qslcardsonline · 2 years
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nfornaomi · 1 year
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May 29 2023 - Elfstedentocht day!
Where and how to start describing what I'd been determinedly training for for...4ish months? 😊
In sum: 14,000+ cyclists, 235 kilometers in total, just under 11 hours on the bike, 14.5 hours total including breaks. 1 fall, lots of food, strong winds, and 100% fun!
We technically had a 5:56am start time but didn't get going until close to 7 due to traffic getting into Bolsward and the huge line to get the first stamp at the start point. It was all going well until we approached Harlingen (the second town) and I fell off my bike during a wide right turn due to a split second of inattention 😅. Bloodied my knee rather badly and it ended up throbbing and seeping blood for most of the day. After that slight mishap, most of the day went by amazingly well. A few fun things to remember:
First - the energy! There were crowds at every segment; from front yard neighbourhood parties blasting music to families sitting on lawn chairs throughout the route cheering us on.
Second - the food! Rob told me beforehand that this would be an eating competition as much as a cycling event. You have to CONSTANTLY eat to make up for the calories you're burning. I thought I would have no issues in this competition since I love to eat, but it got really hard partway through. There's only so many sandwiches you can eat in a day before it becomes a chore 😛. We packed Nutella and butter and jam sandwiches, and Lars' parents were absolutely amazing and met us at 3 different points with tons of food. Egg sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, cold cut sandwiches, raisin buns, energy drinks, bananas, apples, etc. For the most part you also have to wolf down your snacks really fast since you're not taking a break at every city. So everyone is stuffing their faces while lining up / walking their bikes to get their stamps - and I'm also not great at eating fast, haha. I did love the fact that at a random point biking through farmland, kids handed out apples so you could cycle and eat at the same time, or there would be a turnoff to pick up a banana or energy gel, or when we got soup at the midpoint back at Bolsward. At the end of the day I think I'd eaten 7 sandwiches, 1 apple, 2 bananas, 4 dates, 1 granola bar, 1 soup, 1 snelle jelle, 1 piece of chocolate, half an energy gel, and looking back, I should've eaten more.
Third - the breaks! Aside from Lars' parents, we also met up with our 'support team' (the rest of the high school friends). They took the motorbikes and also brought some snacks and good chats at 3 different points so it broke up the day nicely.
Fourth - the struggle! Strong winds meant great cycling when it was tailwind (mostly the middle part of the total route). It also meant difficult cycling during headwind (the first 80km and last 30km). The first 80 was fine, the last 20 was SO difficult, especially the section towards Workum (second last city). At that point my legs had run out of gas, I was cold due to the really chilly wind, and it felt like I was going on slow motion and just couldn't keep up. I seriously wondered if I had any more to give or if I'd make it to the end going literally 10km/hr at a snail's pace. But related to #3, it turned out I just needed more fuel 😂. We took a 10min break at Workum where I scarfed down half a snelle jelle and a granola bar and when we got on the saddle again for the last 12km, I actually felt human and had a ton more energy than before.
Fifth - the end! It was super cool to make it to the finish and see so many smiling faces cheering and clapping. In addition to the final stamp and the medal, I completed the day with a Red Cross volunteer wrapping a hypothermia blanket around me since I was shiveringly cold 😂.
Painful knee and gold hypothermia robe aside, I'm so happy I made it to the end and it really felt like all the hard work paid off ⭐️🥹.
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"There was almost no interruption. I'm an experienced man in going through the ice. As soon as you are in the ice, in the water, you come out - skate on."
Excellent article on the infamously challenging Elfstedentocht/Eleven Cities Tour ice skating race that takes place in Friesland in the Netherlands, on the rare occasions that temperatures plunge low enough - for long enough - to produce ice that can handle the huge number of people willing to put themselves through it. The race has a uniquely powerful grip on the Dutch popular imagination, and every year elaborate preparations must be made to do it safely. But the one thing they can't put into place is the right weather...
