#encouraging the allegations
girlmikeyway · 2 years
so uh. sorry for this. but do you happen to have/know where i can find those pictures of mikey from warped tour 05? and. why do people think it was pete wentz?
Fjdkdkskd oh man, okay. First of all here are the pictures because I can address that more easily:
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As for why people think it was Pete Wentz, in one of Pete's LiveJournal entries from 2005 there is a sentence referencing writing a goodbye note on someone's arm. This line made its way into the Fall Out Boy song Bang The Doldrums as 'I wrote a goodbye note in lipstick on your arm when you passed out'. The final wording there is changed to probably suggest a female subject, but Bang The Doldrums (known as the Summer of Like in drafting) is largely speculated to be about Mikey due to other events/wording in the lyrics it has in common with Pete's LiveJournals. I'm mostly going off of memory for this ask since I've avoided the subject for several years, but if you want to read up in detail on Pete and Mikey's alleged relationship during the Summer of '05 here's a link to someone's compilation. Cheers
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saint-sorrows · 2 years
everyone said "haha, mcr liquid tour, the next one is going to be piss" and I laughed. I laughed along with them.
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Okay, like literally idk what happened and I'm kinda afraid to ask and you're like the person I trust the most so, what happened? Why people are taking sides and/or leaving?
Warning for mentions of domestic abuse
Keep in mind what I know is/may be limited but to the best of my knowledge this is what has happened/ is happening. I’ll do my best to let no bias known or unknown into what I tell you.
A couple of threads were started on Twitter about someone, whom is claimed is Manatreed, who has domestic violence charges against them. However their seem to be slight physical differences and different birthdays. The abuser’s name is James.
A problem here is one, Manatreed has no way to prove his innocence without sharing his license which even when blacked out is very traceable from what I understand. Two, the person who is pressing these allegations is not the victim. The victim of the abuser is also getting doxxed.
In short Manatreed’s allegations are if he is an abuser or not with no way to prove he isn’t without doxxing himself.
Dream, first to keep in mind as a domestic abuse survivor and victim of threats, doxxing, false accusations. He also reacted quickly to another situation with having an domestic abuser on the dsmp. However he did react to this situation perhaps poorly. Which could have been brushing it off as just anti’s giving misinformation or a trauma response. I don’t know nor can I confirm anything of the likes. Dream’s old residence from 2020 as I understand was doxxed and seemed to line up with the place the person on the court case put down. However I don’t know if the times they were there lined up. Dream’s family was also starting to be doxxed in response as I understand to his response making him deactivate his private account yet again.
To the best of my knowledge that is it. Sorry for the late reply it took me a while to figure out how to format this and go through information I have collected. Here are some sources so you can see for yourself.
And to anyone panicked or sad or tired or anything else because of this. Here a nice video for you. Just watch this cute video and that’s all you have to do. Just watch the video. You’re going to be okay. It’s going to be okay.
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megablade · 3 years
I usually never think stuff like this but everytime I see Quackity do that smile where his eyes go all scrunchy I think about that one tumblr post that was all like "when kittens meow and their eyes get all tiny" he just smiles like a kitten
(but ... you are right his smiles are Everything and they are so sweet and .. perhaps ^—^)
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paulnewmanlover · 3 years
oh boy one of the fun things about living in a liberal city inside a dramatically conservative state: I signed up to testify in a state house committee hearing against an anti-repro healthcare bill (essentially looking to defund planned parenthood, typical right-wing stuff) and while I wasn't given the time to speak (too much testimony to get through in 2 hours) I listened to the whole thing and what an absolute clown show!! you would not believe some of the moronic dingleberries who were actually elected into their positions and run my state legislature... just absolutely incredible hearing the drivel that comes outta some people's mouths in public office. it's both deeply sad and incredibly entertaining 🙃
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dwter · 3 years
at this point dream will never escape the allegations but it's a coffin of his own making 😞 at least he can escape incel truthing 💗🙌
ITS LITERALLY OVER FOR HIM AND HE DGAF ….. 😭 if he doesn’t make a cock or dnf joke every ten minutes on stream he internally ruptures he can’t stand it he’s literally sick ….. BUT DOWN WITH THE INCEL TRUTHING AT LEAST peepoCheer
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firelord-frowny · 4 years
It’s hard to feel bad for them most of the time, considering their frequent repugnant and just fuckin obnoxious behavior, but WOW cis men often live such empty, miserable lives. And then they fight - literally fight in a violent way - to keep that emptiness and misery alive, lest their fuckened concept of ~masculinity~ be threatened or diminished.
