#do not want this showing up when people search for that term I’ve seen them before when I’m searching up the s v r s term so gonna t!k tk it
shatteredlesbian · 7 months
Why are gvming s3rvers so fucking full of drama
0 notes
johannestevans · 5 months
Where do I find the queer people?
Making friends and finding social & community spaces as an LGBTQ+ adult.
Originally published with Prism & Pen. Also on my Patreon.
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Photo by Brett Sayles via Pexels.
A friend and I recently went to a Queer Open Mic night after I saw it advertised on the same afternoon. While we were on the way back, she asked about how I’d found it.
“I just feel like you always know loads of queer events that are on,” she said, “and I don’t know how to begin to find them.”
I sat down with her a few weeks later and showed her some of the ways I find events, regular or otherwise, and where I look for others — especially given that on social media in the past few days I’ve seen a few people talking about the difficulty of finding and meeting with new queer people when not online.
I thought it might be useful to put it together here.
It’s quite hard with the pressure on and elimination of many third spaces to go out and easily meet people, and given that most of us use a lot of online socials and dating apps, it can feel difficult to seek out and engage with in-person spaces without knowing exactly what the protocol or format of the event is going to be.
Especially given that many people are still more isolated than they were before the start of the Covid pandemic, and/or struggle with seeking out events for themselves having finished school or university or other more structured environments, there can be a lot of anxiety about attending events or meeting new people. But it’s worth it to remember that pretty much everyone else is in a similar spot, and there’s nothing weird or unusual about wanting to make friends or have social time with others.
I am based in the North of England and generally go between the UK and Ireland. So this guide might be less useful depending on where you are. Obviously, in countries with more repressive legislation on queer identity, community groups will by definition be far more underground. Even in areas where this isn’t the case, some of these suggestions might be more viable than others depending on how densely populated your area is, how accessible different venues and events are, and how active your local queer communities are. So, just take what’s good for you and leave the rest.
Finding Local Queer Community Groups
In your search engine, put in simple search terms — [queer] [group] in [my area].
If you can, narrow your search to websites updated in the last 6 months to 2 or 3 years — you’ll sometimes find a website from six or seven years ago where the events haven’t been running for half that when you were already excited about it.
Search your town, city, or county first, and then widen your search — I normally initially look for Bradford and Leeds respectively, but then might broaden my search to West Yorkshire or even North England depending on the time of year and if I’m more willing to travel for certain events, e.g. looking up summer events around Pride, or specific holiday events if you’re looking at Halloween, Christmas, New Year’s, etc.
“Queer”, “LGBT” or “LGBTQ”, “Trans”, “Gay Men’s”, “Lesbian”, “Transgender”, “Transsexual”, “Gay Rights” or similar terms
“Charity”, “Support Group”, “Social Space”, “Community Space”, “Meetup”, “Society”, and similar terms
Swap around the terms and find what language seems to be used in your area — remember that depending on the age group and demographic you’re looking at or for, there might be terms you prefer.
I personally search for a lot of gay men’s groups because the average age tends to be a lot older and focused more on the experiences and social spaces of men who love men rather than general queer spaces, which I find can be a bit too young and fast-paced for my speed.
In general, I find that there’s a loose separation between younger trans and queer social groups, which tend to be a mix of differing identities and ages but with a big emphasis on young adults in the 18–25 area, and then specific gay men’s or lesbians’ groups, which will have a wider swathe of ages and might be a little bit less online.
I understand the fear some people have of these spaces being more transphobic than younger spaces — that’s not personally been my experience, as transphobia and lateral bigotry might happen in any social space, but unfortunately, you just don’t know the specifics of an event or a group until you get there and actually meet and talk to the people.
Some charities or community groups that run a variety of spaces might have specific age or identity guidance on group titles — some might be particularly for younger or older people, be for trans people more than cis people, and some might focus on particular sub-communities, such as BIPOC queer groups or specific religious or ethnic meetups, disabled queer groups, etc.
You also might find meetups that are centred around certain hobbies, professions, or interests — boardgames or Magic the Gathering, Doctor Who or fantasy novels, medical professionals or blacksmiths, etc, depending on how big the area you’re in is and how populous it is.
If you are already a member of an institution or society, whether that’s your school or university, your union, some workplaces, your temple or other religious institution, etc, you might find that there are already events running for you!
Finding Queer Events Online
There are almost certainly queer events on, and they’re probably advertised, but where do you find them?
What’s annoying about the Internet as it exists, corporate online spaces and otherwise, is that most events will be posted in one or two spaces out of hundreds. The good ones will sometimes be hard to find because there’s a bunch of shitty advertising in the way, and because individuals and small charity or community advertisers don’t necessarily know about things like search engine optimisation or how to make a good, searchable post. There will be really cool events that are advertised online, but just aren’t tagged or easy to find.
This means that it’s worth looking often but keeping it casual — glancing through the top page for events that might be coming up or meet some keywords, but if most of what you see is ads, just leave it and move on. Digging through for the good events in busy areas that are also ad-heavy can take ages and might not even turn up much.
If you find socials for local community groups or charities, even if they don’t run events themselves, they might regularly share other local events or cool ones, so it can be worth following them!
Ditto for other queer people in your community — follow local artists, performers, academics, creators, public speakers, craftspeople, or any local community leaders or public figures, and see if they share and boost local events.
They might boost special interest events that are of interest to you if you follow people who share certain communities or interests. If, for example, you have an interest in lolita fashion and follow queer lolita dressers in your area or in areas you can travel to, they might post events that are of interest to them and maybe to you — whether that means specific lolita events, other clothing and fashion events like gothic or steampunk markets and shows, or even anime cons or renaissance faires or whatever.
Obviously searching on social media can help — looking for keywords like “queer event” or “LGBT social” on one site or other can be especially good if it’s a site where you can localise your search results, such as Facebook or Instagram.
With that said, Facebook and Instagram are increasingly difficult sites to use given how much they’re overwhelmed by sponsored and corporate posts as well as spam and bot posts. So, it’s generally worth it more when you focus on either events in smaller and limited areas, such as small towns, or when you’re looking for crossing over of different areas of interest, such as particular queer hobbyist or interest groups. When you start looking for broader spectrum events in a busier or more populous area, you can get inundated by spam and copy-and-paste duplicate ads that have all been promoted. But it’s still worth it to have a glance and see if anything is up at the top!
Sites and apps like Eventbrite or TicketSource, or equivalents in your area, will often let you search for specific events . As with social media, these sites can have the same problem of sponsored events coming up first, and annoyingly you can’t block particular event providers or organisers to make sure they don’t show in your search results if they’re not your thing.
Use every option that comes up and see if you can cross search where you can — pick a particular location or area, click on free or paid events, pick events at certain times, pick a certain kind of event, add in tags like LGBTQ or similar if it’s a site that allows it, etc.
If an event comes up that you like the idea of, note it down, then look the organizer up on social media and see if they run or share other events.
Looking for local tourism sites will let you search for other local events as well — especially if you live in a city or regularly visit one, they’ll often have a What’s On page or a Visit [Blank] website or equivalent, and you can search through that — most of them will have cultural events or a specific LGBTQ section you can glance through.
Here’s the Visit Bristol site, for example:
What’s On in Bristol — VisitBristol.co.uk Click here to find out What’s On in Bristol!…Get the latest information on the latest Events, Festivals, Carnivals…visitbristol.co.uk
For obvious reasons, sites like most of the above will focus on paid events, especially evening and party events. Pub quizzes, drag events, bingo nights, balls, drinks offers, parties, etc.
These events aren’t for everybody — and if they’re not for you, focus on events that take place, if not in cafés and restaurants, then in libraries, universities, museums, and other public buildings.
Queer Events Locally Advertised In-Person
Wait, do people still do that?
Look for poster and notice boards in:
Libraries, museums, community centres, university lobbies
Vintage and alternative clothes stores, music venues, etc
Your temple, church, or other religious institutions
Gay bars, queer cafés, LGBTQ centres, queer bookshops
Doctor’s offices, GUM clinics, and sexual health clinics
Anywhere else you see a noticeboard with events showing!
Also look on flag poles or in windows around your local gay bars or businesses if you have any, generally around the gay village if there’s one to go through.
How do you know the events are good? How do you know they’re legit?
How old does the poster look? Do you see many copies of it around?
Look for dates for the event(s) they’re advertising on the poster, and then look up the venue the events are meant to happen at. Do the dates match? Is it a regular event? Is the event showing on the venue’s website or social media?
Is the event run by a local group, collective, or charity? When you search them, do they have socials or a site of their own? Do they seem active?
If a local queer poster gives you socials, check those socials out — do they have any followers you’re familiar with? Do they post their venues publicly and have defined and public meeting times? Do they seem to have active and engaged commenters? Is there a face or faces behind the social media, or are they anonymous?
If an event is run by anonymous people, or if it seems like they don’t have many followers on social media or very active ones, that might be a bit more suspicious — ditto if an event just gives you a phone number but not any further identifying info.
It’s not inherently suspicious for a queer event to be at an undisclosed location, because of course people do want to ensure some safeguarding and vet people before they come, but if it’s an undisclosed location in combination with anonymous organising, that might be a bit suspicious, and should probably be avoided.
Finding Queer People in Specific Hobby or Other Community Spaces
You don’t have to go to queer-specific events to meet other queer people — any hobby or community you can think of, there’s probably queer people in attendance.
If you’re in a busier or more populous area, say there are 5 events that centre around the same hobby — of those 5, some of them will have more queer people than others, and it might be worth checking them out just to see if you click with anyone there.
My partner and I attend queer-specific board-game evenings that are run out of gay bars or by queer clubs, but pretty much any board-game night is likely to have one or two queer people knocking about, whether they know or would identify themselves as LGBTQ+ off the bat or not.
While there are obviously more open queer people at the queer events, I would say that when we went to a local board-game night run by older straight guys, about a quarter of the attendees were older queer people.
Of my queer friends, pretty much all of them have varied interests and attend different groups or clubs with a lot of other queers knocking about without them being labelled or explicitly queer events — knitting and crocheting, computer coding, electronic music and DJing, fandom, blacksmithing, glassblowing, stand-up comedy, improv, cooking, gardening, board games, cosplay and historical costuming, LEGO, live-action roleplay, tabletop roleplaying games, Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, and other trading card games, poker, burlesque, sports games and clubs, swimming, cycling, fishing, photography, book clubs, bug collecting, birdwatching, weaving, painting, sculpture, pottery, video games, singing, songwriting, poetry…
The list goes on.
Hell, half the people I know seem to go and meet new dates at the local climbing wall, where it seems like all the lesbians and gay guys are crawling all over one another. Another friend of mine attends their local WI, and have met other queer people there.
Other Tips
Remember you can meet people on dating and hook-up apps and that doesn’t necessarily have to be for sex and relationships, whether that’s Grindr, Her, Lex, etc — or you can ask hook-ups and casual dates where they go or if there are local events they think are good or fun. Poly people are particularly useful for this, because they’ll often have a whole network of regular events crossing over and diverging.
