#do you ever sit and think about these words that someone so hilariously cut out of the movie??? because i do. every morning. every night.
rustoperator · 11 months
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— ALEXANDER FREED, Rogue One [novelization quotes]
'If you can save her, take her.' - S. G.
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lovrre · 1 year
Statue of Liberty~
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Joel x fem reader
Word count:3k
Summary: Ellie plays wing man for Joel hoping to set you guys up, only to find out all Joel needed was a little advice and some glue.
Warnings:Reader is a little Bit of a mother figure to Ellie , fluff, curse words, smut, unprotected sex, squirting 🌝…idk probably some other stuff
You sit in the passenger seat of Joel’s truck, carving out a little figurine of the Statue of Liberty into wood with your knife. You realize Ellie woken up from her nap when you hear her start moving around restlessly in the back seat. She sits still for a while before resting her chin on the edge of the passenger seat’s headrest. “How long has it been, it’s hot as shit in this car!” Ellie says, turning to you, letting out a frustrated sigh. “About 30 minutes” you saying not breaking concentration “UHGG” Ellie grunts “I don’t understand why we can’t just all go in with Joel” Ellie says moving closer to look at what you’re doing.
“It’s better one person go then all of us be in danger” you say, not looking up from your carving. “Bull shit! it’s dangerous everywhere” Ellie says, rolling her eyes. “It’s funny to me that you know all these cuss words but probably can’t even spell the word beverage” you say, flicking off a chunk of wood with your knife.
Ellie goes quietly for a second before speaking “B. E. V. A-“ you quickly cut her off “stop you’re embarrassing me” you say, letting out a small laugh, Ellie mumbles crossing her arms “not my fault they didn’t teach me shit at that dumb ass school”
Ellie tries to stay quiet, but her boredom gets the best of her. “Is that supposed to be the Statue of Liberty?” Ellie asks, pointing to your carving. “Yeah, it’s from memory though, so it’s not that good”
“ No it’s good, It looks a lot like it” Ellie says, leaning over to get a closer look. “You’ve seen it in person?” You ask, finally looking away from the carving and up at Ellie. “Only in books and stuff, you?” Ellie asks, your face drops for a second, “yeah I lived in New York when I was younger ”. Ellie sees it hit a soft spot for you and changes the subject, “you’re not like the other old people” Ellie says plainly.
You scrunch up your face confused and look at Ellie, “Old??? I’m like 30, if that ” you scoff, returning your focus to your carving, trying not to think about the fact that this was the first time you’ve ever been called old. “ thirty’s not old?” Ellie asks Genuinely.
“ No it’s not, it’s a perfectly fine age” you say, partially trying to convince yourself. “
“if that” How don’t you know your own age?” Ellie asks, plopping back down on the seat. “ It’s not like I have a calendar. You lose track of time after a while you know… you could be actually 12 , you sure act like it” you say, wiping the pile of wood Shavings off your lap. “Hey!” Ellie laughs, hitting your shoulder. You shrug, “Just saying, how do you know someone didn’t just round up when you were a toddler?” .
“Haha hilarious” Ellie says sarcastically before going quiet actually thinking about it for a second. “ Back to what I was saying, I wasn’t trying to say it like you’re old, I just meant you’re not like the other OLDER people, you’re not all grumpy like-“ you both speak at the same time “Joel” you two laugh “well that’s because Joel is Actually old” you say bringing your focus back on your carving. “ How old is Joel anyway ?” Ellie asks, it takes you a minute to remember, “in his fifties I think” you say, focusing on the arm part of your carving. “DAMN…that’s old” Ellie says Dramatically. “ I know right” You laugh.
Something comes across Ellie’s face, like she remembers something. She leans in closer, placing her elbow on the center console and leaning her head on her hands like a kid daydreaming in class. “ Joel doesn’t look too bad for a fifty-something, right? ” Ellie says, raising her eyebrow. You’re to focus on your sculpture to realize what she’s doing.
“ No he doesn’t, he doesn’t look young, but he still looks good…you know sliver fox think” you say, unfazed, still carving at the mini Statue of Liberty. Ellie scrunches her face up in disgust for a second before speaking, “No, I don’t…” know”. You guys sit in silence for a second while You continue working on your carving. “Would you ever date someone that old?” Ellie questions hinting as something that you don’t get right away. “ Depends on- wait” you stop in realization and look up at Ellie. She gives you a tight lip smile, raising her eyebrows up and down. “No” you state plainly, “c’mon why not, he’s lonely, you’re lonely perfect match”
You roll your eyes, “wow, that’s all we have in common really?” You say, wiping more shavings off your pants. “Well you’re both old but If I say that you’re gonna get mad” you don’t even say anything, just stare at her from the corner of your eye. “ listen I would I just I don’t-“ just as you’re about to finish your sentence, Joel opens the door to the truck. He gets in the driver seat and Ellie smiles, “will finish this conversation later” Ellie says, giving you a wink. “We won’t” you say, giving her a tight smile. “We will~” Ellie whispers in a very quiet whimsical tone, you scrunch up your face at her odd behavior, “what conversation?” Joel asks, looking between the two of you. “Nothing you need to worry about right now, old man,” Ellie says, patting him on the shoulder. “Weird kid” Joel mumbles before starting the car.
After finding a remote place to in the woods to sleep for the night, you and Ellie sit in the bed of the pickup, your feet dangling off the edge. “ I need to go collect some fire wood, I’ll stay close by, scream if you need me” Joel says, walking towards the forest. “I’ll come with!” Ellie says, jumping off the bed off the truck to catch up with Joel. You watch Ellie run after him, “and I’ll just…stay here” you say, tapping on the side of the truck with your finger.
Ellie walks side by side with Joel, smiling ear to ear. “What the hell are you smiling bout?” Joel asks looking down at her “Only that I’m the best wing man ever,” Ellie says, giving him a cocky shrug. “What are you talking about?” Joel asked a bit worried, “I was talking to y/n about if she would date- ”. Joel interrupts her “-Ellie you didn’t” a mischievous smile creeps on her lips. “ I did”
You sit in the bed of the truck, wondering how long Joel and Ellie would be gone for. You tried to combat it, but for some reason, the thought of what would it be like to be with Joel kept creeping up in the back of your mind. Not only that, but you didn’t hate it, but it just felt like something that was off-limits, but that also made it intriguing.
“ I mean she basically said you were hot, and she would date you ” Ellie says optimistic, Joel takes a few breaths in before speaking. “ What did you say to her exactly” Joel asks, a little irritated. “I just asked her if she would date someone in there fifties”
“-Ellie” Joel sighs, wiping his face in frustration. “ Calm down…she basically said she would, and she said something about gray foxes?” Ellie say confused, “silver fox?” Joel says, “yeah that, she said you had that going on, whatever that means…more old people shit” Ellie mumbles the last part. Joel stays quiet for a second, enjoying the thought of you finding him any bit attractive, gave him. “ Don’t do that again. I can handle my own personal life, hear me”?
Ellie doesn’t say anything, kicking the stones under her feet. “ Do you Hear me?” Joel asks again for sternly . “Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever, I’m just saying do something nice show her you care ”
A day later, you proudly show Ellie your finished wood carving of the Statue of Liberty, and she is amazed by the level of detail you were able to achieve. “Bro, this is awesome where did you learn how to do this?” You really think for a second before answering , “I don’t even remember, I just Do it.” You say proudly, “Wow” she says as she runs her fingers along the curves of the figure. “Can you teach me?” Ellie asks, taking her eyes off the carving to look at you.
“ Yeah, I taught my sister, so it should be easy to teach you,” you say, for a second thinking about your old life. “ I used to make them in art class, and I’d go home and teach them, the carvings were a lot less details though because I was like 10” you say jokingly but a bit of sadness at the fact that your sisters Aren’t here anymore.
Ellie let out a small laugh and “I bet I could do better than 10-year-old you” Ellie Says, shrugging her shoulders confidently. “I’d like to see you try,” you laugh, pushing her shoulder. Joel overhears your conversation and even though you don’t outright say it he makes a mental note that he's not alone in his suffering—that you've lost people too.
Joel and Ellie were walking alongside you while searching for supplies. You guys needed to look for some more food , so you drove into a presumably empty town. The streets were eerily quiet as you guys made your way through the abandoned streets. Suddenly, a group emerged from an alleyway at the end of the street. A mix of clickers and runners. Fear spread quickly amongst them, but Joel was determined to protect you and Ellie.
“GET INSIDE!” He yells, gesturing you guys inside the abandoned store. You get inside, but quickly realize the door was broken off its hinges and wouldn’t close. Just when you were about to panic, Joel calls out. “Help me push!” He yells, gesturing you to the large cabinet. You run over to Joel's side, helping him push down the cabinet. It makes a loud thud when it falls causing dust to pollute the air. It only blocking off the majority of the opening, leaving the top bit still exposed. “Shit shit shit shit shit” you curse, look for something to block the top.
As soon as you turn your back , a clicker slithers through the small opening. There was no hesitation, Joel swiftly grabbed a nearby shovel and stepped forward to face off with the monster, one hard hit and it stumbles back. A gun shot rings through the air and the clicker falls back with a thud. You look back to see Ellie holding her gun. Ellie lowering the gun a smiles proudly. “Good shot” you huff out, Joel looks around the room quickly for an Exit. “Out that way” he says, pointing to a small back door. Just before turning to the exit, you see your Statue of Liberty carving broken in three pieces on the ground. Your heart breaks a little at the sight, you move towards it for a second, debating whether you should grab it or not.
“FUCKING GO!” Joel yells, making you jump, you and Ellie run out the back door. After you guys are gone, Joel looks around once before slowly bending down, picking up the large fragment pieces of your carving and stuffing them in his pocket.
somehow you guys all managed to make it out unscathed. However, during the scuffle your wood carving broke, it shouldn’t have been a big deal, it was just wood. But it reminded you of home, not the QZ, home…life before everything, your sculpture breaking felt like a metaphor for never going to feel at home again. Ellie looked down at your empty hand, “where’s your sculpture thingy?” She asks, gesturing to your hand “It broke” you say, giving a sad tight smile.
You guys find and a pretty secure building to spend the night. There were two rooms right next to each other, connected by an entryway that you guys decided to hunker down in. You and Ellie found tents for all of you guys while scavenging. You and Joel start putting up your tents, and Ellie follows behind. “You don’t have to set up all the pieces if you don’t want to, you can stay in mine” you say, watching Ellie slightly struggling with the zipper on the bag. “No thanks I’m good, I actually want to sleep tonight” Ellie says, pulling out a rod from the back, looking at it confused.
“I’ll do it” Joel say walking over towards Ellie, “pay attention, so you can do it on your own next time”
Ellie ended up sleeping in your tent, her head laying snug on your chest. During the night, you move uncomfortably, the hard floor still very present under the tent's thin fabric. You look down, realizing Ellie had slithered her way onto your chest, you slowly sit up, moving her gently back to her side. You rubbed your eyes annoyed, your back was hurting from the floor and your throat was dry. You knew you had some water in your bag right outside the tent, so you slowly unzipped it, careful not to make too much noise. Just as you're about to step on the ground, you look down to see your small Statue of Liberty perfectly intact. Your first thought was that Ellie must of went back and fixed it or something. You bend down to pick it up and see a small note made from ripped pieces of paper.
