#does andrew tate have children?
awoogaslashers · 4 months
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why is there an upper limit to how many bananas one can eat before getting sick
i just wanna have 3+ bananas in a day in peace 😭
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ur-mag · 7 months
Does Andrew Tate have children?
ANDREW TATE runs several businesses but is better known for his controversial comments about women and his dramatic personal life. The disgraced social media star has made claims in the past about his family life, including the amount of children he has.
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nuka-rockit · 1 month
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promoting that Catholic grindset
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venusssssssssss · 6 months
ngl stopped feeling bad for women putting up with shitty men and defending their behavior just because they don't want to be alone
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orgasming-caterpillar · 2 months
Mahabharat characaters on Social Media: pt.2
Pt. 1.
He developed an app that teaches martial arts and other fighting styles basics to those who can't afford the classes.
History nerd who regularly posts ramble about the different types of discrimination that happened in different cultures from 5000BC India to 17th century slave trade.
Cameos regularly on Duryodhan's gym videos as his "gym bro" (ahem ahem and they were gym bros) (oh my god they were gym bros)
Fitness influencer but it's actually just him trying to beat Bheem's records.
"that's funny, brother. I recently just posted a video of me picking up 100kgs with one hand and now you're doing that too." "Yeah it must, we must have got the same idea. Did Arjun give you your idea? Because I got mine from Karna." "*Squints eyes*"
Gets dragged into Dushashan's podcast very often.
After a specifically homie erotic video with karna, fans started commenting non stop "so we all know he's bi, right?" So he made a video in reply saying "nooo haha I have a girlfriend bhanumati haha karna is totally my friend" and then they comment "we didn't say anything about Karna." He never addressed those comments after that.
His role model is Andrew Tate.
Will always ask Duryodhan to come to his podcast as a guest, doesn't take no for an answer.
Dushashan: so like. Women. Like they are so obviously made— like their bodies have evolved to nurture children and take care of the home. They should stay at home and keep it nice and clean for their alpha male, who is their provider and protector.
Duryodhan, closeted bisexual and thinking of Karna's thighs: Woof— I mean true.
Sweetie pie. Absolute babygirl.
When he revealed that he was also a kaurav brother, he was mass reported over five different platforms for spreading misinformation until he proved that it's actually true.
He's just obedient and does what his two elder brothers say and people think he's just like them because of it
Editor for Dushala's videos.
He's the fan favourite Kaurav.
Vlogger. Huge YouTube personality. Storytimes.
Channel is basically "my life as a younger sister of a 101 brothers"
Her vlog series of "Keeping Up With The Kauravas" is famous all over the country.
Posts random snippets of her brother's lives.
Once posted a short of Dushasan picking his nose that went viral and got a whole episode of "The Harsh Truth About Having Women In Your Family" on his podcast.
You could say the nicest thing to him and he'd still take it the wrong way.
Thinks he's gonna be a politician. (He isn't. He never will. Everyone hates him.)
Occasional gym video with Duryodhana.
His fans know. The way he looks at Dury, the fans know.
Keeps getting his account hacked but all the people do is rid the world of his treacherous content.
Note:- in my AU, the Kauravas aren't siblings from the same mother but very close knit cousins from a huge joint family.
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wizard-on-whales · 5 months
Modern AU! for rdr2 characters
These are my headcannons for each character and what I think they would do in modern times.
Characters included: Arthur, Micah, Dutch, John, Abigail, Mary-Beth, Karen, Tilly, Sadie, Strauss, Charles, Susan, Bill, Lenny, Hosea, Sean, Molly, Javier, Swanson
Arthur Morgan: 
He works a blue-collar job. He would most likely be a ranch hand, but for some reason, I can also imagine him being a plumber or welder. In his free time, he does art and sells prints on Etsy. He is still an old-fashioned gentleman (In a good way), and all of the ladies he meets swoon for him, but he is a himbo and doesn't realize they are practically in love with him. They will give him the most obvious hints, but he will think the women are just being nice. 
Micah Bell:
He's the creepy uncle that you avoid at every family gathering. He hasn't had a job in like 15 years, and no one knows how he can still pay his bills. And he also always smells like lingering alcohol and cigarettes. He will lean too close to his nieces and say extremely concerning things everyone would choose to ignore. Im also getting the vibes that he went to prison for several years, but no one knows what for.
