#epic fetus
keatxu · 9 months
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he's so epic
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shawow · 4 months
isaac moment, i got a cracked laz run on my first playthrough of him on this savefile and ended up beating delirium straight after mom (proof of completed note)
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but despite never dying no bethany unlock. why.
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bijoumikhawal · 7 months
The "last" work of Coptic literature
The Triadon is a 14th century Sahidic Coptic and Arabic poem, written in a structure influenced by Arabic and Syriac songs and poetry, sometimes called exactly what this post is titled. The last work of Coptic literature- yet, we are still here. I know the term refers to the last work in an unbroken line of Coptic-language literary art. I know I am pedantic. But the study of Copts (especially in European languages) is dominated by those who are not Copts, and I think that shows in how Coptic culture is discussed. When Copts look to older icon styles today, it is called "Neo-Coptic". What is "Neo-" about it? Copts have been making icons the entire time they have been Copts. The styling which is referred to- while it does look to older art- is hardly a "broken line". Pieces from later centuries influence the style, which also incorporates pre-Coptic artistic elements (such as the revival of tree halos from Pharaonic art). The name smacks of insufficiency to my ears.
Further, what does an unbroken line mean? The significance of the Triadon is undeniable, but why must we decry Coptic literary art as having a "last"? Can we not say "most recent"? Turn that over in your mind- see how the camera angle shifts. Instead of Coptic as a language ending, ended, you now see the road as it goes on- the future it can have. This is before one considers the claims by some Copts that there ARE isolated villages that have kept the language more strongly than the rest of Egypt. These are hopeful and glorious- but if untrue, what does it matter? We are still here and so is the language. Once given breath it lives again.
The accusation of "death" haunts Egyptian religion, Egyptian culture. Being seen as ancient I have felt born dead. I can show you scholarly pieces I have read, accusing the ancient Egyptian religion to be death obsessed, and others where it is correctly identified as loving life dearly that pass on the blow to Copts, acting as though martyrdom under Rome was some madness my ancestors were afflicted with, and not the brutal reality of living under an empire. What "was" the Coptic language, what "did" this look or sound like. No wonder I am fond of writing in past tense- no one seems to recognize existence in the present.
What is a "last" poem when I can pull up a song right now on my phone with a modern attempt at old Coptic lyrics? Is it a titan of composition- no! But neither is the Triadon, and most will say that outright. "This poem is written in Sahidic that is already beginning, as it were, to fray at the edges". Must one be great to still be considered living? To have the potential to live?
Certainly, Coptic-language literature is not thriving. There aren't dozens of poems published every year, let alone more frequently. But there should never be a sense of finality. Youths fight for their language. The framing, to my mind, that is so often used, subtly murmurs a prophecy of failure. Perhaps every fool goes against a prophecy, but who made these academics prophets?
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irradiatedwarlock · 5 months
Orcas: 1, Humans: 0
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Orcas heard metal and came to mosh.
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The humans should've known orcas love metal.