If you’re nervous about going to an event alone and you don’t have anybody to go with you, it can be worth checking it out on socials first and see if you have any mutual friends with people that are going — if not, it’s worth heading along anyway, because people might well speak to you before you have to open the conversation with them.
Community groups will often have icebreakers or sessions where people swap names, pronouns, and basic introductions, and that can ease the way into getting used to the space.
If you see somebody else on their own who seems nervous to talk to people, they can be good to approach and say, hey, I also don’t know anyone here, what brings you here? And so on. Remember, other people are pretty much always in the same boat as you.
For me, one of the biggest anxieties about going to new events alone is the fact that I’m disabled and dependent on public transport, and that combo can make it tough on me if I get to a place and it’s inaccessible or just not my speed, and then I have to sort of immediately turn heel and leave, but wait ages for a bus in the meantime. I’ve missed more than one event I was really excited about just because transport didn’t line up for me.
Some considerations to keep in mind when you look for events:
Is the event free or paid? Is this clearly marked? Do you need to buy tickets in advance?
How recent is the posting about the event? Is it posted on a web page or a social media page? Are there recent comments or engagement on the entry? If there is a contact for the event, is it active and responsive?
Is this event regular or recurrent? Is it for a special occasion, and does it have sister events or concurrent events?
Is the event exclusively online, exclusively in-person, or do they change between the two formats? Would you prefer to attend online before you attend in-person?
Do you want to go to a closed and more private group — for example, one that has you message them for the time and location, seems to have capped attendee limits, seems to have a regular community. Or do you want to attend a more casual event in a larger, open space where people might not notice as much as you come and go? Is it going to be very crowded or more spaced out?
Where is the event located, and will you be comfortable in that venue? Is it in a community building such as a charity space, community group, religious institute, school, or university? Is it in a café, restaurant, pub, bar, club, or late-night venue? Is it an explicitly or dedicated queer space? If you are not out to other members of your community, will going into this space reveal that you might be a member of a queer group?
Is the venue age-restricted, and will it require ID? If you must provide ID, will providing your ID in a dead name or in a different gender presentation to your current one be anxiety-inducing or a potential problem for you?
How accessible is the venue to you? Is it walkable, on a regular bus route, or does it have appropriate parking for you? Does it have ramps or elevators? Is it well-ventilated, and does it have a HVAC or other air filtration and purification protocol? Is masking enforced, and/or are masks provided? If you might be watching something together, is there a hearing loop, will there be subtitles on a screening? Is there a first aider at the event? Does the venue serve food or drink, or provide refreshments?
If you are attending alone and have specific needs or requirements, or might need to leave abruptly, is there someone you can let know at the event, such as a first aider or community leader? Are there regular buses, a taxi rank, or online taxi access if you need to quickly head home? Have you let someone else know where you are going, just as a safety concern?
Is the event activity-based, or is it a space where people just sit and talk? Would one or the other of these feel more natural or comfortable to you? Do you have to bring your own activity, such as with a craft or knitting circle, or are supplies provided, such as boardgames or a screening?
Does the group or host for the event(s) have social media? Do they advertise the regular events on socials, or have a newsletter, or some other helpful reminder system?
Most community events will be free, but if it’s an activity group or society, or if it’s a private event, especially one where they buy equipment or supplies, there might be an up-front ticket or access fee, a membership fee or a collection jar or similar — most events will tell you in advance if there is a fee or if they might request a donation.
Most importantly, like… Have fun.
If it sucks, hit the bricks — there’s no obligation to stay anywhere if it’s not fun or doesn’t satisfy you in the way you were hoping.
There’s always other events out there, and you’re very unlikely to truly be the only gay in the village, even if it sometimes feels that way. Good luck!
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cloudlessly-light · 4 months
you should do something where like Emily may be left a book on the counter and aaron opens it up and reads a little bit of it and it’s pure smut and he gets like super turned on
A/N: Happy first day of the new year to all of you wonderful people! I hope you enjoy this little filth, I might not be able to write much in the coming weeks but I wanted to get this one out here to start the year off right with our favorite idiots in lust (and love) <3
Title: Tell me your favorite  Summary: Aaron doesn’t think much of it when he randomly picks up Emily’s book one day. What he reads, he certainly enjoys and he wants more.   Word Count: 2,6k Rating:  Explicit Warnings: Smut, oral sex, dirty talk, choking (quickly)
Emily had always loved to read. Ever since learning how to put the letters together to read the words in her colorful books she had loved storytelling and getting lost in other worlds. It was a love that would last a lifetime, starting as a young child in her bedroom reading about princesses and fairytales. As she got older she found herself lost in science fiction and strong heroines. Countless nights being spent imagining that she was in another realm or battling for what was right. It was her way to escape.
Then one day she randomly found the term erotica, and as a curious 19-year-old who hadn’t really seen the appeal of sex since losing her virginity way too young, she bought a book and read it in her dorm room.
She was instantly intrigued, and even though she still loved her female heroes and science fiction or even the occasional thriller, her collection of erotica also expanded. Even as she grew up, became older experienced what sex could really be like, and the thrills of it, she still loved to get lost in the fantasy of what was written on the pages.
It’s not something she hides, but she also doesn’t bring it up and when she moves in with Aaron he doesn’t seem to think much of the books he’s placing on their bookshelf in their new home. Most of them aren’t very telling, and even though she’s not ashamed of her books, she’s secretly happy that he can be looking at the cover of one of the filthiest books she owns and he doesn’t realize. It was something just for her, and even though she wouldn’t care much if he knew, she had never really shared that part of herself with anyone before.
“We’re going to need another bookshelf soon.” Aaron teases when she gets home one day, two new books added to her collection.
“I’ve been waiting for these for months.” She smiles and places one on a shelf and the other hand still in her hand as she makes her way towards their bedroom to be put on her bedside table.
“What is it about?” He grabs the book and inspects the cover that’s black, showing what looks like curtain ropes tied together. “This seems… dark.”
Emily bites the inside of her cheek to keep from smirking, that particular book a particularly kinky one that delves into BDSM dynamics.
“It can be.” She says and takes the book back and then loops her arms around his neck. She smiles when his warm hand immediately moves under the hem of her shirt to press her against him.
“Don’t you get enough of this at work, sweetheart?” His nose nuzzles hers and she shakes her head.
“Not that kind of dark.”
“Can you read it to me?” He mumbles against her lips and she hums, the sound content and low.
“Maybe some other time.” She kisses him, enjoys the way his familiar body feels against her for a moment as she gets lost in him. It’s not until they hear Jack’s bedroom door opening that she pulls away, knowing that the 8-year-old was most likely in search of food.
She doesn’t start her new book that night, too occupied by Aaron as he wrings pleasure from her body until they’re both exhausted.
A couple of weeks go by and they’ve finally gotten back from a case when she decides to start reading her new book. Aaron was going to come home late and Jack was at Jessica’s for the weekend. The thing with Emily was once she started reading, she sometimes had trouble stopping unless she was interrupted.
That’s how Aaron finds her asleep with the book on her chest, and he smiles at the sight. He often teased her about her almost complete oblivion to the outside world when she read, but in truth he loved that she could get so immersed in something.
He’s unsurprised to find her sitting at the kitchen island reading her book as she’s drinking her coffee the following morning. He takes a moment to simply look at her, how her dark eyes move over the sentences, her lips slightly pursed. But there’s something else, a slight blush on her cheeks, a look that was familiar to him, usually caused by him. And he’s even more intrigued than he had been before. He had always wondered about her books, but never really thought to read them. Until just then.
“Morning sweetheart.” He says, voice still rough from sleep and she finally notices him.
“Good morning,” She accepts the kiss he presses against her bare shoulder as he comes to stand behind her and she puts her book down on the counter. “when did you get home last night?” She turns her head to catch his lips in a gentle kiss.
“Late, but I finished everything I needed so we have the whole weekend for ourselves.” He laughs when she lights up. It was rare that they got two whole days just the two of them, and they both treasured them. “So I was thinking we’ll go to the store, I’ll cook tonight, maybe we can finally watch that new show Penelope raved about?”
“Ugh that sounds perfect honey.” She slides off the stool effortlessly. “I’ll shower and then we can go.”
“There’s no rush, we got all day.” He cups her cheek and when she kisses his palm he smiles at the simple gesture. “Go, I’ll make breakfast.”
He watches as she leaves, eyes moving over her body in only a tank top and shorts and he feels that familiar pull in his gut. But he ignored it, they’d have the rest of the day to enjoy each other. Instead he moves to the fridge, grabs eggs and butter and a few vegetables and then turns back to the counter to grab a knife from the drawer. That’s when he sees the book, and without thinking he picks it up.
He almost drops the milk as he reads a couple of sentences. The descriptions were sensual, full of dirty words as he skimmed over what could only be described as erotica. He knew that these kinds of books existed, but he had never imagined it was what Emily liked to read. Half a page down and he was turned on, that pull in his stomach by now intense as his mind pictured what he was reading, his body responding to it.
He doesn’t think as he starts to make his way through the house, tearing his shirt off on the way towards their bedroom. The sound of running water makes him go into the bathroom and he kicks his sweats off and the book lands on the sink.
“Honey, what are-” Emily is cut off by his lips against hers, his body pressing her into the cold tile and she gasps.
“So you like to read huh?” He whispers and for a moment she’s confused. Her eyes move over his face and then looks behind him to see the book on the sink and she feels her cheeks heat with embarrassment.
“Yeah, sometimes.” She feels his intense stare on her, then his fingers move under her chin to make her look at him.
“Don’t be ashamed.” His voice was graveled, his hard shaft pressing against her hip. “I like it too.” Without warning he pulls her out of the shower, ignoring that their wet bodies make a mess as he continues until she’s on the bed.
He’s quick to join her, his body covering hers as he pins her hands above her head and her legs spread for him to lay against her.
“Are all of them that kinky?” He mumbles between open-mouthed kisses against her neck, his teeth grazing over her fluttering pulse.
“No, I read everything.” She breathes, her head falling back against the bed as he bites gently on her shoulder. The vibration of his hum makes her shiver and she tries to free her hands, but his hold is too strong. “It can be romance, it can be kinky, it can be anything in between.”
Aaron grins, something feral as he moves up to watch her before kissing her, his tongue delving into her mouth to taste her soft moan.
“Tomorrow you’re going to read one of your favorites to me.” He says lowly when they break apart. When she nods he feels another rush of want tingling down his spine and he starts to move down her body. He presses kisses and light bites down her body, doesn’t stop until he’s kneeling on the floor and with strong arms he pulls her to the edge of the bed.
“Baby.” She gasps when he sucks on her thigh, maddeningly close to where she needs him. She feels his lips curl into a smile against her other thigh, his stubble rough against her soft skin and she whimpers. When he licks through her unexpectedly she moans, eyes closing as her hand finds its way to his hair to grasp at.
