#did you know mosquitoes are a type of fly
aka-indulgence · 1 month
I hate every fly ever why do they have to look so disgusting?? and the small ones the most!!! at least the big ones are easily noticeable and easy to swat away, but the fruit flies??? Little??? Bastards??? Who disappears as soon as they start flying?? The size of a grain of sand??? Who keeps flying into your face and around your ears for some reason??? Little fuckers??? Why are you even flying near me I don’t have foods on me??? You can’t even hear them so all of a sudden you look at your food and you see a tiny speck skittering around it?? Man I hate flies
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
a visceral feeling, that i can never leave behind
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summary; jj crossed his heart, hoped to die that he wouldn’t get in another dust up; now he’s suffering.
authors notes; getting back into the groove of writing full length fics, still doing blurbs. but if you have a request either way, requests are open.
pairing; jj maybank x pogue!fem!reader (reader is almost always a pogue, unless i specify other wise)
warnings; angst to fluff, maybe suggestive if you take it that way
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It was unusual to not hear from JJ.
Whether it be sullen facetime calls, hundreds of affectionate text messages, or not being able to pry your hands off of one another in person.
It was just unusual.
Which is why you are silently cursing yourself, sat parked outside the Chateau. The Twinkie was gone, but that in more ways than one didn’t mean JJ wasn’t in his bedroom.
Maybe John B took it out on an errand.
Maybe John B, Pope, and Kie went out on the marsh.
The possibilities were endless— but JJ never was the type to miss out on a Pogue expedition. Nor was he the type to not tell you about it; hell he’d update you if he was doing a task, as simple as smoking a blunt.
Glancing down at the blue and grey text chain, a photo of JJ kissing the bone of your jaw ever so slightly adorned the top, a helpless dimple poking through— but, you couldn’t understand why most of it was blue. Why were they so many texts from only you?
J <3
JB did a lil fire tonight
Got mosquito bites in places I shouldn't have mosquito bites
Need you to help me scratch them :(
I'm being serious
Goodnight baby, wish I was sleeping with you
Those were the last few texts you'd received from JJ, after you'd worked a late shift at the wreck and he'd known you fell asleep. JJ also knew today was your late shift, typically he'd be at the front door of your home; parents ready to boot him out from how much he continuously rambled on about you. You even tried calling Kie, Pope, and John B numerous times with no response.
Yeah, something was definitely fucking wrong.
With a slam of your car door the leaves from the tree above crunch beneath your feet, adjusting your cropped tee so it didn't fall too low. Rays of the sun beaming thoroughly on the skin of your legs and the exposure of your back, making your way towards the screen door of the Chateau. Screen pulled back and worn out, the wood chipped and chewed but this wouldn't be the Chateau if it wasn't. Past the porch you step foot inside, pushing aside beer cans with your shoe clad foot; empty cereal boxes, stale three-day old pizza, open sodas. Anything that you could imagine that was on the hard wood floor, it was.
But what you couldn't find was answers.
You called, knowing full well there wouldn't be a response as he isn't visibly here. But it's JJ, he could be fucking around.
You tried the pet name in hopes that it would work, but as you enter his room and see an unmade bed with miscellaneous clothes thrown on it your thoughts grew thin. You huffed limp body falling back onto the solid twin matress.
Instantly flying upward upon hearing familiar voices and footsteps, one familiar voice in particular.
Questions seeming to be answered all at once.
"Did you see that headlock John B had him in?"
"Easy access! Took one hit and I swear I heard his jaw crack!"
It was, in fact JJ.
Doing that thing that he does after the Pogues think they've accomplished something big, yet they always fail to see the bigger picture.
Heat of the moment or adrenaline, you assumed.
"His face was so fucked up!"
"He's had it coming for a long time."
You confirmed it was John B's voice with Kies toward the end. Now the issue was, who the hell did they have to get into a fight with this time?
Though you may not know, you'd make certain to find out.
Creeping around the corner, you make your presence known at the entrance of the living room where they all stood. Appearing as if they's seen a ghost.
Not only did they not have the decency to include you or fill you in, but JJ's fist is coated in blood. Disheveled and mulled, like they'd been ran over by the same bus various times. Kie's curls fanned outwardly, John B with a busted lip, Pope with a black eye, and JJ with a welp against his cheek bone; a gushing cut seeping through.
Your voice grows horse, mouth running dry; fathomed by your supposed friends in front of you.
What were you? A sick joke?
"Look ... we can explain, JJ told us not to tell you and we-"
Kie offered, guilt eating away at her portraying a bad habit.
"Just don't."
"Shouldn't someone like ... be mediator this time, she might actually kill him."
Pope chimes in and it makes your stomach churn because he was partially true.
You brush past them, aiming for your car and of course JJ's steps behind you. Echoing your every move, fingertips knotting around your wrist in an effort for you to turn around and face him. Unexpectedly, your back met with the warm glass window of your car. His fists at the hood, arms hovering near the sides of your head. Tresses combed backward from his digits, out of fear that this situation right here would happen.
There were certain confrontations JJ appreciated and certain one's he didn't.
He had no problem with pummeling someone unrecognizable for the sake of his friends, which spells out the entirety of this.
The confrontations he hated though was this one, the one where he can't even look you in the eye. He invariably lost his tongue in a fight with you, his past making him think that every fight could result in you abandoning him and never coming back. For the long run.
"You should go get that looked at," you spat, biting back so harshly. Peering at a slash that would take weeks to scab over.
"Just stay okay? This doesn't have to be a fight."
His speech is low and he's looking everywhere but at you until you shoved him- hands connecting with his chest in an effort to get his attention and for him to stop caging you in.
Exasperated that he couldn't just tell you, that he couldn't just talk to you about it.
Animosity that he would dare get his precious face damaged in such as way.
Irate and bitter that his somehow get himself in this overwhelming imperilment.
A menace before you.
"It does JJ! We're lying to each other now? This is what we do?!"
It was a show, a show that people would stream on television for their on laughter and enjoyment.
But this was the sheerness of a susceptible couple, glass nearly empty.
Time bellowing out.
"I had to baby!"
Not to be dramatic but JJ's heart had been stitched together once, when you entered his life.
And that's why he tried his utmost to prevent any interference in this relationship.
Because now he swears, he can physically feel a stitch rip open with every remark you make.
"We tell each other everything JJ!"
"And I didn't tell you 'cause, I knew this is how you'd react!"
He stands still with a clenched jaw; tight enough for teeth to grind, hand gesturing at your current 'pissed off' stance—notrils flaring and mouth agape.
And he thinks this actual smoke fuming out of your ears.
Silence fell over the two of you, stood so desperately apart in the misty front yard of the Chateau.
"It was Rafe," He rasped through monotone. "We had to take this round while we could-"
"So fucking stupid, you know he's coming back for ya'll!" You still speak sharply, infuriated past envy. "M'the one treated like shit, just for you to get one up on Rafe Cameron ... of all people JJ!"
"I know, baby! I know-"
He reached for your arms, in ordinace to hold them close, but he failed whilst you inched to the car door.
What's upsetting is, after the fight and pirior to it- JJ craved to breathe in your oxygen and get lost inside your lungs.
"I dont care if it's a decision I won't like, it's still something I deserve to know," and now your voice is just growing weary. "You do such dumb shit and m'expected not to say anything."
All JJ could do was ache.
Ache with regret.
And ache with longing at the feeling of you not wanting to be near him.
He hadn't even gotten a kiss today, for Christ's sake.
"You said you wanted all of me JJ, I gave you that. Why aren't you doing the same..."
Your figure folds, stepping low into the car, JJ running forward bloody fist pounding on the glass window. Praying to God, that you'd give in just this once and hear him out.
"I am! I fuck up one time and you're there to make sure I don't hear the end of it!'
He's finding his voice, a minute two late as his takes note of gear switching and the vehicle moving backward to leave.
"Get out! Don't go ... please don't baby!"
He trails behind the moving car, as if running would make a difference.
But you wouldn't be there this time.
The last altercation he got into, you were on the other end to clean his bruises and linger kisses onto his cuts; yet, there was also an agreeance that he wouldn't be caught up in another scrutinizing fight.
You validated yourself in thinking you had the right to your reaction.
And JJ validated himself in thinking he was right in not telling you, your words engraving in his brain like clockwork; agatizing that he saw reason.
Nearly a chore for him to listen— heardheaded beyond belief.
Ravaging in the come down.
Always finding the beat, now they can't find the rush.
All filaments of emotion turned to dust.
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“You can stop shitting your pants now, she’s already seen us.”
John B’s banter is not one that makes JJ’s tongue stop clicking, nor does it make his leg stop bouncing up and down out of horrid anxiousness.
He’s forced John b to take him to your home, only to be dismissed in your family saying you weren’t around.
You were, you just couldn’t stand to see JJ.
Fed up with his antics and his constant need to put himself in a position of hazardous instability.
Allowing him to resort to plan ‘work invasion’— the one place he knew you couldn’t escape him.
Despite how he typically acts, JJ has precise memory when it comes to you. He still has the little crumpled piece of paper you gave him in first grade— folded neatly inside his wallet, being besotted with you for that long.
‘I like your hiar — signed Y/N’
He picked fun at the way you spelled hair, though he took pride in his hair since then. And no matter how much he misplaced things, he endlessly found his was back to that note.
Resembling you, evermore.
With that being said, remembering your work schedule was something of ease to him.
You did glance at them stepping foot into the eating establishment, sat at a table on the far side— also know as your serving section.
Ultimately, you didn’t want to argue any longer with JJ; you didn’t want to argue to begin with. You bargained with him to learn— to learn that he can’t always have his way.
Especially when he’s teasing you so, showing up during your shift, and wearing that stupid fucking navy blue button up shirt besides the fact that it was, unbuttoned. Chest on display, muscular and built.
You felt the dagger of his eyes on your back whilst you served the table that was ahead of them, still feet away. Unable to concentrate on the order, eaves dropping on their conversation.
“Ma’am, are you listening?”
“Sorry … sorry what was that?”
Your saccharine voice apologizing to the woman and her small child, JJ chews the inside of his mouth. He despised going longer than a millisecond without hearing that sweet, sweet sound, laced with the inticement of veneration.
Accidentally fumbling the pen and note pad in your hand, rubbing your sweating palms onto your greasy black half-apron.
“Just two milkshakes.”
The woman was quick to repeat, voice more stern at you for not getting it right the first time.
But JJ was going to win you over, wether that be clogging every toilet in the stalls to announce to everyone that there was a plumping problem— isolating only you and him.
Though, he had something else in mind. Maybe not we’ll thought out to most, but it was the quickest and most efficient way he new of to win you back over on his side.
You slide your feet against the tiled floor, anticipating serving the group of Pogues. Instead you plaster on as fake as smile, and interrupt their witty banter by clearing your throat.
“What can I get ya’ll today? Our special today is a main dish of lying with backstabbing on the side.”
You were being bitter and you knew it, purposefully standing on the side of the table that JJ wasn’t on. But still the dining chair screeched on the floor, in an effort to move closer.
