#david tennant in places he shouldn't be
should-david-be-there · 3 months
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david tennant with south london's greatest dirtbag boyband @bearsintreesofficial??? sounds like a place he should be
(also listen to their new song 'hot chocolate' when it comes out on Thursday :])
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goodomens-girlie · 5 months
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y’all he’s literally cosplaying me (I’m blonde)
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taxusbaccata6 · 1 year
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David Tennant in places he shouldn't be
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Dear people, please get off Michael Sheen and his relationship. He's a person, it can and most likely will backfire at him. What he does in his private life is his private business. Especially Good Omens fandom - you've seen first hand how messing with others' relationships ends.
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maybemoltenlava · 6 months
david tennant in places he shouldn't be:
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smoosie · 7 months
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They often fight for dominance
The snake's name is Crawly. He likes long walks on the beach and gentle boops on the snoot.
Random weird ref under the cut (I see Good Omens everywhere...)
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See also the meme "David Tennant in places he shouldn't be" :
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helloimsoverybored · 3 months
A Pretty Long Rant on RPF shippers in the context of David Tennant and Michael Sheen
the entire georgia/anna discourse is so. bullshit. because those are actual, real people, with real lives and real relationships with those around them
Regarding dt and gt, just saying, no one has five children together as part of a pr stunt. Same with Michael and Anna.
And the fact that rpf people fail to realise this is concerning- taking the "my wife" jokes quite literally. News flash, it's a fucking joke. It's not something gt and al are making up to cover up for the fact that their respective partners fell in love with each other (yes, this is an actual take i've seen on this matter)
And idk if the rpf people are just dumb or are fully aware of what they're doing, despite the fact that they're completely tearing apart the lives of real people.
Another retort I've often seen is that fans have the right to criticize celebrities. Yes, yes they do. But breaking down a marriage spanning over a decade isn't criticism! You're creating fake problems out of thin air and for what? Genuinely, for what?
Rpf shippers just automatically assume the worst in both Georgia and Anna, and you know what? God forbid women do anything. Because that's exactly what this is.
They're completely vilifying gt and al because... they're in a relationship with their "blorbo actors?" They're acting like gt/dt and al/ms are fictional characters that you can play around with like dolls but you can't play around with real people's lives! Simply put, it isn't ethical.
I feel like the rpf people just fail to understand the meaning of “real”, because I don’t even know how one can feel so alright and happy by tearing apart the lives of real people. The fact that people are finding every possible way to find problems in their current relationships to suit their fantasies is so fucking disgusting.
Okay now if you're with me so far, I'm impressed. Stay with me because I'm not done yet.
Regarding Georgia, don't rpf blogs just love to criticize her and her parenting methods? That Georgia's just lazy and only wants to drink wine, but omfg. wtf. She has fucking 5 children. I don't care what you think, managing those many kids is NOT an easy task. But also... posts I've seen on this matter never seem to bring up David? Why? Isn't he a parent? Shouldn't he also have a role in parenting? Whatever Georgia does surely won't be against what David believes, right? Wake up, rpf shippers, wake the fuck up.
David almost definitely does have a role in the parenting (anyone willing to fight me on this, come off, I'll give you the reasons) but since he’s all over London at the moment, he probably doesn’t have much time. Which means that gt has to manage 4-5 kids all by herself. So she does actually deserve a break, more than anyone else. But she doesn’t because wahoo god forbid women do anything.
And putting all that aside, what the hell gives rpf people the right to hate on her as if they know her irl. Their default behavioral status is set to mean and bitchy and that’s just. concerning. rpf people need to understand the difference between real life and fiction istfg.
Okay, i swear I'm nearing the end of this rant, please don't go yet.
Sometimes fans do have the right to speak up against an UNHEALTHY relationship. There are multiple examples all over the place where one person has expressed dissatisfaction but no one took them seriously. Except… neither gt/dt nor ms/al have expressed dissatisfaction. At all. It’s actually the exact opposite where they keep fawning for each other. There’s 0 suggestions of any of them being unhappy in their respective relationships apparent from yall overanalyzing their body language to the point where it becomes false.
