, just tell me what's wrong."
Her words brought more tears to your eyes. "I miss it. I miss him, Nat! I want him but I cant have him! It would go against everything I have ever known!"
"So there is a guy? And he is taken? Is that what your issue is lately?"
"Nat, come on! He's single as far as I'm aware, but he's playing for the other team."
She looked confused. "Like a sports team?"
"Nat, you're not helping. No, not like a sports team. More like the dark side!"
Natasha's face went pale as it dawned on her. "You're in love with the enemy?" She whispered.
"Yes! Yes, I am! Finally, you get it. Nat, what is wrong with me?" You were violently sobbing now.
"Honey, it's okay. You'll get over it."
"You dont understand, Nat. I-I can't help but love him. I come on every mission I c-can to find him, but he's never there."
"That's the reason you come home crying?"
"And after beating and breaking me, I still love him!" You leaned on Nat's shoulder, shuddering. "Help me, Nat, please, help me!..."
"I wish I could make all this pain go away, but... I dont know how."
The two of you were silent for a couple minutes, Nat holding you in her arms.
Then a knock sounded on your door.
"Go away. Y/N is not up for anything today." Nat replied to it, not bothering to ask who it was.
Footsteps receded and then all was quiet.
You raised an eyebrow at her, so she explained.
"Wanda has been wanting to become friends with you for weeks now, and she was wondering if you would want to do something with her today. She was talking about it yesterday."
You sniffled and sat up straight when the buzzer started ringing.
"You look hopeful." Nat commented.
"That's because there is a chance its him." You stood and rushed out the door, ignoring Nat as she called for you.
Speeding on the ship right before the door closed, you arrived and received wierd looks from the crew who was already on board.
"You sure you want to come?" Thor asked.
"Yeah. I have a good feeling about this one."
"If you say so." He looked ahead of him as the ship doors closed and you headed to the rendezvous point.
When they arrived, your face lit up with relief.
There he was, tearing a car apart. Doctor Octavius, the man who had been on your mind since he let you go.
Why did he let me go in the first place? You wondered.
He looked up at the sound of the ship, and seemed to lock eyes with you through the darkened glass. He winked at you before swinging to the side of the ship.
Again, the metal arm pierced the side of the ship and wrapped around your waist.
"Not again-" you said, looking sick. Thor tried grabbing hold of you but it was too late. Doctor Octavius had already ripped through the side of the craft and you were on your way to wherever he was taking you.
You hoped it was where he brought you last time, and not some random building.
You clung to the metal actuator holding you, afraid to fall from where he climbed between buildings.
"Doctor Octavius- why me?"
He smirked. "What, I cant be a villain and be in love with a hero?"
Your features turned from scared to confused. "Wait- what?"
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drottooctaviuslover · 2 years
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You woke up an hour late for work,
You rushed to get ready, you sloppily tucked in your shirt adding your belt,
You grabbed your lab coat and ran out the door, you only lived about a 30-minute walk but since you ran it was made in 15 minutes.
You ran in the back doors avoiding your colleagues, they never really liked you anyway. You sat down at your desk and got out your notebook, you continued working on your own little “experiment” it was almost ready.
Otto opened your door without making a noise.
His hands grazed your shoulders, it startled you and caused you to jolt placing your back into his warm chest, his mechanical arms started looking around your desk, you moved away grabbing your papers stuffing them into your desk. “Apologies sir, my alarm didn’t wake me up” he looked a little suspicious of your actions with the papers but kept quiet. “No worries, we all have that off day, but did you have time for breakfast?” “No sir, I woke up and came straight here” he sighed and smiled “I will go get you something to eat, every scientist needs food to help their brains, you can't concentrate on an empty stomach now can you” he let out a soft chuckle followed by his sweet smile. “That would be lovely sir” you gave a sincere smile in return “you may call me otto, sir is no longer needed darling” your face went bright red as he turned away leaving.
You finished the breakfast otto brought you and got back to work on your “experiment”
Grabbing everything you needed, you got to work, mixing stuff, experimenting... You turned your back to look at your notes on the board behind you, but when you turned back your cup filled with your experiment was black and starting to ooze out. “I... must have gotten something wrong” reaching over to grab a piece of paper you knocked over the cup, spilling it all over you. “Crap, now I have to... what the hell?” The black ooze started moving on you, you panicked and tried to get it off, it started moving towards your hands and seeping into your skin, you screamed as loud as you could. Otto came running in and rushed to put gloves on, but it was too late, the ooze was gone, you could feel yourself getting weaker, Otto grabbed you and held you close, but your vision got blurry and dark, then it happened, you passed out.
You were awakened next to Otto, he brought you to his house, you were in his room, his hands were on your back in a calming way “Y/N!!! are you okay???” you looked at Otto in a daze “Otto..? Where am I... what happened” you sat up and Otto moved next to you swiftly allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder “what were you doing?! What was that black stuff?! Are you crazy?? And you weren’t even wearing gloves!” you slowly moved your hand onto of his and he stopped talking and held your hand “everything’s going to be alright Y/N I promise”
A couple hours later you felt yourself getting hot, Otto was already sleep next to you there’s was goop coming out of your back, it started to burn ‘Otto..” you gave him a nudge.
He woke up and saw the goop “Y/N?! what’s happening”
Otto’s mechanical arms pushed him away, and four black tentacles made of black goop formed from your back, they were moving like a snake, it was, horrifying they were 10 times the size of you, black goop filled your eyes, pouring from your sockets, it was like a nightmare. You started screaming, Otto’s arms grabbed a tentacle each and held them still, you started to gain control again and they started to disappear, your eyes faded back to normal, you were panting, stressed, scared, confused “O-Otto..?”
“Y/N..? are you okay..? is that you?”
“Otto..” your body collapsed from exhaustion, Otto caught you laying you down to rest, unknowing of when what ever that was, could spike again.
For the next week Otto was testing you trying to figure out what was wrong with you, you learned how to control it, well, not all of it, when you get angry, it gets violent, you hurt him a few times, but he forgave you right away as you had no control.
“I'm starting to understand what’s going on, so technically it's like me, but you don’t have control most of the time, and when you use it for too long it weakens you. This isn’t good, I don’t know the strength of this creature, and I don’t think either of us want to know...” you could feel a strange sense, going through your body, you stared at Otto, his back was towards you, then you slowly started to rise out of the bed.
You went dead silent. Your tentacles started to form and slowly moved towards Otto, suddenly grabbing him by the throat, after a minute of him struggling he fainted. Releasing him to the floor you left out through the window. Otto woke up and looked around for you “Oh no... Where did they go…” he got up and looked around, suddenly one of his mechanical arms nudged towards the window “out there? No.. if Y/N is out there like… that… then oh no… we don’t know what’s they are capable of we need to find them!! fast!! before they do something they can't control...”
You were running around the city in a blind rage of some sort. Destroying stuff, stealing, making a mess, the Daily Bugle was following you with cameras as John Jonah Jameson was yelling and getting footage of you, this wasn't helping at all.
Mid rampage Otto came up behind you “Y/N!! Stop his right now!” You turned around to his mechanical arms grabbing you, and after about 5 minutes of the two of you fighting on the side of a building you were covered in web fluid.
“Sorry I'm late! You can call me spider-man, Web head, just don’t call me late for dinner!” he let out a loud chuckle and wrapped you entirely in web “Otto! Is this another science experiment of yours? Please don’t let them get out anymore look at the mess!”
“N-no! This is one of the scientists! Something went wrong when they were making an experiment and lost control of themselves!’’
“well then, that’s no good! Do you know how to fix them?”
“w-well, I do have a way, its like my chip, keeps the arms from controlling me, if I can get something like that for them, then I can help keep them in control and not the goop”
peter brings you back to Otto’s lab he still had you webbed up, you were close to freedom a few times, but ended up. Back in more webbing.
Otto put you in a containment room and started working on the contraption
“You like them.. don’t you”
“No i-i... How.. its… more than like, I’ve been watching them since I hired them, they are beautiful, so quiet, so calm, they would never hurt anyone, I love them, so much, and I think its getting obvious…”
“When you get them back to normal I think you should tell them how you feel then”
Otto finished his contraption for you, it was a necklace
“maybe… but for now I just need to make sure this works…”
He goes into the chamber, holding you still he placed the necklace over you backing up. Slowly your eyes went normal, the tentacles stayed but lowered themselves, at last, you were in complete control.
