#even tho hes probably gonna go back to being younger again it still doesnt sit right w me
erros429 · 1 year
im the kind of jaune stan that both really likes his character and also thinks there’s too much of him in the show jkhfsakjhfash idk how to explain it
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charkyzombicorn · 3 years
Okay but what if luffy got his devil fruit a bit younger? Like he was 4ish when shanks brought it. Garp gets pissy earlier and decides to tie some balloons to his grandson and let the sky handle him while he makes arrangements with dadan.
But then it's a particularly bad day for luffy, and a strong wind carried him away from his island, he ends up falling right into one of the newer slave trader's ships and well fuck. He tried to fight them off but one of them has a collar with sea stone that the big boss person gives to every ship, even the smaller ones. So now luffy's fucked.
Since he's got a devil fruit, he's taken to the big boss child slave distributor asshole (put that on a business card) and then eventually gets taken to judge, because of course that dickhead would buy superpowered children. Judge gets him purely because rubber boy can take a hell of a walloping and also is stronger than the average four year old.
The vinsmoke brats and Sanji end up being pitted against Luffy and luffy does not win, but he doesnt die either so that's a plus. Sanji hates beating up a four year old, his brothers seem to love being able to punch something as much as they want without them being taken away or dying.
Luffy ends up learning how to fight by force, and eventually he's dubbed Sanji's fighting partner since they're both the weakest, which sucks because if sanji loses he gets locked up and if luffy loses then judge gives the other three brothers sharp objects and free time with luffy
Eventually luffy befriends sanji because of course he does, and loving food as much as he does he becomes the taste tester for sanji's cooking endeavors, and sometimes luffy manages to limp away to talk to sanji when he's in his cell.
When they escape, they escape together, and sanji becomes a bus boy and luffy just carries shit because he cant really do anything else but he could deadlift a ship at 10 so hey
When the attack happens, sanji's trying to save luffy, but zeff has to save him. Sanji sits on that rock almost certain that luffy's dead.
Luffy didn't die tho, because no, and he got saved, idk how, this is a writing prompt u figure it out, and they end up growing up apart for a bit after that. Luffy doesn't find his island again, but he does a bit of bounty hunting to get by and ends up making a name for himself because apparently his 'training' with the vinsmokes was a little more brutal than he thought.
Sanji works hard, he feels he owes a debt to both zeff and luffy, both of which helped him in some of his worse moments, and ends up a bit more edgy than in canon because he thinks his only friend is dead (push him to the edge🎶)
But then luffy gets blamed for something that was only really half his fault and half the random bandit he was fighting's fault, and he ends up with a bounty. It isn't a big one, just about 10000 berri, he kinda destroyed a bit more marine property than is recommended. But then sanji sees the bounty in the paper and he doesnt know if he should be glad his friend is alive or angry that luffy let him think he was dead.
But then luffy comes to the baratie when hes about 15-16, and then he sees sanji again and now he's super fuckin happy because how would luffy know sanji was alive?? They both came to the conclusion of mutual misunderstanding and lack of information after a bit of angst, because its sanji and luffy. But they get over it because they were both on the bottom end of the vinsmoke hellhole and does it really matter when they're reunited?
Zeff let's luffy steal sanji because it's been over a decade but luffy still wants to be the motherfuckin king, okay? And sanji's gonna be the cook for the pirate king and find the all blue because
Sanji becomes luffy's first mate and then start a sailing. Luffy attracts friends like a magnet, they get usopp next, and luffy kills kuro because luffy isn't as not-killerish as he is in canon because tragic backstory and if you leave a kid alone to be a bounty hunter long enough with only their own brain to make the morals, what do you expect will happen? Usopp joins because 'UwU piwate' is his opinion on the matter
They get nami, and sanji's a bit more chill than in canon because growing up with a guy that was also nice along with his sister and mother had a bit of an impact. He's still a bit if a french goth and treats nami better than other people but he isn't being a douche about a lady fighting or making faces quite as stupid.
Zoro joins but Does Not like sanji, which is mutual but luffy likes him so sanji must deal. They make their way toward the grand line, going back to the baratie, or what's left of it.
Sanji gets another thick layer of angst learning that while he was gone, don krieg destroyed the ship trying to steal it, and then they go to find don krieg, postponing grand line for a hot second because luffy wont leave until he gets to personally kick the ass of whoever made his cook so extra angsty, and sanji seconds that.
They find don krieg in Cocoyashi island, after crashing there with his broke ass ship. They fight him, the ruckus brings out arlong before Nami can attempt to lie to save them.
Sanji gets off one angst and gets it replaced with another when he can barely do shit because he was cooking all this time and is no longer as strong as luffy, who was only really working on fighting. Luffy almost dies because he has to fight both those shitheads back to back, but he wins.
Sanji starts getting more aggressive with zoro, and zoro only stays because he saw the fight and respects his captain, but that's a bit of a loose thing, ready to snap with a wrong move. Or maybe zoro leaves because he needed that fight with mihawk to realise this was serious and he was a pirate now, to each their own.
They stay in the east blue a little longer because luffy nearly died and they dont have a doctor, but he's fine. Sanji gets more guilt tho because that's how he is, and starts treating luffy nicer, which leads to luffy instigating a fight between the two of them because luffy wont swallow that shit. It helps things because violence is sometimes the answer
They head to the grand line, up reverse mountain, meet the whale, the whole shebang. Sanji might catch feels by this point because honestly who wouldn't?
Nami gets sick, and luffy doesn't know how to deal with that because back when he was being carted around with a sea stone collar and 30 other starving children, they just shot the ones that got sick. Ptsd time and guess who gets to help because zoro isn't first mate/here? Sanji! Which definitely puts things into perspective because for as long as he'd known him, luffy's tried his hardest to make sanji smile, and keep him company, even though after being bought luffy's only purpose was to be a stepping stone in sanji's development. So sanji finally being smacked across the face with the brunt of bottled up traumatized child luffy, he needs a fuckin smoke.
They find drum island and then same shit as canon, except it hits a bit harder with luffy carrying a dying nami and a heavily injured sanji up sheer rock because that's the only person that luffy had when shit got rough that he's holding between his teeth.
When sanji wakes up he probably notices how injured luffy is and can estimate the ringer he's been through because Sanji had to personally find out how luffy's healing factor worked because he was a good fraction of the reason luffy needed to heal so much.
They acquire a chopper :3
This is getting long and it's pretty much the end of my idea, sorry for the long informal post.
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bakugousbabygirl · 4 years
Toxic Aizawa Headcannons
genre: angst i guess?
pairings: aizawa x fem!reader
cw: || cheating || jealousy || cursing || manipulation || overall toxicity ||
A/N: this is kinda short, but i might do more of these and make them longer and add scenarios at the end. idk
• he's a scorpio.....that shit is toxic enough on it's own lmao
• but fr everyone seems to have this image he's a patient caring man and i mean he is, with his students
• but you? no
• you're an adult, you should just GET things but you don't which frustrates him beyond belief
• you're his partner, not his student he shouldnt have to baby you
• i also feel like aizawa has a thing for younger women, he's 31 and he likes his women in their early to mid 20's
• i feel like that isn't inherently toxic but the way he uses your younger age against you most definitely is
• when you get in an argument he throws it in you face calling you childish and stating how he should've just dated someone his own damn age
• shota definitely prioritizes his job over you, will stay out late at night patrolling. he will stand you up on dates to go to hero meeting and even be gone for weeks on missions without contacting you
• luckily toshinori and hizashi are nice men knowing how their colleague and friend is so they send you updates about him to keep your mind at ease
• this causes a lot of fights. he questions you on why you're talking to his friends, he wants you to stay out of his personal life. you try to rationalize with him that you are apart of his personal life and needs to start acting like it. if he's gonna be gone for long you tell him the least he could do is give you a heads up
• he argues back that you should just KNOW if he hasn't shown up he's gone for hero work and should be content with that. he tells you that you KNOW what you were signing up for when you started dating so why are you trippin now.
• he never yells but his tone becomes really harsh and his words cut like blades tearing you apart cutting you down until you feel so belittled that your argument isnt worth it anymore making you grow quiet
• he'll glare at you and make a few snide remarks before leaving like a upset father after scolding his daughter
• definitely avoids you afterwards, i mean he doesnt come home for a solid 2 weeks after and you dont get any updates from hizashi and toshinori because he told them to but out of his business
• when he comes back he pretends as if nothing ever happened, he already said what he had to say. why rehash it? and if you're really still hurt it's just gonna reinforce the fact he thinks you're childish and thinks he should've dated someone his own age
• speaking of people your own age if he catches you texting or hanging out with a guy your age he's gonna be pissed
• "what am i not good enough for you, you think i'm too old or something!?"