He groans at the taste of her, his tongue pushing inside of her before he licks over her clit. He had always loved the taste of her, could spend hours between her legs if she allowed it. Today was no different. He sucked lazily on her clit and when her hips pushed against his mouth he pressed two fingers inside of her.
“Fuck, so good.” She whispered as her fingers tightened slightly in his hair. His fingers curled and her hips buckled in response and when she looked down her breathing hitched at the way his eyes were blown black by lust.
Aaron flattened his tongue over her clit, massaged the little bud and he felt her slick walls tighten in response. He knew her body, could read her better than anybody and when her chest started to heave and her heel dug into his back he was quick to press his forearm over her hips to keep her still. Just like he knew, her hips rocked into him, her moans getting breather and louder, his name rolling of her tongue repeatedly. His fingers press against her spot and she mewls, her thighs trembling slightly as they close in around his head, keeping him in place as she gets closer to the edge.
“Don’t stop, fuck Aaron do not stop.” She mumbles desperately and then he flicks her clit quickly, and she comes so hard she forgets to breathe. Her body spasms as he continues, his tongue insistent on her clit, fingers sure as they continue to move and curl inside of her. He doesn’t stop until she’s panting and jerking away from his touch with a breathless laugh.
“How do you always taste so good?” His voice is low as he moves to hover above her, his lips and chin shiny from her and his tongue swipes over his bottom lip to chase the taste of her. When she kisses him, he’s quick to push his tongue against hers, knowing that she always loved the mix of them on his tongue.
She moans softly as he lays between her legs, his cock hard and hot and leaking and she sneaks her hand in between them. When she wraps her hand around him, he gasps and jerks against her touch.
“What do you want?” She asks, dark eyes wide as she swipes her tongue over the tip of him, only to spread his precum into his skin.
“Stay just like this.” He all but growls, his hand heavy against her sternum as he pushes her back as he gets on his knees between legs. “Eyes on me, sweetheart.�� He smirks when her eyes move from where they watched the heavy weight of him on her pelvis. She licked her bottom lip as she stared up at him.
When he pushed inside of her it was slow and deep and the groan that left him sent goosebumps across her body. Her eyes fluttered closed when his hips pressed against hers and Aaron squeezed her hip warningly.
“Don’t tell me you can’t remember one simple rule?” He slowly bent down, his hand coming to wrap around her throat and she gasped. “Considering the filth you read I’m surprised you can’t seem to listen.” He whispered against her face as he continued to grasp her throat, but he didn’t squeeze. When Emily’s hips jerked in a wordless warning for him to start moving, his head fell to the side slightly and he smirked.
“You’re so impatient baby.” His voice was condescending and her hips rocked harder against him with a whine.
“Aaron, move.” She tried, her voice needy in a way she only got with him and the ego boost went straight to his cock. He squeezed around her throat in response and she whimpered.
“What do you say?” He grinned when she groaned in frustration and he let go of his hold, only to move his hand between their bodies and gently circle her clit. It had the desired effect and Emily moaned, her eyes closing and lips parting.
“Please.” She breathed and he chuckled lowly. He started to move, slowly thrusting in and out of her and she smiled at the feeling.
“Eyes on me, don’t make me tell you again.” He muttered and when she opened her eyes he groaned at the hazy look reflected in them. His hands were firm around her hips as they found a rhythm. It was long pushes of his hips, their sounds of pleasure mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin. He groaned as she clenched around him, her slick making him shiny as he looked down where they connected.
“You’re so wet sweetheart.” He whispered and she whined in response. Her eyes were still on him, heavy lidded and dark and Aaron was sure she had never looked sexier. She was gripping the sheets, the flush on her skin moving down to her chest.
“You’re going to make me come again.” She mumbled and he laid down again, catching her lips in a breathless kiss as he continued to thrust against her, his movements getting more frantic.
“Look at me when you come.” He grunted, his eyes locked on hers as she started to tense against him. When she came, it was with a broken moan and he felt her clench around him as her nails dug into his skin, leaving angry red lines that he knew would sting later.
She gasped, her legs tight around his hips as he continued to move, clearly chasing his own release. Through panting breaths she whispered against his ear.
“When I read I always picture you and me, on nights when we’re apart I touch myself as I read and I think of you, of how good you make me feel.”
“Fuck baby.” He growled, his face buried against her neck, his breathing heavy.
“I have since before we got together, ever since we met, I fantasized about you.” She clenched around him and he tensed as the pleasure built. It wasn’t long before his groans got louder, his body getting heavier against her as she continued to whisper against his ear. When he came he bit down on her shoulder as his hips jerked against hers, his orgasm making his whole body quiver and Emily gasped at the heat of his release inside of her.
“Jesus Christ Em.” He panted, feeling blissed out as he slowly rolled off her. “I should have read one of those books sooner.”
She laughed, sweaty and sated and easily curled into him. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t told him about the books, but she knew now that she would enjoy watching his reaction to every single one.
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torialefay · 3 months
Hello there! Haven’t seen you around for quite a bit now, is everything okay?🥺
I wanted to request a reading on Chan and if he’s really the way he shows himself to us, if he’s all sweet and caring or could maybe hide some mean parts that would come out in a relationship (like him being an asshole).
I’ve had pretty bad experiences with libra men, they all act sweet and caring the firsts days, basically love bombing you, and then they just show their true asshole nature… soo idk im kinda scared he’s like that too hahah
hi baby!!! everything is okay, tysm for asking 🥺 i'm on clinical rotations right now, which is basically where you train to be a different type of doctor each month. it's been a lottttt this past month, so i haven't been able to write or be on here as much :( but hopefully i'll be able to do more in this next month!
first, i'm so sorry you've had a bad experience with libra men! i just got out of a long-term relationship with a libra man, so i understand what you mean. one thing i WILL say is that as far as acting like an asshole, i don't know that that's a libra quality more than it is something else in their chart. a lot of my best friends are also libra suns and i think the love-bombing aspect of that can be very true for all of them. livras just need that reassurance that you like them and they know how to make you feel special. as far as being an asshole though, i think that we'd have to search deeper into the chart for that.
for chris:
one thing i want to say about libra suns right off the bat is that obviously they like to appease everybody. that's why a lot of people find them likeable. libra suns understand what you want them to act like, and that's exactly what they do. so what does this mean for chan? i think he 100% knows that we like it when he is our "sweet, shy, humble father of 7 kids", but he also knows we like it when he's got major daddy vibes. and he knows WHEN to bring them out... now that side of him is what he shows to US, but it could be vastly different from what he shows others. you've probably seen that when he's around other guys, he takes on a more masculine, playful character than what he normally shows us. i think behind closed doors when he's just with his members or friends, he's def more of a "guy's guy" than what he lets on. i think he probably cuts up a lot, makes crude jokes, says stupid boy shit, etc. but it's not that he's trying to be deceitful in not showing us this... i just think that he knows when it comes to stays, he needs to behave a certain way. i think when it comes to GIRLS in general, he knows he needs to behave a certain way. i don't think any of it is insincere at all, and i think he def still has those traits that come out when he's hanging with the boys, BUT in everday life, i see him as more "dude-ish" than he probably shows us. any man that's out here wear shorts in the fucking cold is a dude's dude, let's be honest.
so, whether he's an asshole or not i think depends on 1) his other chart placements, and 2) what your own chart placements are. for example, i know some people got upset ab what he posted on bubble a week or so ago. to ME, i thought it was just all jokes and him messing around (like dudes do) and thought it was annoying but funny tbh. like i don't have time for your shit today christopher 🙄 BUT obviously some people did not like it and really took it to heart.... so in that regard, it's like "okay, is he an asshole, or do i just perceive him as an asshole bc we don't have the same sense of 'joking around'?" i think that's a big factor in it. but let's look at his chart and see OBJECTIVELY do i think he'd switch it up and be an asshole after a certain amount of time.
as far as communication goes, NO, i do not think he would intentionally be an asshole on a regular basis. his personality AND his communication style both sit in libra in the 5th house. i think this shows he's really funny and creative, flirty, and likes to mess around and get people riled up. random note, but 5th house also is heavily involved in children, so i think he'd talk ab having kids or raising a family together a LOT. but on the regular, i think he'd actually be a good communicator in relationships and try his best to make them fun.
something i find interesting ab channie is that both his moon in libra and his venus in scorp lie in the 6th house. 6th house governs work, service, and health. i feel like this makes TOTAL sense for him. his moon rooted in libra here means that in relationships, he probably has to feel very giving and feel that he needs his partner to integrate into his work life in order to feel balanced. i have sooooo much more to say on this, which i will do later. his venus in scorp here also tells me that he pours a lot of love and beauty into what he does in work, and that he is vvvvv passionate ab it. i think with this combo, it could actually come up that he is "married to work" in a way. he could REALLY struggle finding balance between relationships and work. and let me emphasize why:
his mars is in sagittarius on the 6th/7th house cusp. stick with me here. mars represents action and aggression, while sagittarius is a fiery and independent sign. i talked previously about how 6th house represents work and service, but 7th house is the ruler of partnerships and marriage. so put all of this together and what we are seeing is someone who REALLY struggles in balancing work and relationships, and this is happening in the placements that rule aggression and independence. can def be a scary combo tbh.
so how do i see this playing out? overall, i think chan is lovely in relationships. basically will be whoever you need him to be and actually is very loving. he has that 6th house placement, so although work is extremely important to him, so is service, which INCLUDES taking care of you. HOWEVER, he has a very difficult time balancing these two things. i think when things are going poorly at work, he will bring that home and into your relationship. when things aren't great in your relationship, he will really struggle at work.... so as much as i hate to say it, i do think if he's having a difficult time at work, he could accidentally take it out on you. even if he doesn't mean to... either 2 things would initially happen: (1) he gets really upset and bottles it all in and/or gets flighty all of a sudden and acts like he doesn't know what he wants, (2) he explodes on you for no reason... like when he feels like his life is off-balance, he can genuinely get that worked up. don't get me wrong, he would regret it later and do everything to try and make up for it, but i see him having that problem for the time being.
so i think it's up to everyone individually how they're able to handle those traits in a relationship. i see people say something like "when chan gets stressed at work, all he wants to do is come home and lay in your arms", but i genuinely disagree. he may END UP wanting that by the end of the night, but when he's upset, he needs to be alone for a bit. so i think that's up to you if you think that makes him an asshole or not? i think it depends on compatibility and how you also react 100%
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gingerylangylang1979 · 11 months
Carmy and Claire... ooof
I’m just gonna get into it. 
She tried to be Carmy’s Pete
I feel like Claire is supposed to be Carmy’s Pete, but it doesn’t work because Carmy is not Sugar. I was searching for a parallel to how they were trying to show Claire as a balancing force for Carmy. Which I get. Opposites attract. You see that with Nat and Pete but for some reason it doesn’t work with Carmy because he is so much more ill adjusted than Sugar. Claire, despite being super understanding, also never saw the worst of Carmy. He reserved the worst for the restaurant and used her as an escape. He reserved the worst for Sydney. So Claire was never truly tested or trusted to see it all so of course she easily loved him. They never argued. I did like the softness and gentleness we saw. Carmy needs that, but it just wasn’t totally honest because they were in the honeymoon phase and he was on best behavior just for her. What if she was struggling at some point, would he be able to be there for her in the same way? No. I think this was a perfect example of a woman thinking she can fix a man. The problem is she never saw how deeply he is broken. 