“Look we actually love you a lot more than JJ, if we’re being honest,” Pope conquered, and Kie and John B shook their heads in eagerness, willing to mask the tension in the air. “He convinced us to leave you out of it and we didn’t want to get in the middle of anything.”
“You don’t have to justify anything JJ did Pope, he chose to break our promise and that’s on him.”
You sneered, eyes rolling harshly at the blonde that’s twirling his thumbs— peering up at you with a deathly smirk on his features.
“That was a one time thing, Rafe deserved it baby, you know he did.”
“Baby, you know he did.”
John B mocked JJ, warning a kick from JJ’s combat boot beneath the table with a scoff.
“Did you guys hear something … like this irritating buzzing sound of some bastard talking?”
That earned a hissing sound from John B, the actual remnants of what JJ felt from that comment.
“Are y’all ordering or what? I have other tables to serve.”
You conquer, JJ’s at the edge of seat, tapping his foot. His sense being filled with that of burgers, shrimp and grits, anything he could utter but he didn’t have an appetite.
No, not when the only thing he had a hankering for was currently in front of him.
Back straightened and stood tall, typically a stance he’d drool over but he can’t get past the weeping sensation— dire need to never be at odds.
To simply just be.
For you to be his, and him be yours.
All over again.
“I was hoping you were on the menu.”
Courage emphasizing his words, eyeing you up and down— nearly eyefucking. Seeing now as his opportunity to go in for the kill.
“Okay, you know what-“
You’re spinning on your heels, in a notion to walk away— refusing service.
“JJ! Get down, my parents are never gonna’ let us back in here!”
But, he didn’t give a fuck.
A sickly pit in your stomach causes you to turn around, to be met with a JJ stood bright eyed— a disfigured expression and sunken shoulders hanging low.
Standing atop the table, head closer to the ceiling than it ever was before. Loud and proud, whilst his hands clapped, cupping together for a infamous effect.
Your face burns with prim red scrutiny, horror covering your face— just powerful moments ago.
Insides scrambling to nothing, a stupid toothy grin plastered across his features.
Wreckless, per usual, consequences of no variation to him.
He’s irrevocably standing on top of a restaurant table with only lovingly sullen eyes.
“This woman right here,” He gestures his arms toward you, all bodies turning toward you— wanting to cower in shame but oddly enough you were enticed and lead by infatuation.
Pope and John B, just let JJ do his thing— either way he was going to do what he pleased.
Crowds of familiar faces, family, a friends— some with mouths wide open in awe, some making snarky remarks, and some wishing like hell that it was them.
“She’s gonna’ have my babies,” He started a small chuckle escaping his lungs. Announcing to the entirety of the restaurant, giving them entertainment; despite the promise he broke to not get himself hurt again.
This though. This was promising, and convincing and everything in between.
Salvaged with being allergic to the waiting.
Waiting for you to come around.
You’re in the room, you earn his gaze.
You open your mouth, he’s hypnotized.
“And m’gonna have those lips on mine for however long she lets me … forever I hope.”
He beamed, Kie’s father’s disgruntled face entering the room, waving at JJ to get down.
A sinister grin still on his features.
“And ya’ll will pass by us in disgust, that you can’t be us. That you can’t have our love.”
You’d hoped someone was behind you because you were about to collapse.
“This enough of an apology for you, pretty girl?”
He echoes, bits of his accent flowing through the sentence.
You managed to fight the smile on your features.
Let’s just say JJ proclaiming his love infront of nearly thirty people didn’t come close to his usual public displays of affection.
“Get your ass down!” Kie’s father, Mike, stammered, and JJ willingly jumped down from the table, being that he wasn’t finished.
And he knows by the smile lines next to your mouth— that this argument is officially past tense.
And he knows that tonight he’s going to relish in all the delicacies that you have to offer him.
“I mean it was alright,” you joke, picking fun to pass your inkling of embarrassment.
Knowing that it topped any apology you’ve received.
JJ glides over to you, hands wholeheartedly cupping your face, thumbs nestling you chin. Like the two of you were on a stage and this was a live performance.
You hold his heart in your hands internally, JJ is merely thankful to be alive during this lifetime with you.
Appreciating your existence and the relationship the two of you founded, together.
He places a wet, sloppy kiss to your lips, pecking them repeatedly. Delving them together, molding with perfection and engulfing yours with his.
Exhilarated to have the opportunity to graze mouths with yours.
“Don’t ever make me chase you again.”
But, he knows he’d do it all over.
Standing hand in hand, with lovelorn souls.
Knowing that he’d redo it without hesitation.
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blackreaderfics · 9 months
Checking In | Dick Grayson x Black!BatsisReader
↳ Pairing : Dick Grayson x Black!AFAB!BatsisReader
↳ Rating :  E (18+ minors dni‼️)
↳ Summary : After your brother Jason’s death, Dick Grayson keeps “checking in” on you. But as far as you’re concerned, he no longer has any right to be a part your life.
↳ W.C : ~5.2k
↳ Tags+Warnings : faux incest - step siblings (direct mentions), mild angst, hate(?)to love, sexual tension, not Titans DC!verse I just like the actor lol, canon divergence: set after Jason Todd’s death and before Red Hood, reader is a model (body type unspecified), referenced stalking, oral (f receiving), P in V sex, degradation (slut, whore), implied daddy kink, porn with plot!, special guest appearance by Booster Gold
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“Hot date tonight?” 
You felt your eyes roll back into your head at the sound of the male voice that trilled like a mosquito in your ear. Fucking hell, you muttered a curse under your breath. After your shift of late-night vigilante duties, you always seemed to forget to take out your in-ear receiver. 
What was that thing Alfred always told you about breathing exercises? You took a deep breath, allowing yourself to quell your irritation.  In. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3. 
“No action tonight, dick?” You rebutted. 
“I can hear when it’s a lowercase ‘D’, Y/N. ” Unlike yours, his voice betrayed no hostility, rather, he sounded quite amused.
You and Dick Grayson had never been close. In fact, you thought of him as more a stranger than a stepbrother. Bruce Wayne had adopted you into the family after Dick had already packed his bags and moved out of the manor to Blüdhaven. The only times you saw Dick was when somebody died and you had to attend the funeral. 
You didn’t grow up with him like you had Jason. And now that Jason was gone, it was suddenly like the golden “boy wonder” had been trying to squeeze himself into your life to make up for it. Ever since the detective had arrived in Gotham last week on “private business”— whatever, you didn’t want or care to know—he’d been “checking in” on you a bit too often.
“Are you making small talk ‘cuz you’re bored or are you just being annoying?”
“I’m in the middle of something actually.”
You stilled to listen closely, and now that he mentioned it, it did sound like he was in the middle of a fight. 
“Well, I would offer to help you but— ”you paused, wincing at what sounded like a man being punched in the gut. “—seems like you got it covered.”
“More than covered, sweetheart. Unlike what you’re wearing.” He made it sound like he was joking; though, the remark itself had bite.
“What?” What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
“That dress. Seems a little much for a first date don’t you think?”
You heard a yelp of pain in the background. Dick probably had some guy’s arm twisted around. 
“How the fuck would you know what I’m wearing? Or that I’m going on a date?”
You eyed the room while putting on the other half of your earrings. The idea of privacy wasn’t exactly a thing at Wayne Manor. That was the whole reason you moved out and into your penthouse apartment in the city. 
If for some reason he had seen you, he would’ve seen your figure in a slinky black mini-dress. A tasteful, but still unapologetic show of legs, cocoa skin, and cleavage all in one. 
“That guy plastered you on a billboard in the middle of Gotham. So, y’know, doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. And relax, your comms was on. You ever notice that you talk to yourself? Like a lot.”
He was about to be talking to himself if he didn’t shut the fuck up soon.
Ok, breathe. In. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3.
You were violently broken out of your breathing exercise when a screaming welp and cracking of bones sounded through the earpiece. 
Dick spoke again, slightly winded. “Bruce say you could wear that?”
“Yes, Dick. Actually, he’s the one that bought it for me,” You deadpanned, voice dripping with sarcasm. Besides the fact that the old man would not give a flying fuck about your wardrobe, you were way too old to be slutshamed or worse, babysat.
“Now I know you’re fucking with me. He has way better taste than that.” You could hear the mirth in his voice; he was clearly just trying to banter with you.
“Oh like you would know anything about taste, Discowing.”
You got him there.
“Just make sure—”
“Good night, Richard.” You closed the line before he could give you another lecture and pocketed the listening device into your purse. 
You regarded yourself in the mirror one last time. It was a certified banger of an outfit, went quadruple platinum in all the clubs in Gotham’s nightlife scene. But that’s not where you were going tonight.
Feeling a little paranoid, you quickly scanned your apartment for any sign that you’d been bugged. Finding nothing, you shut the lights and locked the door behind you. Tonight you did have a date, with one of Gotham’s most eligible bachelors at that. So you were going to look hot and that annoying buzzing in your ear was just going to have to deal with it.
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A sleek Tesla was waiting for you at the curb in front of your apartment building. You gave a small wave to a handsome blonde-haired man leaning against the sports car.
Your date was Michael Carter, some hotshot tech CEO you’d never heard of before until his company, Goldstar Inc. blew up out of nowhere. From what you knew of him he wasn’t as famous or rich as your billionaire adoptive father, but what he lacked in influence, he made up for in boundless persistence.
For the past month and a half, he’d been courting you with bouquets of roses, designer shoes and handbags, and more recently a billboard of you in the middle of Times Square asking you out. The billboard was what made you finally go out with him, not particularly because you liked grandiose gestures from douchebags, but mostly so he could leave you alone.
When you approached Michael he let out an appreciative whistle, and you let him wrap his arms around you in greeting. He looked down at you, appraising you and probably getting an eyeful of your tits at the same time.
“You are an absolute knockout. Who’s the lucky guy?” He quipped, eliciting an eye roll from you. 
Yes, he was also very corny but you decided you liked that about him. You’d dated too many men before that reminded you of the men in your family, and this Michael character was a blonde spark of life, a welcomed change from all the brooding and the fucking bats.
“Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.”
“Oh, I don’t mind waiting. Got a lot of time on my hands.”
You smiled up at him, steadying yourself on his arms and feeling the muscle underneath your fingertips. You had to admit, even though he was corny he was complete eye candy. Built like a football player, dimples, pretty face…Yep, you were definitely going to fuck him tonight.
Your eye caught sight of something from over Michael’s shoulder. You shuddered; not because of the temperature—It was a warm enough summer night— but because you could feel that you were being watched. There was… a shadow… lurking on a nearby building.
Michael followed your line of sight to peer over at the dark, confused at where you were staring. 
“Something the matter, princess? You cold?” He rubbed some heat into the goosebumps pebbling your arm.
“N-no. It’s nothing. Sorry,” You shook your head, breaking away from him to climb into the passenger seat, swiftly shutting your door before he could offer to close it for you. He scrambled back to the driver’s seat, clearly caught off guard from your sudden change in demeanor.
“How about we—” Michael turned toward you, mouth open in mid-sentence.
