#did i feel like doing a gifset today?
scionshtola · 1 year
i love. y’shtola. so much
#way back in ARR when she was letting everyone know she thought the beast tribes were being treated terribly#and that the people responsible for that had to accept responsibility for the primals#and then when minfilia sends the wol to ask her what she thinks about the scions accepting money from other organizations/patrons she’s like#no because i want to tell people when they’re at fault without needing to spare their feelings 😌 and she’s right to do so!!!#and then she didn’t like how the crystal exarch was doing things. keeping secrets etc so she just. LEFT!!! and did what she felt she had to#she didn’t like uri keeping secrets so she told him. she didn’t like the way thanny was reading ryne so she told him even when he was angry#she literally had to separate herself from him so she wouldn’t say MORE#and all the times she puts herself in harms way for the people and causes she cares about it#ugh. i love cori’s tiny very direct impatient but empathetic and kind and also kind of mean wife i love her so much#also love that she can curse to an extent that makes BIGGS blush#and when she rejects magnai and he is so mad but she’s just like i don’t have time for this agshdjdks#i got here btw by way of that shtola and squelch gifset and was thinking about how he’s like ‘you are not people to me so it’s not murder’#well is it murder if shtola uses her staff to blow you up. what about that!#i need a text post tag#clearly i am doing so well today friends. so well.#*thanny was TREATING ryne omg. i’m not going back to fix that
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mothdruid · 1 month
Within the past 72 hours the TGM fandom got a fire put under it's ass, for lack of a better term/phrase. Even though I'm not as active in the fandom anymore, it did make me want to talk about a few things. This isn't the first time that I've had to make a post similar to this, usually speaking about reblogs and keeping your fanfic writers feeling wanted within the fandom spaces, but today I'm going to talk more about fandom etiquette and my experiences in fandom spaces. So, if you want to hear my opinion on fandom etiquette, how I learned fandom etiquette, and my thoughts about the doxing situation that has happened, keep on reading.
My Fandom Experience.
The first fandom that I was ever a part of was The Hunger Games fandom in the 8th grade (if you don't include my anime fandoms). I was 12-13 at the time. This was when I was first introduced to Tumblr and being involved within a fandom online. At the time I was super young, barely even knew who I was as a person, let alone in a fandom space. All I did was reblog little gifsets and fawn over Josh Hutcherson. I remember getting my first hate anon, even though I didn't do anything that would generate that to even happen. Even when I was 12-13, I couldn't understand why anyone would send a hate anon. That was when I found out a friend of mine found my Tumblr and actually secretly hated me, so she sent me hate anons. Still, before I knew it was her I didn't understand.
Fandoms were a formative part of my childhood. I think that main one that helped form me though was the Supernatural (yeah, I know, eye roll), Naruto, and The Hobbit fandoms. I had made friends on Tumblr and Instagram through these fandoms. During these times was when I had first started consuming fanfiction. Specifically, destiel and thilbo fanfiction. This is how I started to find the things in fanfiction that I loved, and the things that I hated. Instead of sending hate to the writers for their thoughts and stories that I didn't agree with, I would back out of the story or just scroll past. Not only that, I also started to use the filters on AO3 constantly, ensuring that I was only reading the fics that I knew I'd enjoy. Also, I was careful to read warnings and tags prior to reading the fic. Never once did I blame the writer for something that I knew I didn't like and accidentally read or read for see what it was about.
After high school was when I started getting into fanfiction writing. I've written for a lot of fandoms during this time. The IT movies, Total Drama, Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, Marvel, Bridgerton, Top Gun: Maverick, and currently ASOIAF. As a writer I've never gotten hate, thankfully, but I have had a lot of friends that have. It's sad to see so many people who take the time to write, whether it's enjoyable or not, receive hate. As writers we are simply expressing our creativity for the things that we love. Since posting fanfiction on tumblr, I have experienced a lot of people pestering for new updates and when the next fic is, and so have a lot of other writers on here. Even though people only know us as a little icon and username, fanfiction writers are people. We have lives outside of writing fanfiction. Everyone also isn't the same type writer. One person may easily write multiple fics every week, some of us take longer, and some of us are even just passion writers (me lol).
The TGM fandom has been one of the most negative fandom experiences I've ever seen/had. It is full of some of the meanest people/anons I've ever seen. From writers being attacked for fic ideas, people being sent hate for something that the anon has full control over, and people constantly expecting new stories to read on the daily. Yes, I do know that other fandoms have these issues, but it seems to be almost a weekly, hell, even daily thing within this fandom. A lot of the issues that I see happen in this fandom are from people who don't understand fandom etiquette.
Fandom Etiquette.
If you had noticed there was a few things I put in bold above. These are key things that I learned during my time that attribute to fandom etiquette. So without further a do, I'll list out some fandom etiquette rules that I follow all the time.
Don't send hate anons to people
Block/unfollow people you don't like
If you don't like an idea or fic, don't read it
Read through all warnings and tags that the writer provided
Use AO3 filters
Don't blame the writer/creator for reading things they created that you actively know you don't like
Writers/Creators aren't "content farms"
There are people behind these blogs/usernames, treat them like someone you'd see on the street
Writers/Creators are expressing love/passion for something, don't hate them for doing that
If you see something fandom related that you don't like, scroll past it or ignore it
The Doxing Situation.
For those who are unaware but decided to read this anyways, recently there was a writer (Mama Mayhem) on here who got doxed from another writer in the fandom. Mayhem has since lost her job due to the doxing. This was apparently from her breaking HIPAA by posting a picture into a private groupchat/discord. This picture was posted almost a half year ago. Meaning that the person who reported/doxed Mayhem had known about this picture for months and only recently decided to do something about it.
I'll start by saying that I also work in healthcare, and know many other people here who do. I understand that a HIPAA violation is 100% an offense that gets you fired. I'm not excusing the HIPAA violation if one did occur.
