ONLINE THINGS THAT HELP ME ON UNIVERSITY, because someone may need it
resoomer.com –> summarizes the text (you can set your native language)
wordcount.com –> counts words in document
speechinminutes.com –> counts how long it will take to read the prepared text (you can also set whether you speak slowly, quickly or normally)
essaytopicgenerator.com –> generates the topic of the essay based on keywords (the field or type of essay can also be included)
researchgate.net –> free texts that can be referred to in the essay
academia.edu –> free texts that can be referred to in the essay
Google Drive / Microsoft OneDrive and Office365 –> free cloud with tools to make slides, documents etc.
sites.google.com –> make free, simple website without any skills
carrd.co –> make free, simple and pretty website without any skills (max. 100 elements)
Online converters –> change file type to different file type
icons8.com –> free icons (for slides, sites etc.)
remove.bg –> remove background from photo
loader.to –> download YouTube video or playlist as video or sound files
forms.google.com –> make simple form/poll/quiz/etc.
quizlet.com –> make flashcards and test yourself (some things are only in pro version now)
Streaming services –> documentary films, educational podcasts etc.
artsandculture.google.com –> explore art, online museum tours etc.
plantsnap.com –> recognizes plants and mushrooms
ecosia.org –> web browser, but they plant trees when you use it
tunemymusic.com –> transfers music playlist (or text song list) to another service
shazam.com –> recognizes songs
slidesgo.com –> slides templates
Darkling Dark Mode –> dark mode for Google Chrome
Darkling Dark Mode –> dark mode for Microsoft Edge
thesaurus.com –> finds synonyms (you can easily find similar websites in your native language)
Apple reminders, google calendar etc. –> help organize
Online libraries –> free books
html-online.com –> write html, css and javascript online
supercook.com –> shows recipes with things you have at home
edx.org –> free courses
academicearth.org –> free courses
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tkbrokkoli · 1 year
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why is this guy looking like hdb
[Begin ID: A screenshot of a course offered on edx.org. There is a picture and text. The text reads "AP® Psychology Course 1: What is Psychology?" The picture shows a semi-realistic drawing of a man, colored only in white. He has a full beard and long hair combed back out of his face. He wears a thoughtful look while propping his face on one hand. End ID]
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NB and E are 100% dating if she’s taking astrophysics courses🤣 I had to take a couple in univeristy and they’re pretty heavy topics to be learning for just casual interest
He needs more friends in his industries to talk with instead of making his artsy girlfriends learn physics just so he can have a conversation with them. The end result is Grimes with very surface knowledge of something speaking like she’s an authority on the matter and getting the most basic things wrong.
NB is probably enrolled in the free online courses Harvard has on Edx.org …there’s a ton of them on any topic you could possibly want to learn. I’ve done a few myself and they’re quite good. Basically nerds paradise …perhaps something to do to pass the time while we patiently wait for Elon to show his face again 😉
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coursenatorindia · 2 years
What about edX courses?
EdX is a non-profit, massive open online course (MOOC) provider. We partner with the world’s leading universities and organizations to offer high-quality online courses to learners across the world.  
If you explore you will see 3,500+ courses, and please see all these courses or use a catalog. Courses consist of video  and text content, discussion forums, and a number of problem and assessment types. Click on the course you are interested in to see more details and to enroll.  
edX is a platform for serious learning, if you have a pretty good idea what it is you want to study then its courses should be appealing to you. If you are looking for an elearning platform that offers a broader range of topics.    
So if you want to know about the fees structure of edX courses, the majority of edX courses are entirely free to access and most offer an optional paid verified certificate track with graded assignments and the opportunity to work towards a certificate for a fee that varies per course.  
The Verified track awards a certificate after you successfully pass the course.  
Verified certificates are a great way to showcase the skills and knowledge you've gained, and can help advance your  professional or academic career.  
EdX currently offers two types of certificates:  
Verified certificates for single courses.  
Program certificates for programs.  
Verified Certificates  
Verified certificates are available for a fee that varies by course. You earn a verified certificate by passing the course with the required grade in the verified track. You must also verify your identity on edX before the verification deadline in the course.  
Program Certificates  
You earn program certificates when you have earned a verified certificate for each course in the program. edX offers program certificates for MicroMasters™, Professional Certificate, and XSeries programs. For example, here is an X Series program certificate.  
How are edX certificates delivered?  
edX certificates are delivered online through edx.org. edX does not send physical copies of certificates by mail or email.  
Where can I find my program certificate?  