You both did a long paused then hugged each other. Otto was so happy to see you back to normal. Peter started to leave, him and Otto glanced at each other, then he left. Otto placed a hand on you cheek, you gazed into each others eyes, and slowly you lips met, it was the best moment of your life, and you never wanted it to end.
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The Anniversary Trap
Summary: Peter 2 and MJ have to cancel their anniversary plans so a group of familiar faces devise a plan.
Chapter 2
A few days later, Otto tinkered away with something in his lab. He was very close to finishing when he heard a knock at the door.
One of his actuators opened the door while he stayed busy. "You know you don't have to knock. My door is always open."
"Nice of you to offer."
Otto turned. "Norman! I thought you were one of the boys."
Norman stepped closer to Otto. "Dissappointed?"
"Come on now, we've been friends for years. My door is always open for you as well."
Norman Osborn chuckled as he walked closer to Otto's desk. As he moved, one actuator curiously examined him. It moved in an almost human like fashion and even cocked it's mechanical "head" as it examined him.
"I'll never get over the fact that you created these. They're fascinating."
Otto peered over his glasses. "They're troublemakers. Don't let them fool you."
Another one of actuators whined.
"Don't take that tone with me Harry. You know it's the truth."
Norman shook his head and turned back to Otto. "You know there's a reason for my visit."
"I figured."
"Did Peter 2 and MJ head out okay?"
Otto grinned. "Left about an hour ago."
Norman playfully pushed his friend's shoulder as he chuckled. "Otto we're geniuses!"
Otto rolled his eyes in response. "It only took how much persuading to get him to go?"
"Don't be so hard on him. You know as well as I do that he's not an easy one to pull away from his work."
"Yes I know. Peter Parker is many things, but unmotivated is not one of them."
"Well, I wonder where he gets that from."
Otto cocked his screwdriver at his friend. "Did you ever meet his Aunt May?"
"Once but---that's another story. Anyone who can raise that boy has to be a pretty stubborn individual."
"Resilient too. Left a pretty nasty bruise when she smacked me with her umbrella. "
Norman straightened back up. "She was a fighter, that's for certain."
He turned to Otto once more. "I know your busy so I won't keep you. Just let me know if you need anything. I know you're down a couple hands."
Otto waved him off. "I can manage."
Norman rolled his eyes. "I'll leave while the lab's still standing. Bye Otto."
"Bye Norman. And don't be a stranger."
Otto never realized how much noise Peter contributed to the lab once it was quiet again. He missed the constant chatter and bickering back and forth he had with his boy. But he knew Peter needed this important time away with MJ away from the city and he was thankful Norman was willing to help him with this. They just had to keep Peter in the dark.
The scientist whipped around to find Peter 3 standing in the doorway between Otto's lab and his apartment. "Three! I didn't even realize you were there."
The taller Spiderman stepped into the lab. "Otto, what did you and Mr. Osborn do? And why does it involve Peter 2?"
Otto tried to play it off as he turned back around. "What are you talking about?"
Three pushed as he walked over to Otto's desk. "I just heard you and Mr. Osborn talking. You two did something and it involves Peter 2."
"It's nothing."
"Tell me!"
"Why not?"
"Because it's not a secret you need to know."
"But it's something that involves Two!"
"But he's not in any danger."
Three hesitated. "You promise?"
"Yes. I know you worry about your brother, but I promise he's okay."
Three relaxed. "Sorry Otto. I believe you."
Otto squeezed his shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I know you worry about him."
A small smile appeared on Three's face. "Have to. He doesn't worry about himself enough as it is."
Otto laughed at the middle brother's joke. "That is very true. One of the reasons we planned this."
Otto kicked himself.
The taller Spiderman's brow creased. "Mr. Osborn told Two the room needed to be taken because he couldn't go. It was a . . ."
Otto sighed. "A gift."
Peter 3's face slowly dawned in realization. "You two planned this out? As a gift for Peter 2 and MJ?"
"Yes," Otto replied while turning back to the younger man. "And you cannot breathe a word of this to your brother. If he knew, he never would have taken it or he'd come back right now."
Three nodded. "I won't breathe a word of this to him Otto. I promise."
"Thank you."
Three smiled widely. "But I still think it's really sweet that you did that for him."
Otto cheeks reddened slightly. "Well, thank you. That boy does so much that he deserves to have something done for him."
Three nodded. "You're right Otto, he does." The younger man leaned closer. "And it means even more coming from two very important people in his life."
Otto smiled. "Emphasis on the word two. He's got so many more now."
The older man ended his statement by ruffling Three's hair. One trip through an interdimensional portal later and he now had three boys he loved like his own and that cared for each other very much. This was something he always dreamed of.
He smirked at his tallest boy. "Now, are you going to help me? Or are you just going to stand there."
Three tensed as he checked his watch. "Um, let me go take One to his workshift and then I'll be back."
Otto's brow creased. "No bike?"
"He popped one of the tires while riding back to his apartment yesterday. I agreed to take him so he wouldn't have to walk in the rain."
Otto turned to look out his lab window. Not a cloud in the sky. Then again . . .the weather forecast had called for rain clouds so that could change within an hour.
Otto turned back to Peter 1. "That's sweet of you. . . But I thought he didn't get out of school until three?"
The middle brother's eyes widened. "I uh . . .better go call him."
Without another word, the taller Spiderman took off toward the lab door.
"You're not gonna use your phone?"
"Nope!" Three called out before the lab door closed behind him.
One actuator came around to look at Otto. Where is he going father?
I have no idea.
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wayystey · 1 year
Late Night Ramblings
Mojo Jojo was having a terrible day. It seemed like everything was working against him. First, he lost his plans for his newest weapon of mass destruction, which led to him having to postpone the whole project.
Then, he realized that he had never grabbed anything to eat before leaving for his observatory that morning. He had been forced to leave to get something to eat, but every restaurant was either mysteriously closed or had the most disgusting food.
After finally finding some decent food to have for lunch, his day got worse. He received a phone call from his husband letting him know that their son Butch had received detention for a week for plagiarism.
Mojo felt the consequence for Butch’s plagiarism was a bit excessive. He had a feeling the school went harder on him because of who his parents were, which was completely unfair.
Boomer had told him once that Buttercup Utonium had been caught doing the same thing but was only given one day of detention. The fact that his child was being given a harsher punishment for the same crime was ludicrous to Mojo.
He decided to call the school and complain, which led to the next bad part of his day. The school was being extremely stubborn regarding Butch’s detentions and denied the whole claim about Buttercup getting essentially let off the hook.
He spent half an hour on the phone debating with them. They finally caved when Mojo threatened to send his husband back over there to ‘set them straight’.
“Trust me, I do not lie when I say my husband is much more intimidating than myself. I assure you, dreadful things would certainly occur if you angered HIM.” He had said slyly.
He had hung up, feeling a little smug when he heard a huge crash somewhere in the observatory. He immediately rushed to the scene, and saw all three Powerpuff Girls waiting for him. Apparently the school had told them about their little phone call and asked the girls to help.
After receiving some blows and punches from Buttercup, they eventually left, realizing that they couldn’t do anything about the situation. Mojo hadn’t actually followed through with the threat so therefore, no crime was committed.
“Curses!” He grumbled to himself, getting up painfully. He was pretty sure he had some teeth knocked out and some bruises or broken bones. He would have to have his husband heal his injuries when he got home.
He treated his wounds the best he could and tried to continue working on the machine he was currently fixing when it suddenly blew up in his face.
“That is it! I have had it with this accursed string of bad luck! I quit, clearly the universe is not on my side, explaining all the unfortunate events that have occurred thus far. I am done, finished, completed, whatever else I can say to express just how exasperated I am with this current moment in time!” Mojo shouted, grabbing his jet pack. He was going home, end of story.
He fired up the jet pack, only to have its engine sputter and die. “CURSES!” The evil genius was at his breaking point. Now he had to take the long way home.
He painfully and slowly limped home, the injuries from before hurting even worse now. Luckily one of the many secret entrances to the Underworld was nearby, in the basement of the Otto Time Diner to be exact.
He picked the lock on the door and went inside, heading for the basement. Once he got there, he saw the telltale portal that he needed to get home. He went through eagerly, just wanting to see his husband and kids after this awful, inconvenient day.
Down in the Underworld, HIM was currently putting the finishing touches on dinner, happily humming to himself. He had found a new cheesecake recipe for dessert that he was really excited for his family to try.
