#elle's 🍄
ellecdc · 3 days
Happy Mother’s Day 💐🌷🤭
Anyways, the marauders brainrot continues….I know shocking 😮 , my obsession will never end at this point in time. Oh well, art is kicking my ass and I need something to bring back my spirt lol.
Sooo, could I perhaps, if possible, request a poly!wolfstar? In which;
There’s a party in the commons, after a quidditch match or sm (idk 😭?) and shy reader (preferably female) dresses in only Remus and Sirius’s clothes but somehow finds a way to make her own twist on it and she look beyond gorgeous, all decked out. She doesn’t tell Sirius or Remus and the two don’t realise how much of their clothes and ect. Untill the spot her at the party talking with the girls, and are both shunned because their shy girlfriend is all dressed up, showing skin, confident and all, and in their clothes only, not a single thing of hers.
firstly, thank you so much for your mothers day wishes hahahaha I was spoiled for sure. secondly, thank you for your request!!
poly!wolfstar x shy!reader who surprises her boyfriends
CW: mention of drunk friends but no description of drinking?, sexual implications at the end but nothing described and SFW
Remus felt slightly guilty that he wasn’t downstairs to greet you when you arrived at the Gryffindor after party following their latest quidditch win.
The reason he wasn’t there wasn’t even a very good one; it was simply that Sirius always came back to the dorms to shower instead of showering in the team’s locker room and was always riled up (just the way he liked him).
In other words, it was selfish and self-serving.
Which was perhaps why he was currently rushing his boyfriend as he painstakingly styled his hair to look perfectly un-styled.
“Pads, you’ve flipped your hair seven times already, can we go?”
Sirius flipped his hair four more times as he let out a scoff. “Easy bubs; you know I like to be fashionably late.” He responded as he righted himself, shooting Remus a salacious wink in the reflection of the mirror on his dresser.  
“We’re going to miss the party altogether at this rate.” Remus muttered petulantly.
Sirius let out a noncommittal hum as he pulled the collar of his buttoned-up shirt lower in order to show off the new love bite on his neck from Remus, and a few older ones on his chest that you had given him in hopes no one else would see them there.
How wrong you would be.
“I could think of other things we could do instead.” Sirius offered as he stalked towards the chair Remus was currently pouting in and straddled his lap.
“You were the one who wanted to attend the party.” Remus pressed as he allowed Sirius to press lingering kisses along his jawline. “Neither me or your girl were very keen.”
“I’m sure she’d be happy if we took a raincheck.” Sirius responded as he continued his assault down Remus’ neck.
“Perhaps if she wasn’t already downstairs.”
That seemed to snap Sirius out of his ministrations as he looked at Remus incredulously. “Then what in the buggering fuck are we doing up here? Merlin’s saggy balls, let’s go Moony.” He barked as he stood abruptly and yanked Remus’ arm, forcing him to follow.
Remus was only slightly embarrassed that he had to adjust his trousers as they exited the dorm room.
As Remus had predicted, the party was in full swing by the time they made it down to the common room.
Peter was maybe three sips of whatever was currently in his red solo cup away from spending the rest of the night hunched over the toilet bowl, James was already completely ignoring everyone else around him in favour of staring love-drunkenly at Lily as she spoke emphatically to Mary, Alice and Frank were snogging to near pornographic levels in the corner of the room, and Marlene was passed out in Dorcas’ lap as she conversed with…you.
Just when Remus was certain he couldn’t love you more, your sweet, timid, lovely self showed up to a Gryffindor party on behalf of your extroverted boyfriend after they took their sweet ass time to join you when both he and Remus knew quite well that there were probably several hundred other things you’d rather be doing 
And not to mention when you show up looking like that.
“What is she wearing?” Sirius whispered on an exhale; his steps faltering as he took you in.
What were you wearing?
You looked to be wearing – “is that your button up shirt?” Sirius finished Remus’ thought.
And based on the fit and length, it appeared you were, in fact, wearing Remus’ dress shirt.
Though it was cinched at the waist by – “that’s your belt, Sirius.”
“That little minx is stealing our clothes, Moony.” Sirius laughed; equal parts exasperated and lovesick.
You chuckled at something Dorcas said before you turned your gaze to the rest of the party where you spotted your boyfriends.
“What are you wearing? Or should I ask who since you look like you ought to be on a red carpet or something?” Sirius asked in way of a greeting as he made for you, causing your shoulders to migrate upwards as you smiled timidly at them.  
“Hi, dovey.” Remus greeted you as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and shot a wink at Dorcas who was already looking at the two of them knowingly.
“Your girl looks smashing tonight, boys.” She commented; taking a sip of her drink from one hand as she used the other to pet Marlene’s hair.
You, for your part, turned to Dorcas with a look of unadulterated betrayal.
