#demon ranking of kings
spkyart · 10 months
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I noticed something
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I know Lila said this to cause conflict, but she’s oddly right. As class rep it’s Marinette’s job to talk to teachers if someone in class falls behind (even if she doesn’t like that person).
You’d think that with the power that comes with the role, the writers would’ve had her speak up sooner and call Chloé out on her laziness to the teachers in earlier seasons. And if Marinette has too much to do, they should’ve have her simply stepped down and pass the responsibility to someone else she trusts.
I know that Astruc meant this scene to be yet another condemnation of Chloé, but it also ends up highlighting Marinette’s shortcomings in her role as class representative and her blatant favouritism when it comes to reaching out to people. There was no reason to make Marinette (who’s supposed to be the “better role model”) sound so nasty and condescending. At this point in the story, Chloé shouldn’t even be a blip on her radar. Marinette has bigger issues to deal with, and a middle school mean girl is not one of them.
Astruc really needs to let this feud he has with a fictional teenage girl he created and wrote to be like that go and focus on the story.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 2 years
Animes I associate with each zodiac
Decided to do this for fun since I love astrology! I mainly focus on the themes and energy each anime had that reminded me of each zodiac sign. These are based on animes/mangas I’ve watched or read.
Aries: Black Clover
Themes of fighting for yourself and those oppressed by the system
Rarely slows down and quickly moves forward
Very straightforward and improves as times go on
Taurus: Tiger and Bunny
Slow and steady in terms of story
Plot starts with conflict regarding stubbornness to change
Less exaggerated and more down to earth visually, but still appealing
Gemini: Fairy Tail
Easygoing, but layered like an onion
Colorful world with a strong sense of community (guilds)
Comical even during serious situation (whiplash)
Cancer: Demon Slayer
Central themes of family
Emotionally driven and shows sympathy towards pain
Can be sweet at times, but will tear your heart apart the next
Leo: My Hero Academia
Showcases the duality of image and responsibility
Bombastic, but structured
Doing what’s best for society vs. the self
Virgo: Bleach
Major plots revolve around going through great lengths for a loved one
The purpose of living (to serve humanity, soul society, etc.)
Polished and articulate designs
Libra: Ranking of Kings
Themes of justice and fairness
Charming and visually soft, but carries different morals and perspectives
Emphasis on connections with others
Scorpio: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Introspective and soul searching
Dark and heavy on symbolism and transformation
Having to read between the lines and not take what you see at face value
Sagittarius: One Piece
Going on an adventure and seeing how big the world is
Optimistic even when things seem grim
Fun loving, but tactless in some areas
Capricorn: Hunter x Hunter
Themes of ambitions
Consists of goal oriented characters with many who are willing to sacrifice for said goals
Despite how bright it appears, it can be realistic and harsh
Aquarius: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Forward thinking and twists the standards
Enlightening and daring, started many trends (Ex. Poses, memes)
Values freedom and expression, with various color schemes and individualistic fashion
Pisces: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Main character is known for showing compassion to everyone (pisces energy)
Lighthearted and full of wonder in a place that should be dark and scary.
Finding a purpose or ambition for oneself
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otaku-republic · 1 year
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<Article> 【Gundam / Kimetsu / Dr.STONE】New Anime Coming in April! What will you Follow? Here are the Featured Lineups!
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braemjeorn · 1 year
*bangs door like Rickman's Snape in PoA* since it seems I will be loitering in the fandom for a while...
*pulls down presentation screen* ...i have much to discuss concerning episode 4.
might contain spoilers beyond season one and the 13th (12th?) volume so either sit down and take the popcorns or swipe on.
Well now. I have a few points and questions to present.
First. This.
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Why didn’t they include the curse? It's important because I feel like it's the reason for all of the brothers' challenges we see in Bojji's story? (Like darn it, you got one brother back but you lost the other then you lost them all—? Sorry, Aide.)
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I've been making up the voice for this line and it came out more feral and deranged. Like Coraline’s Other Mother.
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How he grew a moustache so fast!? Did his battle campaign run for so long?
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I didn't realise Desha zapped his cape to rags so... the robes did not precisely decay because of time. Ouken's captivity might not have been that long when Miranjo came to picked him up. Or even if ten years have passed, it makes no difference.
I overthink how the first time we saw Meifu's mama she wore purple and in the painting there - ya'll see her necklace!? Do you know who else wears those designs?!
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Ha-sama, you mama's boy... (*agressively swipes tears*)
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Also you know how to wear a cape, sir. Aaah, it was very it was a very cool scene >A<!!!
Look at the princes growing up.
