#dances into the night. disappearing into the darkness never to be seen again
purgetrooperfox · 2 months
I'm all for bloodpact as a ship. I agree that they're an excellent fit and unbelievably complimentary and they could actually be so good for each other. their potential is boundless. do you see their in game interactions? do you hear the way they talk about each other? amazing
now hear me out
bloodpact where wyll is more than just astarion's emotional crutch and moral support 🥰
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tealeafgrimm · 2 years
Cold Nights
Harry Potter x Reader Words: 716 Summary: Together with the Golden Trio you are searching for Horcruxes and winter has come. Despite all the measures, you just can't get warm and the cold keeps you from sleeping. But the concept of body heat could help you.
Months had passed since the beginning of your search. So far you had only had minor successes. To make matters worse, winter had finally caught up with you. The temperatures had dropped surprisingly sharply overnight. But today it snowed for the first time. And not just a little. You didn't know when you had last seen so much snow.
Like every night, Hermione had conjured up her glass-fires to warm up the tent. This seemed to be enough for Ron, Hermione and Harry, but you were incredibly cold. You had pulled your blanket up to under the tip of your nose to try and expose as little of your body as possible to the cold air.
Tired, you looked at the other beds. Ron was snoring and obviously fast asleep. Hermione and Harry were also lying motionless in their beds. You yourself were also tired, but the cold made your body shiver. Your teeth were chattering and you were struggling to control your body's twitching.
You didn't know what else to do. You didn't want to wake the others. Rolling onto your side, you pulled your knees towards you, hoping to warm yourself with your own body. Again your teeth chattered.
"Is everything okay?" you heard Harry murmur tiredly. He was sleeping in the bed closest to you. In the dim light of the blue flames, you could see his face. He looked at you from squinted eyes.
"Y-yes, I'm fine. I'm just cold," you replied, shivering. You didn't want him to lose sleep over you.
"I can hear your teeth chattering all the way over here. Didn't you put a warming spell on your blanket?"
"Of course I did. I don't know why I'm so cold. I feel like my toes are freezing." You tried to laugh, but to be honest, you felt more like crying. You were dead tired and all you wanted to do was sleep.
The rustling of a duvet pulled you out of your thoughts. You could see Harry's silhouette coming towards you.
"Move over a bit." Harry was standing right in front of your bed, looking down at you.
"What?" you asked him, confused.
"I want you to slide over a bit."
"What for?"
"I can't sleep with your teeth chattering like that. You need to sleep, I'm just trying to help you."
You made room for him. Not a second later he had laid down next to you. His body heat was directly noticeable.
"Thank you Harry," you whispered and pressed yourself as close to him as you could.
He put a hand around your waist. You were glad it was dark, because a blush crept into your cheeks. You hadn't wanted to admit it to yourself before, but you had definitely had a crush on him for a long time. But at the same time he was your best friend and you didn't want to risk losing him as such.
What you didn't realise was the fact that you weren't the only person who was suddenly unfathomably flustered. Harry lay rigidly beside you. When he had decided to lie down in bed with you, he had not expected that being so close to you would paralyse him. He didn't know how to position himself. He didn't want to pressure you into anything and at the same time he never wanted to let you go again.
It took quite a while until you both finally fell asleep. But at some point exhaustion overcame both of you. The cold of winter had disappeared in the meantime and a pleasant warmth enveloped you, allowing you a peaceful and deep sleep.
The next morning Hermione and Ron were the first to wake up. Surprised and grinning at the same time, they both looked at the sleeping figures of their two friends.
"It's about time they finally got together," Ron finally said. It had been exhausting to watch the two of them dancing around each other.
"Do you think we should wake them up?" asked Hermione quietly. 
"Don't you dare," a raspy voice replied, making Ron and Hermione jump and wince.
Harry had opened one eye, looked at his two friends, wrapped his arm tighter around you and finally closed his eyes again.
The search for Horcruxes could wait another hour or two.
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wynonnahyde · 10 days
The saloon was lively, most if not everyone dancing, drinking, or socializing. Two younger people had recently been wed, so naturally, it was time to celebrate the new couple. Wynonna sat at the end of the bar, smiling as she watched everyone dance around, a smile on her lips. It had been a little, at least in her time, about 3 weeks since her horrid week. She wasn’t healed by any means, but she felt much better than she did, just had to be careful as any harsh hit to her chest or stomach would make her collapse.
She wasn’t drinking, which came as a surprise to most people, rather, slowly eating some chips that the saloons owner had made himself. She hummed along to the song on the piano, smiling at a few people as they passed by.
Later into the night, a younger man sped into the building, eyes darting around until they landed on Wynonna, speaking to an older woman. He quickly passed the crowd, excusing himself as he intervened.
“A—are you Wynonna Hyde—? Sand-spider?” He asked, his voice trembling.
Wynonna looked at him, a little off guard as she looked at the boy. “Yeah? Why?”
“There’s been a sighting out by the towns watering hole, where we all put our horses during off season, and sheriff has gone missing.”
“Missing-? How long?” She was shocked, no one went missing, especially the guy who uses his gun more than handcuffs.
“4 hours now, he said not to get you, but I heard a yell up by there and— well you catch the bad guys! I’m just a watcher at the jail!” He rambled, hands shaking as he looked into her eyes.
She hesitated, but sighed, nodding as she stood to her feet, nodding to the woman as a goodbye as she started to walk away, the boy following.
They exchanged more details, apparently a guy who was a little to snake like was out by the watering hole, seeming to be waiting. “And when the sheriff left, I heard a yell and couldn’t find him! So—so I came to get you..”
“…I—I’ll see what I can do, okay kid? If I ain’t back you get some people to come looking.”
The boy nodded, watching the woman start to walk off, her shadow disappearing into the darkness. It was a moonless night, visibility was low, very low, meaning you couldn’t really see who was around. Her steps were slow, and quiet, scanning the area as she slowly made it to the watering hole.
“…Sheriff? Jacob sent me out here, said you was missing?” It was silent, no reply. “…Timothy? You out here?”
Yet again, there was so reply, making the hair on her neck stand up. She was looking at the water, the towns watering hole, somehow, the water stayed, it was deep, about 6 feet, some people said it was an old burry sight that got abandoned, then filled. Everyone sent their horses down here during off season, when there was no work to be done.
“…fuckin’ hell man, c’mon don’t do this, Mary and Andrew just got married, we don’t need a death…” she sighed, going to step back to walk more down west, before a snap of a twig filled the air, her senses firing as she turned her head, seeing Timothy standing by the waters edge, staring her down. “Shit! Jesus, Timothy you scared me straight a moment…are you okay? You look like you’ve done seen a ghost.”
“I should’ve killed you when I had Johnny.” He simply said, his voice calm, cold.
“…what…?” She took a moment to reply, raising an eyebrow. “…Johnny died at the hanging tree, his guts were ripped open, what the fuck do you mean by that.”
“You stupid woman,” he spat, stepping closer, hands twitching. “My daddy spent his entire life tracking your family and his, just to die three day shy of your wedding?! and you all get off SCOTT FREE”
“Johnny was turning his life around, that man was fixing what his family had done! Your daddy wouldn’t leave us alone! We had never done anything!”
“Exactly why your father paid me to end it, you were to valuable, if I caught you two, I would have taken the entire ring down!”
She stood still, staring at the man as he started to chuckle, rolling his eyes. “What..? You thought it was a random man? Idiot!”
“…you…no. You—you helped me take him down from the tree, you helped me keep his guts inside.” She said lowly, breathing slowly.
He scoffed, eyes rolling as he held a sick grin, “you did the easy part in killing your daddy for me.”
Wynonna just blinked slowly, her hand moving to her side, grazing the fan, and handing on the handle of her gun, her breathing turning ragged. “You…fucking…BASTARD.”
She ran at him, drawing her gun, which caught the man by surprise as he stumbled back, a few gunshots ringing out. They struggled, Wynonna blinded by pure rage as she tried her hardest to shoot the man, a few bullets raining into the air.
The man simply grunted, looking for a way to get her down, the two ending up in the shallow end of the waters. He let out a yell, and hit her ribs, causing her to gasp, loosing air as she fell to her knees. The next moments were a blur as he struggled, shoving her down into the water with a splash. She let out a yell, trying to grab a breath of air before her head went under the water.
His hands wrapped around her throat, held down under water, she fought, she really did fight hard, but she was loosing air. She clawed, she hit, she kicked, she tried to get up, nothing. Her head was getting fuzzy, her eyes hurting, her chest begging for air. She inhaled, water rushing into her lungs as she gagged. She felt weak, her mind slowly starting to fade, and in her final moments, her thoughts were only one person, the one person she made a promise too. Rider, Doll, Juniper, June,
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cuntess-carmilla · 2 years
The way "alt" is done nowdays is so exasperating. People (rightfully) talk about how dark academia and cottagecore and those trends that imo aren't "alt" but are distinctive aesthetics are more in the business of looking like they're someone who reads a lot or someone who bakes and lives in the countryside respectively instead of putting any emphasis on actually reading a lot of learning substainability or homekeeping.
And the same happens with the way alt anything is being done lately and that's why so many people get so disproportionately angry and defensive when someone who's actually into a subCULTURE corrects them, especially if that person doesn't even "look" the part as much as their fake asses do.
No interest in actual countercultural politics, ideology, sentiment, praxis or even artistic expression or practice.
They want to look like they're someone who's into unfathomably obscure non-palatable music and ideas, without having to actually put any effort into cultivating their musical knowledge or identity. They want the whole VISUAL package immediately, but nothing else (hint: that's why you get called posers).
Reminds me a lot of this:
[Image description: TikTok stitch in which the first video shows user @/dormence with text printed in front of them that reads "Did you know that there's no "correct" way to dress for a goth club. The truth is that fashion is about dressing according to what's fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. Tip: Allow yourself to be ok with experimenting and blending your favorite styles until you refine into your own symbol 🖤"
The rest of the video is of user @/awfullysinister speaking to the camera.]
Here's a fun story for everybody. I've been involved in my local goth scene for about 10 years now, I've been going to clubs and shows and events for about 10 years, I've been a DJ in the scene for about 6 years.
A few years ago I got booked for a DJ gig for one of my friends' club nights. I was late, unfortunately. It happens. I got to the venue about 30 minutes after the night started and I looked pretty bad… Worse than usual. I didn't have my hair up, I wasn't dressed nice, I had gym shorts on and a hoodie… I just had all my stuff with me in a bag and was planning on changing in the bathroom.
And there's this guy there that was all dressed up. He's got leather pants with straps, Demonias, he's wearing a black buttoned down tshirt with a fishnet shirt underneath it, his face is full of makeup… He looked like a Chris Motionless wannabe, basically.
And as I'm walking in to walk toward the stage to put my stuff up there, then go to the bathroom to change, the Chris Motionless wannabe stops me. Like, he puts his hand out, like this, like, on my chest, and he looks at me and he goes "Oh, I'm sorry, are you lost?"
And I look at him like a deer in headlights, like… What…? He repeats the question, and I just stare at him and say "I'm DJing tonight…" and he returns the look.
Anyway, I just brush past him and I go do my thing. It was a great night, I had a great crowd to my set, everybody was dressed in all sorts of ways; some people were really dressed up, some people were just wearing a tshirt and jeans, nothing special, but they were all dancing, they were all having fun.
The Chris Motionless wannabe didn't dance ONCE, and for what I saw, it didn't look like he was having fun, it looked like he was just standing around trying to look cool. In fact, at the end of the night, one of my friends told me that a guy that kinda looked like Chris Motionless remarked about how he hated the music and wished it was heavier. I don't know exactly what that means, I'm going to assume that he wanted to hear Metal.
That was about 3 years ago, and I have not seen that guy since. Not at any clubs, not at any shows… It's like he just disappeared, and I expect that I'll probably never see him again.
Anyway, the point is; sometimes the people that keep your local goth scene going, who are dancing the most at your local clubs, and who keep goth DJs like me feeling inspired to continue doing this, and to continue to seek out new music… Sometimes those people are just wearing a tshirt and jeans and aren't all that dressed up.
And, sometimes, the people who're dressed to the nines, who look the part and have a closet full of expensive brand clothing, just stay home all day, on TikTok, pretending to be better than everybody else, with cringey usernames like "goth daddy" and "goth king" and "goth goddess". Sometimes - not always, but sometimes - those are the people I wish I never had to run into in my local scene.
Link to the TikTok
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wholoveseggs · 4 months
hi! I see you have a bunch of requests so I’m sorry to request but do you think you could write an Elijah angst with fluff ? Like y/n is upset because she thinks that elijah likes Hayley but he’s actually in love with her and has been for centuries but has always been too scared to tell her.
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
Upon your unexpected appearance at the compound, centuries after being presumed dead, Elijah has to grapple with feelings he long buried and the consequences that come with it.
~♡♡ Thanks for the request anon(s) & @vervain3 ♡♡ - I combined all three ideas and made a jealousy triangle {square? circle? idk}~
3k words - Warnings: a little smutty right at the end, drama, angst, jealousy... vaguely refer to events from season 2 & 3... Klaus interfering & loving all the drama (Regina George energy)
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It was a rare thing for Elijah Mikaelson to fall in love, but when he did, it was forever. In his one thousand years of living he could count on one hand the number of times his heart had truly belonged to someone else and he could recall, with exact detail, everything about them.
There was Tatia, the first woman he ever fell for, and then there was Katerina, or Katherine, who was a thorn in his side and a constant source of regret.Then Celeste came into the picture, a beautiful and powerful witch, her loss and betrayal still a bitter taste in his mouth.
And then there was you, the brightest light in his dark life. Your face still burned brightly in his memories and your name still danced on his tongue like the sweetest melody. You did things to him that no one else could, dissolving his burdens with just a smile.
You had captured his heart with just one look and he had been yours, mind, body, and soul. He was so in love with you, it hurt.
So when you died, he was shattered, torn apart and left to deal with the pain alone. He would see your face everywhere, haunting him and reminding him of his failure to protect the one he loved. To never be able to tell you how he felt was the most painful thing of all.
Centuries had passed since he lost you, his grief now a dull ache in his heart, but nothing had ever truly made the pain go away.
