#demon billy hargrove
imagine-you · 2 years
in the midnight hour [billy hargrove/reader]
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prompt: billy hargrove + demon + "did you think they could protect you?"
author's note: written for the hellfire haunts challenge hosted by @cryptidcasanova
word count: 5.4k
No one would tell you the truth.  
Not Nancy Wheeler or Jonathan Byers or Dustin Henderson. Not Max Mayfield or Robin Buckley or any of the other kids who were there when it happened.  
Not even Steve would look you in the eye and tell you how your boyfriend really died.  
And that, right there, was what hurt most of all. Because if your own brother couldn't be honest with you, then who could you expect to really tell you the truth? 
For months, you tried to uncover the mystery of the tragedy of Starcourt Mall. A lot of people had died including Chief Hopper and your boyfriend. The fact that Billy would never return to you seemed like something only your mind would come up with in your darkest nightmares. And yet, it was the reality you were faced with every day after that fateful night. 
You didn't quite believe the story about there being a fire at the mall and it didn't make sense that Billy's body couldn't be recovered, because it was missing from the wreckage.  
You knew it was bullshit. You knew, deep down to your very core, that something more sinister had happened at the mall the night Billy died. And you knew that it was your fault he was dead.  
If you hadn't fought with him, if you hadn't told him you needed a little space, if you hadn't ignored his odd behavior in the days leading up to his death, then maybe he would still be alive. Maybe you would have dragged him to the Fourth of July celebration in town, even though Billy thought it was dumb, and you could have spent the night coaxing Billy onto rides and kissing him when the Ferris wheel stopped at the top, enjoying the sounds of everyone's laughter and fun.  
But no, instead, you had woken up the morning after, deciding to try to make things right with Billy, only to find out that you would never speak to him again.  
You had always hated living in a small town like Hawkins. When you went away to college in the fall of ‘84, you never wanted to come home, but Steve had convinced you a summer in Hawkins was what you needed to shake off the stress of your freshman year. You had grumbled and groaned, but you couldn't deny you missed your little brother, so once your last final was over in early May, you made the trip back home.  
You hadn't expected much to have changed about the town. You had only been gone a year and while Steve had told you about the crazy shit happening, including the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and death of Barbara Holland, you hadn't expected Billy Hargrove. 
He was bold and brash and kind of obnoxious, but he had no problem at all making you fall for him. His charm and playful smirks were one thing, but once you went out on one date and then another, you started to see the real Billy behind the mask.  
You spent a month and a half sneaking out to meet him, trying not to be so blatant about it when you realized your brother hated Billy. You didn't know their history, and it wasn't until Steve told you about the terrible things that had happened with Billy in the fall of '84 that you began to realize why.  
Your fight in late June with Steve over Billy had turned into a fight with Billy over Steve.  
"You terrorized those children," you accused, anger and indignation rising within you. "You could have killed my brother!" 
"Look, I was messed up, alright? I was angry and I didn't want to be here, and I took it out on everyone except the one person who deserved it. It's not who I am anymore, though. You know that." 
You knew Billy was talking about Neil. He hated his stepfather with everything in him, and while you knew Billy wasn't quite the troublemaker he used to be, it still didn't cover the hurt and guilt you felt over dating the guy who had once beaten your brother into a bloody mess.  
"I l--," you cut yourself off, redirecting, "I like you a lot, Billy. You know that. But I just need some time. To think," you clarified. "I still want to be with you, I just..." 
"C'mon, Y/N," Billy pleaded. "I'll apologize to your brother and those little punks, alright? I just want--" Billy abruptly stopped talking, defeat slipping into his tone. "Just let me know when you want to talk again," he sighed. "You know where to find me." 
And with that, he had turned and walked right out of your life. You had tried calling him and visiting him at the pool in the days after the fight, but it seemed like he was nowhere to be found. Up until the day he died, Billy had practically turned into a ghost, determined to stay off your radar of existence. You were worried he was ignoring you and you wanted nothing more than to go back to that moment you had your fight and try to fix things instead of trying to run away from the problem.  
The guilt ate away at you and tore you to shreds. You dreamt of Billy every night. The way he looked before he walked away from you. The slump of his shoulders, betraying the defeat he felt. The heartbreak written into every line of his expression and the way he glanced at you just once more before getting into his car and driving away.  
None of it made sense, and the more time passed, the worse you felt.  
It seemed as if life in Hawkins moved on, but you couldn't. Your parents thought you were being overdramatic over a boy you barely knew and you didn't know how to make them understand that you did know him.  
 You spent hours with Billy every night for over a month talking. He would drive out to pick you up from your house and then he would take a leisurely tour around town before finally stopping at the quarry. Billy would grab a blanket from the trunk of his car and spread it out over the hood of his Camaro. You would spend the rest of the night making up stories about constellations and confessing things you thought you never would to Billy.  
He told you about his family and his mom and how her abandonment of him still got to him. He talked about how much he hated his dad and how he couldn't wait until he made enough money to either get back to California or at the very least move out of his dad's house. You told him about your inattentive parents and how your family mainly consisted of your brother, the both of you accepting your parent's money when they couldn't spare you any love.  
You fell fast and hard for Billy, singing along to the radio as he sped along the winding, twisting backroads of Hawkins, both of you yelling lyrics and sharing delighted grins. You loved seeing Billy letting everything go and being carefree for once. He was a ladies' man and a party magnet, but you knew it was all a facade. Billy was his truest self with you on those night rides, bobbing his head along to Billy Idol and turning into a total goof just for you.  
 In the midnight hour, she cried he would sing, before pretending to hold a microphone out to you.  
More, more, more, you would finish, sharing an amused laugh with Billy.  
With a rebel yell, she cried he would prompt, getting another more, more, more out of you. 
It hurt to think you would never have another moment like that and it was soul crushing to know that the one person you had trusted for almost your whole life, the one person you thought had your back no matter what, was hiding something from you.  
For months, you searched for any clues that would tell you about what happened at Starcourt, but it was as if the building never existed in the first place. You were so consumed by guilt and despair that you dropped out of college, electing to stay in Hawkins. Steve was worried about you, and while your parents didn't even seem to notice you were still around, Steve tried to get you to talk about what was going on.  
But you couldn't trust him, and that only added another burden on you.  
You had tried, once, to get Steve to talk about what happened at the mall on the Fourth of July. But he claimed he didn't know. And while his performance might have fooled anyone else, you knew your brother better than anyone else.  
Steve was lying to you.  
And that absolutely destroyed you.  
You blamed yourself. You thought maybe Steve held resentment towards you for dating Billy. He hated Billy and you dated Billy even holding onto that knowledge. You had lost Billy and you had lost Steve and now it felt like you truly had no one but yourself.  
Months passed and by the time spring was approaching in '86, you were a shell of your former self.  
You were plagued by nightmares and phantom voices. You swore you were starting to see things and you started suffering through massive, brain-melting headaches that made your nose bleed. You were half-convinced you were dying, and you did your best to hide everything from Steve. He would only worry and while you didn't fully forgive Steve for hiding the truth from you, you still loved him more than anyone else on the planet.  
One night in late March, you woke screaming from a nightmare, phantom hands pressing you into the bed, claws ripping into your skin.  
Your suffering is almost at an end echoed in your mind, the chimes of a grandfather clock ringing in your bones.  
"Y/N?" Steve's voice shattered the silence. "What's going on?" 
You looked up to see Steve standing in your bedroom doorway, a bat held aloft in his hands, as if ready to fend off your attackers. Seeing Steve ready to come to your defense broke something inside of you and soon you were wracked with sobs and useless pleas to make it all stop.  
It took hours, but Steve finally got you to talk. He sat on the edge of your bed, worry etched into every line of his face, as he listened to you sputter out meaningless sentences before you finally confessed.  
The guilt and the pain and the agonizing certainty that it was shredding you to pieces on the inside.  
The nightmares and the voices and the hallucinations and the absolute torment your own mind was subjecting you to.  
You thought Steve would think you were crazy or deluded or just plain stupid.  
Instead, he looked panic-stricken for a moment before he practically jumped off your bed in his haste to get up.  
"Shit," he hissed before fleeing your room.  
That wasn't the reaction you were expecting. Before you could think better of it, you clambered out of your bed and followed him.  