The note reads “I shouldn’t have yelled- j” you smile at the words before examining the carving. He really did a good job, there wasn’t even any glue residue, you almost couldn’t tell it had even been broken. You hear a rustling sound coming from Joel's tent, you walk through the entrance that separated the two rooms and stood infront his tent. “Joel you up?” You whisper looking at his tent for movement, “yeah, you alright?” he asked, voice sounding groggy from sleep. You hear him move and a second later he unzips the tent door, “sorry I didn’t mean to wake you I just wanted to say thanks for fixing my thing, sorry I thought you were already up.”
“ you're good, I know it’s not perfect, but it should last,” he says, wiping his face with his hand. You look over a bit in his tent that’s lit up by a little oil lamp and see an old can labelled “canned cake” with a fork stuck in it. “Eeew what is that” you say, climbing into his tent to examine the can. Joel sighs at your action, “did you eat this shit” you ask, picking up the fork and smelling it. “ Unfortunately” he sighs again, adjusting himself to make more room in the tent for you. “That bad?” You say, giving it another sniff, “definitely not good” he says, grimacing at the can. You take a small bite off the fork, really tasting it before coming to a conclusion.
“ I mean…for twenty years old it’s kinda good” Joel makes a face that shows his disagreement. Silence fills the air for a second before you speak, “Well… I just came in here to tell you thanks for” you lean outside the tent to grab your sculpture off the floor
”-this” you say, showing off your sculpture. “ You did good” you say, seeing the details better in good lighting. “ You’re welcome, by the way you reacted I guessed it meant a lot to you” he says watching your every movement. you stay silent for a second, really thinking before talking. “ Can I tell you something it’s a little off topic … I wanted to tell Ellie, but I didn’t think she’d get it, it’s deep, so prepare yourself.” Joel nods, and you zip up the tent for more privacy.
“ Before everything, before the infected and all that shit. I had a family two sisters, a mom and dad, a cat, the whole shebang. I used to make my sister carvings just like this all the time” you say, gesturing to the carving in your hand. “And well as you probably are guessed, she died, they all did actually… in front of me at that” you say, the familiar feeling of guilt bubbling in your stomach. “But you know I was so young… I know I couldn’t have done anything, I know I couldn’t…but it’s this feeling that I could have, it’s this feeling of knowing how the world used to be. It hurts… so bad, something about knowing that your favorite teacher is most likely dead. Or your childhood friends, cousins, uncles etc. do you feel that?”
You ask, fidgeting with your nails a tears welling in your eyes threat
” more than you know“ Joel says, pain lacing his voice. You look up to see the same sadden expression and glossy eyes as your own. Suddenly, as if something comes over you, you grab his face and kiss him. He returns the kiss, leading into it. You quickly pull away in realization. “ Oh my god I’m so sorry, I don’t know wh-“ Joel quickly cuts in, shaking his head. “ it’s ok, I get it, you needed some to talk to and-“ Joel cuts himself off when he sees you still staring at his lips longingly.
Joel watches you slowly bite your lip, trying to suppress the memory of the feeling of his own yours. “Fuck it” he whispers under his breath before quickly grabbing your face and pulling you into a kiss. You deepen the kiss my sinking your have into his hair and pulling him closer to your mouth. You let out a breathy moan and Joel grabs your back, pulling you towards him in a way that tells you to straddle him. You do, grind yourself against the hard bulge in his pants. “You wanna do this” he asks his thick country accent mixed with his groggy sleep voice making your core tighten.
“Yeah” you breathe out “Really bad” you whisper, kiss the corner of his mouth. “ We gotta keep quiet” Joel whispers, pulling by your waist, so you’re closer to him. “I’ll try, ” you whisper, pulling your shirt over your head exposing your breasts. Joel lets out a low growl from deep in his chest at the sight, quickly sinking his hand between the two of you work at his belt. He takes it off, throwing it to the side and shimming down his pants just enough so pull his dick out. It’s big, but you expect that you didn’t expect him to be so thick. “ Shit I don’t know if it’ll fit, you laugh while unbuttoning your pants.
“ I know you can take it” Joel says, a smile creeping up on his face. Standing up for a second, pulling off your pants and your underwear completely before returning to your position on Joel's lap. Your warm cunt rubbing against his shaft, causing his breath to become rugged. You start rubbing yourself against his cock back and forth, your wetness making it easy to slide along his length . “ I need it” Joel huffs out, he doesn’t say exactly, but you know. You sit up a little, so you can guide him into your entrance, your left hand keeping you balanced. Joel helps you, line himself up with you before grabbing your waist and pushing you down.
He stretched you out, the sensation making your legs shake on top of him. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust, he guides you by your waist up and down on his dick. He lays back completely when you start moving on your own, bliss talking over his body. The lewd sounds of your juices and the slapping of skin filled his ears. Your legs began getting tired and your movements slowed. “ Ride me” Joel demanded his tone, deep and serious. You obey riding him with all your might, trying to keep moans at bey by biting the insides of your cheek.
“I’m about to cum” you whine, your legs shaking onto of him. Joel gets up a switches positions, so he’s on to of you missionary, his hand rests on your thigh pushing you leg back, so he has a better view of his dick entering your cunt. “Ohh god” you moan, the new angle hitting you deeper than before. You try to push Joel away, the sensation too much to bear.” take that shit” he groans, plunging deeper into your scratch at his arms as you feel the tight knot in your stomach breaking. “Take this dick baby” he groans again
You cum with what would be a loud cry if Joel hadn’t used his free had to cover your mouth. His other still holding your leg up, You moan into his had as you feel yourself coming around his dick. You squirt all over him, the loud sound of your juices intensify. “Fuck just like that” he says, his thrust becoming rugged. “Shit I’m gonna cum” Joel mumbles finale uncovering your mouth. “In me baby, cum in me” you moan squeezing your walls tight around him. Before he could even react, he was cumming inside you. “Shit-“
The morning came and you and Joel made breakfast with what whatever you food he had in his bag. You sit in comfortable silents watching Joel stir around the food with a fork over his makeshift fire. “I’m usually gentler than that in bed ”Joel says awkwardly, looking up from the pan and at you. “It’s ok, I liked it” you say, smiling. A loud voice interrupts your conversation “smells good” Ellie says, stepping out of the tent stretching out her arms. She walked over to where you and Joel were sitting and plops down next to him.
She leans over and whispers so only Joel can hear her. “Y/n didn’t come back to the tent last night…wonder where she was” Ellie smiles, elbowing him in his side. “Don’t” Joel replies sternly “best wing man” Ellie laughs
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hugintheraven · 2 months
Finished Worm
Really enjoyed it, will be checking out the rest. Some spoilery, rambly thoughts:
I wonder how much of this was preplanned. Because there's a definite thematic resonance to the first thing we learn about Brockton Bay being that it sucks because the Ferry is broken, cutting off the two parts of the city, and then Taylor's essentially last act being to punch a bunch of holes between realities so that everyone can unite, and I have to wonder if Wildbow intended that from the start.
Taylor's characterization bugged me by the end. Not that it was unrealistic or anything(there's a reason 16-18 year olds shouldn't have unimaginable power), but someone at some point really needed to sit her down and dig some of her issues out of her psyche with a fork. Like, she has both a shrink and mandatory ethics classes as part of the Wards, did NONE of that take?
(which is also why I think I'm falling on the side of NOT shipping Lisa and Taylor, despite it basically being written for me. Lisa deserves better and she's smart enough to know it, even if she definitely loves her.)
But Taylor starting it off by getting tortured and refusing to ask for help because she knows no one will help her, and then how she ends it? That tracks, but also that sucks to a degree I don't love in my fiction. I saw her described as the hero of a Greek Tragedy once and yeah, I don't love those.
BTW, do we ever see Imp vs Regent's Dad? Because of the timeskip, that's probably the thing I was upset about missing most.
The mandatory no-homo started being funny at some point. It's partially an inverse Supernatural(and maybe the only one of those I've seen), in that there's so few male chars that you have to ship femslash just to make your fic functional. And Wildbow choosing to do that, to write a bunch of really good female chars and then be offended that people ship them, is just hilariously bad.
Anyways, yeah, was good. Will be reading the rest, but also wow there's a lot of words to all this.
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chirpingfromthebox · 5 days
Post Game 5 press session with Taylor Heise
You can find the entire interview here! Be sure to go show them some love/views/likes/nice comments/etc for the work they put in making these so accessible for everyone.
I'm putting basically the whole thing in, or I guess I'm putting in all the questions at least. I did cut out all the bits where they were having issues with their mic setup and their occasional banter while doing so. But if you want to see and hear such exciting things as people fiddling with levels while Taylor reties her hair back and people swapping mics around and doing checks, you'll definitely want to check out the full thing.
Transcription under the break.
[Taylor approaches the table and begins to sit down]
TAYLOR HEISE: I’ve never done this with my skates still on.
REPORTER: It’s a season of firsts.
TAYLOR: It really is. I would agree.
REPORTER: Taylor Heise, PWHL champion, Walter Cup champion, Ilana Kloss MVP award winner. Just put into words us.
TAYLOR HEISE: It’s hard to. You know, I’ve been honored to be part of such an unreal organization that has had our backs since day one. It’s awesome to know that this is the only pro that I know. Coming out of college and making so many strides with, whether that be the league coming together as one right after I came out of college, not quite sure where I was gonna go. But this league came a part of an amazing time and people like Kendall Coyne, Hilary Knight, anyone that’s put together hours and hours and hours to have this be a thing. And I’m very honored to be a part of it. Because like I said, it’s the only thing I know. And I haven’t had to go through the grunge of, you know, the ice times in the morning and not getting to games, not having a place to play and practice. So I’m honored to be a part of this great group.
REPORTER: Taylor, you’re the one voted MVP, but certainly a lot of big efforts from teammates tonight. Nicole Hensley, captain Kendall Coyne Schofield. Can we just get a few words about those around you and just how the entire team came together?
TAYLOR: Yeah, I’ve been ecstatic to play with Kendall and [Michela] Cava here the past few games.* Not to say that they’re the only ones that have done things, because we have had so many amazing performances from every single line on our team. And whether that comes from Liz [Scheper]’s first goal that Syd [Brodt] brought, having two really big- a big point and a big assist, big goal the other day. Nic [Hensley] playing a hell of a game- but you gotta look at Maddie Rooney too. She’s one of the ones that got us through to this point too. So both of them. And then we got Kendall, who’s not only the mom of the league, but the mom of the team. She’s someone who does everything and anything and somehow still has a child. Not really sure how she can do it all, but she does and she manages it quite well. And then Cava. I don’t know if everyone knows this but she’s a four-time champion. Back-to-back-to-back-to-back. She’s had MVPs at almost every single level. She coulda had this right now too. It’s our to share. She’s a special player. She’s someone I’ve been very honored to have played with. There’s so many amazing people on our team that deserve so many props. I couldn’t sit here and name everyone on our team, but we’re excited to go and have some fun here.
REPORTER: Taylor, first of all, congratulations.
TAYLOR HEISE: Thank you.
R: Second thing, after Game 4, you come out of that, you think you’ve won.
TH: Yeah.
R: How do you mentally reset, come back into this one ready to play, ready to go, and then pull off the victory Away in front of a raucous crowd here at Tsongas Center?
TH: Yeah. I think they robbed us in Game 4 and we all felt that very, very much so. I think to have the feeling of being a champion taken from you is one of the worst things ever. I can’t say that that’s happened to me before, other than last time.
So I think we came into today knowing if we weathered the storm the first 10 minutes we were going to come out on top as long as we put the first goal in. You know, that’s what we did. We weathered the storm and we put the first goal in. So you look at both those things and I think we had a full team effort for today. We allowed, I think, 3 shots in an amount of 20 minutes at one point? It’s hard to win a game when you get 3 shots on net like that. We’re excited to continue this with this group, but it’s just a special moment and I’m excited to share it with the girls.