Hayley's presence in his life mended the broken pieces somewhat, but they were still damaged. His feelings for the hybrid would never be enough to erase the ghost of his love for you.
He accepted being content with what he had, knowing he didn't deserve anything more. That he was lucky to have met his soul mate, even if you were never truly his. To know that true love was real, if not fleeting.
So when he saw you, sitting on the sofa in the courtyard, laughing and chatting with Klaus, his heart stopped. He wondered if he was imagining you again, if his mind was playing a cruel trick on him.
But you turned, your gaze meeting his and the world stopped. He felt his knees grow weak, and his heart race.
You were real, you were here, you were alive.
And you looked just as beautiful as the day he last saw you.
But there was a bit of a problem, he was with Hayley now. You were back and he didn't know how to feel about that.
"Elijah, how long has it been? You look well." You greet him with a smile, pulling him in for a hug.
Elijah hesitated before wrapping his arms around you, inhaling the scent that he had thought he'd never experience again. He couldn't help but hold you a little tighter, afraid that if he let you go, you'd disappear.
"Y/N," he whispers softly.
You pull back, noticing the way his eyes seem to burn brighter, full of emotions you couldn't read.
"How are you? I haven't seen you since..." you trail off.
"Since you died," he finishes, his eyes looking at you curiously.
"Since you left me behind," you corrected him.
Elijah frowned, not understanding what you were talking about. The night Mikael returned, you were killed and your body burnt, at least, that's what Klaus had told him.
"Klaus said you were killed, we didn't have time to retrieve your body."
You shake your head. "That wasn't me, he was mistaken."
"So where were you?" he asked, still unable to believe you were really here.
"Here and there," you said with a smile, none of that mattered now.
You always had a soft spot for Elijah, when you first met him and his family, you found him to be so stoic and melancholic. You delighted in making him laugh, his smile lighting up his whole face and giving him the air of youth and carefreeness that you knew he had buried deep within him.
Nothing ever happened between you, he tended to fall for more serious types. But you never stopped loving him, he was always going to be the one you couldn't forget.
"You're as bad as Niklaus," Elijah said, chuckling lightly.
"I'll take that as a compliment," you grinned.
You were interrupted by a beautiful brunette with stunning hazel eyes, she walked up and placed her hand on Elijah's shoulder, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Y/N, this is Hayley," Elijah introduced, his hand going to rest on her back.
Of course, you thought. She was exactly his type, beautiful and fierce.
You gave her a small smile, shaking her hand.
"How do you know Elijah?" she asked, curious.
"We met a very long time ago, in another place," you answered, giving Elijah a sidelong glance. "In another life."
Hayley looked between the two of you, sensing there was more to your relationship than you were letting on. She wasn't going to let you anywhere near what was hers.
"What brings you here? To New Orleans, I mean?"
"I heard the original family has settled here and I wanted to catch up with old friends," you replied. "But mostly, I'm just passing through,"
Hayley frowned, "old friends," she repeated, her hand tightening around Elijah's shoulder.
She had only just met you, but already, she knew she didn't like you. You seemed to have a permanent smirk on your face that reminded her of Klaus, and that made her distrust you instantly. And the way Elijah was looking at you made her feel uneasy, she had never seen him look so...happy.
"Oh," Elijah's expression faltered, his disappointment barely noticeable. "You're leaving?"
"Well, I don't want to overstay my welcome," you joked, your eyes flickering to Hayley's.
"How about you join us tonight for dinner," Klaus said, walking up and joining the group, he always knew exactly how to make an awkward situation worse. "There's someone I'd like you to meet."
You gave him a small smile. "Sure,"
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When you arrived for dinner, you were surprised by the amount of people Klaus had invited. It was a bit of a relief, it would mean that you didn't have to be alone with Elijah and Hayley.
Klaus stood at the head of the table, making introductions, there were a number of vampires and werewolves present, including a werewolf alpha named Jackson and a handsome vampire named Marcel.
You greeted them all politely, before taking a seat next to Marcel.
"Y/N, this is my dear friend Marcellus," Klaus greeted, "you two have a remarkable amount in common."
Marcel smiles, "hello, beautiful."
"Hi," you smiled back, your eyes lingering on his, he had a killer smile and a charm to him that was difficult to resist.
You were glad to have someone to talk to, you could tell Marcel had a great sense of humor and you enjoyed his company. You also found yourself attracted to him, he was definitely your type.
"So, how do you know the Mikaelsons?" Marcel asked, a little confused. "I didn't think they had any friends outside their family,"
"Klaus turned me centuries ago, when they were hiding out in my town." You explain, taking a sip of your wine. "They needed allies, so he made some of us into vampires."
"Ahh, been there, done that." Marcel replied with a smile, leaning in closer, his hand brushing against yours.
Elijah watched from the other end of the table, his eyes flickering between the pair, his stomach knotting with every touch and look exchanged between you.
You didn't miss his glances, or his frowns, and you wondered what his problem was. He had his gorgeous girlfriend by his side, why was he looking at you this way?
Klaus delighted in the growing jealousy he could see bubbling up inside Elijah. He knew his brother had always loved you, but never made a move. And now, he was paying for it.
Klaus watched as you flirted with Marcel, enjoying the sight of Elijah growing increasingly frustrated.
"They seem cozy, how cute," he mused, his eyes gleaming.
"Yes, it appears that way," Elijah replied, his jaw clenching.
Hayley smiled at you and Marcel, "they’d make a good couple,"
"Would they?" Elijah asked, a hint of irritation in his tone.
Hayley didn't notice, she was too busy watching the way your eyes lingered on each other's and the way Marcel leaned in close and whispered in your ear, making you laugh.
Elijah didn't miss the spark in your eyes as you spoke with Marcel, the way your face lit up and the way his fingers traced patterns on your skin.
He wanted to rip his heart out.
He felt himself growing angrier by the minute, his hands clenched and his jaw tight. He could barely keep up with the conversation, his attention focused on you, his jealousy eating away at him.
There you were, so close, your laughter filling the air, the sound he had been longing to hear for so long. And he was stuck sitting across from you, watching you get closer to another man.
"Jackson, tell me about this ritual you mentioned earlier," Klaus said, interrupting Elijah's thoughts.
"Well," Jackson began, looking between Hayley and Elijah awkwardly. "It could possibly give the pack hybrid-like abilities,"
Hayley smiled, "that's exactly what we need Klaus, an army to protect our child."
"What would this ritual involve?" Elijah asked, trying to distract himself from the sound of your laughter.
"A marriage," Jackson answered. "Between myself and Hayley,"
"A marriage?" Hayley asked, confused. "I thought this was just a ritual?"
Jackson shook his head, "in order for it to work, we need to marry,"
Hayley frowned, looking between Jackson and Elijah. She wasn't sure how she felt about the idea of marrying anyone but Elijah, but she had no choice, she would do anything for her daughter.
"It would give us the power and numbers we need," Klaus agreed. "We could protect Hope from anyone who wished her harm."
Elijah felt strangely relieved, despite knowing how selfish it was. He thought he loved Hayley, that her marrying another would bother him, but he was more bothered by the way Marcel was touching you, he realized that his feelings for Hayley weren't enough.
He still loved you, and he always would.
"I guess that's it then," Hayley sighed, glancing over at Elijah, wondering what was going through his mind.
"We can discuss it further tomorrow, but I'm sure it's something that would benefit us all," Elijah said, his voice steady.
Hayley nodded, her heart breaking at his indifference. She didn't understand, she had hoped he would argue against it, at least a little bit, but it appeared she was mistaken.
She glanced over at you, seeing the way you kept looking at Elijah. She realized that your presence had shifted something in her relationship, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger towards you.
After dinner, everyone had a drink or two and mingled. Elijah and Hayley found a private corner to chat about her wedding, their conversation awkward and strained, filled with hidden meanings.
"Are you alright?" Elijah asked, noticing the pain in her eyes.
"Yeah, fine." Hayley nodded, taking a sip of her drink. "I just thought you would... I dunno... Protest the wedding more."
Elijah hesitated, "we need to do whatever we can to bring home Hope." He spoke carefully, "you know that I... care for you."
Hayley looked away, trying to hide the hurt on her face. He 'cared for' her, but it wasn't enough.
"You care for me," she repeated, her voice lacking the inflection of surprise. "But you don't love me, do you?"
She looked up at him, their eyes locking. He looked at her sadly, the regret in his eyes telling her all she needed to know.
"You'll always have a place in my heart, Hayley," he said. "It's just-"
"She's back," she finished, nodding sadly. "You've always loved her."
Elijah didn't respond, instead he simply stared at her, their eyes full of unspoken words, unshed tears and the promise of a life together that would never be.
Hayley took a breath, blinking back her tears.
"I should probably go and join the others," she said, turning to walk away. "I'll… see you around,”
Elijah released a breath, running his hand through his hair. He stood there, debating whether he should go over and talk to you.
Hayley could tell from the way you'd been looking at him that your feelings for him were the same. She was hurt, and a little drunk, and a more than a bit angry.
Her eyes narrowed as she saw Marcel whisper something in your ear, his hand resting on your shoulder. You seemed to have every man here wrapped around your finger instantly, even Elijah.
Hayley walked up to you, her eyes flashing. "It's incredible how you just return out of the blue and have every man here panting at your heels."
You raised an eyebrow, not expecting the hostility.
"I'm sorry, have I offended you in some way?" You asked, giving her a confused look.
"No, you're just a slut who can't seem to keep her hands off the men around here." Hayley snapped.
You looked at her in surprise, a small smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Marcel and I were only flirting," you replied.
Hayley glared at you, her fists clenching. You could see the rage burning in her eyes, and you were tempted to push her further, just to see how far you could take it. But before you could, Jackson was by her side, a worried look on his face.
"Come on Hayley, let's get some air," he said, pulling her away from you.
Marcel watched as they left, his arm draped around your shoulders.
"What was that about?" He asked, glancing down at you.
"Your guess is as good as mine," you shrugged, your gaze drifting over to Elijah.
He was looking at you as well, his eyes wide and searching, as if he couldn't believe you were really there.
"I'm sorry Marcel, I think I'm going to turn in early," you said, smiling apologetically. "It's been a long day."
Marcel nodded, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"Call me sometime, if you're interested," he said with a grin, winking playfully.
"Sure, thanks." You nodded, returning his smile.
You made your way over to Klaus, thanking him for the dinner, and bidding him a goodnight. You then approached Elijah, a small smile on your face, your heart pounding.
"It's wonderful to see you, after all these years," he said, his voice a little hoarse.
"You too, Elijah." You said, giving him a genuine smile.
"I want to show you something, before you go." He said, extending his hand out to you.
You hesitated, glancing down at his hand, a part of you afraid to get your hopes up, to believe that he saw you as more than a friend. But when your eyes met his, you could see something in his gaze, and it gave you the confidence you needed to take his hand.
"Lead the way,"
Elijah gave you a small smile, leading you to his study. He walked over to his desk, searching around until he pulled out a wooden box.
He placed it on the desk, opening the lid. Inside was a pendant necklace, a gold chain with a small emerald medallion hanging from it, with your initials engraved.
You hadn't seen it in centuries, not since the night you parted, and the sight of it brought a flood of emotions crashing down.
"You kept it," you whispered, your eyes stinging with tears.
"Of course," Elijah replied, his voice quiet, a smile playing on his lips. "It was yours, it belongs with you."
Your fingers gently grazed the pendant, the cool metal a reminder of your human life. It was given to you by your mother, the only thing you had left of her. You had treasured it, and when it broke, Elijah had offered to get it fixed for you.
But when Mikael arrived and you were separated, you thought it was forever lost.
"You got it fixed," you whispered, a tear rolling down your cheek.
"Yes, it was important to you." Elijah replied, his voice soft, a smile on his face.
"After all these years, after everything, why did you keep it?" You asked, confused.
"It was all I had left of you," he replied, his voice barely audible.
You swallowed, unable to speak, your throat tight and your chest aching. You'd never imagined he'd held onto such a keepsake, a reminder of you he held onto for centuries after he believed you to be dead.
Elijah gently picked up the necklace, placing it around your neck, his hands lingering.
"I'm happy to return this to you," he whispered. "It's where it belongs."
Your hand went up to the pendant, tears streaming down your cheeks. You turned to face him and his hand cupped your cheek, wiping away the tears. You leaned into his touch, his skin warm against yours.
He stared into your eyes, his expression filled with emotion, his heart beating erratically.
"I want you to know that I..." his voice trailed off as he struggled to find the right words. "That I have never forgotten you."
"I never forgot you either," you whispered, your gaze dropping to his lips, your own parting.
He leaned in slowly, closing the gap between you. His lips were soft, gentle, as they pressed against yours, you both sighed, melting into each other. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close.
He moved you back until you hit the desk, his lips moving down your neck, nipping and kissing, causing you to moan. Your hands grasped at his clothes, tugging him closer, desperate for him.
Elijah lifted you onto the desk, pushing his body between your legs, his hardness pressed against you. His mouth was on yours again, his hands roaming your body, exploring every inch.
"Wait, wait," you panted, breaking the kiss. "You are with Hayley,"
Elijah paused, his eyes locked with yours, his chest heaving. "Not anymore."
You stared at him, confusion and desire muddling your thoughts.
"What?" You managed, still struggling to catch your breath.
"We broke up, tonight," he explained, his voice husky, his hands caressing your thighs.
You shook your head, trying to clear your mind, but his closeness and his hands on your body were making it impossible to think. He kissed you again, his lips hungry, his tongue delving into your mouth, tasting you.
You moaned, arching into him, your hands roaming his body, pulling him closer. His hands tugged at your dress, hiking it up your thighs, moving your panties to the side.
"I want you," he muttered, his eyes dark, filled with lust.
You whispered his name as his fingers slipped inside you, his thumb rubbing your clit. His mouth was on your neck, his teeth grazing your skin, nibbling softly. You gasped, your hands grasping at his belt, trying desperately to undo it.
He pushed his pants and underwear down, his cock springing free. He positioned himself between your legs, easing into you slowly. Your eyes locked, both of you filled with an intense, desperate need for the other.
Elijah groaned, gripping the desk, his knuckles turning white, as he began thrusting into you, slow and deep. You clung to him, your nails digging into his shoulders, your moans filling the room.
