#dean is SUCH a bastard
tideswept · 1 month
"Man, I haven't written anything for Hartwin in so long. What do I have in Ye Olde WIP cupboard? Mmmn. Yes, there's that, but I think I want to baby it more, not quite ready to be made public yet. And... what's this? I don't quite remember what this--OH. OH, I REMEMBER WHAT THIS WAS."
and that's the story of how I'm now editing a Kingsman-as-bodyguards AU that somehow may be the saddest damn Hartwin thing I've ever written and really, should have probably not been a silly AU, but here we are.
Still in the editing phase, so not sure if it's going to go anywhere, but man, sometimes it's nice to look back at fics you kept trying to make work, couldn't, put away, and then it turns out Six-Months-Later-You now sees what the problems were and that the fixes are in fact, quite easy.
Never give up on your WIPs entirely, folks. Store them aside, on the shelf, out of the way, but don't toss them into the trash.
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slytherintothedms · 6 months
MY JAW IS ON THE FLOOR “you have me confused with the other angel. the one in the dirty trench coat who’s in love with you” IT TOOK FIFTEEN SEASONS FOR A DESTIEL CONFESSION WHEN WE GOT THIS IN SEASON SIX ?!
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sunglassesmish · 11 months
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cas dying + dean’s reactions
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drulalovescas · 8 months
The possibly funniest thing our lil gay angel ever did was branding Dean Winchester as his from the get-go.
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strawlessandbraless · 7 months
The lone survivor of the Supernatural Cruise after the boat finally returns to dock
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One hell of a PA
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thenameisgul · 11 days
Fuck John Winchester. All my homies hate John Winchester
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hellboys · 7 months
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THE WALKING DEAD 7.04 — service
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azrael08 · 4 months
Really Random but cute Sabriel headcanon.
Sam and Gabe are literally in sync, like they somehow always think and act the same as each other without realising it. There have been many times where Sam has been explaining a plan for a hunt or whatever and him and Gabriel say the same thing at the same time. Usually Sam will just get a little flustered and cough and move on, but Gabe usually points this out by saying “Jinx you owe me a coke!” Or “Great minds think a like.” So even though this happens a lot Sam and Gabe are oblivious to how much this happens. Another example, Gabe will be feeling a little antsy and want to go on a walk outside and maybe grab some food, so he gets up and heads towards the bunkers exit only to find Sam there as well intending of doing the same thing. So they go together. They walk instead of taking a car both wanting to ‘Enjoy to scenery’ and when they get to the nearest restaurant or diner they both get the same order of food (that either being salad to which Gabriel will say “Just felt like a little extra green” with a shrug or they order something sweet to which Sam will say “It just sounded really good”) and afterwards they both coincidentally take some extra time to stay in town and look around some of the shops and share stories with each other.
But they’re not trying to be the same on purpose, like I said they’re both oblivious that they same the same thing, and think the same ideas, and do the same actions somehow always being so in sync.
Maybe Dean and Cas would eventually point this out to Sam and Gabe, but they will be all like “C’mon Dean/Cas, your over exaggerating, sure we might jinx each other sometimes but it’s not that common🙄” And Dean and Cas are just left to endure that night as Sam and Gabe move perfectly around each other in the kitchen making dinner and repeat the phrase “I was just thinking the same thing!” 12x and day.
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rocknrollflames · 1 month
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gif credit to doubletalkinjives
When I go back in time:
I have decided it will be at this very moment - right here. I will be one of the people who climbs on stage. Well, I will somehow propel myself. And I will either land on Izzy or jump on him immediately following a hard landing. At this moment. I know. I'm aware he'll probably shove me off the stage. What am I saying? Okay - I'll admit it. That hot, dirty bastard will probably kick me off. So I would probably have to flash him or think of something else fast. I'd just hold on as tightly as possible. Grab onto one of his skinny legs probably.
Izzy Stradlin, performing with Guns N' Roses: L. A. Street Scene Festival, 1986
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hakusins · 1 month
If male Jordan looks female does female Jordan look like a male? … (let me fuck em both)
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unfortunately anon you'll have to get in line - there's already someone by jordan's side and he ain't the sharing type
but on f!jordan design!! I actually didn't think much when making m!jordan cause i was just thinking of what my oc's type would be (pretty men) HBREHBFJHBERF but if i were to view f!jordan, it would just be m!jordan design but female? so they'd look something like this:
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BUT YOU DID give me the Thought of .... short haired f!jordan so you also get a bonus brainrot doodle from yours truly <3
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but same anon - same, i want to fuck em both
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incorrect-nevermore · 10 months
The fact that Merry is a confirmed enabler of the misfits, mostly Lenore’s, tomfuckery is absolutely amazing information to me 
Lenore, quietly standing in one of the Academy’s labs: …
Merry, popping up behind her from thin fucking air: Drink whatever the fuck is in that beaker, I know you want to.
Mourn: DO NOT!
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James Dean’s Porsche 550
Even though Dean only made three films and died at the age of 24, his legacy is so great he’s still one of the most legendary names in the film industry. On the other hand, the story of his Porsche 550 Spyder nicknamed “Little Bastard” is one of the most enduring automotive mysteries of all time. Dean died in 1955, crashing his Porsche at an intersection in Cholame, California. The car was badly damaged, so they sold some mechanical parts like the engine, but the body and few components remained. After a few owners, the car ended up with famous Hollywood customizer George Barris.
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He loaned it to an organization that promoted highway safety. Reports of people being injured in freak accidents involving falling pieces from the car and other strange occurrences lead the public to call the crashed Porsche, “a cursed car.” In the late ’60s, they shipped the remains of the 550 Spyder from Florida to California, but they never arrived in L.A. Someone stole the car under suspicious circumstances and no one has been able to recover it. Some historians claim Barris had something to do with the disappearance of the legendary Dean`s Porsche. But Barris took the secret to the grave since he passed away in 2015.
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wilsonthemoose · 7 months
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Some Nights
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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physically painful that sam isn't real and married to me
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anon-s-s-k · 8 months
Me: What do you mean ? I don't have a type!
My favourite characters:
Energetic, charismatic, show-stealer, quirky sassy little shit but oh so lovely
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Acts all confident and cocky, but deep down has severe self-worth issues
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Daddy/mommy issues + childhood/past trauma
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Rough around the edges but is actually a cinnamon roll
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Badass, sexy and very, VERY QUEER
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Messes up sometimes, but owns up their shit and actually manages to make things right
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Seems like doesn't care but deep down is a big ol' softie
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Loyal af, would take a bullet for their loved ones
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Got a bit of darkness lurking around in there but always manage to come clean and do the right thing, got an AA graded moral compass there
Honourable mention: childhood crush
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Me:.......oh, oh sHIT! :0
Edit: another childhood crush that I didn't even know was my crush but by God! Was I obsessed?
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