• like no bruh we were just having a friendly conversation what's your deal, PLEASE get over whatever complex you have dude
• I feel like aizawa would definitely judge the way you dress lmao
• with alternative fashion coming back in style you have a stab at it and start dressing like an e-girl because it's the easiest look to manage
• aizawa laughs his ass off at you saying how that isn't true alternative fashion and calls you a poser
• yeah yeah aizawa is a fuckin gate keeper, you can't tell me he wasn't emo back in the day
• tells you to change and never dress up like that again because it makes you look like some cheap cam girl
• if you ever try to walk away when hes scolding you he will use his scarf to tie you up making you sit down and admit you're wrong
• he's the type to stress that communication is key but doesn't communicate himself
• its more like he talks and you listen if you haven't gotten that by now
• he refuses to open up to you and keeps you 100% separated from his work and personal life
• probably makes fun of your trauma, nothing too fucked up like if your parents are dead or anything. hes not that much of a douche, but if its something like your sister use to lock you in the dark cold cellar at night and told you a monster was gonna get you he'd definitely laugh
• would even go as far as locking you in the basement closet to see how you'd react
• also gaslight you using your age against you saying how he knows more because he's older
• wanna start this off by saying aizawa is defo cheating on you with midnight lmao take that how you want but he is
• when you catch him he just says it's not that serious and it just happened because they have history together and shes more mature and experienced. he said it wont happen again so why cant you get over it, stop being so childish
• i have a feeling he'd probably complain about how annoying you are to her during pillow talk 😹😹
• he's the type to keep a straight face when you're giving him sloppy toppy to give the illusion that you're underperforming and can't satisfy him but in reality his toes are curling and he's doing his best to hold back his moans because your head game is out of this world
• definitely is the dominant one and he'd laugh in your face at even the slightest mention of you taking over ( he does let midnight dom him tho😒)
• it was this one time where you asked could you ride him so he allowed it, you got on top of him and just when you were getting into the groove of it he rolled his eyes flipped you over and growled in your ear saying to never waste his time like that again
• when you try to initiate sex with him laughs at your cute efforts of trying to seduce him saying he's too old for that stuff to be appealing to him
• he'd use sex to take out all his frustrations on you
• it seems hot but not the way he does it, he'll have you in his lap infront of a mirror as he pounds into you while degrading you
• it starts off cute and light with just calling you things like his pathetic kitten but then the insults start getting a little too real saying how he could go find a better girl with a cunt just as tight as yours who doesn't annoy him and how you're such a bitch and you can't nag at him now that you're stuffed with his cock
• yeah needless to say you start crying and hit his ass with the safe word making him stop and he just rolls his eyes and mutters to himself about how the younger generation is so sensitive and kinda just....leaves you there to mope
• also yeah theres never any aftercare even after particularly rough scenes like that he just showers then goes to bed and expects you to do the same
• and it's not like he doesn't know with aftercare is, i mean he's banging midnight our bdsm queen he knows what aftercare is but just doesn't see you as important enough to be that intimate with
• if you do something that turns him off during the middle of sex and kinda just pushes you off of him and goes to sleep on the couch and won't have sex with you for a while
• drags himself at all types of late nights and early mornings crawling into bed with you whole you're still sleep and kisses you're shoulder saying to himself outloud "i'll do right by you one day"
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chubbyjungkook · 3 years
Maybe i like it
It was a winter evening where Jungkook and his mother were waiting for Jungkook's childhood best friend and his crush  .Jimin had moved to Seoul since he was a teenager leaving jungkook in busan , they kept in touch after that so much year . Jungkook was moving with jimin after being accepted in university and jimin offered to move to his flat .
Jimin arrives running , even though they videocall pretty often jungkook couldn't help but staring at jimin's face , he always thought jimin was handsome but now he looks gorgeous . 
"I'm sorry for being late , the traffic was terrible , good evening jungkookie and mrs. Jeon '' he bowed and smile warmly at them 
"Oh god , jimin you change a lot since the last time i saw you , you are all grown up " mrs. Jeon chuckle while looking at jimin
"We both did , it's been so long since jimin hyung left "jungkook say the last part with a really fake sad tone making jimin laugh as he brush the younger's hair 
" well , just come here to leave jungkookie and my train leaves in 20 minutes " she sigh turning back to his son and hugging him tightly , jungkook hugged her back " Please jungkookie take care,ok ? Don't skip meals and sleep early , ok ? And don't forget to call home often " 
"I will mom , don't worry " his mom pull away from the hug and look at him grabbing his hand " I let jungkook come to seoul because i know you are going to take care of him and if you can try to put some meat on his bones , no matter how hard i try to tell him to stop exercising so much and skipping meals he just ignore me he is really stubborn " she laugh seeing her son look indignant expression 
"I'm not stubborn , mom ! " he pouts, offended , jimin laughs, " don't worry mrs. Jeon i will take care care of him and make sure he eats well " 
After Jungkook's mom left , Jimin helped the younger with his luggage as they looked for a taxi talking about things and how excited Jungkook was about his first day . The journey was really short when they arrive they were really tired 
"Oh man , i'm so tired " he yawns while sitting in the sofa " i can show you your room so you can unpack your things and get comfy " jungkook nodded taking his luggage with him , the room was clean and warm " this room look so comfy hyung " jimin smile at him " im glad you like it , im gonna order some food im sure you are hungry i call you when it arrives " jungkook hummed as he started unpacking his clothes 
Jungkook unpacked some all of his clothes and change his jeans into some sweatpants and a oversized black t-shirt , he went to the living room and jimin was putting the food on the coffee table 
"Oh jungkookie , i was about to call you to have dinner come on sit down " jungkook did at he was told while looking at all the food 
"Hyung isn't it a bit too much for just the two of us ?" There was a lot of food in the coffee table : 3 boxes of pizza,chips,chicken and coke its was a lot for just two people 
" I got a good discount , we can save what we can't finish for tomorrow, '' he answered softly. Jungkook shrugged satisfied with the older man's answer , he grabbed a slice of pizza and shoved it in his mouth , they were watching a film while eating .
When he movie was ending , jungkook squirmed uncomfortable he was so focused on the movie that he doesn't realize he had eaten almost all the food , there was still some slices of the last pizza and some coke in the coffee table and a lot of wrapped too 
" you can have the rest of the pizza if you want " jimin say as he push the box closer to the younger  
"You don't want it ? I'm full hyung " jungkook rub his swollen tummy trying to ease the pressure on his stomach 
"Nah , im full too " he lied , in fact  he just ate two slices of pizza and some coke " but you have a big appetite , i'm sure you can't fit the rest of the food in there " he poked jungkook's tummy , laughing when he saw the younger's cheeks blushed 
Jungkook  grab the slice of pizza and start eating it when he finish the rest of the pizza he was lean back in the sofa , his belly was really swollen and it hurts , the waistline of his sweatpant were cutting painfully into his tummy, he whined in discomfort , he feel like he was gonna pop , he try to rub his belly to stop the discomfort even tho it didn't help that much . 
"Are you ok , kookie ?? " when jungkook see his hyung face , his eyes were full of concern 
"I-i just eat t-too much "he blushed fuck he doesnt even know who he managed that much his belly groan in discomfort 
“oh kookie ...do you want me to help ?” Jungkook doesn't know how jimin would help him but he nodded , jimin lift him and put him on his lap and started rubbing his belly. The older´s hands feel good  easing the pain. He closed his eyes on pleasure ? 
He suddenly burped loudly when Jimin pressed a hard spot on his belly . His cheeks blushed too embarrassed to look at his hyung , he would probably be disgusted but jimin unbothered continued rubbing his belly he burped a few more times when the pressure on his gut stopped and it became a warm and enjoyable sensation it was confused but he really enjoyed it .
" do you feel better, Kookie ? " jimin ask on a soft tone his thumb tracing back and forth gently
" y-yeah , thank you hyung" he try tried to avoid his voice from being shaky, failing pathetically
"How about you go and rest ? I can't clean all of this don't worry " his soft expression towards him , he gets up and helps jungkook to get up too 
" ok , thanks hyung , good night " he smile softly at him 
" night kookie "he waved smiling him back 
Jungkook waddled slowly to his room ,he changed into his pajamas and he saw himself in the mirror looking at his swallow belly. He pressed his finger on it , it was still kinda hard from all the food . Fuck he had really overdid it , he had never eating so much and the thing that freak him out the most was the fact that he actually enjoy it , the warm feeling on his middle was almost pleasurable . He shakes his thought off and lying on his bed rubbing his belly until he feel asleep 
The following weeks Jimin made sure Jungkook was being well-feed , making sure that he always had food near him and after all of those weeks of indulging some chances were seen on the younger's body .He had gain a noticeable amount of weight on this time , his adbs melted on a proud belly , his once muscular thighs were now thicker , rubbing each other when he walk , his cheeks had get chubbier making him look cute . Also his appetite had grow and jimin make sure he handle him some snack while he was doing homework 
Jungkook wasn't blind about his obvious weight gain which at the beginning was surprising since in his whole life he was fit but suddenly he gain so much weight but then he realized maybe he like how softer he had gotten or how much he liked the pleasure feeling when he is stuff to the brim
But jimin was also liking the younger´s changes , he had always been touchy with  jungkook but lately he couldn't stop himself from hugging or touching discretely his tights or just pinching his cheeks , he was just so cute and sexy for his own sake 
That morning jungkook had a class in the afternoon and he was currently struggling to pass his jeans from his knees ,getting out breath just by the small action but he finally manage to do so but now he had a new problem his plush tummy was getting on the way making it difficult to button his jeans , he sighs loudly as he started trying to button it when he hear the older knock the door 
"Come in " he answer as he continue trying to button the jeans 
"Kookie , are you ok ? "He ask in concern as his cheeks blushed at the younger on a way too tight jeans and his tummy making it hard to close them 
"Yeah , i'm just trying to close this jeans but it's so difficult " he mumbled as he sighs again 
"Can i help you , kookie ? " he says as he got closer to the younger as he saw jungkook nod " suck your belly in , it might more easier that way "the younger did was he was told struggling a bit but the older notice so he button the younger's jeans as quickly as he can watching the younger smile 
" Thanks for helping me hyung " he smiles trying to ignore how tight his pants feel as he sits down on his bed to put his shoes on when he hears a loud pop , he looks down realizing that he had popped the button making him blush madly feeling amazed about the fact that he got fat enough to pop a button but at the same way he feeling scared that the older feel disgusted by him  . 