His movements became faster, more frantic, his cock hitting that spot deep inside you. You felt yourself getting closer, your muscles tightening, your breathing becoming shallow.
His lips crashed against yours, his hands gripping your thighs, holding them open. The desperate way he was fucking you was a testament to the feelings he held for you, and it only fueled your desire for him.
You moaned into his mouth as you came, your orgasm hitting you hard, making your body tremble, your muscles spasming.
Elijah buried his face in your neck, sinking his fangs into you as he let go, his body shuddering. You held him, stroking his hair, feeling his body relax.
"I've always loved you," he whispered.
"I love you, too." You replied, kissing his temple.
He kissed you again, his hands cradling your face. He smiled at you, his eyes filled with warmth, and a deep love that was reserved only for you.
It felt like coming home.
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♡♡ Hayley is jealous of you -> you are jealous of Hayley -> Elijah is jealous of Marcel... & Marcel is too cool to care. ♡♡ ~What kind of jealously geometry is this??? I'm a writer not a mathematician lol~
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frenchkisstheabyss · 9 months
♡ wanna be yours♡
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♡ Pairing: bouncer!bang chan x stripper!chubby!fem!reader
♡ Summary: You've had your eye on a bouncer who works at your club for the longest time. Tonight may just be the night that you get your chance with him
♡ Genre: smut/angst-ish
♡ Word Count: 1.5kish
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♡ Warnings: light violence during fight scene, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, dick riding (in the fun sense)
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If years of being a dancer have taught you anything it’s how to pretend to give a shit when you’d much rather be at home vegetating. It’s not that you hate your job. You simply aren’t always in the mood to socialize. But the club’s packed tonight and bills need to be paid.
At least the customers are generous, the music’s tolerable, and your best friend’s scheduled to work with you. Spinning around on the pole, you spot her over by the bar lighting a sparkler inside a bottle of champagne. She waves to you, blowing you a kiss. You blow one right back at her.
A sweet moment's swiftly interrupted by the thud of a body crashing onto your platform. With the music blaring overhead, you hadn’t noticed the fight breaking out behind you between bouncers and a few frat boys who’ve clearly had one too many vodka shots. The frat boy laid out at your feet has blood gushing from his nose, ruining his shirt and risking the safety of your brand new stilettos.
He sees the bouncer responsible for his broken nose headed in his direction and so do you. Both of your heart rates increase for opposing reasons. His because, despite his blurred vision, he’s ready to go another round. Yours because the bouncer in question is Bang Chan or Channie as he lets you call him.
You’ve had an embarrassingly heavy crush on the platinum blonde haired Aussie since your first night working here. Somehow you’ve managed to remain oblivious to the fact that the feeling’s mutual. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of the frat boy sneaking a knife from his pocket.
You stomp down on his wrist, applying your full weight, and you feel something crunch beneath your heel. He cries out in pain, the knife falling to the floor. Now his nose isn’t the only thing that’s broken.  Chan grabs him by the shirt, tossing him into the arms of two other bouncers waiting nearby.
You’ve never seen him this angry before but his rage is fleeting when he rises from retrieving the knife and lays eyes on you. He smiles up at you, basking in your beauty like you’re one of those goddess statues in a museum. Masterfully carved in marble and perfect in every sense of the word.
“My hero” he gasps, hand over his heart. You roll your eyes, “Dramatic much?” Chan takes your manicured hand, kissing it so gently that it sends a chill through your body. “Thank you. I mean it. I owe you one.” His thumb strokes the back of your hand, your gazes lingering on each other as the rest of the world fades away.
It returns with a roar as the fight erupts again. “I, uh…” he stutters, torn between the longing to stay with you and his obligation to fulfill his duties. “Go. Do your job. No slacking” you tease, shooing him away. Chan blushes, grateful that the darkness of the club conceals it, and disappears into the crowd.
Being the professional that you are, you immediately go back to dancing. Your mind’s even farther gone than before, floating somewhere in the clouds treasuring the tingle left behind by his kiss like it’s gold. 
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“Absolutely not” you sing, slamming the door to your locker. In the dressing room girls crowd around a half dozen vanities, dashing between clothing racks, hurrying to put the finishing touches on their looks before they’re called to the floor. You, on the other hand, have already changed into a hoodie and a cozy pair of sweats.
The night’s over for you. At least it was before your best friend cornered you, begging to borrow your car. “Oh, come on. Please, please, please” she pouts, “It’s only until tomorrow and I’ll give it right back.” “And how exactly am I supposed to get home?” The grin that spreads across her glitter speckled face is adorable and concerning all at once.
Throwing her coat on, she takes your hand and drags you through one of the side doors where Chan leans against his car waiting for you. With the sleeves of his black dress shirt rolled up and a few buttons undone, you get a peek at the tattoos covering his muscular form. Whatever workout this man does has done sinfully good things to his body. 
Your best friend plucks the car keys from your hand, nudging you forward, “You look out for my girl, Bang Chan!” “I’ll take good care of her” he promises, opening the door for you. There’s something sensual about the way he says that. “I’ll take good care of her.” You throw the bag on your shoulder into the backseat, hesitating to get in yourself.
“You really don’t have to do this.” “I owe you, remember?” Unable to argue with him, you hop in and put your seatbelt on.  As sexy as he looks walking around to the driver’s side, you wouldn’t object to being taken care of by him.
You pinch yourself on the arm, shaking off the thought of anything happening between the two of you. He probably doesn’t want it to. Even if he did, you work together. Something like that would never happen. It can’t...
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An hour’s passed and you’re thrown across your bed, knees pressed to your chest, breathing like a pregnant woman in a Lamaze class. You have no clue where your clothes went but honestly, who the hell cares? Chan’s face is buried between your legs, slurping at your pussy like it’s the only thing he’s eaten in 48 hours.
Though that may not technically be true, you definitely taste better than any meal he’s had in recent memory. Your bed’s soaked from how wet you are, a year’s worth of anticipation dripping from his chin. He sucks your clit between his lips, circling it with his tongue and pulling away.
He repeats this over and over again, edging you to the point that you’re a trembling, overstimulated wreck. “Channie…” you whine, your eyes falling close as your nails dig into the sheets below. Chan grabs onto your lush hips, lifting you away from him, “Keep them open.
I wanna see those pretty eyes when I make you cum.” You pry them open and catch him staring up at you with nearly the same look he had at the club. Only now there’s an insatiable hunger behind those eyes. Grinding you down against his face, his tongue plunges into the depths of your warmth.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” is all you can say when he has you coming apart at the seams. “Mmm” he hums, sensing how close you are by the way your walls clench around his tongue. He flexes it along your g-spot and you’re cumming harder than you ever have. Your body’s twisting, pitiful moans fill the air, fingers grasping at his hair.
This must be what it feels like to have a demon exorcized or to be possessed by one. Either way, there’s nothing in this world like it. Even as your body goes limp, your mind going cloudy, Chan’s still kitten licking your slit to gather every drop of your juices. When he finally stops, he straightens your legs out, massaging them as he trails wet kisses up your stomach.
He takes the hand previously responsible for breaking someone’s nose and delicately toys with your nipples. They perk up for him, making each graze of his fingertip twice as intense. He drags his tongue over your bud. Up your chest. Along your chin. You open your mouth to catch your breath and he’s pulling you into a decadent kiss, laced with the sweetness of your arousal. 
“I knew you’d taste amazing but that was…” he groans, using two fingers to stroke between your folds, “I could stay between those thighs all night.” “You’ll have to come up for air at some point” you tease. Chan wraps his arms around your waist, hooking an arm behind your knee, “Breathing is overrated.”
In one fluid motion, he’s rolled you over on top of him, his thick cock resting against your twitching clit. Your legs are as structurally solid as jello but you manage to prop yourself up on them, fingers running along his length. “Is this all cause of lil old me?” you ask, dipping your thumb in the precum leaking from his tip and licking it off. 
Chan cups your cheek into his palm and you nuzzle it, kissing his palm. “Can I keep you?” You giggle at the question, raising your hips and sinking down onto him. “You can'' you moan, rotating your hips in graceful figure eights that have him ready to implode. A mixture of pleasure and panic floods his system.
It’d be embarrassing to cum this quickly but you’re making it impossible. It takes everything he has to hold back watching you have this much fun using his dick to make yourself feel good. 
Chan gets it, how men can throw everything in their pockets at you when you’re on stage. He’d empty every bank account in his name to have you sit on his face. Just sit there. Not even move.
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m00nh1gh · 3 months
Bang Chan x French!reader x Felix
You've seen them performing on the street in Hongdae and then you met them at a club during the same night. They also noticed you.
Filming, facial, hair pulling, protected sex, choking, Felix is lowkey scary with the stranger talk...
Word count: 4k.
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Your friend had decided it would be a good idea to bring you with her to Korea to celebrate Christmas with her and her family. You told her it was alright, that you were used to being alone during Christmas time or any holiday, but she kept insisting and the next thing you knew was that she had brought your plane ticket.
So there you were, dressed in your newest winter outfit, walking in one of Seoul's busiest regions for shopping and trying Korean food. Hyejin had been smiling the whole time and she never let go of your arm, dragging you to different stores to walk out with a new bag each time.
“Y/n, look!” She shook you excitedly and pointed to a crowd in the middle of the street. You looked at her in confusion and she started walking towards the group of people. “Dancers!”
“Oh,” you nodded and followed her. You both walked through the people to stand at the front. You felt bad for them since they were there before you, but Hyejin didn't care about that stuff.
There were eight dancers, all boys. You didn't recognize the song, but your friend seemed to know it since she was singing and copying the dancers’ moves but in a more subtle way.
The performance was fun to watch; their chemistry while dancing was insane and they also interacted with the crowd, just like artists would do at their concerts. And of course, they were all good-looking, especially two blonde boys that happened to make eye contact with you for a few seconds. One had curly hair and he winked at you, the other one whose hair was a little longer had tried to hide a smirk but you saw it before it disappeared.
Maybe it was because of the song choice, or it was just natural for them, but the sex appeal was strong. Hyejin and you both watched until the very end of their performance, cheering them on the whole time and exchanging glances with them all.
You noticed one of the two blondes trying to walk up to you before being dragged away by one of his friends and he gave you one last smile before grabbing his water bottle and leaving with the group. You were still staring at the two blondes before Hyejin shook your thoughts away with a playful smirk on her face. You rolled your eyes and you also left, judging it could be time to take a break from shopping.
“They were into you.
- Oh, shut up,” you placed your bags on the floor to take your coat and scarf off. You kicked your shoes off next to your particularly excited friend's before grabbing your bags again and walking to the guest room that you'd occupy for the next two weeks.
“You're lucky you know,” she came into the bedroom after you and jumped on the bed. “I don't draw that much attention on my second day here,” she emptied your shopping bags to sort your stuff out, but also to check it out.
“I don't even speak Korean, so I can't even say a word to any guy here.
- What makes you think that?” She held a sparkly, dark purple dress that you bought earlier and she nodded to herself. She laid it next to the pile of clothes she had made just before. “My family's Korean and we all speak English. Et je parle français pour toi,” Hyejin stood up and placed a hand on your shoulder. “We're going clubbing tonight. Find yourself a man that speaks your language. Your body can talk too, by the way,” and just like that, she walked out of the bedroom.
You scoffed as she closed the door behind herself and you looked at the short dress she had neatly placed on the bed. It was nearing six in the evening and you knew you were both going to take a long time to dress up and do your makeup, so you immediately played your favorite playlist and started building an outfit to go out.
“Y/n!” She came back in, now wearing a low-rise mini skirt and a tight black tank top under a leather jacket. She was holding two pairs of earrings and she showed them to you. One pair was silver stars and the other was silver hoops. “Which ones?”
“The hoops,” you answered, gesturing for her to come in and she took it as a hint to sit at the small makeup desk. You stood behind her and grabbed a hairbrush and a hair clip to put her hair in a messy ponytail that would look good with her outfit. She thanked you and urged you to sit down now so she could do your makeup.
It was definitely a dark makeup. She used some purple, a lot of glitter and black for the eyes, put false lashes on you and to finish the look, she put a rosy lip tint on your lips. You'd always praised her for her talent in makeup and tonight wasn't an exception. Your confidence skyrocketed and she left you to finish dressing up. You only had accessories to put on now and your hair to do. It was now 7:10pm and your heart skipped a beat for some reason. Maybe you were really looking forward to finding someone to have a little fun with tonight.
Your jewelry was golden for tonight in contrast to all the cold colors you were wearing, but it looked good. You curled your hair and let it down. Then, finally, you grabbed your long black coat and your purse before walking out of your room and joining Hyejin at the front door, mindlessly scrolling through her cellphone.
- Yeah,” you put your heels on and she let you get out before her.
Hongdae was flooded with people. You had to hold Hyejin's hand not to lose her and she was leading the way to the club she had wanted to visit. She told you it was one of the best out there and that she had visited it a few times in the last two years. Apparently, all the hot guys hung out there and you both knew why you wanted to go clubbing anyway, so you happily followed her to the club.
You could hear music blasting from outside the building and some people were waiting in line to enter. You looked at her with uncertainty and she rubbed your shoulder soothingly.
“It's always like this, but waiting's definitely worth it. Come on,” she pulled you with her in the line and surprisingly, it took less than ten minutes to enter. There, the music was so loud that it went straight to your heart and the colorful lights blinded you at first before being redirected somewhere else. You both went straight to the bar after having left your belongings at the coat check because you had to get some alcohol in your system before going on the dance floor.
One shot of vodka was good enough for now and when you turned to look at the numerous people in the room, you spotted almost immediately the two blondes from before whispering at each other and looking at you. Your cheeks burned and you turned back to Hyejin.
“The dancers from earlier are here.
- What? No way!” She squealed and shook your shoulder. “You should totally fuck them!
- Two at the same time?” Your eyes widened.
“Yeah, that could be fun. Besides, they look very close so they'd probably like to share you.
- They probably don't even speak English,” you pouted and played with the glass you'd emptied.
“Never hurts to give it a try,” she grabbed your arm to pull you up and you walked to the dance floor. She took both of your hands in hers to make you more comfortable and soon you were mirroring her movements, dancing to the songs that were playing but still not doing too much.