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(This confirms the age gap ‐ Ouken is really their baby, huh?)
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Their love and hate relationship has so much story to tell.
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That's all I think. But this is already the 4th episode and we've already seen all of the brother's scenes from all of the existing trailers so I don't think we're going to see them anymore...ah, pity. The banners are cool tho...
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When I was younger my friends kept up with Naruto and from what I get it was a really long journey. I'm not quite prepared to keep up with such an ominous journey for this manga/anime where the ending is still foggy - what if it turned out like GoT? Half raw just to appease fans?
On another note: if they made this episode as Shakespearean as Hiling hearing and looking for Daida in the throne room (another acc's description, not mine), that's gon be bomb, especially when Ouken revealed his immortality.
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formulaorange · 1 year
2023 Spring Anime
This season looks whack. There's so many notable series, there's definitely something for everyone this season. Of course starting off with the big ones:
Demon Slayer Season 3 - The Swordsmith Village Arc
Attack on Titan: The Final Season The Final Chapters
Dr Stone Season 3
While those all look amazing and all:
Bocchi is back baby!!!
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Season 2 of Ranking of Kings is back this season. Their story telling is top tier and if you didnt' check out the first season, now is the time to do so.
All these amazing new seasons to look forward to, but this season doesn't stop there, the new series set to debut look absolutely killer too:
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Hell's Paradise gets it's anime release, produced by MAPPA of course. This is definitely my most anticipated for the season.
Followed by MASHLE. While I had fun with the manga, I ultimately couldn't get past the art style. The anime should complete the picture for me and this will definitely be one of the top comedy series this season.
Lastly for the big name debut series: Oshi no Ko
This series takes a second to get into but it's taken the manga world by storm and has already gotten its english translations with only 11 japanese releases so far. The story is definitely worth sticking around for and will likely be one if not the top show of the season.
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Additional continuing series:
Golden Kamuy S4
Edens Zero S2
The Ancient Magus' Bride S2
KonoSuba - Spin Off Series
As for some lesser known series, I've gone through this seasons' release schedule and filtered through the trailers to pick out the ones that might be worth watching... I honestly wasn't expecting for there to be so many. So like I said, there's definitely something for everyone this season.
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Heavenly Delusion
I'm such a sucker for adventure series, throw in sci-fi and I'm hooked. While this definitely gives me Made in Abyss and Promised Neverland vibes, I'm not sure it'll be on the same level.
So far episode 1 looks absolutely amazing. Post-apocalyptic world with the contrast of the two stories, one of kids inside a sanctuary with little outside world knowledge and the kids that live and survive outside. Definitely worth watching.
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A Galaxy Next Door
I'm surprised this is even being aired already. I swear the english volumes for the manga just released earlier this year. I've heard mixed things about the series but I think this'll be worth checking out.
Skip to Loafer
I've heard so much about this series and it's honestly got the golden trio of tags. It's a Slice of life comedy romance and the style and characters are so cute. I'll definitely be giving this a full watch through.
Insomniacs after School
This kind of looks like an irl version of Call of the Night but after watching the trailers a bit more it still looks like a lot of fun. It's about these two students who're unable to sleep and what they do when they stay up. They end up joining the astronomy club and overall it looks like it'll be a really pretty and relaxing series.
Dead Mount Death Play
Most manga collectors will have heard of this series. It's supposed to be quite a decent thriller/supernatural series. While I haven't had a chance to read through it, I think it's about time we got another good supernatural show. I'll definitely be checking it out.
Magical Destroyers
This straight up looks like utter chaos. Whether that's good or not I guess we'll find out. It's under the mahou shoujo tag?? but it's about a radical group that is trying to eliminate the otaku culture from Japan. This guy "Otaku Hero" stands up and tries to stop them. It sounds wild and kind of looks like a passion project. I'll give it 3 episodes.
My Home Hero
This is straight up a western drama movie. Similar vibes to Taken this guy kills his daughters yakuza boyfriend and gets caught up in the criminal underground. It's definitely a new trope for anime so I'll be giving it 5 episodes.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury S2
While technically this is a continuation of a series, I feel like many people didn't watch the first half unless they were already into gundam. I never grew up with it and truthfully I just lumped it in with transformers so I never checked it out.
Lots of people have been saying that this reboot it really solid and a good way to get into the series. After watching the trailer I totally understand, the characters all look great and the story looks like a solid sci-fi series. I'll definitely be watching to catch up to the new releases.
Yuri Is My Job
I've head of this series all over the place in the manga world and I know it's one of the more popular shoujo ai. Essentially it seems the plot is that these 2 girls end up working together at a themed cafe and start falling for each other. I don't really have any interest in shoujo ai series (frankly i just started getting into romance series in general) so I'll give it 3 episodes and see how it goes.