Do Georgia and Anna ship themselves with each other and ship David with Michael? Yes. But that's a fucking joke. Learn to take a joke, yalls, it will get you a long way. And even if they are the ones doing the shipping, so what? That doesn’t give you the right to. It’s their lives. You’re just a person viewing their lives from a small peep hole known as Instagram.
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danielfeketewrites · 1 month
DOCTOR WHO TOP 10 - 10th Doctor
David Tennant's first time being the Doctor. I can introduce the 10th Doctor like that now.
10. Love and Monsters
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Yeah, we're starting with the controversial one. It's a love letter to fandom and the connections we build through it. It's also the third best story in series 2, so there's that. It's still kinda controversial and often described as a rubbish episode, even as the worst episode... but it shouldn't be. It's actually quite well written, with a lot of subtext about good fandom x toxic fandom woven througout. I appreciate Love and Monsters for that.
9. The Girl in the Fireplace
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Emotional, beautiful, creative. I can't not love it.
8. The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
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An asteriod mysteriously hangs in front of a black hole... We've got a cozy Base Under Siege, possession, huge CGI devil, and the introduction of Ood. A properly terrifying story.
7. The Deep Hereafter
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The pulpy, Eisner-esque style of this comic is amazing, but it's also here for the "stream of consciousness"-style ideas. Half-Nelson and Tiny Danza are stand-outs, but I also have a lot of love for Hecto Shellac. And the ending is amazing.
6. Utopia / The Sound of Drums / The Last of the Time Lords
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My favourite finale of RTD1 era, possibly because I love Master so goddamn much.
5. The Time of Your Life
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Genuinely beutiful goodbye to Donna. There's nothing really like it.
4. Turn Left
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Filled with classic sci-fi ideas as well as some really creative stuff... I love the beetle. Towards the end of Russell's first era, he tries to take the show to some really dark places - some of those attempts really don't work for me, but Turn Left is the right way to do it.
3. Blink
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Gorgeous puzzlebox of an episode. What else can I say? Everyone loves it, it's genuinely great.
2. The Crimson Hand
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The final comic strip of 10th Doctor's DWM run, as well as the epic finale to Majenta's arc, this story is goddamn amazing. I love it to bits. It's huge and epic, yet really emotional. It hits all the right spots for me, one of the best Doctor Who comics ever.
1. Human Nature / The Family of Blood
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What else? By many accounts, Human Nature is the best 7th Doctor novel. Well, they sure turned it into the best 10th Doctor TV story. I love it so much. I'm not really sure what else to say about it. It's incredible.
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bibble-cat · 6 months
My sister shared a picture of Tom Hiddleston and David Tennant together on a red carpet somewhere and it gave me this entire conversation that I'm going to share with you in the order I created it.
If anyone wants to make this a comic with an appropriate bookshop background and the others doing stuff in the background, please feel free, I just ask you to give me credit for the convo xD
Could you imagine the terror of Loki and Crowley in the same place? It would be great at first... like
Crowley : Oh yes, let's do some mischief... We can take down the phone lines, turn out the lights in a few blocks...
Loki: Enslave humanity...
C: Wot?
L: Wot?
Or something like
L: I am Loki Laufyson. Prince of Asgaurd and Lord of Mischief
C: Hiya. Crowley... erm, Serpent of Eden. Hey you have a blonde partner too. Doesn't look like the soft bookish type, what's he do?
L: That's my brother, Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgaurd and Lord of Thunder. Is the little cream puff with you?
C: *rubs back of neck* Well, I mean, he's not with me... I mean, we're not like... he's not mine per se. *drops into mumbling, then says* That's Aziraphale.
(Bit later)
C: I'm just saying don't you think the golden horns are a little too on the nose fo.....
*sudden crash*
Thor: I liked that, another!