Some people have brought up the idea that maybe the person that reported the picture, and doxed Mayhem, was doing it out of the goodness of their heart. Due to the timeline of it all, that doesn't seem likely. I had a previous coworker get fired for HIPAA violations and it took a total of a week from the initial report for her to be gone.
The biggest thing I want to convey is that TWO WRONGS CAN HAPPEN AT THE SAME TIME. Yes, if Mayhem violated HIPAA, it is wrong. But at the same time, the person held onto this information for months only to use it out of spite, pettiness, and cruelty, is wrong.
My Thoughts.
Due to Mayhem being doxed, a lot of people have decided to leave this platform, take indefinite hiatuses, stop writing, or move to AO3 exclusively., and I don't blame them. I'll be honest, I'm thinking about moving to AO3 exclusively now. AO3 feels a lot more rewarding in my experience. I already only post my fics for ships to AO3, so why not just post everything on AO3 (which I usually do).
I think a lot of people have forgot what it feels like to feel shame in something they say or do. When I say this, it's directed towards people who send hate or do other malicious things in fandom spaces. Fandoms were never this clique-ish and mean. I think it has to do with the pandemic, meaning that a lot of people who would have never joined a fandom did because they weren't allowed to do anything outside of their house. So, those mean girls that made fun of fandom girlies (g/n) previously, joined the fandoms and decided started bullying the people within them.
This situation is super shitty and people are now scared. It makes complete sense, especially after seeing someone, that many of you were close to, be doxed. A lot of people are scared of it happening to them now. I don't think this fandom will be the same after this situation, but who knows, maybe everyone will just forget and move on. Either way, I think I'll be taking a step back from the TGM fandom. I'll still be here, but until further notice, I won't be posting any TGM fanfiction. Maybe a gifset/picture here and there, but I don't think this is a fandom I feel comfortable writing for anymore.
If you've read all of this, thank you.
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seblaineworld · 7 months
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
10 Days Of Seblaine 2023
One week to go, so without further ado, here's what you need to know.
The Rules
The event runs from Monday, 6th November until 23:59 (of your own timezone) on Wednesday, 15th November 2023.
Who can take part?
Anyone and everyone who shares our love of Seblaine!
What can we submit?
Anything, as long as it is Seblaine-related! Fics, Graphics, Gifs, Gifsets, Videos, Manips, Playlists, Lyrics - anything you like as long as it fits the themes! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
Please remember to use #seblaineworld and #10daysofseblaine2023 within the first five tags, and also put @seblaineworld somewhere in your posts, since we all know just how flaky Tumblr can be about tags!
Be sensible and considerate. We're all very well aware that not everyone shares our love of Seblaine, and even within our own tiny (but always fierce!) Seblainer Fandom, there are those who don't enjoy mature content, so please ensure you tag everything you submit, appropriately.
Can I cross-post/combine themes?
Yes! You can combine any of the themes that you want. And if your contribution does combine multiple themes, you can post on whichever day you prefer. Just remember, if your contribution covers one or more themes, then properly tag all days, regardless of which day you actually post on.
Do I need to submit something for every day?
Absolutely not. If you want to contribute something for every day, then of course you can, but it's not a requirement at all. We know everyone has busy lives, so just do what you can when you can.
Can I post a WIP or work if it fits the themes, even if I started it weeks/months/years before the 10 Days Of Seblaine 2023 announcement?
Absolutely! Your Admin has done this before and feels it's a great way to refresh creativity and blow the cobwebs off that piece you just KNOW you'll finish one day, but never quite seem to have the time. So feel free to post anything you've already started - providing it fits one of the themes!
On that note, do remember that the free day is exactly that. A day on which you can write about/create for, any theme you like! Did your favourite theme just narrowly miss out on being in the top 10? If so, here's your chance to do something about it and make a submission using that theme!
When do we start posting?
As soon as it becomes Monday 6th November in your own timezone, post your work to your Tumblr blog, and as mentioned above, please tag it #seblaineworld and #10daysofseblaine2023 then make sure those two are in your first five tags. Please also put @seblaineworld somewhere in your post.
If you're going to be posting your work to another site like AO3 or ff.net, post a properly tagged link on your Tumblr.
A 10 Days Of Seblaine collection will be added to AO3.
Can I post early?
Sorry, no. 🙃 Tumblr, however, does let you schedule posts so you can schedule the post for the right day, even if you're not going to be around that day. Of course this gets a little harder to navigate if you’re also posting to another site like AO3/ff.net, so if this is going to be a problem, let me know and I'll figure it out.
Can I post late?
Now for the good news - yes! I know how time can occasionally run away from us all, so as long as everything is tagged properly you can post (for example) your day 3 piece on day 7 and that won't be a problem. Everything posted will be reblogged until Friday, November 24th.
You haven't reblogged my work yet!
No problem! Again, because Tumblr can be (very!) erratic, just send me an Ask or message if I haven't reblogged your work within 24 hours of you posting it, and I will get onto it right away.
So, that's it for now! I'm excited to see all your work, and hope you'll join me for this bumper celebration of Seblaine on Monday 6th November. Just drop me an Ask or message if you have a question that's not been addressed here, and I'll see you all a week today!