The Dangers in My Heart
This is one of those - unlikely mc's gets attention from the pretty love interest. After watching the first episode I can say it definitely isn't the same as the others. The girl is super weird and I like his commentary of all the shit he does. Pretty fun and worth a try at least.
Loving Yamada at Lv999
This looks like a fun lighthearted romance. I'll give it 5 episodes.
Otaku Elf
Pretty much as the title says it's about an Otaku Elf. I think this hoenstly looks like a fun series and as long as you're not looking for more plot, it'll be a good time.
Blue Orchestra
While I think a decent number of people will like the series, I know for sure I'll drop it due to the cgi. I just feel that CGI isn't at the stage where it feels natural enough with the rest of the animations and it really takes away from my watching experience.
My god. I had no clue they redid this but I'll 100% be watching this now lol. They rebooted Tokyo Mew Mew.
This was one of the first anime I watched growing up.
The second season is airing this season - Tokyo Mew Mew New S2
in case anyone else grew up watching it and wats to catch up.
And of course, the isekais.
We've now evolved from just the standard isekais to isekais with a twist.
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, too.
I'll give it 3 episodes but unsurprisingly I don't think i'll stick with it.
The Legendary Hero is Dead!
This looks a little different from the ususal, I'll give it 3 episodes.
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
This is a full send fantasy shoujo romance and I thought I had had enough of the royal isekai trope but apparently not. The cheese of the romance has sucked me in again with the pretty animations to top it off. I'll be giving it a good 3 episodes.
The Ecchi series for the season:
KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World
This honestly looks like fun but I've had my fair share of this kind of show. This is a fantasy ecchi isekai comedy. I'll still give it 3 episodes.
Megami no Cafe Terrace
Frankly I have no interest in ecchi harem series like this but the quality looks decent so I've added it here for those who want something to watch along those lines this season.
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sakura2miaka · 1 year
Since I'm running uber late (how are we already on week 4?!), I decided to skip my usual anime pick livestream so I can catch up 😅
Here's what I'm watching for the Spring 2023 anime season. I'm kinda proud of myself for "only" having 18 picks this time compared to last season's 24 😂🤣
I'm excited to watch:
The Ancient Magus' Bride S2 - I've been waiting for this for a looooooong time!
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion - I was about to read the webtoon for this when I heard it was getting an anime!
Oshi no Ko - ANN kept posting about this on their social media and I can never resist cute twins in the first place 😆
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 - Same story as Oshi no Ko, also, my rom-com picks from last season are all done and it left me wanting more 😍
My surprise picks:
Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Courage - Only a surprise cause I didn't hear about this.
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts - I actually remember this being announced and totally forgot about it! I read the manga a long time ago, so this is one of those rare ones where I know exactly what I'm getting into
Tengoku Daimakyo - This is my attempt to get some culture in me since all I've been watching lately are trash 😂🤣
I'm expecting to drop:
The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure - It's isekai trash so it'll totally depend on how cringe this harem is gonna be 😅
KamiKatsu - exact same reason as above 😆
Purple = I'm definitely watching
Yellow = I'm giving it 3 ep. to win me over
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fandom-official · 1 year
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All your April entertainment 🤲
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strawsoldier · 11 months
Spring 2023 Anime Round-Up
Lot's of good shows this season; Both sequels and new ones. It's also the first season in a while where I didn't drop any shows. That's more praise than I can give previous seasons to be honest.
Anime of the Season: Vinland Saga Season 2
Drops: N/A
Plans to Watch at a later date: Skip to Loafer
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Swordsmith Village Arc - (7.5/10)
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Despite the still lavish productions, (and a season where I didn't have to listen to Zenitsu's annoying wails) this was a letdown of season. Especially given how The Entertainment District ended off. This arc getting the movie treatment would've benefited it a lot better. Episode 8 was the highlight by a mile.
Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Courage - (7/10)
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Boji and Kage best partners. Not much to say about this season since it was mostly side stories getting animated. Last episode left a lot of excitement for future installments of the series and I hope Wit continues to give it the same love and care.
Vinland Saga Season Two - (10/10)
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Calling Vinland Saga S2 a masterpiece of anime would be underselling it greatly. It's been a while since I've seen a cast of well written character go through so much growth and development over an arc. Anything more I could say would just be reiterating what other's have been saying for the past 6 months. Vinland Saga is good y'all.
