#even the events are a no go rn because Finals are Hell :')
is jesus in obey me
He is now
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ghouljams · 5 months
Okay hear me out Gaz with a darling who's a nursing student, but they got their CNA(certified nursing assistant) certification in highschool through you're high school trade school program, got your LPN(license practical nurse), and is currently working on get your RN(registered nurse) with your final goal of getting their LNP(licensed nurse practitioner). You could meet in the ER because he worked himself too hard didn't sleep forgot to drink and eat and just thump Price and Soap rushed the poor man to the hospital. All he remembers is he hit the ground and he wakes up to quite the pretty nurse tending to him.
He finds out later that his nurse is still a student and is actually in a couple of his classes and starts seeing you everywhere in classes, at the library, student events, parties that Soap throws, finds out you're even in the band program. How the hell did he not notice such a pretty little thing for so long?
-Hot mess rambler
P.s. I'm sorry (not) for giving you an idea for price's darling
OK. OK OK OK OK I have a thought, and also multiple "people going to the hospital" stories from college. I do love love love Gaz fainting, but I also love this one story I have and I need you to tell me which one sounds more fun.
Gaz has noticed you. He sees you in band, sees you in the library, walking to classes, he spots you at student events. You're hard not to notice, you're gorgeous, radiant, you laugh a little too loud and he loves you for it. He's got no time to take you out though. That's the problem. He would've talked to you by now but his schedule is insane and he has no time to date, and you deserve to be wooed. You deserve to date someone who has time for you. He's working on it, working with Price to figure out his schedule for next semester so he can have time for you. GOD you don't even know he exists but he is making time for you.
He's out with Soap having a dart at some shitty college bar when he hears from someone inside that you're seeing someone. Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the upset that he didn't get to you first, but Gaz punches a dumpster. No half measures, he hits the cool metal hard and he feels his knuckles crunch as much as he hears them. Soap stares at him and calls Price for a ride to the hospital while Gaz spits and swears. "Yeah, no, Gaz punched a dumpster," Soap crouching to inspect it, "There is a dent, aye good on ya Gaz."
And of course who should he see when he gets settled in the ER, who's bandaging his hand? You of course. Working an ER shift between classes and just as radiant as always even in scrubs. No, especially in scrubs. He thought you were a student, then again he doesn't really know anything about you except that you're gorgeous and taken. You ask Soap what happened because Gaz is too busy staring at you to be conversational. You laugh, just a little too loud, when he tells you that Gaz punched a dumpster. "Alcohol will do that," you smile at him, and Gaz feels like he's staring at the sun.
And maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the painkiller you gave him, maybe it's the way you smile at him like you could stop the world with a glance, but he can't stop his mouth from moving. "I'd be good to ya, break up wi' your boyfriend," he slurs. Soap wheezes, leans over to clutch his stomach he laughs so hard. You give him a look of utter confusion.
"I don't have a boyfriend," you tell him, "hardly have time to sleep between this and classes." You lean over Gaz and he sits up a bit to sniff you, just enough to smell hospital soap and the last dredge of your perfume. "Is he always like this?" You ask Soap.
"Nah 'e's fuckin' trollied," Soap manages between giggles, "sober 'im up an' he's class."
"Right," you smile again, God you should smile all the time Gaz never wants you to stop smiling. You look at him and he must look like a fool the way Soap sputters and laughs. "Why don't you ask me out when you sober up," You grin, like it's a private joke between the two of you. It is most certainly not a joke to Gaz.
"I will," He tells you, deathly serious. Your smile softens a little and you grab a pen from your pocket. You hold Gaz's arm still and carefully write down your name and phone number, making sure it's legible before you let him take a look at it. "Bet," He grins.
"This'll be a great story for your kids," Soap says, leaning to inspect your penmanship.
"Gotta get a ring now," Gaz agrees. You laugh and leave them to their plotting, sure you won't hear from your patient in the morning.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Friend. F r I e N d. Your smol brother Razor hcs made my insides flippyflop. I beg, I plead...
My daughter QiQi? Holding onto my sleeve while we go picking herbs so she knows she can get home? Getting her a little bag with a notebook and pen so she always has memory?
Scolding Baizhu for letting her go herb picking when he knows she probably won't remember the way home?!?! Because Archons man like NO.
Hello!! Flippyflop??!! Over my writing ??!! 🥺🥺 <3
Also srry im rlly slow getting to yalls asks i promise it will come and i love u all for giving me asks <33
(*´▽)ノ✨️ NOW LETS GO ! ! ✨️
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(Now before yall come at me, I am aware Baizhu does care about her, but BUT, he still is studying her/canonically has ulterior motives, and lets her pick herbs when she may not be able to find her way back, also he doesnt strike me as the type to be super affectionate/parental, as cute as it is to write him that way)
What a b l e s s e d ask, this is so cute i love all the kids in genshin their adorable
So... im kinda a consistent Sagau writer, and i love requests like this! But also, im not sure if u guys want me to still apply Sagau/Isekai setting to these requests on top of what was initially asked??
So i will pretty much always make all requests will be SAGAU/ISEKAI Reader based, UNLESS YOU STATE OTHERWISE IN THE ASK!!
Oh Qiqi, another child product of ✨️traumatic events✨️
(Future me after finishing this: oh god what monster have I unleashed upon the world, upon the sagau tag, upon my innocent followers...)
Damn ur lucky u didnt land in Jueyun Karst or nothin
Or on one of the many mountains/cliffs all over Liyue
Its honestly more a shock u arent on a mountain bc theres so many,,
Ur pretty close to Liyue Harbor luckily, not in town, but sort of at the base of Mt Tianheng by the looks of it, almost behind it
Its about sunset too, WOW
Liyue Harbor is hella bigger than in game, holy fuck its actually a huge port city
Should u go into the city??
Ur not sure, do they speak English??
...Wait u dont got a single mora
U cant even get an inn rn RIP
?? Should u just? Find a cave?? To sleep in??
But what about monsters??!
(Call Xiao? Nah he'd freak tf out on u, Shenhe maybe? She is the only option u can think of that seems like she would possibly take in a random homeless traveler from another world, mostly bc she could beat ur ass no matter what)
So,, Shenhe? Maybe? Ur still not sold on the idea but maybe u could gather something out here to sell on a street corner?? Or to Wanmin maybe for fresh ingredients?
Yeah sure why not,
With that, u just wander around the area, checking out all the plants and animals
The fennec foxes are so adorable
Oh shit some mint and sweet flower, finally
Oh hell yeah a sunsettia, u got food now 💪
U hold onto some of it to sell (including a low violet grass hell yeah)
Crunchin and munchin ur way thru Liyue now, it isnt until u find a particularly wooded area that u hear ur first sign of human life
Stand corrected,
A soft hum, almost a lullaby, comes from Qiqi as she picks up other flowers youve never seen before (ooo new liyue plants)
Should u just leave? She seems busy and u dont wanna distract her bc she might forget to go back to her task..
Wait a minute.
On the other hand,
Now you can finally achieve one of your many goals in Genshin that you couldn't as a player.
Help Qiqi collect herbs and guide her back,
And scold Baizhu. >:)
(whats he gonna do?? call the milieth on you??? for some rude person who doesnt like the way he makes a child wander off, who has memory issues and cant find her way back??? thats what you thought)
Approaching the tiny zombie girl, you purposely step on a branch to let her know ur there
...she doesn't even flinch, instead she vvveerrryy slooowwwlllyyy lifts her head up from her bent position
Her big doe eyes 🥺
They dont look empty, or dead just kinda dreamy
She tilts her head, the adepti paper covering an eye
Qiqi: "...do I know you? ..you feel... familiar..."
Oh this is crazy, she sounds exactly like in game, but instead of in a screen, her voice is in front of you
You respond "Oh I don't think so?" You introduce yourself,
"Are you alone out here? The sun is setting..."
It didnt strike you until now, but the zombie girl is so... so... tiny
I mean, you knew the kids were small, but not 5-6 year old small!!!
Qiqi stands, and you see her holding a basket in the crook of her other arm, full of greenery
(some u recognize like violet grass, horsetails, but others are completely new, wow u gotta wander around Liyue after u find somewhere to sleep tonight to check out how much more fleshed out it is irl...)
The little cryo user is the picture perfect image of sweetness 💝✨️
The paper falls to the side, and both of her gentle pink eyes look up at you (💔)
Qiqi answers slowly, "...I messed up my routine, I forgot to get herbs this morning...so I couldn't make the medicine for today... I'm getting them now instead.."
She turns to the right, then left, and blinks a few times (💔💔💔)
She kinda looks like she forgot the way back,, you figure you might as well ask
"Do you want help getting back to town? The pharmacy right?"
Qiqi looks back at you, and nods, "Okay...thank you..."
She takes YOUR HANNNDDDD 😫😫😫💔💔💔
Her small fingers are cold, and they wrap around only two of your fingers
Trying to hold the squeal inside urself, you turn and begin to walk off together, following the path around Mt. Tianheng into town
After hearing about your homeless situation, Qiqi and Baizhu offer the guest room for the night, also partially as a thank you for helping Qiqi (thank fuck theyre that nice)
After talking on the way over,
Turns out that Baizhu lives just out of town of Liyue, (not found in the game, was is it with not showing characters houses...) that way he has some greenery around his house, and has a garden out back :D 🌱
Baizhu just gets this strange familiar feeling from you (it almost reminds him of,, seeing a regular customer that has been to see him hundreds of times...) that convinces him to offer you a job at the pharmacy, in exchange for living in the guest room for awhile ! ! WOO
Literally on the first day out ur like,, Baizhu.
My boss, my friend, my buddy, my homie, my guyyyyy
U gotta let me go with Qiqi from now on, she will literally get lost hoe. 😐
Tapping ur foot at him and everything,
He's a little intimidated tbh bc ur so upfront about it, and agrees
U lowkey shame his parenting (and he actually feels quilty wow)
"Since we first met, I have had a warm feeling inside. Not the kind of warmth that makes me feel rotten. The other kind of warm. The one that happens inside my heart. Thank you. I am happy. Sadly I only recognize the current you. If I forget you... No. I will order myself to remember you."
(Once again, if u read my Razor post, another person who can't quite articulate what you are as the Creator, but just has a feeling about you that ur cozy and safe :')
(U help her press flowers in it to both leave inside as a pleasent surprise when she forgets about them, and attach some to the front 💖)
In the morning, she goes herb picking, then makes medicine, and then does stretches at the end of the day before bed
(At least im pretty sure thats it, it was like 3 things so she could remember easily)
And she even says "...I started memory training exercises recently. So don't worry, I won't forget who you are." 🥲💘
Qiqi seemed excited to tell u all the plants u dont recognize and what they do in medicine,
U mostly think that bc she walked and talked a little faster,
her emotions arent super obvious bc apparently her facial muscles arent super flexible... :/
(she later on after she trusts you more, will sometimes let u rub her little cheeks and massage her face to let her have more range, she looks like a content kitten those times 😭😭)
But when ur not out and about Liyue's nature with Qiqi,
U do little odd jobs around Liyue, like dog walking, delivering peoples' medicine, and u even registered w/the Adventurer's Guild so u could take on small commissions :D
U used ur money to buy ingredients to cook food for urself and the household (bc Baizhu cant make anything besides soup and tea apparantly srsly how is this man alive)
And thru a series of trial and error (and consulting Xiangling..)