REPORTER: Whirlwind year for you, Taylor. For you, to put it into perspective, Billie Jean King calling your name first overall pick, first MVP award winner.
TAYLOR: Yeah, you know, I’m not someone to make anything about me. I’ve never been like that. But you know, it’s a special moment. It’s something I’m going to chalk up to- you know, this [taps the MVP trophy] will sit, probably, in my basement somewhere. But I’m more excited about the group. I’m more excited that I get to live this life with this group of girls who has cared about me since day one. And I’ve known that they’ve had confidence in me and everything I can do. I think recently they’ve really stepped up and put their hand on my back, and made sure I knew that I was loved and cared for no matter what happens: points on the board or wins or losses.
But I just feel very loved and cared for by this group. And that’s something that we’re really happy and special to be a part of. And every team has had great years so far, but I think for us we just came out and gave everything we had at the end of the year. That’s playoff hockey. Being the fourth seed and coming in and not knowing where we were going to be at, is special.
end of interview
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heyyyyyyyyy, thx for following me I was wondering if you could do a request where Xavier meets the reader as Wednesday’s sister and they date behind her back before she finds out and Enid has to convince her to be okay with it.
hiii thank you so much for your request I hope this if fulfills your expectations!!
I was listening to thunder while writing this so if you want the full experience listen to thunder
Requested: yes
Warning: none I don’t think?
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader
Word count: 941
Proofread: no
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completely moving schools because your twin decided it would be fun to try and kill a group of jocks isn't all that fun.
I was completely fine staying at the school we were at but when Wednesday got expelled I got expelled with her for not doing anything to stop her.
We ended up getting thrown in the same school mother and father went to Nevermore boarding .
Me and Wednesday are fraternal twins hence why we look nothing alike despite us not looking anything alike doesn't mean we are complete opposites I just tend to show more emotions which is why switching to Nevermore had such an impact on me.
Once we pulled into the driveway to the castle like school my I could feel my stomach twist with nerves while my parents looked ecstatic about us living the life they once lived
After zoning out most of the car ride I finally came back to my senses
"This looks like a hell hole" were the first words to come out of my mouth
"I would have to agree sister" says Wednesday with a deathly look in her eyes
"Come on girls you can continue on the Addams name" mother says
"And live in your shadow?" Me and Wednesday say in sync as a rhetorical question
I tend to disassociate quite often and didn't start paying attention until we were with some blonde girl named Enid
"That over there is Bianca the closest thing nevermore has to royalty, but lately her crowns been slipping, she used to date Nevermore's tortured artist Xavier Thorpe" she says pointing over to his direction
I see a long haired male painting what it looks like crows I can't seem to look away as he turn around as we make eye contact and unfortunately as Enid continues her tour I have to be the first to break it.
That leads us to where we are now
*two months later*
“Do you think if Wednesday caught us she would be mad?”
“It’s unpredictable when it comes to Wednesday”
Me and Xavier entered the weathervane making our presence known with the little bell above the door
“Go sit down I’ll order” he says
This was a weekly ritual for us, since we can’t be public about our relationship yet this was the only way we had alone time
I look up to see Xavier come my way
“Okay here’s your drink”
“Thank you” I smile
“Do you ever wish that we didn’t have to sneak off every time we want to be together?” He asks
“Yeah.. all the time, but I don’t know what would happen if we didn’t. Like I know the world won’t blow up, but I just don’t want my sister to hate me.”
“Let’s talk about something else”
I replied
“Did you hear that Eugene has a crush on Enid???”
I say
“No fucking way”
I nod
“That’s actually hilarious, isn’t he like 13?”
He says
“Yeah! I kinda feel bad but it’s too funny”
He chuckled as he reached over to softly kiss me.
We stay like that for a while paying no mind to the bell ring announcing someone walking in
“Does someone want to explain what is going on or am I going to have to bring out my ropes”
I hear a familiar voice say
Xavier says breaking apart from my lips clearly shocked
I look over to see Wednesday standing in front of our table tense with her eye twitching next to a very confused enid
“Uhm Wednesday I promise I can explain-“
“Can you?” She cuts me off
“I’ll wait”
“Wednesday maybe we should just leave them be they looked like they were happy” Enid says trying to grab Wednesday
“Touch me again and I will make sure your hand never gets to touch anything again”
Wednesday say
“Mm” Enid squeals
“Wednesday I know you don’t like this school or anyone in it but I do, I really do and I enjoy hanging out with everyone and I enjoy the classes and I enjoy the people and quite frankly I really like Xavier.”
You say
“I am going to go back to the dorms. I do not want to see either one of you.” Wednesday says as she walks out
“Im so sorry, I’ll talk to her” Enid cringes as she quickly catches us to Wednesday
“Oh god oh god” I rub my hands over my face
“Hey shes your sister she’s not going to be mad forever” Xavier says
“ you clearly don’t know Wednesday, she holds grudges for forever” I sigh
A few hours later
We were all in Wednesday and Enid shared dorm room
“ Wednesday whether you like it or not your sister is going to find someone she loves and someone who loves her back and even if you don’t want that to happen it’s going to be the same for you” Enid says
Wednesday slowly looks up and this is the most emotion I’ve seen her have other than when her scorpion died but it quickly goes away as her face hardens and she quickly walks towards Xavier
She gets really close to him as she quietly says
“If you ever hurt her I will tie you up and make sure you have a slow excruciating death” she says just loud enough for Xavier to hear.
Xavier quickly nods as Wednesday gives him a side eye and nods towards me.
I smile as I see her walk out
“Well, personally I think that went well” I said as Enid nods in agreement
“Uh yeah sure” Xavier says, scratching the back of his head.
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charmwasjess · 2 months
18 and 21 please!!
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why? I delete finished scenes quite a lot actually! Milk Run was supposed to start with a scene where Dooku ambushes Sifo-Dyas to ask him The Big Favor. They have that whole argument of Sifo going "no?? no I'm not doing that, why are you asking me this, what's wrong with you, hey weren't you supposed to go therapy??" But it was Sifo's POV and I decided I wanted to write the fic in switching Dooku and Qui-Gon POV sections like Sitting in the Dark. It's part of the reason I gave Sifo-Dyas a POV for the epilogue, because the whole fic actually started with him.
….honestly, the thing I cut the most is sex scenes. I tend to write them lot more extensively - usually out of pure horniness reasons, god bless - and then whittle them down to what goes in. The Dooku/Jocasta scene in Milk Run actually goes on for another two pages. A lot of times I remove them entirely. I think I wrote a good chunk in Jedi Nights before I decided there was no way Sifo would fuck him just then. I've written most of a sex scene for Rabbit Heart that isn't going in: Sifo-Dyas, GO TO BED. I WISH I'd written out the interrupted sex in Making It Up because Dooku was about to get wrecckkked.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic? Some lines I love… Milk Run, chapter 8.
Arnet choked out a laugh. “Sifo-Dyas. Open your eyes. You’re already fucking mad. Everyone knows it.”
Sifo-Dyas seemed to lose all his words. He looked at Dooku.
Arnet shrugged coldly. “Your friends just don’t want to admit it to you.”
For all the sting of personal betrayal, the threat to his life’s work, Sifo-Dyas had been amazingly calm and composed, even pleasant, up until that point. So it came as a real shock when he hauled back and punched Arnet in the face.
I'm really fond of that whole section, beginning with Arnet making a hilariously bad attempted robbery and ending with Dooku and Sifo-Dyas slamming their Makashi and Soresu lightsaber forms together into just the most idiotic insane fighting style. Makaresu??
I think that's honestly the best character work I've done with Sifo-Dyas in my stuff. And I love that it's in Qui-Gon's perspective, because he doesn't really know Sifo that well, and his mounting bafflement with everyone in that scene is just so precious to me. You know: "...wow, this is going bad, oh, shit, did that guy just tackle someone???"
Thanks so much, Ant!!! Fun choices. :D And anyone else, I'm still answering fic asks!
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sequinsmile-x · 11 months
Hi, dear 💙
I hope you’re well 🩷 I really love your fics. They always manage to put a smile on my face 😘
I don’t know if you take requests, but here’s an idea 👀
I’ve had LASIK surgery (they fixed my eyeballs, you know) and well… I was unable to see after, it’s kind of what you have to do, not open your eyes for about 24 hours.
I was on great drugs, having a grand time without seeing anything. My friend even said I was hilarious. To be fair, I always think I’m hilarious. I think I probably looked like TS when she had hers, you know? I think it was on Jimmy Fallon, this excerpt. Like, I didn’t cry opening my banana the wrong way, but eating was a challenge, and my poor friend said I was very clingy 😂
Anyway, I thought about Emily getting that surgery (assuming she’s been wearing contacts and that it’s totally okay for field agents not to have 20/20 eyesight) and Aaron driving her home and taking care of her 🥹 All the fluff, the funny drugs, and her being very clingy. And of course McFrowny finds it adorable 🥺
Okay, cheers 🩷
hiiii bestie <3
This idea wouldn't leave me alone so here we are. In classic Vic style it got a little bit more hurt/comforty than I intended but overall it's very soft and them just being absolute idiots in love.
I hope you enjoy this!!
The Darkest Night
Emily has Lasik surgery to correct her vision, Aaron looks after her.
Warnings: Mention of surgery but only in passing, nothing detailed.
Words: 2.4k
Read over on Ao3 or below the cut
Aaron had always known she needed glasses. 
Her vision was always mentioned in the annual physical every agent had to go through. As her superior, he had to sign it off, and would always look over a vague mention that there had been little to no change in her eyesight and that any relevant change to her corrective contact lenses had been made. 
He’d always known that she needed glasses, but he had never seen them until they got together. He still remembered the first time he’d seen her wearing them. He’d left her in her bathroom after their shared shower with a kiss against her lips and settled into her bed as he waited for her to finish her nighttime routine. She’d walked out of the bathroom with her hair curling around her neck because it was drying naturally, and her glasses sitting on her face. They had black frames, slightly oversized so the bottom edge rested on the top of her cheeks, and she looked nothing short of adorable in them, not that he’d ever say that to her, and simply beautiful. The laid-back, relaxed side of her that he loved to see. 
She’d paused in the bathroom door, looking self-conscious as he stared at her, and she asked if she looked ridiculous. Something he later learned was something a previous boyfriend had said and had always lingered in the back of her mind when she wore them for the first time in front of someone new. He’d jumped up, surprising even himself with the speed with which he moved, and grabbed her, hauling her into his arms and kissing her, pushing her onto the bed, taking her apart again and again as he assured her that he loved the glasses. It was an attraction he couldn’t explain if he tried, something about how she looked when she wore them that almost made him feral. 
It was more than the physical attraction. It was as if he had his own secret version of her since she never wore the glasses anywhere other than either one of their apartments, and then their house when they moved in together. She’d wear them as she helped Jack with his homework at the kitchen counter, or as she sat next to Aaron in their bed and read a book before they turned in for the night. A simple, ordinary, thing in their lives that he knows other people likely wouldn’t even think about, but after everything they had both been through it was things like this he lived for. 
It’s why when she first mentioned wanting the Lasik surgery he’d faltered, realising he’d miss seeing her wear them. That he’d even miss helping her search the house for them as she blamed him for them being missing, even though he never was the one to move them. He also hated the idea of her having any kind of surgery, no matter how simple and straightforward, because he knew it would bring him right back to visiting her in Boston, still wearing his suit from her funeral. He sat and held her hand, the very first time he ever had, as she slept, trying to recover from her body being torn apart by a man who ripped up the line between love and hate. A man who had destroyed everything in his path to get revenge on her. 
