#dom x sophie
roadtogracelandx45 · 3 months
Life In The Fastlane|7| Fast Saga
They were good in bed, she'd say
Vince toyed with one of the charms that hung from the bracelet that Brian replaced. "Buster?" He asked unable to keep the annoyance out of his voice. "
Yeah, he pawned the one I had." She yawned, "It was the only piece of jewelry that my dad ever gave me before he bailed. Broke my heart."
He nodded his head and tangled his fingers in her messy hair, for an insane brief moment, he thought that he should be the one replacing and giving her stuff like this and buying her new stuff.  Thoughts he had never thought to do before, not even when they started getting money from the heist. It hadn't even crossed his mind to do that for Mia, but she never showed interest as Sophie did.  As much as Sophie was rough and tumble, she was also a girlie girl.
The shopping sprees after the heists were a huge sign of it. Honestly, he liked to spoil the girl, it was a nice change, and in turn, she took care of him. "Yo! Vince! Sophs! Get down here!' Leon's voice called from the bottom of the stairs causing the teen to groan and bury her face into the pillow.
 "Come on, they made you a cake, I am sure you don't want to disappoint them." She lifted her head surprised, "Leon and Jesse were able to cook in Mia's kitchen? I am not even allowed to do that." 
Vince shrugged his shoulders, all he was informed of was that they got Sophie a cake and that was it. 
The girl sighed and dropped her head again rubbing her face into the material of the pillowcase before pushing herself to sit up. 
"Fine. Let's get this over with."
"You really should leave before they come downstairs," Letty commented as she pressed the buttons on the video game controller. She had tried to get the girls to leave but the one wouldn't leave, and honestly, she wanted to see Sophie lose her mud and beat the crap out of Susie.  She had finally remembered the name of that ugly mug. 
"What is that dumb bitch gonna do? Kick my ass?”'
"Yeah." Leon laughed as he sat back on the chair causing one of the other girls to go sit on the arm of his chair. They had all seen Sophie at one point or another lose her shit and hurt another girl. And the last thing they needed at that point and time was for her to get hurt.
 Especially after she just got the all-clear from her doctor.
The girls started to hover near the foot of stairs when Vince and Sophie reappeared and the girl that had been talking the most shit jumped right to going back to Vince's side who promptly ignored her turning to look at Sophie who was still on the step above him smirking.
 He didn't know what possessed him to do this but he was going to go with it.
"I thought you were told to leave," Sophie said as she swept her hair over her shoulders, an icy look filling her blue eyes. The old Coyote seeing it laughed lowly and took her hand in his before pulling her into him.
 "Maybe that bullet should have gone a few inches further and killed you." Susie snarked. "It would have been better." Sophie wrenched her hand out of Vince's and spun to face her, "Watch what the fuck you say to me." 
Letty pushed herself up from the ground ready to jump in if she needed it. Like she would with Mia but deep down she knew that Sophie needed to prove to herself that she could handle her shit and that she didn't need Vince or Leon. Or even Dom and Letty rushing to her aide every time something bad happened.
"You know he is never going to pick you right? You are just a glorified placeholder for Mia."
"Watch it." Vince barked trying to catch Sophie's hand again but she pulled away from him.
"So what if I am? If I am just a glorified placeholder, then what are you?"
'I, I.' She started.
'Exactly, you are lower than scum."
A high-pitched scream filled the house and she slapped the blonde. 
"You know." Sophie retorted flexing her jaw back and forth, "You hit like a girl." Susie swung again and as she was swinging to hit her.
 Sophie's fist came out and connected with her nose sending her falling to the ground. 
"Oh shit!" Letty laughed as she bounced back and out of the way and Leon and Jesse who had pulled themselves away from the girls they were with rushed to help Vince try and herd Sophie back up the stairs.
 "Calm down Sophs!" Leon barked as he wrapped his arms around her knees to help Vince who had her under the armpits haul her up the stairs.
"This is calm!" She shouted jerking her body this way and that way to get away from them. 
The very thin line of patience that she had been holding onto snapped. She had tried to keep a hold of it all with her recovery and she had only lost her temper mildly once and that was when Letty informed her that Vince brought home one of the girls from the races. 
But all of the things that pushed her towards the edge was seeing her older brother and him trying to act like they could right back to how they were before he walked out of her life after betraying her and Roman.
 Brian wasn't surprised to see his sister sitting curled up next to Vince who was playing his guitar, three girls were surrounding them, the smaller of the three nursing a bloody nose.
"What happened?" He asked crossing the room quickly not to check on the girl but on his sister who had a baggy full of ice on her hand.
"She talked shit.”' Sophie returned wincing when he moved her hand back and forth. "And I hit her."
Vince placed the guitar down, demanding why Dom brought the buster there. 
"Sophs." He sighed, "We have talked about this. Remember beating up Raya?"
Raya had been Brian's high school girlfriend and to say Sophie hated her was an understatement and the feeling was mutual, on more than one occasion he and Rome had to pull them apart. But the one time they weren't quick enough, Raya and Sophie got into a fist fight and it ended up with both girls going to urgent care to get stitches and a nose fixed. 
"I remember, but she deserved it.' Her voice was so quiet that he barely heard it over the music. "Said that Roger should have killed  me."
"You really shouldn't listen to that crap Sophie. You know better." Brian started after clicking his tongue at her. Dom was suddenly by their side, his anger fizzling when Leon informed him about Sophie's fight. 
"I am fine Dom, no damage done." She insisted as he took the ice pack off to look at it following the same motion of moving her hand back and forth. 
"She did more damage done to me." The other girl insisted on removing the bloodied towel away from her face to show Dom the damage.
The normally stoic man's mouth twitched like he wanted to smile.
"Looks like it was justified." 
"It wasn't."  The girl protested as Letty stood up from where she had been lying on her stomach, her dark eyes on the girl, ready to pounce. Sure she wanted to use her fists like Sophie had but she knew the only other thing that would get this girl to understand was to use her words.
"She was saying some pretty nasty things while they were both upstairs." Jesse who had his tongue down a girl's throat pulled back with a sucking pop to look at the group.
There had been some words exchanged by the girls even before this happened, there had even been a fight that almost broke out two days after Sophie got released from the hospital and Susie was trying to get with Vince who only wanted nothing more than to with Sophie either he was getting some or not. 
"What did she say Lets?" The blonde asked, she had a feeling of what was said but it was better for Dom to hear it vocalized so Susie and her friends would be blacklisted from the races. 
 Letty offered Susie a smirk before repeating what Susie had not only said about Sophie but of Mia. Surprised the blonde swallowed back a yelp and turned so Susie and her friends could see her face or hear the shocked quiet laughter. Vince who had placed down his guitar pulled her out of her seat and into him possessively, thankful that Mia was back in her bedroom studying, despite his budding feelings for Sophie, deep down he knew that he would choose Mia over the blonde and he didn't want to lose her.
"Get out!" Dom barked causing Susie and her friends to jump surprised, they all knew of his temper and how he spent time in Lompoc but no one involved in the racing scene had seen it.
Until now.
"GET OUT!" There was an underlying threat in his voice that if they didn't get out they would see that side of him. 
"Sophie.' Dom's attention went to the girl, "Go upstairs." Sophie's blue eyes darted from her brother to Dom and back before she extracted herself from Vince. 
"Hey bro, you got a bathroom?" Brian asked if he wanted to try and talk to Sophie one-on-one and he wasn't going to be able to do so with Vince being around. 
"I will show 'im."  The younger O'Conner commented as she slipped around the couple, her hand reaching out and patting his shoulder as she did so. 
"Slut!”  Susie's friend Ruby spat as Leon, Jesse, and a few of the other guys started strong-arming them out of the house. For the most part, their neighbors were chill with the loud music and parties but fights were the one thing that would get the cops called on them. 
For her part, Sophie didn't rise to the comment, instead, she just started to climb the stairs, all the excitement of the day was too much on her and she was exhausted, all she wanted at that point was her bed and to watch on of the movies that Jesse insist she watched after he found out that she hadn't really been allowed to watch many movies or TV shows.
 "It wouldn't surprise me if she bedded all of them." Tracey another one of the girls said. 
Brian paused, hateful words forming on the tip of his tongue to defend his sister. Surprising him with how easy it was to slip right back into that older brother role.
"Don't, they aren't worth it. They are just words." She commented, "They are projecting their bitterness and hurt feelings onto me because they are realizing that Vince isn't going to fall over them. He does have a little bit of taste. Either it is me or Mia. The bathroom is right there.' She pointed towards the half-opened bathroom door, Brian shot the girls a threatening look before going around his sister into the bathroom. "And for your information, Brian is my brother. Nothing more. Nothing less." She gave Vince a pointed look before going up the rest of the stairs and into her bedroom. 
Brian heard the opening theme to Star Wars he thought coming from the room just opposite of where the bathroom was and he went to the door, he hoped that it was just his sister in her room and no one else, he peeked through the opening and smiled seeing her alone in the center of the bed. 
"Hey Sophs, got a second?" "Sure." She went to push herself up to look at him but he waved her off.
"Just be careful with Vince is all. I don't want to see you hurt more than you already are." He commented. "Bri, no offense but you don't really don't have a right to tell me what to do. You gave up that right when you left." She returned, "but I will try and be more careful."  
He flashed her a crooked smile, "Get some rest." 
She gave him a two-finger salute and laid back down on the bed pulling the blanket up around her.  Somethings were never gonna change with him, he was always going to come back into her life and control things and this time, she didn’t want it or need it.  
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zaffiri-saffici · 1 year
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Same energy, tbh.
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thesummerpetrichor · 11 months
𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓮𝓷: 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷’ 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷’
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Javier Peña x afab!fem!reader
Summary: When you got dragged along to your father's weekend embassy getaway you were not expecting to meet the one man he couldn't stand. You weren't expecting to catch his eye. You weren't expecting that you'd be fucking him to get back at your father. You sure as hell weren't expecting him to be finger fucking you under your dinner table.
Warnings: 18+ only minors DNI you will be blocked. Mentions of DEA, reader is the ambassador’s daughter [please do not imagine your real dads because this shit gets nasty], thicc age gap [reader is in her early 20s Javier is in his 40s], petnames, Javi can lift reader, mommy and daddy issues for spice, use of ‘daddy’ [once] for extra spice, explicit language, explicit sexual content, size kink, mean!dom!brat tamer!Javi, brat!reader, dirty talk, degradation, public sex, semi public sex, fingering under the table, oral [m receiving], facial [oop], slight cumplay?, spanking, choking [like once], unprotected P in V [ do better!!] let me know if I missed anything!!
Word Count: 10.4k
A/N: This is part one of three (1/3) that follows these two's little horny adventure over the weekend. Pure and utter filth because I dreamt about being on an embassy vacay with Javi. Absolute depravity but I hope you nasties enjoy mwah!! 💗
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Darlin', darlin', doesn't have a problem
Lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
Sophie’s eyes shot open, mouth falling agape as she slowly turned her head in your direction. “You’re fucking kidding!” Lyn was already leaning over you, her upper body between her and your recliner, and Maria and Sandra had picked up their cocktails and skirted closer. 
“DEA Javier?” Anne’s not so subtle reaction prompted a collective “shush” from the group. She lowered her voice, but sounded just as shocked as she did moments ago. “Mean, grumpy, asshole Javier?!” Sandra leaned in closer, then raised her brows at the former indicatively. 
“Pornstar Javier.” 
Maria smacked the both of you on your shoulders, her expression nothing short of grossed out. “You mean my tio Javier.” 
Sighing you let your head fall back against your chair, legs stretched out and crossed over one another as you brought your straw to your upturned lips. Maria dropped her head on your shoulder. “You're going to kill your father”. Giggles floated through the warm afternoon air, drowned out partially by the music emanating from the restaurant nearby. 
You were an unspecified amount of drinks into the morning, but more drunk on the prospect that Agent Peña was now in a prison of his own mind, having started something that had spun quickly out of his control. The sun was shining down on your mostly bare body, skin glittering thanks to the tiny droplets of water that gemmed your legs from when you’d walked across the beach and let the waves crash gently against them. 
Sliding your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose, you met his gawking eyes from across the pool. He was hunched over a whiskey at the bar, pretending like he wasn’t eye fucking his bosses daughter mere seconds ago, enjoying the view under the guise of relaxing with his partners.  
You shot him a wink, concealing your smirk with your strawberry daiquiri when he nearly choked on his drink– clumsily accepting the paper napkin Carillo confusedly offered him. 
You had legitimately tried every possible way of getting out of joining your dad on his little  embassy getaway. It was the middle of summer, and spending the weekend with a bunch of retirees, cops, and CIA agents was not exactly what you would call an ideal vacation. But as always you ended up giving in, and before you knew it you were in Cartagena, sunhat perched on your head, checking into the hotel. 
Why you indulged him was a mystery to you. The man had practically disappeared for six months, and then called you out of the blue begging you to tag along. It was like having the perfect family was a requirement at that shitty excuse of a job. You were convinced you were just there to be an accessory to his polished image, some sort of certificate of achievement for whatever the hell he called parenting. 
But a free vacation? Free booze? Food? And a weekend with your friends? That seemed worth the trouble of having to deal with him for a couple of days, say ‘hi’ to and make menial conversation with his co workers, and sit through whatever superficial dinner they hosted to pat themselves on the back for the work they did over the past year.
Admittedly, it was going a lot better than you had initially expected. The oldies sat around playing cards– trying to discuss retirement plans and secure raises, and you stayed far away, sipping cocktails by the pool, lounging in the summer sun, and watching the volleyball matches on the sand. Cartagena had terrific beaches, and the DEA had a whole lot of people who contributed to the view. 
At least they were good for something. 
Their attaché was good for a lot of things. 
Despite having never met him, you knew quite a lot about Javier Peña. How could you not? The man was on your dad’s mind more than your entire family. Insolent, dismissive, inflexible, impudent, you could go on for hours. You wondered what he was really like– the guy who had gotten more attention from your father in two years of his career than you did your entire life. 
Expecting some grumpy, old, grubby handed man who spent all his time trying to pick up women at bars– calling it espionage, you were knocked for six when you saw tall, brown haired, broad shouldered, cut jaw, Agent Peña respond to his name being called across the reception. For how much the ambassador liked to discuss him he had completely glossed over his striking good looks. 
Even though he wasn’t difficult to miss among the senior citizens it wasn’t his ‘pinup boy’ persona that initially caught your attention. From the moment you’d dragged your suitcase up the lobby staircase you couldn't help but shake the feeling that someone's eyes had been following you. You brushed it off at first, but their gaze had burnt a hole into your back soon enough, and you were forced to scout the room for the supposed perpetrator. 
For better or for worse your voyeur did little to hide their private indulgence. Leaning against the concierge's desk you met the eyes of the one person you were least expecting to have caught the interest of. Granted, Javier looked rather delicious in his dark jeans and blue, cotton shirt, you’d expect he’d have at least a little more shame than everyone at the embassy gave him credit for. 
It was quite flattering actually, the way he was eating up the sight of you in your sundress– that one you bought on your vacation in Italy last summer, the one that fell just above mid thigh, with that soft, white, cotton fabric that was perfect for the hot weather. He was smoking a cigarette beside your father’s assistant Colleen, and a blonde man whose face was turned away from you. His eyes raked over your body and landed on the pendant your dad gifted you for your birthday as it dangled from your neck– the blue diamond brushing over the valley between your breasts. 
He knew you’d caught him, but that didn’t stop the man. It was admirable. 
You had to assume he didn’t know who you were, because if he did he was pretty adventurous for salivating over you so openly, with your father just a few feet away. It wasn't difficult to get on the ambassador’s shit list, and by far Agent Peña seemed to be kicking everyone’s ass for the top spot. The fact that he was so obviously avoiding the ambassador wasn’t doing him any favors. Maybe this was his twisted way of getting back at your dad. Maybe you liked that it was.
Your father moved around the crowded lobby, switching pleasantries with the mostly sunburned crowd. He didn’t bother dragging you along for introductions, and usually you’d prefer being perched on the couch with your friends, but it was almost impossible not to feel a little left out when he cornered Peña and his blonde friend near the flavored water. 
You watched from a distance as the ambassador took the blonde’s hand, shook it and then quite violently patted his back before he shook Peña’s shoulder in a painfully forced gesture. Truth be told, you felt quite bad for the man. It was a shame really– getting forced into spending a weekend with the only people more insufferable than the cartels.  
For him, that is. 
It's alarming, honestly, how charming she can be
Fooling everyone, telling 'em she's having fun
The smell of a well cooked meal should not have excited you as much as it did. But the prospect of being able to eat something that wasn’t cooked by your mother was far too appealing to pass upon. Lunch was served, even though you knew it was meant to be more of a commencement ceremony for the weekend. 
You looked towards the restaurant– serenely sandwiched between the beach and the pool, and covered partially by a canopy of palm trees, to find the people moving in in droves.  Eager to get the “fun” going. You had already lost your father to the crowd, and even better it seemed like he’d be gone a while before he’d be inflicting his presence on you once again. 
Sophie emerged from the mob, looking dramatically desperate. She grabbed your arm. “I can’t do this sober”. She was serious as a heart attack, and so were you. Sliding your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose you met her gaze. “You and me both” 
Browsing the spread was a workout of its own. The thing seemed to run for miles, and the task was only made harder thanks to the many people who stopped you on the way. “The ambassador's daughter right?!” What more could you do besides smile awkwardly and say hello. The whole world seemed to know your entire life story– where you were studying, your major, the fact that you’d spent the first week of summer with your mother. You knew your father liked to run his mouth, but the fact that you were, in any way, a point of conversation, was at the very least jarring. 
After nearly twenty minutes of perusing you finally made it to the bar, and were utterly grateful for the handsome bartender who fixed your drinks in a giffy. All that was left to do was huddle in the corner and get day-drunk till the entire ordeal was over. 
“Well, well well, what a surprise” Turning around from the onyx countertop, you came face to face with a firm, broad chest. You tilted your chin to find Maria’s dad smiling down at you. He reached for her, then mused the hair in a few rugged motions. She grumbled, but fell into his side anyway. 
You liked Mr Carillo, he was really nice, always personable, and it looked like him and Maria had a great relationship. The man always looked out for her, made jokes with her, and didn’t take himself too seriously. He was a good dad. 
“Nice to see you again Mr. Carillo.” You extended him your first genuine smile in what felt like hours. “So lovely to see you, I was wondering why Maria was so excited to tag along.” The colonel’s booming voice caught the attention of his two companions, who’s heads turned in your direction. 
“That is absolutely false, I would never.” Maria looked at her dad as if to politely ask him to shut up, but as always her bright smile betrayed her. The two laughed, then turned to you once again. 
As if he’d just realized something, Mr. Carillo spoke up frantically. “Oh, my apologies” he shook his head, chiding himself for his lack of introduction, and gestured to the two men sitting beside him. You didn’t need any introductions if you were being honest. After being subjected to your dads twenty four hour complaining you basically knew the whole embassy, could even recognize them from their little quirks or habits. 
You certainly didn’t need an introduction for the dark head of hair that refused to look you in the eyes. “Steve Murphy.” Mr. Carillo grabbed the blonde– the one whose face you couldn't quite catch a glimpse of earlier, by the shoulder. 
If you weren't so taken up by his partner, Murphy’s good looks would have swayed you just the same. But Steve was far too decent to undress you with his eyes from across the room, he was far too level headed to get on your father’s nerves. An unfortunate, or rather fortunate side effect of his unbearably favorable reputation was that he was completely and utterly uninteresting. 
At least to you, brothel stories were far more entertaining than those of the duck hunting variety. And of course, news of hillbilly Steve’s shooting skills had reached the ambassadors desk. You wondered how Javier didn’t consider Murphy and your father’s trip to the lake treason. 
He extended his hand towards you, and you shook it. Deep blue eyes affable and relaxed. Then again almost anyone looked relaxed in comparison to your father. His smile was so annoyingly friendly you thought you might just explode. “Nice to meet you” You noticed the wedding band twinkling on his ring finger. Cute. 
Mr. Carillo nodded in his partner’s direction. “Javier Peña” His presence was a lot less larger than life up close. If you were being honest he looked quite flustered, nervous even. It crossed your mind that who exactly you were was only just beginning to dawn on him. All the machismo seemed to have faded at the realization that death would be better than indulging whatever little fantasy he had brewing in his head. 
If there was one thing he wasn’t going to do, it was fuck his asshole boss’s daughter. 
“The infamous Javier Peña.” Raising his drink to his lips, he formed a tight smile. “That’s me.” He let out a deep exhale through his nose, followed by another shakey smile, barely concealing his apparent desire to escape the entire situation.
“So you’re the one stealing my dad away.” The nice man that he was, Murphy had already indulged Papa Carillo and hija Carillo in a conversation about college. “nice to finally see you in person.” Javier wasn’t an idiot, anyone who could pick up on your tone would have understood in a moment you’d caught their prying eyes. He sighed, then chuckled, as if to acknowledge your teasing. 
“Javi’s famous at home?” You seemed to have caught the blonde’s attention. You rolled your eyes, then fixed them on the agent in front of you. “You’d think they were married.” The group broke out into laughter, Javier excluded of course, who looked rather embarrassed at the prospect. It felt like only the two of you knew you weren't really joking. 
“Not sitting at the ambassador’s table?” Javier seemed genuinely curious, like you had gone out of your way to silently torment him for his little private moment. “I couldn’t do that to myself” Yet again, there was laughter, and yet again it felt like a little inside joke between just you and Agent Peña. 
Carillo and Murphy quickly became interested in something Maria had to say, and you took the opportunity to make Javier aware you weren’t in fact an completely oblivious idiot. “Hoping to see you around Agent Peña, and not just from afar this time.” He smiled, and raised his glass for a toast, rolling his eyes and finishing the last of his whiskey. 
What kind of a psychopath drank whiskey at 2:00pm 
It wasn’t long before you migrated to the far end of the restaurant. Thanks to the time they spent in Cali you were sure almost everyone had forgotten just how tremendously obnoxious your father was. Well, almost everyone. Poor agent Peña took every opportunity to escape working in Bogota, and still ended up trapped in a room with a hundred other people, being subjected to his presence. 
You popped a cherry into your mouth, reaching for your third drink in a span of two hours, and forced your eyes away from the back of his head. Anything that could help you disassociate from your dads co co-workers' excruciating presence was worth a shot. Maria squeezed onto the table you and your friends were crowded on– all unwilling to go within meters of the shit show inside. She placed two margaritas on the table for Sophie and Sandra, the cultural attaché’s daughters, and then took a sip of her own. Looked like everyone was on the same page. 
Bothersome clapping brought you back to reality, and you gazed up to find your dad moseying his way to the little stage at the center of the restaurant to grab the mic out of Noonan’s grasp. He fixed the sleeves of his white cotton shirt, then tossed his shades into its front pocket. 
The man was preparing. Great. 
Javier hung his head, then rubbed his temple. Presumably realizing that Noonan’s was far from the only speech he’d be enduring that afternoon. You watched as he slithered out of his table, presumably to the bar to drown in another glass of whiskey. If he thought this was bad, you wondered what he’d do if he met your mother. 
Grabbing your lighter from the table you scooted out of your little corner in the far end of the restaurant. Hoping to make your escape before your dad began his toast, or worse noticed your presence. You squeezed past Sandra, whose forehead was plastered to the table, and shimmied out through the side staircase leading to the beach, careful to stay out of view of the stage. 
You’d take anyone’s eyes following you besides your fathers. 
She says, "You don't want to be like me"
Don't wanna see all the things I've seen
I'm dying, I'm dying"
The chipped wooden railing crackled softly under the weight of your leaning elbows, not dissimilar to the click of your lighter, to which you brought your cigarette. 
It was difficult to believe you were already two weeks into the summer. The realization hit you that morning as you checked your ticket, and noticed how you didn't even know what day it was. Time had passed by rather quickly, to your dismay, and the feeling that your little vacation was slipping through your fingers had been haunting you ever since. 
You wondered if this senior citizen's getaway you had decided to accompany your father on was really worth your time and energy. Sure, on the surface it was nice to see some of your friends again, and you’d be lying if you said you weren't excited for a free vacation, but you couldn’t shake the bitter taste the whole ordeal had left on your tongue. 
The warm beach breeze kissed your skin, the smell of sea salt and the squawking of the seagulls lulling you into daze. Your father’s speech drowned out in the distance, and your mind drifted to the way Javier had so shamelessly checked you out in the hotel lobby. 
Effecting you was one thing. Surely you were no stranger to catching people's attention, but it was the absolute boldness of the gesture that struck you. He let his eyes linger on your bare legs, let them rake slowly up your frame as if he were documenting the memory for later use. Right there, two feet away from your father. 
It only made you want him more. 