You found him in his room, already pacing the floor, phone to his ear. "I'm telling you, Nance--," he cut himself off when he noticed you standing in his doorway. "Just call the others, alright?" He hung the phone up before turning to look at you. He grabbed his jacket from where it was folded over the arm of the chair near his bed and threw it at you.  
"Come on," he said, ushering you towards the door.  
"What? Steve," you tried to protest, but he had a hand around your arm and didn't seem keen on stopping for anything. "Where are we going?" You asked as you awkwardly pulled on his jacket, managing to finally wrest your arm away from him, but grateful for the warmth in the chill of the upstairs hallway. "I'm not dressed to even go anywhere," you pointed out, looking down at your pajama pants with the pink and grey bunnies on them.  
"Don't worry about that," Steve argued, hurrying you along. "We've got to go to Nance's house. Just...trust me, alright?" 
You nearly froze at the words, because that was the problem, wasn't it? You weren't sure if you could trust Steve. Except, he sounded so sincere and you knew just from one look at him that whatever had gotten into him was important.  
"Okay," you conceded with a nod of your head. "Let's go." 
You weren't prepared for the crowd that greeted you in the basement of the Wheeler house. Nancy was expected, and while you didn’t see Mike, you drew short at the sight of Max, Dustin, Lucas, and Robin. They were all sitting around the room, waiting for you and Steve to show up, and you suddenly felt unsure that you had made the right choice.   
"What's going on?" You looked to Steve, your only anchor keeping you rooted to your spot while wave after wave of fear threatened to take you down. "I don't understand..." 
"It's going to sound crazy," Steve started, ushering you into an armchair. "But what we're about to tell you is one hundred percent real, and I know it's not going to make a lot of sense, but Y/N..." he trailed off, looking helplessly to the others.  
"Your life is in danger," Nancy finished for your brother.  
An hour later, you still couldn't make sense of all the information they had piled on you. You had finally learned the truth about Billy's death and it was far more gruesome than you could have ever imagined. Despite finally knowing what fate had befallen your boyfriend, you still felt an immense wave of guilt threatening to tear you down.  
If you had never fought.  
If you had never asked for space.  
If you had never left him alone.  
Maybe Billy wouldn't have been taken. Maybe he wouldn’t have been at the mall that night. Maybe he would still be alive.  
It was all your fault. 
They also explained that your increasingly vivid nightmares and hallucinations and migraines were all symptoms that you were being marked for death by a monster they called Vecna. Vecna had already taken two people and you were likely next up on the list. They didn't yet have any idea about what to do to stop Vecna, but they would figure it out.  
They promised.  
Nancy and Robin were investigating a lead while you stayed in the basement of the Wheeler's with Steve and the kids. You felt restless and cooped up in the room, so you finally managed to convince Steve to drive you to the junkyard where Billy's Camaro was kept. It had been broken beyond repair, but it held some of your most precious memories with Billy. You paid the guy who owned the place to keep him from trashing it every month just so you could visit it and sit in the backseat, trying to make sense of where your life had gone so completely wrong.  
It was the only place you wanted to be in that moment and while Steve swore up and down that going anywhere was a bad idea, you didn't care.  
By the time you got to the junkyard, a migraine clawing at your temples, you were eager to see the Camaro again. It had been your only source of peace for months and you felt like it was the one place you could truly be safe.  
You waved Steve off when he tried to join you, wanting to be alone in what might be your final moments.  
You pulled open the door to the backseat, letting a wave of heat escape. You wanted to go back in time so badly you could hardly stand it. You could feel pain throbbing at your temples and a wet trickle of what you suspected was blood beginning to drip from your nose. You hastily wiped away the blood, jumping at the sound of a voice right behind you.  
"You shouldn't be here." 
You whirled around, breath caught in your throat, at the sight of Billy standing there.  
"Billy," you gasped, taking a shocked step closer to him. "You're hurt," you said, hating that there were a million other responses milling around your brain, but that was the one that won the fight.  
He had blood pouring from a gaping hole in his chest, there were rips in his clothes and scratches all along his arms. There was something off about him, but you were so relieved to see him that you blatantly ignored all the warning signs.  
A sick, wicked grin appeared on Billy's face and a dark chuckle escaped his mouth. "Hurt? I'm dead," his voice echoed all around you. A bolt of lightning split the air, turning the sky from blue to red in an instant. "And it's all your fault. You weren't there for me--" 
"No," you denied, knowing that it was what you had been thinking for months, but it hurt even more hearing it come right from Billy. "Billy, I lo-lov--" 
"You what? Loved me?" Billy scoffed, stalking closer to you. "If you loved me, then you wouldn't have done this to me." With another flash of lightning, the visage of Billy in front of you was replaced with an even more horrifying version of him. He had flesh hanging from his bones and maggots crawling out of his ears. His teeth were bared, brittle and flaking, as he approached you. His eyes were hollowed out, blank spaces where he no longer had a soul. "If you loved me, then you wouldn't have left me." 
You gasped when he took a staggering step towards you and your back hit the side of the Camaro. Fog crept along the ground, curling around your feet, and rising higher. Everything was tinged in red and you could feel your heart pounding wildly in your chest.  
"Don't worry," Billy's voice grew deeper, taunting. "Your suffering is almost at an end." 
Those words finally broke the spell that Vecna had over you. It all came crashing down on you, the reminder that Billy was dead and not here with you. That Vecna was haunting you, intent on claiming you as one of his victims.  
You pressed yourself flat against the side of the car before hurriedly stepping to the side, keeping an eye on Vecna. Between one flash of lightning and the next, Billy was no longer standing before you, replaced with Vecna. He looked as if he had been wrapped in roots and vines, his skin scarred and decaying. His eyes were white and striking, freezing you in his sight. His left hand was curled into an elongated claw, terrifying and deadly.  
When he took a step closer to you, you finally managed to break yourself out of the trance he held you in. You turned and ran, bolting around stacks of cars and climbing desperately over piles of garbage. You sliced your knee open on a piece of rebar, but you didn't care. You felt the crushing weight of loneliness close in on you, and you tried to remind yourself that you weren't alone.  
Steve had brought you to the junkyard. The kids were with him, all of them worried about you. Even Rob, the nutjob who ran the junkyard, was somewhere there. All you had to do was keep running. Keep running, don't look back, and hope that you finally broke free of whatever nightmare world Vecna had you trapped in.  
There was the sound of someone humming far off, the noise drifting in through your terrified, panting breaths and Vecna following after you, twisting metal out of his path to gain ground.   
It was faint at first, but as you tried in vain to get away from Vecna, the sound came through clearer and clearer.  
You knew that song.  
"Billy Idol," you breathed with an incredulous huff, your mind immediately catching on the song, letting it infect your mind to drive out Vecna's curse.  
I'd sell my soul for you, babe drifted through your head before you felt long tendrils wrap around your ankles, bringing you down to the ground. Your face hit gravel and steel, blood coating your lips as you scrabbled at the ground, attempting to break free.  
You were forced onto your back, before you were raised into the air, pressed against a column of bones and viscera that had been erected from the ground. Vines reached out, tethering you to the column, restricting you until you could barely move.  
Vecna stood before you, a pitying look on his face. "There's nowhere to run," he pointed out. "Nowhere I won't be able to find you." 
I'd give you all, and have none, babe crept through the fog, slicing right through the hold Vecna had on you.  
Vecna's hand reached out, forcing you to look at him. He gripped your chin in his grasp, his nails biting into your skin. Your breath hitched in your chest and your mind whirled in a thousand different directions. Panic seared through you, freezing all along your veins, and threatened to rip your sanity from you.  
You tried to think of Steve or Billy or anything that would keep you from letting Vecna's eyes bore into yours, knowing that it would be all too easy to lose your mind to him.  
Vecna raised his elongated hand above your face, commanding you to stare up at it in horror. You could feel your eyes begin to roll up into your head as Vecna let out a wicked laugh.  
"Did you think they could protect you?"  
Darkness was creeping in and you could feel yourself beginning to lose the fight you were waging with your consciousness. You felt your bones begin to quake beneath your skin, threatening to shatter, as Vecna's claws pressed into your face.   
"Maybe not," you heard a voice echo, your anguished grief lending you to believe it was Billy's. "But I can." 
Vecna was ripped away from you and you fell to the ground with a gasp. You struggled to breathe as you forced yourself to look up. You blinked a few times, as if trying to wipe away the image before you, because it was so unbelievable.  
It couldn’t be.  
Could it? 
It was. 