They hadn’t even been together, but looking back on it Aaron knew he loved her even then. 
She’d been insistent, irritated by contact lens checks and eye tests that she’d been subject to since she was a teenager. And ultimately, despite his reservations, he knew it was her choice. It was her body, and he would support her no matter what. 
Which is how he finds himself sitting a the waiting room with his hands clenched tightly in his lap, desperately watching the clock as he waits to be told he can see her. He’d taken the same amount of time off work as she had, something she’d claimed was ridiculous, but he knew his fiancee. Despite her claims she would be fine on her own, even though she would not be able to see at all during the first 24 hours before he brought her back here to have the eyeshield removed, she would want him nearby. 
“Mr Hotchner?” 
He looks up, already standing before he can fully register that he’s been called for. He sees the nurse who had taken Emily back less than an hour ago standing there and smiling at him
“Is she okay?” He asks, and the nurse nods, her smile never fading. 
“She is all done and ready for you to take her home,” she says indicating out into the hallway for him to follow her, which he does gladly, “She’ll be pretty out of it for the rest of the day. She…took well to the sedation,” the nurse says, a small smile flashing across her face, “We’ve presrcribed some pain meds that she can take as and when. and as discussed this morning she needs to keep the covers on her eyes until you bring her back here tomorrow.” 
Aaron nods, feeling the tension that had built in his chest start to ease for the first time since Emily had left his side and kissed his cheek before she was led into the procedure room “Thank you.” 
The nurse smiles and opens the door for him, and all of his focus transfers to Emily. She’s sitting up, her hair still in the braids he’d for her that morning, something she’d allowed in an attempt to stop him fussing. There’s a clear shield pressing into her eyes, looking almost uncomfortably wrapped tight around her head, and tape visible underneath holding her eyes shut. 
“Hi sweetheart,” he says, wincing slightly as she jumps, her usually sharp senses dulled by the complete removal of one and the amount of medication in her system. 
“Aaron?” She replies, reaching out in his vague direction, and he immediately walks over and crouches in front of her, linking his hand through hers as he rests the other on her knee. 
“I’m right here, how are you feeling?” 
“Mes yeux me font mal,” she replies with a slight whine, making him smile.
“English, please baby,” he says, squeezing her knee, his smile only getting wider as she attempts to frown, the part of her forehead covered by the eye shield held in place. 
“That wasn’t English?” She asks, her confusion clear. It was something that happened when she was drunk as well as under the influence of strong medication. Her grasp on defining languages disappeared, and they’d all muddle into one, leaving her prone to speaking any of them at any given time.
It was something he’d warned the team here about so they didn’t think they’d caused some kind of neurological issue when the procedure was over. 
He shakes his head before he realises she can’t see him, “No, Em. It was French.” 
“Oh,” she says, swallowing thickly, “I said my eyes hurt.” 
He stands up straight, his hand never leaving hers to assure her that he was still there, and he drops a kiss to her forehead, “That’s because you’ve just had surgery on them.” 
She hums, swaying slightly as she stands, leaning into his side as he wraps an arm around her, “Can you take me home?” 
Aaron looks over to the nurse who nods silently and he kisses Emily’s forehead again, “Yes sweetheart,” he says, making sure he’s got a secure hold on her, “Let’s go home.”
When he gets her home he helps her change into something comfortable. She’d insisted on his clothes, right down to a pair of his socks, so he’d found a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt that still counted as ‘his,’ unlike a lot of his clothes these days. He suspected she wanted to wear something that smelled like him, although she’d never say it, since she was always a little clingier when she was sick or not feeling herself than he ever would have guessed before they got together. 
Jessica had offered to take Jack for the afternoon, so Emily and Aaron had spent the time snuggled on the couch with movies on in the background. She’d insisted on it, despite not being able to see, so he’d specifically chosen ones she loved, movies she’d seen countless times so she didn’t need to see the screen. 
Eventually, she asks for a snack, insisting that ice cream would make her eyes feel better, so he leaves her on the couch to get and get it for her. He makes quick work of it, grateful that he’d anticipated this and made sure he had several pints of her favourite chocolate ice cream in the freezer for this. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to get you anything else…” He says as he walks back to the living room, drifting off when he sees his fiancee is nowhere to be found. He sighs and places her bowl of ice cream down on the coffee table and leaves the living room, his hands in his pockets as he strolls through the house looking for her. “Em?” 
He hears something smash, followed by her growling in frustration, “Figlio di puttana.”
Aaron smiles and follows the sound of her voice, finding her seconds later round the corner and only a few paces away from the bathroom, a smashed vase that her mother had bought them at her feet. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, carefully stepping over the broken pieces of ceramic. He grabs her hand and guides her away from it, his eyes fixed on her sock-covered feet to make sure she doesn’t stand on anything and hurt herself, “Why didn’t you say you needed the bathroom? I would have helped.” 
“I can make it to the bathroom by myself,” she seethes, the bite to her words diminished by her eyeshield and the tape that was holding her eyes shut sticking out from underneath.
“Of course you can baby,” he soothes, his arm around her shoulders as he walks her to the bathroom, reaching into the room and turning the light on for her before shaking his head at himself as he realises it’s pointless, “Just humour me okay, that vase your mother got us has been an eyesore since day one, lets not ensure it actually causes you an injury.” 
She pinches his arm, with terrifying precision, and she scoffs, “An eyesore? Really, Aaron?” 
He clears his throat to cover a laugh, “Sorry,” he says, not hiding his smile since she couldn’t see him, “That was unintentional I promise.” He places his hands on her shoulders and turns her to face the bathroom, “I’ll be right out here if you need me.” 
“I won’t,” she grumbles, closing the door behind her, her defiance quickly followed by the sound of her walking into something. Aaron lovingly shakes his head at her as he leans against the wall outside and waits for her, his eyes fixed on the vase he’ll clean up the moment he has her back on the couch. A couple of minutes pass until he hears a quiet voice through the door, “Aaron?” 
He doesn’t open the door yet, but he leans closer to speak to her through it, “Yes, sweetheart?” 
There’s a sigh, and he can almost feel her frustration permeate the walls, “I can’t find the toilet paper.”
He’s grateful that she’s still in bed when he walks out of the bathroom after getting ready to settle down for the night. She’s lying down, her head on the pillow as she fiddles nervously with her engagement ring, something that had replaced her old habit of picking at her cuticles the moment he slipped the ring onto her finger. 
Her fingers stop moving as she hears the bathroom door open, tension visible in her shoulders across the room and Aaron smiles softly, “It’s just me, Em.”
She physically relaxes and sighs, “Sorry,” she says, clearing her throat as he climbs into bed next to her, “It’s weird not being able to see anything.” 
He turns off the light and gathers her into his arms. He kisses the top of her head as she curls into his arms, one of her hands slipping under the hem of his t-shirt to feel his chest rise and fall against her skin. 
“You have nothing to apologise for,” he says, running his hand up and down her back, “I can imagine it’s disorientating.” 
She hums, hooking her leg over his hips to anchor herself to him even more, hanging on to him as if he would disappear.
“My apartment in Paris was pitch black,” she says out of nowhere, her fingertips trailing back and forth over his chest, “It came with these blackout blinds in the bedroom that I didn’t have the strength to take down,” she adds, and he holds her tighter, any mention of that time, any time he learnt something new, unpicking the stitches of old wounds, “It’s absurd because I was never afraid of the dark as a kid, I was never afraid of anything really, but in Paris, I’d lay there in the dark waiting for Ian to emerge from nowhere. And now…” she trails off and sighs, shaking her head at herself, “There’s a reason I didn’t want to get black out curtains for the house.” 
He closes his eyes and shakes his head, chastising himself for any time in the past he’d complained about the light that would stream into their bedroom in the summer and wake him up in the early hours of the morning. 
“I’m right here,” he promises, kissing the top of her head again, “I’m right here and I promise I’m not going anywhere.” 
“I know,” she says, reaching out and squeezing his hand, linking their fingers together in the way that would sometimes make them both think they were made for each other, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he replies, “So much,” he tilts her head up to capture her lips in a quick kiss, “You should get some sleep.”
She nods, pressing her forehead into his neck, the top of her eyeshield scratching at his skin, “Aaron?” She asks and he hums in response, his hand still trailing up and down her back, soothing her to sleep, “I bought a pair of glasses from the costume shop at the mall so I can still wear them during sex if you want.” 
He laughs, a deep, booming thing that she feels through his chest, making her join in. He kisses her forehead and sighs deeply.
“I cannot wait to marry you.” 
She kisses his jawline, “I can’t wait to marry you either.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys,@prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentisstheorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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hawkeyeslaughter · 6 months
How do you think Charles would’ve gotten on with Henry, Trapper, and Frank?
i love charles ( even though i never talk about him on here , he will be talked about extensively when i get past the frank episodes of my rewatch TRUST ) so HERE WE GO
— like most everyone else , charles has little patience with frank . while i have the tendency to doubt he’d be as blatantly insulting to frank as hawkeye and trapper are , he certainly has his fill of backhanded and passive aggressive remarks towards him ( most of which go over frank’s head ) . objectively funnier is that when charles initially shows up , frank thinks that he finally has an ally against hawktrap . this isn’t true . one can catch him vehemently trying not to laugh at the stupid pranks that hawkeye and trapper pull on him , even though he knows that if they ever did see him laughing at the outcomes of said pranks that hawkeye and trapper would never let him hear the end of it . however , despite charles’ obvious distaste for frank , frank never really catches on . he’s always like , ok see you around buddy ! he definitely wants to be the other version of hawkeye/trapper with charles so he’s always like ,, following charles around and trying to get his approval 😭 it drives charles absolutely insane .
— a lot of people on here say that charles and trapper would absolutely hate each other and i just don’t think that’s completely true . yes , charles would loathe the information that he hails from the same place as trapper , considering that trapper is even worse than hawkeye when it comes to childish antics . i think , at least in trapper’s mind , that charles would fall into the category of the frank burns variety . so there isn’t a lot of love lost between them , at least initially . but here’s the thing . i do sincerely believe they’d have this begrudging admiration for one another . because as stubborn as both charles and trapper are , as much as they don’t really care for people with personalities as different as theirs , they know damn talented surgeons when they see them . they put their differences aside in that aspect . also , one time , when trapper is really drunk and he , hawkeye , and charles are hanging out in the swamp , he mentions this place in boston while reminiscing and charles is sort of surprised because he doesn’t imagine someone like trapper going to one of his old hangouts , and he’s like “ you’re familiar with [ insert place here ] ? “ and trapper says something along the lines of what doctor in boston isn’t familiar with insert place here . and then charles asks him about a different place and hawkeye is watching , for once sort of speechless because pigs are flying , trapper and charles are having a conversation and laughing and if there are insults being thrown around they’re taking them jokingly . nothing after that night changes dramatically , trapper is still trapper and charles is still charles . it’s not like they become best friends or anything , but there’s a new sort of understanding between them . they’re a step above acquaintances . friends in the very , very loose definition of the word .