You looked at her confusingly when she looked behind you and smiled, but then she let go of you and walked away. It's only when you turned around to see what she was looking at and ended up face to face with the curly haired man that you realized what was happening.
You were going to apologize for almost bumping into him, but he placed his hands on your hips and smiled at you. You blushed again, but then you realized this might be your chance and you took it willingly.
“Do you speak English, pretty girl?” His accent was definitely one from Australia, you noticed, and your eyes lit up.
- Where are you from?
- I'm from France. I'm sorry if my accent's a bit weird.”
He laughed and pulled you closer, shaking his head.
“I don't care about that, our own accent is heavy. We can't judge.
- We?” Two additional hands were on your hips, just under the first guy's and you gasped softly before looking behind you.
“I remember you from this afternoon,” this was such a surprise. The guy that had the cutest face amongst the whole dance group had the deepest voice you'd ever heard and it made you shiver. “Funny to see you here now,” he was also Australian, no doubt about it.
It felt really intimidating to be sandwiched between two hot guys, but you also felt hot, so you pressed yourself a little further against freckles guy's chest, making the other one come closer to you two. Your ass was practically up against his crotch and his hands traveled up your body as you kept moving your hips to the music.
“Call me Chris,” curly hair said.
“I'm Y/n.
- Felix,” his voice will kill you. Especially if he keeps talking like that in your ear, making you all shy. Chris smiled at you and he leaned to your other ear.
“It's nice to meet you, Y/n.
- Ma belle,” you bit back a whine and you pressed further against Felix again. He chuckled in your ear and his hands rested just under your boobs. “We've been talking about you all day. We hoped to see you again.
- Tell us if you want us to stop right now,” Chris played with the hem of your dress and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Don't stop,” you were happy to finally have what you wanted. Especially since they didn't only speak Korean, so you could talk freely with them and there was no language barrier.
“I like that answer,” Chris licked his lower lip and you watched quite intensely, Felix took this opportunity to place your hair to the side and to kiss your exposed neck. You felt yourself getting wetter in your panties at the contact of his lips against your shivering skin and Chris straightened your dress back before trailing his hands a little higher on your body.
“You wanna take this to your hotel?
- I'm staying at a friend's house.
- Let's go to mine, then?” Felix suggested. His breath was also hot against your skin. You nodded and Chris grabbed your hand.
“I see you're not scared of strangers,” Felix commented as you took back your coat and purse and you stopped in your tracks, really thinking about it.
“Don't worry, we're not weirdos,” you were pulled by the waist and Chris led you out of the club, Felix following close behind the both of you. He sat at the backseat with you to keep you company while Chris drove to where Felix lived. You had been making out the whole time. One of his hands was cupping your cheek and the other was on your thigh while yours were on his shoulders. Chris couldn't help but to watch you two from time to time, even just hearing your pants and the sounds of your kisses made him horny and he almost let out a sigh of relief when he finally stopped in front of Felix's apartment.
Chris opened the door for you and you stood next to him, waiting for Felix to unlock the door for you. As Felix was doing so, your lips were on Chris’ and he was teasingly pulling your bottom lip with his teeth. Once the door was open, you went in and when Chris closed the door, you were led to the bedroom and pushed on the bed after you had thrown your coat on the floor. You sat up and looked at the two men in front of you. Their auras were so different but very intimidating in their own way, which made your face burn with timidity.
“Y/n,” Felix went closer to you and pulled a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Aren't you just so adorable? Trusting us this fast,” his thumb pressed against your lips to part them and he let out a shaky breath when he came in contact with your tongue. You were so obedient to them. He knew you'd do anything for them if they asked you.
“Don't worry beauté, we'll make sure you have a great time here,” his thumb trailed down your lip as Chris joined you two.
“Consider this your best night in Seoul,” he guided your hands under his shirt for you to feel his abs. Felix kneeled behind you on the bed and unzipped your dress slowly as Chris took his own shirt off. You instinctively spread your legs a little for him and he smirked.
“Feeling needy?” He leaned down to kiss your jaw. “Want us to touch you?” He put a light pressure against your clothed core and you whined, bucking your hips against his fingers. He pulled away and Felix helped you take your dress off, leaving you in your underwear (that you had carefully picked for this occasion). You leaned your head on Felix's shoulder since your back was resting against his chest and his fingers lightly stroked your sides, making your muscles contract.
Chris reached down for your coat and took your cellphone out, opening the camera app and looking at you again. “Can I?” You nodded and one of Felix's hands wrapped around your throat and squeezed softly, making you whine and thrust your hips up into nothing.
“Look at that,” now Chris approached you with the camera directed at you and you looked into it, your eyes half closed due to Felix squeezing your throat lightly. You could feel his other hand resting on your hip bone, knowing he was so close to touching you where you needed it the most made you wetter.
“Spread your legs a little, baby,” before you could even move, he was doing it for you. He zoomed on the small wet patch forming on the fabric of your underwear. It was hard to see, especially on camera, since you were wearing black panties, but Chris could definitely feel it under his thumb. You whimpered and rolled your hips, but Felix pushed them down on the mattress to stop you. “All wet and needy for strangers you met at the club.”
He stepped back a little to get a full view of your body as Felix slipped his hand under the fabric, feeling your wetness and spreading it all over your sex, not forgetting to brush his finger over your clit, making your hips stutter and Felix put more pressure then. Chan was looking at you through the screen of your cellphone and you could see he was smirking. Felix let go of your throat to slide his hand down to your thigh, separating them more and giving a better view to the camera.
“That's a good souvenir for when you go back, don't you think?” You nodded without a second thought as he teased your entrance. You looked down Chris’ body and that's when you saw he was palming himself through his pants and your mouth watered at the sight. You gestured for him to come closer and when he did so, you reached out to undo his pants. You moaned as Felix inserted his finger into you and you paused, Chris taking his pants and boxers off for you, leaving him fully naked in contrast to Felix, who still had all of his clothes on.
“You gonna use that pretty mouth, baby?” He grabbed your chin to make you look up at him, eyes blown with lust and you already looked fucked out only because Felix had been fingering you. You whimpered and nodded, your fingers delicately wrapping around his thick cock and he shivered. Felix decided it would be the right time to slip another finger inside you and you closed your eyes tightly, beginning to stroke the man in front of you.
Chris took one step closer before he stopped filming the video, placing your phone next to you on the bed and he placed your hair behind your shoulders. You noticed Felix was taking a handful of it and the next thing you knew was that he had pulled your head back roughly, making you moan louder and arch your back.
“Use your mouth,” Felix commanded, keeping you in place like this a few seconds before letting go of you. Chris was waiting for you with a small smile and you opened your mouth, showing him your tongue.
“Good girl,” he slapped the tip of his cock on your tongue before you wrapped your lips around him, making his head fall back and a loud, shaky sigh escaped his throat. Felix let go of you and you whined in protest, pretty much muffled by the dick you had in your mouth. You pulled away and replaced your mouth with your hand as you moved to kneel, but you were fast to suck him off again and he chuckled. “You must like pleasing people, yeah?”
You looked up at him as an answer and you heard shuffling behind you. Felix was opening one of his drawers and pulling a condom out of it. He put it on his bedside table as he hurried to take his clothes off, eager to be inside you. Chris moaned as you swirled your tongue around him in a certain way and he grabbed your hair to pull you away, enjoying how your face contorted in both pain and pleasure.
“Can I fuck your mouth? Is that okay with you?
- Yes, please,” you panted, looking at him with half lidded eyes and a small smile playing on your lips. He smiled too and then two hands were firmly on your hips.
“Not so fast,” Felix said, pulling your attention towards him and you looked behind your shoulder when Chris let go of you. “I'm gonna fuck you too. Chris, come on the bed too,” he looked at his friend.
You were now on all fours in between Chris and Felix, mouth occupied with one dick and your pussy being teased with another. Your panties had been slid off just before that change of position and just as Chris had requested, you let him thrust into your mouth to his liking. Felix had the tip of his dick in you, he didn't seem to be willing to move further for now, as if he was concentrating on something else.
That's when he pulled your hair again, making you moan. “She's gonna stay still like this. Use her like that,” Chris nodded and soon hit the back of your throat, making you gag and tears formed at the corners of your eyes. Felix finally sank all the way into you, making your eyes flutter closed and Chris pulled out to let you breathe a little before forcing himself back in your mouth.
They were thrusting at a similar pace, Felix tugging at your hair from time to time as his other hand gripped the soft flesh of your upper thigh. Chris would wipe the occasional tears falling down your eyes and praise you for your good work.
“Pretty girl, making yourself all useful like this. You know you're doing so good for us, right?” He would let out shaky breaths in between sentences because he was close and Felix fucked you harder and faster, leaning his body closer to yours until his head was next to yours. He was still holding you by your hair and he made it known by pulling again, a playful smirk on his face.
“You're making a mess,” he teased as he saw drool falling from your mouth, observing the way your eyes rolled back when he snapped his hips deep in you, making you whimper around Chris and he hummed low. “Keep going,” he kissed your cheeks before straightening up and fucking you properly again, making you grow louder as time passed and Chris’ hips started stuttering. He was also moaning, Felix was more silent but you could hear the occasional groans.
“Gonna cum on your face. Will ruin your pretty makeup even more- fuck,” he pulled out of your mouth and and you showed him your tongue, ready for him with teary eyes. He pumped his cock fast, close to your mouth and it took Felix a few hard thrusts for you to moan out his name and he was cumming. Some of his semen landed on your tongue, but also just under your nose and on your cheek. He was panting so hard as if he had run a marathon and you licked his tip before swallowing. Felix let go of your hair and you moaned, the sensation feeling relieving and you hang your head lower.
“Fuck… Plus v- Faster,” they both took notice of your French and smiled, Felix rubbed your waist softly as he fastened his pace. You were gripping the sheets under you hard and Chris picked your phone again, snapping a few pictures of your state. He also made you look up to take a picture of your ruined makeup, there was still a drop of his cum on your cheek and he wiped it away. “Beautiful.”
Felix flipped you over and Chris held your wrists above your head as his friend continued ruining you further. You were a total mess, as Chris said before, your moans sounding more like screams as Felix's eyes dug holes into your soul. His cock hit just right inside you and Chris’ hold on your wrists tightened as you tried to move them away to hold onto Felix.
“Chris, she's clenching,” he moaned and slowed down a little, you could tell he was as close as you and you rolled your hips, making him pin them down to the bed. “Don't fucking move,” he growled and you moaned again.
Chris was still holding you and he brought your hands closer to his lips, peppering them in kisses as Felix worked for both of your orgasms. Your back arched and your head fell onto Chris’ lap, looking up at him and he smiled against your wrists.
“I'm cumming,” Felix warned as he rubbed your clit rapidly, your eyes filled with tears again because you were so sensitive and you came just before him, the sensation of you clenching around him making him cum just after you. Chris watched the whole scene as he let go of your wrists and he gently massaged your shoulders as you came down from your high.
Felix gave you one last kiss on the cheek before collapsing next to you on the bed, looking up at the ceiling as he took his condom off. He tied it and gave it to Chris for him to throw it into the trashcan and the curly haired man joined you after.
“I didn't know you knew a bit of French,” you looked at Felix who laughed.
“I've learned a little when I was younger. I lost most of it, though.
- Ah,” you looked back at the ceiling too and Chris propped himself up by his elbows.
“It was kinda hot, you know? Like hearing you almost forget your English,” he said and you hid your face in embarrassment. Yeah, this would be one of your best memories in Korea.
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stayconnecteed · 3 months
❪⠀🪐.⠀say i'm what you need⠀𓏔⠀lee know⠀❫
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☆ㅤlee know x afab!reader⠀★⠀3.3k words
warnings / note: this is just a silly fic based on my lovely @skzms minho's drabble 'minho in love', which i totally recommend before you read this. i hope you like it, may, and that i made justice to your words!! ♡ i listened to say i'm what you need by låpsley while writing this, ofc. and it's just some thoughts about how minho and you met, but from your point of view.
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You knew it was pouring outside the bar, but you didn't care. That night you had gone out with your friends in the area you lived in, escaping the rain on short runs from bar to bar, spending the money you had saved for the occasion, the shifting spring weather announcing that there was not much time left before the end of your last college term. You had met in your dorm room to get ready, glasses of cheap alcohol and makeup products everywhere, your favourite playlist playing in the background as you exchanged skirts and tops and little hair hacks, laughing and telling each other the latest gossip. And you kept laughing, showing off the dress you were wearing for the first time that night, while you danced with your friends downstairs in the bar where you had arranged to hang out with other students from your faculties.
It was those moments, your mind free of worries and exams, simply enjoying the present, with a couple of drinks downed and the music flowing through your body, in which you felt more alive than ever. And it showed. You became a magnet for anyone who approached you, inviting them to meet you with the beautiful smile that curved your lips and narrowed your eyes, your extroverted energy blending with the innocent look in your irises. You had greeted most of the people in the bar, most of them accepting your hand shake with a complicity of who had already shared nights of fun by your side, and the few that hadn't, accepting your touch with confusion written all over their faces.
You exuded confidence, in that silky dress you never usually wore, with its thin strings crossing your bare back in smooth motions, and the empty glass of rum and coke in your hand. Or so Minho had thought when he had really seen you, your hips moving under your best friend's hands like a leaf swaying in a current of air, your hands in the air and shouting the lyrics of the song at full volume. When he had entered the bar where Chan was waiting for him, the first time he had saw you at all, you had approached him, even if you had no idea of who he was, welcoming him as if you were lifelong friends, only to disappear as quickly as you had arrived, leaving with you the breath that had gotten stuck in his throat.
And after that first interaction you'd felt his eyes on you all night, following you around the bar, running over your skin as you'd used the dance to get attention you already had anyway. You had laughed when you had pretended to slide your own gaze around the room and made eye contact with him, his ears tinging with a reddish hue that the darkness of the night didn't allow you to see, but the sheepish smile he outlined as he averted his eyes from your figure giving you to understand everything you needed to. Your best friend had dared you to kiss one of the guys in the bar in exchange for a drink, and you wondered if he would be the one suited for your little games, despite his self-conscious aura.