Billy was standing between you and Vecna. There were blackened, scorched veins running along his arms and his hands were curved into claws, which he was using to rip apart Vecna, piece by piece.  
Billy took a moment to look at you over his shoulder. His eyes were charcoal voids ringed with red, spiderlike black veins surrounding them, splintering his skin.  
"Run," he demanded before he turned to face Vecna again, falling on him, tearing into him with furious, frenzied swipes of his hands.  
It took you a beat too long to understand the word, but once you finally did, you stumbled to your feet and took off towards where you had left the Camaro behind. You knew, instinctively, that you could find salvation there.  
You could see a white light up ahead and heard someone frantically calling your name. There were phantom tugs on your legs and tears running down your face. You felt like you were never going to make it, passing rusted cars and piles of trash, paper getting stuck under your shoe and causing you to slip and nearly lose your footing. You could hear Vecna roaring in displeasure and you worried for Billy's safety, but was he even Billy anymore? He sounded like Billy and looked a hell of a lot like him, but he wasn't quite Billy, was he? 
You tried to push past the fear and lingering questions and focus on just putting one foot in front of the other. You could hear Steve's pleas for you to stay with him and the sound of Dustin Henderson cursing in frustration and Max Mayfield's panicked cries for your attention. You heard Lucas Sinclair trying to get in contact with Nancy and Robin on the radio, begging them for a solution or idea that would save you.  
They wanted to save you. They cared about you. You weren't alone, despite what Vecna wanted you to believe, and Billy, whether a twisted figment of your imagination or not, had saved you. You didn't deserve to die and you weren't going to give into Vecna.  
You would fight for yourself and the others. You weren’t ready to die.  
With renewed determination, you rounded a stack of crushed cars and finally saw the Camaro. You could make out the shadows of your loved ones on the other side, and without thinking, you dove into the backseat of the Camaro. You crawled through the backseat until you reached the other side of the car, a blinding light filling your senses as you emerged, before you fell right back into your body.  
You gasped in a desperate breath before you felt yourself slam back down to the ground. Steve did his best to catch you, but your legs still twisted beneath you, and you felt them give out a warning twinge of pain. You met Max's worried gaze and managed to get out the only words you could think to say.  
"It was Billy," you said, your voice trembling. "He saved me. He was there." 
"But...how?" Dustin asked, his voice skeptical. "He died, didn't he?" 
"I don't know," you answered, unsure how else to interpret what happened in Vecna's thrall. Was it Billy or your own mind fighting back at Vecna? You wouldn't know. You couldn't know. Not unless you saw Billy again. Not unless Vecna came for you again. 
You felt desolation and sorrow begin to creep back in on the ride back to the Wheeler house. Steve didn't want to let you out of his sight, and everyone figured there was safety in numbers, so for the time being, you were all staying in the Wheeler's basement.  
Nancy and Robin came back, quietly explaining what they found out at the asylum with Victor Creel to the others while your thoughts were focused on what happened with Vecna. You had almost died a cruel and gruesome death. Death's grip had been tightening around you until Billy had shown up. You remembered the hum of Rebel Yell and wondered if that had been Billy's call to you, his way of asking you to hold on until he could save you.  
The others fell asleep, despite promising to watch out for you in turns. One by one, their eyes slipped closed, and it wasn't long before they were all passed out, exhausted from the events of the day. You felt wired and restless, so you silently opened the door leading to the backyard, hoping that the fresh air would do you good.  
You glanced over your shoulder, making sure you were going unnoticed, and slipped into the Wheeler's backyard. There was one light illuminating the space, but it was easy to stick to the shadows, leaning up against the side of the house, your breath forming clouds in front of your face.  
You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying not to shiver as you glanced up at the sky, attempting to make out all the stars you could. You thought of all the silly stories you told Billy about the stars and the way his fingers would trail lightly along your arm, listening to you ramble away. You always felt safe there with Billy, in the dark, just the two of you and countless stars in the sky. 
"In the midnight hour," you sang under your breath, the song on a loop in your mind since the events at the junkyard.  
"More, more, more," came a lilting, teasing voice from the darkness, jolting you out of your thoughts. 
He was there at the corner of the house, melting away from the bricks behind him until he was right there in front of you. His eyes were still ringed in red, but they no longer looked like pieces of coal that had melted into his face. You could smell smoke and fire on his denim jacket and there was ash streaked across his cheek.  
"Billy?" Your voice was barely audible, because you were terrified you were going to shatter the illusion and Billy would disappear again.   
"I'm here," he promised, his hand reaching out to gently caress your face. His skin felt so hot against yours and you couldn't help but shudder at the feeling of his heat. 
"But how? They said you died," you pointed out, trying to make sense of everything.  
"I did," he confirmed, halting your breath in your throat. "And I didn't. I guess I wasn't quite me when I got torn into by that fucker. A lot of me was gone, but there was still enough left around to try to save that girl. The one he wanted so badly he was willing to kill everyone to get to her." 
"Billy," you whispered, reaching out to grab his hand, ready this time for the searing heat of his skin. "What's going on?" 
"Hell if I know," he answered, a delighted smirk appearing on his face, as if laughing at a joke only he knew the punchline to. "I absorbed too much of that place," he confessed. "And when I died, I ended up there, and I was stuck. I wandered for a while, trying to figure out how to get back, but then I heard you. He had you and I couldn't let him take you too. Not like he took me or the others. He would have hollowed you out and poured himself into you. Turned you into a puppet," he spat, disdain and revulsion seeping into his tone. “A trophy for his shelf. He can’t have you. I won’t let him.” 
"I'm sorry," you blurted, the words you had wanted to tell Billy all along forcing their way out of your throat. They had been the two words stuck inside your head for months and finally getting to say them now, they felt nearly useless. What would an apology do when Billy would never be the same again? When this all might still be some kind of fucked up death dream your brain had cooked up for you?  
"Sorry?" Billy asked, bemusement clear in his tone. "What do you have to be sorry for?" 
"I wasn't there," you reminded him. "We had that fight and I didn't see you and then you died. Maybe if I had been with you, maybe if we never had that fight--" 
"Then maybe you would be dead now too," Billy finished for you. "I wouldn't risk that, baby. Because then you'd be like me." His eyes flashed black for a moment before they reverted back to their normal color. "Half-dead and only alive because of a fucked up creature from another dimension. I can feel it crawling underneath my skin," he confessed, his voice hoarse, as if it hurt for him to say. "It wants me and it wants you and it wants everything," he hissed, his breath brushing against your cheek. "But as long as I'm still in here," he said, tapping his fingers against his forehead, "I'm never gonna let it get you. You're safe with me," he promised, leaning forward so his lips brushed against yours.  
 It felt like a deal he was sealing with a kiss. You didn’t know what you would have to give up in payment, but in that moment, you felt as if you would follow him anywhere. Do anything he asked. Be anything he wanted. Just for more time alone with him. 
"Y/N?" You heard Steve call, voice high and panicked. The door behind you opened and you turned to see your brother rushing outside, his shoulders slumping in relief once he noticed you standing in the shadows of the house. "What the fuck are you doing out here? Are you okay?" 
You suddenly felt cold, bereft, and when you looked at Billy, it was to see that he wasn't there anymore. You could just barely make out his form moving away from you before he melted back into the shadows. 
"Yeah," you answered your brother, turning around to face him again. "I think I'm okay." 
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weird-an · 1 year
There is a crossroad just outside Hawkins, where corn grows so high it's hidden from anybody's view.
Blood runs down Billy's temple and his head pounds like Neil didn't stop hitting him. Neil who found his Mandate magazine and went fucking crazy.
Billy can't go back. Billy can't go back or he's going to get fucking killed. By his own father. He had never seen Neil so angry - and Neil has always been angry, but not like that.
He has thought about it for a while. It's just some make belief, some hocus pocus, but Billy needs a miracle. He doesn't wear shoes and pebbles tear his holey socks apart. He just grabbed the box and ran.
It's eerily silent. Almost midnight - he thinks. He doesn't have a watch. He digs through the ground with his bare hands. He buries the blue box he stole from Max in the hole. It's a jewelry box she never uses. He has gotten a bit of dirt from the local graveyard, a cat bone from a school's exhibit and an ugly photo from his last school in California where he had to smile while his back was still aching.
A fat drop of crimson blood drips on his fake smile. He wipes his forehead, before he can remember that his hands are dirty.