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atevegter · 1 year
Zestig jaar geleden werd de zwaarste Elfstedentocht ooit verreden. Een barre tocht in moeilijke omstandigheden, de Hel van 1963. De beelden staan in ons geheugen gegrift al hadden de meesten van ons nog geen televisie. Die beelden zijn allemaal later toegevoegd. Wij luisterden nog altijd naar de radio en keken alleen op woensdagmiddag bij de Indonesische familie Immink naar de Verrekijker, Mik en…
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frankhensen · 2 years
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Het elfstedenbruggetje monument van de Elfstedentocht (en ja het tegeltje van André van Duin en Janine van Denkend aan Holland hangt er ook nog steeds). En zowaar werd ik verrast door een deelnemer aan de Elfstedentocht die voorbij kwam varen. De Elfstedentocht Solar Challenge (varen op zonnepanelen). #elfstedentocht #elfstedenbruggetje #dekendaanholland #andrevanduin (bij Elfstedenbruggetje) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfPeMbpoGAS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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koffiepotdokkum · 2 years
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We zijn open!!! Tot straks #elfstedentocht #fietselfstedentocht #fietselfsteden #dokkumcity #fietselfstedentocht2022 (bij De Koffiepot Dokkum) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cec9nb7M9MY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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For anyone wondering, the most forgettable Dutch province is Drenthe.
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collisionkisses · 2 years
It's mid-summer but I've had this stuck in my head the entire afternoon
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countriesgame · 4 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Friesland, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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malesmokingguys · 1 year
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Skateboard Elfstedentocht
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nfornaomi · 1 year
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Saturday was another training ride for the Elfstedentocht - first time breaking 100km! It was great weather albeit quite windy and very hilly through the dunes. We had tailwind for the last 30-40km though so that probably contributed A LOT to the fact that I actually didn't feel too wobbly afterwards 😄. Tulips were few and far in between (lots of green but not many blooms), but at least there were still a number of daffodil and hyacinth fields!
What's been a bit frustrating is I got my third puncture in three months 10km into our trip. No idea what's going on with my tires or maybe I'm just very bad at weaving around random broken glass 🤷🏻‍♀️. Really hope it doesn't happen on the actual day, but at least now I have new inner tubes on both wheels..!
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artblogart · 2 years
Economical and comfortable in your own home thanks to saving tips
Economical and comfortable in your own home thanks to saving tips Cold hands and cold feet, and of course a cold wind chill for your whole body. Those are the main reasons for turning on the heating, kerosene or gas stove, or to throw another log into the fireplace. Such a block of wood can still be found now and then, but the heating costs for the central heating system quickly rise (on average 94 euros per month). So save money in these difficult times for many people. Here are the golden tips and tricks.
Put on a scarf and sweater at home
Why does the old nobility wear those chokers and scarves around his or her neck. That is from the time when they lived in big cold castles. You lose eighty percent (!) of your body heat through your head. Logical, because heat rises. So your neck is a big heat leak. If you wear a collar there with a scarf, it makes a huge difference in heat loss and you don't have to heat nearly as high to feel very comfortable. A nightcap Even more effect, for the same reason, is to put on a (night) cap at home.
Do you have visitors or do you feel uncomfortable?
Then only do it when you are alone. Just put on a nice warm hat. Are you cold because you spent too long in front of the laptop? Go change the bed or do the dishes. Three birds with one stone. The movement makes your blood flow faster again and that ensures warmer limbs. The dishes are done immediately and your hands are nice and warm from the washing up water. ah warm feet Warm feet is also a very nice and comfortable experience if you heat a little lower. Invest in very thick thermal socks and insoles. Buy your shoes one size larger and have them close above the ankle as well. This way you can fit two pairs of socks and an insole and the (fake) fur-lined inside will do the rest.
Buy your warm shoes a size too big
Due to the size larger, there is also an extra layer of still air that provides extra insulation. And your fur layer stays a little more intact. This way the insulating effect of your shoes remains optimal. Every now and then a new insole because by walking a lot you kick the air out and they work less. Also note that the thickness of the soles is reasonable to very thick. All the cold from the floors can't get to your nice warm feet. Therefore, sheep not only have their fur to keep warm, but also hooves. This keeps them high and dry above the cold ground.
Put on a wool sweater
A sheep wool sweater is also very warm. Especially if there is still a thermos shirt and a shirt underneath. The air layers between all the different textile layers provide the extra insulation. A bit like the layer of air between double glazing. They also use this trick in the military. Homeless people and Elfstedentocht riders do it too. But then with newspapers under the sweater.
We wash away 7000 liters of drinking water per year
Replace your old taps and shower heads with water-saving variants. Your water consumption can be reduced by a third. On average a saving of 35 liters per person per day. New toilet bowls have a selector button or flush interruption for the six liters of flushing precious drinking water. With older cisterns you can easily buy a flush interrupter for five to eight euros. That saves no less than 7000 liters of drinking water on an annual basis. The plants get old-fashioned water from the rain barrel The rain barrel under the gutter is great for rinsing and watering the garden.