MicroMasters™, MicroBachelors™, Professional Certificates, and XSeries program certificates are issued within a few weeks after you have received all of the verified certificates for the individual courses in the program. When your certificate is ready, a link appears on the Program Details Page.  
How does this course work?  
edX courses are generally made up of weekly modules with pre-recorded videos that you can watch on a schedule or at your own pace.  
There are supplemental readings and student discussion forums, as well as homework assignments and assessments like short quizzes or exams.  
You can check out a demo course to peek into the standard edX learning experience here. 
edX courses are generally made up of weekly modules with pre-recorded videos that you can watch on a schedule or at your own pace.  
What is the difference between paid or free courses in edX?  
Actually the thing is that the free option gives you access to review course materials and discussion forums. However, it will not include graded assignments or unlimited course access. For those, you must enroll in the certificate program, which comes with a fee.  
Are edX courses good?  
Showcase your skills and knowledge to employers and prove you've mastered a class by earning a Verified Certificate  
Demonstrate advanced knowledge through innovative XSeries Programs in key fields and fascinating subjects    
Receive credit to put toward a college or university application, for professional development and kick-start your higher education.  
Professionals looking to gain skills.  
Gain knowledge to advance your careers.  
Individuals looking for affordable courses.  
Some popular courses are also provided by edx like 
edX CS50's Introduction to Computer Science.  
edX Science & Cooking.  
For more details, you can visit our website - https://lnkd.in/gratfgaU
& For more such videos Subscribe to Coursenator YouTube Channel
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Coursenator is a search engine for online courses. We aggregate the best-reviewed online courses from various E-learning providers like Udemy, Coursera, edX, Udacity, Future Learn, UpGrad and 20 others and provide unbiased course recommendations to learners according to their needs.
Our mission is to make education feasible and accessible to everyone. We aid our learner’s education by providing a world-class learning experience delivered by
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atlaslisboa · 1 month
U. of Porto Offers Free 8-Week Online Portuguese Course, Starts May 6
For all of you complaining how it’s hard to register, it’s expensive, the teacher isn’t good, blah blah blah, this free Portuguese course — taught by Porto University faculty — is hosted on the highly respectable and super-easy-to-use edx.org platform. Starts next month, takes three to five hours a week — what do you have to lose other than the shame of still not speaking Portuguese? That, and…
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magiaeninternet · 2 months
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La era digital ha transformado la educación, ofreciendo oportunidades de aprendizaje continuo a través de recursos en línea. Para los adultos que enfrentan tecnofobia, el miedo a la tecnología, los cursos gratuitos en internet representan una solución accesible y cómoda para adquirir nuevas habilidades, desde aprender un idioma desde cero, tocar un instrumento, recursos tecnológicos.
Superando la Tecnofobia
La tecnofobia puede ser un gran impedimento para el desarrollo personal y profesional. Para combatirla, es crucial entender sus causas y buscar estrategias efectivas para superarla. Esto puede incluir la exploración gradual de dispositivos tecnológicos y el apoyo de amigos y familiares que sean adeptos a la tecnología. La clave está en “fuera la vergüenza”, pregunta, averigua. Seguramente conocerás la frase “nadie nace aprendido”. Es una gran verdad. Hasta el genio más experto inició su camino sin tener ni idea sobre su materia.
Beneficios de los cursos en línea
Los cursos “on line” brindan flexibilidad y una amplia gama de opciones educativas. Estos recursos pueden mejorar las habilidades digitales y abrir nuevas oportunidades, tanto en el ámbito personal como profesional. Créeme si te digo que cualquier tema sobre el que quieras aprender, cualquiera, está en internet. Solo debes saber buscar (buscadores, Chat GPT, YouTube). Hay cursos gratuitos de cualquier cosa que necesites. (En algunos portales de internet te ofrecen cursos gratuitos, pero si necesitas un certificado conforme has acabado el curso correctamente ahí sí te cobran. Puede que necesites este certificado como currículum o para postularte a un trabajo).
Ejemplos de cursos interesantes
- La Verdadera Influencia: Aprende a desarrollar una influencia positiva y liderazgo efectivo.
- Ayudar a los Demás a Desarrollarse: Mejora tus habilidades de mentoría y apoyo a los demás.
- Integración de la Atención: Descubre la relación entre la salud mental y física.
- Alfabetización Digital para Mayores: Reduce la brecha digital y conecta con las nuevas generaciones.
