#ep 7 full of nice light scenes
rcbertleckie · 3 months
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BUCK: Last letter I sent before Bremen, I popped the question. BUCKY: You did? BUCK: She said yes.
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silviakundera · 2 months
The Spirealm episode 5 -7 reaction (Let's call this episode 4 now per the new 38 episodes version)
fair warning: in these episode reactions I'm not gonna pretend I haven't read the novel. in fact, I purposely finished the novel before viewing, to get The Full Experience. thus novel spoilers, including twist end, included.
[1] [2] [3-4]
Ruan Baijie saving his boyfriend's ass yet again, must be Tuesday.
Then first key!!!! I wanna see the key!!!!!!!!
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The survivors: wow, ok, Baijie really loves u
"Are you leaving so soon and reluctant to leave me?" // "No, it's not that," he lies
The suspicious survivors just couldn't resist trying to steal the door note and now no one has the key but the monster NICE GOING 😒
ahh and then the reveal that ofc Ruan Baijie figured out the taboos long before. He saves those who are worthy (aka his new partner).
wow Ruan Baijie is pretty. gifs don't do him justice.
Death match vs the bad hair day from The Ring.
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The whole scene in the opening of ep 6 is terribly cute. Ruan Baijie exposed as a drama sprite who was faking his injury, but Lin Quishi just accepts this in good humor as he's told this was just to "bring us closer" and for fun. Another round of, you're really picking me? but why?
He really does the, 'come closer' move to make your crush get up close so you can create a sense of intimacy with hushed voices smh
"Because there is light in you."
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oh, did you give me this expensive looking necklace because you want me to join your gang?
no, because you are you.
..... misses the very gay pass completely.
(tbh I feel as if the actor is playing it like his character IS sensing the romantic undertones sometimes but doesn't know how to respond/not ready to process it and so represses & pushes it out of his mind and to the side)
Ep 7
They solved the case. Ruan Baijie gives him back the key again, "Still yours." They exchange a romantic look before he steps over.
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Our protagonist thinks he's back in reality and only 15 minutes have passed. But of course that's not true: whether he entered the game time A, B, C, or it's the 12th Door theory... he's still in-play.
A roommate?? This must be the Wei what's his face, his One Friend I recall from the novel. With the girlfriend.
Injuries from the door lingering "outside".
Chestnut won't let him hug! (The clue in the novel that this is still within the door. Now, is this a new phenom or was it already Like That in ep 1? 🤔 Remains ambiguous.)
Wait, in this drama the One Friend has heard of Spirealm?! And it's eviiiill reputation. Everyone who plays it "goes insane and commits suicide". Lin Quishi acts like he hasn't already been warned that players die from the game.
Ah, created by a chinese designer who wanted to make a "comprehensive spirit world". The story goes, after he made it he added all the violent elements to the version he sold, to make it a bloody survival game.
'Can't control when you enter the door, can't get rid of it, Men Can Conquer Heaven'.
Bro goes to sleep and startles awake cause Ruan Nanzhu fka Baijie is pulling an Edward Cullen by his bedside. The more intense looking Nanzhu asks him to come along. Naturally, our boy stumbles along and meets!!! Cheng Qianli!!!!!!! 😄😄😄😄 Who is driving, like the scene in the novel. IM SO HAPPY.
Headquarters!!!!! The group!#####!!!! I'm hyped to see them all live & in color.
Emphasized again that once you enter the game, you must complete all 12 doors to get rid of the mental control of the game. ~Mind control~
(because the censors won't allow it to be explicitly supernatural)
(which doesn't mean the writer didn't intend to get around this barrier by using subtext & inferences that novel readers would understand 🤔🤔)
The clue for his next door freaks out the whole house. But then he meets cranky Cheng Yixie!!!!
He's settling in but the moment he glimpses Nanzhu's returned BUT INJURED *gasp* Must scurry down for hurt/comfort UST.
Love how absolutely unnecessary this hand-holding is. Light piano background to set the romantic mood.
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A gurgling stomach growl from Ruan Nanxhu & Lin Quishi takes the initiative to stand up and make himself at home to cook for the man who's obviously being positioned as his love interest. (Like in The Untamed & Word of Honor, we're not being terribly subtle here.)
This is the 3rd time we've seen an instinctive caretaking gesture from him towards Nanzhu and the last moment as we fade out is the "boss man" looking down at his newly bestowed bandage and obviously GOING THRU IT. He's making this sigh and curling his fingers and everything.
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side note: Lin Quishi is getting flashes of himself trapped under rubble. This is the second time we see them. Are they flash backs? Of a past event he survived, giving him baggage to carry? OR are we circling back again to my alternate, alternate theory that an evil VR game is part of the illusion and this IS the supernatural Doors from the novel that terminal people can get a chance to enter, to prolong or possibly prevent your death? (if so, then Ruan Nanzhu is still indeed the 12th door god. and Lin Quishi must decide to remain in the fantasy or exit & return to reality?)
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makeitastrength · 2 months
Invading your ask box!
I suck at coming up with questions, so in light of manifesting season 7, what are your hopes for when we hopefully get a full season 7?
Go as wild and unrealistic as you want!
So here's the thing... it took me so long to get around to answering this that I've already seen everyone else's answers and I feel like mine is just gonna be some version of the same list. But I'm still gonna answer anyway.
Next steps for chenford, whether that's moving in together or proposal (or both). These two have been all in since day 1. While I think those things happening this season feels a little rushed, season 7 feels like a good timeline. Season 5 was the honeymoon phase. Season 6 is about growing together and learning how to communicate and navigate difficulty. Season 7 seems like a good time to be on solid footing and take those next steps.
Next steps for Lucy, professionally. Personally, I'm hoping the UC storyline will play out this season and she can move on to whatever is next for her in season 7. She would be good at so many things within the LAPD and it would be so great to see her explore her options and find her niche. Bonus points if Primm faces consequences for being a dick.
More of a support system for Lucy, and just more interaction overall between the characters. Don't get me wrong, obviously I'm excited for all the chenford scenes we get, but give me some Tim x Angela and Lucy x Angela x Nyla or Lucy x Aaron or whatever else. We need to flesh out more of those relationships between the characters rather than pairing the same people up repeatedly. I know there's only so much screentime and they have a big cast, but it would be nice to have a few eps where they shake things up a bit.
Aaron and Celina remaining friends. I just really love their friendship and don't want it to turn romantic. It's nice to have that male x female friendship represented, and it's also frankly unrealistic to have every character coupled up.
More of Tim and Lucy away from the job, with Genny, Kojo, and/or Tamara.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but please no more pregnancies. It's been done three times now, and all of them have been accidental. And as someone who is childless by choice, lets have some representation of that on screen as well. Nolan and Bailey should not have kids, and I hope that's the conclusion they come to in 6x06.
Speaking of Nolan, can we please see him face some actual consequences? He's a terrible TO and that needs to be acknowledged, and Celina needs some actual training.
And honestly, just more of what they've been doing this season. I feel like, so far, this is the most cohesive season we've had in a while. Storylines are actually carried from one episode to another and the stakes are higher, the angst is productive, and I'm just really enjoying it! It's always nice to have some humor thrown in, but I also like when they show the fallout and keep the intensity rather than passing things off as a joke.
And lastly, more of this wonderful fandom here on tumblr! The questions, the positivity, the support, the incoherent rambling in the tags, the fic, the gifs, all the other amazing art and episode analyses. Just... all of it!
I'm sure there's more and I definitely failed at being wild and unrealistic but I'm sleepy and this is all my brain can think of right now.
Thank you for the question :)
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confusedspaceotter · 1 year
Daily avatrice analysis (day 7)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9
lemme interrupt the normal programming of wishing Netflix a good DIE and get back to business :)
I’ll try to keep this light and not break everyone's hearts(no promises tho
Ep 9
aka Vatican Heist?!
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After Ava did the cross gesture
Look at how Camila and Beatrice smiles aww
I’m 100% on board with the headcanon that Camila and Ava will devise pranks together
Make this happen in S3🙏🏻
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Notice how while Camila is looking though the mirror 
Bea is directly looking at Ava?
Bea really is in love since day one 
Actually I think she did started to smile more after ep 8
Especially when Ava was around or when she made a nun joke(which we will get into later
Bea smiling after looking at Ava counter: more than two 
Also Mary looks so done here lol
Before we get deep(that’s what she said) with this scene, one question
How the fuck did Ava got the rings lol
Did she just take them from Mary either way?
Even though Mary said nah imma get my ass kicked by Bea lol she is truly our cocky little shit(affectionate)
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We can also see the little look they exchanged before they used their rings
Speaking of looks, we gotta talk about 
Avatrice and non-verbal communication
More importantly why is it important to them by using this scene as an example
For Ava, notice how she looks at Bea first?
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My theory is coz she don’t want to upset Bea so she’s asking for permission 
In the Avatrice timeline, after the confession scene in ep 8 
They have definitely gotten closer relationship wise
So it make sense that Ava turning first is her way of asking for permission because she had a new found respect towards Bea 
Kinda like when a beloved teacher told you the story of how they overcome hardships 
And next time you saw them you’re like “wow they been through some shit I should be nice to them”
Also I can imagine growing up in the orphanage she was shaped by the environment to ask permission for anything
So naturally she did it here as well
For Bea is mainly reassurance
She is trying to give the “is okay” vibes 
Bea is so considerate is annoying sometimes 
Not in a negative sense, but more like
Bea please take care of YOUR NEEDS AS WELL
considering her background 
I feel like she had to make compromises a lot
So she is forced to be considerate 
And also love and all that you know they did say I love you to each other in S2 
Or they could just agreed to use the rings at the same time to avoid one of the guards noticing so they did a silent count of 1 2 3 with a look but hey i’m an overthinker okay is what I do 
Anyway moving on
let's do a little line by line analysis to mix things up
Bea: The plan was to use the rings to ensure he stays safely unconscious until we're done. 
There's no room for improvisation. What were you thinking? 
You're gonna need every bit of the Halo's power to get into the crypt.
(Bea and Logic 1:0 Ava and being impulsive and new to being stealthy)
Ava: I specifically didn't use the Halo. 
(Ava your child-like attitude is showing)
Bea:I know that's what you think... but the Halo's healing you. 
