#dainsleif x lumine
moriusaki · 2 years
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savberries · 5 days
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dainslumi zelink I drew as a gift for a friend ages ago…
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yovrakira · 11 months
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Two Cuties!
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andiegyanko · 9 months
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Reaching out
My not very obvious genshin impact fanart.
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loreculus · 1 year
a promise planted in inteyvats
➵ a/n: ...aka, me making writing angst x dainsleif again. sorry for dipping for so long! school is hard and i've lost so much blood in the last six weeks i think it's messing with my brain. ANYWAYS! please enjoy this little story of mine 🤍 it can be read as dainsleif x reader, dainsleif x lumine, or dainsleif x anyone tbh.
➵ content: dainslumi, dainsleif x fem!reader, dainsleif x fem!anyone
➵ warnings: angst; hurt no comfort; descriptions of death, war.
we sat in a field of white flowers. with shades of blue and purple tinting their angelic hue, the inteyvats moved with the rhythm of the wind. they were dancing, flowing, alive.
"tell me a story," a light voice hummed from below.
"what kind of story?"
i tightened my hold around her frame, carefully clutching her body while lacing her fingers with mine. "there once was a war, that waged in a sea of fire." i painted a picture of soldiers and spears, of humanity versus the holy, of death and destruction.
"despite the onslaught of horror, it truly was as they say: flowers only come after the rain," i paused, wetting my lips with my tongue. "after the war had ended, a hardened yet heartened soul remained, and she went on to change the world." at least, she went on to change mine.
a soft hand cradled my face. "she sounds lovely."
"she was." she is.
silence consumed the space between us. it wasn't an awkward quiet, rather a moment of peace. the longer nothing was spoken, the longer i could ignore saying goodbye.
"can you promise me something?" her words were a question.
"always." my word was a promise.
"say that you'll find me again." she asked, her breathing beginning to shake.
"i will find you in your next life and in every lifetime after."
her hand fell from where it stood against my cheek, her body drooping against my chest.
"i will meet you in the gardens of my dreams, in the whispers of words left unsaid, under the stars of the false sky, on the dark side of the moon." my voice was steady as i spoke.
i gripped her arms as her lips tipped upwards and her eyes glossed over. only now did my voice begin to shake. "i will love you as you lay here, and wherever you walk tomorrow," i swallowed a cry as her eyes shut closed.
we remained sat in this field of flowers. with shades of maroon staining their angelic hue, the inteyvats crumbled under the weight of time. they were wilting, stilling, dead.
as her blood reached my hands and her pulse left my ears, i spoke once more. "and i will always remember how you too, loved these flowers."
likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated <3
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magicofinsanity · 2 years
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「Journey's End.」
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ag40249 · 1 year
another self-indulgent sketch🧍🏻‍♀️ i play as lumine ingame but i love the idea of abyss princess lumine
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i finished the new quest and i have 1 (one ☝🏻) thing to say
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helloitsbasil · 9 months
this fic is n$fw, but not b/c there's sexual themes this has a major character death in it (non-canonical) it's completely, 100% angst please enjoy at your own risk!
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
I was thinking abyss lumine tho….
Both work tho….the traveler lumine one would be “its us against the world” so cute i would cry so cute i need it to be cannon sahjsghds
yes, both have great potential!! if it's abyss lumine, i'd like to know more about the past and why they had a falling out :( weren't they travel buddies at some point? now it's all just messy gshxhsjhd strangers to friends to enemies to lovers, beautifully complex, a 500+ year romance!
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xolumines · 2 years
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✦ if it means a lot to you ✦ "i just wanna save you while there's still something left to save." ✦ t | 1.7k | complete ✦ https://archiveofourown.org/works/40362006
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moriusaki · 1 year
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siren of abyss
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savberries · 2 months
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abyssruler · 1 year
would they choose you over the world?
aether (traveler), dainsleif, scaramouche, raiden ei, lumine (abyss), venti, xiao x gn!reader
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AETHER thinks he can save both, no, he knows he can. The powers of this world rests at the tips of his fingers. He’s faced monsters and gods and come out alive and better than he was before. There’s no reason to hesitate, none whatsoever to consider his decision but—but. He has never been made to choose before. There was always another way, another choice, another something he could rely on. It’s a moral dilemma, like the situation with the train where you either save five people and kill one person, or kill five people to save one person. It’s easy enough to answer when it was simply that—a moral dilemma created to confuse him, not a world ending decision that lies on his shoulders. To choose one is to doom the other. Most people would choose the world, but while Aether is called a hero and the savior of nations, he is also a person. He looks at your resigned smile, like you already know which one he’ll choose, and he decides to prove you wrong.
DAINSLEIF clings to loss like a dying man does to the edge of a cliff. The inevitability of death and your mortality rests on his shoulders much like weight of his entire nation’s death. He wonders what it says about him that he’d rather have you safe and sound than have the world be saved. Five hundred years of aimless wandering, fighting against the remnants of his fallen nation and watching the world move on while he remains untouched by time, the ghost of a past that can never be returned to. Dainsleif isn’t a hero, he’s tired. All that’s left of him are fading memories of a time gone by and moments with you that he clings to like a lifeline. What has this world ever done for him except cause him pain and needless grief? What has it done to deserve his sacrifice? Nothing. And so he rests, hand in hand with you on withering grass and waits for the world to end. At least, this time, he won’t be alone in watching the heavens descend.