U made coconut milk!!! ✨️🥥🥛
Qiqi loved. It. Every. Time.
She's not tall enough to reach the kitchen counters w/o a stool, but she can peek her little head over it and put her fingers on the edge, which she does everytime u make it 😫😫🥺🥺
She has a 6th sense for everytime u make it, no matter where she is in the house/nearby lol
It was also one of the things she wrote down in her notebook that she didnt wanna forget LMAO
Next to a reminder that she knows you + other facts abt u, is "can make coconut milk"
You can bribe her with it too lol
Shes already Baizhu's assistant, so she is great at cutting, chopping, and prepping ingredients
She insists on helping u everytime, she'll even delay her morning routine for u to make breakfast <3
(U also make sure to remind her to eat and hydrate consistently, bc thatd be hard af to keep track of w/ memory issues, i would know 💀)
U also used ur money to buy clothes for urself and her!! <3
Also apparently u still have access to the character menu? And ur inventory?? And quests???
(Her outfits show up in her outfit screen!! theres just kinda a hologram button hovering over her chest at all times..)
She seems rlly fond of upgrading her, her weapon, and artifacts bc she likes to be a stronk 💪girl to protect ppl she loves aw <3
She also likes to help u out with commissions too, it brings her some variety in her day that shes become fond of!!
(Shes also become fond of you and all the exciting things ur doing)
Ur quests menu is rlly helpful for you but also her!! U just gently reroute her or remind her everytime she needs it :)
(she has slowly gone from asking you what she forgot/what she was supposed to be doing, to just... LOOKING UP AT YOUUUUU FOR THE ANSWERRRR W/O SAYING ANYTHINGGGGG 💔💔💔💔💔💔)
Bc u got jackshit all else to do in ur freetime, other than exploring, u started picking up some hobbies thatll benefit the both of you!
U bought some fabric and whatnot to make Qiqi a backpack!! So she doesnt have to carry around the herb basket anymore
(the ones being sold were too expensive, and werent quite right for her anyway, but u did stab urself enough times that Baizhu gave u bandages..)
You give it to her on her birthday!! (she also remembered yours!! She gave u herbal medicine and a necklace of gemstones she handmade like noctilous jade and cor lapis cries)
It has lots of pockets, bc Qiqi also likes to get interesting rocks or non-medicinal flowers to give you while yall are outside <3
She loves the backpack, u saw her make the
Smile ever, which made it even cuter to see
(She also just, held it to her chest the whole day 😭)
ALSO BC SHE STRIKES ME AS A SLOW BURN TYPE OF PERSON TO LOVE SOMEONE (idk if u get that feeling but thats what it seems like to me esp with her memory needing time to remember a new person, she apparently canonically cant always remember Baizhu's face??)
Was that your soul leaving your body? Maybe 🤷‍♂️
But when yall r in a crowd of Liyueans and tourists, she straight up latches onto ur hand like a vice grip
She WILL NOT lose you, and ur holding back just as hard, you WILL NOT lose ur amnesiac child!!!
She likes to come into town with u when u go bc while shes not a fan of crowds, she can deal with them a lot better when ur there 🥺
Plus she wants to be able to look out for you!!
When u asked why she didnt like crowds the first time yall went SHE SAID
"Some people want to take advantage of me. Others are terrified of me. But you... You are not like any of those people."
Ok so she was already pretty strong before you, but now esp since u started upgrading her-
Qiqi is hella strong and has great stamina
U saw this in action in real time when Hu Tao was strolling down the path near where yall were herb picking off to the side
Hu Tao and Qiqi like... locked eyes-
U were looking down at plants but noticed Qiqi not moving, and looked up to see the most intense staring contest ever LMAO
it was kinda shocking to finally have ran into him (bc u figured there was no way he would come down to see some rando human, even if u had almond tofu)
Top ten most disturbing images: Xiao face first on the ground, out of it
And while ur like panicking "omfg how tf am i gonna carry this mf all the way back to the pharmacy, omg what happened, oh jesus this is insane its literally XIAO and he's PASSED OUT-"
Qiqi in the background like, "hup"
And just arranges him in a piggyback carry, his legs and arms sticking straight out in front of her, his ass almost touching the GROUNNNDDD😭😭😭
You: *shocked pikachu face meme LMAOOO
Bonus: Zhongli has been going in-fucking-sane trying to locate where u are lol, Hu Tao literally made him take a few days off bc he was pacing around the harbor so much 😭
He always seems to get to where you are, just as you leave the area (apparently Qiqi's deathlike presence throws off ur very full of life one)
Literally as soon as you landed (woke up?) On Liyue soil, he was hyper aware of you
The other adepti are searching the rest of Liyue just in case ur someone where else
Lol wonder how long it took him to realize u were just workin at Bubu Pharmacy LMAO
Tell me what to write! :) ♡
Reminder: A 100+ Followers celebration POLL!!
I hope u enjoyed this fucking monster anon sob-
oh my god im actually shocked you guys, i just scrolled up and down this thing-
I can't even like, flick it once and let it scroll really fast and reach the top u know what i mean?? 😟😰🙂🙃🥲
I just,, i had so many ideas, and as i typed and tried to get them all down i-
uh,, aNyWaY,,, enjoy yalls week guys...😟😃 distantsobbing
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza
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ranhaitanisgf · 7 months
if its okay can i ask for a samon gokuu scenario with oblivious bestfriends + star gazing
tysm for this !!! stay safe !!!! stay hydrated !!! take care of urself!!!!
— samon gokuu // oblivious best friends // star gazing
[𖤐] hello anon! thank you for requesting for my event, and your req has finally been answered !! this is more like one (1) oblivious bsf (you) and one (1) bsf who kinda knows his feelings but also doesnt wanna think abt it. anywho, i hope you all enjoy my lovelies!!
wc: 870+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“...oi, (y/n), wake up.” samon felt like he was being challenged. he doesn’t know by who; God, maybe? if there was a higher power, it was definitely testing him right now. 
the only reason he had ventured over into your building was because he’d wanted to show you the stars. the sky was particularly clear that night, and ever since you were children, you had always loved to see the stars. in fact, it was one of the reasons that despite working in a prison in the middle of nowhere, you enjoyed your job. 
however, when he’d walked into your small office, you were fast asleep on top of a rather tall stack of papers, completely knocked out. the sight hadn’t surprised him, since it was not an unknown fact that you always tended to slack off when it came to paperwork, (he hadn’t realized it had gotten this bad, but he supposes that it makes sense). 
he’d gone to go wake you up and tell you, let’s take a break and go look at the stars for a bit, but when he’d gotten closer, he’d heard something that he was most definitely not supposed to hear. 
“samon…” you had mumbled, freezing him in his tracks. 
now, what was he supposed to do? 
hearing you utter his name in such a way had gripped his heart in a certain way, and now he wasn’t sure what the hell he was supposed to do next. ignore it and walk away? wake you up and confront you? ignore it and wake you up anyway? 
it seemed the choice had been made for him. 
“samon?! what’re you doing here?! why were you just standing there? you scared the hell out of me…” you exclaimed, clutching your chest to slow down your heart. 
“i just came to tell you the sky looks good right now. and i was standing there ‘cause i was about to wake you up…” he’d decided to take the cool and casual route at the moment, even though you’d caught him extremely off guard. “the clouds are all gone so i figured you would want to see it.” 
“oh, that actually all checks out. i was gonna call you a freak ‘cause you were watching me sleep, haha.” you laughed, standing up from your chair and stretching. “there’s no way i’m gonna be able to submit all this paperwork to warden hyakushiki by tomorrow, so i might as well! let’s go!” as you looped your arm around samon’s and started walking to the balcony, his thoughts began to go wild. 
he’d never really spent too much time thinking about his feelings, especially towards you; he was always focusing on his work and his prisoners. although they were still prisoners and he was still a guard, he’d grown fond of them, (though he would never admit this out loud to them) and helped them with things they brought to him. his little rivalry with hajime was also included with work, and because of this diligence, he never really allowed himself to even think of something aside from it. 
with you though, he found himself thinking less about work and more about normal things. normal things that a twenty-year old might think about, like having a girlfriend and doing things he enjoyed with her. he could teach her all about how to garden and the different kinds of plants and what you can do with them, and he could even train with her. 
except, in these fantasies, it wasn’t a random woman. it was you. 
and that was something that made him a little bit scared. 
now, samon gokuu is not a man to get scared and run away easily, and though he wasn’t running away from you, he was definitely a little scared. not because you’re scary, (at all) but wholly because it was something strange and unknown, and he had no clue what indulging his feelings would be like. he supposes it wouldn’t be bad though. being with you. 
your arm untangled from his as you two reached the balcony, the cool air of the night feeling refreshing. you walked up to the railing, leaning against it as you stared at the stars. 
“ahh, you were right; it’s so beautiful tonight.” you said, a warm smile on your face as you looked back at him. the slight breeze in the night lifted your hair a bit, framing your face damn near perfectly. 
you were beautiful. 
“yeah, um…it really is.” he managed to get out, feeling a little bit too entranced by you. his supposed best friend. he almost felt guilty for whatever he was feeling, but at the same time, he wants to be able to imagine having a future with you. 
as he joined you at the railing, you scooted a little closer to him, beaming up at him with such a joyful expression that it squeezed his heart just a bit, (it really just skipped a beat, he just didn’t want to say it). 
he keeps a small hope in his heart that one day, maybe, these same stars would look down on you and him as lovers. for now though? he’s content just being by your side.
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juliapark13 · 1 year
sending this ask because i want for all the tkkrs who lurk here to see me debunk all their previous and new narratives;
1) "taekook was real" no it wasn't. yall pretended that they were real for years and got slammed thrice, first when tae replied "you'd better get out of the imagination, it's not good in there" to a taekooker on weverse telling him to look at jk's photos whom he loves before going to sleep.
then it was in ITS1 when taekook admitted to having drifted apart when yall spent years making up excuses for why they aren't behaving like you wanted them to, saying that the company is forcing them to hide.
then yall spent every waking moment of 2023 repeatedly using the "taekook are finally free in this solo era and they're coming out to let everyone know that they're together. the company doesn't control them anymore." narrative. then BOOM, taennie got caught.
2) "taehyung is being punished for being loud about him and jungkook so he was forced to get into a fake PR fan service relationship"
a) nothing about taennie is fan service. their fans hate each other and blinks hate taehyung, armys hate jennie. which fans are they servicing?
b) this taennie thing has been going around since late 2021 when tae accidentally followed her on Instagram. it's not a recent thing that hybe chose as a coverup for TK.
c) i thought tkkrs took pride in taehyung never bowing to the company? i thought only jk was the helpless puppet forced into a fake relationship with jimin? i thought that's why hybe were easily able to make jk delete his IG account but couldn't force taehyung? now tae is a puppet too?
d) accusing tae of doing fan service? the same insulting crap you attached to jimin all these years? tkkrs are now tae antis as well?
3) "it's the lookalike" no it's not. he's in Seoul amidst of this controversy. and it was never him at all. other than the fact that he denied being the one in the pictures, and him having a girlfriend, all those pictures that were leaked last year that yall spent hours insulting every part of tae's body in vain effort to prove it isn't him backfired badly for you today. i saw tkkrs calling tae in today's pictures "musty, white, ugly, with a moustache, flat assed" and a whole bunch of other bullshit just for clear pictures to come out later proving it was indeed taehyung.