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louehvolution · 5 years
#confused. anon#because harry got not that important. don't knock it til you try it. rainbow mug. flags. pin. shoes. not defining his sexuality#and articles about these. as well as about his lgbt+ support. possible bisexuality. and purported breaking of gender norms#- none of it linked to larry#and. as an anon pointed out. has even arguably had non het ships outside of larry insinuated and encouraged by his team#seriously. and even jokingly as with obama. and all his het relationships left as alleged. girlfriend in quotation marks. and even denied#while every effort has gone into refuting louis' homosexuality. and pushing his heterosexuality. and this constantly tied to denying larry#as far back as the bullshit tweets. but even as recently as this year for tou promo with an article talking about larry stylinson#and freddie and eleanor. a toddler to his name and a long term girlfriend - no room for ambiguity for louis#and both pushed to the limit - and denying both explicitly linked to the delusion of larries#see extensive press. dan wootton and andy cohen interviews - and also how it's all been framed so as to try to paint him as homophobic too#or alternatively suffering from internalised homophobia - self closeting. not abused - when is the same ever suggested about harry?#so in essence louis has not been allowed to exist outside of either the stunts and/or larry - with detrimental consequences for him#it's all been calculated to benefit others. hurt louis as much as possible. and put him in an impossible position on all fronts#:(
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
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From Tennessee Lookout:
MASON, Tenn. – The Tennessee Comptroller issued an unusual appeal last week to residents of this small, majority Black town, which occupies fewer than two square miles in rural west Tennessee.
“In my opinion, it’s time for Mason to relinquish its charter,” Comptroller Jason Mumpower wrote in a letter mailed to each one of Mason’s 1,337 property owners.
Mumpower urged local residents to “encourage your local officials to do what’s necessary to allow Mason to thrive. There is no time to waste.”
State comptrollers, responsible for financial oversight of local government, typically communicate directly with elected local leaders and not their constituents. “We have not issued a letter to citizens like this before,” Comptroller spokesman John Dunn said, noting it is “unprecedented for us to publicly call for a town charter to be relinquished.”
But the Comptroller’s unprecedented public callout comes at an unprecedented time not only for Mason, but for the state. Mason, located in the southeastern corner of Tipton County, now finds itself with some of the most coveted real estate in Tennessee.
It’s one of the nearest towns to the massive new site to be built for Blue Oval City, a key component in Ford Motor Co’s multibillion-dollar pivot to electric vehicle manufacturing.
Mumpower’s letter has infuriated Mason’s part-time elected officials, who insist they have no intention of ceding their town’s 153-year-old charter – which would subsume the largely African-American, majority Democratic community under the governance of Tipton County, which is predominantly white and Republican.
“This is our home. We were born and raised here. The majority of the town is homegrown people that live here,” Vice Mayor Virginia Rivers said. “He is trying to conquer and divide us. It’s akin to a hostile take-over and it’s not hard to figure out why here, why now.”
Town leaders are accusing Mumpower and other state officials of big-footing a long-ignored, largely Black community now that major investment is heading its way.
Mason is 60% Black and includes descendants of men, women and children enslaved in the area before Emancipation. For more than a century the town was led by White elected officials.
That changed in 2016, when fraud and mismanagement allegations led to the resignations of nearly all City Hall officials, all of whom were White. Mason’s current mayor, vice mayor and five of its six alderman are Black.
“It’s because of the Black people that are in office,” said Rivers, who first became Vice Mayor in 2021.
“And it’s because of all the places in the world, Blue Oval could have selected, they selected here. There’s no way Mason won’t prosper and grow. And now they want to take it away from us.”
Read more
The Comptroller’s office:
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Yet again like in the past. New day, new Jim Crow-esque tactics, perfectly timed takeovers. This Black American town needs to be promptly saved without handing a damn thing over. The town elected mostly Black officials back in 2015. They’ve been trying to pay off the debt from when the town was previously ran by mostly white officials. Literally playing catch-up. 
This ain’t nothing but a glimpse of what it looks like before eventually uprooting and displacing Black people off the land they have resided on since forever and where their ancestors labored said land as property in chattel slavery and the move into Jim Crow.  