He stands up. Nothing happens.
It's a cold night. His breath forms little clouds, floating into the night. The moon is gone, waiting to get reborn. An endless circle of birth and death.
"What a surprise." Steve Harrington stands behind him. Same as usual, wearing a pastel blue and pink polo shirt and his ever perfect hair fluffy and only slicked back a little.
"Billy Hargrove needing help?" he scoffs - and it's almost as if they were on the court and not on a crossroad, about to make a deal. "Wanting to gift me his soul?"
There's a red shine in his eyes, but more in the way that it seems like a reflection.
"You're a... demon?" Billy asks. Maybe that's some stupid prank. Maybe that's an explanation why Harrington is so unearthly pretty. "And you're going to High School?"
And sucking at it, is something he doesn't add, but he knows how many classes Harrington is failing. Tommy won't shut up about it. He would have rather expected Hagan to be a fucking demon and not Harrington who now gives him a goofy grin.
"Oh, well..." Harrington says. "Let's say I made a deal a few years ago and then I unfortunately died early."
There's a headline Neil had read out loud to them before they moved here. About a girl, Barb Holland, being thought dead for three weeks - and then rising from the dead, ringing at her parent's door like she just went out to buy some milk.
"God has blessed this place," Neil had said. Apparently Hawkins is about as cursed as Billy feared it is.
"Enough about me." Harrington tilts his head. "What do you want?"
To live, to be free pops into Billy's mind, bright and colorful like a rainbow.
Billy thought about it a lot. First he thought he wanted his dad dead. So that he can never touch him again, so that he doesn't have to be afraid anymore. But if Neil dies, he doesn't have a father or a mother.
The thought is a dark shadow, making him sick.
"I want him to stop hurting me," he says instead. It won't heal the scars, it won't unbreak his bones, it won't make it forgotten, but maybe more bearable. It's what he wanted when he was five, when he turned ten, what he wants to today and what he always wished for whenever saw other people blowing out the candles on their birthday cakes.
Harrington's eyes flicker to Billy's bloody mullet and his dirty socks.
"You need to tell me his name," he says, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "I'm just a demon, not a mindreader."
"My dad," Billy grits out. "Neil.. Hargrove."
There is pity crossing Harrington's face, something he has always been afraid of, but it's gone within seconds, maybe only been a shadow and gets replaced with a red glow, irises more crimson than hazel now.
"Let's seal the deal." Harrington smiles, teeth shining white. "You know how we do it, right? Your soul for me doing you a favor."
Billy heard the stories. Billy didn't expect to become a part of them. Billy doesn't think he has a soul and if he does, it can hardly be worth anything.
Harrington smells like expensive aftershave and smoke.
Billy presses a kiss on Harrington's soft lips. It's a rush, a relief. He feels something shift, something clicking into space.
Harrington laughs into the kiss. "The deal is already done, Hargrove."
Which means Billy's soul is Harrington's now and Neil won't ever hurt him again. The blood on his temple dries. The cut on his scalp stopped throbbing, there's only a faint sting reminding Billy of its existence. He feels like he just jumped into the ocean on a hot summer's day.
He licks across Harrington's mouth, hungry for more.
"Greed and lust are sins, Billy." It almost sounds like a compliment.
Billy's throat turns dry and he wants to pull away, humiliation burning away the cool calm that has begun to spread inside his chest.
It's just a deal - and that's closed now.
Harrington tugs on his bottom lip, sharp pain joining the sweet sensation.
"If you ever feel like sinning, come and find me," Harrington purrs -
and then he's gone. Billy stands on the road, lips tingling, still smelling Harrington's aftershave on him.
He walks home. It's one of these nights when spring is about to fade, summer's heat lurking around the corner. Still cold, but not that he's shivering.
Cherry Lane is deserted, a few lights flickering when Billy comes home. The door is open. He doesn't hear Neil shouting at the TV.
He washes the blood off his face and goes to bed. He wonders if he can dream without a soul. He wonders if it's working. His lips burn and he still feels Harrington's mouth on his.
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harringroveera · 3 months
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Wait Steve wanna hear more of that
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wrecked-fuse · 1 year
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he is totally fine and normal 🥶
🔪🔪🔪 в вк не репостить🔪🔪🔪  
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So I started watching Demons {1985} last night, and these three are kinda giving Genderbent Metalsandwich {minus Billy and Eddie’s styles, Dacre’s dark eyebrows, etc}!!!!!!!!!!!
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manwrre · 7 months
give me ANY cult-y or hyper-religious harringrove fic and watch me lose my mind fr. esp if one of them isn’t human and is doing the corrupting or persuading the other into committing blasphemy?? like, imagine…
steve has lived in the village his entire life. it’s what’s been expected of him— what’s been expected of them all. in that same way that it was expected of his parents and his parents’ parents and their parents’ parents and the grapevine of those who came alongside and, before them.
they are never to leave.
never to ask questions.
never to disobey the village head. just pray and pray and pray.
to be good to one’s neighbor and to pray and pray and pray.
to exhibit both a sound mind and a clean heart and remember, you must praypraypraypraypray.
to work hard and abstain and refuse the temptation of anything and everything beyond the village boundaries.
because beyond the sweeping trees and green canopies, there was nothing good.
there was hell and starvation. there was sin and carnality and they were blessed to have been absolved for generations. they were blessed to be able to live on the land of god; to be the chosen few.
except, steve hasn’t felt blessed for quite a while now. in fact, he hasn’t felt anything but afraid.
afraid because the village is all that he has ever known. he’s bathed in every surrounding creek and has explored every clearing. he’s harvested in the spring and lends a hand, cooking all communal meals during the winter. he attends church and kisses his parents goodnight and smiles at the people he’s grown up with. he teaches the small group of kids who live within their community and he’s afraid
because something has been hunting them.
and steve may just be a measly teacher at the age of nineteen but he notices when the first boy goes missing.
a quiet child, by the name of daniel. twelve years old and always so friendly.
and at first, everyone assumes that he’s drowned or has been attacked by a wild animal. that is, until he’s found at the edge of the woods; perfectly whole but so very cold. gone to meet their maker.
so steve prays for their protection and safety—the entire village does and they believe it to be done
but a week later, henry is gone.
then emory,
little silas,
and now, will.
all into the woods, they’ve disappeared without a trace. only to be found days later, seemingly unharmed if not for the stillness of their chests.
and he has heard the stories, of course. he’s listened to the nursery rhymes and old wive’s tales about what evil has spilled into the trees surrounding their homes but now, he believes.
there’s something in the woods and it is taking people. there’s something in the woods and it will kill them all.
so when he decides that enough is enough and goes out looking for will, imagine his surprise when he stumbles upon someone else.
a boy.
pale-haired and blue eyed; his gaze too bright and his stance, much too relaxed for someone in the woods at night. steve’s certain he has never seen him before—he’s sure he would remember someone so golden and so pretty. and yet, the boy looks at him like they’re familiar. like, he knows him.
“i was beginning to think you’d never come.” the blond grins.
and steve swallows, suddenly; staring as the stranger’s lips stretch around a mouthful of too sharp, too raptorial teeth and thinks,
there’s something in the woods and he’s met it.
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nogitsunbae · 7 months
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It's been like, a year, but I'm back with more demon!Steve.
Art by the lovely clownwix (previously rosalyfart).
Sorry for the long wait! You can thank BG3 for forcing my ass to write on this again.
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luminnara · 2 years
Maneater | Billy Hargrove x demon!reader NSFW (18+ ONLY)
There’s a new girl in town…and she’s got a killer beauty routine.
AKA Billy x Jennifer’s Body style reader
Requests and commissions are open! 
@smenny @infinitelyforgotten @littlewinter1917 @djiafjaidjcj
Warnings: violence, cannibalism (sorta? Reader is a demon so technically not?) eating people lol, sexual talk, flirtin, smut
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(I tried really hard to find a cropped version of this gif but I couldn’t 😩)
You always felt your best after a good night’s beauty sleep, your usual skincare routine, and devouring a boy or two. Sure, it was a little unorthodox, and it was the result of a virgin sacrifice gone wrong (seriously, how did those creepy band dudes think you were a virgin? Ouch), but it was your thing now, and you were totally owning it.
