#divinity k1nk
ohhhhhshesaslut · 2 months
My boyfriend is, almost exclusively, a sub. And I love him for it! I love watching him crumble and break, the resolve leaving him as his eyes go wide. It's delightful...
But, something must have been gnawing at him last night. Something got under his skin, I think. Both him and our roommate. They'd been teasing me about body writing - and, I'm ashamed to say, I forgot the exact context of what they intended until they had me chained up and pinned down. They marked and divided out my flesh, skin separated by dotted butcher's lines into regions that they could squabble over. They barely responded to my whines and complaints. They'd stopped thinking about me as a person by that point - just cuts of meat to be done with as they saw fit. A breast to one, my throat to the other. Flanks and tenderloins, biceps and fingers - each marked. Divvied out. Claimed.
My roommate bid himself adieu after they had made their selections and unchained me. He's very good at sharing, and so took the chance to leave me in my boyfriend's hands.
Now, my boyfriend, my bunny, an acolyte to his goddess... he'd threatened and teased me before, but - those times were almost always moments of smirking play. Times when he wanted me to break him down. Remind him who was in charge.
Last night... he was not playing. It wasn't long at all before casual conversation transitioned to him pinning me down - no mean feat for a bunny his size. He whispered in my ear about all the different ways he intended to use the portions of my flesh he'd marked out. Told me, as he forced me to roll over and fuck him, that he'd be taking the portions that weren't his, too - told me he was too greedy to share my divided body. He sounded insatiable. Possessed. And for a blissful time, I allowed whatever demon took him to wrest control.
But... a possession requires an exorcism. And one can only take so much snark and vitriol before the urge to restore the balance rears its head. It was only natural to purify his soul by forcing his head down into the pillow, feeling him writhe and squirm for air. Again, and again. When that wasn't enough, I coiled my fingers around his throat, taking his breath to silence the fell demon inside him.
By the time he'd regained his ability to speak, he asked for his soul to be cleansed. He's a very devout acolyte, of course - and so the searing strikes of the whip across his flesh were enough to drive the rest of the darkness from him.
I truly don't know what demon got into him - but I have the sneaking suspicion that a floodgate has been opened. I fear that he may find himself even more corruptible now, a vessel for malevolence that neither of us yet know the true potential of.
I can only hope.
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puppiilove-mail · 1 month
Calling them my"god" and promising to be a good boy as they force me to kneel before them as they shove their cock into my mouth >>>> ♡♡♡
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tmascfaggot · 3 months
what if you bought me a grave plot and then fucked me on it while promising that you were gonna be the one to put me in it one day
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latexcowb0y · 2 months
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rave shooting
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Breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed breed
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trans-mutt-pup-switch · 3 months
I can’t stop thinking about me as a sub. I don’t see much representation. But maybe others resonate. I love being the filthiest of service sub/slave for my Gods. I love topping Him to fuck him. I love riding Him. Choking him. Being choked. Just going feral to please him and stay mindless. When I say I want Him to fully use me I mean it. Even if He wants to call me Daddy, needs me to be rough with Them, Needs to worship me head to toe or just needs my mouth to not leave His cock. I am here. If chores need done, I got them. If he needs to feel needed I’ll keep him motivated while he does the house chores. I just want Him to see him perfection the way I do no matter what it takes. But I typically stay in a subby puppy/ bunny mindset the whole time. Idk if this makes sense but fuck I just want my body to be used in any way for my everything. I am so hypnotized by His existence.
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tmascfaggot · 3 months
idea: hands being tied in constant prayer, arms bound to my chest, head made to be bowing, forcibly trapped in worship
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he1lokitty · 4 years
follow spree!
hi, my name is evie and i’m new to the community. please like or reblog if you’re a completely sfw babycore, toddlercore, kidcore, cottagecore, teddycore, age regression, or witchcraft acc that would like to be mutuals! some things i’m interested in/post about are:
- the color pink
- warmcore (cottagecore, teddycore, softcore, etc)
- nostalgic early late 90’s-mid 00’s things
- mlp
- care bears
- sailor moon
- mental health progress
- self care
- babycore, toddlercore, and kidcore
- witchcraft (hoodoo, hellenic pagansim, divination, tarot)
- anything cute and fun!
(k1nk and n$fw please do not interact with or follow me. i have nothing against you, but i have chosen to keep this acc completely sfw for the sake of my healing. thank you for respecting that.)
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I need to get someone pregnant. The instinctual urge to just go days ensuring they're fully knocked up grows ever stronger and I don't know how long I can hold it back.
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There's one possessive act that I've always fantasized about: holding.
Just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing and your dom just quietly appears behind you, wrapping their arms around you in such a gentle yet possessive manner.
You let out a soft gasp as they let out an even softer chuckle or whisper a soft nothing into your ear, and all you can do is sit there and melt into their arms. You wouldn't dare resist because they know every part of you so well that you both know you wouldn't. They know every inch of your body. You're their's. ♡
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Ugh, being a Switch is hard. Half wanting to be taken until i lose myself in them, half wanting to make someone lose feeling in their legs, 1000% increased horny. ♡
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Jeez, what does it take for me to get someone in my bed just for us to breed for hours until we fall in love with each other and develop unhealthy obsessions for each other?
Haha jk jk...
Unless~? ♡
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The fact that I'm not balls deep inside someone right now and getting them pregnant is driving me to a new brink of insanity. 𓆩♡𓆪
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Sigh, another sleepless night where I cannot slam my hips as hard as I can into someone. 𓆩♡𓆪
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I want to be corrupted so badly.
And a lot of it. In a way in which they'd become close to me. Friendly, nice, kind, and perfectly normal. However, they would plant subtle hints without me noticing, observe my patterns and behavior, and use it.
They would do small things like touch me certain ways in a friendly manner, testing to see what I'd become more pliable and corruptible to. We'd joke around about things but have those very, very, intense moments where I can't help but wonder: were you really joking?
Maybe they'd even throw in some outside manipulation, causing my vision to tunnel towards them. Maybe then, I'd realize it. Maybe-
Oh wait, it's already too late. ♡
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I don't know what needs to give or what else needs to occur, but I truly can't resist anymore, I'm gonna have to get the next person who crosses my path pregnant.
There's just no other way anymore, the lust is too strong. (Don't worry, I'll make sure to fulfill every single one of your fantasies while I'm at it.) ♡
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