Agent Peña’s shameless gawking was enough to fan the little flames of desire already set ablaze in your system– since the moment you noticed him leaning against the concierge’s desk. But it was the precariousness of the situation that really excited you. As suave as he may seem, Peña was quite an easy read. You didn’t need to be a psychoanalyst to understand the man wasn’t one to say no to a little chaos, a little adrenaline rush, dare say a little fun.  You also didn't need to be a psychoanalyst to notice the fact that he was clearly working against every bone in his body not to yield to his desires– for the sake of his peace of mind, and professionalism 
You could imagine it already, the satisfaction of driving him just a little bit crazy– starting him off on something you knew he’d be compelled to finish. Something that if your father were to find, would drive him absolutely insane. After all you’d endured all these years, who was he to deny you a little fun? That too just to preserve his status and ego. 
“Your dad know you’re sneaking off for a smoke in the middle of his toast?” Startled, you whipped your head in the direction of the voice, speak of the devil. You came face to face with Agent Peña leaning against the railing beside you. He crushed the butt of his cigarette against the wood. It was then you realized he had clearly been out far longer than you had. 
“I don't know agent Peña, does your boss know you’re sneaking out in the middle of his toast?” You leaned towards him as you spoke, catching the faint scent of alcohol, cologne and now nicotine off his shirt, and watched his lips lift into a subtle smirk concealed lightly by thin gray smoke. 
He raised his brow, and without waiting for you to offer, swifty took your cigarette from between your fingers– he took a puff. “So that's how it is..” his fingers brushed your skin when he handed the cigarette back to you, and you matched his expression as you took it between your index and thumb. 
“I wont tell if you won’t”  It was quite impressive how he managed to sneak up beside you, without catching your attention in the slightest. Not to mention you weren’t exactly sure how long he’d been creeping on you before he decided to do it anyway. If he looked at his informants with even half the charm he was flaunting with you, you’d have a lot of faith in his success rates. Who knew, maybe he was better at his job than your father liked to believe? 
“The ambassador’s daughter huh?” It came out more strained than anything. Talk about an easy read– the man could barely curtail his disappointment. He looked at you once again.  “Couldn’t tell.”
Cocking your head to the side you narrowed your eyes at him- expecting some stupid explanation. “Yeah, why’s that?” 
“Expected you to be younger ‘f ‘m being honest.” He used the edge of the railing like an ashtray. “Really? How young.” You knew he was teasing, but you were also somewhat curious. What did he think your father’s daughter would be like? 
He shrugged. “Four, five.” Then just barely managed to conceal his laughter. He was handsome, charming, strong headed and his career goals consisted of more than kissing his superiors asses. Of course your father hated him. 
“At his age, please. If you're looking for a promotion, I'm not helping.” Scoffing, you watched as his eyes shifted to the beach. As he had done in the lobby you took your time to take in his profile– the way the top two buttons of his shirt were undone, his sunglasses teasingly tugging them further down. 
He broke the silence. “So, What brings you on the retirement trip” 
“I like a change of environment once in a while.” You shrugged, surprised by what seemed to you like genuine curiosity. 
“What environment? The antique show?” He half rolled his eyes, then just barely motioned his head towards the restaurant. You sighed as you looked on, making out only the top of your dads head turning left to right, then another burst of artificial laughter. You turned back to face him, eyes raking over his frame. 
“‘Was thinkin’ more vintage.” Javier laughed, almost impressed with how forward you were, leaning further forward across the railing, with his yale blue shirt stretched to the seams across his back, hugging his biceps and folding right above his elbow. “S’ that so?” 
“And what's your deal? Just like pissing off the establishment?” his eyes dropped to your lips as he watched you take a puff. “Doesn't take much to do that now, does it babydoll?” The pet name had your breath hitching in your throat, you knew you were treading rocky waters. 
“And how would I know that, Agent Peña” it felt like his brown eyes could look right through your body and to your soul, deep and twinkling– with what exactly you weren't sure at that moment. He chuckled to himself. He wasn’t exactly wrong, but what fun was just admitting it when you could involve him in your shenanigans. 
Momentarily your eyes shifted to the cigarette. His eyes were trained on the smoke gently slipping past your lips as you inspected it. You twirled it between your fingers, and then turned your head to face him once again. “Just a hunch.” If he planned to keep you away he was doing a terrible job. Every moment spent with you was another foot underground. 
Unfortunately for him, his attention was quickly diverted once again when he noticed you bring the cigarette to his mouth. Aware of what you were trying to do he parted his lips, letting you place it between them. You watched intently as he took a puff, still holding it in place without flinching. Gently, you brought it back to your mouth, but not before thumbing his bottom lip discreetly. 
He exhaled the smoke. “See what I mean?” His jaw ticked, face tense but eyes turning impossibly darker. You almost felt a little bad for torturing and teasing him the way you were– knowing full well he couldn’t act on his desires. The man had little self control, and despite that he knew exactly what he was getting into when he sneaked up behind you. His compulsion was sweet. 
You stepped closer, rising to your tiptoes to have your lips ghost his. “Maybe I do.” As you had done moments ago this time he reached for the cigarette between your lips. The man was using every bit of self restraint he could muster to keep his hands away. The tension in his brows formed tiny creases in his forehead, and his eyes practically pleaded with you to put him out of his misery – because god knows he looked like he couldn’t do it himself. 
“Darling?!” Your eyes widened for a split second, before your lips reverted to their smile– the ring of your dads voice from what was not too far away bursting Javier’s little bubble and sending a wave of sheer panic through his system. It was cute– like a child getting caught holding hands with their kindergarten crush at recess. 
Among the employees you’d heard about, you certainly didn't expect to be endeared by Javier Peña of all people. Still mere inches away from his face, you tilted your head ever so slightly, placing a soft, chaste kiss to his cheek. You felt his skin flush under your touch. The sound of muted laughter echoed from the restaurant once again, and you couldn’t help the feeling that it was mocking the man in front of you. 
“See you at dinner Agent Peña!” 
She says, "You don't want to get this way
Famous and dumb at an early age
Lying, I'm lying"
You had to bend your knees when you tried to catch up with your dad along the cobblestone pathway. Just to make sure you weren’t giving people a view as you ran in your all too short dress. Well, the wrong people that is. The ambassador had stood outside your door for a good twenty five minutes, willing you to come out while you tried on every possible outfit combination you had packed, all to catch the eyes of the one person he couldn’t stand. 
It was quite enjoyable actually, hearing him plead with you to just throw something on and get moving as you sat inside– feet up on the vanity, perfecting your look, knowing just what the consequences would be. 
You looked over yourself in the mirror time and time again. From the nail polish on your toes to the delicate earrings sparkling against your neck you spared nothing to ensure no detail of your appearance was left unaddressed. 
An entire night of sitting and clapping at dull speeches, hearing each diplomat drone on about their achievements? Worst of all your father- who you were sure was going to take the opportunity of an open mic to give a lecture about hard work and dedication? Might as well make it an occasion. 
With so much on your mind, who could blame you for forgetting to slip on your panties? A small lapse in your memory that was completely unmotivated, and to be honest, quite unfortunate, considering you were seated next to a certain Agent Javier Peña for the evening. 
Throwing your oversized blazer on in a rush, you hoped it would do the job of making you look somewhat put together to everyone else at that shitty dinner. You were quite thankful when you realized you were not overdressed for the occasion, rather your short black dress came off far more ‘smart casual’ compared to the full length gowns, satin shawls and bow ties that roamed the hotel ballroom. 
Tables were separated by mere feet, the room barely being able to accommodate the large crowd. Finding your seat seemed like a task, one that nearly everyone was struggling with. You knew you were seated with your dad at one of the smaller ones at the far end of the ballroom, but you didn't expect to be squeezing past entire embassy departments to get there. 
It seemed like you’d been wandering for hours before you saw a face you recognised. You ducked under Javier’s deputy Neil, your head missing a jab from his elbow by inches as you attempted to scoot towards his boss– as always nursing a glass of alcohol in complete isolation, fingers massaging his temples. 
And here you thought you weren’t looking forward to the event. 
You walked up behind him. “I think you’re in my seat” You’d think he’d seen a ghost the way he seemed to be jumpscared by your presence. You felt the fabric of your dress brush the cut of your upper thigh– he was right to be afraid. He muttered a soft “christ” under his breath and swallowed thickly. 
“Well, well, look who it is” The poor man sounded pained, just not pained enough to resist undressing you with his eyes as you walked around him and took a seat. It was like he was scared of you– of how good you looked in that little black dress, that slightly oversized blazer barely hiding you away from his prying eyes. Flattered, you let him enjoy the view for a moment, slipping your blazer off your shoulders far slower than necessary and letting it crumple behind you. 
He watched the goosebumps erupt on your skin, thanks to the cool of the air conditioning.   
“Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, all dressed up” You batted your lashes at him, leaning closer. If you thought he looked good before, boy did he look delicious in his fitted navy blazer, white shirt, and red tie. The outfit was so devastatingly boring, but he made it work somehow. He let out a small laugh, more of an exhale through his nose. 
Your fingers ran along the unnecessarily expensive silk table cloth, lipstick you had smudged on your fingertips earlier staining it ever so slightly, inching closer. “That's cute babydoll, ambassador's mandate” He didn't even need to try to sound condescending, it was practically an inherent part of his tone. You rolled your eyes, then pouted up at him, reaching for his hand that was gripping his glass of whiskey. 
“Who cares what the ambassador has to say, anyway” He let you play with his fingers, but scoffed at your whiny words out of stubbornness nonetheless. “Oh yeah, surely that's not a problem for you, is it?!” He was so close you could make out the scent of alcohol already on his breath– fanning against your smiling lips. You dropped your hand to rest on his thigh. Even by your standards you were being quite bold, but the sight of him shivering at your touch was well worth it. 
You could have indulged him in conversation for hours, but unfortunately for him, from the corner of your eye you spotted a familiar black dress shirt, punctuated by the tone of manufactured enthusiasm.   
“Hi darling” You jumped from your seat, rather quickly, and presumably gave Javier a bigger shock than the one you had two minutes before. A shame he seemed too lost in your conversation to have noticed your father strut to his seat. 
“Hi dad” Smiley as ever you leaned over the table just enough to kiss his cheek, and more than enough to give Javier a view that had him choking on his drink yet again. The hem of your dress tickled your upper thigh. You bit back a smile when heard him cough behind you. 
Thank god for his dark blazer– you’d hate to have his whiskey stain his perfect outfit. 
Your father gave him a curious, worried onceover as he scrambled to his feet. “Good evening Agent Peña, all okay?”
“Yes- yeah,– perfect ambassador-” Things were in fact not perfect– by his standards that is. You could tell by the storm that was clearly brewing under his professional facade. He let out a shaky breath, wiping his sweaty palms on the fabric of his dress pants while he watched your dad inspect the name placards. “Quite a table they put together huh?”
“Tell me about it” He breathed, and shot you a look that could kill. Having caught a glimpse of what was under your dress– or rather the lack thereof, you couldn’t blame him. 
“Mr. Stechner! So nice to see you-” For the first time in his life Javier was happy to see Bill Stechner. He took the opportunity opened by your dad as he greeted him to give you a piece of his mind. “Are you tryna’ get me fucking killed?!” He did not sound happy, voice a seething whisper in your ear. You bit your lip to keep from smiling. 
“Slipped my mind..” You were lucky the table was big, the arriving guests oblivious to your whispers. He took a final swig of his drink, glass now empty and glistening with golden residue. It was nearly full when you first approached him. 
“Bil, Brenda” Javier’s hatred for Bill was so well known even you were privy to it. The man did little to hide it anyway. The thought of poor old him juggling Stechner, Noonan, your father and now you only egged you on. He shook the man's hand, and you wondered if Bill felt the otherwise indifferent agent’s cold sweat. 
He turned back to you. “Yeah? you managed a blazer but not your fucking panties?” You’d think Javier’d leave this kind of a shakedown for his interrogations, because by the way he was talking to you you’d think you’d committed some horrendous offense. When he put it the way he did, it sounded a lot more adventurous then you would have let yourself believe. 
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. 
He grabbed a fresh drink off a passing waiter’s tray– one that was definitely not meant for him. “Thank you.” Then again with how chaotic the past five minutes turned out to be you were sure he didn’t care. 
“Wasn’t thinkin’ bout that” You pouted up at him, and he looked like he could almost cry from frustration. What a sight that would be for the embassy dinner. He exhaled heavily instead. 
“Goddamn brat” 
That you were, and you were going to be until he finally caved. 
The table took their seats, former ambassador Noonan and Milgroup head Owen joining the group. Thanks to the way the room was set up, those sitting opposite you and Javier were forced to turn their chairs towards the stage at its front so as to not crane their necks awkwardly during the speeches. They were quite enthused about the whole thing, but you wondered why, considering they wouldn’t be missing much by looking away anyways. 
“Stuck with the old curmudgeons tonight huh?” Owen pointed to the rest of the table like he didn’t already have a foot in the grave. They laughed nonetheless. “Gonna be a long night.”  Noonan turned away just in time to not notice Javier grip the bottom of your chair, and yank it closer. You looked up at him, as if to ask what the hell he was doing, but he paid you no mind. Until that moment you were feeling quite smug, even impressed with yourself. But you were stupid to think that Javier Peña, of all people, was going to let your misbehavior slide. 
“Better get comfortable” To the ringing words from father dear the group clinked their glasses. Javier pat you on the back, casually letting his hand slither down and rest beside your leg on your chair. What the hell was he doing?  It didn’t matter, your dad was already bringing up his successful raid in Cali. 
“Congratulations Agent Peña, I wish I would’ve bought you a bottle of champagne or something. Completely slipped my mind”  It of course did not slip your fathers mind, he’d brought up the raid on the way to the resort. There was just no way in hell he was conceding to that “fucker” especially after he’d ignored his instructions. Instructions that were very clear: do not go forward with that raid. 
“Not at all, ambassador. All this- “ He gestured to the table “Is more than enough” what a fucking shill. You had to give it to him, the man knew how to kiss ass. Surely the establishment would notice, but hell what could they even do? His mockery was so subtle they couldn't even point it out. 
“Gives us a reason to see the kids” Genuine as ever Owen raised his glass. Maybe you gave these freaks too much credit. Out of the blue you felt a warm hand sneak up your upper thigh, finding a home dangerously close to the hem of your dress. Yelping unintentionally you felt a chill run down your spine as Bill spoke. 
“Of course! s’nice to see some fresh faces” 
Rough fingers smoothed over your supple skin. “To the youngsters” Your father raised his glass, but you could barely think of anything else besides the desire that was polling in your belly. You shifted in your seat again, but Javier was quick to pinch you slightly as a warning. Something told you it was the least severe one he dished out. 
The room suddenly felt a lot warmer than it did a few minutes ago. Javier brushed his thumb against your flesh, then squeezed. He gazed down for a moment, then smiled the first genuine smile you’d seen that evening. He raised his glass, and looked your father right in the eye. 
“To your daughter, ambassador” 
That sick fuck. You’d be lying if you said it didnt make your heart flutter, or your tummy twist with need. And you thought he was shameless before. You lifted your champagne glass to the toast, but clinking glasses was a whole lot more difficult considering Agent Peña had inched his way up and made himself comfortable on your inner thigh. 
It was getting more and more difficult to ignore the warm tingle between your legs, the way Javier’s touch was leaving your skin uncomfortably tingly. 
Feeling the heat rise up your neck and burn the shell of your ears you dropped your gaze from the rest of your companions, grateful when they turned their attention to the ceremony. The lights dimmed to signal the welcome speaker to the stage, and you just hoped, prayed they would stay exactly that way the entire evening. 
You turned to the dirty old man beside you only half hoping what you were about to say would kick some sense into him. “Are you crazy?! What the fuck are you doing?” A few inches up and he’d be fingering you at the table-  
your heart pounded in realization. 
His hand slipped under the veil of your dress, his smile dripping with condescension as he leaned beside your ear– whisper hot and deep and heavy.  “Wanted it so bad didn’t ya babydoll? Now you’re gonna take it, and you better stay fucking quiet.” His words went straight to your core. You wanted to respond, but what was there to say? Besides, Colleen had taken the stage already- there was no going back now.
You felt your pulse in your throat. As the crowd broke into applause his rough fingers slipped between your aching folds, immediately drenched with your slick. Still looking forward he raised his brows, biting back a smile at how wet you were for him. Few more minutes and you’d be sliding off the damn chair. 
Instinctively, you shifted forward on your chair, willing him closer. You swallowed a whimper when he pinched your thigh– hard this time, and shot you a deadly look of warning. You’d flown too close to the sun, and now you were in no position to negotiate with him. 
His fingers moved to draw gentle soft circles on your clit, eyes completely focused on Neils little end of year debrief. He worked agonizingly slow, rubbing you just enough to keep building that pool of desire burning in your belly. 
You had to fight the extreme urge to grind against his hand, his feather light touches making you break into a cold sweat. Folding forward you rested your head against your hand, screwing your eyes shut in an effort to block out the buzz that had taken over your whole body. 
Neil said something marginally funny, and your table broke into laughter– forcing a strained chuckle out of your throat. Javier kept going, no regard for the fact that you were shifting and squirming in your seat with need. You hoped it was convincing enough to draw attention away from your labored breaths. 
His digits slipped further back, barely teasing your leaking entrance. You gasped, but quickly realized your faux pas, and covered it up with the most convincing cough you could muster. Noonan turned around– concerned as ever the poor woman, as did Bill and his wife Brenda. 
“You alright?” you nodded, voice strained. “Sorry, allergies”. Javier the pervert that he was didn’t plan on easing up on you, just returned his attention to your aching clit. With the three of them looking directly at you. “I think I need some water”. You attempted to evade his hold and escape– hoping he’d get the message and finish what he started outside. 
Your plans however, were immediately trampled upon, with the ever chivalrous Javier speaking up. “Oh you can have mine, wouldn’t want to miss the speech.” He pushed his glass of water towards you with two fingers, eyes finding yours, lips twitching into a smile. 
It felt like hours, you had no clue what the hell was happening around you– so utterly focused on trying to curtail your moans. You’d finished your champagne a while ago, but were dizzy thanks to Javier's moving digits. 
Fast for a moment, then slower, he rubbed your sopping cunt like it was the most normal thing in the world. Everytime you looked at him he made sure to ignore you, knowing full well that one glance under the thin cover off your table cloth and anyone would be privy to your debauchery. 
As if things couldn't get any more scandalous, your dad turned towards him. He asked Javier a question, and the agent responded more enthusiastically than he ever had. 
Unable to look at the man you kept your gaze fixed on your empty glass of champagne, burning with humiliation. Part of you, a bigger part than you’d like to admit, secretly seemed to enjoy the entire ordeal. After all he’d put you through you couldn’t help but tip your hat at Javier’s absolute nerve. 
Just barely, he slipped a thick finger in your dripping hole, curling it ever so slightly as he continued to engage your father in conversation. The maniac that he was Javier looked the ambassador right in the eyes– like he wan’t finger fucking his only daughter under their dinner table. 
A bead of sweat rolled down your neck, the whole room looking disorderly. You were beginning to see double. As if not to provide you too much relief he slipped his finger out of your dripping cunt, teasing your inner thighs. 
So close, you were so close, just on the brink of no return, but you couldn’t cum – for more reasons than one. It was all too much, and you were overheating, and you felt dizzy. You didn't realize your breathing had quickened, and so did his fingers. You heard someone call your name, but couldn’t make out who exactly it was. 
Falling forward and into a fit of coughs you screwed your eyes shut. Zoning in and out of consciousness you attempted to focus on your father’s face as he called out for you. Javier’s hand had settled on your thigh once again, rubbing soothing circles in an attempt to calm you down. 
“Jesus Christ, are you okay?” Catching your breath you swallowed thickly, watching as your dad prepared to get up from his seat. From the looks of it he must have thought you were dying. If you were in any condition to, you would have stopped him yourself. It would only make things worse than they already were. 
Lucky for you a hand on his shoulder promptly intercepted him. 
Javier leaned in his direction. Nodding towards the stage. “Your speech ambassador.” He looked towards you, sweaty and hot all thanks to him. “I'll handle it.” That bastard. He knew your dads vices just as well as you did– completely confident he could never abandon his chance at addressing the captive audience of his employees, no matter how important the interruption. 
More swiftly than you’d like to admit he helped your shaky legs out of your chair. You haphazardly pulled and tugged at the hem of your dress, nervous it was doing little to cover you up. 
“Thank you Agent Peña.” In the midst of your extreme desperation you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. What kind of man, father, let some stranger watch his daughter– who by the looks of it was pretty much on the verge of a heart attack? Sure, it would have foiled your secret little plan, but christ it would be nice if he could hold up the caring father act a little longer. 
“Let's get you some air sweetheart” The fucker smiled so sweetly it made you want to deck him in the face, but boy were you itching to get outta that ballroom. He let you walk in front of him, putting himself between the dress that barely concealed your wet, swollen, bare pussy, and anyone else’s prying eyes. 
Once you were out of eyeshot he practically dragged you outside, pushing you roughly against the back of the building. He caged you against the wall, ripping that pathetic excuse of a cover up right of where you were holding it against your body. “Oh babydoll, you still pretendin’ you need that shitty blazer”. It was only then you realized how cold the evening was. 
“See that-” he held up his hand, fingers coating with your slick. “See what a desperate brat y’are” You were dripping for him, you could feel it on the insides of your thighs, you didn’t necessarily need a reminder. 
Bringing his fingers to your mouth he ran them across your lips, the taste of your own arousal now heady on your tongue. “Jus’ for you.” Looking up at him through your lashes you slurred your words. Unintentionally sounding a lot more dumb and drunk than you intended. 
“Oh really?” Unimpressed, he grabbed your face, and roughly tugged you towards him.  “Don’t think so honey” Before you could think you were being spun to face the wall you had you back against moments ago. He was practically scolding you. 
“not when you showed up in this flimsy lil dress, tits and ass out for the whole world to see.” The disgust was evident in his tone, but the both of you knew he had just as much part to play in this whole deal as you did. He pressed your face against it, one hand more than enough to hold you there while the other found the hem of your dress– fiddling with it. A cool breeze brushed your skin when he flipped it over. 
“Look at that-” running two fingers against your folds, he admired the mess between your thighs. Your slick glistened against your skin obscenely in the moonlight, and if the way Javier chuckled behind you was any indication, he sure as hell seemed proud to be the one responsible for the mess. 
You ached for him. Tension only building by the moment. 
“So goddamn needy, ready to cum on my fingers in front of that damn whole room.” The flesh of your ass was left stinging in the wake of his hand that came down harshly against you. Sounding both exasperated and prideful you felt his breath tickle your ear as he spoke.  
“Felt so good.” It came out broken and whimpery, and had him pressing against you with a chuckle. You felt him grind against your ass, hard and heavy. Desperate already, every moment left empty only made you more of a brat. Your hand snaked behind you and between your bodies to haphazardly tug at his belt, but he promptly grabbed your wrist, and twisted it till you yelped. 
Chuckling beside your ear he slapped your ass yet again. “Just can’t help yourself, can you, babydoll?” Upper body pressed flush between his expansive chest and the wall you shivered. The warmth of Javier’s body was the only thing between you and the cold, cold night. 
“dumb” smack “slut” smack. 
You felt your cunt spasm around nothing, if he was looking to get back at you it was working. In an effort to catch a glimpse of him, you turned your cheek. “Need you so bad” your whole body was hot with desire, voice so full of want. 
With a strong hold on your waist, he firmly squeezed before deftly flipping you towards him once again. Your back hit the wall and his hands flew to cup your cheeks. He brushed his thumbs over your cheek bones, mocking your pout with one of his own. 
“Oh babydoll, I know.” murmuring, he trailed his knuckles along the valley between your breasts. Pinching the fabric of your neckline between his fingers he inspected it. His twinkling eyes met yours again. “I know, ‘s okay, babydoll.” God you loved hearing that name. The flimsy strap fell off your shoulder, and he took the opportunity to pull it down, revealing your bare chest to the chilly evening breeze. 
You shuddered, feeling your nipples pebble under his soft touch. The view must really be something– especially with the way he sucked in a breath, reveling in it with a sigh.  “Lucky you’re so fucking pretty”. You meweled when you felt him squeeze your breast in his palm, then bend down to kiss along your neck. His little backhanded compliments making you dizzy. 
“Cuz’ you can’t fucking think straight” He dragged his lips to the base of your jaw. 
“Been all over me the whole fuckin’ day” his teeth grazed your earlobe before he placed a kiss behind your ear. “Beggin’ for my attention?” his voice dropped three octaves, and despite all the shamelessness you’d shown, the heat rose to your cheeks. There was no doubt he felt it on your scorching skin. 
“Wanted to make your pops mad huh?” Your dress bunched up over your hips as he lifted you, legs wrapping tightly around his waist. He took the chance to slip his hands under it, trying to feel any part of you he could expose. 
