#don’t sexualize this please
mothrotz · 10 months
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Gay furry raver… woah..
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juiceicicles · 8 months
Steve having a sexuality crisis is all good angst and realistic writing, and Steve having known for a while and being confident and learned is great too, but I love Steve “just skipped the crisis part” Harrington.
Because really, who gives a shit if he’s gay when he’s fought monsters?
His best friend is a lesbian, and he loves her, so it’d be hypocritical not to accept this part of himself.
He’s had to protect his friends from mind demons with Kate Bush songs, this is not even a blip in the crazy shit he’s had to deal with.
One of his children friends has telekinetic powers and can go into your mind to figure out your location and save you from giant spider demons.
He almost died, everyone he loves almost died, who cares?
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altschmerzes · 3 months
hey aro gang? can we collectively make more of an effort to like. advocate for ourselves and our communities and specific identities in ways that aren’t just. actively and openly hostile to other aros or implying or outright stating that they’re harming us or that they have societal and community support they don’t have? like i get it - im non-sam aro, and i relate heavily to a lot of aroallo experiences and it’s really frustrating and hurtful to feel overlooked or erased or anything else, but like. aroaces are not doing anything wrong by talking about their experiences or relating to posts or posting in the aro tag or anything else and it’s getting to a point where im personally getting really uncomfortable seeing people verging on or outright stating that this is the case or that aroaces are some kind of oppressive community force or responsible for the bad experiences of non-ace aros. can we all just cool it a bit please. it’s frustrating and hurtful to feel like you’re being mistreated specifically for not being someone else but that is not that other person’s fault or their identity group’s fault, nor is it always necessarily true. none of us are doing great out here and society at large does not want aroaces to exist or be talked about any more than any of the rest of us i promise.
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karuuhnia · 11 months
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Link needs years of therapy after upgrading his gear to lvl 4...
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coolcarabiner · 11 months
lesbians who are terfs will never make any sense to me crying about the supposed exclusivity of the “female experience” like my brother in christ she experienced an othered, lonely, confusing childhood where she was made to feel inadequate in her gender, sexuality, or both just the same as you and instead of letting this unify you against patriarchy you just enforce it on other people to maintain the sliver of “power” you think you have. how do u not see how dumb this is oh my god
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Hello Hazbin community!
We need to talk about Alastor and aroace rep.
My qualifications: I’m an aroace who also, at times, feels attraction to others. I don’t know the specific name for it, but I like to think of it as my sexuality being in fluctuation. Sometimes romantic and/or sexual attraction is there, sometimes it isn’t and I’m completely repulsed by it all.
So, Alastor is canonically Asexual (and very much implied Aromantic via the VA and Viv, let’s be honest), and it seems the majority of you have taken that as a challenge of sorts? Like you see one off limits character and feel the need to ship him with everyone under the sun.
Don’t get me wrong, as long as you can separate fanon and canon- this isn’t really about you. But I am sick and tired of people drawing Fanart or writing FanFictions and excusing themselves by saying “Aroace is a spectrum!” Or “He’s in a QPR with so and so!” (let’s be so real, half of those ships I’m seeing are not anything close to a QPR). Please just say you did it because you wanted to- don’t try and make excuses to seem like an ally to the aroace community. I’d really much rather you draw it and not justify it than scramble to seem morally right. You’re not. Let’s all move on.
I would have no problem with this if it didn’t seem like such a big thing. Alastor is the ONE character who’s shipped THE MOST with every other character in Hazbin. That’s why this whole thing seems really icky to me. We don’t have much representation in media- I could count all the ace characters I know on one hand- and the one thing we have, no one seems to have any respect for.
I’m not really mad at anyone participating, I’m honestly just disappointed in a (mostly) queer community.
That’s all, you guys have a good night.
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swallowerofdharma · 2 months
I think the boss is kind, strong and beautiful
Reading the earlier chapters again with the idea of revaluing Doumeki’s maturity, made me realize how little I should have taken things at face value without questioning them. Since Doumeki was called “stupid” a lot, or even “hachiko” like Nana Komatsu, I just thought that he was meant to be a little naive, a fish out of water, new to the yakuza life. But that is a big mistake, considering that he was in the police and he spent time in prison, but mostly he had to grow up abruptly from his attitude to take life passively the moment he beat up his father. I talked about it in a previous analysis. Other characters expressed those thoughts about Doumeki, that he was strait-laced and not clever enough to distance himself from Yashiro or too infatuated with him to the point of enduring everything his boss asked. That’s only in part true, but not quite how I think we are supposed to interpret him when we look closer. The scene I am going to analyze tells me a different and interesting story and also discusses in a very subtle way a theme that I feel it is more relevant than ever: homophobia.