He wondered what was taking Mojo so long to get home. Normally, his jet pack would get him home in about 5 minutes but today was different. It had been 20 minutes past the time he usually chose to leave his observatory. He hoped his husband was alright. He’d sounded rather stressed when he called about Butch earlier.
He finally heard the huge front door open and heard his husband limp into the dining area.
“Hi honey! How was your day-“ He gasped when he laid eyes on Mojo. He looked dead on his feet. He had a black eye, was missing a few teeth, had bruises covering most of his body, and was bleeding from his nose.
Meanwhile, their three sons were at the table, looking dumbfounded. “Damn dad, what happened?” Brick questioned his father.
“Boys, you can eat in your rooms tonight, I need to heal your father.” HIM said, immediately jumping into action. He magically prepared three plates for the boys and sent them off.
He guided his husband to the living room to sit down. “What happened to you darling?” He knelt in front of his husband.
“Those accursed Powerpuffs happened my dear.” Mojo grimaced in pain. He felt HIM hold his hands in his claws and saw his husband begin muttering an incantation under his breath, his eyes glowing green.
Immediately the pain was relieved and he felt all his injuries mending themselves. In a few seconds, he was in perfect condition again. “Is that better honey?” HIM asked, a concerned look on his lovely face.
Mojo sighed in relief. “Much better, my love. Thank you.” HIM beamed and kissed his husband on the cheek. “Are you hungry? I have dinner ready for you.”
“Dinner would be delightful, as I am quite famished.” They both stood and walked back into the dining area. The demon began preparing a plate for his husband, wanting him to just sit and relax. He then made one for himself and sat down. The two of them ate in mostly silence, exchanging a few words here and there.
Once they finished, HIM cleared their plates and cleaned them. “I’m assuming you had a rough day darling. Do you want to talk about it?” He gave Mojo a sweet smile.
“Where do I even begin? This day has been truly exhausting, infuriating, and inconvenient!” And with that, the villainous primate launched into a tirade.
“Why don’t we take this to our room honey? I’m sure you’d love to lay down and relax.” HIM suggested, grabbing his husband’s hand and leading him to their bedroom.
“Once again, you know just what I need my ruby.” Mojo praised his spouse. Once they made it to their room and settled on their bed, the chimpanzee continued his rant.
“Where was I? Oh, yes, I was lamenting about how dreadful, how horrid this forsaken day has been! My plans for my newest weapon of mass destruction are missing, so now my clever, brilliant project is on hold indefinitely. That is to say I cannot do any further work on said project until my beautiful plans have been located, which will extend the deadline placed on the project…”
HIM got into a more comfortable position on the bed. He had a feeling he would be here for a while. His husband was using his lengthy method of talking which meant that he was really annoyed about the day’s events.
As Mojo rambled on in a frustrated tone, the Ruler of the Underworld listened quietly, only reacting or commenting when he felt it was needed. His husband seemed to enjoy this attention, because he would periodically pause and look expectantly at the demon. HIM would then dramatically gasp or make a sympathetic comment about the situation.
“And you will not believe this next part my love. I was not aware that it was so difficult to find a decent meal in this city! I searched for an exorbitant amount of time trying to obtain food worthy of eating. This is why I prefer your cooking my dear. You would never serve me inedible rubbish!”
HIM frowned at Mojo, holding one of his hands. “Oh you poor dear! I’ll start making you lunch to take with you from now on. How does that sound, hmm?” He batted his lashes prettily.
“That is a most splendid idea my nymph. Your culinary ability surpasses anyone in this city.” His husband cupped HIM’s face lovingly.
Mojo vented for another hour, during which HIM completed his lengthy skincare regimen, had his luxurious evening bath, chose a new nightgown, and started working on his latest creation (he had recently started knitting), all while listening and reacting to his husband.
Finally, Mojo concluded his story by saying, “And that is why this has been decidedly the most accursed day of my entire existence!”
HIM gave Mojo a sweet look. “Oh honey. I’m sorry this day has been so awful. At least you’re home now, right?” He stopped his knitting to snuggle up with his husband.
The evil genius looked affectionately at the demon. He still had no idea what he had done to deserve such a wonderful spouse. HIM was beautiful, nurturing, devoted, and so good for him.
He cooked amazing meals, kept the household running, and somehow always knew what to do in any situation his family got themselves into. HIM did everything in his power to make life as easy as possible for his husband and children.
“What did I do to have the honor of being married to you my love?” Mojo kissed the top of his husband’s head with a tenderness that not many others got to experience.
HIM laughed, a melodic sound. “Darling, you didn’t have to do anything to deserve me, I would’ve chosen you regardless! You’re everything I want in a partner. Strong, handsome, intelligent, persistent, dominating… need I go on?” He sensually purred in Mojo’s ear, a claw gently squeezing one of his biceps.
“And I know a strong, handsome, intelligent villain like you wouldn’t let one bad day stop him, hmm?” He crooned seductively, moving himself so that he was now straddling his husband.
“But if that doesn’t make you feel better, I know what will.” HIM slowly pushed the straps of his nightdress down his shoulders, inviting Mojo to finish taking it off.
“Have I told you how good you are for me my beloved? How much I love you?” Mojo said to his husband fondly, sliding the nightgown down his body and running his hands up and down HIM’s smooth skin.
“You tell me every day.” HIM leaned forward and pressed their lips together softly.
Mojo smiled contently once they parted. It was truly his husband that made stressful days easier to handle.
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multifandomwritings · 2 years
Otto and As The World Falls Down-David Bowie, please! If you’re willing to make it super fluffy I’d love that, but you gotta do you, you know? 💕
Will do! :)
Valentine's song prompts | As The World Falls Down (Otto Octavius)
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Fandom/characters: Marvel/Spiderman (Otto Octavius, reader)
Song: 47. As The World Falls Down - David Bowie
Genre: Romance/fluff (with a little bit of angst but not much)
Format: Oneshot
Word count: 1272
Summary: You catch the eye of 'Doc Ock', who isn't nearly as menacing as you would expect — at least to you.
Notes: Gifs are never mine, btw! (Unless otherwise stated) I actually love this song for him?? It's one of my favorite songs anyway but it suits him! Sorry this one has taken a minute, I have written this now three times :')) Couldn't decide how I wanted to do it! (Also! Part of this takes place after the events of No Way Home. So there might be spoilers!) And sorry for the really brief summaries?? I have no idea what to write for those ever lol
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At first, you thought you were unlucky. You, of all people, had caught the eye of 'Doctor Octopus', as he was now being called. A city-wide menace, a fiend who robbed banks and took old ladies hostage. Figures that he'd have eyes for you.
You weren't entirely complaining, though. He did have his charms, although you knew no one else would believe you. He was generally hated among the city's citizens, but you were beginning to find him strangely endearing.
When he first approached you, you were suspicious and hesitant — fearful, even. But only for a moment. He was different with you, having observed you moments before, gaining a quick attraction and becoming curious. He was charismatic and charming, and a complete flirt.
Despite your intrigue, you knew better than to get involved with someone like him. He was respectful, only pursuing you up to the extent you allowed. More and more, you were having a difficult time keeping him at arms length. You could hardly get his brown eyes and wicked grin out of your head, or the way he chuckled when he said something that flustered and surprised you. He was so straightforward about his interest in you, you could hardly handle it. It wasn't often someone like him would randomly appear in your life, and it grew harder and harder to deny your own feelings for him.
Your time with him was pure magic. Sometimes he hid his identity as best as he could, taking you to intimate, beautiful places and spending time with you as any other couple would. You'd whisper over candlelit dinner in the back of a dimly lit cafe, neither of you taking your eyes off the other. He'd hold your hand and walk with you through the park, unsuspecting people smiling at what a cute couple you were. At first, you wondered what you were doing with him at all. But he made you feel the way you'd read about in novels, and heard about in songs. You couldn't help it.
Sometimes, time with him was different, though — far beyond what any normal couple would do. He'd carry you to the tops of the highest buildings, holding you as you looked out onto the city together, whispering little reassurances and grinning to himself at your reactions.
But even without all that, you were beginning to care for him on a level you had tried to avoid. Despite everything, he was so full of love and passion and charm. He held onto your every word, listening to you the way not many do. Slowly, you couldn't believe you had ever thought it was bad luck you had caught his eye. You were so glad your paths had crossed and that he had come into your life.
It had been days since you saw Otto. It was unusual, as he usually made an effort to let you know he was alright. You sat up late, stomach knotted with worry.
Hours passed spent uselessly, you knew, but you were too consumed with negative thoughts to focus on anything else.