4) "it still doesn't prove that jikook is real" no one said that. we're here to talk about how yall spent years moving like a cult, twisting reality at every turn of events that didn't fit you little bubble, and dragged jimin for YEARSSS accusing him of all kind of shit but most importantly is how yall accused him of oppressing your precious taekook, yall accused him of trying to steal jungkook from taehyung when jk was never tae's in the first place. yall accused jimin of being a bad friend to tae for being all over his man when tae was dating a woman this whole time. THIS is why jikookers/pjms are gloating rn. because we've been waiting for jimin to be freed of your narratives for years. we've tried talking it out with you using logic MANY times, that your ship isn't real and taekook are just close friends, that you shouldn't drag an innocent man in the sake of theory that could very well turn out false at any day. but yall didn't listen, yall left no place for doubt in your minds and were so adamant that taekook is real and didn't matter to you what horrible shit you said about jimin, even jk in the process. yall accused jk of being a cheater, accused him of being toxic and riling tae up on purpose to make him jealous, accused of enjoying fan service with jimin too much, got mad at him for never doing things for tae that he did for jimin, etc. all of this shit can't and won't be erased in one day. now you have jjks, pjms, and jikookers all celebrating and they will make your lives HELL like you made ours and our idols’.
i'm just gonna end this with saying that this was a long time coming, and taekook were never going to scare me even if tae and jk kept their private lives private forever. even if taennie was never confirmed, taekook would still be as much as a lie as they've always been. no amount of theories, lies, manipulation, and gaslighting would've made that ship sail. and anyone with a half brain could see from a mile away that taekook are just great friends, nothing more. except for taekookers, yall st yourselves up long ago when you started shipping them based on aesthetic, potential and popularity, and now you're been bitch slapped by reality and your bubble finally burst. i can't say i told you so but I told you so.
They can’t get it and they can’t see it, because delusion is a mental disorder defined as:
false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes and despite what constitued incontrovertible and obvious proof for evidence to the contrary.
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Bestie you've made me SO CURIOUS about what the hell happened with Lieke
I thought we liked her?? Didn't we win the 2021 semis because of her?? (Don't @ me, I'm terrible at dates, all I remember is that there was an important game and we win it because of her)
Literally biting my nails rn waiting for the gossip 👀🙏
(no rush!! Take your time!! Find your sources!! I appreciate all your work 🫶)
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you all really enjoy angst, huh? 😂
okay, rule #1 of barça fandom: we love everyone until we don't 💅🏻 (unfortunately, we have earned a reputation as a fandom that is quick to turn on its players. to be fair, justly in some cases!)
and believe me, lieke was certainly beloved. looking back on her time at barça, she was definitely one of our best players, having played 5 seasons/158 matches and scoring 73 goals.
but what turned culers against lieke was her behaviour and the way she handled leaving the club. according to sport, lieke was allegedly offered a new contract early in the 2021-22 season, indicated she would accept, but never signed the renewal. then she kept putting things off for months, ignored calls of barça reps who say they never knew she wanted to leave on a free transfer. even cgh was asked about the rumours that lieke was leaving and said they were "fake news."
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anyway, once the news was announced that lieke would be going to psg, the fandom basically felt like it was a betrayal. even prominent barça journalists called out the way lieke left as "not the right way for the club and her teammates" and that the way she left was a "disappointment."
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some fans lamented that barça should place limits on how long players have to decide on a renovation (because lieke dragged it out!)
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and other fans started calling lieke all types of names like "rat" "snake" and "traitor" when she first posted she was leaving. and then when lieke got injured during euro2022, the abuse continued with some fans even saying it was karma.
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ultimately, there were rumours that the real reason that lieke left was because she wasn't getting the attention that players like alexia was getting from the club and fanbase. remember that lieke joined barça in 2017, which was the same year that she won uefa's player of the year and fifa's the best. was lieke jealous because her star had fallen and alexia's had risen? and because she wasn't spanish/catalan, it would remain that way. she even said as much in an interview with mundo deportivo.
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(the tweet above ponders whether lieke has finally confirmed the rumours that had been around for months that she was jealous of alexia and felt overshadowed)
obviously, lieke has a different version of events and even said in her most recent interview that it was because she wanted to be closer to her fiancé and home. but i always thought the issue of not feeling like the "chosen one" or "star girl" lingered. like in the earlier mundo deportivo interview in 2022, she complained about not being thanked by the club:
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so yeah, tl;dr, it is what it is. probably everyone involved would want to go back in time and do it differently, but here we are. the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
and fyi, even today, fans still hold a grudge against lieke.
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("the thing about lieke martens… it's a shame… because at PSG she doesn't play at all… she only warms up the bench… here at FCB she would be winning titles and playing🤷🏽‍♀️ i guess bad decisions you make in life…")
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hischierswhore · 1 year
more angst pls HSKSHDH i love the way you wrote angst shit and hurt my feelings. maybe for puli this time. like a really toxic christian who did not give a fuck about reader’s feelings because fame gets into his head and a naive reader who just wants to be loved by him 😭
i just miss you
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pairing: Christian Pulisic x Reader
TW: none
A/N: thank u bff! this isn’t too angsty (i’m working on a very angsty one rn. should be posted soon 🙂)
You’d been dating since you were both 18, and when Christian got picked to play for Chelsea, you moved overseas with him.
Lately he’s been intolerable, acting like you don’t exist anymore. He doesn’t even acknowledge you. He never plans anything with you. It’s always about the team.
Now you just feel like a burden on him. You can’t stand his attitude, and it is absolutely killing you.
You walked into the living room to see Christian sitting on the couch, scrolling through TikTok. You sat down next to him.
“Hey Chris. Can we talk?” You asked as Christian looked up from his phone for a split second.
“What’s up?” He turned his attention back to TikTok, which led you to sigh.
“You know what, nevermind. You’re not even paying attention” You stood up and walked to the kitchen, which caused Christian to put his phone down and chase after you.
“Sorry, Y/n. You’ve got my attention. What’s wrong?”
“You don’t see it? Chris, we’ve changed. I get you’re committed to your team, but you completely abandon me whenever you have events. Hell, you don’t even ask me to accompany you”
“I didn’t think you’d want to join” He shrugged.
“Well maybe if you asked, you would know that I did want to go with you! Why wouldn’t I want to spend time with my boyfriend of 6 years?” Your tone got a bit loud, so you attempted to lower it as you finished speaking.
Christian stared at you as he leaned against the counter next to you.
“Do you want me to take you to every game?” He wasn’t fully getting what you were trying to say.
“Oh my god you’re not understanding!” You shouted as you rubbed your hands across your face.
“This isn’t about football, Christian! It’s about the fact that you never spend time with me unless it involves football. I miss going on dates. I miss just staying in and watching movies with you all night. I just miss you, Chris, but you don’t see that” Your eyes began to fill with tears.
Christian put his hand on top of yours in attempt to help you calm down. You took in a deep breath.
“Shit, Y/n, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you felt like that.” His voice was soft and soothing, just like it usually was, but it still brought a little comfort.
“I’ll try to make more time for you, for us, princess” He grabbed you into a hug and whispered sweet things in your ear until your emotions finally settled.
When he pulled away from you, you gave him a weak smile before standing up straight.
“Let’s order some food.” He suggested before he picked you up and carried you to the couch.
You both watched Netflix while you ate burgers and fries on the couch. Christian pulled you close and wrapped you in his arms, squeezing you tightly. You sighed as he kissed your neck.
After another kiss along your jaw line, Christian pulled away to admire you as you laid in his arms.
He gently grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
“I love you, Y/n” He whispered to you.
A lump formed in your throat as you smiled and squeezed his hand tighter.
He hadn’t said those words in months, and to finally hear them meant everything to you.
“I love you too, Christian” You smiled at him and he brought you into another kiss.
Christian kept his promise to you. You followed Christian around everywhere now. You went with him to all of his games, you accompanied him to events and he even took you out at least twice a week.
And they weren’t spur of the moment or hastily planned outings either. They were thoroughly planned dates.
Christian still tried to work around his schedule, though. He’d plan things around his trainings & games, just for you.
His goal was to keep you happy, and he did just that. Every day was special because you spent it with him.
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azurelyy · 2 years
Hi, how are you doing?
I saw that your requests are open and I have an idea for a NSFW fic:
The reader teases her still „friend“ Kakashi just to see how far she can go (because this man has self control) but doesn’t expect all of this to escalate. (How? Idk there are too many options to choose rn lol)
I kind of thought this would be a cute friends with feelings but oh well haha- this man makes me loose all my self control
I hope this is okay, please delete this if it made you uncomfortable etc.
Have a lovely day cutie ;)
Hi, sweet Nonnie! Sorry this took me awhile to get to. My event took more stamina out of me than anticipated!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this and that I didn't go too overboard... 😬.
Title: Mine 🍋  
Words: 3.8k
Ship: Kakashi x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, 'Daddy' kink, "good girl", bondage, light BDSM, loss of control, unprotected sex, 696969, cookie monster!Kakashi, hand job, fingering, softdom! Kakashi, choking
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You were certain that he had set your skin on fire. You winced as you kicked your legs, trying your best to writhe from the silk tie wrapped around your wrists, but Kakashi hadn’t left you any quarter - the binding was tight and, for all intents and purposes, permanent. At least for now.
“Finally done?” He asked, his velvet voice choking you more than his hand wrapped around your throat. You muffled something into the ball gag as you whipped your head over to where you thought he was, the blindfold hiking up your face slightly and allowing you to see a sliver of the room. Your eyes landed on Kakashi’s legs and you bumped your knee into his as your body fell limply into his lap. 
His hands twisted throughout the back of your head and you felt the pressure of the gag lift away. You choked gently as his finger traced the curve of your spine.
 “There’s no way you’ve ever used this stuff.” You felt heat rise to your cheeks at the thought of Kakashi tying up innocent women, something he most definitely has done. Asking to see his collection was one thing - actually fucking him? That was something completely different.
Not that you’d say no.
He hummed and removed the blindfold swiftly. You locked onto his onyx eyes and smiled when you saw just how red his cheeks were.  “I can neither confirm nor deny your statement,” was his only response. Your stomach boiled with envy as he freed your wrists and you pushed yourself down into his lap, resting your head onto his thigh. His pants were tenting with his arousal and your mouth grew wet at the sight. 
“You can tell me, you know,” you teased, gently tracing up his clothed erection with your index finger. “Isn’t that what friends are for?”
This bet had gone on far too long. It started out innocently enough, Yamato suggesting that you try and get Kakashi to break. It was obvious to anyone with a pulse that the two of you were into each other - hell, even you and Kakashi knew you were into each other - but he was the type of person who never let his emotions get the better of him. Now that he was the Hokage, it was even harder to hang out with him, and you knew getting him to crack was going to be the hardest mission of your life. 
It started small. Lingering touches, light kisses to the cheek and ears, breathing down his neck every time he hugged you. It got even worse when Kakashi caught on to your tricks and started doing some teasing of his own. His hands roamed further down your back, resting on your ass, his teeth grazed across your jaw when you were alone in his office. Every touch was magnetic and electric, killing you slowly.