Carmy created a love bubble
Carmy never set boundaries and said this is what I can give while I’m on this new project. So she got a false sense of what his world really is and what his priorities needed to be. She has a busy job too but it seemed he accommodated her so in a sense she never really saw the actual reality of them both working like crazy and him coming home stressed. He created a bubble of perfection with her at the center that was never going to be sustainable. 
The whole portrayal was lame. 
Not gonna lie, I did like seeing romantic Carmy, for personal reasons. If my one positive takeaway is yes he wants to fuck women, yes he can be gentle, that’s a win for me. BUT the overall tone just wasn't hitting. Which gets to a bigger gripe about the tone of most of the episodes not hitting for me. It felt very primetime drama for me with the dialogue equivalent to a teen show. They even went to what looked like a frat party. Her lines were very, “I’m the perfect, quirky, understanding girl with no problems of my own,” and he got throwaways like, “She’s so great it scares me.” Just really mediocre compared to dialogue we’ve seen written for this show. And the fireworks kiss? Come on! I was expecting running in the rain to happen at any moment. I couldn’t tell if the writers wanted me to be invested in them or not. I guess maybe they were trying to make a reliving of Carmy’s lost youth, quite literally? I dunno. It felt sweet at times but also just super corny and out of place on this show. 
Is she a pick me? 
I actually hate this term. I feel it’s used so flippantly and can be hurled at any woman like a slur. But saying it defines what I mean so forgive me. Claire got the red flag literally from day one. He gave her the wrong number but she still pursued him. She questioned him on it a few times until she got a real answer but his answer was kind of bland. He just said I like you so much and don’t want to mess up. I dunno, when I’ve heard that from a man in the past, they usually do mess the fuck up, big time. This is their way of letting you know. She obviously didn’t ask to define the relationship. Carmy works it out with the crew so they never had the conversation with each other. The whole girlfriend/girl who is a friend thing was so lame for a grown adult man to need to ask about. Sydney was right to punk him and be like which is it? Exactly how important is this? So was Claire never questioning what they were this whole time? She said I love you to him first, I think? She said it on the voice message, which I thought was a bit bizarre. He said he loved her to other people but we never saw him say it to her face. I think it was just really strange that we never got a scene of them saying it to each other. Sorry, I’m old fashioned, the man needs to say it first, to a woman’s face. I feel this is one step away from a woman proposing to a man which is also a no for me. 
I didn’t understand the family connection 
They all know her yet we hear nothing about her from them and Carmy has been home quite awhile at this point. Fak has her number? They call her Claire Bear? They don’t call anyone not immediate family Bear so why does she get that? Because it rhymes? Eeek. She is supposedly so close with them all but we never see them interact with her until she dates Carmy? Sugar never mentioned her. Did he have a crush in high school or did he just wish they were friends before? When Mikey, Richie, and Fak try to push her on him at Christmas he seems really disinterested. Was it just a self esteem thing, that he was put on the spot, he didn’t want a relationship, or just didn’t have a crush on her like that? It’s really unclear what that was about. And then she knows about The Bear name but he says he wishes she talked to him more. So when was this conversation? It’s just really sloppy and none of the details align. Everyone treats her like she was so close to the family but there’s no real evidence of that from the past that makes any sense. I’ve seen some fans say Carmy connected her with his family trauma and that’s why it can’t work. I don’t really get that. Maybe that’s what they tried to write but I’m not getting how when it seems the family connection is just them trying to set him up with her. Am I missing something?
Will they explore this again?
I think it’s hard to tell. It is interesting that they started in the refrigerated section and it ended because Carmy was trapped in a fridge. Cold, literally. The use of the blue light when they were in bed and the blue light when Carmy was trapped was interesting. Does it mean finality? I don’t know. She didn’t even get a last name. They didn’t really end it face to face. Would they explore it again if Carmy is more stable? At this point I have no idea what they intend but I can’t conclude it’s done, done. Overall, the fan reactions have been negative. I’m not sure if the show cares or not. If I were her I would stay away. Repeat relationships rarely work out because trust is broken. How would she be able to trust Carmy again? Even if feelings are still there I would feel duped if I were her. 
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Llorumi Ramble
What’s really funny about how much I adore Llorumi, considering I’ve been fixated on it for about a year now, is that originally I wasn’t a fan of the ship. 
When I was watching the show for the first time I paid little mind to Lloyd and Harumi’s relationship. Especially in the first half of S8, like “woa so lame... goodie two shoes girl...whatevah…” and even after the reveal I didn’t have any strong opinions. I thought it was a neat dynamic but didn’t really think much of it after Harumi’s death. I thought that was it for their story and Harumi would just be another villain to be, eventually, forgotten about.
But then, I watched “Stop, Drop and Side Scroll” and gosh, the dialogue between Lloyd and what he perceives to be Harumi really captured my attention. The slight stutter when Lloyd first saw the fake Harumi, the way he hesitated to attack her, and how in the end he did technically win the fight…but he still got cubed. 
Of course I eventually reached Crystallized. I was elated at Harumi’s reveal, especially with the payoff of all her mentions between S11 to S13. And holy shit, the reveal that Lloyd went and searched for her corpse had me pacing around my room like a trapped animal LOL. Along with how it’s implied Harumi didn’t die on impact from the fall… and how that adds a lot of angsty context to some of (fake) Harumi's dialogue in “Stop, Drop and Side Scroll”. I kinda want to save the discussion of that for another post though haha. 
Crystallized kind of took a turn for the worst in terms of general story quality pretty quickly after Pt. 1 unfortunately. The storylines were stacking, and there just wasn’t enough time to wrap up Harumi’s redemption, Lloyd’s Oni side, and address their relationship before the season ended. But the pieces were there: Harumi hesitating when she considers just for a moment if they could be better. Lloyd struggles with his rage, and being forced to accept that side of himself as who he is. As someone who struggled with anger issues, it was comforting to see Lloyd conflict with that side of himself. And the brief hand holding at the end of “Roots”, a brief callback to what you might’ve seen between them in early S8. Crystallized failed to do a lot, but I could appreciate what we got out of the season. 
In my little sandbox, these two characters are so fun to play with. For the past year I’ve been brewing a post-crystallized AU (with the help of a few friends!) that attempts to address a few of the issues I’ve mentioned earlier. Along with that, I actually started drawing people and humans in general so I could create content for the ship and my art has improved greatly from 2 years ago. I love creating stories, headcanons, and artwork for these silly LEGO people. Heck, I even made a ship playlist for them that I listen to daily. I just think they're so neat.
TLDR: I’ve never been this insane about a ship before and they mean so so much to me. And I love the stuff I make about them. Live, laugh, love, llorumi.
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a-random-fan4444 · 1 year
I've just read through your evil grandpa au and I love it! Has Draxum ever seen Casey fight? Does Draxum ever get attached to Casey? How does he show affection? Does Casey ever genuinely get angry at someone? How does he feel about the situation hes in? Does he ever tell Draxum what type of other weapons he develops in the apocalypse ? Apologies for the barrage of questions, I'm very excited .
Every ask I get is a ray of sunshine, I love the people who send me asks so much. 😭
(For those who need context on the au)
Thank you for the questions @orderdchaosthings2 !!!!! I’m more than happy to answer them all!
Draxum’s caught glimpses of Casey Jr fighting. Mostly just the aftermath of fights tho, like his escape from the prison cell on his first day. Draxum send Casey Jr on errands that involve fighting, with Huginn and Muninn supervising. So the gargoyles have seen him fight and do tell Draxum of the kid’s skill and ruthlessness. Draxum takes it all with a grain of salt tho, the gargoyles are easily impressed, not to mention have a soft spot for the future boy. While Draxum knows Casey Jr can fight he doesn’t realize the extent of his ability.
Draxum slowly gets attached to Casey Jr. At first seeing him as an inconvenience -> henchman -> useful/competent henchmen -> delusion grandson that he loves very much. The “delusion” part is important because while Draxum loves his grandson he doesn’t 100% believe him, this has an impact on the way both parties see their relationship, Draxum does infantilice Casey Jr, much to Casey Jr’s irritation. Draxum’s like really old so Casey does seem quite young to him, but Casey Jr’s seen some shit and knows when someone’s treating him like an idiot (many members of the resistance treated him like such because of his age).
Draxum shows affection through quality time, gift giving and acts of service. He and Casey Jr spend a lot of time together in the lab, discussing both the mutagen and the turtles. Reviewing each other’s research and such. Draxum teaches Casey Jr some very basic alchemy as well, first so Casey Jr could understand what Draxum’s was asking for when on errand but it slowly evolved into learning with the hope that one day Casey Jr could begin to practice using it. Casey Jr’s very excited to learn since F!Draxum always wanted to show Jr but never had the resources to do so. Draxum bandages Casey Jr’s wounds, Casey Jr could do it himself but Draxum insist on doing it. This was one of the first things Draxum did to show he cared about Casey Jr.
Does Casey Jr ever get genuinely mad at someone? Yes, but that’s a spoiler for a post I’ve got planned, I’ll leave this as a hint.
Casey Jr feels content with the situation. He realize Draxum is his best shot. Not only is Draxum a powerful warrior scientist, but after telling Draxum his future Draxum’s been searching for the turtles. They have the same short term goal. This is also his grandfather, sure he’s different from the man he’ll become but he’s also very similar. Casey Jr’s also very driven on his mission, so even if he was upset with Draxum, he’d still stick it out with him until someone who was better help came along. Plus Huginn and Muninn are very fun to have as co-workers. All this being said, there’s a storm building up under it all, Draxum’s shown clear signs that he won’t help stop the apocalypse because of his denial that I’ll happen, and Casey Jr’s getting more antsy every day that passed by without progress on the mission.
Casey Jr tries, but Draxum avoids the whole “Kraang apocalypse future” topic like the plague. Using every excuse in the book to avoid confronting the reality that Casey Jr came from. Casey Jr does tell him about some weapons without Draxum immediately changing the topic. Junior’s found out that the trick is to avoid mentioning any features specifically built for fighting the Kraang.
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tamelee · 4 months
Hello, I wondered what you think of the proshipping/anti shipping debate, and maybe where you position yourself?