Whether you mean to or not, you're using it.
 (Bea said you need to think with your head and not your heart)
Ava:I just want to help. 
What kind of a leader doesn't pull her own weight? 
(I see it as Ava wanting to show off a little and proof to herself and the OCS crew she can be a worthy halo bearer)
Bea:The one that puts the mission above everything else. 
If you're not at full strength when we get to the tomb, all of this will have been for nothing. 
(ep 1 & 2 bea are showing, putting the mission above everything else, but also I feel like secretly she’s saying that because she couldn’t bear seeing Ava get hurt)
Bea:There's only one thing you need to do right now.
(so she rather she got hurt if it means ava is safe)
Ava: What? 
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(Bea you could’ve just ask Ava to trust you we all know that you are in love with her I mean look at her eyes)
Continuing the rest tmr cause im too sleep deprived rn
take care of yourselves, keep fighting, let’s bring our girls back ✨
stay tuned :)
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mineonmain · 2 years
Reveal your Watch and Rewatch List! (BL Edition!!)
Thank you my love @disaster-j for tagging me - This is extremely overdue I know; I had this whole post written out almost 2 weeks ago but then right when I was getting ready to publish this 💖lovely💖 website decided to refresh and my post was lost. I was so mad that I didn't want to re-write it, but here I am anyways.
Currently Watching (I'm extending this to shows that have juuust finished too)
Kinnporsche - It's so fresh in my mind. I have way too many thoughts about this show to put down here, so i'm going to make another post similar to my Not Me Retrospective - all the things that were right and the things that were not. It may not have stuck to the book, and it may not have fully lived up to all the hype and expectations, but it's still unlike any other BL i've seen so far. Gotta commend them for that. Also it's the VegasPete show now, sorry I didn't make the rules. 7/10 (i'm sorry pls don't @me just read my retrospective later)
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories - talented brilliant incredible amazing show-stopping spectacular...I think she deserves a separate post for herself too. Maybe when i'm not drowning under the guilt of not working on my Dissertation. There wasn't too much angst, the ending wasn't rushed, it was honestly perfect. Imperfect can be perfect too, you know. 11/10
Old Fashion Cupcake - I had low expectations for this so it kind of blew me out of the water. Great acting, incredible chemistry, and that scene in Ep 4 lives rent free in my brain. It's amazing how they (mostly) managed to tell a story in just 5 episodes and still have it feel complete and not unnecessarily rushed. A teensy bit of beef with how the finale went, but there's always something isn't there. 8.5/10
My Secret Love - Pretty mid, like the standard GMMTV sort of fare, featuring My-ponytail-is-my-personality-trait Boy, Walmart Saint Suppapong, Why RU's too-many-couples disease, mildly problematic behavior and a thin excuse of a plot. Still, it's nice to get something banal and light-hearted after all the weekend angst of KP and TMS. The latest ep was surprisingly better and less superficial than all the others so far.
Star and Sky: Sky in my Heart - The sequel to JoongDunk's Star in my Mind, this is typical lighthearted GMMTV stuff ft. P'Mek and debut actor Mark. A series of mini-series' where new couples get to flex their acting muscles a bit and test out their chemistry on the screen. I don't have much to say except it's soft and cute, nothing too groundbreaking.
Looking Forward To
Never Let Me Go (PondPhuwin)
Between Us (BounPrem)
My Only 12% (SantaEarth)
Remember Me (maybe??) (JaFirst)
Happy Ending Outside the Fence
Love in the Air (maybe??)
War of Y (maybe??) (BillySeng and more)
Moonlight Chicken (EarthMix)
Blueming S2 (let's freaking GO)
So. I'm not in the middle of rewatching anything at the moment, frankly I do Not have the time for full rewatches, but when I get in the mood I tend to rewatch specific moments from certain shows instead of full rewatches:
Bad Buddy Ep 5 4/4
Bad Buddy Ep 11
Literally anything from BBS who am I kidding
ATOTS Ep 6 3/4
ATOTS Ep 10 4/4
UWMA EP 2 4/4
Why RU FighterTutor Cut
LBC AePete Cut
WBL Ep 5
Utsukushii Kare Ep 5-6
Semantic Error
Mr. Heart
Light On Me (esp Ep 13)
Tharntype Ep 6/Ep 12
UWMA WinTeam Cut
Blueming Ep 9/Ep 11
TMS 2 Ep 4/Ep 10
OFC Ep 4
Love Is Science? MarkOuwen Cut
2gether Ep 6 3/4-4/4
My Tasty Florida
(Can you guys smell a theme hmmm I wonder🤔) Y'all I'm so sorry about this gotdamn list. It ran away from me. RIP. If anyone actually goes thru this, veterans discount for you. I could probably add more if I stopped to think more but that's where i'm gonna stop for now.
Tagging (I don't rly have friends but): @elevatormusic @whatisgodtoanonbeliever @incandescentflower @liyazaki @onstoryladders @strutforlove @billlkin @7nessasaryevils @excessivelyobssesed @milkpansa @johnnysuhsbathtowel @rythyme @piningbisexuals @ablazenqueen
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thepermanentrainpress · 7 months
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Nebula – Space Queen Release Date: May 19th, 2023
Track Listing:
1. Battle Cry 2. Deluge 3. Demon Queen 4. Veil 5. Darkest Part 6. When It Gets Light 7. Sun Interlude 8. Transmission / Lost Causemonaut 9. End Transmission
Space Queen is an all-female trio from Vancouver. They create music that can be described as heavy, psychedelic space rock. Nebula is their second EP and longest release yet. Full-length songs are mixed with under-a-minute interludes to create a quality anthology of work. 
It's really just a jam. A very smooth work that never feels rushed or too drawn out. The sound and style are timeless—it honestly could’ve been recorded at any time over the last 50 years. I was impressed that the group is only three people; it really sounds like more members creating everything with this kind of complex style. It never feels lacking or too simple. If anything, it may be too rapid for listeners who like slower, less intense music. This is a release meant to be rocked out to, played loudly and listened to with passion. It's definitely not background noise.
Lead vocalist Jenna Earle has a very calming, mellow voice that can only be described as reassuring. Her pitch provides a nice contrast to the shredding guitar work – also courtesy of Jenna – that switches from pulsing slow beats to a pure metal, complicated rhythm. Accompanying her is Seah Maister with a deep bass, keyboards, and additional vocals. There's also the varied skilled percussion and other vocals provided by Karli MacIntosh. Together, they are a confident group who play with passion.
The opening – "Battle Cry" – is an aptly named banger that pulls no punches. It's got a 90s sound to it – sort of a grunge and post-punk feel. After a brief transition track, we're hit right with "Demon Queen." It is likely the most heavy song and certainly the fastest. Not a breath or note of silence is observed in over three minutes as Jenna sings of blue blood and taking you. It's speedy and it’s fun, and from here you've got a great idea of the style going forward.
"When It Gets Light” is a pleasant track and perhaps the most complicated of the EP. Each lady really shows her chops on their instruments here. They all vibe together in a way that's really special. This was a highlight for me, and in my opinion the best of all the songs presented. 
"Transmission / Lost Causemonaut" was my personal favourite. It is the longest song and features the most instrumental work. Very cool guitar solos, thrashing percussion, and a throbbing bass all make one hell of a song. The guitar actually whirs and screeches a couple times – it's such a unique effect. It has to be heard for the full experience but at over six minutes, there's plenty to love from the opening rising bass riff to the buzzing fade out.
We close with dialogue snippets – transmissions of a man saying he went to the moon, and a repeated message: "We've heard nothing yet. We've heard nothing yet…" Perhaps it's true. If these are the sort of tunes Space Queen has to offer relatively new to the scene, I'm very excited to see what cosmic works they come up with going forward.
Written by: Cazzy Lewchuk
0 notes
Thots on Bad Buddy ep 8 ( In no way organised but)
1) wai is the only one wearing the headphones. The other sound guy isn't wearing them and wai isn't wearing it on his head. Even though it seems obvious that wai did it , there's still a possibility that it might have been someone else who did it. Possibilities!!!!
2) ink isn't against them. Stop saying she is.
3) korn is a dumbase , but i didn't see that he was angry at Pat when he realised. And never trust the previews they arent the full story. Till ep 9 , i will wait.
4) wai was , is and most likely will be a shitty friend. But it's not from the like preview , it's who he is as a person.
5) the engineering guys do try to stop Pat when he tries to beat up Wai and unlike any other fight , Pat seens deranged. What in HELL did Wai do to piss him , the literal definition of a lovey dovey puppy , act out like THAT?!?????
6) Toto , i think you're a very nice character. I hope to see more of you and i hope your play succeeds.
7) there's literally no way NO WAYYYY, that Inkpa isn't endgame.
8) Wai already ISN'T a good person. Although it's highly likely that he'd the one who tells Pran's mom , it's also likely that Pat's dad finds out through the faculty people. All of us tend to think of the most obvious route first , but I'm more scared of Pat's dad than Pran's mum.
9) what about the other parents??? Where's their voices in this?
10) It's shown multiple times , throught the series that Pran needs time. He needs it to open up, to get used to , and to flourish. He comes alive when we wait for him, and he does it his way when he's ready . He's a hardcore romantic but he needed his time to embrace his love for Pat even between the two of them. He's doing so so well. His shoulders always scream like there carrying the weight of the world , but it disappears whenever he's having fun with Pat. How heartbreaking is it that his time has been taken away without his consent? It's shocking to watch , and Pat looks at him almost scared to see his reaction.
11) ohm is so good at acting. Yes his titties were jiggling but his eyes were screaming and i couldn't NOT look at the anger , realisation, pain and love in them. He looked like a wounded puppy in the scene where pran drops his hand , he looked like a lonely depressed puppy when his phone dropped and hr looked like a kicked puppy when his dad confronted him.
12) the contrast in Pran's face when he's away from Pat and when he's with Pat. Is like day and night. Of course their friends are assholes , but they also haven't seen how Pran lights up and comes to LIFEEEE around Pat.