He smirked down at you. “Friends?”
“Yeah, isn’t that what we are?”
He kept his eyes glued to your face as he put a thoughtful finger to his lips and pondered the question for a heartbeat. “No, I don’t think so.”
Your hand jerked away from him as you sat up, surprised at how hurt you were. What the fuck? As if sensing your anger, Kakashi gripped onto your wrist with the pressure of trickling water, delicate and light.
“What I mean is, do friends do this with other friends?” He gestured to his cock and the sex toys that were strewn about the room as he raised a brow at you.
“I-” Your voice was tied to your throat. You swallowed down the soot that had collected in your mouth as you whispered, “I guess not.”
His hand moved from your wrist to interlock his fingers with yours as he leaned in, his face dangerously close, crossing the imaginary friendship boundary line. The two of you had been this close before, from the countless teasing sessions over the past few months, but this time felt different. Instead of sparks between you, there was gasoline, and Kakashi held the match.
“You’re smarter than that,” his voice had a magnetism in it, drawing you closer, your lips ghosting over his. “Friends don’t do this.”
His mouth brushed against yours, too quickly for you to react, before it smoldered down your neck. His teeth nipped at your sensitive skin as goosebumps raised up along your arms and shoulders, cold tingles running down your spine.
Your pussy was throbbing with need as slick rushed between your legs and you swiftly pushed your thighs together, craving the friction Kakashi wasn’t providing to you. As his mouth sucked at your collarbone, every nerve in your body simultaneously popped and you fiercely gripped at his soft hair, sinking your fingernails into his scalp.
Kakashi was teetering on the damnable tightrope of resistance. Your sounds were loud and lewd, causing his cock to twitch in his pants as he moved to assault the skin of your chest with his mouth. Your small fingers danced in his hair, drawing him closer.
He applied more pressure to your body as he rolled you to your back and laid on top of you, licking his way to the skin of your breast. The invisible caution tape that adorned your body was tossed to the wayside as he gently moved his hands under your shirt and stroked your hip bones with his thumbs, hushed curses sparking around the room.
“If that’s the case,” your voice sounded different like this, as his hands roamed up your body and kneaded at your breasts over your bra. Kakashi wanted to hear this voice forever. “Then I don’t want to be your friend, Kakashi.”
His hands twitched as a large shiver ran up the length of his spine, like freezing rain had been injected into his veins. This game the two of you had been playing was sweet torture. A dumb race that had stretched an unbearable distance, his stamina was wearing thin.
He could touch you but not taste you, could watch you fall but not catch you, could be with you but not ruin you. You were his smoking gun, the one thing in this world that had the capability to beat his heart into submission. He tried his best, he gave it all - but in the end, you had won. He conceded.
He groaned and thrust his hips against yours instinctively, catching his head onto your clit as smoke filled his lungs. The match had been lit and he was burning alive with you. Tonight. 
“Not friends, got it,” he agreed, leaning back to pull your shirt over your head. “Don’t have time for friends anyway.”
His hands slipped under your back to unhook your bra as you frantically freed him from his pants. His cock bounced against his stomach, already glistening with precum. It was massive.
Your heart hammered against your ribcage as you wrapped your hand around him and stroked down in one, fluid motion. Through barred teeth, he made a strangled sound before he swirled his tongue around your hard nipple. His mouth was heaven against your chest, almost ethereal.
“F-Fuck friends,” you moaned, grazing your thumb across his slit. Your hand was drenched with him, sticky like honey. “Kakashi, you feel so good.”
He trailed his tongue down your chest and stomach, slowly riding to his final destination. He slipped from your grasp and you moved your hands to his hair, dampening the silver strands. The room was spinning around you as he rolled your pants and panties off. Hot breath hit your walls, fanning across your slit; molten hot lava pooled between your legs. 
“So pretty…” he murmured, kissing up and down your folds. His timbre was ragged, rumbling from deep within his chest. “You’re soaked.”
He thrust two fingers into your pussy with ease, pushing past the walls of muscle and drenching himself with you. You had never felt so much bliss in your whole life, it was almost painful, in the most sinful way. If there was someone who could make you come from vaginal insertion alone, it was Kakashi Hatake - and he hadn’t even pumped his perfect cock into you yet.
“Oh shit,” you cried, your thighs crashing against his cheeks. “W-Wait.”
“I’ve done enough waiting,” he murmured, placing a kiss on your clit. Your vision went white, his fingers thrusting into you almost breaking you. He was going to devastate you. “Want to taste you, princess.”
“H-Hold on,” you pleaded, pulling him up by his hair. His eyes were filled with fire, deeply burning through the coal black stare. “Let’s taste each other.”
He had no objections to that. He rumbled a string of nonsensical sentences as the two of you maneuvered on the bed, Kakashi laying down on his back while you hovered your cunt above his face and his cock pressed firmly onto your cheek. His breath was freezing from how hot your pussy was, cooling your core temperature with each small blow.
Your body was trembling over him. Kakashi placed his fingers onto your walls, opening you up like a long lost tome. His gasp hit your cunt enthusiastically before he giggled manically, swirling his thumb around inside of you with an expert’s precision. It made you nervous, how much he was admiring you, almost insecure.
You clenched yourself shut and he growled, opening you up again. “Don’t.” was all he said. His tone was sharp and commanding, something you’d only ever heard him direct at enemies in combat. When he used it on you, it made your pussy quiver with anticipation. You felt juice dribble down your inner thighs as he moaned beneath you, and you pictured your slick coating his five o’clock shadow as he dragged his scruff against the skin of your thighs hungrily.
Unable to form sentences, you opted to lick along the curve of his cock, paying special attention to the largest vein on his underside. It seemed to work. His agile tongue licked up the length of your cunt, slowly swirling into crevices that had never been touched before.
A new sound erupted from your chest, a note you were unaware you could even hit. Kakashi groaned yes into you as he licked to the right of your clit, still teasing you even despite the circumstance. 
You followed suit, rolling your tongue to the right of his slit and licking under the curve of his head. Your vision was nothing but shooting stars when his tongue moved your clit gently to the left and you wrapped your hand around the base of him that your mouth couldn’t reach as you shoved him down your throat, stuffing your mouth with him. 
An orchestra of loud slurping and squeaking of the bed played throughout the room as the two of you devoured each other, rocking your hips with each delicious swirl of your tongues. The air was boiling with tension as your stomach filled with fire.
Your thighs were spasming against his face and all he could smell was you - it drove him mad with ador, made him want to get even further into you, to push himself deeper inside of your sweet mouth. Your lovely teeth gently grazed down the length of his cock and he twitched inside your mouth when he pictured your hollowed cheeks, how your precious eyes were probably leaking tears from the size of him.
“Such a dirty, pretty girl,” he whispered, moving his face down your cunt as his nose brushed your clit. “Want you to come all over my face. Get me soaked.”
You moaned against his cock, his legs trembling beneath you as his muscles tightened. You moved your hand to his loaded balls, squishing them between your fingers as you pulled off him with a loud pop to take in a shaky breath. Kakashi pressed his tongue onto your clit, gently wiggling it back and forth the same way he would your nipple, and his low hum of approval as you clenched your legs tightly around his face is what broke you.
Your orgasm rushed throughout your body, a rush of electricity coursing down between your thighs as hot liquid poured out of you and coated Kakashi’s swift tongue. He slurped your arousal down eagerly, moaning in the most godly way, his entire chest rumbling as the Earth shattered around you. 
You lazily twisted your hand around the base of his cock, igniting him with even more pent up passion. He gripped your thighs hungrily and pulled you down as he thrust his hips up. You stretched your lips over his girth, allowing the tang of his salty precum to coat your mouth and throat fully as you gorged yourself on his cock. His cock; Kakashi’s glorious cock.
The thought alone kept your orgasm going as you shoved him deeper inside your throat, circling along every inch of him with your humble tongue, doing what you could to honor him with your mouth. He twitched inside of you and groaned into your cunt as your final waves of pleasure leaked out of you. 
He pulled away and gave a gentle grunt of encouragement before he whispered, “I’m gonna come, princess.”
That was all you needed. Your pace quickened and you dove the tip of your tongue into his slit hungrily as your hand continued to work his base and balls simultaneously. The vibrations of the moan that escaped you when Kakashi placed a final kiss to your clit is what spiraled him over the edge.
His toes curled and his nails dug into the skin of your ass as he drained his balls into your mouth, allowing you to drink him in fully. His cock was spasming harshly, white-hot seed coming in quick bursts down your throat. You tried your best to keep up, but it was so much more than you expected that you had to pull back to heavily swallow it down to your stomach as the rest leaked down his thick length and onto his balls.
“M’sorry,” you mumbled through salty lips as his thick liquid coated down your throat. “It was so much.”
Kakashi laughed and released his tight grip on your ass. His breathing was heavy and deep, almost gravelly. You maneuvered to lay on his chest and he kissed the top of your head as he wrapped his strong arms around you, cradling you onto him. 
“Come up here,” he pleaded, pushing you up his chest, “Need to finally kiss you.”
Your cheeks heat up when you realized the two of you had completely skipped the initial first kiss and just went straight to fucking each other with your mouths. I guess that’s what years of teasing will do, you mused.
You hovered your lips over his as you rolled your hips up and tangled your hands in his hair. His mouth was completely soaked in your arousal, and you were certain your lips were puffy and red as brick. His dick poked into your thigh and your eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his wet lips onto yours, drinking each other in tandem, sweet and sticky juices coating your teeth and tongues like sacred liquids at a confessional. Your soul spilled out of your body as your heart pounded with the ferocity of a god, and the world completely faded to black.
“Want you inside me,” you moaned, sinking your nails into his scalp. “Want you to tie me up.”
Kakashi hesitated and pulled back, danger in the dark of his eyes, only the faintest hint of storm grey in their depths. “Really?”
You hummed and nosed at the scruff on his chin. “Yes, pretty boy. Gotta put those toys of yours to good use.”
"And besides," you kissed the side of his face to his ear, slowly sinking your teeth into his sensitive skin. "I'm on the pill, so you can come in me too, Hatake."
You moved to kiss him again but Kakashi brought his hand between your bodies and gripped around your throat. His hold was firm, but not painful, not closing your airway. It was a warning.
“First of all,” he stated in a deadly voice, “I’ll do what I please with you.”
Oh, fuck.
“Second of all,” he pushed you off him by your throat and brought his other hand behind his back, grabbing hold of the silk tie, “That’s Daddy to you. Got it?”
His grip around your throat tightened and you fluttered your eyes shut, nodding at him.
“No,” he commanded, dropping his hand. You sputtered as your head fell forward and you peeked at him through your damp hair curtaining over your forehead. “You have to answer me, princess. Or you’ll get nothing.”
Your cunt was seething with lust as you gulped. “Yes.”
“Yes what?” Kakashi leaned forward, honing his gaze onto your soul. 
“Yes… Daddy.”
“Good girl,” he grunted, his tone deliciously carnal. Silk wrapped around your wrists as he tied your hands behind your back, pinning you to the bed beneath his muscular frame, hot breath fanning over each bump of your spine.
His thick tip rubs against your clit as powerful hands guided your ass up by your hips, tears stinging your eyes as your head fell to the pillows below, your fingertips numbing with pleasure.