Dutch Van Der Linde:
He sells people scams or owns a pyramid scheme business. Similar to Scentsy products, he somehow convinces all of these people to buy his products to sell to other people, telling them they will get rich by selling these products, but, in reality, he's screwing them over and making most of the money himself. 
John Marston: 
If we are talking about early Red Dead 2 Marston, he still lives in his parent's basement and plays video games on his PC all day. He also watches Andrew Tate and would try to boss Abigail around and tell her he's an alpha male. (She'd slap him and tell him to get over himself) Late rdr2 and rdr1, he's grown out of that mindset and has become a working family man. Potentially also a welder, like I said for Arthur. But any high-paying physical job works.  
I feel like Abigail, Mary-Beth, Karen, and Tilly would all have a mom group they host every week to discuss their child's newest achievements. Their husbands think that is all they do at the meetings, but they also have in-depth conversations about women's suffrage and how the world caters to men. They think of ways to better the world and bring more women together to discuss these topics and bring light to issues regarding women. The girls would run a pretty popular Facebook group where they let other women express their opinions on those topics. (Arthur is a part of the Facebook group and likes every post he sees and comments shit like, “You're doing great, ladies! Keep up the good work! 😁🥰👍”) 
Sadie would probably occasionally attend these meetings (Although I dont see her having children, she would go for the cheap wine and to hang with her friends). Sadie would also go for the in-depth conversations and bring new thoughts to the table because she is a CEO or manager for a very successful company. She would share her experiences of what it's like to be on top of the men who work for her but still be looked down upon by them simply because of her gender. She would also probably share tips on that Facebook page on how to create a successful business without having to attend years of college and give tips for all stay-at-home moms who want to be more than just moms and wives. (She would also be the cool rich aunt)
Leopold Strauss: 
He would do the same thing. He gives loans to people who he knows won't be able to pay back the money, and then when the bill comes, he'd ruin their lives and probably end up breaking up families/ relationships and send people to jail for not paying back the money in time. 
Charles Smith:
I can see him being a park ranger or working in any conservation field. Potentially even a firefighter who deals with all of the forest fires that happen in places along the West Coast. He’d also be one to do something similar to what he did in the game, but he would work with the local native tribes against companies to try to win back their lands before it gets plowed over for an Amazon factory or something. 
Susan Grimshaw:
I can see her being the mean substitute teacher who yells at everyone to get to work, and then when someone does something slightly wrong, she would yell at the whole class and be like, “In all of my years of teaching, I have never seen a class behave this badly.” Either that or she would work at the front desk of the business Sadie runs. Miss Grimshaw would NOT play with anyone who would try to be rude towards her. 
Bill Williamson: 
Ehem…a police officer. I feel like this one is self-explanatory. But he would mostly sit in his car and do nothing his entire shift. Occasionally pulling someone over for speeding. If they are a white dude, he'd would let them off with just a warning. Poor Lenny would probably get the ticket. 
Lenny Summers: 
I feel like he would be the one to graduate high school early and go to college as soon as possible. I dont know exactly what he would choose for his degree, but I feel like it would be something involving politics. Maybe that wouldn't be his major, but he would take a government class. Or Potentially going into journaling. 
Hosea Matthews:
He's the retired grandpa who used to work in a factory where he made a surprising amount of money and was able to retire early. He spends most of his days walking up at 5 in the morning to watch the sunrise and read the morning paper. And he’ll spend every opportunity he gets to take his kids or grandkids fishing. And if you stay at his house overnight or for the weekend, he gives you a bowl of ice cream every night before bed and recounts every story he could think of that happened from the last time you saw him. (Some of them are surprisingly concerning, but he is one of those badass grandpas)
Sean Macguire:
Similar to John, Sean would spend most of his time gaming on his PC and arguing with children on COD or Fortnite. But he also works at a local bar as the bartender and won't hesitate to argue with the drunk assholes and would slap a bitch if needed. But he also embarrasses himself by flirting with women who will give him dirty looks or tell him that they are gay. (I feel like Karen would also work late-night shifts at the bar with him, but shes also taking online college classes because she wants to be a social worker) 
Molly O’Shea:
Instagram and TikTok influencer 100%, and lots of brands like to sponsor her and send her free stuff (Mostly because of Dutch’s business.) and she posts videos of her and Dutch, and everyone in the comments freaks out about how he is grooming her because of their age difference but she denies it all and says that they are actually in love.  But then she would post a video to that one sound, “My god this reminds me of when we were young.” And Molly be like 8, and Dutch be in his mid-to-late 20s. 