“Drive.” You cut him off.
“Excuse me, what?” He blinked in confusion. 
“A-alright.” He paused, perplexed, then quietly obeyed, gripping the steering wheel as he pulled away from the curb. 
You fished into your purse, opening your messaging app to type out DON’T FOLLOW before hitting send. You didn’t need to see the reply to confirm your suspicions you were being stalked, and you knew Dick Grayson well enough to know he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t. 
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You frowned at the empty seat in front of you. You had already arrived at the restaurant and taken your orders, but your date had been taking a “business call” in the bathroom for over 20 minutes now. You were starting to think you had been ditched.
“This seat taken?” 
You looked up but instead of your date you were greeted by the sight of Dick Grayson in a crisp navy button-down rolled up at the sleeves. He looked like he could be a CEO in his own right, like the kind of CEOs people read in romance novels.
His forearms looked extremely capable, courtesy of his rigorous training; Broad shoulders and dense muscle made his shirt fit slightly too small. He cleaned up nice, a bit too nice since other women kept sneaking glances at your table. 
Dick was an undeniably handsome man, but you would never admit that to him. Instead you gave him a withering glare.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing but whatever it is, I didn’t ask.”
“So a guy can’t catch up with family after work now?” He sat down in front of you with a look feigning offense until it melted into a playful grin. He looked a bit too smug taking the spot of where your date would’ve been.
“You’re really shameless y’know that? You showing up and expecting me to just welcome you with open arms does not make you family.” You leaned back and crossed your arms. “What the hell did you do with Michael, Dick?”
“What did I do? What, you think I killed him? Like on some mobster Falcone shit?” 
“No, like on some Bruce Wayne shit. Real chip off the old block.” You scoffed. “I know you paid him off. It’s the same story with every other guy I’ve dated.”
He was silent as if mulling over whether or not to own up to the accusation.“I gave them an option and they took it,” he said simply as if there wasn't anything wrong with what he just confessed.
“And here I thought I was the problem.”
“Might be. If you keep choosing guys that’ll walk out on you at the whiff of a few bucks.”
“Fuck you, Dick.” You shot him two middle fingers and gathered your things to go. You weren’t gonna stay and hear this shit.
“They were all full of shit and you know it.”
“D-did anyone order the steak?” 
Dick broke his serious gaze from you and flashed a dimpled smile to ease the nervous waiter.
“We’ll take it to-go, thanks.”
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You watched your 5th Uber request get denied and sighed. You really didn’t want to have to resort to getting the Wayne driver, but these were incredibly desperate times. Maybe if you faked being in danger, they could get to you fast enough to escape from Dick.
You were in the middle of dialing the number up when you felt something heavy across your back; The smell of leather, wood, and spice interrupted your thoughts. You didn’t refuse the warmth; it was welcome. Somehow it had gotten colder than you had originally accounted for.
“Really good thing I was here. Looks like someone needs a ride,” you felt Dick whisper into your ear. He gave your shoulders a playful squeeze and walked ahead of you to his car. You looked up just in time to see him, head turned and smirking back at you.
“Shut. Up. Just take me home,” You gritted out.
“Your chariot awaits.” He tipped an invisible top hat your direction, bowing theatrically as he opened the passenger door to his car. God he was annoying. You slipped past him, and kicked off your heels as soon as you hit the plush leather seat.
The drive back to your apartment was quiet. You weren’t surprised that he seemed to know exactly where you lived. Which, due to the nature of your job was to be expected. Bruce probably had you all chipped anyway, but you appreciated the illusion of privacy at the very least.
You turned your head to stare thoughtfully at his side profile as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel, the other arm resting on the shift. It was oddly intimate to watch him from this perspective. Gotham City’s lights waxed and waned across his face as you passed through the night streets.
“What?” He seemed uncharacteristically conscious under your gaze. 
“So…you’re saying I need to date some sort of incorruptible and righteous superhero. That would be good enough for you, right? Someone that can’t be bought or bribed?”
He glanced at you brow furrowed before returning his attention to the road. “Wasn't saying that.”
“Now that I’m thinking about it Hal Jordan’s kinda cute.”
“Real classy, Y/N,” He said, visibly irritated now.
“What? What’s wrong with Hal?” You pressed, knowing you’d struck a nerve. Dick was terribly predictable and fun to annoy when he wasn’t busy annoying you.
“Uh I don’t know, maybe the fact that he’s Bruce’s friend?”
“Please, they’re barely friends. Coworkers at best.”  Since when was that an issue for the dude who hooked up with the commissioner’s daughter anyway? The hypocrisy was truly baffling.
“Fine,” You pouted at him. “Everyone cares about money, Dick. It’s Gotham. And you don’t even live here anymore, so who else does that leave that money won’t sway? Alfred?”
He gave you a pointed silence, not in any more mood for the topic of conversation. “We’re here.”
You blinked, surprised. Sure enough, you were in the familiar surroundings of your parking garage. Maybe you’d been too busy staring at the cut of the older man’s jaw to notice you were already home.
“You’re not gonna walk me up? ‘Cuz If I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought you were my personal bodyguard.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” 
“Cockblocker.” You muttered under your breath as you scuffed your heels back on. You shrugged out of his jacket and exited the car.
“Hey, wait! Keep the jacket on, it’s cold,” He called after you, but you only waved him off dismissively. You heard his car door slam shut and in a few strides, he was next to you again, draping the jacket over your shoulders.
He wordlessly joined you in the elevator, pushing the button to your floor like he'd been there before. At the door of your apartment, he passed along the plastic bag filled with restaurant takeout.
You briefly considered the raven haired man and then the takeout bag in your hand. “I’m probably gonna regret this, but…you hungry?”
“I could eat,” Dick shrugged, following after you into your apartment. 
You kicked off your heels and made a beeline to the kitchen. “Bathroom’s on the right. Just make yourself at home. I would give you a tour but, you probably already know your way around.”
“Thanks, but it’s the first time I’ve been in here, Y/N.” He replied drily, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Look, I know you don’t trust me, but I wouldn’t do that, ok?”
You only hummed, not really believing him. Dick Grayson wasn’t the type to lie, he was the type to withhold. 
You set down your bag on the kitchen table, reaching into the cupboard. “Wine?”
He jingled his car keys as an answer. 
“Ah. Right. ‘Protect and serve’ not ‘drink and drive’, got it.”
Dick seemed to be paying a lot of attention to the knickknacks on your shelf. You watched him pick up a few photo frames, inspect them closely for a bit and then carefully set them back In their places.
“You’re making my living room look like a crime scene, officer.” You chided strolling in closer. “What, are you gonna need a baggie for that evidence too?”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, humored. “I didn’t know you liked photography is all.”
“Yea well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
“I know enough.”
“Like what?”
He looked around the room and then settled on the books and magazines stacked on your coffee table. “You’re into fashion.”
“Well yea, I’m a model, Dick. Not exactly breaking news,” You scoffed. “You sure you’re a detective?”
He broke into a grin, the kind of grin that made the dimples in his cheeks deepen. It was like he genuinely liked when you made fun of him. “Well, I also know you also have terrible taste in men so…”
“Have you considered that maybe I just wanted to get laid?”
“No, and I hope that never crosses my mind." He made a face like the very thought disturbed him. "Besides, you don’t want that.”
You chose to ignore the blatant patronizing. “Not a want; It’s a need. A biological one. Girls have those too y’know.”
“Ugh alright, can we change the subject now, please?” He wrinkled his nose, cheeks faintly flushed. It would’ve been so easy to tease him about how cute he looked blushing.
“You’re the one that brought it up.”
“I did not bring that up. I’m…just saying that I know you’re not that type of girl.”
“Not that type of—And what would that be?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“The one-night stand type. That’s not you.”
“How would you know what I am and what I’m not?” You retorted, agitation building. Getting date-ditched was one thing but getting mansplained to about your sex life was just the cherry on top of a shitty Saturday night.
“I know you,” He spoke slowly with an edge that confirmed your suspicions; The tone in his voice was backed by knowledge of your history—who you were before Bruce rescued you out of that hell and scrubbed your background clean.
“More like you’ve been stalking me. That’s not fair, Dick. You can look up all the data you want on me on that supercomputer but you don’t get to know me. It’s—it’s too late for that.”
You thought about Jason and how he was ripped away from you too soon. Tears fell faster than you could stop them. One second you were ok and the next, Dick had crossed the room to bring you into his arms. You fisted his shirt as you cried into his shoulder.
“You weren’t here. You left. You left us.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” He comforted softly, tightening his arms around you.
“That’s not fair, Dick. It’s not fair.” You can’t remember the last time you cried this pathetically. He was rocking you gently now, whispering apologies in your ear.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m gonna make it right.” 
He gazed at you now, a sadness in his eyes. You wondered what exactly he meant by that. The only way to make it right was to bring Jason back. 
He gently held your face in his hands, thumbs swiping away stray tears. Years of training had calloused his fingers and you could feel them now against your cheeks.
“Let me make it up to you. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
His soothing voice released flutters in your stomach—a bubbling concoction of fear, anticipation, and…something more. 
Inhale. 1. 2. 3.
Your breathing became shallow as he brought his head down, lips hesitant before yours. When you didn’t move away he brushed against you, softly first, waiting for permission until your eyes fluttered closed and you finally let him in.
Your cheeks burned. Something about kissing him made you embarrassed or maybe you were ashamed, like you knew you were doing something you shouldn’t.
You fumbled out of his jacket, now too hot, and pawed frantically at the buttons on his shirt. He kissed you with more passion, swallowing your moans as his hands shamelessly roamed your body, groping and grabbing handfuls of your ass. 
“Bedroom. My bedroom.” You said quickly between fraught kisses. If you hadn’t, he would’ve probably taken you right there on the sofa.
He nodded in agreement, picking you up with ease and swiftly treading to your room with you in tow. He set you on the bed and resumed where he left off until you were lying under him. That’s when you could feel him, all of him, pressing against you. 
“‘m gonna make you feel good.” 
Ripples of abs and lean muscle ground against you as he kissed down your neck. You gasped softly when his hand moved to rub you over the cloth of your panties.
“Wanna see you. Please, let me see you.”
He tugged the top of your dress down, undoing the clasp of your bra and revealing to him the peaks of your tawny nipples. You inhaled sharply, watching him take your breast into his mouth, eyes on you, as he licked and sucked.
You writhed under him, already overwhelmed by everything he was doing to you. He snaked his hand back into the front of your now-soaked panties, rubbing at first and then inserting a finger, then two until you were stretching around him.
“So wet for me, my pretty girl. Look at you milking my fingers in this slutty little dress. You were gonna let him do this to you, right? You were gonna let him finger your pussy too huh, baby?”
You whimpered his name, eyes wide as he continued to speak with his fingers squelching in and out of you. Normal, everyday Dick Grayson had the image of being a “nice guy”. He was probably that neighbor you’d ask to borrow sugar from; You would never expect to hear such dirty words coming from his mouth.
He hiked up the skirt of your dress some more and brought your hips to his face.