“She looks smashing, always, Meadows; but I have to agree that I like this look, baby girl. Stand up! Give us a spin.” Sirius said as he pulled you up by your hands.
“Sirius…” You chided pleaded quietly as your eyes nervously darted to Remus as if screaming ‘help’.
“Humour me.” Sirius pushed; twirling his finger in a circle to reiterate his earlier demand.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms protectively around your middle but acquiesced to his wishes.
After a few wolf whistles and an actual round of applause from Sirius, and ooh’s and aah’s from Remus, you turned back towards them and Remus could almost feel the heat radiating off your face.
“You played a good game, Siri.” You commented instead of hello, or thank you, or sod off you wankers, which made Remus all the more smitten with you.
“That’s old news, gorgeous.” Sirius dismissed quickly, eyes still darting over your form as if committing this sight to memory. “I’d rather talk about you.”
“I’d rather not.” You argued quickly.
“Tie breaker votes talking about you, sweetheart; sorry.” Remus responded, not particularly sorry at all if it meant he got to keep looking at you.
You harrumphed quietly and looked down at your converse which seemed to be the only article of clothing you were wearing that belonged to you. “You guys are being mean.”
Both boys immediately started cooing and apologising profusely; Remus pulling you protectively into his side as they fussed over you.
“Can’t believe I was upstairs all this time staring at Sirius when I could’ve been down here looking at you.” Remus commented quietly into your hair, but from Sirius’ indignant squawk, he was clearly overheard. 
Your responding smile was well worth it though. 
“Are these my earrings?” Sirius asked then, pushing hair behind your ear to expose the dangly star and moon earrings that Sirius had bought back in fifth year when he and Remus first started dating. 
“I thought it looked good with the ‘fit. I had a vision.” You admitted; tone still shy but words far braver than Remus thinks he’s heard from you with this many people around. 
“And you were right.” Remus agreed readily. 
“The vision was great babes; it’s like I picked it out myself.” Sirius said with a wink. “The only thing better would have been if you showed up in only your knickers.” He stated with finality; seemingly proud of his proclamation and of his girlfriend. 
Remus was expecting you to flush horribly at that as your eyes darted nervously around you.
Except you didn’t.
Instead, a mischievous grin spread across your lips as you looked up at the boys in front of you.
“They didn’t go with the vision.”
Both boys stared at you with varying levels of bemusement as Dorcas let out a snort behind you. 
“What didn’t go with the vision?” Sirius accused quickly. 
“Knickers, you tosser.” Dorcas answered from behind you. 
Remus felt a blush of his own take over his face as he realised you had been waiting down here for your boyfriends looking like that without anything underneath your ensemble.
“Are you serious?” Sirius asked stupidly.
“No, you’re Sirius.” You giggled as if you made a truly funny joke, cluing Remus into the fact that you had these boys exactly where you wanted them.
In the palm of your hand.
“Better make a move quick, Black.” Marlene slurred as she rose from the dead sleep and blinked at the boys owlishly - one eye beginning to open before the other had even shut. “Otherwise we w- we will.” 
Remus barked a laugh as Dorcas lovingly rolled her eyes and tried to tame Marlene’s now unruly bedhead, but Sirius appeared to take the threat earnestly as he quickly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your surprised squeak and subsequent protests as he raced up the stairs to the boys’ dormitory. 
“Quickly now, Moony.” Sirius called as he took care to cover your arse with one of his hands lest your ‘Remus’-shirt-turned-dress’ were to ride up. “Can’t believe I let you waste all that time getting ready when our beautiful, gorgeous, lovely girl was waiting for us.” 
Remus rolled his eyes as he followed the sounds of Sirius’ faux chiding and your squealing laughter, wondering if Sirius’ diligent eleven flips of his hair was worth attending a party for four and a half minutes.
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witchofthemidlands · 5 months
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The Neon Demon 🤝 Saltburn
being odd cinematic masterpieces made with glorious elements of homoeroticism, gorgeous aesthetics, top notch acting & a side of people getting freaky with a grave of their deceased obsession <3
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rotten1angel · 9 days
mutuals’ tags ! (incomplete)
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#💍 vinnie darling ! @diqldrunks (my fiancé)
#❄️ giselle ! @pxgeturner
#🐭 mick ! @lunarfleur
#⭐️ star ! @starfa11
#🍄 liz ! @juneberrie
#🐝 kylie ! @imabee-oralizard
#🧚‍♀️ ara ! @lafleshlumpeater
#🪽 lea ! @leaskisses444
#🍒 belly ! @bellybumm
#🐚 sea ! @lazydreamer19
#🔮 nix ! @thehalfbloodedwitch
#🌀 nova ! @shefollowedthestars
#🍁 nyx ! @doyouknowwhoyouare13
#🌑 hana ! @folklore-girl
#🐇 elia ! @lesbianjackies
#🪻fern ! @cauliflowertree
#💫 augustine ! @reputationgf
#🪐 gabi ! @sincerelyyoursg
#🌿 ivy ! @inkluvs
#🐯 mystique ! @sonics-atelier
#🎀 dolly ! @fclklqre
(if we are mutuals and you don’t have a tag up here send me an ask with which emoji you’d like <3)
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sweetbeagaming · 2 months
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After two vanilla perfection runs (and 1/2 a run heavily modded which I hated), I've found that I really enjoy the game as it is. I've put these mods into three categories: beginners, post-perfection, and bonus. This is because I truly recommend doing a completely vanilla run to perfection before modding. This game is a gem already! These are my must-haves to enhance Vanilla game play, rather than replace it.