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
July 2021 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Golden Blood Ep 5 - honestly only Thailand would dare be this soft with a flipping bodyguard romance. Seriously? GAH. Plus PitchBank doing their cat & mouse thing. (Cat & puppy? Eh, whatever, it’s nahlak). Then they hit us up with sing feelings + musical montage flashbacks (and I’m sad). Ya win some, ya lose some. There were some nice almost kisses and a few fun tropes (lie on the ground, sleep on shoulder). Next week (since this is an 8 ep arc) is our ep 11 drama-doom? Weeee.
The Best Story Ep 3 fin - i liked it, but I prefer YinWar being messy university idiots over sweet angsty high school boys with coming out issues and family drama. I really hope we get the full version of Love Mechanics or similar from them. I believe that they can hold down a longer series. Anyway, this ended up being a story of lost love and separation, so not technically a romance, old school BL instead, so for modern BL watchers NOT RECOMMENDED. Sorry all. 
My Boy the series Ep 4 - dropping, even though we got some actual relationship development...
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The Yearbook Ep 2 - we learn about the first split (hit close to home, disappointment in a friend not living up to their potential is real hard). I stand by this being the pulp version of ITSAY. It’s pretty angsty, but fine if that’s your thing. 
Top Secret Together Ep 11 - it felt like we suddenly went right back to the beginning with some of these couples in a “wait, is this really ep 11?” kind of way. And ooof is this series SLOW. Honestly, this should have been 10 eps or so total - and I don’t say that often. 
That said anyone reminded of Sarawat in this bit with Copy’s dad? 
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Anygay, I was deeply charmed watching Nampu dance around the subject with Copy’s dad, while Copy is right there all "my cat-boyfriend doesn’t give a shit about being out or not” PANIC MODE. And Nampu buckles under the closet for Copy and hurts because of it, but communicates that to Copy. A nice subtle bit of acting I did not expect from a pulp. 
Incidentally, miss translation on the captions in this scene. Copy’s dad doesn’t use him pronouns when referring to Nampu dating. The captioner should have been using singular they. Will someone please teach the ESLs about singular they/them? 
Back to the drama. Sorry, apparently i have a lot to say about TST this week. The coming out bit was cute, very gently handled. 
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Also I kinda adore the fact that basically all CopyNampu’s friends know about them and Copy is not fooling ANYONE least of all his engineering buddies. 
I seem to be falling into the KhunKaow Brothers trap with TST where, in the end, CopyNampu are the only couple I care about. Do I need to do myself a CopyNampu bootleg? That is the question. I guess that I have 4 more eps to decide. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Ossan’s Love (Hong Kong) Eps 10-15 fin - found the rest on DC, it hooked back into the weird timeslip relationship advance of the Japanese original and that’s not a drama style I enjoy. It reminds me of Aeschylus (follow me here) in that all the action occurs off stage and then we are told about it later. Not that I wanted to see Tin/KK action (yech). Anyway, despite a superior cast, yet AGAIN I must conclude that this franchise is not for me. NOT REALLY RECOMMENDED.
Be Loved in House: I Do (Taiwan) Ep 11 - apparently while mosquitos leave hickeys in Thailand, bees leave hickeys in Taiwan. Softest episode 11 ever? I think so. Will anything dramatic happen in this drama? I think not. Do we care? Nope. 
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Given (Japan) Ep 2 - didn’t show up on DM or DC by Friday, but BL out of Japan can be a pain to find so I am hopping it’ll drop over the weekend. MDL said Ep 2 aired. 
Monster in Law AKA Mẹ Chồn Dâu Cáo (Vietnam) - on hiatus? Ended? Who knows. 
Light On Me (Korea) Ep 7-8 - Korea holds onto its record as the #1 distributor of second lead syndrome. Which is to say an excellent love triangle has landed (rare in BL). I don’t love a love triangle but if you’re gonna do it, this is the way. Bring on the pain. The most interesting thing to me is that if anyone needed a seme looking after him it’s DaOn - I wonder if the drama knows this? 
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BL News & Gossip 
Delightful rumor that AiNi (everyone’s favorite gay advice himbos from Tonhon Chonlatee) are getting their own show. We support this message. 
The company that was producing KinnPorsche isn’t anymore. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International subs accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: August 2021 ~  
Disclaimer: All shows can be streamed here, here or here! For more info about shows, check out their MDL pages!
- Updates coming every month - feel free to add stuff! -
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What came out this month? (green tick = seen or currently watching)
🌟 Be Loved in House Special Ep - August 5th (Taiwan) ✅
🌟 Don’t Say No - August 6th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Light - August 13th (Taiwan)
🌟 Love Beneath the Stars - August 16th (Philippines)
🌟 Check Out Ep0 - August 22nd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Bed Weather - August 27th (Philippines) 🌟 A First Love Story - August 27th (South Korea)
🌟 Love Advisor - August 28th (Thailand)
🌟 Love is - August 28th (Philippines)
🌟 Bite Me - August 29th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Check Out Documentary - August 29th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Peach of Time - August 30th (South Korea) ✅
🌟 7 Project - August 30th (Thailand) ✅
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ Don’t Say No - sorry if I can’t shut up about it but I’m obsessed lol; LF’s chemistry is phenomenal and the plot is super interesting. They’re not shying away from anything, everything is raw and real which is 👌🏻. Also communication hello? These guys are actually talking to each other about their insecurities - something I haven’t seen since Cherry Magic lol. And not just the mains, but also the other characters probably have the best communication I’ve seen in a bl. A+++ ❣️ PitchBank (Golden Blood) - I had to put them in here; I haven’t had second couple syndrome since RamKing lol but how could I not I mean?? They’re so lively and hilarious and no offense to SunSky but they stole the show for sure lol.
❣️ Check Out - Episode 0 was unexpectedly good, I really liked their chemistry and the filming style is really nice. It sucks that we have to wait until next year for the full series but if it’s anything like this episode then it’s definitely worth the wait. I love it!
New show announcements
🎥  First Love Only Third - Coming November 2021 (South Korea)
🎥  Konorebi - Coming late 2021 (Taiwan) 🎥  Golden Blood The Movie - Date TBA (Thailand) 🎥  Vanishing My First Love - Coming October 18th 2021 (Manga adaption, Japan)
🎥  Want To Be On Your Mind - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥  I Wanna Bite It (from the producers of wish you & nobleman ryus wedding) - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥  My Sweet Dear (starring Jang EuiSoo from WYEL & Lee ChanHyung) - Coming October 2021 (South Korea) 🎥  Cherry Blossom After Winter - Coming late 2021 (South Korea)
Other news from the bl world
❗️The upcoming korean bl “First Love Only Third” will have 6 episodes à 25 minutes. Filming is scheduled for September and it will be available worldwide via OTT.  ❗️A first trailer for the upcoming Filipino bl “Turbulence” has been released. (Date TBA)
❗️ The annual LINETV awards were held on August 5th. The following 2 bls won:
ITSAY: Best Viral Scene,  Best Kiss Scene, Best Thai Song & Best Couple 2gether: Series of the Year, Most Followers of the Year, Most Hearted of the Year & Best Rising Star (Win Metawin).
❗️ The upcoming Thai BL “Check Out” was set to air this month, but was postponed to 2022 due to the pandemic. Episode 0, which tells the backstory, aired this month; the other pre-airing content (documentary, reactions, etc.) is being released over the next month.
❗️ “In Your Heart” is an upcoming Chinese BL with no censoring. The date is still TBA but they have released a few sneak peeks on the show’s Twitter account. ❗️ Podd Suphakorn (THCT, DBK) and Phuwin Tang (FUTS) received the award นนทลีสยาม in the category “Children who create a reputation for the nation”, which is given to people who have proven to have good ethics, morality and loyality on the occasion of mother’s day in Thailand. ❗️ The cast of the upcoming Thai BL “Unforgotten Night” has been announced. Yoon Phusanu and Ton Saran will be the leads, along with Sammy M. and others. The plot constains sadism and is considered controversial. ❗The korean webtoon “Cherry Blossom After Winter” will be adapted into a series and produced by Wstory (WYEL, Mr. Heart, YMMD). It is set to air later this year with a runtime of 20-30 mins per episode.
❗️A Tale of Thousand Stars won “Best LGBTQ+ program made in Asia” at the Content Asia Awards 2021. ❗️The upcoming thai bl “My Ride” is officially back in production after being delayed multiple times. A new poster has been released.
Upcoming shows & movies for September
☝🏻 See You After Quarantine - September 17th (Taiwan) ☝🏻 The Tasty Florida - September 24th (South Korea) ☝🏻 Innocent - September 24th (Taiwan)
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
Hi Rose so I really need your help with something. I have finally managed to convince my best friend to watch some spn episodes that were Destiel heavy with me. The problem is that I haven’t actually watched any spn in years so my memory’s a bit rusty and I only remember really obvious eps like ‘Lazarus rising, tmwwbk, despair,etc. can you recommend some eps that are more Destiel heavy that you remember pls🥺👉👈 no worries if you don’t have the time or smth
ohhhh nice, i hope she will like it! this could potentially get long so i am putting it under the cut sdhfshf
i think that apart from the big episodes that are fully destiel heavy (4x1, 4x20, 5x3, 5x4, 5x18, 6x20, 7x1, 7x2, 7x17) for the first few seasons (4-7) you could also show her some specific scenes instead of full episodes (the kitchen scene at the end of 4x2, the bench scene at the end of 4x7, etc. you could probably find a compilation on youtube and there is always deancasnatural)
the beginning of s8 is VERY destiel heavy (8x1, 8x3, 8x7 are the most important ones) then obviously 8x17, 8x22 & 8x23.
in s9 you have 9x6 which is a love it or hate it kinda ordeal. s10 has some gems but mostly 10x14 & 10x22. s11 is kinda light on the destiel, but s12 has 12x09, 12x12, 12x19 & 12x23, and then comes the widower arc aka 13x01 - 13x06. 14 is kinda light again, and then divorce arc with a angsty ending in 15x03, a spectacular 15x09, and as you know, 15x18.
i hope this helps!!
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nikkiwriteswords · 3 years
Hi! I would love to hear your thoughts/predictions/hopes for s3, now that we got the episode titles :D
Hey Nora!! Let me go grab my tua theory hat real quick. Spoiler alert, it looks exactly like the umbrella hat on the 3 right here:
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Full disclosure, I've only got like a pinky toe in the tua fandom right now, but I'm still going to see what BS I can spin from these titles.