Thankfully, you were soon put out of your misery.
A knock at the door startled you. It was too late, and normally that sound at such an hour would be alarming. But it jolted you upright, prompting you to make your way to the door as fast as you could, hopeful and expectant.
Relief swelled through you at the sight of him, smiling just as he always did. You smiled, throwing your arms around him and burying your face into the crook of his neck. He let out a surprised laugh, slowly resting his hands on your back. You breathed him in, comforted even by his smell. You would feel ridiculous if you weren't so relieved.
For weeks, you worried something was going to happen to him. Things kept escalating and it was only a matter of time. You tried not to let it show, but you couldn't help it. He was too precious to you now, and you wanted him safe. The worst scenarios had been playing on repeat in your head for hours, and you could finally relax.
You expected he'd make some snarky remark about how much you missed him, but instead, he only held you. After a moment, you began to question why he had left you to worry like that, pulling away and giving him a dirty look.
"What happened?" You demanded. He only stared, before gesturing his head forward to come inside before explaining. You pursed your lips, stepping aside and shutting the door behind him.
You stared in disbelief after a lengthy story about alternate universes and multiple Spider-mans. Not long ago, you wouldn't have believed a word of it. But there was a slight change in his demeanor that let you know he was being honest, at least about his inhibitor chip.
...Which led you to wonder, had any of your relationship even been sincere?
If he wasn't even really in control of his own mind, perhaps he'd come to set things straight with you now that he was. Maybe your reaction at the door was entirely unsolicited. Maybe you should be bracing yourself for whatever else he had to say.
"I-" You stopped yourself, feeling selfish for even being worried about it, considering what he had been through, "Are you alright?"
He smiled warmly, your heart instantly swelling at the sight of it.
"I'm fine. Better, actually," He replied.
You forced a smile, and nodded. It was a relief to hear, but you couldn't help the sinking feeling that was beginning to spread throughout you.
"Y/N...I don't want you to think this changes anything," He said, stirring you from your uneasy mind. You stared, searching his expression as he continued, "I might not have been entirely in control of myself, but I was still me."
"Are you sure?" You asked after a small pause, your voice weak from nerves, "Because I don't want you to feel pressured, or obligated-"
"No, I don't," He firmly replied, eyebrows raised slightly. He stood up from his seat across from you, and sat next to you instead, eyeing you seriously. He seemed the same. Your heart raced as you listened, "Meeting you has been the one good thing to come of all this. I mean it."
You smiled reluctantly, still unconvinced, but relieved at his words. He was so close now, so warm next to you. Your face heated at even his slightest touch, his hands now in yours, as he stared at you with the same intensity he always had.
"Still..." You began, despite yourself, "If you want to take it slow, or you want space, I'll understand."
"Do you want space?" He asked.
"No!..." You blurted out, earning a single raised brow and a satisfied grin. You scoffed, earning an apologetic chuckle as he squeezed your hand in his. Not everything was from lack of his inhibitor chip, then, you thought — he was as teasing as ever.
"I don't either. I mean it," He said, still smiling at your quick, certain response. You glared, unable to keep a smile from emerging.
He lifted your chin between his fingers and pressed his lips to yours, grinning into your kiss as a sharp breath escaped you. He pulled you closer, hand at your lower back, and pulled his lips away from yours, to your disappointment. Only long enough, however, to examine you — your heavy eyelids, and flustered expression; the urgency and disappointment that you searched him with. He grinned, eyes full of something that signaled he wasn't so different now, after all.
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emilynightshade89 · 2 years
An Penny Dreadful x Octogoblin AU
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Here’s my Octogoblin AU! Mostly set around the seance scene in the show Penny Dreadful. Sort of have an idea of where this may go and may add more to this but im just winging it as i go. Enjoy! :)
Later, while walking out in the drenching rain, Norman confronts Goblin on why he did that and is met with cruel remarks about his lack of taking action to tell the truth to the wife when she asked about her husband’s whereabouts. “You aided him in his deed Norman…” “No….It’s...it was none of my business-” “You encouraged it!” “NO!” “You are a coward for hiding!” “STOP IT!!!” “Norman..?”  Norman whips around and sees Octavius walking up behind him holding an umbrella. The doctor seems to have overheard Norman talking to himself. For a moment both men are lost for words but Norman is the first one to speak. “Dr. Octavius…?” Otto says nothing and simply holds the umbrella out over Norman who still looks up at him in bewilderment. “Come along with me Dr. Osborn. You’ll catch your death out here should you stay a moment longer in this rain.” He turns to leave but notices that Norman doesn’t budge. “I’ve left my luggage at Sir Malcolm’s…” Otto offers a kind smile. “Then I should have them fetched for you immediately before they’re thrown out in the mud, but for now you must come with me at once. My carriage is just there and London has no mercy for those caught out here in the cold streets.” Norman nods his thanks and walks with Otto towards the carriage and out of the miserable rain.
 Norman has arrived in London for a fresh start after the controversy of a lab accident in New York. He is invited by his host and old acquaintance Sir Malcom Murray, to an evening party he is attending where a seance is held. He meets Otto there and the two excitedly become reacquainted with each other. The two have worked briefly in the past but have since parted ways due to their different goals for advancing science. Prompted playfully by Otto, Norman gets nervous as he sits to join the seance and when the lights dim and the woman starts her summoning, he grabs hold of Otto’s hand. Upon the seance woman's demand, Goblin suddenly seizes control of Norman's body for the opportunity to play a cruel joke and call out Norman’s host Sir Malcolm on a misdeed Norman accidently witnessed the night he arrived to stay. Crudely remarking how their oh so esteemed gentlemen has been sneaking around with a member of his staff behind his wife's back. (Norman caught a glimpse of them while in the kitchen and was mortified.). He continues terrorizing his audience by slamming his hands hard enough to break the glass on the table crawling on top as he curses Malcolm in his face and finally; standing and bending himself backward in a horrid, impossible position, causing the young lady who sat next to him to scream in terror. Norman’s mouth opens as he screams back. Malcolm shouts at him to be thrown out of his presence in fury and demands him to never to show his face to him again. Norman collapses onto the table and comes to. Otto reaches his side to make sure he's alright, but Malcolm grabs Norman by his shirt and hauls him towards the door. Confused and frightened, Norman leaves in shame as the doors open violently by themselves. Frightening the other guests as a shocked Otto watches on with sympathy as he goes.
Norman wakes up the next morning in fresh clothes and momentarily forgets where he’s at until a soft knock at the door allows Octavius to peek in and humorously explains that Norman slept through breakfast and that Otto has saved him some bacon and eggs with toast and coffee. Norman thanks him and then tries to stand out of bed when a sudden soreness grips his chest and a headache seizes him. Otto places the plate down and comes over to Norman’s side. “I might've caught that cold you spoke of Dr. Octavius.” he jokes halfheartedly. Otto smiles and helps Norman back into bed with his food. "Get some rest my friend, your safe here." Otto leaves him for a bit to rest and comes back later that evening to check Norman’s vitals in case he should call a doctor. They make small talk about their work progresd and why Norman is in London, Otto reveals that he’s heard about the incident Norman was involved in and he suddenly becomes reserved. Otto apologizes and gently takes Norman’s face into his hands to look at his eyes. Norman’s heart does a backflip and his face flushes with warmth, but Otto simply goes on checking Norman’s sight and notes that he could potentially have a fever as well, making Norman feel confused as to why he reacted like that at his touch. Norman softly hears cackling in his ear and suddenly the headache painfully spikes back and he winces into himself. Otto asks what is wrong and lifts Norman’s head with his hands, revealing his eyes are rolled back into his head and Otto panics. Lightly tapping Norman’s burning cheeks and calling his name until he clearly blinks and looks at Otto. Norman suddenly smiles, an eerie, mischievous smile that sends a shiver down Otto’s spine. A smile Otto doesn’t recognize as Norman’s. “Hello Dr. Otto Octavius…I’ve heard so much about you.”
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
That’s why we keep you (TSSM!Doc Ock x Reader)
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a/n: this is short, but hope you like it
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Otto smiled to himself as he slipped away into the safety of the night, two of his robotic arms loaded with sacks of money. It had been a successful heist. Now he just needed to get to the lair before that pesky arachnid showed up.
He was about to disappear into the shadows when an alarm sounded loudly behind him and shop lights came on. It wasn't long before you ran to him, carrying two more sacks of jewels. The scientist resisted the urge to facepalm.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" he hissed
"There is no time, run!!" you said hastily, brushing past him and tugging at his shirt.