Beginners 🌱 Getting started w/ mods article here and a video.
SMAPI- This framework will be needed
Content Patcher, Generic Mod Config and other framework mods When you download a mod at Nexus a pop-up will show if these are required and you can download from there.
Dynamic Night Time Adds sunsets and sunrises
Automatic Gates You'll never have to open or close a gate manually which the is second to only vanilla game mechanic I truly hate.
No Fence Decay Fixes the first game mechanic that I truly hate
Data Layers Shows the range of sprinklers, scarecrows, etc.
Billboard Anywhere Now you can look at the calendar whenever you need
Passable Crops
Pony W**ght Loss Program Really gross name, very helpful mod. Makes it so your horse can pass through areas you previously couldn't.
Post-Perfection 🌿
Clint Rewritten You should experience Clint as he is written at least once. After that overwrite him lmao
Rustic Traveling Cart
Better Friendship and Better Ranching Do your first play through without these mods, just use a guide if you need. Trust me it's part of the fun!
Chests Anywhere Access your chests anywhere you need. First play through should be partially about learning to manage IMO, which is why I recc for second.
Look Up Anything Don't you dare put this in your first play through, I will haunt you. I'm serious!!! Use a guide.
NPC map locations Say it with me... FIRST TIME, USE A GUIDE.
Bonus (mostly cosmetic) 🍄
Reshade of your choice I'm using Faedew currently because it doesn't drastically alter the OG coloring. The bright colors are part of the charm though unless you can't handle them or just want a general change.
Sweet Skin Tones Wider variety of natural skintones for your farmer
Shardust's Hair Styles Cute hairs for your farmer, including several textured hair options
Hats Won't Mess Up Hair- to keep your cute styles
Elle's Cuter Animals Just makes animals cuter. Comes in: Coop-Barn-Horses-Dogs-Cats
Toddlers Like Parents Genetics for your kids but in a one sided way
Seasonal Outfits (slightly cuter aesthetic) Gives characters a wider variety of seasonal clothing options. Pretty customizable to your desires.
Eventually I might make another list for super cosmetic or more intense mods, such as what I use with Fashion Sense which focuses on farmer customization, or asset replacement mods. These are super unnecessary and I'll likely only be playing the new patch with these above. Enjoy!
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strawbrrycuteblog · 6 months
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~ my name is danielle but you can call me Elle
~ 18
~ currently maturing emotionally!
~ I will write gxg and mxm, as well as member x member. I also LOVE hybrid enha or enha with hybrid gf! So request that as freely as you want!
~ I won’t write any scat links or anything involving religion, non-con/dub-con, abuse or rape (although I would think that’s a given?) stop when I was writing that I thought of given-taken I won’t write anything like smut for members or idols 19 and under! 🩷
~ if I think of anything else I won’t write for then I will put it there but if it’s not on the list then ask away! And if you request something that I would add to the list in the future then I’ll find a way to compromise the request without it! Much love though! Mwah!
Anon list: 🐼, 🌀, 🦋, ❄️, 🧸, 👹, 💐, 🐇,🥮,🍄,💥, and more to be added.
Hi! Okay so this is gonna be my schedule!!
Mondays: enhypen Texts!
Tuesdays: a random enhypen audio!
Wednesday: a randomly picked ask!
Thursday: enhypen links!
Friday: enhypen threesome links!
Saturday/Sunday: I probably won’t post because I take those days to do a deep clean in my room, but it depends if I have time!
This won’t always be constant because some days I’m too lazy to post but I try to keep up!
