#detective domingo
reverieact · 17 days
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* MISIÓN 3: the silence breaks with a thunderous roar
LOCACIÓN: Lisboa, Portugal. FECHA: Tarde y noche del 13 de abril, sábado. ¿Tienes alguna duda? VISITA EL CALENDARIO (ON ROL).
El Palacio Estoril Hotel se alzó frente a los futuros detectives con una elegancia imponente, sus fachadas neoclásicas y sus altos techos abovedados evocando un aire de grandeza y misterio. En el interior de la estructura el suave bullicio de la música variada se mezclaba con el murmullo de conversaciones en varios idiomas. A esas alturas, todos estaban al tanto a dónde habían llegado: Una gran subasta, conocida en las más altas esferas como “O Leilão dos Mistérios Milenares” o “La Subasta de los Misterios Milenarios”. Personas elegantemente vestidas, algunas en trajes de época, otras en atuendos contemporáneos, se congregaban en grupos, rozaban sus hombros al pasar a sus costados, e intercambiando miradas cómplices y susurros emocionados.
Los detectives, ahora vestidos con ropas acordes al ambiente, fueron libres de deslizarse por los pasillos del hotel. Mientras tanto, los recuerdos de las palabras de la profesora Genevieve resonaron en sus mentes.
—El objetivo principal de la subasta será identificar cierto sujeto de interés, un millonario excéntrico con un perfil que eventualmente les haremos llegar,—la explicación de la francesa sería dada durante la última reunión llevada a cabo en Berna, antes de su partida, como parte de la preparación para lo que se avecinaba— Esta información, aunque pueda parecer básica, les ayudará a identificar a cuál de los objetos deberán pujar.  Para ello, se les entregará  una cantidad de dinero por grupo que deberán usar con prudencia y perspicacia. Aquellos grupos que logren identificar los objetos que sean de mayor interés para el hombre, se llevarán los mayores puntajes de la noche.
Sin muchas rodeos de por medio, Genevieve continuó.
—Recuerden, —frunció el ceño mientras se paseaba por el salón de conferencias con los brazos cruzados por  delante,— esta misión es más que una simple tarea. Estamos adentrándonos en un mundo donde tendrán que mezclarse entre gente de poder. Actuar como ellos. Ser ellos. —Las palabras de Genevieve flotaron en el aire como una  advertencia: sus identidades debían ser protegidas a como de lugar.
Ese día no serían simples estudiantes. Ese día serían millonaries con ansias de hacerse con las más codiciadas reliquias.
—Mantenganse alertas a cualquier señal, hoy menos que nunca está prohibido cometer errores.
( ... )
A medida que exploraban el entorno, se encontraron con escenas que desafiaban toda expectativa, desde salones decorados con dorados relucientes hasta lámparas centelleantes que arrojaban destellos de luz sobre piezas de arte de incalculable valor.
Cada rincón del hotel parecía albergar secretos, y tesoros, enterrados entre más extravagancias sin fin.
Sólo en ese momento, con el corazón latiendo de intriga, comprendieron la magnitud de lo que estaban a punto de enfrentar: no solo una subasta de objetos preciosos, sino también un desafío de astucia y determinación dentro de un mundo donde las apariencias engañan y las verdaderas intenciones se ocultan tras máscaras de cortesía y cortinas de seda.
¡Bienvenides a la aclamada subasta a través de los tiempos del Palacio Estoril Hotel!
Ha transcurrido una semana desde el entrenamiento de Crystal en Austria. De vuelta a Berna, una vez más han recibido largas lecciones teóricas con énfasis en cursos de Psicología del Comportamiento, y Manipulación y Persuasión sin distinción por categoría.
El día viernes 12 de abril, por la noche, todos tomaron un vuelo hasta Portugal, donde se hospedarán dos noches en una habitación suite del Palacio Estoril Hotel. Con baño y cama propia para cada une. Estarán allí hasta el domingo en la tarde, así que disfruten de las instalaciones.
La subasta anual del Palacio Estoril Hotel tendrá una temática de viaje a través de los tiempos, encontrarán prestigioses inventades de todo el mundo con sus ropas de época favorita. ¡Cuida el código de vestimenta que te ha tocado a ti! No querrás desentonar y que te vean mal.
Las locaciones habilitadas para la subasta, y por lo tanto las permitidas para abrir starters, son las siguientes:
Salón de Subastas: El corazón del evento, donde se lleva a cabo la subasta en sí. Este salón estará decorado con lujo y opulencia, con una pasarela central para exhibir los objetos en venta y asientos para los asistentes.
Salones de Recepción: Áreas elegantes y espaciosas donde los invitados pueden reunirse antes y después de la subasta para socializar y disfrutar de bebidas y aperitivos.
Galería de Arte: Un espacio dedicado a la exhibición de obras de arte y artefactos históricos, donde los invitados pueden explorar y admirar las piezas que incluso no estarán a la venta.
Jardines y Campo de Golf: Espacios al aire libre decorados con jardines exuberantes, fuentes y áreas de descanso donde los invitados pueden disfrutar del aire fresco y la belleza del entorno. Son conocidos por su extenso campo de Golf, disponible para todes sus visitantes. ¡Cuidado con los carritos!
Salón de Baile: Un elegante salón donde los invitados pueden disfrutar de música en vivo y baile después de la subasta, creando un ambiente de celebración y camaradería.
Piscina: Un oasis de serenidad en el patio interior del hotel, rodeado plantas tropicales y esculturas de mármol blanco. Las aguas cristalinas invitan a los huéspedes a acercarse si lo que quieren es apreciar sus reflejos. ¡Cuidado! El hotel no tiene permitido el uso de las mismas.
Zona VIP de bebidas: Ubicada cerca del salón de subastas, la elegante barra ofrece una amplia selección de cócteles y licores de primera calidad. El personal experto está listo para preparar las bebidas favoritas de los invitados con profesionalismo y cortesía.
Ya que la dinámica de la subasta consistirá en pujar por los objetos que crean que serán de mayor interés para el magnate, usaremos la plataforma de discord para desarrollarla.
Buscando la mayor comodidad de todes, destinaremos dos días de subasta: martes 16 y miércoles 17. De este modo, cada día podremos subastar tres objetos, dando así el total de 6 objetos (seguir este link para conocer más sobre los objetos).
Para realizar la puja deberán elegir cinco representantes por grupo que puedan estar presentes entre las 17:00 y 20:00 GMT-3 de cualquiera de los dos días mencionados. Para más detalles, esperen las instrucciones que serán compartidas en su respectivo canal.
* INTERVENCIÓN: El último día de actividad, jueves 18, se realizará una intervención del magnate con el grupo ganador. ¡Sólo al grupo que gane se le revelarán los detalles de esta interacción! 
Esperamos que disfruten de la velarada, futuros detectives. Actúen con cuidado, pero no teman seguir lo que les dicta el instinto.
TIPO DE STARTERS: Starters libres. CÓDIGO DE VESTIMENTA: Ropa de época, diferente para cada grupo. DURACIÓN DE LA ACTIVIDAD: 10 días, finalización 19 de abril.
¡Les invitamos a compartir Las vestimentas de sus personajes y todas las ediciones que deseen! Además, recuerden mantener sus asks con los anónimos desactivados, para evitar situaciones desagradables.
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timberoon · 2 months
Tuco Salamanca X Y/n (PART 2)
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-may not follow the plot for Bcs
- nsfw/fluff
-(Fem reader)
"Don't read if your a sensitive fuck"
Enjoy 😋
You wake up,well you were already awake when rising up at 5am when the sun began to shine through your bedroom window apartment, you couldn't sleep a wink that night, that night you were begging that all of last night was a dream and that didn't happen, during that night,, you called and called, no answer from Domingo,, having to quit your job last minute..You were foundering all night even such as throwing up to not experience todays monumental events...
Part 2 (support for more!) ♥️
After being exhausted of just worrying all day and night,, you finally got yourself together, you went to make one of the strongest coffee you ever had because you thought maybe you would of needed it for today.
Y/n entered the kitchen from now exiting your bedroom. You walk over and...Your heart stirred, sending an eerie feeling to your stomach making you almost break out to tears over a single sheet of paper..
A single sheet off paper on your kitchen counter that says "El Michoacáno. At 1pm .."
You were up all night and HEARD NOTHING. How?? When?? maybe you should tell someone..No you can't! You would get ...You are now involved.
12:20am y/n preparing to brace yourself and mentally preparing herself. Your mind about to erupt from all of the stress from one day. You tried to call Domingo again, again, again and again...No answer.
"FUCK!" You gave up it's almost time and you should probably get there early to not piss him off..
Y/n got up and wore dark blue jeans and a white tank top, nothing too much for something involving drugs. By now it's 12:40am getting ready with your hair down and everything, you looked good..way too good..
You were gonna be late,,you got into your car and drove there in a hurry, probably going over the speed limit but you were deemed that you would make it on time.
You got there,,you wouldn't of ever expected that this little Mexican shop was involved with drugs. you checked your time and you saw that you were 3 minutes late, you thought to yourself even if your gonna die today, no one would ever care so what was the point. You got brought over a small notebook and a pen if he wanted you to do some kind of job. When arriving there you pulled up to the restaurant and to be expected, there he was,, there, leaning against the windows that lay across the restaurant, him whom you don't know the name of smoking a cigarette, honestly you found that kinda hot,, seeing the colour he was wearing capturing your eye suited his quite well.
Parking in the parking lot across from his car you noticed it was his ,the only car there,, both of you guys made eye contact, making him taking a last puff of the cigarette and stubbing it against the ground. You exited from the car and now in hand your small notebook and pen walking towards him.
He blew the remaining smoke from the cigarette in your face when you winced "Cough,Cough".
"Your late." he said in annoyance looking at you digging his dark brown eyes into you.
"Yeah, s-sorry there was traffic" you weren't lying the traffic was pretty heavy, you said this all whilst your anxiety started to build up clenching onto the notebook you brought.
He just stared blanky at you, you predicted he did this to detect if you are lying or not, in silence, his gaze shifted to the notebook you were holding, He snatched it from your hands and went through it, you stood there in awkwardness.
"What the fuck is this!" He said going through the pages.
"it's my notebook..I thought maybe I would need it if I'm being an accountant.." you questioned yourself.