— first of all i think charles and henry onscreen together would have been fucking hilarious . all i can imagine is the camera cutting to charles rolling his eyes whenever henry makes one of his jokes LMFOA . but i also don’t think charles’ habit of snarky , posh remarks would fly with henry at all . we already see him get annoyed with frank and margaret and , albeit more rarely , he even gets snappy with hawkeye and trapper when they’re being smartasses . so i don’t think henry would take too kindly to charles’ remarks and let them slide as often as potter does . but you know ? in a way , i think charles would more or less have to respect that he holds his ground with not only him , but hawktrap and frank and margaret too . but i don’t think henry would hate charles , either . i can imagine them sitting next to one another in the dining hall and henry laughing when charles rebuts some insult hawkeye/trapper makes towards him and charles letting a small smile slip upon making henry cackle . i can imagine charles walking into henry’s office while henry’s hanging up new drawings from his kids and henry grinning while charles examines them and calls them ‘ remarkable ‘ . i can imagine henry stopping by the swamp looking for hawktrap and at least trying to like the records charles has on . see , henry had this habit of at least trying to understand people , like them or not and i think that it would be no different for charles . lastly i think hen is a lot the same way with charles that he is with hawkeye in the sense that he talks to him . whenever hawkeye is upset about something , henry goes out of his way to try and figure out what’s going on and tell him maybe not what he wants to hear but what he needs to hear . and i definitely think he would do the same thing with charles . i’m really sad that we never got to see them onscreen together because i feel like they definitely would have been quite the duo 😭
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Plot: Loki likes to pick on his cousin about a certain someone, and the two take a trip to the dentist. Loki’s pranks are never ending.
Child! Deity
Dental appointment event
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It was early in the evening when Hunnin and Muninn reported to Odin that (Name) was no where to be seen. Sighing in frustration, Odin simply wanted to check how (Name)’s teeth were as he knew his daughter’s hadn’t been brushing her teeth as she should have.
It didn’t help that (Name) had the power to hide herself and could be anywhere.
Thor was in his room sleeping on his chair and wasn’t phased by his sister hiding herself until he heard a sigh under his bed. Lifting the bed with ease Thor felt a gust of wind brush past him taking it as a sign his sister had left and so Thor chased after his sister, causing the palace to rumble as he would sometimes miss his sister by a hair and left holes in the wall or floor. Hunnin and Muninn did their best to help Thor but came up empty handed.
It was always like this in Asgard when Odin wanted to check his daughters teeth.
Odin was just about to take matters into his own hand until he noticed a familiar god show up. Odin didn’t want to resort to trickery but whatever for his health for his daughter. Thor tried to locate his younger sister but came up empty handed only to hear a familiar god in (Name)’s room.
“What a drag, my favorite goddess isn’t here. Here I came such a long way to see my sweet (Name).”
Thor squinted his eyes in disbelief at hearing Buddha words, before Thor could think anything else (Name) had quickly lifted the bedsheets with a smile as she jumped into Buddha’s arms excited that the god had visited her.
“Good evening, Buddha! Do you have more candy for me-“
Quickly cut off by a light and being held tighter the small and young (Name) saw Loki instead with a mischievous smile on his face. Heartbroken (Name) tried to get out the trickster god’s grasp but came up empty handed. Thor was a little surprised that worked, then again (Name) was still young.
“My, my. I can’t believe you fell for that (Name).”
“Let me go, Loki!”
While fighting Loki’s grasp Thor asked why Loki was here to which the trickster god responded with that he was just passing by. Loki didn’t feel anything as he handed over a pouting goddess to Odin who was sitting on his throne.
“Can’t believe that worked. Also, it looks like you’re not the cool one anymore, Thor.”
Thor had to admit that his sister liking Buddha a bit more than himself had him a bit irritated but he didn’t let it get it to him long as Odin muttered (Name) had a cavity on her back tooth.
“You’re going to the dentist first thing in the morning.”
“I don’t want to.”
(Name) immediately apologized when her father gave her a intimating glare although the young godess gave Loki a glare even though the trickster god was happily laughing while floating in the air.
While Odin was serious about his daughter going to the dentist he didn’t go with her instead he sent Loki to take her and (Name) was still upset with her cousin. Loki didn’t care though, he found it hilarious that (Name) could be so easily fooled. While waiting in Hygeia’s waiting area, Loki was became rather bored until the sound of a drill made (Name) jump in freight making Loki smile and once it was there turn Loki was the one that had to place (Name) in the chair.
Hygeia tried her best to get (Name) to open her mouth but to no avail, (Name) was quite stubborn.
“(Name), if you don’t open your mouth you’re going to make me very, very sad.”
Hygeia and (Name) looked to see a sad Buddha looking at her. Hygeia was surprised to see Buddha there and of course (Name) was happy to see Buddha.
“I don’t want to make you sad, Buddha. I’ll be good. I promise.”
“…You promise?“
“Of course, I never go back on my word.”
“I’m so happy to hear that.”
Buddha patted the top of (Name)’s head as Hygeia was successfully able to clean (Name)’s teeth and remove her cavity. No problems what so ever, until Hygeia heard “Curse you Loki!” As she was cleaning her utensils. Smiling Hygeia continued to clean her utensils thinking to herself that Loki was a loving cousin, knowing (Name) wouldn’t have opened her mouth otherwise.
A few months, later Buddha was walking outside the Valhalla arena into a garden like place. To his surprise he saw (Name) sitting on the fountain. As usual, Buddha greeted the young goddess with snacks. Only this time, Buddha was meant with skepticism as (Name) squinted her eyes and slowly scooted away from Buddha confusing the god.
“…No, thanks. I know that’s you Loki. You can’t fool me again.”
“I know it’s you Loki. So just transform already because I won’t be fooled again.”
“…We need to get your eyes checked. (Name) it’s me.”
Still not convinced (Name) crossed her arms to her chest and ignored Buddha until she heard a familiar voice say “What’s going on?” Looking Buddha and (Name) saw Loki floating in the air with a smile. A “oh” left (Name)’s lips as she apologized to Buddha, still Buddha offered her candy and patted the top of her head. Pouting Loki stepped in front of the two with his usual smile of mischief, only making Buddha roll his eyes as he took out his lollipop.
“Well, well. What luck, I’ve been meaning to talk to you Buddha.”
Little did (Name) expect the two gods to fight, and (Name) didn’t expect to others to join in but as they did (Name) sat quietly on the fountain eating the snacks Buddha gave her until Buddha had to save her from Ebisu’s shots, Holding the young and small (Name) in his arms. To which, Buddha teased Ebisu about his aim saying “You could’ve shot the princess of Asgard you know.” All of which was really cool to the young goddess as Loki could practically see the stars in her eyes.
Loki didn’t like Buddha before and he really didn’t like him now, sure he liked teasing (Name) about her innocent crush on Buddha but now Loki was determined to show his cousin how much of a loser Buddha was.
Loki tried, but failed.
Loki: 10 vs (Name): 1
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icey--stars · 1 year
Born For Tragedy: Part 8
Series Index
She was tragedy. Nothing except death, fear and pain followed in her wake. When she was young, she was beaten. Now she’s the one doing the beating as an assassin. A mysterious stranger comes to her, paying an absurd amount of money for her to kill Beron Vanserra, and protect the eldest son until the job is done. She stumbles across a story much similar to her own, and knows what must be done.
a/n: due to azris week being next week, the next BFT update will be the week after that!
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“I’m changing your room assignment,” Nova said one day. About a week after that little incident. 
She’d been getting information she both needed and didn’t need from Eris. She still hadn’t managed to come up with a plan to kill Beron just yet. That would require a bit more thought. She’d have to check a calendar for upcoming events and holidays.
Valda perked up immediately, narrowing her eyes at the head maiden. “To what?”
“You don’t have enough respect for the royals, so you’ll clean the common rooms from now on-”
“No,” Valda said in a dangerous, lethal tone. “I won’t.”
Nova’s gaze snapped up to her, from where she’d been washing dinner’s dishes. “Yes, you will,” she growled.
“No, I won’t,” Valda said.
“If you dare to refuse me, servant,” the word servant was spat out like the unholy names of Hybern’s commanders, “Then you will find yourself very far away from this place soon.”
“I was hired to clean Eris’s and Jax’s rooms,” Valda stated, looking back to her own work. “So therefore, I will clean Eris’s and Jax’s rooms only.”
“Lord Eris, and Lord Jax, don’t need a primpy little girl like you thinking she’s better than everyone else, running around!”
Valda smirked. She couldn’t help that little joy of hearing someone call her a “primpy little girl.” It was utterly hilarious. She was anything but primpy, and little, and a perfect, privileged girl. If Nova ever learned of the endless years she’d spent on the floors of a dirtied up bar, she’d shut her trap. Or literally any of her missions. They all ended up with her covered in shit, some way or another.
“Wipe that fucking smirk off your face,” Nova ordered, and raised her hand. Valda eyed it with a challenge in her eyes. “You will listen-”
“Hello?” Eris’s voice interrupted the head maiden. Valda took a subtle step backwards just as his head peaked around the corner, quickly followed by the lithe body of the heir.
“Lord Eris!” Nova said quickly, her hand lowering as she bowed low. She gave Valda a side eye as she rose up again. “How are you my lord? What can I help you with?”
Eris glanced at her, before facing Nova. “I was just down here and heard the commotion. What drama has sparked now?”
“Oh, nothing of concern my lord!” Nova said in that fake happy voice Valda has heard too many times. “I promise. This servant girl just needs some discipline, I swear. Is there anything I can get for you? A midnight snack?”
Eris shook his head. “What’s Adira getting disciplined for?”
Valda gave him a swift look. What was he doing?
“Oh, she continues to disrespect you, my lord, and Lord Jax so openly, so I’ve made it my responsibility to find someone that will give you the respect you deserve, general,” Nova dismissed quickly. “Ms. Void will be dealt with for such blatant disrespect.”
“Ah,” Eris hummed. “A pity then. I was enjoying her presence.”
Seriously, what was Eris trying to do right now? Valda couldn’t pinpoint it.
Nova seemed startled at the words, as she shook her head clear slightly. “I was unaware-” She began.
Eris cut her off, “Perhaps I could request her as my own personal servant?”
Ah, that was the goal.
Nova sputtered for words and Valda chuckled, resting a hand on the head maiden’s shoulder to cut her off. “If Eris wants a personal servant, Nova, shouldn’t you be so utterly accommodating towards the heir?”
Nova shot a glare over at her. “Lord Eris,” she addressed, turning back toward the red-haired idiot sitting there with a smirk on his face. “If you are completely sure you’d want Adira as your personal servant-”
“I am,” Eris confirmed.
Nova takes a breath and dips her head. “Then her assignment is now to you and you alone, my lord. Please do let me know if ever you’d rather I change it-”
“I won’t need to,” Eris said firmly. “Now, since that’s dealt with, I will be on my way. Don’t raise a hand against Adira.” There was a lethal promise in his voice at the end.
As soon as Eris left, walking down the hallway audibly, Nova turned towards Valda and practically snarled. “If I find out you’re disrespecting him-”
“Yes, yes,” Valda dismissed. “You’ll do something along the lines of skin me alive. Boring.”
Nova’s hand tensed into a fist. “Go to bed,” she ordered, as if she couldn’t handle Valda’s presence another moment longer. Valda snickered and walked out with her chest puffed out. Oh, it was just so funny to rile that female up.
“So,” a voice drawled from down a side hallway. Valda paused, but didn’t flinch. “Shall I go back to burn her face off?”
Valda chuckled, and turned to face Eris. “I think you are a tad dramatic.”
“What can I say?” He chuckled. “I’m quite good at being dramatic.”
“Did you need something? I don’t think you’re sneaking around your own home just to speak with a lowly servant,” she drawled. She would’ve said ‘assassin,’ but it was a bit too much to assume others weren’t listening.