1. MEET THE FAMILY. The description on imdb is "The siblings get to know some more of the 43 children in an alternate timeline." So, I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Netflix likes to start things off with a bang, so s3 of TUA will probably be no different: we'll probably get a vague flashforward/flash-sideways to a "what if" scenario that will make sense by the last few episodes, and the rest of the episode will be sowing seeds for the s3 plot. The big question is, what family are we meeting? I think this episode will revolve around themes of family (no-brainer) and redefining the relationships between our Umbrella siblings in light of the season 2 finale, as well as their new Sparrow 'replacements'. To that end, initial Sparrow sibling parallels will be presented and subsequently complicated in this first episode. I also predict we'll see varying reactions to this alternate Reginald, as the Umbrella siblings are thrust into an outsider perspective that follows on from season 2.
2. WORLD'S BIGGEST BALL OF TWINE. This is going to be a multi-layered metaphor. I can feel it. It will no doubt refer to the plot that's about to unfold (is it an outside threat to both parties - the Umbrellas and Sparrows - from, say, the Commission, or is it more to do with the two rival Academies?), but I wonder if it also refers to the Wizard of Oz type scenario the Umbrella siblings find themselves in: they aren’t in Kansas anymore. (But you know what is in Kansas? The world's current biggest ball of twine.) Also kind of want to see Klaus knitting again in this ep - perhaps as a way to subtly re-address his ongoing addiction issues, especially now Ben is gone.
3. POCKET FULL OF LIGHTNING. This probably has to do with powers. Sparrow powers, Umbrella powers. There'll be a lot of new flexes in this season, so who this refers to is anyone's guess.
4. KUGELBLITZ. Here's where it starts to get interesting, because this title carries forward the subject of lightning from the last one. According to a very quick internet search, kugelblitz literally means "ball lightning" in German, and refers to both a) a glorified WW2 tank designed to take out aircraft (a certified Big Boi), and b) a theoretical black hole made from light/radiation rather than matter. So this is absolutely going to be a new, unseen power - probably from the Sparrows. Hopefully from Christopher because a cube executing a move named after a sphere just makes me chuckle. Ah, fun with shapes... But in addition, this power is probably going to pack a huge, debilitating punch to whatever narrative is underway at this point in the plot. I'll bet money that whoever wields this power is the tank character in their party or they are after this at least.
5. KINDEST CUT. This throws me back to the barber shop meta, I'm not gunna lie. Someone's going to get hurt, either physically or emotionally, and it's going to be the lesser of two evils. If it's a follow through on the barber metaphor, then Reggie will be the one to orchestrate it. Or, in a surprise twist, will he be the one gTetting hurt or being silenced? (Remember that cutthroat allegory that chases the siblings through the first season, particularly Allison and Klaus. It was about becoming voiceless.) 6.MARIGOLD. Big shout out to this post for spreading the word on the marigold symbolism. I'm pretty sure this will be Reginald backstory, which ties in with the creation of the Umbrella Academy. Also, because I'm a sucker for flower symbolism and reading into things, consider that marigolds:
a) fall into two families, the calendula which means "little clock" and the tagetes, which is named after the Etruscan prophet Tages. The Etruscans believed heavily in predestination - some events are set in stone, and cannot be changed. (Consider the way the apocalypse seems to always come for one set of siblings...) b) are named as such colloquially because they were offered in place of money to the Virgin Mary. (More divine imagery, and reference to a pure mother figure...) They are Mary’s gold. So maybe it’s a reference to Reginald’s wife, which would fit with the flashback scene we see in 1x10.  c) are a flower of duality. They have strong connections with the sun and resurrection, yet the marigold is thought to be a flower of grief because it blooms in autumn. Again, think about that flashback in the first season. At the end of the world and a wife dying, there was the promise of rebirth. d) It's also a very common flower. Remember, there's actually 43 siblings out there. We've only met 14.
Also Netflix loves to do this thing around the halfway point (usually episode 5/6) in a season they're producing. They'll switch up the narrative with a twist or turn that provides a new perspective. 7.AUF WEIDERSEHEN. Once again, a German connection. And, obviously, a goodbye. Considering the last season focused on Kennedy, are we going to get some earlier Cold War time-travel shenanigans? Or maybe WW2? I think Blackman has said something about the Berlin Wall, which is interesting. A country divided... Umbrellas and Sparrows allegory? But as an aside, I'm also kinda lowkey hoping it's a nod to Auf Weidersehen, Pet. If you don't know the show, here's the wiki summary for the first season:
Auf Wiedersehen, Pet is a British comedy-drama television programme about seven British construction workers who leave the United Kingdom to search for employment overseas. They find work on a German building site in Düsseldorf but despite promises of hostel accommodation, are forced to live in a small hut that reminds them of a World War II POW camp. The rest of the series is driven by the interactions and growing friendships between the various characters.
In episode seven, three of the “Magnificent Seven” visit an intercontinental hotel. Just saying. If s3 was to go this route, my money would be on Luther, Diego and Five getting up to shenanigans in this one. I miss 125 shenanigans.😢
8.WEDDING AT THE END OF THE WORLD. Honestly, I’m holding out hope that one of our fave siblings gets married. I feel like that’s a trap though... Actually I feel like it might actually be a trap. As in, this is when the rising action really kicks it up a notch. But also remember the title of 1x01: We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals. Maybe the siblings get split up, possibly in episode 3/4, and they’re trying to reunite through episodes 5-7. Also thinking about hotels and apocalypses...  There’s something very fatalistic about these titles so far. I have a feeling that the B-plot or the subtext is going to reveal a lot more about Reginald’s history and the destruction of his world.
9. SIX BELLS. This makes me think of church bells, which is some nice continuity with the wedding of the last title. But church bells are rung for all sorts of reasons - as a call to worship, or in celebration or mourning, or to tell the time. (Thinking back to those marigolds suddenly.) But why six? Now I’m thinking of bell ringing (change ringing), and the way different bells have different cord lengths to control the time of their chimes. It’s a highly mathematical process. Will this episode be Five’s time to shine? Will he coordinate his siblings through a large attack? 10. OBLIVION. Does anything even need to be said about this one? Hotel Oblivion baby ✌✌ Any further theorising would require more knowledge of the coming plot tbh.
Edit: I wrote most of this at 2am, so I’ve just tidied it up a little. Thank you for the ask, Nora! This was fun to think about. 
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shellyb04 · 3 years
And here we are, all caught up. You'll notice I fell into a bit of a Chinese drama and historical hole for these last ones! I will try to post as I finish shows so I can give a bit more of a review. Enjoy!
A love so romantic (Cdrama)-Girl pretends to be a long lost granddaughter of the Gu family and falls for the Gu family heir. 8/10 Very funny. The last ten episodes get a bit annoying with dumb amnesia and such, but overall really funny main couple.
The Greatest Love (Kdrama)-An A-list movie star with a heart condition meets former girl group member and now most disliked celebrity. Against all odds, he falls for her. 9/10 This is extremely funny and a bit tropey, but it gets major bonus points for the ending. There's no crazy amnesia or unreasonable misunderstandings. Their dilemma at the end makes sense and wasn't dragged out for too long. There was a bit in the middle where she was trying to reject him that dragged for me and I didn't like the other girl group members very much. But overall, really fun.
The Rebel Princess (Cdrama)-A princess is forced to marry a general turned prince instead of her childhood sweetheart prince. They ultimately fall for each other and endure war, kidnapping, betrayal, and every other kind of misfortune that can happen in a historical drama. 9/10 This drama was refreshing because the couple was so amazing together. They were kind as well as cunning. They were the only characters not seeking power and I just loved the way they worked. It does get a little draggy during some of the palace politics. I also think some of the villians didn't think through their plans. But overall, the leads made the show. Although there are some genuinely heartbreaking moments and too many women committing suicide.
Love Script (Cdrama)- A CEO gets into an accident and believes he's a Prince from the Ming Dynasty. A psychologist is hired and she becomes part of the palace staff in order to treat him. But she begins to fall for him. 8/10 I liked all the characters. It's a really light show and there's a couple of plot twists that ultimately made the lead romance work for me. There were a few too many flashbacks and I found myself skipping through them a lot.
A Girl Like Me (Cdrama)- Ban Hua has three failed engagements, partially because of her blunt manner and explosive temper. She begins getting visions of the future and uses them to save her family from trouble, along with Rong Xia who has his own agenda...but will he be distracted by Ban Hua!? 8.5/10 I really liked this one. The story moved along rather quickly. I love that the Ban family are perfectly happy in their little sphere of life. They adore each other and simply want their family to be happy. The only real negatives are that I don't think some of the villain plots made sense especially toward the end and I thought the last two episodes should have wrapped up the story not made more characters power hungry and foolish. Overall, I really liked it, especially Ban Hua and Rong Xia's banter and courtship.
My little happiness (Cdrama)-An intern lawyer and a successful neurosurgeon who were childhood sweethearts meet again as adults only she never knew his name. Watch the duo fall in love. 8/10 This is a pleasant little ditty with no big problems. The relationship between the main girl and her best friend feels super real to me. I love both main couples. It's a simple sweet sappy love story. There's never any doubt how it will end so just enjoy the sweetness.
Oh! My Sweet Liar! (Cdrama)-Historical- A female painter infiltrates the home of a noble family to paint a copy of a precious item. When her escape goes wrong, she fakes a pregnancy by the family heir to save her life. They make a contract marriage so he can escape an arranged marriage he doesn't want. But there are secrets and plotting people throughout the family home. 8.5/10 I really liked the majority of the show. It was a bit slow the second arc of the show and really the last three eps could have been a bit more streamlined, but I loved the Li family. It was so nice to see the love between the family.
Shopaholic Louis (Kdrama)- A wealthy heir gets amnesia and is found by a poor country girl newly arrived in Seoul to look for her brother. The two fall for each other while searching together. 8.5/10 Super cute. I loved the main couple the whole way through. The side characters grew on me as well. It was a nice sweet story overall.
Love in Time-Cdrama- Writer and a CEO were friends in Jr high but had a falling out. Present day they enter a contract marriage. 8/10 A point bump for 30 minute episodes. The story was sweet and simple with a few pleasant turns. The last episode is a bit dumb. I would've rather just had more epilogue than a faked amnesia plot. I liked the side friendships, but wish the "villain" had a better motivation. Just " I loved him and worked hard for him so he should be mine" obsession got old. The tropes were in full display so avoid if you hate those.