Ail 💜
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airenyah · 2 months
Oh good it was an April fools prank. I was so terrified like... When did this happen??? How have I missed such a monumental shift??? did the straights somehow do some brainwashing???? I actually deleted an anti wai tag from a gifset bc I didn't want to be insensitive if you were actively wai positive 😭😭😭😭😭 the relief just now. Palpable. 🧡🧡🧡
omg dfjkjdkfkjdfkfd
i thought it was obvious that it was just a prank considering the date and also like, WHO in their right minds would actually ship w*ipa???? dfjkjkfdskj
but yeah, @ranchthoughts and i came up with this idea a week before april fool's and so we rushed to make a whole bunch of posts. @ranchthoughts collected them all in this masterpost, if you feel like going through them again and looking at all of our creations through the lense of your newfound knowledge. i especially recommend taking a look at the meta, it's excellently bullshitted and made me laugh so much (i read it all to my mother earlier today and we were both crying from laughter)
also, how sweet of you to delete the anti-wai tag just in case 🥺🥺🥺 however, had you kept it i'm sure it would have made me giggle a lot 🤭🤭🤭 which reminds me, this:
#vaippa means diaper in finnish and i think that's beautiful for them 🧡
is a tag that @isaksbestpillow left on the favorite waipa moment poll and it made me laugh so much when i saw it (i too think that's beautiful for them!!!!)
also here's a little peak behind the scenes: the following is a message i sent to @ranchthoughts after calling wai my "son" in the tags of a gifset
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emilykaldwen · 5 months
I'm not sad, I just feel empty. I have moments of the excitement that just fizzle away after 10 minutes when I've moved onto focus other things. I can be excited for other people's things, I think because it's easier to rally the enthusiasm and maintain it for that, but the inner enthusiasm is something I can't hold onto rn cause you know, depression.
So I hyperfocus on you know *holds up babies* because that's a solid dopamine hit (and also I'm just getting to the meat and excitement of the story things are moving and happening, etc). Which makes sense!
So the photographer and my realtor are at the condo today and the listing should go up today or tomorrow. My period is almost done so I can go ahead and sign up for planet fitness. I need to fix my masterclass login (I didn't mean to use google to sign in). I need to, you know, leave my house. I think being sick isn't helping and I just hit the burn out exhaustion phase at the end of december like a lot of us did. Not burn out from writing, but just from everything else. Like the last two weeks of december were exhausting and then I got sick and so of course I feel bad and icky and all that stuff.
It's weird to think that this is how I spent the majority of my life constantly feeling, which I suppose is how this largely snuck up on me in a way I didn't quite realize. Which says a lot for how far I've come and how well I've done, but also just... managing. And therefore underscoring that it was a good idea to move back in with my parents so I'm not alone in the house with my pets and no human interaction.
Good news is joey and I figured out the screencapping issue yesterday so now I just need to muster the motivation to work on that lil gifset I wanted to do. But they both have so little footage so I have to figure out what I'm trying to do.
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cha-melodius · 5 months
3, 7, 13 and/or 18 for the ask game? (also, sending you hugs <3)
First off thank you so much for the hugs, they are gratefully accepted, today was a lot and tomorrow's not going to be better. I'm also in a bit of a writing funk and feeling bad about everything, probably because I'm so emotionally drained. Thank you for sending these as distraction, I'm glad to think about something else tonight.
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
Oh I sure hope not. I have a hard enough time keeping up with three. 😂 But one thing I've found is that you never know when a new ship is gonna hook you, so I guess never say never.
7. Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers?
First, a moment to celebrate what I have changed already: I've gotten a lot better about commenting on everything I read, which I'm very happy about. Now if only I had 12 extra hours in the day to read everything I want to. I'd like to get better at reblogging things on tumblr from other authors, because I know how much reblogs of my own fic posts mean to me. I try to remember to come back and do it after I read a fic, but sometimes I just forget, sadly. I think I need to put those posts in my drafts rather than just likes, or something.
13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
You know, doing my tumblr top 10 posts made me realize I'm not sure I did ANY drawing this year? What?? I started getting into it with napollya and then writing kind of took over, but I'd like to get back to it. I don't think I'll pick up anything new, though.
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
I used to post as a wrote with a month's-worth of chapter buffer, but now I finish them all first. I think it makes the story a lot tighter, I don't have to worry about changing something in the second half and having it conflict with something already published, and it removes the stress of writing to a deadline. So I'm unlikely to change that!
Thank you again my dear, I always love seeing you in my ask box. 💕 (And I desperately need to read all your whumpmas fics still!)
Fanfic asks for the new year
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
okay first of all im not convinced that rudy didn't buy tickets only bcuz louise annoyed him about it and he vaguely recognized the bands name from one of his dads old records FJDMDNSMSMSJ
why doesn't tina get to go to the old man concert w/ gene louise and their friends 😭
love how both concerts that tina mentioned going to were boyz 4 now concerts and that BOTH of them were actual episodes in the show. this is why catching up on bob's burgers lore is so important. these are the things you'd miss!!!!
NOOO NOT THE KING BREAKING HIS PAW this is a code red emergency
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT QUINCE BURGER BANGER NAME‼️‼️ have the bobs burgers writers seen the hawk and chick bb/eeaao comparison gifsets. do they even know that they made me cry. i want you to know how much i love and support you even if you stop fighting monsters with me someday and do taxes instead. okay sorry i got distracted
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okay MAYBE i missed them saying that the concert had paid entrance or something but this is a block party?? could they not just go downstairs and watch the band outside. like it might not be premium seats but at least they'd be going to their first concert ?
most normal louise and rudy interaction
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why is tina being the voice of reason here LMAO like at least google how to capture an injured raccoon or something
OH ITS NOT THAT HARD. GOOD WHEELS ON THIS THING obsessed w/ teddy in this subplot(??) i missed him
i feel like this episode has the same problem as the st patrick's day episode where despite the episode's title and description trying to make the subplot the main focus of the episode its also Clearly the subplot to a more important storyline. which is fine bcuz they're both entertaining in this episode but its gonna be confusing as hell in the future trying to find this episode 😭
"maybe it would be easier to watch the concert from the street" IM SAYING LIKE?? literally what was louise's plan here. im obsessed with her
girl. all this for like six pieces of candy
THIS HAS NO REASON TO BE SO STRESSFUL im shaking im so worried about little king trashmouth... if anything bad happens to him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. that would literally be bury your gays. to me
not bob having another burger related existential crisis ☹️☹️
bob has failed to realize he could cook literally ANY other food if he really wanted to. but i will admit he likes cooking the burgers. and tbh?? what he described sounded like an autistic dream so maybe he simply does not understand the vision like me and u bob. maybe he just doesn't get it
"is that magic marker?" "what makes you say that??" "my.... eyes?"
actually where the HELL did they get those shirts they're too big to be louise's but wayy too small to gene's this is the actual mystery in the episode. possibly maybe tina's old shirts or something??
today we learned that linda buys her wine from the liquor store on their block which was Probably obvious but cool to see it confirmed
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also kinda funny to say this when big bob is Literally in next weeks episode and seems happy enough running his diner.... like bob have you considered maybe you LIKE cooking for people and thats okay?? your dad does too. some people are happy to do one thing forever and thats not like a Problem unless you're unhappy
awww they're such cuties dancing together
"Well there are moments, you know... when the band locks in, the crowd is with them and everything they ever loved about playing music comes flooding back in a rush of pure heavenly emotion. All that crap."