From what I’ve seen, pro-shipping is usually people saying that you can ship everything you want since you have to "separate reality and fiction"… and most of the time it sounds like an excuse to create/consume incest fanfictions or child porn without guilt
On the other hand, in the anti-shipping side you have people who are treating some media as "irredeemable" for literally nothing… Like, "oh, this story is saying directly into your face that what thing one character has done is bad? So that means the story is not spreading awareness of this harmful behavior"
I think there are wrongs on both sides, but in general I disagree more with the proshipping community, because most proshippers I’ve interacted with are just people who don’t want to accept that there can be consequences to their actions, what they create, and what they consume. I’ve seen a lot of them saying that fiction has no impact on reality, which isn’t true at all. Most of the times proshippers handle sensitive and "problematic" subjects carelessly, sometimes even while spreading misplaced ideas, but don’t want people calling them out on the matter… (by calling out I don’t mean harassment of course, harassment isn’t and never will be a good solution to those problems)
The subject can be pretty complex, I’m curious to hear your thoughts about it! If you want of course, I would understand you not wanting to talk about it… And I’m sorry if expressed myself badly, since I don’t speak english very well
Take care, you’re doing amazing art pieces💙
Hi ^^ it is expressed very well, dw!  And thankyou so much 🧡!!
Well, you specifically talk about shipping, which I think is completely fine. But the debate itself claims so often to be more than just that, using ‘shipping’ for something much too broad to define through these two terms which meaning is questionable. 
The debate is only interesting to me because of the whole fiction=/=reality aspect (at least I personally think that is an enjoyable debate, especially reading the arguments.) The most famous and skilled literary theorists and scholars can’t agree on this matter even today because there are too many variables and barriers like culture for example. A lot of opposites are both deemed true and false at the same time and it often lands on a slightly disappointing “it depends”. You say it yourself also. As well as you “leaning more toward one side” because it’s impossible to put a term on it unless someone would write down a bunch of guidelines to which they then commit to. But then you’re more defined by that than by your own thinking or even preferences. 
It isn’t so black and white that you can just.. idk, simply throw it all into two terms to define a preference that includes your entire life-experience and gain a Universal agreement by what it even means in the first place with everyone else on the internet, as if that’s how it works with this topic y’know? As if suddenly a shipping-filter will shame our literary masters out of any logic “because a fan/shipper wants ‘x’ to molest ‘y’ through non-con sex in fanwork’ and to say whether that’s okay or not in general depends on which of the two terms you used to define yourself in your bio and literally nothing else. And I don’t see how that logic connects when it is used like that and so often in this case. 
I know, this is an exaggeration, but I hope you know what I mean regarding the debate. This isn’t about your ask directly. The “it depends” is kinda frustrating for me too, because I’m always searching for an answer that makes sense for anything >< But what doesn’t here is as I said before, that people don’t even agree with each other either about the meaning of ‘pro/anti’-shipping’. Even the general definition is (or used to?) different and has literally nothing to do with reality/fiction just.. shipping. Whenever another popular post shows up people share that as ‘the next truth’ or even I receive it for clarification for an older post, but then another says something along the lines of “maybe that’s true for them, but to me it means....” 
So, where would I position myself? Well, “it depends” on who asks and what it means to them. Nah, I don’t think a single term about shipping can define how I think about the relationship between fiction and reality, what is right/wrong/acceptable/etc which you’re right- is very complex. At least, I refuse to do that if I can help it. I’ve seen enough misunderstandings and the harassment that you’re talking about to think that this isn’t going about it the most efficient way despite some parts being interesting and definitely topics worth talking about whether it is about shipping or something much broader.
“On the other hand, in the anti-shipping side you have people who are treating some media as "irredeemable" for literally nothing… Like, "oh, this story is saying directly into your face that what thing one character has done is bad? So that means the story is not spreading awareness of this harmful behavior"
And you’re completely right about people using ‘whatever/however/whomever’ as an excuse to justify anything, but that itself is kind of common human behavior and I genuinely don’t know what to say about it. Though you bring up something that (and similar extreme views) is why I would definitely lean more towards a separation of fiction and reality. Not to justify anything, but if anything else... I’ve always rooted for the freedom of expression/creativity whether I agree with it or not because censorship has always been tricky and sometimes outright dangerous. Who's going to decide what exactly? The fact that no one will agree with each other remains regardless. (And yes, I think there are definitely things I don’t want to see either of course, but discussing all that is a whole different topic.) 
“I’ve seen a lot of them saying that fiction has no impact on reality, which isn’t true at all.”
You’re right again, but to quickly note; fiction=/=reality or fiction having impact on reality isn’t the same thing. Storytelling has always shaped beliefs and perspectives all over the world. In fiction especially, morals and ethics are often explored. Almost always a story is a problem in some form or another that needs to be solved because that’s satisfying, but how are you going to do that? And how will you write it in a way that people root for your character? And how else can you do that than involving the encouragement of a readers’ own reflection of their values and beliefs while simultaneously sharing and possibly influence them with your own? 
No one can deny this though? And if they do I wonder about the argument tbh. 
If a story can inspire it can also do the opposite. It’s not one or the other. 
Storytelling is such a powerful tool and imo it should be used wisely which means something else in every case because... aaahhh “it depends” >< 
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catholictrauma · 7 months
This whole Palestinian ethnic cleansing is beyond dystopian, and my blood is boiling consistently every second of the day. I never go on Snapchat anymore, but i went into the Gaza strip’s public stories and it was every bit as horrific as you would expect. I recorded every second of footage; I am so nervous that the second I look away, their ability to show the outside world what is happening to them will be taken away, as it was before. Bombs are background audio to 50% of it. Bloodied baby hands, cars filled with families getting blown up, and sometimes whole blocks of a city crumbling down like it were made of sand. I am beyond angry right now and I can’t imagine how people are too chickenshit to call this what it is. Israel’s unchecked illegal occupation and the violence they inflict despite international law shows me how sick our leaders are. Any pretenses of “civil governments” and the structures implemented after WWII to SPECIFICALLY MAKE SURE GENOCIDE DOES NOT OCCUR UNCHECKED seem to give Israel some magical special pass. This is not a war when one side has a superpower of a military and the protection of the United States empire, while the other has so little that its water, food, energy, contact with the outside world, ability to move freely, and HUMAN DIGNITY are stripped on the will of their oppressors. I’m sure everyone can see and read all of this for themselves, even if I personally am college-educated in the conflicts of the Middle East. This conflict is very easy to understand, especially in terms of Israel’s “right” to mass murder. If Hamas, after breaking the Gaza blockade, had been suspected of hiding out in Israel, you know DAMN FUCKING WELL that 10,000+ civilians wouldn’t be murdered in searching for them. And don’t get me started on the “bring them home” rhetoric referring to Israeli hostages. If you want my guess at where those people are now, I am betting at least half of them were killed in this IDF-driven brutalization. One of my best friends was raised in an incredibly conservative, Zionist Jewish family. He says what many other people, especially in Anti-Zionist Jewish communities like the Jewish Voice For Peace (JVP) have laid out; when you really dig into a Zionist’s argument, it becomes clear that they do not see Palestinians as human in the same way they are. A Palestinian child, in their eyes, is not as pure as their own. Hell, some Zionists will even openly admit this with pride, and I’ve seen some truly blood-boiling remarks from that collective under videos of unthinkable pain and grief. Frankly, at this point, I do assume Zionists deem Palestinians as less human as a general rule. Palestinians telling a media outlet that their whole family has been bombed, only to be met with no recognition of this travesty as the “journalist” asks them to condemn Hamas as if they have anything to do with October the 7th, shows just how devoid the West is of their humanity. When someone is murdered, especially an innocent, I will obviously be outraged. When someone is bigoted, ESPECIALLY towards jewish and arab people right now, I will do everything in my power to combat that. I am so tired, however, of Israel-apologists claiming that anyone who sees this excessive and incredibly preventable slaughter of innocents is antisemitic. You cannot make one ethnic cleansing sound justifiable by referring to the one your ancestors suffered. As someone whose ancestors were in Nazi concentration camps (not for ethnicity reasons, though, I will clarify) on one side and a systemic, centuries long ethnic cleansing on the other, I would rather die than be on the side of history justifying the death of an entire people. I do not give a shit whether you think all Palestinians are “terrorists,” because people who survived their own mass murder campaign should fucking know better than to claim that. To call this a fight between “good and evil, order and the law of the jungle” is monstrous. Israeli officials confidently saying THAT and WORSE should ring the loudest of alarm bells! What do you need, in order to care?
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rphunter · 28 days
Hey there! 27F looking for some people +20 to roleplay with!
- Quality> Quantity. I tend to mirror posts but I’m realistic, when it comes to some scenes posts tend to get shorter (like when we’re in a dialogue heavy one). I don’t need novella-length posts.
- Doubling is a must. Also, I like to play both Canon and OCs, so I expect someone who also likes it.
- I can't lie, I always end up sneaking some romance into a rp. Guilty. MxF (playing both genders) is my main kind of pair, or the one I'm most familiar with, although I’m open to MxM and FxF too. AGED UP IS A MUST if we're talking about the tmnt turtles and romance, and speaking about that I don’t like the idea of HumanxAnimal mutant pairings to be fair, at least when the mutants are similar in design to the turtles or Splinter.
- I like OOC chit chat, sharing all our memes, silly headcanons… I won’t pressure you for replies.
Now, the fandoms, which are completely different and at the same time so similar because I never expected myself to want to roleplay them in the first place.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles - TMNT - CanonxOC and perhaps OCxOC: I finally watched the 2023 movie and I had a blast. I’m open to something based around it, with a few changes here and there, or something more along the lines of other version of the turtles’ universe. Keep in mind I remember small scenes of the show I watched as a child (I think it was the 90s one?) and I’m not familiar with the most recent versions, that’s why I believe something at least based around the Mutant Mayhem movie ideas would be easier for me. Now, the question is, does this make a furry? I dunno, feel free to diagnose me.
Trolls CanonxOC, CanonxCanon: Yes, as in dreamworks trolls. Sorry the third move has me confused about how much I’ve liked it.
I’m searching for a comfort roleplay. In which, yes, we can explore drama and darker adventures than the original source, but I’m also craving the silliness and fluffiness of this fandom, the different hc and what ifs. I’ve seen very interesting ideas online already, I’ve even started to draw again! Trolls are giving all the happy chemicals to my brain.
In this fandom I’d like to do CanonxOC and CanonxCanon in terms of pairings, but I'm open to some OCxOC on the side.
Just a note, the characters I’m open to play are mainly the Brozone gang, Viva and perhaps other characters appearing in the third movie, and some from the second or first.
Thanks for reading and please send me a message if you’re interested or have any questions!
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noctusfury · 2 years
My HTTYD Fanfic Ideas — X Leaves Berk AU Series
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If you wanna check out the article (written by yours truly) that started all this, please click here and enjoy!
If you’re interested in checking out my list of story ideas about Hiccup leaving Berk, please go to this post here!
Hiccup Leaves Berk AUs || X Leaves Berk AUs
These fanfic ideas for another series of mine focuses on changing the trope a bit where instead of Hiccup leaving, other characters will have their chance to leave Berk — one way or another, for one reason or another. Whether they RETURN to Berk is up to them.
The X-Leaves-Berk Series will be loosely connected but not much. Each will be stand-alone stories — with each of them set at different times for different reasons — though some of them will be connected to other separate Series.