Javier Escuella: 
He’d be a musician. He would have started out in a shitty garage band with Sean and John or something, but then he’d realize he actually wants to be a serious musician while the other guys were just messing around. So he’d leave and make solo music that blows up, and he ends up going on tour, and making a lot of money and becoming hugely successful. 
Reverend Swanson:
The preacher you always see in the corner of the bar Sean works at. And if you went up to him and started talking to him, he’d tell you the most profound things. He would tell you about his life when he was younger and what happened that made him lose hope, but he would motivate you to never give up. He’d be that person you meet by chance for a few seconds that you would never forget. Hosea probably invites him to go fishing with him from time to time. But instead of fishing, Swanson stares at the water ripples in silence. Hosea would let him sit in silence and let Swanson enjoy the company and the time to think while being sober. 
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scaradooche · 4 months
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Debate whores and swimming sluts
Y/n’s friend group
Background information on characters:
Y/n: President of the debate team, and a swimmer for Teyvat highschool. You get good grades without studying, you’re carefree and like to act like you’re possessed and scare children 🥰 You act possessed half of the time and like to go all out and shake your head and make demon noises
Hu Tao: On the debate team. You were able to get her on the debate team by telling her she can argue with Andrew Tate supporters. Actual menace to society. You and her can’t be online together without supervision.
Aether: You forced him to join because you wanted to and he for some reason agreed to. He doesn’t support you scaring children 😔 He’s not responsible at all even though he likes to act like it.
Lumine: Since Aether joined the debate team she wanted to as well. Unlike Aether who does not support you scaring children Lumine encourages you and scares them with you. Lumine, you, and Hu Tao can’t be left alone without supervision from Aether or Kokomi cus you guys actually are menaces.
Kokomi: On the swim team with you. She wanted to join your debate team but didn’t have time to since she’s already in other after school stuff (idk what she’s gonna be in yet 😝) She’s pretty much the only responsible one in your friend group. She zones out most of the time.
Bonus: All of you guys are seniors in highschool
This is for a future Y/n x Childe smau also it’s not rlly gonna focus on the debate team or swimming but I think it’s still relevant to the plot of the story for me to have to mention it.
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libbee · 1 year
Self development series: It is almost impossible to know how others perceive you.
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For a trauma survivor, social circle can be a tough nut to crack. Whether they are in classroom or with family or on a date or on social media, they are always worrying what others think about them. They would not consciously know but their behaviour shows they are trying to impress others/mould their opinion/desperate for likes dislikes views. What happened in offline world before is now visible on social media clearly. When their self esteem is terribly low, no achievement or external validation is ever enough. They are always unsure of themselves. Even for a non trauma survivor, people's perception is impossible to find out. Some might think that this post and blog are thoughtful or deep, while others might think that I am a complete dumbass and a noise. Even my choice of words, language, tone of writing and your own life stage, experience, perception will affect your judgment - it is that multidimensional how mind works.
While it is important to trust your own perception about the world, it is, at the same time, very hard, or even impossible, to know how others perceive you. You might think in your mind that others look down upon you/think you are boring/think you are ugly/think you are lazy, but do you actually know what they really think of you? A tyrannical parent is someone who controls their children, tells them lies about the world, tells them lies about themselves. "You are not that good", "You could have done better, there is nothing to celebrate", "Yeah, I see you got that degree, you must be too proud now". The parent does not even know they are downright invalidating their child, they just think that they are normal. A low self esteem girl is hungry for male approval. She will put down other women, compete with other women, but live in complete denial of her deep seated insecurity.
I have read through many resources but could not find one legitimate answer for "how to know others' perception of me?" The only answer was "ask them". Well, how would you ask others what they think about you? They might lie. And how many people in the world will you approach? You are barely around 100 people in daily life. You are only left with assumptions about YOURSELF.
Different people have different priority. Scorpios want deep intimate partner so they might think fwb situation is risky and stupid. Gemini want fast intellectual stimulation so they might think that quiet people are boring and uninteresting. Aries are leaderly and dominating so they might think that spiritual ones are lazy and unambitious. How many people will you "prove" yourself to? If your self esteem is low enough, you might as well overcompensate for it by really getting out of your way to flaunt, show off, sneakily post that shiny car in your story.