There’s a change.org petition to sign and share to get the word out there.
This person suggested to put Ford in the hot seat by sending a letter like this. Others are suggested to call their office. 
This is the CEO of Ford’s twitter.
Something gotta give. 
This shit should be on the news. But as usual, they make it known after the deed is done or not at all and you end up finding out years later. 
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globalcourant · 2 years
Imaan Mazari denies allegations of encouraging mutiny
Imaan Mazari denies allegations of encouraging mutiny
Lawyer and human rights activist Imaan Zainab Mazari-Hazir speaks whereas visiting a protest camp in Islamabad on this undated photograph. — Twitter/File Imaan denies all allegations in FIR registered in opposition to her. Lawyer says she was frightened about her mom. Attempts being made to cease me from activism, she affords. ISLAMABAD: Advocate Imaan Zainab Mazari-Hazir Wednesday denied…
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girlmikeyway · 2 years
at the people now calling mikey way such a straight boy solely because of the sports/jersey moment... oh how soon some forget their history lmao
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bb-bambam · 2 years
I can’t even defend jaebeom anymore. Man is never beating the allegations 😩
fortunately you don't need to defend him bc his actions are those of a man who does not WANT to beat the allegations!! 😆
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soulprompts · 2 years
literally letter threads are elite. that’s. that’s all the context we have here. also bc the language is obviously being changed slightly here. so, for clarification: the person receiving the meme, is the writer of the letter! the person SENDING the meme, is RECEIVING the letter! now. go write letters, u magnificent cupcakes, and DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST!!! i will know, and i will hunt u down and curse ur potatoes to be soapy and bland and messy for all eternity.
[ LOVE ]:     the writer begins the first of a series of love letters to the recipient.
[ SORRY ]:     the writer delivers a letter of apology to the recipient.
[ LAST ]:     a letter sent in the aftermath of the writer’s death.
[ TWIST ]:     a letter sent in the aftermath of the writer’s alleged death, only to reveal that they are, in fact, still alive.
[ FINAL ]:     a letter written in the aftermath of the recipient’s death, where the writer knows they’ll never get the chance to read it.
[ INITIATE ]:     a letter written to the recipient in order to maintain communication between the two while the writer is far away from them.
[ FAREWELL ]:     a letter written to say goodbye to the recipient, where the writer knows there’s an extremely high chance that they’ll never see each other again.
[ REVELATION ]:     a letter written that reveals the truth about an event(s) that the writer believes the recipient may be misinformed about.
[ EXPLAIN ]:     a letter that explains the reasoning behind choices that the writer has made in the past, which they would like to explain to the recipient.
[ BAD ]:     a letter that delivers bad news to the recipient.
[ UPDATE ]:     a letter that updates the recipient on the writer’s life, or certain on-going events that are happening in their life.
[ AFAR ]:     a letter delivered by the writer from another country/city/planet/etc in order to reassure the recipient and let them know they’re okay. (not intended to be a back-and-forth, like [ INITIATE ] does).
[ HIDDEN ]:     a letter written and delivered to the recipient in secret, for the recipient’s eyes only, as a result of information it contains, or because of the person who wrote it.
[ UNSENT ]:     a letter written for the recipient, but which the writer ultimately never sends for reasons that the writer conceals, or may reveal within the letter itself.
[ MISTAKE ]:     a letter which is sent to the recipient by mistake, and which may contain sensitive information about the recipient.
[ UNVEIL ]:     a letter which reveals the truth about a plan that the writer previously and deliberately concealed from the recipient for their safety/well-being.
[ NEEDED ]:     a letter that the writer wrote for the recipient after learning of their recent struggles in their personal life, and which contains uplifting words of encouragement, support and other things they feel they should hear to help them through.
[ PILLOW ]:     a letter left neatly atop a pillow on the bed that the writer and recipient share, that is discovered by the recipient the following morning after the writer leaves the room/home.
[ FRIDGE ]:     a letter attached to the fridge with magnets for the recipient to read in the kitchen.
[ KNOWN ]:     a letter which the writer left in a place that only the writer and recipient know of, knowing that only the recipient would be able to find it first.
[ HELP ]:     a letter written by the writer to the recipient, asking the recipient for help.