The Ancient Magus Bride Season 2 - (7/10)
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Mahoyome came back with a new director, new studio and many many, many new characters. While there wasn't much plot this season, the world-building and new relationships were explored and developed very well. Good thing the second part of this is already confirmed for later this year, otherwise this score would be a lower. Here's hoping the animation also improves. I know were not at Wit anymore but..
Magical Destroyers - (5/10)
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Wathced this because the OP & ED were really good. Turns out it was the only good thing about it.
Also Pink-chan. Pink-chan was good.
Heavenly Delusion - (8/10)
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One of the best animated seasonal show's since Mob Psycho. Dystopian settings are some of my favorite in the media so I was always excited to watch this every Saturday. Unfortunately, time and time again, it left me with more questions and rarely gave answers. And the last two episodes were...enough for me to drop this down from a 9 to an 8. Another Spring show with a strong contender for Opening of the Year.
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 - (9/10)
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I've been craving a good romcom and this one delivered and then some. Morio Asaka is a talented director and his vision and directorial quirks really helped elevate this source material greatly. Akane is a disaster child and I will protect her from any harm (and alcohol). Really considering picking up the manga if a season 2 isn't gonna be announced.
Dead Mount Death Play - (7.5/10)
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Narita is back and doing what he does best; Balancing a dozen or so characters in a convoluted plot that revolves around a mysterious prefecture. This time, with a reverse isekai twist involved. Excited for the second cour of this.
Oshi no Ko - (9/10)
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I don't know how to describe my feelings on this show other than I loved every bit of it. Very excited for the second season and I hope the returning staff continue what they've been doing so far.
Next arc looks very very fun
MASHLE - (7/10)
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The adaption played it very safe and didn't go far beyond what was given to them which- for the most part -worked well enough for them. Obviously not gonna have the same staying power surrounding it like OPM and Black Clover, but it was entertaining and that's good enough.
Jigokuraku - (Hell's Paradise) - 5.5/10
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I was very disappointed with this adaption, if the score wasn't an enough of an indicator. MAPPA taking on so much titles is a bit of meme at this point but it sucks that an adaption I was greatly looking forward to came out this chopped and poorly-animated. Kaori Makita is a talented director so it's a shame that she was saddled to a show with an unreasonable deadline and limited staff to help her out. I wanna cope and say s2 will be better but I know better..
Only consolation I have is that this show was sacrificed so JJK and AOT will look good.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury S2 - (8/10)
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Didn't agree with everything that happened this season. And I think the writers just didn't know what to with Miorine after she was separated from Suletta. That being said, the last few episodes (when they finally did get reunited) were very very good. Also a fantastic finale episode. Glad this was the first Gundam anime I watched to completion. Now I patiently wait for the Sulemio wedding OVA.
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ladygwyndolin · 1 year
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#34: Old Demon King (Dark Souls 3)
“He is the last living witness of the Chaos of Izalith.”
I'm gonna say it: this fight made me more emotional than Sif. I know, I know, sad doggy is sad, etc. But the way the ODK burns out and swings weakly at you despite the knowledge that the legacy of chaos is over and that his race is gone forever and even he's failed at keeping it alight hits like a truck, okay? The fight itself isn't too much to write home about, although it's nice to see that his resemblance to the Asylum Demon doesn't stop him from having a decent number of unique moves (even if most of them are pretty annoying.) His music is one of the few lackluster tracks in DS3, but his arena earns back the creativity points for that. It's a shame that he's a more out of the way optional boss, because I'm always either really overleveled or really underleveled by the time I find him. Still, the emotions and reasonably solid combat are enough to carry it. And a mid to low tier DS3 boss is still better than a lot of higher tier bosses from the other games. Sorry, not sorry.
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Hello friends. We are the Dub Talk Podcast, where we cover the latest and greatest in anime and English Dub. We haven’t used this account in a long, LONG time. But with our main stomping ground, Twitter being a little...Musk-y these days, it’s a good idea to try and put some life back into some old accounts.
And you know what? Tumblr’s looking pretty decent again. We’ve made fun of it in the past, but it’s still here and still kicking. And we’re very grateful for that. So yeah, we’re gonna put some life back into this thing.
WHO WE ARE: We are Dub Talk. We are a bunch of anime fans and friends who talk in-depth, casually and critically about Anime English Dubs. An underrated, often underappreciated element of the anime conversation. We’ve been doing podcasts episodes for as long as 2015 now and have put out hundreds of different episodes, reviews, Awards Shows, and more in that time. From Classic anime like Samurai Champloo and Wolf’s Rain, to new hits like The Case Study of Vanitas, My Dress-Up Darling and Ranking of Kings, we’ve covered a large variety of anime dubs. So there’s plenty to choose from our back catalog.
