#eek I’m sending you so much love
ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
LO!! Okay I'm a fucking mess, I could literally start crying...
Soo, he came back, I was already in the shop and he brought me a fucking flower. A single black rose because of Halloween, he said... aaah I couldn't say anything, just mumbled a thanks, and we started to go after our chores. Still exchanging those smiles. It took me some time to ask him about his tattoo, but he gladly showed me. It's a full sleeve inspired by Nordic gods. And we talked about that a bit, and about his vacation in Iceland... so it took me some time to warme up but he is so fucking sweet I can't. He asked me to go and grab a coffee if I'd like to, and ofc I said yes!!! But then things weren't in our favors... he was finished with the door and my boss came and he had to go. I didn't even asked for his name or number. I hate myself aaaaah
oh no darling, don’t cry!! (or do a little bit—crying is really, really healing)
he will come back. I am absolutely certain that he will come back to visit you. he brought you a black rose (please I’m actually crying and giggling at the same time), and he asked you out for some coffee. he wants to get to know you, and he’s clearly not that shy so he will absolutely come back to ask for your number.
are you friends with your colleagues? I’d let them know and tell them to give your number to him in case he drops by when you’re not there!
or another option is for you to contact the company he works at? of course this requires a bit of bravery from your side, but I believe in you! they can’t give you his phone number, but you could give them yours and ask him to contact you! you can even say that he loaned you a phone charger or something and that you forgot to return it, haha. say that it’s the person with the black rose tattoo!! then he’ll know for certain that it’s you. a little code name if you will, lol.
sweetheart, you got this! the universe has an odd way of working sometimes, but I promise I promise if it’s meant to happen, it will! 🖤
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babybluebex · 2 years
*claps hands together* okay SO. listen. even though i know some people dont like it, i am kind of a sucker for “tomboy character gets femmed up and male protagonist falls for them hard” cliche, and imagining that with a fem!reader (or just a kinda fem enby like myself) who’s one of eddies childhood friends SENDS me 😭 ofc no pressure!! your writing is wonderful as always and take all the time you need 🥰
𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you’re not exactly a girly-girl, but, after corroded coffin is booked to play prom, you decide to surprise your best friend with a dress and a confession. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: eddie munson (stranger things) x fem!reader 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: tomboy!reader, a LOT of fluff, brief blood mention 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: eek thanks for sending in this request! i had such a good time writing it!
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You didn’t usually give much thought to dances or school functions, or really school at all. All of the events, be it homecoming or the Snowflake Ball or that weird assembly about saying no to drugs, were a complete snooze fest. Even prom irked you. Who would actually want to hang around the gymnasium and drink flat punch for hours and listen to whatever crappy band was hired out for the night? The concept of it never struck any flame inside you, so you never cared about it. 
Until this prom. Until Corroded Coffin. 
“How the fuck,” you started, tossing a crumb at Eddie as he strutted proudly around the lunch table. “Did you manage to get Higgins to hire your sorry-ass band to play prom?” 
“I can be persuasive!” Eddie returned quickly, dodging your crumb with a smile. “Anyway, I also told him that it would motivate me in my schoolwork.”
“How would that…” you began with a roll of your eyes. “Never mind, I don’t wanna know how you smooth-talked that away. So, you’ve got your Saturday booked up. What happened to renting Halloween, like we talked about?” 
“We can still do that,” Eddie told you quickly. “Prom officially ends at 11, then I’ve got the rest of the night for my favorite girl.” 
Your heart swept up into your throat as he passed behind you, his hand lightly trailing your shoulder. You and Eddie had been through thick and thin since meeting, way back in preschool, and he loved you like you were his sister. You, however, had something festering in your heart. 
It had happened back years ago, despite the awful buzzed hairstyle that he had rocked all through junior high. Somewhere between seventh and eighth grade, you had developed a huge crush on your best friend, one that had consumed every second of every day. And now, your last year of high school (and Eddie’s third senior year), your crush had managed to dull down to less all-consuming and more… Loving. 
You didn’t have a crush on your best friend, you loved him. And soon you would leave him for college. You worried if your friendship would survive the distance, but, the one time you had talked to Eddie about it, he had assured you that he would write and visit every chance he got. But, as the time drew nearer and nearer, it felt less likely to happen. He would get a job, you would move, and you’d never have time for each other, and, eventually, he would only be that guy you used to know.
Spending time with Eddie mattered to you, and you were only slightly hurt that Eddie would drop your plans to perform at the stupid fucking prom. He had never gone to prom, nor had you ever heard him express any interest in going, and you groaned at him. “Since when do you even wanna go to prom?” you asked. 
“Since I decided that this is my last chance to,” Eddie said, and he finally settled down in his chair at the head of the lunch table. “I’m fuckin’ done with Hawkins High, and I’m gonna graduate and leave this place in my dust. I don’t have anything to lose. Anyway, it’s a gig. I’ll get paid. We can rent Halloween and buy some snacks. Sounds like a good deal to me.” 
You crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m going,” you told him. 
“Going where?” Eddie asked, and you coughed out a laugh. 
“To prom, dork,” you returned. “I wanna see you guys perform.” 
“Really?” Eddie asked with a furrow of his eyebrows. “Prom isn’t my scene, but it’s really not your scene. Don’t torture yourself just ‘cause you wanna spend time with little ole me.” 
“What do you mean it’s ‘not my scene’?” you asked, and you stole a carrot off of Dustin’s lunch tray. The freshman gasped at you, and you jokingly mocked his gasp before giving him an exaggerated pout. “Prom can be my scene.” 
“You just don’t…” Eddie started. “Getting all dressed up and everything, I know you hate that.” 
“You’re right,” you sighed, slumping back in your chair. “But you never know, I might surprise you and show up. It’s just a Corroded Coffin gig, right?” 
“We’re gonna be playing dumb covers,” Eddie grumbled. “We were given a very specific list of dos and don’ts. No heavy metal, nothing vulgar—”
“So, you’re a cover band for the night,” you giggled, and Eddie scrunched up his face in fake-annoyance before he tossed a pretzel in your direction. It hit your cheek and fell down into your lap, and you grinned as you plucked it up and ate it. “I know how you feel about musical integrity, Eds.”
“Yeah, well, integrity goes out the window when you get paid,” Dustin chuckled, and Eddie flashed him a dirty look. “Well, doesn’t it?”
“Whatever,” Eddie said. “Fuck you guys. If you wanna show up to prom, do it. See if I care.” 
“I will,” you told him, and you stuck your tongue out at Eddie at the same time that he stuck his out at you. “And I’ll watch you care so much.”
Prom, unluckily for you, was only 3 days out. You hated the idea of dressing up for it, just as Eddie had predicted you would. You hated the whole glitz and glamour thing, and the thought of intentionally getting all dolled up with hair and makeup and some big dress and heels made you feel sick. But, you considered, it was for Eddie. You would do a lot for him, this included. 
The problem came with the dress. Dresses were scarce in your closet, let alone something really nice, and you knew that no stores would have anything like what you wanted that was even remotely in your price range on such a short notice. 
On the night, just hours short of prom, you chewed your lip as you held the phone to your chest, debating if you truly wanted to do this, and you rolled your eyes as you got over yourself. It was Eddie— you could show up in a potato sack and he’d still call you pretty. 
You quickly dialed Mike Wheeler’s number, rotating the dial as you tried to remember it. You had only ever called him once before, getting on his ass for being late to Hellfire last semester, but it wasn’t the younger Wheeler that you wanted to talk to. 
His mom answered the phone. “Hi, Mrs. Karen,” you said, hoping to sound sweet and charming. “Is Nancy around? I have a question for her.” 
“Why’re you calling me?” Nancy asked as the phone was passed to her, and you sighed. 
“You’re the only girl I remotely know,” you started. “And I need a dress.” 
“A dress?” Nancy repeated. “Why? Are you going to prom tonight? Don’t you have a prom dress?” 
“Well, no,” you started, curling the phone cord anxiously around your finger. “I, umm, wasn’t really planning on going to prom. But now I am, and, like I said, you’re, like, the only girl I even sorta halfway know. We were in Kaminsky’s class together sophomore year, and Mike’s in Hellfire, and I just… I need a dress. Anything! It could be a church dress, sundress, it could be anything. I just need help.” 
“Right,” Nancy said slowly. “Umm… Come over, I guess. I’ll see what I can do for you.” 
You had never even been over to Wheeler’s house before, and going to see specifically Nancy Wheeler felt odd. You especially felt weird walking into her pink-topia bedroom, wearing your ripped jeans and dirty Converse and flannel shirt that used to be Eddie’s but you had stolen off of him. To top it all off, of course, her only dress options were pink and/or glittery. But you weren’t going to be a choosing beggar, and you decided on one that was the least egregious. A strapless burst of light pink tulle that fell down to your calves hugged your frame, and you examined yourself from every angle in Nancy’s little white wicker mirror. 
“How is that?” Nancy asked, stepping behind you into the reflection. 
“I feel like a princess,” you mumbled, turning again to look at your back. 
“Is that good or bad?” Nancy asked, and you shrugged. 
“It’s…” you started. The dress showed off your dirty shoes and scrunched socks, but you sorta liked the way it looked. You felt pretty. “I think it's good.” 
“And if you let your hair down…” Nancy started softly, reaching out and shaking your hair out of the perpetual ponytail that it was in. Your hair was dented from the ponytail holder as it fell down, and you took a deep breath. “Maybe curled it… A little makeup… Is Eddie your date?” 
“No,” you scoffed, but you looked away from the mirror all the same. “No, his band is performing, and I was gonna surprise him.” 
Nancy suddenly got a smile on her face, like she knew something or understood you, and she said, “You’re trying to look nice for Eddie.”
“No, I’m not!” you said. “I… I don’t know. I just wanna… Look like I’m going to prom, I guess. It’ll shake him up, seeing me in a dress, it’s gonna be funny.” 
“Honey,” Nancy said gently. “It’s okay to wanna look nice for the guy you like. I mean, any girl would want that.”
“I don’t like Eddie—” you tried to say, but Nancy shook her head, her permed curls bouncing around her face. 
“Then why do you wanna look so nice?” Nancy asked. “You could’ve showed up in your jeans.” 
You frowned, examining the dress once more, and you sighed. “Okay, fine,” you mumbled. “I just… I like Eddie, I really like him, and I just… Maybe I do wanna look nice for him, whatever. Don’t judge me.” 
Nancy looked at your reflection for a few more quiet moments, and she finally said, “You can keep that dress. I never wear it.” 
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The band was already performing by the time you showed up. Given, you had shown up a little late, but you were sure that Eddie wouldn’t mind. You were sure that, even if you hadn’t showed up at all, he wouldn’t have minded. 
That way, you would’ve missed seeing him in that dumb fucking suit. 
Suit was not exactly what it was. It was a tuxedo, black, with a white shirt that had some frilly bullshit on the chest. You could tell that Eddie was despising the black bowtie around his neck and the cumberbund around his middle, and you also knew for a fact that he was hating every second of having his hair pulled back into a ponytail. You almost wanted to laugh at him. Your hand came up to cover your mouth to hide your laughter, as if he could see you from across the gym. 