That's why you knew you had fallen for him. You, never one to turn down a juicy challenge, had detached yourself from your friend, approaching the counter after shooting a quick glance at the guy, more than willing to steal a kiss and get on with your night. But as soon as he joined you, ordering what he had seen you drink so far, his nervous smile creating butterflies inside you, and you greeted him again, it was clear to you that this challenge was not going to do any good. First, because you didn't see yourself capable of doing that to him. But also because you were sure that once you tried him, you wouldn't want to stop. So you stayed next to him, your shoulder brushing against his, exchanging hellos and names, telling him who you were and what you did, listening to him tell you about his work and his family, who your friends were, where you came from, what you wanted to do with your lives. And by the time you left the bar, cheeks flushed as your hands accidentally touched, you felt like you had known each other all your lives.
You had had breakfast together, once the sun had risen, in a nearby coffee shop, reluctant to let the moment end, stretching the conversation until the bubble inevitably burst. And when he had accompanied you to your residence, your breaths drawing trails of steam barely perceptible in the air, he had quickly stammered something about your phone number, and you had not been able to deny him, so you took the device from his trembling hands and wrote it down among his contacts, absolutely sure that it was impossible for that midnight bond to go any further.
But you were surprised to wake up two days later with a couple of messages from an unknown number, simple words that hid a fear of rejection that you could not see, but that Minho had felt as he wrote it. And in that first chat interaction, which had been an aberration to all the ones you had had so far, you formally and politely agreed to meet again. Later you would smile as you reread it, noticing the urgency in your messages, that hidden truth that screamed that you didn't care about the place, that you just wanted to see each other again, but that you weren't going to confess it because it was too soon.
Actually, with Minho nothing had been too soon. Somehow, every step you had taken, however small, had seemed the size it deserved at the time. You had feared that the spell you had fallen under that night was over, but when you arrived at the café where he had asked you to meet him, time seemed to stand still around you. Not in the dreamy way of every romantic movie, time slowing down when you made eye contact, but you were so at ease with each other that the numbers on your phone screen didn't seem to move, engrossed as you were in your conversation, in each other.
Minho had remembered the order you had made at that first hurried breakfast, and when you arrived he waiting with the steaming mug in front of him. He greeted you with a shy smile, one end of his lips curving more than the other, looking down nervously. One of your favourite snacks was also waiting for you, a detail that made you squeal with excitement when you told your friends, noticing how attentive he had been to everything you said. And by the time you realised it was way past breakfast time, the clock ticking just at one o'clock, you smiled when you saw in his eyes that even though it had been hours, just for both of you it had felt like a few minutes.
And the days turned into weeks, and your get-togethers became more frequent, always brightening your days. Waking up in the mornings was wonderful, just because when you unlocked your phone you had a "Good morning" from him, accompanied by a photo of his cats, or a selfie, just before he left for the gym. And you had developed an amazing ability to invent excuses, each one worse than the next, just to spend a few more seconds by his side, even if it meant asking him to accompany you home, or inviting him to dinner at one of the restaurants he had written down to try together.
The best were the memories, and the first times. You couldn't forget the first time you'd noticed how he tried to be the one to walk closer to the road, and how you'd noticed it ever since. A couple of weeks after you met, on your way to nowhere, just walking around, a car had passed too close to you, and he had bent down to tie his shoelaces, even though they were perfectly knotted, only to gently push you to the safe side of the sidewalk. You had watched his frown soften, continuing the conversation as if nothing had happened, but the relief was evident on his face. And when you got home you relived it in your mind, and your heart was filled with warmth by his antics.
And the first time he had touched you was still etched in your memory. You had noticed that Minho was not much given to physical contact, and you had respected that, so every little interaction, every brush of his skin against yours, sent shivers down your spine. But that time had been special, and he hadn't been able to refuse. You knew it was chilly outside, but as clueless as you were, when you left home you had only grabbed your favorite leather jacket. As you headed to the new restaurant Minho had discovered and offered you to go to that night - where they supposedly made the best sushi around - you had started to shiver. You didn't feel it was that cold either, but it was seeping through the thin fabric and soaking into your bones. He noticed right away, but it took him a while to muster the courage to stop you in the middle of the street, take off the scarf he was wearing and tug it into place around your neck.
Your reaction, you thought, had been pathetic. Your face falling uncertainly, your eyes anywhere but on his, another shiver running through you and not because of the cold, your fingers atching to take his hands in yours. You had noticed the way his fingers had brushed your collarbone the same way he had, but you had been petrified, not quite sure what to do next. Minho took the initiative, eternal gentleman, taking you by the hand, and you just ignored the rushed way your heart was pounding, the beats echoing in your ears, clumsy steps to follow his determined strides.
The first time he had invited you to his place, a casual evening with his friends, so you could get to know his friends. How it hadn't taken you two seconds to strike up a conversation with them, finding common points and shared hobbies, exchanging phone numbers and laughs, appreciating how easy-going they were. You knew Chan, whom you had seen many times in your favorite pub, and also Seungmin, the first in your class, and the one you talked to for hours. You could feel Minho's eyes on you as he bit his nails, half paying attention to whatever Jisung was telling him, and you tried to smile at him or make eye contact with him, to see if he would come closer, wishing he would come closer, just to feel his presence next to you. But he didn't, and during the walk back to your flat seemed he to be too much in his head to engage any conversation.
The first time he slept over at your apartment, at a point in your relationship where you can't even remember how long you've known each other because the answer always seems to be "since always". You had spent the entire evening watching movies and anime, sitting on the couch, so close that you could feel each other's body heat, yet miles apart. By the time you realized, as it had happened so many times before, instead of a few moments Minho had been there all day, and it was too late for him to return home, so you offered him to spend the night with you even though you wanted to beg him to stay. And he, unable to refuse you anything, accepts. And waits for you looking at his phone while you take a shower, seemingly calm, although once outside you fear you have made him uncomfortable because he locks himself almost instantly in the bathroom, mumbling an excuse between his teeth. You sit on the couch, taking the spot where he had been, your favorite sweater slipping its sneaky black fabric over your shoulder, but by the time he sits down next to you again that distance is more present than ever.
And the memory of his touch, which you spend longing for every time you allow yourself to think about it, a dangerous recurring thought in his presence. It is unusual for him to hug you, only two or three times that you keep in your heart as the greatest of treasures, and at such occasions when he only wrapped his arms around you to keep you from breaking into pieces, because you had asked him to, because he was able to make you forget what it was that had made you suffer so much. And the first time you were the one who witnessed that vulnerable side of Minho, that night when your phone rang before the hand of the clock brushed midnight, when Chan begged you to come, and before he finished talking you were already on your way out the door, your heart in your throat.
The way you hadn't bothered to put on a coat, and you knew Minho would scold you, but you couldn't think, not when he was suffering. So you drove to his home, your badly knotted converse stepping on the gas pedal to the legal maximum, and rushed up the stairs, throwing yourself at him the instant he opened the door for you, his face hiding in the crook of your neck, the strands of his hair brushing against your nose. And you had both closed your eyes, him fearing that by parting you everything would collapse, that it would all be a dream, you tightening your grip as if the magnitude of the force you used would be enough to free Minho from his grief. And when you heard the first sob you didn't move, a warm, soft statue he could trust and lean on, until he was ready to speak.
But when hearing the mewing of one of his cats you noticed him twitch, and you let him go, his absence heavier than the worst of regrets in your mind, waiting for him to tell you what he wanted you to do. You don't leave him, you don't push him away, you just stand by his side, trying to figure out what his condition was due to. When he explains it to you, his teary eyes exuding exhaustion, you decide to take the lead, finishing preparing the dinner he had left half made. You make sure he's fed, that he doesn't go into a trance, while you fetch Soonie's carrier, the sick kitten that had alerted Minho, and carefully lay him down inside, stroking his fur as you hear him cry out. And then you accompany his owner to the vet, staying beside him while they examine the cat, letting him nap on your lap while they operate his pet in the adjacent room, moving in for a few days to his apartment to take care of the little family Minho has formed.
And during those days you come to understand how deep the bond you share is, when you see his toothbrush next to yours and it seems like the most normal thing in the world. When you wake up in the mornings and find him sitting next to you on the couch, staring at his kitten, slowly recovering but certain that he will be fine, and you gently pull him up, whispering silly nothings to him and accompanying him to his bed to rest, always staying out of his room, respecting his personal space. When hours later he wakes up, and even with his eyes clouded by sleep he mumbles a "thank you", his raspy voice talking about your caring nature and the plate of food you've just left in his hands. From the first moment you had fit together like two pieces of the same puzzle, and you had never wanted to develop that sense of familiarity, too busy forgetting your surroundings and losing yourself in each other.
But there is something that has changed in his gaze, and there is something that has changed inside you, and in the loneliest moments of the night you realize that this routine you have developed while living with him is too inherent in you, and that you need him to need you in that way. Not broken, not sick, just that he wants to have you close, that he can't breathe knowing you're not there, that he longs for your presence even when you're just a few feet away from him. Because that's the way you love him, and if it's not reciprocated the pain may be too much for you. You need him, because it's him, because Minho has made his way deep into your soul, and has decided to stay. And because if at any moment he had to leave you, you would lose a part of what makes you who you are.
That's why you think you are dreaming the night you fall asleep on the couch, while watching a movie. And it's a beautiful dream, because amidst the haze of sleep you are able to hear Minho's tentative voice whisper a quiet "I love you", almost as if it had slipped out. You don't know if it's real because it's not the first time you've dreamed it, because the certainty that you're in love with him warms your heart and makes you smile even in your worst moments. But the trembling lilt in his voice as he utters those three words sounds different that time, and it hurts you to suggest the idea that he really told you, but it hurts you more to think that he would never be able to say it, not even in the privacy of his living room.
But the next day you decide you don't care. Because you've always felt that genuine connection with him, and his nervous gesture has never changed since he's known you, but mostly because you need to know it's true. When you wake up, the blanket you had laid out anyway the night before is carefully draped over you, and Minho is gone, but the space next to you that is shaped like his body is still warm, so you make your way with clumsy steps to the kitchen, sitting down in one of the chairs. You watch him prepare breakfast with quick movements, and you stare at him with that love-struck silly face you know you only make when your eyes fall on him. And just as it had happened to him the night before, it slips out.
"I love you" you say, almost a chuckle, as if you can't believe you're really blurting it out. And you see the expression on his features change, and for a moment you think it was a mistake, that you should have swallowed the words. But then he scoops you up with a half angry scowl on his face and places you on his lap, the hopeful gleam in his eye accompanying that question he asks you, wanting to know if you're serious, if you're not joking with him. And like every time you feel his touch against your skin you melt, nodding quickly, your heart pounding. You hear him mumble something about how you shouldn't be throwing those things out like that, to protect your heart, but you couldn't care less because then he whispers "I love you too" and you feel his lips against yours. And you kiss him like you need him to breathe, you kiss him because you know he's all you need in your life.
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taglist: @jazziwritesthings · @rylea08 · @starlostastronaut · @manuosorioh · @kpopmenace143 · @skzms · @atinyniki
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© stayconnecteed 2024 · do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms
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dilemmaontwolegs · 5 months
The Bucket List - Bucket Moments || CL16
Warnings: fluff WC: 1.2k Main Story || Death Scene || Two Years Later || Bucket Moments || Five Years Later
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1. Sleep under the northern lights
Charles found another blanket in the storage box and draped it over your shoulders as he joined you in the clearing. 
“Have you ever seen something so beautiful?” You asked the question quietly, fearful that your very voice could disturb the peace of the night. Overhead, green and orange light danced to the music of the universe that you could almost hear. 
“Every day,” Charles whispered too quietly for you to hear. Swallowing the lump in his throat he recorded the northern lights illuminating the wonder on your face. You were mesmerised as you reached for the colour like it was a ribbon you could catch if you were quick enough, but it slipped through your fingers. 
“Make an angel with me, Cha,” you giggled as you tossed the blanket aside and fell back into the snow. Charles fell down beside you and waved his arms like you made him do whenever he took you skiing. “I could stay frozen here forever.”
“Me too, mon ange.” 
8. Go to India for the colour festival  
“Don’t you dare,” Charles warned as you filled your fist with a dark blue powder. “Amour!”
You bent in half with the burst of laughter that cut through his faux annoyance and his own laugh joined yours. His white shirt was splattered with the colour of his biggest competitor and you grinned as you took a photo, sending it to Max. A burst of powder hit your front and you gaped at the explosion of red clouding your vision before it cleared to reveal Charles’ smug face. 
“That’s better,” he hummed as he pulled you into his arms, the colours of the rainbow dusting your face as he dipped his head down to yours and kissed you. “None of those Red Bull colours for you, mon ange.”
A peal of laughter sounded as you were pushed apart and Lorenzo ducked between you, a burst of yellow hitting Charles and raining over you. “Sorry, chére!” Arthur apologised as he bolted off again, chasing the eldest brother. 
Charles wrapped his arms around your waist as he stepped up behind you, watching his brothers race through the energetic crowd to find Joris and Pierre. His soft laugh warmed your cheeks as the three guys made an absolute mess. “Snow fights will never beat this.”
Your eyes widened with an idea. “Imagine colouring the snow balls!”
“Except yellow,” Charles pointed out, chuckling as your nose wrinkled at the idea.
“No, definitely not yellow,” you agreed. “But it would be funny to prank them if you did…”
Charles turned you in his arms and smiled fondly as he wiped away some of the coloured powders from your cheeks. “I love that mind of yours.”
“Just my mind?”
His eyes trailed over your shirt that was no longer white and his pupils darkened by the second as he bit his lip and continued to survey you with a look of hunger. Slowly he dragged his eyes back up until he reached your face again and released his plump lip from his teeth. “Yes, just your mind.”
He rocked back on his heels with a loud laugh that came from deep in his stomach and you gave him a little push against his chest. “Cha!”
Your feet disappeared from the ground as he picked you up and your hands came to rest on his shoulders as he looked up at you in awe. “There is not a single part of you I don’t love, mon ange.”
12. Teach Charles to cook
Charles would rather go swimming with sharks again, and he had not enjoyed that. He knew it would be a hell of a lot better than what you were about to make him do though. 
“I look stupid,” he complained as he placed the toque on his head. 