Love and Destiny-Cdrama- A young immortal wanders into the wrong place and awakens the God of War. He discovers a secret about her even she doesn't know. The two fall in love, but bad things happen. Can they overcome destiny with love? 7/10- This one seemed to be a bit long at 60 episodes and it took WAY too long to get started. But by episode 14 or 15 I was completely into the love story and most of the side characters. The two "villains" were annoying but ultimately I understood their choices even if I felt they were immature. Overall, it's good, but a little too slow in some places and the last ten episodes could have given me some more couple moments.
Divorce lawyer in love (Kdrama)- She's a tough as nails divorce lawyer and he's her office manager until she goes to far in a case and her license is suspended. Three years later she's the office manager and he's the lawyer and he sees his chance for some payback.. Enemies to friends to lovers. 8/10 It has its funny moments. I enjoy most of the "case of the week" stories. I thought the resolution to the main antagonist was a bit hand wavy, but overall, solid and enjoyable with mostly fun side characters.
The Sword and the Brocade (Cdrama)- A concubine's daughter marries a Marquis in an arranged marriage. She has to deal with conniving concubines, controlling mother and mother-in-law, as well as a family that doesn't want her around, and a rival family all while trying to continue her embroidery career. 7.5/10 Started out fairly strong but toward the end it felt really drawn out. I feel like the last two plots should have been more combined cause it really dragged the pace of the show down. The characters were good. I liked most of the characters a lot, but a few began to make weird decisions toward the end.
The Eternal Love (Cdrama)- Modern woman sucked to alternate past where she has to share her doppelganger's body. The two with the help of their maid try to figure out what's going on. But things are complicated as each soul is in love with a different prince.,-6/10 The story is okay, although the last four episodes are weird. Chemistry with the leads is fabulous. Really not great production quality. I couldn't get through Season 2.
Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossom (Cdrama)- Bai Qian and Ye Hua are star crossed immortals who fall in love in three different but intertwined lives. 9.5/10 Started off slow, then got wonderful about ep 10, then pain and misery for a few eps before back to joy and falling in love and back to pain. But one of the best revenge scenes by Bai Qian! I sort of hated that basically every other couple seems doomed. I tried to watch the pillow book before this and just got bored. I may go back to it someday as I love that couple.
General's Lady (Cdrama)- independent noble sent to marry the "demon" general at the border only to fall in love with him. However there are factions trying to harm them. 9/10 Super light and sweet with lots of kisses. I got a bit bored a little past the middle of the drama when they went back to the capital. But the last several episodes brought me back around and I laughed out loud multiple times. Love all the couples throughout and how it showed there were multiple ways to be a strong woman.
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jenniferstolzer · 3 years
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Babylon 5 Rewatch ep 2.20 The Long, Twilight Struggle
Sheridan and Delenn receive an invitation to Epsilon III where Draal pledges the Great Machine to the campaign against the Shadows. Meanwhile Londo commits his Shadow allies to one more attack against the Narn, allowing the Centauri to commit war crimes and end the Narn conflict.
Things I like about The Long Twilight Struggle
1, An energy fluctuation happens on the planet and Corwin turns to his coworkers like “There’s something happening. Contact Commander Ivanova” then the camera drifts to a private quarters. A shower is running. We see the steam as we coast slowly toward the bathroom for a tasteful near nude shot of Claudia Chris—NOPE Bruce Boxleitner. I CACKLED.
2, Draal is great and I love him. It worked out that Sheridan is new here to get a refresher on who Draal is and what’s going on with the Great Machine. Also the Great Machine making him younger is a good way to explain why he’s Herman Munster now. I’m guessing he’ll stay young and vibrant until he disintegrates like the last guy.
3, I appreciate seeing Londo’s true colors in his conversation with Refa. He’s tired, both from the trip to Centauri Prime and of all the war and darkness he’s involved himself in. He’s also still mourning Ursa Jaddo from Knives which was a nice callback considering he had a significant moment of doubt and regret in that episode, and it’s good to be reminded that he’s not totally sold on what’s going on right now. It’s also nice that he’s against the mass drivers at the outset but is convinced to go with Refa’s plan because he considers the glorification of his people more important than himself or anything else. He talks himself into doing something truly horrendous, but it’s wrong and his face knows its wrong. And then Refa makes him watch, when he fully intended to hide from what he’s done. Gguhh the pain is wonderful.
4, Watching this in a rewatch hurts so bad. Like Franklin gives G’Kar a warning about the Centauri’s interest in homeworld. There’s the possibility he can stop it.
5, Delenn and Sheridan go down to Epsilon III she is acting super cocky and in control because she wants to impress her crush, even using clever colorful English phrases. Everyone remembers Abasfrigginlutely Damnit. Oh Delenn….
6, Sheridan looks at the inside of the Great Machine and is like  “Lord, I may not go home” and I laughed b/c it looks like Tron in there.
7. The jump-kicking Centauri.
8, The mass drivers really are the most disgusting move. To devastate a civilian population from space is the ultimate ranged weapon. What could they possibly do? Watching Londo watch it happen is peak drama because as disgusted as he is watching, you know he’s as disgusted with himself in facilitating it. The drama is there but also horror on a level few shows can communicate, that of self-horror. The moment earlier where it was established and Londo still had a concept of right and wrong even as he was dealing with the Shadows is pulling full weight here. At the beginning of this season he was a buffoon struggling to stay afloat, in the middle of the season he finds the power and respect he wanted but loses the trust and friendship of the station in the process, and here at the culmination of his choices he sees what he was really willing to sell his soul for. He could have remained powerless and kept his sense of self, but instead he chose advancement and learned to hate what he’s become. It’s just staggering.
9, G’Kar is also pulling full weight in this episode. He’s prepared to go back to Narn, be with his family, and die among his people but he is the only member of the Kha’Ri not on homeworld and being so, he is an in credibly valuable asset for the race now that surrender is unavoidable. The tears in his eyes when asking for sanctuary are soul crushing, and the horror and shame he’s feeling is an inversion of Londo’s… powerlessness and being suppressed despite knowing he could do more verses being powerful and regretting it.
10, The Centauri terms of surrender are so cruel. It’s the turn of a knife that’s already been plunged to the hilt and Sheridan coming in to yank the dagger back an inch like a badass is extremely galvanizing and give Delenn grounds to commit the Rangers to him later in the episode. Also something I want to note about this scene that I think is even more important than Sheridan being a hero, it’s G’Kar sitting in his normal spot in complete despair, enduring Londo’s terms. Londo is dressed in every decoration and medal he’s ever owned, screaming at the top of his lungs like being the loudest makes him the rightest, yet G’Kar is silent. Londo demands G’Kar be removed from the council chambers like an invader. Sheridan replies by recounting the request for sanctuary, resulting on the two fighting over G’Kar’s head, but no one calls the bailiff to come get him. No one except Londo tells him he needs to go. They give G’Kar the chance to move. Even Kosh waits to see what he’s going to do. Will he attack? Will he scream and cry? No. He stands and with every ounce of self control he contains, delivers one of the greatest axefalls in television history.
“No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies cannot stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once, we will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free.”
11, AND THATS NOT EVEN THE END OF THE EPISODE! I can’t believe this wasn’t a two-parter with everything that’s happened in this one half an hour of screentime. Sheridan essentially tells G’Kar he’s on his side in this war. He offers G’Kar his hand as an ally, and G’Kar considers it saying; “The last time I offered someone my hand, we were at war 24 hrs later” He pauses to make you wonder if he’s lost the ability to trust, then shakes with Sheridan and the look on his face tells something completely different. He still believes he’ll be at war very shortly, but he’s hoping for it. He’s counting on it.
12, Finally we get the introduction of the Rangers and the only thing that can kind of fit on my “Liked less” list. I like this just fine, but there’s something about Delenn who is in charge of a secret sect of warrior monks pledged to side with the Vorlons against the Shadows, turning the control of those monks over to Sheridan without fully introducing him to their existence. To be fair, she gives him partial control and doesn’t hand it over to him, removing herself from the field and I know having watched the rest of the show that she still is the sole figure in charge of the Rangers and is more accurately pledging herself and those in her service to Sheridan’s cause… but the way they read in this episode it looks like she’s giving Sheridan the reins. The next episode is KIND OF dealing with this with the inquisitor, but in general I think we could have avoided a lot of nonsense if she just phrased her pledge more accurately.
13, And this leads me to a theory… that Babylon5 was labeled their best hope for piece, but really it was built specifically as a neutral ground for the staging of the Shadow war. It really is Babylon 5, as in a replacement for Babylon 4 which was used as a warbase. This is why the Minbari co-founded the station, this is why it ends in fire at the end of everything. It’s existence is specifically tied to the the return of the shadows and the drama and diplomacy of the Narns, Centauri, Telepaths, Earthdome, etc etc are events of the universe that happen to occur there. Wihtout the Shadow War, there’d be no Babylon 5, and without Babylon 5 the universe would not continue.
I got teary-eyed
Things I liked Less about The Long Twilight Struggle
The Delenn thing. But we’ll get back to that next episode. And that’s it.
This episode is truly one of the greatest and most emotionally wrenching pieces of television ever created. It’s a silly scifi show with rubber masks that dares to delve deeper beneath the skin than anything else I’ve seen. We see the horror and depravity of war, but we also see the people turned inside out by it and what colors they are within. Ten out of ten. Thanks for breaking my heart. This is why I had to take pause on my rewatch to prepare.
oh by the way @gin-007 and I are resuming our rewatch from 2019.
and I’m putting all these eps up on @b5picanep as well if you want to go back to see previous episodes. 
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Sen Çal Kapımı episode 47 asks
Below the read more find asks and answers about episode 47, the fragman for 48 and other miscellaneous things.
Anonymous asked: Hi! I hope you are enjoying your vacation. I remember you mentioned you would be traveling. What were your thoughts on the epi? I think this was one episode where everything was happy! No big problems. The truth about Kemal being Serkan's dad could have been dramatic but Ayse and team wrote it like a romcom. I'm not really feeling the Deniz being the saviour of Artlife like they are portraying in the fragmans but I'll wait for the next epi to make a judgement.