Eddie was standing very still as he played his guitar, some gentle-paced love song that couples all around the gym were slow dancing to. You had seen him play guitar before, and you knew that he usually played with all of the energy in his body, headbanging and jumping around. You had wiped blood off of his face before after he had rammed his head into the headstock of his guitar, even. He looked miserable, and you frowned. Poor Eddie. 
You weaved through the dancing couples to make it up to the small stage, and Eddie’s dark eyes found you in an instant. You waved at him carefully, not wanting to draw his attention away from the song for too long, but that failed in an instant. He had already missed a cord and, as his hands floundered to get back on track, he struck a sour note. 
You saw him mutter something that looked like “Fuck it”, and he pulled his guitar up and over his head before he said something in Jeff’s ear. Then, he jumped down from the stage and, smugly adjusting his bowtie, swaggered up to you. 
“Alright, cut that shit out,” you laughed as he approached you. “I can tell you’re not having a good time.” 
“Jesus Christ, am I that easy to figure out?” Eddie asked, dropping his hand from his tie. “I hate this fucking monkey suit.” 
“You look like the kid from Back To The Future,” you giggled. “That tux is hideous, Eds.” 
“Kinda felt like him too,” Eddie mumbled. “My hands stopped playing when I saw you. Holy shit, by the way! You look—”
“Hideous?” you repeated with a shrug. “I know.” 
“Beautiful,” Eddie said breathlessly. His eyes were canvassing your whole body, from your curled hair to your pink-painted lips to your dress, and even down to your scuffed Converse and scrunched-up socks. “I didn’t know you had this in you.”
“Shut up,” you laughed, reaching out and punching Eddie’s shoulder. “If I look beautiful, then you’re downright handsome.”
“I’ll take it,” Eddie chuckled lightly, and the smile dropped off of his face. “You wanna… You wanna dance?” 
“Seriously?” you asked. “Do you really wanna dance?”
“Kinda,” Eddie shrugged, and your heart jumped in your chest. “But not if you don’t want to.” 
“Oh,” you said softly. “Well… Yeah. Sure.” 
You watched Eddie swallow thickly as he took a step towards you, and your skin rippled as he put his hands on your waist. “Have you ever slow danced before?” you asked, and Eddie shook his head. 
“No,” he said. He seemed nervous, and you were taken aback. Eddie, your high-strung best friend, never afraid and always loud, was nervous. Was he nervous to dance with you? Or was he really that insecure about the way he was dressed?
“You do look really nice,” you mumbled. “Really… Seriously handsome.”
“Thanks,” Eddie said as you circled your arms around his neck. “Umm, are my hands okay here?” 
“Yeah,” you told him. After a moment of consideration, you added, “They can go lower, on my hips, if you want.” 
“No,” Eddie said. “I like holding you here.” 
You nodded, trying not to think about his words too hard. Sure, you had hugged Eddie before, loads of times, and he always threw his gangly arms around you and squeezed hard, and he never seemed anxious about it. Your heart was racing inside your chest as you moved even closer to Eddie and rested your chin on his shoulder, letting your cheek brush his neck. Your body fit against his like the most perfect puzzle piece, and you sighed lightly. 
It was now or never. “Eds?” you whispered. His grip tightened on your waist at the gentle nickname, and you started to add, “I—”
Eddie cut you off, though, in the best way he could have. He turned his head and swiftly pressed his lips to yours, lingering for just a moment before pulling away, all too soon for your liking. “Sorry,” he said quickly. “I, umm… I’ve had the biggest crush on you for a long time. A-And you’re about to leave for college, and you look so fucking beautiful— not that you don’t look beautiful every day, I actually sorta prefer your jeans and everything— and I just, I can’t hold it back any more. I love you.”
“Eddie,” you sighed heavily, your voice trembling. “I mean… I don’t know what to say to you.”
“Tell me you love me,” Eddie whispered, and he pushed a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Tell me I didn’t just fuck everything up.” 
You looked at him, entranced by his wide, dark eyes, and you leaned back in, pressing your lips to his again. His hands fluttered on your waist for a moment before he dragged you right up against him, his palms pressing flat to your back, and his lips moved gently against yours as he kissed you. Eddie was kissing you; it was your dream come true. 
As you broke the kiss, you could feel Eddie’s heartbeat flush against your chest, and you giggled softly, looking down at your swaying feet. “I love you, you dork,” you told him. 
“You still down for Halloween later?” Eddie asked hopefully, his eyebrows raising. “Watching a scary movie with your boyfriend?” 
“Yes,” you told him with a smile. “Yes, I am so down for that. As long as you let me hide during the scary parts.” 
“I’ll kiss it better,” Eddie said. “How does that sound?”
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silli---lilli · 9 months
The Note
Dear Simon Riley,
If you’re reading this, it means I’m gone. Dead or missing. Or maybe you have some other reason to be snooping through my things.
In any case, I hope finding this brings you some peace.
You can rest assured that at the moment I am writing this note, I have never been happier and I am not sure I ever could be.
You are my family, and my greatest friend.
If you go looking for something after this, let it be good tea, nice smiles, small animals. Don’t go looking for me, you already hold my heart and you always will.
I love you.
- Johnny
The clean, white paper, covered in Johnny’s meticulously perfect penmanship was thoroughly burned into the inside of Simon’s eyes. Eyes he wasn’t quite sure he could force to open.
His arms were chained behind him, tight enough, for long enough that he couldn’t quite feel his hands. He could feel his bare shoulders though, they cried out in pain every time he moved.
Johnny had gone MIA nearly two eeks earlier. Simon had been on overwatch, far from the field. He’d been on his own plane home when the decision was made to leave without Soap. He hadn’t made it to exfil. They’d looked, they’d called, they’d waited, and he didn’t come.
Simon had held it together for nearly two days, thinking somehow he might show up, that they might spot him. That third night, he’d locked himself in Soap’s room, determined to calm himself down. It wasn’t over. Someone had called his family, but it wasn’t over. And before they came to box up and send home Soap’s things, Simon needed a moment as close to Johnny as he could get.
He’d stood near the door for a moment, the soft light from the lamp he’d clicked on illuminating the exact way Soap had left his things. Most of it was put away, he was tidy, but he’d left the t-shirt he’d slept in on his unmade bed. He was tidy, but he liked feeling human.
Simon picked it up and held it to his face, breathing in the smell of his soap and laundry detergent. So familiar, and so like a bullet in the gut. He sat on the edge of the bed and opened the drawer in the small table beside it. There wasn’t much inside, a few personal items, and a worn copy of ‘Of Mice and Men’. Simon picked it up and flipped through the pages. He was surprised, when he got near the middle, to find a small, folded piece of paper. On the outside of it was his name. Simon.
Hs hands had been steady up to that point, but they shook as he pulled it out and unfolded it. He was glad no one could see him, his whole body shook as he read it, and then he was angry. White hot, blind rage at whoever left Johnny behind. At Johnny for leaving him. And he ripped the page in half and then into fourths and then he was only angry at himself.
He’d carefully picked up the damaged pieces, so lovingly thought out and out to paper by Soap’s ever-steady hands, and tucked them back between the pages of the book. He’d ducked out of Johnny’s room and gone back to his own and wondered if he’d ever really sleep again.
A few days later, they were following up on another tip, possible civilian captives, and they hoped the raid might save them while providing intel. He’d pulled one of the shredded pieces of the note from the pages of the book and tucked it in a pocket of his tac vest.
- Johnny
Simon was on overwatch again, and he’d been compromised before anyone knew what had happened. They’d found nothing but his bloody gear on the ground where he was supposed to be hiding. So he didn’t know, that in the basement of the compound they were searching below, they’d found a dehydrated, broken, but bright eyed Johnny Mactavish.
He was all the way back into the infirmary, an IV in his arm, when someone finally answered the question he hadn’t stopped asking.
Simon wasn’t there. He wouldn’t be coming back with the others.
Simon had been questioned mercilessly since they took him. They’d spotted his rank when they stripped him and done their best to squeeze anything they could from him. So far, they’d failed, and they’d begun to resort to more traditional methods of torture. Blood dripped from broken fingernails, cigarette burns littered his chest and neck.
He had nothing to say. No torture could match the memories playing as loud as a movie in his mind. Johnny’s laugh, Johnny’s serious voice, Johnny’s jokes through comms. The words in his fucking note. The thought that he was happy. Was.
Simon lost track of days and nights and his hunger and whatever lies he’d made up to keep his captors busy. There was no tea there, no smiles, so he held onto Johnny’s heart. The last whole piece of himself.
It wasn’t but a week later, Soap still weak, still ordered to rest, but sitting in Price’s office as he received a message from another group stationed farther north. A spy they had amongst enemy ranks had informed them of a possible British captive, and had a general location.
Soap had known Simon wasn’t dead. The bits of himself that lived in Simon must still be alive, or else he wouldn’t have such fight in him. And he’d found the book missing from his bedside table.
He hadn’t had it in him to go to Simon’s room. To rifle through his things. There’d been no family to call. He was just glad to know Simon had those words.
When they returned with him, barely conscious, they’d had to all but hold Soap back. Price had tried telling Simon when they found him that Soap was alive, that he was waiting, but he was disoriented and it fell on aching, confused ears.
It wasn’t until he was stabilized, cleaned up, and they let Soap go to him that he finally understood.
“I’m dead.” He stated.
Soap chuckled, reaching for his bandaged hand. “You’re not.”
“But you’re here.” He frowned.
“That’s right, Simon.” Soap turned his hand gently over in both of his. “I’m here.”
“Johnny?” He closed his eyes. The words were still there, but not like torture.
“I read your note.” He wrapped his hand around Soap’s. “You’ll have to write a new one for next time.”
Soap chuckled again, like beautiful music. “You won’t have to wait until I’m dead for the next one.”
Little notes started finding their way to Simon quite often. On his pillow, in the pocket of his pants, tucked into his notebook. And he always read them, and he always tore off his favorite pieces to carry close to his heart.
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rosewaterandivy · 9 months
fightin' to get better
modern!eddie x f!reader
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summary: eddie does his damndest to get us out of the study to take a frickin' break.
a/n: My blog is 18 +, minors DNI; purely self-indulgent smut and prosaic idolatry here, my usual brand of filth.
🎶 ooh, let you slide up your hand, uh oh, let go all of my plans 🎶
Grad school could suck a dick. A whole bag of ‘em as far as you were concerned. The entirety of your summer had been taken up by this final class— a subject you loved, but far too much reading and work assigned for the condensed semester.
Eddie thought so too.
The man was quick to chime in when you’d had a glass of wine or two and finally extricated yourself from the front room you’d claimed as an office. Couldn’t understand how you would be complaining one minute and then the second he adds his two cents, you’re defending the professor in question.
But then again, you’d always been tender-hearted.