He walked over to the bin beside him and threw it in there, you were angry but you knew you couldn't do anything to stop him.
"You won't need any of that sissy shit! you count the money and total it."
His gaze struck back at you,, getting closer to your face.
"Don't fuck this up."
You nodded..
His words replayed in your head over and over again, he walked in first, making you follow behind him, opening the door to the sound of ringing bells, the ringing echoed in your ears.
You looked around, it looked empty no one there but a cook which looked warned by the entrance of me and him. He took the first seat and you stood in question wondering were your supposed to go..?
"Sit." He said keeping his eye on you.
You took the seat he told you to go on, you and your thoughts alone wondering how this day will go on, you and your thoughts snap to the sound of his voice again.
"I give you the money, you count it ,put it in the bag besides you, easy." giving you insurance he said.
Saying this, the first guy walks in, turning your bosses stare to a tall covered guy in tattoos, pants to his waist, you get the idea. He seemed like he knew what to do, he sat down across from us in a slouching position getting the money from his pocket and passing it on to your now boss.
which then he passes to you, keeping his glare onto the guy,
You stumble to get off the rubber band off the vast sum of money in your hands , you swallow the lump in your throat and count the money.
Interrupting you when counting making you look up to the direction of the sound.
"It's all there" the all tattoo man said giving a nodd to your boss.
"let . Her . Count." Your partner said to the man giving him a burning eyes to not disturb you. The man looked you up and down, you could tell he was blaming you for getting shouted at.
You turned your attention back onto the money you have in your hands,, counting it"£2,000" You said whilst putting back the rubber band around the vast of money and tossing it in the bag besides you.
Even though you've done your job, your partner hasn't, he keeps his gaze onto the man until the man gets up from his chair to face both of us.
"Tuco" the tattoo man nods at him to show respect "miss" he nods at you too and ran out of that restaurant. You felt superior..It felt good to be respected, but that was the lease of your concerns, your boss names is actually Tuco..you didn't expect Tuco to be his name. But it worked, you loved the name Tuco, it rolled on the tongue. After that tattoo guy left you sneaked a peak at 'Tuco' You thought maybe he wasn't so bad..He never actually physically hurt you so you thought maybe it would be okay to stay like this for a bit..
After meeting with alot of people and counting the sum of money,, you could feel the tension slowly rise low between you and Tuco, you felt like you were protected, like you were under his devil wings.But now its 8pm of meeting with his men, you were exhausted because you didn't get any sleep today,, watching Tuco work and how intense he can make a person feel actually fascinated you. But now it time to end the day, you got up from your chair and grabbed the bag besides you and zipped it up.
Tuco still in his seat, "What's the total" he said in a calm voice also getting up from his chair. Of course you were keeping up, you couldn't disappoint him on the first day.
"£413,000" You said with a relief, this is more you would make form a year from your previous job, it felt good saying that number, the sudden thrush of doing criminal activities felt good to you, like a break of routine for once.
Tuco takes the bag and carried it by hand, you tuck in your chair and follow him out, just about to get the keys from your pocket he says "You better be fucking right about the sum, because I'm checking it tonight" He said to you turning his back to face his car then to face you again standing there hopelessly "Same time tomorrow" Tuco said giving you chills to the thought.
And he drove off, you watched him leave, your belief in him died after he spoke thoes words yo, started to re-think if you actually did count the money right. You dove home that day and went straight to sleep not even to take a shower or anything, you were so tired you just needed a rest from everyone.
The next day you woke up at about 10am you were exhausted, you needed that sleep after last nights work at the restaurant, now that you know how's the day gonna run out, you were totally ready for it, and got ready today with your hair down and wearing short denim shorts which did show a little ass, but it was way too fucking hot working in that restaurant, and wore your white tank top,, and made your way to the restaurant, seeing as there was no 'paper with a note' you suggest you were right about the total of the money last night.
You made your way to the restaurant, you see there was no Tuco waiting for you on the window, you felt kinda disappointed actually since you actually did make it on time this time. But made you way inside to the restaurant, the bell rang and rang and you turned your attention to a man in red talking to the restaurant cook,buying food, but did not pay. You suggested maybe your second boss..? The man turned around and checked you out,,
"Hello..?" You said to the man wondering if he was gonna say something first. He walked towards you.
"Your 'y/n' right" he raised his eyebrows. You nodded to his question. The man looked confused, "I didn't expect someone like you" he said looking you up and down again. You thought maybe he was expecting a druggy..
He took the first seat first after grabbing his drink he ordered, sat where Tuco is supposed to sit and you follow along. "Tuco isn't in today, so it's just us, you want anything to drink or..?" He said
"no no I'm fine thank you." Humbling yourself you noticed this guy somewhere before, he seemed so relaxed you could feel like you could genuinely have a conversation with him without any crazy outbursts.
"I've met you before, you seem familiar" you pitched to the guy.
"I don't think so." He seems kinda of cautious now seeing that you rembember him from somewhere.
"Oh yeahh, You work in that fabric shop near here right" your brain clicked to that memory of you and Domingo getting you a new installation for the seats,, kind of brought up a bad memorie.
"Oh yeah, Your Domingo's Chick right" he exclaimed, noticing the situation you were in it, he changed his mood. But before that could happen the Jingles of the bell rang, welcoming the first person to walk in to meet with us.
This routine was like yesterday's but without any tension, after the guy left you and your partner would make up random conversation between us and learn more things about each other, like his name Nacho, you guys were getting along.
It's time to pack up now (8pm) you gave him the total amount of the cash, "317,000" he chuckled to you, You looked up to face him and smiled to his contagious laugh, "Your like a human calculator" he said again before crossing his arms "how?" He questioned whilst you were zipping up the bag full of money, you chuckled to his response. "Well it's bec-".
The giggle of the bells rang, you and Nacho both face toward the door to see who would come in at this time of night,, Tuco. He seemed pissed,, high off drugs due to his dilated pupil. His laugh entered the room again his demonic laugh, you looked at Nacho seemed he didn't expect him to show up. "You guys seemed to be having a good time, why isn't anyone laughing anymore?" Tuco sarcastic smile faded to a serious one, You were thinking maybe today is the day you die.. Tuco turned to Nacho and gave him a look he won't forget "Leave." Tuco said to Nacho. Nacho giving you a look then taking his exit.
Tucos attention turned to you, his eyes sawing into you made you back up on the side of the table, Tuco walking towards you, pretty close to your face.
"So, what were you guys talking about." he look inside your eyes, through your soul.
"N-nothing" you replied feeling the fear grow bigger inside of you.
Tuco grabbed you hair with one hand making you face to face with Tuco, You flinched to the feeling of his hands against you,,"Don't fucking lie to me, why are you in a bad mood, did you want Nacho to fuck you or something," He said in a confident tone.
"Are you fucking crazy!" You said to the accusation of something like that. It went silent for a good minute of just intense eye contact. he forcefully gabbed your jaw whilst also holding your hair in place, and out of no where, both of your lips intertwined with each other, your eyes widen to the kiss, you didn't expect such soft lips from Tuco, both of your guys tongues met with each other that night, his grasp of your hair slowly letting go of your hair and placed on the table you where arching into, you were loosing breathe, you started to punch Tucos chest to get him of you, and the kiss broke.
"Tuco!" You were in shock, panting away. You didn't expect something like this from Tuco. He said nothing but just looked like he was hungry for more, you couldn't lie this was pretty fucking hot. He looked at you then took a peak at his jeans which was obvious that he had a boner,, in a soft voice that sounded desperate that you didn't want to do any of this, "Tuco..please" you said to him begging for mercy.
He forcefully man-handled you against the table, you winced to the roughness you were now facing away from him, Tuco against the back of you turned you on, but you knew you were scared, "Tuco.. Somewhere els-" before finishing your sentence his hand forced your head against the table, along with forcefully lifting your hips higher into the air.
The sound of his belt unbuckling sent waves to you brain, His hand running down your back to the waits line of your shorts and unbuttoning them bit by bit, You were exposed, knowing you couldn't do anything, "Joder..hermoso culo" (fuck.. beautiful ass) In his strong Spanish accent, as well as Slapping you ass, you released a scream to the aggressiveness of the slap, pulling your underwear down, he giggled with excitement, his dick slapping against your ass "fucking bitch" he groaned out.
The tip of his penis entering in. You moaned to how unprepared you were, suddenly he fully thirst into you, fully submerged. You muffled your moans with biting onto your hand. "Fuckkk,, Baby relaxed" his hands on your waist pulling you towards him to bring you closer. The feeling of his penis entering awakened you. He started to thrust in and out, you could feel your legs start to weaken. His groans getting louder with each thrust, "Who's my bitch" he said in a panting voice, as you were trying your best to let out your moans saying nothing. He grabbed your hair again, making your arch into his thrusts. And let out the moan you were keeping in, "I said who's my bitch!" Taking a bite of your neck leaving a pretty mark.
"M-me" you said in your stuttering voice, you were close and you could also feel Tuco member grow bigger inside of you, "TUCOO" you screamed his name as he started to quicken up his pace and thrust into you relentlessly, He was close whispering your name "y/n.." in a groan. And before He came he took it out and released himself onto your ass, The room was filled with moans from y/n and Grunts from Tuco.
When Tuco finished he buckled his trousers up and went out for a cigarette. Giving you time to get yourself together. Walking in again Tuco said
"C'mon, I'll take you home." You thought again in such a shaky state you were in you didn't want to drive tonight..You nodded to his response and followed along. The whole ride you fell asleep to the Mexican music playing on the radio.
He dropped you off at your apartment, You were glad you didn't drive because you wouldn't of made it through.."See you next week" he said to you before zooming off. The thought of meeting him again made you feel confused with emotions. But all you needed right now was a shower and some sleep...
[I'm so sorry for how long you guys had to wait for this, but I was pretty busy with my studies, but we made it through!! // Also wanted to say when this gets posted, it will be said 'posted 6 days ago' But that was just my mistake, but was actually posted on the 26/2/24. So YEAH! thank you and please let me know if you want to see more of this, and maybe turn it into a series.]