You two ran through the streets, trying to stay in the shadows as much as you could, but the patrols were closing in fast, so Otto had no choice but to pull you into an alley and pin you against the wall. You waited until the lights and sirens died down before you moved.
"What did you do?" he asked, crossing his arms with a frown.
"I...maybe I knocked over a pedestal by accident and set off the alarm" you said, smiling guiltily "but I got the jewels!"
Octopus stared at the sack you offered him for a few seconds before sighing and using one of his tentacles to grab it. If he was honest, he couldn't really be mad at you, you tried to help the sinister six whenever you could and everyone appreciated it, but sometimes you were a bit... let's just say thefts and subtlety weren't your forte.
"Y/N, I didn't even bring you with me. Weren't you supposed to help Adrian with his suit?"
"We both know he didn't need help, you just wanted to keep me home, this is so much more fun" you shrugged "Besides, you're my favorite, I like spending time with you"
You pecked his lips and smiled, taking it as a small personal victory when the cold and calculating Doctor Octopus blushed deeply. Y/N-1, Octavius-0.
"Oh, how cute. Love is in the air"
You two jumped up and looked up to find Spiderman sitting on the edge of a building. Dammit. He didn't even give you time to react before launching his webs at Otto.
This part always bothered you. It seemed that neither the arachnid nor the police had an interest in you, always putting you aside in favor of fighting whatever sinister was with you. Well, at least you had the element of surprise on your side, and here, you didn't need to be subtle.
Otto smiled as he looked over Spiderman's shoulder. The superhero seemed confused when the robotic arms stopped moving and simply grabbed the bags of money and jewelry. Octopus wasn't defending himself.
"What the-"
Spiderman didn't have time to finish his sentence before an invisible force pulled him back. He heard Doc's voice, laughing ominously from across the alley, as something tightened on his throat, cutting off his breath.
"And that's why we keep you, my dear"
The last thing he saw before everything went black was your eyes that now glowed a deep red.
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noforkingclue · 3 years
Consequences (Doc Ock x reader)
Summary: Every action has consequences. You only wished that you had thought about what the consequences of your flirting might’ve been.
Pairing: Doc Ock x reader
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: This is a kind of continuation to ‘Returned Feelings?’. Hope you all enjoy!
Marvel tag list: @geocookie21, @greeneyedblondie44,  @purebloodwitch
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @imjustassaneasyou
You had been so careful. Every moment you had been so careful not to attract attention to yourself. Never moving too fast, hardly ever running and always being just another face in the crowd. You didn’t like calling yourself a hero. In fact, you didn’t know what to label yourself. Sure you might’ve helped Peter a couple of times but that didn’t mean you wanted to be a hero. You just wanted to have fun and maybe help some people along the way.
Because although you weren’t a hero you also weren’t a bastard.
And it had been working, not brilliantly but working. You had some form of a social life, a steady job and you were content. You didn’t have a partner, having a steady romantic relationship was difficult in your line of work, but you weren’t too bothered about that. Not when you were usually so preoccupied with fighting Doctor Otto Octavius. There was something about him that drew you to him and you couldn’t quiet put your finger on it. After every fight with him Peter had asked you if you were ok. You knew that Peter suspected something but you didn’t want to drag him into it. His life was already complicated enough without you messing it up further.
It was meant to be a relaxing day off work. Go for a walk, catch up with friends and maybe get a take away in the evening. But of course things had to take a different and drastic turn. You were just about to cross the street to get to your favourite coffee shop when it happened. Your eyes widened as you felt the air shift. Your friend, who was waiting for you on the other side of the street, shouted something but you couldn’t hear. You stood frozen to the spot as a car flew passed you and missed you by mere inches.
It was too early for this shit and even though you had super speed there was too many people for you to zip off and get changed. Peter swung by you and gave you a brief glance before swinging back off. You friend gave you a panicked look but there was nothing she could do as she was dragged off by the crowd.
Your breath hitched as you heard that familiar voice and the rumbling of Doc Ock approaching. Of course it had to be him. Why couldn’t it have been the Green Goblin? He was just irritating instead of distracting. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for Doc Ock. You just couldn’t help but flirt with him and see his reaction. The way his face got red whenever you teased him. The occasional glint you saw whenever he tried to grab you. The way he touched his cheek when you kissed him the other day. You shoulder panged in pain as you remembered the other day and you winced as you touched it slightly. It was still very sore but healing steadily although you knew it would be a while until-
And then you fucked up.
A metal claw came at you and you dodged it just in time. Literally just in time. If you had been half a second slower it would’ve pinned you to the wall and you would’ve been in Doc Ock’s grasp. Not that you wouldn’t have minded but now really wasn’t the time. However, there was just one issue with your dodge. In order to move you had instinctively used your powers.
Time slowed down. Seconds seemed to turn into minutes which seemed like hours. Peter was God knows where and other people were too preoccupied with running away to notice you. But he did, he noticed you. The claw pulled out from the wall behind you and slowly made its way back to its creator. Along the way it bushed against your body on its return journey made you shudder. All of your previous bravery seem to drain from you as the Doctor slowly approached you, the arms lowering him back to the ground.
“Well, well, well,” he said, “Isn’t this an interesting turn of events.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” You said quietly
“Much braver behind that mask of yours,” he said, “Is this who you really are? Much more submissive than I originally thought.”
He slowly raised a hand and as much as you wanted to you couldn’t move. You were too terrified about what will happen. He’d seem your face and concerns about your friends and family raced through your mind. However before he touched you a webs shot out and knocked him over. Peter swung by and kicked out at him.
With Doc Ock suitably distracted you seized the opportunity to escape. You zipped away and hid in an alley as you looked out at the ensuing fight. You needed to reconsider your options about what was best for the people you cared about. Part of you wanted to flee but the other part wanted to stay. To continue your flirting and winding him up and getting him flustered but you knew that wasn’t the safest idea. You ducked into the shadows as Otto looked around, clearly trying to find you. Right now you needed to get away and then think of a plan. You only hoped that you could get away before your actions came back to haunt you.