Which more than explained your penchant for collecting strays, present company excluded, naturally.
“That’s it,” he says, fingers working to peel the damp label from the beer bottle. “First thing tomorrow, I’m gettin’ on the horn with this so-called professor.”
“Eddieeee,” you whine, lips falling into a pout. “Don’t do that.”
He leans into it really playing it up, an eye roll and scoff combo, head inclining to rest on your shoulder as he falls on you dramatically.
“Can’t have my best girl pulling all-nighters every other week.”
His voice was softer, not laced with his typical jocular tone. The bright images of the screen dance across your faces in the cool room. Eddie settles against you, warm breath fanning across your chest and neck.
He can see the subtle dark hues beneath your eyes, hates the evidence of your sleepless nights spent in front of the computer, nose buried in a book.
“I know,” you rasp after a beat or two. “I’ll get better baby, I promise. S’just a few more weeks and then I’m army-crawling to the finish line.”
He cracks a smile, unable to hide his elation at your accomplishment— at you.
Eddie Munson and his genius girlfriend, who would’ve thought?
So it really shouldn’t be a surprise a week or two later when Eddie wanders into the study to find you up at all hours of the night. Again.
“Jesus Christ!” You jolt in your chair, startled by the sound, and slowly swivel toward him. A deep breath once you realize who it is, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room.
And, sure enough, your boyfriend is standing there wiping the sleep from his eyes, sporting his Suspiria sweats and looking entirely displeased.
“God Eds, make a noise! You’re like Ruth Gordon just standing there with a tannis root.”
He crosses his arms with a sign, ignoring your barb. Ruth Gordon, with her blue eye shadow and head scarf? Puh-leeze.
“You said you’d be ten minutes.”
You shudder at the timbre of his voice— raspy and low, hitting the sweet spot that sends heat rushing to your core.
“Shit, I’m sorry, babe.”
Glasses discarded and hair askew, you sigh catching the time and start to pack it in for the night.
Eddie is surprisingly quick for someone snatched from sleep and dreaming, he turns your chair away from the desk and fixes you with a look.
The penetrating kind, where he squints and tilts his head like he just can’t figure you out. And yeah, he’s never really understood academia or why the books you’ve had to buy are always so damn expensive. But he does his best to support you, reminds you to eat and sleep more than he’d like because you have the tendency of getting too caught up and distracted.
His gaze softens, “C’mere pretty girl.”
Eddie picks you up and throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, despite your protests. Smacks your ass for good measure.
“M’gonna fall!”
“No, you aren’t,” he tuts, “Such a drama queen.”
He barrels through the dark house only to deposit you in the dimly lit bathroom. A shaft of light eeks in from a partially opened closet door, candles flickering on countertops catching their reflections in the mirror.
Right side up again, you pause and take a look around. The bathtub is filling up, bubbles growing in soft peaks of foam, and a bath bomb fizzles away, painting the water in candy-colored hues.
There’s a glass of wine and another of ice water, sweating against the ledge of the tub. An iPad propped up in the corner, your favorite show cued up and ready to go.
“Baby,” you say, turning back to him, voice barely above a whisper. “What is all this?”
He takes a step toward you, the slightest inclination of his chin prompting your hands to rise above your head. Eddie’s nimble fingers find the hem of your shirt and tug it upwards, soft fabric brushing against your skin only to be kissed with damp heat.
“Jus’ wanna take care of you,” he says simply, quietly. As if he’d rather do nothing else.
His fingers alight on the waist of your shorts, thumbs hooking in and pulling down.
“Hmm.” He says, kneeling in front of you, brow quirked and eyes seeking yours. “Feelin’ lucky today or—"
The heat rises in your chest and neck, hands flying to cover your face while he lazily peruses your bare form.
Not so much luck as it was sheer exhaustion that informed your sartorial choices and distinct lack of underwear today, but you’ll take what you can get.
His breath ghosts along your thighs, muscles tightening inadvertently, the coil in your stomach winding taut.
As you step out of the shorts, Eddie turns off the faucet and herds you back against the sink. A brief lift and you're sitting on the countertop, legs splayed, head falling against the cool mirror behind you.
Eddie buries his head between your legs, and smothers praises between your thighs.
Eddie's pretty sentimental with oral— kissing, kissing, kissing— can't stop his lips from meandering, can't stop his mouth from savoring. He noses against your slit, tongue darting out to taste. A low rumble ripped from his chest as the slick muscle works against your petaled heat, savoring the arousal gathered there.
He gets dizzy off it. Selfish for it. It all goes to his head— whimpers and moans falling from your candy-pink mouth, a prolonged whine of his name.
Left, then right, back over again. Drowsy roaming paths, curving and bending, pleased when you arch into his mouth, forever wanting more. Licks you for hours like you’re the last bit of sweetness in the world, savors it long and lazy and delicate.
"Sweetheart," he sighs, pulling away briefly. Lips ruddy and wet with your slick, smiling slow and dangerous, “You’re fucking delicious, baby.”
You moan on his clever tongue and the sloppy sounds he makes. He's always stunning— eager and devoted to the singular task of lapping at you like a starved man.
Two fingers twist inside before he turns them back and shoves them in his own mouth. He repeats this again and again, like pulling a secret from your body that only he’s allowed to enjoy.
“Yes,” he sighs, “Fuck yes. Fuck—mmm—"
It's as if you're on the precipice of a coming storm, pressure building, and rising, too, in your belly, as he works into your body, heavy-lidded and transfixed on your beautiful face. Deeper until you’re shaking, pulling your legs up over his shoulders, getting him closer, closer, closer.
Your toes curl.
You shatter like a splinter of lightning. It bursts across your skin—a bright, brief halo—before it’s gone, chased by the explosion of swollen clouds. He muffles a loud fuck! into the meat of your ass, while his fingers continue to corkscrew inside of you.
He's wet down to his wrist, coaxing vestiges of arousal from you, and rises to kiss your open, panting mouth, your exposed throat. Eddie's lips turned wicked and desperate when he asks, "Think you can gimme another one?"
Nodding dumbly, bath and freshly laundered sheets completely forgotten, you watch as he all but yanks you down further, ass now hanging off the countertop. Swings your legs over his shoulders and dives back in, your cunt now positively flooded due to his velvet tongue.
On the bright side, this all-nighter was exceedingly better than the one you had planned; you wouldn't have it any other way. Well played Eddie Munson.
Well played.
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dks-smut · 6 months
Somebody… Part 4
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Kyungsoo x female reader
Rating: Mature, Explicit (Just fucking filthy)
Word Count: 6,500
Genre: Smut, Jealousy, Angst, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers.
Warnings: Teasing, name calling, degradation, edging, exhibitionism, orgasm denial. (No more spoilers! I’m depraved and embarrassed.)
His flight wasn’t due to land until close to 1:00am. You’re twiddling your thumbs behind your desk, killing time until you get to lay your eyes on his face. To feel his lips and glide your nails through his hair. Ahh, this was too much to think about. You cross your legs to relieve some tension, feeling dampness in your panties. You breathe quietly through your lips, hiding your arousal from coworkers. You look down at your keyboard, you’re sure your cheeks are rosy and hot.
You send a thirsty text to Kyungsoo, “My wetness has ruined so many pairs of underwear.” He sends a string of swears then, “Baby, my dick hurts. I’m going kiss and fuck your pussy until you come over and over. Until I say you’re done.” You touch your breast, typing, “Please. Use me. See you soon.” You hope your monitor hid you well enough. Finally, Friday night is here; nervous and horny.
You’ve denied yourself since the promise with Kyungsoo, settling for the warm shower stream. It’s always just a tease like the seam of your jeans rubbing against your clit when you sit down. Or the edge of the kitchen counter jutting into your pussy when you reach for a glass from a high shelf. Accidentally denying and teasing yourself in unexpected ways. Shaving your legs in the shower always causes you to drip profusely while one leg is propped up on the tub edge. Remembering him pushing you against these very same tiles, fucking your hot cunt and groaning loudly. Just taking what he needed, using you. These nasty memories cause your stomach to flip. You eek out a slight moan, the echo startling yourself.
You’re thinking of all the dirty things he’s going to do to you tonight. Denying you an orgasm or not letting you touch him. Calling you hot and upsetting names. Maybe you won’t let him penetrate you. Maybe just tease his tip. This should piss him off, enough for him to hurt you. Shit, you are cock drunk.
Being needy and denied makes you thoughtless. Just erotic scenarios repeating. The anticipation of knowing for the past week that you’re about to be dicked down by Kyungsoo causes your pussy to clench around nothing. Your clit has been engorged for a day which makes any sudden movement difficult. You decide on a green knee length cocktail dress, no panties and thigh high stockings. You’re meeting at his place again. He sends a text and a taxi appears in front of your apartment. This repeated and generous gesture makes you grin ear to ear.
You love the smell of his apartment; it’s comforting. You open the door after knocking and hear his deep voice say, “Come in. Take off your shoes.” You’re not sure why he’s being terse. No hello or excitement in his voice. He didn’t greet you at the door, and above all else, no kiss. You had dreamt what it’d feel like to have his lips on yours again, and on your neck and nipples. You walk in and kick your heels off. It’s dark in his apartment save a table lamp. It’s illuminating an empty chair which is beside a sofa in the shadows. You see his knee hit the beam of light as he parts his legs wide and exhales.
You start to think he’s tired from flying and work so you ask, “Hey, are you okay? It’s dark. I can’t see you.” You start to shuffle in the dark towards the sofa. You’re quiet on the hardwood floor, your smooth stockings helping.
You hear him stir on the couch and say, “Yes. I’m fine.” You turn on another lamp, “Now, I can see you. I missed you!” As you’re running towards him to hug him, he puts his hand up, “No. Sit.” His hand moves to pat the seat next to him. Your eyes grow wide and you sit quietly with your head down. You feel like a little girl who did something wrong and now you’re being scolded. Your heart thumping out of your chest, “Is everything really okay? You don’t seem excited to see me.” He responds, never taking his eyes from yours, “I am. I’m afraid I’ll get carried away.”
“A simple hug and kiss won’t hurt you,” you offer.
“It will. I won’t be able to stop once I start kissing you.”
“You’re making yourself sound like a monster. It’s okay if you come fast. And I can help you get hard again.”
“I feel like a monster sometimes. Treating you like an object, no regard for your feelings and needs. It bears repeating, I’ve never been like this with anyone before. It’s a part I didn’t know I was hiding.”
You grab his shoulder and slide your other hand to his nape, getting closer. “Please take what you want. Do whatever you want to me.” Your deep gaze on his eyes drops to his lips, causing you to lick your own.
“I’ll make you beg,” he moans, pressing his bottom lip between his teeth, brushing his long bangs back, showing his forehead. “Are you sure?” He asks this as though you don’t understand what you’ve unleashed in him. He’s almost threatening you into making any other decision.
“Please just kiss me. I missed your lips,” you beg him, whining and scooting closer to him.