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belvedia02 · 6 months
Love Letters
Wednesday Addams miraba la hoja en blanco de su máquina de escribir, intentó continuar con su novela de la adolescente detective Viper, desechó un par de hojas porque ninguna de las ideas la convencía. Thing arrojó en el papelero las que caían cerca de aquel lugar. Estaba completamente desconcentrada, Enid estaba ausente una vez más en su hora de escritura.
Thing golpeó el escritorio un par de veces.
—No, me quedaré aquí esperándola — Enid invitó a Wednesday a ver una de sus prácticas de baile. Ella se negó a acompañarla excusándose que coincidía con su hora de escritura.
Thing volvió a golpear intensamente la superficie de madera.
—No me estoy quejando Thing, es solo que… — Wednesday aún es incapaz de decirlo en voz alta, de lo mucho que le gusta Enid y no en el sentido de amigas o compañeras de cuarto.
Thing esta vez no siguió insistiéndole que se confesara, porque él sabía que Wednesday sería correspondida. A su vez, ella también estaba segura de los sentimientos que tenía Enid hacia ella, todas esas demostraciones de afecto durante la estadía de esas semanas durante las vacaciones fueron un claro indicio que su relación iba más allá de una simple amistad.
—Además todavía no sé cómo iniciar mi cortejo apropiadamente — Wednesday quedó maravillada con todo el festejo para el día de su cumpleaños, así que también pensaría en los preparativos para una correcta confesión.
Wednesday observó la hora en su singular reloj, su hora de escritura terminó hace 10 minutos. Giró la perilla del rodillo y retiró la hoja que siguió en blanco. La guardó en un folio y apagó la lámpara.
Su estado de ánimo no era el más apto para tocar el violoncello, se decidió por continuar leyendo la Divina Comedia que le regaló Enid el viernes de la semana anterior. Retomando el canto V del Inferno, teniendo como tema central el castigo a dos enamorados; Paolo Malatesta y Francesca Da Polenta. Wednesday intentó concentrarse por la próxima media hora.  
Enid cerró la puerta fuertemente y lanzó su bolso cerca de la ventana circular y gritó con frustración mientras se lanzaba a su cama. Wednesday dejó de leer en el momento que sintió la puerta abrirse.
—¿Qué fue lo que pasó ahora? — Wednesday se acercó a Enid.
—Nada, es solo que… — Enid solo se dio la media vuelta y girando su cabeza hacia la izquierda.
—¿Solo qué Enid? — Wednesday cruzó sus brazos.
— Es solo que tengo que ensayar esos estúpidos pasos de baile que nuestra capitana se inventó y son de lo más rídiculos… — Enid tuvo un conflicto con la estudiante de último año.
—Entiendo — Wednesday respondió brevemente, porque no es primera vez que Enid llega de malhumor después de su práctica. — Me gustaría haber visto tu pelea con ella.
—No tuvimos una pelea, lo resolvimos hablando — Enid quizás sacó sus garras y gruñó, pero no le hizo daño a nadie.
—Lo que digas Enid — Wednesday se acercó y se sentó cerca de Enid.
—Sé que tengo mejores ideas y se puede mejorar la coreografía, pero ella, no escucha a nadie.
—Es por eso que debes postularte para ser capitana el próximo año.
—Todavía no me decido Wends— Enid exhaló fuertemente.
—Creo que tu nombramiento está asegurado.
—Gracias por la confianza… — Enid se sentó dejando sus piernas colgando al borde de su cama.
—Si no ocurre así, la persona que sea elegida como capitana quizás sufra algún accidente — Wednesday lo dijo seriamente.
—Te cobraré la palabra — Enid se levantó y le tocó el hombro a Wednesday ligeramente y fue a buscar su pijama y sus toallas para darse una larga ducha.
Wednesday volvió hasta su cama y agarró una libreta y un lapicero de su escritorio, la inspiración apareció después de esos breves minutos de conversación con Enid.
La noche de ese día, tuvieron su respectiva noche de películas, el sábado no se vieron en casi todo el día, Enid estuvo con Yoko y Divina y Wednesday anduvo en el bosque con Eugene recolectando algunos insectos. El domingo Enid fue hasta el pueblo de Jericó con sus amigos y Wednesday tuvo el tiempo de afinar los detalles de su romántico plan.
—¿Entendiste cuál es tu misión? — Wednesday le preguntó a Thing.
Thing subió su pulgar, respondiendo afirmativamente a la pregunta.
—Si cometes un solo error, ya sabes que estarás encerrado por una semana — Lo amenazó. Thing formó un par de señales con sus dedos para decirle que cumpliría cabalmente su misión.
Wednesday tenía los sobre preparados en su escritorio, en total eran cinco, cada uno para los siguientes 5 días de la semana, el último es el que tenía más valor.
Observó su reloj, Enid estaría por regresar, así que guardó los 4 sobres en el cajón de su escritorio. El sobre correspondiente al día lunes se lo entregó a Thing.
—Hola Wends — Enid la saludó apenas entró a la habitación.
—Hola Enid, ¿qué tal tu día? — Wednesday siguió sentada cerca de su escritorio.
—Bien, deberías haber venido con nosotros — Enid se sentó en su cama para sacarse sus botas.
—Esas actividades no son de mi agrado.
—No lo creo, te gusta ver películas — Enid se tomó el cabello con una media cola.
—Sí, pero solo contigo — Wednesday quería ver la reacción de Enid ante su declaración.
—Yo… uhm… también me gusta cuando somos solo nosotras — Enid expresó nerviosamente que ese tiempo juntas era su momento favorito de la semana.
Charlaron unos momentos más hasta que Enid le dijo que ya estaba cansada y se dormiría temprano, así que Wednesday le deseo las buenas noches y Enid le respondió lo mismo y se quedó dormida casi al instante.
La semana para Enid oscilaba entre las clases que en su mayoría no ponía mayor atención y la emoción de recibir una nueva carta, la que siempre encontraba en su mochila después del almuerzo.  El día lunes comenzó esa extraña rutina, pero que la hacía inmensamente feliz si acertaba con la persona que había escrito para ella.
—Te vuelvo a repetir Enid, creo que Addams debería ser más directa contigo y decirte que le gustas — Yoko estaba en su cama hojeando una de las revistas de modas que Enid acostumbraba a llevar cuando iba hasta su habitación, las que siempre olvidaba llevarse.
—Creo que esta forma es muy romántico, además se esfuerza por cambiar su caligrafía para que no descubra que es ella — Enid descubrió en la segunda carta que era Wednesday la autora de esas cartas de amor anónimas.
— Al menos una de las 2 al fin dio el primer paso — Yoko siguió mirando la revista.
Enid nunca pudo reunir el valor suficiente durante estos meses, así que agradecía que Wednesday haya tomado la iniciativa. 
— Y bien ¿cuándo le agradecerás sus cartas? — Yoko preguntó.
— No sé, no he pensado mucho en eso. Esperaré hasta el fin de semana o el viernes, tengo que pensar — Enid quería confesar sus sentimientos no de manera simple, también se esforzaría.
Los siguientes días fueron igual hasta el viernes donde recibió un poema de dos estrofas, se sonrojó la primera vez que lo leyó, pues las otras 4 cartas eran descripciones de lo maravillosa que es Enid, las palabras utilizadas no eran comunes, así que tuvo que buscar su definición. Sin embargo, esta quinta carta, había superado con creces las otras.
Entre sombras y sueños, la noche se inquieta
Nuestros destinos se cruzaron en la bruma
Imágenes del ayer, en la mente se deslizan
Dos almas se encuentran en la penumbra
Mi corazón late al compás de tu mente
Yertas las flores en la estación fría
Laten corazones en la danza de la vida
Ocasión fugaz, el amor enriquece
Viento susurra secretos en la colina
En el rincón de mi corazón, un amor eterno enloquece
Enid la leyó una vez más, guardó el papel en el sobre y sacó la caja que estaba debajo de su cama donde están sus mayores tesoros. Dejó este último sobre encima de los otros que había recibido diariamente.
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trashtellar · 1 year
Sofocantes Mentiras
“Hiro Hamada no llegó a ser el héroe que debió haber sido, y Miguel Rivera no volvió a casa antes del amanecer. Un par de muchachos que no se conocieron en vida, se encuentran devastados por su pasado y para dejar de ahogarse en esas memorias tendrán que firmar un trato con su propia sangre.”
[Casi todas las ilustraciones que usé en Sofocantes Mentiras, y un poco de historia detrás de esto que nadie me pregunto]
“Hiro Hamada didn’t become the hero he was meant to be, and Miguel Rivera couldn’t get back home before the sunrise. Two boys that never met in life are devastated for their past, and to not drown in those memories they’ll have to sing a contract with their own blood”
[Almost every illustration I used in “Sofocantes Mentiras” (Suffocating Lies), and some story behind it’s progress nobody asked for]
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Es el primer fanfic que he escrito. En 2018, tenía pensado contar esta historia en base a mini comics, pero quise darle la oportunidad a la escritura, ya que, jamás había intentado escribir una historia antes.
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This is the first fanfic I have ever wrote. Back in 2018, I thought of telling this story through mini comics, but I wanted to give a try on writing, ´cause I have never wrote a story before.
El Juego / The Game (this is just the name of the chapters these images are from)
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“Kokkuri-San, Kokkuri-San, if you are here, please move this coin”
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Diseño de Kokkuri / Kokkuri’s design
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Me tomé mi tiempo para retomar este proyecto, ya que en 2019 tenía trabajo y luego empecé a estudiar, pero en verano del 2020, en plena cuarentena y sin lugar a donde ir, me puse a desarrollar la historia que ya tenía pensada y hasta añadir otros personajes que no había tomado en cuenta. 
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I took my time to retake this project, ´cause in 2019 I had a job and started to study, but in summer of 2020, in the middle of the quarantine and had nowhere to go, I begin to develop the story I had in mind and even add other characters I didn’t consider.
El Cuento Del Niño Músico / The Tale Of The Musician Child
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El 24 de septiembre  del 2020 publiqué el prólogo en Wattpad, era corto y estaba ilustrado en dibujos de papel y lápiz. Hasta el 4 de Octubre fue que subí el primer capitulo, ilustrado con los dibujos en digital que hice en 2018.
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On September 24th, 2020 i uploaded the Prologue in Wattpad, it was short and illustrated with traditional art. Until October 4th I uploaded the first chapter, illustrated with digital art I made back in 2018.