Recursos gratuitos en línea
- Coursera: (Aplicación y página web: www.coursera.org). Ofrece una variedad de cursos, como "Innovación Educativa", que permite a los estudiantes aplicar conceptos de tendencias e innovación educativa. Tienen cursos en castellano e inglés.
- Udemy: A través de su canal de YouTube, Udemy proporciona videos educativos de alta calidad en una variedad de temas. (También los puedes seguir a través de aplicación y página web: udemy.com/es/).
- YouTube: Una plataforma con contenido educativo gratuito en casi cualquier tema imaginable.
- Chat GPT: Herramientas como esta pueden ofrecer asistencia y tutoría en tiempo real para una variedad de temas. Con esta hermosa herramienta estoy aprendiendo japonés.
- Harvard: A través de edX (aplicación y página web: edx.org/es/), estas instituciones ofrecen cursos gratuitos en temas como programación, ciencia de datos y más.
- MIT OpenCourseWare: (Web: ocw.mit.edu). Publicación en línea de casi todo el contenido de los cursos del MIT, disponible gratuitamente para todo el mundo.
Consejos para abrirse al mundo
- Ten curiosidad: Mantén una mente abierta y explora nuevos conocimientos.
- No te compares con nadie: Valora tu progreso individual sin compararte con los demás.
- Hazte preguntas: La curiosidad es clave para el aprendizaje. Si algo no está claro, pregunta.
- Aprende para enseñar: Aplica el método Feynman; aprende como si tuvieras que explicarlo a alguien sin conocimientos previos.
Llamado a la Acción
El aprendizaje en línea es una herramienta valiosa para superar la tecnofobia y abrirse al mundo digital. No permitas que el miedo te impida descubrir todo lo que la tecnología tiene para ofrecer.
Te animamos a explorar los recursos que hemos compartido y a comenzar tu viaje de aprendizaje hoy mismo. Comparte tus experiencias o preguntas sobre el aprendizaje en línea y la superación de la tecnofobia en los comentarios.
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dr-afsaeed · 3 months
Enroll to Harvard Free Curses Today
Courses Website: pll.harvard.edu/catalog/free Harvard University offers various free online courses through platforms like edX and their own online learning portal. Here’s how you can enroll in these free courses: 1. Explore Course Offerings – Visit the edX website (edx.org) and search for courses by Harvard University. – Alternatively, you can visit Harvard’s online learning portal at…
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kevinmmiller · 4 months
Copy of Letter Sent to The Honorable United States Representative Brad Schneider Dated January 25th, 2024
To The Honorable Representative of the United States House of Representative, Representative Brad Schneider, Dear Representative Brad Schneider, Hello, my name is Kevin Michael Miller, and I’m currently a PhD. MOOC student in neuroscience, as well as Fi
To The Honorable Representative of the United States House of Representative, Representative Brad Schneider, Dear Representative Brad Schneider, Hello, my name is Kevin Michael Miller, and I’m currently a PhD. MOOC student in neuroscience, as well as Financial Engineering, Economics, and International Politics on the Massively Open Online Course websites, of Edx.org, and Coursera.org. I’m…
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378262 · 5 months
i don't know what disabilities you have but i've been enjoying the freemium edx.org education (your class runs out after 2 moths but you can just make a new account and use the course index to skip ahead)
i'm suuper slow with it but it's been great to learn things again!
i've also been watching a sociology lecture on youtube :3
credentials: i have severe me/cfs with lots of brainfog and also can't go anywhere
ohh sounds interesting, i'll look that up!!
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kolev8989-blog · 5 months
*\/*MDL/**647868569/01118/823/569/62359,+359/0/00359/882098738/895242701,facebook.com/ivan.kolev.58, [email protected],pulseway.com,glowbuzzer.com,edx.org,kardinal.ai,routific.com,allnonetechsolutions.com,allinonetechnology.com,
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questlation · 1 year
edX Teams Up with Emeritus to Fuel International Expansion https://questlation.com/prnewswire/fe6405b64b19b0f92ba7993067112193/?feed_id=31419&_unique_id=6415754e4b55d
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shtumoz · 1 year
Зарубежные Курсы обучения
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Я решила написать свое впечатление от зарубежных курсов и выразить личное мнение .
На сегодня я посетила довольно много разных курсов , потому мне есть что сравнить .
Курсы от  Гарвардский университет  я нашла так же случайно как и другие курсы например на сайте  edx.org   на которые я попала   по ссылке с  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT .
