#debbie grayson edit
evercornelias · 6 months
the invincible it girl
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soranatus · 6 months
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INVINCIBLE 2x04: It's Been a While
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crismakesstuff · 1 year
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this is my canon
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comparison and analysis on eve and mark's colors
i know this miggght be me overthinking but i really need to get it out of my system ahahajshajsha
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Pink is definitely Eve's signature color, it's the main color of her costume yet somehow you don't see that in her casual attire. As for Mark, no doubt his signature color is blue (even yellow can be included), and that's obvious in both his costume and his casual attire.
this post contains pics from season 1 and the atom eve special, putting a cut here cause this is lowkey long so,,,, oops-
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Eve wore pink a LOT when she was a kid, it's in her every outfit throughout all the time skips in the special. When a character has a signature color, it's something that's reflected in (nearly all of) their outfit/s.
So where did the pink go on Eve's casual attire on season 1? Where did she even got the idea of wearing yellow of all colors when it's so far from her favorite color? There's red that when you mix it with white, it gives you pink. So she could have had a red top and white pants in her current casual attire, but that's not the case.
We got our answer on who she got the idea of wearing yellow from in the Atom Eve special: it was from Betsy.
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There's a key thing that I noticed from the shade of yellow Betsy wore and what Eve is currently wearing. Betsy's yellow seemed happier. It was more vibrant.
Comparing Betsy's yellow to Eve, Eve's yellow is lighter. It's dull. As if it was drained of its vibrancy. And with what we saw of Eve's past in the special, it checks out that she must've have become so, so tired of so many things.
In animated series, yellow is often associated with warm, happy, and energetic characters. But when it comes to cinematography, yellow represents other things. From the link, I think cowardice is the symbolism of Betsy's yellow - due to her fear of Eve not being "normal" and her inability to accept Eve as she is. And @mandareeboo even pointed out Betsy telling Eve to "try harder" which leads to the symbolism of yellow that I associate with Eve: insecurity. There is no bigger source of insecurity than having your own parent say that to you, especially at a young age when a lot of things feel they're scary and overwhelming that you need a parent to guide you through it but instead they just tell you to repress yourself.
It's no wonder that Eve's yellow looked pale in comparison to past Betsy's yellow, pretending for years must have been exhauasting.
(Before anyone comment that Zak could be the reason Eve wore yellow instead of Betsy, I have an explanation I'm going to be giving later so please bear with me on this one hahahsdfjahsfda)
Now on to Mark!!
In the Atom Eve special, Debbie wore no shades of either blue or green. In fact, her top's color leans more to give a nod to Nolan's signature color (red). That, and their family pictures from season 1 showed that aside from Debbie, there was a time that Mark wore red too.
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Compared to Eve and Betsy, I find it so fascinating that the opposite applies for Mark and Debbie.
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We can see that kid Mark's shorts and top are currently the colors of Debbie's top and pants.
It was a nice switch to see the mom's colors reflecting her child. You often see the kid copying the color of their parent/s. This doesn't necessarily mean Debbie copied Mark, as a mom, this is her way of commemorating her son.
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The two stripes on Mark is a brighter shade of aquamarine while Debbie's top is a darker shade of Caribbean green, and both colors are near to each other in the color spectrum. Which is definitely something we can describe their relationship: they are close to each other.
I always thought that the stripes across Mark's chest was sort of a subtle design thing to show that he keeps his mom, who represents his humanity, close to his heart. Seeing that Debbie got her colors from kid Mark adds a whole new layer to it.
This is the part where I compare the then & the now:
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The reason why I mentioned Eve would never have picked up yellow with Zak in mind was that he was just a temporary figure in her life. Eve used to wear pink so much before, it was her favorite - so one can assume that the color itself brought her joy. You see Betsy wearing pink (this is the episode Eve left "home"). So my reasoning for Betsy wearing this color was to appease Eve, while Eve wore yellow to represent her trying to please her mom.
For Debbie and Mark, it was crucial for Debbie to wear the colors Mark wore as a kid. Throughout the series, we see how desperate Mark wanted to be like Nolan, to be good with his powers so he can be a good hero. One would think that Mark would have incorporated red in his outfit, but he didn't. What stood in the place of red in Mark's outfits was yellow, a color that's close to red in the rainbow arrangement. Using the same link for the meanings of the color yellow in cinematography from earlier, Mark's yellow symbolizes two things: naivety and idealization.
See how Mark has a yellow button-up underneath his sweater? It's his naivety about his father, it's not all out there yet it's on all the ends of his sweater as if making sure you know that the yellow is something that should be seen. And Mark's yellow I in his costume? That's idealization. In his eyes, Omni-Man is (probably, I can't speak for Mark 100%) the best hero. He idolizes his dad, there was never a doubt about it. He has put Nolan in such a high standard that there was more yellow in his costume to represent his idealization rather than his own signature blue.
That's why it's so important that Debbie wore his colors from the Atom Eve special in season 1. That Mark sees that on his mom. It was a reminder of kid Mark. That even then, he was just as precious. That he mattered even wayyyy before he had powers. That he mattered because of his humanity.
