#elektra complex
casgape · 1 year
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Stop playing with those other girls. It makes me jealous baby. Why won't you be the only one? The only one. I’m your doll.
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faintingheroine · 10 months
Nihal and Bihter's rivalry has elements of sibling rivalry even more than Electra complex on Nihal's part. Bihter sees him as a father figure and treats him like a father and he is Nihal's father. Bihter is closer to Nihal's age than Adnan's. It even makes Nihal's resentment more valid if she thinks Bihter is literally stealing her "father" not just Adnan.
I love the way your mind works and your analytical skills Anon.
You make a very good argument. Nihal might be subconsciously aware that Bihter sees her father as a father figure and that might add fuel to her jealousy.
I think Nihal was extremely jealous of her actual sibling Bülent when he was born. But she transformed it into a possessive love that didn’t want to share Bülent with anyone. By this way she prevented the rest of the household from loving Bülent without her as a mediator. By being his “little mother”, Nihal assured that all the love directed at Bülent would be mediated through her and she herself would have a share of the love directed at Bülent.
She obviously can’t do this with Bihter, who is not a little baby but a young woman with a dominant personality who is ten years older than her.
So yeah, it is like a sibling rivalry, but Nihal can’t follow the strategy she usually does and make Bihter “hers”.
That being said, while “Elektra Complex” is too crude, sexualized and anachronistic a way to put it, there is a language of romantic rivalry in Nihal’s jealousy of Bihter imo. Think of her jealousy of the emerald necklace etc. It harkens back to tropes of women fighting over men rather than of siblings fighting for fatherly affection.
All in all I think it is both. It definitely has its roots in a sibling-like rivalry but the author also occasionally utilizes “catty jealous women” tropes.
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Not oedipus. Not Elektra. It's a Parisian complex and I'm getting my whole family killed.
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Joan Tierney Why Are You Haunted? / @/oceaii (tumblr) / Liv Ullmann Changing / The Elektra Complex / Rosario Castellanos Monologue of a Foreign Woman from "Meditation on the Threshold: A Bilingual Anthology of Poetry / unknown / @/violentcherries (tumblr) / @/nutnoce (tumblr) / Jean-Paul Sartre Nausea / unknown
i. Joan Tierney Why Are You Haunted? [ "This haunting is architectural. It is not about you. It is about where you are. There are bones in the foundation. This house is a graveyard. This house is a corpse. You are inside the corpse. That makes you the maggot." ]
ii. @/oceaii (tumblr) [ Black and white illustration of a deer. The deer looks forwards in the first panel and turns back to face the audience in the second panel. "Turn and face / the person you've become." ]
iii. Liv Ullmann Changing [ "I will never forget the loneliness I knew as a child. For a period in my life I hid behind a mask. Did not want to acknowledge any longing. / Now it is a part of me-something I can share. / Both the loneliness and the longing." ]
iv. The Elektra Complex [ "If you were to peel the skin of me apart as a fig's, you would finally understand. I am my mother's daughter. From poisoned seeds sprout poisoned fruits." ]
v. Rosario Castellanos Monologue of a Foreign Woman [ "I didn't want / to be the dead star / that uses borrowed light to survive." ]
vi. unknown [ Black and white illustration of two deer. They are both labeled with words. The deer in the background says "just be." The deer in the foreground replies "just being is the hardest part." ]
vii. @/violentcherries (tumblr) [ "the environment you are not thriving in is not yours forever / IT'S OKAY TO LEAVE / ... / IT'S OKAY to abandon the things you used to love" ]
viii. @/nutnoce (tumblr) [ Black and white illustration of a scorpion doing chores. It's tail just barely curls over the front of a clothes line. Various pairs of socks hang from the clothes line. It stands before a bucket with more clothes inside. "I come from the toughest, meanest place you can imagine. / I want to be gentle, I want to die gently, but / It seems that when life gets hard / I have to get harder to match." ]
ix. Jean-Paul Sartre Nausea [ "I am going to outlive myself. Eat, sleep, sleep, eat. Exist slowly, softly, like these trees, like a puddle of water, like the red bench in the streetcar." ]
x. unknown [ "1. Man is a MORAL animal. / 2. You can get human beings to do anything - IF you can convince them it is moral. / 3. You can convince human beings that anything is moral." ]
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
What bothers me the most about these "I've never read the source material" #feminist #queer retellings is that retellings are, at the bare minimum, in conversation with a source material. This is true whether or not you have actually read the story you are attempting to retell. Refusing to read the source just means your conversation is now one-sided, which is detrimental to any hope of furthering the discussion or themes or narrative. So now you've interrupted a conversation with an aside that ultimately adds nothing because it doesn't know enough about what was said previously to be able to respond or build upon it. And I just...don't get it! Why would you want to tell a story that way? Why would you decide to put an addition onto a house without looking at the architectural blueprints?