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signedaiko · 2 years
So, i've kinda been hyper fixed on spider-man recently, and I had a real cool idea! what if human!reader (mtmte, oneshot) is obsessed with the series as well, fave character is otto (just search him on google if you don't know who he is.) maybe the reader asks brainstorm to make them the same actuators he has? pretty please 🥺 👉👈
I kinda wanna see how some of the bots would react to the actuators in the oneshot if you do it
haha from SHARK
[Lost Light & Reader]
The reader is Human Female | MTMTE based | Platonic
Recommended Song - One More Time - Daft Punk
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It had been a very, very long time since you were able to watch some new, up-to-date media from your homeworld. It was hard to get considering the plethora of horrible things you might bring to earth if you tried to visit. But Swerve got this one for you. It was exceptional, considering you grew up watching the Spider-Man all the time. It was a little hard to think that you went from wishing you were more like a hero to being the hero after so many years. You had to wait until Friday for movie night, but it was so worth the wait! Just an hour ago it had finished! You would have gone to Brainstorm's lab sooner if you didn't interest yourself in a lengthy conversation about the movie itself with several attendees. A particular character piqued your interest, the one with the mechanical arms...actuators are what he called them! While Dr. Otto was more than morally gray, you still wanted to take a bit of inspiration from his design. You even sketched out a little design for them, something more your style for the scientist to use as reference. " Brainstorm? You there...? " You didn't bother knocking, strolling right into his well-lit laboratory to see if he was busy or not. The white and aqua bot turned to face you, holding a blow torch and what looked to be a fuel pump in each respective servo. It looked like he was just tempering with it. " Ah! I see you've come to marvel at my wonders? " Seemed he already had a hint about what you would ask considering his very 'clever' pun. The bot set down his instruments and shuffled closer, lifting you up to his desk before snatching your drawing from your hands- nearly ripping it in the process. Seems you wouldn't even have to ask; he was already standing in front of his workbench scribbling down some ideas as to how he might get them together. " Allow me to get your measurements, and then come back in an hour and 20 minutes. " When you came back at the exact time he stated, he seemed to be lounging around doing nothing. " I thought you said you'd have them done by now? " " Hm? Oh- yeah. I just wanted the extra minutes to take a catnap. It's over here. " Brainstorm played a smirk behind his mask at your gaping mouth. You shouldn't be surprised; he was constantly such a show-off. It took a couple minutes to get set up. It sat perfectly into the curve of your back, where a few cords were taped down to your body. The idea was that you could move them based on reflexes and thoughts by getting used to the muscle movements. And they worked beautifully. They were slimmer than in the movie, a matte black finish with your favourite colour shining through the lights. It was absolutely gorgeous. " Test them! " Brainstorm cut in from the silence, causing you to turn around in fear. You heard a loud thwack! Before the bot grabbed his face in pain. Your eyes were wide; the arm had just decked him! It worked!! " Oh! Thank you, Brainstorm!! Thank you, thank you!! You are a GENIUS! "Your hands laid flat on his cheeks, nuzzling your head into his mask. He seemed content enough with your praises and shooed you off into the halls. ~~~~~~~~~ It took a few minutes to adjust. Considering you were given no instructions or prior knowledge as to what movements and thoughts did what, you just had to feel it out. Soon you were using them to extend and open doors, then to help you walk, and eventually, you could move them in the same way Otto did in the movies! With some minor reaction time delays. Perhaps if you spent more time with them, your reaction time would adjust. It didn't take long for someone to walk into your testing. " Y/N? Are you okay? " You turned sharply to be met with Tailgate, who didn't seem alarmed by your new appendages. " Oh! Yeah, totally! I'm fantastic, actually! " You smiled, using one of the claws to pat his head jokingly, to which he swatted it away. " I didn't know humans could do this! You should come to show everyone! I was trying to invite you to Swerves since there's a bit of a party going on... " Instinctively
Tailgate went to pick you up and help you there, but you only launched forwards with him, keeping up pace due to the actuators. " We don't! Brainstorm made them for me, like the ones from the movie? " " Ahhh...I see! " This time, Tailgate had to pick up his own speed to match your pace, amazed at how quickly you adapted. You chatted about the movie, and he asked you some questions about the earth in turn. It was strange to think how little context they had for you and your home. You supposed it went the other way as well. For the first time in forever, you could open the door yourself. Tailgate thanked you for holding it open for you and instant found his way to Cyclonus, leaving you at the entrance. It wasn't really a party, just another end-of-the-week boom. " Since when did we decide to start matching? " Whirl was the first to call out to you from his spot, and you approached quickly as to pass all the optics now laid on you. Gasps of awe followed when your feet didn't even touch the ground. " What? Are you jealous of my claws now? " A teasing smile tugged its way to your lips, to which whirl squinted with his optic. " Absolutely, consider yourself lucky it's envy and not hatred " You knew he was joking, but a few nearby didn't think so. Those two included Chromedome and, of course, Rewind. Chromedome sat between you and Whirl while Rewind traced his servo along one of your actuators. " Talk about quick! I'm glad you liked the movie!" The minibot's optics smiled. You couldn't help but agree, nodding in return while using one of the free arms to poke his side. Many who watched came closer, curious about the contraption and how it worked. While you were bombarded about what you would use them for, a particular bot sat at the other side of the bar, recording the audio. Brainstorm was buzzing listening to the praises. He supposed he should use some of your ideas more often. For a second, your eyes met him, to which he gave a quick wink. Not even a chance rang by for you to react as more mechs closed in to bombard you further. You'd have to thank him more later.
Author Note - AYY SHARK!! Sorry, this is so late! I hope it still sparks joy :) I love Dr. Otto, so this was very amusing. Also!! U get ur own tag too
Word Count - 1,161
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Field Trips & Spider Bites 🕷 | T.M Spider-Man Series P.1
Prequel to ‘Quiet As A Cat, Sneaky As A Spider’
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Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Tobey!Peter Parker x female!reader/ Black Cat (eventual romantic), tobey!peter x Mary Jane Watson (only for S1), Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy, Eddie Brock, Norman Osborn, Otto Octavius, J. Jonah Jameson (pretty much every character from the Raimi trilogy)
Content warnings: slight profanity and description of spider bites. Light angst | Female reader (she/her) | 2k+ words
Premise: The start of the day was everything normal to Peter Parker. For him and best friend Harry Osborn, they along with their senior class get the opportunity to tour a science lab at Columbia University. Not only is his life completely altered forever, but he finally puts a name to a face who’s secretly admired him in the shadows for so long.
Note: Guys we’re finally here! It’s time for the prequel of my T.M!P.P No Way Home series! I’m so excited for this and hope you enjoy. I just rewatched Spider-Man 1 & 2 so I have everything planned for how those plots will go. Make sure to let me know if you wanna be added to the masterlist tag list for chapter updates!
“Hey! Stop the bus!!” It was not starting off a good morning for Midtown senior Peter Parker, “Hey, tell him to stop! Please!” He’s been chasing the school bus for what seemed like forever. Running late was not something he planned, but life happens. And boy did it have to be today of all days. “Hey! Stop the bus!”
Everyone on the bus was finding the situation the most hilarious thing they’d ever seen. Even the bus driver. Well, everyone except one person. “Stop the bus!” Mary Jane Watson was out of her seat, ignoring the annoyed look of her boyfriend Flash. “He’s been chasing us since Woodhaven boulevard.”
“Catch a cap, Parker!”
The crowd fell into defeated ‘awws’ when the bus came to a stop. “Thank you I’m sorry I’m late,” a crumbled paper was hitting Peters cheek the moment he stepped foot on. Laughter followed and Peter tried to ignore the redness in his face while he made his way along the aisle.
His attempts at sitting down whenever only one person was in a seat were unsuccessful. Even those who would be classified as nerdy unpopular geeks refused to sit by him.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“You’re so lame, Parker.”
It didn’t help that when he smiled at Mary Jane, someone made him trip. “Ah!” He yelped, face hitting the floor as laughter erupted around him. Yeah, it was going to be a long day.
“Midtown high seniors,” all the students gathered around the teacher chaperoning the trip. It was a beautiful day in New York which was perfect for their field trip to Columbia University. “No wandering, proceed direct-knock it off,” the teacher caught the ball one of Flashs buddies had been throwing. “Remember, it is a privilege to be here. We are guests of Columbia University’s Science Department. So behave accordingly.”
Peter had been one of the last to arrive after they had all been able to explore different areas of the campus. He took a spot in the back of the group. Not wanting to be up close with the others. When Peter stopped, he found himself freezing at how Mary Jane was staring in his direction. The small smile on her lips had him blushing. And when her hand went up in a wave, Peters grin widened—his own hand coming up to return it.
Unfortunately for the boy, she wasn’t waving at him.
Because when he heard “M.J” directly behind him, Peters hand was left still realizing her attention was on her friends approaching. Not him. “Where were you?” She asked the two girls, giggling softly. “Checking out the library.” “Looking at books.” “Yeah, right,” MJ laughed along with them.
A disappointed sigh fell from Peter, moving to cross the street with the group. A car had approached, but he didn’t pay any mind to it until the door was heard closing followed by a, “Pete!”
“Hiya, Harry,” he greeted his best friend with a smile. Harry’s hand came up to pat him on the back, the two turning around to join everyone but where stopped by another person calling, “Harry!” They both turned around to find a man walking up with a backpack in his hand.
“Won’t you be needing this.”
Harry took the backpack, “Thank’s dad.” Peter straighten up a bit. He’d never met Harrys dad since they became friends, Harry was very short when it came to talking about home life and his parents. “Umm. Peter, may I introduce my father, Norman Osborn.”
“Heard so much about you,” Norman stepped forward to shake Peters hand. The teen smiled back, returning the gesture.
“Big honor to meet you, sir.”
“Harry tells me you’re quite the science wiz,” Norman spoke with a delighted tonel “You know, I’m something of a scientist myself.”
Peter nodded, “I read all your research on nanotechnology. Really brilliant.” Norman was pleased to hear the compliment.
“You understood it?”
“Yes, I wrote a paper on it.”
“Impressive,” Norman beamed, eyes flicking at Harry briefly. “Your parents must be very proud.”
“Uh-I live with my aunt and uncle—they are proud.”
By now their teacher had caught them, not pleased to see they weren’t with the group. “Hey you two! Let’s move!”
Peter extended his hand once more to Norman after glancing over his shoulder. “Nice to meet you.”
Norman shakes his hand, replying, “hope to see you again.” They pull away with Peter agreeing before the man looks at his son one last time, “Remember, while you’re here if you run into—.”
Harry waves a hand, “I know—I know. To tell her you finished the letter of recommendation and the transfer was approved.” Norman only nods, satisfied and Harry takes the opportunity to gesture Peter away.
Peter leans a bit when they are several feet away, “Well that wasn’t so bad.”