[inhales deeply to catch my breath] NOW FOR THE FINAL PART!!
i'm sorry this is so long i had so many thoughts about colors, color symbolism in characters is so personal to me.
you guys can skip these pics and list cause this is kinnnnd of a stretch now hahajsdfha - feel free to go straight at the portion after the bullet points end, that's just my final ramblings dedicated for season 2
Back to topic of colors!! It's obvious at this point how relevant both Mark and Eve's moms are when it comes to their colors. So it leaves me with two remaining things about Mark and Eve: (1) the color red on Mark on his casual outfit and (2) the color pink on Eve on her casual outfit
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The only moments we saw red on Mark that isn't blood is when he wore his bag. Now I know this is a pretty small thing but that bag could literally be ANY other color - and it isn't, it's specifically red. It could have been white to match his shoes or black to match his hair but it's neither of that. It's red. It's Nolan.
I think it's really important to know the relevance of that red bag, especially in those two pictures. (1) The moment Todd was harassing Amber and Mark wanted to intervene, it's totally obvious that Mark carries the heavy fact that at the moment, he's powerless unlike his dad. And it sucks. Cause he's his father's son and even though he carries his blood, at the time, he doesn't carry Nolan's powers. It doesn't stop him from defending Amber, but it still hurts bothliterally from Todd's hits and emotionally. Mark's carrying the feeling of inadequacy cause he has no idea how to defend himself in this situation, his dad never taught him how to fight because he didn't have powers.
(2) The second picture was Mark rushing to school because his training with his dad made him late for class. He got powers now, and it's literally dragging him from his education (among other things and that's including his relationship with Amber). His power of flight, no matter how fast it is, doesn't get him to places on time. Even when he got his powers, he still had problems. They actually piled up now.
Now as for Eve, sure her casual attire doesn't have any pink on it but her bags are pink!! (1) The first picture of her was when she and Mark met at school. During my first watch, I found it cute that she held on to the straps cause it's a little habit of mine when I wear backpacks. Then at the (2) other picture where she had her luggage out so she can run away from "home", I noticed they're pink too. And it's a small observation but compared to Mark that just lets his bag hang down, Eve holds on to her bags.
The bags are both pink, and pink is her color. It's not a piece or part of her, it's her. Pink has been something she deprived herself to wear but it's something she still wants to keep, even if it's just with bags. It's the thing she's comfortable to carry, it's something she wants to hold in her hands.
I know bags are a practical item for any student to have and I overthought a lot about their bags' colors but yeah hahasdfjasdfha I'm done with that now
man that was a lot, anywayssss
The season 2 poster showed that Debbie has a new outfit. As for Mark and Eve, they're both wearing their hero costumes.
Slight spoilers from the comics: When Nolan left, there was a time that Mark began to dress himself in a style similar to Nolan (I can't tag op for some reason :(().
I feel there's a big chance Mark and Eve will also have new casual attires this coming second season.
Mark is likely to dress similar to Nolan just like in the comics. He will definitely have questions about his identity now that he knew the truth about Nolan, so I think Mark won't be able to wear his usual colors to show that he's figuring things out.
Mark could also wear that blue and black costume, the one that doesn't have the yellow anymore. Because he won't be idolizing his father's heroic persona anymore.
Mark, of course, misses his dad but he won't be looking up to him anymore after what happened.
As for Eve's season 2 casual look though, now that she has her own treehouse and starting to feel free from her parents, I hope she allows herself to incorporate pink in her clothing. She deserves it <33
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gaying-mantis-phd · 1 month
invincible x who can it be now? edit
finished season 1 and 2 recently and Loved it, looking forward to the next season and making another edit of it
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heartbreakercupcake · 11 months
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You're so toxic, like Britney, bitch I drop you just because I can You think you're the man Bitch, please - Ashnikko Toxic
For some reason i kept listening to that song over and over while editing this, it some what fits I guess
Edit of Star!Debbie from my AU where she has super powers shes not going to hurt Nolan rn but her powers react when shes feeling strong emotions.
compare under read more
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i-love-invincible · 9 months
Flight in Invincible
The way that flying is portrayed, both thematically and stylistically, is really interesting. When Mark Grayson (soon to be hero, Invincible) is first presented with the idea of flight on-screen it is shown to him as an extreme convenience, and why wouldn't it be? Nolan and Debbie are FLYING to Berlin to get breakfast, and he just wants some sausages. That is this teenager's biggest worry right now.
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Even when we see Mark get his powers for the first time (throwing a trash bag all the way to London) he isn't truly excited until he learns to fly for the first time, via jumping off the roof of his own house. This obviously ends badly when he doesn't know how to stop himself, floats out into space, passes out, and crash-lands into asphalt. It goes horribly, which alongside his terrible lesson with his dad, reinforces that he is going to put in a lot of work to live up to Omniman.
When he does get slightly more comfortable with flight he goes out to find a villain to beat up, and even just searching for the source of the crime he causes massive damage just flying into random bullshit. When he DOES fight Titan he flies through fences and signs, smashing into brick walls, before finally taking the guy down. He is literally unaware that just with his fast flight and invulnerability he can cause MASS property destruction. When his father catches him doing this he points this out, and Mark lashes out at him, saying that all he wants to do is be like him. He is using his powers to try, with all his might, to be like his dad.
The morning of his first lesson with his dad, we get the BAREST piece of insight into how Viltrumite flight works: telling him that Viltrumites don't need to pivot on their feet but can physically push off of anything, even empty air, and that Viltrumites can "freely move themselves through physical space." The way Mark moves in the air is also very interesting, he wobbles in the air, as if physically struggling to HOLD his position, as if he's like editing his X Y Z values in real time. This is in contrast to Omniman who can literally stand completely still in the air. There's a couple of other shots and animation moments of Omniman (especially in the last couple episodes) that really emphasize just how WEIRD and ALIEN he looks when he flies. It's unnerving, and that feeling really contributes to how scary he is.
