#don’t disregard this
“how would it work if Cybertronians had disabilities” “What if there were disabled Cybertronians”
loosing my mind at how some things that are So good can be So niche why can’t we just be a hivemind
Just one example, my favorite example, is:
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Shattered Glass Soundwave!!!
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He’s gone through Multiple reformats varying between with his consent and,,, not. The latest of which took place when they didn’t have many materials
So they used half earth metals half Cybertronian ones
As it turns out? Those two things don’t mix very well. His joints are Horrible. They lock up randomly, the worst of which being the door to his tape deck.
He physically isn’t able to dock his cassettes reliably because they might get stuck in there.
What does he do to fix this? So glad you asked!! He has his own assistive aids, in this case: a portable external carrying case
It was made and personalized to work specifically for him and his situation
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I love him
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a-matter-of-yeet · 4 months
“They’re canonically x you can’t ship them with characters they’re not attracted to”
“I know they’re canonically aroace but I like the ship and x character is hot”
Shit like this brings the movement down.
Everyone validates queer representation until the character is aroace.
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gojoest · 6 months
can i have my knuckles kissed one by one by a big scary evil man that is only soft with me
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fumifooms · 11 months
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osachiyo · 2 months
You adults need to grow the fuck up. I am a writer myself and i think minors should be allowed to read and interact with smut. I don’t understand what the issue is?? What’re y’all adults even “protecting”? Minors from smut? LMFAO please, I know you all watched/read porn when you were a teen, so why are WE the problem when it comes to interacting with nsfw??
i was not expecting this kind of ask today but 🤡
listen child, your first mistake was assuming that i want to protect you from porn/smut on the internet because i don’t ! i don’t know who the hell you are and it sure as hell isn’t my responsibility to protect you from these things — that’s your parents job. i could not care less about you, you are a random stranger in the internet to me as i am to you so let’s just get that out of the way 💀
secondly, you assumed that i watched porn as a teenager to which my response is absolutely not. i grew up in a very religious and strict house and wasn’t even allowed to have my own phone until i was 16 so that’s that. and i didn’t even LIKE porn, and i still don’t to this day. seeing naked women and men is not my thing, that’s why i READ it ! and honestly, you should not be proud to watch/read porn at a young age, that is not anything to boast about. especially if you have a porn addiction.
when i was a teen, i thought fanfics were cringe and nerdy as fuck, that’s why i didn’t read them 💀 and my mindset has definitely changed since then !! i didn’t start reading fanfics till i was 17 and my go-to was wattpad :) i was reading haikyuu fluff and heavy angst series’s because i wasn’t interested in lemon/smut.
thirdly, you think you’re so mature but you can’t even comprehend that people have boundaries, and you should follow those boundaries. not letting minors follow me is my boundary and im sticking to it. i couldn’t give a shit if you feel attacked or left out because of a simple boundary that a random ass stranger on the internet has ! and wanna know the funny thing? you could always read the fic and not interact with it so you don’t get blocked 🤯 shocking, isn’t it? now go and do your damn homework 💀
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spineless-lobster · 23 days
Literally all of nyx’s children have autism and it fucking shows which is why I love all of them so much in my heart
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greensaplinggrace · 10 months
I think one of the biggest differences between bangel and spuffy is that angel isn’t a partner to buffy. he’s not even someone she knows that well. he’s not someone she’s ever familiar with, and he’s not someone she can ever fully rely on.
yeah their romance was big and grand and all the things a tragic fairytale romance is. but at the end of the day their relationship is so incredibly surface level. all there is is the idea of love, and not even the real thing.
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miyamiwu · 26 days
Not gonna lie, I love Kaiser as a character more after chapter 261. His relationship with Ness also becomes more compelling and nuanced that KaiNess has now cemented itself in my psyche.
God, I just love dissecting characters that are so mentally wrong (I think I can understand my psychiatrist now)
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vicsy · 2 months
here is the video from the cooldown room:
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abigail · 2 months
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job interview ? completed it mate
no for real though here’s my outfit i wore to it :-) i think it went pretty well !! i’ve never felt more chill doing a job interview actually it’s so weird .. idk. i’m feeling hopeful about it but i don’t want to get my hopes up too much !! they’re gonna let me know early next week so !! we shall see ♡
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scrivler · 4 months
I’m tired of seeing one of few canonically aroace characters in media be unyieldingly sexualized and shipped by the fans
“Aro/ace people can still be in relationships/have sex though!!”
Okay cool. Not what I was talking about.