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laurierthefox · 6 months
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Et voici l'illustration au format A5 et au crayon de couleur ! 🍄 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tous les mois je réalise pour une de mes mécènes, une illustration sous Manga Studio et imprimé sur du papier 310g format A4 + une illustration au crayon de couleur au format A5. (en plus elle à accès aux coulisses de mes projets, d'illustration en avant première et de fichiers HD de BD et illustrations). Pour celleux qui ne le saurait pas j'ai ouvert une page Patreon depuis l'année dernière pour pouvoir continuer à vivre de mon travail malgré mon handicap, avoir plus d'indépendance et surtout travailler sur des œuvres persos sans pression ni obligation éditoriale. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Je posterais régulièrement d'autres illustration déjà vu en avant-première par mes mécènes. J'espère que cela vous plairas ! Si vous voulez me soutenir c'est par ici : https://www.patreon.com/LaurierTheFox
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ssahotchnerr · 4 days
So I work at a vet clinic and we have a new patient who's this small, little maltese puppy and the person who brings her in is this 6'0 "v much a dad" guy and after talking to him, learned it's his small daughter's dog that he and his wife got because their son, who was her best friend, moved to college. I've been thinking about a retired! SAHD! Aaron with like a 2nd grader Elle when Jack has graduated and went off to college (probably pre- law) and Aaron is devasted to see his little girl so heart broken after her brother leaving (tearfully) so he and R talk about getting a puppy and he does DAYS of research before coming to R with the perfect breed, a ethical breeder (Aaron doesn't strike me as a shelter guy 😭 (but R is and that's how they get their second dog heheh)), local vets w his he top three that he already got paperwork for, good food recs, ect, ect. Anyway, he make's it pretty clear that Ellie is responsible for the dog (tho he knows he will have to help) insert your typical relucant dog dad! Aaron who walks into the vet clinic to get the puppy her shots and this serious, tall guy has a little white puff ball gnawing at his fingers Thank you and goodnight 🍄
omg stop 😭🥺🥰
just ever since ellie was born, she's been attached to jack at the hip. she adores him more than anything 😭 she always wants to be with him, doing what he's doing. so all summer, you and aaron were prepping ellie - reminding her when jack goes back to school in the fall, he won't be at home. but that doesn't mean we won't see him!! he'll be back!!!! for holidays, and weekends here and there. we can even go there and visit him!!!
but the day jack moves :( ellie is still just besides herself 😭 she's awfully teary-eyed and clinging onto him, she's even dropped off at jj's or dave's for the day while you and aaron move him in - the day's just bound to be chaotic and you don't want her getting lost in all the hustle and bustle. but :(((( aaron feels sooo bad for his little girl, especially when he sees her playing alone 😭 so the discussion of getting a dog comes into play 🫢
you're right!!! aaron would do extensive research on everything dog related, it's definitely not a spur of the moment decision, and is extremely thorough with ellie on how it's a huge responsibility. like it's a living creature, not one of her stuffed animals 😭
hehe just: small puppy, big aaron 🤭🤭🤭🤭💞 aaron lovesss taking it on walks around the neighborhood, with ellie ofc 🥰 and he's so relieved that it helps with the new transition - more often than not, ellie's in the backyard playing ball with the newest family member, always cuddling it, (carefully) clipping little bows into it's long fur 🥹
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bashfulcookies · 1 year
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Meet Elle Blake. She is just living her best cottagecore life in long dresses, picking flowers, & enjoying picnics. Spring is coming this month & I am ready for it! Are you looking forward to the next season?
🧁G-shade: Pixel Perfect by Twisted-cat  
Thank you to all the cc creators: @jius-sims @simancholy @aharris00britney @twisted-cat @luutzifinds @trillyke @clumsyalienn @simandy @simstrouble @oakiyo 
+ @mmoutfitters
GENETICS: Check out my Resources
OUTFIT 1: Hair | Dress (It clips with all shoes, warning) | Sandals (Eco Lifestyle)
OUTFIT 2: Hair | Earrings | Dress | Sandals 
OUTFIT 3: Hair | Earrings | Necklace | Top | Skirt | Wedges
MAKEUP: Eyeshadow | Eyeliner | Lipstick
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deep green dashboard simulator for the weekend lore of the 27th Jan (for @thatfriendlyanon :) [all art is by @rozugold :)]
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🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
it's so funny that the papers actually worked really well and looked convincingly scary on elle's stream because over on crim's it was sweating and switching out items in the most corny way
#like bestie i'm glad it worked on the other end because it looked so bad on ours XD #tdg
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🌵 thegreatcactushunt Follow
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bird song being in the deeply weird playlist makes me very, VERY nervous now, just saying
#katy talks #the deep green
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🪽 waxelytra Follow
new Sisyphus skin (black bars are not intentional)
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🪨 sisyfish Follow
can we talk about how sneaky the switch was?? even watching their face cam I had NO IDEA that was coming
#especially with the nightmare they were apparently having lmao #get it crim the show must go on #the deep green
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🍄 thereisafungus Follow
crim's on-camera acting makes me yell, what do you mean they keep looking at their palm or touching their hand when they're nervous, you can't do this to me
#tdg #crim sisyphus #CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME
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🟩 homeiswheretheglowberriesgrow
being a crim-only viewer is so funny 'cause the mutuals have been talking about kore's backstory clues for literally months and sisyphus has only stumbled onto that story today because icarus literally dragged them into looking at it
because they've spent the best part of the last three months in a CAVE
🌺 bringerofhorses Follow
become a rozu viewer, see the sun
🪨 sisyfish Follow
I rather like this cave actually
🟩 homeiswheretheglowberriesgrow
I didn't know Sisyphus had a tumblr
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🌱 thedeepestgreenestplace Follow
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you can't trust a single thing I say
#tdg #crim sisyphus #elle icarus #my art #tdg fanart #they..........