He’s wearing another one of his dark suits, paired with a white button up and tie. You pull him toward you by his necktie, your lips barely touching, hot breath breezing across each others’ faces. You grab the collar of his jacket, jerking him downwards to line his lips up better to yours. He cranes his neck back, still trying to resist his urges.
You drop your hands in your lap and look down, frustrated, “I get it. I know you missed me, but the way you’re acting makes me feel repulsive. Touch me. Kiss me. Please” The last few sentences come out in a high pitch whine. You sigh, looking down at your hands.
“Baby. I fucking want you so bad right now. I just don’t want to rush. Come here,” he grabs your waist to pull you toward him. He looks down at your form, “That dress is gorgeous on you. I’m sorry I haven’t changed out of my work clothes.” He’s rubbing his thumb across your hip, fingers smoothing over your waist. His lips part in awe, uncovering every curve of your figure, the low neckline giving way to the swell of your tits; your bra is just barely visible.
“Your suit is making me drip,” you grab his tie again and pull him even closer, interrupting him practically drooling over you. His eyes look up into your wanton gaze, eyelids heavy.
The kiss he plants on your lips is breathtaking. He literally stole the air from your lungs. His damp, thick, and soft lips engulf yours. His other hand grabs your jaw, caressing you with his fingertips. His light touches cause you to shiver and moan in his mouth.
Your tongues are enmeshed while he grabs onto your hip, being more forceful and needy. You place both hands on his face, falling into his lips completely. The fervor is palpable. You take heavy breaths, parting momentarily from him. You smash your lips back onto him, sucking his bottom lip with a nice wet sound emanating. Your parted lips kiss down his chin to his bobbing Adam's apple. Slowly moving until his shirt collar blocked your way. You whine and grab his tie, pulling it loose from the knot, and tossing it to the floor.
As you unbutton the first couple of buttons of his shirt, his palm reaches up to fondle your boob through your dress and bra. This causes you to stiffen and shiver, moaning out, “Baby, more.” He kisses you suddenly forcing his tongue into your hot mouth. You’re both panting and acting more and more desperate.
He takes control of you. Pinning your arms behind you, he picks up his tie, and starts winding it tightly around your wrists. “No touching,” he says as he finishes tying your hands up. “Not fair. I’ve been thinking about touching you for a week,” you moan out, thighs rubbing together. “You’ll be just fine. I’ll treat you with the utmost respect tonight,” his tone drops to a whisper, his deadly smirk making you freeze on the spot.
He notices you clenching your legs together. Another wicked idea forms as he presses you to sit back onto the sofa. Your chest arches forward and he begins to rub at your breasts. Your hips thrust up as he fondles you, getting more and more helpless. You emit quiet whimpers not resulting in anything coherent. You writhe back and forth, your hair obscuring your face. He delicately moves the meandering strands from your features, “So much better. I love seeing you like this. So needy.” His fingers fall behind your ear and land on your hair pooling at your shoulders. He yanks a handful back, causing your neck to jerk back. You’re staring at the ceiling now, shadows dancing. You moan out loud, the tension in your neck causing a guttural noise.
You’re still begging him, “Please,” as he loosened his grip on your hair. Your neck straightens when you focus on the floor to ceiling windows in the living room. They were the same as in his bedroom. At the angle the sofa sat, anyone across the way could see you. Only glowing TVs are noticeable through your watery eyes. He places his hand on your thigh, “Please what? Tell me,” fingers ghosting over your black stocking.
“Give it to me,” you beg. His hand sneaks under your dress, sliding up slowly. He stops where your stocking ends, he can feel the hem is satiny and taught around your upper thigh. He groans and bites his bottom lip, “Give you what?” You squirm around, your feet hitting the floor causing thuds to rise over your heavy breaths. His hand goes higher and stops when he feels that you're not wearing panties. He twists his left palm to stroke his middle finger up your little slit.
He pushes his head into the crook of your neck, “Is this what you want? I bet it’s something that a certain asshole from your work could never give you.” You yelp out small whines, mostly from the pleasure he’s barely giving you. Some of it due to shock at his dirty statement. “Uhhh, what?” You are hardly able to articulate yourself, his finger still teasing your shaking lips.
He lets out a strong laugh, “Aw you’re so cute like this. You can’t even speak coherently.” His middle finger pushes through your puffy lips, feeling your slick drip down. Your throbbing clit aches for his touch. You beg again, “Pl—, -ease… I—I want you. That guy is nobody.” His tongue dips behind your ear, “Not as much as I want you.” He chuckles, “And you really have no idea how that picture of him touching you affected me. Still affects me,” he ends by moving in close, staring at you like he wanted to hit you and fuck you at the same time.
“I swear, I’m yours only,” you beg as he presses his finger onto your clit. “I’m going to punish you and you’ll be begging me to stop,” he says as his lips peck your cheek. You’re both still fully dressed with his tie around your wrists. Your pussy is dripping onto his knuckles as he’s massaging your labia. He then lands on your clit to only lift his hand to slap it. Your hips jut forward and you moan out, “Holy fuck, yes! More!” He touches his fingertip to your entrance making you shake and your toes curl. The looks and sounds you create make him emit a low growl, “Not yet,” he continues circling your clit with even more pressure. He knows you’re close when he feels your clit flex repeatedly. “Please, I’m so close,” you yell out, opening your eyes to meet his lustful stare.
His hair falls into his eyes due to his hand’s rapid movement on your clit. He uses his right hand to brush it back off his forehead. This beautiful sight had you getting even closer to snapping. You’re still wriggling and whining, repeating Kyungsoo’s name over and over with each exhale. Just as you’re finally about to come, stomach tightening, calves flexing, he takes his hand out from under your dress.
“Fuuuckk. Please baby. Please,” you beg, pulling at the tie around your wrists. “No. I have to punish you for what you did. Letting another man put his hands on you,” he says, standing up from the couch. He looks down where you sit, your knees together, legs swaying. You look up at him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, “I’m sorry. You should have been there with me. I could have sucked your dick in the bathroom,” you smirk. Then in a moment you whine again, “Baby I was just about to come, touch me, please!”
“You’re being dirty. I want you to remember that you belong to me. I get to control when you come,” he lowers his scowl as you sulk on the sofa. Feeling frustrated you blurt out, “I didn’t do anything with him. I kept pushing him away. Can’t you let this go?” He adjusts his posture and takes his jacket off. He begins to fold his sleeves up to the elbow and chortles, “Did you wear panties under your skirt that night? Or were you looking to get drunk and fucked?”
“Do you think I’m that much of a slut? You’re starting to hurt my feelings,” you protest. He starts to unzip his slacks, freeing his hard dick and says, “You didn’t answer my question, darling.” As you’re staring at his veiny dick you quietly respond, “I did wear some, please. I went out to have some fun, but not get fucked. I was too busy dreaming about making you come. I missed you and only thought of you. I swear.”
After you’ve said your piece, Kyungsoo walks toward you, holding his hot and erect dick. He doesn’t say a word, just locking eyes with you. He places his other hand on the back of your head. He taps his tip to your lips, then rubs it around while moaning. Without a second of hesitation, his hips move back and he thrusts his cock in your mouth. “Shiiit. I missed your mouth on my dick,” his throat rattling while clenching his eyes shut. You hum in response which causes him to jolt. He’s motionless, letting you decide the speed and depth. He’s watching you with adoration at how noisily and sloppy you suck on him. “Your mouth is perfect,” he grunts, then adds, “Your pussy is even better,” now smirking.
His deep brown eyes open again to see drool running down your mouth. He puts more pressure on the back of your head which startles you. He forces almost his whole dick in your mouth at once. You can tell he’s getting more desperate to come. You begin to gag as tears fall down your cheeks. He’s at full throttle thrusting his dick into your mouth, making deep grunting sounds. His dick hits the back of your throat which causes you to whine. Still fucking viciously he asks, “You can take it, right? A filthy slut like you should be able to. Show my neighbors how well you suck my cock.” This causes you to panic, forgetting the curtainless windows. Your eyes move toward the windows, trying to see if anyone is watching. Just then, his dick begins to twitch and throb at the shaft, you know he’s close to coming. His cock is getting thicker and makes your jaw sore and tight as you’re barely able to breathe.
“Oh that’s right. You can’t answer. Your mouth is too full,” he winces and grunts, panting loudly. As you feel him about to come, he lets out the sexiest and deepest moan and suddenly, moves his hips back and pulls his cock from your mouth. Strings of saliva connect from your mouth to his shaft. You’re both trying to catch your breath. Kyungsoo looks even more angry than earlier. “Baby, I wanted to taste your come,” you look up at him with an innocent stare. “I’m not coming until I make you come first, which may be awhile. I wanna play with you and deny you until you beg me over and over,” he says as he moves strands of hair from your face. Your pussy aches at his dirty words, now dripping onto his sofa.
“Let’s see how wet you got,” he says with his hard dick still protruding from the opening in his pants. He takes another step toward you and leans over you. His hand goes to your knees and opens them forcefully. Still struggling against your restraints, he pushes you, straightening you against the backrest of the couch. Your legs open even more, your feet no longer able to touch the floor. “Please untie me. I wanna touch you,” you mumble out, still writhing.
Not answering, Kyungsoo reaches his hand back under your dress, touching your labia softly. “I see gagging on my dick made you drip even more,” he says with a tight-lipped smile. “Or was it the fact that someone was watching us? You like being treated like a little slut, don’t you?” Forming a coherent sentence isn’t working, so you just look up at him and nod frantically. He’s now barely touching your engorged clit, sliding up and down. Each time he puts a bit of pressure on your entrance, you instinctively close your legs. “Open. You like when I tease your pussy?” he asks while lowering himself, kneeling on the floor in front of you. All you can do is arch your back and nod.
You’re now deeply gazing into each other’s eyes while Kyungsoo massages your needy pussy. Your dress is still covering you which makes your insides flip. This reminds you of the first time you met him. He ghosted his fingers up your skirt at a bar, a total stranger. You blurt out, “Everytime. Especially when you fondled me at the bar.” He raises one eyebrow at you and says, “Oh, so you like it when people watch? The bartender definitely noticed.” He continues his ministrations on your vulva and adds, “Fuck baby, you are drenched.”
Your gaze goes down to his still rock hard dick. You want to touch it, you want it inside you. He sees the way you’re looking at him and where you’re looking but doesn’t let up on your pussy. He starts stroking his dick with one hand and circles your clit with the other. You’re both panting and moaning. You start to whimper louder at him while watching his veiny forearm moving under your dress.
You see a flash of light in your periphery, causing your head to turn toward the windows. Your blurry vision is making it difficult to discern shapes and forms. Maybe someone was watching you. Maybe they took a picture. These thoughts cause you to gush even more resulting in Kyungsoo saying, “Eyes on me baby. You checking to see if anyone is looking?” The speed of his fingers on your clit makes you throw your head back. Now you’re moaning and moving your hips up and down, wanting to make his fingers go faster. You take deep breaths and look into his dark wanton eyes, “Yes, baby. I want them to see how you make me come. See how wet I am for you. I’m so close.”