C: oh dear, he shouldn't have done that...
*panicked rush across the bookshop to pull a very irate Angel off a VERY confused God*
C: Angel, Angel, I know that was one of your favorite teacups, but we can always miracle it back together... Angel! Put down the FLAMING SWORD ANGEL!
Azi: But I'll always know it was broken!
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consanguinitatum · 2 months
"David Tennant In Places He Shouldn't Be", Middle-Age Edition.
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should-david-be-there · 2 months
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critics are calling this the crossover of the century
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goodomens-girlie · 5 months
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bro looks mad cozy
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taxusbaccata6 · 2 years
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David Tennant in places he shouldn't be.
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icantspellhocky · 4 months
My thoughts about the first doctor-donna special that I'm currently freaking out about (/positive)
Okay, first of all, there will be spoilers for the recent(ish) special about the 14th doctor and Donna Noble. This only includes the first one because I got too excited about it so I had to take a break.
I was very skeptical about David Tennant coming back (he was my favorite doctor, but repeating faces is an interesting choice), but I had to watch this because DONNA NOBLE and I was not disappointed. First, the fact that the Doctor had David's face again was important and it sent a message to the Doctor about what had to be done. This was a meaningful thing that actually effected the situation, so I actually like the choice now. It's also really funny how The Doctor did like absolutely nothing to pretend like he wasn't The Doctor (other than not say his name) like seriously he looked into Donna's eyes and talked about the sonic screwdriver. Dude. Also, the Doctor's new face is because he can't move forward right now and needs to take a step back and get some closure. Like he doesn't usually get that chance, but now with his new face he can fix things and get closure both for himself and Donna (and maybe hang out with the Nobles??? also I'm so excited to see Wilfred again!!!!!). The conversation with Donna trying to convince The Doctor to hang out also highlighted key differences between some of The Doctors, because 11 would never be able to do that. 11 was antsy and could barely stay in place in the box episode. 12 and 10 could probably do it, but I don't think they'd love it that much and they'd probably get a little antsy too. But the 14th seems more interested in his people than the adventure (???) like I don't know much about him yet, but there was this one line about how 14 was more willing to express that he loved people and I think that's kinda what he's going to be all about. He's The Doctor that wants to get closure with those he loves. He gets that from 10 I think because ten had the whole scene where he was saying goodbye to Everyone even the people he shouldn't say goodbye to. Omg this is a long paragraph. Sorry!!
Also, I'm so happy to see Donna again!!! I love her so much!! She is relentless in a good way and absolutely would not stop questioning people about what the fuck was going on until she had an answer and I love her for it. She definitely Noticed that things were weird based on how people were acting pretty early on and she's so wonderful. Also, when she was talking about how she was fired because she spilled coffee on a computer my immediate thought was that there were some dangerous things in that computer and she did it on purpose. And then she immediately "spilled" coffee on Sexy's console (definitely on purpose!!!! <3333) and I love her so much!!!!! (Could you tell I love Donna Noble??)
Also, Shirley (the UNIT scientific Adviser who's name was mentioned once)!!!!! I absolutely love her line about whether there are life forms on the spaceship: "But we don't know what kind of life we're looking for." LIKE OMG!!!! Recognizing that alien life might not be classified as "life" by our current deffinitions!!!! Because we don't know everything about the universe!! and we also might not be able to detect everything OMGGGG!! Also the bit where she finds the doctor and has a conversation with him is wonderful. Absolutely love it. (ALSO HAVING SOMEONE IN A WHEELCHARE WHO ISN"T COMPLETELY PARALIZED IS COOL BECAUSE YOU LIKE NEVER GET THAT IN TV) "What for?" "I don't know" "oh" lmaooo silly exchange right there. Also it's cool that she gets a specialized wheelchair with weapons. Also, the fact that she's disabled isn't ignored. Like it actually effects the plot. Cuz if she had been able to climb those stairs she would have been mind controlled too and that would have messed things up. And the fact that the situation wasn't accessible was mentioned and not like talked around. Like she was still seen as a full human, not just despite her disability, but including it. Ya know?