I’m wanting this long-term project because I’ve never seen any fanfics where the rest of the Gang leave Berk besides Hiccup (and sometimes Astrid who goes with Hiccup). So I’m deciding to fix that. I’m actually quite excited about this series! ^_^
Aside from the Gang, I plan on doing stories for Stoick, Spitelout, Alvin, and Valka for this series. (Valka’s saga will be original and won’t follow the “canon” backstory given to her in HTTYD 2.) Heck, I might even do some Sagas for GUSTAV and MILDEW, of all Vikings. lol XD
Gobber, Dagur, Heather, and other characters might also have Sagas of their own but won’t be part of this Series (since they don’t leave Berk). Or maybe I will... who knows?
Some of these stories will follow canon events, such as Alvin getting banished from Berk and Stoick searching for his wife and hunting Alvin, Heather returning home, etc. While others will NOT, such as Valka’s backstory, “Traitor Johann”, Vigilante Heather, the non-Viking-like appearances of the DOTW and Wingmaidens, etc. I might even get rid of the Dragon Hunter arcs entirely. We’ll see.
Here is the list of people I plan on writing fics for for this series:
• Snotlout • Astrid • Fishlegs • Tuffnut and Ruffnut • Heather • Macey (yes, the mace gets its chance to shine, too) • Stoick • Valka • Alvin • Gustav • Mildew • Spitelout • Drift/Rig (OC) • And maybe others...
Snotlout’s Saga (A Snotlout Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB. Saga AU. Snotlout loses the Thawfest Games, and has to deal with the aftermath. When things get out-of-hand, Snotlout and Hookfang are forced to leave Berk and become Outcasts. This saga will focus on their journey, their struggles, their successes, their losses, their sacrifices, and their growth.
This story will be set during/after the RoB episode “Thawfest” onwards and ends after RTTE but before HTTYD 2. And because Snotlout leaves so early, much of the plot will be changed. I have, in fact, been watching the show VERY closely and have been taking notes at what exactly gets changed and how to write accordingly. Surprisingly, Snotlout actually affects much of the plot. Some episodes will be gone, others will be greatly altered, and others not much will change.
I might also do a companion story for this that gets into the Gang’s POV during Snotlout’s exile, just so that you guys can see the changes caused by Snotlout’s absence. I don’t plan on doing this for the other Gang members. Only for Snotlout. Because he’s fun. lol XD
A Jorgenson’s Vengeance (A Snotlout Leaves Berk AU)
When Snotlout’s mother and little sister get abducted by raiders on their way to visit family, and Spitelout dead, Snotlout vows vengeance and rides out to find the culprits and send them all to Niflheim!
(May or may NOT be the sequel to “Snotlout’s Saga”. Depends on whether I kill Spitelout off in that one or in this one. Buuut I’m thinking not.)
Saga of the Dragon Riders (A Gang Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RTTE. After being accused by other Tribes for attacking trade ships and other targets, putting Berk into the spotlight of political and diplomatic ire, the Dragon Riders are forced to leave Berk until the matter is settled and they can prove their innocence. As they establish a base for themselves, they plan on hunting down the culprits who are responsible for attacking trade routes and other targets. But it’s not going to be easy, and gossip flies faster than a Night Fury. 
And what’s worse? Oh, nothing. Just a bunch of Rogue Riders that are slippery, experienced, and don’t want to let go of their hard-won loot nor want to step up and take responsibility for their crimes and for framing them.
Can they succeed in defeating this band of marauders? Will they forever remain Outcasts? Or will they become fish food in Ran’s domain?
Bon Voyage! | Welcome to Viking Training! (A Gang Leaves Berk AU)
Set in HTTYD 1 / Post-HTTYD 1 | RoB/DoB. 
Dragon Training isn’t the only thing young Vikings-in-Training have to know, there’s Viking Training as well, a program where young Vikings-to-Be learn to sail and repair longboats, navigate, fish, hunt, and other tasks. But the most important skill of all is learning to raid! After all, dragons aren’t the only pests that a Viking has to deal with — other Viking clans are also a problem. A constant fight for resources and territory is a given in an Archipelago where life is rough and often short, and the weather is even worse.
So the Gang, plus Gobber and some others, are tasks with sailing a longboat from Berk and learning to become Vikings before they can become true members of their community.
Can Hiccup the Gang manage to bear through Gobber’s tough training and make it through unscathed? Can they succeed and become full-fledged Vikings of Berk? Or will they fail and be forced into exile?
(Hiccup will be more competent in various things than he was in canon, and will also be better at weaponry and will be physically stronger.)
Going A-Viking! (A Fishlegs & Snotlout Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB/DoB or RTTE. Seeking adventure, fame, and glory — and riches beyond one’s imaginings — Snotlout convinces Fishlegs to join him on an adventure outside of Berk, and outside of books! What will their adventures and quests bring them into? Where will it take them? Will they succeed and bring home a wealth of riches and tales to tell? Or will they find out that leaving Berk was a terrible idea and wish they had stayed home?
Disowned Sons (A Hiccup & Snotlout Leaves Berk AU)
Set in HTTYD 1 or RoB/DoB. Hiccup and Snotlout may not see eye-to-eye most of the time, but they have more in common than they think. For one, they’re both disappointing sons of dissatisfied fathers who expect great things from them than what they actually bring to the table (each in their own way). 
This boils to such a peak that when the two boys start having a fistfight with each other in public, the two heads of the two clans decide to exile them for three years in order to whip them into shape (though they secretly do it because they’ve had enough of their unfruitful progress). And thus the two lads are kicked off Berk and are left to fight for themselves.
Can Hiccup and Snotlout overcome their stark differences in order to survive and overcome all the trials, obstacles, and dangers that the Archipelago can offer them? Or will they be food for the fishes, slaves for the slavers, or appetizers for the dragons?
Fishlegs the Outcast (Fishlegs Leaves Berk AU)
Set in Post-RTTE / HTTYD 2. Impressed by Fishlegs’ heroics over the past year, Alvin the Trustworthy (formerly the Treacherous) comes to Berk to ask Stoick and Fishlegs’ parents if he could adopt him as his heir of the reformed and reinstated Outcasts (now Incasts?). Will Fishlegs accept this surprising and golden opportunity? 
Astrid’s Saga (An Astrid Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB/DoB. It has been 9 years since the Flightmare came to Berk, killed her Uncle Finn, and tarnished her family’s honor and her uncles. Despite knowing that the Flightmare will return to Berk in less than a year, and that it’d be smarter to stay on Berk, Astrid allows her bloodlust and thirst for vengeance to not let her wait any longer. She declares to the family that she wishes to start a Quest to hunt the Flightmare and kill it before it even comes to Berk.
Despite protests from the older members, there are some who side with Astrid: Finn’s daughters and wife, her uncle and cousins, and her good friend Fjord Fjardson. They eventually end up convincing the Patriarch of their Clan and, despite the protests from her other friends and family, the date is set and a ship and dragons are prepared for the journey.
The Hoffersons are out for blood, but will they find the Flightmare? Or will they fail, and have to wait another 10 years for their chance at settling the score?
Fishlegs’ Saga (A Fishlegs Leaves Berk AU)
Set in DoB or RTTE. Ever since he was young, Fishlegs had a hunger for adventure, to sail throughout the Archipelago and beyond — meeting different peoples, eating different foods, smelling different spices, reading different books, speaking different languages... everything! He had hoped that he could’ve went with his uncle during the Dragon Raids, but his uncle always refused, and taking care of the family always took precedence. 
But now? But NOW? His uncle had returned to Berk, a wealthy merchant and tales to tell — and is now offering him an invitation to travel with him! A whole new world has opened up to him! What experiences and adventures shall the young Ingerman sail through? What people shall he meet? Will he ever return to Berk after he satisfies his wanderlust? Will he even WANT to?
The Thorston Saga (A Twins Leave Berk AU)
There are 3 different scenarios/story ideas for this:
Set in DoB. After having caused mayhem one time too many, Ruffnut and Tuffnut get exiled from Berk. With nowhere else to go, they decide to either join the Outcasts, the Berserkers, or explore the world on their own.
Set in RoB/DoB. A storm hits when Tuffnut is taking a nap on the boat, and the storm sends him away from Berk into the open sea. With no idea how to get home, Tuffnut has to do his best to survive until then. Meanwhile, Ruffnut discovers that Tuffnut’s missing, and with the Riders gone on a mission, it’s up to her and Barf/Belch to search for and rescue Tuffnut. Will she find him in time before something bad happens to him?
Set in DoB. Macey has been stolen! And it’s up to Tuffnut to hunt the blaggard down and take Macey back! But he won’t be hunting alone: Ruffnut, naturally, is coming along for the ride, despite her grumblings. After all, somebody’s gotta witness Tuffnut’s legendary feats (or glorious and grisly death). Beware of Tuffnut, the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon!!!
(Disclaimer: this last story idea is not connected to “Macey’s Saga”.)
Ruffnut the Wingmaiden (A Ruffnut Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RTTE. Ruffnut, upon bonding with Wingnut and being able to fly, decides to have a little change of pace and quits being a Dragon Rider in favor of joining the Wingmaidens, effectively leaving Berk as a member. Will she regret it? What future awaits her? Will she end up enjoying being a Wingmaiden, or will she wish to return to her friends after a spell?
Ruffnut's Saga (A Ruffnut Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RTTE. After Tuffnut’s death, Ruffnut, grief-stricken, decides to quit the Riders and leave Berk, accepting Throk’s proposal and joining him on Caldera Cay. 
Will she be able to pick up the pieces of her heart and be able to move on and find happiness in her new life?
Tuffnut’s Saga (A Tuffnut Leaves Berk AU)
There a 2 story ideas for this:
Set in DoB. Disenchanted with the Berkian lifestyle, and having enjoyed his time with the Outcasts during his espionage days as a scout during the Wars against the Outcasts and Berserkers, Tuffnut decides to leave Berk and become an Outcast.
Set in DoB/RTTE. Tuffnut gets an offer to become a Berserker by Heather and her cousin Thorvald (OC) on account of his achievements in battle as well as his Berserker heritage. Tuffnut decides that it’d be more fun being with them than with the boring Berkians.
Macey’s Saga (A Macey Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB/DoB. Eager to get away from Tuffnut and find a new owner/master, Macey manages to get itself onto a ship and away from Berk, finally free from Tuffnut’s craziness. But will she be able to stay away for long, or will Tuffnut find Macey again? 
Will it manage to find a new owner before it gets found by Tuffnut? Or would it just be better to plop in the deep Northern Seas and rust and rot away from salt and time?
Gustav’s Saga (A Gustav Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RTTE. Gustav has always wondered where his father had gone, and why his mother never seemed to talk about it or even care to. With Gustav having come of-age, he decides that it’s time to explore the Archipelago and turn it upside down and inside-out in search of his father.
Will Gustav ever find his father, or will he find something better and move on? What will happen if and when he ever reunites with him?