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wetslug · 6 months
got my first fetal papyraceus at work !! epic little guy
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 4 months
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"Ferguson delivers another beguilingly sinister turn as Jessica, arguably the most fascinating character in the whole film..." https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/dune-2-review-2541695/
"Rebecca Ferguson adds a hint of malevolence to the gravitas she brought to the first movie, continuing her role as Atreides’ mother and champion." https://www.avclub.com/dune-2-review-visually-ravishing-storytelling-1851274494
"Butler remains the flashier villain, but Rebecca Furgeson proves to be the film’s horrific star. Seamlessly transitioning from conscientious mother to cunning priestess, she wanders through the film continuously plotting with her pregnant belly. The mere flick of her eyes is enough to show not only dangerous instability, but the frightening calculations behind the power she’s amassing." https://femaleantagonist.com/dune-part-two-leads-a-burgeoning-franchise-into-paradise/
"Zendaya and Ferguson steal the show, providing polar opposite figures in his development. Ferguson must chart a course from a physical and emotional threat to a large-scale schemer. The character transformation comes after drinking a substance, but watching her mental evolution is something to behold." https://sunshinestatecineplex.com/2024/02/21/dune-part-two-2024/
 "...it may be Rebecca Ferguson who gives the most villainous performance. Ferguson commits to making your blood boil as Lady Jessica corrupts her own son, leaving no question as to who the most vile character is." https://discussingfilm.net/2024/02/21/dune-part-two-review-denis-villeneuves-daring-epic-is-unlike-anything-weve-seen/
"Ferguson eats up every morsel of her rejuvenated, meaty role." https://freshfiction.tv/dune-part-two-review-denis-villeneuves-monumental-masterpiece/
"Chalamet and Ferguson take all that was regal and dignified about their performances, and apply to them a poisoned tip." https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/reviews/dune-part-two-review-zendaya-timothee-chalamet-b2499855.html
"The rest of the cast is fine and engaged, with Rebecca Ferguson playing complex notes as a wannabe mother-of-God..."https://scottmendelson.substack.com/p/review-dune-part-two-is-an-audiovisual
"Ferguson, her face tattooed throughout much of the movie, leans into an arresting menace." https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2024-02-21/dune-part-2-review-timothee-chalamet-zendaya-austin-butler-denis-villeneuve
"Chalamet and Ferguson’s performances are strongest when mother and son tussle about the right thing to do. Through these arguments, Chalamet sheds the boyish innocence of the first film for a darker, more complicated persona. Ferguson’s character also enters more morally ambiguous terrain when she is asked by the Fremen to become the group’s Reverend Mother." https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-reviews/dune-part-two-review-timothee-chalamet-zendaya-1235830061/
"...but it’s Ferguson’s slippery performance and Bardem’s playful one that really add flavors here that weren’t in the first outing." https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/dune-part-two-movie-review-2024
"Ferguson’s Lady Jessica rises to become a gripping “Dune” persona, who goes from being extremely dry in the first film to an intriguingly determined figure in “Part Two.”https://eu.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/movies/2024/02/21/dune-2-movie-review/72654598007/
"Even Rebecca Ferguson, who bristles early on in this film when it comes to her exact role in this story, blossoms into a bonafide force of Reverend Mother nature that does well to capitalize on her ability to mix vulnerability with savage confidence. Pretty much how I always envisioned Mother Mary, myself." https://inbetweendrafts.com/dune-part-two-review/
"Ultimately, it's Lady Jessica and Feyd-Rautha that reveal the true terror of unfettered belief. Watching Rebecca Ferguson stride through the Fremen's desert hideaway as she whispers to her fetus could easily fall into caricature if it weren't so chilling."https://screenrant.com/dune-part-2-movie-review/
"...this is an undoubted success, and is powered a clutch of lead performances – Chalamet, Zendaya and Rebecca Ferguson as a newly-ordained Bene Gesserit reverend mother at the shining core of the ensemble..." https://lwlies.com/reviews/dune-part-two/
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mirageofadesert · 8 months
On a heartless path of his own: A character study of Tantai Jin from TTEOTM
aka: an excuse to talk about Tantai Jin, as well as Luo Yunxi's acting, excessively
For some reason all media in these posts were taken down due to acopy right claim. You can still see them on reddit!
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Born into tragedy, living out someone else's script, destined to suffer all the hardships of humanity, only to rise above it all and ascend to godhood - Tantai Jin's journey is one of epic proportions. It's a story of struggling to control your own destiny, learning to love and grow, but ultimately sacrificing everything for the greater good. And while the story is larger than life, Luo Yunxi's excellent acting grounds it in humanity - drawing the audience into the tragedy that is the life and death of Tantai Jin, Ye Xiwu's husband.