Your lips met his in a frantic kiss– raw from how you'd been biting them all night, letting him lick into your mouth. Somewhere along the way he’d undone his belt, and you felt his cock rest heavy against the inside of your thigh. “Gonna fuck all this brat outta ya’ jus’ like ya need babydoll.” The ache between your legs was nearly unbearable. He looked so handsome, skin illuminated by the moonlight, hair completely disheveled thanks to how you’d run your fingers through it. 
His hands grabbed your thighs, lifting you ever so slightly to ease you onto his cock. The growl that left his lips was nothing short of animalistic. Your mouth fell agape in a wordless cry at the stretch of him. Big and thick inside of you. The feeling of finally being full beginning to satisfy the burning desire that had been ablaze in your core for the past hour. 
Javier didn’t waste time, hips slamming into yours quick and steady immediately. The drag of his cock against your wet walls had you throwing your head back, the two of you engulfed in a bubble of hot moans and breathy sighs. 
“This what you wanted? Wanted to get fucked against the wall like a hooker?” He forced your eyes to meet his, fingers gripping your chin roughly. He watched you intently, taking in every flutter of your eyes, tick in your jaw, bite of your lip. “Y- yes- god”  
“Fuck, takin’ this cock so well.” Your back arched against the flat of the wall, tits bouncing with every thrust of his hips. The feeling was like no other– knowing he was staring down at your body– the sight of your clothes half off you, eyes clouded and barely open, lips parted.  
You felt his cock twitch inside you. 
One hand gripping your thigh, the other plastered to the wall beside your head he pounded into your aching cunt. His broad frame engulfed you in a little cocoon of your own, broad shoulders slumped forward. 
You made out a muffled voice from inside– your dad going on about something along the lines of “his lovely daughter, who getting through the year would be impossible without.” If only he knew. 
Seemed like Javier also took notice– a sarcastic chuckle slipping past his lips. 
“Hear that baby girl? Think he knows what his ‘good girl’s doin’ out here” You shook your head vehemently, smiling at the thought your father was inside preaching the gospel while his daughter was getting railed by the one man he couldn't stand– like one of his back alley hookers. You moaned between your little laughs– constantly cut off by the feeling of his cock nudging that sweet spot inside you. 
You took his bottom lip gently between your teeth, then released it before nipping at his jaw. “Fucking brat”. He groaned– low and breathy, smiling against your lips. “Think he knows his good girls gettin’ fucked by a guy twice her age?” 
“Not his good girl” In the midst of your breathless whining, you tugged him closer, head shaking vehemently. The hand that had been beside your head came to cup your breast. He looked so proud it sent your eyes rolling back into your head. 
“Yeah, that’s right. ‘s cause you're my dumb slut aren’t you?” Approvingly, he brought his large hand to wrap around your neck, swallowing your moans in a kiss. You nodded your head frantically– it took a whole lot more effort with his hand wrapped firmly around your throat, pinning your head against the wall, but you managed it. 
“Think he can hear you begging for my cock, babydoll?” His nose brushed yours as he murmured suggestively against your slack lips. Probably feeling how your cunt squeezed around him he made the correct assessment that you were enjoying every little bit of this debauched encounter. “Little slut.” His hips slammed against yours, your back grazing the brick wall behind you as you bounced on his cock. 
“Don’t care.” Even when he was fucking you like a back alley slut the prospect of making him feel good was enough to quell your conscience. Besides being able to spite your dad, you were thoroughly enjoying his attention, his praise, the way he liked calling you babydoll when he was making you cum on his cock. 
“Fuck, so goddamn tight-” he nipped at your neck. “wouldn’t think it huh babydoll? Not with the way you’re whoring yourself around” His words disoriented you and you tightened your legs around his waist, pulling him in closer– deeper as you neared your release. You felt your pussy flutter around his cock, each slam of his hips having his tip brush your sweet spot.  
“Gonna cum” it came out a squeak as you flung your arms around his neck, raking your fingerings through his hair– tugging and pulling, just grappling at anything to cope with the heat between your legs. He rested his forehead against yours, forcing your gaze towards him. “Dirty little thing. Cum all over my cock. Show me how much you wanted it– come on.” 
You fell forward, buried your face in the crook of his neck as you came undone, walls pulsing around him. “Fuckin hell, squeezing me so fucking good, babydoll.” Spaced out you rode out your high, body shivering with the aftershocks as he continued to fuck your sensitive pussy. He pinned your head against the wall with his hand around your throat once again, needing to see the sight of you. 
The feeling of your cunt gushing around his cock had his hips stuttering against yours. You felt him throb inside you– he was so close. He screwed his eyes shut. “Where you want it babydoll?” 
You weren't really sure what exactly came over you, but the words were leaving your mouth before you could even register them. “my face.” At first, he looked at you a little incredulously, but after he’d had a moment to register he seemed more than inclined to give you what you wanted. “Really are a whore aren't you?” 
He quickly, but steadily let go of your thighs, and took a step back to make room for you infront of him. 
You swiftly lowered yourself to your knees, taking his cock, wet with both his and your arousal, past your lips. “Fuckin’ where you belong” He grabbed the back of your head, thrusting into your warm, wet mouth. You felt the tip of him nudge the back of your throat. Tears stung the back of your eyes, then smudged your mascara and rolled down your cheeks in thick opalescent drops. 
“Aint that right babydoll?” you hummed around him, attempting to take him as far back as you could. He didn’t spare you any sympathy, guiding you over his cock in harsh motions, and seemingly egged on by the way you choked and spluttered around him. Your hands flew to grip his thighs. 
“S’ all it takes to shut ya up?” You whined around his length, hollowing your cheeks and gazing into his hooded eyes. The gravely, sandy ground scraped against your bare knees, even more so when you shifted slightly closer to Javier. Little grains left their indents on your skin. You felt them bruise with each movement. 
In the moment he eased his grip on the back of your head and you released him with a pop. You took him in your hand, stroking the length of him and suckling at the head, voice slightly hoarse from the friction. 
“Please daddy, need it so bad” You whimpered, gazing up at him through wet lashes. He exhaled deeply, brows furrowed, and lips parted. You caught him completely off guard with that one, but judging by the look on his face you’d hit the jackpot. 
He cursed under his breath. “Holy shit” Closing your eyes you fluttered your tongue against him, relishing his groans as he hit his release. You felt his cock pulse and throb in your hand, cum hitting your face in hot spurts as he rode out his high. Thrusting into your fist. 
You swirled your tongue around the head, kissing his tip. When you opened your eyes you found him intently watching his spend trickle down your chin and down the valley between your breasts. Your tongue darted out to lick your swollen lips, and he visibly suppressed a groan at the action. 
“Goddamn” You could barely make out what he said the way he was catching his breath. Sighing, he stroked your head affectionately, almost petting you. You dodged his hand, then stood back up on your feet, albeit wobbly, as he tucked himself back into his dress pants. 
“There is no way in hell I'm going back inside that shit hole.” You said matter of factly and watched as he bent down to pick up your discarded blazer– now lightly dusted with white sand, and tried his best to brush it off. 
“Like hell you aren’t. What am I supposed to tell your dad? That you're busy cleaning my cum off your cute face?” You don't think you could get tired of hearing him call you cute. 
It was like he was trying to cover up for some horrendous crime he’d just committed– fixing his tie, running his fingers through his hair, smoothing his hand over his wrinkled button up. It was quite funny seeing him half panicked yet completely incapable of keeping himself away. 
When you pulled him towards you his collar felt slightly damp in your hands where your fists had grabbed it. You tightened his tie, fixing the dimple in it. His nose barely touched yours. Unable to keep your eyes away from his lips, you brushed your thumb at their corner as you spoke. “Don't tell him that just yet. Wanna be there to see the look on his face when he figures it out.” 
“Jesus Christ” 
His eyes blackened yet again, and you could already see the little urge to press you right back against the wall for the second time. He rubbed your cheek with his thumb and index, letting his cum coat his fingers before he was pressing them into your mouth.  Your lips wrapped around his digits as you obediently sucked, looking up at him the way you had on your knees moments ago. 
“Dirty little girl.” You couldn't tell if he was surprised or in disbelief, whatever the look was it suited him. He draped your blazer over your shoulders, discreetly scanning your surroundings for passersbys. “Now get the fuck outta here” 
“‘Night night Agent Peña, see ya tomorrow..” You pressed your lips against his, letting him taste himself against them and swallow one last whimper when he grabbed your hips. The fabric of your dress crumpled and rode up your thighs impossibly as he squeezed your flesh. He lightly squeezed your ass once more for good measure. 
Unsurprisingly you felt a lot of pride as you walked, rather limped, on the path towards your little villa. Even more so when you turned around to catch Javier, exhausted and distressed, leaning his forehead against the wall he’d just fucked you against. 
The boys, the girls
They all like Carmen
She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes
She laughs like God
Her mind's like a diamond
Audiotune lies
She's still shining
Like lightning, whoa-whoa
White lightning
🍓 Part II
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Gonna burn in hell for this one but it was worth it. I hope you lovelies enjoyed. Again this is part one of three so we’ll be getting more of these nasties don’t you worry. Please let me know what you think, your comments mean the world. Thank you to everyone who reblogs my work you keep me writing! Dividers and banners by @ saradika 💗🐝✨
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muntitled · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐲 𝐕𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 | 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧
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Lukas Matsson x Fem!Reader | Kendall Roy x Fem!reader
Summary: Kendall had always been a competent, steady boyfriend, but there is always, always room for improvement.
Warnings: Language, Politics, Business, Cheating, Mentions of murder, Smut (+18) Minors DNI, CNC, Rough Sex, choking, degradation, ownership kink, dom/sub dynamics. Roman as his own warning.
I am mentally unwell, and so is Matsson.
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Due to your perilous schedule as a political and public figure, arguing with your lover had never really made it past scheduling in the smorgasbord of your career. Perhaps that is why Kendall decided to pick unnecessary fights in the middle of a Swedish trip. He felt, and rightfully so, infinitesimally insignificant when compared to the hellscape that is your established career in the American political sphere.
You can see it in the way his broad shoulders hunch slightly, the way his larger lower lip protrudes into a petulant pout.
You're appalled.
"Kendall, you can't be fucking serious," Your first night on Matsson's retreat was scheduled to be filled with myriad orgasms in myriad uncanny positions. You and Kendall should be christening this luxury suite, but, instead you find your voice has climbed to ungodly octaves to a point that you feared you may shatter the glass wall that displayed the quiet Norwegian woods.
You couldn't give even half a shit as to whether others housed in adjoining tree-house suites might hear your furious bickering.
"You're a fucking child," he says lowly, desperately trying to regain control over the situation but only fumbling it by the second, "Do you know that?"
"No!" You exclaim, "Iverson and Sophie are!" He turns his back to you. Your nails dig into the bedsheets, "Those are your actual children, yeah!? When was the last fucking time you called them!? You're too busy measuring your dick against the Swedes- you're too busy to give Rava a fucking call."
"I have met plenty of selfish sociopaths in my day, Kendall, but this is unfathomable." His shadow falls over you like a second cloud in the already darkened suite's interior.
"Did she put you up to this?" He asks in that manic state of his with his hand pointed outward in condemnation of his most recent enemy.
"Are you aware that you have children together? You will know her for the rest of your life, are you aware of that?"
Kendall is quick to deflect, "Fuck! I can't catch a fucking break. Of course you run to my ex and- and- what? You fucking-meet up at Tasha's. Fucking talking about Kendall's cock-rings over your croissants."
You withhold the urge to laugh by letting a wave of fury wash over you anew. "You didn't even tell them their grandfather died before you dragged us out to fucking Norway, Kendall! That's unhinged! You're unhinged!"
"I'm perfectly hinged!" He says, turning away from you, pyjama pants billowing as he grabs his keys and a pack of cigarettes, "I'm like the doors on fucking Downing street, motherfucker," He speaks lowly. Voice simmering. "I'm fucking hinged."
The door slams with finality, leaving you clinging to your robe in front of a backdrop full of trees.
There's a deeply sated sigh that leaves your throat as you haul yourself over the Egyptian linen sheets. Fighting with Kendall had always been an impossible feat- something akin to yelling obscenities at a brick wall smeared with cocaine, but it always left you marginally satisfied after. A part of you felt like you might be saving him.
There is a frown, slight and not at all visible in the low evening light, drifting across your face as you stare down at yourself with disappointment and a hint of disapproval. Kendall was supposed to rip this robe right off you the second you got out of the shower. But, instead, you find yourself turning on your side, staring at the pines beyond the glass.
The sound of the door clicking open, ruins the serenity that had begun to settle.
"I for sure thought you'd gone and blown your head off for real this time, Ken." You mumble monotonously while staring ahead at the glass.
"While all these hungry vultures at my retreat does make me lean into the sound of suicide, I quite enjoy living."
You're quick to pull your unravelled rope across your frame as you sit up against the oak headboard.
"Not Kendall." He says.
Matsson towers enough to hunch slightly and disrupt the flow of the sleek, vertical finishes.
"Why are you here?"
"Well it is my retreat."
He smiles. Or at least you believe that he believes he is smiling. Sharks can't smile, you don't think.
"My house."
Lukas shoves his hands in pockets as he continues to stare at you. His disciplined eyes never stray or drift across your exposed legs, they never gloss over your deadly grip on the tightened robe digging into the plushness across your middle.
He's staring at you. Eyes boring into eyes.
"I've come to deliver a noise complaint."
"Consider it delivered."
He does not leave. Instead, he delves deeper into your space, the space shared with your boyfriend. You watch carefully as Matsson plants himself on the edge of the bed. There is an air of nervousness that bristles throughout the Norwegian woods as he brings one leg up to cross the other. You watch, entranced by how the soft Tom Ford sweatpants crease slightly under his fluid movements. His beige Balenciaga shirt sits comfortably and it elicits a sense of control as he makes himself comfortable in front of you.
The one thing you could never allow yourself to be was intimidated, and intimidation is all you heard from the mouths that affirmed this man. However, the subtle yet suffocating label whoring, the designer sandals…
He was just another man, suffocated by the weight of his own money. He had everything to prove. That gave you control.
"I didn't know when Kendall brought me on this trip that I was to be subjected to an invasion of privacy,"
"I heard you the first time," He says, chuckling in complete condescension, "I am aware you're here with Kendall. You don't have to bring him up the whole fucking time."
"Are you here under work pretences then? I'm not involved in the hellscape that is ATN, nor the Nazi wonderland that is Waystar so I would make a lousy spy."
"I know who you are," his eyes dart away, giving you enough time to break slightly, take heavier breaths and compose yourself, "I've seen the work you are… attempting to accomplish in that flaccid dick of a country," His gaze is back on you, "And while I do applaud you, politics bores me. You're all fucked anyway, I just came here to enquire if you would like to have sex with me?"
The manner in which he says those words, so calmly and succinctly, has you praying for another moment of regeneration while he darts his eyes away.
"You mean the noise complaint was a fluke?"
"In addition to the noise complaint, I would like to sleep with you, yes."
You're practically suffocted with the over abundance of choice. Matsson would be a fun and interesting side project for you to sink your claws into and manipulate with the added advantage of sex.
But there is a darkness lurking behind this man's gaze that promises far too much risk with little to no reward.
"No, I think I'm good. Thanks for stopping by, Lukas. It was certainly not a pleasure talking to you-"
You speak calmly, shuffling off the bed so you can escort him to the door. "Please find yourself outside of my personal and habitual space kindly and quickly-" but the axis tilts, and he does a daring thing by encircling a strong grip on your forearm. You try to lurch your arm out of his iron grip but it's fucking sealed around you like a constricting python. The darkness seems so incredibly poignant. God, all this man holds is darkness.
"I did not ask for myself." He says with a hint of condescension, "I asked for you." Matsson has you locked between his spindly legs while your robe billows open. Your face warms as you feel coolness settle against your exposed stomach but Lukas' eyes never leave your own.
From this angle, there is no chance to look away. Everything is maximised, from the wrinkles running like river channels underneath his bright blue eyes to the slight overbite in his teeth, perhaps his only external flaw.
What a dangerous individual.
"They're Roys." Lukas says, "He's a Roy," You suddenly feel juvenile and bashful, as you take the scolding, "You should know better,"
You're only vaguely aware that the distance between you two has been lessening because the air feels warmer. His breath is mixing with yours and his hand is doing a funny little dance along your forearm. "You should know better," He says.
And perhaps you should have closed the distance, perhaps you should have chased him away. You certainly should not have waited for a pair of irregular footsteps approaching to finally push the lumbering man away from you. Thankfully, he kindly obliged although Matsson's hand stalled, still rubbing against your elbow when Kendall stumbles in.
"Uh, what the fuck are you doing here? What the fuck is he doing here?" Kendall's eyes are tired and bloodshot and you step away from Lukas' gravitational pull as you curl into Kendall's side. Kendall's suede Versace jacket is cool but his skin is warm as you burrow into the side of his neck. Your guilt worsens as you feel Kendall's arm curl around your waist.
You speak into Kendall's ear, loud enough for Lukas to hear, "Matsson is still trying to rape your company, I'm afraid. " You say with a lazy smile.
"Already raped," Says Lukas, shuffling passed the two of you, "Logan was the decision maker, remember?"
Before the man finds himself over the threshold, Kendall speaks up.
"Hey, no more private visits, yeah? Not cool."
You watch with bated breath as Matsson only cracks a toothy lopsided grin before tapping the wood of the doorframe and disappearing.
That evening had ended, like most of the evenings to come, with angry, jealousy-fueled sex. There had always been a distinct animosity between Kendall and Matsson but whatever had been in the air seemed to triple. Kendall kept you close during the entire experience. He kept you under Kremlin-level surveillance but he couldn't be with you all the time. In the moments you found yourself without Kendall, Matsson would appear from out of the shadows like a demon, slinking behind you with a hand ghosting your hip. He watched you from above the rim of whiskey-filled tumblers and even asked for your input whenever conversation within the group got a little political. One such conversation had the unfortunate interjection of one Roman Roy, who saw you as another toy in his toy box.
"What do you need two assistants for anyway?" The grinding of your teeth come to a deafening halt as you turn your head to face the youngest Roy. The smile on your face is amicable, some might even call it polite, but it is a well enough facade veneering the tempest brewing beneath.
"What- does Jess hold your balls while you tell knock-off Maya Angelou here" He points to you, "-to bend her head and suck?"
There were a number of things you simply allowed when it came to your courtship with Kendall Roy. You would even shame yourself into admitting that you might have found Kendall's overall emotional incompetence and dysfunctional family quite endearing in the beginning. But, like every magnificent, spine curling orgasm, the magic ebbed away quickly and soon, you were left with nothing but the wetness of his cum, cooling between your thighs.
That is what Kendall and his siblings were like most times.
Cooling, diabolical cum.
"Rome, come on." And therein lay Kendall's consistent, valeant response, of which he chose to defend you.
Rome. Come on.
Simply hearing those words leave his brother's mouth with even the faintest hint of disapproval sent Roman into a frenzy (you could see his pupils dilating and his cock hardening from your spot on a couch adjacent to Roman and Shiv). Matsson's entire foyer was set alight with amicable, drunken murmurs, of which Greg's nervous whimpers were occasionally heard peppered in.
Tom had retired to bed, (whether that would be in the same suite as Shiv, would be a satisfactory cup of tea you would divulge with your girlfriends later.) Matsson and his followers sat in their own private harem in a corner beside you.
"What?" Roman cries, slamming back a handful of ground nuts (an admittedly clever substitute for Swedish alcohol) "I was just asking a question. I know your people like to claim reparations for a lot of shit these days but I'm sure enquiring about the girl my big brother's fucking doesn't equate to slavery."
Although you hated the little demon with every bright blue blood cell running through your arteries, you did admire the sure-fire way he would spit his hateful vitriol.
"I appreciate the faux-concern, Roman." You keep it curt, cute and even forgiving, hoping he might take the win and leave you to down the last of your Hennessey in peace.
"That's your cue," Kendall announces, "Drop it."
"Look at how wet she's getting from my rich white brother finally using his voice to defend her for once." The conversation between the Swedes had long since ceased and your throat clogs as the music tins through hidden speakers. "Kenny so clearly has a type," Says Roman, now facing his brother with his elbows steepled on his knee. "I bet you couldn't wait to dive into that plethora of liberal pussy, could you, big brother?"
Your patience had long since snapped and your words are flying before you could stop them, "Considering you couldn't even get pussy without catching a rape charge or an incredibly disappointed prostitute, I'll assume this pseudo-incest interest you have in Kendall's sex life is normal,"
Roman only laughs, "No amount of sick burns is going to release you from the fact that your fucking a crackhead. Maybe it's the money," he taps the bottom of chin in a flamboyant display of consideration, "Although if it's raping our company that's your main goal, the Swedes might have you beat." Matsson straightens in your periphery, not by a lot but by enough to have a stoney smile cracking across your face.
"ATN is not my vice. Racist Propaganda doesn't get me as wet as it gets you, Roman."
"How convenient. I thought all Leftys held special orgys dedicated to besmirching racist propoganda."
Your response was already loaded in the back of your throat, aimed and ready to fire at Roman with reckless abandon. If it weren't for Lukas' interjection, you would have hoped to leave the little man bleeding all over Matsson's marble floors.
"You let him talk to your woman like that?" The rest of the party had left this specific ring of people behind, but that seemed okay. Everyone within the circle, the important people, were silent as Matsson turned his attention to a floundering Kendall.
"Maybe worry about your situation over there and I'll worry about mine."
"I'm not worried." Says Lukas, with a fierce stoicism that was so unique to him. Your heart rate speeds up ever so slightly as the couch groans while Lukas begins to rise. His friends each hold knowing smiles. Hungry smiles.
"Would you like to know why I'm not worried?" Asks Lukas, advancing with a slow gait. You turn your head just in time to watch Kendall's Adam's apple against his throat. He was speechless as per usual when the discussion didn't involve drugs or stock prices.
"Ask." Says Lukas as he advances. "Ask me why I'm not worried."
Upon you first meeting, you had found Lukas' height to be quite rude and unbecoming. You expected him to duck down, almost out of courtesy for the rest of the world laying low underneath him. As his shadow falls over you and Kendall, you find yourself grateful for this giant man making your boyfriend feel small for once- almost as small as you were made to feel around the Roys.
"Why aren't you worried?" Kendall's voice is still masked with confidence as he peers up at Matsson.
Matsson, who's teeth glint in the low evening light, like a hungry shark. He bends down low. You move slightly out of the way as he whispers into Kendall's ear.
"Because I'm gonna fuck her, okay?"
Absolute silence grows pregnant between the two and you're left to do nothing but watch as the exchange unfolds and Kendall's perceived control over everything and everyone unravels. His mouth opens and closes slightly while Matsson watches with a sadistic sort of pleasure in his eye…
"What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Nothing," Says Lukas, having returned to his full height. "I didn't say anything. I just asked your-" His blue eyes darts to you and back, "-friend, if she'd like to see my bookshelf in the living room. I saw her reading Bronte earlier," Matsson shrugs, "Thought I might extend the invitation."
Lukas is not one to wait for confirmation, nor is he a man that waits for validation. He shuffles out his foyer, quite comfortably leaving present company behind with his hands stuffed in his pockets. No rebuttal from Kendall needed.
"Where the hell do you think you're going? What are you doing?" You lift yourself from the couch, ironing out the invisible creases on your plaid Chanel skirt as your eyes dart to Roman, now in idle conversation with Siobhan.
"They're just books, Kendall." You sigh softly. "You can't honestly believe I'd be any safer here." You deliver one final gaze at his lesser appealing siblings before following Matsson out of the foyer. The amount of people congesting the dark corridors lessen as you venture further into Matsson's abode. The walls are built with a dark, heavily sanded stone. Something casting a very ominous, yet unmistakably earthy glow throughout the corridor as the mouth spills into a large and defining living room. The colours are dark. The coal walls are all encompassing and Matsson stands beside a low leather couch, waiting rather awkwardly for your arrival.
"There is no library or bookshelf." He says with his hands still stuffed in the pockets of his sweats.
"I figured. You strike me as someone that would keep all their books stored on some gadget."
"Technology and leisure are the two civilizers of man," He says, watching you with bated breath as you slink around his living room, eyeing but never once prodding his things.
"Don't misquote Disraeli, it's not very attractive."
Matsson seems to relax at that, opting to take a step closer to you as he speaks, "I'll misquote Disraeli as much as I want. The 'increased means and increased leisure' part seems a little far-fetched." Your heart begins to hammer in your chance at the advancing man and you turn, whether out of cowardice or bashfulness, choosing rather to examine the sculpture along his mantle.
Your back begins to straightens as warmth radiates from him. He does not move but he cages you in. You would not be able to leave his sphere even if you wanted to.
"We don't have to fuck, obviously. It just didn't seem safe for you to stay in that situation."
You turn slowly and you find yourself slightly jarred by Matsson's proximity. His turtleneck hugs a string and definite build and the hunger in his eyes melts all inhibitions.
"I don't need saving."