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🪨 sisyfish Follow
can we STOP with the baseless accusations that the massacre was planned AGAIN PLEASE. everyone on the server has stated multiple times that it was an accident by crim and then plot from it started there. it was not pre-planned. this comes up every time there's major lore and I'm so sick of it
🌱lussssshcave Follow
I'm also sick of seeing ppl speculate crim did it intentionally. look at their face in that moment
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yes they're a good actor, but this is clearly the face of someone who's just made a huge mistake
🪨 sisyfish Follow
it honestly makes my blood boil that anyone would suggest crim would do something like that for content. grow up
#they literally have asked what buildings and things they can destroy in lore and respected that #stop starting stupid drama based on nothing #massacre discourse #tdg neg
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all I'm saying is, it looks like blood…
#tdg fanart #crim sisyphus #elle icarus #tdg
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🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
ladies and gentlemen, icarus has teleported into the cavern!
🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
ladies and gentlemen, grond has teleported into the cavern (and they have both been killed in there)
🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
ladies and gentlemen, the marking has appeared! it's horrifying
🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
ladies and gentlemen, sisyphus has told grond about the cavern
🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
ladies and gentlemen, sisyphus has confessed to burning the trees! (accidentally :/)
🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
ladies and gentlemen, they are looking at the other kore lore book
🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
ladies and gentlemen, icarus & sisyphus are in the cavern together!
🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
so, uh. a lot happened today
#i did not anticipate it going this far #tdg
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🌵 thegreatcactushunt Follow
everytime crim shares secrets with jason before elle I want to throttle them. in the good way
🍂waydownunderthe Follow
I could fix them, but whatever it is they're currently doing is far more interesting
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🌵 thegreatcactushunt Follow
letter from thalia saying "forgive yourself", marking on face looks like blood, sisyphus almost told icarus the truth about the cavern but decided against it last second, there are papers appearing in sisyphus' house that say "you know what you did", sisyphus keeps muttering "why won't it work?" in the cavern??
#the deep green
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🟩 homeiswheretheglowberriesgrow
"I thought you were good" / "I already ruined everything" / "the only option is to do whatever it takes to protect yourself and the ones you love"
crim's saying something very interesting here about sisyphus' internal philosophy but I can't quite work out what it is
#where is this Going #tdg
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🪻theshallowgreen Follow
every time icarus reaches out and sisyphus pulls away I want to scream
#they make me ILL
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🌵 thegreatcactushunt Follow
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#glad to see someone's as mentally ill about them as we are #also whooo official duo name!! #the deep green
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🕊️ ica-whoops Follow
we already have a stream confirmed for next saturday, icarus hasn't come back to check on the papers situation yet, rozu is confirmed to be coming on, crim said last night 'it will get worse before it gets better'
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#the deep green #lord help us all
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🌵 thegreatcactushunt Follow
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🪨 sisyfish Follow
sisyphus shoring up the alliance with grond the other night
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#i love these two they're absolutely as bad as each other #politics duo ftw #tdg
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🪽 waxelytra Follow
elle admitting she wasn't nessecarily thinking in character for the your obedient servant situation is so funny like. this stuff always happens in rp and it's so hard to work around later but it's made worse by crim's inability to take any situation lightly ever
#calm down always in character give her a break i BEG #the deep green
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anxious bird & wet cat
#this is not a manifesting moment apollo dni #someone pointed it out in the tags and i wanted to yell #tdg
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nin-twst · 26 days
Yu and the Three Mers - Part 1
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Part 1 - Floyd - As Yu tries to find some peace at the Mostro Lounge, a bored eel barges in and whisks her away. At least she was able to finish her work before she was taken...
A/N: Happy MerMay! I've always wanted to do something but I never had the right motivation... Now I have the Octotrio! There will be a total of three parts (I think that's pretty obvious,,,) so be on the look out!
for the title, I tried to make a "mer" pun out of musketeers but it wasn't working so i gave up and just left it as is lmao
**fyi, the yu in this (the one from my main fic) is afab and agender, so they don't really care about what people identify them as. so just some context for stuff that happens later: everyone thinks yu is a guy because of the way they act, but yu tends to refer to themselves as female. in all honesty, they just don't care**
have fun <3
“Shrimpy~!” Floyd pounced, landing square on her back. “Let’s go have some fun!”