Your movements are more rapid and desperate, matching the rhythm of his hand. He’s still death gripping his cock, you’re convinced he’s going to come all over you and your pretty dress. Your yelps get louder and louder, “Kyungsoo! Pll-leeease. Let me come on your hand!” Just as you lift your weight from the couch, about to snap, he stops again. “Fuuuck! You can’t,” you yell out to him. He just grins and places a hard slap on your clit, causing you to jerk and yowl. More tears come streaming down your face as he takes his hand away from your clenching pussy yet again.
He stands up, towering over you, and starts to jerk off. He seems to be getting more aroused after denying and edging you for the second time. “I can. And I did,” he says in a flat tone. He strokes himself quicker until he can’t edge himself any longer. “Shit. I almost came,” he says as he tries to place his raging dick back inside the opening in his pants. You’re in shock right now. The way he’s speaking to you, treating you, making sure his neighbors watch, making you so dripping wet and not letting you come.
Once he’s done zipping himself up, he comes closer to you. He closes your legs and has you sit forward on the couch. He begins untying your wrists very slowly, with purpose. You are finally able to place your hands in front of you, your shoulders aching. He soothes over your wrists now bearing red marks where you were rubbed raw in all your writhing and grinding. He softly fixes your hair so it’s not in your eyes and wipes away your tear stained cheeks. “It’s okay now baby. I think you learned a lesson. And I learned that you like to be watched and degraded,” he says and then places a hot kiss on your lips. As your tongues meet, he can taste himself and starts to moan.
He sits next to you on the couch after breaking away and says, “Your mouth tastes like my dick. That’s so fucking hot.” You finally reach out for him, placing your hands anywhere and everywhere. His face, his chest, his dick straining in his pants, and then embrace him in a comforting hug. As your head rests on his shoulder, squeezing him tightly you say, “You have corrupted me. I was never this slutty before. You like teaching innocent women to be whores?” He removes you from your embrace gazing into your eyes, “I didn’t realize you were so innocent. But I still have some things to teach you.” You begin kissing him again, his soft plump lips are irresistible.
“Please make me come. I need you,” you start to whimper while climbing onto his lap, locking lips again. His bulge is pressing into your bare cunt. He can feel your wetness soaking into his pants. He touches your thighs while sloppily making out, loving the feeling of your nylons. He grabs on your thighs harder and stands up. You lock your legs around his waist and whimper with surprise. You stop kissing him to see where he is taking you. You ask, “Where are we going?” He continues walking and with each sway his bulge knocks your pussy, causing small moans to emit from your throat.
He reaches his bedroom and walks towards the bed, tossing you on it. You drop down flat on your back and move your legs up and open them wide. It’s only for a second, then you place the fabric of your dress in between your legs, hiding your dripping and drooling pussy from him. He notices this and snickers, “Not uh baby. Don’t hide, I know what you want. Don’t be shy now.”
He’s removing his button up shirt in the slowest, most painstaking way imaginable, just standing staring at you. You reach your arms out without saying anything, just whining and rocking your hips up and down. “Just a minute. You’re so impatient,” he says with a slight annoyance in his tone. “You teased me for so long and didn’t let me come! Of course I’m impatient!” you quip, not able to wait any longer.
You get up from the bed and start rushing to help him remove his pants and underwear. Once he realizes, he holds your wrists shaking his head, “No baby, let me. No touching or I’ll have to tie you up again.” Heeding his command, you look down and return to his bed. “Don’t sulk now,” he says, throwing his shirt to the floor. God, his fucking body was perfect. His skin, a nice tan, glistens with beads of sweat. You want to put your mouth all over him, your hands lightly scratching his ribs to see his reaction. You just sit there and sigh while watching him ever so slowly undress. Once his pants pool around his ankles, your eyes brighten, knowing you’re about to witness his hot throbbing cock.
Once his cock is free, you can’t help but stare, not caring if he notices. You start massaging your breast while ogling his body. He smiles and gives you a sweet but passionate kiss. You wrap your hands and legs around his waist while he’s still standing over you. He starts to unzip your dress, lowering it over your chest, exposing your lacy black bra. He moves a strap down your shoulder, finally revealing your breast. He immediately starts to grab at it and pulls your nipple, still placing smothering kisses to your lips.
He grabs your thighs and drags you to the edge of the bed. He moans aloud seeing the sight of your bare and dripping pussy. He frees your arms from your dress and bra, sliding it down to your waist. He then flips the bottom of your dress up bunching in a band with the top. He’s obviously too worked up to properly undress you. He strokes his dick and places the tip over your slit, collecting your slick. He places light smacks to your pussy with his heavy twitching cock. You’re moaning and writhing, “Baby, please give it to me. I need your cock.”
He places his bulbous tip to your tight opening, “I got you, it’s okay.” He slowly works the tip in your pussy, feeling your wetness cover you, glistening. He’s teasing you over and over with his tip only, barely thrusting. You try to buck your hips to bury more of his dick into you. His hands come to both hips and hold you tightly to the bed, unable to move. Keeping you still, he buries more inches into your clenching cunt. You moan uncontrollably, head thrown back, “Ow baby! It’s too much!” He grunts and halts his movements, “You’re dripping wet. You can handle it.”
He fucks more of thick cock into you, each time you whine and try to pull yourself away from him. His grip on you prevents you from moving at all. He comes down to your face, placing his mouth to your ear whispering, “You’re not going anywhere. You can take it.” Your arms start pushing at his chest, then hitting his thighs. No matter how you struggle, he thrusts more of himself into you. He’s unable to bury himself completely, you’re not open enough, still tense and frightened. In the struggling and writhing, you fuck your pussy on to him not meaning to, causing a loud grunt.
He releases your hips and holds your knees wide. You moan and more tears stain your red cheeks. “You’re too big,” you yell out and his hips still, dick throbbing in your pussy. He gives you a devilish grin and starts moving his hips slowly back and forth, stretching you out and says, “Shit, your pussy is clenching so hard. You took it before.”
You whine and start humping to meet his thrusts. Since he’s holding your legs open, you start caressing your clit. “I’m gonna come on your dick!” You yell out and start moving faster. He takes the hint and rails into you. He looks at you, his bangs obscuring his eyes and thick eyebrows, unable to read his expression in the dim light of his bedroom. He looks down at your tight pussy lips wrapping around his cock, sucking and throbbing around him. He can notice his dick is covered by your white slick, ending in a ring, showing him how deep you can take him.
While he’s hypnotized by your pussy being stretched, his face shifts lower, his features disappearing altogether. He thrusts even deeper into you, giving you slower strokes. This becomes too much, you can feel every vein and twitch in his cock, filling you tighter, stretching you more. Your head flies back and your arms stretch out to touch his chest, “I’m coming!” He holds your legs back and tries not to come, affected by your thrashing limbs and constricting pussy. Your eyes shut tight, seeing kaleidoscope-like patterns behind your lids.
While shivering and moaning from your orgasm, Kyungsoo never lets up, still thrusting into you. Your pussy flexing on his dick takes him over the edge, he groans slack-jawed and pulls himself from your pussy. He unloads on your mound and pussy lips, some landing on your stomach and dress, as he grunts and strokes more come onto you.
You’re still shaking from coming and then feeling him come onto you just made it last longer. Without a lull, he fucks his come-covered cock back into you. Your eyes open wide, focusing on his face. His pupils are blown wide, a primal need. The noises you both emit are so fucking hot and needy. He really starts to pound into you, neither of you are able to recover from your orgasms.
After so much buildup, he can’t stop, he needs to feel you around him so badly. “Fucking god, baby. I can’t stop. I need your pussy always. You feel so good around my dick,” he says with heavy eyelids, grunting each time he penetrates you.
“Give it to me now. I want more,” you whimper as he pumps into you even faster. He places his hands on your shoulders, rocking you down into his cock. You hold your legs back and crane your neck down to take a glance at his dick. It’s sticky with each other’s come, creating wet, sloppy noises.
He’s fucking into you and pressing you down onto him, meeting in the middle, using you like an object. His head tilts back with a look of ecstasy, moaning deeply, “You’re going to make me come again.” He thrusts more and more until his hips go farther back, making his dick fall from your pussy. He whines out and humps his cock over your slit, coming all over you again.
When the come hits your chest, spurting a greater distance, you start to writhe and then giggle. You’re in disbelief at how much there is and how quickly he came again. “Holy fuck baby. You’re unbelievable. Missed me huh?” you ask while batting your eyelashes at him. He’s trying to catch his breath and holds onto his dick, slapping and smearing his come around your pussy lips.
Your body jerks and your eyes flinch at the feeling. You moan and smile up at him. He meets your stare, his eyes are dark and dreamy. He places his tip near your entrance and starts rubbing it in circles, trying to fuck you again. You jerk again due to oversensitivity, whining out. “It’s okay. I denied you, now I will overstimulate you,” he whispers into the silent room.
He thrusts into you without warning causing you to yell out. Your cunt is still dripping and wrapping tight around him. “How are you still so tight? Sluts aren’t supposed to be,” he says while fucking into you with desperate strokes. Your pussy clenches at the words that just fell from his amazingly plump lips. He is so sexy and mysterious, especially in the low light. Your inner slutty thoughts invade; you hope you are being watched. It’s like he’s a stranger that broke in and decided to have his way with you. He’s not speaking much but when he does he’s either praising or degrading you. There’s no inbetween.
Your legs go up onto his shoulders, his dick pressing into new places within your cunt. He’s massaging your breasts, pulling at your nipples, still fucking you as hard as he can. Moaning out louder, yet deeper, “I’m going to come inside your pussy, it’s just too pretty.” You yelp and start twitching, arriving at the end before you snap. Your grunts turn into yells, feeling his cock driving all the way in and stills. You’re coming all over him again, gyrating your hips, making your pussy fuck onto him. His dick throbs again, causing him to get thicker, and squirts his come into you. He’s so deep inside and moaning and delicately fondling your tits. He moves his body lower, feeling his lips yours, just breathing heavily into each other.
You can feel his dick release more come into you, each time you both moan out in harmony. “I love feeling you come deep inside me,” you mumble before pressing your lips to his. His lips move harder and quicker once they meet yours, desperate to feel you moan into his mouth. He’s propped up on his elbow above you, just kissing you passionately, still hard inside you. He starts to lightly thrust his come into your pussy. You gasp out and hear how your pussy squelches around his dick. You can feel so much wetness and come squish around your thighs and in between your chests.
You have been completely fucked dumb and used. He has come on you twice and in your pussy once. Now he’s fucking his load deeper inside, while making out with you and using his come as lube. It’s not as if you haven't had a fountain between your legs since walking through his door. “All of this come for me?” you ask him and wiggle your hips, causing his dick to grow in your pussy. “You’re just cock hungry aren’t you? At first you couldn’t take it, now you can’t get enough,” he says, still barely moving his hips.