The empowerment of embracing powerlessness
“Dignity? It means nothing to me. For me, personally, this bowl of rice matters more. I can’t survive without food. But I had had dignity would have died long ago.” (TTJ in E02)
As a devil's fetus, Tantai Jin is born without love strings and therefore without the ability to process emotions. This is exacerbated by the loveless and harsh conditions in which he grows up. Struggling to survive from an early age, Tantai Jin lacks any form of control or agency in his own life. The audience pities him, easily excusing his psychotic tendencies on the unfortunate circumstances of his life. And while this is true to an extent, in the context of Till The End Of The Moon's literary and poetic approach to storytelling, I would argue that he is also a "Kunstfigur" - a symbol of humanity, rather than the representation of a real person.
In this sense, Tantai Jin is a stylistic device to tell a story about humanity and fate. The term "Kunstfigur" comes from German literature and theater, and describes a character who stands at a certain distance from reality, i.e. reflects it in some way. Tantai Jin did not become evil, he was born with something evil. The people around him abused him, not just because it's human nature to do so, but because they noticed that there was something wrong with him, something unsettling. We see this best in his two maids who witnessed his birth and childhood. The actions of all these characters are not meant to be realistic, they are a comment on the reality of humanity. This is what makes Till The End Of The Moon such a compelling (and controversial) drama.
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What makes Tantai Jin's suffering so special is that even when he reaches a new low, he never seems truly weak. There is so much emotion in his expression that even when he is deliberately schools his face to look indifferent, you can always see a hint of underlying emotion, often some kind of deviance, burning in his eyes.
Saving face, avoiding humiliation and embarrassment are powerful incentives for behavior. Pride or ego make us try to avoid these negative experiences. But what if these negative experiences determined our entire lives? Tantai Jin fears neither humiliation nor belittlement, only hunger and betrayal. He has not only become accustomed to them, he is unable to process them properly. More than that, he has understood how accepting humiliation can be empowering in itself. There is power in being seen as weak. There is power in making others think they have power over you. There is power in letting go of pride. There is power in not fighting back, in not giving others the satisfaction of seeing you struggle and suffer. And it's not just that he lacks the threads of love and doesn't understand human emotion. It's the way he accepts his fate that makes him feel powerful.
This is unique for a character in fiction. Such a role is usually reserved for the court jester or a concubine. Tantai Jin is neither. I think what makes these characters so different is also Luo Yunxi's subtle but excellent acting skills. He is able to portray weakness without ever feeling weak. His approach to acting allows him to express many complex emotions in every single scene. It's not just in his facial expressions, but also in the way he immerses himself in a character, studying it beforehand and pushing himself to his physical limits when necessary. I don't think many actors would be able to create such a convincing character as Tantai Jin.
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This last scene is fascinating not only because of the excellent acting, which makes the special effects seem almost real because of the convincing way Luo Yunxi interacts with them. It's also interesting for other reasons: After Tantai Jin feels real (magical) power the first few times, it's implied that he will succumb to it, become hungry and greedy for more - but he never does. These episodes (e.g. the nightmare demon and the crow attack during the wedding) are meant to give the audience a glimpse of a possible future in which Tantai Jin becomes fully evil, which never materialises. When Tantai Jin comes to power, he's nothing like the Devil God.
He does feed excessively on demons, but this is either never shown on screen or presented as a necessity of war. He gains his throne not in a great battle, but through small acts of power rather than great ones - fending off rodents, sharing soup with the court officials, showing humility and wit with the scholars, and making positive changes to social policy so that his people don't have to suffer hunger and hardship as they once did. On the battlefield, Tantai Jin's power is great, and no opponent stands a chance against him. But being a king is not just about the power of one man - it's about the lives of the soldiers he leads, the lives of his people, the safety of his tribe and the happiness of the woman he loves.
Setting on a path of love
“The immortals say, body, heart, and mind are three different parts. When the three parts are unified, the internal elixir is formed. Empty thy heart to unite soul and character. Calm thy body to silent energy and mood. Steady thy mind then all three merge into one. Destroy your desire for romantic love, and then you can understand the universe and all lives. This is the one and only way of the Hearless Way. (LSS in E06)
At the beginning of the story, Tantai Jin is on the opposite path to the Heartless Way. He has no real desire for romantic love, until Li Susu as Ye Xiwu awakens those feelings. Moreover, her kindness takes root in his heart and begins to blossom. Quite literally, as you can see in the scene below:
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Through Li Susu's acts of care and love, as well as her determination to protect his life, Tantai Jin slowly falls in love with her. Even without her, he was never cold-hearted. He was compassionate towards animals, never unnecessarily cruel - at least not on purpose or before he was pushed too far. So his newfound ability to process emotions and experience love is not limited to Li Susu/Ye Xiwu.