“Yeah not if you’re a genius,” Harry emphasizes, pulling on the straps of his bag around his shoulders. “I think he wants to adopt you.”
He only laughs, shaking his head before a curious expression takes over, “Who were you two talking about?” Harry gives him a shrug as they started climbing the steps.
“Oh I just have to pass a word on to one of his old interns—she’s being referred to one of his colleagues.” Peter makes a face.
“Ans she’ll be here today?”
Harry nods and then shrugs just as they approach the group. “Maybe. She goes here and volunteers in the labs. Wouldn’t be surprised.”
“Who—?” Before Peter could finish his question, the teacher is hauling them into the building. Their tour guide is one of the professors who works in the department. After some introductions the group is guided through the building before ultimately landing in one of the research labs housing arachnids.
“There are over thirty-two thousand known species of spider in the world,” she announces, leading the group through the doors and into the middle of the facility. “They are in the order ‘Araneae,’ which is divided into three—.”
“Wow,” Peter says beside Harry in awe, “That’s amazing. This is the most advanced electron microscope on the eastern seaboard. It’s unreal.” Eyes wonder over the object, all while Harry just gives him a look.
“Wow,” he hums, albeit sarcasm.
Not too far from Peter, Mary Jane becomes annoyed when Flash tries to get all lovie dovie with her. “Ahh c’mon—,” she stops short when she notices Peter looking at her. He quickly turns away, flustered from being caught. Mary Jane moves behind him to the opposite side, and Peter finds himself in the front directly opposite of the tour guide.
She was explaining the spices of the spider contained beside her. “For example, the Delena spider—family Sparassidae, has the ability to jump to catch its prey.”
Peter gets his camera out, shyly asking, “For the school paper?” He gestures to the spider with his camera. The woman nods allowing so. As Peter goes to take the picture, focusing the lens on the arachnid sitting still, Flash being the asshole he is purposely bumps into Peter. His finger hits the clicker, but thanks to Flash he misses the spider.
Peter glares at the three who laugh, and they push him into the direction the tour guide was heading. “Next, the neb web spider. Family Phyxelididae, genus Kulukinia. It spins an intricate funnel-shaped web whose strands have a tensile strength proportionately equal to the type of high tension wire….” Peter again tries to capture a photo, but one of Flashs’ goons bumps into him again.
“Leave him alone,” Harry cuts in.
“Or what?”
“Or his father while fire your father,” Flash mocks from beside Harry while his buddies high five. His hand comes up to Harrys backpack strap, “What’s daddy gonna do? Sue me?”
This time it’s the teacher who steps in. “What is going on?” He scolds, glancing at each of them with disapproval. “The next person who talks will fail this course. I kid you not.” The tour guide speaks again and the man motions for them to follow, “Let’s go.”
The five begin to move, Harry and Peter being the first with the rest following behind.
“This grass spider hunts using a set of reflexes using nerve conduction velocity so fast that some researchers believe it almost borders on precognition, and earns awareness of danger.”
“Those guys are jerks,” Peter whispered under his breath.
The tour guide finishes with, “A spider sense.”
Instead of joining the group, Peter and Harry walk forward to a different table with spiders. “Hey look at that spider,” Harry points to the glass with his paper.
“Some spiders change colors to blend into their environment,” Peter explains. “It’s a defense mechanism.”
“Peter,” Harry lightly groans, “What makes you think I’d want to know that?” Peters mouth falls into a pout.
“Who wouldn’t?”
Little did the two know, they had a shadow. And she was watching them closely with a smirk on her lips.
The group continues making their way through the research lab. Spitting facts like no tomorrow, the tour guides voice carries in an echo. While she informs them of Columbia’s genetic reseach on the spiders, Harry nudges Peter to MJ who was alone.
“You get to talk to her now?”
Peter gives a nervous laugh like the suggestion was unheard of. “No, c’mon.”
“You talk to her.” Peter didn’t think Harry would take him serious, but he was wrong. Harry gives a shrug and starts walking to MJ standing in the front in front of a table with fifteen tiny glass cubicles.
“Disgusting,” she says though smiling.
“Yeah hateful little things,” Harry agrees, making her glance at him briefly.
“I love them.”
He’s surprised for a second by her words but brushes it off. “Yeah me too,” his sudden agreement had her give a look. Peter gets closer so he’s directly behind Harry. And that’s when he hears his best friend repeat his earlier words. “You know, spiders can change their color to blend into their environment.”
“Really?” MJ asks, seemingly impressed with the fact.
“Yeah,” Harry replies, “I’d say it’s a defense mechanism.”
Peter is practically frozen still, both in amazement and disappointment by how easily Harry managed to impress MJ like that. With his science facts nonetheless.
The two share a look, and Peters slumps. The tour guides words are barely audible in his ears, having lost the excitement by everything. There’s movement in his peripheral vision, followed by a low giggle—like how one is trying not to laugh, but fails and tries to keep it quiet.
“Well that wasn’t very ‘bro code’ of him. Right?”
The voice to his right has Peter turning his head, only to be met with the side profile of a girl with Y/H/C in a lab coat holding a clipboard. Peter could see her smirking, looking directly at Harry and MJ. “Uhh—um,” he didn’t know how to respond, especially when she faced him.
Peter was frozen at the sight of her sparkling Y/E/C eyes staring back at him. A little shorter than him, even with the boots Peter noticed she was wearing to go with her beige colored button up and dark pants. She was absolutely gorgeous, rivaling that of Mary Janes.
And when she smiled, Peter felt like the air had left his body. Wow she was stunning—too stunning to be giving him any kind of attention. There was no way a beautiful girl like her would talk to him, but here she was smiling at Peter. Not caring about anyone else around.
“You should’ve taken your chance when you had it,” she whispered, leaning a bit. When Peter looked confused, she nodded to his best friend and crush, making his face flush wit red at the fact she had heard the whole interaction between him and Harry. That’s when she giggled again, making him more flustered.
By then he couldn’t even hear what the tour guide was saying. It was all muffled. Only Peter could hear the sound of her giggle, and felt a sensation flowing through his veins.
There was something familiar about her. Peter couldn’t quite think of where he remembered her, but part of him thought he used to see her at school. Not only that, but when he thought back to one of Harrys parties during the summer her face also flashed in his mind.
“Cat got your tongue, Parker?” She whispered without looking when he still hadn’t said anything. Now his expression became more confused. She knew him?
“How—?” She motioned for him to be quiet, pointing to the lady when she noticed the chaperone had glanced at them. Peter quickly followed her instruction.
“—from RNA to encode an entirely new genome, combined genetic information from all three spiders into these fifteen genetically designed super-spiders.”
“There’s fourteen,” Mary Jane interrupted after noticing one of the cubicles was empty. Peter noticed the girl next to him tilt her head. The tour guide also appeared concerned.
“I beg your pardon?”
Mary Jane lifted a finger to the empty container, “One’s missing.” The professor maneuvered around the table to get a better look. Sure enough, the one cubicle was empty.
“Huh,” she said lowly, “I guess the researchers are working on that one.” It’s then she noticed the girl beside Peter, raising a brow at her. “Miss. L/N, did anyone say they’d be taking one of the spiders this morning for further observation?”
‘L/n,’ Peter thoughts, ‘why does that sound familiar?’
The girl straightened, flipping through the stack of papers on her clipboard before shaking her head. That’s when Peter spots the intern badge clipped to the right chest portion of her coat. “Not to my knowledge, ma’am. But I will speak with Dr. Hoffman to confirm or deny if they are.” The woman nods to her, motioning for the group to follow to the next showcase.
Meanwhile Harry tries chatting up more with Mary Jane, “Did you know this is the largest electron microscope on the eastern seaboard?” Peter frowns, which seems to humor the girl again—although she looks a little sympathetic for him. Unfortunately for Harry, the teacher comes to his side before Mary Jane could reply.
“You were talking throughout that woman’s entire presentation,” Harry makes a face to MJ causing her to giggle. “Let’s go talk about how we listen.”
The intern suddenly steps forward, “actually, sir,” he stops pulling Harry and turns to her, Peter noticing the hopeful look of his friend. “Do you mind if I have a quick word with Mr. Osborn? It will only be a moment—I promise it won’t hold your group up.”
The teacher was hesitant, brows furrowing as he looked between Harry and then intern. They all wait as a few seconds tick by before the man lets go of Harry/ “Very well,” he sighs then points with a serious expression, “but not too long.”
“Of course, sir.”