He straightens back up, standing above you, rubbing his hands up and down your soft legs. He flips you over onto your stomach. He gropes your pussy and smacks your ass with his wet fingers. You moan out, “Fuck.” You clench your thighs tighter and start whining, hips moving in circles. He’s slapping each cheek harder causing you to yelp. Your ass stings and burns as you’re gradually moving up toward the pillows, away from his angry palm.
You feel his weight sink onto the bed and slowly straddle your legs, his dick snapping against your ass. He pries your cheeks apart to see his come oozing from your used hole. “You said you needed to come. I’m just helping,” he says while pressing his thumb on his tip forcing it into your pussy. His tip pops inside and you release a guttural yell. He’s fucking you into the mattress which is helping his thrusts bounce back.
With your legs together, you can feel every part of his throbbing cock rubbing and stretching you. He’s huffing and puffing with each stroke, his hair damp falling into his face. You’re tugging and punching the pillows above your head as you try to lift your hips from the bed. His weight keeps you still and he begins to pump faster and faster. You start to shiver and your toes curl. He recognizes this as a sign that you’re close, always quietly observant.
His pupils are blown out as he moans and ruts into your clenching pussy. With his new pattern of strokes, hitting a new spot inside you, you yelp, “-Soo… I’m coming again, oh god!” He doesn’t slow down through your orgasm. You keep whispering his name and expletives as you’re still convulsing and whining. His cock pummels faster than ever. He grabs onto your hair and pulls down, causing your back to arch. “Shit baby, keep coming on my dick,” he says as he’s now about to come for the fourth time tonight.
The feeling of being filled up by him again makes your orgasm never end. You feel waves washing over you with each spurt of his cum. Your pussy is still contracting, milking him until empty. He grunts each time he spills into your tight pussy then moans out a loud exhale, this repeated over and over. Your clit is flexing as he’s still fucking into you. He wants to fuck all of his come deep inside, none of it wasted. His hips halt, but his dick penetrates you.
He lets go of your hair, allowing your chest to fall to the bed. You huff out and your pussy throbs, causing him to grunt. He gives you a few more little pumps. You both whine when he pulls his come-covered dick from your used pussy. His come begins dripping from your hole. He stares in awe as it leaks out, your pussy flexing each time. His fingers slide over your slit and he gathers some come. You turn your head to look over your shoulder, he puts his fingers in his mouth, moaning while sucking them dry. This is honestly the hottest thing you’ve ever witnessed, and the dirtiest thing you’ve seen Kyungsoo do.
He smacks your ass causing you to whimper at the stings. He moves to lay next to you. You turn on your back, matching him, and place your head on his chest. He rubs his hand over your ribs and stomach, making you shiver. His open palm covers the expanse of your torso. His fingertips hit below your tits and his wrist below your navel. You feel so small next to him.
“Shit, baby. I’ve never come that many times in a row. You have the best pussy,” he whispers, kissing your head. “I was saving it all up for you,” he adds. You lovingly look up at him, blushing at his compliment. “I love that you treat me sweetly outside the bedroom and a whore inside it,” you smirk and rub your thumb on his bottom lip. Your hips move forward, touching his body and kissing him with fervor. Between breaths from kissing you can hear Kyungsoo say ‘baby’ and sexily sigh.
You’re still slick as Kyungsoo turns on his side facing you. You instinctively place your leg over him, your calf resting on his hip. You start rutting forward, your pussy lips hardly making contact with his hard, glistening cock. You moan, “I need more of you.” He smirks, thrusting toward you, “You can come on my dick again. Give me your pretty little pussy.”
I know it ends too abruptly. Kinda blanking on what’s next. Any suggestions for further arcs? Where should it go next? Should I end it? Make a new fic?
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ohwowimlonley · 2 years
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚FOR AU TUESDAY ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
tattoo artist!eddie doing reader sternum/under boob tattoo, i want a bat under my boobs going all the way across (like the wings spread underneath each titty? ya know😳) anyway smth smutty ofc, im thinking maybe pre-established relationship so like he’s all “i’m the only one who gets to do those kinda places, some dude doesn’t get to see ur boobs 😡😡” like imagine him pulling his hair back and putting on those little black gloves. he tells how good ur doing and keeps calling you sweetheart (this happened w my tattoo guy but he’s like an old man😭😭) - good god 🫠🥴
i’m sorry that’s a lot and i hope it makes sense but i’m excited!!!! i have so many ideas 😭🫶🏻u said ghostface and my brain short circuited
Eek! I love him!! Send in all you want bby!!
Tad nsfw
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“Take your top off then, princess,” he tugs on the hem of the material, cheeky grin on his face because he hasn’t set up yet and therefore it’s completely unnecessary for you to be half naked. Eddie admires the view, skilled fingers setting out various inks and paper towels, blindly cleaning all of his individual tools by muscle memory alone.
“Okay, lemme see,” he pulled his wheelie chair closer, right to the edge of the latex covered one you were resting against. Really, there was no need for him to come closer and inspect your tits; he’d seen them so many times that the image was burned into his memory. You rolled your eyes as his fingers came up to probe at your exposed chest, prodding at muscle, smoothing a hand down your sternum, eyes flitting over the skin you wanted to stain with ink. He was gentle with you, pushing ever so lightly on your ribs to make you lay back on the chair, “are you sure? Remember what I said?”
“Yeah, yeah, once the needles on my skin, you’re not gonna stop,” you repeated distractedly, slipping a hairband from your wrist and helping him bunch his endless curls into a messy half-bun to keep it away from his eyes.
He had you in a private room, one the he usually used to do intimate piercings instead of tattoos, so it was a bit more cramped than usual. You believed that Eddie did it on purpose, sure that he crowded the chair into the corner to keep him closer to you. The door was bolted shut, and when you asked why, he said, “all these guys are fuckin’ pervs, don’t want them seeing my girls,”
Eddie snaps a pair of gloves over his wrists, unfortunately covering up a plethora of knuckle tattoos, wiggling latex fingers in your direction to get a giggle in response. When he finally began the process of puncturing your skin, you finally grasped why he was distracting you. He tried to ease your pain as much as possible, cooing at you as he traced the stenciled drawing of a bat, working from under your left breast and moving up.
“Good girl, so good f’me,” he didn’t take his eyes from the machine piercing your skin, laser focused on getting it right for you, “brave girl. My big, brave girlie,”
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lefthandedhotch · 11 months
hiiiii <333 how are youuu linnnnn🥰🥰🥰💞💞 i hope you're doing very good😚💞 it's almost summer aka hotch at the beach season🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 EEK!!! i have so many cute silly little beach hotch thoughts AHHH!!!!! so here is one of probably many :D
crying and screaming and shaking over single mom reader and hotch againnnnnnnnnn you and aaron have been dating for a couple of months and have introduced jack and your little girl to each other already so everything feels SO!!! RIGHT!!! and good!!! and sweet🥺🥺🥺 the weather is getting warmer and the kiddos are so happy that school is out for the summer because they both love school and learning, but now they have more time to hang out with each other :D you and aaron kick off the summer and all the playdates (and dates you and aaron will have🥰) your kiddos will have with a beach day!!! the kiddos LOVE the beach, you guys set up an umbrella and a blanket close to the shore so jack and your daughter can search for shells and cool rocks and so they can play in the waves that lap at their tiny feet🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭🤭 they stand at the wet sand and when the waves come splashing in, they squeal and run back to you and aaron, plopping into your laps with soooooo many giggles as your little girl giggles as she snuggles into aaron "the water is soooo cold on my toessssss🤭🤭🤭" aaron grins at you over her head <333 at some point the kids want aaron to come into the water with them and he's got his swim shorts on but he also has a shirt on which is fineee but when you arrived you hoped you'd be able to Stare at his chest that you love so much🥺🥺 as he's about to get into the water, jack whines "daaaaaddyyyyyy :( i got you that shirt for your birthdayyyyy :( please dont get it wet🥺🥺🥺" you snort when aaron looks over at you for help and you shake your head to signal "you're on your own🤭😚" as you sip from a water bottle hehehehe aaron looks at jack's 🥺 face and knows he is weak against his boy's sweet little face so he takes off his shirt and as he walks back over to you to drop the shirt with the rest of the stuff, he chuckles at the 🥰🤩 looks you send his way hehehehe after so much splashy fun (and lots of sneaky kisses between you and aaron) you guys wrap up the day by watching the sunset with two soggy little babies in your laps, sleepily babbling about how much fun they had and how next time, you guys HAVE to bring stuff to make sandcastles😌😌😌 they fall asleep a bit after that and aaron carefully moves the little bug on his lap off so he can start packing up🥰🥰🥰 you two carry the kids (and the stuff) back to the car and on the way home, aaron notices you shivering and he offers you his sweater and you shrug it on and get soooooo cozy in his sweet car, listening to his 70s/80s rock, two cute little sleeping angels in the backseat WAAAHHHHHHH🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
hehehehe hiiiiiii jess-jess i’m good 🥰 how are youuuu?? 🥰🥰💕☺️ EEEK!!! yay summer and beachy aaron season!!!!!! 🥳🥳 i can’t wait for allllllllll the happy summer hotch thoughts 🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
WEEPS!!!!!! you and your little girl get up a lil early and get all ready to go to aaron’s apartment with all your beach bags to pick up your hotchner boys so you guys can have a whole fun day at the beach!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 the boys aren’t quiteeeeeee ready yet hehe so you help aaron finish up packing a cooler of yummy snacks and drinks while the kiddos run around and giggle about everything they’re gonna do at the beach hehe and when you and aaron finish up in the kitchen, he tugs you into him with a cute playful grin and gives you a sweeeeeet sweet smooch before you guys go collect the excited little bugs and get the car all loaded up to go!!! 🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕
the kiddos are sooooooo happy and giggly the whole time you guys are at the beach, they’re just so excited to be outside and having fun together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 hehehehe at one point (after aaron has taken his shirt off and you’ve gotten to Stare all you want🥳🥰🥹🥵☺️🤭) jackers comes running back up from the water to Plop into your lap for a little break and some juice, and while you giggle and chat with your favorite little boy you can’t help but watch aaron splash around with your giggly squealy girl in the waves 🥰 when a speed boat or something goes speeding by and making Big Waves come up to the shore, your heart gets soooooo fuzzy and fluttery when you see aaron keeping your daughter steady so the big waves don’t topple her over while she stomps around in the water to make little baby girl sized splashes 🥺💕 it just makes you fall deeper and deeper in love with him whenever you see him being so good to and with your little girl 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 hehehehehehe a few hours later, you and aaron carry your soggy sleepy babies back to the car but before he drives you guys back to the apartment, aaron leans over to kiss you sooooo softly and he murmurs “you can borrow some jammies if you want to spend the night” with the cutest little grin that makes you giggle “you’re never getting those jammies back from me, i hope you know” and he laughs because Of Course he knows that hehehe but he doesn’t care!!!! he just wants you to stay :( and he knows that it’ll be easier for your little girl if you guys can just tuck her in for a little nap at his place rather than trying to get her home and in her bed before she wakes up and gets grumpy 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 and as you guys drive home as a little family, aaron cant stop thinking that he never thought his life could be this Peaceful and Lovely and he’s just so so SO happy to have this little family you and he created 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
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cringemesstickles · 7 months
Tickly Kisses
(TickleTober Day 22: Ticklish Kisses)
Summary: Mike attacks Will with kisses
Pairing: Byler
Word Count: 728
A/N: the amount of byler tword content is scarce so I thought I’d contribute. Idk man they’re too cute :’)
The sun was setting in Hawkins Indiana, casting a golden hue through the youngest Byers’ window.
