#english dub supremacy
increasinglygeeky · 1 year
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(Are you fucking kidding me)
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enden-k · 10 months
btw if i make kaveh say "oh my god" pls imagine him say that EXACTLY the way his english VA does bc its always stuck in my head with how funny and perfect it is ajkcjkab
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cakemousse · 1 year
also like minor thing between the english and french for protection, the scene where after they saved kagami and are lying on the picnic map again
adrien asked:
do you want to stay for a while longer?
wanna to try again?
bro adrien clearly knows now’s not the time to try kissing again omg 💀💀💀
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melatovnik · 2 years
best 2d sonic animation so far!!!
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kijagf · 11 months
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girls when zelda announces the bloodmoon in totk^
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bornsexyesterday · 2 years
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I'm obsessed with how I wrote Kumiho's name
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I am watching the English dub lately trying to relive the characters’ agony and mine. It feels like watching it anew with fresh eyes. The experience is sometimes exhilarating.
It is the way Kazuki’s English language VA that makes the EN version sounds so intimate and playful, particularly on episodes 8 and 11.
On episode 8, Shigeki’s voice is convincing as a mafia boss. The long silence in between the father and son’s conversation signifies Shigeki’s prejudice over his son’s affairs. (The repeated use of silence as a narrative tool is evident on this episode tbh.) It is so ominous. Disturbing. (Yeah, we know what happened after this.) Rei’s English VA is not as sexy as Kouki Uchiyama’s version but sometimes it is fine. Though the way he says the line, “That’s not it…. Uh… Kazuki doesn’t have anything to do with this…” is not as fearful as the original version. It falls short. It lacks the grit. Of the rawness of Rei’s feelings to Kazuki. Whereas Kazuki’s EN version almost reaches Tosshi’s supremacy as the forlorn “significant other.” The phone call between K and Rei with Miri’s whining voice in the background is still one of the best scenes. It encapsulates the domestic life of a couple, and a child wanting to talk to the other parent. Rei’s repeated apologies and K’s disappointment. “So did you talk things over with your dad? Are you there? Can you hear me?!” Miri’s EN VA is not as comparably good as Hina Kino. Enough said.
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Shigeki’s long silence, judging looks
I am amazed with the translation, of the way K greets his friend after their impending separation by the start of the new year, well, friend ( my mind is dirty all right?). K’s trying not to sound as if he doesn’t care but is probably hoping that Rei would have a change of heart concerning living their lives without each other. “Hey stranger… so what’s going on? Uhm… about dinner….” (My head canon is that it would be their last proper dinner together before they embarked into the new chapters of their lives.) And then when Kyutaro answers the phone “What’s up? Did you forget something?” as if K and Kyu-chan have met up for a tryst and K has forgotten something. (An AU-canon divergence of this kind must be written!) Anyway, I don’t expect anything less with Rei’s frantic voice to save Miri.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
Moriarty the Patriot - Second Season English Dub
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I just realized that, even though I shared my thoughts on the first season Dub of “Moriarty the  Patriot,” I never shared my thoughts on the second season! Time to correct that mistake. As far as the returning cast go in Season 2, most of the are, I feel, on about the same level as before. The ones who I thought were better than the originals (like Aaron Dismuke) I see no reason to go back on, and the ones who I thought were good but ultimately not AS good as the originals (like Caleb Yen) did not necessarily do much to make me change my mind. There was, however, one key exception: Theo Devaney as Sherlock Holmes. I’m not sure if it’s because I grew more used to Devaney’s voice, or if it’s because of what happens in Season 2 and how much more of Holmes we see in it, but Devaney is now tied with Makoto Furukawa (the original voice for Sherlock) for supremacy. Both of them bring very different elements to the table, but still play the character just right. The main thing that sets them apart for me isn’t so much the performances but more the writing itself. Holmes in the English Dub feels slightly more traditional than the Holmes in the Japanese original. In the Japanese version, Holmes’ lingo is littered with anachronisms, and he’s generally more casual and blunt. Devaney’s Holmes talks more like how you’d IMAGINE Sherlock Holmes to talk, so to speak, but he’s still playing basically the same character. In other words: the Japanese version is a more unique interpretation, on the whole, but Devaney’s Holmes is one I can almost imagine if I read the actual Conan Doyle stories. Like, his is a voice I can now say I would imagine when reading the original books, and it would not be unfitting. Being the big Holmes buff I am, it becomes more difficult to choose which I like more. Now, let’s move on to the newcomers. I’m going to be a right old git and start with two that I think are problematic. First up, Natalie Van Sistine