“Ah, yes,” Eris chuckled. “But I’ll tell you in the morning.”
“You’d better,” Valda said, and yawned.
Eris rolled his eyes, and yawned as he walked away. Valda grinned.
The next morning, Valda smugly walked past Nova on her way to Eris’s room.
“Clean the dishes girl!” Nova yelled.
“Can’t,” Valda said without turning back. “Eris Vanserra needs me.”
Nova cursed at her delightfully. Valda just snickered as she walked around the corner. She picked up Lord Eris’s breakfast from the kitchens and carried it to his rooms. He was waiting in his study when she came in.
“You’re up early,” Valda noted. Normally, Eris was still lounging in bed for quite some time, and only got up for breakfast. “Anything interesting happening?”
Eris rolled his eyes, a small smirk appearing on his face. “Yes, actually.”
Valda lifted a brow in a silent question as she sat the food down on his desk and slumped into an open chair. “Please do tell me, Lord Eris.”
“Mocking today, aren’t you?” He jabbed. “What’s wrong with my title? Do you wish you were Lady?”
Valda waved her hand non-committedly as a way for him to continue with what was of interest.
“Calanmai is soon,” Eris said. Valda nodded. She knew it was around that time. Spring was coming, and she was glad to not be in the Spring Court anymore for that particular celebration. They made it such a big deal because it was their namesake. Honestly, she should’ve chosen a better court to hunker down during Amarantha’s reign. Of course, it might be just as bad here, since the holiday involved fire.
“What of it?” Valda asked.
“Every year, there’s a ball that comes three days after Calanmai. The Calanmai ball, involving most of the nobility of the Autumn Court,” Eris answered.
Valda looked at Eris now, narrowing her eyes. She’d done an assassination at a ball before, in the Summer Court. “You want to…” she didn’t finish that sentence on purpose.
“I figured it’d make it easier,” he answered. “You could pose as a nobility.”
She hummed. The only downside was that it would make fighting difficult on her way out, since you can’t kill a High Lord without attention, and a dress wasn’t optimal for that. “I suppose that might work. If there’s a solid escape plan.”
“It wouldn’t be hard to glamor you on your way out,” Eris reasoned.
“With all that fresh power in your veins,” Valda argued, “It might make it difficult.”
“I can’t tell if that’s an insult or not.”
“It’s not meant to be,” Valda hummed. “But you should consider that. The High Lord’s power passes to you.”
“Who even employed you to do this?” Eris asked. “This is insane.”
“Oh and now you say that,” she joked. “I’m aware. Though killing my Masters was more dangerous I think. I just have a higher chance of death during this one.”
“Come on, I’m curious now,” Eris urged.
“Client protection,” Valda responded. “Plus, they were covering their identity. I won’t go off and share it.”
“But if I know who it is…”
“What?” Valda asked.
“I might be able to cover up your tracks better once my father is dead.”
“By doing what?”
“Finding the client and putting the client to justice instead. The council and court will likely take them just as well as the assassin.”
Valda scoffed. “No,” she stated. “You will not go hunting after my clients. I get my money from them.”
“Oh, but don’t you plan on sticking around a while?” Eris asks. “After all, you are my personal servant…”
“As soon as I can get out of catering to your sorry ass, I’m out,” Valda snickered. “Plus, the High Lords will likely visit the new Autumn Court High Lord, and it’s not the best idea being around them.” She felt a strange tickling sensation in her chest from the aspect of Eris wanting her to stay. He wanted her around, which was more than anyone else she’d ever worked with in the past.
“You’re such interesting company though,” Eris emphasized.
“Interesting?” Valda repeated. “I’m an assassin, Eris. There’s nothing interesting about keeping a weapon for company.”
“You’re not just a weapon,” Eris reasoned, sitting up straighter. “You might kill for hire, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a person.”
“Wishful thinking, general. Wishful thinking.”
Eris hummed, lips moving into a little thinking look.
Valda cut him off before he could open his mouth and continue to try and reason with her otherwise. She was a tragedy and knew it. There was no use trying to be anything else but a tragic weapon for someone to wield at will.
“How far away is Calanmai?” She asked. “I need to plan.”
“What are you going to plan? It’s in two days. The bonfires are beginning to be set up.”
“Well, if I’m nobility attending a ball where perhaps I might win a Vanserra’s hand in marriage, I must dress well, right? And a dress I can move in.”
Eris’s brain seemed to stutter and he coughed to try and hide it. “That story does cover up quite nicely.”
“How so?”
“My father has been urging me to marry someone of noble birth forever,” Eris admitted. “He’d be overjoyed to see me dancing with some fine lady.”
“Perfect,” Valda decided. “Then that’s settled. I need to find an Autumn Court cut dress soon then. One that can hide my wonderful knives.”
“Your infatuation with your knives is concerning.”
Valda scoffed. “And you just now realized this? I have an emotional support collection of daggers, Eris. I am concerned for myself at this point. But, which nobility can I pose as? I need a name and background.”
“Just choose a small town on the edge of the Winter Court. They never attend, and Beron doesn’t even know their lineage anymore.”
“A name?” She requested.
“Fairyn Krauss,” Eris offered after a moment. “I’ve seen her in my travels. Deeply loyal to her family and would never attend a ball in her life. She’s from the small town of Ignatius.”
“I’ll need a wig,” Valda thought aloud. Where was she going to find a wig in time?
“Don’t bother, she has dark black hair like yours,” Eris said. “You cut it short.”
“Lady Fairyn wishes to try for the heir’s hand in marriage, what a novel concept,” Valda snickered. “I do love playing a courtier.”
“I’m going to hate this,” Eris said under his breath.
Valda laughed. “Oh yes, such a horrible thing. Dancing with an assassin. I’ll have you know I am actually trained in ballroom dancing.”
“You are?” Eris looked up again, his amber eyes meeting her blue again.
“Very much so,” she chuckled. “It was fun, for an extracurricular course.”
“Interesting,” Eris hummed. “Well I can at least trust you to not slit my throat until Beron is dead.”
Valda snorted. “If I wanted to slit your throat, general, I wouldn’t even slit your throat. There are endless better ways to take you out.”
“Oh yeah?” Eris said in a challenging tone. “Like what?”
“Well that defeats the purpose, now doesn’t it?”
“Sneaky assassin,” Eris chuckled. “I might be able to assist you in getting a dress. If I ask my mother and say I plan to invite a lone lady to the ball, she’d surely assist, even if she remained anonymous.”
Valda raised a brow. “I suppose if Lady Merle believes she could find one in time, then it would be splendid. Make sure it's movable and breathable though. I do have to fight in the thing.”
“I’ll make sure she knows,” Eris promised.
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TAGLIST (see post for getting added)
@bunnymallowo, @officiallyunofficialperson, @margssstuff, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @graciereads, @eos-princess, @imma-too-many-fandoms, @mali22, @sassybluebird,
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stvrdrops · 1 year
I had an Idea of like the plus sized Y/N going on a joint trip with shuriri and Ayo and Aneka and the readers ex comes and they try to get back on good terms with Y/N but she didn’t want that because of the trauma they gave Y/N basically what I’m trying to say is like could u base the one shot off the movie “Why did I get married” by Tyler perry bc I feel like I couldn’t word this right😭
OMGSHDUSJ the way i just watched this movie a couple weeks ago, i can def try to write this for you.
not sure which tags to use for this but ima do like a little imagine so i hope that’s okay (*´∇`*) this is for a fem!reader
note : i’m so sorry i didn’t realize i never posted this and it’s been in my drafts 😭😭
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“i know that is not who i think it is…” riri said as her girlfriend shuri held onto her tight. they had been sitting by the couch drinking wine and playing some stupid american game you had recommended called cards against humanity. aneka and riri found the game hilarious but ayo and shuri could not believe the vulgar things they were seeing.
“hey y’all…” a familiar voice said from behind you.
immediately the wine glass in your hand slipped right through your fingers and onto the floor. when the glass shattered it made a loud crack and the red spilled out everywhere.
“oh god im so sorry…” you speak as you attempt to clean up the glass, cutting your hand in the process.
“let me help you with that—“
“i do not think so.” ayo said, standing up and quickly positioning herself in a dora stance.
“if she wants my help then i’ll help her. besides it’s the nice thing to do.”
shuri scoffs as she ushered riri to go help clean the glass up, “you weren’t very nice when you constantly ridiculed y/n about her weight. even though she is perfect just the way she is. you are far too egotistical to look past that and see her beautiful personality.”
you can’t help but blush out of thankfulness at your friend’s words. it made you feel amazing knowing that these girls thought of you that way. it made you feel like you could be comfortable with yourself after all those years of thinking you were wrong for looking the way you do, when maybe your ex was the one really in the wrong.
“yeah well obviously i see where i went wrong. we had this vacation planned before we broke up, i payed my part of it. i should be able to enjoy it with her.”
“we will refund you whatever you spent for the trip. we are much better off without you here to spoil it.”
your ex laughs, “it’s a couples retreat. surely she doesn’t wanna be surrounded by you guys with no significant other.”
“actually i do.” you speak up for the first time. you had to let her get a piece of your mind. “i want you to go and i never want to see you again after this, do you hear me? you and me are done and will forever be done. this relationship i’ve had with you is more over now than it’s ever been. i’d like for you to leave.”
your ex looks around the room at all of the women now giving her death stares. her body language says that she’s nervous but her ego won’t let her show it in her words.
“fine.” she picks up her bags, “i’ll go.”
you all watch as she heads through the front door, huffing and puffing under her breathe. you can’t help but be proud of yourself for standing up to someone you’ve never been able to. it’s like starting a new chapter for yourself, and that’s a great feeling.
your friends all surround you in a great big hug and praise you for standing up for yourself. you don’t need a girlfriend when you’ve got plenty right here who love you just the way you are!
note : sorry it’s a little short i’m just not used to writing things like this (*´∇`*)
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the-down-upside-finch · 7 months
Find the Word Tag
Thank you so much for tagging me, @card-queen! (In this post!) (Also I really like that formatting y'all are doing so I'mma use it)
The words I must find are pit, ruin, coil, and protect.
For this, I will be using my WIP, Secrets of a Gon! (I haven't even officially introduced it yet but it's the only WIP that had all of these words haha) I'm doing long snippets because I can. Also I'm cheating slightly and counting words that are part of different words sorry afsdadsjfh--
Putting it below the cut since I already know this is gonna get long:
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“I’m on the phone!” “So? Tell ’em you have to go!” I grab one of my pillows and chuck it at Oran—which lands pitifully at his feet. He leisurely bends over to pick up the pillow, his face slowly breaking into a gleeful grin. “Ven abajo”—he threateningly holds up the pillow —“¡ahorita!” “You can’t make me!” I retort. Apparently that was the wrong thing to say—because Oran instantly rushes at me and starts attacking me with the pillow. I try to defend myself with the other pillow that’s on the bed, but Oran uses my distraction to his advantage and snatches my phone out of my hand. “Hey!” “Sorry,” Oran says into the phone, “Ree’s gonna hafta call you back!” He taps his fingers on the screen and then drops the device on my lap, giving me one last whack with the pillow before he tosses it behind me.
We almost make it through the hallways without any problems, but then of course I ruin it all by going around a corner way too fast, and I crash directly into someone, taking them and myself to the floor. “Ree!” Jog yelps, crouching down next to me. “Are you okay?” “Yeah…” I sit up, relieved that nothing feels broken. “Sorry about that,” I say to my accidental-assault victim. I flinch in startlement. It’s none other than Aaron Silver. “You’re forgiven,” Aaron says, which sounds hilarious in his deadpan voice. He winces slightly as he rolls over and pushes himself on to his knees. “That was some tackle, hon. Have you ever thought about playing football?”