“Let me take care of you, huh? Let me take care of this pretty little cunt.”
You cursed softly, as he began to kiss and suck around your clit as he fingered you.
“Fuck,” He groaned, “You taste so good, baby.”
He lapped at your cunt, making lewd slurps and noises. When he removed his fingers, he replaced them with his tongue and the sensation made you squirm.
“Quit moving so much. Didn’t you say you wanted to get laid? Don’t you want me to eat you out?”
“Y-yes. I want—Mmhfuck.” You nodded, finally finding some semblance of language. The way he spoke down to you was so agonizingly frustrating. It reminded you how patronizing he'd been earlier that night, telling you to cover up and dictating your life for you.
“You haven’t been fucked in a while, huh?” He mocked. “That’s why you were gonna let some guy you met today fuck you—Such a fucking slut that’s why you wore that, right?”
You whined at his words, bucking to earn some more friction from him.
“Holy shit, you like that? You like when I call you a slut.” His smile grew as if he just made a huge discovery. “Yea, ‘course you like it. Should’ve spread your legs on that billboard that guy bought. Let Gotham see how much of a fucking whore you are.”
Your cheeks warmed in embarrassment. You felt betrayed by the physical reaction you gave with how crudely he was speaking. He'd figured you out; You liked being treated like a cockdumb slut.
He planted a few more kisses on your thigh, unbuckling his pants with a free hand.
“Wait for me, babe. Touch yourself and wait for me like a good girl.”
You obeyed, rubbing at your throbbing mound to no avail. Your fingers didn’t feel as good as his did. 
He freed his cock from his underwear and you could see it now, leaking beads of precum from the tip, swollen and bobbing up against his well-defined stomach. Your mouth watered, you wanted to feel all of him on your tongue. But when you reached for him, he brought your fingers up to his mouth instead, sucking the pussy juices off your fingertips. He kissed your knuckles and returned your hand to you.
“Keep those pretty fingers busy, sweetheart.”
He stroked slowly, watching you tentatively squeeze one of your breasts, your other hand rubbing and dipping between your folds. 
“Fuck you’re so fucking beautiful.” He groaned before he kneeled to position himself between your legs, aligning himself at your entrance.
“You just need a cock to fill you up, doesn’t matter which one, huh? That’s what you wanted, right?”
He rubbed himself against you, tip occasionally catching on a soft divot, but not fully being inserted inside.
“You’d even let your stepbrother fuck you, huh? That’s how much of a dirty little slut you are.”
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, a mixture of humiliation, frustration, and desire. How could your body like it so much when he was being so vulgar, so mean?
“Please, I need—“ You panted, trying to push yourself onto his cock for release.
“Mmh? Speak up, princess. What do you need?” 
“F-fill me up. I need you to fill me up.” 
“Only good girls get filled up Y/N. But you’ve been talking back to me all day like a fucking brat. You gonna be a good girl for me, baby?
You nodded dumbly in agreement. He pushed inside you a little deeper, only to take it out again.
“P—lease, I’ll be good. Just—need you inside.”
If only the patients at Arkham Asylum could see you now. They’d probably grab front-row seats to see you pathetically begging for some cock. 
“You could barely take my fingers, princess. You sure it’ll fit?”
He was right. It was a tighter fit than you anticipated, but you could feel him now hot and pulsating as he stretched you out.
“You’re doing so well for me, baby. C’mon you can take it.” He cooed, muttering curses to himself until he finally bottomed out, fully seated inside you.
You moaned, holding onto his forearms as he rutted in and out of you. You could see his length disappear and reappear with every thrust, gathering a ring of your cream around his base.
“How do you feel princess?” He grunted out, pace quickening. “How does it feel to have me balls deep inside that tight little cunt?”
“It. Feels. So. Goo—Ahmmhfuck.” You clenched around him, voice vibrating with every thrust.
“Fuck, you’re milking me, sweetheart.” He laughed, voice smug. “You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you. Fuck, you’re so fucking dirty. You been thinking about my cock filling you up huh? Being my personal fleshlight? It’s everything you ever dreamed of right?” 
You could tell he was enjoying this, enjoying degrading you as you laid helpless underneath him, your release depending entirely on him. It was infuriating that he had this much power over you, but the amount of pleasure he was currently giving you superseded your pride.
He pushed your thighs back as he went deeper into an unforgiving mating press, knees by your ears, not caring that you weren’t as flexible as he was. 
“Such a good girl taking my cock so well. Wanted this for so long. You’re so pretty. You’re so fucking pretty. You feel so good; so good for me.”
He moaned into your ear, placing sloppy kisses at your mouth and jaw.
“This pussy’s made for me. You’re made for me. I’m the only one who can make you feel this good.”
You felt his balls smack heavily against your ass as he continued to pound his fat cock into your sensitive cunt, reaching your G-spot.
“Whose is it, baby? Whose pussy is it? Please, baby. Say it’s mine. Just for me.”
“I-it’s yours. O-only. Yours.”  You gasped out, feeling a warmth blooming at the apex of your thighs as you came unraveled underneath him.
His length twitched as he unloaded thick ropes of cum inside you, some of it leaking out and down your ass as he thrusted deeper.
"That's right, take my cum. Take it, it's yours. It's all yours."
He continued to fuck his cum into you until your walls squeezed around him, coaxing out every last drop.
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It was morning now and sunlight peeked out from between the gaps in your curtains. You grounded yourself back into your senses. Your satin pillowcase cooled your cheek, but there was an unfamiliar warmth pinning you down—an arm wrapped around your waist.
He was half-hard now, erection resting lightly against the plump of your ass. You could feel his chest rising and falling, warm against your back as he slept. Deep breaths in. 1. 2. 3. Out. 1. 2. 3.
You liked the way you fit together, your soft curves snug against his hardened body.
You turned a little to try and meet his eyes but your stirring only prompted soft kisses at your shoulder, and a strong arm pulling you ever closer, willing you not to leave the bed.
“Good morning.” He said between nips and kisses, intertwining fingers in yours. “What do you want for breakfast, beautiful?”
“Hmm? You’re still here.” It was more of a statement than a question.
“‘m still here.” He mumbled against your neck. His morning voice became noticeably deeper when sleep still clung to it. 
“Not a one night stand type of guy?”
He chuckled softly, the contented sound losing itself in the groove of your shoulder. 
“Nope. More like one night and one morning stand.”
You smiled at the terrible joke but willed it away quickly before he could see it. 
“I saw that smile,” He accused.
“No, you didn’t.” You tried to smother the corners of your mouth downward again. “You know for someone so smart you say a lot of stupid shit.”
“Aww, you think I’m smart, babe?” You didn’t have to look at him to know he probably had the dumbest smile plastered on his face. 
You rolled your eyes. “You also realize you talk way too much right?”
“You weren’t saying that last night.” He palmed your breast, kneading it softly. “Got so turned on you were literally begging me to fuck you. You were all like ‘Please daddy, please fuck me.’”
“I did not say that shit, weirdo.”
“It was implied.” He simpered.
You couldn’t help it; you were giggling now too. “You are such a dumbass.”
“First I’m smart, now I’m a dumbass. Which one is it, hm?” 
“Hmm, let me see…Which one is the quiet one, again?”
“You wouldn’t like it if I was quiet, though.” His voice had a hint of challenge in it.
You pursed your lips. He wasn’t entirely wrong.
“See? I know that filthy shit gets you going. Wanna test that theory, baby?” He murmured, kissing the shell of your ear. “See if you’ll call me daddy?"
Evidently he wasn’t the only one who got off to dirty talk. His cock was now fully hard and pressing against your ass.
He rolled on his stomach, pulling you closer to him by the thighs. Your eyes fluttered closed as he nuzzled into your sex, laving and sucking, deep blue eyes locked on you. His lips curled into a smile against you when you moaned and sighed with pleasure.
Dick pulled up briefly, pussy drunk, wearing his spit and your essence on his face like a badge of honor. He peppered a languid trail of drowsy kisses from your mouth and up your jaw as you spoke.
“Wha-what happened to breakfast?” Your question spilled out breathlessly from the way his mouth worked, a futile attempt at remaining coherent. Losing face now meant inflating his ego, especially if you proved his little “theory” a bit too quickly. 
“How about I eat you out first, then you let me fuck my cum down your throat later, yea?” 
His suggestive whisper sent a heavy wave of arousal straight to your heat. 
Your bodies became a desperate tangle of limbs; your legs wrapped around his hips as you bucked up to grind against him, wanting—no, needing— him back inside you. Breakfast was definitely going to have to wait.
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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eatbabies0 · 11 months
Pip is so cute. Pip is so silly. I don't understand how cold and pathetic you fucking could be to hate pip. He already gets enough torture from the other kids, and he can't even rest in peace. He's such a cutie. He's a silly british guy who was left behind and forgotten in another timeline. If you hate pip, you basically hate cats and dogs. Pip is one of the silliest. If you hate pip, you should end your life. Your stages in life have clearly went to the very last point and your blood might as well be cold. If you hate pip, you're a fucking maggot. You're as annoying and useless as a mosquito flying around and biting me. You're a fucking burden. You deserve nothing if you hate pip. He gets tormented and you can't even show remorse for him? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you like, okay? Did something hit your head? Did you not get treatment? I don't understand people who could ever hate pip, he does nothing wrong and is overall a punching bag. Pip is my son and I love him. He doesn't deserve anything wrong or negative. Pip is a sweetheart who is nothing but nice to people and you wanna go and say you hate him? You'd burn him? You're happy he's dead? I can't understand you. Are you on another planet? Did we watch the same show? Do you even watch south park or do you just take other peoples words? If you hate pip, you should fucking rot. You should burn. You're a disgusting person. I feel like you'd be the kind of person to pick on him if he was in school. He's nothing but a kind gentleman who wants nothing more than to treat others properly. He's a silly little guy. He deserves the world. I can't believe YOUR ass would go and say "I hate pip Im so happy he's dead" like wow, wow, you might as well be as fat as a discord mod or that guy who played world of warcraft so much he was able to practically glitch the game in that one episode. You're a terrible person with terrible thoughts, feelings, and have no purpose of living on this planet. You should mature. You're disgusting honestly. I can't believe how you'd decide that you'd go and comment that. I will spread yo cheeks little bro if i see you in these comments again. I feel like you'd be the type of person to sit at your computer all day on reddit eating chips. You're a disgusting person with absolutely no life. And I hope one day I hear news that you got hurt really badly. I hope one day you get one of your limbs cut off. I hope you get aids. I hope you get cancer. I wish every bad thing onto you. I wish the worst upon you. I hate every aspect of you and I hope your IP address gets leaked and your house gets nuked. I hope one day you get crushed to death just like my son did. I hope someone pisses on your grave. I hope nobody comes to your funeral. You know what? I hope you don't even get a funeral. I hope you just get left to rot and decompose wherever you died. I hope nobody ever misses you, and nobody will remember you. I hope someone says one day "God, I hated that guy so much. I'm so happy he's dead." Oh wait, that'll be me. I fucking HATE. YOU. And i wish the worst upon you. "Let people have opinions" not when they're negative about my son, my child. I hate every aspect of you. And I hope you perish and are tormented the worst way imaginable in hell. I hope one day you fucking rot. I hope you burn and survive. I hope you end up like the preschool teacher in South Park and can only beep on your machine for yes and no. I hope you'll be forgotten, and i hope nobody marries you. I hope you never get far enough in life and I hope you die early. I hope you die young. I hope you never get a spouse. i hate every section, every aspect, every part, I hate the blood that pumps in your veins, i hate everyone related to you, i hate your mom, i hate your dad, I hope one day, your bloodline disappears just like pip's did. I can't believe you'd really go on and hate on my son who did nothing wrong to you. And this is the longest thing i've EVER written without copy-paste.