Thank you. Once again, I though the whole episode was a really easy watch and I enjoyed every minute.  
I really appreciate the tone this season, even something as series as Serkan’s parentage is played lightly, as you say very much rom com, and not full of heavy melodrama (as it would have been if explored during the 30s). This is exactly the tone and feel of this show that I want.  
Serkan’s reaction was predictable, but it was also clear that he just needed time to adjust and settle down and he’ll come around. I like that. 
I don’t have time this week to do full episode thoughts, but I enjoyed Serkan and Eda’s morning after conversation. Hilarious that he’d removed all the sharp objects from the room. Loved that after all of Eda’s fear-fueled reticence, once she decided to take the plunge with him, she was all in. Eda admitting that she’d been unbalanced and had been at fault for hiding Kiraz,--and acknowledging that Serkan had been fighting for them and now she wanted to as well-- was very nice. After running a bit hot and cold, Serkan deserved to hear that.  
lolo-deli asked: Hard to believe we didn't get a reconciliation scene in 47... Nobody expected sex but we couldn't even get a hug or kiss when they made up? "I want to see that tattoo" was not the romantic reunion I was hoping for. Were you at all disappointed?
IMO, we did see the important part of the reconciliation, and that was the conversation. Sure, I think we should have seen Serkan and Eda kiss in the last episode. If I were in charge we would have, but I don’t think the story actually loses anything because it’s not a mystery what happened.   
Clearly, he says the tattoo line and they jump each other, make their way to the bedroom, have sex, but don’t really communicate until the morning when she wakes up, and that’s where the show picks up and we get to see those first important moments. 
If you’re looking for romance, then I would point to everything that led up to that tattoo line in 46. That entire episode (and the one before it) was their romantic reconciliation. Moments alone where he takes in her scent and whispers how much he’s missed her, waking up in bed together when they just automatically gravitate to one another, the moments of pretending to be married that were very comedic, but also very soft and romantic (What’s your greatest passion, what’s the first line you ever said to one another), the heartfelt conversation on the bench, the actual tattoo conversation at dinner. That’s the romantic reunion. Yes, if they had just reunited after years (like in episode 40) right before the tattoo line, I  would have needed more romance, but we’ve had 7 episodes of them working their way back to one another. Everything was primed, all they needed was to light the match.  IMO that line did the trick. 
So, am I disappointed? No. I’m happy to go with the flow and enjoy every minute of what they do give us in these last few episodes. I choose not to get tied up in what I wish would happen vs what actually happens. I find I don’t enjoy any show when I put the onus on the show to conform to my wishes. 
Some might be disappointed, that’s their choice, (and make no mistake, it is a choice) but that’s not how I’m approaching this second season which is serving up so much romance, comedy, and domestic family goodness. I suffered through the 30s so I could get to this, I’m not going to waste any of it being disappointed.
Anonymous asked: Idk why this proposal was the most emotional out of them all for me. Perhaps with the other ones I just KNEW the other shoe had to drop because they couldn't let them get happily married this early and this time I knew it was finally it. Or maybe it was the fact that knowing they're married means the show really is ending soon, but I was a blubbering mess lol. Sure there's drama ahead, but it's definitely not a plane crash and memory loss or a "fake" Selin pregnancy!
Yes! Thank goodness we don’t have any of that nonsense waiting for us.  They are really going to be married. 
I enjoyed this proposal very much, it was so sweet the way he planned everything out and had everyone helping, while Eda (and even sort of the audience) was in the dark about what was really going on there.  
For me, as far as the words spoken, nothing really tops his speech to her in 27, but the great thing is that we get them all and this was special in it’s own right because he really surprised her and swept her off her feet this time around.  I loved it!
Anonymous asked: So I am confused about Serkan’s ability to have kids- it’s not a problem now? If him being infertile was only temporary, why did he say it was impossible to have kids and it was a part of why he left Eda in the first place so she could have it somewhere else? They could’ve just waited a couple years to have kids then...? I know he also left her cause he was scared of dying but they really made his reaction seem like he’d NEVER be able to have kids
My assumption is that since they were able to have Kiraz, they know it’s possible, so even if it won’t be easy (and fertility is usually not a hard yes/ no line... mostly it’s a measure of how likely it is) they are choosing to believe they will be able to conceive again.  
If you’re looking to change what his assumptions were when they first broke up and he thought he was unable to have kids (and that there was a 70% chance the cancer would come back) and deciding he should have made different decisions based on the fact that he was able to father Kiraz... to be blunt you’re looking at it the wrong way. 
At that time, he thought he would never be able to have kids. Full stop.  The fact that wasn’t necessarily true doesn’t change what he believed at the time. 
Anonymous asked: serkan being the overly protective, worrying, affectionate baba is EXACTLY what i imagined, as i'm sure everyone else did. who else would worry about the pH balance of the soap at their daughter's preschool?! serkan thinking his angel can do no wrong.. of course it was all can's plan to hide them in the bathroom lmao. i hope, and with how this season is going i think we'll get it, we get to see this serkan in action when eda is pregnant too.. even if we just see a couple minutes of it!
YES! I loved overly protective Serkan. Thankfully, for Kiraz’s sake he has Eda (who might be a bit too far the other way) to balance him out.   I agree that it was hilarious how he was trying to blame sweet Can.  Even without seeing what happened, I’m pretty sure anyone else who had spent two minutes with those kids would figure out who the instigator was.  When rabble rousing is going on, I think it’s fair to point to the offspring of Serkan Bolat and Eda Yildiz as the cause, lmao.
It would be great it we got to see glimpses of Serkan as an expectant father and also the father of a newborn.  I would love that.
Anonymous asked: I see that the "Nitpick of the Week" as I'm calling it, this week is where Serkan proposed. Because Serkan Bolat would neeeeever propose in a "parking lot" .. am I the only one seeing that it's not even a parking lot, it's a road. Like if it is a parking lot where are the other cars then lol?! Putting aside that he's proposing outside their literal wedding venue, their entire story started in a parking lot. He told her he loved her for the first time on the side of a road. I'm not understanding.
You make great points!  Their love story did start in a parking lot AND he was trying to pull off both a surprise proposal and a surprise wedding in one day’s notice. Since we’ve already seen a proposal on a plane, a proposal at a piano bar and a proposal at their place of work, I don’t really have the energy to join the discontented masses on twitter and nitpick the location of this proposal. He could have proposed in front of a landfill and I would have been delighted. 
Anonymous asked: I'm sorry if you don't find it as funny, but people's reaction to this new fragman is so exaggerated like they're about to witness Indecent Proposal dizi-edition that I literally couldn't help but find it hilarious. Like no where is it ever implied that Deniz is offering Serkan SEX, but when Eda says "just do what you have to" somehow that's the first thing everyone thought of?! Not to mention we know this is Deniz's last ep.. the dramatic reactions really have me dying lmao.
OMG! I know. So this is a show that doesn’t show sex, Serkan didn’t sleep with the woman he thought was his girlfriend during amnesia, Serkan and Eda were both celibate for 5 years, but suddenly they’re gonna have newly-married Serkan go to the edge width Deniz?!?!?!  Those people on twitter lost their damn minds.  
On Saturday, I was on vacation and had just popped in to see if the new fragman was released, I was happy to nope right out of there when I saw the insanely melodramatic overreaction to the fragman. 
It’s obvious that since the biggest issue between Eda and Serkan is Eda’s fear that Serkan will always prioritize work over her, as he did on their first wedding day, this story is to show that Serkan will 100% choose Eda over work and Art Life.  Also I’m sure the episode will have the same tone as the rest of the season, which is light and comedic.  
Anonymous asked: sometimes I go back to episode 28 and still can't believe they got that bathtub + shower scene in there with the rtuk guidelines. I've watched a couple more romcoms since starting SCK and have never seen anything close to that. I know they got fined afterwards but they were really like "screw it, we're going it for anyway" 😂
It’s interesting that the production company and network went for it there. But as you say they did get fined, so they didn’t get away with anything.  
12 notes · View notes
lys-lilac · 3 years
Better or Worse? IDOLiSH7 Third BEAT! Ep 7 Review
Something very nerve-wracking is being planned by Ryo...
Check the masterlist- here
Contains detailed spoilers of the recent released episode in bulleted format. If you want to get a glimpse or idea, dive right in, but please do check the episode later! Spoilers below!
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(TRIGGER relaxing time...so adorable!)
I think I got an overview of what Ryo is planning, which he quoted as a surprise to Momo. Obviously, it’s him becoming the President of Tsukumo Productions and the group he will be working on, is definitely ZOOL.
By the looks of their expressions whenever they encountered a member of TRIGGER, Re:vale or IDOLiSH7, one can say that they are preparing for something very intense.
From their talk, it came to light that Minami is working on their new song, and he mentioned how it has been a long time since he did this last in Northmeir with ‘him’. Now, Northmeir is the place from where Nagi came. And his friend Haruki Sakura also worked with him. So, he is indirectly addressing the either one of them.
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(Ah, why did I have to watch ZOOL the first thing?!) 
Many of the readers might think why I always get frustrated whenever they are shown. Now the thing is, what they are working on, is a good thing. But the motive they have, i.e. to destroy the present idols, IS THE WORST. 
As Haruka says here, he will turn the present demons to angels and vice-versa, their way of approach towards their goal is clear. It is full of hatred and anger. Aside from Toma, the way they behave with others is not of my liking. I mean, who prefers the way to blackmail, rub salt on one’s wounds and rise to top? Ugh.
I was very happy to see this animated version of Sakura Message. It was way better and was beautiful.
Seems that as one negative feeling receeds, another one buds, for IDOLiSH7. The problem of Yamato is solved, but now Iori is starting to feel as if he has been left behind, seeing the popularity of Riku over something he never anticipated. 
Of course, this will hurt anyone. Iori was the one who secretly helped in managing IDOLiSH7. Now seeing the star getting all the attention, but at the same time, leaving him slowly pains him from inside.
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(Look at the symbolism of our boy!)