21 Minutos / 21 Minutes
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Y así, (casi) cada jueves y domingo de cada semana desde Octubre hasta Diciembre, subía nuevos capítulos, algunos ilustrados, otro no… pero procuré que no faltaran capítulos.
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And then, (almost) every Thursday and Sunday, every week from October to December, there was a new chapter, some illustrated, some wasn’t… but I always get to deliver every episode.
Charlas / Talks
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Cómo pueden ver, en algunos capítulos no tenía algo preparado y hacía bocetos rápidos, mientras que en otros había algo como esto....
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As you can see, in some chapters didn’t I had something prepared so I made quick sketches, while in others there was something like this....
Armario / Closet
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Miguel está muerto y Hiro lo ve mayormente en sus sueños (al menos al principio). Este comic corto es uno de los sueños.
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Miguel is dead and Hiro sees him mostly in dreams (at least at the beginning). This short comic is one of those dreams.
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Como mencioné, hubieron muchos cambios en la historia que tenía pensada, y uno de esos cambios fue Megan Cruz, personaje de Grandes Héroes: La Serie. Por su apariencia semejante a Miguel, actitud amistosa y sus habilidades de detective, fue tanto un nuevo obstáculo como un nuevo aliado para Hiro en la historia. 
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As I mentioned, there was a lot of changes in the story I already had, and one of those changes was Megan Cruz, character from Big Hero Six: The Series. For her similar appearance to Miguel, friendly attitude and detective skills, she become a new obstacles and as well, a new ally to Hiro in the story.
8:30 AM
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The whole story is only in Spanish, so I’ll tell a “short version” of it in English… 
So, this is a “Bad En Au” where Miguel died and couldn’t save Héctor’s memory, meanwhile Hiro lost his friends and killed Callaghan. Both of them want to compensate their mistakes.
Residuos / Leftovers
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Miguel’s body basically disappeared, so his family doesn’t know he’s dead and think he just escape to become a musician (just like Héctor). And Miguel is trying to get to the land of the living just to let them know he died and say “goodbye”, with the help of La Catrina (the Death) who feels remorse for his destiny.
Cita / Date
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A 14 year old Hiro accidentally killed his own friends, he was so into murdering Callaghan that he didn’t notice Baymax “took care” of them, violently. Now, a 19 year old Hiro, is filled with regret and sorrow for what he did. He didn’t went to college, he doesn’t have big goals, he just wants to get out of his aunt’s home.
¿De Qué Me Perdí? / What Did I Miss?
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One day, in act of boredom, Hiro plays “Kokkuri-San”, he didn’t know it’ll work but in the moment the spirit talked back to him, he knew he could communicate again with his late brother. So Kokkuri made a deal with him, “he would get to say goodbye to his brother only if he helps another lost soul to do the same” (of course Miguel)
Viejos Amigos / Old Friends
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So, now Hiro’s soul is chained to some dead kid’s soul, and he mostly sees Miguel in his dreams and hears his voice when he’s awake, but as much time it takes and how emotionally close they get to each other, Miguel became more present, and this takes a lot of Hiro’s energy and sanity, to the point he decides to ends his own life. 
Sad, but, that’s the point of the story, it’s sad. Well, bittersweet because they became friends in the afterlife, so, “yay” I guess.
Nostalgia Ajena / Unaffiliated Nostalgia
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Hiro (when he was alive) did help Miguel with his final purpose, he went to Santa Cecilia and found Miguel’s actual body, so his family get to know what actually happened to him. It was devastating, but it brought some peace to the Rivera family. 
Boda / Wedding
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But it wasn’t the only thing Hiro did for Miguel. With the help of Megan and Marco’s support, they get to reveal that Ernesto stole Héctor’s songs and even murder him, with new evidence and the message that Miguel Rivera disappeared trying to reveal this.
8:30 PM
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Hiro did not only ended his life because of him, but for Miguel. Miguel wouldn’t be free if he was still alive. 
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He also made a deal with Kokkuri, that if he gets to make Hiro kill himself, Miguel could posses his corpse to say goodbye to his family. Miguel get to know Hiro and refuse to accomplish his part of the deal, but Hiro did it anyways.
Hiro did for Miguel what he couldn’t do for his old friends. And he KNOWS that won’t change or erase what he did in the past, but it gave him some peace at least.
23 capítulos programados para fechas especificas, para que la historia terminase el 31 de diciembre de ese mismo año. Pero no fue hasta hace unos meses (08 de Noviembre del 2022) que finalmente publiqué el epilogo, cerrando con un final un tanto agridulce pero más completo para mis perturbados niños.
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23 chapters scheduled to specific dates, so the story ends in the very December 31th of that same year. But it wasn’t till some mouths ago (November 8th, 2022) that I posted the Epilogue, closing the story with a bittersweet but complete final for my unsettled bois.
Los Promos del Epilogo / The Promos for the Epilogue
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Y he de admitir que no es mi mejor historia, es la primera que he escrito, cuenta con un montón de errores gramáticos, a veces cambiaba el rumbo de la historia cuando NO DEBÍA y tiene uno que otro agujero narrativo por eso, pero a pesar de ello, me enorgullece, le puse mucho esfuerzo a cada capitulo, tanto escribiéndolo como ilustrándolo.
Gracias por leer toda esta madresota.
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And I have to admit that this isn’t my best story, it was the first one, filled with a ton of gramatical mistakes, sometimes I changed the way of the story even If I SHOULDN’T and it has some plot holes for it, but still, I’m proud of this, I put so much effort in every chapter, writing it and illustrating it.
Thank you for reading all this stuff.
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El último domingo del mes de enero se celebra el Día Mundial contra la Lepra con el objetivo de concienciar a la sociedad sobre esta enfermedad y reducir el estigma que sufren las personas que la padecen.
En 1991 la Organización Mundial de la Salud programó la eliminación de la lepra para el año 2000. La meta no se cumplió, pero se hicieron muchos avances gracias a los esfuerzos conjuntos de varias instituciones y a la distribución gratuita de medicación.
¿Qué es la lepra?
La lepra es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por una bacteria que afecta a la piel y a los nervios periféricos, las mucosas de las vías respiratorias y los ojos. Evoluciona muy lentamente. El tiempo medio de incubación de la lepra es de cinco años, aunque los síntomas pueden tardar hasta veinte años en aparecer.
La enfermedad es curable siempre que se detecte a tiempo y el tratamiento consiste en una combinación de medicamentos. Sin tratamiento, además de causar deformidades y dolor crónico, la lepra compromete gravemente el sistema inmunológico.
Fue descubierta en 1873 por el médico noruego Gerhard A. Hansen. No es fácilmente contagiosa, se transmite por contacto prolongado con una persona que la padece.
Por las heridas que produce, esta enfermedad ha sido siempre considerada como maldita y se apartaba a los enfermos a lugares retirados y en muchos casos, se les abandonaba. Aún en la actualidad continua el estigma.
Tratamiento y detección temprana
En 2017 se reportaron a la OMS 210,671 nuevos casos de lepra, mayoritariamente de la India, Brasil e Indonesia.
Existe un tratamiento que permite a los enfermos controlar la enfermedad e incluso se puede llegar a la cura. La detección temprana disminuye extraordinariamente los riesgos de deformidades y discapacidad entre los pacientes, muchos de ellos niños.
El estigma alrededor de la lepra
Por las heridas que produce la enfermedad en estadios avanzados, que son muy visibles, esta enfermedad siempre ha causado un gran rechazo social y se ha relegado a los enfermos al abandono y a la pobreza.
De hecho, aún existen leyes en muchos países que discriminan a las personas afectadas. Se habla de más de 50 países en el mundo que legislan a espaldas de estos enfermos, y, en la práctica, hay costumbre de relegar a los enfermos y tratarlos como parias. En algunos países a los niños que contraen la enfermedad no se les permite asistir a la escuela.
El trabajo de la OMS y de la ONU se centra en proteger a estos enfermos de la discriminación y el estigma, además de dar acceso a los tratamientos de manera gratuita y sobre todo la detección temprana.
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The mystery of fullerenes in space explained
A study from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) which combines laboratory chemistry with astrophysics, has shown for the first time that grains of dust formed by carbon and hydrogen in a highly disordered state, known as HAC, can take part in the formation of fullerenes, carbon molecules which are of key importance for the development of life in the universe, and with potential applications in nanotechnology. The results are published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
Fullerenes are carbon molecules that are very big, complex, and highly resistant; their atoms are organized in three-dimensional spherical structures, with a pattern of alternating hexagons and pentagons, shaped like a football (C60 fullerenes) or a rugby ball (C70 fullerenes).
These molecules were discovered in the laboratory in 1985, which procured the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their three discoverers 11 years later. Since then, there have been many instances of observational proof of their existence in space, especially within the gas clouds around old, dying stars the size of the sun, called planetary nebulae, which have been expelled from the outer layers of the stars towards the end of their lives.
As these molecules are highly stable and difficult to destroy, it is thought that the fullerenes can act as cages for other molecules and atoms so that they could have brought complex molecules to Earth, which gave an impulse to start life. So, their study is important for the understanding of the basic physical processes that take part in the organization of organic material in the universe.
An unknown chemical footprint
Spectroscopy is essential for the search and identification of fullerenes in space. Spectroscopy allows us to study the material composing the universe by analyzing the chemical footprints made by atoms and molecules on the light that reaches us from them.
A recent study, led entirely by the IAC, has analyzed infrared spectroscopic data obtained previously from telescopes in space, from the planetary nebula Tc1. These spectra show spectral lines indicating the presence of fullerenes but also show broader infrared bands (UIR for their initials in English), which are detected widely in the universe, from the small bodies in the solar system to distant galaxies.
"The identification of the chemical species which causes this infrared emission, widely present in the universe, was an astrochemical mystery, although it was always thought probable that it is rich in carbon, one of the basic elements of life," explains Marco A. Gómez Muñoz, an IAC researcher, who led this study.
A new origin for the fullerenes
In order to identify these mysterious bands, the research team reproduced the infrared emission of the planetary nebula Tc 1. Analysis of the emission bands showed the presence of grains of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (HAC). These compounds of carbon and hydrogen in a highly disordered state, very abundant in the envelopes of dying stars, can account for the infrared emission of this nebula.