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When Mark meets another superhero his age, he is full of relief. They have a talk about what it's like to actually BE superheroes on the field and we have this brief flying montage with him and Atom Eve together. Where Mark actually has someone to RELATE to, someone to teach him more about superhero-ing (without also y'know... being his dad.)
I've seen someone talk about this comparison before (if someone can tell me who it was I will edit this to credit them) but look at the way that Eve flies. She propels herself using energy from her powers. She flies like a plane, literally burning fuel to push herself through the air. She flies like, well like a HUMAN would. While Mark just floats there like a freakin' alien.
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But there's more to flight than demonstrating how weird Viltrumites are: there's also an emotional element. When Debbie finds her son, Mark, practicing his flight landings and repeatedly smashing into the ground they have a little emotional mom-and-son talk. She says to him that when he was young it was just the two of them together while Nolan went on all these crazy superhero adventures, but now that Mark has gotten his powers she is left completely alone. She says "I can't talk to you while we soar through the clouds, but I'm still here." Mark just got his powers and already there is an emotional barrier between them, demonstrated through the analogy of flight.
Later on when Debbie is pouring out her emotions to Nolan, telling him about all the stress she feels over the death of the Guardians, her son, and her husband she says: "I feel like we're standing on the edge of a cliff, and I'm the only one of us who can't fly." Flight represents an emotional separation. A layer of suppression between the superheroes and normal regular folk.
Even in the last battle between Nolan and Mark, Debbie is relegated to the sidelines, both physically and emotionally. She is forced to watch on a TV SCREEN as the two most important people in her life fight to the death. Forced to watch her husband dismiss her relevance, dismiss the life she spent with him, dismiss her as "a pet" due to her relatively short lifespan in comparison to him. It is absolutely devastating.
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And in one of the last scenes of the whole show, when Mark returns to his home after TWO WEEKS in the hospital, the SECOND they have privacy Mark floats into the air and starts to hover. It's comfortable for him now, flying is his natural resting state, it's literally EASIER than standing. Not only does it serve to show us how much Mark has developed his control of his powers, but also as a reminder that he will NEVER be like a regular human. A reminder that he will always be like his father.
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southernpeach13 · 3 years
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Shows y’all my female Mark Grayson design.
“Everyone look at my sunshine baby.”
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dovebuffy92 · 3 years
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Invincible Season 1, created by Robert Kirkman, follows newly-minted teenage superhero Mark Grayson whose half Viltrumite and half-human. The series is based on the comic book of the same name that Kirkman created in 2005.
The animated show brings events forward in time and erases how Mark eased into his new reality as a caped crusader. Mark’s powers are awoken, then bam suddenly he has to learn how to control his new abilities, balance school, friends, and superhero duties, and deal with his family’s drama. Characters like his father Nolan Grayson, a.k.a. Omni-Man, and Cecil Stedman’s real intentions come to light sooner than in the comics. Nolan turns out to be an invading alien force rather than a loving father from a different world, cutting Mark’s time to ease into his responsibilities.
Invincible Season 1 is a fun, violent, and more progressive version of the comic book series. Making a perfect comparison between comics and the television show is challenging, but I will compare the first season with the first volume.
The first volume covers the first four issues of Invincible. Throughout the first volume, Mark still sees his father, Noah, as a powerful, honorable Viltrumite who came to Earth to help humankind. He fell in love with Debbie Grayson; then they had Mark. The whole world still believes that Omni-Man wants to protect the Earth from villains. The Guardians of the Globe are still alive, and Mark’s superhero friends remain in the Teen Team.
Invincible (Mark) has the time to be mentored by his father and take on small-time villains like teacher Mr. Hiles. It’s not until issue ten when Noah kills The Guardians of the Globe, forcing his son to step up and try to defeat him.
In the animated series, Noah secretly murders his “friends” in the first episode leading the audience to be suspicious of him the whole time instead of seeing him as Kirkman’s version of Superman. Every time Omni-Mann acts, there seems to be a sinister motivation, and all sweet family moments are ruined. Mark has to take on the responsibilities of a significant superhero right away while also learning from his Dad. To some degree, I understand why Kirkman made this change because, in television, you need to get into the action right away.
My main problem with this erasure of Mark’s breathing time is that it destroys the ability of the audience to understand the theme of the comic books. Invincible is primarily a coming-of-age story with a superhero twist. One of the main themes is that you realize that your parents are not perfect when you edge closer to entering adulthood. Parents, stop being indestructible “heroes” in your eyes. By witnessing Omni-Man pull apart and destroy the heroes of Earth, the audience can’t see Nolan through his son’s eyes. We lose the comic’s nuanced characterization by not seeing Nolan as a devoted family man; instead, right from the start, he is an insidious alien who is leaving Earth vulnerable to attack. The horror of seeing the murders is tempered because the viewer doesn’t witness multiple episodes of Nolan being a great person who always does the right thing. If Kirkman had held off until four episodes in before having Omni-Man kill his friends, it would have been more of a gut punch, and the coming-of-age themes would seem more visible.