The best part? You wouldn’t have any problems finding fresh meat in your new home of Hawkins, Indiana, because you knew that no matter where you went, there were always going to be stupid, horny boys just begging for you to play around in their chest cavities. You could go just about anywhere and still be able to do your thing, and even though you were in the middle of buttfuck nowhere Indiana, you were excited to check out the locals. Maybe size them up.
Look for someone yummy.
It was a gorgeous spring morning, and you felt amazing. You felt like you could do anything, and you could—when you were full and happy, you were way more powerful than a normal human. Those shitty band guys may have been total idiots, but at least you got some cool new powers out of their silly little ritual. On the outside, you looked gorgeous, with clear, practically glowing skin, a charming smile, and bright eyes…but on the inside, you were a monster straight from hell.
And that didn’t bother you one bit.
Hawkins High was a small school. The parking lot wasn’t even paved. The junior high was right across the driveway. Despite the…quaintness of it all, however, everyone milling around by their cars looked like they all thought they were hot shit. There were groups of girls standing around, snapping their gum and twirling their hair as they gossiped. There were guys in letterman jackets, shoving each other around for fun. There was one boy with impressively nice hair, and one who screamed metal head trailer trash.
Some of them looked like their families had money. Some looked like they were from the wrong side of the tracks. Some were nerds, some were band geeks, some were desperately trying to fit in with the popular clique…they were all equal in your eyes, no matter how different they seemed. They were all fresh meat, and they probably all tasted just fine.
“Who the hell is that?” Carol asked, shoving Tommy aside to get a better look.
Her boyfriend stumbled slightly, irritated that she had cut him off just as he was finally getting handsy with her for the first time in two weeks. “Who?”
“Look, idiot,” Carol snapped.
She grabbed him by the jacket and forced him to turn. When he did, he saw that she was looking at someone he didn’t recognize—
Someone hot.
Someone real hot.
“Goddamn,” he breathed, his eyes glued to you as you sauntered through the lot. “Hargrove. Hey.”
Billy wasn’t listened. Instead, he was leaning against his Camaro as he lit a cigarette and tried to pretend that his ribs weren’t bruised. When Tommy grabbed at his shirt, he immediately stiffened and sneered, straightening up and catching the other boy’s arm.
“The hell is your problem?” He growled.
“Check out the new girl.”
Billy’s grip loosened slightly, teeth clenching around his cigarette as his eyes left Tommy. He found you way more interesting to focus on, anyways, and he was immediately interested.
He grinned, clapping Tommy’s shoulder as he straightened up and moved in your direction.
“Where’re you goin?” Tommy called after him.
“To give our new compatriot a friendly, Hawkins welcome,” Billy replied, a wild look in his eyes as he followed you through the front doors.
You stopped by the office for your schedule and locker number, playing nice and dumb with the secretary. You laughed whenever she did, you said thank you when you took your papers from her, and you gave her a charming smile that you knew would win anybody over. If she was any indicator, Hawkins would be even easier to settle into than you thought.
When you stepped out the door, you nearly ran face first into someone.
Someone who smelled delicious.
“Oh, sorry,” you immediately turned on the charm as your eyes traveled up his broad chest. When they settled on his face, you were surprised to see that he was absolutely gorgeous…and something in his gaze sent a little shiver up your spine.
“No need to apologize, sweetheart,” he smirked. “Name’s Billy.”
You could tell he was checking you out. Boys always did, especially when you were feeling well fed and full of yourself. There was some sort of magnetic pull that drew them in, like the sweet smell of a carnivorous plant beckoning insects forward. Billy definitely wasn’t an insect…but he might make a nice meal nonetheless.
You bit your lower lip and batted your lashes at him. “Wanna show me around, Billy? I don’t know where my new locker is…”
Billy wanted to laugh.
Did you think he was stupid? He knew his way around flirting. He was the king of playing nice to get what he wanted, whether it be slipping into someone’s pants or getting information. Billy could tell that you were pretending to be sugary and sweet with him…but what were you hiding underneath this practically otherworldly exterior?
You were a lot more interesting than he had originally thought, apparently. 
“Yeah, I’ll show you around, sweetheart.” He winked.
“Thank you, handsome,” you said, your voice dripping with honey.
It was obvious that he wanted to get in your pants. You knew boys well enough to know that much. He was being sweet and charming to get what he wanted, kind of like you did…and you figured that would make him a nice and easy target.
You walked down the hall with him, looking up at his face and studying what you could see. He had a nice, strong jaw, and thick, curly hair cut into a mullet. His eyes were the brightest blue you’d ever seen, and as he watched rest of the student body, you noticed that they were incredibly observant.
Like a hawk looking for fat little rabbits.
“So where’re you from, sweetheart?” He drawled boredly, as if small talk wasn’t his thing at all.
“…a little town called Devil’s Kettle. You probably haven’t heard of it.” You shrugged, determined to show him that small talk absolutely was your thing. “I like Hawkins a lot more.”
Rather than go along with you, Billy rolled his eyes.
He actually rolled his eyes.
At you.
A demon.
You were a little taken aback, to say the least. Your natural, passive charm was enough to keep any human nice and quiet and complacent until it was time to turn it off and enjoy their terror. So why did Billy have such an attitude with you still?
“You don’t have to flatter me. There’s nothing good about this shit hole.” He said. “Well…‘Cept you, of course.”
Your eyes narrowed slightly. Alright, then. This guy had an attitude, but it was nothing you couldn’t handle. He still smelled and looked delicious, and you had a few more days to figure him out before you needed to feed again. Ever since that ritual left you this way, you’d found yourself enjoying playing with your food…and Billy was no exception.
“Thank you so much for your help,” you said, laying it on thick as you stopped next to your locker.
Your hand found its way to his chest, a move that always had boys rolling over for you. Billy looked down at it and smirked, an absolutely beautiful sight, before his eyes trailed back up to yours.
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Anytime, princess.” He said, his voice smooth, its timbre sending a rush straight down between your thighs.
And then, he was gone, melting back into the crowded hallway, leaving alone to figure out what the hell just happened.
“What the hell is she doing?” Carol asked haughtily.
Vicky wrinkled her nose. “Walking with Billy to his car.”
Carol let out a disgusted sound and turned away, determined not to show her jealousy. You’d only been in Hawkins for what, one day? Twenty four hours, at most? And Billy Hargrove was already giving you a ride home?
Tommy H just smirked. “Nice one, Hargrove!” He called out as he leaned against his car.
Carol glared at him.
You heard his shout and turned to look toward its source. You were still confused about Billy…but that moron looked like he might be a good snack in a day or two.
You gave him a wink, watching as his girlfriend fumed next to him.
“You’ve got nice friends.” You commented as Billy opened the passenger door and waited for you to sit down.
“…yeah. Nice.” He snorted, slamming it closed before walking around to his side and getting in.
“How long have you been in Hawkins?” You asked, studying your nails as the Camaro roared to life.
Okay, so you liked his car. Maybe you could steal it after you ate him…? No, that would be way too obvious in a town like this. Everybody would know you had something to do with his disappearance.
“Six months. Somethin’ like that.” He said absentmindedly as he backed out of his space. “Why’s that matter, princess?”
You shrugged. “You don’t look like everybody else here.”
You don’t smell like everybody else here.
He grinned in what might have been triumph. “That’s a fucking relief.”
“You definitely don’t look like a local...” you purred, your fingers gliding up his arm. You gave his bicep a squeeze through his jacket and saw him lick his lips from the corner of your eye, and you knew you were getting somewhere. 
Okay. This was okay. You could totally have some fun with him, shove all those weird feelings aside, and then do your thing and devour his innards like a good little demon. No more second guessing yourself, though. Time to be a big, confident succubus. 
“Can we go somewhere...private, handsome?” you asked, voice dripping with that golden honey as you leaned against him. 
“Your place or mine, sweetheart?” he grinned down at you. 
“...Yours.” you decided. Today was about having fun and celebrating your move. Next time, you’d take him back to your new house and tear him to shreds.
For sure you would. 
For real. 
Never mind how genuinely cute you found him. You were gonna wreck this guy, in more ways than one. 
You could tell that Billy was excited at the prospect of getting laid. You could smell it rolling off of him in waves, and for you, those pheromones were like a drug. They made you feel happy and floaty, your chest buzzing as he squeezed your thigh and put the pedal to the metal. 
“You always drive like this?” you asked, laughing loudly over the sound of the radio and the wind whipping through the open windows. 
Billy glanced over to see you smiling, and he grinned. “You like it, sweetheart?”