[ STOP ]:     a letter written for the recipient which the writer intends to be their final letter to them, and which ultimately concludes all communications between the writer and recipient from that moment forth.
[ PAST ]:     a letter which the writer wrote in the past, that reveals a piece of their backstory, that the reader finds and reads out of curiosity. (this could also be a letter written TO the receiver of the meme, or about them, or anything at all!)
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flokali · 3 years
♢ Heavenly | Zhongli
Alternative title: Worship
Includes: Yandere, Cult/Religion, SAGAU, Weird power dynamics
Warnings: Slight-NS//FW undertones, kissing/licking (?), Reader encourages Zhongli’s behavior (implied), obsessive/possessive tones, etc.
Word count: 685 (this is literally 1/4 of what I normally post TT)
A/N: This isn’t a full piece but more like… a thought(TM) I’ve had since I started writing for the SAGAU. I’ll be releasing how I think certain character act in regards to the Cult soon! But this is a sneak peak (IG?) of how Zhongli acts in the AU! I think I might have something with kissing necks… hmmm
This was written with mature audiences in mind.
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Acolyte Zhongli who adores being near you, just your presence alone is enough for him — Zhongli who’s worshiped you through all of his life, as Rex Lapis, Morax, the God of War, and the God of Contracts, and who’d continue worshiping you as long as he remained alive.
Zhongli who after years away from you, having been deprived of your touch, can’t help but need to worship you physically. Who has all of his manners, any and all semblances of self control, thrown out the window when you encourage him to live out his desires.
And who is he to deny his savior?
You smell so heavenly, he’s practically suffocating himself by pressing his face deeper into the crook of your neck but he can’t stop — if his life were to end here, with you in his arms as you allow him to pamper you with thousands of years of adoration, he’d have no complaints whatsoever.
He can’t stop himself, his body has a mind of its own as it plants kiss after kiss on the slope of your neck and your cheeks, behind your ears, on your nose, until there’s basically not a patch of skin in your body he hasn’t marked with his lips. His hands wander aimlessly around your body, as if committing it to memory — so he could carve it out on stone if he ever found himself missing your touch, maybe.
“Thank you, thank you, thank… mhgh, ah,” he moans into your skin, his lips desperately latching onto anything they could find, oh how he wanted to cry from the sheer amount of pleasure having you in his arms gave him, “you, thank you, ah… I love you, love you, thank you, my love, my world, master— ah… mmh!”
You tangle your fingers into his hair and he lets out a low moan at the contact; “Hah… I love you.”
His words were slurred, a bright pink tinted his cheeks – he didn’t care, he didn’t care if he looked pathetic, he didn’t care if in that moment he looked like some sick pervert, not when you were in his arms allowing him to sate the desires he’d kept bottled up for centuries.
He could only thank you, ravishing your body in his touch and kisses, mumbling words of undying devotion, all in hopes you’d feel his love for you.
“Please – hah, please use me as you see fit,” he groaned, the idea felt like heaven; being sent on divine duties by you, to have you praise him, to have you congratulate him, to have him in your mind – maybe you’d become like him and not be able to live without each other, “I’ll be your servant, I’ll lay my life down, I’d have Liyue burn, I’d let Teyvat crumble – if, m-mh! If you told me to do so.”
You only let out an airy laugh, amused by the sheer desperation in his voice, but Zhongli doesn’t feel offended at all. He’d be willing to become a jester if it meant it pleased you – you had a God kissing the ground you walked on.
In exchange, all he asks for are two things – you pay attention to him, let him worship you like this more often. Let him have you in his lap as he dedicates his afternoon to praying against your soft skin, maybe even… let him explore you and show you his devotion in more explicit ways. All while he shows off how precious he is to you in comparison to those peers of his, lowlifes who’s alleged love to you could never compare to his own. Letting them glare at him as you sit in his lap, allowing him to become your new throne, have them want to rip him apart but knowing they can’t touch him as long as he’s in your good graces.
But that can come later; in the meantime, why don’t you tug his hair a little more and let him kiss your pretty lips, hm? He’s still got so much love to show you.
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inukradfem · 2 years
Euphoria is a hypersexualized, voyeuristic, male fantasy into teenage girlhood. It sexualizes minors, encourages teenagers to engage in dangerous behavior, and in five years every actress on that show will come out with sexual abuse allegations against the disgusting director.
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