"But... all these decades later, they still have them? The moments?"
"You tell me."
😭😭 WHY DID THIS PART OF THE EPISODE MAKE ME WANNA CRY I HAVE TO GET A VIDEO OF IT OR SOMETHING. WHAT THE HELL too real for creative people..... omg. this season has a lot of moments like that about the creative process like gene's song etc
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THIS EPISODE WAS VERY CUTE?? very silly subplot w/ linda and the raccoons and then louise and gene and their friends. bob's little crisis in the middle there got to me harder than anticipated (i think they could have easily made that into its own episode but considering they've done similar concepts in the past i dont hate that they didn't flesh that out as much as they could have. we already KINDA know where bob is coming from here) and the ending clip with bob singing was soo silly im gonna need to post that too. fun episode!
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selkiefinalist · 7 months
hmmm i just have to talk about some writing stuff
idk how it’s possible after struggling so long to want to write or finish anything but all of a sudden i have like five thousand Concepts and that’s such a…good feeling? i was scared for a while that that part of my brain was just permanently broken. and most of these ideas are just for little things, but i want to put them here so as to not forget/have some accountability. also i grew really fond of this lil journaling practice during the writing of the fth fic so here i am, back at it.
and about that fth fic, i have finally regained the ability to think about it without my whole brain just whiting out, and i might even be fond of it?? who knows honestly but i think i like parts of it and made some decent writing decisions in parts of it. it’s such a relief to at least not be scared of it anymore, even if i’m still unsure of how i feel about it. AND THEN i feel like - i’ve spent a few years avoiding writing something hard, you know, above skill level, never gonna meet expectations, break my own heart, and so on but i knew i had to in order to keep moving forward and now that it’s done i just. have so many ideas. ok, ok. here’s the list (in no order):
1. LOC/cogs cuck fic (prompt)
2. jmac/dan renouf denny’s parking lot fic
3. sid/nietsy one-up fic
4. timmy stu/chabby spaghetti legs fic
5. travii/fader but instead of actually finishing it i’m going to follow that one writing post’s advice and just write the One Scene that i was structuring that whole mess around
6. i had this terrible idea for a davo/chucky fic after seeing that gifset today of them hassling each other during a game and davo had the biggest smile on his face,
anyway!! even if i don’t write any of this (although three already have words in a doc) i’m just glad to have stuff swirling around in my brain again. i know there are lots of ways to participate in fandom - and i’m trying to do better at that stuff, too - but i did miss this side of it.
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shadowmaat · 2 months
Reblog etiquette
Certain neighborhoods of tumblr develop some really strange rules.
A couple of days ago I learned that there are people who think it's bad etiquette to reblog a post from someone who isn't a mutual.
Today I've seen a rage anon railing at someone for- *checks notes* ...adding onto a post without OP's permission.
I feel like these two belong in the same neighborhood and it's just so damn alien to my own experiences with tumblr. I'd be fascinated to know why these "rules" came about and why they think them necessary. I'm not aware of any other social media site where it's considered bad manners/wrong to share someone else's (credited) content or where you need permission from the OP in order to reply to something.
I do know it's possible on twitter to filter who can interact with a tweet, but that's made to be very obvious and it's encoded so that people who don't follow the OP can't reply. That isn't a feature tumblr has, AFAIK, but if it's something a lot of people want it might be worth mentioning to the WIP staffers. Anon harassing random tumblrites for not following a set of unexpressed personal requirements isn't really the best way to go about things.
One counterpoint I've seen to the "don't add on without permission" rule is that while it's generally acceptable to add on, there are some cases where it isn't. Such as when someone posts a gifset.
The gifmaking community of tumblr (and beyond) has their own set of rules as well, and apparently a lot of frustration with how their creations are used here on tumblr. I know almost nothing about gifmaking other than it's VASTLY labor-intensive, involves a lot of fiddly shit (color correction, lighting, smoothing, etc) and that tumblr's crediting algorithm sucks. Hells, I've had gifs credited to me when all I did was use tumblr's own gif finder. I can imagine how rage-inducing it can be to see your work credited to someone else. I can also understand the frustration of having your gifs, art, or other creative labor used in a way you don't like. But yelling at each and every individual who wrongs you is ineffectual and exhausting. You want change? Tackle The System, not the internet randos.
For now, however, there isn't a lot you can do to stop people from being, well, people. If you don't want people to interact with your posts, STATE THAT. In the post itself, not in your tags, since those will get lost. People aren't mind readers. People frequently aren't tag readers, either. Make your wishes known before you release a post into the wild. Not everyone will listen, but generally speaking, if you make a polite and reasonable request, folks will abide by that.
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pharawee · 2 years
Okay so after 4 gifsets it’s time for my review of Big Dragon ep 4. Just for me. As a treat.
And we’re already halfway through this series. How did this happen? I feel like I spent the whole year just waiting and now it’s all going by so fast. I’m lowkey hoping for StarHunter to continue promoting MosBank together, if only so they’ll do more travel vlogs.
Also, if possible (yep, still biased) this show has become even better. I’m mostly just someone who gets pulled in by the mood of a show, but this time I really tried paying attention to the motifs the director and actors have mentioned before - like the colour coding, cinematography and Mangkorn’s and (especially) Yai’s comfort levels. 