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dandelion-sugar · 2 years
I need need NEED some morax and Barbatos being children while y/n is just watching like 🧍🏻‍♀️
It’s fine if you don’t wanna tho!😅
𝑨 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 『Venti & Zhongli & Reader』
Summary: Basically just Y/N watching a god behave like a child.
Warning: None
Author’s note : It was a very sweet request to imagine! Even if Zhongli was a bit more complicated to imagine in the behaviour of a child… I think he's a bit out of character and I apologize for that!
876 words || 4,6k
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You knew Venti's identity. You knew he was Lord Barbatos.
How did you handle the information as a mere human?
You didn't believe him. He didn't seem pleased to hear that his s/o was laughing at his revelations.
But how could you believe him so easily? You know Venti well enough to know that he loves to play tricks on you.
I might as well tell you that he was delighted with your surprised look when he showed up at your house the next day in his winged form.
Which brings you to your current situation.
"Y/N ~!" Moans the god against your legs, arms around your thighs. "Beg all you want, you know I love to hear you beg." You grumble, hoping to get him to give up.
But you know better than anyone that he's not the type of person to give up easily just because you were trying to discourage him. With a sigh, you look down at the pleading, childlike figure of the Archon Anemo.
"I'm just going to visit Collei. It's only a matter of a few days." "It's a few days too many! I am your god, since when do you defy your god? It's blasphemous." He pouted.
He looked like a hamster that had its sunflower seed removed. He was cute, far from the usual teasing you're used to from him. What was wrong with him? He was acting like a real capricious child. You let a sigh escape you before a tight smile appears on your face.
"Correction: I'm not from Mondstadt so you're technically not my god. Secondly you have renounced exercising your divinity over your people, don't even think you can do that today." You say, raising an eyebrow at his impassive face. "… That's not what you were saying last night when you had your legs wrapped around my hips." Venti grumbles in a grumpy whisper as you choke on his audacity. "How about you tell me instead why you refuse to let me go?" You ask to change the subject.
Venti shines his eyes into yours, his eyes glowing with an intense gleam that makes you gag with discomfort. It's not like you lied to him, you were obviously planning to return in less than two weeks. Yet your words didn't seem to have the ability to appease his strange behaviour.
"You're my excuse for not showing up at Cat's tail." He mumbles. "…" "… Y/N?" "I'm leaving." You say as you take your bag in your hands. "Y/N don't leave me to my allergies! I thought you loved me!"
You are a minor deity who joined Morax to become one of his Yaksha. You may not be the most competent, but you manage to get by every time.
Strangely, Barbatos seemed to like you quite a bit. The feeling was mutual. It was hard to deny that the Anemo god didn't have a sense of humour. It is during your breaks that you find him at the junction of your two nations to exchange a few jokes before returning to the fight.
Which doesn't seem to please your god.
Not at all.
That's why you watch the meteorite fall right on top of you both.
Well… shit.
If Barbatos ran away faster than his shadow. You, you simply disappeared a little further to find Morax in the air, arms crossed under his chest.
"Did you seriously…?" "No." He interrupts you before you can finish. "Yes. You used your power-" "A mosquito was flying around you." He cuts you off a second time. "…"
You look him straight in the eye, one eyebrow raised at this strange behaviour. You shrug before turning to the crater that formed from the meteorite's impact.
"Yes…a mosquito…" You say, dragging your voice, not believing him. "You like mosquitoes?" He asks, though it sounded more like a statement in his intonation. "I don't like those bugs that suck my blood, no. I do, however, like angels…"
No sooner had you finished your sentence than he shot a murderous look in the direction of where Barbatos had escaped. Morax was ready to go after him, you were sure of it. You step in front of him, a nervous laugh leaving your lips, drawing his attention back to you.
"You're not going to kill one of the Seven just because I like his wings?" You ask. "I'm not going to kill anyone. Don't you like dragons?" "Dragon? Yes, I like them a lot." You reply, surprised at the sudden question. "More than angels?" He continues to ask you questions. "Morax…" "Say it." "You're a child." You sigh, a tight smile on your lips. "…" "Put away your spear, Morax. The war is almost over." You say in a cry of panic. "Say it." "I prefer dragons." "Good. Let's go inside, Xiao must be waiting for us."
You watch the figure of the Geo god walk away. You can only watch him go, still in shock from this childish and stupid discussion to say the least. Discovering a new side of Morax might have made you laugh… if it hadn't risked another person's life! Well… even such an ancient god can have a childish side…
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hiaon · 6 months
"Fun fact: Did you know ___ But you already knew that.."
[This user no longer available.]
Disclaimer!: Angst
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Btw do you know that Starfish that doesn't have a brain ☝️☝️☝️
Ahh.. That's probably why Patrick is so dumb lmfaooo 🤠
You're so right 😔 but poor starfishes
1 day later
Hi!! Do you want to hangout with my NEWW friend? She's new to my school soo don't scare her away!!
Sure sure, I'm not even going to talk to her 🙄
Heyy don't be mean to her 😶😶.. But did you know that Polar bears have dark skin??
What. I thought it was white like how cats are usually are-
Ikrr!! It was such an important information ☝️☝️
It was 💯
4 hours later after hanging out with Ashley
Ashley is actually really nice.
Yupp she might be your future girlfriend ooohhhh~~
Don't be ridiculous.
Hm.. Did you know that the only mammal that can fly is a bat!
Wait- what's a mammal again.?
Uhhh wait a minute
No I asked you, not Google ☺️☺️
Ugh. I don't know 😞
You we're the one that asked a question ⁉️ Not me, so clearly you're the stupid one here mister
2 Days later without any contact.
Willyy, do you want to hang out with me?
Not right now, I'm hanging out with Ashley.
Oh. Well then, do you know Sea otters hold hands so they don't drift apart. They are so cutee
Oh Ashley just told me that earlier.
Oh, alright
1 day later
Willyyyy can you pleaseee hang out with mee
I mean you can join me with Ashley
Okayokay I'll be theree
Just don't make us wait.
Sheeshg no need to be so cold 🥶
2 days later
Did you know that a shrimp's heart is in its head?
A shrimp's heart is in its head.
WOWZERS we almost said the same thinggg!!
Ashley said that to me.
Ohh, okayy
4 hours later
Willy can I talk to you alone for a second??
I can't right now, I'm with Ashley. You can just tell me in the phone, I don't have the time for this.
Ahh okay it's alright it wasn't important anyways
What a waste for time, don't text me if it wasn't that important.
5 days later without any contact
Mosquitoes are kinda annoying, but they are kinda cool.
Huh? I thought you hated them??
My perspective was changed after Ashley told me about cool facts about it.
Cool cool
4 days without any contact
Heyya Willy do you want to hangout like the old times?? It's been a while
I can't, I'm with Ashley rn.
Ah, right, like always. You've been hanging out with her more often than me now..
Is that bad.?
It's like, your forgetting about me.
You know I'm going to be here with you always.
You're the only true friend I ever had.
Tell me, William. Is Ashley your only true friend .?
Hey [N/N]. Why aren't you using my nickname, your starting to stress me out.
Hey. Don't leave me on read.
1 day later
Hello? Are you still mad at me?
1 day later
Hey. I really miss you, where are you I don't see you at school anymore.
It was stupid of me that I could replace my only best friend like that.
The time has finally come, I actually admitted that I'm stupid.
Seen 2 minutes ago
Hey.. stop ignoring me..
1 day later
Btw did you know, your eyes blink around 20 times a minute.
Your ears never stop growing.
Earwax is actually a type of sweat.
Sent 10 minutes ago
You're not even bothering to see my messages.
"Did you know that Starfishes doesn't have a brain? But.. you already knew that."
[This user is no longer available.]
Inspired by: tt- @yzyharukn
Made me cry a little bit too much-
[250 likes special✓]
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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International Bat Appreciation Day
Bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes a day. Help preserve these crucial creatures by donating to a conservation, volunteering, or spreading awareness.
Bats have a terrible reputation among people because they’re seen as scary bloodsuckers that will spread diseases. However, according to scientists, very rarely do they spread diseases and few species drink blood, but rather eat fruit.
The population of bats has been depleting, and that is a problem because they contribute to the ecosystem more so than people think. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to show love for these flying mammals and teach people the importance of bats in today’s world.
Learn about International Bat Appreciation Day
On International Bat Appreciation Day, we are reminded of the important role that bats play in our day-to-day lives. You may not think that bats have any impact on your life at all! In fact, you may not really give much thought to this animal. However, did you know that bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour? That’s 1,000 fewer mosquitoes that could possibly bite you! As bats are insectivorous, they actually get rid of a lot of annoying insects, and so we have a lot to thank them for. They role in the circle of life definitely benefits us.
International Bat Appreciation Day encourages us to learn more about these species and the role they play in nature. It is a good opportunity for you to learn more about bats, and you will find plenty of information online and in animal textbooks as well. After all, there are some very interesting facts about this species.
You probably know that bats are able to see in the dark and that they use their extreme sense of hearing. But, did you know that they are the only type of mammal that is able to fly in a true and sustained way? Did you also know that bats are pollinators? This means that, along with the likes of butterflies and bees, they provide a critical link in our supply of food.
There are lots of other interesting facts that you can learn about bats on International Bat Appreciation Day. This includes the fact that there are more than 1,200 known species of bat. Around 70 percent of these bats are insectivores. Bats also grow in a number of different sizes. The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Bat is one of the biggest bats. It has a wingspan as big as five-feet, seven-inches, weighing up to four lbs. Bats also groom themselves constantly, making them very clean animals, which is something a lot of people do not realize.
In the United States, there are roughly 48 species of bats that call this their home. Three states in the U.S. also have an official state bat. The Virginia Big-Eared Bat is the state bat in Virginia. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is the state bat of Oklahoma. Finally, this bat – the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat – is also the state bat of Texas.
History of International Bat Appreciation Day
Bat Conservation International started International Bat Appreciation Day to focus on protecting all the different species of bats. Bats protect ecosystems and help make sure our planet has a healthier future.
Bat Conservation International was founded in 1982 by a group of scientists concerned about our planet’s bats. After lots of research, they discovered that bats are important to help keep nature in balance, and are important to a lot of industries.