He shows it to his mother's tribe, in his negotiating skills with Ye Quingyu, in his relationships with Pianran and Nian Baiyu, and in his ability to lead a country. He is a natural leader and a good ruler. Tantai Jin proves to be tenacious and hardworking, loyal, intelligent and even dignified.
in certain mannerisms, or in the elaborate way Tantai Jin dresses now that he has access to proper clothing. Or in the way he personally leads his army, just as Mingye did. (Mingye's influence may be most visible when Tantai Jin becomes Cang Jiumin). It may even have influenced his views on Ye Bingchang. Most importantly, however, is his shared experience of the tragic but deep love between Mingye and Sangjiu. He slowly begins to face and accept his feelings for Ye Xiwu and tries to win her over - while still learning to process feelings of love, jealousy and rejection. His love for Ye Xiwu becomes obsessive and suffocating. His insecurity and jealousy become blinding to a degree that costs Xian Lin his life and Ye Xiwu her freedom.
The battle for Tantai Jin's heart has always been both emotional and magical, as the evil bone resides within it, leaving Li Susu no choice but to pierce it with nails manifested from the love the same heart felt for her.
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After Ye Xiwu's death and sacrifice, Tantai Jin loses his mind in grief. His morbid obsession with Ye Xiwu leads him to hold onto her corpse, and later drives him to take his own life in an attempt to be reunited. After failing, Tantai Jin spends the next 500 years single-mindedly searching for his beloved's soul, experiencing excruciating pain on a daily basis. The tragedy of this event is that he is searching for the wrong soul. He still doesn't know when someone else took over Ye Xiwu's body, or what the flashback Ye Xiwu showed him in her last moment really means.
His love for Ye Xiwu has blinded him to everyone around him: His friends, his subordinates, and his people. He no longer cares about anything but his dead wife, not even his own life.
The Heartless Way
There is a misconception about the Heartless Way, especially among international audiences who lack cultural context. It's rooted in Buddhist and Daoist ideas that "heaven and earth are heartless" or "heaven and earth are not partial". What this means is that the Heartless Way is not devoid of emotion, it's quite the opposite: It is about overcoming personal attachments so that one can love and have deep compassion for every living being. It's about equality, not putting one life above another. The idea of the Way itself is probably linked to the concept of wuxin, which is achieved when a person's mind is free from thoughts of anger, fear or ego during combat or everyday life.
While it is Li Susu, who has decided to peruse this way in order to seal the evil bone within her body, I think Tantai Jin has, unbeknownst to him, set on the same path – and even if it’s just within the meta story-telling of the drama.
As Cang Jiumin, Tantai Jin’s love grows. At first, he is still focused on reviving his long death wife and therefore tries to stay in the Xiaoyao sect. However, his time there has subtle but far-reaching consequences. The first task, Cang Jiumin is entrusted with, is to help an old, blind woman trapped by her inability to accept the death of her only son. For this mission, he is given a sword by his master:
This sword is called South Branch. Forged by my Master when he was still alive. It was transformed from plum blossoms. It has the heart of spring and the soul of the frost. It carries no killing intent. If you see the world with kindness, you’ll have no obsession and see true freedom. I’ll give it to you as a witness. When you can awaken it, you can understand it. (E30, Master Zhao You to TTJ)
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Tantai Jin witnesses how obsession, even when it's the all-consuming love of a mother, can destroy a person. The old women's story mirrors Tantai Jin's own inability to come to terms with Ye Xiu's death. He tells the women about his beloved wife and how she taught him to be a good person, something he is no longer sure he is. His need for Ye Xiwu was inherently selfish, and he never really thought about what she would have wanted. When the old women ask him if he would turn into an evil person to get his wife back, he briefly considers the possibility of using the power of the Devil God, but decides against it because it's not what Ye Xiwu would have wanted. In the end, Tantai Jin uses a lie to redeem the old woman. He, who never had a mother, embraces her as she dies in his arms. When he returns to his master, something has been set in motion: Tantai Jin lets go of his obsessive love for Ye Xiwu.