And it’s really paying off:
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Look how subdued Mangkorn’s signature colour is here. He’s literally fading into the background, with his and Hong’s father taking control over his (and Hong’s) life. I’m glad that it’s immediately established that both mum’s are super uncomfortable with this whole situation. They’re not even indulging their husbands. Mangkorn’s mum even makes it clear later that arranged marriages are a thing of the past (and I’m super glad they put that in) and that if Mangkorn were to speak to his dad he’d back off.
But more on that later.
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I’ve read the novel but still, I’m glad Mangkorn and Hong get along so well. I mean, they’re essentially in the same boat (negl their dads get along so well, they should just marry each other ugh). Plus, I’m super tired of the “female rival” trope in BL. It’s distracting and unfair to everyone involved.
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And, yeah, maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but Mangkorn’s colour makes a bit of a return in this scene - even though he’s wearing the same shirt.
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Yai’s family crisis, meanwhile, lies in the past and I’m really glad his sister tells him so outright. I mean, it’s immediately clear that the death of his mother is something that’s deeply troubling to Yai and has shaped him as a person - to the point were he refuses to move on. To him the house is empty and I totally get why he doesn’t want to stay for long. His sister, in contrast, finds it peaceful and relaxing out in the garden, even at night (and with about 300 mosquitos around 🥴).
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Only then, of course, Yai makes the “female rival” a thing. You do it to yourself, Yai (I mean, with good reason - seeing as they’re both known womanizers). I’m glad that the show subverts this whole trope early on and makes it all about Yai’s insecurities. There’s only 8 episodes, nobody’s got time for that. In the novel it wasn’t as clear because Hong turned up much later when Mangkorn had already explained the whole thing. Yai only had breadcrumbs and suspicions to go on and of course he drew the wrong conclusions.
And because Mangkorn has lost access to his LINE ID (possibly because *someone* decided to destroy his phone) he decides to wait for Yai in front of his faculty building. For hours. That’s some dedication.
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And, honestly, pouting back at someone who’s pouting might be the most valid strategy I’ve ever seen. Put that UNO reverse card away or so help me!! 😤
I really, really love Mangkorn’s shirt. And I love how their individual colours get more similar when they’re not fighting/testing their boundaries and just being themselves. It’s like they’re on neutral ground here.
And, holy shit, every second of that scene was so adorable, from their playful banter to their not-so hidden smiles.
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Oh, how the turntables. This time it’s Mangkorn’s turn to ask if Yai has been to supervise the pub’s renovations today (he hasn’t because it’s boring without Mangkorn).
Which brings us to my favourite scene of this week.
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Just look how soft these two are 🥺
And they’re in neutral colours again, on neutral territory, with Mangkorn dispensing a piece of wisdom that rings rather hollow considering that this “sacrifice” he mentions is impossible to achieve in his own case (unless at this point in the story he actually considers marrying Hong out of filial piety).
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We also catch a glimpse of Yai’s family ring. Surprise - there’s a tiger on it.
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Kissing Yai (and it was such a sweet kiss - I just wish it hadn’t been in slow motion) doesn’t really bring the closure Mangkorn probably hoped for - if he planned for any of this at all. Because as dominant (with a small d - I’m talking personality traits because I’ve no idea about any of the rest) as he might seem, I feel like he’s just as much out of his depth as Yai is. He’s just much better at keeping his cool (and the upper hand).
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This is one of the pics Yai stares at as he masturbates and negl, that’s kind of touching (full pun intended 🤡)
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But apart from the fact that he’s still wearing his ring while he goes to town (ouch??) it struck me how lonely and unsatisfying this whole scene felt. He’s in this big bed and occupying only one side of it. It just feels like something’s missing.
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Oh ffs, show 😂
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Finally. 🫠
No but seriously if at any point in the future you don’t find me stanning Big Thanakorn then please assume I’ve been replaced by an impostor and call the police.
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I’m totally with Yai on this one.
Bank has said that when Yai is with Nine he’s in his comfort zone and it really shows. I don’t think Nine is any serious competition, though, even if Mangkorn weren’t in the picture. It’s like Yai is on this fixed trajectory now and that has everything to do with Mangkorn.
Oh well, looks like Big’s character will end up alone again. Why must you hurt me so, StarHunter? 🥲
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Aand we’re back to Mangkorn wearing a red shirt (with red back-lighting uh-oh) and... how do you even explain this, Mangkorn? The girl slipped? She wanted to see your tattoo up close? You actually caught a glimpse of Yai talking to Nine and this is your revenge? 
“How could you do that?”, indeed.
Feels like they’re both blaming and deflecting here (ah, yes, how could you do this to poor Hong??) and I’m pretty sure we’ll see Mangkorn’s side of the story next week because they wouldn’t just leave it like that...
But Mangkorn’s “Are you mad because you like me?” really felt like a gamechanger because it seems like up until this point Yai didn’t even realise. He doesn’t even look defensive or angry, he’s just shocked and hurt (with a side of confusion).
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Also, I love how Yai’s background is all cold blues, and Mangkorn’s side is earthy browns/reds. Something’s about to go down next week ( and it’s exactly what it sounds like 🤡)
Meanwhile, the bodyguards have monkey-pawed their relationship into existence and now I want some Tao Kae Noi 😭
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omaenanimonoda · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Tagged by @theworldisabrokenbonebutitishome and @forerussake - thanks guys!
3 Ships You Like: my brain could go in 10 different directions here in addition to the most obvious course, but most recently, hmmm - Ye Liuxi/Chang Dong (West out of Yumen) they were awfully cute together. I'd rewatch if the Youtube version wasn't such a mess. And still somehow surprisingly to me, pingxie- every time a post pops up it reminds me that oh yeah I do really feel them. And recently, fanghua (really!) after reading a fic that tossed me unceremoniously over the line. I'm not done making noise about that either.
First Ship Ever: I guess the first one I was really conscious of (and read fic for) was Mulder/Scully. damn that feels like an aeon ago, another life
Last Song You Heard: Kendall Tavern/Dancing in Allihies by Jenna Moynihan (it's a tune technically but I think that counts). as someone who plays a lot of music (instruments) I tend to listen to things I play or want to play, which means I'm usually listening to some odd shit.