"I'm talking about the little angry man." He says, referring to Roman. "I've seen your debates. It's the little nugget of American politics I find myself quite entertained by and I have no desire to wipe a Roy's blood off my floors this evening."
His words end up snapping any and all inhibition as you're throwing yourself quite mercilessly at him. The kiss is silent but so inexplicably charged allowing you to bump into various pieces of furniture in the process of pushing you up against the nearest stone wall. A wall that is cold to the touch, eliciting a surprised gasp which fuels Lukas all the more. He displays wet slobbering kisses down the nape of your neck as he murmurs drunkenly in your ear.
"I like seeing you like this. I like seeing you among my things." The conviction present in his gravelly vibrato has a pool of wetness gathering in between your legs. Your arm circles around his broad back until your pulling, rather roughly at the blonde hair curling at the nape of neck. This had consequently been a morbid mistake because his grip travels to your throat lightning fast, compressing a dangerous weight on your oesophagus as he rips his lips away from your throat.
"You don't get to do that," he says far too casually. "You don't get to assume control when you are here in my house with my things."
Matsson keeps his eye trained on you but your focus in compounded, solely, on his wandering hand tracing the hem of your skirt. "Hey, hey, hey." As you strive to keep watch of his wandering hand, Matsson moves his head into your line of vision.
"My things. Yeah? You're apart of that now."
As his hand inches underneath your skirt you're suddenly flooded with a wave of unfamiliar emotions - fear being the most poignant and defining one.
"I don't want to do this anymore-" You're not sure whether you mean it or not but you're quite certain that Matsson doesn't care. You're suddenly truly aware that you had released something you don't really know how to control.
"Bullshit, you don't want to do this anymore." You finally feel his hand sliding into your panties and your legs wavers underneath you, "Your words say stupid shit," Sings Lukas as his fingers ghost over your swollen clothes, "But your cunt just can't seem to lie." His grip on your throat tightens before relaxing as he brings your head up to his lips. "You're fucking soaked."
"I'll fucking sue you," Although you're unable to assume a single confident tone as his fingers begin to play with your cunt, "I'll fucking take you to court for fucking assault, motherfucker."
"You wanna call Kendall for assistance?" He asks, slyly pushing his middle finger deep inside you with no regard for your strangled gasp. "Here, let's call him together. Say 'Kendall!'"
The only thing able to leave your mouth is a straggled moan as Matsson keeps you pinned to the wall by the throat. The sound of your voice - so incoherent and helpless has him evading any sliver of decency he might have had. "Fuck, you're so perfect." He places a chaste kiss on your cheek before spinning you around until he is sandwiched between your body and the wall. "I have to fuck you."
"Watch the door for me," he says, pulling your hips right up against the bulge in his pants. "Watch just in case Kendall, shows up. Right, sweet girl?"
You're nodding dumbly as Lukas hunches his tall frame while grinding his bulge into your backside. He has your skirt lifted, and his shadow casted over you as he murmurs diabolical things into your ear.
"God, you're a fucking slut, you're such a fucking slut." He keeps a grip on your throat while the unoccupied hand reaches around to lift your shirt haphazardly, "No amount of smart ass comments will ever hide the fact that you're just another whore." The casual air with which he degrades has you simultaneously humping the air while you push back against his bulge. It is in that moment when he finally decides to release his aching cock from his sweatpants dotted with precum.
"Jesus Christ, feel how hard you made me. Feel how fucking turned on I am just because you decided to be a stupid slut." You can feel the head of his cock pressing into you until you're unable to hold in the desperation.
"Jesus- Lukas!"
"What? You want me to fuck you? I think you want me to fuck you but I'm not sure." You're unsure of what he's asking, too blinded by the possibility of a carefully curated orgasm.
"Go on." He says, "Ask me to fuck you. Ask me to fuck your pussy while your boyfriend waits just downstairs."
There are tears pooling in your eyes at the sheer lewdness and the unapologetic quality of this betrayal, but your mouth opens and soon, you're shakily crying out. "Please just fuck me, Lukas."
His cock rams into you with a surety that leaves you winded. He seems as if his patience had been waning as well, what with the haggard sigh that leaves his throat and the numerous disquiet groans that float in the air. Despite yourself, you do keep a half-lidded gaze on the entrance, not put off, but rather spurred on with the possibility of your boyfriend finding you being railed by his latest rival. The thought alone has you clenching around Lukas' cock with your orgasm cresting.
"Whatever you're thinking about, I'm going to need you to think about it again- you're so fucking tight."
There's an animalistic quality to the sex- being bent over for him while he rests against a wall, a firm grip on your throats and your tits as he rams himself into you again and again.
It's far too much.
You wouldn't think there was something so ruthless hiding underneath such a calm veneer but that's all it is. All it always had been. A veneer.
"You're not with him anymore, do you hear me?"
"Fuck- Lukas I'm gonna cum soon," his grip on your throat tightens until it vacuums out any and all air. Your hand encircles his wrist, begging for release but to no avail.
"Tell me," he says as he continues to fuck mercilessly into you, "Tell me you don't belong to him." He finally gives you lee-way to talk and you're gasping out your response, "I don't. I don't belong to him," he nods slightly, brows firing as he bites into your shoulders.
"Fuck- I didn't plan to cum inside you-"
"I don't fucking care- I'm really close." Lukas nods quickly before releasing your neck to drag your cheek until your faces are pressed together in a smouldering kiss. "Fuck I'm gonna cum inside you-"
His words already have you diving headfirst into a groundbreaking orgasm. You're crying out helplessly, until Matsson has enough sense to cover your mouth with one large hand. He fucks you through it, filling you with cum as he groans just as loudly as you had been.
"Fuck," he chuckles quietly, "Kendall is not going to like that."
"Kendall," You breath heavily, safely contained in Lukas' comforting grip, "Is not my Keeper."
Lukas delivers a chaste kiss on your cheek, his stubble grazing against the side of your face.
"I plan on killing them anyway." He says, simultaneously unaware and aware that he's drifting into pillowtalk.
"Every last one of them."
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lesbianloml · 1 year
the beginning
my babysitter au
type of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark (the story will contain all of the above)
pairing(s): milf!dom!dark!wanda maximoff x innocent!sub!immune!witch!fem!reader
warning(s): legal age gap (wanda is 33, reader is 21), perverted men, mentions of sex, this is just where they meet so nothing big
summary: when wanda hires a new babysitter, she is shocked to find that there are some things she doesn't know about her town. the biggest shock is you, you are immune to wanda's powers. an even bigger shock comes when wanda finds out you have powers of your own.
a/n: this series is going to be LOOSLY based on my wandavision dr. if anyone has anything they would like to see or something, let me know. and if anyone wants to talk about shifting, hit me up. i kinda imagined reader as a soft and quiet girl. also, you're kinda a whore. and you love to read and bake. in this series, wanda doesn't really do a tv show or different eras, it's all just normal. but the agents and stuff outside the hex have a big part. reader works at the local café that she owns and spends most of her free time in the library. anyways, enjoy part one!
1.8k words
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(not my pics)
(pretend she had billy and tommy before the hex)
"what's the name for your order?" you asked, a little annoyed. you loved your job, but the older man standing in front of you made you want to throw your apron down and quit. "cohen, babe. don't forget next time" cohen shoots you a wink. you hold back a gag as you try to smile politely, writing the name on the side of the cup and turning your back to begin making the drink. grabbing a bag from behind you, you set the cinnamon pastry you made a few hours prior into a container and set it in the bag. as quick as you can, you mix up his drink and slap a lid on it while rolling up the top of the bag, wanting him to leave as soon as possible. "here you go" you say, spinning around and handing the bag and the drink to him. he gives you a look and opens his mouth to speak, but before he can, you tap the counter three times swiftly. your work best friend, sophie comes around from the back. "hey babe! is he causing you trouble?" cohen glares harshly at sophie, but one thing you love about her is the way she doesn't back down. sophie gives him a look that immediately has cohen scurrying out the door, tail between his legs. "thanks soph" "anytime love. we get off in fifteen, where you going tonight? your apartment or your mom's house?" you look around to see an empty café, emptier than usual. usually, the shop is packed full of starved or thirsty customers. but it's dark outside, and who would come get caffeine and food at 9:45 at night?
"I'll just stop by the library real quick before it closes and then head home and watch a movie or something." you say, smiling as you think about the old library downtown. it was your favorite place to be whenever you had free time or just needed some quiet. you turn and stacked some more cups and filled up the napkin container while waiting for your shift to end or another customer to walk in. you hear soph come out from the back room, where she was restocking supplies. "hey girl, can i ask a favor?" "yeah i'll stay and lock up so you can go fuck shawn" you say with a smirk and a giggle. sophie gasps dramatically. "how'd you know what i was gonna ask?" "because you ask me at least once a week. and the fact that you're a year older than me and supposed to be more mature makes it even funnier" "thank you! i'll see you tomorrow. don't forget, on sunday night we're baking treats for the elementary school bake sale on monday." "got it. i love you. see you sunday. enjoy shawn!" you sing as sophie laughs. "i will. love you too." "today is friday so on sunday, i need to be here by 5:00am so i can set up the tables and stuff to be ready to open at 6:00am. then i'll work until 10:00pm, close up, and help sophie bake some treats for monday's bake sale at the elementary school" you plan your day tomorrow in your head. glancing at the clock, you see it reads 9:55pm. 5 more minutes until you can lock up and leave. you work on monday, wednesday, friday, and sunday from 5:00am to 10:30pm. you usually open at 6:00am and close at 10:00pm 4/7 days a week. you love your job but hate the hours. your job at the coffee shop payed extremely well, so no matter how much you hated waking up before the sun, you weren't going to quit. you grab a rag and wipe the counters down. 3 minutes until you lock up and leave.
you spin around when you hear the little bell above the shop door ding, signaling someone came in. you almost drop the damp rag you're holding when you see her, a women, maybe in her early thirties. she had beautiful red hair and striking green eyes. her clothes were casual and relaxed, but you were sure she was some sort of powerful figure from the way she walked and held herself. you had never seen her in westview before, you were sure you'd remember her, and you'd lived in westview since you were eighteen, so three years now. you shake your head before walking around the counter to greet the women. she's even prettier up close. "you came in at the perfect time. i was just about to lock up." you tell the women with a smile. "oh, i can leave if you're closed-" before the women starts apologizing, you cut her off. "oh no, it's ok. i don't mind, i was getting lonely in here anyways. what can i get for you tonight?" "just a coffee and a piece of apple pie, please" you nod and turn to make her order. you don't ask her name, too shy to do so. it's a good thing that this women isn't. "i'm wanda." "y/n. i don't remember seeing you around westview. did you just move here?" you ask, sliding her drink and bag with the pie in the container to her over the counter. "no, we haven't moved here yet. i was just looking around, getting ready to move in with my boys" "oh, you have kids? how old?" "i have twin boys. they're ten" wanda's face lights up when she talks about them. "cute! i guess i'll be seeing you around more if you're going to move here" "you sure will, sweetheart." you wonder what that's supposed to mean as wanda smiles at you before paying and exiting the café, leaving a trail of perfume in her wake.
wanda turns the wheel to the left, not really knowing what she's looking for, but knows she's looking for something. wanda reminds herself that she needs to head back to the hotel and rest up for tomorrow when she and her boys were going to move into their new home. ever since vision kicked them out, they've been staying in a hotel but then wanda remembered the house that she owned in westview. the perfect place for her and her boys to start over. as wanda is thinking, her head droops and stomach grumbles. she hasn't drank or eaten anything all day. wanda continues driving around the streets, looking for a restaurant or something that she could get a bite to eat at. wanda slows the car when she sees a little café on the corner, letting out a sigh of relief as she sees movement and light from inside. she wouldn't have made it the forty five minutes back to the hotel without eating something. she quickly climbs out of her car and enters the café, not really paying attention to who's there with her. wanda just wants to get back as soon as she can. "you came in at the perfect time. i was just about to lock up" wanda almost falls over at the sound of the other female's voice. it was so relaxing and quiet. so beautiful. she glances up to look and sees you. wanda swears she stops breathing for a moment. you were the most gorgeous thing she'd ever seen. with the prettiest smile, even at the disturbance, and the softest voice, wanda swore she just met an angel. you had to be an angel. you're smiling. at her. "oh, i can leave if you're closed-" "oh no. it's ok. i don't mind, i was getting lonely in here anyways. what can i get for you tonight?" you were so sweet, so kind. "just a coffee and a slice of apple pie, please" wanda smirks to herself when she sees the tint of blush on your cheeks. you were so cute, too shy to talk to her or ask her name. "i'm wanda" "y/n. i don't remember seeing you around westview. did you just move here?" wanda watches you slide the bag and coffee across the counter towards her. "no, we haven't moved here yet. i was just looking around, getting ready to move in with my boys" wanda states. "oh, you have kids? how old?" "i have twin boys. they're ten" she smiles at the thought of her boys. "cute! i guess i'll be seeing you around more if you're going to move here" "you sure will, sweetheart."
as wanda clambers into her car to begin the drive home, she thinks about the girl at the counter. "y/n" wanda thinks to herself, smiling at the name. she thinks it suits you. and as wanda is turning onto the freeway, she thinks to herself, "that girl will be mine"
as you lock up the café and slide into your car, you think about the women you saw. she was very pretty, and you hope that her and her kids move in ok. as you turn you car on and pull out of the parking lot, you rest your hands on the wheel as you begin driving home. your mind is pleasantly empty on the drive back to your apartment.
the first time wanda ever met you, wanda thought about you the entire drive back to the hotel. you were the most angelic person she'd ever met, and she was enchanted by you. the first time that you met wanda, you thought about her once before driving home. she was just another customer to you. but little did you know, you were becoming so much more to her.
little do you know, this is just the beginning
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h-c-u · 1 year
Was it ever really love?
Summary: You break up with your fiancé, and right after you throw your engagement ring at him, you go to Toto's room... 
Pairing: Toto Wolff x fem!reader 
W/C: 6.3k
Rating: +18, age gap, size kink, dirty talk, light dom/sub, oral sex (fem receiving), squirting, edging, choking, drooling, biting, breeding kink
TWs: dubious consent in the end (the reader is so consensually fucked out that TECHNICALLY she's not in the right state to agree to anything)
A/N: I mean... So that happened. Exactly what's in the rating. You are responsible for the media you consume, so if you're not into it - please scroll away :) Oh yeah, and it's like 90% smut.
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- Isn't it enough that I am telling you that I've never cheated on you!? - you were sure everyone in neighboring rooms and the corridor heard what you were fighting about.
- Apparently, it's not! How can I believe you if you're always with him!? You always run to him to sign something, pass the documents, and make sure he remembers about the meetings! For fucks sake, you do that even in the middle of the night, when you're in bed with me!
- Yes, BECAUSE THAT'S MY FUCKING JOB! IT'S LITERALLY IN THE DESCRIPTION BECAUSE I'M HIS FUCKING ASSISTANT!!! - you couldn't help raising your voice, because it definitely wasn't the first time you were fighting about it.
- OH, AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU'RE THE ONE ASSISTANT NOT FUCKING THEIR BOSS!?!? - this conversation wasn't going anywhere, but neither of you was going to stop now.
- YES!!! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I AM TELLING YOU!!! - the stress of another lost race was getting to the both of you, and it was just too much. - Wait. Is that what it's all about!? You don't believe me, BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING YOUR OWN ASSISTANT!?!? - it suddenly hit you, and you started to connect dots in your head quicker than Sherlock Holmes. - Oh my fucking god, you are... - you had to sit down not to fall over.
- What gave you that idea? - he asked much quieter but equally angry.
- And you're not even denying it... How the fuck I could have been so fucking blind. Maybe you're right, maybe I was spending too much with him to notice that you are SUCH A FUCKING BASTARD. YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!! YOU CHOSE THE FUCKING DATE! - you stood up again and with a speed and intensity of a tornado, you started throwing your things in your bag. - YOU CHOSE THE FUCKING VENUE!!! – fortunately, you didn't have much to pack, since it was supposed to be just a weekend trip. - YOU STARTED MAKING A GUEST LIST!!! - you moved to the bathroom to get your things from there, and he didn't even try to stop you. - ALL THAT, WHILE YOU WERE FUCKING SOPHIE!?!? - he still hasn't denied that, and that was all you needed. - You know what...? - you closed the zipper of your bag with such vigor that you almost broke it. - We're fucking over, I'm done. And just so we're fucking clear - I never slept with him. Not even fucking once, you motherfucker. - it wasn't the best of your insults, but you no longer cared. You took off your engagement ring and threw it at him. - Here, give it to Sophie, I bet she'll love it since she took you second hand. - he didn't even try to stop you when you took your things and left. You were still fuming, and you honestly didn't know what you were supposed to do.
If anyone looked at you, they would be hit with a ricochet, and that wouldn't be good for anyone if you wanted to get another room in this hotel. And then it hit you. You knew exactly what you were going to do.
You marched down the corridor to the suite you were in so many times and with determination on your face, you knocked at the door. It was already late, but you knew he wouldn't be sleeping just yet, so you weren't afraid about waking him up.
- Y/n..? What do you need? - the door finally opened, and you had to look up to look Toto in the eyes.
- Funny you should ask. I need you to fuck the anger and frustration out of me. - you surprised not only him but also yourself with your boldness.
- I'm sorry, what? What about...? - he was clearly meant to ask about your now ex-fiancé, but you cut him off.
- We just broke up. - you motioned to the bag hanging currently on your arm. - So? Are you going to do it, or will I have to find someone else? - the adrenaline from the fight was still running high in your veins, that's why your voice wasn't shaking.
Instead of responding, your boss grabbed the strap of your bag and used it to pull you closer. You couldn't help but smile when you kicked the doors closed and he pushed you against it. You didn't even notice that the bag landed on the floor because he was already kissing you hungrily as his life depended on it, and you gave in... Well, at least for now.
His arms caged you against the door, which with his much taller figure meant that there was no way you could get away without him allowing you to do so. While the kiss was frantic and impatient, his other moves were much more calculated, because he put his knee in between your thighs, and started rubbing your crotch through the thick material of your jeans, but even that was enough to make you moan into his mouth, which only made him smile.
- If I knew you were such a horny pretty little thing, I would have done that much sooner... - he growled, bit your lower lip, and pulled on it, and you had no choice but to follow. And you did…
You kicked off the shoes off your feet and grabbed the front of his shirt, stopping him from moving further toward the bedroom, and while your bottom lip, was still locked in between his teeth, you aggressively sucked and bit his top lip, while reaching for his hands and putting them under your ass. You didn't have to say anything more, because he lifted you exactly when you jumped and locked your legs around his hips, which also meant that your faces were on a similar level now and he no longer had to crook his neck at the uncomfortable angle just to kiss you.
While he was walking in the direction of the bedroom, you started to unbutton your Mercedes-branded shirt, revealing a soft, see-through white bra, which left very little to the imagination. It didn't have any complicated lace pattern, but as soon as Toto saw it, he stopped kissing you and with his teeth grabbed one strap and pulled it down, and then the other, making it easier for you to take it off completely, but you knew he did that just to indulge himself because he didn't break the eye contact even for a moment and gave you a cheeky smile right after.
When the top part of your wardrobe landed somewhere on the floor, you finally moved to his. Due to the position of your hips, you couldn't unbutton it all the way, but he was already ahead of you. Sure, he could put you down, but the other option seemed much more fun, so he tossed you a bit higher into the air and moved his left arm, so now your ass was resting against his forearm, while his right was snaking under the white material. You pulled the shirt up just as his hand was on its way back to your butt cheeks. You maneuvered the material around his head and down his right arm, so he could take it off completely, and when he did, you were finally able to feel his hot skin clashing against yours. You could almost hear the blood rushing through your veins when you rubbed your whole torso against his. which got you a low growl deep from his chest.
You rested one hand on his shoulder, while the other found its way to the back of his neck, and you pulled him closer, catching his lips in yours. It was scarily easy to lose yourself in him, but right now you were far beyond caring and there was no time or space for any feelings between you two right now.
Only a few seconds passed since you kicked the doors closed, yet somehow it felt like a small eternity filled with so many sensations... The taste of his tongue on yours... His natural scent filling your nostrils and making you lightheaded... His hot skin under your fingers and against our body... His hands, kneading your ass while gently moving you up and down, forcing you to grind against him... His rough kisses leaving your lips puffed and oversensitive... It was like he knew exactly what you needed and was giving it to you without any questions.
- Be a good girl and unbutton your jeans... - he whispered in between the kisses, and you happily obliged, sliding your hands over his naked torso, until you got to the band of your trousers and undid both the button and the zipper. He slowly moved first one hand under the material and then the other, so there was another point of skin-to-skin contact, and you realized you were finally in his bedroom with his legs touching the edge of the bed.
He gently put you on the sheets; the tenderness in this move was contrasting so much with everything both of you were doing up to this point, which surprised you a bit. Especially when he slowly started pulling your pants and underwear down, kissing, licking, and biting every new patch of skin that showed up on your right leg, and it somehow turned you on even more. And when you were completely naked in front of him, he went right back up, marking every part of your other leg, until he stopped on the inside of your thigh, so close to your core.
- Are you sure you want this...? - he asked quietly, giving you one last chance to back out. And you knew that if you chose to do that, he would have never mentioned whatever just happened. But you not only wanted it… You needed it. You needed to get rid of all emotions, to forget, to throw away all the stress and anger currently bubbling under your skin.
- Yes, I am sure... And don't hold back, I need to feel anything but emotions. - you added, although based on his actions leading to this moment, you suspected you didn't need to.
- Your wish is my command... - you couldn't help but smile at the sight of the devilish grin that sprawled on his lips, but instead of being rough and messy, like he was just a few minutes ago, he started gently licking your slick from the outside part of your folds... You could feel the scratch of his unshaven five-o-clock shadow on the inside of your thigh and his warm breath just where you wished his tongue was, but he was merciless and meticulous as if he wanted to savor every little part of you. And with every lick and every gentle suck, you were getting more and more sensitive, so when he finally dove in, you were already panting, grasping the sheets in your hands, and you simply couldn't stop squirming and bucking your hips, even when he bit the inside of your thigh as a warning.
So instead of following your unpredictable moves, he wrapped his arms around your thighs in an iron grip so you weren't able to move your hips even by an inch... And he went right back down, pulling you flush against his mouth and keeping you there, no matter how hard you tried to react, to move even closer, or away from the sudden overstimulation. His tongue was circling around that sensitive bud, focusing a little bit more on the place just above it and it made your vision go white.
- Ffffuck... Just like that... Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop... - and he definitely didn't. He also didn't slow down or sped up, because he was experienced enough to realize that when a woman was telling him not to stop, it didn't mean to change anything, so he did just that until your whole body curled up. You squeezed his head with your thighs and grasped his hair with your hands so hard, that it actually hurt, but even then he didn't stop completely, licking your juices while you were trying to catch your breath, and when he felt your body relaxed in his arms, he picked up the tempo again, determined to make you forget everything but his name.
The sounds his tongue made in between your soaked folds were lewd and obscene, but you didn't have time to focus on any of that, because you could feel the second wave approaching much quicker than the first one. This time you looked down, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw his piercing dark eyes drilling into your soul with such intensity... You realized you won't be able to walk straight after the things he'll do to you, and just the thought of it was enough to push you over the peak and you couldn't help but to break the eye contact, because your eyes rolled back...
You could feel the electricity running through your body until it reached every single nerve ending, sending you into such an overstimulated state, that even the slightest touch hurt. His arms locked around your hips felt as if they were made of metal, his tongue was made of fire, his 5 o'clock shadow became rough sandpaper, the sheets under your back were made out of tiny spikes, the air in your lungs felt like steam and yet... He didn't stop. And what was more important - you didn't tell him to stop... You wanted him to pull you to the top and push you over it again, and you knew he was more than capable of doing so. And he did just that... Only this time you almost blacked out from the intensity of it, but you could still feel the release of the accumulated pressure deep inside you. You didn't process why, but you felt him chuckling against your skin, and only then you realized that he was actually swallowing your release. Which could only mean...
You almost immediately hid your face in your hands from embarrassment... It was supposed to be a quick one-night stand with your boss, an act of revenge towards your ex-fiancé. But here you were. In his bed. Squirting.
Toto finally released his grip on your hips, so you could move again, but before you were able to do anything, you felt the weight shifting on the mattress, and you could tell he was crawling up.
- Such a tasty little pussy you have there... You've been holding out on me, dear. - he said in a voice deeper than you've ever heard him use, while slowly moving your hands from your face above your head, where he held them both in only one of his, while the other found its way under your chin and forced you to look at him. - Here, see for yourself... - he growled and leaned down to kiss you. Technically you could turn your head away, and tell him to stop, but after coming three times in a row, most of your inhibitions went out of the window.