In our Linktree in this post, you’ll be able to listen to episodes of ours on YouTube, Podbean, Spotify and Apple Podcasts! 
We also like to play videogames on our Twitch channel, and we even have a Patreon in which you can come and support us, and even put in for the chance to cover a dub of your choosing at our highest tier every 3 months.
So yeah, we would love to get back in the swing of using Tumblr again, get the chance to re-learn it and introduce new fans and friends alike to check out our little Podcast that has grown a lot in the past several years. Thank you for your time, and we’re happy to be back Tumblr. Otaku on.
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animechick2015 · 2 years
Anime I Watched in 2022 Part 1:
1. Belle 3/5
*spoilers ahead*
Ughhh I really wanted to like this one. The songs and ost’s were amazing and the visuals were beautiful. I think the creators focused so much on the music that they lost sight of the plot. I had so many questions at the end of the movie: why did she go to rescue the kids on her own; couldn’t her father or some other adult go with her? Why did they build up a romance between her and Beast for nothing to come of it? Why after the entire movie of her friend not being interested in her, he suddenly showed romantic interest? I really wanted to love this movie like everyone else did but I can’t.
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2. Promare 5/5
EPIC. The only word I can use to describe this movie. From the soundtrack, to the visuals, storyline and likable characters,this one will hook you from the opening scene. This one will have you feeling like you’re on an acid trip but it’s a good one, trust me. This is one anime movie I can see myself rewatching many times and never get tired.
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3. Banished from the Hero Party 4/5
Such a cute romance. Very likable characters. The plot was interesting and the romance was so adorable; my only criticism is that it felt a bit rushed at the end but overall it was a great series. Doubt we’ll be getting a second season though 🥺
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4. The Boy and the Beast 4/5
This movie got a lot of negative reviews and I can’t understand why. It was so interesting and going in blind I didn’t expect certain events to take place. I really enjoyed this one. The artwork, the soundtrack and even the characters were all amazingly done. If you haven’t watched this one give it a chance. Ignore all the bad reviews and go into this with an open mind.
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5. Demon Slayer Season 2 10,000/5
Where do I begin with this masterpiece. Uzi Tengen has my heart, ; honestly he’s my second favorite Hashira (Giyu being the first ofc). Can we nominate Inosuke as the MVP of this season? This was a relatively short Arc but my god the studio did such an amazing job that every Sunday I was glued to my screen. Once again the Op and Ed were greatly done. The animation was top tier. The voice acting was superb. This is one of those series that I’ll actually sit down and rewatch with no problems
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6. Moriarty the Patriot 4/5
This one has been sitting in my watch list for a while. I don’t know why I never gave it a chance before but I’m glad I did. This was such a nice twist on the Sherlock Holmes world. It was so good that in the beginning I didn’t even realize that the characters were based on the Sherlock novels (yes I missed the first couple minutes of the first episode but don’t worry because I binged it after I was done); this series got me supporting criminals without even realizing it. The writing in this was so good. And the chemistry between Moriarty and Sherlock 😚. My only criticism is that after reading the manga A LOT was left out that really fleshed out the stories and characters. Seriously hoping for another season but from that ending I really doubt we’ll get one.
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7. Eight Six 86 5,000,000/5
I really want to kick myself in the behind for this one. I started this late last year and dropped it after the first episode. I really wasn’t feeling it. Maybe because mecha isn’t my favorite genre of anime but I wasn’t hooked so I put it aside and convinced myself that I would continue once the second season had been concluded; I didn’t. But a tiny voice at the back of my mind persuaded me to watch it and boy am I glad I did. The soundtrack was godly. Jesus Christ I don’t think I’d love a soundtrack more than AoT and Gintama but this won me over. The characters were all likable; expect the republicans of San magnolia, they can all rot in hell. It depicts a more realistic take on racism and war that your heart breaks for the soldiers especially knowing that most of them are children. Shin and Lena, two characters that never met face to face had so much chemistry that they could give a lot of Shojo animes a run for their money. I loved this series so much that I went on to read the novels. I might do a more in depth review on those later but seriously everyone needs to give this anime a chance.
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8. Ranking of Kings 10,000/5
This is another series I almost ignored but thank goodness good sense prevailed and I gave it a chance. I was one of those who judged it because the artwork looked like classic cartoon drawings but my first indicator of this being a spectacular series was that it was being produced by Wit Studio. The character development in this one was amazing. What I loved about this series is that we couldn’t judge a character from first meeting them. Everyone had their reasons and stories for being the way they were. Boji is not your typical anime protagonist, with many disabilities that made the people of the kingdom judge him harshly, he definitely deserves best boy award and the world. Watching him at the beginning of the series had me crying in the middle of the night. Seriously he deserves everything. And queen Hilling is the MVP of the series; she took the clichéd step mother role and turned it on its back. If you haven’t given this one a try please do, you won’t regret it.
