#eddie diaz stan
rosstrytobe · 26 days
You know that you love a character so much that you have all the explanations of why he's acting the way is doing now
Yes the cheating part sucks but if we see trough it
Eddie's not cheating Marisol with another woman
He's cheating with a woman he remembers his ex dead wife
And that's just realive how much he still proccessing Shanon death and he didn’t do it in the right way at first when he was supposed to talk about it with Frank in s3
However if we saw why he didn’t that's just a scene it comes in my mind and how it's important understand that maybe Eddie is just using a doppleganger of his wife as an exuse to something he faced at a special bachelor party 👀👀
Let's go first:
1)In s3 Bobby said to Eddie to talk about his feelings for grieving Shanon because Eddie was self distructing himself with the illegal fights -> Eddie talks about it with Frank but then he said to Buck that therapy wasn’t for him and then this scene happens:
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And what Eddie said after?
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Yeah. He didn’t need anymore the therapy because he was happy with the people he have now in that moment (his son and Buck)
2) In this season we saw Eddie talking with Bobby again about the Nun thing and Eddie is afraid and confused about why he can't commit to any of his past relantionships with women and why now he's having Chatolic Guilt regards Marisol -> Bobby said to him that Eddie doesn’t have a problem of commit to certain things (👀👀) and one of them is Shanon but Eddie always said that he married her just because of Christopher and he had some kind of duty towards her
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He doesn’t regret being married to her but he never said that he actually was in love with her and that's a thing that even Michael felt when he married with Athena. Michael never regreted to marry her and have his children with Athena but we know from s1 that he's a gay man
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But maybe just because Eddie now is scared that he will never commit to a woman. As with Marisol. He's just pretend that in this doppleganger he can find what he's missing as a female role for Christopher but as Bobby said to him he already commit in other things in his life like:
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3) All the dialogue with Marisol last episode i think he meant something. She asked him if Eddie was okay and even though Eddie said that he's fine. Marisol asked him again if it was a truth or a lie. And even though Eddie said it was truth we know he's not okay. He's again romanticed his marriage with Marisol out of blue because he just saw her in another woman and his false memories of her are just coming through his mind because he wants to get attached to that feeling. Because in his mind he was happy with Shanon and his marriage with her was perfect. Like the scene with Marisol that just show how him, Christopher and Marisol looked as the perfect ready made family. Like with someone else:
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But we know he had panics attacks just of the thought of him, Ana and Christopher being a family and maybe this time is trying to not have them since he learned from therapy how to control them. But why he's trying to pretend to be in a perfect relantionship?
If we thinks about it Eddie seems more like he's living in his own telenovela for how the scenes went with Kim and Shanon but that's a way to not copy with something that it's happening in reality like the fact that he didn’t want Marisol to live with him anymore and he was having sexual problems with her after he figure it out she was a nun. Then he talked about it with Buck and he said to him that he wanted to break up with her but then what made him change his mind?
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Yep. It’s just took Buck coming out to him to made him rethink about his relantionship with Marisol and made her moving out. Eddie of course supports him. Buck is his best friend. But support someone and see with your eyes that your bestfriend is indeed bisexual is something else. Because Eddie loves Buck as Ryan said he loves him to the core. But see Buck with Tommy just makes him a little pissed off
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You can see it from how just an hug made him bite his lips with an angry mood and also what he said after just proves how much he's jealous of them. Then he spent all night making killing eye to Tommy as he did something wrong and we saw even Eddie watching Tommy yawing as if he's interest in what Tommy is doing. Later everyone leaves incluse Tommy, Buck and Eddie spent all night togheter being closer than ever. And we saw how much they were connecting their neurons togheter and in someway i think Eddie got that with no one he had ever have this much of connection. And that's why i think he's scared to analyze that emotion and he wants to hide it because he doesn’t get why he's jealous of Tommy and why he knows that nobody could ever be Buck
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hainethehero · 7 days
It is almost heartbreaking the way the toxic buddie stans are completely disregarding how 911 is trying to engage with discourse surrounding homophobia & LGBTQIA+ hate in workplaces in the show, and are crucifying one of the queer characters who is explicitly gay, just because their faves aren't a couple.
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Like, this 👆 scene was devastating as much as it was badass because of Chimney. Tommy didn't fight back, and instead shifted his stance a little. He looks visibly uncomfortable and hurt but doesn't respond, alluding to the fact that he doesn't want to cause a scene, and/or doesn't feel empowered enough to stand up for himself and his boyfriend.
The scene could've been such a catalyst for deeper discussions about queer representation in service jobs like firefighting. It could've even led to discourse about intersectionality and how Hen faced her own struggles in the LAFD because in addition to being queer, she is black and a woman.
But no.