Alvin’s Saga (An Alvin Leaves Berk AU)
Pre-HTTYD. This follows Alvin during and after his banishment and his joining the Outcasts, as well as his adventures and exploits that would eventually lead to him being called “Alvin the Treacherous.”
Mildew’s Saga (A Mildew Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB. This follows Mildew during the events of “We Are Family”, the finale episode of Riders of Berk, and after he gets banished and becomes an Outlaw. What became of him afterwards? Is Fungus still alive after all that, or did he become... lamb chops?
Heather’s Saga (A Heather Leaves Berk AU)
Post-“Heather’s Report”/RoB/DoB. After Heather reunites with her parents, she leaves Berk and her new friends behind as they sail back home and returns to their old lives. But not everything will be the same. 
Unlike in-canon, her family and Tribe won’t perish at the hands of Dagur. This may also become a companion piece for “Snotlout’s Saga” and also the “Retelling Series”.
Stoick’s Saga (A Stoick Leaves Berk AU)
Pre-HTTYD. When his father dies as a result of Alvin’s insubordination, and the latter having fled Berk, Stoick and Spitelout vows to hunt him down. Will they be able to find him and bring him to justice?
20 years later, Stoick leaves Berk again in order to search for his wife, who, with Osvald, had gone on a Quest to find out how and why the Dragon Raids were happening, and where the source was, but had yet to return. Will he be able to find them, or will he fail? Or will he find them dead?
Valka’s Saga (A Valka Leaves Berk AU)
Pre-HTTYD. Wanting to find answers concerning the Dragon Raids and how to put a stop to them, she leaves on a Quest along with Chief Osvald of Berserk in search of those answers, leaving her family behind. Will she and Osvald find what they’re looking for? Will she be able to return to Berk? Will she be able to end the Dragon Wars?
Toothless' Saga (A Toothless Leaves Berk AU)
Set in Post-HTTYD 2 | HTTYD 3 | Post-HTTYD 3. When Toothless meets up with his old thunder of Night Furies, he decides, with Hiccup’s help, to leave Berk to visit the home he had once lived in before he had been cruelly torn away from them thanks to the Red Death. What will he find there? Are his parents still alive? Will he even want to return to Berk when he does get to his old home?
Another variation is Hiccup gets abducted and Toothless rides out to find him throughout the Archipelago.
Drift’s Saga (A Drift/Rig Leaves Berk AU)
Set in RoB | DoB | RTTE. When Drift discovers and reunites with his real parents for the first time, the young man is torn between remaining with his adoptive family whom have been with him for most of his life, or to live with his real parents whom he has just reunited with. Hiccup and Stoick encourage him to follow his heart and to go with his family if he so desires, and that he’s always welcome to return if he should so wish it.
Encouraged, Drift (now renamed Skathgard the Younger) returns to his home island with his family. Will he like this new life with the family he had always wondered about in his dreams? Will he want to stay, or will he decide to return to Berk?
[This will be a Canon Divergence to my Retelling HTTYD series.]
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redheadbigshoes · 2 years
Also (I’m the same anon that was talking about butch/femme relationships) nobody seems to care if a bi person who is femme only likes femmes. And I’ve seen that a lot. And I know butch/femme identities are (mostly) lesbian exclusive identities, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that feminine people sometimes like feminine people, and it doesn’t make them any less feminine. It only seems to be a problem when it comes to lesbians. Lesbians aren’t some different species of humankind, they can also be femme and like femmes. Personally, I’m quite femme (like, I’m feminine but I don’t really call myself femme all that much and I’m definitely not butch) and I tend to be mostly attracted to femmes, but that doesn’t suddenly make me not a femme. The fact that I’m femme and like femmes is an objective truth, there’s no going around it. The people saying that kind of thing are silly and confused, or have some sort of misogynistic point of view, as you’ve mentioned.
BTW I actually found your blog because I’m mostly femme4femme and was having a hard time finding blogs where the users were femme4femme (they were usually butch4femme or butch4butch) and I searched femme4femme and yours showed up and have been following ever since. Great blog btw, I find that I relate to the stuff you post a lot.
Actually that’s so interesting to notice because you’re so right and it’s something I’ve never really realized until now. Feminine bi people date other feminine bi people and usually nobody cares, but when it comes to lesbians it’s something completely different.
It’s so frustrating seeing people think femininity is not complete without masculinity, you don’t need to be attracted to a masculine person to be feminine, just like you don’t need to be attracted to a feminine person to be masculine.
Yeah I understand you because I’m mostly attracted to other femmes. I do identify as a femme, I think that’s a big part of who I am and my identity, but only here on Tumblr I actually describe myself as that. My native language doesn’t really have terms like butch and femme, we just use feminine and masculine. And yeah people who think femmes have to be attracted to butches and vice versa are not only misogynistic but they still have a very heteronormative mindset that they think every relationship has to have a feminine and a masculine person.
And I’m very glad you like my blog. I really wanted to be a space where other femme4femmes could relate to because I would also search for that type of content and I would usually find posts that fetishizes femmes, not actual femmes just sharing their experiences.
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noonaishere · 2 years
So, I thought I’d make this post just to help people who were in the position I was about an hour ago, where I realized the American tour dates had started but I STILL hadn’t seen the Lightiny app on the Google Play store. You know, just in case anyone else hasn’t noticed (like, idk, did I not check official channels enough? Were my search terms not right? I was confusion, KQ explain.) So if you did know this, you can just scroll on by, but if you didn’t:
There is no Lightiny app in the Google Play store.
Why? I’m not sure. Maybe because Android users can actually download non-app store files? (Can Apple users do that? I only ever had to use an Apple computer in graphic design school and I hated it.) I’ve been checking since Ateez’ Lightiny Ver. 2 video came out, and then googling like, “why is it not out yet? I want to play with this light, damnit” (not my actual search terms, but you get me).
So, finally, after remembering that the American tour started yesterday and wondering if I was actually going to be able to have my light light up with the others at the concert, I decided to ask an Ateez youtuber about it.
User shiberminnn basically does Ateez news in their community tab,. They’re a  real one and I check like every day just to see what’s up (the SMF plagarism scandal was a ride to read about every day, jesus lordt), and since they normally know what’s up, I decided to comment and ask if they knew if the Android app came out yet.
Link to download: https://t.co/HYWH3GgAks Installation method: Installation method: https://twitter.com/ATEEZofficial/status 
But I wouldn’t have known that, because I don’t speak Korean, and I don’t even have twitter! Lol. Personally, I blame google for changing their search algorithms in 2018, because I’m scrolling their twitter now and the word “Lightiny” is in SEVERAL of their tweets, which just means that Google didn’t think any of them were important enough to show me when I was trying to find out what was going on 🙄🙄🙄
(Literally, my first search term was “ateez lightiny” and didn’t get their twitter a single fucking time 🤔🤔🤔 google, you suck.)
So whatever, maybe this is just a me refusing to have twitter problem (literally, when I did have it, my friends called me in to fight with someone who was being rude to them and it turned out to be a professor at our college and I was like “...maybe this is a stupid website” and never used it after that. Don’t know how that prof didn’t end up in trouble btw.)
But if any single other person is having the same problem, *gestures at the links above* here you go.
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chezzabellesworld · 3 days
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The twoCoreys
This is my introduction to Hollywood reading Corey Feldman‘s book well not completely but it was a good starting point, he injured such a painful childhood that it’s almost really hard to come back from anything like that and I don’t think he ever has did or will there’s a lot of honesty in that book there’s a lot of explaining and how people and especially children get treated in the industry of Hollywood which is a bit of abuse for children women And sometimes men as well, we have only just seen with Puff Daddy and there will be more of exactly how harmful this is. You get male paedophiles you get female paedophiles you get young paedophiles you get old paedophiles they don’t discriminate just like addiction doesn’t discriminate doesn’t discriminate can be these things in Hollywood it seems to be really rampant and a lot of people I believe now are starting to say oh actually why is it the same story over and over again? You’ll see someone get famous. You’ll see the picture falls you will see how they fall into these different categories. You’ll see how they do devil worshipping, they’ll have one big hit. Let’s say let’s say there were a musician and they have one big hit that makes them breakthrough but after that they’re not the same again. A good example of this for modern terms is Doja Cat and when says came out I believe that’s when she changed after that. That’s when we saw her weird 27th birthday birthday party almost a tribute to the illuminati, not well and I know that she’s a great woman she is but she still doing all these things and if she’s looked up adrenal crime this is what disturbs me more than the birthday party is a black eye club if you don’t know what the black eyed club is you’re lucky From adrenachrome withdrawal, and you know how they harvest adreno is from the blood of tortured children adrenalised blood from the penal gland sick isn’t it all that’s not forget Macaulay Culkin talking about the red shoe club now. I don’t know where this came from and I haven’t seen it but I’ve seen it talked about where he was talking to these men and they were saying about these. They all had red shoes I could find I haven’t looked in the right places but they were saying the best leather for shoes was children and I said to her at the time was a child and they went to him. You remember Heather O’Rourke right? I have I loved to have I loved the poltergeist and she’s not with us anymore and they were hinting that these shoes were made out of her so don’t be surprised at how sick these people are. You can go down this hole and I’ll tell you what they’ve made it even harder you to do that censoring shit on TikTok videos., I guess Instagram as well and all the others because I don’t want these voices out there, and also pandemic it’s been harder to look these things up. It was just before the pandemic actually that the Internet did change and you couldn’t go down the search engines as well and look into things like I did when I was looking into things Corey Feldman had said in his book anyway let’s go to the 2Coreys we have Corey Haim child actor start of Lucas ,Lost Boys, And then we have Feldman who I know more about to be honest start of goonies star of stand by me star of Lost Boys Haim, in fact in Feldman Burke before he met other Cory was the same age they were both Jewish, they were both called Corey. They had many things in common and they were fighting for a role. I think they met the casting of stand by me or one of Feldman‘s other films. I’m not too sure but he said he met him there but he wrote him a letter and it was very sweet and showed good character and form and talent he had as an entertainer but the boy had been badly abused by men in the industry homes. Elder sister is meant to be the actress in the family but he ended up being more popular this is how I was told it.
Let’s go to Feldman’s childhood, I think he’s 2 1/2 years old, maybe three and he’s doing his first commercial or advert if you’re from the UK like me, and it’s Christmas and it’s in the summer and it’s a McDonald’s now at this point this young boy realises that Christmas isn’t true or Father Christmas isn’t real. It’s age. He also grown up in a very abusive home with his mother. She the mother would bully Corey relentlessly about work about his weight what foods he could eat but would then let, his sister eat the food that he could not eat she was like the mum would say well she doesn’t gain weight like you. Do you put on weight really easily got bullied by his mother which really obviously affected him in a big way and I think it’s probably affected his own identity, I’m sure it has.