“You look stupid?” you laughed, pointing to your own head. “I have a hairnet on and I don’t have hair. So put your big boy pants on and let’s go, class is starting.”
You had debated trying to teach Charles to cook yourself but after a few mishaps and burned tea towels you decided you needed professional help for the task. This culinary school for beginners promised that it could teach even the most incompetent cooks to master the basics and most importantly, pasta. 
Thankfully putting Charles in a class setting made him focus and take note of the instructions. You could always count on him to become the teacher's pet and by the third lesson you watched with pride as he kneaded the pasta dough to perfection. 
“Can you dust a little more flour please?” he asked as he held the dough up.
“Yes, chef,” you saluted as you took a handful and scattered it over the bench. “Oh, you’ve got a little something on your cheek.”
“Can you get it?” he turned his cheek towards you as you tossed the rest of the flour at him. “Non…run.”
You turned and squealed as he grabbed a handful of flour and gave chase. “You’re going to get us expelled!”
He ignored you as he herded you into the huge pantry and you armed yourself with an egg in each hand. “We have ourselves an old-fashioned standoff, huh?” he teased. “It’s a good thing your aim is terrible.”
Charles moved first, showering you with the flour, and you launched the first egg. He deftly dodged it by jumping aside but it put him right into the trajectory of the second and it splattered over the chef’s jacket he wore. He looked down at the bright yolk and slimy whites that dribbled to the floor before looking back at the door where the chef was standing with a red face. 
“Both of you, out of my kitchen now!”
You tried to keep a straight face as you shuffled through the mess without slipping over and rushed to grab your handbag. “I can’t believe you got us expelled!” You burst into laughter as you exited the building and raced Charles to his Pista in the parking lot. 
“Me?” he laughed as he caged you between the car door. His eyes sparkled with amusement and he couldn’t help stealing a kiss when your happiness was as pure as it was in that moment. “Since I ruined our dinner plans, what would you like to eat? And please don’t say pasta or I will take you over my knee and spank you.”
“I mean, don’t threaten me with a good time,” you winked. “How about cake? You are already wearing half of the ingredients.”
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ozzgin · 5 months
hai,baby ...I know your request is closed now. And if you don't mind, can I leave my request when your blog is open? ( If no that's okay,you can delete this request) alright....So, I really like the butterfly demon that you made for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru on request.And I thought what if the fem s/o butterfly demon had met Sesshomaru and Inuyasha ( separate please) when they were little (the fem s/o butterfly demon was also still a child at that time) Dancing on a hill or mountain with the moonlight shining on her and her beautiful butterfly wings,Instead of being surprised by them Femin s/o elegantly stretches out her hand to invite them to play or dance in the middle of the forest . ( Headcannon)
Definitely! I’m very glad you enjoyed the idea, all of my requests are always so creative! I wouldn’t write so much if it wasn’t for all the vivid prompts. The whole atmosphere you described immediately reminded me, for some reason, of this song from 'A Troll's Fairy Tale' Otome game. It just set up the whole mood of the story.
Inuyasha/Sesshomaru x Butterfly Demon! Reader Headcanons: First meeting
Featuring a young Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and their first encounter with the child demon.
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Inuyasha was never a child to cause trouble. He always clung to his mother's soft sleeves, quickly following behind her as his tiny footsteps barely made a sound against the polished tatami. So whatever possessed him that night is, to this day, beyond his understanding. Nonetheless, on a certain night with full moon, he snuck outside and ran across the tall grass and up the hill until he reached a glade.
It was almost as if someone had called him by his name, a mumbled, merely audible whisper echoing from the distance. He’d been to this place many times before with his mother, yet now it looked entirely different. His small body cowered before the crooked, swaying shadows of the tall trees and he wanted to run away, doubting his intentions. That’s when the clouds cleared and the patch of open greenery was once again bathed by pale light. He hadn’t noticed the other person. A child, like him, carelessly and effortlessly dancing around, indifferent to the world. Although it couldn’t have been a human. Inuyasha was very much familiar with demons given his own family, but he’d never seen one like this. Adorning her back, a pair of sheer, colorful wings fluttered gently in the wind.
He must’ve been staring rather intently, because the mysterious nocturnal artist finally noticed his presence. You seemed pleased by the idea of having company, so you enthusiastically skipped and twirled your way over, extending an inviting hand. He barely grazed his fingers against yours when the worried shouts of his mother startled him out of his trance. “I think I have to go back home”, he muttered apologetically. “Mom is looking for me.” And with that, he begun sprinting away, occasionally looking back to see if the butterfly girl would still be there.
Even as a child, Sesshomaru had always been aloof and independent. It wasn’t uncommon for him to disappear at random times, so no one would question it, especially given he’d always return safely. Sometimes he just needed time to himself and away from others, in order to gather his thoughts and also train, hoping to close the gap between him and his father. Other times he’d wander out of pure curiosity, out of the desire to explore.
It was during one of his nightly expeditions that he felt the sudden desire to follow along a certain path. He knew very well where it led, to one of the cozily hidden glades he’d visit for his sword training. Though he’d never been there after dark, so this was a first. Once he reached the forest clearing, he shuddered slightly at the cold wind. It was unexpectedly chilly for late spring and the cherry blossom branches creaked with the breeze, scattering clumps of petals. He surveyed the area with his big amber eyes and spotted some movement ahead. A girl his age. Or rather, a demon. He involuntarily reached for his sword, expectantly. You were too focused on your movements to realize his presence. A pirouette under the moonlight, and your wings spread open theatrically once you were finished. Sesshomaru was mesmerized.
You heard the quiet gasp and turned to your audience, chuckling at the young boy’s baffled expression. “You can join, too. I won’t mind.” You said reassuringly. Sesshomaru huffed, embarrassed to be caught so beguiled. “Why would I do something so silly?” He retorted, trying to play it cool. He folded his arms and looked away, uninterested. “You can just say you don’t know how to dance.” You teased, cheekily. This seemed to have hit a nerve, as the boy glared at you and answered with a puffed up chest, “S-so what about it, I’m a warrior, not a dancer!” You shrugged and hopped on a nearby rock for some elevation, continuing your little dance. As annoyed as he sounded, Sesshomaru continued to observe you, a faint blush warming his cheeks.
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cosmicpearlz · 1 year
you don’t go to parties
summary: being overwhelmed can cause a person to push away the one person they really needed most in that time.
pairing: jenna ortega x fem!reader
a/n: i was inspired by the song ‘you don’t go to parties’ by 5 seconds of summer! hope you guys enjoy!
taking a quick glance at the clock that rested on a table beside the couch you currently sat on, read five o’clock. the loud music still thumbing even in the early hours of morning. the party and alcohol couldn’t change your sour mood, not when you were reminiscing about your ex.
jenna was (still is) the love of your life until she decided randomly to call it quits without so much of a second thought. you guys had been together for two years and apparently that wasn’t enough to save the relationship. you weren’t sure what went wrong when she pulled away from you but you knew it hurt like hell.
during every party that you went to, you were expecting to see her. you guys were always seen arriving together and being wrapped around each other. but it was as if she became a ghost and disappeared because she never showed. not once did that stop you from trying to seek out the brown haired girl, even if it was just a small glimpse of her.
“c’mon y/n, we should go,” emma pulls your attention away from your own thoughts. she held out a hand for you to grab, which you take immediately and stand to your feet. making your way out of the frat house, you guys start your journey back to the dorms.
“i’m sorry i haven’t been much fun lately,” your lip begins to wobble and eyes glinting with tears.
“listen, i know you’ve been dealing with a breakup. i’m sorry if it seems like i’m pushing you to be the happy girl you were before the mess,” emma wraps an arm around your shoulders while you wipe the loose tear drop.
“what are friends for?” you whispered into the silent air. you knew you weren’t going to get over the girl any time soon. not when the memories still burn freshly in your mind.
jenna was drowning. drowning in school work, life and regret. the moment she uttered those unforgettable words, she regretted it. the look on your face was deeply ingrained into her brain. she wished she never said those words and broke your heart.
she wished that she just told you what was wrong. how the pressure of making sure her senior grades were perfect. the thoughts and anxiety of what your relationship would change or evolve to after school. everything was too much and she desperately needed a way out. jenna thought that breaking up with you would be one less stressor, instead it made things worse.
the girl stopped going to parties when she realized you wouldn’t be there to drape your legs into her lap or let her sit on lap while you wrapped your arms around her waist with your face in her neck. she missed you and wanted to reach out but didn’t know how to after what happened.
“jenna, you have to go to this party with us on friday!”
“why not? you and y/n have been broken up for almost two weeks now. what better way then to get drunk and forget!”
“too many memories.” hunter sighed and grabbed the girl’s hand to get her attention. jenna looked up from her textbook with a slight frown.
“i’ll be with you the whole night. i just feel like you need to get out a little bit and enjoy life. you’ve had your nose in the books since the breakup.”
“fine, i’ll go. you can’t leave my side though.”
another party and another couch to sit on. you nursed your third cup, watching everyone else dance. you looked towards the door again hoping to see your past lover and in walked said girl. your eyes widened at the sight of her. she was dressed in dark washed jeans and a simple black strapless corset top. her brown hair kept down framing her gorgeous face. you knew you should look away but you couldn’t take your eyes off of her.
her gaze set on you immediately, catching you already looking at her. it was as if time stopped and everyone in the room didn’t matter. just the two of you as it was before. hastily you got up from the couch and ran to find a spare room. there was an ache in your chest and your eyes watered.
jenna ignores the calls of hunter and emma, on a mission to find you. she needed to make it right. she wanted you to know that she still loved you despite whatever you were thinking.
it didn’t take long for the girl to be right behind you. pushing herself into the room before you had the chance to close the door on her. the music was muffled and all that was heard was the heavy breathing between the two of you.
“what do you want jenna?”
“to talk,” you scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest. jenna looks down at her shoes unwilling to see the glare you had towards her.
“a bit late for that. i can’t do this,” you walked towards the door and jenna jumps in front of it preventing you from leaving.
“i want to explain. please.”
“explain what huh? explain how you broke up with me without giving me a proper explanation!”
“yes!” the shake in her voice was evident as you got done yelling at her.
“i want to leave.”
“no. not until you let me explain than you could go back to hating me. i just want to tell you the truth,” your gaze softened with her saying you hated her. you could never hate her, not one chance.
“fine,” you walked away from her to sit on the bed, keeping your attention on the girl. jenna picks at the skin of her nails suddenly nervous again.
“it wasn’t you, it was me and-“
“yeah right.”
“listen to me please. it seriously wasn’t you. i was overwhelmed with school work and.. and i was scared about how life after college would look for us. i thought that by breaking up with you, i would be less stressed but it made it worse. i’m so sorry y/n,” tears fell from her eyes with each word she spoke.
“why didn’t you come talk to me?”
“i honestly don’t know,” jenna shakes her head, wiping the tears from her face. you motioned her to sit next to you on the bed. she instantly makes her way to join you.
“you could’ve talked to me about this. i would’ve told you that you’re already perfect in school and your grades are amazing. you’re a hard worker and you shouldn’t be worried because you’re doing great,” you grabbed the girls hands making her look up from her lap.
“as for us, i would’ve told you that i’m always gonna be here. jenna, i’m so desperately in love with you and can’t imagine being with anyone else. no matter what happens in life, i will always want you.”
“does this mean you’ll give me a second chance,” jenna’s bottom lip is caught between her teeth, nervous to hear your answer. she’s met with a light chuckle and your hand brushing her hair behind her ear.
“oh absolutely. these past few days have been hell without you,” jenna springs forward to capture your lips with hers. the kiss was salty from the tears that were shed between the two of you but it was full of passion. two lovers in a case of miscommunication brought back together.
“i love you so much. don’t ever do that again baby, talk to me first. promise?”
“i love you more and i’d be fool to lose you again. i promise to come to you first before anything my love,” she places a kiss on your forehead before leaning it with hers.
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solitude4chiron · 11 months
White Ferrari
Miles 42 x black fem reader
Warnings/about: Angst/fluff, Drunk characters, slightly drunk driving, you get attacked by one of Miles’s rivals he feels guilty, frank ocean & skateboarding, caring miles
Slight trigger warning: You get followed and attacked by a rival of your boyfriends, you own a gun and pull it out
& yes this is pt.2 to fashion killa 🫶🏾 thank y’all for the support on my first piece of writing 🥹🥹
Miles took your advice from your last heartfelt conversation, leading his uncle Aaron to take more of the prowler role while he rebuilt your relationship, but after a few weeks off he sadly had to stay out again
During the weeks he had off you felt closer to your villain boyfriend than you ever had before. Him opening up his eyes to your world and you feeling every emotion he expressed he was raised in as a child.
You both went to concerts seeing ASAP Rocky (both of y’all’s fav) JID,  Brent faiyaz (Miles’s favorite he sends you lyrics all the time) and kendrick Lamar. You standing in the pit made miles tense up so he would always end up being right behind you, arms wrapped around your waist while dancing to whatever artist was playing, the tight space pressing your butt onto him which made him go feral, but not purposely of course 🙄 so he always ended up whispering in your ear 
“Espera a que lleguemos a casa, you want to tease huh?” (Wait till we get home)
After his disappearance, and reappearance you communicated your feelings to him a lot, as he understood that his weight was slightly your weight too, and it stressed you out. Even though his identity was safe and your relationship with him wasn’t too public, you felt someone had a hit out on your head.
“8:35 pm not too late…” and while miles was gone you dragged on your baggy evisu jeans while also pulling on a tight cropped shirt, finishing it off with a hoodie zipping it just far up enough so you could still let others see your bellybutton was pierced. Then you left, skating down the street with bktherula blasting in your left ear (miles always told you to keep one ear open when he wasn’t with you)
After a minute you stopped at a gas station for a drink and while walking to the back for your soda, you spotted a man dressed in all black. Shiesty mask pulled down, his dark eyes glared at you screaming disrespectful things
“Why the fuck do I live in nyc..” you muttered
At that moment you snatched the money out your pocket and slammed it on the counter whilst walking out, hoping the fast payment would put some space between you two. You also text miles. A lot..