Most of the following scenes in the third arc, which are not directly related to the rebirth of the Devil God or Li Susu, are related to this theme. For example, the secret technique of the Xiaoyao sect, the Xiaoyao Swordplay, requires him to "follow and practise his heart". From this point on, Cang Jiumin gains power through diligent practice and kindness. Tantai Jin's ability to love begins to grow, soon encompassing his master and sect brothers. Another example is that the symbolism of food, which had always been a symbol of his relationship with Li Susu, is now used in relation to his sect brothers and master. Tantai Ji begins to care more and more about other people's lives, as shown when he tries to protect everyone in Jiang from Si Ying and Jing Mie (even a tyrant like Cen Mi).
When he transforms the Heart Guard Scale, he has a vision, an epiphany. He sees all the important people from his past living happily in another reality. I'm still not quite sure what it means. But in that moment he understands that he doesn't have to fear the power of the Devil God, that he is in control of his fate.
Having all the power, while having none
Tantai Jin started out with no power, control or agency over his life. He has gained all of this only to reach a point where none of it matters, none of it is enough. He is powerless against his destiny to become the Devil God, but that doesn't stop him. He goes from accepting his fate as a hostage prince to fighting fate itself.
He attempts to trick the Devil God and his minions before using the Xiaoyao Sect's Incarnation-Abandoning Array to trap and kill their army. This technique requires him to sacrifice his own life - and he is willing to do so:
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So he gives in and surrenders to fate and the unimaginable powers of the Devil God he once feared. This leads him to face the echo/essence of the Ancient Devil God in a battle for dominance. It's here that he finally realises that he has always been surrounded by love and kindness. He acknowledges the love of his parents, his maids, his subordinates, his sect and his friends, and most of all, Li Susu. She taught him to love and to feel emotions, breaking through the darkness that was his life under the thumb of the Devil God. It is this realisation that leads him not only to fully embrace his fate, but also to ascend to godhood.
However, even with the power of the Devil God and his own godly powers, he is still powerless when it comes to the most important thing: stopping the activated All-in-Distress Way from destroying the three realms and the living beings within them. All his powers are pretty much useless. Tantai Jin has gone from being powerless to having all the power imaginable, and it's still not enough. There is only one way to save the world, and that is for Li Susu herself to ascend to godhood, kill him and thus destroy the All-in-Distress Way.
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Therefore, Tantai Jin sees no choice but to free Li Susu from her romantic love for him, so that she can attain the Heartless Way. In doing so, he reinforces his own by embarking on a Heartless Way of his own. As previously quoted, "Heaven and Earth are heartless", and in this sense Tantai Jin is trying to be partial to her pain. And even though we know he's not, he's still trying to sacrifice his love and his remaining obsession for the sake of everyone, for the greater good. Not only does he have to destroy Li Susu's love for him, he has to kill his own by acting against his own desires. This is the heartless way.
In these scenes, the two newly ascended gods are in Tantai Jin's mind and heart. We have already seen these inner places symbolised by space and sky. It visualises how Tantai Jin has achieved inner peace, embraced by light and tranquillity.
I think that even as gods, Tantai Jin and Li Susu were still deeply in love, but they don't put each other above anyone else. In a final sacrifice, Tantai Jin rejects Li Susu's wish to be reincarnated together, destroying his immortal essence and thus himself for eternity (or so it seems).