The older eyes widened as his cheeks blushed too realizing how much weight jungkook had gain that he popped a button , there was a pregnant silent between them as the younger feel like he would break into tears if jimin doesnt say something but luckily he did 
He hope he wasn't reading the younger wrong but he always notice the way jungkook "discreetly " stared at his body at the mirror and how he enjoy stuffing himself so he decided to say was he always wanted to say to the younger
"Fuck …. Thats hot " he mumbles as got closer to jungkook watching the younger's cheeks blushed madly 
"Y-you think is hot ? "He ask softly blushing even more when he feel the older rubbing his soft tigh making him bite his lip softly
"Of course …. And i'm sure you do too , i haven't miss the way you look at yourself at the mirror or the way you enjoy indulging yourself so much , baby ~" he whispered near the younger's ear as he rubs the younger's tummy softly hearing him gasp in surprise 
"Fuck ,yes i do " he mumbles as he push his tummy against the older's hand 
"God , jungkook i like you since we were on highschool and now fuck you had gotten so soft that i can help my hand to myself " he hear the younger let out a small moan when he squeeze the younger's lovehandles
"I-i … also like you since highschool ,you had gotten more hot since there " he mumbles shyly as he feel jimin leaning forward kissing him passionately after pulling away to catch their breath as they suddenly heard jungkook's belly rumble in hunger making him blushed 
"Looks like someone is hungry already ~ how about you skip classes today and we order some food , uhm ? " he mumbles as he squeeze the younger's cheek 
" i like the idea " he chuckled softly as he saw the older grab his phone and order some fast food 
That night jungkook end up stuffed past his limits as he older rub the younger's tummy, pressing his fingers on it making him blench loudly as jimin mumble soft praises at the younger , jungkook was sure he could get use to it 
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ranger-kellyn · 3 years
Okay but, I love the idea that after the events of AoC that Master Kohga, Robbie and Purah hang out sometimes because they're all freaking chaotic and goofy. There's even a little sidequest that talks about how the Yiga clan gave some supplies to the lab.(So it seems like they're on good terms now.)
Poor Impa, she's probably like "Oh no, now I have to deal with three of them..". 😂
Chaotic uncle Kohga? He tries teaching little baby Jakahl how to spawn the spiky metal balls and Purah and Robbie have to tell him "He's a baby, teach him when he's older."
While Impa is the overprotective aunt and is like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! That's dangerous! Why are you encouraging him?!"
okay admittedly i had never considered it but like.............u might have SWAYED ME.
like. i'm in the middle of cleaning, saw this ask while waiting for the sink to fill, and as i was mopping i just. this silly scenario came to mind ignore me i'm just riffing but like.
Purah, Robbie, and Impa are with a group going to the Yiga Hideout to like. idk. Work on stuff with them as a part of continuing to mend the relationships and whatnot.
All three of them were probably on the fence about even bringing Jakahl with them in the first place, but with the yiga having done nothing nefarious in YEARS and no signs of them returning to Ganon, they figure the best way to break the cycle is to not hide things from the next generation.
Jakahl is supposed to at the very least stay with Impa for the main part of the day. Seeing as Purah and Robbie are probably going to be dealing with who knows what kind of machinery, Impa insisted he stay with her. (he's maybe. 7 or 8 at this point?? idk a younger child but not helpless)
Jakahl...gets bored. Impa's work being more of a historian, it's not that Jakahl doesn't like spending time with her, he'd just...rather be doing something a little more exciting. In his boredom, he. Accidentally. Teleports himself away. (with purah having very limited powers and robbie having none, nobody really eXPECTED HIM TO HAVE THEM? SO??)
The others she's with try to calm her down like, "it'll be fine. nobody here will hurt him, and if he gets too close to something that could hurt him, he'll end up near his parents anyways"
But she says, "Nothing here will hurt him, but his parents???? will LEVEL this place trying to find him if we tell them we LOST HIM"
And half the yiga have probably had their asses handed to them by Purah and Robbie so like. Instant search party. Research can wait whERE IS THE CHILD-
Tearing up the place, they can't find him. Everywhere they look, they just. Can't find him.
Eventually, Impa, in her own teleporting frenzy, falls down in front of Purah and Robbie, absolutely frazzled.
Purah laughs at first. "You good?"
She stays kneeling on the ground. "Can't find him..."
Robbie hears her clearly, and is instantly like "uh-oh".
"Can't what?" Purah asks, kneeling down in front of her.
"Jakahl- he poofed away, I didn't know he has powers- he poofed away and i can't find him- I can't find him-"
And there is just. A noticeable TENSION in the air as Purah stands up and looks at Robbie. A bit of a. Manic. Smile on her face. "Robbie," she says, her voice strained and up an octave.
He grabs her hand. "It's gonna be okay- he's our kid. He's smart- he won't get hurt. We raised him-" (and don't be mistaken, he is JUST AS WORKED UP AS SHE IS. he just knows oNE of them has to be rational in this moment)
She ignores him, turning on all the scientists they were working with. "If anything happens to my baby- if anyone lays a single hand on him I will level this place!!!" and poofs away with Robbie in tow before anyone can say anything else.
Hell hath no fury like a mother who can't find her child.
Jakahl is having the time of his life. Poofing in and out of places, getting further and further away, stirring up a little trouble before poofing away again.
But then he exhausts himself. On his last poof, he ends up at that back arena area where you meet Kohga for the first time in BoTW.
Falls right on top of a sleeping Kohga, bouncing off him almost comically, landing in the sand.
and then he just. sees this small child, who is exhausted and about to start crying bc. It's finally caught up to him that he can't poof around anymore AND that he has NO IDEA where Aunt Impa is.
A crying kid is the laST thing Kohga wants so he's just. He kneels down. "Whose kid are you??"
Jakahl has clammed up, and won't talk.
Looking him over. "Well. White hair. You're a Sheikah kid...didn't those scientists come visit today or somethin'?"
Jakahl nods.
Looking at his face, Kohga puts together who he is. "Oh, yeah. You're those wack job's kid. Jack Fruit, right?"
He shakes his head.
"Close enough, though?"
He shrugs.
Kogha hums, sitting across from him. "How'd you get out here?"
Jakahl finally answers him, and at least now that he's got him talking, Kohga relaxes.
"Can you help me get back to my mom and dad, or aunt impa?" Jakahl asks.
Kohga shakes his head. "Nah, kid, that's work! They'll come lookin' for you. You're exhausted from all that poofin' around. Take it easy."
Eventually, Sooga comes to find Kohga, intent on telling him that Purah is essentially, tearing the place apart looking for her son.
Needless to say, he's surprised to see that Kohga is just. Entertaining the kid. He doesnt' have a large spike ball out, but he's got a few tiny ones and making them float around, and it's absolutely got Jakahl entertained.
"Master Kohga..."
"Oh, hey Sooga! Check this out!"
"His parents are looking for him. His mother is tearing the base apart-"
Kohga just laughs, not taking his focus off Jakahl. "Bring 'em here! he's fine." More quietly, just to Jakahl, "See, told you they'd come get you. Way easier."
Barely a few seconds after Sooga is gone, Purah poofs in the arena, right behind Jakahl, scooping him up. She poofs away again, handing him off to Robbie and Impa who arrived a fraction of a second after she did, and then she is BACK in front of Kohga, snatching him up by the collar as the mini spike balls fall around them.
He's nOT looking for an ass beating from her, Robbie, or IMPA (bc if he thinks about it too hard, he can sTILL feel how walloped he got by her back before the calamity [in the Destroy The Yiga Clan mission]) but he's able to play it cool.
"Relaaaax, Purah. Was keepin' the kid entertained till you lot showed up. He was poofin' around too much and exhausted himself."
"I was having fun!" Jakahl yells from across the arena.
"Promise?" Purah asks.
She can see him nodding, and can tell that Robbie and Impa are confirming with him again.
Her anger is just. Instantly gone. "Guess you get to live another day, Kohga," Purah says, letting go of him. He falls to the ground, and she just. Plops down in front of him. "Damn, I'm worn out. Big base, you got here."
And just like that, tensions are resolved, and now that it's over, it's easier to laugh at. (impa tho...is gonna need a Minute to recover)
Kohga, "Some promising powers on that kid! Should let me teach him how to summon the spikes!"
Jakahl instantly looks at both his parents, "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE"
They shake their head, looking at one another, Impa breathing a sigh of relief.
Purah, "He needs to be a little older."
Robbie, "Wait 'till he's like...ten."
and impa is just like "NOOO W H Y"
and thus Uncle Kohga is a regular in their life, much to Impa's chagrin. (she'll come around to him eventually, but the poor woman has probably gotten a few stress ulcers from their combined shenanigans)
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slcters · 4 years
 「 avan jogia. cismale. he/him. 」i hope that #lexsquad member「 SLATER MALIH SAVALIA 」adds me to the squad ! the 「 TWENTY THREE 」year old 「 LAW 」 major has been apart of the squad since 「 OCTOBER 2018」and seems to be the 「 DELPHIC 」of the group.「 SLATER」is a「 SENIOR」 and seems to enjoy 「 WRITING & PLAYING MUSIC 」but you can always find them at a squad party , too !