“No pudding today?” Aaron and Seth glance up as I sit down at the table. Seth laughs and Aaron ruefully grins. “Not today,” Aaron says, flicking his hair back from his face. “Sorry to disappoint you.” Seth is in the middle of solving a Rubix Cube, and he spins it so rapidly that I have no clue if he’s actually trying or if he’s just kind of playing with it. Aaron has a Ziploc bag full of some sort of misshapen chocolate candies that he’s snacking on. He sees me looking at the bag and holds it out to me. “You want some? They’re carob-chocolate-covered crickets.” I recoil, kind of disgusted. “I thought not.” Aaron chuckles and pops another piece of chocolate in his mouth.
Adam’s a really sweet brother, honestly. Sometimes he takes his anger out the wrong way, like that time he punched Will Brown for stealing Abigail’s pencil, but at least he’s got good intentions. It makes me think about how Oran tried to forbid me from coming to get gelato with Tracer. He was just trying to protect me. I spot Tracer glancing towards the window, probably wondering how long I’m going to be on the phone.
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I'mma (gently) tag... @k-v-briarwood, @athenswrites, @planets-and-prose, @the-grim-and-sanguine, @my-cursed-prince, and leave the tag open for anyone that wants to join in!
I'll give you guys the words admit, stride, flush, and texture!
(I'm so sorry if those words are super out-of-pocket! I blame it on being a linguist.)
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fandomtransmandom · 1 year
TW/CW: Trauma, Mental Illness, Mental Health, Self-Criticism, Schizoaffective Disorder, Mania, Bullet mention, Food. (In video: Alcohol mention, Food mention, Diet discussion. Mortality/Death references.)
I broke two million words on AO3! 
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So it’s time for another rambling personal post. Since I began sharing my work in July of 2020, I’ve learned a lot:
-What it’s like to live in near constant fear of criticism about the (296 and counting…) stories I hold dear, and still leave them up for anyone to read and comment on. Please, please be kind!
-The value of friendship. Everyday I am mystified as to how I have multiple friends. Which probably sounds pathetic, but to me it’s joyous. I’ve also learned the importance of cutting people out of my life for the sake of my own boundaries.
-How to process my trauma through narrative and the immense feeling of purpose I experience when someone trusts me to weave their history and hurts into a request.
-The importance of routine for my mental health. Doing the math, I wrote an average of 2,293 words a day. Now that’s a far cry from the 7,000+ I cranked out during the first six months, (thanks ✨mania✨) But still, I stuck with it. I don’t work because I have schizoaffective disorder and my symptoms make things like going out and interacting with others difficult, but I try to treat writing like a job to establish structure in my life.
-To challenge negative thinking. Especially when it comes to comparing myself with others and setting unrealistic standards. I know I’ll never be the best writer. I may have a shot at most prolific in the fandom, ha, but art is subjective. I almost always use OCs and write from third person POV, which many people dislike. But I am learning to be okay with that. Because ultimately, I love, love, LOVE writing. I love Bill and Conan. I love whiling away hours in daydreams until pieces of plot slide into place. Sitting behind the keyboard, completely unaware I’m typing and losing myself in Barry’s bullet-ridden angst, or silly and saucy Richie smut. So even if no one reads my fics, I will continue to write. Because in the words of my beloved Conan:
“The goal for me has always been–when I feel down, or I’m losing my way, or ‘what’s the point?’–is I want to make stuff I’m proud of. I want to make as much of it as I can while I’m alive.”
To celebrate, I bought a little five inch ice cream cake and coincidentally I got this Milo Dean-inspired tattoo a few days ago. Behind my ear because, as Bill said, “The voice in your head is wrong,” and I need that reminder.
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In addition to the friendships and lessons, writing also brought me a wonderful partner. And for the holidays/our two year anniversary, she got me a Cameo from Jordan Schlansky! See below. What a hilarious and amazing gift! Guess @martymcdie88mph’s various tasks include being the raddest girlfriend ever.
I think that’s all for now. Before I start another steamy Conan one-shot, I want to thank everyone who’s read my stories, left kudos, commented, and made requests. I truly can’t express how indebted I am to you all for your kindness and support. Your praise keeps me going and helps me counter the cruel thoughts bogging me down. I especially want to thank the handful of friends who read consistently and fuel me with compliments. Not sure if any of you would want to be tagged in this post, so I’ll refrain. But you know who you are and I love you.
And though I pray Bill and Conan are never exposed to the horrorshow of my AO3 account or my existence in general, I hope they’re aware of the happiness their brilliance, humor, and beauty provide. The love. Because without these tall, blue-eyed, assless comedy men, I wouldn’t be here. Neither would these two million words. 
So thank you, fellas. I owe you everything. Until the next million rolls around...🧡
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lesbiancassius · 2 years
Hamlet @ the Stratford Festival
I had the chance to catch Hamlet at Stratford this year, and oh my God, Amaka Umeh is a force of fucking nature and probably the best Hamlet i’ll ever see in my life. It was overall a very good production despite some Stratford Festival-itis and directed by a man disease, mostly because Amaka Umeh...was on stage. 
oh no, tumblr user lesbianedmund! you cry. i don’t live in canada and/or i don’t have the money to see it!!. fear not. i took copious notes. also it’ll probably be online w/ stratfest @ home, so eventually it may be dispersed to the masses. and you can watch Amaka Umeh do to be or not to be in 2020. it’s amazing. all the details are beneath the cut and there are many.
first off. Amaka Umeh (she/they/he) is the most amazing Hamlet I have ever seen. They are the definitive Hamlet. Why are we still making Hamlets when their Hamlet exists. She delivered monologues in ways I never thought of. She was so alive as Hamlet it was insane. For real I think they’re the best actor I’ve ever seen. Adjoa Andoh type of compelling. I don’t think I can really exaggerate how fantastic he is.
before you ask: no Fortinbras. Gertrude could not see the ghost. Gertrude knew the wine was poisoned. Hamlet’s madness was not really fake. Ophelia did not hear to be or not to be.
overarching thoughts: so much Stratford Festival syndrome acting in this. ie boring as fuck acting. like they’re saying words. they’re even saying the words really well. but jesus christ it’s so boring. it feels so dead and i can’t put my finger on why. hate it
Hamlet was beyond amazing. Horatio was good, Laertes was good, loved the players scene (SOOOO amateur theatre it was perfect down to the ukulele), r&g were good, Polonius i warmed up to, Claudius, Gertrude*, and Ophelia were just so boring, ghost was too standard ghost-y & i hated that. also, I think it didn’t do its women very well
* I saw a Gertrude understudy, and not Maev Beaty, so my Gertrude thoughts might be different than someone who saw the main cast Gertrude
there was really annoying underscoring at some parts, especially the ending. fuck underscoring in theatre i didn’t come to see a movie i came to see a PLAY
before the play started there was a glass rectangular coffin on stage with the dead Hamlet Sr in it. the set had two levels and it’s a thrust kind of stage. on the top level there was two-way glass making a little box kind of deal which could be mirrors or another part of the stage very cool
the second scene opened with the coffin of Hamlet’s father being covered with a tablecloth and Hamlet was standing at the end of it (back to centre audience) and was very upset
everyone gathered around to clink their glasses but Hamlet just leant back in his chair and drank the whole glass. Laertes was wearing a shirt with butterflies on it under his suit? fashion icon
just the way ‘a little more than kin and less than kind’ was delivered was my first clue that this was going to be something absurdly fantastic. Hamlet did the whole thing very obviously grief-stricken. half his lines sounded like he was about to burst into tears and it was just. so. good.
the ‘o’ in o that this too too sullied flesh was so raw. that’s how you do the shakespeare guttural ‘o’ sound. yeah. also the o god! god! was delivered almost like protesting the fixing canon gainst self slaughter part. so good.
Laertes and Hamlet had a secret handshake which was hilarious
Ophelia and Hamlet made out with ophelia sitting on the coffin table which is. something i mean we know that hamlet thinks that’s his dad’s coffin so.
when Hamlet says ‘methinks i see my father’ to horatio, he whips the tablecloth off the table and
and then the ‘in my mind’s eye’ was very rushed and Hamlet was clearly stunned by the fact that it wasn’t the coffin.
the ghost was really boring however the super low fog rolling across the steps of the stage looked fantastic. also the ghost of Hamlet Sr. saw Gertrude and Claudius like. making out in the two way glass cube
the Polonius and Reynaldo scene was actually kind of funny! however I think Polonius losing his train of thought should maybe have been sprinkled a little more through the play because my aunt thought the actor just corpsed lmao
Hamlet’s letters were all texts
to overhear Hamlet, Polonius called Claudius and put his phone in his pocket and Claudius and Gertrude went out in the hall. Polonius stood under the top layer of the stage, and then
enter Hamlet above doing to be or not to be. they moved it! wild. 
i reallllllly wish they did more with this. like how worried is Gertrude now? give me more. but super interesting in concept? however ‘Hamlet is a suicide text, it’s time to teach it like one’ has given me strong opinions about ophelia having to be there for the monologue
and then Hamlet went into his fake madness and messed around with Polonius. all of Polonius’ asides were done to the phone in his pocket.
Rosencrantz hit his juul like 8 times during this scene. also r&g and Hamlet had a secret handshake too.
the players were fun. the one guy started doing all the world’s a stage before hamlet got him doing the right monologue
they put this weird little like mic pack on Ophelia’s thigh and then she had a little thing around her neck or ear? so they could listen in?
going to be honest i don’t know why they did this. did you just want ophelia to untie her wrap dress. this is what i mean about directed by a man disease
Hamlet was just so confused about everything and then lashed out it was. ow. dude i don’t think this is a joke anymore ahahah
also when Hamlet said as a crab move backwards he took a selfie with Polonius. that whole bit was so fuckign funny
Horatio filmed Claudius on a phone during the mousetrap
Polonius pretended to be stabbed when he was reenacting being Julius Caesar it was funny he did et tu brute and Hamlet pretended to cut his throat
also the band played that ushering in music they play outside of the theatre (bc stratfest is like that) before the play for the mousetrap except now they have Danish flags on their instruments instead of stratfest ones
the play opened with four of the players on stage one of them playing the ukulele and singing a goofy song it was SO amateur theatre
when Claudius shouted for the lights to come up the house lights came up and it was intermission
Claudius’ ‘my offence is rank’ monologue was done TO Polonius!! he confessed to Polonius! and Hamlet didn’t hear it at all.Cclaudius was clearly kind of torn up about what he did and feeling guilt but he was still boring. lol
Polonius was shot through a curtain and Lo And Behold he was shot in the place where Hamlet pretended to stab him while he was pretending to be caesar
Gertrude also could not see the ghost and hamlet was so distraught
Hamlet was almost apprehended by some guards while he was walking around waving a gun after killing Polonius and he set it on the ground then went BLEH!!! and ran off
in the two way glass box we saw Ophelia discover the dead body of Polonius and she screamed but instead of noise it was like this cool discordant trumpet sound?