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autism-alley · 4 months
y’all headcanoning poseidon as purposefully sending medusa’s head back to sender knowing gabe would open it is like. entirely missing the point of sally jackson’s character and also SO fucked up if it was poseidon?? who used medusa’s head to kill an asshole man?? like!! what the fuck! not to mention sally jackson?? ms. sally jackson? who kills her abusive husband? who on multiple occasions rejected the help of the man who is both a god and her former lover bc she wants to build her life herself—? and who does it? “if my life is to mean anything, i have to live it myself.” those are sally jackson’s words. the abuse itself was already incredibly watered down in the show and that is upsetting. to have gabe accidentally kill himself because he’s a bumbling idiot waters down her agency against her abuse and is even more so upsetting. to have not just a man but a literal god kill her husband for her is so. do you not see how that’s even worse. and then add in that god being poseidon and the method of murder is medusa’s head? i don’t even have words to articulate it, just—
no matter how you cut it, narratively you only disrespect and degrade sally when gabe’s life is taken by any hand that isn’t hers, and having that hand be poseidon’s is just wild.
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demeterdefence · 4 months
i despise and detest how mental health / trauma is treated in lo and more specifically how it only becomes trauma in relation to hp
hades claiming zeus “wasn’t scarred” by kronos and apollo making a quip that zeus was the “least damaged from the war”
demeter not only being abused by every man she’s familiar with but also being gaslit / disrespected to such extent she can’t even approach her sisters for help
thanatos apologizing to his abuser
minthe getting ripped apart for being the victim of a groomer and rightfully pointing out she’s not okay with being cheated on
hera’s trauma with kronos only being brought up as a kind of comparison / segue into persephone’s
artemis’ very clear grief at being lied to by her family and finding out her brother is a rapist
literally NONE of these get addressed as trauma in the narrative and if they do it’s ALWAYS as either blaming them for their own grief or turning it into another hades and persephone love fest
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marysblo0d · 10 days
Please God, grant this fandom critical thinking skills and reading comprehension skills, amen
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sunflower98s · 1 year
rose/ten/tenrose stans: *minds our business*
doctor who fandom on a daily basis: rose tyler is overrated!!! she’s such an annoying, whiny, selfish bitch in series 2!! series 1 rose > series 2 rose. rose is so dumb and incompetent!!!! martha is so much better than her. rose was nothing but some stupid, love interest to ten!!!! i’ll never understand why the doctor loved rose, she is such a whiny, bland brat!! rose should have left for good in doomsday!!!! rose didn’t deserve to end up with the doctor. tenrose’s the blandest and most overrated doctor who ship!UnPoPuLaR oPiNiOn ninerose > tenrose!!! tenrose is toxic and abusive!!! the doctor never showed his true self to rose, she loved a superficial projection!ten never loved rose as much as nine did!! ten was such a whiny brat!!!!! the tenth doctor was nothing but a toxic bitch!!! losing rose was not a legitimate trauma, he had no reason to grieve her for so long! the tenth doctor is bland and overrated!!! there are better doctors than ten!!!! stop saying he’s the best and liking him so much!!!!! [insert here one random doctor] loved [insert here one random companion] much more than ten loved rose!!! ten dumped rose with a clone!!!! rose deserved to die in doomsday!!!tenrose stans are superficial and only ship tenrose because it’s a conventionally attractive ship!!! they are just self-inserting and want to suck dt’s c*ck!!!tenrose is crap, my ship is soooo superior!!
rose/ten/tenrose stans:
rose/ten/tenrose stans: *shrugs*
rose/ten/tenrose stans: *completely ignores the hate, continues to mind our business, don’t even bother to put up fight*
doctor who fandom: *keep up with the daily slander*
rose/ten/tenrose stans:
rose/ten/tenrose stans: *finally gets sick of the slander and fight back*
doctor who fandom: oh my god, ten/rose/tenrose stans are so toxic and annoying!! they can’t handle one single negative opinion about their faves!! they are always starting drama unprovoked!!!! the worst fandom ever!!!!!!!!!
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starlooove · 3 months
‘Duke is normal for a bat’ just get it over with and call him a slur atp
Y’all fight to find every excuse to ignore and exclude or other him or just make him fucking boring in comparison to everyone else when that’s not the case? Like if you wanna compare missions/adventures whatever, right that’s just less run time; but y’all extend that to his personality and it’s so weird. Y’all make ‘lack of experience’ everything about him and it’s so irritating bc 3 guesses as to why we don’t have much Duke stuff? Hint It rhymes with bacism. And the crazy thing is the Duke stuff we DO have IS interesting and it has so much potential not just for him but to expand Gotham and the batfam, and even outside of that due to his relationship with the outsiders, in general but y’all can’t stomach that a black boy (BOY! Bc don’t get me started on the adultification to justify ignoring him in order to infantilize ur white faves) can be interesting or have a spotlight shone on him it’s so infuriating. I wish I could blast this into y’all’s brains over and over till you GET it
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