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cogcltrcorn · 8 months
lrb..... blowing my mind. look my read on the whole shiv caroline kendall dynamic was that kendall is the child she doesn't care for because he is logan's favorite and shiv is the child she has more hostility towards because she recognizes herself in her but!!!! it's the fucking opposite, isn't it!!!!
shiv is logan's favorite who is so different from her she struggles to understand her and envies her (as Harriet said in the interview), and kendall is the child she dislikes because they are!!! too fucking similar!!! they are mirrors of each other and GOD they both do not like their reflections!!! ghhahhhhhh
and. and. the parallel scenes between shiv and caroline and logan and kendall. one is caroline's attempt at a peace offering, acknowledgment of similarity between them (I am glad you decided not to be a mother, I should not have been one either), and shiv takes it as an offense, and, in parallel, kendall attempting to separate himself by claiming that him and logan are Not similar, and logan. well logan agrees. however that means a completely different thing to him ("yeah we are different. I am cool and strong and know what life is about, and YOU are gay")
also imagine me hitting my head on the wall about the fucking. kendall logan caroline love triangle.
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dyed-red · 1 year
In relation to prev rb about textual incest themes in SPN between John and Dean and Sam and Dean and to a lesser extent John and Sam, I think we also need to acknowledge the very overt incest themes with Dean and Mary and Sam and Mary.
Because one of the things I love most about the mess of themes is Sam's Oedipus complex.
This boy desires / is in love with the absent memory of his mother (Mary, who comforts him as a ghost and in his detox hallucinations despite him not even able to remember her) and with his brother-caretaker who was the closest to fill the mother role in his life. And his brother-mother also desires / is in love with his mother-mother, like a little nesting doll of Oedipal sentiment.
And meanwhile Sam experiences strife with his father over the loyalty of his brother-mother, who is also his father's wife and daughter and who has an Elektra complex the size of the ocean, and this central family tension can only be resolved by the death of the father (the removal of John from the situation entirely) so that Sam can take his place in Dean's life (with agitation toward anyone else who may attempt to occupy a facsimile of that space, like Gordon, or Benny).
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My old arch-nemesis, we meet again ("it's all about the sex" academia)
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skeletonsonparade · 4 months
Dude idk if you are still interested in Ludo but I can tell you’ve carried the Ludo Tumblr fandom for years and I applaud you for that fr
MY MAN 🤝 i still am i just dont post abt it quite as frequently but EEE that makes me so giddy
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seoafin · 1 year
im dumb. can you explain your eldest daughter nai post?
nononononoooo you are not dumb!!!! im sorry a lot of my ramblings are like...stream of consciousness posts where nothing makes sense bc im just trying to get thoughts out of my head. jdsfnskjfnjdn idek if i can explain it bc it's just. vibes . but like. it's my way of saying that nai has eldest daughter syndrome. he views himself as vash's protector and wants to replace rem as their motherhood figure, especially as a way to control vash (rem is at the center of vash's pacifism. his love for humanity his hurt his pain). especially if you take into consideration studio orange's extremely genius symbolic stampede original choice to show knives cannibalizing vash's memories of rem. i think making vash's amnesia a conscious choice on knives' part is so horrifyingly unsettling. knives wants to shape vash. mold him like a mother molds her child. make him into the person knives wants him to be (which makes knives' tampering with vash's memories even more terrifying). i think knives and even vash to an extent is guilty of constantly seeking out their idealized versions of the other, which is why they come to head every single time they clash. they constantly fight and hurt each other when all they rlly want to do is go back to when they were children, side by side. back to a time when they actually understood each other. it's vash and knives seeking out this need for understanding in the other, the bond they had as children, which is what is mutually destroying them piece by piece, memory by memory. and knives views rem as the root cause of all of it, corrupting every single memory and moment of her he has. it's rem rejecting him and siding with humanity despite humanity's potential for destruction and cruelty, cruelty they inflicted on tesla. it's rem rejecting his hand as his last memory of her. it's seeing rem in vash and vash's betrayal becoming rem's betrayal over and over again👍
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faintingheroine · 8 months
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My favorite extremely niche garashir fanfic trope is when people write "what Garak was doing in If Wishes Were Horses" fic and obviously Julian shows up but so does Tain at the same time. Like it makes perfect thematic sense that Garak's guilt and trauma show up to ruin his romantic/sexual daydreams! But also. god. the Freud of it all.
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lesbiancassius · 10 months
nobody understands my vision of greasy rat dyke elektra
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
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The Elektra Complex by Joan Tierney
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sharkjumpers · 7 months
i have a lot of thoughts about matt and elektra mainly that she should go no contact with him forever
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watersofthinejacuzzi · 6 months
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The Elektra Complex, Joan Tierney
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