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In this post, I tried to approach Tantai Jin as a character in TTEOTM through two theme present in the story: The metaphor of the Heartless Way and motive of embracing power and powerlessness. Tantai Jin’s hero's story has led him from being without power and agency, a mere pawn of more powerful men and gods, to gain power and love before losing it. He was born without love, appearing heartless, only to gain the ability to feel emotion before having his heart broken (literally). Eventually, he gives up his worldly obsessions, emotions and ego, while developing a deep compassion for every living creature. In the end, his ultimate power lies in his sacrifice and his ability to love.
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We have reached the end of this post. I warned you that it was going to be excessive… if you've made it this far, thank you for your time and patience! I hope I haven't made too many spelling mistakes! I originally wanted to highlight more of Luo Yunxi's acting, but I ran out of space. I think I will make a separate post about that.
I would like to thank my Twitter friend ~NPY~, with whom I have been discussing this show for weeks now, and who has helped me with many of these thoughts and ideas. Also a shout out to the reddit user who explained the misunderstanding of the "heartless" path!
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carrotkicks · 2 years
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look! an epic epic lore post yay! the sheer insanity you're about to read will be unparalleled if you do actually bother to read it.
the main pilot trio. it's just some cuteness before the crazy lore that's about to drop
Morro does have a role in this au. He's a psycho reject pilot who works for the super shady Crystal Council (the SEELE of the au). He's supposed to try to replace Lloyd and start the Third Impact himself with Unit-01. If you know what happend to Asuka's mom in NGE, then you know what's happened to Morro. There's actually a bunch of pilot candidates conglomerated in certain areas, like Lloyd's highschool for example. Morro gets sent to one of the worse ones that's directly observed by the Council.
Garmadon transformation Before and After he eats the Overlord. He gets a familiar new look.
Kai is a secret agent who has disloyalties to like. Everyone. He brings the crystal-preserved OVERLORD fetus to Garmadon so they can kickstart the Apocalypse Plan
Even though he's pretty sus, Kai is still a Good Guy. He let's Cole in on the conspiracy he's trying to uncover. Which involves showing Cole the corpse/sleeping body of the "First Being" (the FSM) that SPIRAL's been keeping hidden under the headquarters. It's blood is the "Golden Power" which is LCL and the fuel for the Ninjagelions in this world so. Yeah the kids breath that stuff. and Cole is thoroughly Freaked Out
The NINJAs (the big ol' mechs. I commited to the funny name) are very. very very haunted. Because the only way they can be operational is if there is a human soul inside their Cores. the prototype (00) and test-type (01) both are very volatile compared to the production type (02) because there was a lot. A LOT, of messed up issues with development and a lack of knowledge in what exactly they were creating. By the time Unit-02 was built, they managed to polish the formula. Anyways, Dr. Julien and Echo are the souls inside NINJA-00 but since they were merged in the nontraditional way of having their bodies stuffed in the robot a la FNAF instead of a Contact Experiment, the mech got. Very Unstable. Poor Zane is probably the only one who could handle the stress of being that one's pilot (Lloyd's gonna have a super horribly failed attempt later on). Oh and Julien and Echo were the two unfortunate victims of a m*rder-s****de but there was a third player in it. Want to guess who?
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Look as much I like Shig....goddamn I want to punch him. After all happened, he is still a broken record? "I will destroy all" like my guy...please, try to be a character here.
He wants to fight Izu that much...bc????????
What they have to link them for an epic battle. Izu knows almost nothing about him.
Ok Shonen.
But Shig stealing a quirk from Izu...its just Hori saying "😒eww Izu" and make this more harder than it must. But giving credit hori doesnt deserve...What if ofa can also get a quirk from afo as well? They are twin quirks.
Imagine Shig losing decay?
Will this happen?
Hori hates his mc. Its most likely Izu will die (to put a big smile on Hori's face) or get injuried again, or he lost his quirk and lives like a hermit like that damn poem Hori loves...or both die.
I cant see a happy ending for Izu.
And Shig? In canon??? No. He should be killed. There nothig to save here, nothing. Even if afo the quirk does smth against Shig...killing is still the best option.