Kirkman updated many of the characters, making them fit into the present-day media landscape that embraces diversity. Mark and his mother, Debbie, are played by two Korean American actors. Steven Yeun performs as Mark. Sanda Oh performs as Debbie. Though it’s not evident by these drawings that these characters are Asian American, it’s clear by the casting that they are of Korean descent. African American actress Zazie Beetz performs as Mark’s first love interest and girlfriend Amber Bennett. In the comic books series, she was blonde and blue-eyed. But after casting Beetz, Kirkman wrote her as a Black character. Mark’s best friend William Clockwell, performed by Andrew Rannell, is an out gay character from the jump. Invincible instantly feels more modern because the majority of the main characters are not white heterosexual males. More importantly, the superhero show reflects the actual world we live in and casts diverse actors.
One of the funniest parts of the series is the gag with the Invincible title cards. The joke happens whenever a character says Mark’s superhero moniker. For example, in episode three, “Who Are You Calling Ugly?” Mark talks to Eve about how he feels after the funeral for The Guardians of the Globe. He explains how if The Guardians of the Globe can be killed, none of them are … edit to a title card stating in the big capital letters “Invincible.” The gag lightens the mood whenever there’s a bloody or a heartbreaking scene. The title cards also remind the viewer that Mark has to inhabit the role of the invincible superhero. Something difficult for Mark because he is still struggling to figure out his own identity.
I would recommend Invincible Season 1 to fans of the comic book series and fans of media that turns the superhero genre on its head. The animated series makes some significant changes from the comics, but Robert Kirkman being at the helm guarantees it still has the same spirit.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Teen Titans Spotlight #14: Nightwing
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So that's why I finally dropped this series: they dropped the "on:".
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You might have forgotten that the biggest gang in Gotham in 1987 were the Jewish Surrealists.
I don't even care how many people don't know what the fuck I'm on about. Did you know this world is on fire? Batman is busting a cocaine shipment into Gotham in the prologue of this comic book. According to the cover, he's about to be crucified. I guess the Jewish Surrealists are still micro-managed by Caesar's Hand. Speaking of unbelievable things in comics (this segue works because I believe I was speaking about it fifteen hundred commentaries ago when Nightwing drove a motorcycle up the wall of a building), how does Batman always wind up unconscious and in some form of complicated trap and yet, in all the time it takes to put him there, nobody ever takes the mask off. Not one henchman is curious? Not one henchman binding Batman to the cross ever thinks, "If I knew Batman's identity, I could quit this henchman gig, sell the information, and retire"? I don't believe it. My theory is that thousands of henchmen have tried this plan but Alfred intercepted all of the blackmail notices, hired Jason Bard to find who sent them, and then hired Tommy Monaghan to kill them. I would just like it on the record that I spelled Tommy's last name correctly before looking it up. The Jewish Surrealists capture Batman because they had a sniper with a tranquilizer gun on overwatch during the deal. Batman gets drugged, blackjacked, and spit upon before nobody thinks to take off his mask.
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At least I hope that's spit.
I guess if that isn't spit, I now understand why nobody took his mask off.
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"Are ya kiddin' me, Rudy?! Put yer fuckin' dick away and help me schlep this bastard into tha van! The boss can take tha fuckin' mask off. Ugh."
Alfred calls up Dick Grayson when Bruce doesn't show up for morning stitches. Dick sighs, hangs up the phone, and goes off to do a literally thankless job because Batman thinks expecting people to be there for him is the same thing as gratitude. I hate complaining about the art because I never complain about the art. So when I finally complain about the art, that means I really fucking think the art sucks. And, well, I'm complaining about the art now.
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"Fuck dinosaur references! I got this!" -- Stan Woch
This is some of Woch's earliest work with DC so I shouldn't be too hard on him. Plus he's still alive and he might read this. Although wouldn't it be worse if I were criticizing the work of a dead man? Also, he draws a pretty decent studio apartment and jizz dribble. Nightwing heads off to save Batman even though he knows Batman doesn't need saving. If Batman seems to need saving, it's only because Batman misses Nightwing and this is the only way he can see him without admitting that he misses him. "Oh no!" says Batman as he tries to remember what it's like to feel sleepy from tranquilizers or to feel concussed from a blackjack to the back of the head. "My legs are all, um, wobbly? I'm, um, falling now, right? OH! I'm helpless! I just peed a little too!" Then he lets the bad guys kidnap him and waits for Alfred to worry way too soon and call for backup. And of course Batman would choose a night when Jason Todd is off in California and Superman is off on Oa and Wonder Woman has her anniversary dinner with Steve Trevor.
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Oh, just because he's suddenly half-robot, I'm supposed to believe some high school football star can now design high tech contact lenses?! Fuck you, comic books.
Dick finds a vial of acid left behind as Batman as a clue to who murdered him. I mean kidnapped him, probably! Who would kill Batman when they had the chance? I mean if they actually had a chance and Batman wasn't completely faking and ready to start breaking kneecaps the second somebody tugs at his cowl or tries to put a bullet in his brain. Anyway, the acid vial reminds Dick of that one case which was the only one ever in which Batman used a vial of acid which leads him to Drakkar, a Gotham drug lord. This is less evidence that Batman was in trouble and realized Nightwing would come looking for him and more evidence that Batman wasn't in trouble at all and was expecting Nightwing to come looking for him because Batman misses him.
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With all the Batman themed stuff in this picture, that marquee obviously says Debbie Does Batman.