Yu looked up from her assignment. She was currently finishing up translating an essay from Sam in the Mostro Lounge, wanting to escape the distractions that were the first-years. As much as she loved them, they had no concept of self-control, and they never notice when her stress levels are getting too high to deal with their level of energy. Instead of lashing out at them, she secludes herself in different spots, spending much needed time to herself as she cooled down.
Floyd continued to lean his body weight on her as she kept silent. “C’mon, Shrimpy~! We gotta hurry before Azul comes and yells at us again!”
“Us?” Yu raised an eyebrow, going back to her work so she could at least try and finish it before the ell dragged her off to who knows where. “Why would he yell at the both of us? I’m a paying customer right now, you know.”
He pouted. “Ah, who knows what goes on in that octopus brain of his! He’s always so strict and mean. Now hurry up and get up so we can go! Hurry!”
She opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it. Instead, she just poked his shoulder. “I can’t get up with this giant eel weighing me down.”
His eyes lit up and he grabbed her from the waist, hauling her body over his shoulder. “Finally!”
From her position, she caught Jade’s attention. Once they made eye contact, she shouted, “Watch my stuff for me, please!”
The other eel simply nodded his head, waving at her as she was pulled away from her planned peaceful afternoon.
They wandered around the campus aimlessly, Floyd occasionally picking a fight with passing students. Yu just looked the other way. Wow, look at these flowers on the side of the path! How pretty! Maybe she could pick some to give to Jade later as thanks for watching her stuff. Nah, he probably wouldn’t want these. Maybe she can check Sam’s shop for some mushrooms?
“Shrimpy, I’m done! Let’s go!”
Yu turned back around, ignoring the mess of bodies on the floor. Catching up with the eel, she took out a napkin, tapping his shoulder. “Lean down for a bit. You got some stuff on your face.”
“Hm?” Despite his mischievous expression, he complied, leaning down so Yu could reach his face. 
There wasn’t much blood, but it was enough to cause some concern, especially on someone like Floyd. Once clean, she patted his head. “Alright, we can go now.”
Floyd hummed, taking her hand in his and swung their arms as they continued to amble around the campus. As they wandered, a sudden idea popped into her head.
“Hey Floyd,” Yu questioned. “How about visiting the beach?”
“The beach?!” He exclaimed. “Is Shrimpy going to swim with me?”
She shrugged. “If you want. I’ve never swam in the ocean before, though.”
“I’ll teach you!” His expression suddenly dropped. “Oh. We can’t go.”
“We need the Headmaster’s approval to leave campus.”
“Oh,” Yu smirked. “I can deal with that. Do you wanna go?”
Floyd just returned her smirk. “What is Shrimpy up to now, hm~?”
“No,” Crowley crossed his arms.
“You’ve let me go before,” Yu mirrored his actions. “It’s only the beach.”
He pointed a finger at her companion, who stood just outside the door. “He just beat up a bunch of freshmen! Why didn’t you stop him??”
“The flowers caught my attention.”
“For ten minutes?!”
She glared at him. “Yeah, like how it’s taking half a year to give me the reward you promised me after dealing with Savanaclaw.”
That silenced Crowley. Even with his mask, one could tell that he was sweating. 
“Fine,” he sighed. “Just come back before midnight.”
It’s been a while since she’s been to the ocean, even in her old world. The salty breeze passed through her hair as she took in the setting sun in front of her. She wished she brought the ghost camera with her; what kind of images would it project? If it was just her and her mind, she could disassociate to the sound of the waves for a long time.
Sadly, she wasn’t alone, and said person wasn’t one to leave her alone. 
Floyd grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the water. “Let’s go for a swim! I borrowed this potion from Azul so we can go under the water for a long time!”
“Borrow?” How do you borrow a potion? It’s not like you can give it back…
“Whatever!” He shoved the opening of the bottle into her mouth. “Drink so we can swim together!”
Drinking the stolen goods, Yu took off her shirt and wrapped her phone in it, leaving it slightly hidden in the sand in case someone came by. It didn’t seem like this beach got much traffic, but it was better to be safe than sorry. 
“Woah,” Floyd commented. “Is this why you didn’t swim with your friends?”
“Hm?” Yu glanced down at her chest. She had asked Sam for some swimming clothes, but all he could get was a wetsuit.  “Oh. No, I just had stuff to do.”
He giggled, circling around her to give her a hug. “Wah~... So Shrimpy’s been a girl this whole time, huh?”
“I guess. It doesn’t really matter to me.” She pinched the hand that was squeezing her breast. “Hey. You probably shouldn’t do that. That’s called sexual harassment.”