"We have combined, for the first time, the optical constants of HAC, obtained from laboratory experiments, with models of photoionization, and by doing this, we have reproduced the infrared emission of the planetary nebula Tc 1, which is very rich in fullerenes," explains Domingo Anibal García Hernández, an IAC researcher who is a co-author of the paper.
For the research team, the presence of the same object of HAC and fullerenes supports the theory that the fullerenes could have formed during the process of destruction of the dust grains, for example, by interaction with ultraviolet radiation, which is much more energetic than visible light.
With this result, the scientists have opened the way for future research based on collaboration between laboratory chemistry and astrophysics. "Our work shows clearly the great potential of interdisciplinary science and technology to make basic advances in astrophysics and astrochemistry," concludes Gómez Muñoz.
IMAGE....Center of the planetary nebula M57, taken by the astrophotographer Dr. Robert Gendler, and John Bozeman. Credit: NASA/ESA
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dweemeister · 2 months
My Alternative 96th Academy Awards
This is an exercise that has not appeared on this blog since 2019 for the 91st ceremony. But I wanted to revive it. So what would tomorrow's Academy Awards ceremony looked like if I determined all the nominees and the winners? This is my ideal world, my alternative universe, if you will. Prepare for controversy, and my ambivalence towards Poor Things and The Zone of Interest (which doesn't get nominated at all here).
It's been a while since I've done this, so there might be some quirks newer followers are less familiar with. Most notably, if you see a three letter abbreviation anywhere, that indicates a movie not in the English language and indicates the country/countries of origin based on their three-letter FIFA code of all things.
Without further ado!
96th Academy Awards – March 10, 2024 Dolby Theatre – Hollywood, Los Angeles, California Host: Jimmy Kimmel Broadcaster: ABC
Anatomy of a Fall (FRA), Marie-Ange Luciani and David Thion (Neon/Le Pacte)
Barbie, David Heyman, Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley,  and Robbie Brenner (Warner Bros.)
The Holdovers, Mark Johnson (Focus/Universal)
Killers of the Flower Moon, Dan Friedkin, Bradley Thomas, Martin Scorsese, and Daniel Lupi (Apple/Paramount)
Oppenheimer, Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, and Christopher Nolan (Universal)
Past Lives, David Hinojosa, Christina Vachon, and Pamela Koffler (A24)
Robot Dreams (ESP/FRA), Ibon Cormenzana, Ignasi Estapé, Sandra Tapia, Jérôme Vidal, and Pablo Berger (Neon/Bteam Pictures/Wild Bunch)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Amy Pascal, Avi Arad, and Christina Steinberg (Sony Pictures Animation/Columbia)
The Taste of Things (FRA), Olivier Delbosc (Gaumont)
20 Days in Mariupol (UKR), Raney Aronson-Rath, Mstyslav Chernov, Derl McCrudden, and Michelle Mizner (Associated Press/Public Broadcasting Service)
Am I nuts? A documentary (there's nothing in the rules that say they can't be nominated for Best Picture)? Why not? TWO animated features? Let alone a movie that almost nobody outside of Europe has seen? Well I've seen Robot Dreams, and it is one of the best 2023 release I saw all year.
My full thoughts on my favored film, Killers of the Flower Moon, can be found in my write-up here.
Six of the current Best Picture nominees keep their nomination. American Fiction, Maestro, Poor Things, and The Zone of Interest are dropped. In their place go Robot Dreams, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Taste of Things, and 20 Days in Mariupol. I strongly considered replacing Barbie, but decided against it. Yes, I believe there were more than ten movies better than Barbie this year. But I richly *enjoyed* Barbie, and appreciate its instant spot in film history. It stays in.
Best Director
Joaquin Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer
Martin Scorsese, Killers of the Flower Moon
Trần Anh Hùng, The Taste of Things
Justine Triet, Anatomy of a Fall
Folks are saying Martin Scorsese is not nearly as innovative as he used to be. Au contraire, I say. Killers of the Flower Moon exemplifies tons of personal and artistic growth for him... and that extremely risky ending pays off dividends. As a Nolan skeptic, I am indeed impressed with his work on Oppenheimer, but it's not the "best" for me this year.
Those familiar with my affiliation with Viet Film Fest might detect some bias, but hell The Taste of Things was gorgeous, folks.
Best Actor
Bradley Cooper, Maestro
Colman Domingo, Rustin
Paul Giamatti, The Holdovers
Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer
Jeffrey Wright, American Fiction
It's a toss-up to me. But, having to choose one, I'll go for a man who is probably overdue.
Best Actress
Lily Gladstone, Killers of the Flower Moon
Sandra Hüller, Anatomy of a Fall
Alma Pöysti, Fallen Leaves (FIN)
Margot Robbie, Barbie
Emma Stone, Poor Things
The first acting change from the actual Oscars appears here, with Finnish actress Alma Pöysti replacing Annette Bening in Nyad. But this should be Lily Gladstone's, who would justly be making a lot of history here.
And yes, Barbie fans... I relent. Margot Robbie makes my final cut.
Best Supporting Actor
Sterling K. Brown, American Fiction
Robert De Niro, Killers of the Flower Moon
Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer
Ryan Gosling, Barbie
Dominic Sessa, The Holdovers
I don't think RDJ should be sweeping the season as he has. I think it's a lot closer between all of these fellows than it actually has been. Disagree with me all you want, but I think De Niro was truly menacing in KOTFM. And he didn't need any deaging this time, either!
Best Supporting Actress
Juliette Binoche, The Taste of Things
Emily Blunt, Oppenheimer
Danielle Brooks, The Color Purple
Penélope Cruz, Ferrari
Da’Vine Joy Randolph, The Holdovers
Fine, I guess? I think Randolph's character gets cut out of The Holdovers far too soon. But I can't make the case for anyone else this year except for maybe Binoche (whom some people will complain about my placement in Supporting Actress instead of Lead Actress, but that's how the studio campaigned for her).
Best Adapted Screenplay
Pablo Berger, Robot Dreams
Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, Barbie
Cord Jefferson, American Fiction
Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer
Eric Roth and Martin Scorsese, Killers of the Flower Moon
I'm not going to second-guess the Academy on its placement of Barbie here. It's not winning in this category in any case. American Fiction is a solid, imperfect satire, and finds its due here.
Best Original Screenplay
İlker Çatak and Johannes Duncker, The Teachers’ Lounge (GER)
David Hemingson, The Holdovers
A.V. Rockwell, A Thousand and One
Celine Song, Past Lives
Justine Triet and Arthur Harari, Anatomy of a Fall
I was very, very tempted to give this to Past Lives. But in the end, my sneaking feeling that I don't quite buy the closeness - despite having not talked for so long - of the two lead characters wins out.
Anatomy of a Fall is a hell of a balancing act, domestically and legally, and wins here.
Best Animated Feature
The Boy and the Heron, Japan (GKIDS/Studio Ghibli/Toho Company)
Ernest & Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia, France (GKIDS/StudioCanal)
Robot Dreams, Spain/France (Neon/Bteam Pictures/Wild Bunch)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Sony Pictures Animation/Columbia)
Suzume, Japan (GKIDS/Toho Company)
Stoking the flames, but here we are! I think ATSV is slightly better than Robot Dreams as a whole, but the film lacks a resolution and obviously had access to more resources. Spider-Man will return to this category. I'm not so sure about Pablo Berger. The heartfelt and dialogue-free Robot Dreams takes it, while the Ernest & Celestine sequel and Suzume make it in place of Elemental and Nimona.
Best Documentary Feature
Bobi Wine: The People’s President (National Geographic)
The Eternal Memory, Chile (MTV Documentary Films)
Four Daughters, Tunisia/France/Germany/Saudi Arabia (Kino Lorber/Jour2Fête)
To Kill a Tiger, Canada (National Film Board of Canada)
20 Days in Mariupol, Ukraine (Associated Press/Public Broadcasting Service)
Extraordinary filmmaking and, as you can imagine, brutal to watch. It's freely available online for any American readers out there, thanks to PBS.
Best International Feature
Fallen Leaves, Finland
Society of the Snow, Spain
The Taste of Things, France
The Teachers’ Lounge, Germany
20 Days in Mariupol, Ukraine
I follow Academy rules here in terms of one movie per country.
Best Cinematography
Edward Lachman, El Conde
Rodrigo Prieto, Killers of the Flower Moon
Mathtew Libatique, Maestro
Hoyte van Hoytema, Oppenheimer
Jonathan Ricquebourg, The Taste of Things
Best Film Editing
Laurent Sénéchal, Anatomy of a Fall
Kevin Tent, The Holdovers
Thelma Schoonmaker, Killers of the Flower Moon
Jennifer Lame, Oppenheimer
Michael Andrews, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Best Original Score
Michael Giacchino, Society of the Snow
Laura Karpman, American Fiction
Robbie Robertson, Killers of the Flower Moon (posthumous nomination)
John Williams, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Hans Zimmer, The Creator
The folks who complained that Dial of Destiny was not original enough need to go 1) watch the movie and 2) listen to the score afterwards. There was a distinct lack of older Indiana Jones cues in there, and "Helena's Theme" is the best cue of 2023. Too many people online write about film scores but have little idea about what they're talking about (*cough* David Ehrlich at IndieWire *cough*).
That said, Williams doesn't win here. It's Giacchino, for a score that does a hell lot of the heavy emotional lifting in a grim movie that concludes with its real-life happy ending.
Best Original Song
“I’m Just Ken”, music and lyrics by Mark Ronson and Andrew Wyatt, Barbie
“It Never Went Away”, music and lyrics by Jon Batiste and Dan Wilson, American Symphony
“Wahzhazhe (A Song for My People)”, music and lyrics by Scott George, Killers of the Flower Moon
“What Was I Made For?” music and lyrics by Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell, Barbie
Four nominees rather than five, because I didn't like much else that was shortlisted. This category has been my personal hell in recent years.