Nightwing threatens to beat up some cowardly punk named Skates who Batman apparently beats up every time he needs information. And even though Skates always gives up the information, he somehow hasn't been killed by any other Gotham criminal. Skates tells Nightwing that Batman is going to be killed at midnight in the graveyard. It's going to be a huge party. But instead of thinking, "I'll go to the graveyard and stop this!", Dick wastes precious time tailing Skates hoping he'll lead him to Batman or Drakkar. When Nightwing loses him due to Nightwing's fandom crowding around him, Nightwing thinks, "Wait. What did Skates say? Oh yeah! He gave me everything I needed to know! But now it's so close to midnight, I might not make it in time! Shoot!" Drakkar's plan is to auction off the right to unmask Batman and put a bullet in his brain. So, you know, almost the plan I proposed when they first knocked him unconscious! Stupid greedy thugs! Now Drakkar won't be rid of Batman or rich because Nightwing has found him! And he saves Batman in the nick of time! Time for hugs and demonstrations of familial love and intimacy!
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Oh Batman!
Nightwing should know Batman cares because he didn't disappear the instant Nightwing looked away. Batman does smile at the end but not until Dick leaves. Only the reader gets to know Batman is capable of the tiniest bit of joy! And that joy probably wasn't due to Nightwing telling Batman that he's proud to have been Robin. The joy was probably in getting away with not thanking somebody for saving him yet again. Teen Titans Spotlight #14: Nightwing Rating: C+. If I had written this issue, it would have been from Batman's point of view. And all along the way, Batman would be thinking things like, "I'll drop this acid vial which will remind Dick of the Great Dragon caper which will lead him to Drakkar and the subway graveyard where I'm certain Drakkar will take me to kill me!" Then Batman will think, "I bet Dick and Alfred are brainstorming how to find me right now!" And later, as the gun is being put to Batman's head, he'd be all, "The lights should go out just about now! Dick will save me in the nick of time which I'll totally razz him over. Should I say, 'Cutting it pretty close, Boy Wonder' or 'Jason would have been here five minutes sooner'?" Then the final panel of Batman's life will be a bullet passing through his head as he's unmasked. The final page would show Dick Grayson sitting in his apartment listening to Cat's in the Cradle with the phone off the hook.
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* = Smut
(Non-Linked titles means they’re planned/being edited/queued) 
Goddess Meets Holmes (Hela x Eurus Holmes)
My Queen (Hela x Reader)
The Warrior and Death (Hela x Valkyrie)
My Flower (Hela x Reader)
Home. (Hela x Valkyrie)
Death Gets Married (Hela x Reader)
The Dress (Hela x Reader)
Sleeping Beauty (Hela x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Heat, Fire and Burns (Hela x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
A Family Truth 
The Girl Who Ran With Gods (Loki x Reader)
You’re Alive? (Loki x Reader)
Hiya Stranger (Loki x Reader)
That Black Suit... (Loki x Reader)
I Think I Might Need You (Loki x Valkyrie)
I know You’re Scared... (Loki x Reader)
Not Sakaarian (Loki x Reader)
Valhalla I Am Coming (Loki x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
The Wolf Pup (Loki x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
All That I Am (Loki x Reader)
For You, I’d Give Everything (Loki x Reader)
We Need To Go (Loki x Reader)
I’m Here 
You Could Have Saved Her (Loki x Reader)
A Lifetime of Waiting (Loki x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Separation (Loki x Reader)
Sassy (Loki x M!Reader)
Between Two Realms (Loki x Reader)
Hear No Evil (Loki x Reader)
Peace (Loki x Reader)
Standing Before You (Loki x M!Reader)
Show Me (Loki x Reader)
Jealousy (Loki x Reader)
Someone I’d Like You To Meet (Loki x Reader)
Who Hurt You? (Loki x Reader)
Courage To Make Love Known (Loki x Reader)
It Is All Lies (Loki x Reader)
Curves and Gowns (Loki x Reader)
You Deserve Better (Loki x Reader)
Many Skins (Loki x Reader)
The Prisoner (Loki x Reader)
Thanos’ Grasp (Loki x Reader)
Loki’s Children (Loki x Reader)
Flustered By Asgard’s Prince (Loki x Reader)
Loki Fluff Alphabet 
Wrong Brother (Loki x Reader)
King of Asgard (Loki x Reader)*
The Prophecy (Loki x Reader)
Princes of Asgard (Loki x M!Reader)
I’ll Move The Stars For You (Loki x Reader)
A Family Truth
Please Stay (Thor x Valkyrie)
Death Comes For Us All (Thor x Valkyrie) 
Something Good (Thor x Reader)
Queen of Asgard (Thor x Valkyrie)
Will You Be My Queen? (Thor x Reader)
The Night Your World Fell Apart (Thor x Reader)
Training (Thor x Valkyrie)*
Fairest of Them All (Thor x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