Изначально мне очень понравилась программа CS50 от  Гарвардский университет , но чем больше ее смотришь,тем больше понимаешь что в лекциях много воды , слишком много лишнего и нет   реальных примеров решения тех или иных задач.  Если сравнивать реальную пользу , то часовая  лекция несет не более 10 минут реальной информации . Тратить время на видео очень не практично , те же примеры в книге за 10 минут я получу больше информации . Это больше шоу и реклама чем реальная учеба .
Вместо показать пример и разобрать какую то задачу  что заняло бы не более  20 минут , вам показывают видео  больше часа которое не приносит значительную пользу .
К примеру  вот простая лекция  по графам, она лучше чем лекции других институтов, но она не дает реальной информации  . Это просто обобщающая информация которая не несет не какой ценности и не показывает   решение задач .
Проблема не только с зарубежными институтами, это проблема и отечественных лекций .
Ответственные лекции  в отличие от  Гарварда вобще не несут не какой информации .
Касательно   сайта edx.org  , это  мало  отличается от Украинских   сайтов , все эти сайты практически не имеют полезной информации и не чему вас не не учат и основная цель их получить прибыль .
Самые бесполезные курсы это курсы Python Basics for Data Science  
Product and Service Creation in the Internet Age     . CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python  и другие.
Я скажу больше частные  лекции и уроки которые делают пользователи  несут намного больше информации и пользы чем курсы от этих компаний .
Я могу сказать с увереностью что те кто делал курсы не владеют предметом  и не понимают что нужно пользователю или потребителю.
Так  из  двух сотен курсов я не нашла таких которые  бы давали нужную мне информацию или владели бы   предметом  который мне интересен . Я не вижу смысл платить не за один из представленных курсов .  Более 90%  курсов не несут    полезной информации ,а так же они похожи    друг на друга .
Самое глупое это опросы. Опрос не показывает не  реальных знаний не усвоения   материала . Тем более например я не хочу заучивать   не нужную мне информацию и не отношусь   серьезно к ответам ,мне более полезна обратная связь , мне важно понимание предмета ,а не заучивание и угадывание ответов .
Мой вердикт что    все  представленные курсы просто не не сут информации  их качество крайне низкое и   эта информация не стоит денег .
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Constructing A Profession In Data Science And Analytics
They’ll spend a lot of time cleansing information to make sure that it's usable for their fashions and their machine learning algorithms. When  you watch Netflix and see a personalized listing of beneficial reveals, that’s machine studying algorithms and data science at work. Therefore, he encourages constructing one thing that eases the user’s work and never that pleases the developer. Finding like-minded friends who're excited about the same area as you will allow you to stay motivated and discover more of your potential in the subject. Additionally, peers can present a contemporary perspective to your problem-solving efforts, in addition to allow networking avenues that facilitate a significant career journey. You can find the right peer network for yourself via platforms like Great Learning as nicely. Such a person proactively fetches info from varied sources and analyzes it for better understanding about how the business performs, and builds AI instruments that automate certain processes throughout the company. A hybrid business consulting and providers firm, TheMathCompany builds customized AI enterprise applications. It leverages Co.dx, its proprietary AI grasp engine, to assist with information extraction, algorithm development, efficiency monitoring, and feature engineering. It has also been named among the many Asia-Pacific’s fastest-growing corporations by the Nikkei-FT-Statista APAC. Cloudera is a hybrid knowledge cloud firm that makes information and analytics easy and accessible for everybody. Clients can mix private and public clouds to unearth extra highly effective business insights. Oorwin ideally appears for individuals with a strong basis in programming, statistics, and fundamental ML/DL/NLP algorithms. However, getting the best candidate is always a concern; thus, the corporate has a standardized strategy of pre-screening and interviewing. In different words, Oorwin has unique standards of post-selection screening for the best angle within the candidate appropriate for the company. Recruiters favor candidates possessing a mix of expertise like humility, dedication, eagerness to be taught, and a collaborative demeanor. Right from exploring the information to get some early insights to modelling for prediction or sample era, plenty of crucial thinking is required. Additionally,, recruiters can request a detailed report of all of the collaborating candidates which is instantly emailed to the recruiters’ e mail. Common knowledge science toolkits similar to Python Data Science Libraries, R, MatLab, and so forth. Sometimes builders do not are likely to share code publicly for security reasons. Also, not having a fantastic social following isn't a sign of how good their tech skills are. It is crucial in your organization to set the right expectations for the Data Science platform and on your hiring must align with it. You might have a large amount of  knowledge and no thought about what to do with it. EdX is committed to delivering knowledge science skills to 3M learners by way of 2023. With 400+ information science courses and 80+ applications from the world’s prime universities and firms, edX will advance the schooling and careers of millions. Any learner can entry all of our knowledge science courses through a free audit track at edX.org. We are additionally working with universities via our Online Campus Essentials answer by delivering a catalog of free information science programs to these institutions’ learners. It has equipped us with the scientific capabilities to better anticipate and finally have an result on future outcomes primarily based on previous information. ECF seeks a knowledge engineer with sturdy structure expertise to create infrastructure to analyse the world’s information. They will be excited by the opportunities of natural language processing, and have experience working with large text datasets across a quantity of languages.