as Irene Adler and James Bonde. The problem with Sistine is very simple: as Irene Adler, she’s absolutely perfect. That is exactly the voice I would imagine Irene having, and I actually prefer her to the Japanese version in that role. BUT, once Adler becomes James Bonde - or when she masquerades as a man a the masked ball - I simply cannot buy for a second that anyone would hear that voice and not at least raise questions about the gender. That voice is clearly the voice of a woman’s, and while I know what Bonde is meant to represent and act as in this universe…let’s face it people, the actual physical situation is basically a Mulan story, and I don’t buy that anyone else would buy the disguise. The voice actress in the Japanese version, in my opinion, did a much better job differentiating the two characters, and you could legitimately forgive and believe Bonde to be the man he is. In this one, she/he sounds exactly the same in both parts, and it’s really hard to swallow, at least in my opinion. Maybe others feel differently. A character of lesser note with a slightly similar problem is Harry, one of Milverton’s goons, voiced by Ciaran Strange. Harry…sounds like a girl. There is no other way to put it, he sounds like a girl. I have listened to his scenes over and over to try and convince myself otherwise, and it just doesn’t work. If I didn’t know the voice actor was a male, I would never guess it, and the same goes for the character. Evidently, Strange is actually a transgender, and his voice still has a great deal of femininity to it. There’s nothing wrong with that, but Harry in the Japanese dub has a much rougher, vicious sort of voice; he not only sounds male, he sounds like the psychopathic thug he is meant to be. Strange’s vocal work makes him sound, at best, like a twisted child, and I don’t think that works quite as well for this demented mercenary character. It’s not even that he does a bad job with the acting, per say, it’s just that the quality of the voice, in my opinion, does not match the character or the design. The same goes for Van Sistine as Adler/Bonde. In direct contrast to both of them, the best newcomer, in my opinion, is Kayleigh McKee as Charles Augustus Milverton. McKee is evidently also transgender, but their voice is much more fitting for Milverton’s character. It is masculine-sounding, yet it has a light, slithering quality, befitting this snakish fiend. I hate to say “Milverton is a delight,” because…well…it’s Milverton, and “delight” is hardly a suitable word for him, but that’s also the best word I can come up with. MTP’s take on the character is probably my favorite, partially because it’s the only time I’ve come anywhere close to liking the guy (in a “love to hate” way, mind you) in any rendition, and McKee’s wonderfully evil vocals and performance are definitely on par with the original, if not surpassing them. The only thing I’d say the original has over McKee is the original is funnier, for lack of a better way of putting it: when Milverton meets his defeat, there’s a bit of humor to the scene in the original version, courtesy of the scoundrel’s reactions. Much of that humor feels lost in the Dub. I’m not sure if that’s really the actor’s fault, however, so take that as you will. Jack Renfield, as played by Bruce DuBose, is generally on par with the original. I literally have one - AND ONLY ONE - nitpicking complaint about his Jack the Ripper: the laugh. In the scene where Renfield masquerades as the serial killer that has stolen his name, he lets out this maniacal laugh that’s meant to send chills into the hearts of those below. In the original, the laugh is raw, visceral, wild, and truly unhinged; I always got the feeling, with that laugh and his overall demeanor during that sequence, we were getting a hint of what the Ripper was like on the battlefield years ago. It’s a laugh you can believe striking terror into one’s heart. In the dub…I swear he’s doing the old-fashioned “bua ha ha ha” laugh, almost MAKING FUN of the whole situation, which, to me, doesn’t read as well: it’s more humorous than legitimately terrifying. I suppose neither is an invalid way of doing it, but I prefer the original. But hey, if that’s the ONLY issue I have? He’s clearly doing a good job. XD The rest of the cast are about the same as ever. The child characters still usually don’t sound like children (except one), which at times is a bit odd, and the more minor players do a good job with what they are given, generally, but don’t necessarily go beyond the call of duty. My overall opinion of the English Dub for “Moriarty the Patriot” is what it was before: this is a good dub, but not a great one. Some voices surpass the original performers, others never come close to their level, and a few are about the same, it’s really just a matter of linguistics then. Generally speaking, I prefer the Subbed version: it’s just more consistent in its quality, where even the actors I don’t like AS much as the English versions are still pretty darn good, and there are no strange inconsistencies from character to character. You can believe everyone is the age and gender they are supposed to be, at all times. The Dub has its moments, but it also has more flaws. Still, if someone wanted to watch the Dub for any specific reason, I wouldn’t tell them no, and if they decided to watch it instead of the Sub, I suppose I wouldn’t be upset about that. Having finally seen the OVA episodes, I await to see that time - if ever - when those get dubbed. Once that is done (if it is done), I suppose that will mean the true end of the Moriarty anime. Thank goodness the manga is still ongoing…but that’s another story.