“I love it!” you replied without thinking about your cool demon persona for once. 
Billy’s grin just grew wider and he floored it, tearing down the quiet highway towards his place.
His house was small and simple, decorated conservatively in a way that told you his folks weren’t very much fun. He didn’t give you much time to take it all in, though, quickly ushering you down the hall and into his room before you could make yourself at home.
“You in a rush?” you quipped. 
“Can you blame me for being eager?” he smirked as he shut the door. 
No. You really couldn’t.
Being alone in a room with Billy Hargrove felt special. So many girls at Hawkins High would probably kill for the chance to cozy up with him like this, and yet there you were, on your very first day in town, climbing on top of him like you owned his soul. 
Wait...was that an option? Could you do that? It might be a nicer option than eating him at this point, because honestly...you were starting to think you should keep him around for a little longer than originally planned. Like, for real…it took a lot to satisfy a demon like yourself, and somehow, Billy Hargrove was managing to do it.
Maybe it was because in bed, he absolutely dripped sin and sex appeal. His hands? Killer. His dick? Perfect. His mouth?
“F-fuck!” You gasped, mouth agape, eyes wide as you gripped his hair and pulled hard.
He grunted against you, looking up from his place between your thighs. Fuck, he was glad you wore a skirt, because the second he got you in his room, he was tossing you down on his bed and diving right in. If he had to fuck around with jeans or some bullshit like that, he’d have been seriously pissed off.
Instead, all he had to do was grab your hips, pull your panties to the side, and let your moans serenade him as he showed you how fucking good he was with his tongue.
Normally, he’d be the one guiding your head right now, not the other way around. He’d be quick and demanding, get his kicks, make you finish with his fingers or something, and then get outta there. That’s what he always did with girls, and it was always fast and fun. Hollow, in a way, but fun. With you, though…with you, he was determined to savor everything, because you tasted delicious in a way he’d never experienced before, and he couldn’t get enough.
“Billy…” you moaned, grinding your hips against his face as you felt yourself getting close again. Perks of being a demon, you guessed…lots and lots of orgasms.
He was lapping it all up like it was ambrosia, eyes trained on you obediently.
He had really, really beautiful eyes, and as you gazed into them, you came again.
“O-okay,” you huffed, thighs shaking as you yanked his head back. “That’s enough.”
You felt him resist, trying to get one last taste, but you were stronger than you looked.
And you also had an appetite that needed to be sated.
“Your turn, big boy,” you purred, switching your positions.
Billy was more than happy to recline and watch as you unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. As much as he wanted you to sit on his face for a few hours, he was eager to find out if the rest of you was just as sweet.
You were just happy to see that his dick matched the rest of him.
There was no point in trying to hide your glee as you freed him from the confines of his tight jeans, and you immediately wrapped a hand around his shaft and your lips around his head. He shuddered at the feeling of your mouth on him, a hand coming to rest on the back of your head as he made a move to guide you. You didn’t need him to, but you let him pretend he had some semblance of control as you bobbed up and down, and honestly? It was pretty cute that he thought he was in charge.
His cock slipped deeper into your throat, until your nose was brushing his pelvis. You were surrounded by his scent, that natural, musky smell and—cologne? Did he put cologne down there? Yeah, that was kinda cute—and it made you hungrier.
When you leaned back, he tried to follow you, searching for that warmth again…but when you pushed him down against his own mattress and sank down onto his cock, his eyes widened.
“No rubber?” He asked.
You just smiled and leaned down, hands on his chest as you licked the side of his face. “Don’t worry about it, baby.”
Fuck, you were perfect.
And you were weirdly warm.
“Fuck, baby…” he groaned, hands squeezing your ass as you rode him.
You felt fucking perfect, and he knew he was gonna have to come back for seconds, something he almost never did in Hawkins.
Because Billy Hargrove was hooked on you…and when you watched his face as he came, you realized you were a little hooked on him, too.
He was too cute to eat.
“So.” He said as you rolled to the side, catching your breath. “What’s your deal?”
“My deal?” You asked, eyes flicking toward him.
He lit a cigarette. “There’s somethin’ up with you, babe. Knew it from the second we talked this morning.”
You floundered, staring at him. What did he mean? Guys never guessed that you were anything other than hot. Nobody had ever suspected that there was something supernatural about you, not even your best friends back in Devil’s Kettle.
“I don’t normally do this whole…talking thing.” Billy said. “But you’ve got me intrigued, princess. So what’s the deal?”
“I have no idea what you’re—“
“Cut the shit,” he growled, surprising you again with how easily he fought through your natural defenses. “You’re hiding something. I can tell.”
“Did you fuck me just to grill me?” You asked in irritation.
“Nah. That was just a bonus.” He grinned, reaching down to brush his fingers over your swollen clit. When you immediately flinched, he laughed. “You sure are sensitive, babe…”
You rolled your eyes and sat up. “I don’t know why you think something’s up, but I don’t appreciate it, Hargrove.”
He raised his lip in a sneer. “Fine. Don’t tell me. But I’ll figure you out eventually, sweetheart.”
You just narrowed your eyes.
Billy’s suspicions weren’t enough to keep you from hanging around him. You liked the resident bad boy, even though his friends were annoying, and he seemed to enjoy keeping and arm slung around your shoulders in public. For a few days, everything was fine…until you felt yourself starting to fade, and you knew it was time for a snack.
It was easy enough to pick a boy out of the crowd, some senior whose name you didn’t bother to learn. When Billy was busy with sports, you chose your victim and whispered in his ear, leading him out of the building, across the parking lot, and into the woods. He thought he was about to get lucky; after all, rumors had begun flying about how easy you were, after everybody saw Billy Hargrove giving you a ride on your very first day in town. This guy probably thought he was about to get a once in a lifetime opportunity with the hottest girl in town.
“Don’t count on it,” you grinned dangerously before shoving him back against a tree trunk.
You watched his expression change from confusion to horror as your jaw unhinged and your teeth elongated, ready to sink into his flesh and tear him apart. As soon as you made contact, you flew into a frenzy, ripping his rib cage open with your hands and digging in.
Delicious, as always.
As you tore chunks out of his chest cavity, you thought about Billy. You imagined the feeling of his hands on you, squeezing your thighs and your hips…you could picture his face looking down at you, cheeks flushed and lips parted, and those gorgeous blue eyes…
Your fantasy was interrupted by a sudden pain in your torso, and when you looked down, you saw that your victim had managed to shove a huge, sharp tree branch straight through you.
“Ouch.” You said.
You coughed up some blood.
“That’s what I get for being distracted at dinner, huh?”
You heard the boy gasping, desperately clinging to life even with his organs out on display. Well, this wasn’t really how you thought this would go…and shit, it was really starting to hurt.
With one last chomp that finally silenced your victim, you let his body fall to the ground and stumbled back. You were in worse shape than you thought, and your little house out in the woods was pretty fucking far away. You needed somewhere safe to go in the meantime, somewhere you could curl up and wait for your body to heal itself.
By the time you limped up to Billy’s window, night had fallen…but his light was still on, and with any luck, he was alone and free of other girls. You really didn’t have it in you to tear someone else apart, not while you were in this state. You shuffled up to the window sill, gripping it with bloody hands and thumping against it weakly.
Billy immediately stiffened.
He was fresh out of the shower, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He had been considering jerking off to the thought of you before bed, but now, the sound of something outside had him on high alert. He’d already been stressed thanks to his father yelling at the dinner table earlier, and the last thing he needed was some weird bullshit to deal with.
Unfortunately, when he opened his window, that’s exactly what he got.
“What--the fuck--” he stammered, eyes wide as you tumbled in and landed in a bloody heap on his floor. 
“H-hey,” you panted, chest heaving with effort as you pulled yourself into a more comfortable position. 
Billy just stared. 
“I--I know this looks crazy,” you said, grunting in pain when you managed to sit up against his bed. “I just need to rest here--”
“What are you?” he interrupted. 
“I don’t know what you--”
“I told you to cut the shit the other day.” he growled. “Now I really fucking mean it, princess.”
You looked up at him, still breathing hard. “...You have to swear not to freak out.”
“Try me.”
“So...back in Devil’s Kettle, there’s this weird waterfall. Some guys offered me up to Satan on a platter, I guess, and then tossed me down...only their ritual didn’t work. And now I’m...like this.” you gestured to yourself. 