“Ka-” he pulled at the binding tightly - cautioning you - and you gasped out your correction, “Daddy- Please.”
His mouth phantoms over your earlobe, his entire body burning over you as he whispers, “You sure you’re comfortable with this?”
Despite his earlier command, all words have evaporated from your vocabulary, and the one thing you can do in response is push your ass up against his mushroom head, twitching your fingers as a silent cry falls from your lips.
Kakashi makes a strangled sound and brings a hand to grip around himself, applying pressure onto your clit with a gentle swirl of his cock. He gives himself a few good pumps, but he is so turned on that his cock is already primed and ready for round two just from the few minutes of kissing and bondage. 
He smirked against your ear as a singular thought ran through his mind: You have destroyed him.  “You can do it, princess,” he nibbles your earlobe gently in encouragement, “Just say yes for me.”
“Y-yes.” It’s a delicate sound, almost inaudible, and with it, the tightrope act was finished, ending in a spectacular and dazzling array of purposeful falling as Kakashi’s inhumane instinct took over. He drew his hips back, his cock so slick with his own arousal and your saliva that it slipped down the length of your cunt, ran over your ass cheeks.
He garbled out a string of cherry picked curses, punctuating them with a harsh thrust into your sopping walls. The world spun like a top as your vision whited out from the pressure of being stretched out. Your wrists twisted within the soft bindings, yearning to grab hold of something - anything - to help anchor you down.
“So wet, princess.” Kakashi moans, his voice quivering. The crack in his tone alone nearly sends you over the edge. You bite the inside of your cheek to distract yourself from the impossible warmth threatening to explode within your stomach as you push your ass up more, sinking him deeper, welcoming the stinging pain of him filling you to the brim.
A hand pushes down on your neck, his mouth suckling at the skin of your shoulder. Your mind is hazy from the way he’s thoroughly fucking you, reaching deep into your stomach, curving up to hit your sweet spot.
“Faster,” you moan, drool sliding out from the side of your mouth that is perpetually hung ajar against the pillow. “Faster, Daddy.”
Your voice is filled with a passion that momentarily knocks the wind out of him. You needed him, yearned for him. Soft curves of your body were his to manipulate and ruin as he pleased; you gave him the key to your heart long ago, he just hadn’t opened it yet. Until tonight. 
Suddenly, as he twisted the key and drew it back, everything clicked into place. You wanted him for who he was, not the façade of a man the village knew, or the Copy Cat Ninja, or even the Hokage - you wanted Kakashi. And he wanted you. He had always wanted you.
He felt warmth spread throughout his chest, ignoring the fact he was allowing you to command him, as he obeyed you fully, increasing his pace as his balls slapped against your ass harshly, sticking to your skin with each pump. 
He reaches his arm around your stomach, holding you in place as he grabs hold of your heat. One finger, then two. Slowly rubbing your clit. Up. Side to side. Circles. Every time you squirmed, he mimicked the prior motion. When you clenched your cunt around him, he swirled harder; deep pressure electrified you. Your thighs tense so tightly you think they might explode, and when he spasms inside of you and you feel the bit of hot liquid he can’t hold back leak into your core, you let go completely.
You achieve the impossible in a moment of extreme intimacy as Kakashi whispers praises, guiding you through your orgasm with each thrust of his hips, each swipe of his fingers, each stroke of his tongue at your neck. Your inner thighs are hot and sticky with your arousal as you moan out his name like a lifeline and he finally cracks and spills himself deep inside of you, his dick spasming with the final few messy pumps. 
The two of you collapsed forward in a mess of sticky skin and mangled breaths. Your hands dig into his stomach, still harshly tied behind your back. Kakashi grunts as you wiggle them against his abs, trying to untangle yourself. Mercifully, he maneuvers to release you and then rolls you over onto him as he buries his head in your hair and you rest on his chest.
You lay there together, sinking deeper into the silence of the afterglow, hardly aware of your bodies. You are two souls floating around the universe, completely alone, infinitely together in the darkness. 
Your heartbeat fluttered, pulling you back to the reality of the situation slowly, like waking up from a dream. You peek through dark eyelashes to find Kakashi's anthracite eyes, his beautifully flushed face growing brighter as he cleared his throat and smiled down at you.
“So, if we aren’t friends…” you start, reaching your hand up to cup his cheek. “Then what should I call you now?”
He hummed lowly and wrapped you in his legs, leaning his forehead to rest on yours. “Call me what you want,” he responded, sighing. “I’m just going to call you mine.”
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Please consider reblogging to support my work! As always, scream at me in the comments if you enjoyed. <3 Buy me a coffee.
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obligitory-fma-blog · 7 months
I watched the final Netflix adaptation of FMAB. Here’s some of my notes
- “Y’know, I don’t think he has any need for his dad.” Hoenhiem. Uhm you left him he kinda did for a while so idk why you’re being bitter now
- Okay the fighting is better this time, less choppy
- Izumi’s actress is ON POINT I LOVE HER
- “I was never much of a proper parent to either of those boys” Ya don’t say. (I’m not a Hoenhiem hater, but I am a Hoenhiem critic.)
- “Maybe you should’ve told them goodbye and talked to them before leaving. Maybe then their grief wouldn’t have taken over.” SAY IT IZUMI
- “I reorganized your insides lol” Hoenhiem you could tell Izumi before you did that?? Creepy man.
- Still didn’t use the music from the original :(
- Okay Ed should be covered in blood after falling into it but he isn’t, just his head bandage. Wtf is up with that??
- Okay how tf did envy knock them onto a stone platform that was LITERALLY NOWHERE TO BE SEEN UNTIL NOW
- Mustang and Riza my beloveddddd
- The actor for General Hakuro is pretty good tho, very weird, but good
- Girlie you walked into some weird shit
- Mustang girlie I luv you so much tho hope you slay this movie
- Oh hi Father
- “Daddy…?” -al “DO I LOOK LIKE YOUR-“ -father
- Also highkey the actor for Envy is really good too
- “How do you know Hoenhiem?” “Technically he’s our father” TECHNICALLY HAHA
- Ed is like “touchy no no, no touchy”
- Girlie you are a creep HANDS OFF THE LITTLE GUY
- Ed’s just like >:/ wtf get off
- I feel violated just watching this
- Ew that’s fuckin goopy (philosophers stone)
- It looks like melted jello ewwww
- Okay idk if seeing greedling is worth it for this shit
- Why is his mind blue???
- Wait did we see greed lose his body in the first one or….
- I don’t think we did???
- Uhhhh idk and I don’t wanna go check because the first one is bad
- Lowkey he’s fine as hell tho
- Mustang looks so damn done lmao
- okay okay it’s time for me to get my Mustang being a dad moment don’t fail me now movie
- Stfu Bradley no one cares
- Okay Ed, Sig, and Izumi get to interact now :D
- Okay so now we’re getting the scar brother research moment? Outside of Briggs? Cool? I guess?
- Oh hi greedling
- Okay so apparently father killed greed cause he disobeyed him but that’s all we get for that.
- Also this story set up just doesn’t and will never work as well as the first one, so much stuff is intertwined in different events and mixing it all up like this just makes it so confusing and that’s part of the reason why this just doesn’t work
- But I’ll ignore it for the sake of things
- Mustang and Riza checking in on their kids :D
- I’m so normal about found family
- 5 minutes in Briggs and Ed is already in trouble. In character stuff
- Also we gonna talk about his automail or we just gonna skip over that for plot reasons
- am I bi
- “How’s Alex?” “He’s good!” “…shame.”
- Okay sloth looks less weird than I imagine
- Love her what a Queen
- Still wish they used the original soundtrack I will forever be mad about that
- please marry me
- Okay Ed just kicked sloth off of briggs? Girlie even with automail I doubt he could kick him that easy
- So Olivier doesn’t suspect Ed of anything? Out of character, #notmyicequeen
- Also turns out Hakuro and Raven are both the same person in this version??
- Oh Hi Winry
- “If I step out of line, they’ll do something to you.” Awww baby protect your gf
- “I won’t let anyone do whatever they want in here!” SAY IT GIRLIE YEAHHH
- please I’m begging you marry me
- on my KNEES
- They could not have casted her better
- Bb girl it’s so hard to understand you when you’re so fine I can’t focus
- Okay now Drachama is attacking Briggs
- When Sloth goes back in the hole Raven/Hakuro looks like a grandpa when he’s told he can leave the nursing home for the day to play golf and if that isn’t a summary of the entire us government idk what is
- Sorry Olivier, but it’s so hard to focus on this serious scene with your luscious lips and beautiful face
- She would murder me for saying this all but IDC IF TJAYS HOW I GO THATS HOW I GO
- Alphonse!! :D
- Hoenhiem is like “hUH???”
- He didn’t know about Al’s body????
- Okay bestie :/
- Father of the year fr
- Can’t even keep up with the fact that his son doesn’t have a body smh
- Okay Xerxes time
- Okay I get why
- Okay cool Xerxes sequence
- “Everybody is dead” lol cringe get good
- Sorry I have the humor of a middle schooler
- Oh hi Greedling
- Am I bi cause THIS MAN
- Okay now it’s Al!Pride time just out of nowhere for no reason?
- “So you’re gonna try and beat me then?” -Pride
- “… nah you’re freaky lol” -Hoenhiem
- Hi again Al
- “Don’t insult my son bitch” okay we love that
- “Okay, let’s all go beat the dwarf in the flask :D” -Hoenhiem
- Still mad we don’t get the 520 cenz promise
- Also seeing Mustangs team all together is so slay :D
- “Don’t die while we overthrow the government y’all.” -Mustang
- Oh great bad cgi soldier things
- Okay good Envy and Mustang will fight :)
- Now it’s time for CRAZY MUSTANG :D
- The way Ed got ready to fight when Mustang looked like he was going to snap at him I :,)
- “I am a giant fool forcing you all to act this way.” HUG YOUR WIFE AND SON
- “Lieutenant, please lower your gun. I’m so sorry” GONNA CRY NOW
- I still wish we got the 520 cenz promise and I will never not be bitter about that
- I don’t care that it’s not the point of this IM STILL MAD
- Okay I don’t like the fight between Bradley and Fu as much this looks more like stage fighting :/
- That’s the only one so far I didn’t like tho so….
- How tf is Riza gonna survive tho the weird doctor guy isn’t here
- Also those do not go that fast either
- I got to see one and it was really slow but fun ig
- Idk I was like 13 so
- Anyways
- Okay I wish they added colored contacts for this or smth so it’d be similar to the series and make more sense but eh… who knows
- or get revenge that works too
- Okay cgi for the absorbing god scene is cool
- Alright who’s ready to fight god?
- Am I hallucinating or is the actor for Al also the actor for god!father/Dwarf???
- All the actors for this are really good actually. I can tell they have passion for this. I appreciate that.
- Okay it’s time for Ed to almost die for the 5000th time
- Also someone get Ed. Or don’t
- Nah cause the creepy guys gonna get him now
- AL
- It’s funny cause when I got into this I was younger than Ed and now I’m older than him. Fixation really be lasting a while. It’s the neurodivergence isn’t it.
- I can’t even tell if it’s good because the series is good or if this is actually a good movie
- Oh hi greed I forgot about you lowkey
- But you’re hot so hiiiiiii <3
- Iconic.