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Anyways lemme give you some info about my man and try to keep it as short ( I lied ) as possible I’ll have some wanted connections at the end so hit me up to plot cause I live for that :) 
NAME: SLATER MALIH SAVALIA AGE: 23 MAJOR: PRE- LAW SENIOR @ LEX POSITION: A DADDY HOBBIES: givin 0 Fucks, living life to the full, writing, being an PI on his dad, spiting his family n causing problems as a FUCK U. BORN: LONDON, ENGLAND. SEXUALITY: A truE WILD BISEXUAL :”)
So Slater was born in London, England however when he was younger he moved around a lot with his parents until they settled in LA. Mainly for his dads business and his mum had previously lived there too.
His mum was a travel writer which explains why they traveled a lot, his father runs a few escort agencies + brothels ( nevada only we do it legal here )  and also started up his own pornographic production company / film studio in LA. it would probably now be one of the biggest in the world.  ( think vivid entertainment meets brazzers ) u know FILTHY RICH SHIT.
Both his parents were obviously away quite a lot, his dad ran so many businesses and hmm was hands-on lets say but the household was pretty calm when he was fairly young. his mum was super attentive and loving and just such an amazing role model and always wanted to take him with her to show him the world when she had to leave. i think he definitely was a mummas boy.
at about 8/9 however would’ve been when things kind of came crashing down for him. he really caught his dad cheating on his mum w/ one of the porn stars he hired from the studio. His dad would’ve really asked him NOT to tell him mum because it would break their family up. obviously, slater was like terrified of the chance of losing his family so he just pretended nothing ever happened.
he was so conflicted because he was keeping this huge secret and he had so much guilt but he didn’t wanna be the one to ruin things. Like his dad basically used him as a cover like expecting him to lie for him for a long time. it would’ve really eaten away at him. like it would’ve not been a one-time thing, but slater was in denial for sure.
i think one day slater would’ve slipped up in one of his lies for his dad and his mum ended up fighting out what happened and it was such a mess. it would've led to their divorce and god that was.. SOO messy. they defs didnt have a prenup and like the custody.
I think lowkey he was miserable being with his dad, he had so much resentment and sadness there. he would’ve been okay being with his mum the whole time.
His dad was really the type of parent that would use his kids against each his ex wife like they would use slater to pass on messages and being like no u can’t have him for that day etc etc And not taken slater into consideration.
his dad though really tried his absolute best to bring his mum down which was sooo sad to see, like watching her get put through the ringer by his dad and she just became a bit of a shell of who she was, because he obviously had more than enough money to do it and didn’t want her to see a dime of it even tho he.. RLLY BE LIVING THE HIGH LIFE.
slater would’ve just been back and forth between them both up until he was about 15 when his mum, unfortunately, passed away due to drugs. which was SO UNEXPECTED.  i think there was definitely a lot more to it, like she definitely was self-medicating to help go through the still pending divorce. which would’ve lasted years. 
anyways losing his mum devastated slater because truly she was like a best friend to him, she was. he always enjoyed the weeks at his mums more than his dad and now he knew he’d be stuck there.
he fights a lot with his dad still about everything that happened and what he did, he blames him for it and putting a LITERAL KID in the middle.
anyways though since the separation his dad had like a myriad of “ girlfriends” around who were probably all young enough to be like a step sibling tbh. he never took to any of them until his stepmom. who shockingly he actually really likes. shes one thing keeping his family together atm.
 Anyways as you can imagine slaters dads business was huge and his dad is truly raking in the money but slater has always felt uncomfortable spending or even benefiting off it which is why he’s extremely secretive considering he knows where it comes from and he doesn’t exactly support his dad let alone he doesn’t want to have to explain that to people and get them looking into his family.
his father has really tried and put up this front though as if he’s a huge family man now and is conservative and super religious and smh that pissed off slater to the max. he’s like that dont make no fucking sense..
 when he high school hit though they were going to country clubs all that shit slater hated basically. he truly didn’t mind acting out just to spite his dad knowing hey your a family man what are you gonna do about it??
this drove his dad so crazy and only meant more rules were put on him, it was about the only attention his dad gave him.
when hey fight though its really wild, you know slater throws it in his dads face basically just some fucking pimp and exploits people and he’s never gonna do that and he’d rather have nothing than follow in his footsteps
i think his dad has been fined multiple times for some shady shit going on in his businesses. plus its been common knowledge in the depths of the industry they heavily provide them w/ alcohol drugs etc. probably has had an issue with the treatment of the people hes hired. lawsuits.  there's more under the surface that even slater doesnt know.
there would’ve been a bit of a scandal where his dad employed one of his dumbass country club friends daughters aka someone even slater knew to star in one of his adult films
 but regardless like he knew he really was fortunate he lived an extremely privileged life, like he would be set for life, could sit do nothing and its good. he just never had a huge interest in it unlike his father who really always said that he would take over everything someday and it would turn into a huge family business. and he was like yikes someone come tell him.. no thanks. 
 His dad and him definitely had a rocky relationship after his moms death, he  didn’t parent very much and just left his stepmom in so many uncomfortable situations but honestly
 He saw her more as a friend though then a mum but she was the best parental figure he’s ever even had. She’d genuinely try so hard to make sure his dad was acting like one like telling him he’s going to his sons gigs or else even though slater knew his dad would come for 2 seconds to appease his wife then leave.
But growing up he’s always been super careful of who’s around him and who he lets into his life probably as a result of how secretive his family has always instilled in him to be.
 Like his dad keeps saying we’re family we come first, and he never wanted slater to be sharing that with people about what they did.
 But he has such a resentment to his dad, like he thinks he’s a mess he has a wife he doesn’t give a fuck about a son he doesn’t see, he does god knows what he just is so convinced he can’t turn out like him ever. 
I think people genuinely think he must not come from money because the amount of people who have ever met his parents or seen his house is a handful if that. 
Like he’s always hanging out at other people’s places and just he’s never been really extravagant unless its to purposely spite his dad yikes. that comes from anger.
Like he really got himself a job even though his dad said he could come work for him just cause he was like yeah I don’t want to run ur dumb company and make money off it u pos? 
His dad has definitely been investigated a few times for shady practices. slater definitely started looking into law for that reason, like he genuinely thought he wants to actually be able to put guys who screw the system and own huge corporations and think they can pay outta anything in jail.
meanwhile his dad thought great a lawyer who can defend our family business smh so he supports him He has no clue slater would rather take him down.
hes on the dl investigating his dad himself. who wanna help.
losing his mom AND one his best friends showed him that he needs to really do everything he wants to and in that moment which does make him selfish at times 
i think he has abandonment issues, i think like when  his best friend who was kinda the reason he came to lex, happened to pass away also triggered that again ( TBD WHY im leaving this open for plots ) and that really shook him all over.
he really almost feels cursed at this stage.
he was pretty sheltered tbh because his dad wasn’t trusting AT ALL and at first was homeschooled until High school so he didn’t exactly grow up outgoing or being able to have many people at his place or tell them about his life.
i think theres not many people who know he’s related to his dad business, even tho his dad business iS HUGE and legit is his last name. and hes like yeah ha coincidence right??? not my dad at all.
He’s super fucking blunt though like he may be secretive with his personal life but his ass does not hold back which has gotten him into way too many problems. 
He just feels like he grew up lying about so much, his dad was like we don't want people taking advantage of you if they find out who you are and use things against me.
 he hated that and all the secrets about his dad he kept so don’t expect him to hold back on feelings or thoughts back at all 
LOVES to spite and piss his dad off even if that means 30+ students at his dads place during a business meeting lets do it.
He acts a lot without thinking like he sucks at planning anything and a lot of time he seems a little flighty and that he doesn’t take things serious enough esp his relationships
.He’d really go above and beyond though for anyone who’s proven to him that they can be trusted like he’s been known to be all in he either gives it everything or nothing so he goes extravagant
will try everything once.
wild child tm.
 his ass was kinda like living it up. he’s like on the brink of i dont want to just use my dads money but he’s like if i am though i wanna use it to actually do something decent, like get a law degree and be something, travel like his mum did. hes obsessed with the thought of like following in her footsteps BUT HE. NEVER ADMITS IT.
feelings who are u?
 He’s definitely a realist and a little bit cynical too, like he’s seen way too much shit to really have some ideal look on life. 
He doesn’t believe in some fairytale or things just happen for a reason or really in fate or anything like that. 
Like he doesn’t think love fixes everything and someone can be your happiness at all . hes like clearly its only problems so.
He’s only ever really had one serious relationship and a bunch of other casual things but that was just nothing to him
 He’s not closed off to them but he picks and chooses what he gives, but he’s just doubtful how someone’s gonna mix well into his life 
He definitely seems aloof and a bit cold but I mean after a drink and 5 minutes he’ll be picking your brain on just about anything 
loves writing in general, usually lyrics and music though.
secretly Loves a good midnight dnm overlooking the water with a trusted friend
 Awesome at getting himself out of situations he can be pretty convincing lbr
lowkey has abandonment issues. 
connections: donnt say im trash i know.
extra drama - his STEP sibling. aka child of his step mom. 
his best friends sibling, aka the one who passed away :”(
someone whose mum dated his dad WILD.
A TABOO FLING OR CRUSH, basically he got with someone he shouldn’t of, we can decide reasons HOWEVER I’D LOVE if the other chara was the ex of his friend who passed away. HED FEEL LIKE SHIT for having feelings. the angst. and the we cant do this its wrong.