Favourite Childhood Book: it's difficult to remember I blew through so many, although a lot were my mother's books and not necessarily for kids ..maybe Island of the Blue Dolphins? I cannot remember whether it was assigned to us in school or if I read it on my own, or both. Probably both!
Currently Reading: rereading クスノキの番人 by Higashino Keigo, so I can absorb more vocabulary than I did the first time around. Last time I was in Japan I didn't have a list of books to find and was aimlessly looking around- this one was on display and just sounded interesting so I grabbed one. It was cute, just slightly supernatural and sentimental - wouldn't be surprised if it gets animated or made into a short tv series. That and at the same time also 二百二十日 by Natsume Soseki because I love being at least mildly confused and challenged at all times.
Currently watching: Rewatching MLC just for the feels and also trying to figure out how to watch Ying Yang Master without having to give Netflix my cc number. Also would like to know where people are accessing the unofficial copies of Spirealm since the recent barrage of gifsets of a frighteningly young-looking Huang Junjie suggests it's around somewhere - anyone know?
Currently consuming: blueberries and just a little cabot plain greek yogurt - expensive but so good. I figure if food is gonna cost over $10 every time then I'd might as well eat something healthy that i'll want every day.
Currently craving: at the moment I'd love these clouds to clear up. It's Saturday in late February and the sun would be nice on my day off. Would love to go on a hike to look for oyster mushrooms though I never have good luck finding those. Update: went for a short jog and it felt like I woke up with someone else's legs today, in a bad way. I want the energy I had on Monday. Probably the fault of the junk I ate yesterday - trying broccoli and brown rice tonight, will try again tomorrow and see if it helps (usually does).
Tagging: As usual I think my mutuals are in on this already - anyone interested in a new set of questions? Maybe I could come up with something
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pedrorascal · 2 months
hi bby ✨ I’m hoping to spread a little love around today (it is someone’s birthday after all — so you might see others answering this)!
I am a big fan of people enjoying cake and celebrating, and sometimes cake can be just tooting your own horn 💁‍♀️ so with that in mind, I’d love to know what THREE things you’ve made (gifs/edits) that you’re super proud of, and why 🍰
Aww Jo, this is such a lovely idea 🥺🧡
Okay so the explanation is pretty much the same for all these edits - I love graphic design in general and I love experimenting with different styles and colours and tools, I just don't often have the mental energy to do so, so I'm always super content when I'm actually able to make something. 😅
Just to adapt to the theme I feel like I must choose a Pedro birthday gifset I made 2 years ago (I still shamelessly reblog it every year 🙈)
I'm pretty proud of another birthday creation of mine - when I created alternative banners for some of @psychedelic-ink's amazing fanfics for her birthday 🥰 If I could, I would make fanfic banners all the time, it's like a merge of 2 of my favourite fandom activities (reading fics and creating graphics)
And this old thing for which I came up with an idea and edited it on that very day (unlike other times, like the synthwave!mando gifset I've been planning since 2021 February and I still only have some basic drafts 🤡). But yeah, generally I'm the ambassador of many ideas/zero execution 😅
Here's a bonus of an actual carrot cake I baked for Easter for the second time in my life (or did I bake it for Pedro?) 🧡
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🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis 🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love 🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now 🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity ☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
already answered here but the short version is I don't actually remember
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
I'm on my laptop and emojis aren't an option... also what the hell is a longer WIP, everything I've turned out lately has been "how much of a ficlet can I write in 30 minutes"... I do have a bigger idea I'm batting around but I do NOT know what emojis I'd pick for that, maaaaybe a snake but otherwise idk...
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Unusually for me, I actually HAVE been reading a lot of fic lately for various babes and all of it has been really good / honestly choosing just one is hard but let's go with these are the hands of fate because the amount of emotions I have had off something under 400 words // I am a nice bisexual woman with a hand kink and this is what I didn't know I've wanted for like two and a half years...
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
Lol, I feel like I write more than I should / I definitely prioritize fic-writing over other things I could (and probably should) be doing. I've been writing a lot more lately because emotional uncertainty and that's how I get through!
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Grad school is going fairly well / my research area is So Good for me (and also going to influence sooo much of my fic going forward and yes this is intentional / I want those sides of my life to be in conversation with each other and I CAN do that and I'm so excited), I did not get seriously hurt last weekend and the bruises are fading, and I am conveniently off work on drunk-wildife-Nascar-day / I get to spend today doing fun things instead of wrangling huskies with anxiety.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer’s block and low creativity
If a fic isn't working after batting it a bit, sometimes the solution is to switch perspectives. My writing style is SO focused and internalized and sometimes I guess wrong on which babe is having a more interesting time in whatever scene I'm writing. (A ficlet I did last night that will post via queue in like two weeks, for example... I like where it went with the perspective I chose, but it would've worked just as well / maybe even better through the other babe's eyes.) For more general burnout... finding a new shiny to be obsessed with helps. I've cultivated a very specific ship type in part because it lets me keep a list of "don't have brainspace for them YET but if I need a distraction here's a few easy ones" and there are a few babes that have been on that list for years just waiting for me to need them.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
I was going to try to link a gifset here but we are NOT dealing with 2014!me today sooo... let's just say a scene in a show I was very into at that point with a character I identified with maybe a little too much, and that era ended ages ago but it was always a really vague reference and I decided to keep the username because it's CUTE.
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comfortbuddie · 1 year
You’ll Do
I don’t know how I feel about this but this little bunny was running in my head ever since I saw the multiple gifsets of Buck with the baby so...have a 6x18 coda with a dash of Buckley sibling feels.
Summary: Buck is okay with what he did, despite how other people might feel. But it still left him with a lot of feelings and who best to talk to other than his sister?