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  To pull information, candidates should be able to understand relational databases. Using SQL to question knowledge is a wanted skill and having an experience of storing data utilizing NoSQL is a plus point. From a technical viewpoint sturdy foundation in statistics, algorithms, programming, and area expertise is a must for successful information scientists. He additionally suggests budding knowledge scientists make choices about their respective work/projects based on their statistical analysis as an alternative of relying on a HIPPO (highest paid person’s opinion). I would recommend this course for anyone who is excited about expanding their information base in Analytics area with a fantastic learning opportunity from the senior specialists in this area of research. The ever-increasing demand for Data Science consultants hasn't been met given the shortage of skilled and industry-ready candidates with a knack for harnessing the power of knowledge. Young professionals are recommended to grasp and develop the talents needed for various data science roles so they can faucet into this high-demand area and construct a profitable career. Alteryx is a leading IT service and consulting agency utilizing knowledge analytics to help organizations remedy business and societal issues. T , Big Pitch , Skill+ , Winglets and Women in Technology (L&D for women technologists), have allowed Sabre staff members to suppose in another way, maintaining the journey industry’s points in thoughts. Bureau of Labor Statistics, knowledge science is likely certainly one of the quickest rising and highest-paid fields within the nation. HackerEarth’s developer assessment software program helps to set your self aside from competing employers and discover better expertise for your Machine Learning needs. Customers who've used HackerEarth Assessment for his or her Machine Learning needs claim that the entire recruitment cycle may be decreased by virtually 33% whereas accelerating the pace at which knowledge scientist positions are closed. Good applied statistics skills, similar to distributions, statistical testing, regression, and so forth. Data visualization tools such as Tableau, Query languages similar to SQL, Hive. It handles data from all websites utilizing AdSense (Google’s advertising service) or Google Analytics. Then, Google utilizes this knowledge to analyze buyer conduct, and refine its host of services. Google offers glorious advantages and salaries which are a lot larger than the business common. Initially, a handful of staff labored on some key initiatives in partnership with counterparts from the US. I can say that now whatever I am doing I am thinking by way of it in a extra structured method. Even after a decade of using information and evaluation throughout my profession, [Aryng's Data Culture Executive Session] was enlightening and introduced me years forward of where I would have gotten alone. But, I have to inform you, the material from the session right now was over the top. And a few of the information was stuff we already know, but was actually displayed and demonstrated in such an actionable means – the “eye chart” which broke the Corporate Goal into the immediately correlated actions was AWESOME. Additionally, the chart that broke the segments of Monetize, de-focus, clone, grow and confirmed them in a chart with separate motion plans for each phase was again so Powerful. Establish and handle KPIs that measure the enterprise's well being, product efficiency, and buyer expertise quality. Collaborative decision-making by stakeholders who leverage insights based mostly on knowledge, drives big influence. The Aryng workshop supplied me with a framework for making higher data-driven selections.
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gaxovodegilu · 2 years
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<br> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>parce qu'elle est la principale source de la croissance. ◉ La coopération car l'entreprise doit nécessairement intégrer l'environnement dans sa stratégie. ◉
Son fondement est qu'il faut éviter le "pilotage à vue" pour assurer le devenir de l'entreprise. La stratégie est l'ensemble des actions décidées par une
sciences de gestion Département des sciences économiques 2 eme année LMD TD : économie d entreprise Section : B Axe I : les fondements de la stratégie.
Louv10x : Fondements de la stratégie d'entreprise. Alain Vas &amp; Régis Coeurderoy. MOOC sur edX.org. VIDEO S1V1 -‐ fondements et définition de la stratégie d'
Chapitre 1 L'état des lieux et les fondements du management Section III L'innovation stratégique : formulation de la stratégie, établissement et.Les fondements de la stratégie permettent de comprendre aisément les règles du jeu de l'entreprise qu'un dirigeant ne peut modifier. Mais ce livre lui permettra
Alain Vas, professeur de stratégie et gestion du changement à la. Louvain Bienvenue dans ce premier cours des fondements de la stratégie d'entreprise.