Yeah even at this point, the Izuku Shigaraki fight seems so underwhelming. Like, the MC and main villain were brushed to the side for fetus AFO and Bakugou.
I don't think Izuku would kill him... Unless Hori's going to spin that as his way of "saving" him. Then all of this would have been for nothing
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Tantai Jin’s one last act of epic rebellion against fate and predestination before he seemingly succumbs to them. And the fact that he, the Devil God reborn, decides to go out in a magnificent explosion and blaze of all-consuming brilliant light which reaches even the darkest corners of the Barren Abyss and take every single demon and devil down with him after making sure his lover is safe, reminiscent of Mingye leaving Sang Jiu behind to sacrifice his own in the fight 10,000 years ago ! The Demon Realm has never seen so much light even when the Ancient Gods warred with them. Tantai Jin has been perfecting the art of killing himself and methinks he might have entered the immortal sect to add a new intricate way to off himself.
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He knows the whole plan hangs on him becoming the new Devil God so he chooses to take himself completely out of the equation that he even makes the original Devil God fear him with his insane act of defiance as he gives him and his omnipotent bullshit one last “fuck you". Tantai Jin hears both the voices of the Devil God and Mingye who symbolise the eternal battle between good and evil for his soul and Mingye is once again winning.
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It’s fitting that despite the fact that his 10,000 years of careful planning might go to waste, the Devil God can’t save his devil fetus because he lacks the ability to save anyone, and it’s Mingye who ultimately protects him.
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So I was right and a part of Mingye’s soul has endured for millennia and guided and protected Tantai Jin.
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Thought it appears he’s saved Tantai Jin because he needs to die at the right moment, which still obviously hasn’t come. Tantai Jin has transformed from a born destroyer and killer into a protector who chooses to sacrifice his own life in exchange for saving all other life in the universe. Despite being nurtured by the Devil God he has turned himself into Mingye, prepared to go through whatever lengths necessary to protect everyone but himself.
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tansu-bomb · 1 year
OG Devil Lord: Uses God-slaying Crossbow to Kill
OG Devil Lord’s handpicked devil fetus Tantai Jin who prefers to be known only as Li SuSu’s husband: Uses God-slaying Crossbow to Protect | turning the OG Devil Lord’s weapon against himself (basically showing his longest fingers up to the OG Devil Lord)
The way he staunchly refuses to be tempted by power, to give in to evil machinations…the way he is determined to make the hard/painful but wise/good choices every step of the way is just ♥️
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THIS is what makes him a HERO.
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The devastation Tantai Jin felt when the child he saved feared and fled away from him…💔
This was EPIC. Ep34 served !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tantai Jin: A hero who fights evil by wielding the evil’s weapon & it’s immense power but for the collective good.
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flicks-random-stuff · 9 months
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Epic new installment of Flick’s Patapon Specbio: fetus
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kalak · 1 year
Underused concept for luke's missing hand: give him a hook. A multitool. A lightsaber attachment. A glock. So many ways to accessorize he should've went for an epic sithblastinator 2000 instead of a boring hand (again) (already did that when he was a fetus)
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myechoecho · 1 year
Till the End of the Moon, ep 30
Some of this episode’s timeline was a hella confusing for me? How old is Fuya?? How is she the little girl that Susu saved 500 years ago? She became immortal?
RIP braided hair Tantai Jin
I appreciated the lightness of this episode. It’s a nice change of pace from the past few angsty ones.
I’m not clear if Tantai Jin “remembers” his alternate life as the Devil Lord or if that is just part of what Susu showed him.
I am curious as to what the bow did to him - did it recognize him? Like does he still have the Essence of Evil Bone™ or something?
Susu also remembers everything but I do wonder her punishment was for.
Pang Yizhi?? He is the Immortal Buxu?
Lots of talk about memories, trapped in the past and learning to let go with this episode .
Pretending to be Zhi’er was a great kindness Tantai Jin shows the old woman. And he gets to feel a mother’s love. She gives it to him, though she knows he’s not her son.