“Hey miles baby, you free?” 8:49
“Some dude keeps following me miles” 8:49
“Miles please look at my location, I’ll try to stay in the area please come get me” 8:50
“Baby please answer me” 8:50
“Babe” 8:50
“Babe” 8:53
“Miles” 8:53
Miles POV:
“Aye pass that shi bru we celebrating tonight” I said through intoxicated lips while taking another swig of the hennessy bottle, and for a minute my worries went away, and that minute was actually 30 minutes
“Aye y’all imma head home ! My wife waiting on me” I said with a smug look on my face snatching the keys to my motorcycle off the counter, but my unc ain’t goin for that shi
“Gimme the keys miles, airdrop me your address” 
“Alright then dad..” I said sarcastically, but slightly pondered on that sentence because my dad, yeah 
While opening my phone to airdrop the address my heart sank to my crotch
Future wife: 7 new messages
Future wife: 16 missed calls 
Future wife: 1 voicemail 
And immediately I became sober. Hopping on my motorcycle and riding through the oddly warm night climate, leaving my worried uncle behind while tracking y/n’s location 
“Sabes que lo siento, I keep fucking letting you down.” (You know I’m sorry baby)
Y/n’s pov:
Although you tried not to acknowledge the man but something about him was familiar? You’re sure you’ve never seen him before but maybe you’ve heard of him
“Come here ma, won’t be long trust”
“Come on you know you want to turn around and look at me” 
And in that moment you knew who he was, Sidat. (Sigh - dot) Miles’s little “enemy”. Miles told you about him, but the way he was described to you. Made you feel like he wasn’t a threat. Now you realize he wasn’t a threat to miles, but definitely is a threat to you
“Move nigga, I got a man” you snapped
“I know that already love, fuc him” 
And something in you jerked to pull out the gun you tucked in your pants earlier. The gun that had MM (Miles morales) engraved in it, the gun you never realized could swiftly take someone off the earth, the gun that had purple wrapped around it. Personalized for your boyfriends touch 
“I said move nigga, damn.” You said, turning around swiftly while pulling the gun out your waist
And you tilted your head, peering down the top of the gun hoping this would be enough to scare sidat away 
“You ain’t pullin that shi girl” he said whilst jumping on you pinning you to the floor, you kept the barrel of the gun to his chest but he knew you wouldn’t pull it. You knew you wouldn’t too 
He lifted your chin off your chest with his own weapon 
“You so fine, miles don’t deserve yo pretty ass”
And in that moment you heard a motorcycle almost a minute away
So he left, and in the snap of a finger sidat was gone
And you shivered on the floor preparing your words for when miles found you. Tears ruining your pretty mascara 
“Lo siento, cariño, lo siento, salí y me emborraché y pensé que si bebía no tendría que pensar en nada y..” (I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry I went out and got drunk and I thought if I drank I wouldn’t have to think about anything and I..)
“Come on hermosa, I’m so sorry” you saw a tear forming a the bottom of his eyes and you knew if he wasn’t slightly drunk he probably wouldn’t be crying right now 
He picked you up and sat you on his motorcycle. Going straight home
Timeskip: At home
“And yeah, that’s what happened. He vanished as soon as you pulled up.” You said through tears and hiccups 
Miles tried his hardest to comfort you. He took your clothes off slowly trying not to trigger anything inside of you and wrapped you in the satin robe he got you for valentines. He took you into the bathroom and ran you a bath while rubbing a soapy rag along your body. His eyebrows indicating his regret. He made you hot camomile tea just like how his mom taught him, and he slid your bonnet on your braids freshly oiled for bed while he played your favorite, frank ocean
“It’s my fault” you heard him sigh
“No baby it wasn’t your fault, It wasn’t any of ours I’m not too shaken anyways I promise”
“But I should have been checking your texts, just like you always tell me too…” and he buried his head into your breasts trying to hold back drunk tears, and sooner or later you were being showered with kisses. His breath smelled like liquor but you didn’t care. He made sure that night while you both slept he was directly behind you. Never letting go of your hip 
“Care for you still and I will, forever” miles sleepily sang the lyrics of white Ferrari, and you’d wonder if he knew what he sang, or the impact it made in your head. It almost felt like he could only love you this deeply when he was drunk. Maybe he just felt this way the whole time
And through every kiss he apologized, because sober or not it pained him so much someone besides him had hurt you, purposely. The music filled your room and leaked out your shared window freezing time, and all you could do was stare at the boy you loved in awe
Because you never thought he could love someone so deeply 
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Man-sized Part 1/9 Dance For You
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!OC Tags: Explicit content, only for +18 audiences. Smut, romantic angst, fluff. An unapologetic LOVE STORY. Sexual tension, mutual pining, banter, flirting, developing relationship, strangers to lovers. Simon Riley has a dark past (partly inspired by Modern Warfare 2: Ghost comics). CW/TW: References to PTSD, depression, past torture and abuse in later chapters. Summary: A uni student who pole dances at a strip club to pay her rent encounters a mysterious giant of a soldier seemingly incapable of falling in love.
He was always there, every night for a week, and then disappeared for months.
He was there a few moments before she began her show, and left right after it ended. He never watched the other girls, the ones who she only warmed up for, the ones who actually stripped and were professionals. He never had a lap dance, a private show, nothing. He just ordered one scotch, watched her little pole dance show, and left.
She used to pick someone from the audience, just one single guy who looked more or less harmless. She was performing to that one guy only — it was more comfortable that way. She could concentrate better, and it was easier to try and be seductive. To be in control.
But he wasn't harmless. And she wasn't in control.
But ever since he started to visit the place, she always picked him, and it required no effort whatsoever to appear seductive. She was wet after every show she performed for him.
When she danced for him, she could feel his gaze on her, as goosebumps and flames that licked her skin. He didn't look at her like she was a goddess. Or a whore. He looked at her like she was a woman, like she was his woman, and they were the only ones in that club. She knew she was being nonsensical — after all, he was just another guy who came to watch an exotic dancer.
But she wasn't one of the stars, she didn't even strip.
At some point, she realized she started to do choreographies just for him. She started to check the calendar, count the days, because he was usually gone only a month, maybe one and a half. Then he came back, every night, for a week or so. She could see that he liked it when she did inversions and shoulder mounts on the pole. Perhaps he could tell that it demanded a huge amount of strength. She liked it that someone admired that — her strength and agility, not her outfit, not even the way she arched her back or threw her hair around.
He was looking at her like she was an artist and an athlete.
She could tell he was an athlete too, but what kind, remained a mystery. He was a big fellow, a muscled fellow, and she always tried to catch what it was that he had tattooed on his forearm.
In the darkness, his eyes were like burning coals, even if the rest of him was pale and blonde, almost like a color that was worn and washed out. He was the most tired, exhausted man she had ever seen, especially on the first nights of his week in town. But that didn't take away an ounce of his power. The whole club could've been full of big, dangerous-looking men, and he would've still been the most intriguing person in her eyes.
At some point, the heated gazes and the tension built up to such heights that she walked to the bar after her show. She rarely did that — she was here to dance and that was all. Get some money so she could study. Some of the girls liked to hustle, but she only wanted to go home after her show, which was draining, especially when he wasn't there to watch her.
She knew he was going to leave again soon. This was one of the last nights if she had her calculations right, if not the last. She already knew she would miss him and copy-paste his image to the audience every night until he would finally materialize on one of those chairs again.
She saw he saw her approaching him. He raised his chin, drew his shoulders back, and turned slightly on the chair, angled his body towards her. She slowed her walk as she reached him, enjoying the way he was forced to look up at her from where he was sitting.
"Are you gonna buy me a drink?"
A smile rose to his face, just a tiny one, one that didn't even bare teeth. It was simply an acknowledgment.
He rose from the chair, took his coat, and left.
The next time she saw him was only half a month later.
She climbed the pole, and he watched, had that tiny smile playing in the corner of his lips through the whole show. Her choreography had started to resemble something she would've chosen to perform in a pole dance competition rather than in this kind of place. She had ditched the heels, and danced like she was both Tarzan and Jane; flexible, strong as fuck, showing off what she could do with just one stiff vertical object. He didn't look as tired as before, and when she came to the bar like a bitch in heat, sniffing around a strong, virile male, she saw he had two drinks in front of him.
Perhaps she was making a fool of herself… But she walked toward him again, almost walked past him, then got stopped by an outstretched hand that held a Long Island iced tea.
"Took your time," she said as she grabbed the offered drink.
The man didn't answer. Her heart was thumping faster than when she was exerting herself up on that pole, now occupied by the first true star of the evening.
"May I sit?"
He nodded, and she could feel her palms get sweaty. She didn't usually do this kind of stuff... but when she did, it certainly did not go like this. Like she was the one trying to woo the man.
"So, what do you do?"
He still didn't say a word, and she was beginning to think that the man was actually a mute.
"Are you a professional boxer?"
Finally, a chuckle came. Dark, and husky...
He had a hoarse, gravelly voice, a voice she could listen to for forever if he only would speak.
A shake of the head. She peeked at the forearm placed on the table between their drinks, and she saw the inked skull, a helmet, some kind of a bomb…
"You in the army?"
"Somethin' like that."
She barely caught the Manchester accent. Shit… This man was just… He was sexy as hell. Probably picked up ladies like berries wherever he went. She took a sip of that Long Island — why would he buy her a drink with so much hard alcohol in it? It was a bit suspicious. She hadn't seen him buy it, hadn't seen if he had put something in it…
"Oh, I get it. You're James Bond."
He was amused, but something in his eyes told her that she had hit a bit too close to home this time.
"What's your name?"
She was starting to get tired of listening to her own voice, tired of prying for information. But her heart rate spiked as she saw how his interest seemed to die immediately after her latest question. He looked away, his eyes swept the club, and she had a feeling that she had just played poker against an actual Bond and lost it all. Had been a good player until she blew it by asking his name.
"Simon." He rose, reached for his coat, and was leaving again…
"Are you gonna ask my name?"
Fuck, stop speaking.
"It was a nice talk, Sarah."
He came back the next day. This for sure was the last time she would see him before he vanished again. But it was impossible for her to go to the bar because she suddenly felt like she had to put on a whole other show after the pole dance performance.
A show of playing hard to get.
So after the lights on the stage died, she went straight to the backstage and got herself ready for a walk home.
"Sarah… there's some guy out there asking for you."
But the show worked. She took her stuff, glanced at the mirror to see that everything was like it should be, then went to get her shoes.
"You got a fan?"
She didn't answer, because it was suddenly hard to pay attention to anything else than the guy named Simon, the guy who had watched her dance for months and was now waiting for her at the back door, the one used by the staff.
A fucking spy, indeed..
"Just be careful, ok?"
As if she needed a reminder that the brooding James Bond looked like death and danger.
He looked her up and down, didn't say hi back, but gave her a few dark red carnations.
"Oh. Thanks."
The fact that a guy like him was giving her flowers at the back door of a strip club shouldn't have affected her the way it did. Should definitely not make her weak in the knees like he was a high school crush asking her out. Well, he was good at what he did, she had to give him that. Perhaps not the most original move, but still… to her, original enough. She had never received flowers from anyone.
"How long are you stayin' here?" His voice was both smooth and rough, and she wondered if he was as stoic off his feet as he was on them.
"Actually, I was just leaving."
"I can walk you home."
Yet again, it shouldn't have been this way. She was accustomed to pulling the strings, calling out the shots. It wasn't that she didn't feel safe with him… It was just that she didn't feel in control. At all.
They had walked only a few blocks when he lit a cigarette. So much for not hooking up with smokers… And somehow that cancer stick managed to make this man even sexier. Manly.
It was stupid — he had all the traits of a modern cowboy, and she should feel repulsed, not hooked.
"So, how's the James Bond thing going?"
"It's tiring."
"Yeah, you look like you could use a good night's sleep."
Not what I had in mind for you tonight, but still…
He really was a man of few words, but she had a hunch that he wasn't shy. Perhaps Simon only spoke when he had something groundbreaking to say.
"Why do you watch my shows?"
He inhaled the smoke deep and long before giving his answer.
"You move well. Strong 'n' sharp, trained… Could be a fighter."
His compliments made her blush in the cool night air, but she wasn't surprised. He admired and respected toughness, just like she had suspected.
By the time they reached her apartment, she was almost shaking with excitement, and he had filled himself with that smoke.
What the hell… It couldn't taste that bad.
"You wanna come inside?"
The amber eyes looked at her with a flash of amusement instead of hunger.
He suddenly seized her, pinned her against her front door with his body, and kissed her. The flowers dropped to the ground as her hands shot out to clasp his neck; to feel the raw muscle there.
He didn't taste bad at all.
He could've taken her right then and there, in the middle of that sleepy, quiet, dark street, and she wouldn't have said no. Her last time with a man had been everything but mysterious and exciting, months and months ago, and Simon felt like a perfect match right now, a perfect, tall, dark stranger. He was just the kind of man she had always found nothing short of disgusting: an overconfident heartbreaker who couldn't commit.
But this evening was different. Her morals were deep asleep, and she was ovulating, and, well, it was a first time for everything…
He broke the kiss only to pant a question, his second ever, in her mouth.
"You accept credit or cash?"
The slap was way harder than she had meant it to be. Her palm lashed out in pure, hot rage; for having thought that a man like him was nothing but another chauvinistic jerk.
But what he'd implied wasn't even the worst thing. It was the laugh that followed her.
She heard it even after she had shut the door, brushed her teeth; after she climbed into her lonely bed to get some sleep. The tears that emerged were born of shame, not disappointment.
He came back after a month.
She knew she shouldn't go down there, to roam among the filth and give him the satisfaction and the mercy.
But those eyes drew her to him like a snare, beckoned her to have another round in the ring with him.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Come on, dove. Don't back away when it just got interesting."
He gave her a full smile this time. She had a feeling that this man didn't smile often, and that flash of pure, bold contentment charmed her right off her feet. Simon wasn't a mystery or a puzzle, he was a whole Rubik's cube.
"I could show you how to do a proper right hook instead of that bitch slap you gave me."
"Wasn't painful enough for you?"
He laughed, darkly, and it went straight between her legs.
"Slept on my right side for a week."
She found herself smiling against her will.
He had thought of her for an entire week when going to bed and was now back for more.