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9. Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2 5/5
There are no words to describe how much I enjoyed this season. Seriously, Mappa outdid themselves. I know a lot of people are upset that we have to wait for Part 3 but I actually prefer that they take their time to animate the ending because there’s still so much to cover. Also can we talk about how amazing the OST’s were this season. Like goddamn!
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10. Parasyte: The Maxim 4/5
I really enjoyed this one. I did. Honestly. If you ask me why I feel so cheated with the ending I can’t tell you. I guess I expected a more of an all out war between Migi and the other parasytes but nope. Trust me I get it, the ending was the most reasonable but I still felt like something was missing. Maybe I need to rewatch. But story wise, it was great; the main character was very likable. Seeing him turn from a regular teenager to cold, emotionless and back to his self was enjoyable. Tbh I didn’t really like the female lead but I guess she grew on me in the last episode. Also, the opening and ost’s were giving me an eargasm.
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cosmicqueen10 · 1 year
Just my opinion. I was just in the mood to talk about it.
6. Buddy Daddies
It's SPY X FAMILY but with yaoi. Will wait until ep 3 before deciding to proceed or not. It ain't bad but ... eh.
5. Misfit of Demon King Academy S2
No logic or reason allowed. Just chaos. With Anos on top. Too many names, spells and fancy shit to remember. My mind will shut off when watching this.
4. Tokyo Revengers S2
I'm only here for the overall plot. And Mikey, Drakken, Akkun, and Chifuyu. Takemitchy ... not the best protag. Period.
3. BNHA S6 Second Cour
S5 fell apart so S6 can take off. So much destruction, so much loss, so much development. And they're not done yet! Keep hitting the mark!
2. Bungou Stray Dogs S4
I honestly thought S3 was it. Then came Wan. Now this. God to see these characters again and not as chibis, back in action, bring it on! And whatever crazy ass plot they got this time around.
1. Blue Lock
My favorite sports anime Free! is over. But filling that empty space it left behind is this. Visually stunning, appealing characters, intense action, all focused on soccer. I love the OP and EDs, the Additional Time shorts at the end of the episodes, the many seiyuus I love voicing these bois, and so much more.
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So you wanted to know about my Demon school S/I, but now I also want to know what you have for Balam! Oh, and Dazai as well, Because Bu gou Stray Dogs is another amazing series. - @itfitsitshipsart
Of course ! I'm glad you enjoy both of these epic series 🌟
Starting with my s/i with Balam
I've only drawn her once rn, but here she is
Her name is Gillian, as like all my s/is are called. Currently, she's a student teacher at Babyls in the misfit class with Kalego. She's super passionate about becoming a teacher and loves all her students. She sees teaching as a great calling, a position that let's them nurture young demons and to be someone who's there for them and believes in them. She's a soft, lowkey bubbly kind of person. She's always ready to help people, offering tutoring and the like.
Her blood line ability is Know. By looking at a person, she can know things about them. Basic glances reveal basic information, like name, rank, current power potential, etc. She needs to look at them a while to gain deeper information. It's hard to do this without the person knowing she's using her magic, since she needs an uninterrupted, long look at the person, unless they're somehow standing in one spot for a long time and she's far enough away or whatever. It also works on objects. It does help her in a fight to know her opponents moves. A brief look has sparkles of red appear in her eyes, and her irises turn fully bright red with its full ability being used. Also, by using her ability on the first day of class to know the current abilities of her students, she learned that iruma is human, but kept it secret on the whim of lord Sullivan for a while; plot wise, her bloodline ability is discovered until the Walter Park arc, and that's when iruma realizes she knows.
She's pretty tiny, but also abnormally strong. She's from a rather prestigious family. Her parents approved of her becoming a teacher, but other members of her family extremely disapprove of that.