The team best knows how to play with scenes. As Iori thinks of Riku finally gaining the popularity he deserved, the scene portrays the same as the light illuminates him completely. The darkness symbolises the hidden talent of Riku, in other words, the thing which was only known to his members. Now seeing him garnering attention, gives Iori a feeling of loneliness, as he was the one who ‘always had to care for him secretly from afar’. 
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(It’s well and good that you are taking care of Riku, but focus on yourself too. I don’t want to see you breaking down HNGH T-T)
It’s common for him to have this lingering feeling because along with Riku’s well wisher, he is also a member of IDOLiSH7. Seeing the closest person of him drifting away, he couldn’t help but have this thought. 
The most awaited scene. I knew something was definitely going to be fishy between Sogo and Torao, and I was right. Seeing Sogo and Tamaki, Torao steps in and starts blabbering directly about Sogo’s past, without even introducing himself. 
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(Sorry to say, but I want to punch him so bad!! GET AWAY! *  ̄︿ ̄)
Although in this scene, I loved the response of Sogo. Instead of listening to Torao’s harsh words about him and his uncle, he still behaved calmly and didn’t let anger show on his face. Based on what Torao said, Sogo’s father was sick and didn’t want his only son to get in music industry, which took his younger brother away. Sogo’s didn’t say anything to him, but silently thought how his father sponsored TRIGGER, proving Torao completely wrong. 
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(So happy to see him standing up for himself, aww...)
Also, the way Tamaki defended Sogo and constantly asked Torao about his identity was impressive to see. Even though Iori remarked by saying that he is a minor and doesn’t need to give advice or help the older members, he still did everything he could. For example, he became the wall..-- just kidding. He wanted to know about Sogo’s family, so that he could help him, went out of his way and behaved politely with Torao. These duo are amazing.
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(This is what I want to see ^^)
Ah, Haruka. I will be direct. He transferred to the school Iori and Tamaki are attending. Was talking to someone named Acchan, when was offered help by Iori and Tamaki about getting familiar with the new environment, replied he doesn’t need help from them, and IDOLiSH7 will soon have a downfall.
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(Blabber all you want... Hmph!)
Poor Re:vale. They are trying all the way they can to find about Hoshikage and Tsukumo, but in the process have hurt each other. Basically both Momo and Yuki got into a fight because they lied to each other (so as to protect the other). In other words, to not let the juniors hurt, they can go to any extent. And caring of Momo for Yuki and vice versa is so nice to watch.
I can say that Momo has taken the quite a risky and problematic end of things. He is just clinging on fake talk to find out details from Ryo, so as to protect Yuki as well as the others, even though it means sacrificing himself for the cause. 
The extent Momo is going for Yuki is beyond words to explain. Even though Yuki said he hated the idea of becoming the puppet of someone for protecting the position, Momo still steps in this idea, only for Yuki.
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(Such a pure character... It hurts to see his smile fade away... T~T)
RYO. IS. SCARY. The way he compares things is weird. For example-
“Managing an entertainment industry is like excavating. You dig up mummies buried in desert, carefully remove their wrappings and turn them into stars.”
Did it join any dots? Yes. The way of achievement of goal of Ryo and ZOOL is the same, so it’s very clear that both are surely going to work together in the future. 
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(You are going to turn into dust soon. Just mark my words.)
We got some screentime of our dear Tsumugi!
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(Go go! Fighting!)
Next episode is about something I had never imagined to be animated. Excited to infinity.
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(The title, Mikansei na Bokura is a song by Re:member, aka Banri and Yuki and was later resung by Re:vale.)
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See you soon~
18 notes · View notes
taekooktimeline · 4 years
June 2 & 3, 2020 (filmed) - Soop Episode 8 -
That night it was Tae’s and Joon’s turn to cook. Shortly after they began, Jk made his way to the upper house in case they needed help. It was a common scene to see Jk in the kitchen during their stay, whether he was called upon or joined voluntarily - this occasion being the latter.
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The first thing he asks is about how well they were handling themselves in the kitchen.
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He continues by making a snarky / teasing comment as he lightly chuckles, jokingly. He’s alluding to the fact that both Tae and Joon are inexperienced cooks. He first looks at Joon and his pasta.
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He then moves to observe Tae and changes to a supportive tone, letting him know he’ll happily eat it no matter what the results are. He’s being realistic but telling him to not be afraid to make mistakes.
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Jk reassures him by saying one can’t mess up meat - it’ll always taste good.
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Tae let’s his insecurities afloat by saying he would never cook again if he messed up such a delicious steak that was so difficult to botch. Jk was well aware of Tae’s lack of confidence when it comes to cooking & that was his way of encouraging him.
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Since there is nothing to help them with, Jk silently watches his phone and stays close, waiting to see if he was needed. This precise scenario is actually unfamiliar - at least to Soop viewers.
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Jk let’s out a couple more compliments about Tae’s meat before leaving to take a nap. He must not be too interested in the aglio e olio spaghetti since it’s a blander dish by nature.
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Later on Jk literally held onto his bed as Hobi woke him up, but once on his feet he checked his phone and then began to run towards the kitchen as he tried to keep on reading his messages. He was apparently eager to eat steak because it appeals to his taste buds, which makes sense. “I really want to eat steak,” he sings.
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He stops running to finish reading his messages before entering the kitchen.
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Heavy speculation: Turns out Tae needed assistance and couldn’t leave the meat alone. Joon had left him around 5-10 minutes ago, depending on how long Hobi had to insist to Jk to wake up. Could or could not be related to Jk running while checking his phone as there is no way to know. Decide as you wish.
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Hobi goes for paper towels while Jk asks what he could do to help - something he has done with other members as well. Tae says he only needed paper towels and plates.
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Tae then expresses concerns about his cooking, seemingly having some trouble.
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Jk stays as his cooking assistant from that moment onwards - a role he excels at. He first finds paper towels inside the kitchen and stays right by his side -
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Then Tae asks him for some help with the seasoning. They cook in harmony -
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Jk is the most wanted -
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Full cooking scene:
Later that night, Hobi and Jk spot Tae just as he started lighting fireworks so they make their way to him.
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Jk quickly joins Tae, who hands him a firecracker, while Hobi asks about other members.
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Taekook are too entertained to worry about the others whereabouts.
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They pass the lighter between the two, heavily involved in the bonding activity. “When else will we ever get this opportunity?” they later said.
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Jimin joins them too and all four enjoy the spectacle.
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Taekook are the only ones setting the fireworks off. They must be the most excited and daring, taking into account Hobi was pretty scared of getting near.
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Tae lights three at once - quite courageously - and runs off. Hobi about Tae: “He’s so eager”.
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Hobi and Jk dance in front of the sparks which Tae vocaly marvels about. They are surely having fun together.
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Tae prompts Jk to do the same as him and light three at once - scary to do as it’s time sensitive, but with beautiful results. He tried to listen but ran off at 2. This is faintly reminiscent of “we always got scolded together, even back then”.
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June 3 (filmed) - Tae wakens Jk to watch the sunrise, which they later mention. He is seen leaving the floating house a little after the first rays of light start illuminating the sky. *There is debate about whether Tae spent the night in Jk’s room or not, but we think the footage is inconclusive. It doesn’t contradict the official story but it’s also compatible with Tae staying over so decide as you wish. Some think Tae must have stayed over because he wasn’t shown entering the room, but remember this was a 1 or 2 hour long sped-up timelapse with many missing frames (many cuts). It was only luck that a single frame of Tae exiting made it into the final footage. The frame can't be seen in the weverse app due to differences in resolution, compression and frame rate compared to weverse’s desktop version (which is where the illegal uploads came from) as a professional explained to us. We checked the official desktop version and Tae’s frame is still there meaning BH didn’t try to hide it. In layman’s terms - there is no conspiracy from BH to backtrack and omit Tae leaving the boathouse. In order to modify Tae out BH would have to reupload the one file, meaning those viewing via Weverse on a desktop computer would also not see Tae. Only one file is processed and encoded to work across as many devices as possible. This means different versions of the same video in different formats with different compressions - but all derived from the one upload (according to the below cited individual who works in tech). Disclaimer: this individual works in tech and had discussions with her partner, who is also in tech. Please fact check. 
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Additionally, not turning on the light is respectful since Jk wasn’t obligated to get up. As previously said, anything is possible in this case (as far as if Tae stayed over / when he arrived at the boathouse).
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https://twitter.com/tkgkurm/status/1316082109253996544?s=21 or https://twitter.com/borahaestreet/status/1316137683958329347?s=21 or https://www.instagram.com/p/CGS8Ub3IovM/?igshid=6ibd8ghe4ens 
The next we see is Tae walking with his selfie camera to Jk to watch the sunrise together. It seems like he was coming back from the main house.
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Adorable, sleepy Hobi joins them. Tae says “you did it!” which implies it had been taken into consideration. The gathering might have been talked about the previous night or it could have been spontaneous where Tae woke him up without a warning and hoped he’d make it out of bed. Both Tae and Jungkook happily greet him.
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Jk is also sleepy and keeps yawning alongside Hobi, unlike Tae who is very much awake. They both made an effort to accompany him. Jk yawning -
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Hobi yawning -
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He asks Jk if he pulled an all-nighter.
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Jk denies and explains Tae woke him up. *Personal opinion: Sara is inclined to think Tae was the one to pull an all-nighter while he hung out in Jimin’s room judging by his state of alertness (I’m used to doing it and they are too) and how there’s footage of vmin in Jimin’s bed from earlier that night. It’s not easy for Tae to wake up early. Anyhow, it’s not impossible he later hung out in Jk’s room. Regardless of what happened Tae chose & dared to get these two out of bed at such ungodly hours just because he thought the scenery was nice - lacking apprehension - which means he feels very comfortable with them.
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Tae disappears and Jk immediately wonders where he went.
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*Just for fun - the editors added an adorable caption for Tae canoeing:
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Jk giggles when Tae reappears and asks him if he’s having fun - happy to see Tae enjoy himself.
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He then compliments his rowing skills.
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This causes Hobi to also comment. Jk agrees with an “exactly”.
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Jk adds onto it pointing out more details about Tae’s good technique.
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More of Jk yawning -
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Jk films Tae with his selfie camera. At the start, he says “V” in a deep, playful voice - presenting him to the public (note the subtitle in the below pic - the English subtitle didn’t show “V” when Jk says it but it’s written in the Korean subtitle next to Tae).