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alollinglaughingcat · 2 years
Digimon Questionare
normally I don’t do these kinds of things but im just so... DIGIMON rn i cant NOT. Warrior Cats and Digimon are my Main Obsessions Always and like i can draw warrior cats but i cant draw Digimon cause Humans and Outlandish Monsters lol
anyway i made these all up
Favorite Over-all Character? Koichi Kimura!
Favorite Googlehead? Tagiru! I just like his spirit. I also really like Mikey, and how well they play his flaws, because Mikey’s a really genuinely good guy and great leader in ways that Tai and others aren’t, but it’s also Mikey’s flaw because he tries so hard to be good and to give to others that it’s shown to physically and mentally hurt himself, which is a really interesting route to go! ...I love how I talked more about Mikey than my actual favorite Tagiru lol. Idk, I just think Tagiru is Davis but better, and I like how fiery Tagiru is, plus his partner Gumdramon is awesome
Favorite Blue Bestie? ...Ken? He’s literally the only one that’s NOT blue lol. So if I had to pick an actually blue boy I’d say... Koji? Kiyoshiro is also a strong contender
Favorite Redeemed Evil? KOICHI! KIMURA! Can I just say HIS plot twist was the only one i NEVER EXPECTED??? And I can answer you why: I was so young watching the other Digimon seasons that I couldn’t remember my reaction to the plot twists and just knew them as facts, OR I was too old watching the other seasons that I predicted or just accepted the plot twists easily. BUT KOICHI’S???? I was just the perfect age of “can remember my reaction to this, but not old enough to theorize properly.” I remember when we first say Koichi on the train flashback, I thought it was Koji! I thought Koji got sent back too. So when I learned Duskmon (Koichi) was KOJI’S TWIN, I flipped my shit y’all! ALSO! Koichi is a dark lion how could I not love him lol.
Favorite Digimon? If I had to pick a ‘mon to be my partner: Gatomon, duh. But favorite digimon character? Probably Gumdramon for his backstory (wild child!) and personality, but Gammamon might potentially usurp him. Renamon and Impmon are some of my favs for their friendship though!
Favorite Partnership? Hm, Hiro and Gammamon for the big brother-little brother relationship? Or, Kiyoshiro and Jellymon just because they’re like the only male human-female Digimon pair and I like their dynamic. Really, I like any partnerships from Tamers or Ghost Game best; they feel the most natural, realistic and flesh-out in those seasons. Meiko and Meicoomon are an honorable mention
Favorite Series? GHOST GAME! It used to be Frontier, and Frontier will always have a special place in my heart, but Ghost Game is so freakin’ good. So, Ghost Game, then Frontier, then Hunters. I like the ones that are least liked lol. I like GG just cause of how polished and cool it is, but I love Frontier for nostalgic reasons plus the kids turning into Digimon was so unique and I loved its movie. Hunter just because I like the concept of ‘hunting’ the Digimon like theyre Pokemon lmao :)
Ranking the Series:
1. Ghost Game (will rewatch)
2. Frontier (won’t rewatch)
3. Hunters (rewatch some episodes)
4. Tamers (will rewatch)
5. Tri (will rewatch)
6. Adventure 02 (will rewatch)
7. Adventure (may rewatch)
8. Data Squad (won’t rewatch)
9. Fusion (rewatch some episodes)
10. X-Evolution (won’t rewatch)
11. Universe (no. just. no. never watched past 2 eps)
Subs or Dubs? Both. Both are good. I prefer watching dubs, though, and tend to stick to English names and such, but I’ve read enough Japanese names fics and obviously Hunter and Ghost Game only have subs, so I’m more than used to Japanese names and versions, and prefer it in some ways (Yuu > Ewan supremacy).