In chapter 6 Doumeki brings Nanahara back to the clinic - we only can assume that he had it out again with some of Ryuuzaki’s underlings. While Kageyama removes his bandages, Kuga comes in. It’s the first time Doumeki meets him. Up until this point Doumeki has been observing and collecting information quite discreetly and he knows two things: that Yashiro is in love with Kageyama, but has never slept with him (Misumi’s big mouth supplied that last bit). The assumption could likely have been that the doctor is straight.
[Saezuru is a bl manga where straight people exist and are the majority - or at least men don’t make an habit of sleeping with each other - if we read it closely enough and from a realistic perspective, and if we pay attention to how homosexuality or sex between men is actually treated and judged by most characters. At least that is how I am reading it, I am not looking at these characters to pair them together, as my personal preferred approach].
Meeting Kuga at this point is another important piece of the puzzle Doumeki is putting back together silently, in his mind, and discreetly. In this part of the story, Doumeki does what he is told or ordered, yet he is collecting pieces of information and building a strategy for his current goal or desire: to keep his place close to Yashiro.
Kuga-kun is an interesting character. He was able to beat Nanahara, and that alone is quite impressive (I believe they both know how to throw punches in a professional manner). He is lively and doesn’t spare words about his dislike for Yashiro, speaking about him or to him impolitely and without honorifics. To Doumeki he says: “I don’t really like him, you know. I have no idea what he’s thinking, he is a pervert. In all honesty, you hate him too, don’t you?” and Doumeki here has an interesting reaction. In a deadpan way he voices his opinion: “I think the boss is kind, strong and beautiful”. The first reaction to this is laughter and we are probably meant, as readers, to participate a little in making fun of Doumeki’s supposed naivety. Kageyama tries to make Kuga hold back but at the same time: “I understand how you feel, but don’t talk about it now…”. While Nanahara is ready to protect Yashiro’s supposed honor by challenging Kuga to have it out again. Kuga laughs: he clearly expected that a serious looking ex cop would secretly hate someone like Yashiro, not only a homosexual, but also flaunting it. [I am simplifying Yashiro’s sexuality here for the purpose of staying on topic, this is how these characters are seeing it mostly and reacting to]. The entire thing is half played for laughs, while also displaying Kuga and Kageyama’s homophobic tones. Doumeki’s statement is met by disbelief and embarrassment, Kuga even questioning his sobriety. But seriously as ever, Doumeki doubles down: “I respect the boss. Is that so funny?”. Yoneda dedicates a panel to each person’s individual reaction, Kageyama in shadow, subtly looking back behind his glasses at Doumeki, perplexed or troubled by his words. This three panels, when we look at Kuga, Kageyama and Nanahara being silent, give a sense of pause and suddenly the whole atmosphere changes and Kuga apologizes to Doumeki. An understanding has been reached, something has passed between these men in this room.
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Now Kuga is open and friendly to Doumeki and wants to know his name. He introduces himself properly and says something really really relevant for the point Yoneda aimed to: “I’m Kuga. I work as a bartender or club staff. Oh and I’m also this old man’s boyfriend “. Even Nanahara didn’t know that. Kuga chose to out himself and Kageyama to Doumeki. This is seamlessly done, it is subtle as a coming out scene, built organically and probably would pass under the radar very easily. But I think that is how people really would interact in the world Yoneda Kou is portraying. I already wrote a little about Kageyama, in my opinion one of the characters that displays his internalized homophobia more bluntly, especially in his open contempt for Yashiro’s “sense of morality” or “dangerous lifestyle” [his words, not Yoneda’s personal view nor mine]. Yashiro brought Kuga into the doctor’s life and made him confront a side of him he wanted hidden, yet at the same time Kageyama keeps thinking that homosexuality should be kept discreet, behind closed doors, and that Yashiro is only looking for trouble by being open about it.
The scene ends and we go back to a pensive Yashiro. In the end of the chapter we are in his POV and discovering that Kuga, Kageyama and Doumeki went out to drink together. It’s an interesting development, significant because it means that the couple feels comfortable now in front of Doumeki and they can be relaxed and be themselves and this opens the possibility for Doumeki to speak to Kageyama and to ask openly about his relationship with Yashiro.