Scientists such as Dr. Merlin Tuttle, a recognized authority on bats, formed the organization. He made important progress by teaching more sustainable uses of natural resources that benefit both bats and people.
Bats play a significant role in the ecosystem of the world. There are over 1,300 species of bats in the world. Bats helps control agricultural pests, pollinate flowers and fruit, and create rich fertilizer for landowners, farmers, and local communities.
Without these bats, plants would fail at providing food for other wildlife species and surrounding ecosystems. Bats are one of the most under-studied animals, even though many of those bats are considered critically endangered, threatened, or vulnerable.
Forest depleting, inappropriate guano mining and thoughtless tourism have caused a substantial decrease in the populations of bats everywhere. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to change the perspective on these misunderstood creatures and encourage people to help protect bats everywhere.
How to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day
Want to celebrate these furry, flying creatures of the night? Help support your local bat conservation organization by donating or volunteering to protect these adorable creatures. Share your love of bats with your friends and family by sharing facts about the different kinds of bats out there in the wild.
Take the time to educate people about the importance of bats in the world’s ecosystem. If you’re looking into becoming a biologist to study bats, then organizations such as the Bat Conservation International for career opportunities to help protect the world’s bats from extinction.
You can also expand your knowledge by taking a look online and reading up more about the species. There are also some good bat documentaries, which you can watch online or on television.
Another fun way to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day is to watch some of the Batman movies! This fictional superhero first appeared in 1939 in Detective Comics #27. There have been a lot of different Batman films over the years. This includes the 1989 Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice from 2016, the 2006 The Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises from 2012, and a number of others! So, get the popcorn in and celebrate this famous bat superhero!
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eeeethesilly · 11 months
the longest thing i've ever written
Pip is so cute. Pip is so silly. I don't understand how cold and pathetic you fucking could be to hate pip. He already gets enough torture from the other kids, and he can't even rest in peace. He's such a cutie. He's a silly british guy who was left behind and forgotten in another timeline. If you hate pip, you basically hate cats and dogs. Pip is one of the silliest. If you hate pip, you should end your life. Your stages in life have clearly went to the very last point and your blood might as well be cold. If you hate pip, you're a fucking maggot. You're as annoying and useless as a mosquito flying around and biting me. You're a fucking burden. You deserve nothing if you hate pip. He gets tormented and you can't even show remorse for him? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you like, okay? Did something hit your head? Did you not get treatment? I don't understand people who could ever hate pip, he does nothing wrong and is overall a punching bag. Pip is my son and I love him. He doesn't deserve anything wrong or negative. Pip is a sweetheart who is nothing but nice to people and you wanna go and say you hate him? You'd burn him? You're happy he's dead? I can't understand you. Are you on another planet? Did we watch the same show? Do you even watch south park or do you just take other peoples words? If you hate pip, you should fucking rot. You should burn. You're a disgusting person. I feel like you'd be the kind of person to pick on him if he was in school. He's nothing but a kind gentleman who wants nothing more than to treat others properly. He's a silly little guy. He deserves the world. I can't believe YOUR ass would go and say "I hate pip Im so happy he's dead" like wow, wow, you might as well be as fat as a discord mod or that guy who played world of warcraft so much he was able to practically glitch the game in that one episode. You're a terrible person with terrible thoughts, feelings, and have no purpose of living on this planet. You should mature. You're disgusting honestly. I can't believe how you'd decide that you'd go and comment that. I will spread yo cheeks little bro if i see you in these comments again. I feel like you'd be the type of person to sit at your computer all day on reddit eating chips. You're a disgusting person with absolutely no life. And I hope one day I hear news that you got hurt really badly. I hope one day you get one of your limbs cut off. I hope you get aids. I hope you get cancer. I wish every bad thing onto you. I wish the worst upon you. I hate every aspect of you and I hope your IP address gets leaked and your house gets nuked. I hope one day you get crushed to death just like my son did. I hope someone pisses on your grave. I hope nobody comes to your funeral. You know what? I hope you don't even get a funeral. I hope you just get left to rot and decompose wherever you died. I hope nobody ever misses you, and nobody will remember you. I hope someone says one day "God, I hated that guy so much. I'm so happy he's dead." Oh wait, that'll be me. I fucking HATE. YOU. And i wish the worst upon you. "Let people have opinions" not when they're negative about my son, my child. I hate every aspect of you. And I hope you perish and are tormented the worst way imaginable in hell. I hope one day you fucking rot. I hope you burn and survive. I hope you end up like the preschool teacher in South Park and can only beep on your machine for yes and no. I hope you'll be forgotten, and i hope nobody marries you. I hope you never get far enough in life and I hope you die early. I hope you die young. I hope you never get a spouse. i hate every section, every aspect, every part, I hate the blood that pumps in your veins, i hate everyone related to you, i hate your mom, i hate your dad, I hope one day, your bloodline disappears just like pip's did. I can't believe you'd really go on and hate on my son who did nothing wrong to you. And this is the longest thing i've EVER written without copy-paste.
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
If it ok with you can you write a story of a mosquito negati affecting one of the inhabitants. Basically this negati acts like a normal mosquito, however instead of sucking blood it sucks up happiness, energy, and even color leaving the person grey and gloomy.
Ooh! That would be an interesting Negati type! But here you go!
Sana huffed in anger and distraught while she stood on her stage. She was still visibly upset over the fact that the forest back in the real world was destroyed for new houses. Because to her, this meant that she would never be able to gaze at the birds again.
'Stupid humans!' She thought to herself. 'They never seem to appreciate what they already had! Instead, they just want more and more! This is why I hate them!' Sadly, Sana was so busy with her inner thoughts that she didn't realize that Lance was there. He had a new Negati with him.
"There is your target, little one," Lance said. "Fly over to her and attack until all of her happiness, energy, and positivity is gone." He then sent the mosquito-shaped Negati to Sana.
The Negati flew over to Sana and landed onto her back. Then, it jabbed its needle-like mouth into her. Sana grunted in pain as she turned to see the strange Negati that she had never encountered before. "W-What the…!?" She stammered. "Get off of me!"
But the Negati started to suck something. Sana thought that it was blood…until she noticed that the color of her skin and the colors of her clothers were becoming duller and duller. Sana felt herself slowly becoming depressed for some reason. "Please…get off…" She said in a rather exhausted tone.
The Negati didn't bother to listen. Instead, it kept on sucking up all of her happiness, color, energy, and positive emotions. Sana was soon devoid of all color. What was dark on her was either dark grey or black and what was light on her was either light grey or white. Sana groaned, feeling as though she had worn herself out. A gloomy and depressed look was on her face.
Lance smirked as he motioned for the mosquito Negati to come back to him. "Let's see Balan try to handle this," He said to the Negati. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when Balan discovers that there's limited bliss." He and the Negati then went back to the Nega realm in order to scheme more.
Meanwhile, Eis decided to come over to Sana's stage. "Hey, Sana," He called to her. "Hope you didn't mind if I came over to check on you…" He stopped when he saw Sana slouched over for some reason. "Hey, are you alright?" He trotted over to her.
Upon placing a hand on her shoulder, Sana almost immediately collapsed. She would've fallen to the ground if it weren't for Eis catching her. Eis turned Sana to face him only to wince at the sight. "Sana, what happened to you?" He asked, worry on his face.
"Protecting the forest is pointless," Sana murmured in a gloomy tone. "There is no point in protecting something that will be destroyed…"
"What are you talking about?" Eis asked, stunned at what he was hearing. "Of course there is point in protecting your forest! What about the birds that you loved so much? By protecting that forest, you're protecting them! Please tell me that you won't give up on them…"
"It's no use," Sana mumbled. "Because of the humans, the birds will never return to the forest…"
Eis's gut instinct was telling him that something wasn't right. "Lance did this to you, didn't he?" He asked her, despite knowing that he wouldn't be able to get answers. "I need Balan's help. I want to save you, Sana. Even if it means that…I'll have to confront Lance myself…"
Eis scooped up Sana and left her stage with her, hoping to find Balan. He needed to be brave, regardless of the fear that was rising up inside of him. But he must do this for Sana.
And he will do this for her. He will prove that he was true to his word.
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cloudbatcave · 4 months
Bought indigo disk let’s g - hey who is this cool looking new teacher I want her outfit
Ms. Briar, cool
“Getting to take part in a school trip so soon after transferring here” I beat the elite four, sir
“Blueberry academy” I named one of my pet fish that as a kid. He died from a swollen eye.
Oh we’re going to the Me region (Unova) - no okay Kitakami is elsewhere
Oh you wanna look around the crater yeah haha about that - you know what never mind I don’t wanna be deported to Poké Area 51
Yeah even Jacqs knows this is a hard sell and changes the subject.
“I already cleared things with your mom” thanks bro literally wasn’t even on my mind (it probably should be)
“I hope you don’t mind flying. Or long bus rides.” You don’t want to know how long my bus rides to college back and forth were, ma’am.
Oooh her ancestor wrote the violet book? Isn’t that something.
Man now I feel bad she probably won’t be able to get into the crater, she seems legit.
What? Okay I guess this IS teal mask, the Nintendo store told me I couldn’t purchase it…whatever.
I can be trusted to run ahead to the town and help my sick classmate [immediately runs off to pick up shit off the ground and catch a Sewaddle]
Me catching multiple more Pokémon and getting into a battle: he’s fine. Just give him a salt tablet.
Girl I challenged is scared by me being from Paldea. Curious.
Sorry for slaughtering your surskit, ma’am. And your chingling.
“This is the Paldean style of battle, huh?”
It’s called “fuck shit up sandwich style.”
Oh it’s the siblings, neat.
“If you insist on coming in, you’ll have to battle me first.”
Hey buddy I have a sick classmate to help! I don’t have time to fuck around even more!! How dare you. (Cloud bullshitted every word so as to avoid blame later)
Lmao her brother immediately calls her out, I love it.
Oh wow, a Poochyena, I’m really intimidated by you telling me to eat dirt. Quaking in my boots, here.
Close combat! And you’re dead.
“You know about type matchups, huh?”
I was not born fucking yesterday, girliepop.
“Do you not know about type matchups”
Girl I have never seen your sapient cup of chai in my life and don’t know its types from Adam. Now shut your face before I superglue your teeth together.
“You…Who ARE you?”
I fucked your mother last night!
“Wowzers! You went and beat my sis?”
And I used all of one Pokémon to do it.
Carmine talking like she has any power still. Nice try. Move before I end your miserable fucking life.
“I hope those two kids weren’t giving you any grief just now…were they?”
I’ve met mosquitos who had a more lasting impact on my existence, so no.
“It’s a pleasure to meet all you outsiders”
Knock you off the nearest cliff without anyone knowing I did it at the earliest opportunity, got it.
I get a selfie stick, fucking amazing.
“You want to pair up with one of us poor, lonely Blueberry students?”
Want is such a strong word.
God she’s so passive aggressive. Girl can you quit it.
Sure, I’ll battle poor Kieran. I wish I could let him win to spite Carmine.
Oh well.
Red alert, Carmine has complimented her brother’s battling skill and I don’t fucking trust it.