Best Costume Design
Jacqueline Durran, Barbie
Jacqueline West, Killers of the Flower Moon
Janty Yates and Dave Crossman, Napoleon
Ellen Mirojnick, Oppenheimer
Holly Waddington, Poor Things
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Karen Hartley Thomas, Suzi Battersby, and Ashra Kelly-Blue, Golda
Kazu Hiro, Kay Georgiou, and Lori McCoy-Bell, Maestro
Luisa Abel, Oppenheimer
Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier, and Josh Weston, Poor Things
Ana López-Puigcerver, David Martí, and Montse Ribé, Society of the Snow
Best Production Design
Sarah Greenwood and Katie Spencer, Barbie
Jack Fisk and Adam Willis, Killers of the Flower Moon
Arthur Max and Elli Griff, Napoleon
Ruth De Jong and Claire Kaufman, Oppenheimer
James Price, Shona Heath, and Zsuzsa Mihalek, Poor Things
Best Sound
Ian Voigt, Erik Aadahl, Ethan Van der Ryn, Tom Ozanich, and Dean Zupancic, The Creator
Steven A. Morrow, Richard King, Jason Ruder, Tom Ozanich, and Dean Zupancic, Maestro
Chris Munro, James H. Mather, Chris Burdon, and Mark Taylor, Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One
Willie Burton, Richard King, Gary A. Rizzo, and Kevin O'Connell, Oppenheimer
Steven Ghouti, Fabiola Ordoyo, and Laia Picón, Robot Dreams
Best Visual Effects
Jay Cooper, Ian Comley, Andrew Roberts, and Neil Corbould, The Creator
Sanjay Bakshi, Stephen Marshall, Jon Reisch, Junyi Ling, Elemental
Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya, Masaki Takahashi, and Tatsuji Nojima, Godzilla Minus One
Alex Wuttke, Simone Coco, Jeff Sutherland, and Neil Corbould, Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One
Michael Lasker, Alan Hawkins, Bret St. Clair, Pav Grochola, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Best Animated Short
Letter to a Pig, Israel/France (The Hive Studio/Miyu Productions)
Ninety-Five Senses (MAST/V42 Venture Studio Fund)
Our Uniform, Iran
Pachyderme, France (Miyu Distribution)
War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko (ElectroLeague)
Full write-up on this category by yours truly here.
Best Documentary Short
The ABCs of Book Banning (MTV Documentary Films)
The Barber of Little Rock (The New Yorker)
The Island in Between, Taiwan (The New York Times)
The Last Repair Shop (Los Angeles Times/Searchlight)
Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó (Walt Disney)
Full write-up on this category by yours truly here. Please don't let The ABCs of Book Banning win, I s2g.
Best Live Action Short
The After (Neon/Netflix)
Invincible, Canada (H264 Distribution)
Knight of Fortune, Denmark (TV 2)
Red, White and Blue (Majic Ink Productions)
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Netflix)
Full write-up on this category by yours truly here. But we all know Henry Sugar is gonna win it due to Wes Anderson name recognition.
Academy Honorary Awards: Angela Bassett, Mel Brooks, and Carol Littleton
Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award: Michelle Satter
MULTIPLE NOMINEES (18) Twelve: Oppenheimer Eleven: Killers of the Flower Moon Eight: Barbie Six: The Holdovers Five: Anatomy of a Fall, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Taste of Things Four: American Fiction, Poor Things, Robot Dreams Three: The Creator, Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, Society of the Snow, 20 Days in Mariupol Two: Fallen Leaves, Napoleon, Past Lives, The Teachers’ Lounge
WINNERS 4 wins: Killers of the Flower Moon
2 wins: The Holdovers, Oppenheimer, Society of the Snow
1 win: American Fiction, Anatomy of a Fall, Barbie, Godzilla Minus One, Knight of Fortune, The Last Repair Shop, Letter to a Pig, Poor Things, Robot Dreams, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Taste of Things, 20 Days in Mariupol
16 winners from 23 categories. 34 feature-length films and 15 short films were represented.
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seraphtrevs · 1 year
Just a few musings - I know you’ve mentioned the headcanon (supported by Tony Dalton himself) that Lalo was expected to be the educated Salamanca and went to university in the States, but how do you think he felt about it? While he’s clearly a very intelligent man he doesn’t strike me as the conventionally academic sort and I can see him spending all his college years socialises at the expense of his studies. I especially like the idea that as part of his well rounded education he was expected to learn multiple languages but with the exception of English (since as you mentioned his mum might have been American) he never picked up one. But he probably still breaks into nonsense French or Latin any time he wants to sound smart.
You can definitely argue that - this is one of those issues that's really on the outside of canon because we don't know enough about Lalo to know how he would feel about school. It's possible he didn't take it seriously - I mean, he doesn't seem to take anything that seriously, not even getting shot in the throat. I hadn't considered the idea that he was chosen by the family to be the one who got an education, which I really like - there's a lot of potential there.
But my highly personal head canon (to be taken with a grain of salt!) is that he did well in school. I also think he wanted to go and went to school in spite of the Salamancas. Salamancas don't seem big on strategy - it's all brute force with them, "Salamanca muscle." I'm not sure if they'd value a college education, particularly since it would involve Lalo being away for several years when he could be learning the drug trade. (But again, I could definitely be talked into the idea that the family realized that by some miracle, they somehow got a Smart kid, and decided to make the most of it by sending him to get some book learnin'.)
So I think he wanted to go, either for himself or to please his gringa mother who wanted him to have some connection with the US. And maybe it was a mildly rebellious thing for him to do - like, if you're from a family of criminals, doing something respectable is the way you'd thumb your nose at your family.
As for partying, while Lalo doesn't shy away from it, he really seems happiest when he has something to puzzle over. He's charming at Eladio's party, but that's wheeling and dealing more than him enjoying himself. He plays poker with his underlings, but that seemed more like a way to get to know who he was working with (like how he christens Ocho Loco - it was more interesting for him to learn about the kind of guy Domingo was than it was for him to win). He also loves to drive fast cars, like when he has Nacho take him to the track, but I get the sense that the real fun for him is tinkering around with the engine, which is more about fixing a problem than an adrenaline rush.
The moments he really seems to be enjoying himself, to me, are when he's doing his detective work. Look at the whole "Werner Ziiiieegler" scene in 5x01 - his whole "what's he up to, man? What's he doing?" doesn't seem frustrated to me - he's got a big smile on his face, excited the game is afoot. This doesn't necessarily mean that he'd like school, but to me it shows that he's more of a brainy guy than a party boy like Tuco.
I've said before that I think of him as a Classics major, because I think he would identify with the larger-than-life figures and bloody history, but also the philosophy. Because I think philosophy would also be a good major for him (and uh, it's actually going to come up later in my current Lacho WIP 👀). I like this idea because you can work Tony's yin-yang tattoo into Lalo's character if he has an interest in philosophical traditions. (I think I'll make a separate post about Lalo and philosophy because this is already so long, as usual lol)
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sabertoothwalrus · 1 month
hi i really like the design of your oc detective domingo and i was wondering if you're ok with people cosplaying your characters
OMG!! I’m usually ok with this, but Domingo is such an underdeveloped oc and after some recent research I want to rework her design a bit. But honestly she’s a low priority for me rn compared to my other oc projects
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suikyounamegami · 11 months
Cool-B VOL.110 | Ooe (大穢)
Esta es la información del juego que salió en la edición de este mes ^_^
(pueden ver el artículo de la edición anterior aquí)
la portada de este mes es Tokyo Satsujinki 👏
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el artículo de este mes se enfoca en Oosaki
la cosa más bella del juego *︾▽︾*
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sé que el juego todavía no ha salido y que no sabemos cómo es él realmente 🙄
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ES UN DIOS *¬* 🛐
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Páginas 32-33
aquí se le pregunta a él que qué piensa de los otros asistentes (que qué emociones hay detrás de esa P-P-P-Poker Face)
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Ariake → que se siente aliviado de poder creer en él "incondicionalmente"
Shinbashi → que es la personificación de la "maldad astuta" 😂
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Aomi → que tiene un "raciocinio" más calmado que el suyo
Hinode → que tiene que proteger su "moral/ética"
Shiodome → que tiene sueños "incoherentes" (sueña despierto incoherencias)
Takeshiba → que tiene respeto por su sonrisa constante (intentar sonreír a pesar de la situación)
Toyosu → respeto y consideración
Shijoumae → "tensión" hacia su posición/estatus etc
Funeno → anormalmente asustado y confundido
Shinkiba → agradecimiento
Shinagawa → que tiene expectativas de que 'crezca' (como detective supongo 🙄)
Daiba → no mete sus sentimientos personales (en el trabajo) pero que es 'dudoso' 😅
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(tiene la palabra FALSO escrita en toda la cara 😅)
Páginas 34-35
en estas páginas hay unas CG's nuevas junto con unas breves descripciones de Rinko
la primera es la CG de Oosaki en el tren
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la descripción dice que se dirige a alguna parte un Domingo
la segunda es una CG de él parado esperando el tren
dice que da la triste impresión de siempre estar solo
también se pregunta por la cantidad que fuma Oosaki 🚬
dice que entre semana se fuma 1 antes de dormir, y en los días libres...
⑩ ⊙_⊙?
es una caja de cigarros con patas (゚Д゚)
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creo que fuma más que Towa 🤣
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pero también dice que no es 'dependiente', y que puede dejarlo inmediatamente si alguien se lo dice…
la gente fumadora puede dejar de fumar tan fácilmente???? 🤔
la tercera es una CG de un niño/adolescente al que no se le ve el rostro con un incendio de fondo 🔥
pero no un simple incendio, realmente se ve como un infierno
la apariencia del niño no se distingue porque está oscurecida pero parece tener quemaduras en el brazo izquierdo
la descripción dice que es un evento de hace 10 años que se quemó en la mente de Oosaki, y que su 'soledad' no es algo que haya empezado ahora (en el presente)
después están las CG's de la casa donde vive Oosaki
dice que, como para representar su imagen de soledad, solamente tiene lo necesario
*Teoría Conspirativa* 🕵️‍♀️
solo tiene lo necesario para poder 'volarse' de ahí en cualquier momento 😅
y de último se pregunta por la familia de Oosaki
dice que ni siquiera su kouhai (Shinagawa) sabe sobre sus 'antecedentes'
sólo Shinkiba parece saber algo...
Páginas 36-37
aquí hay unas CG's de un cementerio con vista a la isla Enoshima(?)