I think this aspect was worth analyzing and I am sorry 😞 it is more long than I wanted. Also I am not putting a lot of images in my analyses out of respect for the copyrighted material and Yoneda Kou. It is still available easily and I think this type of deep dive into Saezuru only makes sense if you have read it entirely and are a fan, which implies that you have a copy of the manga. To be continued…
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clover-46 · 1 year
the writers on here making the miguel fics need to remember his fangs inject paralytic venom hes not a real vampire it was just a joke in the movie 😭
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oh but i still want him to bite me don’t get me wrong idgaf if they have venom 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
#the copious amounts of smut i’ve seen with this man and the fangs is crazy#y’all need to tone it DOWN wheres the fluff omg??#there’s like so many smut x reader fics clogging the miguel o’hara tag and people can express their creative liberties or whatever but it’s#getting CRAZY#like why is almost nobody talking about his character and writing an analysis on him#AND WHY ARE SO MANY FICS WRITING HIM TO BE SOME FERAL AND MEAN BEAST#firstly it’s feels racist to write a brown latino man that way.#second it feels fetishiz-y with how people only sexualize the fuck outta him and talk about nothing else when it comes to him#to add onto that people are drawing him with a MUZZLE on#at first all this didn’t really register in my head as bad but after seeing so much i see it 😭#also some spanish speakers have said people are using incorrect spanish when writing dialogue for him and thats kinda funny#don’t use google translate please 💀#miguel o’ hara#spiderman 2099#across the spiderverse#i also saw someone say miguel would not be a good partner or something and i just know you didn’t pay attention#and i wont go into why because its spoilers but we have seen him be soft and happy with someone he cares about it’s just trauma that has#made him mean and depressed#he was obviously projecting onto miles in the movie when he acted like that let’s be fr#why am i writing a novel down here idk i just wanted to talk about it a little#i love the smut (trust me) but pleaaseee don’t start being fetishize-y
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cressthebest · 18 days
okay lol i made a post a while back asking what stories y’all wanted to hear about me. well, this one is about my second time having sex
so i was 16, almost seventeen, and also, i (they/she/he) am demisexual! my ex will be going by the random ass name of aiden (they/he)
so aiden and i are getting jiggy with it. they are like sitting on top of me, we’re making out, my shirt was just removed. like, we’re very much going at it. and then they sit up.
and looks at me and goes, “hold up. i have a song for this.”
and i’m like laying down and i was literally about to get laid. but i’m like. “okay…”
and he pulls out his phone to play a song, and they pull it up, show me the screen. look below the cut and see what horrors i beheld. i-
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this is the image i see on his phone. i- WHAT? and for those of you who don’t immediately recognize this song, you’re quite lucky.
and then the song starts playing. and. y’all just need the full experience.
he starts playing Two Trucks by LEMON DEMON halfway through SEX.
and they’re like, “you know, two trucks, because it’s our second time”
my absolute SHOCK. y’all- i- i look at them and go: “okay.” and then i pause the song and say, “you’re lucky i love you”
and i put the phone up. and, i’m so ashamed to admit, after the phone was put up, we went back to what we were doing. y’all, i can’t make this up in my wildest dreams.
this is a lovely party story i tell people. i typically just leave out the part about continuing sex. but it’s a real showstopper.
so yeah..
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bunnycxxnt · 13 days
i am a menace first and a woman second
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supercalime · 10 months
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saga-star · 2 years
trying to enjoy wylan as much as possible before people turn him into awkward gay panic uwu shy boy 3000 when season two drops
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jancysmixtape · 1 year
It’s so aggravating, when people call a certain ship’s fanbase “straight” bc it’s a heterosexual couple. Not every person who enjoys said ship is straight! Stop assuming because the ship is het that means their whole fanbase is too. It’s invalidating and annoying.
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altschmerzes · 7 months
hey everyone can i make a request not to be sent sexual innuendo about my fics please, especially not the one where one of the primary focal characters is a teenager. even if they’re jokes, they make me wildly uncomfortable and i won’t post them and i don’t want them in my inbox. thanks!
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2econd2ight2ydney · 2 months
“oh you’re unlabeled and just like who you like? so you’re just pansexual” when did I fucking say I was pansexual
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