Billy was taking things surprisingly well. “Like what?”
“Like...a demon.”
You watched his face closely, waiting for the inevitable. Waiting for the panic. 
It didn’t come, though. Honestly, Billy didn’t even know why he wasn’t totally losing it, especially given the state you were in--covered in blood, a huge wound in the middle of your stomach--but as he sat down across from you, he barely felt anxious. 
“So...what’s with the blood?” he asked, reaching for a smoke. 
“...Okay, now you really can’t freak out.”
“Fine, sweetheart.”
“I just...had dinner, and dinner...fought back.”
He raised an eyebrow, but he didn’t press further...so you spared him the details, lest he end up having a weaker stomach than he pretended to. “I just need a couple hours to heal and then I’ll be gone. Swear.”
“Neil and Susan are still gone. Max is in bed.” he said as he calmly lit a cigarette. “Go shower before you get that shit all over my stuff.”
You blinked. “You’re really not...weirded out by all this?”
“I told you I knew something was up with you.” he smirked. “Didn’t know it was this weird, but I still fucking knew.”
You let out a breathy little laugh at that and tried to stand. When your knees buckled, Billy caught you with one arm, choosing to haul you to the bathroom himself. And then, he joined you, because even though it was probably the strangest situation he’d ever been in, you were still you, and you were still hot, an even if you were a demon, you were kinda his demon now...and he wasn’t gonna pass up the chance to shower with you.
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Hear me out fallen angel Billy
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Angel Steve and angel Billy were together since the creation of the universe. They were supposed to feel nothing by their nature. But Billy felt something. He felt love. So now he's fallen. For eternity.
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chris-phd · 1 year
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Between devil and angel 🖤
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weird-an · 11 months
“Does it hurt?” Billy asks. 
“Do you want it to?” His voice is low, like the question is something dirty, something you’d ask behind closed doors and under the blankets. 
That’s not an answer, but it says enough. A part of Billy hopes it’s like burning from the inside. A part of Billy turns cold at that. 
“I don’t know,” Billy admits.
Remember Crossroad Demon! Steve? Read more on AO3.
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cryptidcasanova · 2 years
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For all the witches, ghouls, and freaks, here's a Stranger Things writing challenge to make you go bump in the night!
I love writing challenges during September and October, but I don't want to post content daily.
So! if you would like to join me, here's a way to celebrate my mutuals, followers, and friends of the dark.
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See entry details under the cut.
1. Please be mindful of your audience. This is an 18+ challenge, meaning there will be 18+ content. Tag your works accordingly. 
Minors, do not interact.
All the characters listed are considered adults. Under no circumstances can they be interpreted as younger than 18 years old.
2. Once you've picked a character, a spooky character trait, and a prompt, send me a message or an ask with your selections. I'll make sure to mark it down for you!
3. Your story can be as short or as long as you want. It could be a headcanon or a full-on fic. And just have fun with it! (But please use a readmore cut when necessary.)
There are no limits for the prompts, so when we all inevitably want to write a Kas Vampire!Eddie story, we get to reap the rewards.
4. Keep in mind that this is a seasonal challenge. Please post your story by October 31st.
I'll make a masterlist, keep it updated, and ensure everyone gets a chance to read it. And when you do post, I'd love to know!
5. Tag me in it at @cryptidcasanova​, and use #hellfire haunts in the hastags so I don't miss out on any of your stories!
You are talented, absolutely haunting, and I can't wait to see what you come up with. 
Let's get spooky.
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Hellfire Haunts Masterlist Here
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thediktatortot · 11 months
Throwing out this idea into the world.
Demon Slayer AU
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Steve as Tanjiro
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Billy as Inosuke
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Chrissy as Nezuco
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Eddie as Zenitsu
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Was tagged by the talented  @neonponders thank you 💜
It's not Wednesday but what do I care. Here is lil thing from some future chapter of I'd Sell My Soul To A Devil starts in a flash back and then moves into the present.
Warning for attempted flesh eating
“Man do you ever shut up?” Steve huffs around the mouth of his beer, taking a big gulp from it before it spills across the ground as Billy throws himself onto him. “What’s your fucking problem?” Steve groans, head hitting the floor again as Billy shoves him down. His voice is low enough that even the folks occupying the front yard and the back cannot hear him over the pulsing music. They're in the shadows enough that it could almost pass for alone.
Billy is not sure, just wants to push down everything and forget about it for a while. Steve goes lax, giving up bucking him off with another groan from his pretty mouth. Billy will blame the weed and the beer he has not touched tonight if asked for a reason as to why he would do something so stupid as to make a move on a guy he fought a few short weeks ago. Who by all accounts cannot stand him.
Billy crashes their lips together, hands on Steve’s shoulders so he can feel when it is time to defend. He is not expecting the way Steve kisses him back just as hard, does not push away when arms snake around him dragging him down until Billy is laying on top of him. Billy gives into the heady urge to roll his hips down against Steve’s, rewarded with his mouth dropping open in a moan that he takes advantage of, tongue delving in.
The door slams open pulling Billy from the memory and right back to the kitchen where Steve’s teeth are making progress gnawing through his finger. Billy tries to rear back again but all that does is tear more flesh, and bruises his back as he hits the edge of the counter. He has panic soaring higher, sure he is going to lose that finger and resigned to it not wanting to hurt Steve.
“You can’t just let him eat you, idiot.” Eddie marches forward and grabs Steve by the throat, using the hold to shove him back so hard he knocks into the coffee table in the living room. 
“The fuck do you think you’re doing!” Billy snarls taking a swing at Eddie. How dare he hurt Steve.
“Saving your life, for fucks sake.” Eddie pushes him back as Steve climbs to his feet with a feral almost animalistic growl bubbling up. His eyes have gone darker, almost black as he shifts looking ready to pounce.
Billy’s heart is pounding, unsure of what to do. He does not want to have to hurt Steve but he does not look like himself right now, is not acting like himself. What did he bring back?
Tagging @edith-moonshadow @steviespanties @aeon-of-neon @dragonflylady77 or whoever else wants to do it.
This is the only harringrove fic I'm still actually working on at the moment since my desire to write for this ship has nose dived. Hopefully working on this will get me back into it 🤷‍♀️
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theladycarpathia · 2 years
All these ruins
Starcourt Mall looks pretty much the same.
Even so, Steve has to take a deep breath when they step inside . He’s doing this for Billy, but he wasn’t expecting the weight to settle over his chest at the sight of the burned-out building. It had been dark that night, the sky heavy with rain clouds, and Steve has deliberately avoided coming here since. He’s not one to go looking for ghosts.
But this really isn’t for him.
“Are you sure about this?” Steve asks hesitantly and Billy exhales slowly. His boyfriend is all stiff lines, and dark shadows under his eyes, wrapped up in a plush green sweater knitted for him by Robin. The knitting is an annoying habit, the constant clicking of needles in the back of Family Video but she seems to enjoy it. It’s hard to complain when they reap the benefit of her spoils, a bobble hat for Steve, finger-less gloves for Max, a jumper for Billy.
“He doesn’t seem to get that Indiana is cold,” Robin had said, fingers moving needles and wool in equal measure. Steve doesn’t get how all that makes stuff but it does. 
“No,” he says quietly, and something about the expression on his face makes Steve’s heart hurt.
“We don’t have to do this,” he says gently, offering an out. Whether for him or for Billy, he doesn’t know. All he wants is to take them both home and tuck them up on the sofa, watching Back to the Future for the sixth time. He’d never thought that his house would become his safe space but somehow all it really needed to be less empty was having Billy there with him.
“Yes, I do,” Billy says darkly and strides forward through the doors. After a beat, Steve follows.
The mall looks the same. Maybe that’s the worst part of it. Steve turns his head away from the large scorch marks on the floor and tries to keep up.
Billy is a man on a mission, driven by some force that Steve can’t see or understand. His boyfriend’s recovery has been slow, filled with nightmares, PTSD, and unexplainable panic attacks. Perfectly normal for someone who was used as a murdering puppet, killed, and then resurrected in a nightmare hellscape. Doc Owens seems pretty optimistic though, saying that Will went through something similar after his time in the Upside down. That Billy was stubborn as hell and had more than enough support to get through this.
Steve knows that Billy is capable of getting through this. But no one ever said that the ride would be easy.