“I’ll just follow you from a safe distance” poor kid.
Oh boy, I get to be an exchange student? Wait actually I know nothing about this Blueberry place.
Okay even Clavell agrees I should meet the director of it to see what’s up.
Hisuian Growlithe??? What are you doing here?
I like Perrin.
“Are you always this open with total strangers?”
I have six pets who can commit murder, I’m Gucci. And you’re just taking my photo.
Oh god. Rich people.
“Will you duel me for riches beyond your wildest imagination?”
I’ll duel you for the sweet satisfaction of crushing you, blondie.
One Persian? That’s it? Pathetic.
“Spend that reward on something meaningful.”
Setting it on fire as we speak!
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The Most Easiest Way to Keep Flies and Insects Away
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You’re sitting in your favourite chair, enjoying the quiet of the evening when you notice it—a buzzing sound coming from the other side of the room. It’s starting to get louder and louder, to the point where you can’t even focus on your book anymore. If you’ve ever been interrupte by flying insects or pests before, then you already know how much they can disrupt your life and put your health at risk. But with these 5 pest control tips, you can keep these critters out of your house and away from your family.
How Do You Recognize Them?
The housefly is the most common fly find in and around homes. They are about 1/4 of an inch long with a gray or tan body. They have four dark stripes on their thorax or middle section. The female housefly can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. Hiring Mosquito control services near me provider company is the best way to get rid of these insects.
Like houseflies, most flies are 1/4 of an inch long or smaller. They have two wings and a narrow body. Some flies tend to stay close to their homes, where they can lay their eggs near food sources for larvae that develop into adult flies. There are different types of fly infestations depending on what stage in their life cycle they’re in. Fruit flies are more common inside homes because they breed in small amounts of decaying fruit or vegetables left on countertops or floors. Fruit flies aren’t known for transmitting diseases, but some types can contaminate food with bacteria that cause diarrhea. Mosquitoes also breed near standing water found outside—and indoors when it isn’t taken care of—because mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs.
Mistakes People Make When Trying to Identify Houseflies
Not all flies are houseflies. There are actually over 16,000 species of flies in the world.
Houseflies are attract to filth, so if you see one in your home, it’s a good indicator that your place is too clean.
To the untrain eye, all flies look alike. But there are several different houseflies, each with its unique set of characteristics.
Houseflies are not dangerous insects. They’re actually relatively harmless.
If you’re having a problem with houseflies, the best thing to do is to contact a professional Flies and insect’s pest control company.
What’s The Best Way To Deal With This Problem?
The best way to deal with a fly or insect problem is to contact a professional Mosquito control services near me provider company. They will be able to identify the type of insect causing the problem and recommend the best course of action. In some cases, you may be able to get rid of the problem yourself with some simple tips.
If you are trying to get rid of a fly or insect problem in your home. You can try blocking their access points by filling in any holes where they may be entering your home. You can also set up traps near your property and keep them out of trash cans. It is important to keep food cover when not eating since flies love decomposing food. If you have fruit trees on your property, it’s a good idea to pick fruits as soon as they ripen, so they don’t have time to attract flies.
How Did These Insects Get Into My Home?
Most insects enter homes through open doors, windows, or cracks in the foundation. It’s important that you keep your home seal as much as possible. If a window is broken, fix it immediately; if it isn’t feasible, install an insect screen on it for now. Once they’re inside, it cannot be easy to get rid of. The best way to prevent insects from entering your home is to seal any cracks or openings and keep doors and windows close when possible. If you live in an area with many mosquitoes, you may also want to consider mosquito control services near me.
If you have other tips for keeping insects out of your home or preventing them. Their return once they’re inside, please share them below!
Ways To Stop Infestation From Starting
Keep a clean environment – Make sure to regularly sweep, mop, and vacuum your floors and surfaces. This will help to remove any food or water sources that insects may be attracted to.
Fix any leaks – Standing water is a breeding ground for many insects. Make sure to fix any leaks in your plumbing and empty out any standing water that you may have in your home.
Store food properly – Insects are attracted to food sources. Be sure to store all food in airtight containers and keep your kitchen counters clean of crumbs or spilt liquids.
Hire a professional Flies and insect’s pest control – If your DIY methods aren’t working, it’s time to call in a professional Flies and insect’s pest control. While some pests can be controll with DIY solutions, others require a specialized pesticide that train professionals should only apply. Contact your local government or pest control agency for a list of license professionals near you.
There are a variety of ways to keep flies and insects away. Some of the most effective methods include using traps, pesticides, and insecticides. However, it is important to use these products safely and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Al Ameen Pest Control is the best pest control company in Dubai and can help you keep your home or business free of pests. They use all the latest technology to get rid of flies and insects. Read More .
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kh-envs3000-w23 · 1 year
Unit 9 Blog Post - Just Amazing
   It is not an easy task to pick one amazing fact about Nature. Nature is well, Nature. The number of eco-systems, planets, stars that awe and inspire, the diversity of flowers and trees and even just the variation in blades of grass, are wondrous. Then there are all the insects, reptiles, mammals, fish, birds, and yes even us humans. Not all of these creatures are beautiful, but that again is subjective. One truth, however, is that we all serve some purpose and thus we all belong here. Purpose… an important word. I would like you to consider it as we talk about the topic today.
The Dragonfly is a popular emblem from notebook covers, to café names, to logos, and don’t get me started on the tattoos. They are also in many cultures, a symbol of hope, transformation, new beginnings, change and even good fortune. (David, L, 2022).
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Source: shutterstock_1948485058 (licensed for limited use)
 However, not the reason I chose this topic today. Instead, I look to their purpose, and one of those purposes have provided me with some major benefits… living close to a swampy/boggy area, one thing we can be sure of each year are lots of MOSQUITOS! Dragonflies eat these pesky and painful beasts. Now, I am sure Mozzies also have a purpose (to help us appreciate the indoors? To invite us to cover up? support a buy spray industry?), but that is not the topic today.
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Source: shutterstock_1849063864 (licensed)
The Dragonflies surround my backyard, and skim over the pool, all the while clearing the decks and maybe this blog will create some education and show my gratitude.
 With a short blog, I will have to focus on the facts that I believe make them an amazing and integral part of nature.
    Did you know?
There are over 7,000 different species (order name is Anisoptera) and have been on this earth for over 325 million years (National Geographic, 2023).  Yes, that’s right, they are survivors!
In the Paleozoic era, wingspan could be a couple of feet, they are much smaller now! (Foster, S., 2023)
In addition to eating insects, they are an important part of the food chain for birds and fish. Also, dragonflies require clean water to support stable oxygen levels, and so scientists will use them as a bioindicator of ecosystem health (National Geographic, 2023)
Dragonflies are strong and fly incredible distances. One type, aptly called the Globe Skimmer or wandering glider, can fly 6,000 KM, the longest flight of any known insect!  (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023)
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Dragonflies are colourful. They have their structural colours, which can be based on maturity, sex, type of dragon fly, but they also change colour as they move about or so it seems, but it is based on how the angle of light hits certain parts of their sometimes-multi-coloured bodies. This is called iridescence. (Foster, S., 2023). This helps them camouflage, may help attract mates, but also brings such beauty to this world.
Dragonflies are colourful. They have their structural colours, which can be based on maturity, sex, type of dragon fly, but they also change colour as they move about or so it seems, but it is based on how the angle of light hits certain parts of their sometimes-multi-coloured bodies. This is called iridescence. (Foster, S., 2023). This helps them camouflage, may help attract mates, but also brings such beauty to this world.
Like all of earth’s creatures, rapid urbanization, growing agriculture, deforestation, pollution, and climate change bring risk even to this sturdy and long-lasting insect. 10% of the species is under risk of extinction. (National Geographic, 2023). As dragonflies live on every continent (except Antarctica), this will have long lasting effects. Remember, I cited earlier that they are a barometer of healthy ecosystems. Well, here is one more proof that our ecosystems are in trouble, because the Dragonfly said so.
David, L. (Oct. 25, 2022). 4 Cultural Meanings of the Dragonfly + Why to Pay Attention to This Critter. Mind Body Green Mindfulness (2022). https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/dragonfly-spiritual-meaning
Encyclopedia Britannica. (Feb. 2, 2023). Dragonfly. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/animal/dragonfly
Foster, S. (2023). The Color of Dragonflies – Blue, Black, Orange and Many More! School of   Bugs. 2023. https://schoolofbugs.com/the-color-of-dragonflies/
National Geographic (2023). Dragonflies. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/dragonflies-insects#:~:text=Dragonflies%20are%20important%20to%20their,the%20health%20of%20an%20ecosystem.
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i-bleed-pink · 1 year
She had me pinned with my face pressed against the bathroom wall, forcing it into the cold tiles with one hand as she groped my beasts sadistically with the other. I whimpered pathetically as she teased me over my shirt, my face flush red and my legs shaking from both the pleasure and the embarrassment.
"God, look at you~" She coo'd, squeazing and twisting my sensistive nipple through my clothing and reveling in my pained cries. "I knew it! You are a fucking dyke!" She spat at me, disgusted. Macy had been picking on me for weeks now, ever since I'd started the new semester. I was the shy, meek and friendless girl in class so I guess that made me an easy target. It started out small, her calling me names or stealing my glasses, then progressed to verbal and online bullying. Now, she and her friends had escalated to full on abuse, deeming me weak and passive enough to be beaten, threatened, and groped without there being any risk of me retaliating.
"P-please... stop it.." I begged, tears welling up in my eyes. Despite all of my protesting, I could feel my cock straining against my panties. Some messed up part of me was enjoying this whole situation I had found myself in these last few weeks, and I guess she had finally caught onto it.
"Oh shut the fuck up you freak. We both know you're getting off on this." She shot back angrilly, squeazing my tit hard and causing me to let out a high pitched squeal in response. "See, there it is~ That's the lewd sound you made when Braydee snuck up on you and groped your pathetic little mosquito bite titties the other day! You didn't think that I would forget it so easily did you? Ahahaha, god you looked so fucking pathetic, your tongue flying out of your mouth as you make such a lewd little face. You're a real A-Grade pervert, you know that?"
"N-no.. I'm not... I-" I was cut off by her moving her hand down under my skirt and groping my ass cheek. I let out a sharp moan as she squeazed and carrassed it, shaking pathetically in response to every action. "Didn't I just say to shut the fuck up?!" She yelled at me, spanking me hard. I cried and recoiled from the hit, causing my ass to be pushed out towards her even more. "Now there's a good girl, letting me molest her even more. I'm so proud of you! Finally admitting that you're a disgusting little perv! I bet you've been secretly perving on all the other girls in class haven't you? They should be thanking me for putting you in your place like this." She declared, slipping her hand in between my butt cheeks and teasing my asshole through my panties.
She giggled cruelly and continued to press into it, making me shake and moan desperately. My cock was leaking precum and bulging under my skirt, pressing against the cold tiled wall of the bathroom and staining my panties and skirt with my juices. I whimpered at the thought of her making me turn around and seeing it. What would she do then? I hoped that I'd never find out. But then all of my greatest fears came true.