Ao3 Link
The incessant beeping of the monitors in the hospital room were not the only sounds present. Gentle murmurings, and encouraging words from the doctor and nurses surrounding the couple were ever present.
“Has anyone checked on him?” the laboring woman asked, her eyes glancing towards the doorway.
“He’s fine. His nurses are with him and Maddie is watching him. Let’s focus on now,” Her husband rubbed her shoulder trying to be comforting.
“It’s time to push, Mrs. Buckley.”
With a few good pushes, the baby boy was brought into the world. When placed on his mother’s chest, his father let out a slight smile while looking at his wife. She was looking at the infant with a tilt to her brow.
“You’ll do.”
Thirty years later, Evan Buckley was at his sister’s house watching Jee-Yun for the day. Chimney had a doctor’s appointment to check on his stitches after being impaled by a gurney. Once the emergency was over and all of the firefighters had recovered, he got a good lecture from his best friend, Hen, for doing what he did. It may have eventually helped to save his life once Buck got to him, but the fact that he did it left them all shaken.
After making sure Jee-Yun got her lunch, she had declared it was “Movie time!”
“You want to watch a movie? Okay, kiddo, what’s on the list today?”
Maddie had lamented to Buck that they were on a Encanto kick so if he didn’t mind Jee convincing him to sing about Bruno to have fun with it.
At the moment, Buck was happy to have the focus of his niece. It had been a whirlwind couple of weeks, between the collapse, worrying over the crew, Kameron’s water breaking, and Natalia.
That was something that still surprised him. He thought for sure he had messed things up once again. His life was just too crazy and he got it. Having the Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (or ex-fling in Lucy’s case if that was the right word) show up during your attempted dates was not a good way to start something new.
But she came back. He could still remember the sound of her voice when she said his name and how her lips felt against his own.
He really did like her, even if how they met was unconventional. Sure, Eddie may have said it was not a good idea, but Buck did truly feel ready to get back out there. He had taken time to himself and thought he had done a good job of working on his own journey of self-discovery.
At least he had before he saw his- no, Kameron and Connor’s son. It startled him just how much he felt in the moment but he knew the right decision for the little boy was to be with his parents. It was up to Kameron and Connor how much they wanted him to be in his life.
For now, Buck was giving them space, claiming that he wanted the three of them to focus on each other. So forgive him for not checking recent texts where Connor asked if he wanted to know the baby’s name.
So lost in thought, Buck almost missed Jee bringing him her toy microphone, “Sing Uncle Buck!”
“Are you sure about that? Your dad said I give him nightmares when I sing.” he exaggerated his face to look silly and it made her laugh.
“Hey, are you traumatizing my daughter?” Chimney joked as he walked in with Maddie.
Jee abandoned her microphone to go and see him. He couldn’t lift her up quite yet but he could still give her a cuddle as he sat in the chair.
“You walked in right on time to avoid her regretting her toddler life choices.” Buck laughed softly. “What did the doctors say?”
Chimney had a triumphant smile as he spoke, “Doctors said everything is healing fine. I should be good to go back to work soon.”
Maddie looked over at Buck. “I was going to make some lunch, did you want to stay or do you have plans with Natalia?”
Buck glanced at his phone. “She’s at work right now, but I can stay.” In fact, he wanted to talk to his sister more than anything. “I’ll give you a hand.”
She smiled and they went into the kitchen where she began pulling out ingredients for sandwiches. Buck went over to the pantry to look for some sides to go with their lunch.
“So, how are you feeling? No aches and pains?”
Buck looked over at her with a smile. “I’m good, Maddie, promise. You saw Athena that day, she was not about to let any of the crew go without being checked on.”
Taking out some cold cuts, Maddie set them on the counter before walking over to him. “Hey, um, I just wanted to say something to you real quick. I realized I didn’t get a chance earlier.”
Buck lifted a brow, curious what she meant. “Okay?”
“Thank you.”
Realizing what she was likely thanking him for, Buck looked down and nodded. “Maddie, I was just doing my job.”
“Buck, your entire team was either unconscious, impaled, missing, or trapped in a crushed van. You did so much and while I know everyone has already told you they appreciated it, I just…I really needed you to hear it from me.”
It was normal for them to hear firefighters call out to each other if they found a victim in distress so others knew they were accounted for. But it was especially meaningful that when she was scared and worried that she heard her brother announce the man she loved was safe with him.
Buck didn’t quite know what to do with that and all he could do was hug her. “I’d do anything to make sure he comes home to you, you know that, right?”
“I do, but that also includes you, okay? All of you.”
Sniffling, he walked over to the counter to begin cutting some vegetables. His phone vibrated with a text and he looked at it, thinking it was either Eddie, Christopher, or Natalia. Instead, it was Connor asking if he got his last text.
Maddie had been behind him and saw the notification, but glanced up at him. “You going to answer that?”
“Uh, no, not right now.” Buck cleared his throat and began cutting up some carrot sticks for Jee-Yun.
“Buck. You haven’t talked about it since that day.”
Buck sighed softly, glancing over at his sister. She knew him probably almost better than anyone but he also knew she was just looking out for him.
“It’s fine. I delivered the baby, he’s all good now, and they’re a family. I did what I was able to do.”
“I just…” Buck closed his eyes, remembering what he said when the baby was born. “You know I called dad to let him know.”
“Why did you do that? They hated the idea.”
“I know, but…I just figured he’d have something to say. He kind of reminisced about the day I was born and…”
Maddie closed her eyes and took a breath. “What happened?”
“I asked him what mom said when she saw me.”
“Why do I feel like that was a mistake?”
Buck shrugged his shoulders. “She said ‘You’ll do.’”
Maddie opened her mouth to say something but stopped. Once upon a time she might have tried to defend her parents, because of how intricately her grief was tied to the memories she had of them before Daniel. But now, she couldn’t bring herself to say something.
“You know, I get it. At the time she was overwhelmed and in the middle of everything with Daniel. She was looking for a miracle.” He remembered those words she spoke to him that night at dinner, before he was struck down by lightning. “It’s just that when I held Kameron’s baby, I was looking at him, and she asked if he was okay.”