I mean... someone who actually WORKS FOR HIS DAD. i would die, could be an escort, a sex worker, someone who is signed to his dads production company, can be a pornstar or more like a cam star too.
someone who is a huge tease and rlly makes his ass beg to be with them. make him work for it honey.
ooo a really GOOOOD friend and they’ve always been “ platonic” but theres this weird sexual tension and they both know it, but like ooo it could risk the frienndship n makee it weird and like ugh.
like someone whose parents hates them hanging around w/ slater bc of his family, maybe bc they ran in the same circles from back home but they just.. cant stay away from each other.
someone hes kinda dated but they realised we’d be better off as friends even tho weve seenn each other naked, it was fun.
One of the people from back home that found out all about his entire family when the scandal was exposed. They could’ve been friends or enemies.
AN ex!! pls he defs has broken some hearts or THE ONE WHO BROKE HIS :) IF U DO THIS U WILL GET SO MUCH LOVE
An enemy Maybe someone against his family or someone he just can’t stand!
THE damn girl his fucking dad tried to employ to be in his damn movie! My ass would do wild shit for this one wild WILD SHIT.
unrequited love, someone's heart he broke without even realising it
A confidant someone he can really confide in tell-all his dumbass shit too, like his protective ass would really care for this person
Someone who’s into music as much as him pLS!! like someone who can just jam with him late nights
He needs that dnm kinda friend 😂
A fwb that’s self explanatory:)
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cardinal-carvings · 4 years
For the anon who wanted me to do them all, I’ll just finish the rest here since theres so little left;
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1:  how many muses, do you think, have you had in total while on tumblr?
I’ve counted 20 blogs, deleted or otherwise, and atop that most blogs tend to feature in guest muses or secondaries that are important too. So probably upwards of 30+.
2:  are there any tropes that pull you in or that you realise are reoccuring in your muses?
am big sucker for redemption arcs apparently! archex, drift, and my particular take on hux... i also love corruption instead so idk if that counts.
6:  is there a muse you’d add or bring back if you didn’t have to worry about whether others are interested in them or not?
... Galvatron for bring back, b/c they got nothing. But also I’m not really all that interested in TF these days (on the case of playing them myself). Adding? No, tho iv just about abandoned @hyperspacelanes​ for the time being until things settle down again in the world so i can juggle any SW muse i wanna try is gonna be there idec anymore.
7:  what age group, gender and ethnicity do you most often end up playing?
this is... almost unanswerable. i lean towards male muses or nonbinary, but the first may mostly be due to how female muses hardly get attention as iv noticed and it’s subconscious to avoid? idk. but age literally varies the only thing is outside of exploring in their past muses are usually listed over 18 (be they 20 or 40). Ethnicity? Lmfao, I just choose who fits the role or take what I’m given. Most of the time tho if I’ve the chance to chose they end up not being white unless it’d otherwise be a good fit since there always feels to be a lack of diversity on screens. :3c
8:  who is your latest muse? can be someone you’re only considering / not planning to play at all, but is tempting you.
i literally cant remember but i can tell you Kalliday is harassing me and he’s close enough to new
9:  have the types of characters you play changed over the years?
‘characters hated on or in a redemption arc or both’??? no. i think the only thing that’s changed is that im more likely to be open about lgbtq+ headcanons and ideas for my muses than i was when much younger but its because now i dont give a shit if anyone cares because if someones gonna be upset that’s their problem
14:  if you see that a friend of yours has just made a blog for a muse you were planning to play, will you still make the blog?
depends on the friend, prolly. and why i wanted to make the blog. like sometimes i wanna make a chara solely because i love them and want them around even if iv to be the one playing them... sometimes i just genuinely have muse. ill sit back and see what happens, but if the muse doesnt go away?? i make the blog. iv no impulse control
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batsintheshadows · 6 years
Athera the Companion
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Inquisitor’s Name: Athera Lavellan Race / Class / Specialisation: Rogue Elf Assassin Gender Identity: Female
Varric’s Nickname for them: Antlers
Short bio: As a typical da’len hunter nearing the time she could recieve her vallaslin, Athera was taken by slavers while away from the camp with her younger brother. Her sacrifice allowed the clan to escape, but lead to a grueling ordeal before she escaped and found her way back home. Now she is a respected hunter and occasionally travels to visit the elves that live in human cities, so they may know more of their history should they be interested. She also assists with problems that the human guards tend to ignore.
What would their companion card look like? I actually commissioned one of these! it hasnt quite been finished yet tho.
Athera aiming her bow high above her head with a victorious smile as the sun rises, a halla head with three arrows in the horns formed from the clouds behind her and a green bird perched on her shoulder, coat billowing in the wind.
More under the cut, because theres gonna be a LOT here.
Recruitment mission: Athera approaches the Inquisition in Val Royeaux, quietly and from a side street. She wears a hood to hide her face and when asked about it she says that she may be making a poor choice, and if she is it would be better to have the option to hide. Athera tells the Inquisitor that she is visiting family in the city, and has discovered that elves have been vanishing. She says she wants to see what’s going on, but has a feeling that whatever is happening is too much for one person to handle. If pressed about her identity, Athera stays vague, saying that she could get in trouble for looking into this at all, and wouldn’t want that to affect anyone she cares about.
If the Inquisitor agrees to investigate she tells them to meet her at a certain location at midnight, and not to worry about her too much. She has enough martial training to help in any fights there might be.
When you meet up with her, Athera is nervous, checking her arrows and pulling her hood down further over her face. If you ask her about it she says she hasnt ever done “anything quite like this” before.
When you enter the building, you discover a slaver ring and some captured elves. Athera strikes first, no matter what you say, and in the ensuing fight her hood comes off, revealing her vallaslin. when everything is said and done Athera very pointedly ignores the party in favour of freeing the captured elves, who are very grateful for her arrival. She asks if they will be able to get back to the alienage safely and one of them says that they can get them there, leaving Athera free to look for letters and talk to the party.
She picks up some letters and folds her arms, and asks the Inquisitor if they are going to take any sort of action now that they know a Dalish elf is meddling in the city. There is an option to tell her that if she joins The Inquisition then the Inquisitor will stay quiet. Athera is silently furious, but says she would prefer this to end without bloodshed if possible. Athera Greatly Disapproves if you pick this option. You can also ask about her lying to the group. Athera claims she never lied and points out the ways that everything she said was technically true.
Otherwise you can attempt to turn her in, which causes her to flee and become unrecruitable. or you can say that you won’t alert the guards. In the latter case, she is grateful and asks to join The Inquisition. When asked why she says:
“I’m not stupid. A big hole in the sky? Demons around every corner? This could be the end of the world. My clan can’t outrun that. You’re the only ones I’ve seen even trying to make a difference. If theres any way out of this, its with the people that arent caught up in petty squabbles. So yes, I won’t like being away from my clan for so long, but I’ll like it even less if the world dies.”
She agrees to meet the Inquisitor back in Haven, and pulls her hood back up, heading off into the night.
Where they would be in Skyhold / Haven: In Skyhold she would probably hang around in the gardens, but move to somewhere around the stables if it was converted into a chantry garden. In Haven she would be on the docks by the frozen lake.
Personal quests: 
Quest 1: After arriving in Skyhold and gaining some approval, Athera will go over what she found in the slavers letters. She says that the slavers were reporting to a merchant called Vivicus, and that she suspects that theyre related to the Venatori. Athera has followed a trail that has ended in Redcliffe, and asks the Inquisitor to go with her as backup. If the Inquisitor tries to bring Dorian, the cutscene will not trigger and Athera will suggest trying again with “company better suited to the operation. Like people that never owned slaves maybe.” Once the cutscene triggers, Athera give you what she knows about the slaver. A small and pretty easy fight with demons ensues as you enter the building, and the party makes it up the stairs to a room with a man in fine clothes sitting on a chair facing away from the group. As the group approaches, the man falls sideways when touched, revealing he is very dead and has a note stapled to his chest that simply says “your move Inquisition -V”. Athera is upset by this, and tells the Inquisitor that they need to be sure the body gets proper death rites. Back at Skyhold Athera thanks the Inquisitor for their help and apologises for dragging them into her mess. She says that itll probably last a while as well, if this guys as much of an asshole as he seems to be.