When we act out of low self esteem, we think that we have actually done something - while we may have just made a fool of ourselves in reality. For example, when I was in school and was the queen of gutter-land-self-esteem, I would be class clown, sarcastic, quick, witty (I am gemini moon). I made others laugh and that gave me massive validation... for 2 minutes. Then I would again wait for the next opportunity to tell jokes and feed on laughter for validation. So on, everyday. Validation seeking at school took so much of my energy that when I came back home I would be exhausted, tired and had mood swings.
If scientists invent a mirror in future that somehow answers "tell me, mirror on the wall, what does xyz think of me?" I think this gadget will break the market. Until then, we just have to live with self development and inner work. Recent example is Andrew Tate. All of us who are self aware would know how insecure this man was. His self improvement talks were just not enough when his complete philosophy was so self destructive. He might appear rich, give confident facial expressions, do podcast by citing biological instincts of men, but we can see how hard he was trying to manipulate other people's opinions about him. This is a case of unevolved person, someone who is unaware and in complete denial.
I can see insecurities in Andrew Tate because I have been there, done that. Same for any other celebrity who appear wise on social front - but are terribly insecure on personal front, when they are alone by themselves.
This underatanding will set you free and give you more time and energy to focus on your inner life. You might as well break the intergenerational cycle. Knowing the limitations of your brain will set you free. I believe that active imagination might help one to see how their character appears to others. You are, after all, collective unconscious, but that would require years of inner work.
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shortace · 9 months
I was thinking about Harry Potter today. A lot has been said, and rightly so, about anti-semitism and anti-queerness and slavery and a lot of other problematic issues. So I want to mention something a little different: the fact that the magical community literally created their own enemy, through a series of choices made over generations and by virtually every British witch and wizard.
"There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin," Ron tells us. Maybe he's exaggerating, but certainly most of the nastier ones seem to be Slytherins, including the Big V-Man himself. And why does such a thing as a "Slytherin" exist? Because the entire British magical community continues to endorse the practice of letting an old hat choose one quarter of their kids to be radicalised.
If I was looking at schooling options for my kids, and one of the choices was to send them to a school which provides a safe and nurturing environment for neo-nazis, I would simply choose something else. Homeschooling, establishing a new school, writing a stern letter to the principal, moving literally anywhere else.
But the witches and wizards of Rowling's world are happy to accept the inevitability that either their kid will become the magical equivalent of Andrew Tate, or will have a great deal of close contact with lots of mini-Tates.
Over hundreds of years and many generations, Slytherin house has provided children who have those tendencies (remember, the Sorting Hat sees a child's potential and places them in the house that will nurture them!) with like-minded peers and authority figures. They are in an echo chamber. There's no intervention, nobody's going "Oh, this is problematic, let's try to help these kids be better, to think more critically, maybe little Johnny Magicpants could be a valuable member of society if we feed him some David Attenborough instead of Tucker Carlson."
They did this to themselves.
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zaddyazula · 10 months
i am actually very, very worried for kids today who have grown up on this internet. when i was younger i was watching people play fucking yandere simulator and 60 seconds and the sims. now they’re watching andrew tate say they need ten thousand super cars to be successful in life.
my 11 year old brother (with access to tiktok the dreaded thing) is watching these sigma giga chad males and thinking that is who he should be. he is consuming insane amounts of homophobic, transphobic, racist, islamophobic, anti-semitic, fatphobic and misogynistic media, and openly repeats a majority of it to me. seeing him make highly inappropriate jokes not only for his age but in general is not cool or entertaining, as he thinks they are completely acceptable. he parrots this shit with his friends, who all share the same viewpoint as him. when i was his age, i was discovering bisexuality existed. i used to keep a diary for a short period of time when i was in year 5 (10 years old) and one line in it was: ‘i don’t know if i am gay, lesbian, bi or trans’ (bless my 10 year old self). i had no hatred for people in the lgbtq+ community, because i was largely unaware of it, outside of a couple people i knew. there wasn’t tiktok to tell young kids how to think or how to treat people. the amount of shit my brother has come out to me with, even insulting me with. literally last night my 11 YEAR OLD brother called me a whore. ELEVEN (11). multiple times he’s called me a dishwasher, told me to get back in the kitchen, called me a slut, a whore, etc. etc. i used to take it as a joke, and not think too much of it, but i’m starting to think it’s not a joke at all, just genuine misogyny. he’s come up to me and called black people monkeys, called muslims suicide bombers, and every time i tell him to not say that because it’s extremely offensive and even threaten to take his xbox off him and tell our mum or someone at school, he doesn’t care. he literally just does not give a shit. and to be perfectly honest, the school system to tackle discrimination is fucking horrendous. when i was at school a (white) girl in my year called someone the n word, and what did the school do? absolutely nothing. people confronted her about it (rightfully) which came off as ‘bullying’ and she didn’t have to go to any lessons and got to stay in the building where the nurse was. at my brother’s school this year, a boy in his year (another white 11 year old) called someone the n word. he got moved into the other class. that’s it. both of our schools claimed to be “diverse” and anti-xenophobia (even though my school had a maximum 3 poc staff). like how do you even deal with this?