Harry moves to Peter and the girl while the teacher motions for Mary Jane. “C’mon, Miss. Watson.” The redhead slumps her shoulders, giving one last glance to both Harry and Peter—letting it linger on Harry a bit longer. She follows the teacher, letting the three left on their own.
The girl gives a playful nudge to Harry, “And once again here I am to save your ass, Osborn.” She places the clipboard on the table before crossing her arms, “Are you ever going to learn?”
“Where’s the fun in that, Y/n?” Harry shrugs while smirking. While she scoffs, Peter repeats the name in his head.
‘Y/n. Y/n? Y/n L/n?’
‘Oh!’ He shouted in his mind, realizing who she was. He hadn’t recognized her at first, given they had never interacted before. But Peter remembered seeing her in the halls at school and mentioned by name a few times from Harry.
This was the first time ever speaking with her. Well she did most of the talking. He just stood there like a fish out of water.
Y/n L/n was a year older than the two—having graduated from Midtown High School the previous May before attending Columbia University as a double major in Biology and Physics. He wasn’t surprised she was at the prestigious university. Y/n had been recognized as Salutatorian of her graduating class—finishing at #2 behind her academic rival the entire time she was at Midtown. Word on the street is she got a full ride.
Not only was she incredible smart, but Y/n was very beautiful. It was surprising she wasn’t as popular as someone like Mary Jane or Flash—but Y/n wasn’t part of social circles in school. They didn’t interest her and she preferred to stick to herself. While most kids wanted to go to parties and football games on Friday nights, Y/n was at home.
At lunch she would be in either one of the science labs or the art classroom. Not many people were her friend, but those who interacted with her would describe Y/n as kind, funny, and reserved—that’s if they hadn’t pissed her off. Those who were unfortunate by doing so would have a more….opposite opinion.
It didn’t help that people talked in school. It’s no wonder she was very reserved about her private life—especially with how gossip spread like wildfire. Peter didn’t pay attention to it, but on occasion he would hear it in passing.
During his sophomore year—Y/n would have been a junior—Peter was at his locker putting books away when he overheard some girls talking about Y/n. He tried not to ignore them, but they weren’t exactly whispering. “How do you know it was her dad?” One of them asked while applying lipgloss. Her friend flipped blonde hair over her shoulder with a scoff, “Because my dad is a cop, Tabby, and was the one who arrested him.”
“That’s sad,” the third girl hummed, “think Y/n and her mom will move out of here or something?”
“Doubt it,” the blonde said with a light laugh—like she was finding the situation amusing. “They moved here from Flushing—apparently because her dad had already been in prison before. Her mom works at a clothing store so I don’t think they’ll have the funds to be getting out of Queens anytime soon.”
Peter quickly grabbed his books, closing his locker with a firm shut. He didn’t feel comfortable hearing private stuff about someone he didn’t know. Y/n was only a name to him at the time. So the next year when Peter met her eye as they passed in the school hallway, he didn’t know it was her. He had looked away before she even had the chance to smile at him.
Now here Y/n was next to him. Smiling at him like she wanted to that day in school. And apparently she and Harry were well acquainted.
“You know, Harry,” her tsksing brought Peter out of his thoughts, becoming flustered when he realized he had been staring at Y/n a good minute. If she noticed then Y/n was being silent about it. “—using the facts your friend gave you to chat up the pretty redhead is not cool.”
Peter went red again when she winked at him, Harry scoffing. “Yeah well it’s not cool to eavesdrop.” She only rolled her eyes.
“Please, anyone could hear you.”
“Whatever,” Harry mumbled, adjusting his backpack. “Thanks, Y/n.” Though annoyed, Harry was glad to get out of being lectured about whatever the teacher had planned for him.
“Yeah no problem,” she chuckled, “try to stay out of trouble the rest of the day.” She let her eyes drift to Peter, who was still silent from the whole interaction. “Nice to finally meet you, Peter.”
“Uhh—yeah, n-nice to meet you too,” He stuttered out. “Y-Y/n, right?”
She nodded with a smile, “Yes, I’m Y/n.” She extends a hand, Peter going to shake it but the two both flinch when there’s a light shock when they make contact.
Peter goes red, “S-sorry!”
Y/n only laughs, ignoring the slight feeling of warmth in her chest, “It’s alright. Happens all the time.” She pauses before changing the subject, “Harry talks about you all the time when I come by the house. I also saw you at one of his parties this summer, but I left early before I could introduce myself.” Y/n gives a shrug before adding, “not really my forte, you know.” What she left out was how she always found him adorable—admiring from afar even though his attentions were on Mary Jane.
“No-no I get it,” Peter nodded. “They’re not mine either—Harry though forces me to go.” She giggles which surprises Peter. He’d never made a girl smile at him, let alone laugh.
“Well next time we’ll have to find each other,” she suggests. “Then you can tell me some of your science facts without having Harry here steal the thunder.”
Did she just flirt with him?
Peter was speechless, “U-Umm, y-yeah—da—I-I guess.”
“Anyway,” Harry cuts in, causing them both to turn to him. Peter was slightly flustered where Y/n wasn’t. In fact she looked pretty amused. “We better get going before we’re both in detention.” His eyes went from Peter back to Y/n, “by the way my Dad wanted me to tell you he finished the letter.”
Y/ns eyes widened with hope, “He did? And do you know if—.”
“Yes,” Harry said before she could finish, “it’s been approved. If you want to know the details then call my dad—anytime you know since he will always answer the phone for you.”
There was an excitement clap from Y/n. She was practically bouncing on her heels. “Ah I can’t wait!”
“Yeah—yeah, congrats,” Harry told her, “just continue being the daughter my dad wishes he had instead of me.” Y/ns eyes narrowed—all excitement gone. It was a chilling look and Peter was taken aback by how quick she had changed up.
“Don’t start, Harry. We’ve been over this.”
“Sorry,” he didn’t sound sorry, “force of habit.”
Y/n scoffed, taking her clipboard back in her hand, “well why don’t you work on it. I have enough self-deprecating thoughts of my own—I don’t need yours.” She shakes her head at Harry before glancing at Peter, this time with a kind expression. It again surprised him. “It was lovely to finally make your acquaintance, Peter. I hope it’s not the last.”
“Yeah—yeah you too,” he smiled back at her, hoping he didn’t look goofy. Y/n flustered him one last time with a wink, casting a knowing look to Harry before spinning on her heel. Peter watches her go in a daze. For a splint second, everything about Mary Jane was gone from his head—Y/n taking over the fuzzy feeling he had.
Unaware to the three, a tiny red and blue spider had been spinning a web right above them.
Seeing an opportunity to take a picture without being interrupted, Peter took out his camera—ignoring the annoyed look from Harry who headed back in the direction of the group. Peter snapped a few pictures, stepping back to lean against a column beside a screen projection.
Refocusing the imagine, Peter couldn’t help but move the camera slightly to the left so Y/n would be in the background. Peter knew it was creepy, but he needed photos and she happened to be right there. Suddenly he froze when she happened to turn in his direction, locking her eyes on the camera.
He nearly dropped the camera, horrified and embarrassed, but relaxed a bit when he noticed her smirking. Y/n winked at Peter, giggling at the sight of his blushing face and motioning for him to continue. A sigh of relief left his lips, going back to taking photos. He felt a smile on his lips when she occasionally looked back to make a face as he snapped the photo. Some she gave a little pose—like a thumbs up behind her colleges before she was eventually pulled away.
Peter was too occupied, grinning like a fool and didn’t notice a tiny spider descending directly above him. The insect landed on his finger, crawling to the edge by his thumb. It was when Peter pulled the camera away after Y/n walked away that he felt a prick causing him to jump to the side.
The spider flung to the ground, Peters eyes falling to it as it scurried away. When it left his sight, Peter brought his hand up to inspect the bite. It was red and irritated with two little holes indicating where the pinchers pierced his skin.
“Parker?” He heard the teacher call for him, making him glance up briefly. Peter continued to look at the bite while walking away, by passing the screen behind him which showed how the DNA from three spiders had been put together to construct a new genome. Therefore a new species stronger than any other spider in the world with abilities combined made them superior in every sense.
Peter Parkers life was about to be changed forever. But he wasn’t the only one.
Two other lives were changed that day.
Things were about to get out of hand for the city of New York.
Tag list: @todaywasafairytale07, @r0bynsblogins (honey for some reason you’re not showing up :( ), @edgycatx, @andrewgarfieldsloml
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