- And get punched idiot
- “Let me at least do something fatherly in the end” AHHHHH
- “I was always a human to begin with. All is one, one is all. Even if I can’t use alchemy, I have great people in my life. My precious friends and family.” STILL THE BEST QUOTE FOREVER
Conclusion: yep. This got me in the heart, even if it isn’t the show itself. Still stuff that bothered me. But overall, this series of movies is not so bad. Not so great, at times, but not so bad. Honestly, I think they did the best they could and that’s really all I could ask for. And it was nice seeing them all in live action. For this movie, an 8/10. For the series of movies? 6.5/10. Not remotely comparable to the original series, but still a worthwhile watch and something I’d recommend if you want a recap of the series but don’t have time to watch it all again.
Let me know if you all want notes on the first one! I watched it a long time ago but I’ll do it again for y’all. Much love guys <3
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callmearcturus · 11 months
Gods damnit, Arc, I did _not_ need to be yeeted back into MI fandom!
But since you're doing it anyway ( :D ), care to ramble on Ethan's complicated relationship between sex between friends, sex in a relationship, and sex on a mission?
I don't know if I can delineate that much but it does dovetail into my reading of Ethan as ace. Because wow the self recognizes the self, that boy has intense vibes. Sex neutral ace is my read from him.
I'm finally watching MI1 tomorrow with some friends, but I've seen a lot of scenes from it and the vibe I get from Ethan is very unethical slut boy who then goes through a massively traumatic event that almost permanently damages the mechanism that lets him trust and rely on other people.
When we reach the McQuarrie Trilogy and catch up with Ethan, there's a lot of interesting stuff with gender and sex going on. Notably, in GP, Ethan does not get a love interest at all and while he's a joy to watch and the camera loves to frame him in compelling ways, it's not really sexy at all. We spend a lot of the movie thinking he got left by Julia, then we find out she's dead, then we learn she's alive and they still love each other but can't be together.
All of that is super compelling to me. In Hollywood Action Movies, I find the lack of sexual tension and love interest to be refreshingly weird. I'm trying to think of another action hero who gets treated like Ethan does, and the only thing that kind of came to mind was Cobb from Inception, but even then there's shipteasing with Arthur and Ariadne (and also Nolan's gender politic is a treacherous wasteland, so bad example anyway).
In Rogue Nation, the trend continues and honestly gets even more odd to me. Because on paper, Ilsa should be Ethan's love interest and there's small moments like escaping the opera and the body search int he car, but both of them are outliers. Hell, when they meet, Ethan COMPLIMENTS HER SHOES which is. About the least heterosexual thing ever.
Ilsa is extremely important to Ethan and I think he loves her, but after the big climax, their huge moment of intimacy is a hug. Which makes me go wild, it's so interesting that there's not even a goodbye kiss.
Pairing that with how Ethan treats Benji in RN and how structurally he's the love interest-- BUT EVEN THEN Ethan is so fucking careful and guarded with how he touches people. I keep thinking about Ilsa in Morocco, coming out of the pool and how its potentially a Bond Girl Moment but the camera doesn't linger on her much and Ethan keeps his eyes on her face. There's no leering, there's not even checking her out. IT'S JARRING. I LOVE IT.
And then in Fallout, there's the White Widow thing, which makes me want to scream. That moment when the White Widow kisses Ethan out of the blue and Ethan is fucking stone-faced, like the ace vibes are wild.
It's not just that he doesn't react so oooh he must be one of My People, but there's also how Fallout makes you feel Ethan's age. Ethan spends 90% of Fallout looking tired and sad, and it's almost like... on some level he's not even willing to put on the show anymore. He's not going to crank up the charisma and woo people to do what he wants, he can't be fucking bothered, and I feel the gravity of him so acutely every time I watch it. The only time he really has that big lovely smile is when he's talking to Benji and Luther in the beginning, which makes it a genuine charisma, a genuine urge to relax and grin and share a moment with people he loves.
But as soon as the job says he should maybe seduce the White Widow bc she's clearly into him, he's just. Not there for it.
Anyway the ace vibes are off the charts. Does Ethan Hunt fuck? Possibly, but it has to be with someone he trusts and they're probably going to have to be the one to suggest it. If you invite him to Netflix and Chill, he's going to be in the kitchen heating up popcorn kernels in a cast iron because you gotta have popcorn for movies. Then you say "actually how about sex" and there's a two second lag as he processes that and goes "Oh yeah sure that sounds like it could be fun too."
Ace as fuck.
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blackjackkent · 7 days
oh my god, I want to hear all about Hec and Karlach married hahahaha
More Hec/Karlach content, you say? :D :D
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Y'all spoil me tremendously with this sort of encouragement. XD
(This is a response to my tag novel on this post about what people's Tavs/Durges would wear to their wedding.)
I really s2g I am going to write this Avernus fic at some point which I fully intend to be a longish collection of one-shots eventually leading to Karlach and Hector having a happily-ever-after which would include all this. (I have the first chapter of another Jaheira-related fic in the cooker rn and then the Avernus fic's first chapter will be up next; I'm trying to rotate my longfics a bit. XD ) So... this is all obviously subject to change based on how that fic eventually plays out.
However, with this minute bit of prompting I will indulge myself in some weapons-grade Hector/Karlach Fluff anyway. :D This is less a full fic and more some random snippets/headcanons about them getting married and afterwards.
They have a first official "commitment" to each other, sometime after arriving in Avernus. Once they're safely installed in the House of Hope as their headquarters and start settling in for the long-haul war against Zariel, they take some time to themselves in an abandoned wing of the building and make private vows to each other. (Think something like this scene from Aerie's romance in ToB.) Neither of them calls it a marriage, but deep down they both know they mean it just as strongly.
It's kind of a tossup that they will leave Avernus until right before they do; their several years of guerilla warfare in the Hells culminates in a massive multipart raid on Zariels' main headquarters; Zariel is killed along with a number of her main lieutenants, and the group gets away with a defecting infernal blacksmith and blueprints for upgrades to Karlach's heart that will allow her to finally return home.
(It's Cespenar. The infernal blacksmith is Cespenar. @rhysintherain generously donated this idea and I'm not letting go of it. XD )
Their first few weeks back in the Material Plane are spent reconnecting with friends, finding a place to live in the city, and generally being a bit shell-shocked that they actually made it out, but eventually they start trying to make real plans for the future.
They're both huge saps, and Karlach has been denied so many traditional life events because of her time in the Hells, so even though they're basically already married, Hector definitely makes a big deal out of the proposal. He STUDIES the subject deeply to try and do it right, combing through all of Baldur's Gates libraries for examples of romantic gestures, and enlists Wyll's help.
(Wyll has shipped them aggressively this whole time and is super excited about the romance of it all. I haven't decided on the details of who, but he also got involved with someone during their time in the Hells so he's not alone either, bc Wyll deserves nice things to happen to him also. <3)
With Wyll's help, Hector arranges a trip outside the city to an inn that sits on a very tall hilltop. He does his "official" proposal while they're having a picnic at a spot that has a beautiful view of the entire city, from the Outer City on in. It's super romantic and they're both giant saps about it. They both cry. (And then have sex behind some nearby bushes in a lovestruck haze.)
They don't really plan a huge ceremony. Mostly it's about having all their friends there (even dragging Lae'zel back from the Astral), and making the same commitment publicly that they made privately years earlier.
Karlach becomes oddly nervous about it as the event draws closer. She has a very slight superstitious streak and is still after all these years gunshy of how her life went so fast to shit all at once, and part of her feels like making it "official" is asking for something bad to happen. Hector spends a lot of time being comforting and reassuring her.
They have a night wedding. This is Karlach's idea - she knows Hector has missed the moonlight and its associated connection with Selune in all the time they've spent in the Hells, even though he'd never complain about it, so she ensures that their wedding will be under the night sky on a night when the moon will be full or near so.
He insists, as a counterpoint, that she picks the location - she decides on a place in the Outer City near where she grew up, against the water.
Father Enric, the Abbot from Hector's monastery, travels to the city to officiate. There's no best man/maid of honor concept, but all of their companions from the Absolute adventure are lined up as part of the ceremony, as well as a few friends made during the campaign in Avernus.
The ringbearer is Buddy the owlbear, bearing the rings very carefully on a pillow resting on his head.
Wyll and Shadowheart take the lead on dressing the couple, neither of whom have the faintest clue how to put together an ensemble. (I spent way too long getting these screenshots so please appreciate how pretty my babies look. XD )
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Karlach, contrary to all expectations, really enjoys getting gussied up in a dress and looking pretty; it's not an everyday thing for her but she enjoys it. Hector, conversely, feels INCREDIBLY out of his element in the fancy jacket Wyll arranges for him. Wyll teases him quite a bit about it while they're waiting for the ceremony to start.
The absolute cutest part of the whole ceremony, by unanimous vote from everyone present, is that they do the whole thing where the bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other before the ceremony. Jaheira and Shadowheart hang out with Karlach helping her get ready, and Wyll and Halsin hang out with Hector, and both groups report back later that their charges repeatedly tried to escape custody to go find each other early.
When Hector does finally see her as the ceremony is starting, he goes completely slackjawed and just stares at her like he cannot believe his luck.
Karlach forgets her lines halfway through the vows and just kisses him anyway. Hector remembers them all perfectly (of course) - he just forgets to speak when it's his turn because he's so busy looking at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes. He keeps trying to go for his usual super-composed vibe and just failing utterly.
All in all it's just a massive sap-fest. Both of them feel like they've earned it, though, after everything they've been through. (Hector does feel a little embarrassed that Enric sees him acting like such a dope and not showing any of his usual self-discipline. Enric thinks it's sweet though.)
They have a big party at a local tavern afterwards, one Karlach hung out at as a teenager all the time. The innkeeper still remembers her and gives them drinks on the house and everyone gets sloshed off their asses. Hector and Karlach try to dance and both of them are pretty not great at it but neither seems to much care.
They get back home at about four in the morning, still trashed. Both of them are exhausted and ready to fall asleep at a moment's notice, but Karlach mumbles something jokingly about not wanting to miss out on her wedding night. So they end up kind of curling up together and having drowsy, tipsy, super-soft sex, drifting in and out of sleep, extremely happy.
Neither of them really can think of anywhere they'd rather be, nor do they have a day job to take a vacation from, so they don't really have a honeymoon. But nobody sees hide nor hair of them after the ceremony for a good week. XD
Bonus nose squish kiss:
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Could you do something along the lines of Mattsukawa introducing his very pregnant girlfriend to his friends and they are all shocked. They thought you were made up since they never met her (maybe she has a hectic work schedule and the timing just never happened).
You go out for drinks with them (obviously you aren't drinking) and they tell you so many embarassing stories about Mattsun and by the end of the night it's like you're one of gang, Mattsun feels happy knowing you and his friends get along well.
Omg bestie??? I love this, y’all are so smart you guys have just so many great ideas like what??😭tysm for requesting and sharing your idea!!! This is so great I’m gonna melt into a puddle rn🥰😭if anyone wants to see more or anything else let me know because I literally love requests so much!!
I did make reader work at the same funeral home as Mattsun because I’d assume that’s how they met when in college!
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Tw- cursing, drinking, pregnant reader, baby is refered to as being small(in comparission to a newborn when she’s still in the womb by Mattsun because I suck at coming up with funny things😞) let me know if I missed anything!!