Fuck… The way he just spun her around his finger in mere minutes was despicable. She turned around to leave so that she would win at least one round, but that gruff, dark voice stopped her.
"It was a test. Apologies."
She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and turned.
"A test?"
"Yeah. A test." He downed his scotch, and she found herself thinking whether Simon had an addiction to the taste of smoke instead of tobacco per se.
"You got more tests for me?" She tried to appear mocking but only ended up sounding like she was asking for it, asking for more tests and humiliation and… whatever they called it these days. Toxic relationships.
"I was thinking about asking you out."
"We are out."
"Suit yourself."
That fucking accent… It was responsible for this, at least for the most part — that Manchester gruffness was why she was so wet and weak for him. As was the tattoo and his ominous strength, his height and that lone wolf mentality… But why the hell was he harassing her when he could get some pussy even more easily? Why stalk her for months and months and deliberately insult her just when he was about to get laid?
"You know... You're not the first guy who's tried this tactic. And I'm telling you now that it won't work."
The smile turned into a slight smirk. "I doubt you've ever met a guy like me."
Jesus Christ, this man was annoying.
"Wow, you really are a Bond…"
"Dangerous and good-looking?"
"A womanizer who's full of himself."
That fucking laugh. She should leave now when she still had the chance.
But she didn't.
She didn't sit down… But she didn't leave either. He looked at her with those infuriating dark eyes, slightly bloodshot, like he was not only having a rough week at work but a whole rough life as well.
"And you got all the characteristics of a Bond girl."
She didn't take the bait of asking what exactly did he mean by that.
"What do you do for a living, Mr. Bond?"
He licked his lips, narrowed his eyes, and all in all, looked like he was estimating whether she could handle what he was about to tell her.
"I kill people."
Well fuck me…
Ok. Fuck.
"Oh, okay. So you're in Hells Angels or something?"
He smiled and shook his head slowly.
"You're a merc?"
He gave him a vague nod of the head, a shrug of the shoulder, a gesture that said: "Kind of".
"Why would you want to take me on a date?"
Why don't you just say it how it is, that you only want to fuck me?
"'Cause there's something here. You feel it, I feel it."
"You're looking for a relationship in a titty bar?"
He laughed again, and even she had to smile. He matched her boldness, her unapologetic straightforwardness. It couldn't kill her to live a little. Even if it meant tumbling into bed with a cowboy. Even if it meant living a little with a killer.
"You never know," he offered.
"You're a bit too cocky for my taste."
"You've barely even tasted me yet."
Fuck, this man would soon make her drip all over the floor. The tall, dark stranger tilted his head and left her with no choice.
"Shouldn't you at least give it a try before you say no?"
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asjjohnson · 5 months
What if Danny were half human, half ghost; as in half of the time?
Kind of like how werewolves have a schedule based on the moon, halfas have a schedule based on the sun.
So, he's completely human by day, and as the sun sets he turns ghost.
Perhaps his parents' inventions won't register him at all, or perhaps they would still be sensitive enough to pick up on something. But the situation would lead to more problems at night.
Since he can't shift between forms at will, it's like the fics about him being stuck in ghost mode, only every night.
Maybe his parents wouldn't notice during summer months. He goes to bed a little early; but that's good, his parents think, he's responsible enough to have an early bedtime for school. (when... school is in session, at least. He apparently wears himself out every single day during summer break?)
But in the winter months, when the sun sets before dinner, he never eats that last meal with his family. Always either not hungry or already ate. (is he... mad at them about something...?)
He's barely seen around the house in the evenings. They know he's around, but they only catch glimpses of him as he goes between rooms. And why is he wearing so many clothes does he have a fever here let me check—
And any event that takes place at night would be worrisome for Danny. Dances, going to the observatory with his family, camping... Even mornings can be iffy during the time of year when the sun rises late; when he has to get ready for school before dawn.
Vlad doesn't have much trouble with being a halfa, though. No one ever notices that he only makes appearances during the day.
Though the Bitter Reunions episode would have a few small changes. It might be easier for those two to recognize each other as halfas. At least if Vlad happens to see Danny Phantom in Danny Fenton's bed, or Danny noticing a ghost doing stuff Mr. Masters would do. Or Danny hearing Vlad's watch alarm going off just as Danny glances at his own watch as he wonders how to politely ask about the guest rooms. He doesn't even open his mouth before Mr. Master starts pushing them up the stairs, talking about how it must've been such a long and tiring trip.
Unless they're both pretty clueless and things happen more similar to in the episode. Except for them discovering each others' identities, because they don't go ghost at will. ...Though at least one of them would probably find out the other's identity anyhow. If they end up fighting until dawn they'd both find out quick. Or if Danny's defeated before sunrise, then he won't turn human, so Vlad might lock him up or something, and then Danny Fenton would be mysteriously missing the next morning. After determining he isn't in the castle or anywhere on the grounds and the vulture ghosts have not killed him, Vlad would probably put it together.
As for the reunion... those typically take place at night. But Vlad would probably have it start an hour or two before sunset, do a little mingling, and have his revenge plan take place after dark as Plasmius.
...The Maternal Instincts episode might be a little more iffy, though. How hard it would be to want Maddie to spend the night, to want to romance her, and yet, he can't be around her at night. He would need a butler or someone to greet her and Danny when they show up after dark, and it would be horrible to have to watch from a distance without being able to speak to her. ...Then again, she'd probably be too worried about her son disappearing out in the woods. When she's told that Mr. Masters has retired early but has a guest room for her, she would say to wake him up, her son is missing in the woods and she needs help searching. ...Although... Danny is probably having a very bad time if Maddie happened to lock the Specter Deflector around his waist during the day and he hadn't been able to sneak the key away before sunset.
Another thing that would be interesting to note is what would happen to a halfa during a solar eclipse. With the sun covered during the day like that, he might have some unique-looking features, stuck between ghost and human.
...Would Danny turn even more ghostly during a lunar eclipse? The sun's on the opposite side of the earth, but now even the moon is in shadow. He might run on ghostly instincts during new moons and lunar eclipses. (which doesn't necessarily mean evil. And that could possibly change the Control Freak episode by way of Danny knowing how he would behave as a full ghost.)
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love-islike-abomb · 1 month
Girls, girls, girls
Roman reigns x Alexis (OC)
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I've been working in this day by day, adding a paragraph or 2 each day. Writers block sucks! The worm moon has thrown me all off!!
Warnings: smut, bratting, errors I may have missed
Word count: 956
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @mzv11 @marchm-langdon @mandeelemons @pittieprincess22 @romanreignshairdresser @tribalauthor @undisputedjf @weirdgirl16355 @adriennegabriella @cnsrmnwwe @foreverlyjay @helensanders92
The night lights of Las Vegas were always drawing people. If the casino walls could talk they would tell stories of crazy nights of parties, sex, drugs, and rock n roll. The secrets they held are what make the saying "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!"
The aura of the desert was mystical and often times provided a place darkness to ensue. The desert was home to more bodies then anywhere else in the country. From people simply getting lost and perishing from lack of water to the more sinister Mafia murders. The desert was unforgiving, merciless, and told no tales.
Bodies disappeared in the sand, never to be seen again. Yet this was the place I called home. I had come in some hard times and ended up as a stripper. I was use to drunk men trying to cop a feel. The other girls didn't really seem to acknowledge the danger of the situation. The security guards tried but there was always one or two they missed.
Several of the guys that came in wanted lap dances but only one caught my attention. I was lucky enough to have a boss who understood that if I didn't feel comfortable with someone or didn't like the vibe they gave off, she didn't force me to entertain them "I see who you've been eyeing Alexis and might I say damn girl you've got taste!" My coworker Alicia said "if you're lucky enough he'll take you home!" She winked at me.
"and what makes you so sure it's him I've been eyeing?" I asked crossing my arms.
"I've watched you take glimpses of him every so often and get that bright smile that only you yet when you think a guy is hot!" She smirked
"and he's been undressing you with his eyes every Time you turn back around to wipe off the tables!" She smiled "I'll take care of the other one!"
Alicia went to the other man and I heard them talking. I hadn't told Alicia or really anyone that I had been dating someone. It was to keep a low profile since he was a celebrity. I didn't tell her i knew who he was and he knew who I was. I was surprised she didn't recognize him.
I walked in the room "hey handsome how-" I stopped when I saw the room was empty. I looked around before I felt a hand go over my mouth "hey baby girl!" He whispered.
He moved his hand away "I should've known you'd be up to something!" I giggled.
"you look sexy in that outfit! You'd look even sexier with it on the floor and my face between your thighs" he growled in my ear. Thinking in the moment I rubbed my ass against him earning a low groan "baby girl... Don't tease! I don't want to have to punish you!"
"but what if I want punished?" I said with an innocent smile.
He put his hand on my throat "I'll fuck you right here and make you scream!" He growled.
"please daddy?" I pouted.
"lock the door" he said. I bit my lip, I always loved it when the exhibitionist in him showed itself. Honestly I didn't care if we did get caught and even if we did, we're in a strip club and a private room. What are they really gonna be able to do?
"sit" I said, a smirk forming on my face.
"oh you're giving orders now huh?" He said, raising an eyebrow.
"why not?" I smiled, leaning towards his ear "you might enjoy it!"
A smirk formed on his face "I'll let you have your fun for now"
"Alexa! Play girls girls girls by motley Crue!" I smiled. As the opening riff played he stood up, lifting me up with him. I smiled, earning a deep chuckle from him "you really thought I was gonna let you order me around?" He said with a low growl "you're mine!"
I bit my lip before I felt the cold wall against my back "how long has it been since i've made you feel good baby girl? How long has it been since I've felt that hot pussy on my cock?" He growled, kissing down my neck. He grabbed my panties and tore them off before dropping his sweatpants, sliding himself inside me, both of us letting out groans of pleasure "uhn, so wet, so tight! You've been a good girl while I've been gone!" He growled "are you my good girl?"
"yes daddy!" I groaned.
"fuck I love it when you call me that!" He growled, his thrusts picking up speed. It took everything I had not to scream "let it go baby! I can feel you're getting close! The way that pussy is gripping my cock you're gonna drain me dry! Milk my cock baby girl!" He growled.
Fuck! The deep growls he was letting out made a shiver run down my spine. I felt my body release and dug my nails into his back "uhn! That's my good girl! Fuck!" His growls sounded like he was enjoying the pain. "Uhn fuck baby girl! I'm gonna fill that pussy up!" He growled.
His thrusts got sloppy and I felt him and twitch inside me. A few last sloppy thrusts and he stilled, both of us trying to catch our breath "I love you!" I smiled.
"I love you to baby girl!" He smiled back, slowly pulling out of me, setting my feet on the ground. He pulled his sweatpants back up "I wanna ask you something" he said "do you wanna travel with me on the road?"
I smiled from ear to ear "do you really even need to ask?"
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sailorshadzter · 2 months
more targ!jon x sansa cause yeah
im kind of obsessed rn???
He’s struck by the sight of her, draped in glittering gold silk, her hair unbound. 
He’s never seen something more beautiful, he’s certain of that, likely to never see something as lovely as she was this night. “My lady,” he greets as she approaches, her hand to his lips for the briefest of kisses. She’s smiling now, blue eyes gleaming in the candlelight, dipping him a curtsy that steals the breath from his lungs. “My lady wife,” he corrects himself as their hands meet, prepared to fall into step of the dance the musicians play. 
They fall into step as if they’ve practiced these moves over and over again- he doesn’t know, but she has, for she was diligently taught to dance as part of her upbringing in the North. “Husband,” she purrs the word in a way that sends chills down his spine, something he’s never thought to experience in all of his life. For someone who was hellbent against a marriage at all, he’s never been more thankful to have gone through with it. He spins her out and back again, both of them well aware of the hundreds of pairs of eyes upon them, for the dance floor has been cleared to allow space for the prince to dance with his bride alone. The court cheers and watches with dazzling smiles, most of them shocked to see their usual brooding heir smile in a way as he does now. 
And it isn’t just the court that watches, for Rhaegar watches from his place on his throne, one hand wrapped around the stem of his golden goblet. “Ser Gerold, say, have you ever seen my son so happy?” The man at his side leans over, a sly smile curving on his lips as he shakes his head. “Nor have I… Marriage will suit him, perhaps more than I thought.” He turns back to watch as they meet at the center of the room, hands clasped, both breathing hard, the beauty that was Sansa Stark glowing in the candlelight. He has made a good choice, it seems, for his typically stoic son. He watches as Aegon takes her by the hand and leads her away, through the crowd and out the glass doors onto a balcony where they disappear from sight. 
The night is warm and still, the twinkle of the stars catching her eye as she leans forward against the balcony railing. “I hope tonight has been to your liking,” Jon says as he comes to stand behind her, his words surprising her as she stands back upright, twisting around to face him with a gentle smile. 
“Better than I ever could have imagined,” she speaks honestly, reaching for his hand as she’s done before, but her eyes tell him everything her words did not. In truth, she once had been afraid to come here, to come to King’s Landing alone, leaving her family behind, all so she might marry the rumored dark and angry black prince, but… She’s found herself to be happier than she ever imagined she could be in life. It was almost unreal, this feeling she had for him, like it could be stolen away at any moment. “I daresay that I am the luckiest of women alive.” it was not often that a woman found herself to be so truly loved, wanted, adored, by the man she was to marry.
Jon is inching closer now, one arm snaking around her waist, drawing her in as close as he can. She’s tilting her head back, red hair a waterfall down her back; he longs to run his hands through the length of it, to twist the locks between his fingers. “And I am the luckiest of men,” he replies, forehead to hers, lips hovering across hers; they’ve only shared one kiss since their wedding vows and he’s somehow nervous now that they are where they are. But she is the one to kiss him now, lips finding his in a feverish way, as if his kiss was the one thing keeping her anchored there. Her hands slide into place into his array of curls and he’s pressing his palms into the small of her back, marveling at how perfectly she fit against him. 
When they break apart a few moments later it’s so they might stand there together in each other’s company, holding onto these last few seconds of privacy before they must return inside to the party. “Shall we?” He asks, offering her his arm, which she happily takes with a radiant smile. They would have all the time in the world, for privacy, after all.
And so they return inside, both knowing their lives together had only just begun.
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