You could taste yourself on his tongue... And honestly - you were pleasantly surprised. It was a bit sour, but not overwhelmingly so, with a hint of actual sweetness. You didn't know what you were expecting, but it wasn't this. And even though the taste quickly faded away from both of your mouths, you couldn't stop kissing him, while his free hand slowly traveled down your body, taking a short stop to gently squeeze your nipples, but when you bucked away from his touch there, he stopped and pulled slightly away so he could look at you, his eyes instantly full of familiar softness.
- Are you in pain? Tell me. - he demanded, and you wanted to hide your face again, but it would be hard at the moment. He didn't know you well enough to know what your boundaries were, and he didn't want to assume anything.
- I am not in pain... - you whispered. - Well, not like that. I'm fine, I promise. It's just... They're really fucking sensitive when... - you could feel your cheeks heating up.
- When...? - he urged you to finish that sentence.
- When I'm ovulating. So, if we could skip touching them, I'd be grateful. - you wanted to end this conversation as quickly as possible, but his devilish grin told you that he already had a plan.
- No touching it is... - he echoed. - At least for now... And tell me if anything I'm going to do will be too much. - you nodded, and as soon as you did, he moved a bit lower, so his face was lined up with your breasts. He very gently blew on one of your nipples, the cold air making it slowly tense and rise, which made you blush. No one ever showed you this kind of attention, so it was completely new.
You couldn't take your eyes off your boss, who was currently letting his saliva drop from his mouth directly onto your nipple, and as soon as it touched your skin, you felt the soothing coldness, which made you rapidly suck a substantial amount of air through your nose. Just as you did that, he gently blew on your wet skin again, and you couldn't stop a soft moan that escaped your mouth.
He continued doing that to your breasts until both were covered in a cold, slick mess, and you were squirming under him, because it just felt so good... You knew it shouldn't be, but somehow, he found a way to make it hot.
- I am going to touch now, but as soon as you tell me to stop, I will. Do you understand? - he asked, and you nodded enthusiastically, hands still above your head in his iron grip. He started on the outside of your breasts, gathering what was left of his saliva, and the contrast between your cold skin and his hot tongue made you arch your back, pushing everything closer to him, in search of that sensation again.
He was using just his tongue and his lips, making sure not to accidentally scratch your skin with his cheeks or chin currently covered in a rough stubble, since you've said you were sensitive to the point of pain. Your body was asking for more in such a pretty way that he couldn't say no, so he tested the waters and very gently run his tongue directly over your nipple, and when he heard the loud, obscene moan that left your lungs... It went straight to his cock. But tonight, wasn't about him... It was all about you. And he wanted to spend time getting to know your body better; to see how it reacted to his touch, where to push, press, where to pull, and what to do to get a reaction out of you.
You didn't know that, but he thought about having you for so long... All the long evenings together, you always being so close, the white branded shirt hugging your every feature so nicely... How could he not? There were times when his fist was closed around his cock as soon as you left the room, your subtle scent still present in the air, and he honesty couldn't count how many times he thought about you in the morning, under the shower, in the garage, in his office... So many places to fuck you, but you were unavailable… A forbidden fruit hanging so low, that he could practically taste it... But you were happily in love, and even though he knew he could make you much happier than that idiot, he didn't dare to do anything. Until you fell from the tree right onto his lap, and you were all his to take, to mark, to...
He let out a low growl to stop his thoughts from galloping where they shouldn't, instead focusing on your beautiful moans while he very gently sucked on your nipples, blowing on them from time to time to soothe the pain with coldness, and never spending too much time just on one... After all - he didn't want to hurt you, just to test your boundaries. And by your reaction, he could tell that he was far away from breaking you, so he slowly moved his hand down and gently rubbed your overstimulated clit, making your back arch into his touch.
You were relaxed enough from the previous orgasms, that he could start stretching you with not one finger, but with two, dividing his attention equally between your breasts and filling you in search for this sweet spot on your front wall, and when he found it... Music to his ears...
He would have never suspected that you would be so vocal, but here you were, moaning, begging, pleading, screaming for more, and he just couldn't refuse, so he added the third finger, filling you up more. There were tears streaming down your cheeks, leaving behind light streaks of mascara that was supposed to be waterproof. Gentle pain was mixing with extreme pleasure, his soft tongue and his rough fingers, his hot body and cool air... All the extremes were colliding with you in the exact center of it all. You were ready to fall apart, just to be built up again, and as if Toto was in your head, he began to put more pressure on your clit with his thumb, and that was enough to pull another orgasm from you, and you suddenly found yourself sitting and tightly holding his head against your chest, with your face in his hair. You didn't register when exactly he let go of your wrists, but you were finally free to touch him, to feel him, and you took full advantage of that, letting your hands run over his back.
- Fuck you're good... - he didn't say anything, the smirk on his face telling you everything you needed to know, and you shook your head with disbelief because you couldn't believe the cockiness. He knew he was a confident man, but this was different... - Thank you for that... I should... - you started, but the fingers that were still inside you started slowly moving again, making a beaconing gesture against your wall, and you inhaled sharply once again.
- Oh, darling... I'm just getting started... Have you honestly thought that I will just eat you out, stick a few fingers in your pussy, and that will be it...? - he teased you, playing just the right chords on your body. - Now that I finally had you, tasted you... I'm not letting you go so easily. - if his thumb wasn't putting constant pressure on your clit and his long fingers weren't filling and stretching you so nicely, maybe you would have been able to form coherent thoughts and say something. - And it would be a shame if your pretty little cunt missed out on something else stretching it and filling you to the brim, hmmm...? - you dug your nails in his shoulders because that was all you were able to do. He was learning your body so quickly and skillfully applying that knowledge in practice.
You were a perfect mess... Panting, too exhausted to even moan, and he hasn't even properly fucked you yet. Your hair was sticking to your face, and your whole body was covered with a thin layer of sweat, which was supposed to cool you down, but the fire he lit inside you was too strong, too hot, too overwhelming... It engulfed you whole, and there was no coming back; not when you knew how he could treat you... Just before he made you cum for the fourth time, he stopped, and the needy cry that left your lips was music to his ears. It was right then and there that you realized there was no chance that you wouldn't be back for more. And he was more than willing to give you everything you needed...
- Toto... Please... - you whispered against his neck, your hands holding to his body for dear life, so desperate for him to finish what he just started, but the devilish grin on his face told you that he had other plans. He gave your body a moment co calm down just enough so his next touch wouldn't push you over the edge again, and he started to tease you once more, this time purposefully missing that sweet spot on your front wall, while his fingers were still filling you ups so nicely, the burn of stretch almost completely non-existent. His thumb was grazing your clit from time to time, just enough to keep you on the brink of orgasm, but not enough to give you the release you so desperately wanted. And he kept you in that state for so long, that all the thoughts slowly started to disappear from your head, leaving behind only flaming heat and want.
- Oh, look at you... Such a desperate little slut and just for me... I bet he never got you to that state, didn't he...? - you could only shake your head, his words barely reaching you. – You’re so cock starved that you would let me do anything with you, just to have me inside you, wouldn’t you...? - you nodded enthusiastically and tried to reach down to unbuckle his belt, but he swatted your hands away. - Tell me first... - you weren't in a state to make any decisions... When your friends told you that they sometimes felt like a feral animal in heat, you thought it was just a figure of speech, but here you were... So overstimulated yet so filled with a specific need that your thoughts weren't your own; all that mattered was getting filled. - Would you let me cum inside of you...? Fill you up so much you would be leaking for days...? - you had no control over your nodding head, but everything he was saying sounded amazing. - Put a baby in you, mark you in every way possible so everyone everywhere will know that such a perfect little cunt belongs to me? - you weren't sure if you even stopped nodding in between questions when he was peppering your neck with soft kisses that felt like butterflies made out of fire, and you could have sworn that every little kiss left behind a bright red mark, but that wasn't possible... was it...? - You truly don't know what I'm talking about, don't you...? - his devilish smirk only made you giggle. - Oh baby, we're gonna have so much fun... - he growled and finally got his fingers out of you, brought them to your mouth and you started to suck on them eagerly, chasing that newly familiar taste, while he undid his trousers with one hand and freed his cock, but you were too focused on the fingers in your mouth to even realize what just happened.
Only when you felt something smooth running slowly in between your folds, you realized that you were finally about to get what you needed. You gently bit his fingers from excitement, because you had no other way to release all the emotions bubbling under your skin, and as soon as you did that, he took the fingers out of your mouth and roughly grabbed your jaw to the point of pain. He forced you to look him in the eyes while he was slowly entering you, with your lips parted in the shape of a perfect "o".
Even though you were drenched, and he took his sweet time preparing you, there was still some pain. Not enough for you to ask him to stop, not in the state you were in, but enough for you to need a moment to adjust, which he seemed to understand because instead of moving, he leaned and placed a soft kiss on your lips, such a contrast to the words he said just a couple of minutes ago.
You wanted nothing more than to grind against him, but being pinned down under him made that difficult, although he seemed to read your thoughts, because his hand slipped down your body until it reached your knee, brought it up, and pinned it to the mattress, opening you up even more, making the burn a bit more manageable. And then he slowly started to pull out... At first, there was still that uncomfortable feeling, but as soon as the head of his cock run over that sweet spot on your front wall, your whole body twitched.
- There it is... There is my greedy little slut... - he whispered with a satisfied smile on his face. If you were able to think, you would probably wonder how the hell he managed to stay so composed while you were a leaking mess with nothing behind your eyes, but all you managed to do was moan when he entered you again, slowly picking up the pace, and moving his eyes down. - You're taking me so well, darling... Your pussy looks so beautiful all stretched out around my cock, I really wish you could see it in all its glory... - his words were entering your brain with one ear and almost immediately leaving with the other, but that didn't matter... What mattered was the fact that you were so close you could almost taste it, and every time he dragged his head in and out, he was getting you closer and closer. - One day I'm gonna fuck you in front of a mirror just so you could see up close how perfect your cunt looks with me inside you, but for now... - he moved his hand from your jaw to your hand and brought it to your abdomen, covering it with his own there. At first, you weren't sure why he did that, but then you felt it... Your skin was bulging and stretching every time he entered you; you could feel the outline of his cock and now you regretted you haven’t seen it before he started fucking you.
And then he caught your gaze, and put more pressure on your hand, and by extension - himself and this simple thing were enough to send you rushing in the arms of another release, while he was holding your hand in one place with an iron grip. He didn't even slow down when you squirted again, wetting the bedding and his trousers with your release, he just pushed and pushed, and pushed, until you had nothing else to give, and yet he still managed to take even more.
He changed the positions a little bit, wrapping his arms under your shoulders to find more leverage, and started hammering into you at a brutal pace, while you were still high on your last orgasm, and you weren't even able to form even a simple "please". With your walls still spasming around him, it didn't take him long to finish, and when he did, he pushed deep into you, holding you in an iron grip, so there was no chance you could escape even if you wanted to. He harshly bit the place where your shoulder met your neck, leaving behind a mark that would definitely bruise soon, and just as he did that, you could actually feel his warm cum spraying against your wall, which ticked just a little, but that was the last thing on your mind.
He was still panting when you moved your hand to his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. No words needed...
Eventually, he turned around, pulling you on top of him, careful not to slip out of you... His arms were wrapped tightly around you, keeping you in place, while your legs were spread around his hips.
Slowly but surely, your brain started to become your own again… You placed your hands under your chin and started thinking about the consequences of what just happened.
- Toto...? - you eventually said, your voice deep, raspy, and almost broken from all the moaning, screaming, and crying.
- Hmmm? - he asked, not even looking at you, but his thumbs started gently caressing your skin.
- Do you really want a kid? - he raised his head and looked at you with his eyes barely open.
- Not just any kid... - he replied. - I want you to bring our child into this world. And I don't want to stop just on one... - he smirked, and you smiled in reply. He knew that about a year ago you tried to get pregnant with your fiancé, and how excited you were to be a mum. A few times he was the one to actually drive you to your appointments, but even though everything was ok with you, you never managed to get pregnant with your now ex, which - from today's perspective - was more than fine.
- Then we better make sure it will take... - you knew this was crazy, but you actively chose not to think about it too much, which wasn't that hard with Toto's hands gently turning you around, switching your position and moving both of you from the wet patch of your doing, so both of you were on your side with your back pressed tightly against his torso. He finally kicked his damp pants off completely, so both of you were naked.
Even before he started slowly grinding against you, he was already growing inside you, which was a sensation you’d never felt before. You could feel your juices mixed with his release slowly dripping out of you and around him, but he did his best to fuck it right back into you. His left hand was on your abdomen, so he could feel himself through your skin, and he gently wrapped his right around your neck, putting a small amount of pressure. Not enough to cut either air or blood supply, but enough so you could be always aware of its heavy weight there.
This time he moved much slower, savoring every feeling, and focusing more on himself than on you, but you honestly didn't mind. Even though your thoughts were much more coherent there were still stumbling in that pleasant fog filling your mind. You moved your hands to cover his because you needed to hold onto something, and it seemed like the most logical option to not let go of reality because everything felt like a perfect dream. His moves were hitting all the right spots, forcing the air out of your lungs, the warmth of his breath pleasantly hugged your neck, where he put his head, while your own was currently resting on his shoulder, your lips so close to each other, that one turn from either of you would be enough for a kiss.
His movements were sloppy and irregular… You weren't able to predict when his hips snap again and the tip of his cock would grind against your g-spot, so you couldn't prepare for it and all you could do was react to whatever he was doing to you. This time both of you were much quieter... No loud moans, no screams, no desperate cries, it was much more... intimate - with barely audible whimpers, deep breaths, and unspoken pleads and promises.
It took him a while to widen his movements so more of him was leaving your body, which made you hook your feet behind his calf in involuntary reaction because you honestly didn't know what you wanted or needed to do. You just didn't want this moment to stop...
You finally turned your head and caught his lips in a messy kiss, while his movements quickened, and his fingers put more pressure on both your abdomen and the artery in your neck, slowly restricting the oxygen supply to your brain, making it even harder to think, but in the end... wasn't it exactly what you asked for...?
You weren't sure if he was able to manipulate your body to that degree or control his own so well, but he squeezed your throat harder and pushed on your lower abdomen at the same time he reached his peak, so the two of you came in the exact same time. As soon as you felt your walls spasming around him, he released the grip he had on your throat, allowing a fresh dose of oxygen to flood your brain, making your orgasm much stronger. You felt the muscles in your legs tense up, and your hips pushed back, taking his cock even deeper. Your back so hard, that he actually had to use his muscles to hold you in place...
And then you collapsed in his arms while he held you flush against his body, gently rubbing your abdomen with his fingers, like he was trying to ascertain if he was able to already get you pregnant. Logically he knew it wasn't possible to tell that fast, but it didn't stop him from imagining a new life already growing inside you, the mere thought of it making his cock twitch.
When you finally came down from cloud nine, you reached back and put your hand on his neck and pulled him into a sloppy kiss, trying to turn around, but he didn't let you, because he didn't want to risk even a drop of his cum leaking out of you.
- You did so well... - he whispered straight into your ear. - Your pussy took me so perfectly that nothing in the world could compare, and I'm never letting you go... From now on - you're mine. Do you understand? - the growl in his voice should scare you because even so fucked out you could tell that there was something dangerous behind it, but somehow... His claim on you made you feel... safe. So instead, you smiled and nodded in reply, and he started to leave deep red hickeys anywhere his mouth could reach in that position.
Your whole life had just changed...
And you couldn't help but love it. 
A/N 2: Please don’t feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be appreciated though :)
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lias-writings · 11 months
West Coast & bathroom
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18+ MDNI!!
summary: your best friend, roommate and dealer. the one and only, ellie williams. everyone knows her, everyone buys from her ’cause she has the best weed on the whole campus. you agreed to go on a party where your friend want to set you up with other girl, but ellie doesn’t seem to like it at all. what could go wrong when you agreed to dance with this girl? (dealer!ellie x fem!reader)
warnings: usage of weed, mention of drugs, smut, fingering (r! receiving), praise kink, slight degradation, dom!ellie x sub!reader, pet names (baby, pretty girl, etc.), mutual pinning, no use of y/n,
a/n: hii!! after a long time im back with another fic, this time ellie x reader. hope you’re gonna like this one, it’s my 1st smut ever soo….enjoy!! ♡. (disclaimer: the pictures are NOT supposed to describe reader, just couldn’t find that much race neutral and sadly 90% of these on Pinterest are white girls :()
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it wasn’t a secret, that ellie williams, was a drug dealer. it wasn’t also a secret that you were her best friend.
your story begun at the junior year at high school. ellie just changed school ‘cause her former teachers didn’t like her ‘problematic behaviour’ so her adoptive dad Joel decided, it would be better for his daughter to continue her education somewhere else.
you, being one of the best students, were chosen to give her a tour, and introduced ellie to your classmates.
few weeks later you found yourself hanging out with her almost every day of the week. and this continued till nowadays when you both are at the same college, sharing one dorm.
you were just sitting on your bed, just thinking about how it all happened, how you met jesse and dina, oh and ellie, mainly ellie. she was constantly on your mind since you met her. at first you thought it was just a silly crush, but years later you realised, you loved her way more than she thought.
for the last months ellie has been really flirty with you, you thought it was just in a friendly way but it was upsetting you, thinking she doesn’t feel the same.
little did you know that she did fell the same about you, she was just too scared of loosing you,so she rather fucked every other girl on the campus. ellie built herself some reputation over the time she spent fucking around and now when she wanted to do something about it, it might have been too late.
“come in, the door’s open” you yelled after hearing a knock on the door.
“hey, girl” dina, one of your best friends greets you, while stepping into the room. she kicks of her red converse, and basically jumps on your bed to hug you.
when dina notices you’re unusually silent she furrows her eyebrows. “babe you need to stop fucking crying over ellie, i love you both, but she clearly isn’t seeking a relationship so put on that hot dress you have in your closet, and come with me to that party and we’re gonna find you someone who’s gonna treat you better, you know sophie? the masc third year? she’s been eyeing you up since last year” you listened closely to your friend, but the more you were thinking about it, the better it sounded, maybe a little distraction wouldn’t be so bad and dina was right. it’s time for you to move on and find yourself someone who’s gonna treat you right and who know, maybe it’s gonna make ellie jealous a little bit.
in a tight mini dress (you choose the color), heels and light make-up that complimented your face, you entered a house near campus. it’s not that you’ve ever been there before, but it’s the address, dina texted you. stepping in the door you looked around and saw a lot familiar faces. you saw your classmates, you saw jesse at the catering table and then ellie, she was sitting on the couch, man spreading and she was talking to some guy, probably selling weed to him, and before you could start admiring her hands and outfit ofc but also hands, you were trapped in a hug by you brown haired friend you were talking to earlier that day.
by the time she let go of you, her boyfriend jesse, was standing next to her, telling her to move so he could get a hug too. dina quickly grabbed you wrist and guided you to the drink table telling you, that sophie is keeping an eye on you ever since you stepped in the doorframe.
what non of you realised is was the fact, that ellie wasn’t sitting that far from you and overhearing you conversation, made her blood boil.
she knew that the only person, she should’ve mad at was herself but the jealousy was stronger. today was the day when she wanted to confess to you, ellie saw the party as a perfect opportunity, but no, you just had to start pinning over another girl.
when sophie finally decides to walk up to you ellie just let’s out an annoyed huff, rolling her eyes, she lights up her joint and inhale. she watches you closely and her hearing just blurs, when she finally notices, how fucking beautiful and sexy you look. the dress, showing all your curves, and your plumped pink-ish lips smiling at sophie’s words.
ellie felt her anger build up on every giggle you let out at sophie’s ‘lame’ jokes and her eyes widened and she almost coughed while exhaling when she saw you two hand in hand going to the dance floor. she saw the way sophie was looking at you, and there was nothing more ellie wished, than to be at her place.
you knew she was watching, you saw how her jaw clenched and how her eyes darkened with anger. you weren’t sure what you were doing, but you enjoyed sophie’s presence and when west coast by lana del rey started playing, you moved your body even closer to hers and put your arms around her neck, while she rested hers on your hips.
once the song ended you excused yourself, just for a few minutes because you needed to use a bathroom. ellie knew this is going to be her only shot or she may never get another chance ever again, so as soon as you went up the stairs, she went after you.
you were now in the first floor of the house trying to find a bathroom, once you found it, you knocked on the door (just in case) and when just silence was you answer you opened the door and before you had a chance to lock it, you heard a familiar voice. “wait,wait,wait,wait!”
“ellie?” you asked more yourself and opened the door. ellie quickly bursted into the bathroom, closing the door with her foot, and then locking it, so she could make sure, no one will interrupt you two.
“ellie, what are you doing here?” you put your hands on your hips and raised one eyebrow. you were leaning against the cabinet opposite the door, waiting for her answer.
she slowly took few little steps so she could be standing closer to you, just as sophie did, few moments ago, but in her presence sophie was the last thing on your mind. “i’m so sorry, pretty girl, it was stupid to act this way towards you i should’ve had told you long, long time ago”
“should’ve told me what, ellie” the way, her name rolled off your tongue, made her go crazy. she rested her palms on the wall behind you so your head was trapped between her arms, and your eyes were glued to hers. felling her hot breath on your cheek made you feel dizzy.
“that i love you, so fucking much” it was almost a whisper she let leave her lips with a relieving sigh, before she kissed you. she fucking kissed you. you wanted to push her away and list to her all the things she’s done wrong, you really did, but this was stronger than you, so you gave up and kissed her back.
the kiss was soft, romantic almost, filled with all the emotions you two felt for each other. when you ran out of oxygen, you had to pull away, but your foreheads were still touching. “i love you too” was all you could mumble before your lips were connected in a kiss again. this time it was different, more rough and hungry, you felt ellie’s tongue brushing against your lower lip, begging for an entrance. you parted you lips and your pink muscle was immediately met with the auburn haired girl’s one. in a matter of seconds a sweet kiss turned into a hot make out session.
suddenly ellie patted your upper thigh signalising for you to jump, you did and moments later you found yourself sitting on the cabinet with your legs parted so ellie could fit between them. you felt you heat getting wetter and wetter every second and when ellie brushed her knee against you clothed clit, you moaned, into her mouth.
“fuckk” ellie breathed out when she finally m pulled away from the kiss. “baby, i don’t wanna do nothing you don’t-” “ellie, please” you whined, needy for her touches. “please what, pretty girl? huh? tell me what you want, go on” you knew she was doing it on purpose, teasing you with her words, while lazily rubbing circles on your inner thigh. “ellie….i need you to touch me, please.” a smirk appeared on her lips as you threw your head back, thirsting for her touches on the certain place where you wanted her, the most.
“don’t worry, baby, i got you, ‘m gonna do everything you need me to, ‘y just have to be patient sweet girl.” ellie said in low voice, that made you head spin and heart melt.
she rolled you dress up a little bit, so she saw the wet spot on your soft, pink laced panties, that matched your bra. she cursed under her breath. “fuck baby, i barely touched you and your already so wet?” she would lie if she said it didn’t turn her on even more.
you threw your head back and let out a loud moan when ellie started teasing your cunt through the thin fabric of your underwear. suddenly you heard a sharp sound of the material getting ripped and when the cold air hit your heat you immediately knew what probably happened.
“i’ll buy you a new one, i promise” ellie muttered when she noticed your huff. “ellie…” you pouted desperately. “relax, pretty girl” she simply whispered to your each, she started, sucking, bitting and licking spots, on your neck and whenever you let out a sound she took a mental note.
after she was praised enough with her work on your upper chest, neck and shoulders she smiled proudly. “now, everyone gonna know that you’re mine, only mine, you understand?”
“yes, ellie” you were dripping in wetness and all you could think about was wanting her inside you already. “good girl” she praised you and then you felt her fingers teasing you clit.
“fuck-ellie” you were moaning her name like crazy, and wasn’t even in you, yet. “just like that, baby, let everyone hear you”
what she started pushing her two fingers into your hole, you thought you’ll cum just right there and then. she was pumping them in and out and you were a moaning mess. “you’re so wet for me, pretty girl. or do you think that anyone could fuck you this good? what about sophie, huh? I bet she’d love to what a whore you’re f’me, ‘y want me to call here?” she asked in a mocking way. “please, no-fuck, fells s’good els-only you!”
ellie, continued to fingering you, and the closer you were to reaching your climax, the louder you were. “gonna- fuck- cum, els” you whined and your body started to shake. “yea? you think sophie could fuck you this good? y’ think she’d make you come this hard?” now she’s holding your chin in her free hand, squeezing your cheeks together a little. “no-fuck..only you els!!” you screamed, and a hot tear rolled down cheek.
“my good fucking girl, now cum f’me, baby”
the praises made you reach your climax faster so you came all over ellie’s fingers, your legs still shaking, from the pleasure, you vision’s blurry ‘cause of the tears and your head’s dizzy.
“y’ did so good, baby” she said as she kissed you on your forehead “now let’s get to our place, shall we?” she suggested, with a smirk on her lips, knowing god damn well, that everyone heard you.