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Whenever Matsukawa told any of his friends about you they’d exchange a look that said, “really? This again?” As much as he hated it their wasn’t much he could do to prove them wrong.
He showed them photos of you but they told him you had to be photoshopped in because no way in hell he’d been dating you since your freshman year of college and they still hadn’t met you.
“Guys, y/n’s pregnant…I’m gonna be a dad” he told them over drinks one night, you were fine with him going out at night since you’d have to cover night shifts for wakes sometimes and than other times paperwork would pile up from the director not doing their job. Other nights that you didn’t manage wakes, Mattsun did, for a long time, the only time you two saw eachother was at work and it sucked ass.
Though now that you’re on maternity leave, you’re finally able to spend time with your fiancé and meet his friends!
So of course when Issei brought up the idea of going to a bar and grill with his friends you were on board, “just to be clear you cannot drink” he repeats and you raise a brow.
“Clearly not Issei” you place your hands on your baby bump, you were nearing eight months pregnant and hadn’t thought of touching a lick of alcohol since you’d found out you were pregnant.
Of course when he walked in with you wrapped around his arm very clear belly on display he could hear Oikawa, Iwaizumi and Hanamaki chattered in disbelief.
He’s got a smug smile on his face as he helps you take off your sweater and purse before sitting down.
“I told you she was real!” Oikawa mutters slapping Iwaizumi’s shoulder lightly.
After introductions go around Maki is the first to ask, “so he’s like really gonna be a dad?”
You giggle softly and they can all see why Issei fell for you, “yea, feels like we’re gonna have her any day now” isseis eyes widen in worry.
“We still have two more months?”
“An expression baby” you smile sweetly and he lets out a sigh of relief.
Issei was telling the truth and from what it seems? He’d found the perfect person to balance him out.
After a few drinks and a few cups of water for you, Issei is excusing himself to the bathroom.
“Oh my god, y/n! While he’s gone let me tell you!” Tooru is a little tipsy, you can tell by the way a light pink dusts his cheek and every now and than he has to pause and lean his head against Iwa’s shoulder to catch himself.
“One time in highschool, Mattsun he” you listen to the way Oikawa wheezes before he can even finish the story.
This went on for the whole ten minutes that your fiancé was on the bathroom alternating between Tooru and Maki while Hajime their designated driver lets out occasionally snorts or adds onto their drunk retelling of events.
“Last week we went to the doctors,”you giggle a little at the memory before hearing the chair scrape against the floor.
Issei had been watching the four of you chat for a bit and he was glad you were getting along, ecstatic even, but he really didn’t need you to tell the guys that every time he went for an appointment with you he’d asked if the baby was full sized yet only to find out that she was still not the size of a newborn baby instead of just googling the size of a baby at certain gestations, in his defense he had no clue that’s how it worked.
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Let me know if you guys want to see more or anything else because I love writing requests so much!!!!
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
ok the last post i reblogged sent me on a minedai spiral and i wrote a massive textpost i didn't actually finish and watched like 30 mins of cutscenes including the whole finale rooftop stuff [yakuza 3 spoilers to follow] and god WHAT THE FUCK I'm actually crying like multiple consecutive tears over fucking. MINE YOSHITAKA. not that he's not worth it but i Did Not Care That Much when i first saw that scene but after spiralling over his emotions i am apparently DEVASTATED. cannot stress enough that i do not cry very often at all. this is a rare event. but it's just so fucking sad. when you know what's happening and what's going to happen and how mine feels the atmosphere is so fucking miserable and mournful. god. fuck. the way he looks at kiryu when he's like what are you going to do to daigo you bastard. THE GUILT THE HESITATION. HE'S NOT WELL. the love of his LIFE got hurt under his protection and he is NOT HANDLING IT WELL HE'S HANDLING IT SO FUCKING BADLY that he's decided to kill him because he's basically dead and he can't stand waiting for the other shoe to drop. he's losing his mind over this he's actually losing his entire purpose and ideology and he's fucking. gay as hell. and the way he says "oh yeah you know how it was growing up as an orphan. no one trusted or loved me. i had nothing" when, frankly, kiryu DIDNT have it that bad. but he did lose those people, one of whom's death has a striking resemblance to mine's in a minute. idek how i wanna unpack that rn. like he just assumes it's universal and it's not. but if they grew up in the same circumstances who's to say kiryu wouldn't have ended up like him? and when he collapses after the fight and his secretary calls him and he tries to open up to her about the shallow but meaningful (to lonely ass mine) relationship they have and she starts talking about stock exchange bs and he's like kiryu do you ever feel like your world is falling apart around you. he's been worried sick he's been agonizing he almost killed his dead beloved chairman. and the way daigo uses the same gun mine used to shoot at kiryu and was gonna use to kill him to save mine and kiryu. how his first lines are that he's not ready to die yet. how mine cowers and falls to his knees when daigo wakes up. fuckkk dude. and how mine starts all rational and explanatory and calm in tone and when kiryu starts pressing him he starts freaking the fuck out and when daigo wakes up he finally has a mournful tone. him saying he doesn't deserve to live but not admitting he betrayed daigo. he never even told him he loved him, as far as we know. (god the fact that it still manages to be devastating even with richardson's CHOICE acting and daigo's coma trickshot is insane.) and how he tells kiryu he hates those who always try to help others even when that's the trait that drew him to daigo, and when he lets kiryu help him (read: beat a moral into him) he wishes he'd met him sooner, as if the belief that there wasn't only one person who could care about him would have saved him has set in, as if he realizes now that he never accepted help and that's why he was wrong about those do-gooders, and that perhaps he was wrong about them and himself, that it wasn't because they were lying to him or because he was unlikable, but that he did not let them in. because that's literally what's happening. AND I FUCKING. FORGOT DAIGO ASKS KIRYU IF MINE WAS THE TRAITOR AFTER HE WATCHES HIM FUCKING KILL HIMSELF AND KIRYU SAYS NO HE WOULD NEVER BETRAY YOU. HE LIES TO COVER HIS ASS BECAUSE HE UNDERSTANDS HOW BROKEN HE WAS ABOUT THIS AND CANT BEAR TO RUIN HIS IMAGE IN THE EYES OF THE ONE PERSON MINE REALLY CARED ABOUT, REALLY LOVED. FUCKS SAKE.
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Could I have an emergency request please? I feel like I still have to be nice about it.
Not only is a triple blow, but I’ve relapsed, another time with my eating disorder and had suicidal thoughts from family. It’s just getting so bad and loud again I’m so sorry.
Could I have Reki kyan comforting his s/o with this kind of problem?
Hell yes you can.
I’m pushing this up so far because Reki is such a comfort character and I FEEL EXACTLY AS YOU DO RN.
I’m so damn proud of you for reaching out to me. Please let me know if you need anything at all.
I love you, anon.
CW BELOW THE CUT: ED behaviors, Suic1dal Thoughts.
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𝑅𝑒𝑘𝑖 𝐾𝑦𝑎𝑛
Anyone who sees you and Reki together will immediately argue that the two of you are soulmates.
You both fit like peas in a pod, mutually loving and supporting each other no matter the issue. So, when you suddenly distanced yourself from him, Reki was instantly concerned.
His attempts to keep his daily life at bay failed, for he was only worried about you and what was eating you.
Mr. Oka noticed, telling him to take a few days off. So, he hung out at Sia La Luce during the evenings. He met with his friends, mind swimming.
Langa and Miya noticed, asking him if he had been taking care of himself. Shadow noticed, offering to fight whoever Reki needed him to. Finally, Joe and Cherry noticed, the pink-haired male cutting into the thick tension.
“Reki, what could be causing you so much stress?”
“(Y/N).” He answered breathlessly, taking his head through his hands, “They’ve disappeared on me. I haven’t spoken to them in about three days, and I’m just so worried about them I-“
“I saw them yesterday.” Langa interrupted suddenly, “They were at our spot in the park last night. I tried to say hi, but they ignored me. If I’m being honest, they’re probably there again tonight.”
Reki’s eyes widened as he jumped out of his seat, immediately looking to Joe for permission.
“Go, Kiddo. I’ll keep your plate warm.” The man said, wrapping the boy in a jacket.
Reki wasted no time grabbing his own jacket, in the event that you would need one, and raced to the park on his skateboard. To his relief, you were exactly where Langa said you were.
“(Y/N)!” He called, sprinting toward you, “Sweetheart, hey, can you hear me?”
You look up at him, shivering violently with tears in your eyes. Your boyfriend carefully placed the jacket on your shoulders. He sat down on the bench next to you, “I’m here when you’re ready to talk to me, love.”
Instead of talking, you simply fell forward into his chest and let out all of your lamentations. Reki held you securely, rubbing the top of your head with one hand, and holding your waist with another. “I’ve got you, I’ve got you. It’s alright.” He whispered.
Your love held you as you finally were able to cry out all of the pent up troubles. You inevitably stained his signature yellow hoodie, but he couldn’t give two shits right now.
“Reki I-I’m… I’m so sorry,” you whimpered.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” Your boyfriend reassured you, “Keeping stuff inside will just tear you apart eventually.”
“I- I don’t.. I don’t know if im ready…” you whisper in reply.
“Then don’t be. I have as long as you need.”
After a few more minutes of quiet reassurance, you were finally ready to tell Reki of your week.
“M-My family…” you began, “They’re uh.. heh, being themselves again.”
“I see.”
“I just don’t really want to be here anymore.” You admit. “I-I hate who I am. I can’t stomach a single thing. Even the thought of eating makes me so sick. You shouldn’t be here, I don’t want you to be burdened with taking care of me.”
“(Y/N), sweetie-pie, there’s no place I’d rather be.” Reki replied with a gentle smile, “If it means that I can get you to acknowledge that how you’re feeling is okay, I’ll stay with you till infinity.”
“I want you to know first and foremost, that I love you to the moon and back. There isn’t a thing about you that I would change, and I hope that one day I can help you see that. You are the most incredible person I’ve ever met, that’s precisely why I’ve fallen so in love with you.”
“I want you here by my side until we’re both old and wrinkly, playing card games in a nursing home.” This comment got a watery chuckle out of you.
“I love you, Reki.” You replied, wiping your tears.
“I love you too, (Y/N). You’re so amazing, and I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You’re worth so much more than you think you are, and there’s just something about you that makes me love you so much more every time I see you. It will get better, I promise you. We’re not going to be stuck here forever, the clock will continue to run.”
“Now, if you’re feeling up to it, I can ask Joe to make you something very light at Sia La Luce, so you can join us for dinner. If not, you are more than welcome to come home with me. We can watch that one video compilation of the cats that you love so much.”
Regardless of your decision for dinner, you opted to join Reki at Joe’s restaurant. You were very pleased to see everyone, especially after a very enthusiastic hug from little Miya(who promptly let go and muttered insults along the lines of “stupid slime, making me worry”).
It would be a long journey to self love and re-discovery. But, you knew in your heart that if Reki was by your side, there’s nothing that you couldn’t do.
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astranne · 2 years
If memory serves right you mentioned professional gamer!xiao?
I hope i deliver! (Ofc hope ur day is going well and ur not shriveling up in the heat like i am)
PG(professional gamer)! Xiao would absolutely have THOUSANDS of fan
Most would be simps, but a good portion would be impressed by his speedrun skills, how well he handle jumpscares and doesn't interrupt dialogue? Helloooo??? Hand in marriage rn.