Instead of having the sprinkler on all day, you can also water the plants with the watering can.
Matt black radiators on your roof for free hot water
It is completely cheap to paint a few old radiators from demolition matt black and place them on your roof. The sun heats up the water because of the black color. And so you have free hot water. Be careful with Salmonella. Connect the radiators to your shower and you will save another 50 percent here. Showering is cheaper Showering is better than taking a bath. A bath is 150 liters of warm water. Showering costs much less (50 liters) and it saves 3000 liters on an annual basis. You will lose your hot shower water. If you have a camping shower where you let a thick black plastic bag heat up in the sun during the day, you can take a hot shower in the evening for free.
If you do the same principle with black radiators on your roof, it will go completely smoothly. Because you don't have to lug that bag around anymore.
Black garden hose in a container with glass on it gets boiling hot
You can also achieve the same result with a coiled black garden hose (or two connected black garden hoses) in an insulated container that is closed with a glass plate or transparent perspex plate. Then the water is really boiling hot. When it comes out of the hose. Be careful with Salmonella.
And last but not least The point is that you don't just take the tips for information.
If you don't do anything with the tips, it won't yield much. Just a little awareness. That's a good thing, because it ensures that you pay more attention in other areas and make more conscious choices.
That will lead to improvement sooner or later if all goes well. But why wait until late when you can start now. That also saves a lot of money. So use these tips to live efficiently, free, cheap, effective, profitable, sustainable, cozy and cozy.
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rotterdamvanalles · 30 days
Schaatsen bij de Voorhaven, Aelbrechtskolk en het Zakkendragershuisje, 1985.
Voor Delfshaven en Rotterdam in 1886 werden samengevoegd, droeg de Voorhaven de naam Oudehaven. Daar laatstgenoemde naam reeds in Rotterdam voorkwam werd de naam Voorhaven, waaronder de haven ook wel bekend stond, officieel vastgesteld.
Het Zakkendragershuisje stamt uit 1653. Als er zakken gelost moesten worden vanuit de vele schepen, werd de klok van het Zakkendragershuisje geluid, waarop de zakkendragers aan kwamen lopen om uit te maken wie het aangeboden werk kon uitvoeren.
Voor het eerst sinds 1963 wordt er in 1985 weer een Elfstedentocht gereden. Dit gebeurt na weken winterweer. De dooi valt echter net in als de tocht wordt verreden. Evert van Benthem wint de wedstrijdtocht. Het winterweer zal ongetwijfeld hebben gezorgd voor het dichtvriezen van de Voorhaven.
De foto komt uit de fotocollectie van het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt eveneens uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam en van Wikipedia.
Bericht van 2021
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erwee · 2 years
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Hylpen #elfstedentocht https://www.instagram.com/p/CeeF0OSK7Bl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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immigrant-rob · 1 month
Long time no see
Spring has finally arrived, after last weeks dump of snow temperatures are rising and I can see grass again. This must have motivated me to update my blog again after 3 months of hibernation... Though lots of updates!
Where do I start... Well, of course with the most important of all. I passed my exam! 6 months of studying lead up to me taking the written exam to jump the first hurdle in becoming a physiotherapist in Canada on March 9th. I knew ethics was a major component, but the exam still was surprisingly ''ethical''. Anyway, can't say more than that or I might go to jail (not allowed to share exam details), however, the exam has prepared me to provide physio in prison in case of such an event. I did not leave the exam with a great feeling, and it left me hanging for 2 weeks before the results came back. This was an opportunity for me to teach Naomi 2 new Dutch phrases; ''Heels over the pond'' and ''On the edge of the board''.
Passing the exam was not only a relief professionally, but also personally as we were going on holiday 4 days later. We spent 6 days in Hong Kong, visiting some of Naomi's relatives and being shown around by her parents as our local guides. For a guy coming from a town with just over 100.000 inhabitants, and the tallest building being a church reaching 109 meters, being amazing by HK architecture is an understatement. Never had I see neighborhoods consisting out of just skyscrapers. Or restaurant flats where the first 10 floors of a skyscraper are all restaurants. There is no meaning to the phrase; ''Even een terrasje pakken'' in this country. But maybe even more impressive was how clean it was. How can one of the worlds most densely populated places on earth be so clean, versus most other places I have been or lived?