Lots of change had taken place over the course of the year, some bad, some good; one of the good changes however, was the new relationship between Will Byers and Mike Wheeler.
Today, the two lovebirds sat in Will’s bedroom, Mike flipping through an old comic book while Will sat at his desk, engrossed in his current artistic project. Though they were both doing separate activities, they were together and that’s all that they needed.
After awhile of sitting in comfortable silence, Mike started to feel bored, looking over at his boyfriend who was lost in his own world of creativity.
Getting an idea, he closed his comic book and carefully set it aside, hopping up from the bed and slowly making his way towards the unsuspecting artist.
When he reached his destination, he waited for Will to put down his pencil, not wanting to risk ruining the project by causing him to slip.
When the brunette set his pencil aside in favor of reaching for a marker, Mike put his plan into motion.
Before the boy could grab his marker, his boyfriend spun the chair around to face him, eliciting a sharp gasp from the Byers.
“Mike, you scared me- hey! Mihihike!” Any words that he tried to get out were cut off by the feeling of soft lips against his neck, peppering the skin with loving - and ticklish - kisses.
“What? I’m just showing you how much I love you.” Said the taller boy, smiling against the skin.
This comment caused Will’s cheeks to take on a rosy tint, and he was kind of glad that Mike couldn’t see it from his position.
“I-I love you tohohohohoo, but that tickles!” He giggled, hands resting on his boyfriend’s shoulders, head tipped back to welcome the affection, despite his protests.
Mike had known that Will was tickling LONG before they started dating.
He’d always tickle his - at the time - friend when he needed a pick me up or when he just seemed like he could use a good laugh, and the shorter boy never seemed to mind; he’d squirm around but would never make any attempts to escape and sometimes, albeit rarely, he’d get the courage to ask for the playful attention.
It was one of those things that made him love Will even more.
“Mike, plehehehease!”
The brunette squirmed in his seat, halfheartedly trying to dislodge his lover from his sensitive neck, which was starting to turn pink as well.
Mike started to laugh as well, the sound vibrating against Will’s skin and making it tickle more.
“I can’t help it, you’re too adorable!” He teased, continuing his barrage of ticklish kisses.
Will, though starting to reach his limit, couldn’t help the euphoria that had overcome him.
The reality of someone he loved for so long loving him back was just setting in and he couldn’t be happier, and he let himself continue to laugh and melt away into the silly moment.
“Am nohohohot! Eek- plehehease!”
The taller boy was about to relent, but then he realized there was one more thing left to do.
“Okay okay, one more thing and then I’m done…” He assured, letting Will catch his breath for a moment.
The brunette’s eyes flickered with curiosity and a trace of excitement.
“And what would thAHAHA- MIHIHIKE NO!” He squealed, childlike laughter following suit as Mike blew a sharp raspberries in the crook of his neck, sending ticklish shocks through his whole body.
At those words, the Wheeler immediately pulled away, not wanting to overwhelm his boyfriend.
He watched the artist recuperate from the tickly attack, eyes filled with love and affection.
Not missing a beat, he leaned in to connect their lips, locking them both in a soft, tender kiss.
When they pulled away, they shared a look of mutual infatuation.
“I love you, even when you torture me with tickles…” Will smiled, bashfully averting his gaze.
Mike laughed and pulled the shorter boy up from his chair, guiding them both to the bed.
“If you really love me, you’ll take a break from the paper and engage in some cuddle time~” He grinned cheekily, earning a chuckle from Will.
“Deal… but no more tickles!”
With a heart full of love, Mike smirked.
“No promises.”
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
this is my first time requesting something so im kinda nervous but i’m obsessed with ps!ghost and your writing 🫶
what if something happens on set so reader is like uncomfortable or even hurt while shooting with someone else and ghost comforts her like :((((
totally get it if this is something you’re not comfortable with writing<3
aaaww sweetheart heyhihello, no need to feel nervous at all! I’m super flattered and excited that you sent your first request to me eek 💗
this scenario is something that I actually already have a few sketches for, and I’m super, super excited to properly work on those!! it just feels like such a big part of sex, as well as the relationship of ghost and the reader and I can’t wait to explore it further and to share it with you all. a bit of a fix it fic for all our shitty experiences, eh? 🥲
thank you so, so much for sending this in and for the love!! 💕
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c0mbatchameleon · 5 days
what’s a song you associate with regulus?
HIII I was hoping someone would ask me this one… I have so many songs for him but the two that come to mind rn are:
1. Smother by Daughter <33
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I think this song just encapsulates a self hatred that runs deep, down to the bone. this belief that there is something fundamentally wrong with him, passed down in the womb, something that is damned to stain everything he touches. of course it’s just a product of trauma from his upbringing.
I think this one could rlly fit into canon. I’ve always loved the line “in the darkness I will meet my creators and they will all agree that I’m a suffocater.” to me “creators” refers to one’s parents, but also a god, but also both at the same time? And it really fits for walburga and Orion’s presence in his life, but even further, Voldemort’s. They all become these like monolithic figures in his life, all knowing and all powerful, and he’s desperately trying to live devoutly by them but it’s never enough, and ultimately they will still forsake him.
It just screams doomed by the narrative, but more importantly, doomed by himself. We see in the song that the “creator”s words are ultimately what shapes the narrators entire self image, and so he can only ever suffocate and smother and destroy and decay, and his relationship with James is doomed from the get go simply because he cannot fathom any other outcome, and so his own narrative shapes his reality. His relationships and entire life is doomed—he shouldn’t have been born, he should just decompose and leave behind the mess he’s made of it all. Eek.
2. Love Love Love by Big Thief
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To me this just screams Regulus’ final thoughts / message to Sirius and James from the cave. Every time I listen to it I imagine it like sooo vividly. Like cmon “I already died I’m calling from the other side,” and “there’s a bottle out in the sea with a message inside from me saying release my love.” !!!!
Again there’s that devastating self hatred and doom in the sentiment like you have so much love and I am so selfish because I can’t help but breathe it and I know I don’t talk the same way you do, I’m a liar and a coward and my love is locked somewhere deep inside me if it’s even there at all and I’m already as good as dead, but I’ll still call you and bleed your love one last time because fuck I’m so scared. and maybe when I die here that love will be released, maybe this is the only time I could ever let you know—here, sending a message out in the sea, moments from the end.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
For request.. lee!Leopold and Ler!asta with a jealous Yuno on the side?
Oo, my boys! Honestly this went from Lee!Leopold to Switches!Everyone but with heavy focus on Leopold getting wrecked, so I hope that's okay! :D I've gotcha covered, anon!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
“I think we’re safe…” Asta whispered from his hiding spot beside Yuno, the sets of wide eyes watching as Sister Lily ran out, looking around. They were too far out to hear her, but judging by the faint scowl on her lips, she was rather crossed.
“Asta, I told you we shouldn’t have done that! We scared Sister Lily!” Yuno whispered, his pout starting to quiver as the shorter boy covered his mouth, fighting down giggles. “Asta!”
“Come on- you know that was funny! Sister Lily was all: ‘EEK!’” Asta mimicked the sound so perfectly his friend was barely fighting down giggles himself. “See? You thought it was funny too!”
“No I didn’t! Stop lying!” Yuno turned away, puffing his cheeks. The gray haired boy giggled before reaching out, grabbing his brother’s sides. “No! Stahhap that! Aahhahahasta!”
“Admit it was funny! Come on, you know you thought so too!” Asta cooed sweetly, pulling Yuno’s curling form into him as he tickled his belly. “I’m gonna keep tickling you until you admit it!”
“Noohohohohoho! Ahahahahhahastaahahaha!”
“Stahhahap it! Ahahhaha, you jeheheheherk!”
Yuno blinked, coming out of his memory at the sound of laughter. Turning to look, his gaze grew fond as he watched Leopold and Asta roll around in the grass beside him. What they were arguing about was lost to him, but it must have been pretty serious for Asta to pull out his tickle moves.
“Who are you calling a jerk, you walking bonfire! Oo, I’m gonna get you now!” The shorter of the pair pushed, sending Leopold onto his back as he danced his fingers along his belly, earning a proper squeal. “Aww, is someone ticklish? Huh? Is he?”
It was…strange, the whole “squad” thing. Besides Asta, Yuno didn’t think he’d have much of a social circle growing up. Hage was small, with the majority of the residents adults or elderly. The few kids there were..well; them and their younger siblings.
Then he joined the magic knights and ended up with not only a handful of amazing friends and teammates, but an incredibly loving boyfriend. Who- at the moment- was currently getting his socks knocked off by his brother’s childish antics.
It was nice, even when sometimes Yuno’s chest would tighten like now, a strange mix of longing and jealousy settling beneath the happy feelings in his gut. He had no reason to feel this way.
And yet…
“Ahahahahasta! Ahahahhahsta, coohohohohme oohohohon! Leheheheht me uhuuhuhuhp!” Leopold cried, cheeks pink and eyes cracked open with tears. He sounded a tad breathless, his grip moreso a gesture as his hands came around Asta’s wrists. “Plehehehahhahase, I gihihihihive!”
“Hehe, okay.” Asta laughed, pulling his hands back. Before he could properly stand up however-
“GOTCHA!” Leopold roared, jumping on Asta with vengeful fingers. Their game continued, fresh squeals of laughter filling Yuno’s ears and twisting the ache in his gut tighter.
“Oohohohoohoh, you jehehheheherk! Coohohoohohme heheheheehhere!” Asta wrapped his arms around Leopold, putting his muscles to work to quickly flip off the other. Once free, he looked around.
For a brief second, Yuno felt his heart race with anticipation. Was he going to…
But then Asta was tackling Leopold into the grass once more, fingers flying over his belly and making him shriek. Yuno averted his gaze before they could see his face fall.
“Wahahahhahit-wahhahahait, Ahahahahahhsta stahhahahap!” Leopold cried, tapping frequently at the other’s shoulder. Asta, noticing the sudden change, stopped. Before he could sit up however, Leopold dragged him down, whispering something.
Yuno shook his head, face warm with self loathing. He should be happy they’re getting along so well, and yet here he was sulking like a child. He’d better leave before his bad mood ruins their fun.
In his moment of self-loathing though, he failed to notice the two figures crawling up to him from either side.
“Yuuuuno~” Asta’s voice cooed, making him jump and scrunch up.