There’s still blood in the main plaza, at the top of the stairs. It’s surrounded by scorch marks and shattered glass, like some twisted version of a halo and Steve has to swallow hard when he sees it. He knows that it’s Billy’s blood: he watched as it was pulled out of him by the Mind Flayer, stood on the balcony as Billy screamed with dark eyes and a stained mouth.
Billy stops to kneel down, gently grazing it with his fingers.
“I remember all of it,” Billy says finally, voice sounding thick. “Not well. It’s like I was watching someone else do…everything, but I remember.”
Steve stops, not for the first time wishing that they’d brought someone else with them. Someone capable of knowing the right things to say. The Doc or Hopper or Joyce.He’s not ready for this.
He wants to be. But the last time he had a partner drowning in grief, she left. Left him for someone who understood.
The thought of Billy leaving him makes him feel sick.
“That wasn’t you,” Steve insists. He’s trying his best, still at a loss of how to comfort the one person who means most to him. But the truth is that he doesn’t have the emotional capacity or the experience to deal with this. He has no idea what Billy went through, can’t even comprehend it. He’s fought monsters and bled for the cause but he’s always been Steve, and every action was to protect the party. But Billy was used and tortured and finally murdered. How do you begin to deal with something like that? “The Mind Flayer…Vecna. It wasn’t you doing those things.”
But Billy just shakes his head, Steve’s words rolling off like water.
“Doesn’t make it any easier when it was my hands that hit Max,” he says shortly. “I knocked her out and left her there so I could take Eleven to him. And I did that too.”
“They both know it wasn’t you,” Steve insists. “You wouldn’t have been able to fight him.”
“But I did,” Billy says coldly. If Steve didn't know any better, he’d think that this distant creature was someone else, something left of the Mind Flayer pulling Billy’s strings. “I did, remember? At the end. I took control and I fucking should have done it sooner.”
“You heard Eleven. We’d weakened him and she got through to you. You couldn’t have done it before then. Will led all those soldiers into a trap and no one blames him, because he was fucking possessed.” Steve’s voice rises, the sound jarring in the still space. It feels like shouting in a graveyard.
“I should have tried.” Billy sounds so broken, still staring at the ground where he’d taken his last breaths. Max had outright refused to set foot in here ever again and Steve thinks that after everything she went through with Vecna she’s excused. She’d relived Billy’s death over and over for a year, and had been dead against Billy doing the same.
“Billy,” Steve says desperately, stepping over the shattered glass and dropping down to Billy’s side. “Baby, stop.”
He cradles Billy’s cheek in his hand, and wetness drips against his fingers. When he tilts Billy’s head up, his blue eyes are glassy, lashes thick with tears. 
“I want it to stop,” Billy confesses, his voice raw. Steve finally forces himself to look down at the dark smear on the ground. He hasn’t been able to look at it head on so far and he thinks that maybe Billy’s not the only one who needs to confront what Starcourt left behind.
“Me too,” Steve says, pulling Billy’s head against his chest. “Yeah, baby, me too.”
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bowiebond · 2 years
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Between Dusk and Dawn and Dawn and Dusk, You Are Mine | Harringrove | Demon Steve
He’s not even hiding them. His collar loose and open, the hickies trailing down his chest. He’s showing them off to him like he’s supposed to care, and Billy is waiting. Waiting for him to say something.
The blonds temper fires up when there is no reaction at all. Billy hates being ignored more than anything else.
“Why won’t you bring it up?” Billy snapped and Steve slowly dragged his eyes from the playboy magazine to look at the scowling blond. He dipped his gaze back to the busty blonde and smirked. He’d lick her sweet pussy open any day. Especially if she’s married. It makes the pot all that more sweeter.
Billy snatched the magazine from his hands.
“Hey!” He looked up at him, offended, hands out in a ‘what was that for?’ gesture.
“Stop looking at them and look at me!” Billy glared at him with the heat of the seven rings of hell combined. Steve rolled his eyes, flickering them black as he tasted the jealousy and greed in the air. Billy was such a glutton for pleasure and violence. He really was transparent to the demon.
“I apologise, my love, whatever may I do for you?” Steve drawled, his thin, scaly tail slipping from his waistband to sway and curl as he placed his chin in hand. The perfect picture of a bored demon looking to play.
“You can stop licking your lips to my fucking porno mags, to begin with.” Billy tossed it into his drawer and slammed it shut. Steve gave it a longing look, sighing like a lonely maiden. It only made Billy scowl harder, crossing his arms.
“Apologise, but you haven’t exactly attempted to satiate my desires, baby.” Steve dragged his eyes over Billy’s body, fixated on the little red and purple bruises. He wondered if Billy had done that thing where he grabbed his hair and gotten all whimpery over each suck and bite. He wondered if Billy had taken it good or been bratty for his little side piece. He probably moaned when he came, but he wouldn’t have cried. Only Steve made him cry, and nothing made the demon harder than Billy’s fucked out, tear stained face.
A mix of guilt and anger filled the room the longer Steve stared and Steve’s skin buzzed with it, his snake like tongue peeking out to really taste it before it transformed back into his humanoid tongue.
“Why aren’t you angry? It’s pissing me off.”
“Why should I be angry?” Steve tilted his head.
“Because I’m your boyfriend.” Billy hissed and Steve hummed.
“I had sex with someone else! I let them fuck me and mark me, and why aren’t you angry?” Billy glowered, hurt bleeding through and Steve watched him carefully.
“Why did you fuck someone else?”
“Because you keep trying to fuck Nancy Wheeler! For your corruption bullshit!” Billy was seething and Steve laughed.
“I’m not gonna fuck her. I’m just opening her up to her sexuality so she’ll fuck someone else easier.” Nancy was too much of a classic to bother with. A demon got bored with the same old ‘virgin good girl’ after centuries of it.
“You still flirt with her and touch her and—“
“What is this really about, Billy?”
“It’s about monogamy, Steve!” Billy burst out and Steve was up on his knees in a flash, shoving the blond down into the pillows.
“Oh, you don’t care about monogamy!” Steve snapped back with a scowl before his lips twitched into a mirthful smile. “You’re just upset I’m not jealous over your little rendezvous.”
Billy was breathing in deeply, trying to stifle the rage that flushed his skin as Steve leaned in closer, picking at the collar of his shirt idly.
“Do whatever you want. Fuck whoever you please.” Steve shrugged, his expression showing not an ounce of care or discomfort at the idea.
“Because everytime…” His voice dropped to a whisper as he leaned in close, breathing in the scent of Billy’s aftershave with a flutter of his lashes. “…you come back to me,” He grinned, slow and devilishly. “I will feast on your guilt.”Billy’s breath shuddered in as he shivered, Steve nosing at his pulse. “On your sins.”
He pressed a delicate kiss to his hot skin.
“And I will thrive regardless, whether you indulge in me or other.” Steve nipped at the sensitive skin and Billy gasped softly, tilting his head back ever so slightly as the heat of his anger pooled into his gut to transform into arousal. Just as fiery and impulsive as his rage.
“You will always come back, Billy.” Steve said knowingly, smugly, and Billy clenched his teeth at the urge to refute. He knew it would be a lie though, and the demon could sniff them out like a blood hound. “And you will always be…mine.”
He closed his lips over a hickey and sucked hard, the tender skin darkening further as Billy whimpered, hands finding their way into his hair as he did it again. And again. And again.
He could feel Billy’s hard cock pressing against his hip and he laughed softly. He drank in the scent of arousal, desperate and heavy in the air. So thick he could choke on it. Steve pulled his lips apart to sink his teeth into the thick muscle of his neck, Billy whining loudly, voice cracking around it.
“You’re right. You are my boyfriend.” Steve breathed against his skin, dragging his tongue along the metallic taste of blood that beaded from the teeth marks. “I know how to pleasure you better than any mortal man could. So have your vengeful escapades if it makes you feel better.” He grabbed his chin and curled his tail around the blonds thigh, squeezing it tightly as his black eyes returned to brown.
“From the dusk to the dawn and from the dawn to the dusk, you are mine. Even when another touches you, you will still be mine. We made a deal, Billy, and when you die…I will own you entirely, for eternity. You. Are. Mine.”
Billy’s breath hitched and shuddered out with a moan as Steve sealed his lips over his.
The deal had begun with a kiss, and it would end with one. No matter what Billy did, he could never drive him away. Billy was his, since the first kiss, to the last kiss, and beyond the presence of his living body.
His soul was his, and his alone.
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