"Don't you know good girls don't get off to this type of shit? Only a lonely perverted freak like you would be getting so turned on by being groped by somebody they barely know, and especially from another girl. I bet you're fucking soaking through your panties right now, aren't you whore?" She growls. "Let me see~"
"No Please!" I scream and try to fight back to no avail as her hand slips between my thighs and gropes my private parts from behind. Her hand stopping as it wraps around my balls and rubs against them roughly.
"Huh...? What the fuck is this?" She seems to freeze for a moment, then rolls her hand even deeper between my legs until she reaches my shaft. "Holy. Fucking Shit!" She yells, grabbing me roughly and twisting me around, then pushing me back against the wall. This time facing her. I squeal and try to cover my crotch with my hands, but she quickly pulls them away, pinning them against the wall above me head. She stares at the wet bulge in my skirt and laughs in the most terrifying way I have ever heard somebody laugh in my entire life. "Holy shit this is good!" She exclaims, reaching down and lifting my skirt up to get a proper look. The tip of my cock is poking out of my panties, twitching excitedly and leaking precum from its tip, which rolls down my shaft and gathers in a wet patch in my cute striped panties. "The dyke in our class is a fucking tranny too? Holy shit, I *have* to tell the other girls about this!"
I try to cry out or fight back and escape, but I can't. My body is frozen in fear as she pulls out her phone, standing back and taking a picture of me. Back against the wall, tears rolling down my face, my glasses ajar from being pushed around so ruthlessly, and my pathetic twitching cock on full display. And I knew from this point on that the rest of my school life would be a living hell.
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bankingpiner · 2 years
Tails of iron publishers
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New equipment and the effects of wearing them are where the Souls-like elements are most apparent. Throughout your adventure, you will pick up new armor and weapons. You will also have the occasional NPC partner to fight by your side. Besides that minor gripe, the game is ultimately fair. It seems like the area is too wide at times and that enemies spam this particular move. This is indicated by a circular icon, and enemies will try to slam into you and the surrounding ground to damage you. However, sometimes the hitboxes can be a bit unfair, especially with ground attacks. It’s impressive how many enemy types, variants, and animations there are, and they all look pretty good. It’s mostly a matter of knowing each enemy’s animation and judging the speed of said baddie’s move speed cycle. However, the giant variants of frogs are slower and stage attacks obviously, but they have more health. For example, the massive mosquito-like ‘Mozis’ will orchestrate when they land at you when they fly overhead. There are four enemy types, and your approach will vary accordingly. However, getting up close to an enemy can sometimes remove the signal altogether, and an enemy will dish out a quick attack out of nowhere. It works well for the most part and adds for some leeway and risky situations (do you counter or just block?). A visual signal precedes each enemy attack, indicating if that attack is open for a counter, blockable, or unblockable ground/forward attack. While these things sound simple enough, the game’s challenge lies in the timing. R1 unleashes an attack, holding L2 blocks, and is a dodge. Tails of Iron plays from a 2D perspective, and you are armed with a melee weapon and a shield. While the story didn’t entirely grab me, the imagery often did. Regardless, it’s a fantasy tale starring a cutely impish rat laying waste to salientian invaders-it’s safe but okay. I won’t spoil it, but I wish the game had been like it from the start. However, that changes mid-way through, where the game reveals a clever change of theme. Despite the anthropomorphic animals, the plot has a mostly serious tone that conveys its storybook fantasy tropes with slight subversion or surprise. I am indifferent towards this baritone voice by now, but there are some lines Cockle delivers well with both dramatic and humorous inflections. I have heard this guy’s voice endlessly as the witcher, and he gives a performance basically the same as in that fantasy game. You probably know the voice actor as Geralt of Rivia. It’s a solid premise, presented in an almost storybook format through Doug Cockle’s narration. It is up to you to save your brothers, restore your keep and kingdom, and exact revenge. They also leave your family’s stronghold, The Crimson Keep, in ruins. However, just as you earn your right, your father, King Rattus, gets killed by the cruel Greenwart, leader of the Frog Clan. Well, he’s not a prince for long, as you get to win the throne at the beginning of the game. Tails of Iron is set in Ratdom, a kingdom of rats, and follows prince Redgi. Kings, battles, and glory-these are what makes classical, but also possibly bland, chivalric tales. My Kingdom for a… wait, there aren’t any horses Odd Bug Studio’s intentions are mostly successful, as Tails of Iron is a thoroughly enjoyable action-adventure with a great art style and some surprises along the way. While Tails of Iron has some of Dark Souls‘ DNA, it mostly tries to do its own thing by emphasizing action over role-playing. Souls-like games have come in all shapes and sizes, some borrowing less from the source material than others. Tails of Iron Review (PS4) SeptemLorenzo Lombardi - No Comments
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shenzi-hemlock · 2 years
What was the podcast you were listening to abt Ted kaczinksy, I wanna check it out
It was from a really old RadioLab podcast. I'll leave the link here and everything else I type below you can read if you want.
I really like RadioLab. It is, as my darling likes to call it, my meat pumpkin. It's enrichment for my enclosure. It's an incredible podcast that ranges over so much, but a lot of it is science related. While it is definitely of a political point of view that I do not and cannot endorse nor encourage, it is a wealth of information about things that can typically be mundane to extraordinary.
One of the episodes I listened to recently was about how a biologist in South America was technically implanted on the back of the head with a fly by a mosquito (the mosquito put it there on accident) that the biologist ended up letting it stay in his head. Which is super gross, yes, but it was fascinating hearing the whole story even if it was a macabre curiosity that kept me listening.
There was once an episode about how the Japanese (I believe) during WWII actually used the jet stream to engage in warfare. They sent balloons with explosives through the jet stream to the US mainland. It is a sad story that does end up with the death of human lives, innocent human lives. But it's something I had never heard about and it shined a light on how inventive and how destructive humans can be.
A different episode I was listening to today was actually about the Galapagos Islands and how the whalers decimated the tortoise population. Not only was the overall population affected, but there are separate species on each island there that some are not able to even cross breed with, which is incredible. It also touched on how those same whalers brought in an invasive species. And if you guessed goats then you get a gold star! Again, something so off the wall and weird and just totally something I can sink my teeth into.
Some of their episodes are extremely liberal, but it is always a wealth of knowledge and an insight into a world I do not often glimpse. It's amazingly interesting to me and it allows me to safely encounter thoughts, doctrine, reasoning, and opinions that I don't hear in my typical day to day. It has allowed me to be better informed about current and past events and even changed my mind on topics that previously I had not thought through or was naively sure about.
Listen at your own discretion because there could be things there that many of you may disagree with. A lot. I know there are a fair share of things that I do disagree with because some of it is scientific. Which should be scrutinized. But a good portion of it is also just reporting on events and, like everyone, they have a bias.
I would highly recommend this podcast because it helped me a lot with my ELK (Extra Linguistic Knowledge). And hey, you might learn a thing or two! I know I sure did.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Bat Appreciation Day 
Bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes a day. Help preserve these crucial creatures by donating to a conservation, volunteering, or spreading awareness.
Bats have a terrible reputation among people because they’re seen as scary bloodsuckers that will spread diseases. However, according to scientists, very rarely do they spread diseases and few species drink blood, but rather eat fruit.
The population of bats has been depleting, and that is a problem because they contribute to the ecosystem more so than people think. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to show love for these flying mammals and teach people the importance of bats in today’s world.
Learn about International Bat Appreciation Day
On International Bat Appreciation Day, we are reminded of the important role that bats play in our day-to-day lives. You may not think that bats have any impact on your life at all! In fact, you may not really give much thought to this animal. However, did you know that bats can eat as many as 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour? That’s 1,000 fewer mosquitoes that could possibly bite you! As bats are insectivorous, they actually get rid of a lot of annoying insects, and so we have a lot to thank them for. They role in the circle of life definitely benefits us.
International Bat Appreciation Day encourages us to learn more about these species and the role they play in nature. It is a good opportunity for you to learn more about bats, and you will find plenty of information online and in animal textbooks as well. After all, there are some very interesting facts about this species.
You probably know that bats are able to see in the dark and that they use their extreme sense of hearing. But, did you know that they are the only type of mammal that is able to fly in a true and sustained way? Did you also know that bats are pollinators? This means that, along with the likes of butterflies and bees, they provide a critical link in our supply of food.
There are lots of other interesting facts that you can learn about bats on International Bat Appreciation Day. This includes the fact that there are more than 1,200 known species of bat. Around 70 percent of these bats are insectivores. Bats also grow in a number of different sizes. The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Bat is one of the biggest bats. It has a wingspan as big as five-feet, seven-inches, weighing up to four lbs. Bats also groom themselves constantly, making them very clean animals, which is something a lot of people do not realize.
In the United States, there are roughly 48 species of bats that call this their home. Three states in the U.S. also have an official state bat. The Virginia Big-Eared Bat is the state bat in Virginia. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is the state bat of Oklahoma. Finally, this bat – the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat – is also the state bat of Texas.
History of International Bat Appreciation Day
Bat Conservation International started International Bat Appreciation Day to focus on protecting all the different species of bats. Bats protect ecosystems and help make sure our planet has a healthier future.
Bat Conservation International was founded in 1982 by a group of scientists concerned about our planet’s bats. After lots of research, they discovered that bats are important to help keep nature in balance, and are important to a lot of industries.
Scientists such as Dr. Merlin Tuttle, a recognized authority on bats, formed the organization. He made important progress by teaching more sustainable uses of natural resources that benefit both bats and people.
Bats play a significant role in the ecosystem of the world. There are over 1,300 species of bats in the world. Bats helps control agricultural pests, pollinate flowers and fruit, and create rich fertilizer for landowners, farmers, and local communities.
Without these bats, plants would fail at providing food for other wildlife species and surrounding ecosystems. Bats are one of the most under-studied animals, even though many of those bats are considered critically endangered, threatened, or vulnerable.
Forest depleting, inappropriate guano mining and thoughtless tourism have caused a substantial decrease in the populations of bats everywhere. International Bat Appreciation Day aims to change the perspective on these misunderstood creatures and encourage people to help protect bats everywhere.
How to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day
Want to celebrate these furry, flying creatures of the night? Help support your local bat conservation organization by donating or volunteering to protect these adorable creatures. Share your love of bats with your friends and family by sharing facts about the different kinds of bats out there in the wild.
Take the time to educate people about the importance of bats in the world’s ecosystem. If you’re looking into becoming a biologist to study bats, then organizations such as the Bat Conservation International for career opportunities to help protect the world’s bats from extinction.
You can also expand your knowledge by taking a look online and reading up more about the species. There are also some good bat documentaries, which you can watch online or on television.
Another fun way to celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day is to watch some of the Batman movies! This fictional superhero first appeared in 1939 in Detective Comics #27. There have been a lot of different Batman films over the years. This includes the 1989 Batman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice from 2016, the 2006 The Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises from 2012, and a number of others! So, get the popcorn in and celebrate this famous bat superhero!
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