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la descripción dice que es el lugar donde "duerme una persona importante", y que el escenario desde allí se asemeja a cierto lugar...
pues a mí se me parece un poco a la casa de Daiba… ーー;
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y como es eso de que "duerme" una persona importante???
si es un cementerio no debería ser más bien que "descansa en paz"??????
es que acaso Oosaki está esperando a que esta persona "despierte" ಠ_ಠ
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después están las CG's de la agencia de detectives Shinkiba
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dice que queda en Fujisawa, prefectura de Kanagawa, y que solo tienen 3 investigadores
también se pregunta que cuales son los logros de Oosaki como detective
y dice que tiende a hacerte sentir incómodo por su apariencia de pocos amigos, pero que cuando lo logra (conseguir resultados), se gana tu confianza
su tasa de seguimiento es del 100% para investigaciones de "conducta" (infidelidades 🤣), y que aunque es grande, es bueno para 'borrar' su presencia y tener conversaciones 'normales' (chismorrear para sacar información 😁)
y en la última página hay unas CG's de unas pinturas en acuarela de Oosaki...
Watercolor eyes, watercolor eyes
watercolor eyes...
(no pude evitar acordarme de esta canción 😌)
una es de Hachijoujima, vista desde la isla Ooe
la descripción dice que hizo un dibujo de la isla a pedido de Daiba
y la otra es del muelle de la isla Ooe
dice que el "interior" silencioso/callado de Oosaki también se refleja en su estilo de pintura...
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Oosaki con su acuarela
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y Towa con su pintura al óleo T▽T
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de último se pregunta que cual es el 'encanto' de Oosaki como seme, y cual es su lado 'decepcionante' como seme
dice que su encanto serían sus manos
usar guantes y mantener siempre las manos limpias lo pone en una 'posición' alta' en la 'instrucción' seme (conocimiento seme)
seme-mente hablando 😅
sus sagradas manos 🤲 ♡q♡
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y que su parte 'decepcionante' como seme es que no tiene libido en absoluto...
todo lo contrario a Towa 🤣
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no rechaza el amor 'carnal', pero no le da mucha importancia, y que si no tiene una razón/motivo para besar no lo va a hacer 🤣
pero que contrariamente a eso se espera que nosotros los jugadores nos divirtamos con los cambios emocionales de Oosaki y sus 'agobiantes' interacciones con los ukes 😅
pobre Oosaki 😔
ya me imagino lo que debe ser tener que lidiar con esta gente
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y también me los imagino a ellos esperando que Oosaki los bese 😗
y Oosaki con cara de POR????
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y bueno, esta ha sido toda la información que venía del juego en la edición de este mes 😙
de Tokyo Satsujinki venían unas CG's nuevas, y también dice que el lanzamiento podría estar más cerca de lo que pensamos
no hubo info de Suito wa Hakumei
de Friendly lab vienen unas CG's (no sé si nuevas 😕), y dice que está previsto que 'unlock ();' salga en Agosto de este año
tampoco hubo información nueva de mis chicos de Haiiro no Arcadia 😔, solo sprites de ellos con ropa casual T^T
y Love it Hunter…
desde que hicieron el crowdfunding en animate está desaparecido
no hace mucho revelaron un nuevo personaje
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pero fuera de eso casi no ha habido nada nuevo
desde ediciones anteriores de la revista llevan diciendo que la producción sigue avanzando, pero no parece que avance de la parte principal (本編)
no dicen que ya están terminando las rutas ni nada por el estilo
solo 'honpen' y 'honpen' y de ahí no pasa......
ahora a esperar hasta la próxima edición en Agosto, a ver que nueva información nos trae 👍
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wyntertales · 7 months
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Lavinia G. Cortez. 28-32. horror television hostess. actress. fc: sofia carson connection: friend/colleague of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe
Esmeralda C. Domingo. 30-34. diamond casino manager. fc: shay mitchell connection: friend/default love interest of Landon B. Wynter :: most universes importance: original canon connection of Landon
Emeline P. Entwistle. 30-34. actress. fc: blake lively connection: canon ex girlfriend of Landon B. Wynter :: all universes importance: original canon backstory connection of Landon
Tobias S. Fairchild. 37. producer for majestic studios. fc: ed speelers connection: rival/colleague of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe
Harold E. Graves. 41-45. psychiatrist. fc: hugh dancy connection: therapist of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe; therapist of Lance T. Wynter :: twin universe importance: muse 1st created in 2015 & adapted/returned for new use
Natalie Hill. 31-35. tabloid reporter. lipstick gossip magazine. fc: zoe kravitz connection: frenemy. colleague. at Crimson Media
Susan Horowitz. 31. ruby casino. socialite. fc: carlson young connection: former high school & college friend-enemy :: main + various aus depending on plot importance: original canon backstory connection of Landon
Jackson N. Hunter. 38. detective. fc: andrew garfield connection: American Money universe. available for interaction outside this depending on plot
Ophelia Keal. 26-29. actress. fc: tilly keeper connection: colleague/costar at Cosmic Vault Productions :: film universe
Mark J. Lansing. 30-34. news anchor. film agent. fc: chace crawford connection: canon best friend of Landon B. Wynter :: most universes importance: original canon backstory connection of Landon
Camilla Luna. 31. oceanographer. fc: lindsey morgan connection: deceased fiancée of Lance Wynter :: twin universe importance: original canon backstory connection to Lance / available only in plots pre-death / not available for shipping
Marigold D. Sinclaire. 32. failed actress. waitress. fc: amanda seyfried connection: American Money universe. selective for interaction outside this depending on plot
Brett R. Sutton. 30-34. radio dj. true crime podcaster. fc: jack quaid connection: canon best friend of Landon B. Wynter ::  most universes
Michelle O. Woodward. art director. fc: jessica chastain connection: default fiancée of Lance Wynter  :: twin universe importance: not available for shipping
Florence L. Anton-Wynter. 52-55. mystery novelist. fc: michelle gomez connection: mother of Landon B. Wynter :: all verses/currently only around in beast + film boi verses & twin universe
Aiden Lucas Wynter. 22. college student. photographer. fc: felix mallard connection: son of Eloise Gray & Landon Wynter :: Eldon ship universe
Benjamin James Wynter. 21. college student. street artist. fc: christopher briney connection: son of Eloise Gray & Landon Wynter :: Eldon ship universe
exclusive to Landon + Eloise ( ELDON ) ship universe for @itsagraywcrld
TBD: muses not currently involved but will appear plots permitted + by timeline
Veronica Allen. 33. model. fc: teyonah parris connection: ex of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe
Claudia Chen. 33-37. actress. fc: gemma chan connection: nyu friend + original documentary crew member of Landon B. Wynter
Gloria Mancini. 32. media editor. lipstick gossip. fc: dakota johnson connection: friend + colleague of Natalie Hill :: all verses
Maya Tran. 35. assistant + executive of productions. fc: maggie q connection: assistant of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe
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claudiosuenaga · 10 months
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Joe Biden encobriu o destino do submarino Titanic para distrair a atenção do público de seu filho implicado em dois processos criminais federais
Joe Biden mandou reter notícias sobre o desfecho com o submersível Titan para distrair o público das implicações criminas de seu filho Hunter com a Justiça, depois que foi revelado que a Marinha dos Estados Unidos provavelmente detectou a implosão do navio no domingo, 18 de junho.
Hunter Biden, 53, filho do presidente dos Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, se declarou culpado na terça-feira, dia 20, de porte ilegal de armas e de não pagar os impostos devidos. Ele vinha respondendo por um processo pelas duas acusações e chegou a um acordo com o Departamento de Justiça. Hunter deve aproximadamente US$ 1,2 milhão em impostos não pagos em 2017 e 2018. As acusações contra Biden surgiram de uma investigação de David Weiss, procurador do estado natal do presidente democrata, Delaware, e nomeado pelo ex-presidente republicano Donald Trump.
O contra-almirante John Mauger, da Guarda Costeira dos Estados Unidos, anunciou na quinta-feira, 23, que um dos robôs de alto mar designados para procurar o submersível – que estava viajando para ver o naufrágio do Titanic no Atlântico, com cinco membros a bordo – encontrou um campo de detritos "consistente com a perda catastrófica da câmara de pressão" perto de onde as comunicações foram perdidas, o que confirmou o pior cenário, de que o Titã havia implodido sob a pressão estimada de 400 bar do mar ao seu redor.
Na mesma noite, o The Wall Street Journal noticiou pela primeira vez que um sistema ultrassecreto de detecção da Marinha dos EUA para localizar submarinos inimigos havia detectado uma "anomalia" na hora que se pensava que o submersível havia implodido, informação que disse ter posteriormente compartilhado com a equipe de busca e equipe de resgate.
Um oficial da Marinha disse ao jornal que só detectou a anomalia nos dados acústicos depois que o submersível foi dado como desaparecido e foi tratado como "não definitivo", levando a Guarda Costeira a continuar a busca.
No entanto, o fato é que o governo sabia que o Titan provavelmente havia implodido, mas optou por não divulgar isso ao público para que a história desviasse a atenção do lançamento do testemunho do denunciante na quinta-feira sobre Hunter Biden.
"O WSJ está relatando que a Marinha dos EUA detectou a implosão do Titan no domingo, mas Biden manteve a notícia até o depoimento do denunciante de hoje sobre Hunter", escreveu Jack Posobiec, um ativista e comentarista conservador, em um tweet na noite de quinta-feira, que a partir das 4h de sexta-feira foi visto 5,9 milhões de vezes. "A coisa toda foi uma operação de distração."
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Os usuários do Twitter posteriormente adicionaram contexto ao tuite, observando que, embora o The Wall Street Journal tenha revelado que a Marinha dos EUA ouviu a implosão, não fez nenhuma afirmação sobre Biden portando a notícia.
"BIDEN SABIA que a Marinha dos EUA detectou a implosão do Titan no domingo, mas ele segurou a notícia até o depoimento do denunciante de hoje sobre seu filho viciado em crack, Hunter?!" exclamou Graham Allen, apresentador do podcast Dear America e colaborador da Turning Point USA. "A coisa toda era para nos distrair?!" 
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Enquanto alguns na plataforma de mídia social pareciam se alinhar com a teoria, outros eram mais céticos e observaram que a operação de busca e resgate estava funcionando sob a suposição de que os passageiros estavam vivos até que tivessem provas conclusivas do contrário.