He tilted his head. “Huh? But I thought you said it doesn’t matter.”
“To me, yeah.” She let his wandering hands rest on her waist. “I don’t really care about my gender or whatever, but other girls do. You should be careful if you want to squeeze them. It would be like… squeezing their tails?”
It seemed the improvised comparison worked, his eyebrows scrunching in disgust. “Oh, ew. Okay, I’ll be more careful from now on.”
In no time, Yu was dragged into the water, pulled far from the shore by the fast eel. It took a while for her to adjust, but the moment she opened her eyes, she left behind any regrets she had about this trip. At first, she was just going along with Floyd and his antics so he didn't direct his frustration at her. She’s seen many kids act like him back in her old world, and she knew each kid needed to be dealt with differently. Yu hadn’t been around Floyd long enough, so she hadn’t learned how to deal with his mood swings yet. Picking fights with the other students, being too touchy, ignoring everyone else’s responsibilities to do whatever he wants… She turned a blind eye to his actions. (It helped that the freshmen were talking shit about her, he tends to show he cares through his actions, and it was about time for a break from all the work she had been doing. Sitting down for five hours straight was probably not good on her spine.)
She feels a little bad for ignoring him, but what could she do? She needed to focus on Azul and his impending doom, so the tweels got pushed to the side for their boss’s sake. Now that that was all done and taken care of, Yu had been avoiding the Lounge because, to be completely honest, she didn’t have the energy to deal with the two of them. If anything, she’s glad that Floyd is the one bothering her, since he’s a lot easier to read than his brother. 
“Hello~?” A finger repeatedly tapped her forehead, snapping her out of her thoughts. “Anyone in there?”
“Oh, sorry.” She rubbed the spot where she was poked. “What did you say?”
He hummed, circling around Yu. “Nothing~. You were making a funny face earlier, but now I’m bored. Wanna race?”
She scoffed. “Uh- no? I’m definitely going to get lost if you swim ahead of me. How far out are we, anyways?”
The eel just shrugged, lacing their fingers together as he resumed pulling her along to wherever he was going. They probably weren’t that far from shore, right? They’ve only been in the water for…
“Hey, Floyd. How long have we been swimming?”
Instead of answering, a smile started to grow on his face.
“Floyd? You do know that this potion doesn’t last-”
“Why should I tell you? We can just stay here until-”
Yu held up a hand, expression becoming serious. “Name your price. What do I have to do in order for you to swim us back to the beach so I don’t die?”
“Hm…” He had let go of her arm and was now circling her again. “I dunno. What are you gonna give me?”
“If I ever cook with Jade again I can give you a mushroom-free dish.”
“And make Azul’s extra mushroom-y.”
Yu knew the eel was holding back when they first got into the water, but nothing could ever prepare her for the speed at which Floyd swam at. It took no time at all to get back to shore so they could resurface. With how fast they were going, Yu wondered how far out they actually were. (According to all of her math knowledge, pretty far, but there was no need to process that knowledge right now.)
As she waited for Floyd to gain his legs again, she checked her phone. It was definitely darker than when they first went under, but Yu could never instinctively tell based on just the sky. It was about three when they left… Take away five… Carry the two…
“How long was that potion supposed to last again?”
Floyd brushed off his pants as he stood up, his potion finally taking effect. “Um… I think Azul said those ones were five hours.”
“Holy shit I almost died.” There was one minute left until they hit the five hour mark. “Floyd, what the hell? Do you want me to die?”
“That would make things interesting, wouldn’t it?” He smiled at her, his sharp teeth showing.
Instead of answering, she picked up her stuff and swiftly left, heading towards the mirror back to Night Raven College. Floyd just laughed, chasing after her. “What’s wrong, Shrimpy? Wait up!”
“No thanks!” Yu threw over her shoulder. “I don’t want to die today!”
“Eh~? You wouldn’t have died! I had an extra potion with me!”
“You were an eel! You had no pockets!”
“Oh right. Whoops!”
As Yu passed through the mirror, she briefly turned back, a soft smile dancing on her lips. It seemed that Floyd was in a better mood. She could tell that something was bothering him earlier, but she didn’t think they were close enough where she could pry.
“Caught ya!” Floyd picked her up on the other side of the mirror with a twirl. “Where’s my little shrimp running off to? You owe me dinner, remember?”
Yu didn’t even try to struggle out of his grip. “Dinner?”
“Eh?” He pouted. “We made a deal and all! Man, maybe this is why Azul writes down all his contracts…”
“Oh.” She didn’t expect him to cash that in this early. “I didn’t know you wanted to do it today.”
He just smiled, walking towards the Octavinelle dorms. “C’mon, I’m starving!”