Favorite Ship? Oh, Daiken (Ken and Davis/Daisuke) hands down. You can’t even convince me they’re not gay with the “I can feel your beating heart” bullshit. Is this even a question? Other than them, I also really like “Ken crushing on TK bcus of when TK hit the Digimon Emperor” and also Tagiru X Yuu/Ewan! But also I’m very flexible in my ships lol. cause I also like Yuu x Airu. ALSO Tai x Sora x Matt supremacy! Digimon Tri really solidified and made me love the hell outta that polyam ship.
Favorite Headcanon? That Kari is asexual aromantic! She has no interest in guys (or gals) but feels pressured to. She really feared that her best friend TK would want to get with her and it would all be ruined, but unknown to her, TK was in a similar situation! He was aspec but thought he was pure straight, and was thus a serial dater and a bit of a “player” cause he couldn’t really keep a girlfriend due to having no real emotional attachment to them/fading interest and him always wanting to hang w/ Kari instead. He’s likely demi and only has feelings of attachment/romance for Kari, but he’s also possibly asexual, just uncertain. He and Kari end up as queerplatonic bf/gf! Kari gets the relief of always having her bestie with her without any pressure to be “romantic” or, to her absolute horror, sexual, and TK can feel secure and loved without worry <3
Favorite Digimon Fan-media? Obviously The Ultimate Gathering of the Digidestined is awesome, but its literally a crime if you’ve never read the comic Digimon Frontier Re-Birth. Literally @digimon-fr is the fucking best. as far as im concerned its canon and I love Geopardmon and Nachtmon, darkness babies
also just for fun I organized the groups some time ago:
Grouped by Series Adventure: Tai, Matt, Sora, Mimi, Joe, Izzy, TK, Kari, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Ken, Wallace, Meiko, Micheal Tamers: Takato, Rika, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Ryo, Ai, Mako, Suzie, Alice, Minami, Calumon Frontier: Takuya, Koji, Koichi, Zoe, JP, Tommy, Bokomon, Neemon, Teppei, Katsuharu, Chiaki, Terue, Angemon Data Squad: Marcus, Thomas, Yoshi, Kristy, Keenan, Relena, Sampson, Homer, Miki, Megumi Hunters: Mikey, Angie, Jeremy, Christopher, Nene, Ewan, Tagiru, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Hideaki, Mizuki, Noboru, Haruki, Ken II Ghost Game: Hiro, Ruli, Kiyoshiro, BlackGatomon Uver, Tapirmon, Clockmon
Grouped by Ages (generalized) Old men: Sampson, Homer The gals (real adults): Yoshi, Megumi, Miki Baby adults: Joe, Marcus, Thomas Basically adults: Tai, Matt, Sora, Meiko Almost there: Mimi, Izzy, Micheal Stuck in the middle: Yolei, Ryo, JP, Kristy, Keenan, Relena, Mikey, Jeremy, Christopher, Nene Solid teens: TK, Kari, Davis, Ken, Wallace, Takato, Rika, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Alice, Takuya, Koji, Koichi, Zoe, Angie, Hideaki, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Awkwardly teens: Minami, Ewan, Tagiru, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Hiro, Ruli Pre-tweens: Cody, Tommy Literal babies: Ai, Mako, Suzie
Grouped by Animals Dinosaur/dragons: Tai, Davis, Takato, Ryo, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Christopher, Tagiru, Hiro Canines: Matt, Rika, Alice, Minami, Koji, Thomas, Angie, Ryouma, Hideaki Rabbits: Wallace, Henry, Suzie, Ruli Felines: Kari, Meiko, Jeri, Koichi Birds/plane: Sora, Yolei, Zoe, Kristy, Keenan, Nene Water creatures: Joe, Micheal, Kenta, Homer, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Insects: Izzy, Ken, JP, Jeremy Plants: Mimi, Yoshi Miscellaneous animal: TK, Cody, Tommy, Sampson, Airu Miscellaneous other: Kazu, Ai, Mako, Miki, Megumi, Ewan, Ren, Kiichi
Grouped by Element Fire: Tai, Takato, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Tagiru Thunder: Izzy, Davis, JP, Kazu, Jeremy, Christopher Wind: Sora, Yolei, Zoe, Kristy, Keenan, Nene, Kiichi Water/Ice: Joe, Michael, Kenta, Tommy, Homer, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Nature/Earth: Mimi, Cody, Yoshi Light: Matt, TK, Kari, Henry, Rika, Jeri, Minami, Koji, Thomas, Megumi, Sampson, Angie, Ewan, Ruli Darkness: Ken, Wallace, Meiko, Ryo, Suzie, Ai, Mako, Alice, Koichi, Miki, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Hideaki All (eevee mode): Hiro
Grouped by Traits Goggle-head leaders: Tai, Davis, Takato, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Tagiru, Hiro Blue besties: Matt, Henry, Koji, Thomas, Christopher, Kiyoshiro Token girls: Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe, Yoshi, Angie, Airu, Ruli Baby of the group: TK, Cody, Suzie, Ai, Mako, Tommy, Kristy OP self-inserts: Kari, Ryo, Alice, Meiko Evil turned good: Ken, Koichi, Keenan, Nene, Ewan, Ryouma The extras: Joe, Izzy, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Sampson, Megumi, Miki, Jeremy, Ren Background characters: Wallace, Michael, Minami, Homer, Relena, Kiichi, Hideaki, Mizuki