Pour Chandler (« Strategy and structure », MIT Press, 1962), la stratégie est « la détermination des buts et objectifs à long terme d'une entreprise et le choix
Chapitre 1 : Politique et stratégie d'entreprise : Rappels, notions et contexte. Section I : Entreprise et Gestion : Définitions et concepts. I-. Définition
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kalvisualsllc · 2 years
How to Build a Successful VFX Artist Career in the Current Film Industry 
URL: https://unsplash.com/photos/CPXS543H19Y 
Alt-Text: A group of people in a room recording a video with a green screen background using a camera and videography equipment. 
Caption: Coding bootcamps, online courses, and college programs are some educational routes that can prepare you for a career in VFX and animation.  
The world of CGI and visual effects is making great strides in the current film industry and opening an array of career possibilities for aspiring VFX artists. If a career in 3D modeling, animation, technical directing, and concept art interests you, then visual effects is the field for you. 
Today Marvel superheroes, Disney animation, and A24 horror films have heightened the demand for VFX artists. Mastering narrative video production, animation, and computer-generated imaging will help you enter this competitive movie and film industry. The pathways to building a successful VFX career should incorporate both education and experience. 
Best Education Pathways to Become a VFX Artist
Getting a university degree isn’t a must to land a lucrative VFX artist position. The field allows for ample education qualification flexibility. VFX artists today enter the field via coding bootcamp certifications, online courses, or certificate programs. It is essential to choose a specific VFX training program to accelerate your career goals. 
Find an Animation and 3D Modeling Bootcamp
Animation bootcamps will train you with in-demand VFX skills in a matter of a few weeks to a few months. They will equip you with texture art, animation, compositing, and 3D modeling skills essential for a VFX career. They also provide extensive career placement services and will prepare you to meet the film industry’s skill demands. 
General Assembly is a popular VFX art bootcamp that is also among the top 40 online coding bootcamps. It offers a 3D Modeling and Animation program. Attending an online or in-person coding bootcamp is best suited for those looking to get job ready within a short time frame. 
Enhance Your Foundational VFX Skills With Online Courses 
For those of you who want shorter, flexible, and cheaper educational routes, massive open online course platforms are for you. Udemy, Coursera, and Edx.org offer short animation and VFX courses that will help you acquire foundational to intermediate skills. Opting for course certifications is also a great portfolio booster that can kickstart your freelance journey. 
Enhance Your Candidacy With a College Degree
Although the world of video production and VFX art does not demand a university degree, having one will provide you with an advantage in the job pool. An associate or a bachelor’s program in visual effects and animation will prepare you for a career in narrative and commercial video production. 
Get Job-Ready With Polished Visual Effects Skills
Learning visual effects art and technology is the first step to building a successful VFX career but mastering VFX art skills will help solidify your position in the film industry. VFX is a diverse field that branches into a wide range of graphics, video production, and animation fields. A VFX artist must master both technical and soft skills to succeed in this creative tech profession. 
Practice Animation and Motion Graphics 
Animation and motion graphics play a key role in the VFX production process. You need to practice storytelling, graphic design, and 3D animation. Doing projects with Blender, Adobe After Effects, Houdini, Cinema 4D, and other popular animation tools is a great way to boost your technical skills. 
Acquire Expertise in CGI and Video Production 
Video production, computer-generated imaging, and compositing form the crux of VFX art. You need to polish your budget and production management skills along with technical VFX skills to meet the industry’s requirements. 
Computer-generated imaging is constantly evolving and keeping up with the latest CGI software is pertinent to becoming a successful VFX artist. Add Daz Studio, Autodesk Maya, and Bryce projects to your CGI portfolio. 
In Summary
VFX and special effects is a growing field and is projected to grow by 16 percent between 2020 to 2030 by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. The profession offers opportunities to work with the latest motion graphics and CGI tools and make strides in the current film sector.  Forming a strong job profile by combining industry-relevant skills and educational qualifications is the pathway to becoming a VFX artist in the film industry. 
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betterseniorliving · 6 years
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Fun Life is for the living.  Keep fun, humor, awe, excitement, joy, and creativity as the focus, no matter the trials of an aging body and mind. Sometimes the fun is doing the unexpected.  It is easy to feel you’ve done it all by the time you’ve reached some age of significance.  Let’s try to capture the fun in the everyday, as well as the bucket list items. Here’s 10 ideas to get the fun…
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