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agustdiv1ne · 11 months
hii congrats on 3k you deserve it!!! i love your works so much you're one of my favorite writers here <3 can i request for the event yeonjun + howl's moving castle + fluff and smut ? love you <3
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pairing: choi yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: fantasy, fluff, smսt
wc: 3.2k
details + warnings: minors + blank/ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked, yeonjun as howl (take these two pics for reference,, phew), mc as sophie (but no defining physical features are described besides silver hair), this takes place after the events of the movie aka flying castle era, light dom/sub dynamics, vv soft sex, oral (f receiving), they are so in love it's sickening honestly
notes: starting this event off strong with one of my ults paired with one of my favorite movies...*visibly quaking* and ilyt nonnie <3 you're the sweetest
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humming to yourself, you amble down the cobblestone path of a town far from the one that you once considered home. your dress brushes against your legs as you continue forward, the soft fabric rustled by a cool, gentle breeze characteristic of spring. above, clouds drift about the cerulean sky, the sun's rays gentle and warm where they kiss your skin. you soon spot the door that you had first emerged from when you had set out to complete a handful of errands earlier in the afternoon.
your focus on the door falters at the mouth watering scent wafting from a nearby stall, something saccharine and warm. perhaps one more stop is in order, you find yourself thinking as you part from your original path. your feet lead you over to the older woman overseeing the small stand surrounded by other passersby nibbling at the sweets she sells. the crow's feet around her eyes appear when she smiles at you, her chin-length hair a similar silver hue to your own.
“hello, my dear,” she greets, her voice soft and worn with time. as she continues, her hands work in tandem to package some of the treats that had lured you over. “how may i help you?”
you offer her a polite smile while you request four of the small, half-moon pastries filled with molasses-rich sugar and chopped nuts. steam rises from the ones that have just finished cooking, ready to be packaged for awaiting customers. she nods at you, smiling, as she quickly wraps up and hands the fresh ones off to a woman and her two young children to your left. the youngest hums in delight once he takes a bite, and the three of them head off down the road.
“your hair is quite beautiful, dear,” she says, the twinkle in her eyes signifying the truthfulness of her words as you place the correct amount of coins into her awaiting palm. “i’ve never seen someone so young with such a shade. it suits you well.” 
“oh, thank you! that is very kind of you to say,” you reply, your soft voice imbued with surprise. while most do not comment, you have witnessed firsthand the gawking and stares of judgement that your hair has garnered in your travels. the hue is a reminder of the curse you once endured, but the fond memories it brings forth far outweigh any negative reactions you have received thus far. warmth fills your chest at the compliment. 
she wraps and hands you your own pastries seconds later. bowing your head slightly, you voice your gratitude before you realize she has given you one extra. you attempt to hand one back to her, the others tucked into the basket hanging off of your arm. “ma’am, i believe you may have given me one too many—”
“nonsense,” she winks, pushing your hand back towards you. “consider it a gift.”
guilt swirling in your stomach, you try to hand her another coin. however, she refuses, shooing you away from her stand with well-wishes of safe travels. with a final shallow bow and kind words in return, you depart from the stall, your steps light and springy.
embarrassingly giddy after the sweet interaction, you scurry down the street much quicker now, eager to return home. home — it is what you used to call your family's hat shop, but now...now, home is what you call yeonjun, his youthful apprentice, kai, calicfer, heen, even the witch of the waste. they are your home, and nothing could ever exceed the joy that that truth brings you.
you remove one of the pastries from your basket, unwrapping it to take a bite, eyes widening at the sweet, syrupy taste that coats your tongue. delicious is the sole word that comes to mind. the warm delicacy only serves to heighten your mood, and it is long gone before you even reach your destination. you are tempted to reach for another, but decide against it. a hand wraps around the knob and twists, and suddenly, you are no longer in the town, but soaring high above in yeonjun's — and now, too, your own — flying castle.
“i’m home!” you call as you enter, using the heel of your boot to swing the wooden door closed behind you. though he is no longer confined to the hearth, calcifer sits there anyway; it has become habit after his years bound to yeonjun.
“oh, look who’s decided to come back!” he exclaims, flames growing brighter at the sight of you. “yeonjun’s been sulkin’ in his room since ya left — i’ve been dyin’ of boredom out here!”
you breathe a laugh at calcifer’s dramatics, looking for the young boy who is usually around when you return. “where is kai?”
“out. more magical apprentice-y tasks to do, i guess,” he replies, inspecting you as you set the basket down with pursed lips. “why the long face?”
“i got him a sweet from a stall, and it’s still hot,” you hum, beginning to place the produce and other items that you purchased onto the table. “i suppose you will have to warm it up for him later.”
“do i look like some kinda servant?” he asks, indignant. he continues to ramble about his now free status and how he doesn’t need to listen to you while you continue to remove items from your basket, placing the four remaining pastries to the side. 
huffing, you finally wave the firewood you had bought for him. “how about now?”
calcifer gasps at the sight, his small arms appearing to beckon you over. he scoffs, “alright, c’mon, i’ll do it. should’ve just said you had that first.”
you swiftly gather a decent amount of wood in your arms and head over to him, handing him one after another to greedily chomp down. with each one, he grows a bit larger, brighter, his glowing yellow center expanding.
“at this rate, i’ll start likin’ ya better than yeonjun,” the fire demon claims through a mouthful of lumber, snatching another piece from the now dwindling pile that you hold. 
“you already do, just admit it,” you quip, grinning down at him. 
“admit what?” an inimitably deeper voice asks. head whipping around, you find yeonjun leaning against the doorway, lips quirked up in a smirk with his arms folded across his broad chest. a loose, white blouse envelopes his torso and is tucked into primly tailored trousers.  
“oh, nothing for you to fret over,” you tease, well aware that he likely heard the vast majority of the conversation. he tuts, striding over to wrap his arms around your waist from behind, his chin coming to rest upon your shoulder as you present calcifer with the final piece of wood from your makeshift heap. the ends of his hair tickle your skin. he hums something low and quiet, pressing his soft, plump lips against your neck. calcifer, in turn, emits a nauseated heave. 
“if ya gonna act all lovey dovey around me, i’ll just leave,” the ball of flame huffs, beginning to float in the air. 
yeonjun chuckles, his arms pulling you tighter against him. “no need. i was meaning to steal this one away from you, anyway.”
“oh, great! just wonderful!” he sneers, sinking back down to the stone hearth and glowering at the man who leads you back towards the doorway. “spare my ears while ya at it!”
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once you are alone, yeonjun wastes no time in pressing you against his silken bedsheets. he balances himself above you with a single forearm, his hips tucked between your parted thighs and hiked up dress. his lips waste no time in enveloping your own. slow, languid — he takes great care in savoring you, ensuring that you are as close as possible with his free hand cupping your cheek. his cheeky tongue slips into your mouth to curl against yours, causing you to exhale a muffled whine.
before you are able to slide your hands up his shoulders and around the back of his neck, he pulls away. staring up at him, you find chestnut eyes brimming with adoration. the sight of his disheveled hair and shiny, kiss-bruised lips sends flurries of butterflies through your stomach.
"“you taste so sweet, love,” he murmurs as he brushes his thumb against your cheekbone. his words dissipate the heady fog creeping into your mind, and you reach up to grab his hand.
“the pastries!” you exclaim with wide eyes. attempting to sit up, you gently push him back onto his knees. you catch the furrow of his brow, the pout forming on his lips, and you move to explain. “i purchased pastries for us to try while i was out — the stall owner even gave me one more for free! isn’t that delightful?” 
yeonjun blinks. hard. how you are whining into his mouth one moment and growing distracted by sweets the next is quite beyond him, but it nonetheless causes an endeared smile to pull at the corners of his lips.
“you should try it while they’re still hot! i’ll go fetch one for you,” you continue, mistakenly taking his grin for excitement. swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, you stand and begin to scurry over to his bedroom door, him rising from the bed going unnoticed.
despite your newfound goal, your lover does not allow you to stray too far, catching you by the waist and pulling you back against him. his fingers weave together against your stomach, locking you in his embrace, unable to wriggle away.
“don’t leave me,” he pleads, and though you are unable to see it from your position, his tone betrays the pout that he sports. “i feel as if we haven’t seen each other in ages.”
“i’ve only been away for a few hours. you have survived much longer,” you giggle, reaching up to run your fingers through his onyx hair while he kisses up your neck, nipping the skin where you are most sensitive. you allow a quiet moan to escape, a shuddered breath following soon after when he does not halt his ministrations. attempting to pry his hands off, you say, “i’ll be just a minute, if you would let me go.”
whining in protest with his nose nuzzled against your jaw, his grip grows ironclad, the space between your bodies diminishing — and that is when you feel it: the hardness that presses snugly against your rear. heat floods your cheeks at the realization, and your struggle to escape comes to an abrupt end. “love, the pastry—”
“i’ll try it later. i’d much rather taste you at the moment,” he interrupts, voice low and breathy against your ear. the sheer desperation in his voice causes heat to pulse in your center. 
he pulls you back to bed with ease, aiding you in your descent to the sheets. his hands bunching the skirt of your dress up reveals your stocking-clad legs, the fabric squeezing the meat of your thighs in a way that causes him to gulp. he slips his body between your legs, a position reminiscent of mere minutes ago, taking his time in running his hands up and down sensitive skin of your inner thighs, traveling dangerously close to your covered center. goosebumps raise beneath his fingers as a shiver slinks down your spine.
while his actions are drenched in admiration mixed with a soft sense of desire, it is too much for you to bear. overwhelmed with bashfulness, you hide your face in your hands. above you, your lover tuts, as if dissapointed with your choice. prying your hands away, he gathers your wrists and presses them into the bed above your head.
“keep your hands there,” he orders, eyes half-lidded and glazed over with need. “or else i will stop.”
your heart skips a beat in your chest at his order, but you nod nevertheless. he simpers at your obedience.
“that’s my girl.”
and suddenly the desire to melt into a puddle washes over you. the words bring you back to the first day that you had encountered him; when he had saved you from two sleazy soldiers, flew you over the town square and helped you to a balcony before disappearing. that day, you had no inkling of just how drastically your life would change. how fate has landed you here, below that very man, in love with him...you have expressed your gratitude to whatever it is above countless times.
truly, you never thought of yourself to be one for praise, but your time with yeonjun thus far has unlocked a myriad of preferences you had never given a second thought to before. as the words echo in your head, you bite your lip to muffle a tiny whine.
chuckling, he lowers himself onto his stomach so that he is eye level with your center. a finger skates over the seam of your panties, sliding up your slit to press against your awaiting bud. all the while, his plump kiss and suckle their way up your thigh until he's nosing at the crease of your thigh, dangerously close to your folds. pulling away, he helps you slip the thin, soaked fabric from you with teasing touches until you are bare from the waist down, sans your stockings.
at the sight of your glistening core, he licks his lips, taking in the way you clench around nothing. you feel terribly exposed, like a sculpture in the center of a gallery, unable to hide. he coos at your trembling state. ever so sensitive, his little doe, even after so long. holding you open, his gaze travels back up past your heaving chest to your flustered face.
“eyes on me, sweetheart. want you to watch me.” he locks his gaze with yours as he dips down to trace your folds with tongue, reveling in the way your brow furrows and your lips part, teeth grazing your bottom lip for a moment. yeonjun is nothing if not a tease, however; he continues to repeat the same movements until you are battling with the urge to snap your eyes shut and burrow your head into the sheets, until you are pleading with him for more. conceding, he dips down to your entrance only to moan at your taste. yes, this is what he has been craving all day. his tongue dips inside for a moment before he licks a bold stripe up to your clit, his eyes fluttering closed while he takes his time in working you up. you cry out as the tip of his tongue slides under the hood, toying with the tiny bundle of nerves with practiced confidence. his lips do not stray far behind, wrapping around and sucking hard, basking in the choked moan you emit in response. 
but it's not enough.
he pulls away for a moment, hands squeezing your thighs. when you finally meet his gaze, he finds tears lining your bottom lashes, little dewdrops that cause your eyes to shine brighter.
“sing for me, sweetheart,” he says, his voice soft and hypnotizing. “as loud as you desire. when we’re in this room, no one can hear you but me.”
then, without waiting for your foggy brain to register his words, he dives back in with increased vigor, his lone goal being to make you fall apart, to cause you to let go those silly inhibitions that keep you as quiet as a mouse. he is more than pleased at the cries that follow.
while he loses himself in tasting you, you are falling apart. white-hot pleasure burns in the center of your stomach, a fire that grows hotter and brighter and causes you to grip the sheets harder with paled knuckles. it winds around you and spreads across the entirety of your being. with a mist-shrouded mind, all you can do is take what he provides, grinding against his lips. despite his warning from earlier, you reach down to thread your fingers through his hair and tug. this, evidently, sets him off; more beast than human, he devours you whole. he wants — no, needs your release. cum for me, darling, please cum for me — an unspoken plea, conveyed by his zealous tongue and lips, his grip on your thighs nearly bruising. and you listen, you listen so well despite his silence, the pleasure building and building and building and—
you shatter.
wailing, a supernova of pleasure overwhelms your body and soul, hot tears rolling streaming down your cheeks. your body no longer has a beginning nor an end — you feel as though you are floating above the bed rather than laying upon it, looking down at yourself, at the man betwixt your thighs, the care with which he extracts every drop of pleasure from your center, the patience he exudes while he delivers you back down to your true existence, back to him.
slowly, so very slowly, you return back to yourself, weary eyes fluttering open to find him hovering above you. his pupils hold profound concern, the rhythmic circling of his thumb against your cheek soothing to your mind. he's frowning, and you can see the gears spinning inside his head, wondering if he had finally gone too far.
“jjunie,” you whisper with an exhausted yet lovesick grin, pulling him close so that your foreheads press together — and with the melodic sound of your endearing nickname for him, the doubt, the guilt, festering deep in his chest vanishes. you spend a few moments gazing at each other, and you use the edge of your nail to trace his beauty marks while you bask in the presence of one another; just you and him, him and you. 
leaning up, you capture his lips, something soft and sweet and unhurried that causes your heart to pound against your ribcage. the heart — it can be such a fickle thing, always changing, always setting its sights on shiny, new things. yes, it can be quite fickle, but nothing can dispute the undeniable truth of your eternal, immutable love for yeonjun, and his for you. you may change your routines and what you eat and the tunes you sing, but your love is forever frozen in time. “find me in the future,” is what you once exclaimed to him, and he had done just that — and so, so much more.
despite your exhausted mind, you find yourself craving more. the hardness of his cock presses into your thigh, and you grind slightly into him. he stares down at you, lips parted, silently inquiring if you are okay: are you sure you would like to continue? it's a wordless exchange, the way you reach down to stroke him over his trousers, the cheeky bite of your lip. with that, the mischievous grin he wore previously returns.
“you’re absolutely insatiable,” he laughs, returning his lips to your neck.
“oh, please. you were the one who wanted this in the first place,” you tease back before you’re squealing at the sound of ripping fabric. “yeonjun!”
“i shall mend it later,” he shrugs, eyes darkening as he greedily takes in your now bare bosom. “right now, however, there are much more pressing matters.”
perhaps the pastries can wait a wee bit a longer.
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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aflame4goinghome · 8 months
Part Of The Band
j.t.k x f.reader
part two
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part one
a/n: here's our much-anticipated part two! things are really starting to heat up... but now what? enjoy :)
word count: 5.8k
warnings: swearing, flirting, kissing, strong sexual language, shameless nicknames lol, some fluff- Jake is very sweet, some pining i guess? SMUT, minors DNI: oral sex (f. receiving), fingering, choking, groping, slight dom/sub action, begging, sir kink (of course), unprotected p in v sex (wrap it before you tap it!!), slight biting if you squint
You wake up to the loud blaring of your alarm clock in your ear and a pounding headache. You sit up in bed and press the off button on the clock, looking over to see the time: 10:00. It’s not even that early, but your hangover says otherwise. “Fuck. Why did I ever agree to stay out and drink so late…” you say to yourself, shaking your head and holding your hands over your eyes. You stay like that for a few minutes before begrudgingly getting out of bed and dragging your feet to the bathroom to get ready.
You shut the bathroom door and then look at yourself in the mirror. You didn’t have the energy to take your makeup off the night before, your mascara is smudged and your eyes are puffy. You take a quick shower, wash your face thoroughly, brush your teeth, and then pull your hair back into a low ponytail. You open your bathroom cabinet to pull out a bottle of Tylenol, take two of them, and then head out back into your room to get dressed. You dread the thought of having to get dressed for class today, so you throw on some sweats and a band tee then head out into the living area.
You enter your small kitchen to find Sophie hunched over the dining table, in a very similar state. “Morning, Soph,” you say with a half-smile, to which she looks up at you with utter regret and just groans in response. You can’t help but laugh, “Pleasant as always this morning, huh?”
She rolls her eyes and says, “Y/N, we are never going out on a school night ever again. I’ve never been this hungover in all my life,” she throws her head back and groans again. “It was your idea, remember?” you say, reminding her. “Whatever. Go to class so that I can wallow in self-pity in peace, please,” she says. You chuckle to yourself, grab a granola bar and a Celsius, then pick up your backpack and head out the door for the day.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
You finish your exam just in time then breathe a long sigh of relief. You feel pretty okay about it and hope that all of your studying paid off. You decide that you need more caffeine to get through the rest of the day. You head over to your campus coffee shop and wait in the unfortunately long line, scrolling on your phone while you wait.
You open up Instagram and, against your better judgment, type in Jake’s name. You hit the follow button and scroll on his page for a minute, admiring the layout and aesthetic of it all. It felt very… him. You decide to shoot him a text to see how his morning has been going.
You: morning :)
Sir Jacob ⚔️: Good morning… sleep well?
You: as well as i could, i guess lol. i’ll definitely not be drinking that much during the school week again for a while, that’s for sure
Sir Jacob ⚔️: Ah yes, you had class today. You said you had an exam, right? How did that go?
You: oh, it was alright. i think i passed, i’m just glad to have it over with. now i can just look forward to tonight ;)
Sir Jacob ⚔️: Well, I’m glad that you did well. And I’m even more glad to know that you’re looking forward to seeing me…
You: hmm, are you looking forward to seeing me?
Sir Jacob ⚔️: Oh, I’m looking forward to more than just seeing you, sweetheart. Your beautiful face will be my good luck charm tonight. Who knows, perhaps you could even get rewarded.
You: i’ll hold you to that…
Sir Jacob ⚔️: That’s a promise, baby. I’ve already coordinated your ride to pick you up at 6. Our guys will take you both up to the front when you arrive… though I might like it if you could come back to see me before we go on.
You: i think i’d like that too. i’m sure Sophie can hold our spot on her own for a little while
Sir Jacob ⚔️: Good, that can be arranged… I’ll see you then, beautiful.
You: see you then ;)
You catch yourself smiling at your phone as you end your conversation with Jake and near the front of the line. You can hardly believe that this was actually real and that you were being brought backstage tonight. You grab your coffee and head home to rest a bit before you have to get ready for the show.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
After sitting on the couch with Sophie for a while watching tv, you two decide it’s time to get ready to go. You look through your closet to find something cute to wear and come across your favorite skirt- it’s black, pleated, and a bit short. You decided to pair it with the Greta Van Fleet shirt that you bought at the merch table last night, which you think Jake will particularly like. You step into the bathroom to do your makeup and then loosely curl your hair to give it some volume.
You meet Sophie out in your living room, throw on a pair of black Converse, and then the two of you head downstairs to wait for your ride. It arrived right at 6, just like Jake had promised. A black car pulls up in front of your apartment building and you both get in. You expected an Uber, but it appears that Jake went a step above and hired a car service for you, which feels so insane to you. You’ve never been exposed to this level of fame before.
The car arrives at the Greek and you and Sophie walk up to the venue. There are security personnel waiting there for you, and they take you both up to the barricade. They’d managed to keep a small space in the front open for you, just like Jake had said he would. They help Sophie get situated in the pit and then take you backstage to the dressing rooms.
Security brings you to one of the dressing rooms and opens the door for you, and you’re greeted first by Josh’s face smiling back at you right by the door. He’s wearing his jumpsuit already, adorned with a beautiful silky robe over top of it. “Y/N! Hello! It is so fantastic to see you again, I’m so glad you could make it again tonight. You look absolutely radiant,” he says, taking both of your hands in his and squeezing lightly. You smile at his enthusiasm, “Josh, hi, thank you… I’m happy to be here too.”
Your eyes look beyond Josh and find Jake sitting on a loveseat in the back corner of the room. He’s already dressed as well, and he looks so good that it’s sickening. His hair is still brushed and neat since he hasn’t performed yet, lying wavy over his shoulders. He has a closed-lip smile on his face that’s almost devious-looking.
You make your way over to him and you watch as his eyes travel down to your bare legs, then back up to your face. “Hi,” you say, with a shy smile across your face as you sit down next to him. “Hi,” he replies, snaking his hand around your waist, “You look gorgeous this evening, sweetheart. Absolutely breathtaking.” His other hand raises up to your face, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. You blush at the compliment and lean into his touch as he keeps his hand there, holding your cheek.
“I’m so glad that you’re here. You’ll be my muse for the night, I plan to put on quite the show…” he says, looking into your eyes. You smile up at him as he speaks again. “Here, I want you to have something,” he says, taking his hands away from your body. You mourn the loss of his touch momentarily as you watch him remove a bracelet from his right wrist. It’s a white sailor knot bracelet, seemingly old considering the visible wear and tear.
He places it in your hand and says, “I want you to wear this tonight. To help you remember how much I want you here, and for me to see you in the crowd and know that you’re here for me… and only me.” Your jaw drops slightly, in shock at Jake’s romantic gesture. You smile at him and slide the bracelet onto your wrist, “Thank you, Jake. This is so sweet… You know I’ll be thinking of you the whole time.” He leans into you and whispers in your ear, “Oh, I know you will. I’ll make sure of it.” You let out a sharp breath, feeling absolutely overtaken by him, then manage to quickly compose yourself before you melt for him entirely right there on that couch.
“I should get back to my spot… have to make sure that I’m front and center for a certain handsome rockstar…” you say, standing up and straightening out your skirt. Jake stands up with you to walk you out of the room, placing his hand on the small of your back. Once you reach the door, Jake gets close to you and whispers, “See you after the show, gorgeous,” sending shivers down your spine.
Before you can react, security guides you back to your spot in the pit. Sophie looks at you with a cheeky look, but you just brush it off and get ready for the opener’s set. This is going to be a long night…
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
The openers have finished their sets and you’re all anxiously awaiting for the band to come out. The same intro plays as last night with the film videos, and then suddenly, you hear a string of beautiful chords coming from the organ as a bright spotlight points down upon Sam. Danny approaches from behind to sit at his set and then… out walks Jake. His stride is confident and relaxed as though he belongs there, which he so obviously does. He waves to the crowd quickly before he turns around to adjust the settings on the amp behind him. He then walks up to the front of the stage and locks eyes with you, blowing a kiss straight to you. You smile at him, blushing, as he strikes a few chords on his guitar to add to the suspense of the start of the song.
They amp it up a bit, Danny begins pounding on the drums, and then Josh walks out, greeting the crowd with a wide smile. The guys lead into the start of the song and Josh begins to dance around and feel the music. He looks over and sees you, reaching out both of his hands and then bringing them to his heart. You’ve only known him for a day, but you absolutely adore Josh. His kind heart radiates the brightest energy you’ve ever seen and it’s impossible to not be happy right alongside him, he just draws you in.
Your eyes travel back to Jake as he settles into the rhythm of the song. You can just tell how much fun he has up there, playing the song with a smile on his face and moving with the music. You can’t help but admire him, it’s so clear that he’s living his dream. It’s quite wholesome, but this wholesome moment doesn’t last long.
As the band heads into the next song, the energy begins to change. Every time he looks over at you, his eyes seem much darker. He’s playing his riffs with ease and going crazy for the crowd, though you wonder if it might be just for you. When it’s time for his solo, he steps closer to the front of the stage. His eyes meet yours as his hands glide up and down the frets with ease and you watch as he slightly lifts his hips into the guitar.
Oh, he’s putting on a show now, you think. This must be what he meant earlier about making sure that you think of only him during the show. It was certainly working- you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. More specifically, you watch his hands as they move on the strings and his face as it contorts while he plays; in pain or pleasure, you couldn’t be sure. Either way, you start to feel extremely aroused, your eyes glued to him.
Jake puts on this same show for the rest of the set, including the encore. He would occasionally turn his attention to the rest of the crowd and go to the other side of the stage to play to them, but he’d always come right back to his spot in front of you, with his eyes burning through you with lust. You start to imagine what Jake has in store for you tonight, and just the thought of it has you feeling anxious with desire.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
The band exits the stage and it’s time for you to head backstage to find Jake. “I’m gonna go call my Uber,” Sophie says, turning toward you, “Be careful, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and text me when you’re on your way home, okay?” You smile at her and say, “Soph, there’s not much you wouldn’t do. I’ll see you in the morning.” Security goes to help you out of the pit to take you backstage as you hear Sophie yell back to you, “Have fun! Don’t get pregnant!” You roll your eyes and shake your head, she sure does love to embarrass you.