“Look what we have here~” Leopold teased on his other side, fingers worming their way into his ribs. “Is someone feeling left out? You know you just have to ask to join in.”
“Gah! Aheahhahahahaha! Whahahahit, wahahhait, pleahahhahse!” Yuno doubled over in giggles, arms pressing tightly into his sides as he tried and failed to block out the fingers tapping along his sides. “Thahahahhat’s not ihiihiihiht!”
“Mm-hm. Sure it’s not.” Asta teased, dropping his hand lower so he could knead the spot beneath his lower ribs. “You know when you lie your ears get all red, Yuno.”
Almost immediately, Yuno reached up to cover them.
“GOTCHA!” Leopold laughed as his fingers went right for the now open spot, earning a proper shriek from the other. “I can’t believe you fell for that! You’re too cute!” His teasy remarks were near lost as Yuno doubled over in mirth. “For such a stoic prince, you sure have a pretty smile!”
“EHEHEHEHE LEHEHEHEO! AHAHHAHASTA STAHAHHAHAP IHIHIIHIHIIT!” Yuno cried out, his chest starting to get tight from lack of oxygen. Slowly, the tickles came to an end, a few skittering fingers flying over his neck for good measure. Yuno scrunched up some with a snort, swatting at the hands. When he came back too, he tried to glare, crumbling into a small laugh almost immediately upon seeing their giddy expressions. “You two are terrible!”
“Nah, you loved it!” Asta teased, lighty shoving him.
“Yeah! Plus I didn’t see you try to fight back! You wanted that!” Leopold threw himself over his shoulders, hugging him tightly. “Is that why you were looking so sad? Because you felt left out?”
Yuno blinked, feeling his ears redden. So they did notice. “...No?”
“Liar.” Both pointed at his ears. The wind mage sighed some, shaking his head.
“Fine, okay- maybe a little.” He admitted, a part of him cringing at the confession. It sounded worse in his ears.
“Aww, Yuno!” Asta laughed softly, hugging him just as tight. “All you had to do is ask! Heck, really- all you needed to do was join in! I could easily take both down!”
“Bet?” Leopold shared a look with Yuno.
“Bet!” Asta grinned, even as he was suddenly being shifted back. “Wait! Wait-I wasn’t read-ehehehehehehhhhehehehe!”
“Sorry, what? I thought you could beat us!” Leopold teased, hands working circles into Asta’s waist.
“Come on, Shortsta- show us what you got.” Yuno smirked, how own hands worming into Asta’s knees, making him kick and cackle.
Sure enough, it wasn’t long before Asta’s muscles kicked in, sending them both flying back and Asta once again attacking Leopold with everything he had. “Yuno! Come help kill your boyfriend!” He cried out, laughing as Leopold squealed and shrieked.
“Nohoohohohooho! Hehehhehehelp mehehehehehhehehehe!” Leopold pleaded, cheeks red.
“Hmm…okay.” Yuno shrugged before joining the fray once more, who he was targeting was lost even to him. That awful twisted feeling in his gut was gone as the three laughed themselves silly.
The whole “Squad” thing was new to him, but Yuno was starting to realize he rather liked it.
Thanks for reading!
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taesankisser · 10 days
hi sol my love ! i adore your writing sm, but idk much about bnd other than listening to a few songs here and there :(( but i wILL continue reading your works!! so i wanted to know some curiosities that you think are cool about the members and ur faves videos/interviews with them, like, what i need to consume to know them more?
no need to answer tho, i know ur not googlejejdjejd but i wanted to get closer to your writing 💝
sending kisses mwa mwa take care n have a good day ♡
this is so incredibly sweet i could cry 😭 thank you for liking my work and wanting to continue reading!! i appreciate you so so much! HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY 💗
oh my goodness I LOVE THIS QUESTION EEK the google comment made me laugh, i promise i do not mind in the slightest, you are giving me an EXCUSE to YAP about my favorite boys!! anywayz this might be a lil long so here’s a guide to get to know bnd and how i learned their personalities! i hope this helps you get to know them a bit more <33
first off you can’t go wrong with watching funnextdoor!! it’s the first video of theirs that i watched and it gives a lot of insight into them in their natural habitat (their dorms) as well as gives a glimpse into their bonds with each other! it’s so cute because the 2nd ep especially is where they all go on various adventures (some by themselves + some with other members!) and then they go on this lil retreat ugh it’s so sweet! this show really gives you a good idea of each member’s personality <3
next is to watch “what? door!” that’s like their version of txt’s to do if you’re familiar with that?? my favorite episodes are 3-4, which is where they work in pairs and go on missions to collect hearts and they are SO funny! i almost lost my mind seeing leehan run full force after myungjae stole his hearts i had no idea he could even run that fast i’m giggling writing this rn-
also love eps 5-6 of what? door! that’s where they go and work at an amusement park and they work in pairs at different jobs! it’s actually so sweet because you are able to see them interact with kids! afterwards once their shifts are over they’re able to enjoy the park so you get to see them have a lot of fun (except my lil scaredy cat taesan LMAO) these eps are just my fav because they’re so cute and i love seeing them have fun and enjoying themselves ugh i literally love them so much
another thing i did but more so to help with understanding their personalities for my writing is looking into each member’s mbti! it helped me get a good grasp of their general personalities bc ofc they aren’t limited to their 4 letters as they’re all unique and different <3
here’s a few random/defining characteristics (at least imo) for the members:
sungho: the mom of the group, loves soccer/sports/working out, giggles a LOT, neat, radiates the kinda energy of a person who is good at everything, more logical and levelheaded, he’s the main vocal and myungjae nicknamed him yeppi <3
riwoo: he’s our main dancer, loves food/desserts (so much so to the point where he said if he could have a superpower he’d want to be able to time travel so he could eat till he was full then go back in time to before he ate so he could eat again), he’s quiet, so incredibly endearing, dad joke enthusiast, short king
myungjae: puppy, loud, hypeman, apart of the riwoo love club (me too jae… me too… tbh he’s probably our president), the leader! big brain bc iirc he writes their songs! he’s so lovable and extroverted, he’s sensitive and cries a lot but that makes him even more lovable imo
taesan: giant mountain, cat, tall boy, apart of the producing club with jae, he’s an allrounder, king of teasing his members fr, he looks scary but is actually shy, doesn’t like being called cute (but is very much the cutest), riwoo lover #2
leehan: fish enthusiast, the best listener in the group, gets shy if you call him handsome, riwoo lover #3, the oddball of the group but not like ehehe he’s so quirky no he’s actually straight up weird like a literal enigma and once ate fish food (i’m madly in love w him)
woonhak: the coolest teenager i’ve ever seen (i am afraid of teenagers but i wouldn’t be scared to walk past him if i saw him in the wild), loud boy, teased relentlessly but they love him so much, has an incredible stage presence, a cutie patootie that bnd would protect with their lives
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earnestlyegos · 10 months
Hey, umm I’m not sure if you taking asks right now so just ignore this if you’re not! Also tell me if any of these questions make you uncomfortable or something, I don’t want to be rude
So- uh yeah!
Do any of you have any memories of the DA or Captain? If so, are they good?
What are your favorite musical’s? (If you have one, or fav songs)
Coffee or tea?
HAAHEHEHAHEH HIII!! NAH YOURE COMPLETELY GOOD!!! sorry for the excitement, im so happy to see another person sending in asks!! (much love anti ill get to yours soon (i will not))!!
for the first question, both mark AND yancy have some memories of the captain, or more specifically for yancy, y/n or the viewer! yancy understands it isnt ‘real’ in a way, and tends to understand the logic of it! meanwhile, mark is a lot different. mark was VERY attached to source and still continues to be! hes convinced hes known and worked with his captain for years, and that well, they are his captain! all mark really remembers is that his captain is a good one, and has always treated him with kindness, so he is very loyal! surprisingly enough, he has little to no memories about the space time travel and warp issues and such.
AND OHHH BOY FAVORITE MUSICALS!!!! yancy is kicking his feet with this one!! he (and i) are a HUGE fan of beetlejuice and be more chill!! we are both absolutely theatre buddies, and GOD FUCK WE LOVE THE MUSICALS RRGRRGRGRGRRGG
and surprisingly, for me at least (damien (DISCLAIMER, IM NOT DAMIEN FROM MARKIPLIER IM A GUY NAMED DAMIEN)), i fucking hate both! im more of a soda guy! specifically diet coke! but eric enjoys tea, dark enjoys coffee, and as does mark! oh and bim too— god i need to update the list, ive got too many sillies!
but thank you for the ask, eek!!!!
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bookshelf-dust · 2 months
i just came here to say that the way you write is so lovely. i haven’t gotten around to reading your steve and eddie stuff, but with what i read from your gareth and (the entirety) of your billy masterlist, i instantly fell in love! i haven’t come across a lot of blogs that write about billy in a such a nice, sweet way and don’t make him the bad guy (even though his character wasn’t the best on the show-)
i love your work and i can’t wait to read the rest and whatever you post next!! xx
eek! that’s so kind of you 🥹 truly, you have no idea how much these sort of messages mean to me. i know there’s quite a bit on my billy masterlist, so i’m sure that was such a feat! gareth is such a sweetheart too. i’m so flattered that you like the way i write billy!! (he definitely wasn’t, but i like to give him the development the duffers wouldn’t! it’s all hidden underneath the asshole exterior lol)
i am so so happy to hear that you’ve enjoyed reading my stuff and that i can bring you a little joy! i am sending you soooo much love!! MWAH
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meowzfordayz · 11 months
Daily reminder to take a break!! Remember ur not a robot bae!! Go enjoy summer!
I took a break from the online for a bit too, I got a super cute shinobu themed bikini and went to our local wave pool!! It was so nice I didn’t want to leave!
This is ur sign to buy a demon slayer themed swimsuit and go swimming it’s great trust me
I also started writing and my first writing post got a lot of attention ong I’m rolling around on the floor rn
BUT like I said girl get some rest and enjoy some free time. Ur not gonna be able to take care of ur followers if you don’t take care of yourself first!!
Hihi! 😁 Thanks so much lovely. ☺️ I get to go enjoy work today lol, but I did also get to enjoy Acadia National Park this past weekend! 🤗
That sounds so adorable and fun !!!!! 😍 I'm sure you looked and felt AMAZING. 😉 Any reccs on where to buy Demon Slayer themed swimwear? 👀 Whose colors/theme do you think I'd wear the best...?
Eek I'm happy for you !! 🥳 Feel free to send me your fave fanfic (that you wrote, ofc); I'd love to support you! 🤓
Thanks again for stopping by w/ such energy and kindness; sending you homemade lemonade and popcorn vibes !! 🍋🍿
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ghostlywhiskey · 2 months
eek this is super late but happy valentines day nic my beloved and if you didn’t have a date, now you do (hint: it’s me)
i hope you’re doing well and i’m sending you lots and lots of luv and support <33
i’m so later with this but omg fern my love 🥹
i miss u so much u are always my valentine even if it is not valentines day i simply will not accept anything else or anyone else!!
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