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Once Upon a Time in Mumbai Dobaara is the story of an underworld don, Shoaib (Akshay Kumar) who killed his mentor in the past (Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai) to gain supremacy and is now the ruling mafia king. His influence and power has spread right up to the Middle East today. Shoaib is now a flamboyant suave man who is feared and revered. Shoaib's only confidantes are his best friend Javed, who oversees his empire for him and his former lover Mumtaz (Sonali Bendre) who is now his closest friend. He often visits the poor Muslim areas where he grew up and it is on one such visit that he meets Aslam (Imran Khan). He takes him under his wings and gradually Aslam becomes one of his favourites. Shoaib wants to gain full control over Bombay and this is met with resistance from two existing ganglords Vardha and Arun. Vardha and Arun join hands with a cop Sreenu, whose only purpose in life is finishing off Shoaib's reign, for which he gladly joins hands with the ganglords. While Bombay continues to be the object of their fancy Shoaib stumbles upon a young actress Yasmin (Sonakshi Sinha). He is immediately taken in by her freshness, beauty and candor. Slowly, but surely his attraction towards Yasmin goes onto becoming an obsession. This creates a rift between Shoaib and Aslam and results in the ultimate showdown between the mentor and protege. Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No Rated ‏ : ‎ U/A (Parental Guidance) Language ‏ : ‎ Hindi Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 Grams Director ‏ : ‎ Milan Luthria Run time ‏ : ‎ 2 hours and 40 minutes Release date ‏ : ‎ 27 October 2013 Actors ‏ : ‎ Akshay Kumar, Imran Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Sonali Bendre, Sarfaraz Khan Dubbed: ‏ : ‎ Hindi Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English Language ‏ : ‎ Unqualified (Dolby Digital 5.1) Studio ‏ : ‎ Shemaroo ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00FKA0DA2 Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India Number of discs
‏ : ‎ 1 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Shemaroo Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 83.2 g [ad_2]
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vendorenergylife · 2 years
Age of empires xbox one
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Free - to - play and mobile experiences follow that milestone, striving for broader accessibility, but ultimately compromising its core RTS identity. Birth of Age of Empires IV followed over decade - long hiatus, which saw franchise caretaker Ensemble Studios shutter, as Microsoft scaled back its PC portfolio. We sit down with two leads under Microsoft's World's Edge team, talking about goals for Age of Empires IV, and modernizing the series in 2019. That dedicated team oversees three ambitious remasters and a full - fledge new entry, providing a glimpse of former franchise glory. Return of Age of Empires spans a handful of endeavors, spearheaded by a new internal development studio, dubbed World's Edge. Age of Empires needs to come to Xbox because console gamers have been demanding it for years!Īge of Empires IV steers the future of Microsoft's real - time strategy series, among long - time legends of the genre, revived more than One decade since the last mainline release. Games like Ancestors Legacy and Cities: Skylines work really well on consoles, so emulating them would serve the project well. Hopefully, Isgreen and his team will be able to figure out a control scheme for consoles. When asked about whether the title could come to consoles, he said the following. According to a report by Twinfinite, Age of Empires 2 may be coming to Xbox downline.$MERGE_SPACE $MERGE_SPACE At Gamescom 2019, team managed to speak with the game's Creative Director, Adam Isgreen. It features a lot of behind - scenes refinements that should make it treat to play on modern machines. It's coming out on November 14 for PC, same day X019 takes place in London. * Please keep in mind that all text is machine-generated, we do not bear any responsibility, and you should always get advice from professionals before taking any actionsĪge of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is a remastered version of a cult classic that was launched all those years ago. * Please keep in mind that all text is machine-generated, we do not bear any responsibility, and you should always get advice from professionals before taking any actions. So, despite the release date for Age of Empires IV still yet to be announce, fans of Series can indulge in some new content while we wait for the next installment. With remastered version of critically - acclaim real - time strategy game, which includes 4K resolutions and higher - resolution models, as well as a new single - player campaign not available in the original game nor its HD remaster title Last Khans. Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition was also released on Microsoft Windows Store and Steam today. The newly formed studio is lead by Shannon Loftis, former head of Xbox Game Studios Global Publishing Group.