A empresa disse que o Titan carregava um suprimento de oxigênio para 96 ​​horas, que a Guarda Costeira dos EUA estimou que, se o submersível ainda estivesse intacto, teria acabado na manhã de quinta-feira.
Enquanto a equipe de busca se esforçava para encontrar o submarino desaparecido antes que o suprimento acabasse, a Marinha dos EUA disse ao The Wall Street Journal que havia "detectado uma anomalia consistente com uma implosão ou explosão nas proximidades de onde o submersível Titan estava operando quando as comunicações foram perdidas."
O Titan parou de responder cerca de 1 hora e 45 minutos após a descida na manhã de domingo, que começou por volta das 8h. Na quinta-feira, um campo de destroços foi encontrado a cerca de 487 metros dos destroços do Titanic.
A Marinha acrescentou que "embora não seja definitiva", a anomalia acústica "foi imediatamente compartilhada com o Comandante do Incidente para auxiliar na missão de busca e resgate em andamento".
A operadora OceanGate Expeditions anunciou na tarde de quinta-feira que acreditava que todas as cinco vidas "infelizmente foram perdidas", e a Guarda Costeira dos EUA disse que os destroços encontrados na área eram consistentes com uma "implosão catastrófica" da embarcação.
No mesmo dia foi divulgado o testemunho de 26 de maio do agente do IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Gary Shapley, que se tornou denunciante para o Comitê de Meios e Recursos da Câmara. No depoimento, Shapley alegou que Hunter Biden havia usado a estatura política de seu pai para pressionar um funcionário chinês.
Isso aconteceu depois que os principais republicanos da Câmara prometeram investigar os negócios no exterior de Hunter e da família Biden, incluindo alegações de que seu pai usou seu papel público como então vice-presidente para influenciá-los.
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O presidente Joe Biden e seu filho Hunter Biden deixam a Igreja Católica do Espírito Santo em Johns Island, SC, depois de assistir a uma missa, em 13 de agosto de 2022. Foto: AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta.
Em um acordo firmado com seus advogados, os promotores permitiram que Hunter Biden se declarasse culpado de um delito fiscal de contravenção, evitando outra acusação, desde que cumprisse as condições estabelecidas por um tribunal.
O acordo, que deve ser aprovado por um juiz federal, encerra uma longa investigação do Departamento de Justiça sobre o segundo filho de Biden, que também reconheceu lutar contra o vício de drogas após a morte de seu irmão Beau Biden em 2015.
A decisão visa evitar julgamento que poderia prejudicar a imagem da Casa Branca, que tem buscado arduamente manter distância do Departamento de Justiça.
Mas quem ficou sabendo que Hunter Biden se declarou culpado de pagar com atraso o imposto de renda por dois anos consecutivos e também por mentir ao negar ser usuário de drogas quando comprou uma arma em 2018?
O regime de Biden sabia que o submarino implodiu no domingo, mas usou seus propagandistas de mídia para divulgar a história de que 'eles estão ficando sem oxigênio' durante toda a semana para desviar a atenção sobre os crimes de Hunter. 
A imprensa, mais uma vez, submergiu o público em um mar de distrações.
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cuartoretorno · 8 months
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Rihanna - Megan Fox - Kim Kardashian - Bella Hadid - Sophie Turner & More Stars Prove Vans Are Always a Trend 2023
Que fue Barbies? Listas para empezar la noche en la Caverna? que salgan las Checas del Closet! Hardcore New Romantic Detect !
Hoy es domingo de Casa! voy por unos Cuates y un Monster Energy! a por ellas Malón !!! hablamos !!!
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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Dolmen of San Martín, Spain (No. 2)
It was located by José Miguel de Barandiaran and Domingo Fernández Medrano in April 1956 and excavated by them together with Juan María Apellániz between July and August 1964, in it several layers of stratification were detected that gave rise to a great resonance within the Spanish archaeological field. Two fallen slabs were found in the chamber that provided two different levels of occupation, one of them from the Neolithic period and the other from the Chalcolithic period.
In the first level, formed by 190 cm of earth under the fallen orthostats, remains of 21 individuals were found with their trousseau composed of typically Neolithic pieces. Two knives, two blades, thirty-two flakes, sixteen triangles, sixteen trapezoids, two scrapers, five denticulate, a perforator, a raedera, a rock crystal of great proportions carved in the form of a hoof scraper or goat's leg, five polished axes and chisels and two fragments of ophita axe, a calaite bead, were found. a rock crystal, pieces of smooth ceramics, a piece of pottery decorated with bands and six fragments of decorated bones that correspond to four spatula idols.
In the second level only the rest of an individual were exhumed and three simple sheets, two laminites and two points with marginal touch-ups, three arrowheads with peduncle and fins and the peduncle of another, three triangles, two scrapers, four denticulates, a sphere and thirty-four flakes were collected, all made in flint next to a polished axe, an ochre bar, a pyrite cube, a calaite bead, a white stone ring fragment, 14 bone buttons with "V" perforations and hemispherical in shape, a sheet and a dagger made of bronze and seven remains of bell-shaped pottery of the ciempozuelos type, one with incises and the others smooth.
Source: Wikipedia
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f1 · 11 months
Need to know ahead of the Spanish Grand Prix
Need to know ahead of the Spanish Grand Prix By Balazs Szabo on 04 Jun 2023, 08:00 Following a nail-biting qualifying session that saw the rise of Max Verstappen and the fall of the likes of Charles Leclerc, George Russell and Sergio Perez, the field is getting ready to compete at today's Spanish Grand Prix at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya. F1technical.net's Balázs Szabó reveals what to know ahead of Round 7 of the 2023 F1 season. Long history – The Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya is one of the longest serving venues on the Formula 1 calendar, having held the Spanish Grand Prix every year without interruption since it was opened in 1991. Today’s Spanish Grand Prix will mark the 53rd time that a Formula One race takes place in Spain. The event first appeared on the calendar in 1951, and has been held at five venues. The 1951 and 1954 races took place at Barcelona on the Pedralbes street circuit before the race moved to Madrid where the Circuito del Jarama hosted the race between 1968 and 1981. The third venue was Barcelona’s Montjuic Park, playing host to the event in 1969, 1971, 1973 and 1975. The Spanish Grand Prix had a short stint at Jerez between 1986 and 1990 before moving to the Circuit de Catalunya in the following year. Stewards – Garry Connelly, Felix Holter, Derek Warwick, and David Domingo will form the group of FIA stewards at today’s Spanish Grand Prix. The most successful team – Scuderia Ferrari is the most successful constructor at the Spanish Grand Prix with 12 victories. However, the Italian team recorded its most recent triumph long ago, back in 2013 when Fernando Alonso took a popular home win. McLaren is the second most successful outfit with eight victories with Mercedes being the third most successful thanks to their seven triumphs in the history of the Spanish Grand Prix. Average length – The Circuit de Bacelona-Catalunya features a layout that has a length of 4657m. The start line-finish line offset is 126m. Drivers will need to rack up a total of 66 laps at today’s Spanish Grand Prix, which is equivalent to 307.237km. Pit lane – Drivers will need to adhere to a speed limit of 80 km/h in the pit lane. Schumacher and Hamilton – The German and the Briton are the most successful drivers at the Spanish Grand Prix with six victories each. Schumacher first won in 1995 with Benetton, followed by five victories for Ferrari (1996, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004). Hamilton won here in 2014 for the first time, and was unstoppable in the years between 2017 and 2021. Two DRS zones – As in the previous years, two DRS zones will be in use. The first has a detection point 86m before Turn 9 and an activation point 40m after. The second detection point is at the Safety Car line, with activation 57m after Turn 16. Modifications – The track has been updated since the field last visited the venue last May. The most significant change is that the track reverts to the previous layout that results in the removal of the final chicane. Instead, cars will take the faster route, rushing through the extremely fast second-to-last corner. Two-stop strategy - For today’s 66-lap Barcelona round, Pirelli expects a two-stopper. This is down to the relatively high levels of tyre wear and degradation seen at the Barcelona circuit, with its abrasive asphalt and high-energy corners. Another reason is the fact that not so much time is lost in the pits, which makes a two-stopper much more viable, as well as the fact that the hard tyre is slower here. via F1Technical.net . Motorsport news https://www.f1technical.net/news/
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Tal día como hoy 1 de diciembre ...
2019: Comienza la Pandemia de COVID-19 al hacerse público el primer caso detectado en Wuhan (China)
2009: Se lanza en Finlandia el exitoso videojuego Angry Birds, para dispositivos móviles con sistemas iOS y Maemo.
2001: El ministro de Economía de Argentina Domingo Cavallo anuncia el inicio del 'Corralito', o restricción de la libre disposición de dinero en efectivo en el país.
1990: En la construcción del Eurotúnel que, a 40 metros bajo el lecho del Canal de la Mancha, une los países de Inglaterra y Francia, finalmente se encuentran los obreros a cada extremo de la perforación.
1971: Se descubre el último espécimen de la especie Chelonoidis abingdonii, una de las especies de tortuga gigante de las islas Galápagos (Ecuador). Morirá en el año 2012, quedando su especie extinta.
1959: Se firma el Tratado Antártico en Washington D. C. (Estados Unidos), para actualizar las relaciones internacionales con respecto a la Antártida.
1955: En Montgomery (Estados Unidos), con la acción de negarse a ceder el asiento en un autobús público a un blanco, Rosa Parks, una costurera negra, inicia la lucha por los derechos civiles en ese país.
1952: El diario New York Daily News (Estados Unidos) publica que se ha realizado con éxito la primera cirugía de reasignación de sexo, a la persona transgénero Christine Jorgensen.
1948: Costa Rica se convierte en el primer país de América en prescindir de sus Fuerzas Armadas.
1948: En la playa de Somerton en la ciudad de Adelaida, Australia, se encuentra el cadaver de un hombre no identificado donde aparece un veneno no detectable y un código secreto proveniente de una edición rara del Rubaiyat. Todavía sin resolver y que pasará a la historia como El Caso Tamam Shud, o 'Misterio del Hombre de Somerton'.
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(En la construcción del Eurotúnel que, a 40 metros bajo el lecho del Canal de la Mancha, une los países de Inglaterra y Francia, finalmente se encuentran los obreros a cada extremo de la perforación)
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