Quest 2: Occurs after either The Fade or The Winter Palace. Athera is reading a letter, and claims that its information on Vivicus. If asked about where the letter came from, Athera says she’s been tracking weird courier orders and got lucky with this one. Athera says the letter reveals that Vivicus has somehow discovered her identity and is using it against her. She doubts her clan will be targeted, but asks permission to grant them safe passage through the surrounding lands and trading rights at Skyhold. She admits that in spite of what her clan could bring in, its really just a favour to her. If the Inquisitor agrees, you get the option to open a new area on the war table, but cannot select Dorian for the mission. When you arrive, you run into an ambush of slavers who seem to be expecting you. The fight is really difficult, but you only need to defeat half the slavers to trigger a rescue by Athera’s clan. As the last of the slavers fall, Athera gets the attention of one of the hunters and gives him a big hug, introducing him as her younger brother Elgadir. Elgadir is overjoyed to see his sister again and says the clan has been worried since she stopped writing. Athera replies she has been writing weekly and getting letters back as well. After a bit of confusion, they figure out something weird is going on, and tells the other hunters to check if any of the slavers are still alive. One is, and they get to them before the throat cutters do. Elgadir says that he doesnt much like the idea of bringing a slaver back to any of the clans camps, but if this problem is gonna get solved then they’ll probably have to. one of the other hunters goes ahead to warn the clan to prepare for a captive and some guests. Elgadir gives the Inquisition members a warning that if they do anything foolish, they will pay with their lives, but if they approach in good faith, then the clan will be happy to do business with them. The party is introduced to the clan and Athera goes off to talk with her brother and the Keeper, leaving the team free to explore. There are a few quests to help the clan or act like a dick, Athera gets approval or disapproval for them even though she isnt in the active party. To advance the quest, you enter the Keeper’s aravel. Athera sits with her brother hugging her, clearly distressed. The Keeper tells the Inquisitor that they have all come to a consensus that it would be a lot easier to deal with the situation with all the facts, and asks Athera if she would be willing to tell the story herself. Athera then tells the Inquisitor that she was taken from her clan by slavers around six years ago, and though she managed to fake her death and escape, Vivicus has discovered her identity and has been intercepting her letters for a while. The letter that sent her running back to her clan was to be sent to the person that owned her, and she intercepted a similar one at Skyhold intended to sow some discord. Athera says that its probably a game to Vivicus now, and that he will go to any lengths to win. She fears for her clan, as she fears for those she has become close with outside of it. At the prompting of the other two elves, Athera also admits to being very stressed out, since the Inquisitor unknowingly hired someone from the family that used to own her. “Theres a reason I don’t get along with Dorian, I’m scared to death of him.” The Inquisitor can tell Athera to stay with her clan for safety, offer to expel Dorian from the Inquisition (Athera will reject this idea because she knows the Inquisitor wouldnt have let Dorian stay if they didnt like him or need his help.), or keep to the plan of allowing the clan safety in the lands around Skyhold. Back at Skyhold, Athera thanks the Inquisitor for listening to her, saying she feels far more at ease now that someone knows, but begs the Inquisitor not to tell anyone her secret and to make tracking down Vivicus as much of a priority as possible, otherwise she doesnt know what could happen to her.
Quest 3: Takes place after the second main quest you complete after unlocking Skyhold. Athera and Dorian are arguing as the Inquisitor approaches them, though most of the shouting seems to be coming from Athera’s side with a lot of what is obviously swearing in elvish. When pressed, Athera accuses Dorian of going through her letters, and Dorian denies the accusation. “If you would listen before you started screaming at me, you would know that this is my letter. That I was trying to give to you quietly. But if you insist on discussing this in the courtyard...” Athera snatches the letter and runs away, leaving Dorian to ask the Inquisitor to go after her, saying that Athera probably wouldn’t want to see him right around now. When the Inquisitor finds Athera she is incredibly upset, and lets them know that this letter has been opened and Dorian knows who she is now. The Inquisitor can comfort her or be awful, and after theyre done talking Dorian knocks on the door, asking to come in. Athera tells him to keep his distance, and he agrees. Trying to lighten the tension, Dorian makes a joke about how Vivicus is really an idiot if he thinks sending Dorian a letter is going to do anything, what with the whole pariah thing. No one laughs. Athera asks Dorian what he’s going to do, and Dorian suggests using the note to lure Vivicus out. “We’ve been playing cat and mouse for months. I’ll be glad to see it end.” Athera tells Dorian that she doesn’t trust him, and will only go if the Inquisitor comes too. Dorian agrees, and they begin to make a plan, through the door because Athera can’t face him yet. After this, a war table mission to smuggle a letter to Vivicus opens up, and once it is completed a mission on the storm coast opens up called “Trigger Venatori Trap”. Once there the party fights off some Venatori, and Athera slowly breaks ranks with the group, making herself an easier target and leading to Vivicus showing himself at last. The rest of the party sets up a good flanking position and a boss battle against Vivicus, who is a blood mage and ACTUALLY DOES BLOOD MAGE STUFF WHY DID THEY LEAVE THIS OUT OF DAI???, begins as Dorian makes a snappy “oh what an idiot” type remark at Vivicus. The party are victorious, and they return to Skyhold where Athera tells the Inquisitor that she has no idea what to do now, since she has no way of knowing who Vivicus sent letters to. If you did a war table mission to stop the letters, you are able to reassure her that the Inquisition has the situation under control. Athera says that she likes the Inquisition, and whatever comes she would like to stay until the end as long as her and Dorian are kept separate. Preferably on opposite sides of the castle. At this point Dorian wanders past because a little light humour won’t kill anyone and begins yammering on about their victory a little too nervously. He admits that he’s been feeling a bit nervous since finding out about Athera’s past, but has done some deep soul searching and wants to apologise for how the relationship between the two of them has been. He promises to try and do better in the future, to which Athera replies “You’d better! Your family put me through hell! The least you can do is try and make it better.” Dorian doesnt make eye contact, and promises to keep her words in mind. He also says that they don’t need to speak again if Athera needs space. Athera says that would be for the best, but she won’t complain if they end up working together since stopping the end of the world is more important than the hurt one person carries. As Dorian turns to leave, she lets him know that once corypheus is dead all bets are off, and that she’ll probably throw him out the window, but the comment doesnt have much bite to it.
How to get their approval: helping elves and mages, respecting artifacts, killing venatori, freeing slaves, and generally not being an ass.
How to get their disapproval: Cruelty to elves and elven relics, slavery in any form, chantry and templar supporting, being an ass to mages, and victim blaming anyone.
Are they romanceable? Y/N Can you have sex with them? Y/N Are they open to polyamoury? Y/N If they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who? Sera already gets with Dagna, so odds are Athera wouldn’t get with anyone if unromanced.
Who are they friendly with? Vivienne and Sera (after a while).
Who do they dislike? Cassandra, Dorian, and Solas.
Companion card changes: (use a text descrip. if you have no images)
Loyalty:  Athera stands in the middle of a dark forest, her bow ready to draw and a smile on her face as she moves. the trees are gnarled and twisted, something could be hiding in them. but she is armed, and the forest is her home.
Romance: (if any) The bow and arrows have been put aside, and Athera sits cross legged by a campfire. there are trees all around and Athera has a serene smile on her lips and a look of total peace in her eyes.
Side Missions: (eg: fetch / gather / kill quests) None because fuck those. Ok maybe destroying monuments to the Exalted March on the Dales. Thatd be pretty satisfying. Also a war table mission to ensure that no letters get to the Pavus family that unlocks a dialogue option at the end of Athera’s last quest.
Opinions on mages / templars / how the world is going to shit? Templars fuck shit up, mages have been friends and guides to the clan and the Templars always try to take them away and people get hurt. She would rather just leave the Templars alone entirely. And of course mages can be trusted with their own lives! Everyone else does it what makes them so bloody different?
She has more nuanced opinions on the Chantry and how it relates to the oppression of mages and elves, and how its all a bid for power, but she’ll only talk abt it with an Inquisitor she likes.
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: defiling the graves at the elven burial site in the exalted plains, killing the golden halla, or straight up betraying her.
Special Events:
Imprisoned at Redcliffe: How is your Inquisitor holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year?
Athera is almost unable to speak at all after a year in Redcliffe. She talks in fragments, and when she first sees the Inquisitor she just stares at them for a long time with a blank look on her face, waiting for them to either do something or vanish. Whenever Dorian speaks she glares at him. After all, this guy from Tevinter shows up and then everything fails and the world dies? She’s been blaming him. The Inquisitor has to talk her down.
She puts all her remaining energy into the fight ahead, wordless, expressionless, and merciless. When it comes time to hold off the horde she says in the flattest voice possible “Going out. Hold them off. Do not fail. Dareth Shiral.”
At the Winter Palace: Does your Inquisitor enjoy the party, any special events with them at the Palace?
Athera spends most of the party doing things to mildly offend the Orlesian elite, talking with the elves, and quietly smashing expensive vases when no ones looking. She likes being in Halamshiral, hates what it is now, and corners more than a few nobles and gives them a “history lesson.” She will do the same to the Inquisitor if they ask, but will be less passive aggressive about it. She also complains about the outfits, saying she hates red but Josephine wanted everyone to “present a unified front” and she couldnt wriggle out of it.
She also takes joy in being announced as “Athera Lavellan, Hunter of Clan Lavellan and Emissary to the Cities.” since she’s betting he’s never had to introduce an elf before, let alone introduce one with a few titles.
When asked about it later, Athera says the only good thing at Halamshiral was Briala, with various comments depending on what happened.
In the Fade: Your Inquisitor’s reaction upon entering the Fade? Archdemon’s taunt, and Inquisitor’s response? Epitaph on their grave?
Athera does not understand any of this. She shoots arrows, mainly at wolves and terrible people. now there are demons here because its their home that theyre the ones invading and what with recent events theres pretty strong evidence that this sort of thing doesnt end well. Athera isnt mindlessly terrified, but she. wants. OUT.
Nightmare: “What’s this now? Valeria, pretending to be a wild elf? You looked much better in red.”
Athera: “Say that name one more time and I’ll rip you in half.”
Nightmare: “Dont worry about Marcus hating you for leaving him. He died a month later, his thieving ways finally discovered and punished.”
Athera: “You-you’re lying! Theres no possible way for you to know that!”
Nightmare: “That you know of.”
Athera’s grave says “Losing Herself” 
Trespasser: What is your Inquisitor up to two years after Corypheus’ defeat? Any special events with them over the events of Trespasser?