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With the company confirming that this studio will be devoted to creating new projects pertaining to the Age of Empires franchise. In addition to ge of Empire IV receiving a new teaser trailer, Xbox also announced that this past June, it had opened a brand - new game studio called Worlds Edge. Age of Empires 4 is currently in development by Relic Entertainment with Xbox Game Studios serving as games publisher. As you can see in the trailer, both forces are facing off in an epic battle for supremacy, although it been said that more civilizations will be added into the game. The new teaser for the upcoming title displays battle set sometime during the Middle Ages with two civilizations duking it out, Mongol and English. After it was officially announced back in 2017, Microsoft released a new gameplay trailer for Age of Empires IV during the X019 presentation in London.
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cakemousse · 2 years
You know, I just watched the inferior English dub of Psycomedian and got reminded of why it always annoyed the hell out of me whenever I watch English dubs... Miraculous or not.
The English dub sounds like the voice actors are recording episodes on their own rather than performing together. In other words, it's painstakingly obvious to me that there is no interaction between the voice actors, which hurts the overall performance of the characters, and in turn my enjoyment of English dub. Like where is the flow?!
Idk how the dubbing industry in France is like, but I believe that they make use of Group Voice Acting. I can hear that the voice actors are performing together, that they are having conversations (and having fun) with each other rather than just reading from their scripts. They are able to work off each other while recording in a group, and it's also why the French dub sounds so much more natural to me.
It's the reason why tons of people who watch the French dub of Miraculous can unanimously say that Ladybug is clownbug and Chat Noir is simpnoir, that ladynoir is super flirty whenever they are on screen (I cried when I hear how ladynoir interacted in the English dub of Gabriel Agreste, where is the flirtiness that is present in the French dub!!! 😩and more recently in Psycomedian when Ladybug summoned her 1st lucky charm, the playfulness between them is completely gone 😩), that Ladybug isn't actually annoyed with Chat Noir (I am looking at you Prime Queen and Kuro Neko.) but it's just him saying and doing his flirting at the wrong time, and that she will actually play along and be flirty with him as well when the time is right, that you can hear how much they care and love each other (the whole lovesquare mind you), and on and on the list goes.
Obviously you can prefer the English dub over the French do I really need to say this? But this is just my two cents on the topic which I think hasn't been touched upon by anyone, and would encourage anyone who wants to have the full Miraculous experience to watch it in the (what I consider original) French dub, and if not for the above mentioned reason, do it for the other reasons many have been sharing.
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veryhiddenreki · 3 years
Enjoy matcha blossom laughing in the english dub because it gave me instant serotonin
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bug-gender-art · 3 years
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based on that comic where eggman asks for knuckles’ pronouns
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infinitysgrace · 3 years
English dub Adam this, English dub Adam that 
And you thought ADAM was more extra in english, Reki’s english VA KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING AND I KNOW YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT, DON’T LIE TO ME
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mephxles · 2 years
was anyone going to tell me that atsumu and ryuji have the same japanese voice actor or was I supposed to find that out for myself
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