Also, Sexy (the TARDIS) is gorgeous!!!! Like she's so pretty. Her circle-ey platforms and sleek look and the dots that change colors!!!!!! I love her. Lovely.
Also, it's so funny that The Doctor sneaked into the area with the space ship when he could have just walked right in because he's The Doctor.
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happygirlartworks · 5 months
david tennant in places he shouldn't be 2
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Joel somehow getting punched in the face?
(I am late on Punch Joel April)
"So supposedly," Graham Norton smirks from his spot in his chair. "Supposedly you used to punch people you shouldn't punch."
"Oh, this was a very, very long time ago," Lenny admits with a chuckle, placing a hand over his mouth. "I was young, and very, very stupid."
"But it's a great story, right?" Graham asks.
"Well...one of them is funny, and the other is not so much," Lenny explains as he sits back on the couch. "The funny one is basically some schmo in a bar, mouthing off and hating Jews. I was a little drunk, so I went over to pick a fight. And he...threw me through a plate glass window."
The audience laughs at that, and Graham grins, "So it was a trip to hospital?"
"Eh. I don't remember. Maybe."
"What was the other one?"
Lenny sighs heavily. "So...you know, Midge is my second wife. She's the best. She's great. Her ex-husband is...not great. He's better than he used to be now that we're all old fogies, but back when we were all young and full of piss and vinegar and crap, he was - well for lack of a word i can get past the censors, he was an asshole."
"Lenny, we're past the watershed, you can call him a shithead," Graham assures him.
"Really?" Lenny lights up. "He was a huge shithead!" he crows loudly, making the audience laugh louder.
"So you punched him?" Edris Elba asks from next to him.
"Once," Lenny admits. "Only once in all the years we've known each other. And it was the first time we met."
The audience laughs in surprise at that.
Lenny sighs heavily. "So Joel - his name is Joel - back in the day, owned a nightclub in Chinatown. And when it seemed like Midge and I were getting serious, she took me to meet him during the day at the club. You know, and at first, when we're introduced, he's the nicest guy. Tellin' me how big an honor it is to meet me, how he hopes I'll consider doing sets at his club."
"And then Midge drops the bomb?" Graham guesses.
"Yep," Lenny nods. "She says, 'So Lenny and I have been seeing each other for a little while, and it's getting serious, and I figured you two should formally meet.'"
"How'd that go over?" Dame Maggie Smith asks.
Lenny chuckles, making the audience laugh, and he takes a moment to shake his head.
"Joel looks at me. Turns and stares at Midge. Looks back at me. And then he goes 'so that's how you make it in comedy.'"
The audience gasps and boos.
"That is- that's quite the statement to say to anyone, let alone someone you used to be married to," David Tennant comments from further down the couch, clearly horrified.
"It really was," Lenny agrees. "Joel turns around in that way that do for dramatic affect when they're upset? And I'm standing there, and my mind is fu- it's racing. And I think to myself, 'who the hell does this guy think he is? Midge is the funniest person I know. How dare he?' And my caveman brain just takes over, and suddenly I'm tapping him on the shoulder, and he turns around, and I pop him right in the nose."
"Good," Maggie snaps firmly. "He earned that."
"Did you break his nose?" Idris asks.
"Surprisingly yes," Lenny confirms.
"I don't usually condone violence, m'self," David chimes in again. "But in this case, he really did deserve that."
"Was Midge angry?" Graham asks.
"She probably could have been angrier, all things considered," Lenny smirks behind his hand. "And I shouldn't have done it, but it was such a low blow."
"Truly, what a rotten thing to say," Maggie grouses.
"Yeah, he was a little shit back then," Lenny agrees. "Now he spends most of his time complaining from an armchair."
"And you produced a movie!" Graham cries happily. "That a nice bit of karma."
"And a great plug," Lenny adds with a chuckle.
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