Instead, y'all are raving on and on about how Tommy is ugly, Lou is d*sgusting, how the cast and Oliver hate him and his character & how Buck and Eddie should be together and anything other than buddie = queerbaiting.
If you only want Buck to be bisexual with Eddie, then you NEVER cared about bisexual/queer representation in the first place.
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meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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The ship The shippers
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buck-up-buck · 2 months
I will say this until I am BLUE IN THE FACE. I do NOT want Buddie to happen because of them being drunk and stupid at Chim's bachelor party.
There was absolute uproar in Season Five when they made Buck a cheater by having him kiss Lucy, and the fandom didn't even like Taylor! So why is it suddenly okay for Buck to cheat on Tommy, a good and decent person who is actually liked? Just because you'll get Buddie?
And Eddie is still, at the moment, with Marisol, so are we really going to taint two of the best characters by making them both cheat on their significant others?
If this is how we get it, I don't want it. I think this should be a universal agreement amongst the fandom, no argument.
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perfectlysunny02 · 1 month
i need some of y’all to remember Shannon Diaz was canonically a bad mother. She up and left her four year old child with no calls, no texts, nothing but a note he didn’t even read until after she had died and fucked him up.
“Eddie did this, Eddie did that.” Yeah no, Eddie called. You can see them video calling. Eddie was providing. As someone who’s in the army, Deployment pay is wonderful, deployment benefits 9/10, also health insurance. You have health insurance. Eddie shouldn’t have signed up for the second tour without talking to Shannon about it first but he was providing, he was calling home. They didn’t even know where Shannon was after she left. Eddie had to email her for Chris’s school and that’s when she came back. If Eddie didn’t email her; would she have come back anyways? Who knows, but she is canonically a bad mother and I need yall to remember that.
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kenneth-black · 1 month
I did something 🫢 Make of that what you will 🤭
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clandestine-j · 25 days
i'mma keep it buck (heh)
whenever i see comments that tommy was actually courting eddie and then took a chance with buck, it makes me not want buddie to happen
it's giving, gay man can only hung out and develop close bonds with someone so he can convert them to being gay and he has a secret crush
yes, gay men, if they have a helicopter can do something cool and fly to fight
gay men can bond quickly with someone and want to hang out with them a lot
gay men are people and can have friends and interest without trying to hit on a taken straight man
again, i get it, the show isn't showing that the ship is happening any time soon but ya'll don't have to treat tommy like he's some gay predator
hell, is eddie even tommy's type?
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like- i’m sorry you’re telling me buck is about to have canonically ditched that man TWICE in a row for eddie???
write the man off the show atp bc he’s literally just there as a prop like 😭😭
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buddiebitch · 22 days
genuinely confused why so many people are saying things like “i’m tired of the will they won’t they i wish they would just tell us if it’s gonna happen or not” (kinda defeats the purpose of will they won’t they?) or from the bummy stans “i wish they would shut down buddie fans once and for all” (both real posts i saw)
just wondering how y’all think watching a show is supposed to work? they aren’t going to come out and say either way until it happens in the show, don’t know why you would think it should go any other way.
they aren’t going to do an interview about episode 7 just to say “yeah tommy’s here for now but don’t worry he’ll be gone and we’ll get buddie going” like that’s not how it works, interviews in the middle of a season are purposefully vague and sometimes intentionally misleading, that’s kinda the point. this isn’t the type of show they want you to be able to predict, of course they’ll mislead us on purpose when they get the chance.
it’s very unlikely that any interview will reveal where the show is taking this, and no interviews yet have said strictly one way or the other so i’m not sure why people are acting like they have
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existential-queeer · 1 year
Ryan Guzman taking matters into his own hands when the writers still haven't given us Buddie
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filmyocean · 2 months
ok i’ve been seeing leaks about eddie calling buck his brother
and if that happens, the rage in me will be incontrollable.
i am so happy for bi buck, ok. i promise.
abc, pls don’t make my heart and then break it :(
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meep-meep-richie · 2 months
You know what i probably love the most about BuckTommy; that the fandom is finally agreeing on a relationship Buck or Eddie is having. You know mostly their relationships were thrashed (which was for good reason i agree) but i love how welcomed BuckTommy is by the fandom (which they deserve) 😭❤️
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softestepilogue · 13 days
are yall ready for the influx of fics portraying eddie as a bad father to christopher so alwaysaheroandvictim buck takes christopher in cause he’s obviously a better father than eddie and him and tommy raise chris together? cause i stg those fics are coming.
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Eddie diaz defense squad be the most jobless people ever.
He's just traumatized and gay
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kenneth-black · 9 days
Sooo…Buck was on a date with that guy when Eddie called?
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And he just left everything to go help Eddie?
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meatmandean · 3 days
no take on earth has ever pissed me off more than someone comparing eddie diaz to john winchester
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