Athera spent the past two years using the influence gained during her time in the Inquisition to help elves in both the cities and the wilds. she has busted up a few more slaver rings and is one of sera’s contacts. she has traded information with the Inquisition out of respect for her place in it and so leliana can send her some useful stuff back. she’s been using her clan as a safe place, and looks forward to returning every second she is away.
Other Major Events: Any other major events that happen with them over the course of the main game?
She becomes friends with Sera, who she likes for not taking things too seriously when everyone else is so grim.
She also has a Talk with a human Inquisitor romancing Sera that more or less amounts to “I know ur cool so this whole thing is probably legit, but if u ever hurt sera i’ll cut off your arm and hit u with it ok good talk kiddo love u bye!”
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu this took a long time and a lot of thought, but i had LOADS of fun doing it! I always like working on Athera’s backstory, though nothing is quite 100% set in stone yet sooooo... dont quote me on any of this.
I was tagged by @heyscience and i am throwing this tag right back at you! Do it!
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Can I have an MC with really bad anxiety? Like not social but more like she cant even sit in her bed alone in the dark? You're doing really great so far, keep up the good work!
of course! also thank you!!!
i always get motivated for this one in the middle of an anxiety attack lolololol
it was a quiet night 
you had just had the busiest week of a hectic month 
so you got a little clingier with zen
he enjoyed it happy to have some relax time
the phone was ringing in the other room making zen have to leave to grab it
this already made you nervous 
who was calling in the middle of the night
with zen gone you didn’t feel safe
at any gust of wind you jumped 
at any creak in the house you jumped 
any noise sent your anxiety off
you couldn’t stop thinking of what could happen
you were so deep in your thoughts you didn’t notice zen in the kitchen
he suddenly dropped a glass and you couldn’t stop you anxiety
you thought unknown was going to get you again and you started to cry and hyperventilate
you just couldn’t control your thoughts
luckily zen noticed and came over to you and pulled you close
“hey babe I’m here! i just dropped a glass I’m sorry it scared you!”
you just hug him tightly thankful it wasn’t who you thought it was
you just cry for a bit shaking 
he whispers sweet words to you rubbing your back comforting you
he knows about your anxiety as he probably had to help comfort you 
you two were playing a horror game of your own request which was surprising to him
it was mainly to do with the fact you were tired of feeling like a burden
you were doing great albeit your anxiety making you stiff as a board
you were really fighting it
you just cant do getting chased or jump scares
after the first game you are feeling confident even though you are shaking badly 
yoosung was too
he was allowed to pick the game tho
he happens to love the thrill of jumpscares 
its that boost of energy for school lololol 
he pick five nights at freddy’s
you falter
you start playing shaking so much 
with his help you get to the second night 
you try and alternate between him taking over when a jumpscare is near 
and this works till like the 4th night 
when you all get distracted 
theres suddenly a jump scare that makes you scream 
you curl in on yourself shaking and crying mind wandering making it worse
doesn’t help you like to look up the theories and then you get freaked out
you then are thinking about how stupid it is that a game is making you freak out but he doesn’t think so
he grabs his favorite blanket and his hoodie that you love
he rushes to get tea going and he quickly puts on cute animal videos while you are at the compute and has you get up so you can both sit there
you on his lap
this helps distract you and you laugh sniffling at the silly kittens
next thing you know you are asleep on him and he doesnt know what to do 
your school has really been taking a toll on you
you never thought how hard it would be to major in theater 
sweats nervously
you have to practice a monologue but you also have all you academic work to do
as you are working on it you check the time and how much is left 
its now 3 in the morning and barely finished and you still have that monologue to practice that’s due tomorrow
you start thinking of the worst and begin to shake crying silently 
jaehee wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the fact you dropped a glass by accident trying to calm down
that made it worse because now you think thats more work and how it upset jaehee
but she simply cleans up the mess and gives you slippers in case any stray glass got anywhere 
she makes some tea for you to calm down and gets you a blanket and plays some recordings of zen singing because that’s what helps her 
she gives you a hug and a kiss and makes sure you are ok and decides to help you with the work
you were in the penthouse playing with Elizabeth while he was at work
you were having an amazing time till the power went out
you completely freeze up 
you werent aware that you werent breathing till you needed to breathe again
you were just frozen
you shut your eyes tightly like you were taught when you were younger when scared of the dark 
you didnt have a blanket to hide under and you didnt want to move
you were thinking of all the things that could be lurking in the dark and start rocking crying 
elizabeth worries about yoy and brushes against you meowing and you sit crisscross applesauce so she can sit on your lap
you peat her and she purrs comforting you 
suddenly the door is opened making a loud noise and she runs to greet the familiar face but it just made your anxiety worse
you rock again thinking its someone whos going to kill or kidnapp you for being the heirs wife
“sweetheart? its me jumin? your husband?”
he goes over to her with a flash light and he sits down next to you pulling you into his chest whispering to you to calm you down planting kisses to your temples 
you hug him tightly glad to have him right now
the power comes back on and you don’t want to let go
hes fine with this
you were on the computer writing things on tumblr 
when suddenly its hacked 
you cant get all these freaky things of your computer and you are panicking crying
there were quiet a few nsfw things 
some of which hit a few triggers 
you scream for seven 
he had been teaching you computer things but your anxiety wont let you think clearly 
you keep telling yourself that if you were  calmer you can fix it and not need his help
when he comes rushing in you try to explain and he pushes up his glasses telling you hes serious thankfully 
you are still panicking though anxiety running rampant in your head 
you feel bad because he deals with his brothers mental illnesses enough he doesnt have to deal with yours but he honestly doesnt mind 
he shuts down you computer and takes a part out of the computer it self
“well you couldn’t of fixed this it’s well hacked but has been for a while so we need to fix that but that can wait”
he says this knowing you used many unimportant accounts on that computer under his request
hes gets some tea going and wraps you in his jacket taking his headphones off playing relaxing nature sounds he knows helps you from watching your youtube history
and he just hold you close playing with your hair for a while
you are finally calm and he feels like a hero because he got to help you and saeran today 
“im not called god 7 for no reason” 
you smack him and just hug him
you were sitting on the bed with him and bad memories that cause anxiety hit
you normally try to handle it on your own away from him because he needs more help in you mind
but you just cant stop it 
you and shaking badly trying to get the thoughts to go away 
you hold your head desperate to calm down and rock
at this point he notices and knows whats going on and he pulls you close rocking 
“hey you should tell me you go through it too i can help you like you help me…”
you just hug him and he hums slightly playing with your hair
its the most relaxing sound you’ve heard and you quickly calm down
“so what caused it?”
“i remembered what we went through to both be here where we are now”
he just looks sad and understanding now realizing it scarred you too
later he gets you flowers 
you have one dark thought and you jump straight to the thought that you are becoming rika
this of course freaks you out and anxiety comes to say hi and try to spend the night
not today satan
your mind goes through all the ways you could possibly be rika 
you curl up freaking out shaking and crying wanting to stay away from v so he doesnt find out you are “rika v2.o”
its too late 
he rushes to you trying to see if you are ok 
when you tell him you are worried you are gonna become rike he gives you this long talk about how you are nothing like her
hes just sitting next to you and he tells you to talk about your favorite subject to calm down
you choose art and he and you just chat about it for ages till you realize you are calm 
you tell him hes fucking magic 
“no haha i just did research”
you give him a smooch and say no you are fucking magic and he just laughs nodding 
i hope this is ok? its like 4 in the morning and ive been suffering from con depression all day and plus i havent done an imagine in A G E S sorry for that writers block is a bitch
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plinys · 7 years
Tumblr media
@slamncram replied to your post
“i have determined what makes the difference between being redeemable...”
But what happens when the murder of said dog may or may not have been put into action due to outside factors (i.e. five years of gaslighting and conditioning)? Discuss. (I'M JOKING IT JUST SOUNDED VERY ACADEMIC)
okay but this is the thing, like this is what makes me so angry sitting here being like angry at how my fave baddies from legends of tomorrow basically have half of wards backstory each (and are way bigger fucking villains) but still end up being considered good guys on their fucking team like how does this happen? is it better writing? is it fandom being better? is it the fact that nobody killed a fucking dog
so for those of you that follow me for aos and dont know any lot (because its my new obsession) this will contain some lot spoilers
which is why its under a cut, also it got fucking long, if nobody reads this but chris i will still be content tho cause im upset
lets refresh what some brief bullet points we know about grant ward and how aos did him so dirty
has an abusive childhood (parents/older brother)
sets house on fire to try and kill his abusers fails and goes to juvie
gets busted out of juvie by hydra agent, gets dropped off in the woods, major gaslighting
may or may not have killed a dog
because hydra spy inside of shield 
joins the team 
caws fucks up aos plot reveals that he is hydra and kills hella people
drops fitz & simmons (cute nerdy scientists) into the ocean
gets captured by aos team, locked in glass box of doom
while depressed and in glass box told to kill himself by his romantic interest (for all of season one at least)
gets sold off to his abuser (older brother) - but then busts out and finally succeeds in kill his abuser (burns them alive) 
hydra agents some more
becomes possessed by alien demon thing
eventually gets blown the fuck up but was basically dead earlier and we just kept the actor around for some reason
(okay this is short but i tried to delete most of aos from my memory)
like - when we break this down as bullet points we can see this is shitty right?
now lets compare mick rory and leonard snart’s combined narratives from lot/the flash
(both) grow up in abusive house hold - abusive fathers in both cases i believe
(mick) has severely untreated pyromania, lights a fire in his house that gets out of control, and is so anxious about his family finding out that he doesnt tell them when he runs outside and they all burn alive
(mick is also briefly kidnapped by his future time traveling self right after this but we’ll assume he forgets this)
(len) is forced to commit crimes by his crooked cop father, eventually is forced to take the fall for one of them, and ends up in juvie
(both) meet in juvie, become bffs / partners for life / future husbands
commit a bunch of crimes together and basically just be hardcore criminals that break into places and steal things - oh and kill people, they def kill people
(also they basically raise len’s sister lisa during this time) 
(len) steals/kills someone for a cold gun, so he can go from basic criminal to supervillian and fight the flash. literally kills hella people with the cold gun
mick gets the fire gun
mick also kills hella people
kidnaps cute scientist friend of hero caitlin snow and straps her to a bomb at one point just to be extra (tm) super villains
kidnaps cisco (the other nerdy science friend), forces him to make weapons, tortures cisco’s brother (like freezes his hands?!)