The security guards take you back to the same room as earlier and knock on the door. You’re greeted by Josh once again, who has already changed into more casual clothing. “Hello, darling!” he says, smiling from ear to ear, pulling you into a hug. You can tell he’s a hugger with how tight his grasp is, as he rubs his hand slightly on your back.
“Jake’s just taking a quick shower to cool down, I was just about to head to the hotel myself. Did you enjoy the show?” he asks. You smiled back at him, “I enjoyed it very much, you were incredible. I expected nothing less, you’re a natural Josh.” His cheeks turn a bit pink at the compliment as he brushes it off, scoffing. “Please, no more, or else my ego is going to get inflated.” You burst into laughter together and then you hear the water in the bathroom turn off.
“I’d better go, my ride is waiting for me. But you two have a good night,” Josh says, smirking slightly. “I hope to see you again soon, Y/N.” He places his hand on your shoulder and rubs it as a goodbye and then heads out the door, closing it behind him. You decide to take a seat on the loveseat in the dressing room, where you had been sitting a few hours earlier, and scroll on your phone for a moment while you wait.
You raise your head as you hear the door open and see Jake walk out of the bathroom. He had gotten half-dressed in the bathroom, wearing the same old tattered jeans from last night. His hair was still wet- long and dripping onto his bare chest. You can’t help but stare as he walks over to you with a smug smile on his face.
“I thought that you might be here waiting for me,” he says, leaning over you and placing his hand on your cheek, “I’m glad I was right.” He brings his mouth down to yours, encompassing it in a ravenous kiss. It’s hurried and desperate; you know that he’s been waiting all night for this. He lays you down on the loveseat as he hovers over you, taking total control. He places his right knee on the couch next to you as he plants the other between your legs to steady himself then holds your waist with his left hand. His right hand has moved from your cheek to rest lightly on the back of your neck, pulling you into him.
The kiss is so deep that you pull back a bit to catch your breath. “Do you know what you’ve been doing to me all night, looking like that?” Jake says, looking down at you with his long, wet hair framing your face. His left hand leaves your waist and travels under your skirt down to your thigh, gripping it tightly. “That skirt has been making me crazy, baby… Seeing how sexy your legs look. You didn’t leave much to the imagination, huh? Did you wear that just for me?” he asks, his eyes dark and filled with lust.
You hardly feel like you can answer him, your body almost numb from desire, your mind filled with thoughts of him and only him. You manage to nod, looking up at him, begging for him to continue. He shakes his head at you and brings his hand back up to cup your face. “No, sweetheart. Use your words. Did you wear that tiny little skirt for me?” You whimper slightly at his dominance and the feeling of his hands on you. “Yes Jake, yes, I wore it for you. I knew that you would like it,” you answer hastily, desperate to feel his mouth on yours once more.
“That’s what I thought. Pretty little thing wanted to look good just for me, hm?” he says, his mouth just inches from yours. You lean up to try and catch his lips when he pulls away from you. “I shouldn’t let it go to waste then, should I?” he says, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you up, then flipping you over to lean over the armrest. “Is this okay?” Jake whispers with his lips on the shell of your ear, keeping his hands planted on your hips. “Yes,” you answer, almost whining. You couldn’t hide your arousal now even if you tried, your body is calling out to him.
He leans back to kneel on the couch behind you and flips your skirt up to reveal more of you to himself. He sucks in a quick breath and groans to himself as his hands explore you, tracing along the shape of your ass and then taking a handful in his right hand. He brings his other hand to slide a finger under your black lace underwear, snapping it against your skin and making you wince in pleasure. He then slides it to the side, revealing your already dripping wet folds. He brings his hand up to run his fingers through them, collecting the pool of wetness that’s sitting between your legs. You whine quietly at his touch, entirely at his mercy.
Jake leans back over you, still running his fingers over your sensitive core, and whispers into your ear in a deep, raspy voice. “Is this what you wanted, baby? Did you want me to take care of this pretty pussy just like I do with my guitar on stage? Is that it?” You whine again, louder this time as he starts to circle your clit lightly. “Yes,” you breathe out. “Yes, what?” he says, putting more pressure right where you need it most, peppering light kisses on your neck. You let out a quiet moan and throw your head back, “Yes, sir, this is what I wanted, please.” He kisses your neck once more, sinking his teeth in a bit, causing you to whine again.
He then leans back and removes his hand from you, placing both of his hands on your ass, spreading your cheeks wide, and letting out a harsh groan. “Fuck, sweetheart, you look so delicious. I need to have a taste,” he says. “Please, please,” you mutter out, begging. He stops holding himself back, leaning down and finally attaching his mouth to you. You gasp as his lips encompass your folds, his tongue teasing your entrance repeatedly. You grip the arm of the couch harshly, holding on for dear life as he licks at you relentlessly.
His fingers find your clit and press tight circles into it as his mouth continues to explore your needy pussy. You struggle to hold back your moans as he gets you closer and closer to the edge. He can tell you’re getting close from your noises and detaches his mouth from you. His arm pulls you up against him and he’s now using both his hands on you to get you to your release. His left hand is still pressing into your clit as he inserts his middle finger into you. You lean back against him and moan loudly as his finger takes a relentless place inside of you and he inserts a second finger. “That’s it, baby, are you gonna come for me? You gonna come all over my fingers?” Jake says with his lips against your neck, sucking marks into it as he grinds his hard dick against you. “Yes, yes, yes,” you say, struggling to get any words out at all. He rubs your clit faster and keeps a steady pace of pounding his finger inside of you, making you come undone for him.
Your orgasm is so harsh, hitting you like a massive wave, taking you over. You can’t control the sounds coming out of you as you moan his name and several expletives as you come down from your high. He slows his fingers inside you, but still moves them, helping you through it. It’s nothing like you’ve ever experienced before. You’d expected him to be good considering how skilled he was at guitar. You fantasized a lot about it as you watched his fingers move along the frets, but this was even better than you’d imagined.
Jake removes his hands from you and places a soft kiss on your cheek. You watch as he pops his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean, and groaning slightly. Then he pulls your panties back to their place and fixes your skirt. You step off of the couch and turn to face him, kissing his lips softly. You feel him smile against your lips and let out a quiet moan, taking your cheek in his hand. He leans his forehead against yours and asks, “You coming back to my room with me?”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you answer, smiling at him. He steps back from you to grab the rest of his clothes and finish getting dressed. You watch him grab a black button-down shirt, very similar to the blue one you saw him in yesterday, then he slips into the same brown Chelsea boots. He looks into the mirror and brushes his fingers through his hair slightly, still wet from his shower and a bit messy after your steamy exchange. He slides on his dark sunglasses, despite it being dark out, then reaches his hand out to you. “Alright, ready to go?” You take his hand and you walk out, hand-in-hand, to the back entrance where your ride is waiting for you.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
The car pulls up to their hotel, Jake gets out of the car and then goes to the other side to open your door for you. You blush as he takes your hand, helps you out of the car, and holds your hand in his as he walks you inside. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife as you both enter the elevator and take it up to his floor. He keeps his hand on your lower back as he walks you to his room and opens the door, letting you enter first, following behind you, and closing the door.
You watch him turn the lock and then turn around and walk toward you. He snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you close. You lean up to kiss him and he groans into your mouth, backing you up until the back of your legs hit the bed. He then lays you down on the bed and leans over you, deepening the kiss. His one hand is grasping at your ass while the other moves up to your neck. You reach down to grasp at his bulge, still hard and throbbing since he went down on you back at the venue. He groans into your mouth and thrusts lightly into your hand, needing more. You pull down the zipper and reach into his boxers to take him in your hand, but it’s clear that he’s feeling impatient because he leans back to completely undress.
Jake unbuttons the remaining three buttons on his shirt and tosses it on the floor, then pulls down his jeans and removes his briefs. You take this time to truly admire him, with nothing covering him. You’re mesmerized by his defined v-line and the way his necklace lays on his bare chest, then you finally look down to see his hard dick, starting to feel slightly nervous. It’s larger than you’d expected for his height, and girthier too, so much so that you worry about it fitting. He leans back over you and slowly pulls your skirt and panties down as you lift your shirt over your head to match him. He kisses you ferociously as his hands find your breasts, still covered by your lacy bra. He kneads them in his hands for a moment before reaching behind you unhooking it with one hand and throwing it to the side of the bed.
He detaches his lips from you and leans back for a moment to look at you, completely bare in front of him. “Fuck, baby… you look absolutely delectable…” he says, leaning back in to kiss you and teasing his tongue into your mouth, which you welcome willingly. Your tongues are swirling around each other as he brings one of his hands down to grab your breast and his finger pinches your nipple teasingly. You moan into his mouth and he smirks, bringing his mouth down to suck it into his mouth. He then moves his hand to your wet and needy core, bringing his fingers through your folds before inserting his pointer finger inside. You’re writhing in his touch, whining, and slightly overstimulated by all of the different feelings pulsing through you.
“Jake please, I need you,” you whine, needing more than just his fingers now. “What, sweetheart? Tell me what you want,” he says, looking down from above you with fire in his eyes. “I need to fuck me, please, I need it so bad,” you plead with him, taking his dick in your hand. He groans into your mouth and teases you more, “Yeah? You want me to fuck you, baby?” “Yes, yes sir, please, please,” you beg, unable to wait anymore. He moans again, hearing you call him that making him throb in your hand.
“Honey, I’m gonna fuck you so good that all you’ll be able to say is my name…” he says, taking himself in hand and pumping it a few times, forehead pressed against yours. He lines himself up with you, his other hand gripping the back of your neck, and presses in just the tip. You whine at the feeling before he takes it back out and then slides back in, gripping his hand tight on your hip and he pushes all the way to the hilt. He lets out a deep groan from the feeling of being all the way inside you, his eyes glued to where your bodies meet as he moves his hips to take himself out and then slam back in again.
His lips crash into yours then, licking into your mouth recklessly as he sets a steady pace. Your fingernails are digging into his back as you moan into his mouth at every thrust, in absolute euphoria. His hand moves from the back of your neck to the front, grasping just tight enough that it wouldn’t restrict your airflow. He removes his lips from yours and looks down at you, his hair framing your face and his eyes boring into yours. His necklaces dangle into your face at every thrust, the cold metal smacking your face to keep you in reality. His other hand reaches down to lift one of your legs higher and he’s now fucking into you at a new angle, so much deeper. You let out a loud moan at the feeling and you feel yourself clench around him, which makes him go faster.
“That feel good, baby?” Jake asks you in a deep whisper and moves his hand from your leg to your stomach, pressing down. “Do you feel me right there? You feel me so deep?” You can tell he likes to talk, and you like it too. His words are getting you closer and closer to the edge as you feel his tip brush past your g-spot over and over again. You nod ferociously and spill out a string of yeses, unable to form much of a sentence. His hand on your stomach moves down to your sensitive clit and starts pressing hard circles into it. “I feel you clenching around me baby, I know you’re so close. Be a good girl and come on my cock,” he says, his eyes locked right on yours, watching as your face contorts with pleasure. It’s not long before you’re reaching your second orgasm, this one even harder than the first as Jake pounds into you incessantly.
As you come down, he puts your leg down and leans down to kiss you passionately, moaning into your mouth. You can tell that he’s close too, though he’s held it together well. You place your hand tightly at the back of his neck, gripping some of the hair there and deepening the kiss. A few more deep thrusts and he pulls his mouth away from yours and pulls out of you, pumping himself as he finishes on your stomach. His forehead falls onto yours as he breathes in your presence for a moment before placing a light kiss on your forehead and walking to the bathroom to get a towel to clean you up.
He returns from the bathroom with a wet washcloth, sits down on the edge of the bed, and helps clean you up. The aftercare is honestly quite sweet, which was to be expected. Despite his tough exterior in bed, Jake is a gentleman first and foremost. He finishes wiping you off and you both take a quick shower to clean more thoroughly and cool off. Even the shower is sensual, he washes you off slowly and delicately, and then you both dry off and get back into bed.
Jake turns the lamp off and then lays down and turns to face you. He reaches his hand over and brushes a piece of hair out of your face and caresses your cheek lightly. You take his hand in yours and kiss the top of it, smiling up at him. You still feel a bit unsure that any of this is even real. But nonetheless, you scooch closer to him and lay your head on his chest, close your eyes, and drift off to sleep as he brushes his fingers through your hair.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
Your eyes flutter open and you see the light of the morning peeking through the blinds. You turn over to see Jake still fast asleep, mouth wide open and snoring slightly. You smile to yourself, it all seems quite innocent. You go to grab your phone from the nightstand and check the time: 9:17 a.m. Okay, that’s not too bad. You wanted to be back at your apartment before noon to catch Sophie after her class was over, so the timing seemed good.
You brush some pieces of hair out of Jake’s face and smile down at him, rubbing your thumb on his temple. His eyes open slowly, a little out of it. “Mmm… morning, sweetheart,” he mutters, his voice deep and groggy. “Good morning… I have to go soon, I think…” you reply, which causes him to jolt awake a bit more, sitting up. “Oh…” he says, his face showing signs of disappointment, “Okay, yeah. I can get a car to take you back to your place.” He grabs his phone and sends a text to who you assume is his manager, then he turns back to you.
“Hey,” he says, placing his hand on your cheek. “I’ve had a really great few days with you, Y/N. I won’t forget it, ever. I hope you won’t either…” You look up at him and frown, you hate this goodbye more than anything. “Of course I won’t forget it, Jake. I don’t think I could ever forget you,” you say as he pulls you in for a soft kiss. He keeps his forehead on yours, trying to memorize this moment before it’s gone forever. “Keep my number, okay? If you ever need anything, or if you’re ever in Nashville… you can call me. I’ll answer. I promise,” he tells you, pulling back and rubbing his thumb on your cheek before getting up to get dressed for the day. You nod, staying in the comfortable silence and doing the same.
You both get ready and Jake walks you downstairs to the front of the hotel where the car is waiting for you. He gives you one more kiss goodbye on the cheek and opens the door for you, sending you off. What a whirlwind, you think to yourself as the car takes you back to your apartment.
After answering the much-expected 20 questions from Sophie about your adventurous night with a famous rockstar, you retire to your bedroom. You get changed into something more comfortable and then look down at your wrist, realizing that you’re still wearing his bracelet. You sincerely doubt that you’ll ever be able to give it back to him, so it can be a sweet keepsake. You take it off and place it on your vanity with the rest of your jewelry, and then go to sit in your bed.
You think back to the events of last night and part of you truly doesn’t believe it actually happened, especially to you. Well, you only live once, you suppose. It isn’t like anything like this would ever happen to you again in your lifetime. You’re likely never going to see him again and one day this is all going to be a distant memory. Right?
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
i hope you all enjoyed the second chapter of POTB!! comment or message me if you want to be added to the taglist!
the next chapter will involve a small time jump to the present day, so buckle up my loves!! see you soon! <3
part three
@writingcold @josh-iamyour-mama @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @sinarainbows @gvfmelbourne @jaketsguitar @swiftiepanda21 @itsafullmoon @thetroublegetssoloud71 @vanfleeter @gretasfallingsky @dem0litiondan @dixonbrainrot
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
6 and 18 for Dom, Hangman or Rooster?
Hi! Thank you so much for requesting. I am so sorry about the wait, I finally got a wave of inspiration for this. I am going to go with Dom, because he doesn't get enough love. This is going to take place between Fast Five and Fast 7 when Letty gets her memory back. I am going to be mentioning Sophie who is going to be featured in Life in The Fastlane.
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Sophie should have been thrilled that Letty was back with them and with Dom, but deep down, she knew it would change everything again. And her relationship with Dom that had sparked up again after Letty's death. She had felt guilty at first, thinking it was going to be an insult to Letty's memory, but then she remembered how she felt when she was with Dom and with Letty.
And the guilt stopped, Letty would want Dom to be happy, and she had once said that the only girl she would ever trust Dom with was Sophie.
She was the polar opposite of Letty, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, was the stereotypical dumb blonde, a part she played well. It had gotten all three girls out of trouble the first year that Sophie went to Race Wars with them. They were like the Three Musketeers, always together. Some of Sophie's favorite memories were of her with Letty and Mia.
The knock on the bedroom door startled Sophie out of her thoughts, "Yeah?" She called out, thinking it would be her brother or Rome coming to find her because she had been hiding in her old room since dinner and clean up had been done. Dom was standing in the doorway, "Come downstairs." Sophie shook her head and drew her knees to her chest. "Soph."
He had stepped into the room and pushed the door so it was halfway closed. He knew that Letty being around again, threw everything out of whack for the both of them and she was unsure about her place now. Was she still his? Was their quiet relationship going to still carry on.
"I don't want to keep being your secret Dom. I am tired of being your dirty little secret." Dom sighed and sat down on the bed next to her. "It's complicated." She laughed at that and turned her head to look out of the window. "That's a bunch of bullshit. I guess, I was just a place holder for Letty. We were never going to be anything more than just this. Were you ever going to tell me? Or were you going to keep fucking leading me on?"
Dom swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, that was never his intention but somehow it happened. "I get Dom, I am always going to be second best. With you and with Vince. That's my role on this team. And I just have to get used to it again."
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Big Sister
a/n: okay I know I saud the last fic should be the last fic about football until the world cup but I couldn't erase this thought (Dominique Janssen is really underrated)
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: platonic!Dominique Janssen x younger!Reader; VfL Wolfsburg (frauen) x NEDWNT!Reader
Summary: You just love to mess up with Dom and she decide to take her revenge.
Type: Fluff
Warning: me who don't take my promise, and use of google traduction for Dutch
wprd count: 1473
Water balloon incident
You knew you shouldn't do that, but you were bored, and it could be fun.
Wolfsburg's training facility was quiet—too quiet for a lot of people. Some girls were working out when a pair of footsteps were heard running to the gym. Lena and Jule entered the room but were visibly disappointed.
"Lynn, where is Dom?" Lena asked.
"She left with Poppi and Sophie a few minutes earlier; I think they are in the locker room." The Dutch replied, and the girls nodded before leaving for the said place. Once there, they quickly entered and almost scared the older women.
"Dom, we finally found you," the blonde German said, and the concerned woman furrowed her eyebrows. "Y/n fainted on the pitch while we trained," she explained, and the three women quickly became worried. The five girls quickly ran to where you were supposed to be but found nothing.
"Girls, where is--" Dom didn't finish her sentence before she was hit by water balloons. The young girls laughed, and Svendis came to them with her phone, recording the Dutch's expression.
"Got you!" You laughed. The defender looked at you; she was angry; she saw red despite your green training kit. She chased you on the pitch; you found a way to run on the building, and the older Dutch was about to follow you before she was stopped by Jule, who gave her two water balloons. She took them and followed you.
You were running for your life—well,  not literally, because you knew Dom would never hurt you, but she was still scary. You saw Jill, and you started to slow down before you heard the older Dutch yell, "Jill, laat haar niet gaan (Jill, don't let her go)." You tried to escape, but you slipped and fell to the ground. "Y/n!" Dom ran to you, very concerned.
She kneeled beside you and helped you sit. "I'm fine," you said, but the older woman didn't stop to examine you to be sure you didn't lie. "I'm okay, Dom, I promise," you repeated, and she seemed satisfied after she finished.
"Okay, get up. I need to change my clothes, and after that, we will go out with the girls." She stood up and started to leave, but she made a mistake. She let the water balloons land on the floor next to you. You're still coming with—" She didn't finish before she got soaked again. "Y/n!" she yelled, but you had already run away.
In the room next to where you were, the rest of the team was chilling until they heard a loud noise when you fell, and a few seconds later, they heard Dom yell your name. "How do you handle her during national camp?" Merle asked Lynn.
Honestly, I don't know, but I think it's better to let her run out; otherwise, she doesn't sleep properly the night, and she can't play for the match." she replied.
"Do you talk about Y/n?" Jill asked when she entered the room, and the goalkeeper nodded. "I think we should be thankful that Dann isn't here too. When they're together, it's almost impossible to chill." The midfielder explained, and the defender chuckled.
"It would be chaos," she said.
Hide and seek in the city
It was a bad idea, but you couldn't help yourself, and Lena and Jule said it could be fun. You were with some teammates in the streets of Wolfsburg; you were watching around to see if there was somewhere to hide. When the girls decided to visit a new shop not so far from where you were, it was the right moment. Once inside, you faked your interest until the older women were too distracted. You grabbed Lena, Jule, and Sveindis outside, and the four of you started to walk fast without making too much noise.
Hey, look Y/n, they have what you were talking about." Jill said, but when you didn't reply, Dominique started to worry. They all looked behind them, but they didn't see you.
"Where are they?" Alexandra asked.
"I swear if it's another prank by Y/n I'll kill her." The Dutch defender said, and when Svenja was about to say something, she cut her off. "I know we need her for the final against Freiburg, but that doesn't change anything," she said before leaving the shop, determined to find you. She didn't have to walk too much before her phone buzzed. She looked at it and saw a message from you in the club group chat.
Dom sighed, and with the girls, they agreed to find you. After a few minutes, they found the three other girls, but now the defender started to worry more; you were not with them, and they didn't know where you could have been. They tried to call you, but you didn't pick up. They were about to go crazy until they found you with a little boy and his mother. You waved goodbye to them before you remarked on your teammates.
You: Let's play hide and seek
Dom: Y/n I swear, if you do anything stupid, I'll be sure you'll be benched for the rest of the season
You: Oh come on, Domi, you're not fun
Poppi: Okay, girls, it's not funny. Where are you?
Lena: It's not really a game of hide and seek if we tell you where we are hiding
Sveindis: She's right
Jule: Yeah
"Where were you?" Domi asked.
"I found this little boy; he seemed lost. He explained to me that he moved in recently with his parents and lost his mom, so I helped him." you replied. The defender pulled you into a hug, clearly reassured to know you were alright.
"Don't ever do that again." She said it sternly, and you nodded. "Okay, now let's go back home."
You were walking behind the group with the defender next to you when you started to say, "You know, this boy reminded me of when I came here for the first time. I remember I lost myself, and you were worried to death, but you found me."
"Yeah, and I'll never stop worrying," she said.
"Even when I'll be 30?" You asked.
"If you still like Dann, absolutely." she joked. When you were walking, you started to talk with the girl in front of you, and Dom was remembering this day.
You just signed to Wolfsburg after a good season at Twente; you were young but a promising striker, which is why you finished there. When you made your first step in the training area, the defender took you under her wing, and she quickly became your big sister in the team. Things didn't change when you were called for your first senior national camp.
Water bottles
It was the Dfb-Pokal final against Wolfsburg. You quickly took the advantage in the game, and twenty minutes before the end, the coach subbed you on. Only seven minutes after you gave an assist, and only three minutes later, you scored. Like almost everyone except you, you won this final. It was the third time in a row you won this title, but the feeling is still like the first time.
You celebrate with the girls before being required to do a little post-match interview. While you were talking, your 'big sister' watched you from afar until she spotted some water bottles on the bench. She smirked to herself before she grabbed them and came to you.
"–and I thought I could add something so I–" you cut yourself when you felt two water bottles emptied on your head. You were expecting to face Obi or Jule when you turned around, so you were shocked to find the Dutch laughing, visibly proud of her work. You couldn't really be mad at her, but you were still soaked. You excused yourself with the interviewer and playfully chased the defender.
You quickly gave up when Sveindis stopped you to take a photo with you. You accepted and found yourself taking pictures for a few minutes with almost all your teammates, but not with the most important one yet. So you took the trophy to find her; she was thrilled to see you appear next to her while she was talking with Ewa.
She didn't have time to say anything before you dragged her along. "Let's take a picture together," you said. You took at least five pitcures with her and more with the two of you and some teammates who invited themselves in.
Later that day you posted the photos from the match: one post for the match; one post with a lot of pictures of celebration with all your teammates; and a last post with only a photo with you and Dominique with a unique legend: "Mijn grote zus👯🇳🇱 (My big sister).
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moonlightndaydreams · 7 months
↣ Visit my @daydreams-after-dark masterlist ↳ Enter here
↣ sorsha-is-asked for all asks I've answered
↳ Han Jisung:
Hometown: au Han jisung x fem reader // friends to lovers back to friends and then lovers. Jisung moves back to his small hometown to find that you’ve just moved back too. But what happens when he finds out you have a kid and he’s the father?
Second Chances: jisung x fem reader // jisung plans to lose his virginity at a party and ends up trapped inside the bathroom with his ex best friend.
Afternoon Anime - Han x fem reader. Smut. MDNI. Friends to lovers It’s your usual “anime afternoon” with Jisung but you accidentally put on porn.
Confessions: bf Han x f reader x fwb Hyunjin. Your visiting your bf Han when Hyunjin walks in on you to having sex.