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But my report on this part of the trip would not be complete if I did not mention the food we ate. HK is known for its incredible gastronomy, and for the foreigners probably an interesting one as well. I tried many new flavors and dishes, and at one dinner had to particularly live up to my name as an adventurous eater. Maybe it was also because this was the first time I met some of Naomi's relatives and I knew I was being judged on what I would eat. To start off was shark fin soup, not too ''scary'' right? Then we had a roast piglet, presented as if it had been squished. Now we get to the exciting part, goose feet. And for dessert, pigeon spit pudding (edible birds nest). When you hear such ingredients you may be shocked, but in all honestly it tastes good, and I can often link such dishes to western dishes that I've had in the past. If you are interested in more details on our food from our trip (or the whole trip in general), check out Naomi's blog. As usual, she has done a way better job than me of blogging.
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Other highlights of our trip in HK were a nice outdoor stair master with the cousin Isaiah, who spoke fluent Dutch self taught online; ''Faka met jouw G'' and who smoked us on this hike. The only other time I've seen Naomi that tired was during the last 10k of our Elfstedentocht. He was also so kind to let me try out the new Apple Vision Pro, currently only available in the US and wow... it blew my mind. I am fairly of of date on what tech can do these days, so such an experience was totally unexpected. We also visited 3 different graveyards and seeing the differences between Buddhis and Christian graveyards was interesting. And our trip to the gambling capital of the world, Macau. Where I visited Paris, London and Venice from the hotels in 1 day.
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Next destination was 9 days of travelling around Japan, the country where you can be served by robots, but train schedules need to be manually searched in books by the desk clerks. A country that is proud of it's traditions and ways, for a foreigner sometimes confusing but beautiful. First we did 1 day in Osaka. Our hotel was right outside Osaka castle, and much to our surprise it was peak cherry blossom season! Usually it would've been earlier and we had already anticipated that we had missed it. Dinner that day was my first encounter with Wagyu, yummy!
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The next day we spent travelling to Onomichi, stopping at Himeji castle which is considered to be Japans most beautiful castle. And beautiful it was indeed, but with beauty comes tourism, and with tourism comes crowdedness (pesky tourists). We were glad to have seen it, but the 1 hours line up and cattle like herding system to see inside were not worth it in my opinion.
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Now comes my highlight of the trip! A 75k bike ride over 6 islands connected by massive bridges called Shimanami Kaido. Despite the small drizzle the scenery was stunning and it was a welcome change to the busy cities previously. It was enjoyable to explore the Japanese countryside and fishing villages while getting in some exercise. Naomi's managed to wobble off her bike 5,5k into the ride, which gives her a 100% succes rate of falling off bikes on excursion rides at an average distance of about 8% of the total distance.
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Next up was Kyoto, a large but quieter city than what we were used to with many temples to see. We did a stepping stone river crossing which both gave us wet socks (and a good laugh), spent some time on the bank drying our socks and as always while we wait, played a game of Wingspan.
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And lastly, 3 days Tokyo! After visiting the most densely populated city in the world, now it was time to visit worlds biggest city with 37 million inhabitants, including the metropolitan area. A cool variety between big modern architecture and narrow old streets filled with food joints, allowing only for seating at the bar due to how narrow they are. We were exposed to a whole new level of arcade gaming, and it reminded me of a popular saying; ''No matter how good you are, there is always an Asian better than you at it''. I've seen some impressive guitar Hero shenanigans during my high school days, but I've never seen a man in suit and tie octo-combo a Japanese KPOP song for 10 minutes straight. I used to think AFL was the peak standard of athleticism, but have my doubts now...
As an experienced Mario Carts driver I was sad to miss out on the Mario Carts driving experience through Tokyo streets due to not having an international drivers license. Unfortunately, they did not accept 7+ years of Wii MC driving experience with some top ranks in the world (but never first, remember, and Asian always beats you). I got to watch professional sumo wrestlers practice at their ''stable''. They even came out after training for some pictures which was really cool. And last but not least, what am I missing in my recap from Tokyo? Exactly, food. I had what was probably my best meal in my entire life! An amazing 13 course dinner with lots of different cuts of meat including wagyu. Who knew tongue could be so tender by the way?!
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I have cut myself in the fingers by taking so long to blog. My recap of our holiday was not nearly as complete or detailed as Naomi's. If you are planning a trip to any of these places take a look at hers. She also has all the names.
That's all for now, hopefully I will have some exciting news in the next blog regarding work!
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musicalweb · 4 months
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