Which is why I think he opens up to her, about his past and Susu.
He knows that with the power if the Devil Lord, he can find Susu but she would hate that. So the old woman tells him he has to fulfill Susu’s wish.
He figures out what he needs to do to grant the old woman’s wish (to have the plum tree bloom because she is trapped in the past). He’s able to use the sword to do that for her, and he genuinely grieves her when she dies.
Tantai Jin gets accepted into the Xiaoyou Sect and has a new name - Cang Jiumin, which I guess has a specific meaning that we’ll learn later.
I also think that Zhaoyou knows precisely who Tantai Jin is, thanks to Pang Yizhi
Zhaoyou feels like the father that Tantai Jin never had and desperately needed.
Tantai Jin is really not sure of the Nanzhi sword though.
Honestly, the Xiaoyou Sect is just what Tantai Jin needs right now.
Susu thinks that Tantai Jin just got on with his life but doesn’t realize that he was looking for her for 500 years while Ye Qingyu pretended to be Tantai Jin.
The Evil Bone™ is still around and Susu thinks she has to forget Tantai Jin order to fully seal it? I’m not super clear on that part.
However, Susu cannot forget Tantai Jin. She’s literally practicing the Heartless Way. Tantai Jin is her love suffering. Finally she can admit to loving Tantai Jin now that she thinks he’s dead.
Interesting that Gongye also sees that Susu is not the same person just as Xiao Lin did with Ye Xiwu.
THEY WERE ENGAGED?!? Mind blown. I feel so dumb because all this time I thought Gongye was her LITERAL brother, and not just her Sect Brother.
Yeah, this triangle not gonna happen.
The demon twins have been looking for the, uh, Devil Fetus for 500 years.
Also RIP Baiyu, if you had to die, you deserved a far more epic death than the one you got.
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dangermousie · 1 year
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Devil fetus? We now have a serious rival for the most hilarious term translation to “fairy guillotine” from LBFAD.
(Side note: Susu did not need to fret that the deadline for abyss opening was coming up in less than a year and after that it was curtains unless TTJ’s devil bone was removed by that time. These guys have been looking for 500 years so far with no result. TTJ would have long died of old age and been reborn as the world’s most geriatric devil god before they even got close. Perhaps too much time spent on applying their epic make up?)
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mccoys-killer-queen · 11 months
Okay so Elton John and Rod Stewart were always trying to playfully fucking sabotage each other back in the day to the point where Elton got Rod's advertising blimp shot down and that's not the point I'm trying to make in this post but it felt relevant for comparison to the point I actually want to make-
Here's the backstory:
So if you haven't listened to Tommy Shaw's podcast you really should but in one of the episodes he did with Kevin Cronin, Kevin talks about how Styx and REO were very low key at each other's throats for decades without actually being rivals- starting with TW4 (a fetus version of Styx) and Kevin's first band doing a "battle of the bands" at Kevin's high school (because they were all from Illinois) and TW4 absolutely ANNIHILATING Kevin's wimpy ass band at his own school.
Flash forward 10+ years later to 1981 and Hi Infidelity is absolutely dominating the charts in America for months, giving REO Speedwagon the superstardom they worked and waited for so patiently. Kevin said every Tuesday someone from Epic would call them to tell them the position the album was in, and he said after so many weeks of it being #1 they just stopped picking up the phone because they didn't feel the need to hear it again- they already knew it was still up there.
Until one day it wasn't.
One Tuesday, when the phone call came, they said "the album is #2. Styx is #1."
Kevin realized that TW4 was schooling him all over again and he was like gOD DAMMIT
So here's the point I'm trying to make:
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but at the same time REO's very first video on MTV was also the first video on MTV to experience technical difficulties and was accidentally cut short after 12 seconds on the air oop
but also at the same time as that, the corner text for Styx's first video on MTV got the name of the song wrong (listed as Rockin' Paradise),
So in conclusion there really was no winner here besides the fact they both got played as one of the first 10 videos ever broadcast on MTV
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