I cannot see him with facecam though, he probably though his facial expressions arent as good as other streamers who are more lively than him. I can see him being a casual gamer sometimes playing co-op shooters? A few peaceful games for his more younger audience if he has one
Onto his fandom...
I can see his fans being um.. feral? If he ever posted a picture of his face i can see him blowing up on every social media in mere hours, edits and everything being done. Hell, a picture of his shadow would make them lose it. But he would absolutely keep his fandom on a strict leash especially if hes aware of their ages. Im rolling off of ganyu's story quest, that he would be strict with his chat and have many mods to control their outrageous behavior. His fandom would probably would be the most well behaved out there.
But if he gets hate? Prayin for them. I hope they're okay. Passive aggressive threats 😰
His gaming style?
I can see him playing occasionally with Hu Tao or Childe, maybe in a horror game he doesn't know about
"You go first."
"Im not going first."
"Oh my god go first-" and it keeps going on like that for awhile till Xiao goes first and gets jumpscared envitably.
I dont see him actually screaming or getting scared? More like a huff and "you guys are dramatic" thing but on the rare occasion he is scared its just a swift movement of the mouse and maybe he hit his mic thats all. A few curse words thats it.
The games he would play?
I can see him playing multiple games, mostly small indie game devs from itch.io maybe a few big games but he likes giving credits to smaller game devs on steam and other websites but on occasion he posts a poll just in case his viewers get bored of his style :/
Another thing, he would absolutely have a day dedicated to having no mic or anything just him playing a game like Unpacking or Minecraft, or calm game like stardew maybe some soft copyright free music.
Charity events?
Bro raises thousands 💀 especially if theres a goal involved? Met the same day.
Now im back in my minecraft phase purely because the new update but The Warden being out gives me so many ideas about PG!Xiao.
Him coming across it the first time and freezing up, because the warden has a heartbeat effect that fades your screen in and out its literally so terrifying even if you know its there.
The clicking noises is horrendous, Xiao literally audibly saying "Hell no." As soon as he hears it literally SNIFF HIM OUT (it sniffed me before and i almost cried) and trying to escape, but pisses it off more and it uses That horrendously loud sonic screech to kill him because oh my god you cant tower away from it to escape and he stared in shock while chat spams F's in chat.
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oh boy. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR BLESSING ME DEAR FISCHL ANON <33 sorry this took so long, but i had to stare a bit at this ask and got lazy answering for a time but psht
more brainrot under the cut hehe
yes, i did indeed talk about professional gamer!xiao and it has been on my mind during my finals :D (and i'm doing well, my body finally doesn't die that much anymore when going outside but i'm still a bit sick ew)
PG!xiao would be on a fame level similar to dream. and i stand by this. this man is fan service in person, of course he has millions of followers.
and yes, most would be simps, but then they would look closer and be like, damn this man actually knows what he's doing. this man is definition of speedrun, minecraft speed run? genshin speedrun? acnh speedrun? any kind of speedrun and you bet he did it.
hand in marriage, always. goddamn, he would get so many messages, and it's not only his fans, but also other gamers and influencers. xiao tries to ignore them, but he always gets blushy and flustered over it.
he first started without a face cam, and then had one, but with bad lightening. now that he's a bit more confident, he still has one, but sometimes it gets too much and he just,,, puts a paper over his cam or smth
this man slays in every game he touches. he just has the talent for gaming, you bet he's totally into valorant (maybe that's his professional part), cod, even fortnite (but he slowly started hating this game because of the random kids in it), but also grinding games like hayday or others. he totally has animal crossing new horizon and his island is just... perfection. he's a rich island owner and will spoil the shit out of his fellow islanders.
feral fans for xiao. yes. they see him as their god, too beautiful and skilled for this world. this man doesn't only have a model face but is also a very skilled gamer (professional gamer in valorant, wins in minecraft contests all the time, etc.) and his style... OH AND HIS HAIR. you bet it's his friends who thought eyeliner would make his eyes pop (goddamn he's just beautiful and gorgeous and-) you bet xiao has like the whole color palete just as eyeliners. and he slays in every color
xiao has an army of mods. most of them are older than him, which is why he chose them, and they are very strict with the rules. because yes, you have to keep his fans at a very, very, VERY tight lash. he literally trains them- they can be feral in his twitch chat, his comments, but as soon they are in other fandoms/chats/whatever, they must behave. and they do. nobody wants to be responsible for a disappointed xiao. he is very strict with his chat, but let's them have their 5 minutes (chat always breaks in those 5 minutes lmao)
xiao getting hate. first of all. WHO?! WHO IS HATING ON HIM?? probably another streamer wanting some drama for more fame. yeah, big mistake. xiao's fanbase cancelling the shit out of them. playing FBI and finding dirt and the reason why this streamer doesn't stream anymore. and this all in 6 hours. not even a day, 6 hours. xiao didn't even realize what his fans were doing, until a friend wrote him how twitter is blowing up.
xiao fanbase is now feared by all. streamers, gamers, influencers. the boogiemen of the internet. and xiao is their god. lmaoo-
him playing with childe and hu tao!!! yes pls. hu tao will always vote for horror games and she will search the internet for the best ones. childe just cackling in the background- fans love it.
xiao would play everything he gets his hands on. naturally the games as professional gamer, but also relaxing games. and he will totally play snake.io
this man is definition of indie game enjoyer and every smaller game dev will pray for their moment- the moment when xiao plays their game and rates it (xiao doesn't know the power he holds. he really doesn't)
viewers will never get bored of xiao, but it's still a big fear of his. his fans will love watching him doing anything- just breathing would be fine too and they will lose their mind. and their hearts melt when xiao is like, uhm yeah today i'm doing something new, so you won't get bored- HHHHHHH
and yes. once xiao does smth, he is dedicated to it and will do it, and nothing can stop him. 24hrs streams? he will play 24hrs, nothing can stop him. no mic day? that means no mic day.
charity events. okay listen. everyone knows xiao is big on charity. and if you wanna look good (as a famous person) you better give the man a few thousands. and his fans? they don't want to get outplayed by attention seeking bitches (that's what they always say, and this is why they always spare more than a few bucks)
also- minecraft. xiao is a minecraft kid, and he will always come back to his roots. this is why i think PG!xiao would be part of this dream/tommyinnit/snapnap/etc. group. not very often, but as soon the peeps say he joins- everyone freaks tf out. all their views go the hell up once xiao joins them, and you bet they want him as often as possible with them (jokes on them, xiao is an anxious little bean, he would rather rot in his room all alone instead of talking to people. his excuse is training for next tournaments lmao- and it works everytime)
xiao would die. and he did. wanna bet he screeched? it's the newest tiktok trend.
"okay, we doing good..." a few seconds pass.
"click. click. click."
"oh fuuuu-", is barely heard, more seconds of xiao muttering and running tf away.
"SCREEEEEEEEE-", xiao's screech was louder.
yeah- xiao would be trendsetter for tiktok trends and it's all his fans fault. yk those videos which show the videos to the sounds and go viral? since people don't know where thos sounds came from? yes, those. thanks to those, everybody knows it's xiao's screech.
GOD DAMN- PG!XIAO JUST HITS DIFFERENT- okay but, another thing. i'm not really into tournament valorant, but i know a group is slaying rather often there (or i think so??) anyways, xiao is part of said group. what would his chosen character be? cuz i see him as multi player, he slays in everyone he chooses. just as always. xiao just slaying.
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mistfulcake · 5 months
Platforms Of Fate (Often considered the 1st in the series.)
Chapter XX, im just writing moments and then threading them together to form a story :P
"Will you die at the hands of god or the strings of fate in which he has made a trap out of.
The spider or the web?!"
Theo yelled out. His throat threatening to crack and croak with every emotion that he could feel in his voice. He could feel his breath rasping, his pained expression almost begging for some hope in the others eyes.
"Because I'm not dying to either. I'm sick of being treated as if I'm someone that needs help..." He stopped yelling and mulled over his words. An uncomfortable silence took over the tense atmosphere. Theo sighed and glanced away from the group.
"Maybe I do need it. But that's not the point, are we really going to let some... Sick bastard that plays dolls with us, make us lose that hope? That same hope that we might escape this hell? Because I sure as hell am not."
He turned back to the broken hourglass, glaring at its taunting glow. The same one that would soon start the Events as if nothing ever happened.
Everything he suffered through, every bad thought, every single ideation back then.. was nothing compared to The Platforms. His eyes that hid under a visor could see this unfairness. No one needed to be forced to heal with more trauma.
He clenched his hand and ran across his shrinking platform. Running, but not from his problems. Not this time.
No longer being afraid to jump.
Platform to Platform.
With only three feet of space left, he prepared his body in case he fell down the void. Ran up to the bigger platform and-
Theo soon landed on the big grey platform with a thud, and glanced at the group. Smacking the dust off his pants, he realized he was shaking. His heart felt too fast, and his mind spun.
But it wasn't enough to deter him.
Caleb looked at Theo as Hash was still treating his injuries. "Hundreds of people.. maybe even millions have been trapped here. Do you even think we have a chance?" Caleb winced as he silently gave Hash a stare, Hash getting the message and shrugging nonchalantly.
"He's right. We don't even have our powers.. that some of us had before we came here. Strategically, we are making the wrong choice." Hash added on, they finished cleaning the wound and helped Caleb stand up.
Theo tapped his foot, glancing at the duo, Mar, and finally Neptune. His gaze drifted away to the void down below.. "I'm getting out of this hell, and if we have to defeat some omnipotent being than so be it. Because I won't give up, not if we all aren't guaranteed freedom. Let's try. At the very least." He sighed.
The rustling of the temporary tree next to them helped the silence that followed after.
Hash stayed quiet until they nodded, "I might be making a mistake. But I'm willing to trust you, Theo.. I think we all are learning to."
"..if Hash says it's good to go.. I'll try as well." Caleb muttered as he gave a thumbs up at Theo.
"I trust you too then. Not because I'm feelin' peer pressured or anything..." She coughed and turned her gaze towards him. "Okay maybe a little..." Neptune crossed her arms as she chuckled. "But something tells me we can do this."
"Theo, what's trust?" Mar looked up at the rest of the group, slightly confused about the sudden mood. Her usual hat was by the pile of leaves.
Theo looked at Mar and smiled, unsure about how to explain it to a kid. "Trust.. remember when we looked at the stars when it was night time, and you said that they would help you find your family?" The kid nodded and focused on Theo, tilting their head.
"The stars loved you enough to lead you to me. You knew you could rely on the stars. That's trust." He softly explained as he kneeled down to put their hat back on them. Mar laughed and peeped at him from behind it.
"So trust is like the stars?"
"As long as you believe in it." Theo replied back.
(KAHDKDHD OC BRAIN ROT RN.!!! I THINK THIS IS THE CHAPTER BEFORE MISTIC!! [Mistic's name is undecided as of now but I will try and see if it's great!])
(Also I love Theos adoptive brother role in the narrative, it really shows he has a soft spot just like he did with his old siblings
I decided to end it here because I needed some fluff and esp sleep since it's two am. That's why the writing is a bit... Meh.. at the end :')
See y'all!!)
Also no beta or revision for this so it's kind of dookie :'P
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