my (white cishet) brother thinks it’s okay to say the n word. he thinks it’s okay to be islamophobic. he thinks it’s okay to be misogynistic. i actually have no idea how to deal with him, or the other kids his age. when i was his age i don’t even think i knew the n word existed. i certainly didn’t know the word misogyny.
as soon as you try to stand up to these fucking devil children, they will hurl some sort of slur at you. some insane insult which leaves you standing there like ‘how the fuck do they know that’. i doubt my brother or other kids his age actually understand what some of the things they say mean, and just say them because they know they’re bad words.
what the fuck do i even do with him. we come from a white irish catholic family. if my grandparents knew i was some inkling of lgbtq+ they probably would’ve disowned me. my own mother outed me to my uncles and her boyfriend’s daughter and her boyfriend. when i started crying when she told me this, she didn’t understand. she thought i was just upset about the fact that my nan was dead. one of my friends nearly outed me to a very homophobic kid in my year when i was 12. and it sort of leaves me wishing i had never come out. life would be so much easier if people just assumed i was cishet. but that’s not possible. i thought people would be supportive. though my own family and friends have openly been homophobic and transphobic around me, seemingly forgetting about me.
my brother calls me gay as an insult, and despite the fact i insist i’m not gay (i am) he just laughs and moves on until the cycle repeats. i don’t really want to be some saviour white person who thinks they can solve racism by wagging their finger at someone and then forgetting about it. i actually want to help my brother realise he should stop fucking saying what he’s saying. if that means me fucking taking his xbox off him and putting it in the loft then so fucking be it. i genuinely have no idea how to help the younger generation who have grown up on racist tiktoks rather than beheading videos on early youtube.
so yeah. this isn’t what i usually post but whatever. i am genuinely worried.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Just wanted to clarify on another ask I sent; I never said Johnny Depp SHOULD be the face of male abuse victims, nor was I saying he will be or he wanted to. Just to clarify.
Though it sounds like he cares.
I was saying haters were quick to say he shouldn't be the new face of male victims from here on. But they don't mean that in a compassionate or "don't give him an ego" sense. More so, "we hate to acknowledge that we lost," sense if that's clear enough.
Which is funny when many of those haters also try to twist him winning as something you should thank feminism for. MeToo says, "go to hell," to most victims of female on male abuse/rape and still sides with Heard over Depp, yet they still think Feminism has a monopoly on what to do with a gender they don't believe can be victims.
What a planet we live on.
Love this blog!
agree and disagree, hear me out
It would be great to have him out there doing all of that, and I hope he does come out and do some different things to aid abused men, there's just too many people who firmly believe that he's the abuser in that situation and it's not just the misandrists who will claim that a woman who broke her hand punching a random dude is the real victim either.
Part of that can be summed up by looking at if people even believe men can be abused.
the first 4 here when I search 'woman assaults man social experiment' are what I looked for, the rest are all about men assaulting in some way or another and a few kidnappings, there's a lot more as you scroll too.
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the butt pinching one is in there twice.
inb4 bing, ya they're better than google is by a long stretch since they're not running a algorithm that can be manipulated.
I think if they want to do a PR campaign for male victims of domestic violence a good option would be using pictures of the perpetrators of that violence looking like they would in every day life and then listing their crimes underneath it.
Here's another example, from the A Voice For Men wiki page
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Very roundabout way for the author to say that men should suck it up and let women abuse them and not fight back.
That's showcased in video 3 up there.
Male DV victims got a good boost from his very public ordeal, but it's insane how far we still have to go.
It'd be nice to be able to have the guy come round and do some PSA's that's for sure, but if you really want to get the point driven home there's gonna be other ways that will likely be more effective.