His mum was a cocaine addict. It was the late 70s and he said that his mother was terrifying. She was that kind of like a manic depressive and would be very scary and loads of steps and his real dad was not a huge part of his life, he had younger siblings as he got older Than one would drive them round recklessly to different places shouting and taunting and should be really rude about how other people looked as well when they were driving in the car he would say things to the effect of my mum was very fat people when she say look at that fat fuck or look at this awful ugly person Obviously rubbed off. He even admitted in his black that he had become like her as he got older he felt very align when he did stand by me. One of his most iconic roles ever with Will Wheaton river Phoenix and Jerry O’Connell.! he said what a pleasure it was to work with River and they were the two of them about the same age. He said Jerry was quite a bit younger and well he was more into like his computers and stuff but they were all pretty good kids, but this was the first time that they both experimented with drinking and marijuana and they were only 14 younger, if you look at River as well in this, he grew up in a cult the children of God which are notoriously known now with their paedophile leader but before these children children the Phoenix children before Phoenix, they were called bottom, I think I might change my name too lol.
And they were all sing together in the street with music guitars for this then they came to LA and this is where River picked up work. They all eventually became actors and Joaquin , he’s still out today and did an amazing portrayal in the Joker, poor boy he had to do the 911 call for his brother when he died. He was very very sad. I think you can still find it online so if you ever wanna read a book about this and Hollywood especially in the 80s I believe it is a particularly at its worst let’s start with the fact his dad then ended his life and his dad became his agent. Sorry I got it wrong. His dad was in his life but he was out on tour a lot. I believe he was a musician or he was out working as far so he wasn’t always with the kids and the mum had that one where they lived and anyway when he was his agent, his manager would get a agent. now the agent wasn’t that much older than Feldman and he would take him to all his auditions and be his mind. You’re kind of thing and look after him but he knew that he was his time and that his family weren’t that great, and he became a friend to Feldman. The sad thing was this relationship had a sinister. This guy was the first guy to give Feldman drugs and he do it very slowly and groomed him they would listen to dark side of the Moon by Pink Floyd high on acid giving this young teenage boy acid but I guess a lot worse and I’m more lot more darker than that he said one time, as he was slowly grooming him with the drugs and so I’m trying to be a friend for him that he overstepped the line, while they were doing drugs one time he got violated by this man his innocence taken he performed oral on him which Feldman obviously didn’t know what to do. He was so high but there wasn’t a lot he could do so he had drugged him and him I was saying this seems to be at a height in Hollywood in the 80s debauchery all of it his agent and shows more darker sinister drugs such as crack and heroin he would have a box of all the different kind of drugs smack quack all of them has weed acid. Just everything you can imagine was there. So at this point he became his fun friend, but also the man who is grooming him and giving him drugs and letting him into a dark side happening he had told many people that while he was 13 years old filming Lucas Sheen propositioned him Charlie Sheen and between two trailers outside he was sodomised by this man who is 19 and had put Crisco on him in the two cries program. They talk about this and it was not scripted. They just went through each other and was very angry at Feldman because he was high with his molesters but then in another interview you see Feldman was naive. He said program when he was promoting his book that he was surrounded by them and he didn’t even know it until he looked back at these pictures and it’s him, and they were all monsters .In his book, he writes some like blind items so John Grisham becomes Ron Crimson. I can’t remember what he called Marty but he had been in it from the start to like Brian back and he was help. The job was helping children even though they’ve been to jail for being they still work like they showed on Brian Peck then moved to the Disney Channel after what he did to Jake Bell and another thing controversial we need to start taking boys seriously and not make fun of it just cause they’re a boys is still just as bad and we need to listen in fact it’s a lot harder for a man to talk up because men are told to be strong and you know all this other crap we’ve fed them strong for admitting it for doing so at the time Feldman says he met him he’d already been heavily groomed and he even wanted the two of them to have relations which he wasn’t comfortable with at this point I don’t think anything happened to Feldman apart from the severe abuse from his mother.
Different life with his family I don’t think he was severely abused by his family. I think he was just maybe not. They weren’t aware of what was going on or maybe they did to die because like I said in the previous sentence saying about how I’m wanting to have relations with him and got really angry that he put this in his book, but this part of his story, another thing many years later in 2020 Feldman was trying to release his film to make money for survivors and get the truth out for him and his dead brother’s mother refused to believe it was Charlie Sheen even though everyone else is saying it for some reason I feel like she might’ve been paid off with scared to say something she was like no I know who abused my son it wasn’t this person she doesn’t want to admit that it was many many, Marty was being one of them or was it John Crimson John Grisham who Feldman said would always always be like oh come have sex can you write sex? XXXX sex and he would say about inviting the man and it was horrible to have sex with young, which was really uncomfortable for Feldman I believe anyway he’s getting pressurised into the situation and now he’s a part of it too and overweight smelly disgusting man is going all over my friend. I mean Home is from and he had a more that say normal childhood where he is beautiful, I don’t really see why the family wanted to come to Hollywood and I don’t understand these parents you want to make money through their children but they too lazy to get a job like what is going on though do you not understand the breadwinner it happened with Macaulay culling happened with so many but with Macaulay Culkin, he had a very violent father as well who would beat him and actors or if there is there should be extremely strict rules for these minors because I’m so sad about hearing about it and these children deserve better.
And I don’t know if there is anyway you can look for it now but Corey Feldman is on Trisha Paytas‘s old podcast before the one she does now around 2020 or 2019 around that’s all time and she’s talking to him about Corey’s angels which is another thing that needs to be looked in just cause I’m talking about him and that doesn’t mean that I think he’s innocent with what he did with those women Think it was really bad if you had some of the women’s stories it’s very sad but they end up on the topic of Charlie Sheen ironically and she’s going are you had Corey‘s angels and Charlie had his goddesses and kinda like Hugh Hefner and you can see him get really uncomfortable and I was like when I saw this clip I was like oh my God it’s gonna come out. It’s gonna come out and we’re gonna see the mask and it did and he was like yeah but one of them was a really good guy and the other is not let’s say, the less the better of course his best friend another side of this is that like fancy these people and thought they really liked him too but they were just hurting him and he didn’t understand why she didn’t wanna have anything more to do with him afterwards, like it really broke him All in all these men deserved better. These men deserve justice and Charlie Sheen needs to pay. No one thinks Charlie Sheen is innocent are you kidding me? Denise Richards wouldn’t even have him round her girls and he had to have supervision and he wasn’t allowed nighttime visits or nighttime or whatever because she said at the time she did say this she said that was on Material on Charlie’s computer of young boys and young girls girls in braces boys very young too and it scared her and she didn’t want her daughter is this? This is a fact that Charlie daughter is now an only fans girl can you believe it I ended it today, but I urge you to speak out if you have gone through this and we need to boycott Hollywood, thank you
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findroleplay · 17 days
Hey there! 27F looking for some people +20 to roleplay with!
- Quality> Quantity. I tend to mirror posts but I’m realistic, when it comes to some scenes posts tend to get shorter (like when we’re in a dialogue heavy one). I don’t need novella-length posts.
- Doubling is a must. Also, I like to play both Canon and OCs, so I expect someone who also likes it.
- I can't lie, I always end up sneaking some romance into a rp. Guilty. MxF (playing both genders) is my main kind of pair, or the one I'm most familiar with, although I’m open to MxM and FxF too. AGED UP IS A MUST if we're talking about the tmnt turtles and romance, and speaking about that I don’t like the idea of HumanxAnimal mutant pairings to be fair, at least when the mutants are similar in design to the turtles or Splinter.
- I like OOC chit chat, sharing all our memes, silly headcanons… I won’t pressure you for replies.
Now, the fandoms, which are completely different and at the same time so similar because I never expected myself to want to roleplay them in the first place.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles - TMNT - CanonxOC and perhaps OCxOC: I finally watched the 2023 movie and I had a blast. I’m open to something based around it, with a few changes here and there, or something more along the lines of other version of the turtles’ universe. Keep in mind I remember small scenes of the show I watched as a child (I think it was the 90s one?) and I’m not familiar with the most recent versions, that’s why I believe something at least based around the Mutant Mayhem movie ideas would be easier for me. Now, the question is, does this make a furry? I dunno, feel free to diagnose me.
Trolls CanonxOC, CanonxCanon: Yes, as in dreamworks trolls. Sorry the third move has me confused about how much I’ve liked it.
I’m searching for a comfort roleplay. In which, yes, we can explore drama and darker adventures than the original source, but I’m also craving the silliness and fluffiness of this fandom, the different hc and what ifs. I’ve seen very interesting ideas online already, I’ve even started to draw again! Trolls are giving all the happy chemicals to my brain.
In this fandom I’d like to do CanonxOC and CanonxCanon in terms of pairings, but I'm open to some OCxOC on the side.
Just a note, the characters I’m open to play are mainly the Brozone gang, Viva and perhaps other characters appearing in the third movie, and some from the second or first.
Thanks for reading and please send me a message if you’re interested or have any questions!
0 notes
findyourrp · 26 days
Hey there! 27F looking for some people +20 to roleplay with! c:
- Quality> Quantity. I tend to mirror posts but I’m realistic, when it comes to some scenes posts tend to get shorter (like when we’re in a dialogue heavy one). I don’t need novella-length posts.
- Doubling is a must. Also, I like to play both Canon and OCs, so I expect someone who also likes it.
- I can't lie, I always end up sneaking some romance into a rp. Guilty. MxF (playing both genders) is my main kind of pair, or the one I'm most familiar with, although I’m open to MxM and FxF too. AGED UP IS A MUST if we're talking about the tmnt turtles and romance, and speaking about that I don’t like the idea of HumanxAnimal mutant pairings to be fair, at least when the mutants are similar in design to the turtles or Splinter.
- I like OOC chit chat, sharing all our memes, silly headcanons… I won’t pressure you for replies.
Now, the fandoms, which are completely different and at the same time so similar because I never expected myself to want to roleplay them in the first place.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles - TMNT - CanonxOC and perhaps OCxOC: I finally watched the 2023 movie and I had a blast. I’m open to something based around it, with a few changes here and there, or something more along the lines of other version of the turtles’ universe. Keep in mind I remember small scenes of the show I watched as a child (I think it was the 90s one?) and I’m not familiar with the most recent versions, that’s why I believe something at least based around the Mutant Mayhem movie ideas would be easier for me. Now, the question is, does this make a furry? I dunno, feel free to diagnose me.
Trolls CanonxOC, CanonxCanon: Yes, as in dreamworks trolls. Sorry the third move has me confused about how much I’ve liked it.
I’m searching for a comfort roleplay. In which, yes, we can explore drama and darker adventures than the original source, but I’m also craving the silliness and fluffiness of this fandom, the different hc and what ifs. I’ve seen very interesting ideas online already, I’ve even started to draw again! Trolls are giving all the happy chemicals to my brain.
In this fandom I’d like to do CanonxOC and CanonxCanon in terms of pairings, but I'm open to some OCxOC on the side.
Just a note, the characters I’m open to play are mainly the Brozone gang, Viva and perhaps other characters appearing in the third movie, and some from the second or first.
Thanks for reading and please send me a message if you’re interested or have any questions!
0 notes