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When Tae softly asks them what they think of the scenery - looking directly at Jk - the younger sweetly replies with the following -
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the original Korean text notes “GCF” (making reference to Jk’s filming skills):
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and https://twitter.com/flirtaeguk/status/1315996054337150978?s=21
and https://twitter.com/taekook1206/status/1316223828985487361?s=21
; Full sunrise clip:
Later on - it seems the members went back to bed after watching the sunrise. Tae wakes up at 12pm and is surprised he slept so little.
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He then walks from the main house to the floating house, where Jk is staying.
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He doesn’t bother changing out of his PJs as he makes his way to the floating house.
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It’s uncertain whether he checks his breath or simply rubs his face as he walks there.
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We find out he is, indeed, coming to visit Jungkook.
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Speculation - There is debate if Tae locked the door when he entered. Decide as you like.
Personal stances: Sara is basically sure that Tae didn’t lock comparing it to the distinctively different & loud sound it made when Jk locked the door while playing with Jimin (Ep 7 behind the scenes, Jk locking the door: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1729xJUd1fvff5MozK0J7meAj4tZEOZ0w/view?usp=drivesdk ; Hobi closing the door without locking which generates the same “clicking” sound as in Tae’s occasion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ITikRqRtKYJjVEjCxrF3t42UBu1IcuB6/view?usp=drivesdk) combined with the unlikely context, while Kayla thinks it’s possible (since we don’t see what they are up to for those two hours - maybe Tae unlocks it at some point (not saying they were up to anything but maybe just wanted privacy) + three non BTS listeners seemed certain they heard the door lock when shown the zoomed in clip without context - who Tae is, what room he’s in, etc … but who knows). As we stated above, it’s debatable so please decide as you wish. 
Tae closing Jk’s door -
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It turns out Tae preferred to keep on resting with Jk rather than alone in his own bed, even if he had to go on a little walk. He throws his cap off and leans over Jk, his face close. 
Note Jk’s raised arm as he slowly turns to have an idea of their positions.
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Here Jk’s tattooed arm is blurred next to Tae’s head - Jk still facing upwards.
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Tae says “move over” while Jk sleepily groans in protest.
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Jk groggily rolls to his side, an act that conveniently gives Tae the space he was searching for & that prompts him to climb over to be the “big spoon” in the cuddle. His foot skims over Jk’s as he latches a leg and arm around him.
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some close ups of Tae positioning himself (mostly for their feet since it’s quite intimate) -
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  In a sweet moment that indicates closeness, Tae tries to pull the blanket up on him so he can be closer and warmer as he cuddles.
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Jungkook appears to pull Tae’s arm closer - although it’s unclear. We have differing opinions. Decide as you wish.
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Tae then playfully boops his leg against JK. He may have wanted him to wake up after all but stay in bed, calmly laying together for a while - although they both ended up feeling too cozy.
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Full clip:
Hobi heads their way apparently two whole hours later with the intention of waking Jk up. The below images confirm the approximate timeframe.
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Hobi says he’ll go wake Jungkook up, seemingly unaware that Tae had joined him in bed.
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Once he gets there he first calls for Jk, pauses and also calls for Tae in a higher, slightly surprised tone. Goes to show it was unexpected for him.
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Hobi is insistent, they have to eat and leave the cottage soon.
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Jk stretches and gets up relatively quickly - although looks sleepy. Taking into account the cut, it must have been a couple of minutes since Hobi entered.
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Hobi looks on and doesn’t leave until they get up. He had to make sure. This may be strongly subjective but he seems to have a somewhat wary demeanor, looking at them as if he was studying the situation.
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Tae suddenly sprints out of bed.
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Note Hobi’s face -
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He pauses at the door for a bit before reminding them to hurry up. He might think they are capable of going back to sleep and miss lunch. Maybe that’s the only reason he looks faintly concerned, but that’s up for interpretation.
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Publicly debated topic - There was a clear cut between Hobi entering the room and when he talks to Taekook, finally getting them out of bed. ARMY pointed out that the door was left more closed after Hobi entered, but when we see him again - after the cut - it’s wide open meaning someone crossed it in the meantime, which makes people wonder. Jk’s feet also change position which means there was substantial movement. This has led some to believe that Taekook were cuddling quite intimately and the cut was made to hide it. 
Skeptical stance: Please keep in mind all content is edited, with cuts, and we don’t necessarily believe this is a big deal. It’s just being noted since it was a widely discussed topic. 
Observations(both anticlimactic & open): Contrary to popular belief, Hobi did knock on Jk’s door in ep 7 when he was alone. The cut could’ve just been made to shorten the moment since TK didn’t want to get up. Maybe Hobi went back towards the door after getting a response from them, opened it, hesitated & decided to make sure they got up. Judging by their feet, Tae was already on his back before the cut - same as Jk who was even starting to turn towards the wall. Seeing that their positions weren’t compromising prior to the cut and that Tk were shown cuddling just moments before without a problem, I don’t think BH tried to hide anything with this specific cut. You can decide as you wish. Nevertheless, I think them cuddling before Hobi entered was very possible which is explained below. 
Door looks more closed -
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As you see, prior to Hobi’s entrance it is indeed possible that Jk was hugging Tae if you observe his legs and how he starts to turn the other way around. His left knee is lifted and folded which would be the one folding over Tae (in the speculative case) while the other leg was straightened. Why the need to move right when Hobi enters? Also, in this action one of his legs is left without a blanket to cover him which could indicate he was closer to Tae just seconds before.
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However - still prior to the cut - Jk had already turned towards the wall with both his knees facing that way, therefore, there was nothing to hide anymore - if there ever was.
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Tae was also on his back if you look at his right foot’s toe facing the door (the foot with exclamation points is Jk’s facing the wall).
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In the next scene, the door is wide open and Jk’s position has changed further - rolling more on his side, straightening his legs and fully covering them with the blanket (except his foot).
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or may view footage of this in Korean here -
; Full clip:
Taekook sit next to each other as they eat - possibly the last two to join. They grow impatient when they finish eating and get up. First it’s Jk and then Tae follows suit, surrounding the table to go where he is.
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It seems like they cross a few words - although not heard - and for some reason Jk hands his phone over to Tae. We’ve noticed the editors can alter the volume of their mics as Jimin is heard muffled at some point during this scene.
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Members urge the duo to sit down so they can say thank you.
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Taekook then can be seen walking together towards the main house, but choose to engage in different activities.
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Full lunch + tk walking:
While Jk quietly carved wood -
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Tae searched for playmates for a water balloon fight - clearly still playful unlike what they tried to portray in ep 6. Tae is certainly calmer compared to his younger self, but he still likes to joke around. The pandemic affected his mood and this was a time for healing, but his core personality didn’t drastically change and it was a recent situation. In late 2019 (around early November) Tae said these words: “They say I’m restless, but that’s who I am. I think that’s why they gave me that nickname. I don’t think my personality will change no matter how much time passes or how old I get. I’d like to be considered a playful person to everyone”. As we said, we reiterate they must have used Tae’s recent mood as the perfect excuse to naturally justify the separation strategy they had been using to pretend they drifted apart these last years.
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 Back in Seoul, BTS visit the studio to record the theme song for Soop. Even though there is an empty chair, when Tae comes back from recording his part, he proceeds to sit on Jk’s lap, who doesn’t protest. This is what Tae saw as he was entering the room -
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He walked past Jk playfully smothering Hobi to leave the paper -
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And turned around to look directly at them.
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He hesitated for a second - standing still in front of them without looking around - and went for it, claiming his seat on top of Jk.
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Jk was smiling, maybe about Tae or maybe about the silly singing he was participating in along other members. Regardless, he was in a good mood & unbothered.
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Tae let himself fall flat against Jk, completely relaxed.
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Jk started to feel a bit asphyxiated after a while so he gently incorporated himself, making Tae sit straight but with no intention of pushing him off.
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Tae stays there for a considerable amount of time, both comfortable and smiling whenever something funny happened.
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Note that the members seemed to play a sort of musical chairs. When a member returned from singing, he would take the seat of the person who got up to go record. Therefore, the argument that Tae avoided the seat for Joon isn’t very credible. No one else sits on a lap and no one else had an issue finding a seat when he wanted. (Tae sitting on Jk’s lap: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14UhAYnWI4YWrMNoK3wa69m_tod-X7c9m/view?usp=drivesdk) 
When all go in but Yoongi, Joon suggests the members sing in a breathy tone, to which Tae says it’s his speciality.
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However, Vmin then show solidarity in hyping Jk’s voice. Right after they agree to an airy tone for the chorus, both Jk and Jimin start softly singing to themselves, but Tae doesn’t hesitate when he suddenly turns to Jk and grabs him by the arm to pull him to the center. As Tae is doing this action, Jimin asks the rhetorical question “isn’t he the best at it?”
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Tae has a precious grin adorning his features -
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Tae affirms Jk is the best at capturing the breathy tone BTS is striving for as he leads him to the center of the group. The younger shows modesty by questioning their decision as he says “why? why?”.
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Notice Tae’s arm still pulling him -
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Tae then gestures to the mic, insisting.
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He briefly gives Jk’s arm an encouraging pat / light grab as he says again Jk should sing in the center.
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Jimin agrees and says Jk is the chorus.
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Towards the end of the recording session, Tae goes in to record a solo soulful piece (Jk follows after). When Tae begins, Yoongi and Jimin immediately turn to Jk and start laughing loudly, with Yoongi clapping as he laughs (other members also laugh). Jk grins.
Speculative stance: Yoonmin may have turned to Jk because it was expected he’d go in after Tae and “duel” as Yoongi later says. Perhaps they turn to him to gauge his reaction at following in recording his soulful take after Tae. 
Jk introduces Tae with a “Here goes V” - raising expectations.
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Yoonmin look at Jk as they laugh -
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Members really want Jk to record the ad-libs he was doing while sited. They call it a “war” and an “ad-lib battle” (keep in mind neither Tae nor Jk uttered those words).
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Once Jk is done and gave them all good laughs, Joon asks him to go back in to do a final ad-lib. Mirroring his prior actions, Tae excitedly hunches forward to get him off his chair and into the studio, very much looking forward to more of Jk’s hilariously soulful singing.
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TK ad-lib battle:
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