(len) eventually after his sister is threatened gets a chance to get back at his abuser and literally freezes his heart and kills him (in front of the fucking superhero)
and when superhero visits len in prison he is literally like “there’s good in you” 
(both) get recruited to a time traveling team in which is basically a time captain, four superheroes, and these two villains 
somehow this turns out to be the best found family combo in the fucking history of ever? like even tho they are baddies their bad skills are still put to use to help out with the mission and generally (at least len) is always considered to be part of the team in spite of the fact that they are super villains normally. 
mick maybe sells them out to time pirates after their captain mentions that he was only brought along cause he and len are a packaged deal
len is forced to kill mick??? (or so we think for far too fucking long, even for someone just binge watching the series)
jk mick isnt dead he’s the bounty hunter working for their worst enemy (evil org) who has been hunting them since the pilot
as bounty hunter mick kidnaps len and is like “im gonna go back in time and kill your bby sister (aka the only person you love)” and like somehow in the span of this episode len is still like “dont kill him” to the rest of the team when he gets captured
gets put in glass box of doom on ship, and the team has like restorative convos with mick? wants to help him even tho he went evil and tried to destroy the team / threatened people that they cared about
mick is eventually given the chance to kinda heal and is brought back into the fold of the team and a full functioning member again even though he went extra bad for a bit there
one of them gets blown up and dies a fucking hero (also is probably not actually dead, but its been half a season and im not even fucking sure) 
the other one is currently very depressed and not getting the treatment he needs for that, but ill fight those battles later.
so in summary for comparison 
all three grew up in abusive households 
mick and ward both burn their childhood homes down (but mick actually killed his family)
len & ward both have younger siblings they tried to protect from their abuser (but lisa actually likes len and theyre super close, where as you now aos....)
all three ended up in juvie (tho ward got broke out by garrett and that fucked him  up good) (whereas mick & len meet to becomes criminal partners)
all three are bad guys (ward is a double agent) (while mick/len are major criminals and then super villains)
they all kill all kinds of people
they all hurt the fan favorite good guy scientist characters (mick & len with bombs and cold guns) (ward by dropping them into an ocean in a pod that shoulve floated) (i mean honestly like ward was the nicer one when you look at it like this)
all three kill their abusers (though micks was technically on accident)
all three get thrown in prison/glass boxes where their super counter parts come to see them (ward gets told to kill himself) (len gets told there’s still good in him) (mick gets help getting back to a stable mental state)
mick & ward both betray their found family team for their own person interests (and do get kinda shafted by this, like wards whole plot line vs mick’s time as a bounty hunter)
len & mick are both really bad guys that are given hero arcs (len is season one, mick in season one/two ish) and given a chance to redeem themselves while still being a-holes at times.  (whereas ward gets murdered by his old team leader and gets possessed by an alien monster)
in LoT the character dies a hero. whereas in aos... you know how that goes
the thing that gets me is
the plot lines are so fucking similar
and like these characters have been around as minor characters/villains for two seasons of the flash, and then as main characters for a season and a half (so far) of legends of tomorrow
and the villain with an abusive childhood story line is just handled so much better over there. with the characters given chances to heal. rather than pushed off to the side and made worse and worse
and as someone who lived in an abusive household for far too long
getting to see the snarts story line (and mick’s too) is just such a relief after suffering through all that was aos okay
this is why im so angry.
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obarion · 7 years
TWO DREAMS LIKE MO V I E S i had a dream that i was at dinner at some rental mansion thing with my family and i do mean my family like, BOTH parents grandparents erica the whole nine yards actually i think we were at uncle tonys ajd i had found this weird mask at a place i guess and i decided to give it to my dad as a present because idk he likes weird shit like that so i take the mask and it looks like the face of like... an okd republican guy. not that creepy. but when i brought it out everyone was TERRIFIED and i was like... its creepy but its just a plastic mask and its not... THAT creepy, its just an old man and everyone disagreed they were like "no that is DISFIGURED and HORRIFFIC and we left the room, with the mask, to go hang out somewhere else my mom took a picture of the mask with her phone so she could show me what the mask really was and it was TERRIFYING and shes like "it changes but this is its true form" and apparently when you gift this mask to someone it starts to reflect their true character, which is why as soon as the mask was given to my father it became grotesque and terrifying. ok but when i woke up from this it was SO NOPE AND SO SCARY most of this shit is paraphrased, not what they literally said the second one ohhhhhh so im in japan hanging w a bunch of jrock idola who are probably hanging out with me bc they think im pretty and they wanna get laid .....aww but i dont wanna say that because they were all nice and didnt treat me like that dont do them like that rose anyway it was aoi and uruha and then i think meto and another guy and we were hanging out in this area with a bunch of stores but in this little hideaway in front of them, like a studio under the stores and the parking lot looked like the one in the bay shore area thing with target and micheals at one point i was driving around in mia's fancy car through the parking lot regretting all my life choices bc i know if i crash his car im fuckin DONE FOR like JROCK IS OVER FOR ME I COULD NEVER EVEN LOOK A PICTURE OF ANY OF THEM IN THE EYE ANYMORE and periodically other jrock stars would come in and i didnt have my glasses on at one point? i think i wasnt being included in a conversation, so i stopped trying so hard and decided to go to the side and fall asleep on one of the cushy chairs but as soon as i did, i just felt this presence and my eyes opened and i saw this blurry image of kamijo just throwing something out in a trash can and i just knew it was him by the shape of his hair and immediately scrambled for my glasses ok but why tf am i wearing glasses around jrock stars thats the worst shit my glasses though were like.... invisible??? anyway im just looking at him like starry eyed and i say his name and he looks at me and im like OH BOY hes just gonna... look at me and go away and go talk to aoi or some shit but NOPE THIS OLD ASS MAN DECIDED HE WAS GONNA SIT WITH THE PRETTY GIRL ok ok this is so weird but also ok this dream is SO weird so.... he acts like he REMEMBERS me from somewhere like he KNOWS me and i assumed he just remembered me from the concert in nyc BUT HERES THE THING LIKE IM P R E T T Y SURE THATS NOT WHERE HE KNEW ME FROM because he just kind of went along with it with a face like. "this one is cute, she thinks i remember her from a concert that was 2 years ago" no, this fucker doesnt remember me from there. he remembers me from the 4 fucking thousand dreams where we've hung out together having a great fuckin time like we're 2 shitty friends. anyway so kamijo is just acting a lot like he knows me and shit and my ass is just EATING it up because i just desperately wanted to talk to him, i was like, hes here, you have dreams, pour them out to him. was talking about the concert with him "you performed at my favorite venue, that i performed in, and then you performed in, and when i performed in it again it was like i was you-" and hes listening to me actually p impressed like this is new one of the guys calls him over he leaves for like 2 seconds comes back like sorry SITS down next to me and KISSES the ABCK of my GODDAMN NECK and im like oH OK AY?? I DIDNT DO THAT YOU DID?? and im just blushing and what happens NEXT is we continue our fuckin conversation THATS WHAT and we talk and talk even after everyone leaves and its literally like kamijo just SO interested in my hopes and dreams and aspirations EATING that SHIT UP VALIDATING THE SHIT OUT OF ME and me running my mouth, periodically apologizing for doing that. not without him talking, though, he talked a lot as the night goes on for some reason he looks progressively more like a regular 40 something year old man and im like wAowh whAT is going on but im like it's kamijo! it doesn't matter if his hair is a wig or something like... hes kamijo and hes like, my biggest inspiration! and im still having this great conversation with him and im all like "whenever im not motivated to do music, i think of your concert in ny and i know i have to do it for kamijo" ANYWAY IT WAS JUST SUPER NICE AND SUPER INSPIRING AND FUN and when it was time to leave he just somehow sprung back into beautiful kamijo and hes like "wait where are you going" gives me this look like w he. r e u g o o in g i r l and im like look kamijo youre 41 im 18 and the look on his face when i said 18 was like DAMN FUCK I DIDNT KNOW SHE WAS 18 but he was like "damn, i need to get younger wOw im sorry" he knew that was a creepy age gap even if im of consenting age and then im like "and im not throwing away a relationship ive had for like, almost 4 years with my boyfriend" and hes like OH SHIT and he found that really admirable even tho like.... like WHY would i hurt nolan like that thats DUMB. even for a jrock idol? DUMB. and hes like you fuckin GO girl FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS I BELIEVE IN YOU and he just seemed kinda happy that i could leave like, my biggest inspiration whos hot af just as someone to talk to and not someone i was filling with lies so hed fuck me.
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