SCARAMOUCHE laughs, and laughs, and laughs until he’s sure even the gods that reside in Celestia has heard the scorn and mockery in his voice. It is so laughably easy to choose you and denounce the world. Let it be turned to ash and dust, let his body dance on top of a desolate world, let him pull you in an embrace and delight in the fact that no sun and no light (for none of these exist anymore) would ever outmatch the brightness in your eyes, the smile on your face, the tinkling sound of your laughter amidst the remains of a world that once threatened to snuff your life like a candle left in the dark. He is like a flame and you, the spark. There’s a tsunami gathering on the horizon, threatening to drown everything in its wake, but instead of preventing it, he revels in the ruin it will bring. It is either your death alone or yours and everyone else, and if you have to die either way, then he will die with you and drag the rest of the world along in his self-appointed destruction. You taught him what it felt to no longer be alone, so he will make sure you’re never lonely, even in death.
EI feels weightless, like a leaf adrift in the wind. It feels like she is back to that moment five hundred (a thousand) years ago, a dilemma, a decision, a choice—follow Makoto to Khaenri’ah, or defend her people from the monsters ravaging the lands? There was uncertainty there, a small seedling of hope that she would arrive not far from Makoto and see her sister alive and waiting, and so she had made the decision to stay—but this? Faced with an ultimatum, the world or your death, Ei finds that the decision is much more difficult, much more devastating but no less heartbreaking. Had it been before, in her lonesome at the Plane of Euthymia, the choice would have been easy, barely a thought in her mind, but everything has changed and Ei wants, in a way she has never wanted before, to be with you. You with your smiles and your laughs and the warmth you induce in her frigid heart—and she finds that she cannot make a choice… so you do it for her. For the greater good.
LUMINE doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t even flinch before she turns her back to the world and takes your hand. What good is the world if you’re not there in it? She won’t just stand by and watch as everything she holds dear is destroyed in front of her—not anymore. There is you, there is her, and there is the world burning, and Lumine finds that she can hardly care. Her heart has no place for faceless people, no love left for a world that has done nothing but spurn and trample on everything she had offered. Let it burn if it means having one more second, one more minute, one more lifetime with you. A choice isn’t truly a choice if the other option was never considered, and she will never consider a world without you. There are millions, billions, countless other worlds out there she could take you to. Damn this place, damn the heavens, and damn the consequences. Her brother would understand, he always has, and when Lumine meets him again in a new world, she’ll make sure to introduce you to him.
VENTI wants, like Icarus yearning for the Sun, but Venti is Venti, and Barbatos is Barbatos. Right now, he cannot afford to be that carefree bard who spun tales of your lovely hair and lovelier still lips (cannot be Icarus who flew too close to the sun and fell). Venti wants—but Barbatos knows the best option, the best choice, the least devastating one but the most heart-wrenching one. The situation is funny, laughable, hilarious, really, the kind that makes his stomach ache and brings tears to his eyes that drip down his cheeks and onto the ground and—oh, he’s crying. He’s crying and holding you close and apologizing, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, and he doesn’t deserve your forgiveness, doesn’t deserve the hand carding through his hair and the soft press of your lips on his forehead as you murmur, don’t cry, it’s alright, you’re doing the best you can. But the best means not doing this at all, the best means not having to make a choice at all, the best means not having to say goodbye. It’s okay, you tell him, I forgive you. But he never forgives himself.
XIAO thinks there must be another way, there has to be another way. He won’t accept this, won’t allow himself to choose between losing you or losing everything, because he knows, deep down, that the choice has already been made and it is not the one he wants. But he knows better than most that doing what he wants isn’t always what is needed, that certain sacrifices must be made despite his unwillingness, despite his entire body protesting against it. Rex Lapis once told him that being a god means making difficult decisions. If this is what it means to be a god, then he will accept a life of service, a life of war and fighting and breathing like every second is his last—because pain and suffering are infinitely better than having to wake everyday without your voice by his ear, giggling about how you finally caught him asleep. A world without your light, without your presence, without you is a desolate one. There must be another way, another sacrifice to be made that doesn’t involve you. Just—anything, anyone but you. Even if it has to be him.
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arisewanekosuki · 5 months
Genshin Impact Self Aware – Your sadness  
They miss you. For past week you have been login into the game only to do commissions and changing Resin into Condensed one (or quickly doing domains or Ley Lines if you already had 5 of them). They hoped that with the new regions of Fontaine you will be playing more, you will take them to get chests, do puzzles, find Oculi and enjoy the scenery like always. But no, you didn’t even unlocked all the new waypoints, only two or three, so they couldn’t help but wonder "Are you getting tired of them?"
They tried to be patient but the more time passed the more they were feeling worried. Till that one day you logged and they could hear you talking to them like sometimes you did before. “Finally we can go check those new places, right?” The team you were using lately was happy, but they couldn’t do anything that would make you aware that they are conscious about you and this ‘world’, so they had to contain their smiles after hearing your voice.
And yet, the more you were looking around with them and fight the enemies the more silent you become again, till you stopped moving them at some point. They wondered if you left for moment to bring food or something to drink but then they heard it. Your muffled sobs “What happened? Why are you crying? Did you get hurt? ” those questions were swarming in their heads and they couldn’t do anything. Through your sobs they could hear “I can’t stop thinking about it” What are you thinking about? If only they could do something for you, comfort you, tell that everything will be alright. But they can’t. No matter how much they love you. They can’t do anything for you.
You took them to a safe place, mumbling that you didn't feel like playing anymore and logged off. They are alone again, knowing that you’re sad.
Maybe it’s really time to try bring you here, where they will be able to protect you and make you smile every day.
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luxthestrange · 9 months
G.I Incorrect Quotes#38 Brother said no
Lumine & Y/n: Childe, Dainsleif asked to us marry them!
Abyss!Aether*When he found out You and Lumine were romancing his most hated duo*The poor men. They shall recover...
Lumine: I said yes to him
Y/n*Nodding laong*Me too
Abyss!Aether: No.
Lumine: Yes!
Abyss!Aether: No.
Y/n: We weren’t asking!
Abyss!Aether: And neither am I.
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