Posters or billboards with the kids of male victims of DV who were killed by their abuser with something like 'It doesn't just hurt men' up there with a statement about male DV victims.
Since society doesn't really give a shit about men anyhow so pointing at the children and saying it deprives them might actually do some good.
I'm gonna cut it here, since it's getting a bit heavy in my head but I will end with a website suggestion.
The Art Of Manliness is a good website, lot of good stuff for guys there, some good tongue in cheek stuff too.
It's a foil to people like andrew tate because TAOM doesn't go with the misogyny bs he does, it's just a really good site to hit up every once in a while for guy things.
I went through to find beard oil reviews and such at one point and got way more info than I bargained for.
Which was super nice
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definitelynotnia · 5 months
sorry i have to rant or i will cry i hate when im so angry that the anger comes out as tears
tw: random guy being a general asshole abt lgbtq and trans ppl so if you dont wanna deal with that today, cz ik there's already enough hate literally everywhere online, then please save yourself from this burden and move along, i hope u have a nice day bcz if i cant then someone should
i just spent my whole afternoon arguing with this guy- it was such a waste of my time i haven't slept properly last night and i wanted to take a nap but my nap time is GONE i hate this i told him im done with this conversation and that i dont give a shit about him enough to want to educate him on things and have him change his opinion i TOLD HIM IM DONE i told him that he can keep his opinion shoved up his ass and as long as he doesn't bully people i dont give a shit i was READY TO GO TAKE MY NAP but nooo this bitch is like "just say you've run out of valid points" like BITCH NO.
i can't have valid points to counter you with because all the points ur giving me are utter bullshit like how the fuck am i supposed to reply to "ppl assigned male at birth wearing skirts and make up is worse than war" like WHAT???? DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF??? ARE YOU INSANE? what the fuck am i supposed to respond to that with? except that trans people aren't hurting anyone and war is, and he's like "at least war can be contained, these people are spoiling the mentality of the youth" like YOU ARE THE SPOILED YOUTH not the other way around, im like listen if you were really pressed about children and how trans inclusivity impacts children then you would have at least read more about that but if your first point is only "they're doing surgery on children" then clearly you have not even done as much as a simple google search so we both know that you just heard that in some random reel and went with it and you dont give two shits about the supposed 'children being made to undergo surgery', which they're not, and all you actually care about is looking cool and edgy by hating on the lgbtq community because thats whats in trend right now in india. he's like these people are too privileged why cant they just shut up and enjoy life they are rich like first of all rich people can have problems too??? also being able to afford therapy and gender affirming care does not equal to rich thats like saying if someone in ur family has any chronic illness ur automatically rich like ??? also poor people are trans too? and im so sick of these ppl thinking being trans is just an american thing or a first world problem like brother no? you are literally living in india trans people are mentioned in the FUCKING SCRIPTURES are u KIDDING ME? being trans is not a new sudden occurence its been there for longer than you have. like literally after 2 hours of conversation the only points he could think of to hate on lgbtq for no reason is
they are rich and privileged so they shouldnt have problems
if they have a problem with their gender they should keep it to themself and not fight it (??????)
they are running from their problems (they are literally solving the problem thats the part which everyone is mad abt its when trans people try to solve the problem by being okay with expressing themselves freely and to counter i said that even alcoholics are running from their problems ive never seen any of u andrew tate cocksuckers ever make a "joke" bullying alcoholics he's like thats different like literally all his "points" are him just saying whatever and then if u try to explain it with logic he'll be like no but thats ok bcz i said so and this is wrong bcz i said so like fuck you dude)
they shouldnt have rallies and stuff because there's more important things like war that the government should focus on (he was the one who said "war is a beacon of peace there cannot be peace without war" when i had first mentioned that its ironic that out of all the bad things happening in the world rn LIKE war the biggest thing he's worried about is a "man" wearing a skirt but ok sure now all of a sudden war is a big boo boo and we should all be focusing on that, so basically when he wants to hate on ppl war is irrelevant but when a marginalised group wants to fight for their rights that time war is the most important point and no one elses suffering is valid bcz there is war)
it is spoiling today's youth (im not even gonna talk about this because i do not see how people living their lives and just existing is considered "spoiled" and "corrupt" but people regularly hating on, bullying and degrading a whole ass community just because they are uneducated swines lacking critical thinking skills and a spine that saw some 'famous' youtuber or influencer or wtv or maybe a reel with 'dark humor' dissing on lgbtq and pronouns and 'blue haired girls' and now they thing they're oh so cool and edgy and dIfFeReNt and "not like those woke snowflakes" just cz they degrade and bully a whole community of people every chance they get)
im so done im SO DONE with this bullshit its EVERYWHERE its a trend now to be hateful and mean and an asshole to anyone who isnt "normal" according to heteronormative standards. i understand not having an opinion, to some extent ok i get it you're young you don't need to be involved in this yet but no, they want to have an opinion but they will do no research they physically shudder at the thought of reading a book and god forbid they actually google up a trustworthy article to confirm some of the bullshit they believe they will do none of this but they will scream and shout about how lgbtq is the problem and magically that is the only "social issue" they care about and they care soo vehemently apparently that they have to post about it and make dArK jOkEs about it and use slurs and degrade them every chance they get because THEY are harmful yes sure you who are actively spreading hate are the angelic saviours of society and a community of people JUST EXISTING are the ones that are harmful, right.