Bergamot and Vanilla: Han Jisung x fem!reader // AU colleagues to lovers // scent kink: You and Jisung work together and secretly want each other. When Jisung discovers exactly what the scent of his cologne does to you, he uses it to his advantage.
Back in ten: soft dom CEO Jisung gets you to wear a strap on and fuck him in a fancy hotel.
Can I watch you, Sungie?: You come home from work early to find Jisung on your bed fucking himself with a dildo.
Lose Yourself in Me : Han Jisung x female reader. Han and his girlfriend are about to lose their virginity to each other. A sweet story from Han’s perspective.
Han wants a quickie at the gas station short Drabble
But I need to Finish my Work Baby: 18+ Han + fem!reader // you’re watching your bf at work but you’re feeling needy
Drabble: After Lollopalooza - and 18+ Han Jisung fanfic: female y/n or for my OFC Sophie - this is a quick oneshot dedicated to all the Han Jisung fans that lost their shit when he stepped out looking all kinds of delicious.
Drabble: it's been months since you've seen him
Ask: virgin Han cums in his pants
↳ Lee Minho:
Body Language: Lee Minho x fem!reader // language barrier // sweet but hot 🔥
A Friend in Need: soft dom Minho x fem reader. You’re tired of your cheating bf, your friend minho offers to help you forget about him.
pussy loving Lino hard thoughts
The Country Club: read full version here \\ student (adult aged) Minho x older woman. Mini series (incomplete)
Limbo: Lee Minho is the mysterious new accountant at your workplace, and he seems to have his sights set on you. But things aren't so simple when your ex boyfriend Han comes back into the picture. Can you and Minho make it work, or will you get back with Han?
Sexy Lino part 1: Minho the bathroom installation guy
↳ Minsung x reader:
Minho loves watching
These are little unhinged...
Shut your mouth or we'll shut it for you NSFW/18+ MDNI // Poly Minsung x fem!reader // You are out with your lovers but won't STFU so they take you home and make sure you can't talk for the rest of the night.
↳ Chan:
Fave things dom!chan like to do to fem!reader / ask
Shy virgin reader gives bf Chan a blowjob / ask
Follow up from 👆soft!dom chan x virgin reader
Idol!chan x IdolFem!reader ask
↳ Felix
Let’s kiss - short Drabble
↳ ot8:
Little Deaths reader x ghost!ot8 // reader stumbles upon an abandoned mansion where 8 cursed horny ghosts must pleasure her. ⚠️Unhinged⚠️
Skz fave sexual positions
Skz fave 69’er positions
Skz reaction to you wearing a butt plug (posted on my side blog @daydreams-after-dark
How skz would kiss you for the first time:
Jisung / Minho edition
Chan / Binnie / Seungmin
Hyunjin / Felix / Jeongin
Stop Getting into Trouble NSFW/18+ MDNI // Bratty Han wants to pleasure fem!reader without permission from the doms Chan and Lino. What happens when they find out?Punishment ensues (with a special audience).
Non human Han Jisung fic recs
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Longer Stories:
Forbidden (A SKZ Family Secret)
You are the nanny/housekeeper for Han and Hyuna (Hyunjin), helping take care of their two sons and keeping daily life in order. But what happens when Han and his Sister-in-law Lina take an extra liking to you, and you are caught up in a secret that you never could have imagined?
Characters: Fem reader // Han Jisung // female Aunty Lina (Lino) // Hyuna ( fem Hyunjin) // Seungmin //
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sharp-pain · 1 month
Cold hands on warm ones.
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Dom!Simon Henriksson x Female!Reader
WARNING!: 18+ p in v, no protection, creampies, dom!Simon, virgin!user,
For your 19th birthday, you dropped a party with all of your collegue classmates, that including Simon, hour best friend's friend.
Sophie and you were friends since high school, practically being inseparable, one day Sophie introducing you to Simon. He was.. weird, very weird.
Sometimes you would notice him looking at you from far away, or following you to your house. One day you even saw him trying to steal one of the perfumes you had!
Either way, you didn't want to make Sophie or Simon sad, so you invited him anyway.
Now, you sat across Sophie with Simon next to her, a cup of cheap beer on your hand, drinking on it as you both talked about non-sense, the beer slowly getting in your system. “Hey.. I don't feel so good.” Her words were quickly muffled by her hand covering her mouth, she running quickly to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
You were left with Simon, who just stared at you while smooking, his dark brown eyes burning into your skin. He sat next to you, complety silent as he slowly moved his hand closer to your thigh, caressing the soft skin with his thumb.
Now looking at him from close, he didn't looked sooo bad, honestly, those bags under his eyes from not sleeping since days, those pink, small lips parting slightly everytime he took a drag.. Thinking about those things almost made you forget that he had his lips right against yours.
Your hand tangling on his hair, his free hand pulling you closer by the waist, the taste of beer filling your senses. His tongue was tapping to your bottom lip, asking to enter your mouth, and you obliged, 2ith your lips parting, tongue against tongue dancing sensually.
“Mmm.. y/n.”
He wrapped your legs around his waist, picking you up like you weighted nothing, he walked towards your room, ignoring anyone who landed eyes on you both. He pulled you against the soft mattress of the bed, hands going under your shirt, caressing the soft skin underneath.
Low moans slipped from your lips, his own mixing with yours. He pulled away from the kiss, going lower until his lips met your neck, bitting and nibbling on the skin, making sure to leave marks for anyone to see. You pulled off his hoodie and shirt at the same timd, leaving to view his soft skin and the marks on there, going from his chest to his chubby belly. “Simon...” you muttered lowly, a hint of sadness on your eyes.
“That doesn't matter right now, we'll talk about that later, yeah?”
His lips left some peeks on your cheek and neck, his hand pulling up your black dress, leaving on view the wetness coating between your legs. His hands began to tease you, thumb caressing your clit slowly as his middle finger teased your entrance, before pulling in.
A loud moan escaped from your lips, legs trying to close, only for them to be stopped by his hand gripping on your thigh, pulling your leg open. He slowly began to add another finger, that familiar coil of pleasure growing on your abdomen. Before you could even reach the edge, he pulled out, his fingers coating in wetness that was quickly cleaned by his tongue, his hands pulled down his jeans along with his boxers, revealing the throbbing cock that was placed on your folds, your wetness coating his cock, working as lube. He positioned himself on your entrance, hand holding yours gently as he slowly began to pull in, hips moving in a slow, gentle pace.
He grunted, your moans only making him harder to the point that it hurt, his hips starting to increase his pace until the room was filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin, the sounds becoming muffled by the music on the background.
Your orgasm was quick to return, each one of his thrust making you grow closer to the edge, the coil of pleasure back again on your abdomen while you tightened around him. Hand gripping tightly on his while the other gripped the sheets under you.
You reached your climax, almost screaming his name with your nails burying on his skin.
Your breath slowed down, and soon enough, he reached his climax too, finishing deep inside of you, painting your walls white.
He falled on top of you, burying his face on your neck.
“I love you.”
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I'm so bad at writing smut lol😭😭 I hope you guys like this! I promise I'll learn how to write smut or write in general, English is not my first language.
Thanks for reading this! I'm more than glad to accept tips or recomendations for writing in the comments.
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pattypanini · 3 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me- Preview
Main: Josh Kiszka x Reader
and Jake Kiszka x Reader
Summary: During your Junior year at the University of Michigan your part as Sophie in the Mamma Mia musical leads you to much more than just a role. Your infuriating love interest, Josh Kiszka, is far from being your lover. When your part is threatened to be taken away due to lack of connection, you’re forced to get closer, in more ways than one. But will that be interfered when another Kiszka steps into your life?
AN: Hello everyone! This is a collaboration between me and my friend @mar-rein12! We have worked hard on this for the past month. We plan on posting 1 or 2 times a week and will continue to write while posting. We hope you enjoy our first fanfic, we will continue to sharpen our writing skills as time goes on. Hope you enjoy and please share with your friends!
Here is the playlist for the series! These are songs that are mentioned and give the vibe of it all: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5bRQ46avtbLVfe6VwXHec2?si=be43e1731c3b47ea
Warnings: 18+ Guys this is actually diabolical stuff we have going on here. Lots of penetrative sex, oral, fingering, dirty talk, degrading, praise, sub and dom, making out, talk of divorce, drugs, alcohol, cursing, fluff, mutual masturbation, may be more as time goes on but they will be chapter specific.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
i feel it too || knj
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❃ Festivaled Away: Summer Nights Lantern Festival hosted by @bangtanbathhouse​
⤞ Ticket: Summer Skies ⤞ Main Event: The First “I Love You” ⤞ Games: Public Sex | Overstimulation | Fingering | Hickeys/Markings | Size Kink 
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⤞ title: i feel it too ⤞ pairing: namjoon x female reader ⤞ genre: fluff | smut | enemies to lovers sort of ⤞ summary: Namjoon doesn’t believe in love, he believes in sex—no strings attached, of course. Building sex bots would not only satisfy his needs but make him a very rich man. However, he needs to understand a level of intimacy he can’t explore with just anyone. That’s why you’re the perfect candidate. ⤞ word count: 2.1k ⤞ warnings: mentions sex bots | mentions experiments | mentions consensual sexual arrangements | light pining | exhibitionism | public sex | nipple sucking/biting | marking | hints of a size kink | fingering | squirting | overstimulation | big dick!namjoon | confessions | they’re doing this for science people | creampie | cervix touching | bulge kink | clothed sex | begging | groping | soft dom!namjoon | sub!reader | pet names | dirty talk | one clit slap | multiple orgasms | body worshipping & praising | wrist pinning | passionate sex | scratching | unprotected sex  ⤞ rating: 18+ ⤞ a/n: This is so late. Like I’ve missed the deadline lol. I didn’t even have time for a proper banner. But anyway, thanks Madame Sophie @kookskingdom​ for these prompts, I hope I’ve done well. This work is rushed and unedited and I promise I will clean it up and make it better one day lol. I hope you like it for the most part though. I tried my best with the gentleness and the fluff and the romance lol.
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“I still don’t understand why we’re doing this.”
Your body heats when his fingers accidentally graze your calf. What he’s doing down there is a mystery but when a free camping trip presents itself, you hope on board with no complaints.
“I need to take some more notes, okay? After that, you are free to do whatever you want up here because that’ll be the end of our arrangement,” he replies, and a bit of sadness comes over you.
The problem is you don’t want it to be over. 
Sure, before his “tests” started, you hated Namjoon and his ability to silence a whole room with his love for science. But after months of being touched by his surprisingly skilled hands, you’ve gotten comfortable being around him. Sometimes you even swear there’s something between you, something unexplainable. 
Namjoon felt confident in you being a perfect candidate because he knew you despised him and wouldn’t develop feelings from the intimate moments you’ve shared. However, for one of the first times ever, he was wrong. You can’t get the man out of your mind, and every day you’ve been wishing he’d say fuck it and go all the way.
Unfortunately, this is for science, and he doesn’t plan to lose his self-control. No matter how hard his cock grows in his pants when he’s administering these acts.
That sex bot he’s trying to create is going to be one lucky bitch because you’re sure he’s going to fuck her every night for the rest of his life once she’s complete.
“Just hold still. It won’t be long,” he assures.
“Please take your time.”
“What did you say?” he asks after hearing you mumbling.
You shake your head. “Nothing, just get on with it.”
Namjoon nods and proceeds to run his hand up your leg, stopping at your thighs to gently massage them with his large hands. 
Small sighs leave your lips as your body relaxes and prepares itself for whatever he has planned.
“Tell me how you feel,” he requests. “Look around and just take everything in before you answer.”
Your eyes scan over the empty field and large trees that surround it. Nature has always been your comfort, so the sounds of critters and wildlife are soothing to your ears. The evening sky is probably your favorite though. It’s beautiful yet so large and unpredictable. Right now, it’s warm and clear but within the hour, dark clouds could form.
It’s a feeling of vulnerability, being this out in the open. However, Namjoon makes you feel secure. Him hovering over your partially nude body as if you’re only for him to see makes you warm inside.
“I feel exposed,” you reply, shutting your eyes to suppress a small moan.
“Keep them open,” he instructs, and on his command, you open them immediately. 
“It’s all good,” he assures. He doesn’t move past the hem of your skirt even though your squirming body is begging him to. 
“Does this scare you? Or make you feel overwhelmed in any way?” he inquires, slipping his thigh between your legs.
“No. It’s um…” you laugh nervously. “I like it.”
“Getting groped in public?”
“Namjoon,” you whisper with heat rushing to your cheeks. “You make it sound dirty.”
He chuckles. “Well, there’s a campsite right on the other side of those trees, you know that right?”
You nod. “Mhm.”
“Are you still okay knowing that?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” He finally moves his hand up your skirt and you get butterflies. Your hand grips the blanket below you when he finds your center, surprised by how far he’s taking it. 
He’s groped and kissed all over you by this point, but he’s never touched you like that before. You tremble with excitement.
“You want more of this, don’t you?” he asks, and your eyes widen with shock. Namjoon smirks at you. “Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. I’m more generous than you think.”
“You?...” he mocks, tracing the patterns on your underwear. “Tell me, sweetheart.”
Fuck it.
“I want you to fuck me,” you confess, regretting it instantly. You shouldn’t have because now you look weak and that messes with everything. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m just—”
“Horny,” he finishes. “I already knew that. But are you sure you want me?”
“All you do is tease me and I’m just tired. I want the real thing,” you demand quite aggressively but you’re just frustrated.
Not a moment after your confession does Namjoon spread your legs wider. “Be careful what you beg for, love.”
You squeak when Namjoon lowers his head to swirl his tongue over your right nipple, but he covers your mouth before it can travel to anyone who may be listening.
“Keep it down. That’s for only me to hear, okay?” he insists, and you don’t know how you’ll keep that promise but you have to try. 
When you nod your head, he proceeds to move your panties aside. He starts leaving kisses along your neck while his middle finger gently massages your clit.
“I need to know how wet you are,” he murmurs against your skin. His mouth becomes greedier once his digits dip into your heat, his teeth roughly taking flesh into his warm mouth, claiming as much territory as he can reach.
He curses once he slips past your entrance and your pussy begins to suck in his fingers. 
“Namjoon,” you moan but he silences you with a kiss. Another finger sinks into your crevice, making you gasp. Namjoon, as smoothly as can be, slips his tongue inside of your mouth and explores the taste of you with urgency. 
Your head spins with pleasure and as promised he’s taking you places you never thought you’d reach. Your pussy tightens around him within seconds, preparing itself for the pressure that’s threatening to release if Namjoon keeps shoving his digits inside of you at this angle. 
He pulls away to catch his breath and watch you struggle to keep quiet beneath him.
“Gonna squirt for me, sweetheart?”
You nod, tears swelling in your eyes. 
“All over this blanket, huh?... Are you always going to be this nasty for me?” he asks you.
“Fuck. Yes, Namjoon,” you cry, the sound muffled in his large hand.
Your body stiffens once the coil snaps and your juices squirt everywhere. Namjoon’s fingers continue to guide you through your orgasm, and he whispers praises as he leaves kisses along your abdomen. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says while fucking you into oversensitivity. 
“Fuck, Namjoon. I can’t—”
“Why can’t you?” he chuckles, slapping your sensitive clit before he withdraws his hand completely. The moment you realize he’s pulled down his shorts is when he fully situates himself between your legs. “Ready to tap out?” he asks. 
His nose tickles your ear, making you squirm beneath him. The tip of his cock has already found your entrance and is patiently waiting for an invitation to ruin you.
“No. Please, keep going.”
Namjoon can’t stop himself from littering your skin with his teeth, marking your body over and over until he’s too horny to even focus on the task anymore. “I wonder how much of me you can take.”
He says those words as he enters you slowly, using your wetness to slide in smoothly. He allows you to dig your nails in his skin to cope with the sudden fullness of him nestled inside of you.
“God, you feel so good already,” he groans, trying his best not to move before you’re ready. It’s then you realize that he still has a couple of inches to go so without much thought, you wrap your legs around his waist and bring him in deeper. “Couldn’t wait, huh?”
“I needed you,” you admit. “All of you.”
You can feel his dick twitching within you, and he lets out a pained laugh.
“Sweetheart, you can’t talk like that right now. I’m trying to hold back—”
“I need you, Namjoon,” you repeat anyway. He gives you a look, but you still proceed to beg and plead, knowing exactly how it’s affecting him. “I want you so bad. Fuck me, please…”
He pulls out and snaps into you in one swift motion without a warning. You cling onto him because the force of the thrust was so powerful. It leaves you trembling and desperate for more.
“Still want me?” he quizzes.
Your nods give him the answer he needs. “Yes. Fucking yes!”
Namjoon doesn’t make you wait any longer. He spreads your legs apart and starts plowing into you. Your hands try to grip anything they can reach to keep yourself from flying upward. 
When he sees you struggling, he grabs your waist instead and shifts his focus to the blunt edge of his cock entering your abdomen. The sight brings a smirk to his face, and he intentionally aims deeper so he can watch his dick impale you over and over.
Your eyes roll back from the intense pleasure, feeling the familiar tightening in your core once more. 
So far, you’ve been trying to keep your moans controlled but Namjoon’s thrusts make you whimper each time he enters your cervix. 
“You’re so greedy, sweetheart,” he comments, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head. “No matter how much I give this little body, you just aren’t satisfied.”
“Namjoon,” you warn but he just keeps going.
“You’re so wet. Lie and tell me you don’t like it when I talk to you like this. I dare you.” His mouth finds your breasts again and he starts attacking your nipples while he continues to slam into your pussy. “Tell me and I’ll make you feel even better. I promise.”
He lets go of your arms and your hands find his hair. Your nails rake through his scalp as his soft lips suck your sensitive nipple. 
“Shit, I do. Please don’t stop,” you plead.
His mouth releases your bud, and he speaks before switching to the other. 
“I won’t,” he promises before he attacks the other breast. His thrusts slow down but the feeling doesn’t fade. Namjoon rolls his hips against yours and a silent cry comes from within your throat.
You can barely form thoughts, but words are nonexistent. Everything you thought about in your secret fantasies of Namjoon has been more than fulfilled by him. You’re speechless, that’s why your orgasm comes without warning.
“Sorry!” You apologize again but Namjoon is quick to deny it.
“No need. I’m just here to make you feel good, baby,” he assures. But after a few more gentle strokes he spills his seed inside of you and falls on top of you.
You lay there looking up at the sky in a post-orgasmic daze, your mind not on anything particular even though words threaten to leave your lips. But Namjoon breaks the silence first.
“Am I too heavy?” he asks.
“Good,” he sighs although you can sense there’s something else he wants to say. After a minute, he finally opens up.
“If I told you that I was kind of falling in love with you, would you laugh?”
Drained of all of your energy, you can only shake your head and give a feeble answer.
“Not at all,” you reply.
Namjoon seems shocked by your response, and he raises his head. The empty feeling you get when he slips out of you brings your attention back to reality. 
“Wait. What would you say if I told you that?” he questions, and you shrug.
“Me too?”
His mouth falls open. “For real?”
“Namjoon, you’ve gotta read the room sometimes,” you tell him.
His smile starts to grow and all of a sudden you both become shy. Nervously, your fingertips trace his lips and then more features of his face until you’ve accepted the fact that he’s someone you’ve grown to care for, someone you don’t want to lose.
However, he’s already said it’s over, so there’s really nothing you can do.
“What if I don’t want you to go?” he asks as if he read your mind.
“Like camp with you again tonight? I was going to—”
“You know that’s not what I mean,” he interrupts.
Now you’re the one who’s smiling, and you can’t resist the warmth that grows inside of you.
“If you don’t want me to leave then I guess I’m not going anywhere,” you sigh while playfully rolling your eyes. “Never dated an asshole before though. What do I feed you?”
Namjoon pulls away and rolls over, turning his back and acting as if he’s offended. For a second, you believe it and start to feel bad but then he had to open his mouth.
“Pussy is my favorite but—”
“Oh god, I’m leaving,” you say while holding back a laugh. 
But of course, your boyfriend wasn’t too far behind you.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
got me tied up in knots
summary: austin can have anyone he wants but how many of those girls would look as pretty tied up as you do, let alone make the noises you do. fandom: austin butler pairing: austin butler x female reader word count: 1017 warnings: bondage ( light ). nipple clamps. fingering. a smattering of a praise kink. very soft dom austin. naked photo taking. author's note: welcome to day 7 of kinktober bondage with austin butler. it's been a week and i'm absolutely floored y'all have enjoyed reading these little fics if the notes i've seen tell me anything. it's also kind of fun coming up with the various scenarios for these and stretching my kink repertoire. this day was requested by sophie ( @austinbutlersworld ) and it's her birthday today. so! i hope you had/have a great birthday darling, and i hope you enjoy this. and if you don't i'll rewrite it since birthdays are for good fic you really really like.
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It is a truth universally acknowledged in your life that your boyfriend is hot. Hot enough that his exes before you grace a plethora of magazine covers and you don't, but that's okay more than okay with him because he craves stability and his scene-the Hollywood scene doesn't exactly breed stability. Even when it does it takes a lot more effort and time than a lot of people- including him- have available to give. So you're perfect for him, you're normal, you're a home away from the hustle and bustle of interviews and premieres and film sets where he eats to only recharge himself like he's the energizer bunny running on coffee with oat milk and turkey sandwiches.
It's also a truth that is universally acknowledged that you're both in love with each other to the point where both of you are willing to try new things. Willing to see what works and what doesn't work in your relationship both in and out of the bedroom. This truth brings you to where you are now, on the bed your hands tied together and to the headboard above your head with two small nipple clamps on your nipples. Austin's standing at the edge of the bed, his head tilted like he's studying you, like he's committing you to memory before he grabs his camera and you see him take a quick picture of you. The bed dips a little when he sits down on it, his hand moving to push your legs apart. You're turned on, you can feel how wet you are just from the pull from Austin's tie as it prevents your movements. He could have likely managed better restraints but it worked in a pinch. You clench your thighs together even more before Austin tuts.
"Baby, none of that, let me see you." His fingertips are feather soft against your inner thigh as you let your legs fall open, revealing just how wet he's already made you from doing honestly nothing. Just from leaving you like he's left you so far. He hums, a warm smile crossing his face. "Look how wet you are. Is this all because of being tied up? Should we have done this before now, baby?"
You nod before exhaling shakily. "We should have- I just didn't know if I'd like it. I knew I liked you holding my wrists but-"
"You could get out of my grip." He finishes for you, his fingers continuing to trail upward until he reaches your core, tracing your lips before slipping a single finger in. The noise that leaves both your cunt and your mouth is a bit obscene and you feel your body heat up in embarrassment. Austin doesn't seem to notice, or at least he doesn't comment on it, choosing to just slowly watch his finger go in and out of you and watch how your chest starts to rise and fall quicker. "Do you want me to add another finger, sweetheart?"
"Please." You answer simply, pulling at your binds like you'll be able to break them through sheer stubborn force of will. "I want to- Can you untie me so I can touch you?"
Austin shakes his head as he adds another finger with a slight curl to it once it slides past your lips. "No, that's- you're here at my mercy, baby. You're trusting me, let go, it's alright pretty girl. I've got you. Let me do this for you."
Your body shivers, eyes shutting briefly before you force them open. "After?"
"After." He responds simply. "Are you feeling good? Is this what you want? Do you want more?" His thumb moves to trace a small circle around your clit before applying just a bit of pressure.
If he notices your toes curling at the action his only give away is the smirk that crosses his features. You take a deep shaky breath. "Faster, Aus- please."
That was his cue, you think, that was what he was waiting for as his fingers start to pump in and out of your cunt, smearing your juices on the bed and on the upper part of your thighs. His thumb is occasionally replaced by his pointer finger or his middle- you're not too sure, the sensation forcing you to look away and shut your eyes as you try to bury your face in your pillow. Your legs start to close on instinct, trying to escape the pleasure Austin is bringing you only for him to grab ahold of your thigh with his free hand and force it back down. A whine escapes your lips at the sensation of his hands- at the singular ring on his hand against your thigh and you try your best to grind on his fingers, practically grinding into his hand before Austin curls his fingers against your g-spot just right as his thumb slides across your clit and you come with a choked moan, shaking as you come down from your high. Austin watches you intently making sure you're able to look at him again before he pulls his fingers slowly out of your cunt and places them in his mouth, cleaning them off with his tongue.
"I'm going to untie you now, babe. You did so well." He pauses and starts to kiss up your body, stopping briefly at your chest to toy with the nipple clamps he had put on you earlier in case you two had wanted to play with them. "Do you want to do more or do you want to just-"
You take a deep breath, a slight shiver running through you. "Maybe more? But I want to touch you, Aus."
His hand doesn't waste a second untying his ties after those words before he kisses you gently. "Touch away. I'm yours for the next two days. Just you and me and this place."
"Can I tie you up next time?" Tomorrow, is what you mean, but it comes out as next time just in case he doesn't want to.
He pauses and looks down before looking at you through his eyelashes. "Maybe."
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