She was a freshman at Babyls when Shichiro and Kalego were sixth years, and hadn't interacted much with them, just bobbing around in the background. To my knowledge, they haven't said when Kalego became a teacher at Babyls, I like to think it was when she became a sixth year that he first returned to Babyls. He quickly gained a reputation as a hard bastard no one wanted as a teacher. Gill was one of the outcasts. Her bloodline ability used to get her into trouble with other students before she realized people aren't fond of someone knowing their business, and it kinda led to her feeling left out. She rarely felt like anyone believed in her potential and only wanted her to be what they wanted, amongst her family and their social circles and such. But when she had Kalegos class, she saw that while he's a hard ass teacher, he also genuinely cares about teaching and his students, giving them a proper education. They developed a sort of student mentor bond and became pretty close, she'd eat lunch in his classroom, he'd bitch about the poorly done assignments some students finished. He was kinda the only person besides her parents she felt genuinely believed in her abilities. She had never known what she wanted to do after school if she chose her own path. It was Kalego who inspired her to be a teacher. She was moved to the misfit class at some point due to a certain mistake, and was sad to not be in Kalegos class anymore, but she kept following him around like a tiny, puppy whom he tolerated. Upon her graduation, he told her he had high expectations for her, and she'd better not disappoint him. It was years later that she returned to Babyls, and met him again as his student teacher. They continue to have a close mentor student relationship.
Now, with Shichiro, she met after becoming a teacher. They'd talk at meetings and in the faculty room, but for a while it was mostly just polite. Shichiro noticed she never seemed put off by his appearance and never pushed away his random petting, which surprised him. She shares his passion for all living creatures, and one day got him started on the topic and they talked for hours for the first time. She loves physical touch and they bond about their shared love of living and imaginary beings. She already has a tendency to love big, terrifying animals, having several pets that people usually run away from, and calls them cute. Aka, Balam isn't terrifying to her whatsoever. They're incredibly sweet when together.
I rambled a lot about that s/i lmao
Gonna try and be brief with my B.SD information for this post, but I always love talking about them and answering any questions ! 🌸
Now, the thing you have to know about me is I'm insane, and I have five different s/is. They are all shipped with all of my B.SD f/os (seperate universes tho), but I made them for different story ideas.
The relationship kinda changes slightly depending on which s/i is used.
There's my ADA s/i, adopted daughter of Fukuzawa. Her ability I call silver tongued maiden, and it is the ability to control people with her voice, though she dislikes fully controlling people and prefers to connect with their emotions and make more suggestions fueled by her ability, she can also unleash all of her emotions in a highly destructive scream, this leaves her emotionless and kind of having to be steered around until she can refill her emotions, usually takes a few hours of taking it easy and relaxing. She sees the entire ADA as her family and would do anything for them. Ranpo is her beloved older brother, and Yosano is her best friend among them. Her relationship with Dazai is built on acceptance, shes a little naive but she somehow sees him and sees why hes alwaya trying to off himself, and firmly believes he does want to live. They become close soon after he joins the agency, and she likes him long before he realizes he likes her.
My mafia s/i is Mori's daughter. She was friends with Ango, Oda, and Dazai until, yknow, they all left her. She stayed in the mafia, and got more reserved. She did become good friends with Chuuya. Her ability is to travel within shadows and control them, letting them become physical enough to attack, but not with a ton of strength, other living beings cant handle traveling with her in shadows tho she has used holding them under the shadows as a torture methodShe used her ability to keep Q company while he was kept locked away, and sees him as a sort of younger brother. She mainly works as her dad's body guard and does whatever other tasks he gives her. Not many people in the mafia know she's his daughter, outside chuuya and Kouyou, and Dazai. Kouyou she also sees as a mother like figure. She isn't satisfied in the mafia, but it feels like, to her, the only place that actually wants her. Her relationship with Dazai is complex, they were best friends, he abandonded her, they crave each other, it takes a good while before they fully reconnect and can become more. I could go slightly insane about her and Dazai, lmao
My guild s/i is the daughter of Fitzgerald. Her ability I call unbreakable diamond, she can turn her body into an unbreakable diamond material, as well as coat objects in it temporarily, technically she can also cover other living beings but it's incredibly painful to them because it literally grows on them and cuts into them. During the guild arc, she is at first fully invested in helping her father achieve his goal, but comes to be unable to finish it, feeling too bad for the people of Yokohama. She runs from the car when she and her fellow guild mates are leaving the city, and later joins the detective agency as a way to atone, and find her father who she firmly believes survived the fight on the Moby Dick and is hiding in the city. She surprises Dazai at first, him miscalculating how he thought she'd be. They banter together a lot, and become romantic slowly.