“What did you say?”
“I said ‘He’s perfect.’” Buck looked down and noticed his hands shaking so he put the knife he was using down. Maddie reached over and took his hand, squeezing it gently. “I guess I don’t understand how you can look at someone so innocent and…the first thing you think is ‘You’ll do.’”
Maddie lifted her hand to cup his face and looked him right in the eye. “Buck…you were perfect. Sure, you’ve had your ups and downs lately.” Buck laughed, realizing what she was doing. “But the second I saw you and how unbelievably cute you were, I definitely thought you were perfect. I know it’s not the same, but-”
“No, I…I know, Maddie. I meant what I said last year. You raised me. Knowing I had you, it meant more to me than anything in the world. I really appreciated it.”
“You did a great thing for them, Buck. Sure, I may have had some concerns at the beginning, but I also know that you’ve come a long way since making that decision. And I am sure that that little baby is going to know love because you gave that to him. Remember that, okay?”
Buck nodded his head and looked down to see Natalia texted him. Lunch date?
He smiled and picked up his phone to text her, At my sister’s, but maybe dinner at my place? I promise no one will be in labor.
“You really like her, don’t you?”
Buck nodded his head, “I do. And I don’t know where things will go, but I do know I want to try. I want to do things right this time.”
Maddie smiled, “You will. I’m proud of you, Buck.”
“I’m proud of you, too.”
“Hey, we’re starving out here!” Chimney called, breaking the moment.
They turned twin gazes over to each other before busting out laughing.
“You sure you want to marry him?” Buck teased.
“Oh, yeah. Definitely.” The smile on her face was so bright that Buck could feel his heart bursting at how happy he was for her.
Taking a breath he didn’t know he was holding, Buck could honestly feel like some weight had been lifted. He didn’t realize he had been holding it for so long since that day. He was just looking forward to what the future had to offer.
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whatwouldmickeydo · 1 year
Hey Leah! How are you doing? What’s on your mind today?
Hi bb!
Today I am thinking about 11x06, and it’s all @smokey-mickey’s fault for their most recent post as well as our beloved Rita @sickness-health-all-that-shit for her GORGEOUS gifsets of that episode
Like, can you believe from that episode we got THIS and this and THIS??
I mean fuuuuck did we get to see Mickey go through so many complicated feelings and emotions surrounding his father, and some of it with just a single look!
I don’t know if I’ll ever emotionally recover from the way he looks when he’s got that gun on Terry’s face - he wants so badly to just have this man out of his life, this person who’s caused him so much physical and emotional and psychological pain. No one would mourn him being gone. No one would miss him.
And yet Mickey chooses to be the bigger person, to be better than that.
Do we ever think that if Mickey had been alone in that scene whether or not he would have done it? I don’t think he would have, but the fact that Ian is right there as this grounding factor, pulling him back to reality calmly and patiently, being this supportive and loving partner while he watches his husband go through so much turmoil… I am forever in love with this moment, as heartbreaking as it is.
Anyway, I’m not over it never gonna be over it gonna think about it for the rest of my life probably
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 months
February 17: Today's Writing Work
My main (only) accomplishment today was finally sitting down to re-read the old Jonty fic and write up my notes on the rest of it. I have to admit that I re-read it and really didn’t feel much of anything. I wasn’t inspired or emotional or even all that gung-ho about jumping back into the universe and playing in it some more. I really is true that that story had its time and that time was 2017 and if I didn’t finish it then, it wasn’t because it was done or because I had nothing else to say, but because I just… didn’t, I didn’t have the drive or sufficiently immediate ideas or whatever. The story had no notes, not outline, nothing but the 6k of text that it looks like I wrote over a couple of weeks, t I don’t even have any particular memories of writing it to help me out.
Still, I don’t want to abandon it. I don’t want to publish it unfinished when it could be finished in so few scenes and I don’t want to just stuff it back in the vault and continue lying to myself about finishing it later. And I don’t want to just admit I’ll never finish it because I’m way too stubborn.
Also, it’s okay for some writing to just be workmanlike. A lot of the last scenes of the Time Loop kinda were, to be honest. But I didn’t worry too much about it; I knew I wanted to finish it, so I finished it, and writing itself feels good more often than not, regardless of what I’m writing, and there’s a lot in the last 1-2 chapters that I really like and am proud of. It’s always work. Like it’s way easier to be excited about something hypothetically than to actually DO it, that’s always true, so maybe it doesn’t matter too much if that initial excitement about the concept isn’t there? I just got to do it.
I will say that allowing myself to just think about it casually, and then actually doing some work on it, got me a little more excited, at least to be accomplished if not to get into this particular ‘verse. I also looked at old J/M gifsets and stuff and then I accidentally reread all of Iridescent, which, honestly, holds up really well. It made me feel soft for them again.
I still don’t feel, like, super psyched? But I do have that anxious sort of gearing up energy that I hope will lead to actual writing, maybe even tomorrow. That’s always part of it for me: I actually write things when I get so jittery about having the words in my head I just NEED to let them out and then I just RUN through them and see what happens. I also wrote a lot of notes for myself for the two canon scenes in particular, kind of just wrote out all of the dialogue points but skipped the specific wording and the description. Maybe it was too much and it will hurt the finished product but… I did it basically as proof of concept and because I wanted to give myself as much of a crutch as possible. Like literally all I need to do is set up the scene, then move back and forth between these predetermined dialogue points. I don’t usually go that detailed in notes, though it’s not totally unprecedented, but knowing that this story did have a particular purpose and that I’m only writing 3 more scenes to finish, I really wanted to make sure there was a place for every bit of dialogue I wanted to include and that I wouldn’t miss anything at the last minute. There’s a lot of not-talking and not-explaining in the first 6k I won’t lie. It probably will be jarring to read it and see that all of a sudden in the last third or so, everyone knows how to communicate suddenly lol. But I’ll try to make it all fit as well as possible!
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