The Start of the Rest of Our Lives (Thor x Valkyrie) 
[Part 1] [Part 2]
The Healer (Thor x Reader)
I’m Here 
Exquisite (Thor x Peter Quill)
It Hurts (Thor x Reader)
Crowned Queen (Thor x Reader)
Breath of Fresh Air (Thor x Reader)
From The First Glance (Thor x Reader)
Asgard’s Mightiest Hero (Thor x Reader)
Isn’t It Enough? (Thor x M!Reader)
The Warrior and Death (Valkyrie x Hela)
Please Stay (Valkyrie x Thor)
Death Comes For Us All (Valkyrie x Thor)
Queen of Asgard (Valkyrie x Thor)
Us Time (Valkyrie x Reader)
I Think I Might Need You (Valkyrie x Loki)
Home. (Valkyrie x Hela)
Training (Valkyrie x Thor)*
The Start of the Rest of Our Lives (Valkyrie x Thor) 
[Part 1] [Part 2]
T’Challa Udaku
One Hundred Wakandan Sunsets (T’Challa x Reader)
All I Can Ask You (T’Challa x Reader)
A Long Time Coming (T’Challa x Nakia)
Please Don’t Die (T’Challa x Reader)
Never speak twice on how you feel (T’Challa x Nakia)
Beauty too rich for use (T’Challa x Reader)
Under His Touch (T’Challa x Erik)
You’re going to be happy (T’Challa x Reader)
Accidental Happenings (T’Challa x Erik)
Dusk and Dawn (T’Challa x Nakia)
Within My Arms (T’Challa x Reader)
Erik Killmonger
The New King (Erik x Nakia)
Hot and Bothered (Erik x Reader)*
Always On Your Front Step (Erik x Reader)
Under His Touch (Erik x T’Challa)
The Right to Challenge (Erik x Reader)
Accidental Happenings (Erik x T’Challa)
The New King (Nakia x Erik)
A Long Time Coming (Nakia x T’Challa)
Let Me Help You (Nakia x Reader)
Never speak twice on how you feel (Nakia x T’Challa)
Coffee? (Nakia x Reader)
Dusk and Dawn (Nakia x T’Challa)
For You (M’Baku x Reader)
Steve Rogers
Saved by the Bell (Steve x Winter Barnes)
Bucky’s Birthday Blurb 1 (Steve x Bucky)
Bucky’s Birthday Blurb 3 (Steve x Bucky)
Too Long (Steve x Bucky)
Captain Please (Steve x Bucky)
The First Time In Forever (Steve x Reader)
I Can’t Wait to Meet You (Steve x Reader)
You and the Stars (Steve x Reader)
I Could Never Stop Loving You (Steve x Bucky)
You Forgot? (Steve x Reader)
I Missed You (Steve x Tony)
Storms (Steve x M!Reader)
Take Care of You (Steve x Reader)
Everything But You (Steve x Reader)
Competitive (Steve x M!Reader)
Cabinet Meetings (Steve x Reader)*
Christmas Miracles (Steve x Bucky)
Make Me (Steve x Reader)*
Taking The Edge Off (Steve x Reader)*
Bucky Barnes 
Late Night Kitchen Adventures (Bucky x M!Reader)
Bucky’s Birthday Blurb 1 (Bucky x Steve)
Bucky’s Birthday Blurb 2 (Bucky x Reader)
Bucky’s Birthday Blurb 3 (Bucky x Steve)
Lucious Locks (Bucky x Reader)
Too Long (Bucky x Steve)
Captain Please (Bucky x Steve)
You’re Okay, Bucky. (Bucky x Reader)
I Could Never Stop Loving You (Bucky x Steve)
Keeping Secrets (Bucky x Reader)
Affection Starved (Bucky x Reader)
Blind Date (Bucky x M!Reader)
Recoloured (Bucky x M!Reader)
Christmas Miracles (Bucky x Steve)
Stained (Bucky x Reader)*
Natasha Romanoff
Red Like Blood (Natasha x Clint)
The Itsy Bitsy Spider (Natasha x Reader)
I Wanted More (Natasha x Reader)
I Can’t Breathe (Natasha x Reader)
Really, Nat? (Natasha x Reader)
Scarlet Saviour (Natasha x Reader)
Clint Barton
Red Like Blood (Clint x Natasha)
Silence (Clint x Reader)
You Know ASL? (Clint x Reader)
Roller Rinks (Clint x GN!Reader)
Tony Stark
How Did I Get Here? (Tony x Pepper)
The Worst Date of My Life (Tony x Reader)
Surprise! (Tony x Reader)
I Missed You (Tony x Steve)
Give Me A Chance (Tony x Reader)
Earth To (Y/N)? (Tony x Reader)
Mini Stark (Tony x Daughter!Reader)
Can I Kiss You Right Now? (Tony x Reader)
Wanda Maximoff
I Only Feel You (Wanda x Vision)
I Only Feel You (Vision x Wanda)
Peter Parker
Too Many Names 
You’re Spider-Man?! (Peter x Reader)
How Could You? (Peter x Reader)
Dating The Spider-Man (Peter x Reader)
Please No (Peter x Reader)
I Would Love That (Peter x M!Reader)
Anatomy Class (Peter x Reader)
Peter Quill
Exquisite (Peter x Thor)
Not Straight (Peter x M!Reader)
Shakespeare Prompts
For which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me? (Thor x Hela)
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Thor x Reader)
At lover’s perjuries, they say Jove laughs (Loki x Reader)
The lady doth protest too much (Thor x Valkyrie)
My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite (Thor x Valkyrie)
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons*
Erik Killmonger
Tony Stark 
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Pepper Potts
Sam Wilson
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Bruce Banner
Doctor Strange x Grey’s Anatomy Series
[Part 1] [Part 2]*
Kurt Wagner
Blue and Purple (Kurt x Reader)
Fluttering (Kurt x Reader)
- DC -
Dick Grayson
A Whole New World (Dick x GN!Reader)
What Choice Did I Have? (Dick x GN!Reader)
Please, Nightwing (Dick x Reader)*
My Son, Robin (Dick x Reader)
Meeting The Family (Dick x Kori)
Possibilities (Dick x M!Reader)
Jason Todd