My circus s/i is part of a group I created from French authors, a French circus troupe called le Cirque des Désenchantés, which is English is the Circus of the Disenchanted. They're a super popular circus in France and Europe, and they've done to the states, my s/i is their star acrobat and one of the core members. They are founded on being disenchanted by the world, and seeking to create and contribute their own luster to it. Her ability is to strengthen other abilities, the opposite of Dazai's where by touch, or less boosted from being in her eye sight, she can make other people's abilities much much much stronger. The circus comes to Yokohama after Fyodor manipulates them into finding the Book to create the "best of all possible worlds" (guess who the ringmaster is, lmao), and they are like the season villain and timeline wise they would be season 3. Her circus members are like her family, since she spent years as a child taken from her birth family and moved around between ability groups to take advantage of her ability. While the circus was manipulated to cause destruction, she knew it wasn't right and betrayed them to help the agency stop them, though she adores her family a lot she couldn't help them. After the circus was stopped and temporarily disbanded, she is vulnerable without a group and joined the agency for protection and atonement. I decided on this ability specifically to be a juxtaposition of Dazai's. She's a little bit more teasing than my other s/is, and a little bit more tsundere. He enjoys teasing her and jokingly flirting with her, and he's not sure when exactly it stopped being jokingly.
My Jekyll s/i is part of the agency, and her ability is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Her ability manifests as another, stronger version of her, most of the time, Hyde is visible only to her but she can pull her from her shadow to fight and stuff, of become fully possessed by Hyde, which is when they're both strongest. As a kid, she was experimented on for her ability, though then Hyde was no more than a ball of light that could perform simple things and had less of her own personality. The rage my s/i felt from her captivity and the experiments coalesced into a single wish that turned Hyde into who she currently is. Hyde possessed her physical body for the first time, and they escaped. She was quickly taken by the Order of the Clocktower, where she was made to use her ability. Hyde had become visious and difficult to control, a self reflection of her self hatred as she and Hyde hated one another. She fled the Order of the Clocktower and went to Japan where she joined the agency. At some point during or right after this current season, I imagine the instability of her ability is preyed on, causing Hyde to fully take control and lock her away. Hyde joins Fyodor and them until my s/i takes back control, and she locks away Hyde, saying she'd never use her again, but she eventually comes to accept her ability again and Hyde becomes much less chaotic, but stays wild. She likes being around Dazai at first just because Hyde hates it, his ability messes with her ability and shes glad about it. They both have issues with how they view themselves and help each other be better.
I technically have another but it's literally me isekaid into the world lmao
That wasn't super brief, but it's an overview, lmao
Thanks for asking ! I love talking about my s/is, ocs, and my ships
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formulaorange · 1 year
2022 End of the Year Anime Summary
2022 has been a hell of a year. Here's everything I've watched and the awards for the top series!
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We've completed 83 shows this year!! A total of 1132 episodes! Which adds up to 415 Hours or 17 and a half days! My 2022 top 3 shows were: Ousama Ranking/King's Ranking Summertime Render Bleach: Thousand year Blood war Honorable mentions: Spy Family Vinland Saga Sabikui Bisco Aoashi
We increased our standards a little and dropped a few more shows than last year: Couple of Cuckoos Devil as a Part Timer S2 Uncle from another World When will Ayumu make his move Akiba Maid Wars Keep it Cool Guys It's been a solid year for anime watchers, we got some highly anticipated releases and long awaited reboots. Here's a sneak peek at what we should look forward to for 2023: Vinland Saga S2 - JAN Misfit of Demon King Academy S2 - JAN Tokyo Revengers S2 - JAN The Vampire Dies in No Time S2 - JAN Demon Slayer S3 - APR Dr. Stone S3 - APR KonoSuba S3 - APR Hell's Paradise - APR MASHLE - APR Ousama Ranking S2 - APR Oshi no Ko - APR Jujutsu Kaisen S2 - JUL Bleach Thousand year Blood War Part 2 - JUL Needless to say, it'll be a stacked year and will definitely keep us busy. Here's to 2022 and what 2023 has in store!! 🎉
2021 Anime Summary - Link
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moonarcadia · 2 years
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Hello everyone. I just realized i didn’t created a pinned post XD My name is Aerith & i’m looking for some mutuals here. In case if Twitter suspend my account or because i not gonna to verify it & can not find me i’m gonna be here on Tumblr. I’m always glad on making new friends 😊​
If you find your interests here we can get along 😊​
#Me avatar meet & play
Alchemia Story
Sword Art Online Internal Factor
GranBlue Fantasy
Eminence in Shadow
The greatest Demon Lord is reborn as a typical nobody
The greatest Demon King in other world.
Kare wa Diablo
Assassin’s Pride
I became an S- ranked Hunter using the Demon Lord’s app
I’m the vilainess so i’m taming the final boss
Girls x Battle 2
& many more to tell <3
I’m a multifandom after all so i might be into some of them & more....
I really love, anime, manga & games & i’m talking Greek, English & a bit of German so nice to meet you everyone 😊​
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