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ur-mag · 7 months
Does Andrew Tate have children?
ANDREW TATE runs several businesses but is better known for his controversial comments about women and his dramatic personal life. The disgraced social media star has made claims in the past about his family life, including the amount of children he has.
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Friday, January 6th 2023 - A New Start
Yesterday I turned 16.
That's a big number. Means I can get married with my parents permission, have children, move out. Still can't vote for another two years though.
My name is Cath Morrison. There are a lot of things you are yet to, and may never, learn.
In October of 2021, I started writing a diary. I wrote one and a half notebook's worth. However, as life does, my life changed. People left. People arrived. And I am a very different person now to the person I am then. So today's blog is a dedicated background for all that will be coming in the next blogs. An understanding for you, avid reader, so you understand why certain things are the way they are. All of these people I write about are real. These are my real experiences, my opinions, and my life, poured out into a blog. Everyone is under code-names, myself included. But we are very real people. In October of 2021, I was dating a boy named Sheldon. He was kind to me. But he was jealous, easily jealous, and believed I was cheating on him at all times. And I suppose, somewhere deep in my heart, I was. In that October, something in my life switched. Something that will never return to its original form, and I will never have it again. I fell in love with my best friend. I left Sheldon in the dust. Don't worry, he's okay now, I've made sure of that. I rebuilt my friendship with him, and he even brought me a bracelet yesterday for my 16th. I left him for a boy named Mattson. A boy with icy blue eyes that sometimes melted to water, and hair the colour of snow. As soft as snow, too. He was my best friend. Dirty-minded, with a wicked grin whenever he knew he was sending me deep into the depth of silent fury. He drove me insane, but made life feel so much lighter. His best friend (and one of my closest friends), Harvey, was dating my best friend, Alison. We were the square, equal to each other, seemingly unbreakable. You know where this story goes. We were 14. It was never going to last. Mattson broke up with me in March. He said we could be friends, but even now, after what feels like a decade, we are simply acquaintances. His eyes turned to ice. I haven't seen them shine or melt to water since. Alison and Harvey broke up in July, but they're still incredibly close. I wrote in the notepads as Cath Morrison as if I were writing notes to Mattson. But that age has been and gone. I told you earlier, I've changed. I have an endless list of friends, but honorable mentions must be included. Friends who have helped me become a better and newer person, who have made me the person who sits typing this. Have a couple introductions. You might need them later- Alison - My best friend, reminding me I have never needed partners to thrive, extremely big music nerd Bella - A constant, loud and funny figure since primary, whose doodles through tutor make it jst so much more bearable. Who is always available to just be nice. Teachers hate her though Carter - Will definitely stalk you and murder you in your sleep. But it's okay!! Because it'll be over very quickly <33 (they're nice thought, i promise. And brutally honest with their opinions) Harry - An egotistical asshole who would like to be President of the World. Only slightly kidding, he's okay. Sometimes. Ryder - Small, nimble and seemingly murderous, he may hurt you, but only if you hurt him (or Winchester. Never hurt Winch.) Winchester - Same as Ryder. Pretty much. But the sociable of the two. Harvey - Stereotypical nerd, minus the glasses. And very much enjoys rugby. Matty - An artistic and chaotic bean. Has a type. A very specific type. In fictional men in suits and ties. And Harley. Harley - Climbs through science windows, collects pringle cans, says the most random of shit, and is definitely kinda into Matty.
and well...