Yu huffed, ruffling his hair as she let herself get thrown over the eel’s shoulder. “Okay, okay. I need to get my stuff, anyways.”
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lestappenforever · 3 months
For the ask game!
Thank you so much for these, Elle. 🥹🩷
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings Max and Charles actually hang out more outside of F1 than any of the other drivers on the grid.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character Daniel isn't funny, or even remotely likeable anymore.
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate I can't stand Cersei Lannister, but she was strong as hell, wouldn't back down to the patriarchy, and was so fucking clever.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?  I get most of my inspiration from songs, honestly! If I listen to a song and there's just something in it that makes a fic idea click in my head, I am unable to stop listening to the song until I write whatever idea it inspired.
Ask game.
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sillycatglassblower · 2 months
Nouvelle Boucle d'oreille Champignon. ✨Disponible ✨
New mushroom earring 🍄✨
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Elles sont disponibles sur mon site dans la collection la forêt enchantée 🌳✨🍄
They are available on my site in the enchanted forest collection 🌳✨🍄
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ellegreenawayslover · 2 months
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Emily asks JJ if she can write the shopping list, sticky notes in their calendar and in their diaries, or little notes with just random things because she loves her handwriting.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Elle as a big sister, but to a girl that’s like 15-16 years younger than her. I don’t know when, why, or how, but the idea appeared in my head a few weeks ago and has never left. Like, I think she would be so cute taking care of her.
I don’t know where it came from, but it has become so precious to me.
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Mycotoxines (1/4)👉 C’est quoi ces substances ?
✔️Les mycotoxines sont des contaminants naturels de nombreuses denrées d'origine végétale 🌿. Cela concerne notamment les céréales, mais aussi les fruits🍇, les noix, les amandes, les pommes🍎et certains produits manufacturés destinés à l'alimentation humaine.
✔️Les mycotoxines sont produites par certaines moisissures (donc un certain type de champignons🍄) sur les plantes au champ ou en cours de stockage, en particulier dans des conditions chaudes 🌞 et humides. Elles ne sont pas détruites par les procédés habituels de cuisson et de stérilisation. #mycotoxines #mycotoxine #alimentationsante #santeenvironnementale #1000jours #1000premiersjours
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firein-thesky · 1 month
hi Cielo <3 I hope your day has been going well :) for your ask game, I am requesting: 🥤, 🍄, and 🏜️
hi elle darling!! <333 i hope your day has been going well, too!!
thank you for asking!! <3
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
omg...can i just recommend all my beautiful moots they are all so talented!!!
i'll do a fanfic i read recently!! i've been really into vash lately and i read Seven Minutes by hopeless_aromatic on Ao3 and thought it was just lovely and fun and full of great tension!!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
omg....i'm not massively into the ship world anymore. but i'll say one of my fav ships (or ot3s ig) right now is mashwood...and a fav headcanon of mine for them is that they're all each other's Types to a Tee. and they each know it almost immediately upon meeting each other lol.
so vash's type is headstrong, kinda feisty, dark hair...wolfwood's is compassionate, self-sacrificing types....and meryl's is golden-hearted, emotionally distant troublemakers LMFDJSJ
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
oohhh...i loooove when people pull quotes and lines they liked from my work it makes me so 😭 or when they kinda pick it apart and analyze an aspect of it?? it makes me feel so....full. and like all the effort really "paid off" or like...idk it just is really special!!
i love when they ask questions or build off of it too...it's just lovely.
but honestly all comments, good comments....they mean so much to me fr!!
truth or dare writer ask game!
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hotchfiles · 2 months
my cm boys r really coming for my throat today
writers truth or dare !
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
wrote a lot of bangers to this one
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
after the redskins game, spence was really frustrated because even with all the tips from hotch and morgan, he fumbled, BADLY, jj had no clue it was a date, she thought it was a friendly outing and that he was just being his awkward little self. he was so embarrassed he didn't want to talk to any of the guys of the team, so he called elle. she teased him a bit, but ultimately said, "spence, here, this is how you ask someone out: do you want to go out with me tomorrow night, spencer?"
it took him a minute and a lot of rambling to understand she was serious, it was lucky for him they were speaking on the phone so she wouldn't see how red his cheeks were. but it didn't make much of a difference, as those same cheeks got even redder as elle greenway took spencer on his first official date.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
your eyes were glowing, your outfit completely professional, perfect for your position as liaison, the same you held in your past unit. you had a spotless resume, with only one problem: not a single unit seemed to want to keep you around in spite of how competent you were. no one seemed to want to tell aaron the reason for that, as well as no one asked him about your transfer, simply letting him know they had found the bau a new liaison.
as he looked through the papers trying to understand more of the situation, he felt something warm by his cheek, uncomfortably close, "hey, do you think i'm spooky?"
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