Ophelia was so boring. like it was just not. also she was wearing a medical gown and…an ankle monitor?
when Laertes came back he was wearing a puffer jacket and a black bucket hat.
i think he and fanny pack Tybalt from the 2021 r+j would be friends
the first gravedigger had his worksuit unzipped and he had a skull tattoo also the other gravedigger was actually the priest. he was smoking
at the ‘a tanner will last you nine year’ Hamlet and the gravedigger (who are both dark-skinned and playing on the word tanner as in darker not like profession) fist-bumped
alas poor Yorick was delivered kind of sadly at the start? was very very very good
when Hamlet realized the funeral was Ophelia’s he just hugged Horatio for a very long time :((
you know Amaka Umeh is a great actor bc they managed to deliver ‘would eat a crocodile’? as frightening. not a SINGLE PERSON laughed in the whole ass festival theatre.
when the duel was proposed to Hamlet, Horatio kept gesturing ‘no’ and shaking his head
at some point hamlet kissed Horatio on the cheek but i don’t remember where
Laertes accepted Hamlet’s apology and they did their handshake again
also, at the start Hamlet was in all black and now he’s in all white: Laertes was in red, then white and black, and now all black.
Gertrude realized the drink was poisoned and stopped hamlet from drinking, and the i will my lord was super interesting.
also Claudius kind of willingly drank the poison
the final monologues from Hamlet are something i WISH i could just revisit again and again they were so well done. so complex. not just one note i’m dying but fear and wonder and amazement and collapsing and oh god it was AMAZING. Horatio held Hamlet and the final ‘the rest is silence. O!’ was done almost with euphoria? like it was just so beautiful and interesting
it ended with ‘flights of angels’, lights went down for a moment then picked back up in a strobe thing and we saw the shadow of king hamlet and Horatio goes “who’s there?”
what the fuck. what the fuckkkkkk. cyclical nature of tragedy *starts bawling*
it was so good i forgot they cut fortinbras
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irish-urn · 2 years
LWD: “Male Code Blue”
OKAY I FINALLY FOUND A WAY TO WATCH THESE AGAIN (and I just... Don’t wanna do any more work today. I’m done; no more).
Gosh, Casey is looking some pretty for a family supper... And George sticking his tongue out at Nora? (older!Dasey anyone...?)
My gosh. Neither Sam nor Casey have ANY chill. Nora says the word, “crush”, and they both flinch wildly. Like, I know this is a TV show and they have to make it ~obvious~ but my gosh. My dudes. I am embarrassed for you.
Oh, Sam. I can already see why Sam/Casey don’t work out: he struggles to stand up to either Casey or Derek.
Welp, Sam. If you didn’t want Derek to know about your thing for Casey, you’ve sure ruined that now. The hardness in Derek’s voice and the look he just shot Sam... Oh boy. Poor Sammy. He doesn’t deserve this. He deserves a kinder TV show.
PAUL YOU ARE THE BEST. That grin you get when Casey starts gushing about Sam -- like. You just genuinely care. And then the way you ask about Derek’s feelings... You are SUCH a good guy. And perceptive!!!
OKAY, COSTUME DEPARTMENT, YOU ARE ON FIRE!!! That guy walking in front of Derek with the “Didn’t your parents teach you how to share sweatshirt” RIGHT AS DEREK SEES CASEY AND SAM FLIRTING. Damn, Costume Dept. You understood this assignment.
Derek clarifying that step-siblings are also off-limits according to the Male Code... I don’t know if that’s him cutting off Sam’s argument that Casey isn’t his sister -- because, bless Sam, but he’s been very consistent in calling Casey and Derek stepsiblings -- or him clarifying it for himself. Maybe both? At this point in the game, Derek doesn’t seem to mind calling Casey a sister (or sis) if it benefits him...
And just when I think Nora is a better parent than George, she shows that she’s as out of the loop with their kids’ lives as him... And now they’re having this conversation about literally this very thing... George, George, George... I’m gonna have to think about this for a while. Because I... I like you, but my gosh.
Derek, you are trying to convince yourself that you’re okay with this, and you are so obviously not. I wish the camera would actually let you be alone with your emotions for one minute. It would do you a world of good.
Casey is so brave. I love her so much. Look at her trying to talk to Sam about things. She is so brave.
DEREK, YOU LITTLE CREEPER, watching from around the corner!!! Also, also: I think he feels bad for Casey. Maybe Sam too, but he’s watching Casey try not to cry, and it’s like... He doesn’t understand what his heart is doing. That’s the face of someone feeling things they don’t understand. 
Passive-aggressive Casey is hilarious.
Lizzie is the best sister. What an excellent support to Casey and her craziness.
Every now and again I see how Sam has handled Derek over the years, and I’m glad he has SOME backbone. And all these comments about Derek making ALLLLL the rules...
(something something about Derek making the rules and Casey following them... let me sit on that one for a while)
Edwin (1) calling Casey his sister when she’s not around is the cutest thing ever; and (2) offering to give Sam girl advice because he’s gotten his first girlfriend is also FANTASTIC. And then he actually gives good advice. What a good boy.
So. George and Nora have just DISMALLY failed a quiz about how well they know each other, hear Derek and Sam wrestling, and don’t even go to check it out???? They just! I just!! YOU. GUYS. No WONDER Lizzie is mad. I’m mad!!!
Sam actually grabbing Casey by the waist to keep her from killing Derek. Honestly the bravest thing he’s done all episode. 
...is Derek fixing his collar a nervous habit? Is that something he does to give himself a moment to think? (He looks VERY nervous/almost scared right now in the face of a fierce Casey.)
Casey spinning on Sam to shout at him -- I adore her.
The way Derek looks at her when she’s shouting at Sam... I think it’s a mix of relief that she’s no longer screaming at him, amusement at her (because I think he is often WILDLY amused by her), and evil glee that her and Sam might not actually get together... He is still, however, offended when she calls him an idiot (drama king).
And then he gives permission. He’s not hiding that he’s not happy about this, but... Still. Look at his growth!!
Sam, you should have LISTENED TO YOUR HEART. Both Venturi boys are DUMBOS.
Okay. Do I think Derek is aware he has feelings? Yes. Do I think he knows what these feelings are? ...unsure. I can see him ignoring them, pretending that they’re not what they are... 
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radama-zard · 2 years
Dungeons & Drabbles - 2022
Day 17 - Weakness
FCG & Laudna
It was something Laudna understood well. She could feel it within every inch of her body, amazed some days that she could even find the strength to walk. There were times when Laudna honestly believed that she had the constitution of a wet tissue, and that maybe that was an insult to said wet tissue.
Death had already claimed her twice. How upsetting it was to know that she didn't even have the strength to cling to life. The first time she could excuse, she'd been young and naive and had yet to have seen the true cruelty of the world,
The second time though… Well, that had been an issue.
Slaughtered in battle as motivation, (Strange how she had never once been killed for herself, as the main target of one’s bloodlust. Always a death for another to see, a corpse left as an image of macabre horror.) and then trapped within her own memories, all helpless and so very weak.
Laudna wondered if the guilt of having to be saved would ever leave her. All the Hells had risked their lives to save her, had put her resurrection above everything else. Yet she hadn't even been able to lift a finger to help them.
A pressure on her shoulder. A hand? Yes, a hand. Fresh Cut Grass’ hand, to be exact. He was looking down at her… had they been trying to get her attention for a while? How long had she been sitting in front of this fire, zoning out instead of watching for danger?
There was the guilt again, strong as ever.
“Apologies, FCG. It seems I'm a little out of sorts tonight. Why don't you go rest? I can take the rest of the shift myself, it's the least I can do for spacing out on you like that.”
“There's no need for that, I'm happy to keep on going. I was just… worried about you. You looked real upset just now. Are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it?”
Ah. Now she’d gone and worried him. The last thing Fresh Cut Grass needed was stress, the poor dear was already so prone to it and spent far too much time fussing over everyone else's problems, they didn't need hers added to the pile.
“I was just a little lost in thought. Nothing much to worry about. Are you sure you don't want to rest? That was a pretty nasty fight earlier today, you took quite the beating and I don't think I quite remember you healing yourself like you did the rest of us.”
Laudna watched as the automaton withdrew his hand, now wrangling them both together as they rocked back and forth on their wheel. A little wobbly, actually. That was concerning…
“I ran fresh outta healin’ juice. Don't worry though! A good stasis and I’ll be right as rain come morning! I'm more worried about you. You've been awful quiet recently, since we, well, got you revived and all.”
If there had been someone watching this exchange, they may have found it equal parts hilarious and exasperating. Both parties clearly burdened and yet refusing to share it out of fear of burdening the other. Both ridiculous and exhausting.
Yet there was no one to watch this.
There was only Laudna and Fresh Cut Grass, by a burning fire and surrounded by the sleeping forms of their little family.
“Death’s a little exhausting,” Laudna countered with a weak smile. “I'll be alri-”
Cool arms surrounded her, as wide eyes flickered down to find Fresh Cut Grass now attached. Hugging her, she quickly realized, and wow did that hit her hand and fast with some serious feels because suddenly Laudna was clinging onto them like he was the only rock for miles and the rushing torrents of her emotions were screeching to pull her down, to drown her down to her very soul.
“... It's okay not to be okay, Laudna,” he whispered, as though struggling to believe those words for themself too. “Everything has been so much lately. It's like we just keep on gettin’ pummeled down and right as we jump on up we're struck down again. It's… it's a lot. Maybe even too much. And if- if after everything you're not doing okay, then you're allowed to say it. I know I'm- that after I went all murdery that I'm not really someone that anyone would wanna confide in- and that's fine! I don't blame ya! - but you can talk about it, can cry about it, whatever you need! I can wake Imogen for you if that would make you more comfortable…”
Tears welled, all thick and black and inky, threatening to fall any second. And fall they did, leaving dark trails behind and ruddy little pools and rivers on Fresh Cut Grass’ head and back.
“Hush now, dear,” Laudna croaked on out, voice already a raw and wavering mess of heavy, pure emotion. “I trust you, Letters. We all trust you… and I-” her voice hitched, barely fighting back the sobs she knew were coming. “I just- I feel so, so… weak. Pitiful. Useless…”
And that was it for Laudna. The gentle stream of teariness burst forth into full blown sobs, only muffled by the mess of wires atop her friend's head. For how long she cried, she didn't know. It certainly felt like a long time by the time her body finally calmed down, shuddering sobs slowing to that ugly, gross sniffling after a good long cry.
Not that Fresh Cut Grass seemed to mind any of it, as he continued to pat and rub her back, and offer the occasional ‘There there’, ‘I’m here for you’ and ‘I got you, Laud’.
“I- I’m sorry for all that. I've made a terrible mess here…”
“Nonsense. No need for sorries. I'm metal, remember? A light water and I’ll be good as new!” he assured her. “Do you feel any better for that? A good cry is good for the soul!”
“I… I think so. I certainly feel less heavy, I believe.”
“That's good! I think that's what it's meant to do. I wouldn't know myself. I wasn't built to cry.” Fresh Cut Grass tapped at his lenses, as though to prove the point. “... And Laudna?”
“For what it's worth, I don't think you're any of those things. You're not pitiful, you're not useless, and you're not weak. I think you're more powerful than you give yourself credit for, and to keep on goin’ after everything you've been through, and with a smile none the less! Well… I think that's pretty strong.”
There came those tears again, and there wasn't a damn thing Laudna could do to stop them.
“Ah! I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong?!”
Laudna shook her head, a wet laugh bubbling forth as she did.
“No, no. You're just… That's very sweet of you, FCG. Thank you…”
Honestly it's just what she'd needed to hear right now. Just a little reassurance that, despite everything, she wasn't as much of a burden as her mind made her out to be.
That maybe, just maybe, she wasn't all that weak after all.
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