Not Tate, no no god no. Andrew Edwards. A dirty-minded, talkative, comedic dumbass. Too bad I can't stop thinking about him recently. It's like a plague.
My life is centered around romance, unfortunately. It's an issue. But I shall write like the keen little scribe I am and just inform you, day by day, (no promise of daily updates though), of my life.
Enjoy the ride.
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thatbitchsimone · 8 months
I love you I love you
Thank you thank you
It’s a long story of circle of abuse, I used to save her from my father hitting her and few years later I had to save myself from both of them hitting me
I truly believe she’s evil, not what she does to me but to others also, she beats and humiliates not only me but the maids too, the other siblings are not beaten, the brother sometimes rarely but he’s her worshipper so i don’t think he minds.
I will get a job soon but I don’t think I can move out, it’s not very common here you know, and my father is like a influential guy, but hopefully when I earn my own money and cut her off I’ll be happy, we have a big house so living separately is possible.
I found out something today and it made me sick to my stomach, I have my whole life faced disgusting men, but turns out my brother is also one of them, he is after all my fathers and mothers son. he is an Andrew tate fanboy btw so you can guess his entire personality by that lolllllll.
I am so sorry this is alot of stuff to hear on a site where you are supposed to have fun, I am sending you apology hugs, take care 🫂❤️
Btw have you read the bell jar by Sylvia plath? It’s so depressing it’s taking me months to finish HAHAHAH
that is fucking awful and yes, i dont even believe in the whole concept of evil (i was raised without religion in a completely secular country + im very into psychology so good vs evil is not part of my worldview lol) but some behaviors even i just have to describe as evil and ur mom fits that pretty well like abusing ur own children is fucking evil. i have empathy for her to some extent since her behavior is clearly the result of her being abused herself like u said but it gets clouded by the absolute disgust and hatred and rage i feel for her for letting herself become the abuser herself and keeping the circle of abuse going by passing it on to her children. its one thing to not have the strength or power to stop ur husband from abusing ur kids, but straight up joining in on the abuse is a whole other level of disgusting and im so sorry u have to experience this.
but i do have to say that u seem like a genuinely good person like i really feel like u have so much kindness and love in ur heart and u seem like a very strong, sensible and intelligent girl and i get a strong feeling that the cycle of abuse is gonna end with u (as in, u wont be carrying it on and u will break free from it and if u have kids in the future u will be a good and loving mom to them) and i just wanna acknowledge that bc thats amazing and inspiring and i admire u so much like i just have so much admiration for u right now like u are everything u are the moment u are the vibe
anyway, glad to hear that u at least live in a big house so that u can at the very least have some space from her even tho u live together. i get that its not as easy or simple as some ppl think to ”just move out” especially if u live in a very family oriented culture where its not the norm to do so on top of it all so i think the best thing to do currently is to just kind of try to stay out of her way and honestly just not even listen to the bullshit she says bc her insults are kinda meaningless tbh bc lets be real, if u were skinny she would just use something else to criticize u for. she just wants to put u down in any way she can no matter what u look like. u could probably look like a damn supermodel or movie star and she would still find something to pick on and put u down for, bc she has issues. shes disturbed. her words are empty and her opinions on u are just completely irrelevant. why should u care if a deranged abusive sadist doesnt ”approve” of ur body and size? this woman thinks its ok to mentally torment everyone around her, even HER OWN CHILDREN that she just so happens to not just verbally and emotionally abuse but straight up physically abuse. shes a child abuser. actual scum of the earth. like honestly next time she says something about ur body or calls u fat or whatever this psychopath likes to call u just remind urself that this woman is actually disturbed and sick in the head like shes literally a terrible human being lol who the fuck is she to criticize anyone like ok so u got a little extra meat on ur bones meanwhile she is a deranged sadistic child abuser. like girl whatever flaw u may have is nothing compared to the flaws she has like u are so far above her in every way that actually matters like ur literally so much better than her in every way like shes actually pathetic.
sorry about ur brother btw. seems like us women can never catch a break from these male parasites that are crawling around everywhere these days. they just keep getting worse and worse now with all the andrew tate shit brainwashing them. thank god we women have each others backs in this vile current climate. sisterhood is so important, especially now with all this crazy shit going around.
and yes ofc ive read the bell jar! read it for the first time when i was 16 and have reread it a few times since then. its one of those books that deeply resonates with nearly every woman who reads it even now generations later like its truly timeless in that way thats why its so good
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