Give Me A Chance (Jason x Reader)
Wandering Hands (Jason x Reader)*
Meeting The Family (Kori x Dick)
NSFW Alphabets Headcanons*
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Roy Harper
Chris Hemsworth
Spilling The Beans (Chris x Reader)
School Mornings (Chris x Reader)
Thor’s Birthday Surprise (Chris x Reader)
Instagram Cosplay 
Nice Waves (Chris x Reader)
Chris Evans
Two Became Three (Chris x Reader)
I’ll Take You To The Other Side (Chris x Reader)
And At Last I See The Light (Chris x Reader)
Instagram Cosplay
Interview Love (Chris x Reader)
Pick Up Lines (Chris x Reader)
Ariel (Chris x Reader)
Sebastian Stan 
Picture Perfect (Sebastian x Reader)
To Boldly Go (Sebastian x Reader)
Instagram Cosplay
Dissertations (Sebastian x Reader)
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston Blurb 1 (Tom x Reader)
Hiddlestons. Plural. (Tom x Reader) 
Overprotective (Tom x Reader)
Cabin Get-A-Way (Tom x Reader)
Defensive (Tom x Reader)
Instagram Cosplay
I Wish You Could See (Tom x Reader)
Secret Showings (Tom x M!Reader)
Dacre Montgomery
Happy Anniversary (Dacre x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
- OCEAN’S 8 -
Debbie Ocean
I Still Love You (Debbie x Lou)
I Still Need You (Debbie x Reader)
Lou Miller
I Still Love You (Lou x Debbie)
I Still Want You (Lou x Reader)
Billy Hargrove
Keg King (Billy x Reader)
Billy’s Rock Girl (Billy x Reader)
To Love Medusa (Billy x Reader x Steve)
[Part 1]* [Part 2] [Part 3]* [Part 4]
Self Preservation (Billy x Reader)
Steve Harrington 
To Love Medusa (Steve x Reader x Billy)
[Part 1]* [Part 2] [Part 3]* [Part 4]
All Lights Flicker and Fade
Harry Styles x Louis Tomlinson
I’m In Love With Lou and All His Little Things
Can We Fall One More Time?
- 12 Strong -
Mitch Nelson
Guardian Angel (Mitch Nelson x Reader)  
- M/M & F/F  -
Male Reader
Late Night Kitchen Adventures (Bucky x M!Reader)
Sassy (Loki x M!Reader)
Not Straight (Peter Quill x M!Reader)
Storms (Steve x M!Reader)
Standing Before You (Loki x M!Reader)
Blind Date (Bucky x M!Reader)
Recoloured (Bucky x M!Reader)
I Would Love That (Peter Parker x M!Reader)
Competitive (Steve x M!Reader)
Secret Showings (Tom Hiddleston x M!Reader)
Isn’t It Enough (Thor x M!Reader)
Princes of Asgard (Loki x M!Reader)
Possibilities (Dick x Reader)
Female x Female!Reader
My Queen (Hela x Reader)
My Flower (Hela x Reader)
Death Gets Married (Hela x Reader)
The Dress (Hela x Reader)
Sleeping Beauty (Hela x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Heat, Fire and Burns (Hela x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Us Time (Valkyrie x Reader)
Let Me Help You (Nakia x Reader)
Coffee? (Nakia x Reader)
The Itsy Bitsy Spider (Natasha x Reader)
I Wanted More (Natasha x Reader)
I Can’t Breathe (Natasha x Reader)
Really, Nat? (Natasha x Reader)
I Still Need You (Debbie Ocean x Reader)
I Still Want You (Lou Miller x Reader)
Scarlet Saviour (Natasha x Reader)
Gender Neutral Reader
Roller Rinks (Clint x GN!Reader)
A Whole New World (Dick x GN!Reader)
What Choice Do I Have? (Dick x GN!Reader)
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invincible team if you’re out here and lurking in tumblr, i hope you’re seeing this <33
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progress of the bingo slots are in the reblogs ;3
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Some more edits I did of my fave mom characters.
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melyaliz · 7 years
Better than a Book
Summary: Jennifer was too caught up in her book to really enjoy the magic of the circus. Good thing a young acrobat was there to correct this. 
Pairing: Dick Grayson x OC
Notes: My example for the Contest. I might go back and edit it at a later date. 
You can submit your own story by tagging me. I can’t wait to see what everyone else does
“Stay close,” Kyo said sternly at Jennifer who merely glanced up from the large book her nose was buried in.
“Umhumm” She mumbled before going back to the adventures of the Swiss Family Robinsons. They were building a treehouse on a deserted island. And while the Circus was pretty amazing it didn’t even truly start for a while so why not dive into the tropic adventure of the marooned family?
“DAD! Tigers!” her sister’s voice squealed with excitement. Everything seemed to be a new wonder for Faith. Which Jen never really understood. It wasn’t like they hadn't gone to the Zoo two days ago. “Can we get cotton candy?” the younger O’Neal girl asked as they walked by a booth. Pink and blue sugar being spoon as it’s sweet scent filled Jennifer’s nose. Kyo’s hand gently pulling the older girl with them as she continued her journey through the tropics of some unknown island.
“I feel like a pile of pink sugar is JUST what she needs.” Debbie laughed at her husband as he struggled to hold the small girl who was just about to burst with excitement.
It was right around this time that the Robinsons family was slowly planning their way to protect their home from the bad guys so she wasn't quite sure what happened to the rest of the O’Neal family. But when she looked up they were all gone. It wasn’t like she didn’t have a good idea of what had happened. Faith most likely saw something so cool she had to get a closer look. When that girl put her mind to something nothing, not even the strong grip of their father could hold her back. If this was the case than Kyo their bodyguard would have bolted after her. Leaving Jen alone to walk slowly blind while caught up in another book.
Letting out a soft sigh the brunette girl looked around for a moment before finding a log by one of the large tents. Perfect place to sit and wait for her parents to find her. She had read in a book last week on wilderness survival that if you were lost find a tree and stay put until help found you. This couldn’t be much more different.
After getting comfortable, or as comfortable as one can be on a log, she opened her book to continue her journey.
She was in the middle of a battle of both wits and man-made weapons made out of nature when someone rudely pulled her book down. Bright blue eyes laughing at her.
“What could possibly be more interesting than the circus?” the young boy asked leaning forward his eyes studying her and not the book in question. Which, Jennifer deduced, if he had looked at her would have understood. Did the circus have full functioning tree houses build from scratch? She thought not.
“A good one” was her simple reply which seemed to amuse the boy more.
“Where are your parents?”
“Oh, you’re lost?”
“No, my parents are lost. I know where I am.” Jennifer said giving him a lopsided grin gently folding her book under her arm. The boy burst out laughing, it was light and happy. Jennifer liked the sound of it.
“Well while we wait for them I bet I can prove that the circus is better than any book.”
“Uhhh I’m not sure we like this idea” Jennifer mumbled moments later as she stood on the platform looking down at what felt like a million feet down. Not that it was, it must have been more like 30 feet.
Gently he took her hand, “This is way cooler than a book.”
“Well they did have houses in trees”
“Well, we are high up, like trees.”
She giggled shrugging, “Guess we kind of are.”
“Ok hold on.”
“No way!” she said taking a step back almost stumbling, his grip on her hand tightened pulling her closer to him before jumping.
“Too late”
She wasn't sure if she was screaming or laughing as her legs and arms were wrapped around him.
Flying, they were flying through the air like birds. Her heart is racing in her throat as she watched the world around her spin. For a moment it seemed as if everything slowed as her gaze went from the world below to the boy who was keeping her safe above.
His eyes met her’s as his laughter echoing through her. She couldn’t help but smile back as they landed on the opposite side.
“DICK! What are you doing?” a voice cut off and the boy winced as they landed on the other side of the tent.
“Busted” he mumbled glancing down at a woman who looked back up at him disapprovingly.
“Mom! I was just proving a point!”  
“What did I tell you about showing off”
The boy, Dick, now that she thought about it Jennifer had never gotten an introduction. Just let this nameless boy “prove a point” as he had put it. Years later she would laugh at how unsafe that decision had been.
“Her parents got lost” Dick informed his mom as they both descended the pole. Back to the ground and reality.
“Well, they are most likely at the lost and found. I’ll take you…”
The woman smiled kindly patting her back before slowly walking toward the entrance of the tent. Jennifer followed obediently behind glancing back at the boy who was leaning against the pole. He flashed her another smile waving.  
“Watch for me” he called out winking before Jennifer stepped out to the busy circus grounds. As she disappeared he walked back to his family’s trailer only to notice a small book lying on the ground. Picking it up he couldn’t help but smile.
Mother was in tears when they found them. Hugging her so tight Jennifer thought she might crack a rib. Her father seemed just as upset, slightly red as he gripped her hand. “Kyo is the main tent with Faith,” he told her. “We were so worried, I’m sorry we got separated.”
“It’s ok, I got to swing on vines like my book,” Jennifer informed him as they walked to the tent.
“Yeah, a boy and showed me how it’s done.”
They found her sister sitting on Kyo’s lap while talking to a small boy who was with his father. The boy was telling her something about the famous Grayson's and their quadruple somersault. Faith listened wide-eyed truly raptured by his story. Probably already planning how she could do it tomorrow in the hotel they were staying in. Jennifer had never seen the girl so still in her life.
“Tim, the shows about to start,” the boy’s father said gently tapping the boy on the shoulder as the lights dimmed.
The energy was electric in the tent as the slightly portly man walked to the center of the ring. Everyone on the edge of their seats. Lifting his hands up he yet out a cry “WELCOME!”
What could only be described as magic erupted.
Lights and fire and color. All swirling around like a snow globe creating a scene unlike any Jennifer had ever seen. It was as if she had stepped into one of her books and was truly living in it.
She recognized him instantly. Even with the white and red mask that he and his family wore. The way he seemed to fly through the air. It almost reminded her of her mother’s dancing. Graceful and so full of control. The young girl was transfixed unable to look away.
Halfway through their performance, Dick’s parents threw him toward the audience. He flipped through the air as the audience gasped scared the small boy would fall right into them. Yet at the last minute, his hands grabbed a pole swinging around before looking down at the audience. His eyes light up as they met hers.
Then flashing her a wink he pointed down at her before backflipping into the arms of his father.
Jennifer couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she could almost hear his voice.  
“Bet that was better than any book.”
Tagging: @royslittleharper  @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @werewitchling @nightwing-rules @jayne-writes @memento-scribet  @christmascass
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poochyracine · 7 years
Debbie Deb - Lookout Weekend (DJ Dick Grayson's Tryna Pop and Lock Me Edit) by DJ Dick Grayson on #SoundCloud
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